Public Transport Interchange Design Guidelines PDF
Public Transport Interchange Design Guidelines PDF
Public Transport Interchange Design Guidelines PDF
Design Guidelines
February 2013
Public Transport Interchange Design
Prepared by:
Russell Turnbull
National Specialist – Public
Reviewed by:
Thad O’Higgins
Principal Transportation Engineer
Connector service Moderate frequency services (generally half hourly) with
connections to metropolitan and town centres, employment
and activity centres
Intermediate time A point on the timetable between the start and the end of the
trip where a bus can be expected to pass at a certain time
and / or is scheduled to depart no earlier than
Journey time The time taken for a bus to travel from the start to the end of
its route
Out of service Where buses are repositioning to / from the start / finish of
their scheduled routes and do not carry customers
Recovery time Time put specifically in the bus schedule where the bus sits
still until the start of its next service or part of the route
Auckland is undergoing a transformational shift in its approach to provision and use of public
The 2012 Auckland Regional Public Transport Plan (RPTP), a statutory document prepared by
Auckland Transport, looks to deliver on the Auckland Plan’s target of doubling the number of
customers using the city’s public transport system over the next 10 years.
This more connected network will focus on integration between services and remove
unnecessary duplication. The key components of integration are the development of convenient
interchange facilities, high frequency services and a simple integrated fare system.
From a specific policy perspective, the Auckland RPTP requires public transport infrastructure to
be of a high standard that supports service provision and enhances customer experience. This is
provided through the following actions:
Integration of infrastructure and service provisions,
Provisions of well-designed transport interchanges on the frequent service network,
Provision of accessible customer-focused facilities appropriate to the public transport route
and the immediate locality,
Provision of bus priority measures on key corridors,
Provision of Park and Ride facilities at appropriate sites, and
Integration of public transport with cycling and walking.
This document aims to provide guidance on the delivery of interchange facilities that will enable
customers to move easily between services.
1. Introduction
This document is to provide design guidelines primarily for bus-to-bus interchanges and should
be read alongside Code of Practice Chapter 19 for related technical design information.
Chapter 19 outlines requirements such as kerb profiles and bus stop lengths, which must also be
considered in interchange design.
An interchange may also be a convenient location for a journey to be broken in order to allow
access to facilities within or close to the interchange. This could include customers wishing to
use retail, commercial services or even childcare facilities.
As per “Auckland Passenger Transport Network Plan 2006-2016”
1.5 Where do customers transfer?
Customers can transfer at any location where two or more services meet and there is an
advantage or perceived advantage in speed, cost and / or available destinations in travelling on
the alternative mode. This is compared to using a single mode or not using the service at all.
This guide is both a starting point for the design process and an assessment tool of the draft
outcome to test for compliance. It is the expectation that the development of these guidelines will
result in reduced design costs, improved levels of service, and increased uniformity.
2. High Level Approach
Before commencing detailed design, the project team should take into account the following high-
level considerations so as to understand the key drivers for a successful outcome.
Physical needs
Such as:
•Location, area boundaries, connectivity to street network,
•Customer forecasts (arrival, departure by mode including transfers, peaks),
•Bus number forecasts (peaks, type of bus, layover requirement), and
•Primary interchange purpose (terminus, Park and Ride, intermodal transfer).
Customer needs
Such as:
•Customer movements (bus to bus, bus to rail, Park and Ride to
•Travel type (commuters, tourists, special events),
•Volume considerations (mode separation),
•Safety (mode conflicts, personal security), and
Bus operation needs
Such as:
•Volume considerations (mode separation),
•Bus movements (terminus, through, pulse timing),
•Driver break location and shuttle car parking,
•Bus types (size), and
•Safety of drivers and turning manoeuvres.
Land use integration
Such as:
•Integrated facilities (toilets, retail) provided by adjacent land use,
•Connectivity (pedestrian desirelines),
•Complementary development opportunities (TOD, retail, cafes),
•Local context, and
3. Design Principles
This document is designed to ensure collective understanding of the interchange environment
Auckland Transport wishes to create. The starting point is to understand the essence of the
functionality of an interchange.
The attributes of the interchange which customers place the most importance or priority on, will
usually reflect the type of journey that they are making. For example, whether they are travelling
to work or making a leisure trip, and the period of time that customers may spend waiting
between services.
To understand these priorities the interchange process can be broken down into a series of steps.
Figure 2 below shows a customer’s primary interactions with the interchange, be it that they arrive
on a bus or enter the interchange by some other mode (for instance by foot).
Clear Interchange wayfinding at all arrival points
Safe alighting Visibility Security
Internal movement
Clear of
Wayfinding Safe Shelter Accessible
Service information Facilities (toilets, cafe's etc.) Real time signage
Safe boarding Visibility Security
As described in Section 1.6, these guidelines focus on bus-to-bus interchange design. Figure 3
below describes the primary interaction between the bus, the bus driver and the interchange.
Buses (and their drivers) may also be required to wait lengthy periods either at the main stop or at
a ‘layover’ location. Where a layover point is required, facilities for drivers, such as access to
toilets, would almost always be necessary.
Clear platform Easy manoeuvres -
Clear interchange name Clear entry point
identification operations
Stop / platform
Clear vehicle / customer
Clearly marked Good visibility
demarcation areas
Toilets and lunch room (if
'Layover' areas convenient to
required) easily accessed - Secure / safe
next departure point
Conflicting movements
Clearly marked exit Easy manoeuvres
In addition, reference has also been made to the Transit Cooperative Research Program’s
“Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual - 2nd Edition” at points throughout this
Internationally, interchange categories usually follow land use planning categories (i.e. suburban,
regional and sub-regional).
International / Regional
These interchanges are often located at the cities hub where several, if not all, transport modes
meet, and therefore have logistical, geographical, operational and financial constraints that are
beyond the scope of this document.
Major / Specialised
Major / specialised interchanges are normally located in central business district locations or at
facilities such as sports grounds where multiple modes converge to service an exceptional
destination. Typically, major interchanges:
Are often located at destinations (non-residential) rather than origins such as residential
areas, and
Generally do not provide commuter car parking because primary access is by extensive
public transport, walking and cycling.
(N.B. whilst technically people do not ‘interchange’ between modes at locations such as
stadiums, the infrastructure required is very similar to that of a good interchange, i.e. Eden Park).
New Lynn, Manukau and Takapuna would be examples of current major Auckland interchanges.
Local interchange
Local interchanges can range in size from a single bus stop where a few local distributor bus
routes meet, to a fully undercover bus station, ferry wharf or railway concourse. The local
interchange serves a local community and is generally the first contact customers have with the
public transport system, other than visually recognising vehicle fleets. As such, the appearance
and operational success of the interchange can have a significant effect on the perception and
use of the public transport services provided. Local interchanges can take on a number of forms
and can be categorised by size or the way in which the majority of users access them. Typically,
they may:
Have walking / cycling and buses as the dominant access mode,
Allow interchanging between local and high frequency bus routes, or
Connect local activity centres such as hospitals, schools and shopping centres via cross-
regional bus services.
A local interchange may in fact be the front door to the final destination for many customers, for
instance at a hospital or shopping centre. For convenience, these interchanges are often “built
into the destination” either as part of the building infrastructure or connected into the location by
direct covered walkways that specifically cater for pedestrian desire lines.
Examples of current Auckland local interchanges include St Lukes, Highbury and Otara.
3.3 Access hierarchy
As it is neither possible nor necessarily desirable to give all modes of access to the interchange
equal priority, an access hierarchy should be considered in interchange design.
The following sub sections of this document describe each of the attributes and their importance
to the interchange environment with an accompanying example of best practice.
3.4.1 Visibility
The consideration of visibility should apply both from within the interchange and from land uses in
the vicinity. Within the interchange, this means providing clear sightlines along pedestrian desire
lines, use of transparent materials and good lighting. It can also mean siting ticket offices,
operations rooms and even driver facilities within sight of much of the public area as possible.
Within interchange zone Wide visibility within the interchange zone facility enables
passive security which helps users (and bus drivers) feel
To oncoming bus services Customers appreciate being able to see their bus
approaching from a comfortable location. This enables
them to ready themselves to board the bus and helps to
decrease dwell time.
Of bus operations area Buses should be able to manoeuvre safely with good
sightlines and lighting to see obstructions and customers
waiting at stops.
Wayfinding signage ‘Totem’ pole marking
bus station location
clearly visible
Little internal signage
required but evident
3.4.2 Wayfinding
Wayfinding within an interchange facilitates the most efficient customer movement to / from and
within the facility. Ideally, an interchange design will be ‘self-explaining’ thus minimising the
amount of signage required.
Wayfinding measures work within a hierarchical environment where more detail is provided the
closer to the destination the customer gets.
Within interchange zone Signage outlining where service connections can be made
must be visible in predictable locations, whilst paint
markings on footpaths may aid wayfinding. Ensure
interchange zone maps are visible at all times.
Pedestrian desire lines Employ audit processes that confirm pedestrian desire
lines are appropriately catered for.
Basic service directions Ensure basic directional information is clearly shown, e.g.
to north / south, city bound etc.
Pedestrian desire Pedestrian crossings
lines directly outside main
entrances to
3.4.3 Shelter
Shelter typically provides protection from wind, rain, sun, heat and cold. Shelter can also protect
against noise and can assist safety by being a barrier between conflicting use (i.e. roadway and
pedestrian area).
Waiting area Should shelter customers where they would wait for their
service and shelter as much of the movement between a
waiting area and boarding area as possible.
Windbreaks Wind breaks of
internal and
external structures
are placed slightly
off the ground to
provide natural
debris removal and
3.4.4 Security
Natural surveillance Use open plan design, see-through materials and design
out isolated spaces.
Albany Bus Station Component On-site Example
3.4.5 Accessibility
Accessibility considerations should not only reflect mobility but also connection within and to
surrounding land use. The Accessible Journey, a Report of the Inquiry into Accessible Public
Land Transport by the Human Rights Commission recognised that accessible transport is a
‘whole of journey’ consideration. Interchange design should not only comply with all Building
Code requirements but should also consider an approach that creates an ‘accessible
Provide access from surrounding Enable direct access to external commercial activities
attractions such as malls and town centres.
Bus stop proximity (local Integrate interchange entry and exit points into signalised
interchanges only) intersections to allow easier access. Where practical,
bring bus stops closer to intersections and thus closer
together. This could also include removal of left turn slip
Otara Interchange Component On-site Example
3.4.6 Service Information
Whereas wayfinding provides directions, service information provides the ‘what, where, when and
how much’ information that a customer might need to make their journey. Service information
within an interchange environment can also include opening hours, directions to points of interest
and geographic placement of the interchange in the local area.
Real time information Where needed, real time information signs should be
positioned in the line of sight of a waiting customer looking
towards the direction of the arriving bus and not obscured
by canopies.
Electronic departure board Screens showing real time departures of all bus stops
should be displayed centrally within the interchange zone.
Timetables Timetables
displayed at all bus
stops and in central
Bus stop and Clear platform
platform numbering numbers
3.4.7 Facilities
Facilities typically add value to the interchange environment and the level and provision is often
unique to the interchange type and / or location. Facility considerations include; seating, public
telephones, help points, toilets, clocks, public address systems, ticket kiosks, retail outlets, café /
refreshments, cycle lockers and / or stands, vehicle parking, taxi areas, drivers rooms, control
room, security room and luggage storage.
Rubbish bins Rubbish bins are a cost effective method to keep the
interchange zone clean.
Ticket retail outlet Staffed ticket outlet that can also help with service
information queries.
Ticket machines Provided, not in
photos shown
3.4.8 Operations
In this guide the operations component largely focuses on the environment required for safe,
efficient and future proof bus manoeuvring. This means consideration of both the bus driver and
the physical requirements for the buses.
Description of components
Bus manoeuvring areas Ensure a fail proof environment for bus drivers.
Bus capacity Ensure number and size of bus stops can accommodate
all scheduled services with allowance for future growth.
Albany Bus Station Component On-site Example
4. Auckland Interchange Hierarchy
As described in the Foreword and Introduction, the new service network structure is built around
a core network of frequent services which includes the existing rapid transit services (rail and
Northern Busway) supplemented by high frequency bus routes servicing major centres.
Complementing the frequent service lines (and importantly connecting with them) will be a
network of connector routes, local services, peak only and targeted services.
Along with integrated ticketing, one of the most important factors in making the new network work
is the provision of convenient well-designed interchanges that provide accessible customer
focused facilities appropriate to the public transport routes they connect, and to the environment,
they are located.
Auckland Transport has defined in its RPTP various layers of interchange. The following layers
have been designed to align with The Auckland Plan urban centres hierarchy (See Appendix E
for an extract of this hierarchy).
A different type of interchange also fits into this category where it is a dedicated piece of
infrastructure required for connection between two modes, such as ferry to bus or train to bus. In
this situation, the location is fixed by the access requirements of one of the modes (ferry or train)
and may often not be part of any urban centre and will thus need to be fully self-serving (i.e. no
opportunity for shared facilities).
See Appendices A and B for Intermediate, Minor and Neighbourhood Connection concept
Attributes by Auckland interchange type
Given the above four types of interchange in Auckland, the high level attributes to meet the broad
customer focused attributes (see Section 2) for each interchange type are summarised in the
following table.
4.4.1 Visibility
Visibility Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Use of clear Wide visibility within Required Required Required Required
panels the interchange
(glass) zone enables
where passive security
possible which helps users
(and bus drivers)
feel safe.
Good Customers Required Required Required Required
sightlines to appreciate being
arriving able to see their bus
vehicles approaching from a
location. This
enables them to
ready themselves to
board the bus, and
helps to decrease
dwell time.
Clear Signage needs to be Required Required Required Required
signage visible in order to
serve its purpose
Safe bus Buses should be Required Required Required Required
operation able to manoeuvre
safely with good
sightlines and
lighting to see
obstructions and
customers waiting at
Passive Waiting and Required Required Required Required
security transition areas
should be designed
to include passive
security from
surrounding land
Visibility of oncoming bus
Visibility of platforms from passing traffic
4.4.2 Wayfinding
Wayfinding Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Interchange The name of the Required Required Required Required
name interchange should
be clearly visible at
each entry point to
the interchange and
for arriving
customers at each
platform and stop.
Bus platform For multiple platform Required Required Required Required
numbering / interchanges, each
designator platform should be
clearly distinguished
by a numbering /
letter system.
Bus stop Each bus stop Required Required Required Required
numbering / should be numbered
designator according to
Transport's bus stop
Stand Each bus stop Required Required Required Required
specific bus should indicate what
route routes depart from
numbers the stop and where
and (at least) their
destination primary destination
Wayfinding information
4.4.3 Shelter
Shelter Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Entry points Continuous Required Desirable Desirable, Not required
cover linking especially if
interchange between
pedestrian modes such
entrances to as ferry and
platforms. bus
Platforms Continuous Required Desirable. Similar Standard bus
cover over Extended bus approach for stop shelters may
length of stop shelters inter- be used
platform. may be used connecting
such as
same style
for bus and
ferry at ferry
Links between Continuous Required Desirable Desirable Desirable
platforms cover linking
all platforms.
Taxi rank Continuous Required Individual Not required Not required
cover over shelter may be except for
length of taxi more larger ferry
rank. appropriate wharves
Kiss and Ride Continuous Required Desirable Desirable Not required
cover over
core pick-up
/ drop off
Park and Ride Continuous Required Desirable Location Not required
cover over dependent
4.4.4 Security
Security Interchange
(incl. Description
safety) Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Security Room that may Required May be Not required Not required
room be separate to required
control room for
security staff to
be stationed
and easily
accessible to
public waiting
Lighting Lighting Required Required Required Required
provided to
standard for
lighting of
maximisation of
natural light.
CCTV Monitored video Required Required Desirable Not generally
surveillance. required but
dependent on
Emergency Direct two way Required Required Desirable Not required
help point audio (backed
up with CCTV)
point with
security control
Public Enables Required Required Not generally Not required
address specific route or required but
system timetable dependent
announcements on location
and / or general
to waiting
4.4.5 Accessibility
Accessibility Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Between Easy safe Off street, Off street, On-street, On-street,
platforms movement grade and mode crossing of crossing of
between mode separated streets streets between
platforms. separated where possible, between stops likely
where crossing of stops
possible streets possible
between stops
Park and Ride
4.4.6 Service information
Service Interchange
information Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Staffed kiosk A staffed kiosk Required and Ideally Not required Not required
selling tickets open seven provided at
and providing days for most least in peak
travel of the day periods
Ticketing A ticket Required and Required and Desirable but Not required
machine vending provided in provided in not required,
machine quantities quantities except where
including card according to according to demand is
tops ups. expected expected high.
demand demand
Help point Direct audio Required Ideally Desirable but Not required
link to provided not required
enquiry point.
Interchange Showing Required near Required near Required Required near
map layout of each main each main near each each main stop
interchange interchange interchange main
with stops and entry point entry point interchange
facilities entry point
Local area Showing local Required at Required at Required at Required at each
map streets and each main each main each main main stop
destination. platform / bus platform / bus platform /
stop stop bus stop
Timetables All timetables A network A network Local routes Local routes and
and route map, local map, local and timetables on
maps for routes and routes and timetables on display at each
routes serving timetables on timetables on display at stop
this display in display in each
interchange. central waiting central waiting platform /
locations and locations and stop
local routes local routes
and timetables and timetables
on display at on display at
each platform / each platform /
stop stop
Real time Real time Real time Real time Route Route specific
arrival and screens in screens in specific double sided
departure central waiting central waiting double sided displays at each
screens plus locations with locations with displays at stop
service all routes from all routes from each
disruption the the platform /
information. interchange interchange stop
displayed and displayed and
route specific route specific
double sided double sided
displays at displays at
each platform / each platform /
stop stop
Service Interchange
information Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Fare Fare types, Required at Required at Required at Required at each
information zones and each main each main each main main stop
prices platform / bus platform / bus platform /
displayed. stop stop bus stop
4.4.7 Facilities
Facilities Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Toilets Provision of Required and Required but Desirable but Not required but
accessible toilets preferably toilets in could be ideally located
either in the within the adjacent land located close close by in
interchange or interchange use could be by in adjacent land use
located acceptable adjacent land
immediately use
adjacent and
available at all
times the
interchange is
Baby Provision of Provided Not required Not required Not required
change separate baby where
facilities change and possible
feeding area
should be
Kiosk / Could be Highly Desirable Not required Not required
newsagent incorporated into desirable
other retail.
Café Could be Highly Desirable Not required Not required
outwardly faced desirable
as well as
inwardly focused.
Vending Placed centrally Required Desirable Desirable Not required
machine / in waiting areas.
food and
Other retail Could include Highly Desirable Not required Not required
drycleaners, desirable
stores, and
mobile phone
Drivers Room suitable for Likely to be Likely to be Unlikely to be Not required
room meal breaks and required, required, required,
possibly own consult with consult with consult with
toilets. Could bus industry bus industry bus industry
also be used by
interchange staff.
Could include a
‘change machine’
and lockers for
cash boxes.
Facilities Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Interchange Room for Required Likely to be Not required Not required
control interchange required, may
room operation not be staffed
equipment and
4.4.8 Operations
Facilities Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Manoeuvring Bus drivers Crossing Crossing Crossing Controlled
space should be able to points within points within points within crossing points of
consistently the the the roads are
manoeuvre their interchange interchange interchange provided close by
vehicle safely are mainly are grade are
through the The need for
grade separated controlled
interchange. reversing
separated where
Pedestrian manoeuvres are
Pedestrian desire lines minimised
desire lines Pedestrian are catered
are catered desire lines for safely
for safely are catered for
The need for
The need for reversing
reversing The need for manoeuvres
manoeuvres reversing are
are manoeuvres minimised
minimised are minimised
Although not one of the eight priority attributes, seating is an important aspect of interchange
facility design.
There are no standard international guidelines on the amount of seating that should be provided
at an interchange. The following follows closely the guidelines for seating at interchanges in New
South Wales, Australia.
Seating Description
Major Intermediate Minor Neighbourhood
Platforms Seating should Seating for at Seating for at Seating for at Seating for at
be supplied at least 10 least 10 least 6 people least 4 people per
each platform / people per people per per platform / platform / stop
bus stop. platform / stop platform / stop stop
Waiting Seating should Seating for Seating for N/A N/A
areas be supplied in 30% of 30% of
waiting areas projected projected
according to waiting waiting
peak projected customers customers
Taxi rank Seating should Seating for 5- Seating for 5- N/A N/A
be supplied in 10 people 10 people
waiting areas
according to
Kiss and Seating should Seating for 5- Seating for 5- N/A N/A
Ride be supplied in 10 people 10 people
waiting areas
according to
Waiting customers would be defined as the maximum number likely to be waiting for the ‘next bus’. This would be the peak
passenger demand derived from all ‘next’ services leaving the interchange. This should never be more than the number of platforms
multiplied by the number of customers that can fit on a fully laden bus.
Seating designed to accommodate waiting taxi customers
5. Prioritising Attributes and Assessment of Design
Not every site or every budget will allow best practise, as described in Sections 3.2 and 3.4, to be
applied for every function of the interchange.
Areas for compromise or elasticity of design standards can be broadly categorised as follows:
Customer requirements, and
Bus operation requirements.
Public transport interchanges need a clear image and identity so that arriving customers
get a sense of having arrived at a specific place and can easily access available transport
modes and other amenities.
The interchange should be a place where current and potential public transport customers
can be confident multiple travel possibilities are available.
Each study was very consistent in reporting the importance of the following five attributes. The
order shown below attempts to portray a correlation between the studies of the relative
importance of each attribute.
1. Security (including safety),
2. Service information (including ticketing and wayfinding),
3. Shelter (the general waiting environment including seating and cleanliness),
4. Accessibility (including access between modes - ease and distance), and
5. Facilities (toilets, food, retail etc.).
Extracts from two reports below provide further background on the importance of shelter, service
information and seating.
TCRP Report 46
TCRP Report 46, which looked at the role of transit amenities3 and vehicle characteristics in
building transit ridership, used a technique called “The Transit Design Game” where customers
‘buy’ different levels of amenity for their transit journey from a fixed budget. Five different United
States cities were surveyed.
In relation to interchanges, customers were asked how much they would pay for:
Shelter (none, basic, basic with walls or basic with walls plus heating),
Seating (none, standard or deluxe),
Information (none, maps and schedules or maps, schedules and real time),
Lighting (standard or special bus stop lighting), and
Other (none or phone, rubbish bin and newspaper vending machine).
Importantly, customers were told that not spending on amenity would lead to a fare reduction, so
there was active ‘trade off’ between amenities and fare reductions.
As noted, the survey was also measuring on-bus amenities including room for storage, on-board
information, ride quality, driver courtesy, the quality of seating, CCTV and low floor entry.
Customers surveyed were prepared to spend more on “Stop other” amenities (phone, rubbish bin
and newspaper vending machine) then they were on low floor, CCTV or ride quality.
Research undertaken in 2006 for the development of the Haymarket Multi Modal Interchange to
the west of Edinburgh's city centre looked at factors of importance of interchange users. Whilst
not exhaustive it does provide guidance to the interchange designer on where priorities should lie
given constraining factors.
This research noted the most important customer amenities at an interchange were:
Information, and
In this study ‘amenity’ means “practical features that customers find attractive and which have a positive effect on ridership”.
5.2 Pedestrian levels of service
The success of an interchange design will not only be measured by effective bus operations, by
safety, the number of seats or information provided, it will also be determined by its ability to
accommodate pedestrian movement efficiently.
To design the spaces required the designer will need to understand the interrelationships
between customer numbers, direction of flows, impacts of grade changes via stairs, escalators or
lifts and location of access points, platforms and waiting areas.
The calculations for customer accessibility requirements at interchanges are normally through
level-of-service (LoS) standards4. These standards, for an interchange, are measures related to
four typical customer access requirements as follows:
Area (sq. m) per person
Walkways rate5
Area (sq. m) per person
Stairs rate
John J. Fruin, PhD developed pedestrian facility level of service standards in his 1971 book “Pedestrian Planning and Design” and
has since been the most often used resource for this purpose and is referenced as a resource by the “Transit Capacity and Quality
of Service Manual,” NZTA’s “Pedestrian planning and design guide” and the NSW Ministry of Transport’s “Guidelines for the
Development of Public Transport Interchanges.”
Flow rate is measured in people per minute per metre width (PMM)
Area (Sq. Metres)
LoS A >1.21 1.21
LoS B 1.21 0.93
LoS D 0.65 0.28
The Body
LoS E 0.28 0.19
LoS C is the preferred design standard for peak time flows, interchange walkways, stairs, queues
and platforms. Where constraints exist and pedestrian controls could be applied, LoS D could be
Those utilising this guide should refer to NZ Building Standards and local best practice as well as
“The Transit Capacity and Quality Service Manual – Part 4 Terminal Capacity” for guidance.
Design capacity should be assessed at the 15-minute peak period, of the peak day of the peak
design year forecast. Consideration of special event needs may also be relevant given the
location of the interchange in question.
5.3 Bus operations
There are four typical bus platform layouts that can be considered in interchange design. These
Linear (parallel),
Sawtooth (drive-in, drive out),
Angle (drive-in, back out), and
Drive through.
The following table illustrates each type of platform layout with comments on their benefits and
constraints. Layout examples sourced from “Transit Capacity and Quality of Service Manual.”
Type and comment Example Evaluation
Note: Where buses park at angle or sawtooth options, inadvertent forward movement beyond the
stop line would lead the bus to enter pedestrian wait space. Bollards or similar to protect against
this occurrence should be considered.
Where pedestrian desire lines do not draw customers into the bus manoeuvring area.
5.4 Summary of prioritisation
Customers clearly rate quality shelter, good information, lighting and seating as the most
important parts of an interchange.
This means the most effort should go into these areas and in a constrained environment, facilities
such as retail or coffee stands could be traded off against better seating, lighting and shelter.
Additionally, if adequate seating can only be provided at the expense of moving to LoS D in a
walkway then that decision could be made on a short to medium term basis with potentially the
seating being removed when and if passenger volumes impacted on the constrained walkway
Similarly, for bus operations, the trade-offs on space use should be clearly understood by all
parties when discussing layouts affecting operations. For instance, if in attempting to put bus
company shuttle cars and separate lunch room space on a constrained site means angled bus
stops are required - then the option might be not to have these facilities in favour of more
conventional bus stops.
We have adapted this tool for Auckland use, which can be applied to both concept, and final
designs for any proposed interchange.
6. Stakeholder Consultation
Good design will come from consideration of many inputs. Inputs from major stakeholders will
assist not only good design but also acceptance of any site-specific requirements that may be
less than best practice, or different to normal operating practices.
Stakeholder consultation refers to a wide range of activities and processes involving: “A genuine
dialogue between decision-makers and stakeholders with the objective of influencing decisions,
policies or programmes of action.”
Stakeholders to be consulted and the reasons to consult with them are outlined in the following
sections. This list is not exhaustive and reference to Auckland Transport for further guidance and
a list of contact people is recommended.
Network Planning
This part of Auckland Transport is responsible for specifying what is required from a service /
patronage perspective and is to be consulted on:
Patronage forecasts (peak, off-peak and weekends),
Bus number forecasts (peak, off-peak and weekends),
Types of bus,
Number and scale of different operators,
Routeing of buses, and
This part of Auckland Transport will be responsible for the on-going operations and maintenance
of the facility and is to be consulted on:
Construction materials to be used (cleaning, maintenance costs, operation costs i.e.
Operations room,
Staff rest facilities (could be combined with bus driver’s area),
CCTV and other security requirements,
Contractual agreements (retail, taxi access, bus access),
Bike locker management,
Cleaning arrangements and cleaning facilities,
Access arrangements (keys, cards, locks),
Suppliers (cleaning, security, maintenance, communications),
Income from non-transport operations (advertising, retail space leasing, concessions and joint
Flexibility of operation (maximise ability to adapt to operational changes), and
Flexibility for expansion (costs could be saved when it is expanded ‘just in time’).
6.2 Operators
Operators, specifically but not exclusively bus companies, should be directly involved in the
operational design of the interchange. They will want to be involved in planning of:
Bus manoeuvres,
Driver facilities (rooms for rest breaks, toilets, change facilities),
Customer information,
Shuttle car parking (for driver shift changes),
Layover bus parking, and
Operational procedures.
Note that ferry and train operations have separate platform / wharf design requirements, which
will need to be considered in multi-modal interchange design. Consultation with KiwiRail, Veolia,
and Fullers etc. would be required in this instance.
Help points,
PA systems,
Ticketing and information,
Opening event/s, and
Consultation with stakeholders.
Points for consultation on include:
Access points to the interchange,
Wayfinding and information,
Access to facilities within the interchange, and
Platform design.
7. References
The Auckland Plan. Auckland Council. 2012
TCRP Report 46. The Role of Transit Amenities and Vehicle Characteristics in Building Transit
Ridership. Transportation Research Board. 1999
Station Site and Access Planning Manual. Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority. 2008
TRB's Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 100: Transit Capacity and Quality
of Service Manual, 2nd Edition. 2003.
Guidelines for the Development of Public Transport Interchange Facilities. NSW Department of
Transport. 2008
Public Transport Guidelines for Land Use and Development. Department for Transport, Victoria.
Intermodal Transport Interchange for London – Best practice guidelines. Transport for London.
Appendix A
This design uses a traditional central island interchange with parallel bus stops as shown in
Figure 24 below.
Space for Kiss and Ride and taxi stands is shown in Figure 25 below. Specific features include:
General vehicle access separate to buses,
Covered walkway,
Sheltered waiting areas, and
Figure 25: Intermediate Interchange – example of Kiss and Ride facilities
Cycle lockers and bike stands are provided where there is ample passive security as shown in
Figure 26 below. Specific features may include:
Cycle lockers,
Cycle stands,
Central location, and
Pedestrian access to the centralised platform is via a single main entry point centred on the
internal waiting area. The following features can be seen in Figure 27 below:
Controlled pedestrian crossing, and
No obstructions.
Figure 27: Intermediate Interchange – example of pedestrian access to platform
Figure 28 shows an internal waiting area which includes a coffee stand, tables and chairs and
Spacious waiting area,
Chairs and tables provided, and
Rubbish bins.
Figure 28: Intermediate Interchange – example of an internal coffee stand inside waiting area
Internal waiting also includes centralised travel and ticket information with:
Real time information for all departures,
Ticket machine/s, and
Information counter.
Figure 29: Intermediate Interchange – example of centralised information and ticket sales
Further retail is provided outside as per Figure 30 below. This may include features such as:
Newsstand, and
Figure 30: Intermediate Interchange – example of further retail opportunities such as a newsstand
Each stop not adjacent to the internal waiting area has a shelter which provides:
Shelter from wind and driven rain,
Seating, and
Wayfinding information.
Figure 31: Intermediate Interchange – example of an internal waiting area
A driver’s room is provided for scheduled rest breaks and may include:
Staff only (could include interchange staff too),
Microwave, sink, kettle, tables and chairs provided,
Lockers for driver cash boxes,
Possibly a change machine (notes to coins), and
One-way windows to provide in-to-out surveillance of platforms.
Information provided at each platform stop is extensive, see Figure 33 below, and may include:
Double sided real time,
Platform numbering,
Timetable, and
Wayfinding (service direction).
Appendix B
The corner of Dominion and Balmoral Roads has been indicated in the RPTP as the location for a
Neighbourhood Interchange.
The location of stops and infrastructure currently provided here would fall well short of what is
envisaged in the RPTP. This site was therefore chosen to demonstrate how changes to stop
locations and provision of suitable infrastructure, given best practice, could improve the current
Using the existing layout, two concepts have been shown to demonstrate how a Neighbourhood
Interchange or a Minor Interchange could be implemented in this location.
‘A Pattern Language. Towns - Buildings - Construction’ by Alexander et al discusses in depth the impacts
of walking distance on attractive interchange design. The report suggests that time spent walking between
two platforms in the area of interchange should not exceed three minutes.
The report also suggests maximum walking distances between different mode interchanges:
30 m while transferring from bus/tram to bus/tram,
60 m while transferring from mass rapid transit to bus/tram, and
90 m while transferring from light rapid transit such as trams, to mass rapid transit such as subways.
Note: The importance of the value of time in interchanging has an impact on economic evaluations.
Reducing delays also reduces perceived barriers to transfer.
A current layout of the Dominion Road / Balmoral Road intersection with walking distances
between key stops is shown in Figure 34 below.
Figure 34: Current layout Dominion and Balmoral Roads
Two options to consider for an improved interchange layout are presented below.
Option 1 – Minor Interchange
A concept layout, accounting for the location of the corner of Dominion and Balmoral Roads as a
‘Minor Interchange’, is shown in Figure 35 below.
This design uses a traditional placement of all stops on the far side of each leg of the intersection
and has the following features:
A longest point-to-point walk of not much more than 100m,
Covered walkways and covered intersection corner waiting areas,
Slip lanes removed, and
All bus stops at far side of the intersection.
In general, this results in higher supporting infrastructure cost than a Neighbourhood Interchange
(shown in Option 2).
Figure 36 below shows a single platform view of the interchange. This provides:
General information on the intersections corner pylon, and
Covered walkways and intersection corner waiting areas.
Figure 36: Minor Interchange – example view from corner of intersection
Figure 37 below shows a closer view of shelter and information boards including:
Double side real time sign,
Platform number on pylon,
Timetable information on pylon,
General area information on back of shelter,
Seating for four or more people, and
Rubbish bin.
Figure 37: Minor Interchange – example of a typical shelter and information provision
Option 2 – Neighbourhood Interchange
A second option concept layout, accounting for the location of the corner of Dominion and
Balmoral Roads as a ‘Neighbourhood Interchange’ is shown in Figure 38 below.
This approach considers a popular North American practice of keeping interchange stops closer
together by having one stop on the ‘far side’ of the intersection paired with a stop at the stop line.
This utilises only two of the corners of the intersection and can result in shorter walking distances
for some transfers. The effect of stopping the bus at the stop line causes delay to left turning
traffic (and probably means it can’t be an intermediate timing point), but does create good
Figure 39 below shows a closer view of the corner arrangement. This has the following features:
General information on intersection corner pylons,
Clear platform numbering, and
Covered walkway and intersection corner waiting areas.
Appendix C
Note the scale as it also shows the relative importance of each component in the interchange
environment as a whole. For example, having shelter and lighting for the outside areas is
considered more important than having retail or left luggage counters inside the interchange.
The following was the priority of attributes relating to the internal areas of the station.
Users could include those transferring between long and short distance services and those
waiting on others to arrive from a long distance service. Those utilising a central waiting area
may therefore have a longer waiting time before their service departure or may be a tourist or
visitor with luggage. The attributes also describe what people would expect to find in the central
waiting area of an interchange (i.e. toilets).
Relative Importance to Interchange Users of Attributes
Within the Station
Relative Importance to Interchange Users (%)
Outside the station
For those areas outside the interchanges internal area, the following was the relative importance
of each attribute. It is noted that the people interested in these attributes may not necessarily be
interested in going into the main interchange concourse and simply want to go directly to their
normal platform to await their departure.
Relative Importance to Interchange Users of Attributes
Outside the Station
Relative Importance to Interchange Users (%)
Covered waiting Lighting Signage Information Parking Facilities Café / catering Retail outlets
areas provision facilities
Considering the interchange attributes when moving between modes of travel the following were
each of the attribute’s level of importance.
These attributes should be viewed in the context of people directly changing between modes, i.e.
bus-bus, bus-train etc.
Relative Importance to Interchange Users of Attributes
Between Types of Travel
Relative Importance to Interchange Users (%)
Personal safety Pedestrian Distance between Signage and Road safety Conflict between
and security congestion modes (e.g. bus to information modes of transport
Figure 42: Priority attributes of interchange users transferring between modes of travel
Appendix D
Environment Comments
Is there appropriate shelter from the
User Interface Comments
Does the layout make it easy to find your
way around?
Is there appropriate lighting to highlight
routes and destinations?
Do construction materials have good visual
and physical contrast?
Is directional signage adequate?
Is signage appropriate?
Service Information Comments
Does information meet the needs of all
Is pre‐journey information adequate and
located appropriately?
Is real time information legible and located
Quality Comments
Does the interchange facility maximise user
Is the interchange facility clean?
Have quality materials been used and
finished to a high standard?
Does the interchange facility add value to
the surrounding area?
Are commercial facilities on offer
appropriate for the interchange facility?
Operations Comments
Are the different functions / modes
integrated well?
Safety Comments
Does the layout of the facility provide
good natural surveillance?
Movement Comments
How easy is movement between feeder
modes and primary modes?
Future Proofing Comments
Is there adequate spare capacity for
Appendix E
The focus of national and international business, tourism, educational, cultural and civic activities.
It provides significant capacity for business and high-density residential development within a
variety of precincts. It is the focus for regional transportation services. It is surrounded by the city
fringe, and lies within a 2km walkable catchment (approximately): it provides complementary
living, business and entertainment activities within traditional and higher-density neighbourhood
living and specialist precincts.
Metropolitan centres
Are regional catchments or have strategic roles within the region. They provide a diverse range
of shopping, business, cultural, entertainment and leisure activities, together with higher-density
residential and mixed-use environments. They have good transport access and are served by
high-frequency public transportation. These centres have the greatest opportunities for additional
business and residential growth.
Town centres
These act as local hubs for communities, providing a wide range of retail and business services
and facilities, and community facilities. They are generally accessible by frequent public transport
services, and provide a range of residential living options, including mixed-use and higher-density
options. They have variable capacity for accommodating new residential and business
Local centres
Acts as a focus for a community and provide a range of convenience shops and small business
services together with some community facilities. These centres are focused on walkable
catchments supported by public transport services. They have variable capacity for
accommodating new residential and business development, but to a lesser extent to town
centres, due to their individual and accessibility constraints.
Neighbourhood centres