6EC01 01 PEF V2 Signoff PDF
6EC01 01 PEF V2 Signoff PDF
6EC01 01 PEF V2 Signoff PDF
January 2013
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January 2013
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Always state the option key being knocked-out
when using the rejection technique so that the
examiner can identify what you are trying to do.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Always add value when offering a rejection comment.
In this case the candidate clearly identifies that 'B' is
incorrect since complementary goods have a negative
cross elasticity of demand.
However, if the rejection was something like 'B is wrong
since substitutes do not have a negative cross elasticity
of demand' - then no mark would be awarded.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Read the question carefully - it mentions a
free market for vaccinations, so there is no
government intervention and so no reason
to select option D. The question is about
market failure not government failure.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Comments
This answer achieved 4 out of 4 marks.
The candidate explains the meaning of sustainable
resource (the idea of consuming it at a rate
which will ensure it is still available for future
generations) (2 marks). Application is then offered Examiner Tip
to mackerel fishing where the rate of consumption
exceeds the rate at which the fish can reproduce Follow the instructions in the question,
and so is no longer sustainable (2 marks). Good that is, refer to Extract 1. This is required
use is made of the extract information. to gain the application marks available.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Always answer the question set and offer two
causes of the decrease in fish stocks over
recent years. Make these two points clear
and then use the information and your own
knowledge to develop them where possible.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
This answer achieved 10 out of 10 marks. Offer economic analysis in your answer - it
The candidate offers good economic analysis on the likely makes sense to use a demand and supply
economic effects to achieve the full 6 KAA marks, for diagram to demonstrate the likely economic
example, a decrease in fish catches, higher fish prices and effects of such fishing restrictions.
a fall in consumer surplus - all supported by a relevant
diagram (4 marks). By doing this it means fish stocks can
recover in the long term, especially since some 30% of the
waters are protected (2 marks).
Evaluation comes in the form of considering the problems
raised by the fishing ban, namely that fish may swim into
waters where there is no protection, the danger of illegal
fishing and the costs involved in policing the waters. These
ideas are sufficiently developed to award 2+2 marks. Overall
it is a well balanced answer.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Try and develop the points made. For example, the candidate
could have gained more marks by developing the point about
fish farmers becoming dependent on the subsidy. Exploration
of how production costs could increase, productivity
decrease and inefficiency set in comes to mind here.
Examiner Comments
Examiner Tip
Be prepared to spend sufficient time on the
extract to explore whether there are further
reasons for the change in price of a commodity.
In this case, candidates are given help through
the instruction to look at one specific paragraph!
Examiner Comments
This answer achieved 4 out of 4 marks.
A definition of price elasticity of demand (1 mark)
is supported with identifying that it is unitary elastic
since total revenue remains the same (1+1 marks).
A valid diagram is offered depicting equal total
revenue areas following the price change (2 marks).
Note a maximum of 4 marks is available.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Read the question instructions carefully in order to maintain
focus - namely, how an increase in Australian coal prices
might affect UK electricity prices. Far too many responses
wandered off the point and discussed the general effects of
higher electricity prices on the UK economy.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip
Try and extend the economic analysis in large mark base questions - all too
often it is too brief and lacking in points. This response only just scrapes the
8 KAA marks. Discussion of how the scheme could be extended to countries
in South east Asia or how dirty polluting firms are put at a competitive
disadvantage compared to cleaner firms would have helped here.
Examiner Tip
Examiner Tip