CFLHD Production Rates

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The document provides typical production rates for various construction activities along with notes on factors that influence those rates.

The document notes that production rates are influenced by factors like work area quantity/length, soil/site conditions, traffic conditions, complexity, and quantity of work.

Typical production rates listed for earthwork activities include stripping topsoil, roadway excavation, embankment construction, and structure excavation. Rates vary based on soil/rock type and equipment used.

Last Revised: Nov 8, 2016


Typical Production Rate
Activity Unit Notes for Production Rates
Low Average High
Projects less than $1 million Day 3
Major bridge project Day 14 26 28
Paving only project Day 2 3 5
Grading only / Minor Earthwork Day 4 10 20
Grading and paving / Major Earthwork Day 7 12 20
Grading, paving and bridge project Day 12 17 22
Verify FHWA control Day 1 2 3
Stake centerline LF 1,600 3,200 4,800 Use lower rates for smaller projects
Slope, Reference and Clearing Stakes LF 600 800 1,600 Use higher rates for flat, lightly/non-vegetated terrain
Use lower rates for smaller projects; rates represent one course of aggregate (ie: red
Grade finishing stakes LF 800 1,600 2,400 tops, blue tops, etc); include time for survey of each aggregate course; use higher rates
where Machine Guidance is anticipated (ie: large linear projects)
Rate will depend on size and type of structure/device, project topography, and proximity
Stake drainage structure/device EA 4 8 16 of each structure to eachother (ie: will the surveyor have to relocate base station
multiple times?)
Silt fence / Wattles LF 200 1,000 1,700 Use lower rates for excessive boulders and heavy trees, steep terrain.
Matting SY 600 1,800 2,800 Use lower rates for isolated small areas, oddly shaped, etc.
Projects with a lot of large trees,
AC 0.3 1.3 2.7
rugged terrain, or heavy brush
Projects with fewer large trees,
AC 1 3 6
flatter terrain, or less heavy brush
Use lower rates for excessive boulders and steep terrain, smaller projects, and long haul
Strip and stockpile topsoil CY 300 700 1,200
to stockpile location.
Use 14 days when cofferdam required, minimum.
(no shoring or dewatering needed)
1' to 5' deep CY 125 325 500 Rates from RS Means.
5' to 10' deep CY 225 600 1,000 Rates from RS Means.
Roadway Excavation
Projects with less than
50,000 CY of earthwork CY 400 1,600 2,500 Note 2. Also consider number of sites (ie: will multiple sites be in production at once?)
or haul distance of 5 miles or more
Projects with more than
CY 1,200 2,800 4,500 Note 2. Also consider number of sites (ie: will multiple sites be in production at once?)
50,000 CY of earthwork
Rates from RS Means. Use on jobs with minor rock cuts or where blasting is not
Rock excavation by hammer CY 80 240 640
Rock excavated by ripping CY 300 900 1,500 Use lower rates for harder, yet rippable, rock. Use higher rates for softer rock.
Use lower rates for difficult access and harder rock; these prod. Rates include pioneering,
Rock excavated by blasting CY 150 250 400
drilling, blasting, loading and haul away activities but do not include scaling
Typical Production Rate
Activity Unit Notes for Production Rates
Low Average High

Structure Excavation (most soils) CY 60 120 180 Rates from RS Means

Structure Excavation (sand/gravel) CY 100 160 220 Rates from RS Means

Embankment Construction CY 250 1,100 2,600 Note 2
Typical Production Rate
Activity Unit Notes for Production Rates
Low Average High
PCC pavement SY 500 1,000 2,500 Reduce rates for lower quantity and increased pavement depth.
Reduce rates for lower quantity and increased pavement depth; rates are based on
Asphalt pavement SY 500 3,500 8,000
milled/pulverized removal rates
Rates will vary depending on how much work is required to return it to the original
condition. Large areas with simple horizontal and veritcal geometry will have a
Roadway Obliteration SY 80 400 1,500
production rate up to 1500 SY/day. Areas that require additional fill or projects with
multiple small obliteration sites will have lower production rates.
Concrete curb & gutter LF 200 360 1,100 Rate will vary based on quantity, dimensions, and condition of curb/gutter to be removed
site conditions must be considered: rate will increase significantly if material can be
Sidewalk SY 100 600 1,200
removed with a equipment operated hammer vs. labor operated hammer
Guardrail LF 310 600 870
Pipe <36" diameter LF 120 240 360
Pipe >36" diameter LF 95 150 270
Pavement Cutting (AC) LF 800 1,600 2,400 As depth increases, reduce rates.
Pavement Cutting (PCC) LF 800 1,600 2,400 As depth increases, reduce rates.
Structures, minor DAY 5 10 20
Structures, major DAY 1 3 5
Prod. Rates include forming, tieing, casting and stripping but do not include excavation or
Box culvert, Cast-in-place LF 2 10 16 backfill. Site specific conditions (box size, traffic requirements, existing structure
removal, foundation, dewatering, etc…) should also be considered.
Prod. Rates include placement only. Excavation, and backfill/compaction, off-site
production times and transportation should be considered as well. Site specific conditions
Box culvert, Precast LF 40 70 140
(box size, traffic requirements, existing structure removal, foundation, dewatering, etc…)
should also be considered.
Inlets and manholes, new or adjust EA 1 2 3 As Total in a Line increases, increase production. Pre cast, use higher rate.
Redue rates for sliver fills, deep fills, rocky soil, smaller projects. Consider traffic volume.
Pipe culvert, 24" and smaller LF 40 80 120
Under average conditions, assume 1 installation per day per crew.
Reduce rates for sliver fills, deep fills, rocky soil, smaller projects. Consider traffic
Pipe culvert, 30" to 42" LF 30 70 100
volume. Under average conditions, assume 1 installation per day per crew.
Reduce rates for sliver fills, deep fills, rocky soil, smaller projects. Consider traffic
Pipe culvert, 48" and larger LF 20 55 80
volume. Under average conditions, assume 1 installation per day per crew.
Riprap, aprons CY 20 40 60 Reduce rates for rocky soil, steep sliver fills, smaller projects.
Riprap lined ditches LF 100 200 300 Reduce rates for rocky soil, steep sliver fills, smaller projects.
Underdrain LF 200 400 800 Reduce rates for rocky soil, smaller projects, and large trenches dimensions.
Unit is for exposed face sqft; rates are for minor drainage structures; as wall area
Wingwall/Headwall SF 14 35 90
increases, increase production rates; add 7 days for cure and backfill.
Rates includes scarification and compaction efforts; As application area increases,
Subgrade stabilization, lime SY 900 4,000 6,000
increase production rate.
Rates includes scarification and compaction efforts; As application area increases,
Subgrade stabilization, cement SY 900 4,000 5,000
increase production rate.
Subgrade stabilization, asphalt SY 900 3,000 Limited data available; Rates includes scarification and compaction efforts
Recycling, Cold In Place SY 12,000 15,000 Limited data available
Asphalt Pavement Milling SY 2,000 3,000 6,500
Pulverizing SY 2,000 4,000 12,500 reduce rates if pulverizing deeper than 3"
rates include lay down but do not include final grading operations; consider project
Aggregate Base TONS 400 1,000 1,800
specific conditions; these activities may be combined with smaller quantities
Aggregate Shoulder CY 100 350 500
Typical Production Rate
Activity Unit Notes for Production Rates
Low Average High
As quantity increases, increase production rate. Allow for sequencing of one lane at a
Cement Treated Base SY 1,940 4,050 5,920
time and curing.
Rates are for two lanes; rates do not include survey time; rates represent one course (ie:
Finishing Subgrade/Base Course/Surface
LF 500 1,000 2,000 red tops, blue tops, etc); decrease rates for rocky subgrade; increase rates if it is
anticipated that AMG will be used (larger projects);
Asphalt paving (HACP) TONS 550 1,000 1,700 Note 2
Project specific restrictions should be closely considered; increase rates as quantity
Asphalt surface treatment (fog seal) TONS 3 20 58
increases, and where traffic passage can be limited/elliminated
Prime coat SY 3,900 10,000 20,000 Production rate will typically be controlled by Asphalt paving production rate
Tack coat TONS 1 3 8 Production rate will typically be controlled by Asphalt paving production rate
Rates dependent upon difficulty of paving, based on accessibility, ditch dimensions and
Paved Ditch SY 250 500 750
continuous ditch length. Longer ditches will generally have higher production rates.
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement (slip Slip forming, increase production rates with increase in paving length; production rate
SY 460 2,500 5,000
forming) varies significatly based on pavement depth.
Conventional forming;sharp curves and angles decrease production; note: slip form
Portland Cement Concrete Pavement
SY 20 300 600 concrete paving will have significantly higher production rates; use RS Means if slip form
(conventional forming)
paving is anticipated (ie: for vary large concrete paving projects).
Chip Seal SY 2,500 13,500 21,000 Add one day to complete brooming
Approach roads, minor HACP TONS 80 250 350
Project specific conditions should be considered; Larger sites will yeild higher rates;
Full Depth Patch SY 60 160 400
smaller multiple sites will yield lower rates
Typical Production Rate
Activity Unit Notes for Production Rates
Low Average High
Curb & Gutter, Concrete LF 160 480 900 Reduce rates for hand mixed/placed
Curb, Concrete LF 160 480 900 Reduce rates for hand mixed/placed.
Curb, Bituminous LF 650 1,200 1,850
Curb, Stone LF 50 100 150 Limited data available
Sidewalks, Concrete SY 80 160 280
W-beam or box beam guardrail LF 250 500 1,000 Use lower rates for stiff/rocky soils.
Steel Backed Timber guardrail LF 600 Limited data available
Cable guardrail LF 800 Limited data available
Limited Data available; increase rate for higher quantities and sandy soil; decrease rates
Cofferdams SY 100 200 300
for rocky, or cobbly soil
Rates include forming, tieing, pouring; Add cure time and time for stripping forms;
Column/Pier Cap/Abutment Construction CY 2 4 8 Recommend breaking down into individual work activities (ie: survey, form, tie rebar,
pour concrete, cure, strip forms);
Rates include forming, tieing, pouring; Add cure time and time for stripping forms;
Recommend breaking down into individual work activities (ie: survey, form, tie rebar,
Deck Construction SF 100 250 400
pour concrete, cure, strip forms); Reduce production rate for decks with complicated
geometry. Add 14 days for curing for all rates.
Note 1; Increase rate for shaft clusters, good accessibility and drilling space; soil type is
Drilled Shafts LF 10 112 280 primary controling factor; reduce rate slightly for cobbly soil, bore diameter and lower
quantities; reduce rate significatly for harder rock
Membrane Waterproofing SF 1,500 Limited data available
Allow time for relaxation/testing/redriving; reduce rate for larger diameter/sectional area
Piles, Driving Concrete LF 100 250 500
piles; time
Allow consult
for with geotech. For site specificreduce
relaxation/testing/redriving; considerations
rate for larger diameter/sectional area
Piles, Driving Steel LF 100 250 500
piles; consult with geotech. For site specific considerations
Includes tieing, prestressing, casting, curing and transportation for one set of girders
(ie:for one casting of girders); NOTE: assume 3 girders (typical) per set/casting;
Prestressed girders (fabrication) DAYS 10 13 20
tieing/prestressing and casting times (approximately 3-4 days) will overlap cure times for
each previous set
Rates are for placement, not fabrication. Use lower rate for poor access, and longer
Prestressed girders (setting) EA 3 6 12
beams. Add fabrication, curing and transportation time (below)
Reinforcement (Substructure) Lbs 3,000 4,000 5,000 Rates include tieing rebar only
Reinforcement (Superstructure) Lbs 3,000 4,400 5,800 Typical = 3 days/span; rates include tieing rebar only
Production rate will be primarily controlled by size of pour; increase rates for larger
Structural Concrete CY 20 110 200
structural sections/quantities; reduce rates for poor accessibility to pour site
Structural steel beams (setting) EA 3 6 12
Structure Steel, Erecting Lbs 25,000 Limited data available
Sidewalks and parapets DAYS 5/span Limited data available; recommend conducting project-specific cost based UPA
Limited data available. Rates include excavation and backfill. Recommend site/project-
Wall, MSE SF 40 150 220
specific requirements are considered. Increase rate as quantity increases.
Wall, gabion SF 40 300 600 Limited data available; rates do not include excavation
Wall, Stone masonry SF 35 50 100 Limited data available; rates include excavation and are based on exposed face area
Retaining Wall, Reinforced Concrete SF 10 22 60 Limited data available; reduce rates for form liner or stone masonry facing
Typical Production Rate
Activity Unit Notes for Production Rates
Low Average High
Site specific requirements should be closely considered. Reduce rates for multiple small
Class 2 and smaller CY 10 80 200
sites, and large amounts of excavation; Increase rates are for larger qtys
Site specific requirements should be closely considered. Reduce rates for multiple small
Class 3 & 4 CY 20 80 150
sites, and large amounts of excavation; Increase rates are for larger qtys
Site specific requirements should be closely considered. Reduce rates for multiple small
Class 5 & 6 CY 40 100 150
sites, and large amounts of excavation; Increase rates are for larger qtys
Site specific requirements should be closely considered. Reduce rates for multiple small
Class 7 and larger CY 20 100 200
sites, and large amounts of excavation; Increase rates are for larger qtys
Rates are for grouting of already placed riprap, apply to quantity of grout to be placed,
and do not include placement of riprap; Site specific conditions should be closely
Riprap Grouting CY 100 150 200
considered, including concrete/grout haul distance, assumed grout coverage, riprap size,
site access, etc…
Site specific requirements should be closely considered. Reduce rates for multiple small
Special Rock Embankment CY 75 180 280
sites, and large amounts of excavation; Increase rates are for larger qtys
Site specific requirements should be closely considered. Reduce rates for multiple small
Rock Buttress CY 25 55 92
sites, and large amounts of excavation; Increase rates are for larger qtys
Site specific requirements should be closely considered. Reduce rates for multiple small
Rockery SY 4 20 40
sites, and large amounts of excavation; Increase rates are for larger qtys
Pavement Marking, Paint LF 20,000 50,000 85,000
Pavement Marking, Thermoplastic LF 3,100 5,600 10,000 Limited data avail
Pavement Marking, Symbol EA 5 10 18
Delineators EA 35 50 100 Use lower rates for stiff/rocky soil.
Signs EA 10 20 30 Use lower rates for stiff/rocky soil.

Mulching, Hydraulic Method AC 2.5 8 11

Seeding, Hydraulic Method AC 2.5 8 11

Place conserved topsoil CY 200 800 1,200 Includes shaping/compacting.

Typical Production Rate
Activity Unit Notes for Production Rates
Low Average High
Concrete barrier, pre-cast LF 100 200 300
Curb ramp, concrete SY 12 22 30 reduce rate for mulitple smaller ramps; increase rate for larger, longer ramps
Ditch checks structures (Riprap) EA 4 15 25 rates are for riprap ditch check structures
Ditch check structures (Wattles) EA 20 50 100 rates are for wattle check structures; reduce rates for rocky soil
Final clean up STA 10 30 50 rates will vary based on project size and scope
Finishing, aggregate base STA 10 25 50 rates include staking, final grading and QC verification of red tops
rates include staking, final grading and QC verification of bue tops; reduce rates in rocky
Finishing, subgrade STA 5 12 25
rate will depend on lift dimensions and geotextile frequency; closer geotextile layers will
Geotextiles, stabilization SY 500 1,000 2,000
increase production
rate will depend rate
on lift dimensions, understrain length and frequency; larger, more
Geotextiles, underdrain SY 100 140 350
frequent sections of underdrain will increase production rate
Sheet piling SY 55 82 110 limited data available; reduce rate by half if removal is required.
Temp bridge DAY 7 14 21 Includes erecting and dismantling; rates will vary based on site-specific conditions
Temp detours DAY 2 5 7 Use lower rates for simpler detours, minor earthwork and surfacing.

Studies find significant correlation between production rates and the following influences:
Activity: Influence:
Bridge deck Curved or staight
Drilled Shafts Total length, clustered shafts, accessibility Note 1 below
Excavation Work Area Quantity
Embankment Work Area Quantity, Work Zone Congestion
Lime Treated Subgrade Work Area Quantity, Length of Work Area
Flexible Base Work Area Quantity, Length of Work Area
Cement Treated Base Work Area Quantity, Length of Work Area
Hot Mix Pavement Work Area Quantity, Course Type (Bottom or Final Mat)
Conc Pavement-Slip Form Work Area Quantity, Length of Work Area
Conc Pavement-Conventional Forming Work Area Quantity, Configuration (Curves, angles)
MSE Walls Size of wall (If a wall has different components, see above rates)
Pre Cast Box Culvert Length, Soil Type, Clay Content of Soil
Cast in place Box Culvert Length
RCP Length, Orientation to Road
Inlets and Manholes Quantity in a line, CIP vs Pre Cast
Wingwall/Headwall Wall Surface Area
Note 1 No difference was found between cased and uncased shafts. Clusters = areas where multiple shafts
can be installed with no major relocation of the drill rig. Locations with good accessibility would be
w/in 30' of a current operational road; locations with good room for drill rig and other equipment to
maneuver would be over 2500 SQFT per hole
Note 2 Base Rate Adjustment Factors

Factors Adjustment for Noted Conditions

Location Rural = 1.0 Small City = 0.85 Big city = .75
Traffic conditions Light = 1.0 Moderate = .88 High = .70
Complexity is technical difficulty or unusual Complexity Low = 1.0 Medium = .85 High = .70
project conditions Soil conditions Good = 1.0 Fair = .85 Poor = .65
Quantity of work Large = 1.0 Medium = .88 Small = .75

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