82 Republic Vs Marcopper Digest
82 Republic Vs Marcopper Digest
82 Republic Vs Marcopper Digest
G.R. No. 137174 July 10, 2000 The ruling of the Court of Appeals that the PAB has been divested of
authority to act on pollution-related matters in mining operations is anchored
FACTS: on the provisions of RA 7942 (Philippine Mining Act of 1995). However,
Section 19 of EO 192 vested the PAB with the specific power to
Respondent MMC was issued a temporary permit to operate a tailings sea adjudicate pollution cases in general. Sec. 2, par. (a) of PD 984 defines
disposal system. the term "pollution" as referring to any alteration of the physical, chemical
and biological properties of any water, air and/or land resources of the
Philippines , or any discharge thereto of any liquid, gaseous or solid wastes
In the meantime, the National Pollution Control Commission (NPCC) was
as will or is likely to create a harmful environment.
abolished by EO No. 192 dated June 10, 1987, and its powers and functions
were integrated into the Environmental Management Bureau and into the
Pollution Adjudication Board (PAB). On the other hand, the authority of the mines regional director is
complementary to that of the PAB. While the mines regional director
has express administrative and regulatory powers over mining
On April 11, 1988, the DENR Secretary, in his capacity as Chairman of the
operations and installations, it has no adjudicative powers over
PAB, issued an Order directing MMC to "cease and desist from discharging
complaints for violation of pollution control statutes and regulations.
mine tailings into Calancan Bay." This was appealed by the MMC with the
Contrary to the ruling of the CA, RA 7942 does not vest quasi-judicial
Office of the President (OP).
powers in the Mines Regional Director. The authority is vested and
remains with the PAB. Neither was such authority conferred upon the
In line with the directive from the OP, the Calancan Bay Rehabilitation Project Panel of Arbitrators and the Mines Adjudication Board which were created by
(CBRP) was created, and MMC remitted the amount of P30,000.00 a day, the said law. The scope of authority of the Panel of Arbitrators and the Mines
starting from May 13, 1988 to the Ecology Trust Fund (ETF) thereof. Adjudication Board conferred by RA 7942 clearly exclude adjudicative
However, on June 30, 1991, MMC stopped discharging its tailings in the Bay, responsibility over pollution cases.
hence, it likewise ceased from making further deposits to the ETF.
To sum up, PAB has jurisdiction to act and rule on the letter-complaint of
The PAB sought for the enforcement of the order issued by the OP, however, Mayor Wilfredo Red of Marinduque for violation of PD 984 and its
the CA acted on MMC’s petition and ordered the PAB to refrain and desist implementing rules and regulations which jurisdiction was not lost upon the
from enforcing aforesaid Order. passage of RA 7942 (the Philippine Mining Act of 1995). Nevertheless, MMC
must be declared not to have arrears in deposits as admittedly, the ETF
Hence, the instant petition. already has more than sufficient funds to undertake the rehabilitation of
Calancan Bay.
Whether the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that Republic Act No. 7942 WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby partially GRANTED. The assailed
(otherwise known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995) repealed the Decision is REVERSED insofar as the jurisdiction of the PAB to act on the
provisions of Republic Act No. 3931, as amended by Presidential Decree No. complaint is concerned; but AFFIRMED insofar as Marcopper Mining
984, (otherwise known as the National Pollution Control Decree of 1976), Corporation has no arrears in deposits with the Ecology Trust Fund of the
with respect to the power and function of petitioner Pollution Calancan Bay Rehabilitation Project.
Adjudication Board to issue, renew or deny permits for the discharge of
the mine tailings.