06:04 The Giver Memory Transmission Rubric
06:04 The Giver Memory Transmission Rubric
06:04 The Giver Memory Transmission Rubric
The Giver passes on collective memories of the whole community to Jonas. Choose something that has happened in our country in the recent past
and transmit that memory to Jonas with words. Consider why have you chosen that event to give him, what Jonas will learn from it, and how he will
Narrative Scene Student’s narrative masterfully Student writes a narrative of an Student’s writing may not be a Student’s writing is not a narrative,
uses a variety of techniques to tell event or experience that uses an narrative or may not fully/ and/or does not show grade level
a complex, engaging scene. appropriate combination of action, successfully use narrative use of narrative techniques.
description, and/or dialogue. techniques.
Detail & Description Narrative consistently uses a Narrative uses several instances of Narrative may only use a few, Narrative does not show grade
variety of types of description to sensory detail, description, and/or inconsistent instances of level use of description and/or
create an engaging, easy-to- figurative language throughout the description. detail at appropriate intervals.
visualize scene for the reader. scene.
Emotion or Lesson The narrative, including the Either the conclusion OR the The narrative partially expresses a The narrative does not express a
conclusion, has a theme, lesson, narrative overall conveys a specific larger idea, but may not be clear, larger meaning beyond a literal,
and/or emotion that is developed emotion, lesson, or message to the finished, or successful. surface-level story.
across the scene. reader that fits the prompt.
Grammar and Spelling The absence of errors indicates The general lack of errors shows Errors indicate a partial lack of Errors indicate a lack of
mastery of grammar and/or mastery of grammatical concepts understanding in grammar or understanding in grammar or
mastery of editing skills. and/or editing skills. editing. editing.
Proficient Demonstrating Emerging Beginning
4 Points 3 Points 2 Points 1 Points
Presentation The writing has the student's The writing has the student's The writing has the student's The writing does not have the
name, date, and class on the top name, date, and class on the top name, date, and class on the top student's name, date, and class on
left corner. There is a creative title, left corner. There is a title, but it is left corner, but is missing a title. the top left corner. The writing is
and the essay is written in Times not creative. The essay is not The essay is not written in Times missing a title, and is not written in
New Roman, font size 12, double- written in Times New Roman, font New Roman, font size 12, or Times New Roman, font size 12, or
spaced. size 12, or double-spaced. double-spaced. double-spaced.
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