Applied Energy: João M. Santos, Pedro S. Moura, Aníbal T. de Almeida
Applied Energy: João M. Santos, Pedro S. Moura, Aníbal T. de Almeida
Applied Energy: João M. Santos, Pedro S. Moura, Aníbal T. de Almeida
Applied Energy
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Article history: The development of the Smart Grids will enable a more interactive and intelligent behaviour of the
Received 16 September 2013 houses that are connected to the grid. This modification of behaviour of the house must rely on a conju-
Received in revised form 12 December 2013 gation of technologies (on-site generation, demand-side management, demand response, etc.) but, in
Accepted 20 April 2014
general, the literature mentions storage as the ultimate response to conjugate generation, demand and
Available online 16 May 2014
grid interaction. In this context, the impact of in-house energy storage capacity deserves to be properly
analysed. This work focuses on the analysis of electricity storage inside the house and its influence on the
grid interaction, ensuring the demand satisfaction. First the typical demand and generation profiles are
Energy storage
Home energy management
analysed to characterise the need for storage. Different roles for the storage utilisation are analysed with
Distributed generation the objective of optimising self-consumption and mitigating the peak power flows from and to the grid.
Renewables integration For the given storage roles, the benefits are evaluated from a local and grid global perspective. The anal-
Zero energy houses ysis is done using data from real profiles of demand and generation, as well as by simulating the existence
of storage. The simulated storage capacity in this analysis has resulted in significant improvements in the
residential energy management. Furthermore, the effect of the simulated storage capacity is strongly
influenced by the sizing and operating strategy.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0306-2619/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J.M. Santos et al. / Applied Energy 128 (2014) 254–264 255
suggesting distributed applications and particularly at residential one year or more [24]. In other cases the data from a set of houses
level. A more specific evaluation of the use of energy storage in res- are used for an entire year [7,25,21]. In two of these, the houses in
idential buildings has already been done from several perspectives. the set are analysed each one independently and compared among
In [7] a perspective on the sizing of residential storage is given, them. In two situations the data are from different metered houses
considering the benefit of keeping the grid connection, resulting and in the other is from a model that simulates different types of
in some calculation rules for storage with two different objectives houses. In a similar manner, the generation data are from isolated
of covering most of the electricity needs or only the peaks. In [8], systems metered or simulated.
the evaluation of a residential reversible fuel cell Photovoltaic The results presented in the related work for the relationship
(PV) storage system found numerous advantages of having the sys- between demand and generation profiles are usually biased by
tem grid-connected instead of stand-alone, but in this case the the ratio between total generation and total demand. In order to
management option is to use the grid to supply the residential con- perform an analysis independent from this ratio, the absolute
sumption peaks. A different purpose for storage is exploited in [9] values of demand and generation were not considered, the values
where a storage system is optimised to take advantage from time- relatively to the annual total being used. In this way, the assess-
of-use pricing to obtain cost savings, despite the system cost not ment was focused on the relative intensity variation through time
being considered. Another strategy is presented in [10,11] by the and the simulations can be performed considering any desired
combination of storage with demand side management for ratio of total demand/generation. So, all the values of demand, gen-
self-consumption enhancement. With a more generic solution eration, and storage capacity are given relatively to the annual
approach it is proposed in [12] an algorithm that could take into demand daily mean (AD). The data used in this assessment were
account multiple scenarios, domestic technologies and house con- provided by the Portuguese mainland transmission system opera-
figurations. In [13], a technique for scheduling the management of tor (REN). For the demand, the load profile provided to give the
a residential installation with PV and energy storage is proposed residential consumption with 15 min resolution, when the cus-
that assumes a predefined energy price evolution trough the day tomer meter does not give readings with that resolution, was used
and on the references prices defined by the customer. Another [26]. This profile represents a generic profile for the residential sec-
potentially profitable PV storage system is proposed in [14], con- tor in the entire country. Since this profile is used relatively to the
sidering the provision of ancillary systems to the grid. In [15], average daily demand, the total annual demand does not affect the
the energy storage is used in a residential distribution feeder to analysis performed, and so the results are independent from vari-
shave the peak demand and the impact of PV installations at the ations in the house size, typology or income. Since the impact from
house level is also analysed. In a global perspective of the grid, generation is fully dependent on the considered generation profile,
the storage importance is revealed in [16] where the fraction of this work was done for the situation of residential generation
variable generation curtailed is clearly reduced with storage capac- based on Photovoltaic (PV) technology. The reason for this is that
ity increase. The study in [17] also shows how the particular resi- PV is the most common and suitable generation type for residential
dential storage could attenuate the peak injection of electricity into application. The PV generation profile used is based on all the PV
the grid that could lead to negative impacts in high residential PV systems that are connected to the grid in the whole system [27].
penetrations. An economic assessment of a residential storage sys- In order to analyse the cyclic profile of the demand, a histogram
tem with incentives is provided in [18] by quantifying the depen- of the demand for every 15 min interval of a day period was built.
dence of the internal rate of return on the battery costs. In [19], the The resulting graph for the entire year demand is shown in Fig. 1. It
economical optimal sizing of PV and battery system is determined is visible in the graph a significant coincidence around the same
as a function of the remuneration policy. An approach to house demand value at the same time of the day. In fact there is, for most
energy management including PV and storage together with the of the day periods, a single frequency peak and the adjacent hills.
charging load of PHEV is presented in [20] where the impact of dif- This reveals the daily cyclic profile of the demand since, when
ferent tariffs is also analysed. In [21] the authors have concluded considering a day period, the distribution of the demand is very
completely against the financial and environmental benefit of similar for the entire year. This is mainly found in the late night
using lead acid batteries to time-shift the demand in PV houses and early morning period, while during the day the demand is
with the current feed-in tariff. more dispersed and especially in the late afternoon and evening
The present work addresses the residential storage option with the frequency peak is lower and the dispersion higher. It is also
the aim of demonstrating the importance of defining concrete remarkable that there is a peak in demand happening in a small
objectives for the storage management. The remainder of the paper
is structured as follows. In Section 2 an analysis of the residential
profiles is made. Section 3 is focused on the sizing aspects of the 2.4
Demand (% annual daily average / 15min)
storage capacity for general typical profiles of demand and gener-
ation. In Section 4 the global impact on the grid is evaluated
2 100
considering penetration of PV and storage systems. Section 5 pre-
sents the economic assessment of the storage use. Finally, Section 6 1.8
summarises the paper, emphasising its main conclusions. 80
1.4 60
portion of the day and in a small number of days while the rest of 3. Storage roles simulation
the demand values are most of the time below half of the maxi-
mum peak. For the PV generation, the daily cyclic profile and the In this section, a simulation approach is proposed to assess the
seasonal variation is shown in Fig. 2. impact of different storage operating strategies in the power flows
To analyse the coincidence between generation and demand, with the grid and in the storage capacity usage. Four different roles
the supply and demand cover factors, as formulated by [28], were for storage are defined and the respective algorithms for storage
used, that are given by operation are described. The simulation inputs are the residential
demand and generation profiles and the outputs are the storage
R t2 R t2
½t1;t2 min fPS ; PD g ½t1;t2 min fPS ; PD g utilisation and the power flow to and from the grid. The storage
t1 t1
CF S ¼ R t2 ; CF D ¼ R t2 ð1Þ is considered to have a round-trip efficiency of 90%. To keep the
t1 S
P t1 D
simulation technology agnostic, the storage capacity is considered
effective, that is, the simulation is done considering only the stor-
where PS ðWÞ is the local supply power and PD ðWÞ is the demand
age capacity available to use, and so the minimum State of Charge
power. These cover factors represent how much of the local gener-
(SOC) is, apparently, zero. The input data and the results are for a
ation is used by the demand and how much of the demand is sup-
storage utilisation during an entire year (2011).
plied by the local generation, respectively. In order to have profiles
The algorithm used for the simulation considers that the energy
representing a Net ZEH, the annual total demand is equal to the
ES that is transferred to (or from, if negative) the storage system on
annual total generation, what leads to a CF year and CF year
D of about
S each time slot i is given by
40.2% for the considered case study. However, due to the seasonal (
variation of the demand and generation profiles, the CF for each minðESC EiSS ; EiSD Þ if EiSD P 0
month vary independently in a inverse way between supply and EiS ¼ ð2Þ
maxðEiSS g ; EiSD Þ if EiSD < 0
demand, as show in Fig. 3. It is important to note that these are
15 min mean values and so do not include instantaneous mis- with ESC being the storage system capacity, ESD the demand for
matches between demand and generation. With these cover factors energy storage, and g the storage efficiency. The stored energy ESS
it can be concluded that, despite the annual total generation and at the beginning of each time slot is given by
demand have the same values, they do not happen exactly at the (
same time in the whole year. More exactly, in an yearly average, Ei1 i1
SS þ ES if Ei1
S P0
EiSS ¼ ð3Þ
60% of the generation must be exported to the grid or wasted, while Ei1 1 i1
SS þ g ES if Ei1
S <0
60% of the demand cannot be satisfied directly by the generation. In
the best cases, both of these values never go below 40%. This lack of Thus, the energy imported from the grid Egrid for each time slot
coincidence between demand and generation imposes the need to is
store energy in any manner. Eigrid ¼ EiD EiG þ EiS ð4Þ
In order to analyse the peak occurrences, the demand values
were divided between ten equally spaced intervals and calculated where EG is the energy from PV generation and ED is the energy
the number of times that the demand value falls in each defined demand of the house. The demand value for energy storage ESD will
interval. This is shown in Fig. 4 with the demand intervals given depend on the role considered as described next.
relatively to the annual peak demand. The duration is also given
relative to the year duration and the frequency is cumulative. It 3.1. Roles definition
is clear that the higher values of demand are very rare with, for
instance, the demand being above 60% of the annual peak in only 3.1.1. Reach grid zero energy
11.5% of the year. Despite this duration represents more than a Due to the lack of matching between the PV and demand pro-
month it is also clear from Fig. 1 that it does not happen altogether, files, seen in Fig. 3, the houses with PV local generation will export
but in small periods each day. This means that the grid must be to the grid most of the local generation power in a given moment
prepared to supply a high value of demand from the house that and then, later, import from the grid the same amount of power to
happens only in an insignificant slot of time. satisfy the demand. This results in unnecessary power flows
between the house and the grid that imply higher losses and man-
agement needs from the grid point of view. The storage objective
considered for this role is to mitigate the influence of the demand
PV Generation seasonal mean (% annual peak)
Winter and generation profiles on the grid demand. In an ideal situation, a
Spring house that generates and consumes the same amount of energy
70 should have no exchanges with the grid. To achieve this objective
the amount of PV generation energy that exceeds the demand is
60 stored whenever this happens (and if the storage system is not
full). This stored energy is afterwards used to satisfy the demand
when the PV generation is not sufficient. The storage demand for
40 each time slot i is given by
3.1.2. Reduction in peak demand from grid
10 Since the higher peaks of demand occur on a small portion of
time, as seen in Fig. 4, it could be beneficial for the grid and for
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
the customer to have a more stable demand by reducing its peaks.
Hour of day (legal)
Here the peak was defined as the maximum demand occurrence
on the entire year since this is the value that the grid must ensure
Fig. 2. Seasonal mean of PV generation for each 15 min slice of the day. and that the user must have available. The objective of this storage
J.M. Santos et al. / Applied Energy 128 (2014) 254–264 257
70 60
CFmonth CFmonth
60 year
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Month Month
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Supply (a) and demand (b) cover factors on month and year time frames.
EiSD ¼ EiG maxð0; EiD EPin Þ ð6Þ
70 (
EiG EiD if EiG P EiD
60 EiSD ¼ ð7Þ
EiG EiD þ minðEPin ; EiD EiG Þ if EiG < EiD
0 are the maximum peak from grid demand desired and the net
0 20 40 60 80 100 energy from grid, respectively, and a is the peak from grid reduction
Cumulative Duration (%) factor.
Fig. 4. Cumulative distribution of the frequency of the demand value relative to the 3.1.3. Reduction in peak energy injected into the grid
maximum annual peak.
It is also important to achieve stabilisation in terms of the
energy exported to the grid. The peak of PV generation could rep-
role is to reduce the peak consumption requested to the grid with- resent a problem for the grid in the management of electrical
out affecting the utilisation behaviour. This is done considering an systems with large amounts of installed PV capacity. Thus, a role
objective reduction relative to the maximum annual peak demand. to prevent this situation was defined, where the generated
This reduction is achieved by using the stored energy to supply all energy above a determined threshold should always be stored
the power demanded that is above a given threshold. Since this is instead of exported to the grid. The objective with the storage
an important condition for the grid management it is considered is to reduce the peak of energy injected into the grid to a fraction
that the desired threshold must never be exceeded. This simulation of the peak without storage. So, the storage demand is calculated
was performed assuming three possible management options to as
integrate the storage with the local generation and the grid demand: (
maxð0; EiG EiD EPout Þ if EiD < EiG
EiSD ¼ ð10Þ
(a) The PV energy is used to supply only the demand that EiG EiD if EiD P EiG
exceeds the desired grid peak and the surplus PV energy is
stored. The stored energy is used to supply the demand that
is above the desired peak when the PV energy is insufficient. EPout ¼ maxðEinG Þ b 8i and EnG ¼ ED EG ð11Þ
(b) The PV energy is used to supply all the demand and the sur-
plus PV energy is stored. The stored energy is used to supply are the maximum peak to grid demand desired and the net energy
the demand that is above the desired peak when the PV to grid, respectively, and b is the peak to grid reduction factor.
energy is insufficient.
(c) The energy is stored from the grid when the demand is 3.1.4. Integration of wind power from the grid
below the desired grid peak. The PV energy is used to supply At the grid level there is also the problem of using the intermit-
only the demand that exceeds the grid peak desired and the tent generation when it is available. To help the grid in the man-
surplus PV energy is stored. The stored energy is used to agement of this problem, the house could import in advance the
supply the demand that is above the desired peak when energy that is going to be needed to supply the next future
the PV energy is insufficient. demand, if this energy is coming from these intermittent sources.
In this way, the house helps to integrate the renewable energy
To illustrate the behaviour of each management option an from the grid only by importing the same amount of energy from
example day is shown in Fig. 7 (storage size = 0.5, generation the grid as before but a little bit early. The integration of grid wind
258 J.M. Santos et al. / Applied Energy 128 (2014) 254–264
generation capacity is done assuming that the energy imported compensated by having the annual generation greater than the
from the grid could be identified as coming or not from a wind gen- demand, in order to achieve zero energy flows with the grid, was
eration source. Since the grid wind generation capacity is many assessed. However, in the analysed situation and assuming reason-
times larger than the house’s daily demand, the maximum daily able values of storage capacity, this hypothesis is not confirmed
importable wind generation from the grid was considered to be since the increment in generation capacity causes mainly an
equal to the house’s daily demand. So this means that the house increase in surplus generation and just a small decrease in grid
will only import from the grid wind energy equivalent to what is demand, as can be seen in Fig. 6.
expected to be used in a daily period. For this storage role the Based on the simulation of reducing grid peak using storage
house is considered as not having local generation, so the only capacity for the whole year, the minimum storage capacity needed
source of energy is the grid. The algorithm works in a quite similar to achieve each peak reduction value can be assessed. This result
fashion as for the grid zero energy role. Therefore, the demand is can be seen in Fig. 8. For example, with a generation capacity of
preferentially satisfied with grid’s wind energy and when it 1 and a storage size of 0.5, the grid peak demand can be reduced
exceeds the demand it is stored. The stored energy is then used to 50%. For the three options, the storage allows to achieve the
when the wind energy is not sufficient to satisfy the demand and peak reduction objective keeping a SOC near to 100% in most of
if there is not enough stored energy the supply must rely on grid’s the time. Despite this being needed to guarantee the maximum
non-wind energy. So, the storage demand is given by grid peak desired, it is also responsible for the incapacity to store
most of the energy generated. The result is that most of the energy
EiSD ¼ EiGwind EiD ð12Þ that is not immediately consumed must be exported to the grid or
wasted. Incrementing the storage capacity while using the man-
where EGwind is part of the grid wind generation, with an annual agement strategy of peak reduction has an insignificant effect on
value equal to the house demand. reducing the surplus generation. The option (b) reduces the storage
losses because it uses directly the PV generation to supply the
3.2. Simulation results demand but, at the same time, the storage level is kept too low
for reducing the peak, what results in more storage capacity
Considering a situation where the annual PV generated energy needed to achieve the same peak reduction compared to option
is equal to the annual demand, Fig. 5 shows how the objective of (a). Option (c) is the one that keeps a higher SOC, since it charges
reaching grid zero energy is partially achieved, using the respective from grid, and so achieve the peak reductions with lower storage
role, for different storage capacities. The values are a daily average capacities.
of the year total energy flows. The storage utilisation has a strong In the same way as for the peak from grid role, the needed stor-
impact on the flows until a storage capacity around 0.6 AD, where age capacity to achieve each reduction in the peak export was
the impact starts becoming minor, with a reduction in grid depen- assessed (Fig. 9). The results are similar, but in this case are even
dence to 40% of the initial state being achieved. This shows that a more linear. To achieve a peak to grid reduction in 50% it is needed
storage dimensioned for the daily time frame is the most suitable a storage capacity of 0.5 AD, for an annual generation equal to the
for these profiles. For larger (and unreasonable) storage capacities demand. The difference is that for this role the SOC is kept very low
the benefit is lower and comes from energy transactions between most of the time, due to the intrinsic needed availability to receive
months. For larger storage capacities the initial SOC has a signifi- charge.
cant influence on the resulting flows. Anyway, the zero surplus The results of the simulation for the grid wind integration role
generation is never reached for storage capacity below 50 AD. are show in Fig. 10. With no storage capacity the non-wind energy
The grid zero energy state is achieved for a storage capacity of flux and the not used grid wind energy have already a quite low
100 AD. Since the annual generation is equal to the annual value, about half of the values for PV, due to the more coincident
demand, and the storage system has losses, this grid zero energy profile of wind generation and demand. The storage capacity
situation results in a final SOC that is lower than initial SOC. The reduces both the non-wind energy flux and the unused wind
difference is of 24.24%, meaning that the storage losses over a year energy but the impact is felt slowly, and for a storage capacity
are equivalent to the demand of about 24 average days. Since the equal to the annual daily mean demand the values are reduced
storage system has losses, the hypothesis that they must be to only 60% of the situation without storage.
Daily Energy Flow (× annual demand daily mean)
Daily Energy Flow (× annual demand daily mean)
0.7 0.7
Surplus Generation
From Grid
0.6 0.6
Storage In
Storage Out
0.5 0.5
Surplus Generation
0.4 0.4
From Grid
Storage In
0.3 0.3 Storage Out
0.2 0.2
0.1 0.1
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 20 40 60 80 100
Storage Size (× annual demand daily mean) Storage Size (× annual demand daily mean)
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. Storage impact for reaching grid zero energy, considering both reasonable (a) and unreasonable (b) storage capacities (notice that the maximum storage size is 1 AD in
(a) and 100 AD in (b)).
J.M. Santos et al. / Applied Energy 128 (2014) 254–264 259
To accomplish the desired objective, a framework to simulate
the residential storage impact on the electric grid was established.
0 The simulation allows to analyse the impact with different config-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 urations of storage management and penetrations on the system.
Annual generation daily mean (× annual demand daily mean) Since the analysis is performed on the base of the grid energy bal-
ancing, considering the grid as a single node, the simulation grid
Fig. 6. Generation impact for reaching grid zero energy (storage capacity = 1 AD).
scheme could be represented as in Fig. 11. This figure shows how
the grid management is done between all the generation and
demand. The generation is divided into generation from conven-
4. Grid impact of residential storage tional or stable sources (GS ), distributed intermittent generation
from the residential sector (GR ), and other intermittent generation
The evaluation of the impact on the grid from having distrib- (GI ). The demand is also divided between demand from the resi-
uted energy storage at the residential level must be considered dential sector (DR ) and demand from all other sectors (DO ). The res-
in the analysis of the residential storage role. As the residential sec- idential sector is considered to be divided between conventional
tor is responsible for a significant part of the grid total demand, any houses and houses with generation and, eventually, storage capac-
modification on the residential electricity management will have a ity, here called Zero Energy Houses (ZEH). The relative penetration
corresponding impact on the grid management. At the same time, (p) indicates the percentage of houses that are ZEH.
the residential sector is also responsible for a large amount of pho- The simulation uses as input the generation and load data with
tovoltaic generation that, most of the times, is fully exported to the a resolution of 15 min. The generation data are divided by source
grid, due to the existence of feed-in special tariffs. The impact on both as absolute values and as profiles. The profiles are used to
the grid could be a consequence of a storage capacity designed to simulate generation from a given source considering a desired
accomplish a local objective or, otherwise, the impact on the grid installed capacity. The load data used include the load for the
Energy (% annual demand daily mean)
Energy (% annual demand daily mean)
Demand 90 Demand 90 90
Generation Generation
2 Grid Demand 80 2 Grid Demand 80 2 80
Storage SOC (%)
1.2 (x annual demand daily mean) 1.2 1.2 (x annual demand daily mean)
Required Storage Size
2.0 2.0
1 1.0 1 1 1.0
0.5 0.5
0.8 0.8 0.8
0 0 0
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
Annual Grid Peak Demand (× Annual Peak Demand) Annual Grid Peak Demand (× Annual Peak Demand) Annual Grid Peak Demand (× Annual Peak Demand)
an entire year and the residential profiles to divide the load data
Required Storage Size (× annual demand daily mean)
between residential and other sectors.
Annual generation daily mean Given these input data, the simulation could be performed for
0.6 (× annual demand daily mean)
different storage management options and gives the resultant data
2.0 for the ZEH load and generation requested to the grid for the both
situations with and without storage.
4.2. Impact assessment
Using the simulation framework described, the impact from the
0.2 generation and storage capacity of the ZEH on the grid was
assessed. Since the objective is to analyse the impact on the grid
0.1 of the residential storage penetration, the scenario of having resi-
dential generation without storage was used as reference. This
0 ensures that the assessment is focused specifically on the impact
1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1
of storage and only indirectly on the impact of residential genera-
Export to Grid Annual Peak (× Peak w/o storage)
tion penetration.
Fig. 9. Minimum required storage capacities vs. desired export peak to grid The data used for the analysis are from the Portuguese electrical
reduction. grid over the year 2011. The grid load data with a resolution of
15 min are provided by the Portuguese mainland transmission sys-
tem operator (REN) [27], being the residential load calculated con-
Daily Energy Flow (× annual demand daily mean)
40 Storage Role
No Storage (Annual Mean)
30 Grid Zero (Annual Mean)
100 Import Peak Control (Annual Mean)
Export Peak Control (Annual Mean)
25 80
Storage Role 60
No Storage
Grid Zero 40
15 Import Peak Control
Export Peak Control 20
10 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
ZEH Penetration (%) ZEH Penetration (%)
Fig. 12. Impact on electricity power flows between the residential sector and the Fig. 14. Annual maximum and mean values of daily peak percentage of grid
grid caused by different roles of residential storage. demand covered by residential generation, for different storage roles and zero
energy houses penetration (the no storage lines are coincident with the import peak
control ones).
100 75
(% annual demand peak, p = 100 %)
95 Storage Role
Annual Max Hour Grid Demand
No Storage
90 Grid Zero
65 Import Peak Control
85 Export Peak Control
80 60
75 55
70 Storage Role
No Storage 50
65 Grid Zero
Import Peak Control 45
60 Export Peak Control
55 40
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Hour of Day Hour of Day
(a) (b)
Fig. 13. Impact of residential storage on total grid demand for each 15 min of the day, considering the annual maximum (a) and average (b) values.
262 J.M. Santos et al. / Applied Energy 128 (2014) 254–264
5. Economic assessment a maximum depth of discharge (DOD) of 80%. The PV yield calcu-
lated from the REN data of 1500 kW h/kW p was used and the cost
To assess the value of energy storage, the economic aspects predicted for 2020 of 1850 €/kW p for PV [32] and of 200 €/kW h
must also be taken into account. Therefore, an analysis of the eco- for lithium-ion storage [33] was assumed. The lifetime considered
nomic benefits ensured by energy storage at the residential level is is 20 years and the discount rate is 5%. The included annual costs of
performed. This analysis aims to assess how the pricing scheme maintenance are of 1.25% of the system cost.
could reflect the storage importance from the grid perspective Several scenarios that represent incentives for the customer to
and how the customer could benefit from that pricing. The objec- adopt each role were defined as follows:
tive is to compare economically the different storage roles between
them and with the situation of PV without storage. This compari- 1. Self-consumption incentive scenario. The tariff for on-site con-
son was done considering different pricing scenarios for each sys- sumption of generated energy is 0.17 €/kW h, the feed-in tariff
tem/role. For this effect the annual economic balance between the is 0.17 €/kW h, and the buy tariff is 0.17 €/kW h.
system cost, the value of produced energy, and the value of energy 2. Time-of-use scenario. The buy tariff is 0.10 €/kW h on off-peak
imported from the grid was calculated. hours (10 p.m–8 a.m) and 0.30 €/kW h on peak hours (8 a.m–
The annual system cost (C sys ) was calculated considering the 10 p.m). The feed-in tariff is 0.17 €/kW h.
capital cost of the system and the respective lifetime: 3. Peak penalisation scenario. The buy tariff is 0.17 €/kW h, with a
penalty of 0.51 €/kW h when the demand goes above 50% of the
C sys ¼ ðCapexPV þ Capexstor Þ CRF þ C man ð13Þ annual peak, and the feed-in is 0.17 €/kW h.
where CapexPV is the capital cost of the PV system, Capexstor is the 4. Feed-in cut. The feed-in limit is set at 50% of the annual peak.
capital cost of the storage system, and C man is the annual cost of sys- The tariff below this is of 0.17 €/kW h and the buy tariff is
tem maintenance. The Capital Recovery Factor (CRF) is used to con- 0.17 €/kW h.
vert the capital cost of the system into a stream of annual payments
over the system lifetime, and is given by The economic benefit provided for each system is summarised
in Table 1, where the annual result, with the system cost included,
ið1 þ iÞ is presented as a percentage of the cost for the customer without
CRF ¼ n1
ð14Þ PV and storage. Thus, for each scenario, the best system/role is
ð1 þ iÞ
the one with lower percentage result. The grid zero role is the
where i is the discount rate and n is the system lifetime in years. one that better take profit from the self-consumption incentive,
Since the annual system cost is given per kW h of annual aver- what also means that this is the best incentive if the grid objective
age daily demand (AD) the capital cost of PV assumes the installed is to reduce the amount of energy transfers with the residential
capacity needed to generate annually the same amount of energy sector. Even though the grid zero role being the one that most
as the demand, and the capital cost of storage assumes a storage reduces the grid demand on peak hours, it does not have the best
device with a usable capacity as defined in Table 1 and assuming result with the time-of-use tariff. This happens because it transfers
Storage Role
Storage Role No Storage
Annual Mean Grid Demand Supplied by
Residential Generation (%, p = 100 %)
No Storage
Annual Max Grid Demand Supplied by
Grid Zero Import Peak Control
140 Import Peak Control Export Peak Control
Export Peak Control
100 40
0 0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 0 4 8 12 16 20 24
Hour of Day Hour of Day
(a) (b)
Fig. 15. Impact of residential storage on hourly distribution of grid demand covered by residential generation, considering the annual maximum (a) and average (b) values
(notice the different vertical axis limits and that the no storage lines are coincident with the import peak control ones).
Table 1
Economic results for different storage roles and pricing scenarios. The annual result for each scenario is given relative to the result for a customer without PV and storage.
Storage role No storage Grid zero Peak from grid reduction Peak to grid reduction
Usable storage size (AD) 0 0.6 0.4 0.5
Equivalent full cycles/year n.a. 243.9 66.83 104.9
Annual System Cost (€/kW hAD ) 58.50 76.12 70.25 73.19
Scenario 1 result (%) 26 9 40 30
Scenario 2 result (%) 53 67 60 63
Scenario 3 result (%) 73 64 47 73
Scenario 4 result (%) 73 92 87 85
J.M. Santos et al. / Applied Energy 128 (2014) 254–264 263
energy from the day hours, which could be valued by the feed-in the grid perspective, the grid zero role provides better performance
tariff, to the off-peak time, when the benefit from not importing since it reduces the impacts in the annual power flow average
from the grid is lower. Nevertheless, none storage role is better values.
than the PV alone for this scenario. The peak from grid reduction From the economic perspective, the defined pricing scenarios
role shows good response to the scenario where the higher peak take advantage of the storage presence, with the exception to the
from grid is penalised, but the scenario where the feed-in peak peak to grid reduction role, which has no positive impact in the
energy is not valuable does not give benefit for any storage role. defined pricing conditions. It was also found that the way of man-
aging the storage devices can reduce the storage system lifetime
because the storage has a very low average SOC due to the winter
6. Conclusion season, when the generation is not sufficient to replace the used
stored energy. This can be improved by a managing scheme to mit-
This work aimed to assess the relevance of having distributed igate the continuous deep discharge of the storage devices.
electricity storage capacity at the residential level, side by side
with the consumption and generation devices. A comprehensive Acknowledgements
assessment of the storage roles was made considering three
aspects: the in-house energy management with the storage The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support
included, its large-scale impact on the grid if the numbers of from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under
houses adopting storage becomes significant, as well as the eco- the reference FCT-DFRH-SFRH/BD/70250/2010.
nomic scenarios for stimulating this adoption and the associated This work has been framed under the Initiative Energy for
benefits. The approach used in this work presents novelty consid- Sustainability of the University of Coimbra and supported by the
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