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© M. Ragheb

The treatment of multidimensional systems, other than the spherical geometry, is
an important topic since reactor systems normally have a finite cylinder geometry. Two
approaches are possible: numerical methods, and in the simplest case, the separation of
variables method can be used for homogeneous systems. We start with a mathematical
introduction on orthogonal and orthonormal functions. The method of separation of
variables is then used to study the criticality and the flux distribution for the
parallelepiped reactor geometry; of which the cube is a special case, and the finite
cylinder reactor core which is the geometrical configuration of most existing nuclear
power reactors. The treatment will cover the case of multiplying media. The minimum
volume for a critical assembly and the peak to average flux ratio will be derived.


Two functions  m (x ) and  n (x) are said to be orthogonal over an interval [a,b] if
the integral of the product  m n over that interval vanishes:

m ( x) n ( x)dx  0

In a more general sense, the functions  m (x) and  n (x) are said to be orthogonal
with respect to a weighting function r(x), over an interval [a, b], if:

 r ( x)
m ( x) n ( x)dx  0

A set of functions is said to be orthogonal in [a, b] if all pairs of distinct functions

in the set are orthogonal in [a, b]
As an application, the one dimensional problem:

  2 X

with the boundary conditions: X(0) = X(a) = 0, has the eigenvalues or characteristic
 n 

 n2   
 a 

with corresponding characteristic functions or eigenfunctions:

n x
X n ( x )  sin( )

Since in this case r(x) = 1, there follows:

mx nx
a a

 X m ( x) X n ( x)dx   sin(
0 0
) sin(
)dx  0 , for m  n

when m and n are positive integers.

The weighted integral of the square of a characteristic function  n (x) :

Cn   r ( x )  n ( x )  dx

has a positive numerical value.

If the arbitrary multiplicative factor involved in the definition of  n (x) is so
chosen that this integral has the value unity, the function  n (x) is said to be normalized
with respect to the weighting function r(x).
A set of normalized orthogonal functions is said to be orthonormal.
By direct integration of the previous equation, we get:

a a
C n   X dx   sin 2 (
n )
0 0
a 2

Thus in order to normalize the functions sin( ) over the interval [0, a], we
would divide them by the normalizing factor:


The set of functions:

2 nx
X n ( x)  sin( )
a a
is thus an orthonormal set in the interval [0,a].


This is the simplest possible model of a reactor, where a reflector is not used.
Consider the geometry of Fig. 1, where the coordinate axes are centered at the origin, and
the extrapolated dimensions in the x, y, and z directions are 2a’, 2b’ and 2c’ respectively.
The equation to be solved is the eigenvalue equation:

 2 ( x, y, z )  2 ( x, y, z )  2 ( x, y, z )
   Bg2 ( x, y, z )  0 (1)
x 2
y 2
z 2

The boundary conditions are:

 (  a ' , y , z )   ( x, b ' , z )   ( x , y ,  c ' )  0 (2)

We can use the separation of variables method to solve the partial differential
equation, by assuming:

 ( x, y, z )  X ( x)Y ( y ) Z ( z ) (3)

Substitution into Eq.1 yields:

2 X  2Y 2Z
YZ  XZ  XY  Bg2 XYZ  0 (4)
x 2
y 2
z 2

We should replace the partial derivatives by total derivatives. Dividing by XYZ,


1 d 2 X 1 d 2Y 1 d 2 Z
 2
 2
  Bg2 (5)
X dx Y dy Z dz

Each term must be separately equal to a constant if it is to hold for all allowed
values of x, y, z. This results in three ordinary rather than partial differential equations:

1 d2X
  2
X dx 2
1 d 2Y
  2 (6)
Y dy
1 d 2Z
  2
Z dz

with the condition:

 2   2   2  B g2 (7)

Figure 1. Unreflected or bare parallelepiped reactor core.

Considering the first ordinary second order differential equation in x:

d 2 X ( x)
  2 X ( x ) (8)

it is known to have the solution:

X ( x )  A cos  x  C sin  x

The boundary condition: X (  a ')  0 requires:

A cos  a '  C sin  a '  0

since we are not interested in the trivial solution A = C = 0, this can be satisfied if:

C = 0; a'  for all n odd

or by:
A = 0; a'  for all n even


 n 

  
 2a ' 

The even and odd solutions can be taken as members of the normalized set:

1 nx
X n ( x)  cos( ) , for all n odd
a' 2a '

1 nx
 sin( ) , for all n even (10)
a' 2a '

Similarly for the y and z cases:

1 py
Y p ( y)  cos( ) , for all p odd
b' 2b'

1 py
 sin( ) , for all p even (11)
b' 2b'

 p 

2   (12)
 2b' 

1 qz
Z q ( z)  cos(
) , for all q odd
c' 2c'
1 qy
 sin( ) , for all q even (13)
c' 2c'

 q 

  
 2c' 

The geometrical buckling is the sum of the B g2(npq ) given by Eqns. 7, 9, 12 and 14:
n 2 p q
Bg2( npq )  ( )  ( )2  ( )2 (15)
2a ' 2b' 2c'

The corresponding solution is:

 npq ( x, y, z )  X n ( x )Y p ( y ) Z q ( z ) (16)

The only choice of n, p, and q which gives a nonnegative flux over the whole core

n  p  q 1

Thus for a solution we use:

  
Bg 2  Bg2(1,1,1)  ( )2  ( )2  ( )2 (17)
2a ' 2b ' 2c '

since Bg 2 is fixed by the medium.

Thus there are many choices of the dimensions of the medium to reach criticality,
but these dimensions much satisfy the condition 17.
The solution for the critical system becomes from Eqs. 16, 10, 11 and 13:

1 x y z
 ( x, y, z )  A'111 ( x)  A' cos( ) cos( ) cos( ) (18)
a ' b' c ' 2a ' 2b' 2c'


Let us minimize the volume of the parallelepiped:

V  (19)

subject to the condition (17).

To introduce the constraint, let us solve for one of the dimensions in terms of Bg
and the other two dimensions:


 2B 1 1  2
a '  a  d  ( g )2  2  2  (20)
  b' c' 

where: d is the extrapolation distance.

On substitution for ‘a’ into the expression for V we get:
 

  2 Bg 2 1 1  2 
V  8  ( )   2
 d   bc (21)
   (b  d ) ( c  d ) 

The minimization proceeds by setting:

V V
 0
b c

This results in two equations in the two unknowns b and c:

 

V  2 B 1 1  2  8cb 1
 8c  ( ) 
g 2
 2
d  2
b    (b  d ) ( c  d )   (b  d ) 2
2 3


 2 Bg 2 1 1 

     2
   (b  d ) ( c  d ) 

 

V   2 Bg 2 1 1  2  8cb 1
 8b  ( )   2
d  2
c    (b  d ) ( c  d )   ( c  d ) 2
2 3


 2 Bg 2 1 1 

     2
   (b  d ) ( c  d ) 

These two equations yield by using Eqn. 20:

a (a  d ) 3
(b  d ) 3

a (a  d ) 3 (22)
(c  d ) 3

On equating these two expressions for a:

b c
 (23)
(b  d ) 3
(c  d ) 3

This implies that:


If we would have started by eliminating b instead of a, we would have obtained a

= c, thus:


Thus the critical parallelepiped with minimum volume is found to be a cube with:

a '  b'  c'  3 (24)
2 Bg


This is an important quantity for heat transfer and fuel management design
considerations. This ratio should be as small as possible in order to make the heat
generation and the fuel burnup as uniform as possible. Otherwise, larger cooling ducts or
orificing must be used in the central parts of the reactor core, and shorter refueling and
fuel shuffling times will ensue.
The average flux is given by:

c b a
x y z
    
V  c b  a
cos( ) cos( ) cos( )dxdydz
2a ' 2b' 2c'

x   y   z 
a b c
2 a ' b' c ' 
 A  ( )3 sin( ) sin( ) sin( )
 8abc  2a '   a  2b'  b  2c'  c

4 a ' b' c '  x   y   z 

  A  ( )3 sin( ) sin( ) sin( ) (25)
 8abc  2a'   2b'   2c' 

The maximum flux is:

 max   ( x  y  z  0)  A (26)


 max  abc  a b c 
 ( )3 sin( ) sin( ) sin( ) (27)
 2 a ' b' c '  2a ' 2b' 2c' 

If d is small, thus a '  a , b'  b , c '  c and Eqn. 27 becomes

 max 
 ( )3 (28)
 2

a quantity that is independent of the values of a, b, and c.


This is the geometry adopted by most reactor nuclear power plants. In this case
the equation to be solved is:

1   ( r, z )  2 ( r, z )
(r )  Bg2 ( r, z )  0 (29)
r r r z 2

Assuming a separable solution of the form:

 (r , z )  R(r ) Z ( z ) (30)

We get:

1 1  R 1 2Z
(r )   Bg2  0 (31)
R r r r Z z 2

Each term must be a constant, thus:

1 1 d dR
(r )   2 (32)
R r dr dr

1 d 2Z
  2 (33)
Z dz

With the constraint:

 2   2  B g2 (34)

The equation for Z(z), (Eqn. 33), has a solution:

Z ( z )  A cos(z )  C sin(z ) (35)

At the extrapolated height of the cylinder,

h' h' h'

Z ( )  A cos( )  C sin( )  0 (36)
2 2 2
Because of symmetry around z = 0, the terms with C are ruled out, thus C = 0, and

Z ( z )  A cos(z ) (37)

h' n
 , for all n = 1, 3, 5…
2 2

Figure 2. The unreflected finite height cylindrical reactor core.


n 2
2 ( ) for all n odd (38)

The equation for R is:

d 2 R 1 dR
   2 R (39)
dr r dr

which is a Bessel Equation of order zero.

This equation derives its name from the German mathematician and astronomer
Frederich Bessel (1784-1846) who reported it while studying planetary motions. In
modern engineering practice, it is encountered whenever cylindrical geometry arises in
engineering analysis.
The general form of the Bessel Equation of order n, which is a variable coefficient
equation is:

d2y dy
x2 2
 x  (x2  n2 ) y  0
dx dx

where n is a constant.
This has a general solution:

y ( x)  EJ n ( x)  FYn ( x)

where: E, F are constants of integration to be determined by the boundary conditions,

J n (x ) is the Bessel function of the first kind of order n,
Yn (x ) is the Bessel function of the second kind of order n, also designated as the
Neumann function.
If x is replaced by jx where j =  1 , Bessel’s Equation modifies into the form:

d2y dy
x2 2
 x  (x2  n2 ) y  0
dx dx

This in turn has a general solution:

y ( x)  E ' I n ( x)  F ' K n ( x)

where: E’, F’ are constants of integration to be determined by the boundary conditions,

I n (x ) is the modified Bessel function of the first kind of order n,
K n (x ) is the modified Bessel function of the second kind of order n.

The four Bessel functions of zero order are shown in Fig. 3, and are compared to
the cos (x) function.
It can be noticed that both J 0 ( x ) and Y0 ( x) are oscillatory. The distance between
the roots, or the values at which the functions have a value of zero when they cross the x-
axis, become larger and approach the value of  as x increases. The amplitudes of these
two functions decrease as x increases, and they are bounded and not infinite everywhere
except for Y0 ( x) at x = 0, which reaches -  .
It is of interest to note that the first root or zero of the function J0 occurs at x =
The two functions, I 0 ( x) and K 0 ( x ) are non-oscillatory and unbounded, the
former going to  at x =  , and the latter at x = 0.
Figure 3. Bessel functions of zero order compared with the cosine function.

The general solution of Eqn. 39 in terms of the Bessel functions of the first and
second kind of zero-th order is:

R(r )  EJ 0 (r )  FY0 (r ) (40)

For the flux to be finite, F = 0, and:

R(r )  EJ 0 (r ) (41)

For the flux to vanish at the extrapolated boundary, EJ 0 (a ' )  0 , we must have:
 p a '  jo , p , for all p = 1, 2, 3, …

where: j o , p is the argument at which J 0 becomes zero at the p-th time.

For the flux to remain positive we only take p = 1, and jo , p  2.405 . Thus:

 

R(r )  EJ 0 ( ) (42)

Choosing also n = 1 in Eq.38, we get the solution:

2.405r z
 (r , z )   max J 0 ( ) cos( ) (43)
a' h'

where:  max is the flux at the origin.

The criticality condition is:

 2.405 2
B 2   12   12  ( ) 2  ( ) (44)
h' a'

The average flux is given by:

 max a 2
z 2.405r
2  
  cos( ) J o ( )  2rdrdz
a h 0 h h' a'


 max h' h a' 2 2.405a 2.405a

 [ 2 sin( )]  [2 ( ) J1 ( )]
a h 
2 h' 2.405 a' a' )

where:  rJ 0 (r )dr  rJ 1 (r )

 max 4 a ' h' h 2.405a 1

[ 2 sin( ) J 1 ( )] (45)
 2.405 a  2h ' a' )

and for a '  a , h'  h , it becomes:

 max 2.405
  1.15 (46)
 4 J 1 (2.405)

Table 1. Geometrical Buckling and flux distribution in different nuclear reactor core

Reactor core
Geometric buckling Flux distribution
  r 
Radius: R B  
sin  
 (r)  A  
R R
r 
 
 R
       x   y  z 
2 2 2
parallelepiped B      
 ( x, y, z )  A cos   cos   c os  
a b c  a   b   c 
Side lengths: a,
b, c
   x   y  z 
Side length: a B  3 
 ( x, y, z )  A cos   cos   cos  
a  a   a   a 
 2.405      2.405r    z 
2 2
Finite height
cylinder B 2
    ( r, z )  AJ 0   cos  
 R  H  R  H
Radius: R,
height: H
 2.405r 
Semi infinite  2.405 
cylinder B 
  ( r )  AJ 0  
 R   R 
Radius: R
   x 
Semi infinite
slab B  
 ( x )  A cos  
a  a 
Thickness: a


We consider a bare homogenous cylindrical core with material composition
typical of a modern Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) operating at full power conditions.
The reactor contains a concentration of 2.21 ppb of natural boron as boric acid
dissolved in the coolant water and is fuelled with UO2 at 2.78 percent enrichment in U235.
Based on thermal design considerations, the core height is fixed at H = 3.7 meters.
The macroscopic cross sections for the materials composing this core are as
shown in Table 2.

Table 2. Macroscopic cross sections data for a PWR core.

Element/Isotope Transport Cross Absorption Cross Product of average

section, [cm-1] section, [cm-1] number of neutrons
Σtr Σa released in fission and
Fission Cross section,
[neutron . cm-1]
H 1.79x10-2 8.08x10-3 -
O 7.16x10-3 4.90x10-6 -
Zr 2.91x10-3 7.01x10-4 -
Fe 9.46x10-4 3.99x10-3 -
U235 3.08x10-4 9.24x10-2 1.45x10-1
U238 6.95x10-3 1.39x10-2 1.20x10-2
B10 8.77x10-6 3.41x10-2 -

We calculate the parameters that are characteristic of a PWR core using the one-
group diffusion theory model.
From the table, the summation of the total macroscopic cross sections for the
whole homogenized core are;

tr  0.03618 cm 1
a  0.1532 cm 1
 f  0.157 1
The diffusion coefficient is:

1 1 1 1
D  tr    9.213 cm
3 3 tr 3  0.03618

The infinite medium multiplication factor becomes:

 f aF  f 0.157
k   pf  .1.1.    1.0248
aF a a 0.1532
where we have adopted the values:

p   1

The diffusion area and the diffusion length are:

D 9.213
L2    60.137cm 2
 a 0.1532
L  60.137  7.754cm

The material buckling is given by:

k  1 1.0248  1
Bm2  2
  4.124 104 cm2
L 60.137

The extrapolation distance is:

1 0.71
d  0.71tr  0.71   19.62cm
tr 0.03618
The axial geometrical buckling is thus:

2 2
        

B 
    
 H e   H  2d   370  (2 19.62) 

    
2 2
 3 2
     (7.68  10 )
 370  39.24   409.24 
5 2
 5.9 10 cm

By equating the geometrical buckling to the material buckling as a condition of

criticality we obtain the value of the radial geometrical buckling:

Bm2  Bg2  Br2  Bz2  Br2  Bm2  Bz2

Br2  4.124 104  5.9 105  3.534 104 cm2

We can thus deduce the value of the critical extrapolated radius as:

 2.405  4 2.405 240.5
B 
r   3.534 10  Re    127.9cm
 Re  3.534 104 1.88

There results that the critical radius of the core is:

Rc  Re  d  127.9  19.62  108.28 cm

We can compute the critical core volume as:

Vc   Rc2 H   (108.28) 2  370  13.63 106 cm3  13.6 m3

One can also estimate the neutrons leakage fraction from the critical core as:
1 1
PL  1   1   1
1 L B
2 2
1  60.137  4.124 x104
1 1
 1  1  1  0.976
1  0.0248 1.0248
 0.024  2.4 percent

1. M. Ragheb, “Lecture Notes on Fission Reactors Design Theory,” FSL-33, University
of Illinois, 1982.
2. J. R. Lamarsh, “Introduction to Nuclear Engineering,” Addison-Wesley Publishing
Company, 1983.

1. Consider a cubical bare reactor of edge dimensions a = b = c, as a special case of the
rectangular parallelepiped reactor core.
Use separation of variables to solve from first principles for the neutron flux in the
reactor as a function of position, and derive an expression for the geometric buckling.

2. Consider a cylindrical bare reactor of unit height to diameter ratio: H = 2R, where H is
its height and R is its radius, as a special case of the finite cylindrical reactor core.
Use separation of variables to solve from first principles for the neutron flux in the
reactor as a function of position, and derive an expression for the geometric buckling.

3. Choose a different critical core configuration with a unity height to diameter ratio and
with the same material compositions, and recalculate the reactor parameters for the
typical PWR core. Discuss your results.

4. For:
a) A spherical reactor core with R = 20 cm,
b) A cubical reactor core with a = 40 cm, and
c) A cylindrical reactor core with H = 2R = 40 cm,
containing a mixture of U235 as fuel and graphite as a moderator, compare the moderator
to fuel ratios : S = Ng / Nu that will achieve criticality for each configuration.
Use: ρ(graphite)=1.6 g/cm3, microscopic absorption cross-section of graphite σa = 3.4x10-
b, microscopic absorption cross-section of U235=681 b, ν = 2.07, D = 0.85 cm.

5. Compare the critical masses of fast reactors composed of U235 in the following
geometrical shapes:
a) A spherical reactor core.
b) A cubical reactor core.
c) A cylindrical reactor core with H = 2R.
microscopic transport cross section = 8.246 [barns]
microscopic absorption cross section = 2.844 [barns]
density = 18.75 [gm/cm3]
product of average number of neutrons released in fission () and the microscopic fission
cross section = 5.297 [neutrons.barn].

6. Using the one group steady state neutron diffusion equation and ignoring the
extrapolation lengths, derive the expression for the flux distribution in a finite height
cylindrical reactor core of radius R and height H as shown in Fig. 1.
Apply the appropriate boundary conditions and derive the expression for the geometrical
buckling for such a reactor core.
By equating the geometrical buckling to the material buckling, derive the one group
criticality equation for the finite height cylindrical core.
Generalize the one group criticality equation to a two group formulation including a fast
neutrons group with Fermi age  and a thermal group with diffusion area L2.
For a large reactor deduce the modified one group criticality equation in terms of the
migration area M2 =  + L2.




Figure 1. Finite cylindrical core of height H and radius R.

2.54 cm

15.24 cm

Figure 2. Lattice configuration and the unit cell of the natural uranium rods in the D2O

Consider a D2O cooled and moderated reactor containing 2.54 cm diameter vertical rods
of natural uranium arranged in a square lattice configuration with pitch (spacing) of 15.24
cm, and suspended in the D2O as shown in Fig. 2.
The height to diameter ratio (H/2R) of the cylindrical core is 1.2.
The infinite medium multiplication factor k∞ = 1.28.
The diffusion area for thermal neutrons is L2 = 175 cm2, and the Fermi age for fast
neutrons is  = 120 cm2.
Calculate the following reactor parameters:
a. Material buckling.
b. Critical radius, critical height and critical volume.
c. Fast neutrons non-leakage probability Pf and thermal neutrons non-leakage probability
d. Estimate of the number of natural uranium fuel rods that would fit in this core.
e. Calculate the weight of natural uranium and of the heavy water to be procured to make
this reactor just critical and the total weight of the whole reactor core in metric tonnes.
The density of the natural uranium metal can be taken as 19 gm/cm3, and the density of
heavy water as 1.1 gm/cm3.

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