Earthquake Faults: It's A Snap
Earthquake Faults: It's A Snap
Earthquake Faults: It's A Snap
What is A Fault?
A fault is a rock fracture where the two
sides have been displaced relative to
each other. An earthquake is what
happens when these two blocks of the
earth, seemingly stuck together, suddenly
slip past one another. The surface where
they slip is called the fault or fault plane.
The slip causes a sudden shaking or It’s a Snap
vibration in the Earth due to the sudden
release of energy from within the Earth. Quick Demo
Because of pressure and friction at depth, It’s a Snap! An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip on
plates rarely slide quietly past each a fault, much like what happens when you snap your
Stress builds up between them until fingers.
it reaches
a critical strain, and the Put your thumb and middle fi
nger together. With mild
accumulated potential energy is released pressure, or with greasy fingers they slide past each other
as the earthquake. The higher the stress, easily with little stress. With dry fingers and higher stress,
the greater the energy released. you can affect an audible response. Before allowing your
(Remember when you first learned about fingers to snap, push them together and sideways. Allow
the energy release of a rubber band under friction to keep them from slipping. When you apply
stress?) The relative motion between the enough stress to overcome this friction, your fingers move
plat es controls what type of a fault results suddenly, releasing energy.
When you snap your fingers (see box on The same “stick-slip” process goes on in the earth.
right) the whole “fault plane” moves due
to Stresses in the earth’s outer layer push the sides of the
uniform friction release; an earthquake fault together. The friction across the surface of the fault
happens on a discrete area of the fault holds the rocks together so they do not slip immediately
plane that becomes un-stuck. when pushed sideways. Eventually enough stress builds
Fault Slip Occurs in Three Stages: up and the rocks slip suddenly, releasing energy in waves
that travel through the rock to cause the shaking that we
1) initiation of sliding on a small part of the
feel during an earthquake.
Snapping fingers can’t generate an earthquake, but they
2) growth of the slip surface, and
do generate energy in the form of sound waves that travel
termination of slip and fault healing.
from fingers to ear. Sound waves are compressive waves;
Earthquakes occur on preexisting faults the P waves generated from an earthquake are also
operating in a “stick-slip” mode. compressive waves. [modified from
Earthquakes are “slip” episodes; they are]
followed by periods of no slip (“stick”),
during which elastic strain increases away
from the fault. Although some growth of the
fault may occur with each earthquake, we
can generally assume that for large earthquakes (M>6) the faulting process primarily involves
repeated breaking of the same fault segment rather than creation of a new fault surface.”
Figure 1: Comparative Fault Behavior