BATCH 2018
We dream of Filipinos
promote the right of every
who passionately love their
Filipino to quality, equitable,
B st
country and whose values and
culture-based, and complete
competencies enable them to
basic education where:
realize their full potential and
Students learn in a child-
contribute meaningfully to
friendly, gender-sensitive,
building the nation.
safe, and motivating
As a learner-centered
Teachers facilitate
public institution, the
learning and constantly
Department of Education
nurture every learner.
continuously improves itself to
Administrators and
better serve its stakeholders.
staff, as stewards of the
Thanks to you.
Programme GraduationSong
No At the Beginning
Disney (Anastacia)
I. Processional
Candidates for
valley, no
VII. Presentation of Candidates
With Honors
Imelda R. Billiones
At the beginning with you
No one told me, that I was
At the beginning with you
(Repeat Chorus)
VIII. Confirmation of Candidates Schools Division Superintendent
time, no
for Graduation and Distribution
of Certificates
Introduction of Guest Speaker
or her Authorized Representatives
Mrs.Jaycille B. Genilla
Going to find you
Unexpected, what you did
To my heart
When I lost hope
I knew there was somebody somewhere
Like me alone in the dark
Grade II Adviser
Giving of Awards to Outstanding
Ms. KZ Tandingan
Mrs.Shiela Mae A. Marianas
Grade VI Adviser
You were there to remind me
This is the start
Now I know my dream will live on
I’ve been waiting so long
Nothing gonna tear us apart
XII. Message of Thanks Steve M. Divino
XIII. Graduation Song
XIV. Pledge of Loyalty
With Highest Honors
The Graduates
Novelyn T. Abrera
And life is a road I wanna
keep going
Love is a river I want to
Keep flowing
(Repeat Chorus)
And life is a road I wanna
keep going
Love is a river I want to
XV. Recessional Guest, Teachers, Parents and
Special Awards Song
Hillsong mountain, no valley, no time, no
Who compares Notoheartache,
You? no heartbreak
Who set the stars in their place.
No fall from grace
Best in English Steve M. Divino You who calmed
Best in Filipino Steve M. Divino Can’t stop the
me raging seas
from believing that my love will pull
That came crashing overme me.through
Best in Science Steve M. Divino
Best in Mathematics Steve M. Divino Thanks to you.
Who compares to you?
Best in Filipino Steve M. Divino You who bring the morning light
Academic Excellence Awards Steve M. Divino The hope of all the Earth
Leasdership Award John Mark N. Marba Is rest assured in Your great love
Athletes of the Year Elbon D. Uban
John Mark N. Marba You are magnificent, eternally, wonderful, glorious
Edgardo M. Laure Jr. Jesus no one ever will compare to You Jesus
Artist of the Year John Mark N. Marba
Where the evening fades