Title of Lesson: Teacher's Name: V. Brown Grade Level(s) : 2nd Subject: Language Arts and Drama
Title of Lesson: Teacher's Name: V. Brown Grade Level(s) : 2nd Subject: Language Arts and Drama
Title of Lesson: Teacher's Name: V. Brown Grade Level(s) : 2nd Subject: Language Arts and Drama
Describe the overall structure of a story including Acting by developing, communicating, and
describing how the beginning introduces the story, sustaining roles within a variety of
the middle provides major events and challenges,
situations and environments
and the ending concludes the action.
e. Dramatizes literature and original scripts
through various art forms, such as story
drama, pantomime, process drama,
puppetry, and readers’ theatre
Lesson Procedure:
a: Hook Review pantomime. Have students practice pantomiming different actions.
b: Instructional Steps Review story swoosh with students. Practice repeating dialogue with
different voices. Students will dramatize The Paper bag Princess using a story swoosh.
c: Formative Assessment Teacher will observe accuracy of students’ dramatization of story.
Complete rubric of story swoosh together.
d: Summative Assessment Students will complete the beginning, middle, end graphic organizer.
e: Closing Selected students will share their graphic organizer.
Facial Expressions Some attempt at Facial expressions Facial expressions
facial expressions are clear are clear and well
Body Position Only hands, arms Full body used Full body used.
used in creating Position adds to
character the story.
Speaking dialogue Did not speak Spoke loudly and Spoke loudly and
loudly or clearly. clearly most of the clearly all of the
No attempt to time. Some time. Spoke in
speak in character. attempt at character all of the
speaking in time.