Unit - Weather Wind and Air
Unit - Weather Wind and Air
Unit - Weather Wind and Air
Introduction/Activating/Launch Strategies:
Students will be told that we are going to talk about wind and air today.
Students will be told that we are going to review what we learned about the water cycle
to help those that missed the day before.
Call students over to the black carpet.
Development/Teaching Approaches
Teacher will ask students what they remember about the water cycle.
Teacher will read Feel the Wind to the class.
o Teacher will ask students what they learned from the book.
Teacher will tell students that:
o Moving air is called wind
o Wind can push things
o It can push a sailboat across a lake or blow a wind vane
o Sometimes it blows gently and sometimes it blows hard
o A flag can show how hard the wind is blowing
When the wind blows gently, a flag ripples
When it blows hard, a flag flies straight out
Show flag pictures after talking about facts
o Strong wind turns windmills to make electricity
o Sometimes wind can be too strong
o The strong winds of a tornado can break up buildings
Send students back to their seats and pull up the PowerPoint with the flags on
Teacher will show students the PowerPoint
o Talk about what the class sees (the difference between the pictures)
Pass out wind worksheet to students for them to complete
o Collect when students are finished
Tell students that we are going to make pinwheels for them to use when they are
outside to see the wind moving
o Explain to students that if we make our pinwheels correctly, they will be able to
spin when there is wind
o Explain to students how we are going to make our pinwheels
Cut out the squares
Cut down the four lines
Whole punch the little holes on the paper
Pinch the corners with holes into the middle
Bind the pinwheel with long fasteners
Attach a popsicle stick for students to be able to hold the pinwheel
Closure/Summarizing Strategies:
Have each group clean up their desks and try to earn a drop for their team
Ask students what we learned about wind today and give them time to share their
Tell students that we will be talking about temperature on Monday
After hearing student responses, call students to line up for a bathroom break by hair
Student A will work with his aide and his device to assist him in participating in the
class discussion and creating a pinwheel.
Feel the Wind
o Feel the Wind. (2009). Paw Prints.
Wicker, C. (n.d). Retrieved February 22, 2018, from
Flags Blowing in the Wind PowerPoint
Pinwheel Creation
o Popsicle sticks
o Pinwheel print out
o Hole puncher
o Long fasteners
Harcourt Science Textbook (Earth Science)
o Jones, R.M. (2002). Harcourt Science. Orlando: Harcourt School.
o Wind facts
o Wind worksheet
Reflective Response:
Report of Student Learning Target/Objectives Proficiency Levels
Additional reflection/thoughts
Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number 4 Total
Student A
Student B
Student C
Student D
Student E
Student F
Student G
Student H
Student I
Student J
Student K
Student L
Student M
Student N
Student O
Student P
Student Q
Student R
Student S