Demon Cults & Secret Societies

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The document discusses 13 cults and secret societies that can be used as villains in roleplaying campaigns.

It notes that in Midgard campaigns, NPCs described as half-elves should be considered elfmarked instead, and discusses differences in elfmarked abilities.

Each cult's beliefs, agenda, and statistics for leaders at a range of levels are provided, as well as acolytes, soldiers and minions to oppose PCs.

& Secret SocietieS

demon cultS
& Secret SocietieS
By Jeff lee

Designer: Jeff Lee with Mike Welham and Jon Sawatsky
Developer: Jim Groves
Editor: Steve Winter
Cover Artist: Aaron Miller
Interior Artists: Subroto Bhaumik, Ramon Ignacio Bunge, Russell Jones, Jason Juta,
Jethro Lentle, Addison Rankin,
Art Direction and Graphic Design: Marc Radle
Publisher: Wolfgang Baur

Open Design, Kobold Press, and Demon Cults are trademarks of Open Design.

Open Game Content: he Open content includes the text of the archetypes, feats, magic items, monsters,
oaths, poisons, and spells. All other material is Product Identity, especially place names, character names,
locations, story elements, and iction.
No other portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without permission.

©2017 Open Design.
ISBN: 978-1-936781-73-7

introduction Each chapter describes the group’s beliefs and
agenda, alongside complete statistics for their
Do you ever ind yourself conined, even slightly, by top leaders, usually in a diverse range of levels to
a lengthy prewritten campaign? Adventure paths are relect masterminds and lieutenants. hree tiers
wonderful tools for busy GMs, but they are by their of acolytes, soldiers, and minions ill out their
very nature, fairly scripted. he opposite extreme, ranks and represent adversaries for PCs of every
the home campaign that is entirely handcrated, can level. Adventure seeds describe plots and schemes
be both daunting to envision and time-consuming the cult perpetrates, that can be challenged by
to prepare. heroes beginning at level 1 and ranging up to epic,
here is a middle ground. What if you had a robust career-crowning challenges. Finally, each chapter
outline for a campaign, chock full of imaginative provides a generous sampling of new associated
ideas and fully realized villainous NPCs to expand material, such as artifacts, spells, magic items, feats,
upon and customize to create your own unique monsters, vehicles, and more!
campaign experience? Great villains are integral to every great campaign,
Demon Cults and Secret Societies draws GMs and and I invite you to keep reading and discover
campaign setting fans into the world of thirteen conspiracies, plots, and mayhem to entertain your
nefarious organizations. Each cult has its own players for hours to come!
ambitious and chilling agenda for the regions or —Jim Groves
worlds that you choose for them to inhabit. heir
plots range from the conquest of nations to the
daring heists of the greatest of treasures, from the
redeinition of the nature of truth to extinguishing
the sun itself! You will discover each of these
groups can easily be leshed out to create your own
campaign or enliven and enrich another. Author
Jef Lee created these cults with inspiration from the
Midgard Campaign Setting with special consideration
of its companion volume, Southlands. Each cult is
suitable for any campaign setting and is presented
with information on how it speciically relates
to Midgard. Jef provides a complete toolkit to
introduce these cults to your players with minimal
efort while leaving you the lexibility to design your
own encounters.

Half-elves and the 

Midgard Campaign Setting
Demon Cults is intended for use in most fantasy settings, with particular
consideration for the Midgard Campaign Setting. Midgard is unique with
respect to half-elves, in that they aren’t considered their own race. he term
elfmarked refers to individuals with some degree of elven heritage, usually
much less than half. In a Midgard campaign, NPCs who are described in
this book as half-elves should be considered elfmarked instead. Elfmarked
have all standard half-elf racial abilities, and vice versa.

contentS Cultists of the Hand of Nakresh ..................................93
Magic Item .....................................................................95
Spell .................................................................................95
Black Goat's Flock .........................................................4 Night Cauldron of Chernobog ....................................97
Leaders, Organization, and Goals .................................4 Leaders, Organization, and Goals ...............................97
Cultists of the Black Goat's Flock ..................................8 Coven of the Night Cauldron ......................................99
Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .........................10 Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .......................102
Spells ...............................................................................15 Cultists of the Night Cauldron ..................................105
Magic Items ....................................................................16 Poisons ..........................................................................108
Monster: Flame-Scourged Scion .................................17 Spells .............................................................................109
he Burning Rune .......................................................18 Magic Items ..................................................................109
Leaders, Organization, and Goals ...............................19 Red Sisters..................................................................110
Cult Activites and Adventure Hooks ..........................22 Leaders, Organization, and Goals .............................110
Cultists of the Burning Rune .......................................25 Cultists of the Blood Sisters .......................................115
Magic Item .....................................................................28 Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .......................116
Monster: Altar Flame Golem .......................................29 New Spells ....................................................................120
Rune ................................................................................30 Magic Items ..................................................................120
Chosen of the Demon Bat ...........................................31 Monsters: Blood Hound and Blood Zombie ...........121
Leaders, Organization, and Goals ...............................31 he Sanguine Path .....................................................123
Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .........................37 Leaders, Organizations, and Goals ...........................123
Feat ..................................................................................41 Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .......................128
Hazards ...........................................................................41 Cultists of the Sanguine Path .....................................131
Magic Items ....................................................................42 Magic Item ...................................................................132
Poison .............................................................................44 Spells .............................................................................133
Monster: Flame Eater Swarm ......................................44 Template: Blood-Bound Creature .............................134
Spell .................................................................................45 Selket’s Sting ..............................................................135
Creed of All Flesh ........................................................46 Leaders, Organization, and Goals .............................135
Leaders, Organization, and Goals ...............................47 Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .......................140
Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .........................52 Cultists of Selket ..........................................................142
Cultists of the Creed of All Flesh.................................57 Magic Item ..................................................................144
Magic Items ....................................................................58 Spell ..............................................................................144
Monster: Ghoulsteed ....................................................59 Servants of the White Ape .........................................145
Doomspeakers .............................................................61 Leaders, Organization, and Goals .............................145
Leaders, Organization, and Goals ...............................61 Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .......................148
Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .........................66 Cultists of the White Ape ...........................................152
Cultists of the Doomspeakers ......................................70 Magic Items ..................................................................154
Magic Items ...................................................................72 Weavers of Truth .......................................................156
Spell ................................................................................72 Leaders, Organization, and Goals .............................157
he Emerald Order..............................................73 Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks .......................160
Leaders, Organization, and Goals ..............................73 Cultists of the Weavers of Truth ................................164
Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks ........................75 Monster: Echo Demon ...............................................166
Cultists of the Emerald Order .....................................78 Spell ...............................................................................167
Magic Items ....................................................................80 Vehicle...........................................................................168
Monster: Smaragdine Golem .......................................81 Appendix: Antipaladins and Doomspeakers............169
Hand of Nakresh..........................................................83 he Fall and Rise of a Paragon...................................169
Leaders, Organization, and Goals ...............................83 Antipaladin Oaths .......................................................170
Cult Activities and Adventure Hooks ........................90 Spells .............................................................................173


Goat'S flock
“Ever their praises and abundance to the Black Goat of the Woods. Iä! Shub-Niggurath! Iä! Shub-Niggurath!
he Black Goat of the Woods with a housand Young!”
–“he Whisperer in the Darkness,” H.P. Lovecrat

i ndulgence without restraint. Greed without guilt.

Debauchery without limit. Chaos beyond the
restraint of order. Knowledge without fear of the
leaderS, orGanization,
and GoalS
embrace of madness. he Black Goat’s Flock pursues Organization is a misnomer where the Black Goat’s
all these in the name of their goddess, the Goat of Flock is concerned. he worship of the Goat of
the Woods. the Woods is chaos itself. Individual members of

Black Goat'S flock
the cult worship her out of ambition, desperation, hear. Like the ocean waves, her preaching erodes the
or madness—or oten all three. Some worship edges of civilization, freeing more to run wild at the
alone, others in small groups, and occasionally a behest of her goddess.
charismatic leader draws a mob of cultists together
for some great purpose.
he cult is most common in the wilderness and
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
in rural villages, though adherants can be found
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
within the brightest cities. Ambitious or debauched
wizards are the most common cult leaders. Bent Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48)
on personal power, they latch onto tales of the past Speed 30 ft.
glories of the magocracies of old and the forbidden
rites and magic through which they rose to power.
8 (-1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 19 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Anton Valcrist is one such wizard, and among the
most fervent and scholarly. He works to rebuild the Skills Arcana +7, Perception +3, Persuasion +5
Viridian Codex, the old unholy writ of the Black Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +5
Goat. He inds and translates the lost fragments, Damage Resistances lightning, psychic, thunder
compiling them into one complete work. With such
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed
knowledge at his command, Anton hopes to establish
Senses passive Perception 13
himself as the founder of a terrible new dynasty, with
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Draconic, Dwarven,
himself ensconced as a new wizard-king. His fawning Elven, Goblin, Infernal (demonic)
adherents hope to rise along with him. Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
To challenge the law and bring forth new visions,
that is what the Black Goat’s voice demands. Spellcasting. Anton is a 10th-level spellcaster. His
Challenge everything; change everything; embrace spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15,
luidity and lux. he most vocal advocate of this +7 to hit with spell attacks). He has prepared the
portion of the Black Goat’s Flock is the selang witch following spells (spells marked * are from Deep Magic 3:
Xiax Galleborne, a self-proclaimed ambassador Void Magic):
from the Court of a Million Stars, a far-lung fey Cantrips (at will): crushing curse*, ray of frost
court of the outer dark. Xiax is a wild, fervent, and 1st level (4 slots): charm person, mage armor
androgyne being whose motives and actions are 2nd level (3 slots): darkness, maddening whispers*,
near impossible to guess at or predict. With a strong misty step
inluence over the other dark fey, especially other 3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, dispel magic, void
selang, Xiax is a powerful arm of the cult. strike*
In the wilderness and wastes, the humanoid tribes 4th level (3 slots): black tentacles, nether weapon*,
that eke out a living in desperate conditions oten
join the Black Goat’s Flock. hey search for respite, 5th level (2 slots): contact other plane, living shadows*
for the strength to take all they can from those who ACTIONS
have something worth stealing. hey perform rites
Multiattack. Anton attacks twice with the horn blade.
cobbled together from drug-induced dreams and
Horn Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
visions, capering madly in the burned and withered ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage plus
glades where once others followed the same path. another 1d4 slashing damage at the start of each
hese rural bands are led by the Speakers, the of Anton's turns until the bleeding is stopped with a
clergy that the Black Goat calls to hear Her and successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check or with any
spread Her words. Tivishta Trikinta, a goblin cleric amount of magical healing. If the horn blade is under
of the Goat of the Woods, is the greatest of these. the effect of Anton’s nether weapon spell, Anton gains 5
She wanders the wastes and the border settlements, temporary hit points, to a maximum of 10 at one time,
spreading the words of her goddess to all who will each time he successfully damages a creature.

Bleat of the Ram's Horn. As an action, Anton blows a
ram’s horn. The tuneless bleating transforms Anton’s
body, granting him the shape of his patron. His feet Medium aberration, chaotic evil
become cloven (Speed 40 feet), his eyes grow and Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
turn yellow (truesight 60 feet), his body is covered in Hit Points 136 (16d8 + 64)
wiry black hair (resistance to slashing damage), and his Speed 40 ft.
knees bend backward and thick muscle wraps around
his haunches ( jump distances doubled). This shape lasts STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
until he ends it (no action required on his part). 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3)
Anton Valcrist is known publicly as a wizard of
Skills Insight +4, Perception +4, Performance +6,
moderate power and means, a researcher into arcane
Stealth +6
history, and a collector of antiques and ancient
Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +4, Cha +6
tomes. He moves in aristocratic circles and is a
Damage Resistances cold, poison, psychic
well-regarded member of his city’s elite. While he is
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed
short and slightly built, Anton carries himself with
Senses passive Perception 14
conidence and maintains styled, curly black
hair. He is always impeccably dressed, oten
to the point of lamboyance or foppishness,
and never fails to powder and make up his
face before leaving his house. Sot-spoken and
eloquent, Valcrist is a welcome addition to any
social event.
What the public at large does not know is that
Valcrist leads a sect of the Black Goat’s Flock. hey
use tunnels beneath the streets and secret entrances
to meet in the basement of his townhouse. His
collection of antiquities serves the ultimate goal of his
sect: to ind and restore the Viridian Codex, the lost
litany of the Goat of the Woods. With it, he hopes to
restore worship of the Black Goat to prominence, and
style himself a mage-king in the new order.

Mysterious Fey
he selang originally appeared in Dark Fey, from
Kobold Press, and are sometimes referred to as
dark satyrs. here is some confusion whether these
creatures are truly fey or not. hey are from some
outré plane from whence the Great Old Ones
hail. hat said, the selang and the Court of a
Million Stars look fey, claim to be fey, and
thus far have been accorded that status
by Midgard’s other fey courts. he truth
has yet to be determined and you are
free to determine it for yourself in the interim.
A relatively larger number of selang dwell in
Midgard’s Wasted West.

Black Goat'S flock
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Sylvan typical of its kind. he disturbing mass of its alien
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) pipes hang from a shoulder strap when not in use.
Xiax revels in unabashed anarchy, urging followers
Innate Spellcasting. Xiax’s spellcasting ability is Charisma to undermine authority and tradition wherever
(spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). He can
they are. To Xiax, the Black Goat’s Flock should be a
cast the following spells innately, requiring only verbal
pulse of manic life to shock the world from its torpid
components (spells marked * are from Deep Magic 3:
Void Magic):
complacency and patterns. hat its followers might
be imprisoned or cut down is simply part of the price
At will: word of misfortune*, true strike
for achieving great wakefulness and joy in nihilism
3/day each: destructive resonance*, faerie ire, sleep
and raw chaos. As others see the Flock’s actions, they
1/day: black tentacles
too will be stirred to action, and these newcomers
ACTIONS will ill any holes in the ranks. It is all part of the
Multiattack. Xiax makes two spear or longbow attacks, or wondrous, inscrutable dance that moves to the voice
applies its sleep poison and makes one attack with the of the Dark Mother and her music.
poisoned weapon.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one TIVISHTA TRIKINTA
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) Small humanoid (goblin), chaotic neutral
necrotic damage. Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range Hit Points 130 (20d6 + 60)
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage Speed 25 ft.
plus 11 (2d10) necrotic damage.
Sleep Poison (recharge 5-6). As an action, Xiax can coat STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
a weapon with a sleep poison made from the brain 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2)
fluid of dorreqi (a creature from the Realms Beyond).
The next creature injured by Xiax's blade or arrow must Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +9, Cha +6
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or fall
Skills Religion +9
unconscious for 1 minute. An unconscious creature
Damage Resistances cold, poison, psychic
repeats the saving throw when it takes damage or when
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deafened,
another creature uses an action to rouse it, ending the
exhaustion, frightened
effect on itself with a success.
Senses darkvision 60ft., passive Perception 15
Alien Piping. Xiax can confuse and injure its enemies
Languages Common, Goblin
by playing weird, ear-bending harmonies on its alien
pipes, made from the beaks, cartilage, and throat sacs Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
of a dorreq. Xiax chooses one of the following spell
effects for the music: contagion, confusion, hideous Spellcasting. Tivishta is a 12th-level spellcaster. Her
laughter, or irresistible dance. All creatures within 60 spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to
feet who hear the piping must succeed at a DC 14 hit with spell attacks). She knows the following spells
Charisma saving throw or be affected by the chosen (spells marked * are from Deep Magic 3: Void Magic):
spell. A creature that saves successfully is immune to Cantrips (at will): crushing curse*, void strike* (see
alien piping for 24 hours. Cloven Hammer action)
1st level (4 slots): bane, protection from evil and good,
A dark fey hailing from the Court of a Million Stars, shield of faith
Xiax Galleborne’s delicate facial features are framed 2nd level (3 slots): darkness, maddening whispers*,
with long auburn hair and partially masked by a misty step
thick, curling beard of the same color. A sleeveless 3rd level (3 slots): protection from energy, spirit
shit of raw silk provides a plunging décolletage guardians
and slits from hemline to the hips that leave Xiax’s 4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of movement
insectoid legs disturbingly visible. Xiax has the 5th level (2 slots): contagion, insect plague
obsidian skin, glowing red eyes, and antennae 6th level (1 slot): life drain*

Universal Form. Tivishta has advantage on saving throws
against spells or effects that would alter her form. cultiStS of the Black
ACTIONS Goat'S flock
he following NPCs can be used as cult members,
Cloven Hammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) bludgeoning damage. So
functionaries, and leaders in the Black Goat’s Flock.
long as Tivishta wields the cloven hammer, she can cast
void strike at will.
hese ierce warriors do the bidding of the Speakers
A Thousand Hooves (1/day). Tivishta summons the
and other cult leaders. heir fanatical loyalty drives
crushing power of the black goat to sunder the earth
and scatter her enemies. All creatures caught in a them into its of profane rage against the enemies of
30-foot cone must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving their faith.
throw. Any that fail are knocked prone and trampled Goblin zealots use the standard goblin stat block
by spectral hooves, taking 44 (8d10) force damage. but with the following diferences.
Creatures that aren't knocked prone are instead pushed • Hit Points 14 (4d6)
10 feet out of the cone’s area.
• Reckless. At the start of its turn, the goblin zealot
Tivishta Trikinta is an unassuming-looking igure. can gain advantage on melee weapon attack rolls
Her thin frame is topped with a head that during that turn, but attack rolls against it have
looks overlarge for her body. Her dirty, advantage until the start of its next turn.
weathered skin makes her appear • In addition to a scimitar, also has Tripping Bola.
older than she actually is, and Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
her gait seems frail, with the t. or range 30/120 t., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
cautious, deliberate movement bludgeoning damage and the creature must make
of the elderly. a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or be
restrained until it uses an action to break free.
However, this is largely an
act, and the wasteland wanderer • Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
is the First Speaker of the Goat of
the Woods and the most powerful
igure in the Black Goat’s Flock. She
travels the badlands—sometimes alone,
other times with a band of fanatical
adherents to attend her—preaching the
mad litany of her goddess, which she hears
sung upon the winds.
Many goblin tribes have turned to
worship of the Black Goat due to Tivishta’s
proselytizing, and her words have planted
the seed of cults in more than a few border
settlements, and even a major city or two. She
is typically forced out of civilized areas. She
goes willingly, knowing how to pick her battles,
and knowing that playing the victim of harsh law
will win her more sympathy from the populace
than confrontation. hose swayed by her words
will seek her out, and then she can teach them to
hear the Dark Mother’s words for themselves, and
spread the faith.

Black Goat'S flock
BLACK GOAT CABALIST In dreams and visions, cabalists are caressed by
the black goat. Wherever it touches them, wiry
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
black hair sprouts, forming tuts upon their lesh.
Armor Class 11
he hairs can grow from any part of the body.
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
he hair can be trimmed away to hide it from the
Speed 30 ft.
superstitious and the uninitiatied, but it always
grows back within a week.
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 8 (‒1)
Saving Throws Wis +3
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Skills Arcana +5, Perception +3
Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Damage Resistances cold, poison, psychic
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed
Speed 30 ft.
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Goblin, Mharoti
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (–1) 12 (+1) 14 (+2)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Saving Throws Cha +5
Student of the Viridian Codex. In fever dreams, the
Skills Insight +7, Perception +4, Persuasion +5
cabalist knows the gaze of the black goat. After each
long rest, the black goat cabalist chooses two spells Damage Resistances cold, poison, psychic
from the wizard or warlock spell list. The spells can be Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed
cantrips or 1st level, or a combination. The cabalist Senses passive Perception 14
can cast those spells at will and innately, requiring Languages Abyssal, Common, Deep Speech
only verbal components. Their spellcasting ability Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell
attacks). They can choose spells from Deep Magic 3: Listener. The speaker can hear the maddening and
Void Magic if it's in use in your campaign. tuneless bleating of the black goat herself. At any time,
the speaker can choose to listen to this music, which
ACTIONS drowns out all other sound and most other sensory
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one input. They are immune to being charmed and have
target. Hit: 16 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage. advantage on saving throws against illusions and on
Aura of Eyes (recharge 6). As a bonus action, the black ability checks to detect them.
goat cabalist manifests a watching aura around itself in
a 10-foot radius. The aura lasts 1 minute. The cabalist ACTIONS
is aware of any creature inside this aura; hidden and Multiattack. The speaker makes two warhammer attacks.
invisible creatures are revealed as if the cabalist had Warhammer. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5
truesight. Additionally, any creature that starts its turn ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
inside the aura must make a successful DC 13 Wisdom If both warhammer attacks hit the same creature in a
saving throw or be frightened of the cabalist until the end turn, that creature takes an additional 11 (2d10) force
of the creature's next turn. A creature cannot be affected damage and is stunned until the start of the speaker's
by this ability more than once in 24 hours. next turn.
Heralding Bleat (1/day). The speaker utters a horrible
Black Goat cabalists are members of the cult bleating sound and summons a twisted beast covered
interested in magic, typically to increase their own in black hair. Any beast of challenge 2 or lower can be
personal power and social inluence. hey oten conjured. The creature obeys the speaker until it dies, or
reside in large cities, and meet secretly to worship and it dissolves into a pile of black bristles after 1 hour.
plot. Sometimes a cabalist will lead a small sect, with Song of the Black Goat. The speaker sings a nightmarish
a lieutenant and a small group of fanatical followers. song. Any ally of the speaker within 60 feet that can

hear the song can make an immediate saving throw and temples of other deities. Unable to gain a proper
with advantage against any ongoing effect or condition response from the law due to the unrest, an acolyte
affecting it. Additionally, the creature has advantage on from a small temple to a deity favored by the patron
its next attack roll before the speaker's next turn. deity of the party’s cleric requests their aid to guard
the temple. During the PCs' watch, the Black Goat’s
cult activitieS and minions break into the temple to desecrate it and
steal away its inest sacred items, books of scripture,
adventure hookS and holy relics.
Choose your favorite option below to introduce the During the harvest festival in a small town,
Black Goat’s Flock as adversaries for the PCs in your mayhem breaks out as people begin hallucinating.
campaign. hey can be foes for a single adventure or Hysterical townsfolk ight one another, lee from
used as a continuing threat in an extended campaign. terrors only they can see, and destroy property. If the
PCs are in town, they too may succumb to whatever
LEVELS 1-3 mind-altering agent has gripped the populace.
he city is uneasy, even violent during a contested Investigation reveals a wagon loaded with (mostly
political succession. he city guard is working hard empty) ale barrels is the source of the chaos. he ale
to control protests and ensure they don’t break out is tainted with Earth Mother’s Milk, a psychoactive
into riots and violence. Black Goat cultists take drug that warps perception and induces vivid
advantage of the chaos to attack established shrines hallucinations. he only clue to its origin is a stamp
on the barrels—a star made of ive stalks of wheat,
with a crescent moon in the center—and a tavern
Black Goat’s Flock owner’s vague recollection that a black horse pulled
in Midgard the wagon into town. A cloaked igure was the
driver, but the tavern owner remembers very little
he Black Goat’s Flock is very active among those
of that meeting. If pressed she remembers it as odd
who live in the Wasted West and around its borders,
because the wagon arrived by way of the long-
even in the Ironcrag Cantons and some southern
reaches of the Grand Duchy. he Goblin Wastes in disused western road. Black Goat cultists reside in
particular are home to dozens of tribes where the a ruined monastery in the hills that way, and their
cult thrives. resident alchemist is working on a more potent
Goblin cultists listed in this book should be batch to ship to a larger city.
considered dust goblins (see the Tome of Beasts). A wizard hires the PCs to engage in a crime for the
Among the mighty and shining cities of the Grand right reasons. he wizard claims property of his
Magocracy of Allain, the Black Goat’s Flock is a was stolen by a lord of thieves. Due to the criminal’s
slowly growing cancer. With Allain’s use of mighty connections, he can gain no assistance from local
magics to run its everyday afairs, there remains law enforcers, who are irmly in the pockets of the
pride of power. hat inevitably leads to temptation, thieves’ guild. He wishes the PCs to break into the
and the Black Goat’s Flock preys on that to lure new thief-lord’s home and repossess his stolen goods, and
members in with hints of forbidden knowledge and he provides a list of strange and arcane items to be
the power that can come from it.
recovered. he PCs must ind a way into the manor
It is rumored that a tribe of taiga giants has house, deal with or avoid the guards and defenses,
converted to the cult, hopeful that the Black Goat
and get all the items. he wizard will then meet them
will lead them to unlocking ancient magics. hey
in a neighboring town, well away from the thief
believe the cult’s power will help giants overcome the
guild and various cronies, to reclaim his possessions
Great Restlessness that curses their ancestral lands,
and allow them to raise their people’s civilization and reward them. One of the items on the list is a
back to the great heights from which it fell. ragged piece of blue-green metal foil, acid-etched
with words in a dead language. his is a fragment

Black Goat'S flock

of the Veridian Codex, once the unholy text of the others to act against their better judgment. A clerk
Goat of the Woods. Once the PCs have the fragment, accused of grat, for example, committed the crime
strange things happen on their journey to deliver the due to the agent’s inluence. he agents could include
goods. heir sleep is haunted by lurid and disturbing a dark fey, a spellcaster, or even a doppelganger.
dreams. Strange creatures linger and move in the Alternatively, if the PCs are already enemies of the
shadows of trees in the night. On the road outside Black Goat’s Flock, an agent may be placed nearby
the town, a paladin confronts the party and claims to watch the PCs and report their movements to the
they harbor great evil. She demands they surrender cult. Perhaps the PCs attack a cultist hideout, only
it to her so she can see it safely destroyed. Complying to be attacked with magic items they recognize as
means they earn the ire of Anton Valcrist, the wizard. being items they themselves brought back to town
Refusal means the paladin will attack them as agents and sold. his clues them in that one or more of the
of evil; defending themselves against her may have merchants they deal with may be spies of the Flock.
repercussions such as being declared outlaws and he PCs are retained to track down a brutal
agents of the cult. murderer, and bring him back dead or alive. his
brash villain has been killing commoners, artisans,
LEVELS 4-6 and nobles alike, with no signs of stopping. A local
Two shapechanging Black Goat agents iniltrate lord suspects that a local merchant will be targeted,
the local power structure. he PCs must uncover and arranges an ambush. However, the murderer is
the agents before they can spread their corruption working to destroy the Black Goat’s Flock, and her
too far. he irst signs of strange behavior are not victims have all been secret members of the cult, as
indicators of the culprit(s), as the agent can enchant is the very lord who has hired the PCs to stop her. If

the PCs succeed at their task, they have eliminated a an ofense, where the PCs have the power but no
major obstacle of the cult, and furthered its ends. he knowledge of where the cult is or how to ind them.
lord who hired them is rewarded for his eforts and he son or daughter of an important ruler, general,
granted access to the local monarch’s inner circle, or noble hires the PCs to escort their child out of
where he can corrupt others and inluence politics. the city to a remote country estate. Recent signs
If the murderer convinces the PCs of her righteous indicate that the Black Goat’s Flock has an interest
intentions, they may join forces with her, becoming in the young person, and the parent wishes to move
fugitives themselves and resisting the machinations them to safety. Unfortunately for the PCs, the young
of the Flock, and avoiding the law themselves. person has no interest in leaving, and they are
he PCs ind the atermath of a ritual performed likewise fascinated by the Black Goat’s Flock. Not
by a group of Black Goat cultists. he cultists have only do the PCs have to contend with attempts by
been defeated, killed or driven of, but the result the Flock to make away with the young person, but
of their magic—a portal to a strange, far realm— that person (who is of an equivalent level to the PCs)
remains. he portal cannot be closed from this attempts to escape custody and join the cultists.
side. here were a pair of anchors keeping it open,
A burgeoning town on the edge of civilization is
but those who dealt with the cultists destroyed the
sufering from a virulent plague. What was once
one on this side. Until the one on the other side of
a prosperous new settlement is collapsing as the
the portal is destroyed, it remains open. he forces
local government shuts the gates and quarantines
that defeated the cultists remain on guard here to
the town until the disease is brought under control,
defend against the horrors coming through, while
lest merchants and other visitors spread it further.
the PCs enter, locate the anchor, destroy it, and then
With stockpiles of food and supplies running low,
retreat through the portal before it closes again. he
a new problem arises. A group of the Black Goat’s
strange dimension is home to aberrations, dark fey,
Flock has arrived, chasing away those bringing relief
and other terrors at the GM’s discretion. Once the
to the town, claiming the relief supplies before they
anchor is destroyed, the portal begins to collapse
can be brought into town, and camping outside the
and the PCs must hurry and return through it, or
gates. Day and night, they proselytize to the people
risk being stranded in this strange realm.
inside, promising freedom and relief for those who
break the yoke of their rulers, defy the quarantine,
LEVELS 7-9 and come forth. Desperation is rising, and riots are
An enemy of the PCs—a recurring NPC the PCs imminent. he situation is beyond the weakened
dislike, a recent villain returned, or someone else— town militia’s ability to control. he PCs must help
pays a surprise visit. Assuming the PCs do not maintain order, then lead a charge to kill or drive
attack and kill or drive away the enemy, that person away the cultists, bring essential supplies into town,
proposes an alliance to defeat a common threat. he and maintain the quarantine. For an extra twist, the
enemy has recently lost something or even someone disease itself may have been conjured by the cult,
of great value to the cult, and asks the PCs to assist and it fades when the cultists are driven away.
in the recovery. he enemy presents evidence that
the PCs too will be targeted, and that they will also LEVELS 10-12
experience loss unless they join forces. If the PCs
he Black Goat’s Flock send a charismatic and
decline, their enemy is proven correct, and members
persuasive NPC into the party’s midst as a cohort,
of the Black Goat’s Flock steal an important magic
conidant, henchman, or even mentor. his igure
item or kidnap someone close to the PCs. heir
becomes intimately familiar with the PCs—the
enemy will gloat quietly if they come to renegotiate
better to sow dissent and chaos. he PCs are gently
the alliance, but they will accept a partnership
nudged onto self-indulgent paths, encouraged to
against the cult. he enemy has knowledge of the
launt their personal power and trust in their own
cult’s location, but lacks enough power to mount

Black Goat'S flock
judgment rather than that of local law. If the NPC he PCs are asked to investigate the scene of a
gains inluence in their circle, the most responsive battle, where many were slain. Evidence points to
and chaotic characters are pushed even further, one side being the Black Goat’s Flock. he other is
and may be granted access to cult materials and another group inimical to the PCs (the forces of an
powers if and when their corruption has carried far old enemy, a group opposed to a PC’s militant order
enough. his hook works best if started at earlier or druid circle, or even another cult from this book).
party levels, especially with the NPC as a mentor, or As they investigate, the PCs ind a survivor of the
simply with a fanatic cult loyalist as a companion or conlict alive and hidden in the carnage—but he is a
friend who grows in power as the PCs do. Worse,
the NPC can genuinely admire the PCs and feel
friendship for them, only wishing them to throw
of the yoke of conformity and stiling law, letting
themselves grow under their conidant’s guidance.
Corrupt at the core, they wish their friend well,
meaning they hope they eventually embrace the
joyous worship of the Black Goat.
Strange things are afoot at the castle. he local
lord has cast out his normal courtiers, illing
the courtyard, stables, and even the throne
room with goats. Strange folk come and
go from the castle daily, and bonires
glow behind the walls at night, as strange
chants and eerie lute music rise into the
starlit skies. Whispers of madness grow
among the local populace, as do rumblings
of dissent when new taxes are levied by the
lord for a great project he says will ensure greater
prosperity and peace. Can the PCs gain access to
the lord and heal him of his madness? Or does this
go deeper than simply insanity? Do
the Black Goat’s Flock now control
the country? What is the “great
project” which the new funds
support? Whether the PCs
seek to heal the lord’s mind
and restore his reputation,
or defeat him and his cultist
supporters and install a new
ruler, they need to do it soon.
If let to spread, the widespread
unrest turns into open revolt and
the castle is burned by a peasant
army led by virtuous followers of
a faith familiar with the Black
Goat’s corruption.

member of the hostile group. his representative tells makes it a mission of vengeance. However, instead
the PCs that the Black Goat’s Flock were victorious, of just defeating the cultists, the PCs must also face
and made away with a prize that will make them the lame-scourged scion awoken by the cultists’
even more dangerous: a magical tome, weapon, or ritual. In either event, the PCs ind their foes in the
sacred goblet. his antagonist ofers to join forces burned out remnants of an ancient grove in the
with the PCs to stop the Black Goat’s Flock before badlands. he PCs learn from their friend (or her
they achieve whatever nefarious goal they seek spirit via speak with dead, or a recovered journal,
to attain with their newfound prize. heir enemy if she is deceased) that other groups of cultists are
appears sincere, but can the PCs trust them not to conducting similar rituals at other dead groves
turn on the party once their mutual goal is achieved? throughout the wastes, reawakening their old
guardians to bolster the cult’s strength, calling up
LEVELS 13-15 either lame-scourged scions or weeping treants
he PCs are visiting a town that borders a (see Tome of Beasts) to ight for them. he switest
wasteland. While they are preparing for their next way to stop the Black Goat’s Flock is to locate and
adventure, the town is attacked by goblins. he PCs kill Xiax Galleborne, whose wind-whispered dark
defeat the goblin attackers easily. However, soon inspirations started this. Unfortunately, Xiax lives in
ater the attack a severe dust storm arises, keeping a grove where the ritual has already been performed,
people shut in their homes, and the PCs cannot and is guarded by anywhere between two and six
start their journey until the storm passes. Once the lame-scourged scions, depending on how diicult
storm has died, another wave of goblinoids, this the GM chooses to make this battle.
one even larger, assaults the town. If this one is also he leaders of competing congregations of the Black
defeated, another storm rolls in, even stronger than Goat’s Flock have found inspiration to join forces,
the irst. Massive drits of dust build up on the town with the hope of summoning an avatar of the Goat
walls, and rootops are scoured and damaged. he of the Woods into the world. Anton Valcrist has
pattern continues. Each wave of enemies is stronger, recently found a partial copy of the Viridian Codex
and the storm which inevitably follows is worse. which hints that this can be done. His own research
he Speakers of the Black Goat’s Flock have granted has been for naught, so he seeks out Xiax and
a selish wish to a goblin chietain which uses the Tivishta to assist him. Ater much experimentation
souls of those lost in the attacks to fuel the great dust at a corrupted grove deep in the wastes, they achieve
storms. With this proof of his power, other tribes a degree of success. A great portal opens in the
have joined under his banner, and they provide sky, a gaping black space at the eye of a growing
fodder for greater magical storms, which will storm. his is accompanied by unintended, but
eventually bury this town (and any others the goblin not unappreciated, magical side efects of the trio’s
horde attacks). he only way to break this cycle is workings. Insanity is on the rise. Magic begins
with two deaths: that of the chietain that made the working strangely, from unintended but benign
wish, and that of Tivishta Trikinta, the Speaker that side efects to harmful and deadly backlash. Weird
granted it. mutations of both normal animals and monsters are
reported. Word comes of the great storm from those
An old friend of the PCs is in trouble, and she
civilized areas closest to it; missives sent in response
manages to get a magical message to them, calling
go unanswered, and there is ominous silence from
for immediate aid (using sending or similar
those wasteland border towns. Can the heroes ind
magic). If the PCs respond to the message, there is
out what is happening and close the portal before
no further response from their friend. Assuming
the worst happens?
the PCs use magical travel to reach her, they can
save her before she is sacriiced by members of the
Black Goat’s Flock. Any signiicant delay instead

Black Goat'S flock

he Goat of the Woods was once a wellspring of 7th-level transmutation (wizard)

fearsome magic, now mostly lost from memory. Casting Time 1 action
hose in the Black Goat’s favor are sometimes Range Self
gited with the dark knowledge of her ancient lore, Components V, S, M (a piece of clay and a drop
garnered from a reclaimed scrap of the Veridian of quicksilver)
Codex, or heard whispered on the wind as it rattles Duration 1 minute
the branches of dead trees in the charred remnants When you cast this spell, your body becomes
of Her sacred groves. highly mutable, your lesh constantly shiting and
quivering, occasionally growing extra parts—limbs
CURSE OF FORMLESSNESS and eyes—only to reabsorb them soon aterward.
6th-level transmutation (druid, wizard) While under the efect of this spell, you have
Casting Time 1 action resistance to slashing and piercing damage and ignore
Range Touch the additional damage done by critical hits. You can
Components V, S, M (a drop of quicksilver) squeeze through Tiny spaces without penalty.
Duration Permanent In addition, once per round, as a bonus action,
you can make an unarmed attack with a newly-
A creature you touch must make a successful
grown limb. Treat it as a standard unarmed attack,
Constitution saving throw or be cursed with a
but you choose whether it does bludgeoning,
shiting, amorphous form. Spells that change the
piercing, or slashing damage.
target creature’s shape (such as polymorph) do not
end the curse, but they do hold the creature in a
stable form, temporarily mitigating it until the end
of that particular spell’s duration; shapechange and 9th-level conjuration (sorcerer, wizard)
stoneskin have similar efects. Casting Time 1 action
While under the efect of the curse of formlessness, Range Self
the target creature is resistant to slashing and Components V, S, M (a pint of blood and a black
piercing damage and ignores the additional damage sapphire worth at least 2,500 gp)
done by critical hits, but it can neither hold nor use Duration Instantaneous
any item, nor can it cast spells or activate magic he selish wish grants the desires of a supplicant
items. Its movement is halved, and winged light in exchange for power. Like a wish, it alters reality,
becomes impossible. Any armor, clothing, helmet, but in doing so it grants the caster power, while the
or ring becomes useless. Large items that are carried end result of the selish wish is oten a twisted or
or worn, such as armor, backpacks, or clothing, misinterpreted version of the actual desire.
become hindrances, so the target has disadvantage he wish-maker must provide a pint of his or
on Dexterity checks and saving throws while such her blood and state their desire. he caster then
items are in place. completes the spell and provides whatever efect
A creature under the efect of a curse of is asked for. However, unlike wish, the GM must
formlessness can try to hold itself together through pervert any casting of this spell. If the selish wish is
force of will. he alicted creature uses its action to worded with great care, the negative efects may be
repeat the saving throw; if it succeeds, the alicted less hideous than they would be otherwise, but they
creature negates the penalties from the spell until the should still occur. A selish wish is never granted
start of its next turn. without drawbacks.
A selish wish can produce any of the efects that a
wish can. If greater efects than those are wished for,
the drawbacks become even more dangerous (e.g., a

wish for a great increase in Strength may come with THE VALCRIST FOLIO
an equal reduction in Intelligence). Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by
In exchange for casting the selish wish, the caster a spellcaster)
also receives an inlux of power. he caster receives
his book is bound in dark green leather with
the following bonuses for 2 minutes:
bronze ittings gone green with verdigris. Tooled
• Doubled speed into the cover are designs of twisted, thorny vines,
• one extra action each round (as haste) all wrapped around a ist-sized goat’s eye crated of
• Armor class increases by 3 red and black glass. he cover shows signs of wear,
but the strap and lock that hold the book closed are
maGic itemS well maintained.
he ongoing attempt by Anton Valcrist to collect
hree magic items hold special signiicance to
the remnants of the Veridian Codex has resulted in
followers of the Black Goat with a housand Young:
a spellbook that the wizard carries with him at all
the mantle of the mother, the mayhem mask, and
times. Much of this book is Valcrist’s chronicle of
especially the Valcrist Folio.
his search for the lost Codex, as well as his research
MANTLE OF THE MOTHER based on rumors, secondhand information, and
Wondrous item (cloak), very rare (requires attunement) research. he few scraps of the original book and
partial copies that the wizard has been able to
Made of strips of black leather, this cloak always recover are kept in the Folio, as well as the few spells
shines as if freshly oiled. It increases the wearer's that Valcrist has been able to translate from those
armor class by 2. he strips writhe and grasp at a relics. he remainder of the book contains spells
foe during grappling attempts, providing advantage Valcrist has gathered during his continuing search.
on checks to establish or maintain a grapple (but Note that with 140 pages, the Valcrist Folio is
not on escape attempts). As a bonus action once per considerably thicker than a normal spell book. All
round, the wearer can command the cloak to make but one of the pages is illed. Despite the book’s
its own, independent grapple attack. his attack uses
the wearer’s Strength but doesn't have advantage. If
this succeeds, the wearer can grapple an opponent
and still have his or her hands free for other tasks,
including making weapon attacks or casting spells.

Wondrous item (helm), very rare (requires attunement)
his goat mask with long, curving horns is carved
from dark wood and framed in goat’s hair. When
donned, the wearer gains the following actions.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: + (Strength or
Dexterity modiier + proiciency bonus) to hit, reach
5 t., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage.
he attack does double damage (2d6) if the wearer
moved at least 15 feet straight toward the target
immediately before attacking. he attack is
considered magical.
Gaze (1/day). he wearer can cast confusion
(spell save DC 16) by meeting the gaze of a
target within 30 feet.

Black Goat'S flock
unusual thickness, it is sturdy, thanks to the its next turn. If it takes more than 5 ire damage, it has
bookbinding talents of its creator. he Folio is also advantage on attacks for 2 rounds.
heavier than most spellbooks, weighing 4.2 lbs. Firesight. A flame-scourged scion can see through ire
PC spellcasters who attune to the Valcrist Folio are and smoke without penalty.
granted access to the maddening spells contained Groundbreaker. A flame-scourged scion is never
in Deep Magic 3: Void Magic. he spells recorded affected by dificult terrain. Its speed can't be reduced
by any effect.
in this foul tome include crushing curse, maddening
Tentacles. Flame-scourged scions can have up to two
whispers, void strike, living shadows, and life drain.
targets grappled at one time.
Addtionally, PC spellcasters attuned to the folio
are occasionally visited in their dreams by the Black ACTIONS
Goat. Each time the PC completes a long rest, they Multiattack. The flame-scourged scion makes three
must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a melee attacks. No more than two can be crushing grip
success, the irst spell they cast that day does not attacks.
expend a spell slot. On a failed saving throw, one Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
prepared spell is switched with a spell listed above, one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage,
chosen by the GM. and the creature must make a successful DC 16
Constitution saving throw or be grappled (escape DC
14) and restrained.
monSter: Crushing Grip. The flame-scourged scion automatically

flame-ScourGed Scion does 20 (3d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage to a creature

grappled in its tentacles. A creature can be targeted by
his treelike creature’s hide is charred, cracked, and no more than one crushing grip attack per turn.
oozing. A crown of long, branching tentacles set Embers (recharge 6). The flame-scourged scion ills the
with goatlike eyes encircles a central fanged maw area around itself to a radius of 10 feet with a cloud
at the top of its bulk. Rootlike appendages end in of burning embers. Creatures in the area take 27 (6d6
blackened, sooty hooves. + 6) ire damage, or half damage with a successful DC
18 Dexterity saving throw. The embers die out within
During the great scourge that broke the power of
Huge aberration, chaotic evil
the Black Goat’s followers and the power of the
Armor Class 16 (natural armor)
magocracies that worshiped her, crusaders destroyed
Hit Points 125 (10d12 + 60)
the unholy groves. Her loyal followers and guardians
Speed 30 ft.
were slain and the groves were razed with holy ire,
in keeping with the faith of the Sun God Khors.
All the unholy trees of those vile groves burned,
19 (+4) 17 (+3) 22 (+6) 16 (+3) 6 (‒2) 15 (+2)
as did the profane ofspring of the Goat of the
Saving Throws Con +10, Wis +2, Cha +6 Woods. However, not all that were burned died. he
Skills Insight +6, Perception +6 strongest of her children lived, and they remain as
Damage Resistances ire, slashing damage from guardians of those lost places of power. heir might
nonmagical weapons has warped and changed, but it is hardly diminished.
Condition Immunities grappled, paralyzed, restrained Flame-scourged scions oten lurk in their unholy
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16 mother’s groves in tree form. Where once they
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Sylvan would take the shape of living trees, now they appear
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) as lealess, charred husks, to blend in with the
hardscrabble nature of these desolate areas.
Burning Rage. When a flame-scourged scion takes ire
damage, it has advantage on its attacks until the end of


u si-Ziyad, a fervent but low-ranking cultist
of a god of dragons and ire (Baal-Hotep in
Midgard), backed the wrong side of a political power
Eventually he found himself in the cold, bleak
Northlands. Usi-Ziyad fell upon a lonely road, bitter
and exhausted, a broken man on the edge of sanity.
struggle and was forced to surrender in the face of a Usi-Ziyad would have died there had not a hermit
lost cause. His life was spared, but he was cast into stumbled upon him while gathering irewood. he
exile, unable to return to his homeland upon penalty hermit loaded the fallen traveler onto his sled and
of death. Despondent, he wandered aimlessly, sure took him to a small cabin in the woods. Fevered and
that his god had abandoned him. delirious, Usi-Ziyad watched as the hermit laid a

the BurninG rune
log on the banked coals in the ireplace and traced
a gnarled inger over a rune carved into the wood.
leaderS, orGanization,
he log burst into lames and the glowing, glorious and GoalS
ire was the last vision Usi-Ziyad had before slipping Usi-Ziyad is the undisputed leader of the Burning
into unconsciousness and blazing dreams. Rune, having driven out or subjugated all other
When he awoke, Usi-Ziyad was illed with followers of the dragon god. It is his wish to see
questions and new purpose. As he recovered, worship of his god become preeminent in the river
he asked the hermit about the symbol. Where kingdom of Nuria Natal. his is proving more
did it come from? How was it used? he hermit diicult than he would like however, for his vision
explained some of the most basic principles of rune is illed only with lames. He is blind to the other
magic to the stranger, but little more. he more aspects of the dragon god—fertility and rain—so
strength Usi-Ziyad recovered, the more he became even the secret worshipers of the god in the region
determined to possess this new, strange power and fear the Burning Rune.
add it to his own. And as his faith rekindled, so did Belina, the phlogiston faerie, is Usi-Ziyad's
his divine power. second-in-command. Her powerful and enchanting
When sweet and honeyed words failed him, presence has been a major factor in the Burning
Usi-Ziyad turned to force. He ambushed and subdued Rune’s inluence over the region since Usi-Ziyad’s
the hermit, who still refused to reveal his secrets. Usi- return from the North. he cult leader’s powers are
Ziyad resorted to torture and eventually broke the old impressive and he has a formidable presence, but
hermit who had shown him such hospitality. many of the cult followers cleave to Belina’s beauty,
Unsatisied with only the ire rune, Usi-Ziyad vitality, and force of personality. hey see her as an
wrenched more and more from the hermit—the embodiment of the rune and of the lame. Where
second and third runes—before the exhausted, Usi-Ziyad is feared, Belina is loved.
broken captive expired. But the hermit's death only Underlings and minor leaders of the Burning Rune
fanned Usi-Ziyad’s frustration. He hadn't learned vary. Some of the clerics who accepted Usi-Ziyad’s
enough. he cultist set on a mad binge and carved authority now serve him as leaders of sects or cells
the runes on every surface throughout the cabin: of the cult. Sorcerers with the draconic bloodline
furnishings, walls, loor, even the poor hermit’s are likewise attracted to the cult. he Burning Rune
corpse. When the cabin was illed, he scratched actively recruits alchemists, hoping to enhance their
more runes over the existing ones. In his frenzied strength with the cult’s knowledge of incendiaries.
and disassociated state, he activated a combination he majority of the Burning Rune’s members
of all three runes together, turning the cabin into are human, drawn from the locals in the area. he
a blazing inferno. Usi-Ziyad led the conlagration group includes dwarves and kobolds of the region
laughing. He had found the Burning Rune, a rune of in smaller numbers. hough rare, the occasional
ire and need. Burning need. his was the sign. elf, gnome, and even minotaurs are counted among
Usi-Ziyad attempted to gain a foothold in the the cult’s following. Many dragonkin have joined
North, but his ire cult was soon rousted. his, too, the Burning Rune as followers, only to quickly rise
he took as a sign. Let the northerners keep their to positions of inluence and power. It is said that
cold land and their accursed gods. His god was a Usi-Ziyad has a quartet of dragonkin ighters as his
god of the South. Usi-Ziyad returned there, took personal bodyguard. Finally, one or more tribes of
up leadership of the faith, and raised it up with the gnolls have fallen under the sway of the Burning
power his god had revealed to him. Rune; the symbol is now seen among their banners.
At Usi-Ziyad’s request, they wreak havoc among the
smaller settlements on the outskirts of civilization.
Arson is the obvious tool for the Burning
Rune. hose who oppose them ind their temples,

businesses, and homes ablaze in the night.
Smaller settlements, villages, and farms
are sometimes caught in the path
of wildires that seem to plague the
enemies of the cult with a singular
purpose. hose that have embraced the
cult’s ways are spared. Cult members
use the symbol of the Burning Rune
to identify one another, idly scratched
into the dirt or scribbled upon paper to
see the reaction of those that view it.

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Armor Class 17 (+2 breastplate)
Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
Speed 30 ft.


8 (‒2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +9, Cha +7

Skills Perception +9, Performance +7, Persuasion +7
Damage Immunities ire
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Ignan, Primordial
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Rune Magic. Usi-Ziyad has rune mastery of the

brenna-þurfa and kaunen runes. (See “Rune” for
details on brenna-þurfa; see Deep Magic 2: Rune
Magic for details on kaunen.)
Spellcasting. Usi-Ziyad is a 13th-level
spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). He
prepares the following spells (a spell marked with an * is
from Deep Magic 2: Rune Magic):
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, mending, sacred lame, 5th level (2 slots): lame strike, mass cure wounds,
thaumaturgy scrying
1st level (4 slots): bane, burning hands, command, faerie 6th level (1 slot): blade barrier
ire, ire under the tongue*, inlict wounds, sanctuary 7th level (1 slot): ire storm
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, continual lame, Smoking Tongue. Usi-Ziyad is always considered under
laming sphere, hold person, scorching ray, silence the effect of comprehend languages.
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, daylight, dispel magic, Wings of the Inferno. As a bonus action, Usi-Ziyad
ireball, protection from energy triggers an innate ly spell (3rd level). He sprouts wings
4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of movement, of flame that last for the duration. He can't use this
guardian of faith, wall of ire ability again until after taking a long rest, or a short rest
spent meditating beside a ire.

the BurninG rune
ACTIONS adds her Charisma modiier to her AC until the start of
her next turn.
Multiattack. Usi-Ziyad attacks twice with his dagger.
Smokesight. Belina can see through ire, fog, and smoke
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
without penalty.
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Fingers of Flame. If Belina maintains contact with an
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
object (not a creature) for 1 full minute, the object
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
catches ire. This includes objects that are normally
Beckoning Flames (1/day). Usi-Ziyad surrounds himself
in a sphere of flames with a 10-foot radius, which lasts
for 1 minute. An enemy that ends its turn inside the
flames takes 11 (2d10) ire damage and is charmed by
Usi-Ziyad; a successful DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
halves the damage and prevents being charmed. The
charm effect ends after 1 hour or when Usi-Ziyad or his
allies do anything harmful to the charmed creature.

Medium fey (phlogiston faerie), chaotic neutral
Armor Class 15 (20 with Radiant Aegis)
Hit Points 68 (8d8 + 32)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)


10 (+0) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 8 (‒1) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +8

Skills Acrobatics +8, Deception +7, Performance +7
Damage Vulnerabilities cold
Damage Immunities ire
Senses darkvision 60 ft., smokesight (see traits),
passive Perception 9
Languages Sylvan, Ignan, Primordial
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. Belina’s spellcasting ability is

Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks).
She can cast the following spells innately, requiring only
verbal components:
At will: guidance, produce lame, resistance
3/day each: charm person, burning hands, faerie ire
1/day each: laming sphere, ireball
Flamedancer. Belina's land movement is unhindered
by dificult terrain that does ire damage. When flying
within 5 feet of flames, her speed is doubled and her
normally invisible wings blaze with ire.
Radiant Aegis. If Belina starts her turn within 5 feet of a
signiicant ire or heat source (blazing campire, heated
forge, lava), she regains 5 hit points immediately and

ACTIONS with an ainity for ire. he village is grateful to
Multiattack. Belina attacks twice with her rapier. anyone willing to stop the gnolls and return the
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one prisoners that have been taken during prior raids.
target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) ire he agent of a city oicial was found dead upon a
damage. rootop, burned to a crisp. He was a spy that rooted
Revoke the Fire (recharge 6). One living target within 5 out troublemakers and disloyal elements and who
feet of Belina must make a successful DC 15 Wisdom
operated undercover for long periods of time. His
saving throw or be cursed with the loss of its “inner
untimely death occurred before he could make
flame.” The effects of the curse are:
his next scheduled report. he only clue is a brass
• The creature is immune to ire damage but feels
unnaturally chilled.
medallion bearing an unusual rune still clutched in
one ist.
• After 10 minutes, the creature must make a
successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take he PCs are asked to trace the agent’s movements
1d6 cold damage and gain one level of exhaustion. and discover his murderers. Recently established in
The saving throw must be repeated every 10 minutes this town, a small sect of the Burning Rune plots an
while the curse lasts. attack upon the temple of a popular deity. he agent
• The curse can be removed by greater restoration or was discovered before he could expose the cult and
comparable magic, or by slaying Belina. killed for meddling in their afairs.
Touch of Phlogiston. Melee weapon attack: +8 to hit, he son of a local merchant has been kidnapped.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: the target must make a
She is greatly worried because no ransom demand
successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
has been made. If PCs take an interest, they ind the
infused with magical fuel, making it more susceptible
to ire damage: immunity to ire damage becomes merchant has no enemies but can relate a noteworthy
resistance, resistance becomes no resistance, and no incident from a month past. A group of religious
resistance becomes vulnerable. After making the saving folk visited her, asking to buy large quantities of
throw, the target also takes 14 (4d6) ire damage. An lammable oil. hey could not aford the price she
affected creature repeats the saving throw at the end of quoted however, and tried to persuade her to join
its turn, ending the effect on itself with a success. their religion. he merchant declined and they let
disgruntled. She remembers odd markings on their
cult activiteS and clothing, speciically an unknown symbol. If the PCs
gather information, they discover there is a building
adventure hookS in the city slums with similar markings defacing it.
here are several methods of introducing the
Burning Rune as adversaries in your campaign. LEVELS 4–6
hey can be the enemies in a single adventure or A spree of arson in the local area has caused much
returning enemies in an extended campaign, pitting panic and paranoia among the citizenry. he ires
the PCs against the growing threat of the cult as it burn with preternatural ferocity, and thus far, none
attempts to dominate the land while reducing those of the eforts to extinguish any blaze has succeeded.
who stand against the cult to ashes. Every afected building has burned to its foundations.
he arsonist’s methods are a mystery. Nearly all the
LEVELS 1–3 ires have occurred in places of import—guildhalls,
A local village seeks adventurers to aid them against large inns and taverns, and two temples.
a particularly hostile band of gnolls that seems he one exception is a tenement. If PCs investigate
intent on razing the settlement to the ground. hese the ires, they ind that the tenement ire started on
gnolls are unusual as they brandish torches during an upper loor, allowing residents on lower loors
their raids and their banner bears a strange sigil to escape before the building was consumed, which
unrecognized by the locals. heir leader is a sorcerer is unlike the other incidents. Witnesses also saw a

the BurninG rune
burning woman jump from an upstairs window to the local temples open their cofers and pay taxes like
escape the ire. the rest of the city. One of the few still loyal to the
he dead woman’s body holds a clue: a gold coin mayor, a long-time friend, is deeply concerned. She
with a mark carved into one face (the kaunen rune). wishes to determine if the mayor is ill or otherwise
Investigation reveals that some folk who worked compromised, but he refuses to see a healer and has
at the targeted buildings recall similar coins being banned any of the local clergy from the city hall or
passed around shortly before the ires. Should the PCs his residence. In a desperate gambit, she encourages
stake out potential targets, they can spot a strange him to take on the PCs as guards—a wise precaution
woman who strolls past the building and traces a given the current sentiments of the populace—and
hand along the wall as she goes. his occurs a mere charges them with inding out what is causing the
hour before another ire starts. he Burning Rune is mayor’s bizarre change in behavior and policy.
using Belina to infuse the buildings with phlogiston he Burning Rune has iniltrated the mayor’s
to ensure their destruction and setting the ires with household staf. hey keep the mayor compliant to
scorch bombs (see “Magic Items”) disguised as coins. their wishes through a combination of drugs in his
Recent edicts by the lord mayor have aroused the ire food and covertly-cast enchantments. When the
of local temples, merchant’s guilds, and much of the PCs discover the plot, they have the diicult task
populace. Tension is high in the city. Increases in taxes of defeating the cultists while keeping the mayor
and tarifs, as well as draconian new laws restricting from harm—a diicult prospect as the mayor now
the freedoms of citizens, are announced with alarming considers the cultists close friends and conidants.
frequency. Now the lord mayor is demanding that

The Burning Rune in Midgard

he Burning Rune has sects hidden in all the major Usi-Ziyad’s new rune has recently caught the
cities of Nuria Natal, and seeks to subvert and sabotage attention of the priests of hoth-Hermes. he followers
the worship of other gods, with the ultimate goal of of the god of knowledge do not oten ind themselves
making Baal-Hotep the supreme deity in the region. lacking information, and it leaves them uncomfortable.
Meanwhile, on the fringes of the kingdom, two gnoll Ignorant of the origins of the Burning Rune and where
tribes have been recruited by the Burning Rune and are its leader obtained his knowledge of runes, they seek
being used to terrorize border settlements. Prisoners to iniltrate the cult and gain the answers. here is
captured in raids are secretly carried to the cult, where a disquieting possibility—in their minds—that the
they are either brainwashed to join the ranks or serve knowledge was stolen from their own temple, or worse,
as oferings to sacriicial ires. one of their own betrayed the temple and secretly gave
Belina enjoys the veneration she receives from the or sold the rune knowledge to Usi-Ziyad. hey will not
local cultists, as well as the ability to act as she pleases be satisied until they have answers to their questions.
without answering to the Seelie (and Unseelie) Court It is possible that a splinter group of the cult survives
as she must back in the northern lands. Placated in the North, allowing for adventures in that region.
with gits of jewelry from the cult’s followers and Perhaps Usi-Ziyad taught a follower the rune magic
plentiful opportunities to cleanse the land with ire, he stole, and now, that pupil prepares to bring his own
she is content for now. As a fey however, she is closely version of the Burning Rune to power. Alternatively, the
connected to the cycle of life and not merely concerned Northerners might ind their own heroes to wipe out
with annihilation as is her partner and paramour. It is the remnants of Usi-Ziyad’s followers in the North but
possible that a sound and convincing argument could still demand blood for the crime of the hermit’s murder.
separate her from the cult, depriving Usi-Ziyad of his hus, a group of northern adventurers might trek the
most powerful ally and dealing the Burning Rune a long journey south ater Usi-Ziyad, making their way
grievous blow. through the new land in search of long-delayed justice.

A drought has gripped the countryside for
months. he Burning Rune takes advantage of
the natural disaster to expand their inluence.
Rampant wildires sweep the land and destroy
all in their path, except those who choose
the Burning Rune’s protection. he
blazes miraculously avoid those
holdings whose owners cleave to
the cult, despite geography
and prevailing winds. Should
the PCs choose to help those
that refuse to bow to the
cult’s extortion, they see
the wild form of Belina
whirling amidst the
lames and driving them
toward their targets
when the cult’s inevitable
retribution comes. he
heroes may defeat her,
which prompts the
cultists to strike
openly. Perhaps
the phlogiston
faerie lees and
inadvertently leads
the heroes back to the
cultist’s lair. hey might be
able to convince Belina to
turn against the Burning Rune;
she then spares the farms and leads the
PCs back to the cult’s headquarters.

A lone, gold-capped pyramid at the
edge of the desert has long been a holy
site of the sun god and a place of pilgrimage
for his faithful, but now all communication
with the priests at the pyramid has stopped. pyramid for their own ater their spies discovered a
Pilgrims report being driven of by gnolls. he portal to the Elemental Plane of Fire hidden within.
priests of the sun god accuse the followers of the Now, the Burning Rune employs its loyal gnolls to
cat goddess of being behind the gnoll raids. hey keep the site isolated while they locate and activate
in turn claim to be the scapegoats for internal strife the portal. he cult plans to bolster its strength
between sects of the sun god. he reality of the with new iery allies from beyond. Adventurers
situation is that the Burning Rune have claimed the who seek to reclaim the temple on behalf of the sun

the BurninG rune
god’s followers must get through the gnoll blockade, dragonkin, and inally an aerial assault by the head
ight their way into the pyramid, and ind the secret cleric of the local Burning Rune sect and his red
chamber where a cult leader awaits, possibly with dragon ally and mount!
some new friends—an elemental or two, or perhaps Active eforts by concerted forces have uprooted and
a pair of salamanders. destroyed most of the Burning Rune over the course
he PCs are hired to guard a museum in a large of the year, but its highest tier of leadership has
city when rumors reach city oicials of a possible eluded capture. hanks to their reputations, the PCs
robbery attempt. During the night, ires erupt have been hired to put an end to this dangerous cult.
throughout the building as cultists use them as a heir mission is to track, locate, and either kill or
distraction to obtain their goal. he heroes must capture Usi-Ziyad, Belina, and the group’s entourage
not only stop the robbery but keep entire galleries of elite guards and followers. Eventually, they trace
of precious art objects and artifacts from burning to the cult leader’s movements over the grasslands to an
ash at the same time. abandoned border fortress. When crossing the veldt,
he recently discovered murder of a mine supervisor the irst line of resistance is Belina, who holds of the
provides evidence of an even greater crime about to pursuers with a massive wildire. he faerie attempts
be committed. Evidence found at the scene indicates to herd the PCs into a canyon to be ambushed by
that the Burning Rune has targeted the mine in dragonkin ighters, a draconic bloodline sorcerer,
retaliation against the owner, a pious man that not and several summoned ire elementals, supported
only rebufed advances by the cult to recruit him but by Belina’s own powers and hit-and-run tactics. If
reported the cultists to local authorities. Now, the they overcome the ambush, Belina lees back to the
supervisor of his coal mine is discovered dead, yet fortress. he PCs must penetrate the old but still
witnesses report seeing her alive and well ater the formidable defenses of the stronghold and ight their
time of her death. PCs must race against time to ind way past the last of Usi-Ziyad’s fanatical minions,
the impostor and her cultist allies—now disguised as including a dwarf alchemist. Finally, the PCs face the
newly hired miners—before they set ire to the coal leader, Belina, their elite dragonkin bodyguards, and
vein in the mine and cause a horrendous catastrophe a hastily summoned glabrezu demon.
for the entire region.
cultiStS of the
LEVELS 10–12 BurninG rune
A local supplier of magical and alchemical reagents Members of the Burning Rune are untamed and
and supplies reports suspicious purchases of certain dangerous, like a wildire. hey overwhelm opponents
rare powders and powdered gemstones by clientele and act with swit and terrible force. he following
unfamiliar to him. Tracking down the purchasers NPCs can be used as cultist minions, intermediaries,
leads to a recently reopened warehouse occupied and lower-level leaders to provide suitable enemies
by cultists of the Burning Rune. A secret trap door for the PCs as they strive against the Burning Rune.
leads to a sub-level that contains their hidden shrine,
the local leader, and the recently constructed altar
lame golem (see “Magic Items”).
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
he PCs are hired by the local high priest to replace Armor Class 14 (hide armor)
guards lost to repeated attempts on her life. he Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Burning Rune has vowed that she will burn before Speed 30 ft.
the week is out. he adventurers must fend of a raid
by a crack team of zealous kobold commandos, a STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
surprise attack through the sewers by a force of elite 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)

Senses passive Perception 10 ACTIONS
Languages Common
Multiattack. The bodyguard attacks twice with its falchion
Challenge 2 (450 XP) or with its longbow.
Falchion. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Smolder. The cultist has advantage on its attack roll if its
target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
previous attack missed.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, range
Burning Steps. The cultist can spend an action to double
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage.
its speed for 1 minute. While affected by burning steps,
the cultist leaves a iery trail that ignites flammable

Multiattack. The cultist attacks twice with its morning star.
Morning Star. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Throwing Axe. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.

hese ierce warriors have undergone rituals that

imbue them with the power of the Burning Rune.
heir allegiance is hard to mistake, as the rune that
is the cult’s power and symbol is branded into each
cultist’s forehead.

Medium humanoid (dragonkin), chaotic evil
Armor Class 14 (scale mail)
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
Speed 25 ft.


18 (+4) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)

Skills Perception +3
Damage Resistances ire
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 13
Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Flame’s Resolve. Anytime the bodyguard is forced to
move, the distance is halved and the maximum distance
can't exceed 10 feet.
Formation. The dragonkin bodyguard has advantage
on attacks when standing next to an ally that isn't

the BurninG rune
Members of Usi-Ziyad’s personal bodyguard,
these fearsome dragonkin ighters are loyal
to their leader and are sworn to die before
allowing him to come to harm. Usi-Ziyad rarely
goes anywhere or does anything without
four dragonkin guards around him.

Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral evil
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 106 (12d8 + 48)
Speed 25 ft.


13 (+1) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 6 (‒2)

Saving Throws Con +7, Int +6, Wis +3

Skills Perception +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 16
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Goblin
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Spellcasting. The rune caster is a 7th-level spellcaster. Its

spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save 14, +6 to
hit with spell attacks). It has the following wizard spells
Cantrips (at will): ire bolt, light, mage hand, shocking
1st level (4 slots): burning hands, mage armor, magic
2nd level (3 slots): blur, scorching ray
3rd level (3 slots): ly, ireball
4th level (1 slots): wall of ire and resources, such as large quantities of alchemist’s
Rune Magic. The rune caster has rune mastery of the ire. A rune caster usually has two to four Burning
brenna-þurfa and kaunen runes. (See “Rune” for details Rune cultists assisting him.
on brenna-þurfa; see Deep Magic 2: Rune Magic for
details on kaunen.)
ACTIONS Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
War Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1)) piercing damage. Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30)
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range Speed 30 ft.
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Rune casters are members of the cult with the ability
9 (‒1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 19 (+4) 11 (+0)
and power necessary to learn the secrets of runes.
hey recruit followers for the cult and acquire goods Saving Throws Wis +8

Skills Perception +8, Persuasion +4 A charismatic and powerful zealot of the Burning
Damage Resistances ire Rune, the oracle uses her powerful force of
Senses passive Perception 18 personality to sway the masses, gathering new
Languages Abyssal, Common, Primordial recruits for the cult. She also promises swit and
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) iery death to those that oppose the cult’s goals.
Burning oracles are oten leaders of local branches
Spellcasting. The burning oracle is a 9th-level spellcaster. of the Burning Rune, usually with a rune caster
Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save 16, +8 as their second-in-command and any number of
to hit with spell attacks). She has the following spells
Burning Rune cultists in attendance.
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, sacred lame,
1st level (4 slots): bane, burning hands, command, faerie
maGic item
ire, inlict wounds, sanctuary Whether you need to light a campire or kill a troll,
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, laming sphere, easy access to ire is always handy.
hold person, scorching ray, silence
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, daylight, dispel magic,
Wondrous item, common (requires attunement by a
ireball, protection from energy
master of the kaunen rune)
4th level (3 slots): banishment, death ward, guardian of
faith, wall of ire his item is usually a lat disc of metal, stone, or
5th level (1 slots): lame strike, scrying wood with the kaunen rune inscribed upon it, and
Smoldering Gaze. The burning oracle has advantage on can be disguised as some commonplace item—a
Perception checks that rely on vision. plate, tool, or even a coin—when created. When a
scorch bomb is activated, the user chooses a time up
ACTIONS to 6 hours in the future. At the appointed time, the
Multiattack. The burning oracle attacks twice with its item erupts in a 10-foot burst of lame. Any creatures
dagger or with its sling. caught in the blast take 10 (3d6) ire damage, or
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one half damage with a successful DC 14 Dexterity
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. saving throw. he explosion also ignites combustible
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120 ft., material. he scorch bomb is not destroyed in the
one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 4) bludgeoning damage. blast; it can be used again ater it
Promise of Ash. The burning oracle inspires her allies sits in a ire for 1 hour.
with spoken convictions. All allies capable of hearing the
burning oracle have advantage on their next attack and
that attack does 7 (2d6) additional ire damage on a hit.
The bonus lasts until the start of the burning oracle's
next turn.
Fiery Word (recharge 5‒6). When the burning oracle
targets one creature and speaks a magic word, a
burning brand depicting the symbol of the cult appears
on the target’s face. The creature takes 42 (4d10 + 20)
ire damage and is charmed by the burning oracle; a
successful DC 16 Constitution saving throw halves the
damage and prevents being charmed. The charm effect
ends after 1 hour or when the burning oracle or its allies
do anything harmful to the charmed creature.

the BurninG rune

monSter: deile the holy altar of the Burning Rune ind that it's
capable of defending itself. he altar quickly takes a
altar flame Golem humanoid shape and destroys or drives out all who
he large creature’s rough, humanoid form is made fail to show proper obeisance to the sacred lame,
of some kind of durable brick or stone, and its searing them with a holy inferno or crushing them
demonic face is shaped from lame. with scorching ists of brick. hese golems are found
in larger, more important ire temples, but seldom
he Cultists of the Burning Rune protect their
appear anywhere else.
sanctums in a surprising way. hose who seek to

Large construct, neutral Multiattack. The altar flame golem makes two slam
Armor Class 16 (natural armor) attacks.
Hit Points 152 (16d10 + 64) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 11
Speed 20 ft.
(2d10) ire damage.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Flame Breath (recharge 5‒6). The golem breathes ire in
a 30-foot cone. All creatures in the cone take 36 (8d8)
19 (+4) 9 (‒1) 18 (+4) 3 (‒4) 10 (+0) 1 (‒5)
ire damage, or half damage with a successful DC 16
Dexterity saving throw.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing and slashing
from nonmagical weapons that aren't adamantine
Damage Immunities ire
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened, rune
paralyzed, petriied, poisoned Brenna-þurfa*
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Burning need, desire
Languages understands the language of its creator but
can't speak All standard rules for
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) learning and using
runes, as described in
Death Burst. When reduced to 0 hit points, the altar Deep Magic 2: Rune Magic,
flame golem explodes into shards of hot stone and apply to learning and using
ire. All creatures within 15 feet of the golem take 28 brenna-þurfa.
(8d6) ire damage, or half damage with a successful
DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. An altar flame golem is Rune Bonus: You have
not immune to the ire damage of another altar flame advantage on Wisdom saving
golem's death burst and doesn't absorb it. throws to resist efects that
False Appearance. While it stands motionless, an altar target the mind or that cause psychic damage.
flame golem is indistinguishable from an altar bearing
Rune Power: Spending 1 action to trace
an eternal or sacriicial flame.
brenna-þurfa in the air ills nearby creatures with
Fire Absorption. Whenever the golem is subjected to
a sense of desire and need. You have advantage on
ire damage, it takes no damage and instead regains a
Charisma (Persuasion) checks when dealing with
number of hit points equal to the ire damage dealt.
afected creatures. he afected range equals 10 feet
Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or
effect that would alter its form.
× your level, and the efect lasts 1 minute × your
Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving
throws against spells and other magical effects. Rune Power (5th level): Spending 1 action to trace
Magic Weapons. The golem's slam attacks are magical. brenna-þurfa in the air casts charm person. If the
Water Aversion. The golem is slowed (as the slow spell) target's saving throw succeeds, it takes ire damage
until the end of its next turn if it takes cold damage or is equalling your level and knows that you were the
doused with at least 3 gallons of water. cause.
Rune Mastery Power (10th level): As the 5th-level
power, but the charm person efect targets a number
of creatures up to your level.
*Pronunciation: brenna thurfa

choSen of the demon Bat

choSen of the
demon Bat
t he Chosen of the Demon Bat are followers
of the demon lord Camazotz. his coterie
of the insane is most popular among derros, who
leaderS, orGanization,
and GoalS
ultimately strive to bring about the demon lord’s Given that worshipers of the Demon Bat are primarily
rule, destroy the hated sun, and plunge the world derros, it is understood that the organization and
into eternal darkness. he cult also has a following structure of the cult is loose at best and nearly
among the darakhul, vampires, and other dwellers nonexistent at worst. he most powerful, or at least
of the underground that hate and fear the daylight. the most powerful of personality, form the leadership.

he main body of the cult lairs in the depths beneath whom they serve. he Demon Bat now acts as the
a major surface city, while smaller, splinter bands igurehead of the cult and intermediary between the
of cultists are found scattered throughout the derros and the mi-go. In the meantime, it is content
subterranean world. he derro devotees are joined to assist the cult with its ultimate goal: plunging the
by thralls driven mad by their masters’ experiments. world into eternal darkness.
hese creatures constitute thralls too valuable to he face of the cult is the Speaker to the Darkness.
destroy, or those to whom the derros have formed his derro is one whose mind howls with the voices
peculiar attachments. here are also undead of the outer dark more loudly than the others. He
adherents, including a vampiric leader, whom the has had many predecessors, as leadership of a derro
derros tolerate by order of the Demon Bat. he cult connected to demon lords, mi-go, and the
religious rituals and beliefs of the cult focus on loyalty great terrors of the Dark Tapestry leads to a short
to the Demon Bat (and through it, Camazotz), hatred lifespan. he current Speaker to the Darkness is an
of daylight, devotion to the teachings inscribed upon oracle. He gave up his former name to assume his
the Ebon Shards, and bloody, orgiastic, ritual sacriice. title, and he is zealous in his attempts to bring on
Darkness is the pervasive theme among the the Night Eternal and to keep the Demon Bat fat
Chosen. hey adhere to the belief that all darkness with sacriices. In the interim, he follows the call of
is connected. herefore, one could conceivably the voices and brings victims from the surface down
reach the outer darkness of the skies above by for experimentation and interrogation while poring
plumbing the depths of a Stygian ravine below over the writings of the Ebon Shards. Speaker to the
ground. Hence, the belief that the Demon Bat lives Darkness is rarely seen without Lanose, his cave
both below ground as well as in the outer darkness giant bodyguard.
isn’t contradictory, at least according to the crazed Arikiine, a vampire derro, keeps the cult from
metaphysics described in the Ebon Shards. he devolving into pure chaos. Her undead nature has
ultimate goal of the Chosen is to extinguish the cured her of her madness to an extent, and she
sun, as doing so will plunge the world into a single, would be in real trouble if the other derros realize
eternal darkness, granting Camazotz and his faithful this. Her clarity of thought allows her to better
bloody dominion over the surface world. he organize and lead the cult’s activities. he Demon
cultists alternate between violent, gory sacriices and Bat realizes her usefulness and Camazotz favors
rituals at a great volcanic ravine near their lair and vampires, so she retains a modest measure of
demented experimentation on kidnapped victims security. Arikiine is in charge of the derro laboratory
within the tunnels and caves of their home. and oversees the various mad experiments
he Demon Bat is an exiled vassal of Camazotz. performed on captured surface dwellers, as well as
hrough the combined power of several of its magical research. Arikiine focuses on the main goal
enemies, the Demon Bat’s name has been expunged of extinguishing the sun and obsesses on this task to
from memory, even its own. his serves to hobble the point of working on little else. Given her slightly
its power and sever it from those that could aid improved mental state, the chance the cult may
its return to the Abyss without permission of the actually succeed at such a mad scheme is increased.
demon lord. While the Demon Bat is the primary he mi-go exist on the periphery of the cult.
igure mentioned in the inscriptions of the Ebon hey are not typically active in rituals or plans but
Shards (or so it claims to be, as the igure mentioned ofer assistance and advice where needed. heir
in the writings is actually called “Death on White main contribution thus far is to give the derros’
Wings”), its role in the grand scheme of the cult is mad experiments enough direction to be not only
secondary to its own desires. Its true goal is to gain dangerous but occasionally successful. he greatest
the ability to return to the Abyss, either through success thus far is the development of a hybrid
the favor of Camazotz or by inding the means on fungal spore that infects living creatures, subsuming
its own. To this end, it long ago formed a pact with the form and replacing lesh with fungus, turning
the mi-go and through them, the Great Old Ones them into loyal servitors of the cult.

choSen of the demon Bat
ARIKIINE attempt to persuade the Speaker to the Darkness to
accept her suggestions.
he derro vampire Arikiine wears her hair short
Arikiine uses the standard vampire stat block,
save for a single braid in the back that falls nearly to
with the following changes.
her ankles. She prefers loose-itting clothes, always
• She is Small, and consequently has 127 hit points
black, and has a fondness for copper jewelry. Given
and her Speed is 25 feet.
her already pale skin and derro aversion to sunlight,
• Add the actions Draught of the Unignitable and
there is little to suggest that Arikiine is a vampire
Unstable Tincture.
unless she exposes her fangs. One might expect the
• Draught of the Unignitable (1/day). As a
powers of vampirism to make leadership easy, but
bonus action, Arikiine drinks an alchemical
the increased clarity of her undead existence gives concoction and becomes immune to ire damage
Arikiine momentary episodes of lucidity, which she for 1 minute.
tries to keep secret, as the derro are quick to distrust • Unstable Tincture. Arikiine throws an explosive
the sane. While the vampire is far from stable, these potion at a point up to 60 feet away. Creatures
bouts of temporary sanity actually make her a great within 20 feet of the explosion take 32 (4d10 +
asset to the cult, as she can identify laws in plans 10) ire damage, or half damage with a successful
and schemes and attempt to rectify them, or at least DC 17 Dexterity saving throw.
• She can use Unstable Tincture as a legendary
action, at a cost of 2 actions.


Small humanoid (derro), chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
Hit Points 135 (18d6 + 72)
Speed 25 ft.


11 (+0) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 9 (‒1) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Dex +6, Cha +7

Skills Perception +2
Damage Vulnerabilities radiant
Condition Immunities frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Abyssal, Deep Speech, Undercommon
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Boon of the Bat. Any creature struck by an attack by the

Speaker to the Darkness must make a successful DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the Speaker
until the start of the Speaker's next turn.
Bearer of the Ebon Shard. The Speaker to the Darkness
is attuned to the ebon shards and has full access to the
power granted by them. His spell save DC is 15.

Multiattack. The Speaker to the Darkness makes two
quarterstaff attacks or two sling attacks.

Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage, or 4 (1d8)
bludgeoning damage if used 2-handed, plus 9 (2d8)
necrotic damage.
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3)
bludgeoning damage.
Ebon Shards. The Speaker uses one of the
powers of the ebon shards. He has advantage
on saving throws to resist the shards’
negative effects.
Drawn from Beyond (recharge 5‒6). The
Speaker conjures up to 3 ghasts. The
ghasts appear in empty spaces within 30
feet of the Speaker and in the Speaker's
view. They follow the Speaker's commands to
the fullest extent possible, and he is immune to
their Stench. He can't have more than 3 ghasts
conjured at one time.
Extinguish Light (1/rest). The
speaker casts darkness.
Creatures inside this darkness
have disadvantage on saving
throws. The Speaker and his
conjured ghasts are unaffected by
this darkness.

he Speaker to the Darkness is a strange sight, even Huge plant, chaotic evil
for a derro. He wears a masked cowl and cloak Armor Class 15 (17 with fungal armor)
stitched from the layed skins of the cult’s most Hit Points 115 (10d12 + 50)
worthy sacriices over a robe of bat fur. His bare Speed 30 ft.
feet are caked with dried guano, while his clothing
is spattered with fresher samples. Beneath the cowl
20 (+5) 8 (‒1) 20 (+5) 8 (‒1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)
and mask, his mustache is braided with beads of
carved bone, and the long, straw yellow hair on his
Saving Throws Con +8
balding head is pulled back into a trio of ponytails.
Damage Immunities lightning
he Speaker to the Darkness oversees the religious
Damage Resistances necrotic, thunder
aspects of the cult, leading rituals and sacriices,
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion
consulting with the Demon Bat, and organizing
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
expeditions to the surface for prisoners. He oten
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Undercommon
squabbles with Arikiine over how to divide such
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
prisoners between them. He demands sacriices,
while she wishes more subjects for her laboratories. TRAITS
He worries with how much the Demon Bat seems Devoted to the Speaker. Lanose obeys commands only
to favor the vampire, but the howling winds of the from the Speaker to the Darkness. His devotion makes
outer dark soothe his troubled mind and remind him immune to being charmed.
him of the great destiny before him and his ultimate Sightless Sight. Lanose is unaffected by the Speaker to
git to his lord Camazotz: eternal darkness. the Darkness's extinguish light ability.

choSen of the demon Bat
ACTIONS Verpertilo must make a successful DC 18 Constitution
saving throw or be poisoned. A poisoned creature
Multiattack. Lanose makes two greataxe attacks.
repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
the effect on a success.
one target. Hit: 24 (3d12 + 5) slashing damage.
Innate Spellcasting. Verpertilo’s spellcasting ability is
Fungal Armor (recharge 5‒6). Lanose’s tough, wooly
Charisma (spell save DC 18). It can cast the following
exterior hardens, granting him an AC of 17 for 1 minute.
spell innately, requiring only verbal components:
In addition to the boost in armor class, Lanose gains
3/day: wall of ire
resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
damage from nonmagical weapons. ACTIONS
Lanose resembles an exceptionally large and pale Multiattack. Verpertilo makes two claw attacks and one
cave giant with prodigious white, wooly body hair, bite attack.
which is actually rough threads of fungus. He Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 22 (3d10 + 6) slashing damage.
wears armor made from the tanned hides of derro
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
victims, reinforced with their charred and lacquered
target. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) piercing damage and the
bones. He serves as the bodyguard to the Speaker
target must make a successful DC 18 Constitution saving
in the Darkness, looming by his side at all times. throw or be paralyzed until the end of its next turn.
Unlike other fungal minions, Lanose only obeys the Flying Toss. If Verpertilo hits the same target with both
commands of the Speaker to the Darkness. claw attacks while airborne, it can grapple the target
instead of making a bite attack (escape DC 16). If
VERPERTILO, THE DEMON BAT Verpertilo hasn't used all its movement this turn, it
can fly away in any direction while carrying a Large
Huge iend, chaotic evil
or smaller creature, without triggering opportunity
Armor Class 20 (18 without Radiance of the Abyss)
attacks. The grappled creature can use its reaction to
Hit Points 207 (18d12 + 90) make an escape attempt immediately. If it succeeds, the
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. creature escapes after 20 feet of movement (or at the
end of Verpertilo's move, if it moves less than 20 feet).
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Otherwise, Verpertilo carries the creature away and is
22 (+6) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 21 (+5) likely to drop it onto a hard surface or into lava, acid, or
whatever other damaging substance is handy, or carries
Saving Throws Con +10 it to a place where the creature's companions can't aid it
Damage Immunities poison in a one-on-one ight against Verpertilo.
Damage Resistances cold, ire, lightning with Radiance
of the Abyss; none otherwise his immense, batlike iend is festooned with fungal
Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, frightened growths over its white fur and skin. Its eyes blaze
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 14 like twin ires in the darkness.
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, telepathy 150 ft. he creature known as Verpertilo, the Demon Bat,
Challenge 16 (15,000 XP) was once a high-ranking servant of Camazotz. It
tried to overthrow the demon lord and failed. Rather
Radiance of the Abyss. An aura of infernal magic than destroy his treasonous servant, Camazotz
surrounds Verpertilo to a distance of 10 feet. This aura banished the creature to the material plane, stripping
grants him resistance to cold, ire, and lightning damage it of its true name so that none could tap into its
and boosts his AC by 2. A creature that ends its turn power or help it return to the Abyss. he demon lord
inside this aura takes 21 (3d10 + 5) necrotic damage,
commanded it to serve as his igurehead, leading his
or half damage with a successful DC 18 Wisdom saving
derro worshipers until it had proven itself worthy
throw. If Verpertilo takes radiant damage, this trait
doesn't function until the start of his next turn.
to return to the service of Camazotz in the demonic
Spores. Each time Verpertilo takes damage, it releases
realms. Verpertilo does as ordered, though it seeks
a cloud of spores. Every creature within 5 feet of ways to increase its power and gain entry to the

Abyss on its own terms. hus, it has brokered the of a sense of curiosity. he mi-gos ind the derros’
alliance between the cult and the mi-go and the dark experiments fascinating, so they provide aid where
horrors they serve. he mi-go seem content with the they can to see whether any brilliant inspiration
arrangement, providing their strange technology arises from the derros’ madness. hey do not attend
to the derros and altering the Demon Bat’s physical any of the sacriices or other religious rituals, but
form with their strange fungal infusions that occasionally visit Arikiine’s labs to observe the
increase its power. procedures of the vampire and her assistants. hey
he Demon Bat cares not whether it regains its ofer helpful advice or occasionally provide some
place in the Abyss through the will of Camazotz or minor assistance.
its own schemes. It abides for now, feasting on the Given the strange properties of mi-go technology,
cult’s sacriices and funneling a steady supply of the derros’ fungal minions, the derros themselves,
souls to its master while aiding the mi-go and the or experimental subjects from the surface can be
cult in their concerted efort to extinguish the sun. outitted with mi-go technology. his usually takes
the form of some type of fungal grat. hese grats

mi-Go act as magic items that are physically melded with

the body so they can't be removed. Examples include
he mi-go aren’t worshipers of Camazotz. hey a band of symbiotic fungus that provides enhanced
have no vested interest in the success of the cult’s strength while it feeds on its host, or fungal stalks
machinations. hey support the cult mainly out that grow from a subject’s head and enhance the

choSen of the demon Bat
senses. hese items shrivel and become useless when he PCs are hired to do a sweep of the house and
their host creature dies—unless you want player eliminate any threats, or at least identify them
characters to obtain and use them, in which case and report back so an appropriate response can
they can be salvaged and attached to new hosts. be devised. he house has long been used by the
he mi-go themselves tend to sit out any combat Chosen of the Demon Bat to sneak up to the surface
and simply observe whether their “allies” win or to thieve and kidnap. he PCs ind their light sources
lose. hey turn their full force, however, against extinguished and strange noises plaguing them as
anyone who attacks them directly. A full description they explore. Eventually, they discover a group of
of the mi-go can be found in Tome of Beasts. fungal minions (see “Fel Infestation” below) in the
house, along with one of the missing workers. A
secret tunnel in the basement leads deeper into the
cult activitieS and earth, where the worker says his partner was taken.
adventure hookS A warehouse in the mercantile district has been
Here are several methods of introducing the Chosen closed by authorities because of a pest infestation
of the Demon Bat as adversaries in your campaign. and strange fungal growths of unknown origin.
hey can be adversaries for single adventures or a While traveling through the district at night, the
continuing threat in an extended campaign where the PCs hear cries for help coming from within the
PCs work to foil the rising threat of the cult and their building. A group of homeless folk, seeking shelter,
attempts to bring eternal night to the world. have broken into the building only to fall prey to
the dangers within. PCs that go to the rescue ind a
man being attacked by a violet fungus. If they defeat
LEVELS 1–3 the creature and explore the rest of the warehouse,
he PCs seek information from a low-level igure of they ind several species of dangerous fungal growth
the local underworld whom they have been told can and a colony of bats inside. A concealed tunnel in
help for a price. Unfortunately for them, this person a separate storeroom leads underground. Near this
committed suicide recently. hose who are willing to entrance is a fungal pod (see below), which triggers
speak to the PCs cannot tell them much, except that if the PCs disturb it.
the criminal had vanished for a time ater failing to
meet an incoming smuggler in the tunnels below the
city. When he turned up again, he wasn’t quite right
in the head. He was prone to terrible nightmares, he city is under attack! An infestation of batlike
heavy drinking, and rambling about captors with creatures has descended like a plague. hese lame
“terrible white eyes.” A friend of the deceased agrees eater swarms (see below) are attracted to smoke and
to provide the PCs with the information they seek if lame, and devour ire of any sort. his extinguishes
they investigate the cause of the criminal’s distress. torches, hearths, forges, and more. Once they have
Delving into the smugglers’ tunnels below the city, feasted, the lame eater swarms become doubly
they ind a passage leading even deeper below the dangerous as they can regurgitate the ire at their
earth, and a derro cultist preparing to descend with foes. he creatures must be stopped before the city is
her latest batch of captives. engulfed in darkness and littered with the scorched
bodies of the dead.
Two members of a construction crew sent to
demolish a local abandoned house vanish. hey he intrepid but somewhat foolhardy son of a local
were tasked with tearing out the inside of the house notable personage has disappeared. he young
to be remodeled when they disappeared and now man, who styles himself an adventurer, was last
work has ground to a halt. Long-standing rumors of seen with his “company,” a group of other young
the house being haunted recirculate and the rest of well-to-do folk that includes their sycophants and
the crew refuses to reenter the building. hangers-on. hey headed to an abandoned foundry

on the outskirts of town. he boy’s parents are the idol, they are told it was stolen—the very day of
ofering a sizeable reward for his return. Questioning the NPC’s suicide. he idol is a representation of the
his friends reveals that only a few of them actually demon lord Camazotz. Questioning the staf reveals
entered the place and one of them has also not that no doors or windows on the exterior of the
been seen since. he other friend is found hiding building were broken or unlocked ater the robbery.
at home, terriied. Should the PCs get her talking, A search of the building reveals a disturbance in a
she babbles on about “white iends” that came up basement storeroom, and a broken wall leading into
out of the basement and chased them. She escaped the city sewers. Using clues from the deceased NPC’s
but the missing young man was captured. Should journal, the PCs eventually track down a group of
the PCs hurry, they may ind the derro cultists and derro cultists. he derro prepare to take the stolen
their fungal minion servants still in the foundry, idol and some kidnapped citizens back down to their
securing the last of a batch of kidnap victims aboard lair. A map held by the derro leader could lead PCs
their skittering skif (see below) before heading back to further pursue this hidden threat below the city.
down to their cavern home.
he PCs are approached by a cleric of the sun deity
he PCs are captured by the Chosen and subjected to to investigate disappearances at an orphanage. A
the initial stages of a new experimental procedure. half dozen children have simply disappeared from
hey awaken in cells aterward, with their senses the Children of the Sun orphanage in the last three
playing tricks on them and their minds in a tenuous days. he remaining orphans are frightened and
state. hey must escape their cells, gather weapons tell tales of “the small pale men” who come in the
and equipment, and ind a way out of the cult’s night and carry of their friends. None of them can
lair and back to the surface. he cultists eventually provide any solid details and all their tales sound
notice them missing and mount a pursuit to reclaim entirely too alike. If pressed, the children eventually
their test subjects, likely to sacriice them to the relent and say that they did not see who took their
Demon Bat. his scenario can involve a lot of stealth, fellow orphans. hey are only retelling the tales of
ingenuity, and perhaps a climactic inal chase scene. one particular girl who claims to have seen it. If
his style of adventure provides a lot of in-game questioned, the girl, Aurora, says that a strange mist
tension and reliance on the innate abilities of the ills the bedchambers on the nights the children are
characters. Some players may feel deprived of their taken. Aurora is a strange child, mature for her age,
agency. Be sure to discuss it with your players before
with golden eyes. She describes short, pale men,
springing it on them to be sure everyone is on-board.
all broad except for one who is skinny and tells the
others what to do, who enter and take two children
LEVELS 7–9 each time. No one else wakes up, even the children
A friend or associate of the PCs died recently by who are being abducted.
her own hand, but the PCs discover clues to suggest In actuality, a derro from the Chosen and his
there may be extenuating circumstances. he dwarf fungal minions sneak into the building
NPC was a collector of artifacts and disappeared through an old smugglers' secret door and tunnel in
shortly ater returning from the jungles outside the basement. he derro releases into the building a
the city with several ancient relics from a ruined gas that causes unconsciousness. he fungal minions
temple. he NPC reappeared as suddenly as she and derro are immune, as are celestials or creatures
vanished, about 10 days later, with no memory of with celestial heritage, like Aurora. he derro chooses
what happened or where she had been. Her journal a pair of children to take. he lunatic derro target
speaks of bizarre nightmares and visions of an idol this building in particular because he takes the name
she brought back from the jungle, as well as “dark literally, believing that these children are the spawn of
tunnels with foul-smelling water” and “great white the sun deity and thus will make worthy sacriices. He
eyes in the dark.” he idol in question was turned takes only a few at a time, fearing retribution. Since
over to a local museum. Should the PCs go to see his earlier raids have gone unpunished however, he

choSen of the demon Bat
is emboldened and may seek to gather up the lot on A battle with the derro and their minions halts
his next visit. Should the PCs resist or overcome the the attacks and inds a pile of the stolen items,
sleeping gas, they must face the derro and a veritable though many have been melted down and turned
army of fungal warriors. If victorious, they ind the into parts for what seems to be a giant clockwork
remaining children alive in the secret tunnels of the structure. Should the PCs fail to make progress in
basement, where they wait bound and ready to be their investigation, they still witness the inal result of
hauled of for sacriice. this plot: a great clockwork eigy of the Demon Bat,
In late hours of the evening, a strange, dark fog interwoven with parts made from the reforged stolen
rises from sewer grates and holes in the streets, holy items, appears to wreak havoc upon the city.
out of basements and cellars, throughout the city. he Chosen of the Demon Bat capture the tallest
A decidedly unnatural phenomenon, it has no building or tower in the city. he cult’s fanatical
apparent afect on the citizens, but the city goes dark followers and implacable fungal minions resist
as lames dim to mere lickers and magical lights are eforts to retake the building. he sounds of drums
suppressed. he city guard mobilizes to secure order, and shrill chants can be heard, and a bonire blazes
but their brightest lanterns provide no more light on the rootop. Occasionally victims are tossed to
than small candles. Many folk huddle in their homes their deaths to the ground below. If the PCs assist
or in taverns to wait out the strange phenomenon. in the recapture of the building, they ind a ritual
Others take advantage of the darkness and move in progress. In attendance are a quartet of mi-go
about with ill intent, too many for the guard to with a strange device that resembles both a cannon
police. he authorities are grateful for any helpful and a bizarre lower. he derro ight to hold of
PCs that help keep order or try to ind a cause for the interlopers while the mi-go inish with their
this unnatural mist. Over the course of the night, the preparations. A ray of dark energy erupts from the
PCs could deal with looters, criminals, and monsters device, soars into the sky and causes the moon to
attracted by the unnatural gloom. Meanwhile, derros eclipse! Destroying the device returns the moon to its
are on the move, testing their new experiment and normal state. Should the PCs prevail, the cult and the
grabbing sacriices and test subjects. he mist persists mi-go mark them as enemies and may work to destroy
even ater the sun rises. he pall makes the daylight them before continuing with their experiments.
weak and the derro ind they can tolerate the light On the night of the new moon, alarmed citizens
in these conditions. If the PCs encounter the derros report an immense, winged shape soaring above the
and ind some way to connect the mist with them, city in the night sky. Where the creature passes, the
the next step is to venture below the city to ind and stars are extinguished, leaving nothing but darkness
destroy whatever the derros used to create it. in the iend’s wake. Panic and alarm increase with
reports of attacks by strange, pale igures boiling up
LEVELS 10–12 from the sewers. Should the PCs confront the winged
A blasphemous crime spree has the city in an uproar. creature in the sky (the Demon Bat), it avoids them
Holy symbols and relics of deities of sun and sky are and continues to ly its circular paths across the sky. If
being reported stolen. Tempers lare and suspicions they go ater the derro and their fungal minions, who
are quickly cast upon rival religions. Something must are rounding up another batch of sacriicial victims
be done to stop these thets before the tensions turn for the inal portion of their ritual, the cultists fend
into open war between sects. Careful observation of them of as best they can. hey lee with their existing
the crimes notes that only items made of metal have prisoners if they cannot defeat the heroes.
been stolen. Other nonmetallic relics that the thieves As the hours roll on toward morning, the dawn
had ample opportunity to take were let behind. never comes. Investigation and news from outside
Should PCs come up with a successful plan to track the city show that there is a great ield of darkness
the thieves or lure them into a trap, they ind the over the city and its environs that blocks the sunlight
Chosen of the Demon Bat are responsible. and leaves it shrouded in shadow. Brave PCs must

track the cultists back to their lair and ind a way to channel power to the Demon Bat in preparation for
reverse this terrible catastrophe. Divination spells the inal stage of the ritual. If successful, it will cast a
may help narrow down the proper course to take, permanent shadow over the sun. If the inal combat
and notable NPCs in town may ofer aid.he heroes against Arikiine needs to be more challenging,
soon learn that the Speaker to the Darkness bears consider having her charged with negative energy
the staf of Camazotz, which has been used to draw from the chamber and boosted from gorging on the
the deep darkness from the void to block the light of celestial blood during the ritual, which increases her
the sun. he derro are elated with their success and hit points and allows her to take 4 legendary actions
are in an orgy of sacriice and celebration. If the PCs per round.
can seize the staf and return it to the temple of the he abductions of the celestial-blooded have
sun deity on the surface, the high priest can break been stopped, but the Chosen continue with their
the magic, disperse the darkness, and return the light machinations. he sacriices made were enough to
to the city. Yet, this act signiies the cult has inally power the next step in their ritual. he Speaker to the
made a signiicant step toward their inal objective. Darkness uses the power ofered up to Camazotz to
fuel a massive device crated by his derro followers
LEVELS 13–15 under the guidance of the mi-go. his monstrosity of
he Chosen of the Demon Bat are tracking and living technology, a great engine of lesh and fungus,
assaulting surface dwellers with celestial blood. harnesses the blood and souls to gather shadowstuf
hey abduct some while others are hung up like and darkness from the deeps and the outer dark, and
slaughtered animals and exsanguinated. he cultists casts it into the sky to eclipse the sun. A great stream
have found a way to use the victims’ blood and of darkness erupts out of the ground and into the sky.
life essence to further their plot to extinguish the It collects and thickens, like a pall of smoke in the air.
sun. he PCs can discover the derros’ plans, either As it slowly gains mass and begins to block the light,
through magic or the interrogation of captured it coalesces into a black moon.
cultists, and learn that the vampire Arikiine is he PCs can seek out the Speaker to the
behind the attacks. She is based in a cavern beneath Darkness in a great vaulted chamber below ground,
the city known as the Stygian Geode, a massive surrounded by his cultists and his fungal cave giant
natural amphitheater with its interior lined with bodyguard. Several mi-go also stand by to observe
dark crystals, ranging from smoky gray to black, the process. he destruction of the cult and the
some taller and more massive than a human. alien device stop the black moon from growing any
he chamber is a focal point for necromantic further in size, but it does not disperse. To restore
energies that enhance the rites performed here and the sun, the Demon Bat itself must be destroyed.

Chosen of the Demon Bat in Midgard

he main sanctum of the Chosen lies in the lightless City oicials ofer bounties on the creatures to keep
caverns and tunnels under Majid Zinj on the Spice their numbers down. Occasionally, ires break out
Coast. he derros venture above into the city at night that witnesses say blaze into existence on their own;
and commit all manner of trespasses. hey steal rare these incidents also occur on nights when the derros
spices and plants from vendors and warehouses, as well show their zealous devotion to Camazotz. PCs visiting
as other goods for use in their rituals and experiments, or residing in the city could be caught up in these
and abduct people. he victims are typically drunks mysterious afairs, with the cult becoming a recurring
wandering the street, beggars, sailors from the docks, foe (possibly before the PCs even realize there is a
or others who are easy prey and will probably not be cult) as the heroes fend of these strange attacks and
missed. During the times of the Chosen’s rituals and investigate the sinister goings-on.
sacriices, the city is plagued by bats from the jungle.

choSen of the demon Bat
he black spot over the sun has not faded. With the he fungal pod is a hybrid of fungus commonly
cult’s leaders slain, their members scattered, and their cultivated by the derro and an otherworldly strain
infernal machine demolished, all that remains is to provided to them by the mi-go. If a living creature
sever the last link. he black moon that blots out the approaches within 10 feet of a fungal pod, the
sun, is tied to the life of the Demon Bat. While it lives, pod splits open at the top and peels back like a
the sun will not shine. he PCs must descend to the gruesome lower. Blue-black tendrils unfold from
great volcanic chasm where the creature lairs and slay inside, and spores puf out. Living creatures within
it. Only then will the darkness disperse and sunlight 10 feet of the fungal pod must make successful
once again grace the world. he task is far from easy, DC 15 Constitution saving throws or contract fel
as the Demon Bat knows its enemies come for it, and infestation. Immunity or resistance to disease has no
it will use the inimical terrain to its best advantage, efect against fel infestation.
subjecting opponents to great falls, poisonous fumes, A fungal pod has AC 8, 3 hp, and immunity to
and burning magma. hose who manage to defeat the psychic damage. hey are also destroyed by exposure
iend and restore the world truly deserve to be called to sunlight.
heroes. his constitutes an epic challenge for level 15
heroes. For a more moderate challenge, ensure the
Creatures sufering from fel fever slowly transform
PCs are at least 16th level.
into fungal minions.
A living creature that's been exposed to spores
feat from a fungal pod and failed its saving throw must
he Chosen of the Demon Bat don’t allow a pain to make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving
stop them from showing their devotion to Camazotz. throw ater every long rest. If the saving throw
succeeds, there is no further efect but the infestation
PAINCASTER continues. If the saving throw fails, the creature's hit
Prerequisite: he ability to cast at least one spell. point maximum is reduced by 25 percent. Ater three
Taking damage while concentrating on a spell causes such failures, the creature transforms into a mindless
you to experience ecstasy with the following efects: thrall whose only desire is to serve the Speaker to
• You have advantage on Constitution checks to the Darkness. Its hit point maximum doubles every
maintain concentration. 24 hours, so that ater 48 hours it's back to its former
• You are immune to the charmed and frightened level. he creature's Intelligence and Charisma
condition while maintaining concentration. scores drop to 4, it loses all skill proiciencies except
Perception and Stealth, and it's unable to cast spells.
• If your concentration is ended by a creature, that
creature has disadvantage on its saving throw Fel infestation can be stopped and cured with
against a spell you cast on your next turn. lesser restoration or comparable magic, provided the
creature hasn't yet failed its second daily (ater a long
rest) saving throw. If the creature has failed two daily
hazardS saving throws, greater restoration is needed. Once the
Derro are experts at breeding and cultivating transformation takes place, only a wish or comparable
dangerous fungi to protect their territory, spread magic can restore the creature to its former state. A
their schemes, and create more minions and thralls. successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check allows
the infected character to make a daily saving throw
FUNGAL POD with advantage—but if the Medicine check fails, the
hese fungal growths look like translucent, saving throw is made with disadvantage.
membranous egg sacs. An unidentiiable, dark form
incubates within.

maGic itemS Each time the bearer uses the ebon shards to cast a
spell, he must make a successful DC 12 Charisma
Several magic items hold special signiicance to saving throw or take 7 (2d6) psychic damage.
followers of the Demon Bat. Chief among these are
the otherworldly ebon shards. EYES OF THE OUTER DARK
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a hese lenses are crated of polished, opaque black
spellcaster of evil alignment) stone. When placed over the eyes, however, they
allow the wearer not only improved vision but
he ebon shards were gited to the Chosen of the glimpses into the vast emptiness between the stars.
Demon Bat by their mi-go allies. hey comprise an When worn, the eyes of the outer dark provide
unusual form of spellbook. darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If the wearer already
Held in a bag of tanned human skin, these shards has darkvision, its range is extended by 60 feet.
of obsidian appear to be pieces of a larger tablet Once per day, the wearer can use the lenses to
or set of tablets. he fragments are engraved with pierce the veils of time and space and see into the
words in Deep Speech as well as various runes and outer darkness. his gives the wearer the beneits of
arcane symbols. heir presence causes a feeling of foresight and true seeing for 10 minutes. If the latter
anxiousness in non-Evil, intelligent creatures. Rusty abilities are used and the wearer doesn't already
lines and patches of dried blood cover the shards, and sufer from some type of insanity or is not a creature
anyone who handles them without gloves receives that meets the GM’s criteria as alien, insane, or
shallow cuts on the hands and ingers. Although otherworldly, then the wearer takes 13 (3d8) psychic
painful, the handler somehow feels more comfortable damage when the power is triggered.
reading the shards ater having bled on them.
he writing on the shards is obscure, esoteric, and FUNGAL FLYER
possibly incomplete. It explores the metaphysical Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
concept of darkness as a continual, unending force his living vehicle was once a dire bat, but now it
unimpeded by physical barriers or the natural laws of is as much fungus as lesh. Saddlelike formations
the universe. With the proper orientation, will, and grow from its back to accommodate a Small pilot
training, one can travel from darkness to darkness and several passengers. he fungal lyer is technically
as easily as one would walk down a road. Recurring alive, controlled by a goad ixed into its brain and a
in the writings is a being—sometimes a guardian, set of reins. Despite being a living thing, the fungal
sometimes a guide—known as Death on White lyer is treated as an object for purposes of spells and
Wings, who leads the worthy through darkness to other efects. It has AC 9, 40 hit points, resistance
rewards beyond mortal conception while devouring to nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
the unworthy, body and soul. Other portions of the damage, and immunity to psychic damage.
writings speak of using pain as a focus to gather will he fungal lyer can transport up to ive Medium
and power, converting agony into strength. creatures in addition to its pilot, who must be Small
he shards provide the user with access to a and must be attuned to the lyer. he vehicle lies at
powerful array of void magic spells. he bearer can 6 mph (50 feet per round). Its maximum load under
cast the following spells, without material components any circumstance is 1,000 lb.
and using Charisma as his or her casting ability.
At will: crushing curse* (or ray of frost) SKITTERING SKIFF
3/day each: maddening whispers*, void strike* (or Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
hold person, vampiric touch) his vehicle resembles nothing so much as a fungal
1/day each: living shadows* (or black tentacles) carrion crawler, but its back is hollowed out like the
*See Deep Magic 3: Void Magic for full details on hull of a ship, a helm is installed on its head, and
these spells. Otherwise, use the alternatives. its body is festooned with writhing tendrils. he

choSen of the demon Bat

skittering skif moves equally well in water or on he derros sometimes outit skittering skifs
land. By stretching and reaching with its tendrils, it for raiding. Most oten these are armed with ten
can cross gaps and chasms up to 30 feet across. heavy crossbows (ive per side), but sometimes two
A skittering skif is technically alive, but it has no ballistas are mounted instead. Armor plating can
consciousness or will, and it won't move without a raise the skif 's AC to 12 and gives three-quarters
driver at the helm. It's treated as an object for the cover to passengers but lowers its speed to 2.5 mph
purposes of spells and other efects. It has AC 6, 140 (20 feet per round).
hit points, and immunity to necrotic, poison, and
psychic damage. A skittering skif can transport up to STAFF OF CAMAZOTZ
15 Medium or smaller creatures, plus the driver who Weapon (staf), very rare (requires attunement)
must be attuned to the vehicle. It travels 3 mph (25 his staf of petriied wood is topped with a stylized
feet per round) and can carry a maximum load of 3 carving of a bat, its wings spread, its mouth baring
tons (passengers + cargo). great fangs, and a pair of rubies inset as its eyes. As
long as the staf holds at least 1 charge, the bearer

can speak with
animals at will (bats
only). Living bats of any
size never attack the bearer
of the staf of Camazotz
unless magically compelled to, flame eater Swarm
such as conjured or magically hese creatures were bred as part of the schemes
controlled bats. Batlike creatures of the Chosen of the Demon Bat, in the hope of
with Intelligence 3 or higher creating a massive swarm of beasts that could ly to
have an indiferent starting the sun and consume it. It's unlikely this ever could
attitude toward the wielder. have worked, even if the creatures had turned out as
he staf has ive charges and intended, but something went seriously wrong during
regains 1d4 charges ater each the magical portion of the program. What resulted
long rest. It provides its bearer was lame eaters: highly dangerous creatures that
access to the following spells: swarm into lying clouds, consume ire, and attack
• darkness (1 charge) any creatures they encounter. hey ignite lammable
• dominate monster (bats and material, causing more ires, which the lame eaters
batlike creatures only, 2 charges) devour and spread to other areas.
• lame strike (2 charges) hese creatures are hated and feared by most living
things. Even derros and their fellow insane cultists
who created lame eaters are forced to eradicate them
poiSon sometimes, for their own safety.
Followers of the demon bat aren't Individually, a lame eater resembles an ash-colored
above using poison against their bat with an oversized head, distended jaws, and
enemies, or against anyone who glowing red eyes. As a swarm, they resemble a cloud
stands between them and their of swirling embers.
nefarious goals.
Medium swarm of Tiny beasts, unaligned
Dark dream is a gas created by distilling
Armor Class 12
derro fungus with certain necromantic
Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
energy along with components provided
Speed 0 ft., fly 40 ft.
by the mi-go. he resulting mixture causes
unconsciousness when inhaled. Derros, celestials, STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
and creatures of celestial blood are immune to the 3 (‒4) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 2 (‒4) 14 (+2) 4 (‒3)
efect. he gas is typically kept in glass bottles tightly
capped and sealed with wax, because it dissipates in Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slashing
1 round when exposed to air. Damage Immunities ire
When a bottle of dark dream is smashed or Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, grappled,
unsealed, all breathing creatures within 10 feet (or paralyzed, petriied, prone, restrained, stunned
in an enclosed space such as a room) must make Senses blindsight 20 ft., passive Perception 12
a successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw or Languages —
become unconscious. An unconscious creature Challenge 2 (450 XP)
repeats the saving throw ater every minute, ending
the efect on a success. Consume Flame. Any normal ire in the flame eater
swarm's space at the end of the swarm's turn is
extinguished. Magical ire (a laming weapon or wall

creed of all fleSh
of ire spell, for example) is extinguished if the swarm
makes a successful DC 13 Constitution check. Only the
swarm's space is affected; ires larger than the swarm
continue burning outside the swarm's space. For the
next minute after the swarm consumes any flame, its
bite attack does an extra 9 (2d8) ire damage and any
creature that ends its turn in the swarm's space takes 4
(1d8) ire damage.
Swarm. The swarm can occupy the same space as another
creature and vice versa. The swarm can move through
any opening large enough for a Tiny bat. The swarm
can't regain hit points or gain temporary hit points.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
creature in the swarm's space. Hit: 7 (2d6) piercing
damage, or 3 (1d6) piercing damage if the swarm has
half of its hit points or fewer.

Despite their raging insanity, servants of the demon
bat understand the value of keeping tabs on their

4th-level divination
Casting Time 1 round
Range 10 miles
Components V, S
Duration 10 hours
his spell summons a swarm of ravens or other
birds—or a swarm of bats if cast at night or
underground—to serve you as spies. he swarm
moves out as you direct, but it won't patrol farther
away than the spell's range. Commands must be
simple, such as “search the valley to the east for
travelers” or “search everywhere for humans on
horses.” he GM can judge how clear and efective
your instructions are and use that estimation in
determining what the spies report.
You can recall the spies at any time by whispering
into the air, but the spell ends when the swarm returns
to you and reports. You must receive the swarm's
report before the spell expires, or you gain nothing.
he swarm doesn't ight for you; it avoids danger if
possible but defends itself if it must. You know if the
swarm is destroyed, and the spell ends.


creed of
all fleSh
t he ingestion of the lesh of other intelligent
creatures, especially one’s own people, is
a nearly universal taboo among civilized races.
Mordiggian to the living) to revel in this evil. he
temptation of the power aforded by the cult’s occult
knowledge and rituals draws the desperate, the
here are those, however, who secretly crave such power-hungry, and the depraved to swell their ranks,
sustenance, believing they gain vile power from more with every passing week. he Creed of All
eating such forbidden fare. hese individuals band Flesh will not have its hunger denied.
together under the sign of Vardesain (known as

creed of all fleSh
leaderS, orGanization, in the gluttonous, orgiastic rites of the cult alongside
ghouls, ghasts, and darakhul. he faction’s leaders
and GoalS see this as a means of allowing the faithful to come
Followers of the Creed of All Flesh are mainly closer to their god. he truly devout are raised up
darakhul, though other types of undead that feast in the eyes of Vardesain and allowed to become his
upon the lesh of the living are welcome. Ghouls and true people. hose that are lacking may still serve as
ghasts form the bulk of the undead ranks, though the lesser undead or as lesh at the cult’s holy feasts. he
cult utilizes many types of lesser undead as guards Ravening Adherents are led by Jasna Veldrik. She
and hunters. Vampires aren’t oten seen in the cult, as believes that followers of the Creed serve Vardesain
their appetites extend only to the blood rather than more truly than adherants of the primary faith. Her
the meat of their prey, but they are represented. wish is to convert all of the darakhul empire to the
Many members of humanoid races also adhere cult. She abhors the idea of internal conlict among
to the cult. Most of these are already cannibals and her kind, however, and uses persuasion and political
most aspire to become darakhul ater death. Some pull to slowly shit others to her point of view.
are successful, while others only become mere ghouls Next are the necrophagi, a cabal known as the
and ghasts at the beck and call of their darakhul Virtutim Carnis. hese death eaters pursue the
masters. Others never cross over into undeath at all, knowledge and power that comes from eating the
and their bodies end up feeding the more fortunate. lesh of both enemy and ally. hough nominally
Some among the cult venerate oozes, seeing these worshipers of Vardesain, the Virtutim Carnis have
creatures as the ultimate expression of hunger. many dealings with demons, to whom they trade
Feeding sacriices to a pit full of oozes is popular the souls of their victims and whom they welcome
among certain sects of the Creed. into their rituals as fellow feasters. Many have pacts
he Creed of All Flesh is a tripartite organization. with demons and other iends, which expand their
In theory, all three branches of the cult worship abilities. Still, they are loyal to the cult and use their
Vardesain, although followers of the Creed are knowledge and power to bolster the organization
considered a splinter group of the main religion. he both inancially and defensively. he Virtutim Carnis
aspect of Vardesain they venerate is euphemistically are led by Kazimir Ernis. He is perhaps the most
named the Father of the High Feast. hey promote power-hungry among the Creed’s leadership. Kazimir
him as a benevolent god who favors his chosen sees the Virtutim Carnis gaining eventual control
with great bounty and blessings, invariably through over the darakhul empire. He envisions a magocracy
sacred feasting. he oicial church of Vardesain where darakhul who recognize that their very essence
cares little about these variant beliefs, as heresy is is power itself ascend to positions of power.
not a crime in the empire of the darakhul. hey do Finally, there is the Guild of Performance Eaters.
keep careful watch over the Creed, however, being hese entertainers are a macabre mix of chefs,
wary of any shits in political power that might give gourmands, and torturers. hey prepare and devour
the cult more sway. his is wise, as the leaders of live meals before rapt audiences of hungry cannibals,
the cult would not be averse to taking the reins of darakhul, and other intelligent lesh-eaters who
power in the capital. he three branches of the Creed appreciate the artistic qualities of the performances.
cooperate well with each other, though each has its hey transform worship into entertainment and so
own unique goals and leaders. whet the appetites of the crowds. Zadina Valgyt is
First, there are the Ravening Adherents. his chief among the Guild. She is the only mortal among
group is organized much like the standard religion the leaders of the Creed and seems in no hurry to
of Vardesain except that the living are actively make the transition to undeath. he perfection of the
encouraged to join. hese cannibalistic worshipers guild’s performances is most important to Zadina.
hope to one day achieve undeath, becoming he path to the Father of the High Feast lies through
darakhul themselves. In the meantime, they partake enlightenment found in experiencing the true

beauty of consumption. his is something only her Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet
people can accomplish by turning mere eating into a of Veldrik must make a successful DC 16 Constitution
spiritual experience. hose who do not share Zadina’s saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its next
turn. A successful saving throw makes the creature
proclivity for cannibalism simply call her insane.
immune to the stench for 24 hours.
Sunlight Sensitivity. Veldrik has disadvantage on Wisdom
JASNA VELDRIK (Perception) checks that rely on sight and on attack rolls
Medium undead (darakhul), neutral evil while she or the object she is trying to see or attack is in
Armor Class 17 (half plate) direct sunlight.
Hit Points 144 (17d8 + 68) Turning Deiance. Veldrick and any ghouls or ghasts
Speed 30 ft. within 30 feet of her have advantage on saving throws
against effects that turn undead.
17 (+3) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 20 (+5) 16 (+3)
Multiattack. Jasna makes two claw attacks and one bite
Skills Deception +7, Stealth +6 attack.
Saving Throws Con +8 Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage. If the target
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical weapons
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed,
exhaustion, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 15
Languages Common, Darakhul,
Elvish, Undercommon
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Frenzy. Jasna can choose to make three

additonal Bite attacks on her turn as a
bonus action. If any of these attacks miss,
all attacks against Jasna have advantage until
the end of her next turn.
Master of Disguise. While wearing a prepared
disguise, Jasna Veldrik has advantage on Charisma
(Deception) checks made to pass as a living
creature. Veldrik loses the use of Stench while using
this ability.
Spellcasting. Jasna is a 13th-level spellcaster. Her
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save 17, +9 to hit
with spell attacks). She has prepared the following spells:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance
1st level (4 slots): command, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, dispel magic
4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of movement
5th level (2 slots): lamestrike, insect plague
6th level (1 slot): harm
7th level (1 slot): regenerate

creed of all fleSh
is a creature other than an undead, it must make a and pale elf she once was, but her features have a
successful DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be much more feral cast to them. She wears the red-
paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed target repeats the and-white robes of a cleric of Vardesain over her
saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect
armor, and an elaborate headdress of bone sits atop
on a success. If a humanoid creature is paralyzed for
her waist-length, glossy black hair.
more than 2 rounds, consecutive or nonconsecutive, the
creature contracts darakhul fever.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one KASIMIR ERNIS
target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8) Small undead (darakhul), neutral evil
necrotic damage. In addition, a humanoid target must Armor Class 15 (17 with mage armor)
make a successful DC 16 Constitution saving throw or
Hit Points 93 (17d6 + 34)
contract darakhul fever.
Speed 25 ft.
Jasna is high priestess of the Ravening Adherents
and the spiritual leader and political face of the
Creed of All Flesh. She spends much of her time 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 15 (+2)
coordinating the cult’s activities within the capital
Saving Throws Con +7
city of the darakhul (Darakhan the White City, for
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing,
those using the Midgard Campaign Setting). She
and slashing from nonmagical weapons
maintains a civil working relationship with Kazimr
Damage Immunities poison
Ernis, but feels that he and his necrophagi do not
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, poisoned
show proper devotion to Vardesain. Nevertheless,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
she values their contributions to the Creed and the
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish,
strength they provide her sect. Zadina Valgyt is
a valued treasure in Jasna’s eyes, and her inspired
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
performances are just what the cult needs to draw
new members. Jasna’s interest in Zadina strays into Master of Disguise. While wearing a prepared disguise,
the romantic, but until the performance eater makes Ernis has advantage on Charisma (Deception) checks
the transition to darakhul, the cleric is content to made to pass as a living creature. He loses the use of
admire her from afar. Jasna still resembles the tall Stench while using this ability.

Darakhul Fever
Spread mainly through bite wounds, this rare disease Primarily spread among humanoids, the disease can
makes itself known within 24 hours by switly afect ogres, and therefore other giants may be susceptible.
debilitating the infected. A creature so alicted must If the infected creature dies while infected with
make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw ater every darakhul fever, roll 1d20, add the character’s current
long rest. On a failed saving throw the victim takes Constitution modiier, and ind the result on the
14 (4d6) necrotic damage, and its hit point maximum Adjustment Table to determine what undead form the
is reduced by an amount equal to the damage taken. victim’s body rises in.
his reduction can’t be removed until the victim
recovers from darakhul fever, and even then only ADJUSTMENT TABLE
by greater restoration or similar magic. he victim Roll Result
recovers from the disease by making successful saving 1–9 None; victim is simply dead
throws on two consecutive days. Greater restoration 10–16 Ghoul
cures the disease; lesser restoration allows the victim 17–20 Ghast
to make the daily Constitution check with advantage. 21+ Darakhul

Spellcasting. Ernis is a 14th-level spellcaster. His throw or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. A
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save 18, +10 successful saving throw makes the creature immune to
to hit with spell attacks). He has the following spells the stench for 24 hours.
prepared: Sunlight Sensitivity. Ernis has disadvantage on Wisdom
Cantrips (at will): chill touch, light, mage hand, poison (Perception) checks that rely on sight and on attack rolls
spray, ray of frost while he or the object he is trying to see or attack is in
1st level (4 slots): charm person, color spray, mage direct sunlight.
armor, magic missile, witch bolt Turning Deiance. Ernis and any ghouls or ghasts within
2nd level (3 slots): darkness, misty step, ray of 30 feet of him have advantage on saving throws against
enfeeblement effects that turn undead.
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, counterspell, ireball
4th level (3 slots): blight, confusion, phantasmal killer
Multiattack. Ernis makes two claw attacks. If he makes a
5th level (2 slots): arcane hand, dominate person
bite attack instead, he can cast a spell as a bonus action.
6th level (1 slot): chain lightning, create undead
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
7th level (1 slot): prismatic spray
target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage, and the target
Stench. Any creature that starts its turn within 5 feet of must make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw
Ernis must make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving or be paralyzed for 1 minute. A paralyzed target repeats
the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect
on a success. If a humanoid creature is paralyzed for
more than 2 rounds, consecutive or nonconsecutive, the
creature contracts darakhul fever.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) piercing damage plus 9 (2d8)
necrotic damage, and Ernis gains temporary hit points
equalling the creature's Constitution modiier (minimum
of 1). The creature must also make a successful DC 15
Constitution saving throw or contract darakhul fever.

Kazimir Ernis leads the Virtutim Carnis, a cabal

of necrophagi that serves the Creed of All Flesh.
hey serve as the inancial arm of the cult. he
necrophagi ofer their spellcasting services and
crated items for coin. heir studies into the arcane
power unlocked by devouring humanoid lesh are
of interest to many necromancers and wizard guilds
throughout the world, and the Virtutim Carnis ofer
nominal amounts of information and research in
exchange for hety fees. Kazimir himself is quiet
and reserved, content to stay silent and observe
during cult proceedings unless directly asked for his
input. He does not launt his wealth, accessorizing
with only a simple skullcap and his chain of oice.
His black robes are well tailored but simple and
unassuming. he bald, clean-shaven darakhul
gnome has a calm demeanor, but if he is provoked,
he is masterful at subtle threats and not above a
gory, violent act to provide an example to others of
what happens if he is crossed.

creed of all fleSh
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 48)
Speed 30 ft.


11 (+0) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 20 (+5)

Skills Perception +2, Performance +8

Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Undercommon
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

Potion of Speed. Valgyt has one potion of speed, which

she drinks as a bonus action on the irst round of
Regeneration. Valgyt regains 3 hit points at the start of
her turn if she has at least 1 hit point. This trait doesn't
function if for some reason Valgyt hasn't eaten human
flesh within the previous 24 hours.
Unatural Knowledge. Valgyt has grim mastery of the
humanoid anatomy. She does an additional 5 damage
whenever she makes a successful melee weapon attack
against a humanoid creature. This bonus is already
added to her attacks below. If her target is not a
humanoid, reduce the damage by 5.

Multiattack. Valgyt makes two rapier attacks.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 13 (1d8 + 9) piercing damage.
Cannibal’s Flourish (1/day). Valgyt licks the blood from
her rapier. All creatures that have been hit by her
rapier in this combat and that can see her must make
successful DC 16 Wisdom saving throws or be frightened Zadina Valgyt is head of the Guild of Performance
of Valgyt until the end of their next turn. Valgyt gains Eaters. A relatively recent diversion in the capital city
3 temporary hit points for each creature that failed the
of the ghoul kingdom (Darakhan the White City),
saving throw, her regeneration increases to 5 hit points
this particularly gruesome form of entertainment
per round for 1 minute, and she has advantage on rapier
attacks until the end of her next turn.
is rapidly gaining popularity among the darakhul
and spreading among the jaded and corrupt in the
REACTIONS lands of the living as well. A performance eating
Fencer's Dance. When a melee weapon attack misses involves one or more living captives that are slowly
Valgyt, she can either make a rapier attack against the and artistically devoured alive while an audience
enemy that missed her or move up to her speed without looks on. he trick is to keep these unfortunate
triggering opportunity attacks. victims alive as long as possible while maintaining
the performance. Zadina is the prima donna of

this dark entertainment. Her exhibitions are highly about themselves, but artful diplomacy, violent
attended and the darakhul nobility oten call upon interrogation, or magical means compels one to
her for private performances. Zadina’s favorite admit they serve a god known as the Father of
performances are not for the undead, however, the High Feast. Approaching the missing persons
but the living. Many attendants are apathetic souls shows they are perfectly happy with their current
looking for elusive thrills, but she knows that some situation and unwilling to leave. hey were told
have a similar hunger to her own kindling inside they are chosen of this new god, destined to
them, and she believes that her shows are the perfect enjoy a pampered lifestyle. Only investigation of
catalyst to awaken such forbidden desires and draw the townhouse will reveal the Procurers darker
new adherents to the Creed of All Flesh. Zadina is motives—they are grooming these people as the
most oten seen in her performance gear: an alluring fatted calves for a cannibalistic feast. Should the PCs
outit of bleached white leather and red silks, a belt not pursue the matter, have a frightened “guest” ind
adorned with instruments to both harm and heal, them ater escaping, revealing the horrible fate of
and an ivory half-mask that hides her features. another of the “chosen,” perhaps with the Procurers
right on his heels.
cult activitieS and A local disappears from a nearby eating
adventure hookS establishment. he PCs have become regular
patrons of a roadhouse or inn either by preference
Here are several methods of introducing the Creed
or convenience. he proprietor is known for his
of All Flesh as adversaries in your campaign. hey
excellent stews and smoked sausages. hen, an
can be the enemies in a single adventure or returning
incident throws suspicion upon the establishment.
enemies in an extended campaign, pitting the PCs
he PCs might even be indirectly involved. For
against the rising threat of the ghoulish cultists and
example, they make enemies of a person of some
their unsated desire for their forbidden food.
inluence in the area, who makes trouble for them.
he innkeeper who has taken a liking to the PCs
LEVELS 1–3 as customers, assures them he can take care of the
A local cleric who operates a charity for the destitute problem, ater which their enemy simply disappears
in a local city contacts the PCs. She is concerned without a trace. If approached, the innkeeper
that several of her regulars have stopped coming simply tells them not to worry; they won’t be seeing
around in recent weeks. Queries to local law their antagonist again. he innkeeper is associated
enforcement have been met with platitudes, but no with the Ravening Adherents, and specializes in
oicial investigation is underway. She appeals to the procuring meat for their rituals. He has also taken
PCs’ better natures, in hope they are compassionate to keeping select pieces for himself, not wishing to
enough to assist her. If not, she attempts to sway them waste such delicacies on his customers—unless the
by ofering discounted services from her temple. GM feels particularly cruel. Alternatively, the horror
However, the PCs can ind no signs of foul play. One can be mitigated if the PCs discover the innkeeper
homeless man swears he saw one of the missing uses his pigs to dispose of bones and bodies.
while begging in the Merchants’ Quarter. he missing he Creed of All Flesh targets the PCs from the
woman was dressed in inery and accompanied by outset. his works especially well for groups that
servants in red and white livery. contain one or more characters who are of exotic
Following up this lead reveals that the missing races, as the performance eaters seek a unique
persons are indeed alive and well. Very well, in fact, specimen for one of their pieces of culinary
as they are living in a townhouse in that quarter, performance art. hey send Procurers—minions
guests of a group known as the Procurers. No one trained to capture those whose lesh the Creed
knows much about the Procurers except some desires—to capture the PC alive to transport to
obscure religious ties. he Procurers do not talk the site of the next performance. Alternatively, the

creed of all fleSh
Virtutim Carnis may desire a person of a particular signals an attack and attempts to kill the rescue
race or sorcerous bloodline to extract power from party. Meanwhile, other members of the cult slip
its blood and lesh. Again, this could result in an into the now undermanned fort in an attempt to
abduction, or perhaps a performance eater is sent take it for their own and stock up its larder with
to deal with the group and extract whatever parts fresh meat to last the winter. he PCs may be part
the necrophagi require. he Ravening Adherents of the rescue party or defending the fort, but either
might have a holy feast planned and want a way must ight to completely rout the cultists.
particular PC (or PCs) as the main course. his he crypt of a local family of wealthy merchants
changes the dynamic and puts the adventurers on was recently robbed. Strangely, the body interred
the defensive against an unknown enemy. his could there is missing along with the grave goods. he
be a one-time encounter, ending with the defeat of merchant ofers a princely sum to anyone who inds
their pursuers, or be the opening act for a recurring and returns his late wife’s remains. Investigation
villain over the course of the campaign. eventually leads to the grave robbers, who swear
that the sarcophagus was empty when they opened
LEVELS 4–6 it. If the PCs think to question the priest in charge
he PCs stumble upon madness and horror while
traveling. Lost and seeking shelter during a terrible
storm, the PCs come across an old, decrepit inn
along a mountain road. Lights indicate that the place
is still in business and the only apparent shelter
from nature’s wrath. he current residents of the
inn are not expecting company apart from the band
of Creed adherents there to present a performance
eating to them. he family that runs the inn resorted
to cannibalism to survive during an excruciatingly
bad winter and the temptation to taste such lesh
again has the Creed courting them with a tantalizing
display. If the intended victims are lucky, the PCs
will discover that things here are out of the ordinary
and put a stop to things before anyone dies—or
perhaps the cannibals decide that the PCs should be
added to the menu.
he PCs are lured into an ambush under the
guise of a mission of mercy. he heroes are
wintering in an outpost on the frontier either
as visitors or mercenary troops. he gates
are opened to admit a haggard woman
who claims to be the only survivor of
a group of settlers attacked by raiders.
She asks for help in returning to her
homestead to gather her family’s bodies
and any remaining items of value. hose
that go with her ind a grisly scene upon
arrival: the remnants of slaughtered and
apparently devoured people. he woman, a
secret member of the Creed of All Flesh,

of the cemetery, or check other recent interments, the wounded. Should they track the pursuers back
they soon discover that none of the bodies of the to their home, they ind evidence of (or depending
wealthy buried in the last year ever made it to their upon their timing, a witness to) a horriic feast made
coins. he cleric lees into the catacombs beneath of the bodies of the missing, as well as a temple to
the city, where a group of cultists of the Creed of All Vardesain, where choice captives are being held for
Flesh reside. hey pay the cleric well for choice meat ritual sacriice.
to place upon their unholy feasting tables. He eased he PCs ind themselves lost in the mountains.
his conscience by turning over the bodies of those Signs of large numbers of hostile humanoids are
nobility he considered impious or unworthy of his everywhere and there is evidence of a scouting party
deity’s attentions. he grave goods that accompanied trailing them. Seeking solace or a narrow pass where
the bodies are packed carefully into chests for later they can face their myriad enemies but a few at a
shipment to the cult’s treasury. time, the PCs press up a trail and ind themselves at
the entrance to a small valley. Symbols of a dwarven
LEVELS 7–9 clan mark the pass. Surprisingly, their pursuers
Hunters become the hunted. Traveling through fall back, despite the dwarven settlement being
foreign lands, the PCs hear horns sounding in the small and surely outnumbered by the troops the
distance, but closing fast, as if a hunting party were local humanoid tribes could bring to bear. Still, the
approaching. Strangely absent, however, is the walled village is secure and warm, and the dwarves
baying of hounds that normally accompany such a are welcoming if a bit stoic. hey insist on ofering
hunt. When the hunters’ quarry stumbles from the the PCs all the hospitality due guests of their clan,
trees, the PCs ind that the prey is humanoid. he and the PCs are treated to a rich feast and as much
person is too panicked and exhausted to provide drink as they can handle. However, this particular
explanation, and desires only to lee. he pursuing dwarven clan is a group of practicing cannibals
“hounds” eventually arrive and anyone in the area, and adherents to the Creed of All Flesh. According
whether the original quarry or the PCs, are set upon to their traditions, acceptance of their hospitality
by a pack of hungry, undead mastifs. Soon ater, the means the PCs are marked as their next meal and
hunt masters arrive on the scene: a pair of darakhul the dwarves wait for the opportune time to take axe
nobles riding skeletal horses, followed by their ghoul and knife to the PCs, likely when the heroes are at
servants. Should the undead be defeated and the their most relaxed and vulnerable.
original quarry survives, he tells the PCs how he was
captured and held for this hunt in a nearby manor LEVELS 10–12
house, where a group of strange cultists await to A city that thrives on trade and commerce has
prepare a magniicent feast for the darakhul nobles announced a “day of amnesty.” Assorted criminals,
in gratitude for their monetary and moral support. ranging from pickpockets and muggers to burglars
Caravan raiders seek something other than trade and embezzlers are released from prison, but they
goods. he PCs are guarding, or perhaps simply are not free. heir sentences have been commuted to
traveling with, a caravan. While the caravan is indentured servitude to a religious group, which has
moving through a high mountain pass, it is attacked provided the city with a generous donation to their
by a group of ierce dwarven barbarians, mounted cofers in exchange for the cheap labor. he payment
on great boars with tusks stained in old blood. he is sizeable and saves the city the considerably
attackers do not attempt to take anything from the larger cost of their incarceration. he council of
wagons or pack animals. Instead, they gather up any guildmasters who run the city was unanimous in
fallen defenders—dead or otherwise—and lee with this decision, save one naysayer. hat particular
them back into the mountains. If the PCs choose not person is suspicious of the circumstances and would
to pursue, then the caravan is attacked again, and like the PCs to shadow these religious pilgrims and
again, with the raiders making of with bodies and ind out what they intend to do with the prisoners.

creed of all fleSh
he religious group in question is the Creed of All he PCs are hired to ingratiate themselves to the
Flesh, who tell their new charges that their sins will nobleman and worm their way into his inner circle.
be expunged upon completion of the great banquet his takes time and exposes the PCs to all manner
in honor of the Father of the High Feast. hey fail to of unseemly activities the jaded noble partakes
mention the prisoners will provide the meat. If the in. Eventually, they are invited to an exclusive
PCs ind this out, they have a choice. Unless they performance by a mysterious artist who the noble
truly believe that death is a deserving sentence for is particularly excited to host. he guest list is
such crimes, they must devise a rescue. he lingering selective and security is heightened for the event.
question remains of whether anyone on the council he nobleman shows more enthusiasm than the PCs
knew about it and was in collusion with the cult. have ever seen, as usually even the most debauched
activity barely stirs any passion within the man. When
he PCs are alerted to the presence of a “lesh farm.”
the night of the performance arrives, the assembled
Humans, elves, and other humanoids are kept in a
guests are treated to a night of performance eating,
large compound and raised as food for the undead.
perhaps even a show from the infamous Zadina
Perhaps an escapee tells the tale of her former gilded
Valgyt. How the night goes depends on the actions of
cage. hey might receive word from a merchant who
the PCs. Perhaps they can discover the secret before
provides supplies to the place; he became suspicious
the performance, free the intended victims and escape
and hired spies to determine what the place is and
with evidence. Or they may be moved to intervene
why the undead needed so many supplies they
during the performance, causing the outraged
themselves would not use. Whatever the case,
nobleman to have his guards attack them, with Zadina
someone wants the compound shut down for good
and her entourage surely joining the ight.
and those held within freed from captivity and their
cruel fate at the hands of the Creed of All Flesh. his
will be a diicult task. he darakhul prize their lesh LEVELS 13–15
farm, which is guarded with competent warriors and As either part of a personal vendetta or as agents
festrog “hounds.” Convincing some of the prisoners of forces for good, the PCs are sent to cut the head
to leave may also prove diicult. Some are captured of the snake and end the depredations of the Creed
and brought to the lesh farm to be held until of All Flesh. hey have been tasked with destroying
bought. Others are raised from childhood or even the cult’s leaders in the hopes that the Creed will
infancy, taught that they have a great destiny ahead fall apart without them in command. he irst task
of them if they obey and will be denied nothing is to remove their primary means of recruitment,
until that time. hese “destined” aren’t likely to want Zadina Valgyt and her performance eaters. hey are
to be rescued and may even assist the darakhul by encouraged to ind her when she is plying her trade
warning them of intruders. in lands outside the darakhul empire. Perhaps they
he powers that be within the city wish to be rid of can iniltrate an exclusive performance (such as the
a particularly obnoxious and abhorrent nobleman. one described in the Level 10‒12 adventure hooks
His estates are within the city limits and he is wealthy above). In addition to the head of the Performance
and well connected with various merchants in town. Eaters Guild, the PCs will have to contend with other
His excesses and debaucheries are local legend and performance eaters providing supporting cast for the
his public presence at various state afairs have been show, the bodyguards of Zadina’s troupe, and noncult
cause for great embarrassment on behalf of the city. allies that lend a hand (such as the nobleman’s guards
Many local leaders, both secular and religious, would mentioned above). Zadina is outraged at such an
like him gone, but while the noble is a blot of shame interruption, even as she anticipates the thrill of fresh
on the city, he has done nothing illegal, at least not meat to butcher. Should the battle go wrong, she
publicly. hey would like someone to dig into the attempts to lee and make her way back to the other
noble’s personal afairs and ind proof of activities leaders of the Creed to inform them of their enemies’
that could see him jailed or, better yet, sent into exile. attentions and possible intentions.

he next step is to remove Kazimir Ernis from his of darakhul guards, who ride skeletal horses as
leadership of the Virtutim Carnis. While he remains mounts. He also has the services of a glabrezu
in charge, Virtutim Carnis continues to lend support demon. If he can, Kazimir escapes and make his way
to the Creed of All Flesh. Not all the necrophagi are back to the Creed’s main temple, warning Jasna that
content with their ties to the cult however, as some foes are rallying against them.
favor a secular approach to leadership or at least he inal task ahead of the PCs is to cut out the
adherence to the main church of Vardesain. hrough heart of the Creed of All Flesh: its high priest, Jasna
various means of espionage (which optionally Veldrik. his takes the adventurers to the center of the
may be performed by the PCs), it is discovered darakhul empire. While daunting, the ruling darakhul,
that Kazimir and a coterie of loyal necrophagi are which includes the orthodox church of Vardesain,
traveling to meet with the wizard’s guild of a distant are inclined to allow this, as they feel the Creed is
city, stopping along the way to visit other associates gaining too much political power to be trusted. he
and allies. he PCs can search for an ideal spot PCs are given implicit permission to conduct their
somewhere on the route from which to stage an mission, as long as it is done with precision and
ambush. If they kill Kazimir and as many of his discretion. Should they make a mess of things or bring
cohorts as possible, the Virtutum Carnis withdraws embarrassment upon the darakhul leadership, they
its support of the Creed of All Flesh. Kazimir travels will likely never leave the empire alive.
with a number of lesser necrophagi and a contingent

The Creed of All Flesh in Midgard

he power center of the Creed of All Flesh resides exciting in life while they dread its inevitable
in Darakhan, the capitol of the Ghoul Imperium. end. he performance eaters make their strongest
he cult is a recognized but unoicial sect of appeal to such world-weary folk. he hungry and
Vardesain. As such, it operates with relative desperate, those who look for satiation and power
freedom within the White City, although the to rise beyond their circumstances, can also be
oicial church of Vardesain keeps a close watch on found within large cities. he Ravening Adherents
them. Small branches of the cult have a presence in ofer surcease from hunger and poverty with the
most other major settlements in the Imperium. promise of power everlasting and food to gratify
hen there are the missionaries who go abroad an ever-growing hunger.
in the world seeking those whose secret hungers While the Creed of All Flesh is irmly rooted
draw them to the Creed. Most missionary groups in the Northlands, it is easily adapted or exported
operate in the Cloudwall Mountains, Morgau, and to the Southlands. In this instance, the Creed
Duresh. Others are rumored to seek converts in recognizes that the demon lord Mechuiti is a mask
the Seven Cities, and even the far-lung Dragon of Vardesain and would work to help free the
Empire. It is said that they have made signiicant demon lord from his island prison. Performance
headway with certain clans of Northland dwarves, eating could be a specialized ritual intended to
where cruel, unspeakable things are done to siphon the energy of both the performance and the
survive incredibly harsh winters. Reports of crowd’s emotional response to weaken the bonds
roaming bands of cannibal dwarven berserkers of Mechuiti’s prison. he ranks of the Creed of All
mounted on lesh-eating boars only serve to Flesh could include the Bhetu, as well as ghouls or
conirm these rumors. darakhul converted from the Bhetu’s ranks. he
he Creed focuses much of its time and cult could even be based on the island itself, or in
attention on large urban centers, where they a coastal city within several days sailing distance,
can ind the powerful who are both jaded and perhaps with a secret lair under the docks guarded
yet desperate, yearning for something new and by ghast dire apes.

creed of all fleSh
he Creed’s temple is well guarded, but they Languages Common
are about to conduct a high ritual on the night of Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)
the new moon and the temple is very active with
servants. Distractions abound as visitors attend Frenzy. Immediately after the procurer irst damages an
opponent, he or she goes into a blood frenzy lasting 1
the ceremony, bringing shipments of goods, which
minute. While frenzied, the procurer adds 3 damage to
include humanoids slated for sacriice and as food
successful weapon attacks.
for the feast following the ritual. he PCs can slip in
disguised as guests. Alternatively, they can arrange ACTIONS
for their gear to be delivered as part of a shipment Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
while they iniltrate the temple openly as potential target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
sacriices, should they wish to trust the darakhul Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range
government to assist them. Whichever method they 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
exploit, Jasna has her two co-leaders with her (if they
Procurers are members of the cult tasked with
survived previous attacks) during the ritual as well
gathering suitable victims for the cult’s rituals,
as the feast aterward. Even without her allies, Jasna
magical research, and performance feasts. hey are
is ready for trouble. he ritual demands a massive
infused with power from the cannibalistic rituals of
amount of lesh and blood sacriice. Should it
which they partake, but also possess a dire hunger
succeed, a gargantuan black pudding (140 hit points)
that must be satiated. Procurers can be found
is called into existence and Jasna has enough control
operating alone or in groups of up to eight or more
over it to send it ater her enemies. She may even
for large operations.
have loyal cult agents hidden among the worshipers
as a contingency against troublemakers.
Large humanoid, chaotic evil
cultiStS of the creed Armor Class 16 (half plate)

of all fleSh Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)

Speed 40 ft.
he followers of the Creed of All Flesh draw their
power from the consumption of other intelligent STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
beings. hey tear down their foes to build 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (‒1) 9 (‒1) 8 (‒1)
themselves up. Members of the cult are a terrible,
feral force that both intimidates and overwhelms Skills Perception +1
foes. he following NPCs can be used as cultist Senses passive Perception 11
minions, intermediaries, and lower-level leaders to Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish,
provide suitable enemies for the PCs as they strive Undercommon
against the Creed of All Flesh. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

King of the Hill. The Creed necrophagus has advantage

on bite attacks while it's within 5 feet of its conjured
Medium humanoid (any race), chaotic evil mound of corpses (see Corpses of My Victims), and it
Armor Class 14 (chain shirt) gains twice as many temporary hit points when those
Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8) attacks hit.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Multiattack. The Creed necrophagus makes two bite
15 (+2) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) attacks.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Senses passive Perception 11 target. Hit: 17 (3d8 + 4) piercing damage and the Creed

his initiate of the Virtutim Carnis has learned to
harness power from cannibalizing the lesh of others.
Vast physical changes have also occurred from his
rapacious appetite, warping the necrophagus into a
towering, obese horror. Hoping to one day undergo
the transformation into a darakhul, the necrophagus
serves the cult’s interests in order to advance his own
power. A necrophagus can be encountered alone or
traveling with up to a dozen procurers as attendants
and underlings. If the necrophagus intends harm
and isn’t picky about the company, he can instead
command a patrol of ghouls and ghasts.

maGic itemS
he Creed of All Flesh doesn't explicitly seek magical
power, knowledge, or items. It certainly recognizes
their usefulness, however, and it has a few magic
items crated for its speciic, grisly purposes.


Potion, rare
his rich stock brewed from the lesh and bones of
humanoids is kept sealed in an earthenware jar. When
drunk, it removes 2 levels of exhaustion and provides
advantage on saving throws against disease, poison,
and environmental efects for 8 hours. If drunk by an
undead creature, it heals 10 (3d6 + 1) hit points.

Weapon (mace), very rare (requires attunement)

necrophagus gains temporary hit points equalling the his bone rod is crated from a
creature's Constitution modiier (minimum of 1). humanoid femur. One end is
Putrescent Chunks of Flesh. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 carved to resemble a ghoulish
to hit, range 60 ft., one or two targets. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) face, its mouth open wide and
bludgeoning damage plus 11 (2d10) poison damage and full of sharp fangs. he rod has
the target becomes poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned 8 charges, and it recovers 1d6 + 2
creature makes a DC 12 Constitution saving throw at the charges daily at dawn.
end of its turn, ending the effect on a success. he consuming rod functions
Corpses of My Victims (recharge 6). The Creed as a +1 mace of biting. When it
necrophagus conjures a mound of gnashing corpses. hits a creature, the mace's mouth
The mound is 10 feet square and 5 feet high. It appears
stretches gruesomely wide and bites
in an empty space within 5 feet of the necrophagus.
the target, adding 3 (1d6) piercing
An enemy that starts its turn adjacent to the mound or
moves adjacent during its turn must make a successful
damage to the attack. If the rod's
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or take 7 (2d6) piercing wielder then expends 1 charge, he
damage plus 9 (2d8) poison damage from the ravenous, or she regains hit points equal to
gnashing corpses. The mound disappears after 1 minute. the piercing damage.

creed of all fleSh
he rod can attempt to swallow a Medium or A tome of bound lesh contains a wealth of
smaller creature it has just bitten. his costs 5 charges, information about humanoid anatomy. A creature
whether or not the attempt succeeds. he target must who consults the tome has advantage on any checks
make a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw made within 1 hour to extract information from
or be drawn down the mouth of the rod, ending humanoid creatures by torture. It also provides
up in an extra-dimensional space where it remains advantage on Medicine checks on humanoid creatures
incapacitated until the rod's wielder uses an action for the same time. he tome can be consulted 1/day.
to command the rod to regurgitate the creature. he he owner of the tome also has one extra spell slot
rod automatically regurgitates a trapped creature at of his or her highest spell level per day. In addition, the
dawn when it regains charges. A regurgitated creature owner can invoke the tome's power 1/day to boost the
reappears prone, within 5 feet of the rod. power of a necromancy spell. he spell takes efect as
if it were cast with a slot one level higher than the slot
JERKY OF DESPERATE STRENGTH actually used. he tome doesn't need to be physically
Wondrous Item, rare with the owner when these beneits are used.
his long, thin strip of cured, dried meat was taken
from the thigh of a humanoid creature. Eating the
jerky restores 12 hit points. If a creature already
has maximum hit points before eating the jerky, he Creed of All Flesh creates horriic, intelligent,
the meat provides a boost of vigor: the eater has undead mounts for its most prestigious guardians.
advantage on Strength and Dexterity skill checks for
the next hour. Consuming multiple pieces of jerky GHOULSTEED
doesn't increase the bonus, but each extra strip of NE Large undead
jerky extends the duration of the efect by 1 hour. If Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
it's eaten by an undead creature, the jerky instead Hit Points 85 (10d10 + 30)
grants advantage on grappling attacks and on checks Speed 30 ft.
made as part of an escape contest for 1 minute.
PÂTÉ OF COMPLACENT PURPOSE 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 6 (‒2) 10 (+0) 6 (‒2)
Wondrous Item, rare
his paste of inely chopped liver and fat was made Skills Perception +2
from the remains of a humanoid. It is commonly Damage Immunities poison
stored in waxed paper or a small covered bowl. When Condition Immunities poisoned
eaten, it provides advantage on Intelligence and Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Charisma skill checks for the next hour. If eaten by Languages Common
an undead creature, the pâté of complacent purpose Challenge 3 (700 XP)
instead grants a +1 increase to the creature's spell save
Undead Fortitude. If damage reduces the ghoulsteed to 0
DC and spell attack bonus for 1 hour.
hit points, it makes a Constitution saving throw with a DC
TOME OF BOUND FLESH of 5 + the damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by from a critical hit. On a success, the ghoulsteed drops to
1 hit point instead.
a spellcaster)
his book is painstakingly crated from humanoid ACTIONS
lesh. Its ragged-edged pages are inely made from Multiattack. A ghoulsteed makes two bite attacks.
humanoid skin, inked in blood, and stitched with Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
sinew. he leather cover oten displays a humanoid target; Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing damage and the
face on its front or is decorated with tattoos, brands, ghoulsteed gains 5 temporary hit points. It can have
or ritual scars. a maximum of 10 temporary hit points at one time. If

the ghoulsteed moved at least 20 feet this turn before humanoid is killed by massive amounts of negative
making a successful attack, the target creature is also energy. Ghoulsteeds aren't quite as intelligent as
knocked prone. ghouls, but they're much cannier than most creatures
Sprint (recharge 6). When the ghoulsteed dashes, it can give them credit for being.
dash again immediately as a bonus action.
Darakhul prize these undead creatures as mounts.
Although they're large, run on all fours, and can hey're ridden during war and hunts, but sometimes
be ridden as mounts, ghoulsteeds are the undead are also trained as guardians for households,
remains of humanoids. hey're created when a businesses, or temples.


a mong the worst evils in the multiverse are
demons and those depraved souls that worship
them. Darkest among them are antipaladins, the
leaderS, orGanization,
and GoalS
antithesis of life, hope, and good. he vilest of those he Doomspeakers, being demon worshipers,
are the Doomspeakers, antipaladin champions of are understandably lacking in organization and
demon princes. Inducted into the profane secrets of discipline. he mightiest and most cunning among
he Book of Nine Dooms, a corrupt and unholy tome them retain power over the group for as long as they
that teaches them to focus their hatred in new ways, can hold it. A typical Doomspeaker collective is led
these villains practice magic that devours a portion by an antipaladin with other cultists under his direct
of its caster and wreaks great misery upon their foes. command—oten clerics, but evil wizards, oracles,
he followers of this entropic order seek nothing less barbarians, and others swell the cult’s numbers as
than the destruction and dissolution of all order and well. Advancement in the ranks is as much ability
light in the world. as luck and circumstance. Many rise by taking

advantage of their predecessors’ destruction, and Murderous Rage. If Narn makes all three of his war pick
oten they have hands in their demise. Due to this attacks against the same creature, he has advantage on
deadly competitive nature, individual cells oten all three attack rolls. He can't attack any other target
that turn, even if the chosen target is killed by the irst
work alone, though they band together in order to
or second attack.
succeed in their plans against particularly strong
foes. Most factions utilize large numbers of gnolls as ACTIONS
shock troops and general minions. Multiattack. Narn makes three war pick attacks.
he goals of the Doomspeakers are nothing less War Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
than the goals of their demon masters, though each target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6)
leader achieves those goals in his own manner. Some necrotic damage.
favor might and lay waste to their targets with their Devastate (recharge 5‒6). As a bonus action, Narn
troops and their own strength of arms. Others prefer imbues his war pick with infernal magic. All of his war
guile and subtly work at their enemies, oten sowing pick attacks do an additional 10 (3d6) necrotic damage
paranoia and dissension to fracture their foes, per hit until the start of his next turn.
turning them against one another before they sweep Doom of Cowardice. Narn utters an unholy word that
in to kill whoever remains. he Doomspeakers are ripples through the air around him. Every enemy creature
especially feared for their nihilistic tendencies. hose within 20 feet of Narn must make a successful DC 15
Charisma saving throw or become frightened of Narn
who have learned the dark secrets of he Book of Nine
and immediately retreat 10 feet away from him. Narn
Dooms do not hesitate to harm themselves in order to can make a war pick attack against each creature that
bring about the destruction of their enemies. retreats from within the reach of his war pick (5 feet).
he following are examples of Doomspeaker
leaders. Narn, called the Cruciier for his favored way of
dealing with captured enemies and disloyal minions,
is among the most powerful—and certainly the most
NARN THE CRUCIFIER terrifying—of the Doomspeakers. He operates out of
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil Shadowhold, a dark fortress perched on the edge of
Armor Class 20 (plate armor, shield) a narrow, box canyon in a mountain range that abuts
Hit Points 130 (20d8 + 40) the plains where he recruits his gnoll troops.
Speed 30 ft.

20 (+5) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) Medium humanoid (gnoll), chaotic evil
Armor Class 18 (plate armor)
Saving Throws Str +9, Con +6, Wis +5 Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34)
Skills Intimidation +7, Perception +5 Speed 30 ft.
Damage Resistances poison, psychic, radiant
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Senses passive Perception 15 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 8 (‒1) 14 (+2)
Languages Abyssal, Common, Gnoll
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5, Wis +2
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
Skills Stealth +5, Survival +5
Innate Spellcasting. Narn’s spellcasting ability is Condition Immunities charmed
Charisma (spell save DC 15). He can cast the following Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
spells innately, requiring only verbal components: Languages Gnoll
3/day each: bane, command, protection from evil and Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
1/day each: bestow curse, fear

Innate Spellcasting. Gruulok’s spellcasting ability is Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
Charisma (spell save DC 14). He can cast the following 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage
spells innately, requiring only verbal components: plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
3/day each: bane, command, entangle Doom of the Blue Pearl (recharge 6). Gruulock gives
Quiver of the Abyss. Gruulok has advantage on a one creature that can see him within 30 feet an evil
longbow attack if the target is a creature he's already hit look. That creature must make a successful DC 14
with a previous longbow attack this combat. Constitution saving throw or be restrained. A restrained
Rampage. When Gruulok reduces a creature to 0 hit creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn.
points on his turn, he can use a bonus action to move On a success, the effect ends; on a failure, the creature
up to half his speed and make another attack. becomes petriied. A petriied creature can be restored
with a greater restoration spell or comparable magic.
he gnoll Gruulok is a creature of exceptional
Multiattack. Gruulok makes two greataxe attacks or two
ferocity and vileness that showed enough promise
longbow attacks.
for the Doomspeakers to indoctrinate him into the
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
mysteries of he Book of Nine Dooms. Gruulok is a
target. Hit: 9 (1d12 + 3) slashing damage.
ferocious and cunning ighter, preferring ambush
tactics against greatly outnumbered or outmatched
foes. He is a notorious cannibal with a preference for
the lesh of centaurs and hallings.

Doom of the Earthen Maw (1/day). Kolya causes
the ground around her to transform into roiling,
Medium humanoid (tieling), chaotic evil stone-toothed maws. Any creature within 15 feet of
Armor Class 16 (half plate) Kolya takes 32 (5d8 + 10) bludgeoning damage, or half
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30) damage with a successful DC 16 Dexterity saving throw.
Speed 30 ft. The affected area becomes dificult terrain until the end
of Kolya’s next turn. Creatures other than Kolya who end
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA their turn in the churning ground are subjected to its
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 8 (‒1) effect again.

Kolya was born with visible traces of demonic taint

Saving Throws Wis +8
in her bloodline, which she tried to hide as best she
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
could. In her teens, her secret was discovered while
Skills Perception +8
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 18
Languages Abyssal, Common, Gnoll
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Spellcasting. Kolya is a 12th-level spellcaster. Her

spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save 16, +8 to hit
with spell attacks). She knows the following spells:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, mending, sacred
lame, thaumaturgy
1st level (4 slots): bane, command, inlict wounds,
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person,
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, dispel magic,
protection from energy
4th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of movement,
guardian of faith
5th level (2 slots): lame strike, mass cure wounds
6th level (1 slots): blade barrier

Multiattack. Kolya attacks twice with her bone whip.
Bone Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) slashing damage plus
11 (2d10) necrotic damage, and the target must make
a successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw or their
maximum number of hit points is reduced by the
amount of necrotic damage. A long rest restores the
creature’s hit point maximum to normal. Additionally,
Kolya gains 5 temporary hit points each time she
strikes a creature with her bone whip. She can have no
more than 15 temporary hit points at one time.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage
plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.

she was traveling through a small frontier town. She Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
was brutally savaged by the townsfolk—disigured
and crippled—before being let for dead outside of Innate Spellcasting. Skerr’esh’s spellcasting ability is
Wisdom (spell save DC 15). He can cast the following
town. She survived, crawling away to ind an animal
spells innately, requiring only verbal components:
den in which to recover. She believes that demons
1/day each: hold person, mass healing word, shield of
spoke to her during the fever dreams she had then,
faith, spiritual weapon
and perhaps they did. Either way, she was granted
Grizzled Veteran (1/day). Upon dropping to 0 hit points,
abilities that aided in her eventual recovery (though
Skerr’esh immediately takes one action or casts a spell.
her legs remain damaged, a sacriice for her gits).
Rampage. When Skerr'esh reduces a creature to 0 hit
Her new power allowed her to rise from prey to points on his turn, he can use a bonus action to move
predator. She attracted a contingent of gnolls drawn up to half his speed and make another attack.
to her destructive, violent demeanor. hey visited
death upon the deserving, including the town that ACTIONS
once brutalized her. She and her gnolls burned it to Multiattack. Skerr’esh makes two spear attacks.
the ground. In Kolya’s eyes however, all are deserving Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5
of death. Eventually, she was recruited by the ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing
Doomspeakers, who admired her power, demonic damage, or 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage if used in
connections, and mercilessness. With her divine gits melee with two hands, plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
and the spells learned from he Book of Nine Dooms, Doom of the Exalted Servant (1/day). Skerr’esh invokes
she works diligently to carve a bloody path through the demon lords to infuse himself and his companions
with infernal stamina. Skerr’esh and each ally who can
the world.
hear him within 50 feet have resistance to all damage
Kolya wears a copper mask to cover her scarred
until the end of Skerr'esh's next turn.
face, missing nose, and mouth of broken teeth.
Only her orange eyes remain visible. he verdigris REACTIONS
running from the eyeholes, down over the burnished Protect the Pack. When an enemy within 5 feet of
cheeks, gives the appearance of green tears. Her Skerr'esh attacks one of Skerr'esh's allies, Skerr'esh
horns are broken but still visible beneath her mop makes a spear attack against that enemy.
of unruly brown hair. Her let leg is twisted, and
Skerr’esh is an old gnoll, having survived nearly 50
she limps badly on the right, her ankle permanently
years. At full height, he would be over 7 feet tall, but
damaged. When attempting to intimidate and
his natural slouch combined with the hunching of
unnerve prisoners and sometimes foes, she removes
old age makes him stand no more than a few inches
her mask and exposes her ruined visage, promising
above 6 feet. he fur on his muzzle and along his
to work on the individual until he looks just like her.
shoulders and spine has gone gray. He remains a
powerful combatant due to his divine power, though
SKERR’ESH his physical abilities have faded with time. Skerr’esh
Medium humanoid (gnoll), chaotic evil serves as Kolya’s right hand. He appreciates her
Armor Class 16 (scale mail) subtlety and her well-planned and smartly executed
Hit Points 150 (20d8 + 60) violence. He advises her on her operations, ofering
Speed 30 ft. his aged wisdom and practical experience dealing
with slaves as well as the political machinations of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA demon cultists. Skerr’esh keeps several slaves himself,
17 (+3) 8 (‒1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) docile body servants to help and comfort him in his
advanced age.
Saving Throws Dex +3, Wis +7, Cha +6
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Gnoll

ANDORA NAVARRE discovered, she was sent to jail on trumped-up
charges. Her life in prison was rough, and she
Medium humanoid (half-elf), chaotic evil
quickly grew jaded and hateful of those born into
Armor Class 19 (half plate, shield)
power. As luck would have it, a Doomspeaker was
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48)
imprisoned with her. When his allies came to break
Speed 30 ft.
him out, she made herself useful and was taken
along, falling quickly into their depraved cult and
learning their ways. As is her wont, Andora’s schemes
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 8 (‒1) 16 (+3)
usually involve the downfall of the nobility, either
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5 by involving them in scandals or by straightforward
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 assassination or kidnapping.
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) cult activitieS and
Innate Spellcasting. Andora’s spellcasting ability is
adventure hookS
Charisma (spell save DC 14). She can cast the following Here are several methods of introducing the
spells innately, requiring only verbal components: Doomspeakers in your campaign. hey can be
1/day each: charm person, fairie ire, nondetection opponents for single adventures or returning
enemies in an extended campaign, pitting the PCs
against increasingly more powerful members of
Multiattack. Andora attacks twice with her rapier or the cult as they do their demonic masters’ wills and
shortbow. spread chaos and destruction throughout the land.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
poison damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range Caravans crossing the great plains are not reaching
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage their destination. PCs investigating the situation
plus 7 (2d6) poison damage. (perhaps joining a caravan as guards) ind themselves
Doom of the Lyricist (recharge 5‒6). Andora sings the attacked by the walking corpses of those lost in prior
words to an abyssal song, summoning a shadowy, caravans. With a bit of skill, the PCs can discover
protective barrier around herself. The barrier absorbs where they came from. In an old ruin on the plain,
all nonmagical bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing a member of the Doomspeakers placates his gnoll
damage that would otherwise hit Andora, up to a
troopers with goods and food from the caravans
maximum of 25 points. At the moment the barrier
while industriously reanimating the corpses of
absorbs its 25th point of damage, it explodes like a
ireball spell; every creature within 20 feet of Andora
the fallen. he undead are sent out to wander
takes 6d6 ire damage, or half damage with a successful uncontrolled over the roads in order to further
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. Andora is unaffected disrupt trade. Should the PCs defeat the cleric and
by the ireball, but any incoming damage above and his gnoll troopers, they ind a book about unholy
beyond what the barrier absorbed hits her as usual. The demonic texts, including one called he Book of
barrier dissipates harmlessly after 1 minute if it hasn't Nine Dooms, among the cleric’s possessions. hat
yet absorbed 25 damage. tome has copious handwritten notes in the margins,
he ith daughter of a minor nobleman, Andora led including mention of a hidden settlement around a
her home as soon as talk of an arranged marriage forgotten oasis deeper in the desert.
began. She lived by her wits, traveling with an acting Gnolls are reported lurking in the ruins near an
troupe for a time, learning fencing and narration, oasis on a busy trade route. he PCs are hired to
and engaged in a decadent and hedonistic lifestyle. scout the situation and roust the gnolls from the ruins
Ater a scandalous afair with a married noble was if possible. he gnolls put up a ierce ight but lee

ater losing a third of their number. An exploration
of the area reveals that the gnolls were intent on
opening a sealed vault under the remains of some Warring clans have caused a steady stream of
large, important building— perhaps a temple or civic refugees to lee westward away from the conlict.
building—too far gone to discern its exact purpose. Many settlements turn them away, afraid of
Should the PCs commit to opening the vault, they overcrowding, food shortages, and disease. However,
ind it a long and arduous process, as the walls and word begins spreading among the tents of the
door are two feet of solid stone. he gnolls return refugee camps of a place of sanctuary. In the foothills
during the process and attack the PCs. Again, they of the mountains to the north, a valley settlement
lee if they lose half their numbers. Should the PCs has sent out an open invitation to the refugees,
enter the vault, they ind a room illed with strange promising food, shelter, and opportunity. Yet, a
trappings— boxes containing crumbling incense and feverish, exhausted refugee arrives on the outskirts
temple accouterments, a locked shrine, and a golden of a town the PCs are currently visiting. Before
idol of an obviously demonic entity. It is up to the collapsing into unconsciousness, she mumbles a
PCs what they wish to do with this discovery, but the few cryptic words “Good Hope... betrayed... false
remaining gnolls once more throw themselves at the friendship… everyone taken...”
party in a desperate last attempt to win the contents A brief investigation yields the information
of the vault, ighting to the death. Should the PCs that Good Hope is the name of the community
win, they can head back to civilization. that is supposedly taking in refugees. Should the
PCs investigate, they ind a walled but peaceful
he PCs are hired as night watch for a rather
looking community where the refugees are being
strange museum exhibit. An eccentric collector of
tended. Overly curious visitors soon discover that
sculpture has acquired six statues of blue crystal, all
the town is actually a cover for slavers working for
done in the likeness of men and women in the throes
the Doomspeakers, overseen by Skerr’esh the gnoll
of combat. She keeps them on display in her public
cleric and his band of gnolls hidden in a network of
gallery while she attempts to research their origins.
tunnels beneath the town. hese passageways enable
She bought them from a caravan master who claimed
the gnolls to shuttle the new slaves out to buyers
he found them alongside the route he traveled to get
elsewhere. If the PCs win here, they attract the
to the city, simply sitting in the sand at the side of the
personal attention of Kolya the Ruined, who seeks
trail. he collector is certain they were not made by
revenge for this disruption of her work.
any local artisan, living or dead, that she knows.
Ater the gallery closes for the evening, the place A notorious rogue seeks to sell a tome to a spellcaster
is invaded by gnolls, who attempt to get past the or religious igure in the party. He says he has nicked
PCs to smash the statues and attack any heroes who a powerful magical tome: he Book of the Nine
interfere. he gnolls lee back into the night ater Dooms. At irst, he is cagey and wrangles for a good
succeeding at their task (though some might take the deal but soon becomes desperate to be rid of the
time to grab a few portable valuables on the way out). book—agreeing to an amount well below his original
Should the PCs capture any of the gnolls, they may asking price. When the night of the hand-of inally
discover through interrogation that the statues were comes, the rogue is nervous and strange sounds in
once alive, turned to crystal by a powerful spell cast the night cause him to panic. He thrusts the wrapped
by a Doomspeaker. If the PCs manage to ind a way to book into the hands of a PC and lees into the night.
return the statues to lesh again, they ind a party of If they pursue, they come upon him as he is struck
competent adventurers who reward the PCs for their down by several dark-garbed igures. Should the
assistance and possibly recruit them in the crusade to strangers see the packaged book in other hands, they
root out the Doomspeakers and bring them to justice. target that person and any who assist.
Should the PCs instead decide to leave with
their new prize, they hear of the rogue’s demise the

following day. He apparently died of near-complete A wronged noble seeks out one of the PCs to be
exsanguination from his eyes, ears, and mouth, found his champion in a duel of honor. He invites the
lying in a great pool of his own blood. he party other PCs to attend and expects them to come along
eventually discovers that what they hold is not he to the victory feast ater their companion wins in
Book of the Nine Dooms, but a copy. Despite this, the the noble’s name. Unfortunately for the noble, his
Doomspeakers are ready to slay anyone in their path retinue, and the PCs, the man who wronged him
to recover the book. What the PCs do with it is up to was not actually another noble, but Doomspeaker
them. If they keep it, they are sure to become regular Andora Navarre in disguise. She takes advantage of
targets for assassins and agents of the Doomspeakers. her efrontery to lure the noble and his people to a
Should they turn it over to the authorities or a temple, remote location where her minions hide, ready to
then it is safe for a while, until a daring raid returns kill or capture everyone. What irst appears to be
it to the hands of the cult. If they destroy it, the honorable single combat soon turns into a desperate
Doomspeakers stop pressing them, but they mark battle against a horde of evil with the PCs not only
them as enemies to be dealt with later. having to defend themselves, but also the noble and
his entourage of courtiers and attendants.

The Doomspeakers in Midgard

In the Southlands, the Doomspeakers recruit base of operations and the resting place of he
many of the gnolls of the Sarkland Desert to Book of Nine Dooms. Some say it is hidden in
their cause, the gnolls drawn by their strength ruins somewhere in the desert, others that it is
and the thought of easy conquest. While the hidden below ground in one of the cities in Nuria
Doomspeakers are universally despised by all Natal, perhaps Per-Bastet or the City of Scorpions.
peace-loving citizens of the Southlands, one name Another theory says it actually lies in a sea cave
in particular inspires great fear and loathing: Narn on one of the islands of the southern coast of
the Cruciier. he antipaladin’s depredations and the Mharoti Empire. Wherever they lair, the
atrocities have caused the sultana to declare him Doomspeakers have proven a threat to all civilized
an enemy of the empire, promising great riches to areas in the Southlands, even daring to challenge
the one that presents his head before her throne, the might of the Dragon Empire.
and torturous death is guaranteed for any found he Doomspeakers also have a presence on the
aiding Narn in any way. Rothenian Plain. Some say they lair in caves under
Narn’s fellow antipaladin Gruulok avoids Demon Mountain by permission of the Master of
such powerful resistance. He sticks to raiding the Mountain. Others claim they lurk in the forests
the caravans, wandering tribes, and occasional north of the plain. Here, like in the Southlands,
settlements in the vicinity of the Sarkland Desert. they also avail themselves of the local gnolls as
Despite this cautious outlook, Gruulok has his troops, using them to bring grief to all residents of
own ambitions, hoping his show of strength allows the plain—centaurs, huginn, kariv—through raids,
him to unite most, if not all, of the gnoll tribes in pillaging, and enslavement. In particular, Kolya
the area under his banner, providing a powerful the Ruined, and her lieutenant, the aged priest
enough force to safely move on larger targets, like Skerr’esh, are fond of enslaving the plainsfolk.
the cities of Nuria Natal. Kolya fancies kariv slaves in particular; it amuses
he Doomspeakers have a hidden temple her to end family bloodlines by tying them to one
complex in the south that serves as their main place and allowing the kariv curse to take efect.

he centaurs of the plains become suddenly Seeking a challenge worthy of his might, Narn
aggressive toward traveling humans. If the PCs the Cruciier has set of on a rampage of historic
manage to make contact without being attacked carnage. He makes his way toward the coast
themselves, the centaurs demand that their leaders to slaughter caravans, wandering tribes, and
stop their raids on the centaur tribes, and they settlements in his path. Narn leaves a trail of crosses
threaten outright war if this demand is not met hanging with his dead and dying victims in his
immediately. Investigation leads to a group of wake, a road of carnage to the sea, until he inds foes
Doomspeakers, disguised as soldiers from a nearby worthy to face him. he PCs are asked to slay the
country, who are killing the centaurs to goad them Doomspeaker, in hopes that his gnoll troops will
into open warfare. scatter back to the plains once he is dead.
he PCs discover a secret slave market in a city he PCs attend the memorial service of a wealthy
where such trade is outlawed. Interrogating guild merchant. he service is interrupted by
prisoners ater breaking up the ring reveals that the the local constabulary, who accuse the merchant
slaves are smuggled into the city via ship at regular of conspiring with slavers. Damning evidence is
intervals. If the PCs await the ship’s next landing, presented and the estates of the deceased merchant
they ind a ierce Doomspeaker antipaladin and are seized by the government. His wife begs the PCs
his scurvy cohorts ready to defend their living to investigate the matter. She hopes the heroes turn
cargo, drugged and hidden in barrels marked as up anything that clears her deceased husband of the
salt pork. hey are not above distracting overly charge so that she and her children are not turned
moral opponents by kicking barrels of enslaved folk out in the street, or worse, found to be collaborators.
overboard into the bay. If the PCs can convince the constables to cooperate,
he son of a local noblewoman traveling with a they can peruse the evidence and ind the trail that
caravan to meet his bride and stay with her and leads them to the slavers. A group of Doomspeaker
her family is kidnapped by gnoll raiders. he cultists is in charge of the slaver operation, under the
noblewoman learns of this from survivors of the command of Kolya the Ruined. Defeating or driving
attack. What concerns her is that no ransom demand of the Doomspeakers allows the party to gather
has been made. Fearing the worst, she hires the evidence that the merchant was being blackmailed
PCs to track down the raiders and rescue her son. into cooperating. While not clearing him of
he raiders are found in an ancient ruin deep in wrongdoing, it may be enough to convince the law
the desert, where the PCs soon discover that the to be more lenient in his case.
gnolls serve the Doomspeaker Gruulok. he gnoll People of importance throughout the realm are
intends to sacriice the noble’s son in an extravagant being assassinated. here seems to be no rhyme or
and extraordinarily bloody ritual in order to bind a reason to the choice of targets, save that they are all
demon to his service. he PCs should work to disrupt inluential men and women—priests, nobles, wealthy
this ceremony quickly, or they may not only face a merchants—and no two murders are alike. In fact,
powerful antipaladin, but also his new demonic ally. some feel there is no connection to them at all, that
it is simply a rash of murders only coincidentally
linked. A paranoid noble or a priest troubled by a
premonition asks the PCs to stay close. Soon, the
assassin shows, and it is none other than Narn the
Cruciier. he Doomspeaker has recruited a wizard
to fashion for him new weapons, a collection of
primal dooms. Narn inds it poetic that each target
dies at the hands of her worst fears. Faced with the

PCs, he uses his arsenal of items in rapid succession, growl must make a successful DC 13 Wisdom saving
which leaves the PCs to face not only a powerful throw or be frightened until the end of their next turn.
A successful save makes the creature immune to this
cultist, but creatures from their darkest nightmares.
effect for 24 hours.

cultiStS of the Gnoll thugs are the backbone of the Doomspeakers’

forces. his strong but craven rogue is easily
doomSpeakerS manipulated and motivated as much by the promise
he Doomspeakers recruit the vile, the dangerous, of wealth as the opportunity to cause fear and pain.
and the insane. hey are ruthless and meet the enemy Groups of gnoll thugs guard strongholds or raid
with as much force as they can muster. he following caravans and settlements for loot and slaves.
NPCs can be used as cultist minions, intermediaries,
and lower-level leaders to provide suitable enemies DARK SQUIRE
for the PCs as they strive against the Doomspeakers. Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Armor Class 18 (half plate, shield)
GNOLL THUG Hit Points 101 (12d8+47)
Medium humanoid (gnoll), chaotic evil Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 16 (hide armor, shield)
Hit Points 78 (12d8 + 24)
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (‒1)
Speed 30 ft.

Senses passive Perception 11

Languages Common
16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 9 (‒1) 10 (+0) 8 (‒1)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5
Infernal Aspirant. When the dark squire reduces a
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
creature to 0 hit points, the squire heals 15 hit points
Languages Common, Gnoll and can make an immediate morningstar attack against
Challenge 1 (200 XP) one target within reach as part of the same action.

Rampage. When the gnoll reduces a creature to 0 hit ACTIONS

points with a melee attack on its turn, the gnoll can take Multiattack: The dark squire makes two morningstar
a bonus action to move up to half its speed and make a attacks.
bite attack.
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Sneak Attack. The gnoll does an extra 7 (2d6) damage one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
with weapon hits when it has advantage on the attack
Tactician’s Gambit (recharge 5-6). The dark squire makes
roll or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the
one morningstar attack against each enemy within
gnoll that is able to take actions and the gnoll doesn't
reach. Each target that's hit takes normal damage from
have disadvantage on the attack.
the attack, and all other attacks against that target are
ACTIONS made with advantage until the end of the dark squire’s
next turn.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage. Dark squires serve as attendants and companions
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., of the Doomspeakers. Typically, a dark squire is
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. attached to a particular Doomspeaker, serving in the
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range hopes of one day ascending to higher rank. hose
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. squires that perform well and survive the rigors of
Menacing Growl. The gnoll utters a nerve-wracking their service are oten given positions of command
growl. All enemies within 20 feet who can hear the over lesser troops of the cult. While a single dark

squire is usually encountered with a Doomspeaker, (escape DC 14); a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving
they are occasionally sent on missions, either alone, throw halves the damage and prevents grappling. A
with one or two other dark squires, or in command grappled creature takes another 22 (4d10) ire damage
at the end of its turn until it leaves that space or drops
of three to six gnoll thugs.
to 0 hit points, at which time the flames die out.

DOOMSPEAKER he doomspeaker is one of the demon-worshiping

knights who lead this dark cult. A doomspeaker
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
typically leads a small cell, and is oten accompanied
Armor Class 18 (plate mail)
by a dark squire and up to 20 gnoll thugs. It isn’t
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
uncommon for a doomspeaker to also have a
Speed 30 ft.
lieutenant, oten a cleric of the doomspeaker’s patron
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA demon. A doomspeaker is not above slaying an ally
16 (+3) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) to invoke their hope crusher trait.

Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +3, Cha +6

Skills Intimidation +6, Perception +3
Damage Resistances ire damage
Senses passive Perception 13
Languages Common
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. A doomspeaker’s spellcasting ability

is Charisma (spell save DC 14). It can cast the following
spells innately, requiring only verbal components:
3/day each: bane, command, protection from evil
and good
Hope Crusher. Any creature who witnesses a
doomspeaker within 50 feet reduce a creature to 0
hit points must make a successful DC 14 Wisdom
saving throw or be frightened for 1 minute. A
frightened creature repeats the saving throw
at the end of its turn, ending the effect on a
success. A creature can be frightened by this
ability only once in 24 hours.

Multiattack. The doomspeaker makes two
greatsword attacks.
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d6
+ 3) slashing damage plus 11 (2d10)
poison damage.
Doom of Consuming Fire (recharge 5-6). A
doomspeaker can summon the ires of the Abyss for
assistance in combat. Grasping flames erupt beneath
one creature within 30 feet of the doomspeaker, both
burning and trapping the target. The creature takes
22 (4d10) ire damage and is grappled by the flames

creature within 60 feet. he globe shatters on impact,
releasing the primal essence of the Abyss within. he
target must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. If
it succeeds, the primal essence can gain no purchase
in the target's mind and it dissipates harmlessly
with no other efect. If the saving throw fails, the
taget takes 5 (1d10) psychic damage and the Abyssal
essence coalesces around that stolen bit of the
target's psyche, becoming a physical being at the end
of the turn. he creature remains for 1 minute and
is under the control of the creature who threw the
primal doom.
he stats of the creature depend on the type of
primal doom.
• uncommon: shadow demon
• rare: chasme or vrock
• very rare: hezrou

maGic itemS Spell

he bone whips and primal dooms of the original Magical ability is highly prized among aspiring
Doomspeakers may have been gits from their members of the Doomspeaker hierarchy.
demonic masters.
BONE WHIP 5th-level necromancy
Weapon (whip), very rare (requires attunement) Casting Time 1 action
his whip is constructed of humanoid vertebrae Components V, S
with their edges magically sharpened and pointed. Range Self
he bones are joined together into a coiled line by Duration Concentration, up to 1 minute
strands of steel wire. he handle is half a femur You generate an entropic ield that rapidly ages
wrapped in sot leather of tanned human skin. every creature in the area of efect. he ield covers
his weapon functions as a +1 whip. Once a day, a sphere with a 20-foot radius centered on you.
the wielder can imbue the weapon with fel magic Every creature inside the sphere when it's created,
so that for 1 minute, a creature that takes damage including you, must make a successful Constitution
from the whip has its maximum hit points reduced saving throw or gain 2 levels of exhaustion from
by the same amount unless it makes a successful sudden, traumatic aging. A creature that ends its
DC 14 Constitution saving throw. Completing a turn in the ield must repeat the saving throw,
long rest restores the creature’s hit point maximum. gaining 1 level of exhaustion per subsequent failure.
Additionally, the wielder gains 5 temporary hit You have advantage on these saving throws.
points with each successful whip attack, to a An afected creature sheds 1 level of exhaustion at
maximum of 10 temporary hit points at one time. the end of its turn, if it started the turn outside the
spell's area of efect (or the spell has ended). Only
1 level of exhaustion can be removed this way; all
Wondrous Item, rarity varies
remaining levels are removed when the creature
Each primal doom appears to be a globe of crystal or completes a short or long rest. A creature that
glass with a murky liquid or smoke churning inside. died from gaining 6 levels of exhaustion, however,
he wielder of a primal doom hurls the globe at a remains dead.


emerald order
t he Emerald Order is devoted to the guardianship
and understanding of the mysteries of the
Emerald Tablets, on which the greatest arcane secrets
worshipers of hoth-Hermes. Outsiders who
discover their presence or meddle in the afairs of
the order ind swit and oten fatal retribution.
of hoth-Hermes are inscribed. he inner circle has
divined the secrets of the tablets to enhance their
already formidable magical abilities. Some have even
leaderS, orGanization,
tapped into the innate power invested in slivers of and GoalS
the gemstone tablets, drawing upon strange eldritch he Emerald Order is a secret society of cultists
energies to create new items and fearsome guardians. devoted to hoth-Hermes. hey consider themselves
Members of the Emerald Order guard the tablets exalted among the god’s followers due to their
and its secrets zealously, even from their fellow guardianship of the Emerald Tablets, a collection

of knowledge carved into plates of transparent, DROMDAL-RE
nigh-indestructible verdant stone, which are said to
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
contain the greatest secrets of their deity. hough
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
many followers of hoth know about the existence of
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
the tablets, the precise knowledge inscribed on them
Speed 30 ft.
is a closely guarded secret, and the order ensures that
only those initiated into their ranks and indoctrinated STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
into the mysteries of the cult know of its contents.
9 (‒1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 13 (+1)
he head of the Emerald Order is Dromdal-Re.
He is its high priest as well as its chief instructor in Skills Arcana +10, Investigation +10, Perception +7
the alchemical arts. he heads of arcane research, Senses passive Perception 17
astrology, history, and theology comprise the rest of Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elvish,
the High Council of the Order, though Dromdal-Re Gnomish, Infernal, Terran
is the inal arbiter should the other four fail to reach Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
a consensus on an issue.
As custodians of ultimate knowledge, the followers Spellcasting. Dromdal-Re is a 14th-level spellcaster. His
of the Emerald Order consider it their duty to guide spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save 18, +10 to
society through use of assassination, terrorism, hit with spell attacks). He knows the following spells:
manipulation, bribery, blackmail, and the other Cantrips (at will): ire bolt, mage hand, prestidigitation
myriad tools of the political game. hey scof at those 1st level (4 slots): charm person, feather fall, mage
who call their actions wrong. Such myopic skeptics armor, magic missile
cannot see their long-term goals, nor do their 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, invisibility, ray of
opponents have access to the wisdom of the Emerald
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, ly, protection from
Tablets. he grand vision of the Emerald Order is a
world that runs by their rules, if not directly under
4th level (3 slots): confusion, polymorph
their control.
5th level (2 slots): conjure elemental, wall of force
To this end, the members of the Emerald Order
6th level (1 slot): globe of invulnerability, mass
come from all walks of life. In their everyday lives,
they are merchants, scholars, courtiers, counselors,
7th level (1 slot): inger of death, simulacrum
healers, and guild masters interwoven in the fabric of
society who do their jobs without complaint. In secret Genius. Dromdal-Re always has advantage on Intelligence
hours of the night or in hidden meeting places during
Master of Alchemy. Dromdal-Re can create three potions
the day however, they come together to plot and
each day of any rarity. During combat, he uses these
conspire. hese schemes usually involve members
potions himself or distributes them to his allies as
using their positions of power to manipulate needed.
events to the order’s wishes. his sometimes is Scholar of the Emerald Tablets. The leader of the Emerald
perceived as sowing chaos, but those with the order’s Order has studied the tablets of Thoth-Hermes deeply.
understanding—or simply gited with the ability The knowledge from the tablets gives Dromdal-Re
to see the greater picture—know these seemingly advantage on saving throws against illusion magic.
disparate forces are merely pieces of a larger puzzle.
Multiattack. Dromdal-Re makes two sickle attacks.
Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 1 (1d4 ‒ 1) slashing damage. If Dromdal-Re
drinks a potion of cloud giant strength, his attack
bonus becomes +13 and the damage becomes 10
(1d4 + 8) slashing.

the emerald order
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage.
Mysteries Upon Mysteries. As a bonus action,
Dromdal-Re chooses one prepared spell of 5th level
or lower. All of his remaining spell slots are expended,
but he can cast the chosen spell at will until the end
of his next long rest. Completeing a long rest returns
Dromdal-Re’s spellcasting to normal.
Master of the Eight Keys (recharge 6). Dromdal-Re
recites a confounding passage from the Emerald Tablets.
Any creature within 100 feet who can hear him must
make a successful DC 18 Intelligence saving throw or be
stunned. A stunned creature repeats the saving throw
at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself with
a success. In addition, a spellcaster loses one of his or
her highest-level remaining spell slots with each failed
saving throw. Completing a long rest restores the spell
slots as usual.

potions of ire breath, lying, cloud giant strength, superior
healing ×3, invulnerability, and speed

A striking man, Dromdal-Re is the ofspring of a

Nurian alchemist and a beautiful traveling scholar
from Skaldholm. hough nearing 40, Dromdal-Re
remains handsome with a strong presence. His dark
hair has receded slightly, forming a widow’s peak
and has begun to gray at the temples. Independently
wealthy, Dromdal-Re maintains the public persona
of an adjunct sage or professor to some of Nuri
Natal’s inest institutes of higher learning. Within
those university halls, he lectures on obscure
arcana and ofers his services to those who need cult activitieS and
consultation on ancient artifacts or bygone magic.
he majority of Nuri Natal’s academia is unaware
adventure hookS
You have several options to introduce the Emerald
that he is secretly the head of the Emerald Order.
Order as adversaries for the PCs in your campaign.
His peers and subordinates within the Order play
hey can be opponents for single adventures or
the roles of mere acquaintances, academic rivals,
returning enemies in an extended campaign that pits
and even complete strangers. In secret, they work to
the PCs against the growing threat of the cult as its
decipher more knowledge from the Emerald Tablets
members expedite their cunning, convoluted plans,
and to use that knowledge to create a new world
and march inexorably closer to world domination.
order, one in which the reins of power are held
irmly by Dromdal-Re.
In a Midgard setting campaign, replace Celestial,
Elvish, Infernal, and Terran with the Ankeshelian, he PCs are hired by the business partner, close
Elemental, Enochian, and Nurian languages. friend, or relative of a prominent citizen in the city,
who is acting strangely. he PCs’ employer fears this
prominent citizen is being somehow manipulated.

he employer can see the subtle diferences but but ran of on her own. If captured, she admits that
is unable to convince anyone else and they would she is being extorted by an unknown agency, who
like to hire the PCs to discreetly investigate. he kidnapped her family and promised to do them
PCs discover the most prominent new life change harm unless the peace talks fail. She was told that
is the subject’s recent induction in a group called if the clans make peace, the kidnappers will know,
the Whitehall Brotherhood, a spiritual retreat that and her family will be dead before she returns to the
ofers enlightenment through membership and capital. he PCs must convince her to do her duty
ritual meditation techniques. his is a cover for the or allow the clan feud to erupt, disrupting trade
Emerald Order, who uses the apparently benevolent and endangering travelers. he PCs also discover
society to gain access to well-to-do subjects and a spy observing the negotiation, which might lead
manipulate them through magic and the tainted to a chase scene in order to stop the spy before he
water of the brotherhood’s bathhouse. gives his report and imperils the diplomat’s family.
he PCs are hired by city leaders to escort a he captured spy could give up the location of the
local diplomat to the hinterlands, where she hostages, prompting a rescue mission by the PCs
will negotiate peace between two warring clans. while the diplomat does her job.
However, at some point during the trip, the he party witnesses a mysterious cloaked igure in
diplomat disappears. PCs that track the missing a tavern while they enjoy a couple of drinks. he
diplomat eventually realize she was not abducted stranger appears to watch the PCs carefully ater he
enters and sits down. If the party does not confront
him, he is discovered dead a short while later. he
The Emerald Order PCs might even be considered suspects in his murder.
he server says she received a generous tip on the
in Midgard condition that she must leave the stranger (and any
he Emerald Order has its headquarters in Nuria guest that shares his table) alone unless called. he
Natal, where Dromdal-Re and the other masters barkeep says the stranger instructed him to send
spend most of their time. he Emerald Tablets,
over anyone asking for someone of his description.
however, have been returned to the great pyramid
If the PCs elect to investigate, they receive the tavern
hidden in the desert east of the ruins of the God
owner’s gratitude, as the presence of the city watch
King’s Hall, where they were originally unearthed.
his pyramid is trapped with deadly devices both
is bad for business. If the PCs determine whom the
mechanical and magical, and a quartet of smaragdine stranger intended to meet, they discover he planned
golems protects the chamber that houses the tablets. to sell a copy of the writings from the legendary
he Emerald Order also keeps several copies of Emerald Tablets. hese duplicates have mysteriously
the writings, in the original Ankeshelian as well as vanished. his can be just the irst step in a series
translations into numerous other languages, and of leads that reveal the Emerald Order’s various
protects these copies as zealously as they do the nefarious conspiracies.
original tablets.
he Emerald Order has powerful inluence and LEVELS 4–6
pulls many strings throughout the Southlands. It
A local town council has made a major change
specializes in the manipulation of political tensions,
shipping routes, ixing prices, and myriad other of direction in their governance. A concerned
elements that gently strengthen their control over guildmaster or local noble is puzzled as he has
Nuria Natal and, eventually, the Dragon Empire. he many allies on the council, and these new policies
world of Midgard and even beyond are coveted as are hostile to his position and threaten the balance
conquests by the Order’s masters, as they believe the of power. He hires the PCs to investigate, sure that
power and knowledge of the tablets make them the someone or something has gained some manner of
ittest to rule. inluence over the council. In actuality, the entire
council is dead. hey were assassinated and replaced

the emerald order
by doppelgangers that operate under the directives from another student of the arcane. Pursuit of this
of the Emerald Order. individual leads them to a member of the Emerald
he PCs are hired to deliver healing herbs to a group Order, who purposely sold the wizard the lawed
of tribesfolk. An illness has broken out among the spell as an attempted assassination, which the PCs
tribe and the herbs will help ward of the disease, may unwittingly be party to.
especially for the elderly and the very young. One In the midst of an ocean voyage, the PCs’ ship is
of the PCs is the spitting image of a person heralded attacked by a great sea creature and sunk. hey are
in a local prophecy as the great savior of the people. saved by a friendly group of aquatic humanoids and
he delivery of medicine its in nicely with the irst taken to the nearest shore—a small, lonely island far
part of the prophecy. here are other tasks the tribe from any shipping lanes. A monastery sits upon the
expects the savior to perform, including the location highest point of the island. Should the PCs seek out
of a new oasis, the restoration of a relic to the tribe’s the inhabitants, they ind a cell of academic hermits
holy shrine, and the defeat of a nasty monster that who are oddly suspicious about their arrival. his
preys upon the people. Should the “savior” not live branch of the Emerald Order is not keen to have the
up to preordained expectations, then there is political PCs as guests, and if the PCs are caught snooping,
fallout that leaves the local clergy out of favor. his they incur violent reprisals. Yet, whatever transpires
was, of course, the Emerald Order’s plan all along in this remote location is of vital importance to the
and why the PCs were hired for the mission in the Emerald Order’s sinister and long-reaching plans.
irst place—to fail. Once the old clergy is gone, the
Order can maneuver their own people into place and LEVELS 10–12
further their own agenda. If the PCs have the gall to
start to successfully fulil the prophecy, the Emerald A once beloved ruler is rapidly falling out of favor
Order must covertly intervene to undermine them. with his people. Every policy instituted by the noble
seems to backire or have unintended consequences
A local noble receives a ring of regeneration as a that further anger the people and push them closer
git. A kingly present for one of her station until to open rebellion. he PCs are heroes of the realm,
the curse upon the ring takes efect. She begins to respected and well liked by both the common folk
grow, her skin becoming green and warty, her mind and the noble. He asks them to join his council and
tempted to violent outbursts. he PCs must track help sort out the mess. he noble’s closest adviser,
down the git-giver or someone able to remove the however, is not keen on this plan and seeks to have
curse, which is strangely diicult to do. Otherwise, the PCs ousted, and perhaps even used as scapegoats
the noble transforms into a troll and will be deposed for everything, unless they can compete at this level
so that someone more pliable is installed—someone of political machinations.
directly loyal to the Emerald Order.
An archaeological expedition in the desert hasn’t
been seen in weeks. When the PCs are sent to
LEVELS 7–9 determine their fate, they come upon the ruins of the
A wizard of renown uses a newly acquired spell camp outside a long-forgotten pyramid. Notes let
to summon a demon. However, an unnoticed law by the head of the expedition speak of terrible traps,
in the protective spell he used, allows the demon crystalline guardians, and a beautiful set of emerald
to possess the wizard. Competent adventurers tablets apparently devoted to the god hoth-Hermes.
are needed to help stop the wizard from running A virulent disease has stricken the kingdom’s crops,
amok and spreading death and destruction. Also, monsters disrupt trade, and a neighboring nation
as the wizard is also a favored relative of the queen, is threatening war. Amid all this, the queen is
it is preferred he be taken alive so an exorcism presented with a great git: the Emerald Tablets of
can be performed. Whether they succeed or not, hoth-Hermes, whose power could help save the
the PCs discover the wizard purchased the spell kingdom from its many perils. his is a ploy by the

Emerald Order, a inal gambit to throw the whole Student of the Spirit. The agent has studied a few short
region into chaos. Use of the tablets without the spiritual treatises from the Emerald Tablets granting
proper knowledge is dangerous. he great scholar them the ability to commune with spirits. They can cast
speak with dead three times per day.
Dromdal-Re ofers his assistance in deciphering the
tablets and divulging its secrets. he PCs, tasked ACTIONS
with guarding the tablet, begin to suspect that
Multiattack. The agent of the order makes two
Dromdal-Re’s intentions may not be as benevolent longsword attacks.
as they irst seem. He ingratiates himself with the Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
queen however, and their investigations into his one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage. If the agent
behavior are stymied as she sends them of to deal drinks a potion of hill giant strength, the attack bonus
with the various outside threats. becomes +7 and damage becomes 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing.
Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range

cultiStS of the 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Sixth Sense (recharge 5-6). The agent of the order allows
emerald order himself or herself to be guided by the spirit world, which
gives advantage on their next attack roll, saving throw,
he Emerald Order recruits members of intellect
or ability check.
and guile who understand that the knowledge of the
Emerald Tablets is ultimate power. Cult members EQUIPMENT
are subtle, well prepared, and typically have back up Potions of ire breath, hill giant strength, greater healing
plans should things go wrong. he following NPCs ×2, and speed, plus 2 doses of serpent venom (3d6
can be used as cultist minions, intermediaries, and poison damage, halved with a
lower-level leaders to provide suitable enemies for successful DC 11 Constitution
the PCs as they strive against the Emerald Order. saving throw)


Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful evil
Armor Class 18 (scale mail, shield)
Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft.


15 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)

Skills Investigation +5, Perception +3

Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Gnoll
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Expert Alchemist. The agent can

create three potions per day of common or
uncommon rarity. They carry them and use the
potions before and during combat.
Favoured by Thoth-Hermes (1/day). The agent of the
order invokes the name of their deity as a bonus action.
The agent becomes invisible and immune to nonmagical
weapon damage until the end of their next turn.

the emerald order
Agents of the Order oten seek out important Emerald apprentices are alchemists recruited by the
targets, such as enemies leeing the cult’s wrath or cult. Given tantalizing glimpses of the alchemical
lost knowledge that is exceptionally well hidden or secrets scribed upon the Emerald Tablets, they have
in dangerous locales. heir ability to speak with the thrown in with the Emerald Order with hopes of
dead sees them oten combing old ruins or tombs, rising high enough in the ranks to further delve into
possibly racing adventurers to a common goal. hey the knowledge contained therein.
are well known for their ability to make miraculous hese apprentices are oten tasked with delicate
escapes from losing battles (through their Favored missions, such as silencing competitors seeking
by hoth-Hermes trait). For diicult missions, an the location of the Emerald Tablets, recovering lost
agent of the Order may be accompanied by two to copies of the tablets' knowledge, or retrieving likely
four emerald apprentices. recruits for meetings with minor leaders of the cult.
Such subjects are typically convinced to serve the
EMERALD APPRENTICE Emerald Order’s interests using a combination of
bribery, blackmail, and veiled threats.
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
Armor Class 12
Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
Speed 30 ft.
Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
10 (+0) 12 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) Speed 30 ft.

Senses passive Perception 12 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Languages Common, Draconic, Gnoll 8 (‒1) 14 (+2) 14 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Skills Arcana +7, Investigation +7
Expert Alchemist. The apprentice can create three potions Senses passive Perception 11
each day of common or uncommon rarity. They carry Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Giant, Gnoll
them and use the potions before and during combat. Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)

ACTIONS Expert Alchemist. The initiate can create three potions

Sickle. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one per day of common, uncommon, or rare rarity. They carry
target. Hit: 2 (1d4) slashing damage. If the apprentice them and use the potions before and during combat.
drinks a potion of hill giant strength, the attack bonus Gaze of the Enlightened (1/day). The initiate of the order
becomes +7 and damage becomes 7 (1d4 + 5) slashing. invokes the name of their deity. For 1 hour, the initiate is
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range under the effect of the true seeing spell. Additionally, the
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. initiate has advantage on Perception and Insight checks.
Withering Tincture (1/day). As a bonus action, the Key Bearer. The initiate has seen the path to
emerald apprentice coats his or her weapon with a understanding the keys of Thoth-Hermes. Mundane
potent chemical mixture. The next creature damaged by mechanical locks open at the touch of the initiate.
the weapon must make a successful DC 13 Constitution
saving throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A poisoned ACTIONS
creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn, Multiattack. The initiate of the inner circle makes two
ending the effect on a success. quarterstaff attacks.
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 2 (1d6 ‒ 1) bludgeoning damage, or 3
Potions of ire breath, hill giant strength, greater healing (1d8 ‒ 1) bludgeoning damage when used two-handed.
×2, and speed, plus 2 doses of serpent venom (3d6 If the initiate drinks a potion of ire giant strength, the
poison damage, halved with a successful DC 11 attack bonus becomes +9 and two-handed damage
Constitution saving throw) becomes 11 (1d8 + 7) bludgeoning.

Bolt of Arcane Truth. Ranged spell attack: +6 to hit, range EQUIPMENT
120 ft., one target. Hit: 25 (6d6 + 4) radiant damage and
Potions of ire breath, ire giant strength, superior
the target is pushed 5 feet away from the initiate.
healing ×2, and speed, plus 2 doses of serpent venom
Sixth Sense (recharge 5-6). The initiate of the inner
(3d6 poison damage, halved with a successful DC 11
circle allows himself or herself to be guided by the spirit
Constitution saving throw)
world, which gives advantage on their next attack roll,
saving throw, or ability check. hese promising candidates have been introduced
Student of the Eight Keys (recharge 6). The initiate into the inner circle of the Order, learning the irst
recites a memorized passage from the Emerald Tablets. secrets of the Emerald Tablets of hoth-Hermes. hey
Any creature within 60 feet that can hear him must use their enhanced power to serve the Order, hoping
make a successful DC 14 Intelligence saving throw or be to win enough favor to continue advancing in their
stunned. A stunned creature repeats the saving throw studies. Initiates are oten trusted with performing
at the end of its turn, ending the effect on itself on a
a piece of one of the Emerald Order’s extensive
operations. If the task requires more operatives, the
initiate is typically assisted by one to two agents of
the Order and four to eight emerald apprentices.

maGic itemS
Followers of this cult prize the power of magical
items as much or more than any other source.


Wondrous Item, very rare, (requires attunement)
An irregularly shaped fragment of transluscent
emerald that turns dull grey when its magic is
expended. he emerald shard is subject to the normal
rules of ioun stones. While active, the emerald shard
absorbs 5 damage from every attack or damaging
efect that hits the owner. he shard loses all its
magical properties and ceases to function once it
absorbs 120 damage.


Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
his object consists of 12 tablets—slabs of transparent
emerald green crystal—inscribed in an ancient
language. hey lie stacked upon one another, held
together by golden hoops strung through holes in
the tops of the tablets and suspended from a rod of
the same material. hough it appears to be gold, this
metal is indestructible.

the emerald order
spell save DC, it is dominated (similarly to dominate
monster) for 10 minutes.
My Knowledge, My Obsession. he tablet bearer is
occasionally compelled to spend a long rest studying
the tablets. When the bearer spends a long rest
studying the tablets, that rest is treated as a short rest
for purposes of recovery. his compulsion occurs at
the discretion of the GM.
Destroying the Tablets. he method to destroy
the Emerald Tablets of hoth-Hermes is unknown.
Perhaps not surprisingly, it is one of the few pieces
of knowledge not described in the tablets. Likely
possibilities include: defacement by an illiterate
child; being buried beneath a great library or temple
of knowledge that's then desecrated and destroyed;
or being sundered by the weapon of a hitherto
unidentiied demon lord of ignorance.

he tablets are inscribed with a wealth of monSter

knowledge about the universe, magic, and other hese mighty golems are ferocious defenders of
subjects. he essence of the Emerald Tablets of hoth-Hermes' most precious sites and secrets.
hoth-Hermes is infused with knowledge that the
reader unconsciously absorbs while interacting with
the artifact. While using the tablets, the reader has
advantage on all Intelligence and Wisdom checks. Large construct, neutral
Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
World Bending. he tablet bearer can alter reality in Hit Points 189 (18d10 + 90)
signiicant ways, much in the manner of a wish spell. Speed 30 ft.
State clearly to the GM what efect you wish to bring
about in the world. he GM decides which spell STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
best matches your desire. You must must make a 26 (+8) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 3 (‒4) 11 (+0) 1 (‒5)
spellcasting check with a DC = (15 + the level of the
spell that most closely matches the desired efect). If Damage Immunities poison, psychic; bludgeoning,
the saving throw succeeds, the desired efect occurs. piercing, and slashing from nonmagical weapons that
If it fails, nothing happens; but if it fails by 10 or aren’t adamantine
more, the attempt backires and is warped in ways Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
determined by the GM. paralyzed, petriied, poisoned
Regardless of the outcome of the spellcasting Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
check, you must also make a successful Constitution Languages understands the languages of its creator but
can’t speak
saving throw against the same DC or gain 1 level of
exhaustion. Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)

Master of the Golem. A creature that holds the Immutable Form. The golem is immune to any spell or
tablets can try to control a smaragdine golem through effect that would alter its form.
force of will. he golem must be within 200 feet. If it Magic Resistance. The golem has advantage on saving
fails a Wisdom saving throw against the tablet bearer’s throws against spells and other magical effects, with two

exceptions: shatter (functions normally), feeblemind (the golems have an inhuman intelligence and use tactics
golem is stunned until the end of its next turn). in a physical confrontation. Similarly, smaragdine
Magic Weapons. The golem’s weapon attacks are magical. golems do not blunder through walls or other
Sense Tablet. A smaragdine golem can sense the obstacles in their path. hey seek a doorway or some
presence of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth-Hermes as other indirect path to the tablets if necessary, but
per locate object. This ability functions only on the always with relentless determination.
Emerald Tablets and is not blocked by lead, although he question arises: Is a smaragdaline golem true
nondetection works normally.
to the Order (and ergo its leader), the Emerald Tablets
ACTIONS and hoth-Hermes, or does it obey its creator? he
answer lies in whether the smaragdaline golem
Multiattack. The golem makes two slam attacks.
was grown from a piece of the Emerald Tablets or
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage.
fashioned from other green crystals.
Absorb Magic. The smaragdine golem absorbs the magic
from a non-instantaneous spell effect it touches; e.g., if
the smaragdine golem is in the area affected by a silence
or fog cloud spell, the golem can absorb the spell's
magic. Alternatively, this can absorb a spell effect that's
active on another creature the golem hits with a slam
attack. All of the spell's effects end immediately.
A smaragdine golem can hold one absorbed
spell at a time. When the golem has a spell
absorbed, it can release the energy as a bonus
action. All creatures within 60 feet of the golem
take 8d8 force damage and are blinded until the
end of the golem's next turn; a successful DC 17
Dexterity saving throw halves the damage and
prevents blindness.

Smaragdine golems are creations of the

Emerald Order, crated by disciples
of the emerald esoterica to guard
their secret meeting halls,
sacred texts, and the Emerald
Tablets itself. As they are grown
from fragments of the Emerald
Tablets, the golems have an
innate intelligence from their connection to
hoth-Hermes. his makes them in some ways
akin to retrievers, the abyssal constructs
of certain Demon Lords. his trait also
makes them strangely susceptible to spells
that normally have no efect on constructs.
heir link to the Emerald Tablets
also means they can track it unerringly
if commanded to do so. Although
they lack individual personalities, the

hand of nakreSh

hand of
f orty-Fingered Nakresh is the simian demon-god
of wizards and thieves. His eight hands grasp all
there is to take and hold tight. It is said he reserves
leaderS, orGanization,
and GoalS
his lowest let hand for the boldest and most he undisputed leaders of the Lower Let Hand of
daring of his thets. And this cult—a pentarchical Nakresh are the Five Exalted, the ive most devoted
assemblage of the region’s most infamous and larcenous members of the cult—the ive ingers
scoundrels and their followers—revere their god by of the hand, as it were. Each remains in a position
emulating this behavior. hese ive crime lords plot of power until he is unable to properly bestow
the most audacious and spectacular thets in order adoration upon the name of Nakresh. For the cult,
to appease their deity and outdo the other members adoration means thet. he bigger and more daring
of their organization. the heist, the greater the respect and admiration

gained by the perpetrator and in turn bestowed Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
upon Nakresh. One of the ive is chosen every eight
years to be the High Exalted, highest of the ive and Dark Dweller. Lord Vermin has disadvantage on attacks
and ability checks made in direct sunlight.
the one who directs the cult in its activities.
Evasion. When Lord Vermin makes a saving throw that
On that occasion, the crime lords compete to see
normally halves damage on a success, he takes no
who can commit the greatest thet. heir eforts are
damage with a success and half damage with a failure.
judged on the value of loot (stolen magic is prized
Hurried Scurry. Whenever Lord Vermin takes a dash
above all else), the infamy of the crime, and the style action, he can immediately dash again as a bonus action.
in which it was committed. Each crime lord is the Shadow Attack. Lord Vermin's dagger attacks do an extra
head of an ardent group of followers that carry out 21 (6d6) damage against targets that can't see him.
their leaders’ nefarious plots with zeal. hese lesser
cult members cast secret ballots to determine which ACTIONS
of the ive becomes the High Exalted for the next Multiattack. Lord Vermin makes three dagger attacks.
eight years. Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
he Five Exalted are iercely competitive and do target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 17 (5d6)
whatever is necessary to surpass their fellows in this poison damage and the creature is poisoned until the
contest. Sabotage and double-dealing are expected. end of Lord Vermin's next turn; a successful DC 15
At times, two of the Five may join forces, usually Constitution saving throw halves the poison damage
and prevents the poisoned condition.
when one with little chance of winning throws in
Shadowy Chitin (recharge 5‒6). Lord Vermin’s carapace
with another of the Five, expecting favors in return
swirls with shadow. For 1 minute, Lord Vermin can
should his aid help achieve a win. he inviolate rule
choose to become invisible at the end of each of his
of the contest is that none of the members shall kill turns.
another or betray another to the authorities. In fact,
should one be captured, the others are duty-bound REACTIONS
to attempt a rescue if the possibility exists. When Uncanny Dodge. When Lord Vermin is hit by an attacker
one of the positions of the Five becomes vacant— he could see, the damage is halved.
whether due to death, expulsion, or capture without
Lord Vermin stands four feet tall, and his skin and
hope of rescue—the other four vote to raise a
carapace are an oily, tan color. Glittering black eyes sit
promising member of the cult to the position.
beneath long antennae and an unusually thick mop
of black hair, which he keeps coifed in fashionable
LORD VERMIN style. He dresses in the fashion of a dilettante noble,
Small monstrosity, neutral evil eschewing all ornamentation except his signet ring
Armor Class 17 (natural + leather armor) and the silver and ebony scabbards for his weapons.
Hit Points 88 (16d6 + 32) Lord Vermin is the most recent ascendant to the
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Five. A young and ambitious cult member, he rules
in a subterranean lair beneath a large city, leading
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA a contingent of larcenous roachling followers. His
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 12 (+1) initial crimes involved invading sites through sewers,
moats, cellars, and other such entrances. Boiling up
Saving Throws Dex +8 from below, Lord Vermin and his followers would
Skills Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8 scuttle in and loot whatever they could, disappearing
Damage Resistances poison back down the dark holes from whence they came
Condition Immunities poisoned loaded with ill-gotten gain.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 10 ft., passive When the wealthy became wise to this
Perception 13 approach—barring sewer grates, sealing tunnels,
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Undercommon and placing cellar guards—Lord Vermin switched

hand of nakreSh
tactics and came in from above. His crew scaled ACTIONS
walls and went in windows and skylights. When Multiattack. Master Kiprak makes three bomb attacks in
his targets guarded against this tactic, he simply any combination.
went further aield, inding new marks in foreign Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
cities. If these new targets had ever heard of him it one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
was usually in exaggerated tales and hearsay. hey Frost Bomb. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
learned soon enough, and Vermin’s name became a 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (4d12) cold damage.
curse on the lips of the wealthy. Whether the attack hits or misses, all creatures within
Lord Vermin is the most ambitious of the 10 feet of the bomb’s target must make a successful DC
Five. His heists are always grand in scale. He is 17 Consitution saving throw or be magically slowed (per
determined to win the next contest and become the the slow spell) until the end of Master Kiprak’s next turn.

High Exalted. At 15 years old he is nearing middle

age, given the short lifespans of his folk. If he misses
this chance, he may not receive a second so he is
determined to succeed.

Small humanoid (kobold), lawful evil
Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Hit Points 81 (18d6 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


8 (‒1) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 10 (+0) 8 (‒1)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Wis +4, Cha +3

Skills Arcana +9, Perception +4, Stealth +8
Damage Resistances acid, cold, ire, poison
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Undercommon
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

Dark Dweller. Master Kiprak has disadvantage on

attacks and ability checks made while he is in direct
Practiced Arm. If Master Kiprak has no enemies within 5
feet of himself, he has advantage on ranged attacks.
Protective Equipment. Master Kiprak uses a
variety of safety devices and potions to
protect himself. He is not affected by
nondamaging effects from his bombs.

Fire Bomb. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, range
30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 26 (4d12) ire damage.
Whether the attack hits or misses, all creatures within 10 Medium humanoid (gnoll), neutral evil
feet of the bomb’s target must make a successful DC 17 Armor Class 17 (leather armor; 19 with shield)
Strength saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away from Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
the bomb’s detonation point. Speed 30 ft.
Entangling Bomb (recharge 6). Ranged Weapon Attack:
+8 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d12) ire STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
damage. Whether the attack hits or misses, the ground 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 10 (+0) 10 (+10)
within 10 feet of the bomb's detonation point becomes
dificult terrain. Creatures in that area when the bomb Skills Perception +3
detonates must make successful DC 17 Strength saving Saving Throws Con +5, Wis +3, Cha +3
throws or be restrained. A restrained creature can break
Damage Resistances poison
free by using an action and making a successful DC 17
Condition Immunities poisoned
Strength check.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
REACTIONS Languages Common, Gnoll
Uncanny Dodge. When Master Kiprak is hit by an Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
attacker he could see, the damage is halved.
Practiced Rider. Mognyr Dunestalker receives advantage
Standing just 3 feet 6 inches tall when he straightens on checks to stay mounted. He suffers no penalty to
up, Master Kiprak is an unassuming igure. His scaly attacks made while riding a mount. He controls his
form is ashen, emaciated, and thin, wrapped loosely mount as a bonus action.
in the well-tailored but stained robes of an academic. Rampage. When Dunestalker reduces a creature to 0
Deep-set, bright eyes show a keen intellect and miss hit points with a melee attack on his turn, he can take
nothing of their surroundings. A belt hangs heavy a bonus action to move up to half his speed (or half of
with pouches and equipment of his trade. Kerrshek's speed, if mounted) and make a bite attack.
Master Kiprak is a kobold of great intellect and ACTIONS
rather high ethical standards within his alchemical
Multiattack. Mognyr Dunestalker makes a bite attack
profession. Outside of that work, however, he
and two longsword attacks, or two longbow attacks.
is completely immoral and unscrupulous. His
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
outrageous acts of larceny, which funded his research, target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
attracted the attentions of the Hand of Nakresh. poison damage; poison damage is halved with a
Master Kiprak is the only member of the Five successful DC 13 Constitution saving throw.
Exalted to have been brought into their ranks from Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
outside the brotherhood of the cult. For his part, one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10
Master Kiprak is happy to play by the cult’s rules, + 4) slashing damage if used two-handed.
and he inds the challenge of the octennial contest Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
stimulating and a ine venue in which to test new 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage
alchemical experiments or apparatuses. plus 10 (3d6) ire, necrotic, or poison damage (Mognyr's
Kiprak is the most open of the Five, accepting choice).
anyone of the proper intelligence, devotion, and REACTIONS
criminal demeanor into the ranks of his followers—
Uncanny Dodge. When Mognyr Dunestalker is hit by an
except for loathsome gnomes. Ater all, he does
attacker he could see, the damage is halved. He can also
maintain some standards. use this reaction to halve damage from attacks against
Kerrshek, if he's riding the hyaenodon.

hand of nakreSh
KERRSHEK Trample. If Kerrshek moves at least 20 feet straight
toward a creature and then hits it with a bite attack on
Large beast (hyaenadon), unaligned the same turn, that target must make a successful DC 14
Armor Class 13 (natural armor) Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target
Hit Points 44 (8d10) is knocked prone, Kerrshek can make another bite attack
Speed 50 ft. against it as a bonus action.


18 (+4) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 5 (‒3) 13 (+1) 6 (‒2) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Skills Perception +3
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages None His Master's Voice. While Mognyr Dunestalker is riding
Kerrshek, the hyaenodon can make a bite attack
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
as a reaction against a target that was just hit by
Dunestalker's longsword.
Keen Senses. Kersshek has advantage on Perception
checks based on smell. Mognyr Dunestalker stands nearly seven feet in
Pack Tactics. Kersshek has advantage on attack rolls if height, his lean frame covered in fur the color of wet
the target is already grappled by at least one other sand. A thick scar on his muzzle pulls up his lip on

the let side, leaving him with a permanent snarl. Forty Fingers of Nakresh. Sister Starkfeather is
He is rarely seen without Kerrshek, his hyaenodon surrounded by an aura of larcenous magic. Creatures
companion and mount. that begin or end their turn within 5 feet of the priest
take 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. In addition to the
Mognyr has been a devoted follower of the cult
damage, the aura teleports gold, gems, jewelry, and art
for many years. He's made his devotion evident in
objects carried by the creature to an extraplanar space
caravan raids while traveling the deserts between only Sister Starkfeather can access (similar to a secret
settlements. His steady low of plunder caught chest spell). The value of the items stolen is determined
the attention of the Hand’s leadership, and he was by the GM but should increase each time the creature
inducted into the vacant seat shortly ater. Whether takes damage from the aura. If Sister Starkfeather is
Mognyr is able to vie for the position of the High killed, the extraplanar space tears open and the stolen
Exalted remains to be seen. His successes can’t be items shower down around her body.
denied, but while a cunning raider and master of
ambush tactics, he tends to pluck at low-hanging
fruit, bringing in steady but unremarkable gains.

Medium humanoid (tengu), chaotic neutral
Armor Class 16 (studded leather; 18 with shield)
Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 22 (+6) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Con +5, Wis +10

Skills Insight +10, Perception +10
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Tengu,
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Spellcasting. Sister Starkfeather is a 13th-level spellcaster.

Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17,
+9 to hit with spell attacks). She has prepared the
following spells:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, sacred lame
1st level (4 slots): bane, sanctuary, shield of faith
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold
person, silence
3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, dispel
magic, spirit guardians
4th level (3 slots): banishment,
death ward, guardian of faith
5th level (2 slots): lame strike,
mass cure wounds
6th level (1 slot): harm, true seeing
7th level (1 slot): divine word

hand of nakreSh
Multiattack. Sister Starkfeather makes two shortsword Medium humanoid (derro), chaotic neutral
Armor Class 14 (17 with mage armor)
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Hit Points 133 (15d8 + 60)
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Speed 30 ft.
Prayer. Sister Starkfeather expends one spell slot. The
radius of the area affected by forty ingers of Nakresh
increases by 5 feet per level of the expended slot (a
10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 20 (+5)
4th-level spell slot extends the radius by 20 feet). This
effect lasts until the end of Sister Starkfeather’s next turn.
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +4, Cha +9
White Feathers, Dark Heart (1/day). Sister Starkfeather
Skills Arcana +5, Persuasion +9
gains the ability to fly (speed 60 feet) for 1 minute.
Damage Resistances poison, psychic, radiant
Additionally, for the same duration, her sacred lame
cantrip does double damage. Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Standing 5 feet, 10 inches in height—though her Languages Aklo, Common, Undercommon
hunched posture makes her seem shorter—Sister
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Starkfeather’s albinism is plainly seen in her
pure white plumage, ivory beak, and pinkish-red Spellcasting. Zheita is a 15th-level spellcaster. Her
eyes. She dresses in plain but well-cut clothing of spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to
comfortable it and dark colors that contrast with hit with spell attacks). She has prepared the following
her pale feathers. spells:
Sister Starkfeather runs her portion of the cult Cantrips (at will): acid splash, ire bolt, ray of frost
much like a thieves’ guild. Outsiders who pay tribute 1st level (4 slots): feather fall, mage armor, magic
and respect to Nakresh are protected. hieves and missile
practitioners of magic that venerate the demon-god 2nd level (3 slots): alter self, blur, darkness
are let alone. All others are fair game to the tengu 3rd level (3 slots): ireball, ly, major image
and her followers—competent rogues and wizards 4th level (3 slots): dimension door, greater invisibility,
all—and a healthy tithe of all wealth taken is given to polymorph, scattered images (see “Spells”)
the temple. 5th level (2 slots): cloudkill, dominate person
Sister Starkfeather is the current High Exalted 6th level (1 slot): mass suggestion, true seeing
and has been so for the last 16 years. he only true 7th level (1 slot): inger of death, prismatic spray
cleric among a group of lay priests, she considers her 8th level (1 slot): earthquake, incendiary cloud
position a sign of favor from Nakresh for her more Mutation. Zheita’s long arms arms curl and coil in
ardent devotion. She crats her plans and executes her unnatural ways. She can pick up and manipulate objects
thets with as much zeal as lourish, always leaving up to 10 feet away.
a calling card, an ivory holy symbol of Nakresh, to Madness, Genius, Obsession. Zheita’s obsession with
let her victims realize the hand of her profane lord is magical artifacts has driven her partially mad. She
has advantage on saving throws against illusions and
behind their misfortunes. Sister Starkfeather has no
mind-controlling spells and effects.
intention of losing the position of the High Exalted
to any of her fellows. hey can vie for the seat ater ACTIONS
she dies of old age as far as she is concerned. She Multiattack. Zheita makes two quarterstaff attacks.
constantly works to turn her compatriots against Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one another, using of-hand remarks and seemingly one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage.
innocent reminders of wrongs—real or imagined—to
reignite old feuds and start new ones. A derro savant, Zheita stands nearly 4 feet tall. She
keeps her white-blonde hair shaved on the right side,
where strange glyphs are tattooed in an arch over her

ear. Her pale blue skin is covered with self-inlicted
scars. She wears a high-collared robe of spidersilk,
tie-dyed in a dizzying mixture of mauve, olive green,
and yellow.
Zheita the Magicmonger is obsessive in her
pursuit of arcane objects, spells, and components.
Her heists pull in many of these treasures, from
potions to more powerful items. With a band of
derros at her command, along with a few stray
troglodytes and loyal but insane human thralls, she
commands enough power and prestige to have a seat
with the Five. However, her insanity has kept her
from claiming the position of the High Exalted. Her
hauls during the last contest were too esoteric and
lacking in monetary value to win her the title. Still,
her madness oten spawns inspired crimes, and she
has the power and resources to accomplish them

cult activitieS and

adventure hookS
Here are several methods of introducing the Hand of
Nakresh as adversaries of the PCs in your campaign.
hey can be foes for single adventures or returning
enemies in an extended campaign, pitting the PCs
against the growing threat of the cult as its members
boldly increase their depredations to please their
god and outdo one another.

Levels 1-3
he warehouses of the dock district have sufered a
For Midgard Campaigns rash of robberies. A nervous merchant who recently
Zheita has received an epiphany this year, the result
brought in a shipment of rare spices and ivory from
of either a premonitory dream or research into a the south is worried. He hires the PCs as guards to
rare book of lore, whichever version of the tale she’s prevent any thet of his goods. In the night, three
telling at the time or what best suits your campaign. of Lord Vermin’s roachling followers attempt to
his allowed her to uncover an ancient engine of iniltrate the warehouse to sneak past the PCs and
magic from deep underground, a lost artifact from make of with whatever they can carry.
another age. his year Zheita believes the position he caravan the PCs are hired to guard on its
of the High Exalted is certainly hers. None of her journey south is attacked by a band of gnolls. If
peers can match her claims because she plans to
the gnolls threaten to overwhelm the PCs and their
steal magic itself. She has discovered diagrams and
allies, a patrol of soldiers arrives to aid the party
notes for a mysterious device said to manipulate
and drive of the attackers. Otherwise, the soldiers
and control ley line energies (a distant dream and
perhaps impossible). Whether such a crazy and far- show up ater the gnolls have been defeated, having
fetched scheme will work remains to be seen. noticed them and diverted from their normal patrol
to pursue them. his good turn however, was only a

hand of nakreSh
ruse. While the patrol was diverted to help the PCs, representatives of their own faiths and asked to seek
another richer caravan was attacked and robbed out the perpetrators. Several clashes with Sister
by a second band of Mognyr’s raiders. he heroes Starkfeather’s loyal cultists result. A group of bandits
are then asked to assist in tracking these bandits to led by a mage is appropriate.
their source. Eventually, either Sister Starkfeather herself or
A rise in thets of alchemical reagents and her representative approaches the PCs under a lag
equipment alarms the Alchemists’ Guild. he PCs of truce to resolve the situation. Good negotiation
are ofered a substantial reward to guard a fake results in much of the stolen goods being returned
shipment of goods on a river barge and kill or in exchange for some token ofering to placate Sister
capture the thieves responsible for these crimes. A Starkfeather. A bad result leads to the PCs being
group of kobolds serving Master Kiprak, outitted marked as enemies of the cult of Nakresh, and
with various types of alchemical gear, attacks the targeted for reprisal at a later date.
barge by night. he PCs are hired to watch over the egg of a magical
monster until it hatches. his egg is targeted by
Levels 4-6 Zheita the Magicmonger, who sends a group of her
followers to steal it. he PCs must contend with a
Outrage strikes the city in response to a rash mob of insane cultists and troglodytes, led by a pair
of thets targeting clerics and temples. Sister of derro overseers.
Starkfeather feels her deity has been slighted by
other local religions. Holy symbols are pickpocketed he city watch, unable to keep up with a rash of
from clerics, the altars of temples are laid bare, and crimes in the city, suspect spies or corrupted oicials
poor boxes are emptied in the night. he faithful are tipping the thieves of to the watch’s tactics.
clamor for justice. he inal outrage occurs when the hey want the PCs to conduct an informal internal
symbol of Nakresh is painted in white on the main investigation of their ranks to ind the problem.
street in the temple district. he PCs are approached he PCs might uncover the doppelganger that has
by either the local government or religious replaced a captain of the guard on behalf of Sister

The Hand of Nakresh in Midgard

he cult has its home in Nuria Natal, their main of their goods. Master Kiprak holds sway in Per-
temple hidden within the sprawl of the capital. An Xor. Per-Bastet is normally the home of Zheita
honor guard comprised of some of the best followers the Magicmonger, but recently, she has moved her
of each of the Five defends it against intruders. operations out to the ruins of Per-Set, becoming
his includes a group of crack-shot gnoll archers, even more secretive and paranoid concerning her
kobolds loaded with alchemical weapons, a cadre recent plans.
of arcane rogues, a gang of roachling rogues, and a Sister Starkfeather plays out her complex and
pack of derros. At most times, the main temple is many-layered cons in Corremel. Lord Vermin
not in regular use, as each of the Five worships in the plies his trade in Nuria itself. During the year of
holdings of her own domain, traveling to Nuria only the contest, it isn’t uncommon for the Five to seek
when they convene for business or high holy days. plunder outside of their homeland. Lord Vermin
he main sanctum of the temple is guarded by stays away from Nuria Natal regularly, especially
a stone golem standing watch over a counterfeit when the authorities are pressing for his capture. His
treasure—a glittering pile enticing interlopers to nefarious heists have been reported in Harkesh and
their doom. Mognyr Dunestalker claims Per-Kush, the islands of Marea, once as far away as Reth-Saal
though he and his gnolls are normally abroad, in the Ruby Despotate.
stalking the caravan lanes, ready to relieve merchants

Starkfeather, a trio of guards who have been leaking Levels 10-12
information to keep hostages taken by Mognyr from
being harmed, or both. Zheita develops a strange romantic obsession for
one of the PCs. She showers that PC with gits—
stolen of course—in an attempt at wooing. hings
Levels 7-9 escalate over time. Zheita closely observes the PC’s
he year-long contest among the Five to determine habits and acts on any information she gleans. If
who becomes the next High Exalted is underway. the PC shows an enmity toward a particular enemy,
Lord Vermin has outshone Master Kiprak in recent Zheita attacks said enemy and delivers it, dead or
months. he kobold decides to even the odds and alive, to the PC. She delivers a favorite drink or style
plants evidence at one of his own crime scenes to of dress by the barrel or crate. If allowed to escalate,
lead the PCs to Lord Vermin’s hideaway. he PCs Zheita determines that it is the other PCs who
have to work their way through a trapped and keep her apart from her new love, so she stages a
guarded maze of subterranean tunnels to reach the kidnapping to bring the PC to her.
crime lord. During the battle, Vermin realizes he has Master Kiprak is envious of Zheita’s clockwork
been set up (or if the PCs are defeated, he may have siege crab and wishes a similar vehicle of his own.
a chat with survivors). He ofers the PCs a deal. If He enacts a plan to have one built. First, he steals
they go ater Master Kiprak instead, he will give them the plans to the alchemical engine that powers the
some concessions, such as avoiding targets the PCs clockwork siege crab. hen, he begins swiping the
want protected, making small amounts of restitution various materials and components necessary to
to his victims, or leaving the city to work elsewhere. construct the engine and the vehicle. Finally, Kiprak
he PCs are hired to go undercover, iniltrating kidnaps the dwarf engineer responsible for building
the cult to ascertain their numbers, assets, and the crab in order to force him to crat another such
locations and reporting their indings. hey must vehicle. he crime spree comes to the notice of the
somehow make contact and ofer their services to PCs somewhere along the way. hey must piece
one of the Five. his mission is secret, and once together the clues to igure out where Master Kiprak
ensconced in the cult, they are considered enemies will strike next, or they might end up as the irst test
by law enforcement and others that are set against subjects of his new clockwork monstrosity.
the cult of Nakresh. he heroes are required to prove Guilds and governments alike have had enough
themselves worthy before being initiated into the of the depredations of the Hand. An ostentatious
cult. he organization tests their abilities, and they reward has been put forward to anyone able to break
have to perform a noteworthy thet against a target the power of the cult and either slay the group’s
of their potential patron’s choice. leaders or bring them to justice. he PCs must set
As part of a task force assigned to defeating the out to track down the Five in the midst of their crime
cult, the PCs stumble across information that leads sprees as part of the contest for the seat of the High
them to the current lair of one of the Five. If the Exalted. One by one, the crime lords either fall or lee,
PCs are victorious in their battle against the crime culminating in an invasion of the temple of Nakresh,
lord, they discover that their target is merely a where any of the Five still at large make a last stand to
simulacrum. Zheita acquired several scrolls of the defend their religion against the interlopers.
simulacrum spell in a recent thet and made copies
of each of the Five to act as decoys. While the PCs
have cleared out part of the cult, they have also
made themselves known to the Five as enemies,
who respond accordingly.

hand of nakreSh

cultiStS of the TENGU BRAVO

hand of nakreSh Medium humanoid (tengu), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 16 (leather armor, shield)
he demon-god Nakresh reserves his lowest let Hit Points 45 (7d8 + 14)
hand for cunning thet. he cult that bears its Speed 30 ft.
name recruits members that can swell the cofers
of the cult with wealth pilfered with cunning and STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
style. Foes are dealt with in a manner itting their 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (‒1) 8 (‒1) 10 (+0)
god, by robbing them of all they hold dear. he
following NPCs can be used as cultist minions, Skills Perception +1, Stealth +4
intermediaries, and lower-level leaders to provide Senses blindsight 5 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
suitable enemies for the PCs as they strive against Perception 11
the Hand of Nakresh. Languages Common, Tengu
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

Shadow Stealth. The tengu bravo can take the Hide action Shadow Stealth. The diversion expert can take the
as a bonus action while it's in dim light or darkness. Hide action as a bonus action while it's in dim light or
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one ACTIONS
target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Smokestick (1/day). The bravo lights and throws its one one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
smokestick. It can be thrown up to 60 feet. The burning Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
smokestick produces a cloud of smoke with a 20-foot 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
radius. The cloud spreads around corners and lasts for 10 Nakreshian Disarming Knife. Ranged Weapon Attack:
minutes. Its area is heavily obscured. +4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2)
Nakreshian Disarming Knife. Ranged Weapon Attack: piercing damage and the creature must make a Dexterity
+4 to hit, range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) saving throw or drop whatever it's holding in one hand
piercing damage and the creature must make a Dexterity (attacker's choice). The DC = (5 + the attack's damage).
saving throw or drop whatever it's holding in one hand
(attacker's choice). The DC = (5 + the attack's damage).
he diversion expert’s job is to distract attention
away from the criminal activities of other Hand of
hese cocky bravos oten operate as grunts for the Nakresh operatives. He can use illusions to cover
various Five Exalted and their lieutenants. Oten the activities of the cult’s thieves or to create the
they are used in situations where being stealthy and appearance of a more imminent threat to draw the
unobserved is not an issue. A small band of bravos law away, such as a ire or a riot. he diversion expert
might be tasked with committing a lashy, smash- can also use spells to cover the retreat of allies should
and-grab style robbery. Sometimes this thet is they need it. A diversion expert usually works in
merely a distraction to divert attention away from concert with other cult members, oten three to six
a more carefully planned and executed crime being tengu bravos.
staged nearby.
Small monstrosity, chaotic neutral
Small humanoid (kobold), neutral evil Armor Class 15 (natural armor)
Armor Class 16 (studded leather, shield) Hit Points 82 (15d6 + 30)
Hit Points 27 (6d6 + 6) Speed 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 8 (‒1) 14 (+2)
8 (‒1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 8 (‒1)
Skills Perception +1, Stealth +5
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4 Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 10 ft., passive
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 Perception 11
Languages Common, Draconic, Tengu Languages Common, Draconic
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP) Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The diversion expert’s spellcasting Shadow Stealth. The roachling lieutenant can take the
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13). It can cast Hide action as a bonus action while it's in dim light or
the following spells innately, requiring only verbal darkness.
components: Swarmer. The roachling lieutenant's shortsword attack
At will: dancing lights, minor illusion does an additional 9 (2d8) poison damage against a
3/day each: alter self, expeditious retreat, sleep creature that was damaged by one of the roachling's
1/day: major image allies since the roachling's last turn.

hand of nakreSh
maGic item
Members of the Hand of Nakresh certainly recognize
the value of magic items, but they don't necessarily
prize their magic more highly than their gold value.


Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
his preserved monkey’s paw hangs on a simple
leather thong. he wearer can use its magic to alter
his or her fate. Whenever a die roll for an attack,
saving throw, skill check, or ability check is failed,
the wearer can expend one charge from the monkey’s
paw of fortune to reroll the die with a +10 bonus.
he result of the second roll must be used. When this
ability is used, one of the paw’s ingers curls tight to
the palm. When all ive ingers are curled tightly into
a ist, the monkey’s paw loses all magical power.

Many of the sneakier members of the Hand of
Nakresh use the following spell to keep their
opponents guessing.


Mulitattack. The roachling lieutenant makes two 4th-level illusion
shortsword attacks. Casting Time 1 action
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., Components V, S
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. Range Self
Nakresh’s Gambit. The lieutenant uses its many limbs Duration 1 minute
to snatch a weapon or shield away from one creature
within 5 feet. The targeted creature must make a
When you cast this spell, you create illusory doubles
successful DC 13 Strength or Dexterity (player’s choice) that move when you move but in diferent directions,
saving throw or the roachling lieutenant takes the distracting and misdirecting your opponents.
targeted item. The lieutenant can carry only one stolen When scattered images is cast, 1d4 + 2 images are
item at a time, but it can throw a stolen item up to 20 created. Images behave exactly as those created with
feet as a bonus action. With the GM’s approval, the mirror image, with the exceptions described here.
lieutenant can use the item normally. If the saving throw hese images remain in your space, acting as mirror
succeeds, attacks against the roachling lieutenant have image, until you move or until you choose to have
advantage until the end of the lieutenant’s next turn.
them move by themselves. When you move, your
he roachling lieutenant oversees a number of lesser images can stay with you, or they can move an equal
thieves associated with the cult, answering directly distance in any direction you want, at up to your
to one of the Five Exalted. his individual will speed. If you have a ly, climb, or burrow speed,
oten exhort her underlings to pull of heists that are your images do as well. You can also cause some
both lucrative and showy, in the hopes of one day images to move away while others remain in your
displacing one of the Five Exalted and taking her space, or you can remain where you are and cause
place among the leaders of the Hand of Nakresh. some or all images to move without you. All images

must remain within 150 feet of you. Images that
remain in your space can be destroyed by any attack
Zheita's clockwork siege crab is unique, as far as
directed against you, as with mirror image. Images
anyone knows, but that doesn't mean no others
away from your space can be destroyed by attacks
were ever constructed and are still hidden away in a
that could hit them mistakenly, but not by attacks
forgotten wizard's vault.
that can only target your space; a melee attack from
an attacker adjacent to you can't hit an image that's CLOCKWORK SIEGE CRAB
20 feet away, for example. If you have three or more Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
duplicates, an attack hits a duplicate if you roll 6
or higher on a d20. With two duplicates, an attack his Huge fabrication of brass, iron, and glass
hits a duplicate if you roll 8 or higher, and with one resembles a giant crab. It is the prototype of a dwarf
duplicate, you must roll 11 or higher. artiicer who built machines to work the city’s
While in your space, the images mimic your river docks, but the vehicle was stolen years ago by
movements, sounds, and actions perfectly. Images Zheita on a whim. She now uses it as her personal
in other squares perform logical alternative actions chariot, unwieldy though it may be, when she needs
that you dictate in a completely believable manner. to abscond with large cargo or when she needs
hey can appear to make melee attacks (always additional ofensive power.
narrowly missing), cast a spell with no visible efect, It costs 100 gp in alchemical reagents to fuel the
drink a potion, and so on. hey can't produce clockwork siege crab for one hour. Creatures on the
illusory spell efects or interact with objects that you lower deck of the clockwork siege crab have total
don’t have. he igments can move out of your line cover, while those on the upper deck have three-
of sight. heir movement draws opportunity attacks quarters cover. he upper deck is roofed but it has
as normal. large, open view ports so passengers can see out and
Finally, once per spell casting, you can exchange direct attacks outside the vehicle. Operating the crab
places via teleportation with one igment. You requires one driver, who must be attuned, and three
can do this as a bonus action on your turn or as a other crew members on the lower deck. It can hold
reaction to a successful attack that hits you. If you four additional passengers on the upper deck.
swap positions as a reaction, you take no damage he siege crab has AC 18 and 200 hit points, and
and the igment is destroyed instead. it's immune to necrotic, poison, psychic, and radiant
An attacker must be able to see the igments to be damage. he driver can attack twice per round with
fooled. If you are invisible or the attacker is blind, the vehicle’s crushing pincers (Melee Weapon Attack:
the spell has no efect. +8 to hit, reach 10 t., one target. Hit: 44 [8d10]
bludgeoning damage).

niGht cauldron

cauldron of
c hernoBoG
a ccording to the sacred texts of the Night
Cauldron of Chernobog, the multiverse began in
darkness. he god Chernobog argued with the other
carry out their misdeeds under cover of darkness.
Plentiful agents assist with his goals on worlds such
as Midgard. he Night Cauldron of Chernobog, a
deities about bringing illumination to mortals. In the relatively small yet ancient and pervasive cult in
end, the other deities convinced Chernobog to permit Midgard's Northlands, is but one of his cults.
the formation of the stars, so long as the places
between their loathsome glow would remain dark
and all light would cast shadows. he god seemed
leaderS, orGanization,
amenable to this compromise, but he immediately and GoalS
turned his attention to returning darkness to creation he Night Cauldron of Chernobog seeks to bring
one world at a time. he dark god's vision appeals to eternal darkness to all of Midgard. Nikolai Savitch
creatures who thrive in the night and to those who directs the overall operation of the Night Cauldron

from Vellarsheim, Domovogrod, but the cult's ind themselves disenfranchised within the cult as
widespread nature gives its members a fair amount they learn more about the breadth of Chernobog’s
of autonomy over how they conduct their activities. portfolio. A mild rivalry has developed between
A winter hag coven is a prominent force in the Chernobog’s priests and the cult, but not enough to
Night Cauldron. he coven advises Savitch based undermine either groups’ activities.
on their divinations. he hags travel throughout he Night Cauldron has spread throughout the
Midgard to supervise major cult initiatives and mete Northlands, oten allying with followers of Boreas
out punishment to those who fail in their duties and Marena, and progressed extensively into central
or bring too much unwanted attention to the cult. Midgard. Savitch has turned his attention to the
he winter hags convinced Savitch to bring on a bright and sunny Southlands. He realizes that it
third member to create an overarching system of will be a hard ight to bring darkness to these lands,
three leaders, so he recruited a former adventuring let alone stand out among the many other cults
companion, now a greater shadow. operating in the region, but he is more than willing
he Night Cauldron counts a diverse array to take on that battle.
of creatures as members. Foremost are hulking Many cultists use the symbol of a cauldron etched
humans and half-orcs, representative of Chernobog's faintly with a bear paw to identify themselves to
teaching that the strong should control the fellow followers. Another symbol the cult uses is a
weak. Hags also join the cult out of reverence for bear paw with a sun in the center, the claws subtly
Chernobog, and many winter hags are especially curling inward toward the sun. his seemingly
drawn to the idea of a world perpetually covered innocuous or even promising symbol represents
in ice and darkness. Undead who shun daylight Chernobog crushing the sun.
support the cult, but most of the undead joining
the Night Cauldron are incorporeal creatures which
feel no connection to the established kingdoms of
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Morgau and Doresh or the Empire of the Ghouls,
Armor Class 16 (18 in bear form)
where Chernobog earns only a passing amount of
respect. Living underground creatures also join the Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80)

cult’s ranks with the goal of making the entirety of Speed 30 ft.
Midgard habitable for themselves. Dark Folk and
derro make up most of the underground rank and
20 (+5) 18 (+4) 19 (+4) 17 (+3) 8 (‒1) 8 (‒1)
ile, but the Dark Folk have unknowable agendas and
the derro are far too insane to move up in the cult’s Saving Throws Con +8, Wis +3, Cha +3
hierarchy. Gnomes comprise the inal major group Skills Intimidation +7, Nature +7, Perception +3,
of cultists. A group of gnomes has recently joined Survival +3
the Night Cauldron as an alternative to serving Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and
the lords of the Eleven Hells. Ater all, they reason, slashing from nonmagical weapons (bear form only)
a god is certainly more powerful than even the Damage Immunities cold, poison
mightiest demon or devil, and, as they have learned, Condition Immunities poisoned
Chernobog is at the very least a rival to Baba Yaga, Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
who desires all gnomes in her stewpot. Languages Abyssal, Common, Dark Folk, Deep Speech,
Very few clerics of Chernobog ill the Night Draconic, Gnome, Infernal
Cauldron’s upper ranks. While the god's clerics Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
readily assist cultists as their abilities allow, many
of them feel the cult misses the deity’s true purpose Flask of the Moonless Night (1/day). Nikolai carries a
by focusing solely on eternal night. Less powerful flask made of human flesh and steel in which he keeps
clerics who join the Night Cauldron eventually an alchemical fluid of his own concoction. When he
drinks it, the dark magic of Chernobog and the alchemy

niGht cauldron
of Nikolai transform him into a human/bear hybrid. His someone in his place. Nikolai had no reservations
AC increases by 2 and he gains resistance to nonmagical about knocking one of his fellow adventurers
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. The effect unconscious and allowing the darkness to take the
lasts for 1 hour.
patsy while he watched. His indoctrination into the
ACTIONS cult of the Night Cauldron complete, Nikolai almost
immediately sought leadership of the cult. He seeks
Multiattack. Nikolai makes two morningstar attacks and
throws one orb of concussive cold. to unify the cult's international eforts and drastically
Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
expand its membership.
one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) Savitch poses as an apothecary in Vellarsheim. He
cold damage. presents himself as a boisterous and friendly person
Orbs of Concussive Cold (3/day). Nikolai lobs a frozen, who likes to hear the latest gossip, which he uses to
explosive orb at a target within 60 feet. The creature determine potential threats to the Night Cauldron or
takes 21 (6d6) cold damage, or half damage with a possible recruits to the cult. He also exploits his guise
successful DC 16 Dexterity saving throw. The target is to travel around Midgard to sell his goods (“ater all,
also deafened until the end of its next turn. I won’t make enough money if I stay here among the
Orb of Black Ice (recharge 6). Nikolai throws a good people of Vellarsheim”) and arrange clandestine
concoction of swirling black ice at his feet, creating meetings with powerful regional cult leaders.
an ice-fog that ills a 20-foot radius around him. The
When Savitch uses his lask, he takes on ursine
fogged area is equivalent to darkness, and creatures
qualities. He seeks to cow his foes rather than start
that start their turn in the fog take 14 (4d6) cold
damage. The fog moves with Nikolai and lasts 1 minute.
combat, mostly so that he doesn’t have to reveal his
considerable prowess, but he joyously enters the fray
Nikolai Savitch is a physically imposing human, when his opponents prove intractable. He always
standing six and a half feet tall and weighing over drinks from his lask before combat, so it's unlikely
300 pounds. His dark hair is nearly matched by the anyone could take possession of the lask while it's
dark complexion of his skin, something he attributes full. If they do, the concoction works for anyone, but
to hard labor in the sun during the scant months it the lask holds only one dose. Savitch must brew a
makes an appearance. Despite his muscularity, he is new dose and reill the lask ater every use.
nimble and skillful at maneuvering during a ight.
His physical qualities belie a cunning intelligence,
which he uses to create alchemical supplies that he coven of the
sells in Vellarsheim. Most inhabitants of that town niGht cauldron
know him as a boisterous man who likes to engage Anastasiya, Irina, and Klavdiya
in tests of physical might and the occasional bar Medium fey (winter hag), chaotic evil
brawl. He wears clothing appropriate to the north, Armor Class 15 (17 with Embrace of Starless Skies )
most prominently a thick cloak made from a polar
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
bear pelt.
Speed 30 ft.
Nikolai was a devil-may-care adventurer who
sought treasure and glory throughout Midgard. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
During an excursion into a series of underground 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4)
caverns far to the north, he was separated from his
party and found himself in a chamber of cloying Skills Arcana +4, Insight +5, Perception +5
darkness. Feeling fear for the irst time in his life, Damage Resistances radiant
Nikolai heard a voice asking if he desired an escape Damage Immunities cold
from the darkness. he voice promised to lead him Condition Immunities charmed, paralyzed
out and, more enticingly, promised a path to power Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 15
and fortune greater than trinkets and adventuring Languages Common, Deep Speech, Giant
fame. All he had to do was allow the darkness to take

Challenge 3 (700 XP) individually; 12 (8,400 XP) as a coven ACTIONS
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Coven: Bound in the Darkness. When the three hags
target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 5 (1d10)
are together, their pact with Chernobog allows them to
cold damage.
share one pool of hit points. Their hit points must be
Embrace of Starless Skies (Anastasiya only; 1/day).
added into a single total, and damage to any of them
Anastasiya draws foul sigils in the air, armoring herself
is subtracted from the total. None of them can die until
and her coven against attacks. The hags' armor class
the total reaches 0, when all three hags die. Spells and
increases by 2 and they have advantage on Dexterity
other effects that damage more than one hag apply their
checks and saving throws for 1 minute. This effect can
damage only once regardless of how many of the hags
be dispelled (DC 15), but each hag must be targeted
are affected. For example, if all three hags are caught in
a ireball spell and two of them fail their saving throws
while the third succeeds, only half damage from the Dance of Rime (Irina only; 1/day). Irina performs a dark
ireball is applied to their hit point total. If all three are dance venerating Chernobog. All creatures other than
targeted by separate missiles from a magic missile spell, the hags within 60 feet who can see Irina must make a
only the lowest damage amount is subtracted from their successful DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be charmed
total. Treat the hags as three separate creatures in all by all three hags until the start of Irina's next turn.
other ways (initiative, actions, conditions, etc.). When all Breath of Chernobog (Klavdiya only; 1/day). Klavdiya
three are together, they should be considered a single breathes a 30-foot cone of frost. Creatures in the cone
Challenge 12 creature (8,400 XP). take 33 (6d10) cold damage and their speed is halved
Ice in Their Veins. A creature that grapples or is grappled for 1 minute; a succesful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw
by a winter hag takes 11 (2d10) cold damage at the start halves the damage and prevents the speed loss.
of the hag's turn. Typically, hags who venerate Chernobog refuse to
Innate Spellcasting. The hags' innate spellcasting ability is work with one another. However, the Night Cauldron
Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). promotes unity among its members in pursuit of
They can cast the following spells, using only verbal
their loty goal of bringing about eternal night. he
components. The 1/day limitation applies to each spell,
winter hag “sisters” Anastasiya, Irina, and Klavdiya
not to each hag; i.e., if one hag casts clairvoyance, it's not
available to her sisters for the rest of that day.
are shining examples of the cooperation the cult
1/day each: alter self, arcane eye, black tentacles,
fosters. hey joined the Night Cauldron at relatively
clairvoyance, hypnotic pattern, misty step, ray of young ages—Anastasiya, the youngest, joined at the
enfeeblement, sleet storm, telepathic bond tender age of 83—and have worked together ever
since. hey are intensely protective of each other
Renders Delighted and United. All three hags have
advantage on their claws attack while they're within 30 and have learned to maximize their abilities while
feet of another hag who's capable of attacking. training in sorcerous ways.
he hags are all an even six feet tall and virtually
indistinguishable from each other, an odd side efect
of the solidarity they have achieved. However, Irina
Favored of Chernobog has recently begun using alter self to give herself an
Creatures and NPCs in higher echelons of the appearance nearer to her conception of Chernobog,
Night Cauldron cult undergo a ritual devoted to with an eye toward making the change permanent.
Chernobog called the Black God's Blessing so they She has been unable to convince her sisters to do
may better carry out his will. his ritual grants them likewise, but they do not discourage her eforts.
the ability to see in darkness and immunity to cold. Prior to Nikolai Savitch’s rise to leadership, the
However, as the cult focuses solely on the darkness coven carried out small plots to further the cult’s
aspect of the god, and Chernobog does not wish to goals. hey made the winter months crueler and
make life easy for his followers, the git comes with darker but retired to safe places during the longer
the price of vulnerability to ire. More details about summer days. When they learned the Night Cauldron
the ritual appear later in this chapter.
had a new leader, they ofered their services to him,

niGht cauldron
and they were pleased to discover that the human Incorporeal Movement. Serrin can move through other
wanted to better organize the cult’s eforts. creatures and objects as if they were dificult terrain. She
he hags use a cauldron wherever they travel takes 5 (1d10) force damage if she ends her turn inside
an object.
as a focus for the magical abilities their unity as a
Shadow Shape. Serrin has advantage on Stealth checks.
coven grants them. Together, they commune with
Chernobog's lieutenants—and occasionally the god Innate Spellcasting. Serrin’s spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
himself—to discover the best path for the cult to
She can cast the following spells innately, requiring only
follow in their goal of eternal darkness. hey convey
verbal components:
their indings from these consultations to Nikolai.
2/day each: bane, protection from evil and good
CHERNOBOG'S CAULDRON 1/day: death ward
Wondrous item, unique (requires attunement by a Sunlight Sensitivity. Serrin has disadvantage on attack
winter hag) rolls and Perception checks that rely on sight while in
he three winter hag sisters Anastasiya, Irina,
and Klavdiya possess this enormous, ice-crusted ACTIONS
cauldron. he cauldron weighs 3,000 lb. and has a Multiattack. Serrin makes two sapping scimitar attacks.
circumference of 4 feet. Any creature other than a Sapping Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
winter hag that touches the cauldron must make a 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage plus
successful DC 15 Charisma saving throw or hurl 13 (3d8) necrotic damage, and the creature must make
itself into the freezing brine. A creature that enters a successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw or gain 1
the cauldron or ends its turn there takes 33 (6d10) level of exhaustion.
cold damage. To climb out of the cauldron, a creature Etherealness. Serrin enters the Ethereal Plane from
must use an action to make a successful DC 15 the Material Plane, or vice versa. She is visible on the
Constitution check. It is immune to damage but can Material Plane while she is in the Border Ethereal, and
vice versa, yet she can’t affect or be affected by anything
be destroyed with a wish or comparable magic.
on the other plane.
Create Specter. Serrin targets a humanoid within 10 feet
SERRIN that died violently no longer than 1 minute ago. The
Medium undead (wraith), neutral evil target's spirit rises as a specter under Serrin's control.
Armor Class 17 (natural armor) Serrin can control no more than seven specters at one
Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33)
Speed fly 40 ft. (hover) A former adventuring compatriot of Nikolai Savitch,
Serrin became a mercenary for hire ater Nikolai’s
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA conversion and sacriice of their compatriot dissolved
8 (‒1) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) their adventuring group. At the time, Serrin only
knew that both her companions disappeared, and she
Damage Resistances acid, cold, ire, lightning, thunder;
led the caverns in terror. Nikolai kept tabs on her
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
nonmagical weapons that aren't silvered exploits ater they parted ways and was dismayed to
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
discover that a powerful shadow creature had slain
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened,
her. Unbeknownst to him, however, she had returned
grappled, paralyzed, petriied, poisoned, prone, restrained to unlife and started a minor reign of terror, draining
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 travelers to and from Zobeck. When the winter hag
Languages Common, Dark Folk coven informed him of her activities and the potential
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
of recruiting her, he leapt at the opportunity. Serrin
enjoyed the idea of having an organization at her back
Ethereal Sight. Serrin can see 60 feet into the Ethereal and was pleased to reunite with Nikolai.
Plane when she is on the Material Plane, and vice versa.

Serrin is just over ive feet tall, and she maintains with the PCs unless they pay restitution or ind the
a shadowy mockery of her appearance in life, true culprit. A skulk rogue named Whisperfoot is
complete with spiky plate mail armor and a wicked responsible for the crimes. He has chosen the PCs as
scimitar. Her enemies ind out very quickly that his targets to prove himself a valuable member to the
her apparently insubstantial weapon deals powerful Night Cauldron. If the PCs manage to smooth things
blows. She also enjoys stalking her prey, pretending over with the merchants, Whisperfoot steps up his
to be a mark’s shadow and then launching an attack eforts and begins stealing items from the PCs and
when her victim least expects it. leaving them at the scene of various crimes. If the
PCs confront the skulk, he makes a couple of attacks
before attempting to slip away, only to return to vex
cult activitieS and them from the shadows later.
adventure hookS During an unusually long-lasting solar eclipse, a
Below are several methods of introducing the Night pair of dark creeper cultists are sent to deliver a
Cauldron of Chernobog as adversaries for the PCs in message from Quexxl to another Night Cauldron
your campaign. hese hooks can represent a single agent. Taking advantage of the lack of light on their
adventure or combine into a recurring thread where irst trip above ground, they become distracted from
the PCs must thwart the cult before they achieve their task and, in a it of rage, attack people on the
their objectives and bring permanent darkness to street. he commotion draws the PCs’ attention;
a region or cause mayhem and death in their god’s if they ight the dark creepers, the dark creepers
name. Statistics for all named NPCs referenced in retaliate until they realize they are outmatched and
the hooks below appear in this chapter. attempt to escape. Fragments of the message survive
the dark creeper’s violent death throes, and the PCs
LEVELS 1–3 can make out the location and date of a clandestine
meeting sometime in the future.
A larger town or city illuminates major
thoroughfares at night for the safety of people
conducting business at late hours and revelers
returning home from popular taverns. Lately, the Verrazi Pinth has seeded magical objects emanating
lanterns have been extinguishing themselves shortly darkness among those supposed to bring light
ater being lit, allowing the city’s ne’er-do-wells to during a Midwinter ceremony. Nikolai Savitch has
take advantage of victims surprised by the sudden improved upon his darkness oil recipe and plans to
darkness. he constabulary is baled as to the exact test it out on a larger scale. Characters who igured
cause and asks the PCs to investigate the incidents. out the oil’s secret earlier have a chance to stop the
Investigation of the lanterns reveals a darkness spell cult from plunging the ceremony into darkness and
that triggers when the lantern oil reaches a certain inviting horriic creatures to attack the celebrants.
temperature. he PC's search eventually leads Shadows target the PCs during the attack. More
them to a warehouse, where mercenaries (thugs) shadows guard the lanterns, prepared to strike
employed by the Night Cauldron stand guard. hese against anyone who would dare to interfere with the
mercenaries do not know who hired them, only that cult's activities. his adventure hook leads out of the
the pay for the job was good. Further investigation irst adventure hook for Levels 1–3.
uncovers that the lantern oil was produced by an Night Cauldron cultists have abducted several
alchemical supplier who works for Nikolai Savitch. people with knowledge about the stars. One of the
A series of petty thets occurs at stores and other PCs may know an abductee, or an NPC may ask the
establishments that the PCs have recently visited. PCs to ind their missing friend or relative. If the
Shop owners eventually suspect that the PCs are PCs investigate a kidnapping site, they notice that
responsible for the crimes and refuse to do business the site contains tomes about the stars, but speciic

niGht cauldron

passages of these tomes have been hastily removed words on a scroll (unbeknownst to her, a scroll of
or destroyed. he fragmentary remains discuss darkness). Under the efects of the contaminant
a rare celestial event set to occur within the next shade's curse, any exposure to magical darkness
couple of weeks. Fortunately for the PCs and their causes the villager to transform into a contaminant
rescue attempt, the cultists have let their captives shade and possibly lose control of her actions. If
alive for the moment in order to question them. he the PCs cure her, she thanks them and suggests that
PCs must track the kidnappers to their source, and others in her village may also be stricken. Characters
then dispatch the derro cultists who are looking for traveling to the village to investigate the shadow
any excuse to murder their captives. transformation must defeat the original contaminant
shade before it can infect them at well.
A contaminant shade has spread its shadow
aliction to an entire village (see the creature's
statistics at the end of this chapter). he Night LEVELS 7–9
Cauldron plans to enshroud the village in darkness Ater the PCs rescue an elderly man from Varrazi
with a minor ritual to spur the villagers’ horriic Pinth, they learn that the man was a former
and permanent transformation. Before the cultists adventurer. He sought the starcore gem, an artifact
can carry out their plan, one of the alicted people reputed to contain t he heart of one of the irst stars
lees the village in an attempt to ind relief from brought to the universe when the gods illuminated
her bizarre malady and stumbles across the PCs. the darkness. Characters who have dealt with
She tells the PCs that she “faded to oblivion, skin the Night Cauldron during their careers may be
and eyes becoming as night” when she read strange interested in locating the artifact to help in their

ight against the cult. However, with the potential vampires searches for more diagrams and the
to awaken a star at the artifact’s location, will the device’s whereabouts. heir search sends them into
PCs condemn Midgard to a worse fate than eternal the PCs’ path, as the PCs have recently found one
darkness in their quest to put an end to the Night of these diagrams tucked away in a spellbook or
Cauldron? another esoteric book. If the vampires retrieve the
diagram in the PCs' possession, they attempt to lee.
he Night Cauldron regularly hires a brother
If the PCs instead defeat the vampires, they ind
and sister team of shadowdancers (assassins) to
a collection of drawings similar to the mysterious
eliminate troublesome foes like the PCs. Since the
diagram they found earlier. he PCs can attempt to
shadowdancers aren’t members of the cult, they
follow the scant leads to the vril device, currently
know nothing about the cult’s activities. However,
guarded by an adult cave dragon (Tome of Beasts) or
in the unlikely event the PCs capture them (the duo
they may wish to protect (or destroy) the material to
ingest lethal poisons if they cannot avoid capture),
keep the device out of nefarious hands.
the PCs learn that Serrin hired them. Persuasive or
exceedingly rich characters may be able to convince Irina has grown tired of the PCs’ meddling. She
the shadowdancers to work for them to attack the convinces her sisters to dispatch an allied coven
cult, provided the PCs don’t mind allying with of winter hags, along with their three winter wolf
obviously evil people. companions, to harass them. One of the hags wears
boots of teleportation that she uses to escape with the
Melakian murdered the high priest of a temple
other winter hags, leaving the winter wolves behind
devoted to the day aspect of the goddess Lada
to ight the characters. Irina and her sisters also
without asking the rest of the Night Cauldron for
send simulacra to further confuse the PCs, wearing
permission. he rest of the cult disapproves of his
the PCs down to a point where the hags can attack
action, as they have bigger plans in the area that are
them directly.
now at risk of being exposed during an investigation.
he church of Lada asks the PCs to investigate the Nikolai Savitch uncovers the location of the
assassination (especially if one or more of them bituminous orb in the lair of a sleeping ancient
are worshippers of Lada). A cleric of Chernobog, umbral dragon (see the description of the artifact
initially unaware of the details behind the murder, later in this chapter). Since the artifact’s recovery
masquerades as one of the sun goddess's clerics, using involves dealing with a fellow umbral dragon,
her access to the Fire domain to emulate light spells, Qaallaaq takes charge of the recovery plan. he
and throws the PCs of the derro’s trail. If throwing dragon hopes to use the PCs as pawns. She informs
the PCs of the trail entirely fails, the cult may subtly the PCs about the discovery and tells them the Night
point the PCs in Melakian’s direction in hopes that Cauldron seeks to take the orb from the dragon's
his sacriice will allow their greater plots to continue. horde. If the PCs ask Qaallaaq why she can’t retrieve
If the PCs dispatch Melakian, the Night Cauldron the orb herself, she tells them she is an outcast from
may cease any ongoing hostilities they had against the the umbral dragon enclave protecting the orb. She
PCs (at least until their paths directly intersect again). claims that if the PCs can plant evidence that the
Night Cauldron was involved, she could get revenge
both on the dragons and the humans who have
LEVELS 10–12 slighted her. he intelligence she provides about
Strange diagrams detail an ancient vril device the ancient dragon and its lair proves accurate, and
that was once capable of controlling the the characters retrieve the orb with little incident
movement of planets. Moldering books detail a (unless GMs wish to create a lethal encounter for
possible underground location for a mostly intact the characters). Ultimately, she hopes the characters
device. he Night Cauldron sees the potential do her dirty work and extract the orb. She then
of permanently blocking the sun with one of intends to kill her cat’s paws and claim the glory of
Midgard’s moons. At Serrin’s direction, a pair of acquiring such a magniicent prize. With the orb in

niGht cauldron
hand, she can achieve her true goals of returning to already support the cult and bring in new recruits
the enclave's fold and allying with more powerful to handle activities not requiring their direct
dragons to punish Nikolai for not placing her in involvement. he following members represent the
a position of leadership in the Night Cauldron. rank and ile as well as several sergeants that the PCs
Characters who defeat Qaallaaq and keep the orb may encounter in their battles against the cult.
ind the artifact far too dangerous to use efectively,
and they must determine a way to destroy the QAALLAAQ
artifact or hide it from the cult (and possibly an
Dragons that live comfortably within the Dragon
enraged dragon).
Empire worship draconic deities. hose dragons
who don’t it into the civilized veneer of the empire
cultiStS of the ind themselves outcast and typically turn their
niGht cauldron backs on the draconic deities. Most such dragons are
violent and destructive, and some see Chernobog as
Nikolai Savitch and his lieutenants cannot a viable alternative. his group includes a handful of
personally take on every project required to meet foul-tempered red dragons, but the overwhelming
the cult’s end goal. hey leverage those who majority of the Black God’s draconic worship comes

from shadow drakes, who appreciate the god’s Languages Common, Dark Folk, Deep Speech, Umbral,
dominion over the night and undead. Qaallaaq went Undercommon
one step further in her devotion by joining the Night Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
Cauldron. She wishes to apply her might to bring
Petty. Any time Melakian takes damage from an attack
about the eternal darkness that the cult seeks. Like
or spell, there is a 50% chance that he will focus his next
many dragons, Qaallaaq is a prideful creature, and
action against that attacker, regardless of other dangers
she views her absence from the cult’s leadership as or the tactical situation.
an insult. She plays a dangerous yet thrilling game
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Melakian has
of pitting powerful enemies against the cult in the disadvantage on attack rolls and on Perception checks
hopes of eliminating one of the leaders, preferably that rely on sight.
Nikolai. In this role, she provides the PCs’ main
entry point to the cult’s activities as she secretly ACTIONS
cultivates them and sets them on the path to a direct Multiattack. Melakian makes two spiked gauntlet attacks.
confrontation with Nikolai, the winter hag coven, Spiked Gauntlet. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
or Serrin. For their part, the leaders of the Night 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 4
Cauldron are aware of Qaalaaq’s ambitions and (1d8) cold damage.
tolerate it as long as she furthers the cult’s objectives. Midnight Bolt. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 150
heir conidence in their own ability to predict the ft., one target. Hit: 20 (5d6 + 3) force damage.
dragon's machinations may be misplaced. Hex of the Black God (recharge 4-6). Melakian utters
a mad curse invoking Chernobog at one creature
Qaallaaq uses the standard elder shadow drake
within 60 feet he can see. That creature must make a
stat block (see Tome of Beasts) with the following
successful DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be slowed
diferences: (as the spell) for 1 minute. While slowed this way, the
• Hit Points 209 (22d10+88) creature also has disadvantage on Constitution checks
• Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +9, Cha +6 to maintain concentration. A slowed creature repeats
• Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9 the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect
with a success.
• Multiattack. The drake makes two bite attacks and
one tail slap attack. Steal Breath (1/day). Melakian sucks the breath from one
creature within 10 feet. That creature takes 27 (6d8) cold
• Qaallaaq's Stygian breath attack does 56 (16d6)
damage and must make a successful DC 15 Constitution
cold damage, or half damage with a successful DC
saving throw or be stunned until the end of its next
17 Constitution saving throw. The mist snuffs out
turn. If the creature fails the saving throw, Melakian can
nonmagical light sources and dispels magical light
immediately take another action.
of 3rd level or lower.
• Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Tall for a derro, Melakian stands at three and a
half feet tall. Several years ago, he happened upon
MELAKIAN a hidden altar devoted to Chernobog and, in his
Small humanoid (derro), chaotic evil madness, he heard the god speak to him of a cult
Armor Class 16 (studded leather) devoted to bringing everlasting night to the world.
Hit Points 127 (15d8 + 90) He found a pair of stif leather gloves shaped like
Speed 30 ft.
bear claws at the altar and took their presence
as a sign of the god’s favor. Gleeful at the idea of
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA participating in such a worthy objective, he focused
9 (‒1) 19 (+4) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 5 (‒3) 17 (+3) his eforts on enhancing his power. He kept the secret
of the altar to himself—he didn’t want other derro
Saving Throws Dex +7, Wis +0, Cha +6 to receive attention from the god, and he wanted to
Skills Perception +0, Stealth +7 be a hero to the race when he extinguishes the sun.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 Nikolai vouches for the crazed derro, even though

niGht cauldron
Melakian sometimes forgets his responsibilities to ray from the Spire, but she realized she had received
the cult to pursue vendettas against those who have a vision from the Black God. She believed that she
wronged him, even fellow cultists. could emancipate her race by shrouding the world
in darkness, keeping it hidden from the foul demons
VERRAZI PINTH and devils which had far too much control over
Small humanoid (gnome), neutral evil
the gnomes. She pledged her service to the Night
Armor Class 16 (studded leather)
Cauldron shortly thereater and has steadily moved up
the ranks. While she has no ambition for leadership
Hit Points 91 (14d6 + 42)
like many other cultists, her devotion to the cult and
Speed 15 ft.
divine insights mark her as a natural leader.
6 (‒2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) QUEXXL
Medium humanoid (dark folk), chaotic evil
Condition Immunities blinded, frightened, prone
Armor Class 15 (leather armor)
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 11
Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48)
Languages Common, Gnomish, Sylvan
Speed 30 ft.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)


10 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 8 (‒1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0)
Multiattack. Verrazi makes two dagger attacks or two ray
of midnight attacks.
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +6, Survival +3
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
one target. Hit: 6 (1d4 + 4) piercing damage plus 10
(3d6) poison damage, and the creature must make Languages Dark Folk, Undercommon
a successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw or be Challenge 2 (450 XP)
poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned this way, the
creature also has disadvantage on Wisdom saving Careful Cruelty. When Quexxl makes a successful
throws. A poisoned creature repeats the saving throw at crossbow attack while hidden, he can apply one of the
the end of its turn, ending the effect with a success. following conditions to the target: blinded, frightened,
Ray of Midnight. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 60 or prone. The condition lasts until the end of the target
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (3d6 + 4) necrotic damage. creature’s next turn.
Visions of the Black God (recharge 6). Verrazi summons Shadow Stealth. Quexxl can take the Hide action as a
a magical vision of Chernobog made of swirling bonus action while in dim light or darkness.
shadows. The Large vision can appear in any space Stalker in the Pitch. Quexxl has advantage on ability
Verrazi can see. Creatures who see the foul creation from checks to track living creatures.
a distance of 30 feet or less must make a successful DC Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Quexxl has
14 Wisdom saving throw or be blinded and frightened disadvantage on attack rolls and on Perception checks
of Verrazi until the end of their next turn. that rely on sight.
Verrazi Pinth is a slight gnome, standing at just under ACTIONS
3 feet tall and weighing 30 pounds. She has jet-black
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
hair and her irises appear to be swirling shadows.
one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Chaing at what she saw as gnome enslavement to
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
the lords of the Eleven Hells, and especially angry
range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) piercing
at a devil-inlicted injury that made her let leg all damage.
but useless, she made a pilgrimage to Königsheim
to see the Black Spire devoted to Chernobog. While Like many underground races profoundly afected
there, she thought she had been struck blind by a by sunlight, the enigmatic dark folk appreciate the

notion of snuing out the sun so they can enjoy life
on the surface. While the Night Cauldron has made
very few inroads with the dark folk, who typically Many Night Cauldron cultists employ poison when
kill or torture cultists making overtures, Quexxl has they engage in combat. Nikolai developed the
gained a renewed purpose in the cult's ambitions. shadowmaker poison with his former adventuring
He has no problem killing in someone else’s name companion Serrin, and dark folk brought the
and believes that having the cult’s backing will prove maddening blindness poison to the cult.
advantageous in schemes involving other dark folk. Maddening Blindness Poison (Contact or Injury):
Because Quexxl keeps his motivations hidden, the A creature subjected to this poison must make a
cult has been slow to trust him to perform any successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
signiicant operations. However, he has proven blinded for 1d4 hours. he next time the creature
surprisingly important to the success of several completes a long rest, it must
initiatives with timely assistance, thanks to his repeat the saving throw or it
covert intelligence gathering and behind-the-scenes can only gain the beneits of a
manipulations. short rest from the long rest.
Quexxl will always attack from hiding if he can.
Shadowmaker Poison (Injury):
He disengages, lees, and hides if things go poorly.
A creature subjected to this
poison must make a successful
WHISPERFOOT DC 20 Constitution saving
he goblin called Whisperfoot believes that the throw or be poisoned
presence of sunlight makes it impossible for goblins for 8 hours. While
to hide, so the Night Cauldron’s promise of a world poisoned this way,
without natural light appeals to him. Although he's the creature loses
a low-ranking cultist, Whisperfoot proves valuable 1d3 points of Strength at
in his home city of Zobeck, where he listens in on the end of each hour,
conversations pertaining to cult activities and stalks then repeats the saving
those interested in the cult. He has a special knack throw; the poisoning
for escaping notice and inds that running away ends if the saving
from combat allows him to spy on his targets again. throw succeeds. Lost
Every now and then, he goes on a vengeful streak Strength can be restored
and slays someone he feels wronged by. with greater restoration
Whisperfoot uses the standard goblin stat block or comparable magic. A
with the following diferences: creature whose Strength
• add the trait Embrace of the Black God: drops to 0 dies and
Whisperfoot becomes invisible when he hides transforms into a shadow
successfully. with free will.
• Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)

niGht cauldron
SpellS can be ended with remove curse or comparable
magic. If the spell succeeds, the target creature
he Night Cauldron of Chernobog uses the gains darkvision (60 feet) and immunity to cold.
following spells and magic items to further their goal Chernobog retains the privilege of revoking these
of bringing darkness to every corner of Midgard. gits if the recipient ever wavers in devotion to him.

6th-level illusion (cleric, sorcerer, wizard)
maGic itemS
Not surprisingly, magic items favored by members
Casting Time 4 hours
of the Night Cauldron are those that extinguish light
Range Touch
and ofer protection against its damaging forms.
Components V, S, M (an onyx gem worth 1,000 gp,
and the corpse of the creature to be duplicated) BITUMINOUS ORB
Duration Instantaneous Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
Casting this spell consumes the corpse of a creature A tarlike substance leaks continually from this orb,
and creates a shadowy duplicate of it. he creature which radiates a cloying darkness and emanates an
returns as a shadow beast (see Tome of Beasts). unnatural chill. he bearer of the bituminous orb
he shadow beast has dim memories of its former gains darkvision (60 feet) and immunity to necrotic
life and retains free will; casters are advised to be damage, and has advantage on saving throws against
ready to make an attractive ofer to the newly-risen spells and efects that do radiant damage. A bearer
shadow beast, to gain its cooperation. who doesn't worship Chernobog, however, is also
he Night Cauldron uses this ritual to enhance likely to receive cryptic messages from the god in the
promising cultists with Chernobog’s favor. form of horrifying nightmares and other harmful or
unsettling efects.
THE BLACK GOD’S BLESSING he orb has 6 charges and regains 1d6 expended
9th-level transmutation (sorcerer, wizard; ritual) charges each day at dawn. As an action, the bearer
Casting Time 7 hours can expend 1 charge to ire a ray of viscous material
Range Touch at a target within 60 feet. he ray strikes the target
Components V, S, M (an onyx worth 2,500 gp, a automatically, and the target must make a successful
vial of unholy water, and a gem-studded, obsidian DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or be grappled (escape
warhammer) DC 15) and blinded. Only one creature can be
Duration Instantaneous grappled by the orb at a time. A grappled creature
takes 9 (2d8) necrotic damage at the start of its turn.
Chernobog doesn’t care that the Night Cauldron he bearer of the orb can move the grappled creature
only focuses on one aspect of his dominion. Ater all, up to 20 feet but can't move it more than 60 feet away
eternal night leads perfectly well to destruction and from the orb, and can end the grapple at any time (no
murder, especially by the desperate fools seeking to action required). As an action, the bearer of the orb
survive in the new, lightless world. Having devotees at can expend 2 charges from the orb to crush a grappled
the forefront of the mayhem suits him, so he allows a creature, inlicting 22 (5d8) bludgeoning damage.
small measure of his power to infuse worthy souls.
Ater contacting the Black God, the ritual caster UMBRAL LANTERN
makes a respectful yet forceful demand for him to Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)
deposit some of his power into the creature that is his item looks like a typical hooded brass lantern,
the target of the ritual. For Chernobog to comply but shadowy forms crawl across its surface and it
with this demand, the caster must make a successful radiates darkness instead of light. he lantern can
DC 20 spellcasting check. If the check fails, the spell burn for up to 8 hours per day. While the lantern
fails and the caster and the spell's target become burns, it emits darkness as if the darkness spell were
permanently vulnerable to ire; this vulnerability cast on it but with a 30-foot radius.


m arena is a destructive and vengeful goddess
whose sphere of inluence includes matters
of sickness, death, and decay. She promotes life in
Blood Sisters, luring victims and new adherents
into the fold with lustful rites. Wherever they live,
Marena's devotees carry out the strict edicts of their
twisted forms, from the second existence as vampires goddess, spilling blood at her command, both their
that she bestows upon her favored children to her own and that of their sacriicial victims.
det use of lust as a tool of manipulation and ruin.
he worshipers of Marena are a powerful force
in the Principalities of Morgau and Doresh, where
leaderS, orGanization,
their goddess reigns supreme. In their base of power, and GoalS
Marena's followers are called Red Sisters. Elsewhere, he organization of this cult difers, depending on
they are a greatly feared but fugitive cult called the whether one is inside or outside the Principalities.

red SiSterS
Under the rule of the vampire Prince Lucan, the
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
Principalities of Morgau and Doresh worship
Armor Class 14 (scale mail)
Marena irst among several dark gods. Temples and
Hit Points 93 (17d8 + 17)
shrines to Marena exist in all settlements, even the
Speed 30 ft.
smallest hamlet.
he Red Sisters support and maintain the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
monarchy and power structure of the nation, which 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (‒1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2)
places intelligent undead above the living. At the
same time, the Red Sisters maintain Marena's will. Skills Religion +5, Stealth +3
Even vampires must abide by the edicts of the cult. Damage Resistances piercing and slashing from
Should the vampires, even those in the nobility, fail nonmagical weapons
to show the proper gratitude and respect to the Red Condition Immunities charmed
Goddess, it falls to the Red Sisters to remind them Senses passive Perception 13
of their obligations. hese reminders rarely end in Languages Common
violence against the ofending vampire. However, Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
the Red Sisters do not hesitate to exact a hard price
to reinforce the lesson, such as taking one of the Innate Spellcasting. Sister Alkava’s spellcasting ability is
vampire's favored servants for ritual sacriice. If the Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
vampire has been especially wayward, the Red Sisters She can cast the following spells innately, requiring only
might bleed one of his vampire progeny dry and verbal components:
destroy it as a warning. he people of Morgau and 3/day each: animate dead, bane, guiding bolt, protection
from good and evil
Doresh accept this harsh justice as a matter of course,
1/day each: bestow curse, fear
as the switest way to fall from power is to openly
oppose the followers of Marena. Even the clergy of Feed the Pets. Undead animated by Sister Alkava heal
other deities give Marena's chosen a respectful berth. 2d4 hit points if they end their turn within 5 feet of one
or more creatures bleeding from Sister Alkava's mace
In the lands beyond the Principalities, Marena's name
and religion are anathema. he Blood Sisters cannot
openly worship for fear of retaliation by inquisitors Multiattack. Sister Alkava attacks twice with her mace.
and devout warriors of the gods of light. Marena's Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage, and the
followers work quietly in the night, plotting and
creature must make a successful DC 13 Constitution
carrying out their machinations and secret rites. In
saving throw or bleed profusely from the wound. A
the end, their goals are the same as those of their bleeding creature takes 7 (2d6) slashing damage at the
sisters who are able to act openly: to slay Marena's start of its turn until it receives magical healing or until it
enemies and to maintain the consistent low of blood or an adjacent ally treats the wound by using an action
to their goddess—both their own and that of their to make a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check.
sacriices. hey keep their numbers in a given place
small so as to avoid attention. When their numbers Sister Alkava is a passionate devotee of Marena.
grow, the most adept of the faithful travel elsewhere While loyal to the goddess, she oten chafes at the
to set up a new shrine and spread the faith. In this restrictions of the order and the disciplinary actions
way, the Blood Sisters spread their goddess's inluence of the senior clergy. She hopes her necromantic
into as many lands as possible, while minimizing pursuits will bring her enough power to gain some
their losses when inquisitors do manage to ind their level of autonomy. Before combat, Sister Alkava
secret altars. Even in lands sacred to the gods of light, always tries to cast protection from good and evil on
Marena's cult may lurk below the surface. herself and on any animated undead she controls.

Authority (1/day). Any time Mother Abbess Calle casts
command, there is a 50% chance it does not expend an
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil action. This is determined after she casts the spell.
Armor Class 17 (ring mail) Innate Spellcasting. Mother Abbess Calle’s spellcasting
Hit Points 117 (18d8 + 36) ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell
Speed 30 ft. attacks). She can cast the following spells innately,
requiring only verbal components:
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA At will: command, guidance, sacred lame
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 9 (‒1) 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 3/day each: blindness/deafness, silence, spiritual weapon
2/day each: dispel magic, protection from energy
Saving Throws Con +6, Wis +9, Cha +6
1/day each: banishment, blade barrier
Skills Insight +9, Medicine +9, Religion +3
Lash. Creatures damaged by Mother Abbess Calle’s whip
Damage Resistances psychic; piercing and slashing from attacks have distinctive wounds and develop lasting
nonmagical weapons scars. These wounds and scars are easily recognized
Condition Immunities charmed by other members of the cult, who have advantage on
Senses passive Perception 15 attack rolls against creatures marked by such wounds
Languages Common and scars. The marks are removed if the wounds are
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) healed with magical healing.

red SiSterS
Matron’s Will. Mother Abbess Calle has advantage on is terse and businesslike with the other members
attacks to grapple and to escape a grapple. Anytime a of her order but is known to display a dry wit and
spell or effect would force her to move, she can reduce macabre humor when ministering to her charges in
the distance to 5 feet.
the Abbey's Cradle. She enjoys casting command on
ACTIONS her opponents to make them approach within reach
of her cruel whip.
Multiattack. Mother Abbess Calle makes one spear attack
and two whip attacks.
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one COSMINA HOLROSU
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
Cosmina Holrosu appears to be a stunning beauty
Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage, and the
in her mid-twenties, with long, auburn hair and gray
creature must make a successful DC 17 Wisdom saving eyes. Her pale skin is lawless but for a wine-colored
throw or become frightened of Mother Abbess Calle birthmark that runs down her right cheek, jawline,
until the end of its next turn. and chin. A manifestation of Marena appeared
Entangle. If both of Calle's whip attacks hit the same before Cosmina and caressed her face. Overwhelmed,
creature in a turn, Calle can use a bonus action to Cosmina swore devotion to the goddess for eternity,
grapple that creature by tangling it in her whip (escape and Marena's hand let its mark upon her skin as a
DC 13). A grappled creature is also restrained. If the reminder of the oath. Cosmina's new existence as
creature is still grappled at the start of Calle's next turn, a vampire airms her promise. She has spent four
it takes 5 (2d4) slashing damage and the grapple ends. decades now as Marena's chief agent abroad.
Mother Abbess Calle resides in the Cantri Abbey at Cosmina travels in metropolitan areas, seeking
the base of the Cloudwall Mountains, one of the most out each city's dark underbelly. She uses her charm
prominent temples of Marena in the Principalities. and magical abilities to rapidly rise in inluence in
Calle is in charge of the Cradle, a section of the the shadows. Once she has gained a foothold, she
Abbey devoted to the care of pregnant women. typically founds or takes over a brothel or similar
Women who sufer diicult pregnancies, or those establishment. he lustful activities in such places
predicted to sufer complications during childbirth, are pleasing to Marena, and they serve as useful
make pilgrimages to the Abbey. he Mother Abbess is fronts for secret temples. She lures some of the
attentive and dutiful, but she has no real compassion most debauched clientele to participate in the cult's
for her charges. In her eyes, they are the results of lust orgiastic blood rites. Once the temple has grown in
stirred by the Red Goddess, and ultimately destined inluence and worshipers, she chooses the most loyal
to be cattle for their vampire lords. servants to be her successors, granting them the git
No men are allowed within the walls of the Abbey. of vampirism before departing for a new city.
Mother Calle insures that all trespassers are dealt with Cosmina especially likes using her powers to
switly. Some are lucky enough to be let bleeding on bend enemies of the cult to her will, forcing them
the ground outside the gates; others are slaughtered to participate in the cult's dark activities. She
and hung from the gatehouse as a warning to those enjoys humiliating them and keeping evidence
who would violate this sanctum. he Mother Abbess of their complicity with the cult. his blackmail
takes her position very seriously and anyone—even keeps her foes subservient, or at least assures their
a vampire—that attempts to harm one of her charges noninterference in cult activities.
faces her implacable punishment. Cosmina Holrosu uses the standard vampire stat
Calle is a stout, matronly igure, with a stern block but with the following diferences.
gaze. She keeps her long, brown hair tied up in a • Languages Common, Elven, Infernal
tight bun. he Mother Abbess is never seen publicly • Remove the actions Charm and Children of the
without her scarlet robes of oice and cowl, worn Night, and replace them with Darkening Gaze and
discreetly over a suit of ring mail. A brass belt at her Hemorrhaging Gaze.
waist holds a human skull stained with ocher. She

• Darkening Gaze (recharge 5-6). Cosmina stares Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, paralyzed
into the eyes of a creature she can see within 30 Senses passive Perception 18
feet. The creature must make a successful DC 17 Languages Common
Charisma saving throw or be stunned and blinded Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
until the end of its next turn. If the saving throw
fails, Cosmina can immediately use a bonus action No Retreat. Reka has advantage on opportunity attacks.
to force the creature to make a DC 17 Constitution Creatures damaged by Reka’s opportunity attack have
saving throw; if it fails, the creature falls unconscious their speed reduced to 0 until the end of their turn.
for 1 minute or until it takes damage.
Overwhelming Blow (3/day). When Reka hits a creature
• Hemorrhaging Gaze (1/day). Cosmina allows with her greatsword, she can choose to knock it prone,
Marena to see through her eyes. All creatures push it 5 feet, or do an additional 10 (3d6) slashing
Cosmina can see within 30 feet take 13 (3d8) psychic damage.
damage plus 13 (3d8) piercing damage, or half Bloodlust. When Reka reduces a creature to 0 hit points,
damage with a successful DC 17 Charisma saving she regains one use of Overwhelming Blow.
throw. For each creature whose saving throw fails,
Innate Spellcasting. Reka’s spellcasting ability is Wisdom
Cosmina heals 3 hit points.
(spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks). She can
cast the following spells innately, requiring only verbal
Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil At will: command, divine favor, light
Armor Class 18 (plate armor) 3/day each: bane, lesser restoration, revivify
Hit Points 170 (20d8 + 80) 1/day each: death ward
Speed 30 ft. ACTIONS
Multiattack. Reka makes two weapon attacks, or uses an
at-will spell and makes one weapon attack.
18 (+4) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0)
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +8, Wis +8
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
Skills Insight +8, Perception +8
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Damage Resistances piercing and slashing from
nonmagical weapons

The Blood Sisters of Marena Outside of Midgard

he cult of Marena is a primary religion in the Alternatively, you could transplant the established
Principalities of Morgau and Doresh, which gives it portion of the faith to an evil nation in the campaign
a more substantial base of power than many of the setting of your choice. Perhaps it is located completely
other cults of this book. However, the Blood Sisters underground, among races that are more accepting
can be placed easily in any campaign world. If you of such cruelty and evil in their society. he setting
would rather present them as a fringe cult without may have an evil nation where Marena and her
such a base of power, omit the information about the worshipers could ind common ground with other
Red Sisters. he Cradle could be a secret redoubt in a evil deities. Another place to introduce the cult could
remote mountain hideaway, or it could be hidden in be a cosmopolitan metropolis where many things
plain sight as an actual monastery with hidden rooms are permissible, so long as they conform to city
behind an innocent front. It could even be relocated law. he Blood Sisters could exist in the shadows in
to a city, where Calle takes in women in need, secretly such a place, toeing the line of propriety in public
funneling some of them to her other Sisters for while continuing to faithfully serve Marena in more
nefarious purposes. insidious ways in hidden shrines and back rooms.

red SiSterS
Judgment of Blood (recharge 6). Reka judges all enemies DARAKHUL MERCENARY
within 60 feet of her. Judged creatures have their speed
halved until the end of their next turn. Additionally, Reka Darakhul mercenaries are powerful and
can choose up to ive affected creatures; each of them well-disciplined troops. he Blood Sisters oten
must make a successful DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or employ them as guardians of secret shrines and
fall prone and take 21 (6d6) necrotic damage. As a bonus temples, bodyguards while traveling outside the
action, Reka can heal 5 hit points for each creature Principalities, or as the daytime guardians of
damaged by Judgment of Blood. The healing can be on vampire members of the cult. Such mercenaries are
herself or on one ally within 60 feet.
oten paid in lesh as well as coin. Such arrangements
As Grand Inquisitor, Reka Meszaros oversees the provide a convenient method for the Blood Sisters to
eforts to root out and eliminate the enemies of her dispose of the bodies of their victims.
goddess, both within and outside of the Principalities.
If cult activity outside Morgau and Doresh is
threatened, she sends what aid she can. She instructs
her followers in techniques of stealth and subterfuge,
which they use in surgical strikes to eliminate threats
to the faithful. Reka herself occasionally leads such
strikes when the threat is great enough.

cultiStS of the
Blood SiSterS
he GM can use the following NPCs as cult members,
functionaries, and minor leaders.

hese men and women work in the brothels run by
the Blood Sisters. hey proile clients for potential as
new recruits, sources of information or blackmail, or
even as sacriices. hey also watch for those who pay
too much attention to the brothel's operations. In
the Principalities, the brothel agent statistics can be
used for loyal cultists, assistants to clerics, or other
temple functionaries.
Any standard NPC can be used as a Brothel Agent
(bandit, guard, and thug are most appropriate) by
adding the following action to the stat block:
• Blessed Blood Capsule. The brothel agent breaks a
capsule of blood and smears it onto the palms of his
or her hands. The agent heals 7 hit points and for 1
minute, adds 1d4 to weapon damage rolls.

A darakhul mercenary in the employ of the Blood ACTIONS
Sisters uses the standard darakhul stat block (see Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Tome of Beasts), but with the following diferences: creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
• Remove the war pick attack and replace it with a Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Halberd attack and with the Halberdier's Ire action. willing creature or a creature that's grappled by the
• Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ritualist, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage. piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The
target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
• Halberdier’s Ire (2/day). As a bonus action
equal to the necrotic damage taken, and the ritualist
immediately after making a successful halberd
regains hit points equal to that amount. The reduction
attack, the mercenary automatically does an
lasts until the target inishes a long rest. The target dies
additional 7 (2d6) slashing damage to the same
if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
target and the creature must make a successful DC
13 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. Blood ritualists are oten the leaders of secret
• Challenge 1 (200 XP) conclaves of the cult outside the Principalities or
church functionaries within them. Products of blood
and lust, these dhampir sorcerers are oten inducted
into the cult from birth. heir magical talents
Medium humanoid (dhampir), lawful evil
typically relect Marena's spheres of inluence, and
Armor Class 13 (16 with mage armor)
much of their magic emulates her control of blood
Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14)
and association with winter’s chill.
Speed 30 ft.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cult activitieS and

12 (+1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1) 18 (+4)
adventure hookS
Saving Throws Cha +7 Below are several methods of introducing the Blood
Skills Perception +3 Sisters of Marena as adversaries for the PCs in your
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning, piercing, campaign. hey can be foes for single adventures
and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks or a continuing threat in an extended campaign. If
Damage Immunities poison you choose to use them for an extended campaign,
Condition Immunities poisoned consider pitting the PCs against increasingly
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13 powerful minions and leaders of the cult, possibly
Languages Common culminating in a battle against vampires led by the
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) most powerful ranking members of the Blood Sisters.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in direct sunlight, the LEVELS 1–3

ritualist has disadvantage on attack rolls and Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight. An NPC comes to the PCs for help. Her father's
Innate Spellcasting. A blood ritualist’s spellcasting behavior has become increasingly erratic and it is
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with beginning to threaten the family business. His wife
spell attacks). She can cast the following spells innately, died four years ago, and until recently, he wore a
requiring only verbal components: black scarf as a sign of mourning. However, he has
At will: chill touch, ire bolt, light now set the scarf aside without explanation. Money
3/day each: disguise self, mage armor, magic missile is missing from the family’s accounts and he has
2/day each: ly, sanguine spear been returning home very late. A few days ago, his
1/day each: ice storm daughter followed him and, to her shock, found
Undead Resistance. The ritualist has advantage on saving her father entering a brothel. She asks that the PCs
throws against disease. ind out who or what is behind her father’s dramatic

red SiSterS
change of behavior. he PCs' investigation reveals particular winery. An investigation of the winery
that the Blood Sisters use the brothel as a front and uncovers a band of Blood Sisters who have used a
recruitment center. It also reveals that the father has combination of magic and alchemy to create a drink
been involved in erotic blood rituals in the building's that encourages lust and debauchery.
basement. However the PCs proceed, if any harm is
brought to the cult, including exposing its activities, LEVELS 4–6
the cultists mark the meddling adventurers as In preparation for a special ceremony held on
enemies and may seek retribution later. Midwinter's Night, the Blood Sisters seek a selection
In the Principalities, the nobility's primary coin of of exceptional candidates for sacriices. he
exchange is the blood mark. A red gold coin with vampire nobility in attendance take great delight
a hole in the center, the blood mark represents a in participating in an orgiastic blood frenzy with
measure of blood from an actual living citizen. the clergy in a remote, snowbound forest glade.
When the bearer of a blood mark chooses to redeem Some sacriices are chosen from the populace of
it, the blood is magically drawn from the body of the Principalities, but for this special occasion, the
the person who irst promised it. If that person has Blood Sisters search far aield for valuable sacriices.
pledged multiple blood marks, they could die if all Whether it is their beauty, innocence, or some
are redeemed at once. Recently, a woman pledged natural talent or practiced skill, each victim is taken
10 blood marks to the Blood Sisters in exchange for so that the Winter Maiden can sample their sorrow
their magical and inancial aid to cover debts and and rejoice in the darkness let by their loss from the
cure the blight that had infected her orchard and world. he Blood Sisters recently abducted a woman
threatened to destroy her entire livelihood. Now, a from a small town not far from the border of the
friend of her family who works as a servant at the Principalities. To all appearances, she was simply
local temple has brought the woman a warning. a tutor to the mayor's children. However, she was
A great soiree is being planned at a nearby noble's betrothed to a powerful noble from a neighboring
castle to celebrate the turning of a faithful servant kingdom. Her position in an unassuming settlement
into a vampire. he temple is giting a number of was intended to keep her hidden from the political
blood marks to help with the celebration. Worried machinations of the noble family's rivals until the
that her life may end as a result, the owner of the time of the wedding. Now, her husband-to-be has
orchard beseeches the PCs to ind the blood marks sent out a call for rescuers. Divination spells point to
on her account at the temple and get them back by a dark end if she is not freed by Midwinter's Night.
any means necessary. he noble's retainers and allies have traced her to
he PCs attend a raucous celebration. People are Morgau; speciically, to a hunting lodge nestled deep
reveling, and food and drink lows freely. While in a wooded mountain valley. he PCs must enter
this sort of merrymaking oten sparks incidents of Morgau, confront or sneak past a group of cultists,
violence and debauchery, this celebration is far more free the woman, and ind their way across the border
lascivious than normal. he revelers are making again. However, this lodge is only one of several
lustful advances on others, who are responding locations where the Red Sisters are keeping their
in kind. As the night progresses, outraged lovers victims until the ceremony, and the PCs may decide
catch their partners involved in trysts with their to embark on further rescue missions.
neighbors, and ights break out. he PCs may also A local duke and powerful opponent of the
fall under the sway of these strange events. In the vampire Principalities has been, until recently, an
atermath of the celebration, there is a prevailing unrepentant bachelor, despite pleas from his court
sense of anger, shame, and confusion. If the PCs to marry and produce an heir. Now the duke has
investigate, they ind lingering magic in many of the taken up with a woman of questionable birth and
cups and barrels from the party. As it turns out, the has begun to neglect his duties in order to court
primary drink of the evening was wine from one her and lavish her with gits. Rumors are spreading,

and the court is in an uproar over their sovereign's A desperate woman seeks aid in inding her sister. If
improprieties. he latest outrage is his proclamation the PCs are receptive, the woman explains how her
that they will marry. Should the nobility not recognize sister's personality has changed recently, becoming
her position as duchess, he has claimed that he will more distant and distracted. here have been a
marry her anyway and abdicate his throne to his number of unexplained absences. Now, she has failed
brother, who is widely regarded as incompetent. to return ater a night out. A neighbor reports seeing
he duke's chamberlain hires the PCs to investigate her in the company of a large man and another
the woman and her strange hold over the duke. he woman walking out into a nearby forest. he PCs are
woman is an agent of the Blood Sisters (perhaps even able to track the group to a cabin out in the woods.
a vampire, if the GM wishes) sent by the Principalities here, they ind a number of men and women. he
to undermine one of their main rivals. Worse, she women, including the sister that the PCs were sent to
has the backing of a secret group of cultists that has ind, pretend that the men have kidnapped them to
iniltrated the ranks of the servants to protect the catch the PCs of-guard. However, the women are all
house the duke has bought for his mistress. actually members of the Blood Sisters, and the men

red SiSterS
are pawns for their unholy rites. he cult's vampire problems. It was only later that the man found out
leader has established mental control over her the monastery is devoted to Marena. He fears for his
victims, and she leads all of the cabin's inhabitants in wife's safety and asks the PCs to retrieve her. Mother
a strike against the PCs. Abbess Calle does not take kindly to the intrusion,
nor does she appreciate any implication that she
LEVELS 7–9 means any harm to the child or its mother.

A prominent local igure reaches out to the PCs One of the PCs is struck with an unshakable sense
ater several attempted kidnappings of her relatives. of despair and foreboding. his sudden fear has no
She assigns the PCs to guard her elderly aunt at her apparent cause. Shortly thereater, the PCs discover
estate. he PCs may ind evidence that this is not that one of that PC’s relatives is dead. Magical
simply a kidnapping for ransom. In fact, the Blood investigation may reveal that the deceased was
Sisters plan to use the family as a focus for their being used as part of an incantation to strike at the
bloodstrike incantation. PC. If the heroes do not take eforts to protect the
targeted PC’s family, soon another blood relative
A local authority igure hires the PCs to keep watch goes missing. If the PCs cannot ind and stop the
over a person whose recent activities have aroused ritual, the Blood Sisters can make attacks on the
suspicion. heir task is to observe and report the afected PC wherever she happens to be, unless they
NPC's movements, but to keep their surveillance a can ind and free the relative being used as the focus
secret and not to engage under any circumstances. for the incantation.
However, on the PCs' watch, the suspicious
individual joins up with members of the Blood
Sisters and attempts to abduct someone. Do the PCs LEVELS 13–15
follow orders, or do they intervene? Assuming the PCs have been instrumental in
Raiding parties from the Principalities are thwarting the plans of the Blood Sisters in the
searching in surrounding territories for sacriicial past, especially if they've killed any members of the
victims. he PCs arrive at a familiar roadside inn cult in doing so, they are targeted for elimination.
only to ind the atermath of such a raid. Evidence Grand Inquisitor Reka Meszaros is determined to
suggests the raiders let with prisoners. he PCs end the PCs’ lives. How she does so is ultimately
can track the raiders back to their camp and hope up to the GM. However, her preferred methods
to overtake them despite the raider’s vastly superior are to iniltrate the party in some way—hiring
numbers, or they can lay an ambush along the most on as an NPC if they are looking for aid—or by
likely point of return. slipping into an organization that is friendly to the
PCs, such as a nearby temple to a good deity. She
attempts to coordinate an attack from the cult's
LEVELS 10–12 darakhul mercenaries when the PCs are at their
his adventure hook works best when placing the most vulnerable. If she iniltrates the party, she may
Cradle in another campaign setting. A friend or plan an ambush when the PCs are returning from
patron of the PCs comes to them for aid. He and an adventure (low on resources, possibly injured,
his wife have never been devout and spend no time and presumably burdened with treasure.) If she
at worship at the temple of any god. It is a point iniltrates a nearby temple, she might organize a
of pride that they are successful without being special ceremony and have the PCs invited. She
religiously faithful, and the local clergy are not ensures that the PCs are asked to leave their weapons
fond of them. His wife is pregnant with their irst in the keeping of the clergy and don special robes
child, and there have been complications. Rather for the ceremony. When they and other participants
than admit defeat in their rivalry with the clerics, are unarmed and unarmored and in the midst of the
his wife decided upon a pilgrimage to a mountain ritual, the darakhul storm the place and Reka reveals
monastery, where she has heard they deal with such herself to deal retribution on the PCs.

he forces of good have discovered that the Blood STIGMATA OF THE RED GODDESS
Sisters have iniltrated a major city. he location
2nd-level necromancy (cleric/wizard)
of their hidden temple is unknown, but several
Casting Time 1 action
likely cover operations—a cemetery, a brothel, and
Components V, S, M (several drops of your own,
a slaughter house—have been located. he PCs are
fresh blood)
charged with investigating these locations, inding
Range Self
the hidden temple, and purging the Blood Sisters
Duration 3 rounds
from the city. his investigation leads to a variety
of encounters with cultists and vampire spawn. he You cut yourself and bleed as tribute to Marena,
search ends in the catacombs below the city, where gaining power as long as the blood continues lowing.
the PCs navigate trapped corridors and undead he stigmata typically appears as blood running
guardians, eventually confronting Cosmina Holrosu, from the eyes or ears, or from wounds manifesting
her vampire companions, and a slew of cultists. on the neck or chest. You take 1 piercing damage at
the beginning of each turn and gain a +2 bonus on
damage rolls. Any healing received by you, magical or
new SpellS otherwise, ends the spell.
he Blood Sisters draw power from the red essence At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using
of life that is central to their religion and the key a spell slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage you
focus of their rituals and sacriices. he Red Maiden take at the start of each of your turns and the bonus
reveals the mysterious potential of blood to those damage you do both increase by 1 for each slot level
that show proper devotion. Many of the Blood Sister’s above 2nd, and the duration increases by 1 round
favorite spells appear in Deep Magic. In addition, the for each slot level above 2nd.
following new spells are available to those who count
themselves among Marena's faithful. At the GM's
discretion, other characters can also gain access to maGic itemS
these spells. he terrifying aspects of the Blood
Sisters extend to the magic items
SANGUINE SPEAR they favor, which are crated to
2nd-level transmutation (sorcerer/wizard) extract blood and inlict pain.
Casting Time 1 action
Components V, S, M (the corpse of a once-living
Wondrous Item (dagger), rare
(requires attunement)
Range Touch
Duration 1 minute his double-bladed dagger
has an ivory hilt, and its gold
You draw blood from the corpse of a creature that has
pommel is shaped into a woman's
been dead for no more than 24 hours and magically
head with ruby eyes and a fanged
fashion it into a spear of frozen blood. his functions
mouth opened in a scream. In
as a +1 spear that does cold damage instead of
addition to functioning as a
piercing damage. If the spear leaves your hand for
+1 dagger, the exsanguinating
more than 1 round, it melts and the spell ends.
blade can drink a victim's blood,
At Higher Levels: If the spell is cast with a 4th-level providing life force to its wielder.
spell slot, it creates a +2 spear. A 6th-level spell slot Whenever the dagger scores a
creates a +3 spear. critical hit, it gains 1 charge. It can
have a maximum of 1 charge at a

red SiSterS
time. he wielder of the exsanguinating
blade can expend a charge (no
action required) to trigger one
of the following efects.
• Heal 2d8 + the
wielder's Wisdom
modiier (minimum
of 1) hit points,
on himself or on
a willing creature
touched by the blade
• Inlict an additional 3d10
necrotic damage against a
target that just took damage from the blade

Wondrous Item (lail), rare
(requires attunement)
he multiple tails of this cat o' nine tails have
barbs of silver woven into them. he scourge of
devotion is used for self-lagellation. he user
strikes her bare back and shoulders with the
scourge, inlicting 10 (3d6) slashing damage.
his damage can't be healed by any means until
the wielder completes a long rest; ater that, the
damage can be healed normally.
Until the damage is healed, the user of the
scourge of devotion has advantage on Constitution
checks to maintain concentration on spells.

monSterS Languages Common (cannot speak)

Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Creatures that are steeped in blood make natural
allies for the Blood Sisters. Familiar. The blood hound acts as a familiar to the
vampire that created it, with all the abilities and
BLOOD HOUND functions associated with familiars. If it drops to 0 hit
points, it dies.
Medium monstrosity, lawful evil
Superior Tracking. A blood familiar has advantage on
Armor Class 13
Perception checks made to track or locate a living
Hit Points 45 (6d8 + 18)
Speed 40 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 12 (+1) 6 (‒2) creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Skills Perception +3 his large hound's mouth is a snarling nest of

Senses passive Perception 13 overlong fangs, and its eyes glow an unnatural red.

Vampires can bend the living to their will with a BLOOD ZOMBIE
glance. Oten they enlist willing mortals by ofering
his zombie is drenched head to foot in fresh blood,
the promise of eventual immortality in exchange
which constantly lows down its body. Its attacks
for loyalty. Some vampires take a diferent course,
draw blood from an opponent’s body to rejuvenate
gaining the loyalty of an animal by feeding it their
the zombie.
blood and gaining a ierce sentinel to guard them
A blood zombie uses the standard zombie stat
during the daylight hours. Such creatures are known
block with the following diferences:
as blood hounds or blood familiars.
Blood hounds are animals that were given regular • Replace the standard zombie's Slam attack with
Blood Slam.
doses of a vampire's blood. his feeding creates a
bond between the creature and its master, giving the • Blood Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
beast powers beyond a normal specimen of its type. ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning damage
Many vampires prefer animals typically associated plus 2 (1d4) necrotic damage, and the blood zombie
gains temporary hit points equal to twice the
with their kind—bats and wolves, including those
necrotic damage.
of the dire variety—but some prefer more exotic
choices, such as large cats, bears, and even snakes.
More powerful vampires oten choose rarer and
more dangerous creatures, such as
owlbears or grifons. A vampire may
create more than one blood hound,
but is limited to a total Hit Dice in
blood hounds equal to its own,
even if it owns only a single
blood hound.

the SanGuine path


p ath
t he mystery cult known as the Sanguine Path
celebrates the power inherent in the blood—
power to bring enlightenment and health through
leaderS, orGanizationS,
and GoalS
blood sharing and sacriice, to revitalize the land Sect leaders of the Sanguine Path come in all forms.
through ritual, and to practice blood divination. In In some cases, sorcerers are at the forefront, their
metropolitan areas, the cult attracts those seeking forceful personalities and magical abilities making
meaning, status, or simply a distraction from their them potent leaders. heir very existence hints at
everyday concerns. While in the countryside, it can powers within the blood that might be unlocked by
be the diference between prosperity and famine. association with the cult. Witches are also prominent
Far from prying eyes, however, the Sanguine Path in the cult, and at times, even covens of hags get
engages in ritual orgies and hematophagy, the ritual involved. When divine casters are present amongst
consumption of blood. the leadership, they are oten associated with the
demon lord Caizel.

A Warning About
Blood of the city
Cities are hubs of travel and trade with myriad races,
Sexual overtones cultures, and religions passing through them. And
he Sanguine Path, especially in its urban sometimes, they stay and add to the cosmopolitan
incarnation, is heavily devoted to lust and deals in stew of urban life. New religions and cults crop up
wanton extravagance and sexual taboos, including oten—some die out, while others thrive. In the
incest. GMs should determine their groups’ comfort city, the Sanguine Path is a mystery cult known for
levels with these topics in their games and provide its oracular use of blood in exchange for coin. he
only as much detail as is agreed upon with the leaders use their powers to determine the parentage
players. Be ready to tone things down by only of children or trace lines of descent to solve disputes
alluding to such activity, or you can simply end over inheritance. Sacred prostitutes serve the general
scenes by fading to black and move on if too much
public within the open portion of their temple. he
interaction or description might be problematic.
cult is oten described as “odd, but useful,” by those
he important thing is that everyone at the table is
that only know its public face.
able to enjoy the game.
hose that seek membership in the cult oten
return with rumors of wild orgies and strange blood
rites. hese rumors are based in truth. Blood is
Given its strong association with blood ritual, the central symbol for the cult, they believe bodily
vampires are oten attracted to leadership positions luids exchanged during sex hold power. he cult
in the cult. heir powers allow them greater control deliberately allows these rumors to spread in order
over the cultists, and the position makes it easier to pique the interest of potential members. However,
for them to feed. It also provides a group of devoted the Sanguine Path’s greater mysteries are open only
followers to shield them from hunters. to those that meet their trials of initiation and are
Cult leaders are typically addressed as "father" inducted into the organization’s inner circles. By
or "mother" or "elder." Cult members refer to one the time members attain the highest echelon of the
another as "brother," "sister," or "sibling." hey Sanguine Path, they have either been completely
believe the comingling of blood in their rites binds corrupted by the depravities of the cult or are too
them together as family. irmly connected to its dark doings to even think
he followers of the Sanguine Path are many and about betrayal or escape.
varied. he cult welcomes all intelligent beings into In cities where the cult has existed for generations,
its ranks with the exception of intelligent undead the sexual activities of cult members have many of
other than vampires. Magical beasts and monstrous the expected outcomes. All born under the auspices
humanoids may well reside in a Sanguine Path of the cult are raised as members. Since cultists of
compound alongside the more typical humanoid the Sanguine Path tend to shun the taboos of society,
members, and it is said, they participate equally in inbreeding does occur. hose poorly afected by such
the depraved rites of the cult. Unless these creatures inbreeding are kept within the cult but given simple
are normally tolerated within the settlement, their tasks, such as menial labor and guard duty.
presence must be kept secret. Oten, blood golems hose with obvious deformities are kept out of
are used to protect the inner sanctums and quarters sight of any not initiated into the mysteries of the
of cult leaders. In addition, the diferences between cult. However, these members still participate in all
urban and rural sects of the cult are signiicant. privately held cult functions, for the cult teaches that
true beauty resides inside oneself.
Urban sects oten work toward recruiting those
in power—nobility, rich merchants, and the like—
to shield the cult from suspicion and persecution.
However, anyone interested in joining the cult can

the SanGuine path
go through the initiation. New members are oten manner known only to the senior members. he
recruited by holding mock ceremonies in public inexperienced cult members are just as in the dark
places (such as the Taurobolium described below) as spectators, thinking that there is meaning and
to draw interest or by sending attractive members magic involved in this ritual.
of the cult wearing simple shits and sandals into
public areas to hand out lowers and talk to passers-
by. Canny cult leaders know to look for those who
Blood of the land
In times of drought and famine, a name is carried
are easily led, in obvious need of companionship,
on the winds to desperate ears: the Sanguine Path. A
or without family. Oten, when the Sanguine Path
mystery cult said to restore life to the soil and bring
wishes a person of status to join, they recruit
untold bounty to the land. he farmers and peasants
someone close to that person—a relative, business
are told to submit to the cult and allow it to work
partner, or lover—and use that person to bring their
its mysteries—mysteries centered on the power of
true target into the fold.
blood. In small agrarian communities, the Sanguine
THE TAUROBOLIUM Path can establish itself much more quickly than in
his ritual sacriice is typically held shortly ater an urban environment. All it needs is to gain the
the initiation of a new crop of blood-bound cultists conidence of those in charge or, failing that, do
(see the blood-bound creature what the leaders of the community cannot—bring
template, page 134). he newly rain from the sky and a harvest from the soil—and
blood-bound are taken out usurp control.
to a public area in hooded
white robes. A scafold is
built and a bound bull or ox
is raised upon the platform
with ropes and pulleys. A
senior cult member stands
above, next to the sacriice,
and pronounces the words
of the ceremony with scripted
responses from the robed cultists.
Finally, the senior cultist cuts
the bull’s throat and the assembled
blood-bound cultists stab it from
below with spears. he cultists
remove their robes and receive a
baptism in blood as the animal
is exsanguinated. Aterward,
they put on displays of
their new strength and
vigor, allowing spectators
to believe their newfound
power was gained through
the Taurobolium, though
it is actually gained in a

he cult inds easy footholds where the people are
already insular and set against outsiders, insinuating
themselves by providing invaluable service and
assuring continued prosperity for those willing to
convert. hose communities that beneit from the
Sanguine Path’s blessings protect the cult and its
mysteries as readily as they will their own folk and
livelihood. his insularity oten causes the same
inbreeding problems found in city cults, usually in
a shorter amount of time. his leads to neighboring
settlements being able to readily spot visitors from
a cult town, as they possess "the look" and are set
apart by their inbred traits.
In rural sects of the
Sanguine Path, one oten
inds hags (sometimes in
conjunction with witches) or druids
in positions of leadership. If not, the cult
leadership typically has access to some sort of
magic item that gives them control over weather or
plants, assuring continued prosperity for their new
community while keeping up the charade that the
blood rituals practiced by the cult are providing the
land’s bounty.

Drekkan is Krewsjung’s lover and fellow coven
member. When not participating in oicial cult
activities, he takes on a rather unassuming role
as a simple man of the land, an everyman with a
penchant for pig farming, downplaying his keen
intellect and speaking with a sort of earthy wisdom
that endears him to the common folk. his makes
him the most approachable of the trio but also the
most dangerous for those with doubts or misgivings
about the Sanguine Path.
Drekkan is a standard vampire spawn with the
following diferences.
• Int 18 (+4), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 20 (+5)
• Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) • Communicates telepathically with Goldie (his trained
pig) at ranges up to 100 feet. As a bonus action,
• Languages Abyssal, Common, Giant, Infernal,
Drekkan can command Goldie to cast a spell from its
and Sylvan
prepared list.
• Attuned to the bloodwhisper cauldron
• Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

the SanGuine path
GOLDIE • Attuned to the bloodwhisper cauldron.
• She prepares the following spells, instead of the
Goldie is a freakishly intelligent, magic-using pig standard list.
that's also Drekkan's pet and companion. It uses
Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, guidance
the standard boar stat block with the following
1st level (4 slots): enthrall, fairie ire, thunderwave
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, enlarge/
• Neutral evil alignment.
reduce, heat metal
• Hit Points 66 (12d8 + 12). 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, protection from
• Int 12 (+1), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 8 (‒1). energy, speak with plants
• Doubly proicient in Investigation (+5) and Insight 4th level (2 slots): freedom of movement, confusion
(+4) and has advantage on Insight checks
• Communicates telepathically with Drekkan at
ranges up to 100 feet
• Innate Spellcasting: Goldie uses Intelligence
as its spellcasting ability (spell save DC 11,
+3 to hit with spell attacks). Goldie
can cast the following spells with only
verbal components (grunts and oinks):
At will—eldritch blast;
3/day each—ray of
enfeeblement, spider climb;
1/day—hypnotic pattern.
• Challenge 1/2 (100 XP).

he leader of this particular sect of the Sanguine
Path, Krewsjung uses the cult as a way to slake
her bloodlust without drawing undue attention to
her appetites. It also allows her to openly practice
her religious rites without fear of reprisal from
opposing religious institutions. Finally, she
enjoys the power and prestige gained from
her control of the cult, always pushing to
see how much inluence she can gain.
She is a visible igure in the cult,
maintaining a role as the adored but
unapproachable leader. She leaves it to Drekkan
to be the congenial face of the cult and Mother
Brimming to be the disciplinarian. he power
of the coven, bolstered by her possession of a
bloodwhisper cauldron, is the foundation of the
cult’s continued success.
Krewsjung is a standard red hag (see Tome of
Beasts) with the following diferences.
• Her Siphoning Aura also causes blindness if the
saving throw is failed.

Despite her title and withered, crone-like visage,
Mother Brimming is actually the youngest member
of the coven, the unholy ofspring of Drekkan and
Krewsjung. She keeps her monstrous appearance
hidden beneath a deeply cowled robe during most
cult activities. For the brief times when she must
appear in the presence of those who haven't
delved deeply into the mysteries of the cult, she
uses disguise self to appear as a short, plump,
elderly human woman with short, curly,
silver hair and bright blue eyes. At the most
intimate and powerful ceremonies of the
Sanguine Path, however, Mother Brimming
disrobes, showing all her hideous features.
She is a constant reminder of the fate that
awaits anyone who would betray or turn
away from the Sanguine Path.
Mother Brimming is a standard
red hag (see Tome of Beasts) with the
following diferences.
• Her Siphoning Aura also causes blindness
if the saving throw is failed.
• Attuned to the bloodwhisper cauldron.
• She uses the same spell list as Krewsjung
but substitutes disguise self for fairie ire in
her 1st-level spells.

cult activitieS and

adventure hookS
Here are several methods of introducing the Sanguine
Path in your campaign. In some instances, the cult Swayed by the pleas of several residents disturbed
is a new evil rearing its head in the area. In others, by the changes in their friends and family that have
the cult should be part of the background, giving it joined the cult, the oicial wants to determine if
an established presence before having it attract the there is any wrongdoing afoot. he PCs are hired to
attention of the PCs or those that seek their aid. investigate. hey can iniltrate the cult as initiates or
clandestinely enter the compound, but the oicial
Levels 3-4 wants evidence that the cult is up to no good, so she
A local oicial is distrustful of a charismatic can lawfully have its leader arrested.
evangelist recently arrived in town. His preaching Accompanying a small caravan on a long overland
has attracted a number of citizens who have joined journey, the PCs must take a long detour due to
his movement—known as the Sanguine Path—and severe weather wiping out the regular route. As
they have moved into an old inn on the outskirts they reach the end of their travels in the fast-fading
of town that the newcomer recently purchased. light, they are surprised to ind a thriving little

the SanGuine path
farming community not marked on their map. he destroyed and her followers killed or scattered,
townsfolk sport strange deformities and are leery she seeks vengeance against those that deied her.
of the strangers. However, the priest of the local When captured by brigands, she bargained with
temple seems friendly enough and ofers to put them them, ofering power and riches if they submitted
up for the night while inding accommodations for themselves to the Sanguine Path. Now the bandits
the caravaneers in barns since the village has no are all blood-bound and loyal cultists. he cult leader
inn. Come morning, several of the people from the uses them to raid nearby settlements to replenish
caravan are missing. her riches and bring back sacriices to once more
he priest says they were likely taken by a local increase the power of the cult.
goblin tribe and points the PCs in their direction.
If the PCs successfully deal with the goblins, they Levels 5-6
discover that the goblins are working with the
people of the village and must return quickly to stop A friend or relative of one of the PCs joined the
the remainder of the caravan folk from becoming Sanguine Path in the past and seemed very happy,
victims of the Sanguine Path’s bloody fertility rites. vibrant, and full of energy and purpose. Now this
individual has sought out the PCs, weak, pale and
he PCs’ hometown—or at least the town they have terriied. Ater recently being initiated into the inal
been living in recently—sufers raids by hostile, mysteries of the cult, she rebelled, led the cult,
crimson-clad forces. hese warriors aren’t average and went into hiding. However, as a blood-bound
bandits. hey are strong, fast, and hard to kill. he member of the cult, her vitality is linked to the
local constabulary hires the PCs to root out these monthly consumption of a special elixir. he PCs
raiders. he trail leads to some old ruins where a must ind a way to help her and—armed with the
band of brigands has fallen under the sway of a terrible truth behind the cult—brave the Sanguine
witch cultist of the Sanguine Path. Her former sect Path compound and bring an end to the cult, so

The Sanguine Path in Midgard

In the Midgard Campaign Setting, the Sanguine Path deep of the blood spilled from the town’s enemies
can be used in much the same way as presented in the and occasional visiting outsiders. Rumor has it that
general information here. Divine casters associated degenerate humans and goblins mingle freely there and
with the cult oten have ties to Marena, Hecate, or that one of the cult’s leaders is an exceptionally old and
Ceres Vindicator, or to a pantheon of the three in a powerful worg.
bizarre triad, especially in rural areas where the cult’s An urban sect of the Sanguine Path has irmly
priests venerate the goddesses with the sacriices of entrenched itself in the city of Triolo, based in
their enemies on moonlit nights and consecrate the Little Nuria. he sect’s tenets include a strange dual
ields with their blood. In areas afected by drought veneration of both Marena and V’ashra the Tormentor.
or famine, sects of the Sanguine Path are quick to his works to the cult’s advantage as they appeal to
move in and provide aid, undermining faiths already the hedonistic and the sadistic, gaining followers from
established in the area, such as the Oaken Ring or the those citizens looking for sexual outlets as well as
oicial church of Ceres. pirates and ighting folk wishing for more violent forms
A farming settlement on the northern border of of worship. he sect is led by a igure known as Elder
Verrayne fell under the sway of the Sanguine Path Ichorous who claims to be an avatar of both Caizel
years ago. Veneration of Marena and the Goat of the and V’ashra and is rumored to be a hermaphrodite.
Woods igure heavily in their tenets, and it is said that he Elder keeps a personal guard of blood-bound
the lush ields of the isolated community provide two minotaurs near at all times.
bumper crop harvests a year, so long as the soil drinks

they can no longer corrupt the locals with their foul Levels 7-9
practices. In this instance, the Sanguine Path is well
established in the community and has a number An unnatural sickness seems to be targeting certain
of resources to bring to bear against their enemies. politically powerful igures. he local clergy are
Not only do the heroes have to contend with the unable to stop the sickness, and it is killing quickly.
cult leadership and their blood-bound servants, but It doesn’t take long to notice a pattern. hose that
prominent authorities of the community may be die are replaced with people forwarding a particular
either members or under the sway of the cult. agenda. he Sanguine Path, long established in the
city, has gained enough power and prestige that it
A shambling undead creature drags itself up out begins to move forcefully against its enemies. he
of a nearby midden and rampages through town, cult has carefully recruited blood relatives of their
attacking anyone that hinders its progress. he political enemies and blood-bound them and then
PCs recognize the creature as a former crime boss refused to give them the elixir, causing them to go
in the city who recently vanished and was assumed into withdrawal. hen, using blood strike, a unique
murdered by a rival. he undead is a revenant, spell created by the cult, they transfer the efects of
recently slain in one of the Sanguine Path’s blood the withdrawal along the bloodline to the intended
rites, and seeks venegance on the cult leader that target, using the cultist relative as a focus. he only
sacriiced it. he PCs can follow the creature into way to save the victim is to remove the curse from
the Sanguine Path’s compound and discover the the focus or kill him.
horrors that take place there, leading them to assist
the revenant in its cause. Should the PCs slay the Once the PCs have determined the cause, it is up to
revenant, they discover information on its body that them to decide how to deal with the problem. he
implicates the cult in its death, possibly impelling cult and its leadership need to be removed in order
them to investigate. he cult chose to dispose of the to stop the killing and keep the Sanguine Path from
criminal in retaliation for his attempts at blackmail. consolidating its power in the political vacuum it
has created. he coven described in the leadership
In the midst of widespread drought, one settlement section would work well as the primary villains for
continues to have plentiful water and is able to this scenario. he PCs could work to uproot the cult
keep their crops green and growing despite the from the city, only to have the coven escape and
blight all around them. Messengers from that village lee to the countryside. In the second part of the
promise relief for others sufering nearby. hey will adventure, the PCs could go abroad looking for clues
send aid in exchange for allowing missionaries to of the Sanguine Path, locating a village where they’ve
establish themselves in the nearby communities. begun to insinuate themselves and forcing a inal
he missionaries ofer hope to end the drought confrontation between the heroes and the coven to
and bring prosperity as they have in the one that destroy the cult’s inluence once and for all.
sent them here. All they ask of afected citizens is
to renounce their current deities and embrace the
ways of the Sanguine Path. Devout PCs in town may
take exception to this, or they may arrive as part
of a relief force, sent from the capital, only to ind
themselves in the midst of a settlement ready to tear
itself asunder. Caught between those loyal to their
gods and those desperate to do anything to save
their town, the PCs will have to choose sides.

the SanGuine path
cultiStS of the CRIMSON GUARD

SanGuine path Crimson guards are devoted and skilled warriors

inducted into the mysteries of the Sanguine Path.
he Sanguine Path ensures that its public face is
Only minotaurs are allowed into the crimson guards.
mysterious and enticing, leaving the truth unknown
Usually one or more crimson guards are assigned
to all but the most loyal. Members of the cult must
as bodyguards for leaders of the cult. hey undergo
prove their loyalties or else be bound to their duty by
blood rites that bind them to their charges, ensuring
the cult’s powerful blood rites. he following NPCs
that they can be controlled and kept from rebellion
can be used as cultist minions, intermediaries, and
and treachery. Like ecstatics, these rites make them
lower-level leaders to provide suitable enemies for
immune to being charmed, exhausted, or frightened.
the PCs as they strive against the Sanguine Path.
Crimson guards use the standard minotaur stat
block with the following diferences.
ECSTATIC • Immune to being charmed, frightened, or exhausted
Medium humanoid, neutral evil • Armor Class 16 (chain mail)
Armor Class 13 (shield) • Speed 50 feet
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) • Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity +2 each;
Speed 40 ft. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ‒2 each.
• A creature hit by a crimson guard's greataxe attack
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA must make a successful DC 14 Constitution saving
15 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 7 (‒2) 11 (+0) 6 (‒2) throw or take an additional 6 (1d12) slashing
damage from the attack.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened • Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Senses passive Perception 10
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Medium humanoid (human, elf, or half-elf), chaotic evil

Witless. Ecstatics have advantage on saving throws Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor)
against spells and effects that affect the mind. Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
Speed 40 ft.
Filth-Encrusted Morningstar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing 8 (‒1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
damage plus 2 (1d4) poison damage; a successful DC 13
Constitution saving throw negates the poison damage. Skills Insight +3, Perception +3, Persuasion +6
Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 30/120 ft., Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, frightened
one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning damage. Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Common, Elvish
Ecstatics are devoted followers of the Sanguine Path,
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
villagers who have committed their community to
the cult’s ways in exchange for agricultural bounty.
Spellcasting. The sanguine sorcerer is a 6th-level
hese zealots also imbibe the blood-binding elixir spellcaster whose spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
crated by the cult’s leaders, which imbues them with save 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). They prepare the
a strength and fervor that is not typically found in following spells:
their inbred physiology. hey are bound to the cult Cantrips (at will): ire bolt, message
by blood magic that makes them immune to being 1st level (4 slots): charm person, mage armor, magic
charmed, exhausted, or frightened. missile
2nd level (3 slots): alter self, hold person, suggestion
3rd level (3 slots): fear, ireball

Truth is Red and Flowing (1/day). A sanguine sorcerer ACTIONS
can perform a ritual that reveals knowledge of a
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature’s past. The ritual requires at least a pint of the
target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
creature’s blood, an uncut ruby worth 100 GP or more,
Visage of the Blood Bound (1/day). The sorcerer draws
and an hour to complete. Once completed, the sorcerer
back his or her hood, revealing a horriic visage of
knows about crucial events in the creature's past and can
ever-bleeding wounds. Any creature within 60 feet that
use that knowledge against the creature; for 24 hours,
can see the sorcerer must make a successful DC 14
the sanguine sorcerer has advantage on spell attack rolls
Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of the sorcerer. A
against that creature, and it has disadvantage on saving
frightened creature repeats the saving throw at the end
throws against the sanguine sorcerer's spells.
of its turn, ending the effect on itself with a success.

A living tribute to the power of blood, the sanguine

sorcerer is a charismatic lieutenant. Descended from
distant red hag ancestors, the sorcerer has answered
the singing call of her blood. She is oten called upon

to use her truth is red and lowing ritual to provide

information for contributions to the cult, though she
just as oten performs bogus blood rituals and simply
blufs her petitioners with false information. When
the cult is threatened, the sanguine sorcerer leads
supplicants to battle, oten with a crimson guard for
protection. Sanguine sorcerers are most oten female,
but males are occasionally allowed into this role.

maGic item
A bloodwhisper cauldron's horriic powers are uniquely
suited to the Sanguine Path's bloody purposes.

Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
his ancient, oxidized cauldron sits on three stubby
legs and has images of sacriice and ritual cast into its
iron sides. When illed with concoctions that contain
blood, the bubbling cauldron seems to whisper secrets

the SanGuine path
of ancient power to those bold enough to listen.
Once a day, a creature attuned to this evil vessel can
use an action to slake their thirst and choose one of
the following efects:
• Restore 20 hit points. his use of the cauldron
also removes any diseases, exhaustion, and
resets all spells and abilities as though the user
had just completed a long rest. he user must
complete two long rests normally before using
this ability again.
• See the immediate future. For 1 minute, the
imbiber has advantage on saving throws
and ability checks.
• Spew a miasma of vaporous blood in
a 30-foot cone. Creatures caught in the
bloody spray must make a successful DC 14
Consititution saving throw or be poisoned
for 1 minute.
Destruction. A bloodwhisper cauldron can
be destroyed by being illed with the freely
given blood of intelligent, Good creatures and
then having two clerics of good-aligned
deities of at least 12th level channel
positive energy into it while a third
casts dispel evil on the cauldron.

When the Sanguine Path needs
to strike at a distant target, it turns to this evil,
terrifying ritual.

5th-level necromancy (ritual) initial target, which must be close enough to touch
Casting Time 10 minutes no matter what the spell's normal range is. he
Components V, S, M (a blood relative of the target) secondary target must be within 1 mile and on the
Range Self same plane of existence as you. If the second spell
Duration Special (see below) allows a saving throw, it's made by the secondary
By performing this ritual, you can cast a spell on one target, not the initial target. If the saving throw
nearby creature and have it afect a diferent, more succeeds, any portion of the spell that's avoided or
distant creature. Both targets must be related by negated by the secondary target afects the initial
blood (no more distantly than irst cousins). Neither target instead.
of them needs to be a willing target. A creature can be the secondary target of blood
he blood strike ritual is completed irst, taking strike only once every 24 hours; subsequent attempts
10 minutes to cast on yourself. hen the spell to during that time take full efect against the initial
be transferred is immediately cast by you on the target with no chance to afect the secondary target.

Only spells that have a single target can be
transferred via blood stike. For example, a ireball
spell can't be cast through blood strike, but magic
missile or gaseous form can be.
Alternatively, you can choose one aliction
(anything that could be cured by greater restoration
or lesser restoration) currently afecting the initial
creature and transfer it to the secondary creature,
which then makes any applicable saving throw
against the efect. If the saving throw fails or there is
no saving throw, the aliction transfers completely
and no longer afects the initial target. If the saving
throw succeeds, the initial creature is still alicted
and also sufers anew any damage or conditions
associated with irst exposure to the aliction.

Blood-Bound creature
Followers of the Sanguine Path that prove
exceptionally zealous and useful are invited to
participate in a special ritual that endows them with
vitality, making them stronger, faster, and inured
to pain. he price for this power is unwavering
loyalty to the cult. he special elixir required for
the ritual contains the blood of the cult’s leaders
and magically binds the will of those who drink it.
he elixir must be taken at regular weekly intervals.
Failing to do so leads to painful, eventually fatal,
withdrawal symptoms.
"Blood-bound" is an acquired template that can
be applied to any creature of the fey, humanoid, or
monstrosity type. A blood-bound creature retains
the base creature’s statistics and special abilities
except as noted here.
• Strength, Constitution, and Dexterity increase by 2
• Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma decrease by 2
• Speed increases by 10 feet
• The creature becomes immune to charm,
exhaustion, and fright
• Blood-bound creatures that don't get their weekly
dose of the cult’s blood elixir lose 2 points from
Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. The
ability scores are restored to full once the creature
drinks the elixir again. The addiction can be removed
by greater restoration or comparable magic.

Selket’S StinG


Selket’S StinG
f or those who lead their lives in sun-scorched
lands, Selket’s name is both feared and revered.
Her cult is strong among the desert nomads. She
devoted servants work toward the day when she
once again takes her rightful place in the hearts and
minds of those that live in the great cities and the
protects her faithful and grants them their place fertile lands around them. hose who refuse Selket’s
in the aterlife. Her name is typically translated as protection, though, feel her sting.
“she who closes the throat,” perhaps in reference to
the venom of the scorpion, a creature most sacred
to her. Her name however, can also be read as “she
leaderS, orGanization,
who opens the throat,” to relect her aspect as a and GoalS
goddess of healing, as one who meets the dead in Many who wander the desert are Selket’s children.
the aterlife, reviving them once more to take their hey look to her for defense against the dangers that
place in service to the gods. Yet, civilization has all surround them—venomous creatures, sandstorms,
but forsaken her. Her city—the City of Scorpions— the blazing sun—and for healing for their alictions.
lies ruined and forgotten in the burning wastes. Her Should outsiders wrong them, they look to her to

inlict retribution. he new high priestess of Selket, Out in the dunes rest the ruins of a once great
though happy with the homage paid to the goddess city, the City of Scorpions, once and still the seat
by the nomads, is not altogether satisied with the of Selket’s power. Here, her high priestess resides
situation. Seeing her goddess as the true patron of with her attendants and loyal followers within the
the southern lands and the one to whom its people still-intact temple of Selket. A great hidden aquifer
owe their blessings, she has taken it upon herself to beneath the city provides life-giving water to those
remind the sot cityfolk of Selket’s power. Selket’s that live there. It is home to a gypsosphinx set here
Sting is poised to remind them of the harshness by Selket herself as an eternal guardian, and the
of life in these climes, where one mishap— be it temple contains myriad mummies to defend against
drought, ire, or poison—can change everything for unwanted intruders. Any who ind their way in are
the worse, especially for those not in Selket’s favor. met by the wrathful Daughter of Selket, who prefers
Charismatic and persuasive bards and sorcerers to summon all her nearby faithful and venomous
are those in charge of portions of the cult. Clerics of pets to defend against any inidels daring to deile
Selket and occasionally desert druids with an ainity the holy place of her goddess.
for scorpions also ind positions of leadership within
the cult. Selket’s Sting is organized in small cells. Each
Selket’s cult employs its own assassins, named for
cultist within a cell knows one another and answers
Selket’s sacred animal. hey are a group of fanatical
to a leader. hat leader alone knows to whom the
killers that readily eliminate any target set before
cell answers. he organizer of a group of cells then
them in Selket’s holy name. Unlike hired murderers,
answers to a priest of Selket. hat priest answers to
the Desert Scorpions only kill those the cult’s priests
no one but the high priestess herself. Oten situated
denounce as enemies and anyone attempting to
at oases and caravansaries, these fanatics watch for
interfere with them carrying out the clergy’s divine
those that cross the desert nomads or abuse the
decree. Poisoning is the most common manner of
name or reputation of the goddess. hose who fail to
execution, though oten their murders are set up to
repent their deeds frequently ind death at the end of
look like accidents or divine retribution. An asp may
a stinger or sometimes a poisoned blade. Some fall
somehow slip unnoticed into a merchant’s bath. Or
asleep and drown in baths, apparent accidents.
maybe a priest known for persecuting the faithful
In recent days, the cultists have iniltrated the
of Selket is found dead in a garden, surrounded by
outskirts of towns and cities in civilized areas near
myriad scorpions.
lood plains and rivers, seeking to increase Selket’s
inluence—through either love or fear. he impetus he killers of the Desert Scorpions are many and
makes no diference, so long as the people recognize varied. Alchemists, ighters, rangers, and rogues are
Selket’s power. heir places of worship are secret, common among their ranks. Even sorcerers and
hidden in basements or abandoned buildings, wizards have been known to serve with them. Out
identiiable only by the likeness of the goddess in in the desert, they wear hot-weather outits the color
sculpture or wall art: a beautiful woman wearing a of the sands so as to better conceal themselves in the
scorpion headdress or a giant scorpion with the face wastes. In communities, they use various disguises,
of a beautiful woman. Rites and celebrations within but a member can be identiied by a tattoo of a
Selket’s cult are orgiastic afairs with wild music scorpion in sepia tones, concealed somewhere on the
played on lutes and percussion instruments, narcotic body. As the Desert Scorpions are zealous fanatics,
vapors wating from braziers, and cultists showing these tattoos are usually only seen on the dead.
their devotion by handling scorpions. Getting stung
by the creatures is inevitable, but the faithful see it as
a test rather than as a sign of disfavor. he alicted
are treated, and if they survive, Selket’s blessing is
upon them.

Selket’S StinG
SADIKI SEFU Tears of the Scorpion God Poison (recharge 5‒6) As a
bonus action, Sadiki coats his weapon with the tears of
Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful evil Selket. The next creature damaged by his weapon must
Armor Class 16 (breastplate) make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48) be stunned until the end of its next turn.
Speed 25 ft. Life-Ender Poison (1/day). As a bonus action, Sadiki
dips the tip of his weapon into Selketian acid. The next
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA creature damaged by his weapon takes an additional 27
12 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 8 (‒1) (6d8) acid damage.

he current leader of the Desert Scorpions is a dwarf

Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6, Int +7
known as Sadiki Sefu. He looks like many of his
Skills Arcana +7, Stealth +5
people that inhabit the desert areas: shaven head,
Damage Resistances force, bludgeoning from
nonmagical weapons
beard wrapped tightly in gold wire, light tunic, and
sandals. However, this mild, unassuming individual
Damage Immunities poison
has killed more people than half the assassins under
Condition Immunities poisoned
his command. He is unwavering in his loyalty to the
Senses passive Perception 10
high priestess and the goddess and is a fearsome foe.
Languages Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, Gnoll,
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Mirage. Sadiki has advantage on ability checks to hide

after taking a dash action.
Master of Explosives. Sadiki can produce, place, and
hide up to three explosive bombs each day. His bombs
require a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check
to notice and a successful DC 16 Dexterity check to
disarm or dismantle.

Multiattack. Sadiki makes two shortsword attacks.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Detonate. Sadiki detonates a previously planted bomb
within 100 feet. Every creature within 20 feet of the
bomb takes 33 (6d10) force damage and is deafened
until the end of their next turn; a successful DC 15
Dexterity saving throw halves the damage and prevents
being deafened.
Desert’s Scorch Poison. As a bonus action, Sadiki
coats his weapon in the blessed venom of Selket. The
next creature damaged by his weapon takes 17 (5d6)
poison damage, is poisoned for 1 minute, and loses
concentration on spells automatically, if applicable.
A successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw halves
the poison damage and prevents poisoning, but
concentration is still lost. A poisoned creature repeats
the saving throw at the end of its turn, ending the effect
with a success.

His position is normally one of overseer, handing To placate his boredom, Gahiji oten toys with
out missions and coordinating the movements of intruders, putting on a big show by making a grand
his assassins, but should a great enemy arise to entrance— oten swooping down to perch on a
threaten the cult, he does not hesitate to join the pillar or arch—announcing himself and appearing
fray. Nearly all the various poisons used by the cult impressive, saying they can pass if they answer his
are manufactured by Sadiki, or at least under his riddles irst. his is a lie, as he is bound to destroy or
watchful eye. repel all invaders.
he following are some of his favorite riddles.
• “What begins and has no end? What is the
Gahiji the eternal guardian is the gypsosphinx ending of all that begins?” Answer: Death.
defender of Selket’s holy city. He gleefully destroys • “When we meet, you see nothing. But apart, you
those coming to the city who are not followers of can see it all.” Answer: Eyelids.
his deity. While he no longer needs to eat, he still • “he only weapon which sharper grows when it is
very much enjoys feasting on the lesh of the slain. used in any row.” Answer: A tongue.
• “Delivered by breath, scares heroes to death.”
Answer: A riddle.
Gahiji uses the standard gypsosphinx stat block (see
Tome of Beasts).


Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
Hit Points 153 (18d8 + 72)
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 18 (+4)

Saving Throws Str +5, Wis +9, Cha, +8

Skills Perception +9, Persuasion +8
Damage Immunities necrotic, poison, radiant;
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages Common, Primordial
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)

Spellcasting. Dakhamunza Sat Selket is a 14th-level

spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell
save 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). She prepares the
following spells:
Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, mending, sacred lame
1st level (4 slots): bane, command, cure wounds,

Selket’S StinG
2nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, the normal and the venomous variety (see Tome of
spiritual weapon Beasts), as well as living cultists that participate in
3rd level (3 slots): bestow curse, dispel magic, mass secret rites and brew the deadly toxins that Selket’s
healing word Sting uses against their enemies.
4th level (3 slots): banishment, death ward, guardian
of faith
5th level (3 slots): lame strike, insect plague
6th level (2 slots): create undead, harm Chatha is a giant scorpion that's been magically
7th level (1 slot): divine word, regenerate enhanced by Dakhamunza to serve as her mount
and pet. It uses the standard giant scorpion stat
ACTIONS block with the following diferences:
Multiattack. Dakhamunza Sat Selket makes two attacks • Armor Class 17 (barding equivalent to half plate)
with her scimitar. • Hit Points 87 (11d10 + 22)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one • Int 8 (‒1)
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage.
• Damage Resistances cold, ire
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range
• Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
Doom of the Scorpion God (1/day).
Dakhamunza Sat Selket targets up to
three creatures she can see within
60 feet. Each creature must make
a successful DC 17 Wisdom saving
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While
poisoned this way, the creature is covered in painful
boils that cause 10 (3d6) necrotic damage at the start of
its turn. A poisoned creature repeats the saving throw
at the end of its turn, ending the affect on itself with
a success. All other creatures within 60 feet who see
Dakhamunza use this ability must make a successful
DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be frightened of
Dakhamunza until the end of their next turn.

Dakhamunza Sat Selket—“he Daughter of

Selket”—is high priestess of Selket and leader of
her cult. All the myriad machinations against the
followers of other gods inevitably lead back to her.
She is usually found in the City of Scorpions, a once
great city now ruined and half-buried in the dunes.
Her constant companion, Chatha the giant
scorpion, is never far from her side. he temple
also contains many guardian mummies of both

cult activitieS and Levels 4-6
adventure hookS A rash of scorpion attacks leads to a call from local
authorities for a bounty on the creatures as well as
Here are several methods of introducing Selket’s Sting
a reward for anyone able to ind the cause of the
as adversaries for the PCs in your campaign. hey
infestation and stop it. If the PCs take up the cause,
can be either adversaries for single adventures or
they eventually ind a cave in the hills nearby where
returning enemies in an extended campaign, where
Selket’s Sting cultists are breeding the vermin.
the PCs take the role of defenders of civilization
and the true gods against the rising threat of a Ater publicly disparaging the goddess Selket, a local
presumptuous goddess and her fanatical followers. noble narrowly avoids an assassination attempt.
He receives a note that declares the Desert Scorpions
will deliver his soul to the goddess before the new
Levels 1-3 moon ends. He hires the PCs to protect him for
A caravan that the PCs are either guarding or the next three days, during which they must thwart
traveling with draws attention during a routine various attempts on the noble’s life. Snipers, poisoned
check at a city gate. Ater the discovery of a hidden food and drink, and other freak “accidents” must be
cache of poisons, the caravan leader is arrested for thwarted before a inal attempt is made, involving a
contraband. She protests her innocence and begs full assault on the noble’s house by a group of Desert
the PCs to ind the real culprit and clear her name. Scorpions and a venomous mummy.
Subsequent investigation reveals a Selket cultist
A prestigious art gallery or museum is robbed.
among the caravan folk and leads to a confrontation
he thieves have only taken a single piece: a gold
with a local cell of Selket’s Sting for whom the
scorpion statuette. he PCs must track the thieves
poisons were intended.
back to their lair. here, they ind cultists of Selket
A local government or religious authority hires led by a priestess who is unwilling to give up the
the PCs to investigate rumors of a dangerous cult relic of her goddess so recently returned to the
operating within the city. he PCs must gather hands of the faithful.
information, leading them to a cell of Selket’s Sting,
and ind a way to iniltrate their ranks. Dangerous
Levels 7-9
initiation rites—like handling scorpions— have to
be endured in order for the PCs to gain the trust of A prophecy states that the region will anger a
the cult and learn of its leaders and plans, eventually popular deity if his sacred animals ever leave the
performing a “sting” of their own by setting up the area. Selket’s Sting seeks to actively bring about this
cell to be taken down by the local authorities. prophecy so Selket’s inluence can reign throughout
the area. he PCs must protect the sacred animals
he son of a local merchant is kidnapped by Selket’s
and ind and stop the cultists before they bring their
Sting to be used as a sacriice. he PCs must track
plans to fruition.
the cultists to their lair, interrupt the ceremony, and
save the young man. A renowned alchemist is kidnapped by Selket’s
Sting, who wish her to create a particularly virulent
poison for them to use against their enemies. he
PCs must seek out the cult and either negotiate for
the alchemist’s release or stage a rescue.
A notorious bandit chietain is wanted by the
authorities and has a sizeable bounty on her head.
She knows this and is on the run. Furthermore, she is
considered a favored daughter of Selket and friendly

Selket’S StinG
with the cult. he local government wants to avoid to protect their secret weapon: a great cauldron that
any major transgressions against the cult but wants constantly produces a miasma of toxins, lowing
the bandit captured. PCs must pursue her as she lees out in an endless torrent. Should the PCs defeat
for sanctuary in the City of Scorpions and catch her the cultists, they then need to ind a way to destroy
before she makes it into the ruins. the noxious artifact before its toxins turn the fertile
loodplains of the river into a poisonous wasteland.
Levels 10-12 he cult of Selket can no longer be tolerated. Its
A noble lies on his deathbed, but the followers of machinations against the civilized people of the
Selket refuse to mummify his body for burial until he cities have gone on long enough. he PCs are tasked
atones for an incident where he wronged the cult. He with crushing Selket’s Sting once and for all. First,
begs the PCs to intercede on his behalf, to consult the they must roust any cells in the immediate area,
high priestess and ind what can be done to balance taking prisoners in order to determine where the
the scales. Entering the City of Scorpions requires cult is based. his leads to retaliation from the
gaining passage past Gahiji, the eternal guardian, Desert Scorpions, who look to eliminate the PCs
by answering his riddles. If this is accomplished, before they ind the cult’s headquarters. Eventually,
Dakhamunza demands they travel to an ancient the PCs confront Sediki Sefu. Killing or capturing
pyramid illed with deadly traps and mummiied the head of the Desert Scorpions reveals the location
guardians and reclaim relics sacred to the cult. of the City of Scorpions and the temple of Selket.
Alternatively, he escapes, and they follow him there.
he waters of the sacred, life-giving river have Finally, the PCs must invade the city, defeat its
become polluted and toxic. All the settlements along eternal guardian, and storm the temple of Selket,
its banks are doomed unless the cause can be found. facing the most fanatical of cultists, monstrous
PCs taking up the quest trek upstream to ind a scorpions, and a horde of mummies, and, inally, the
strong bastion of the cult pumping poisons into the Daughter of Selket herself.
river from within their fortress. he cult ights iercely

Selket’s Sting in Midgard

Worship of Selket is common among the Tamasheq Selket’s Sting, under Dakhamunza’s fervent
nomads of the Sarklan Desert. Her priests hold great leadership, is forcefully bringing recognition of Selket’s
sway among them, providing protection, healing, and power to Nuria Natal. Farms and settlements along the
vengeance. Dakhamunza Sat Selket resides in the City Nuria River have reported increased animal attacks. he
of Scorpions, directing the cult’s activities from the animals in question are unusually aggressive in their
temple there with Gahiji, ever watchful for the approach attacks, leading some to believe they are compelled
of the cult’s enemies. Sadiki Sefu calls the free city of by magic. Recently, there has been a rash of killings
Siwal his home, overseeing the activities of the Desert among the merchants in Per-Kush, retaliation by Selket’s
Scorpions from there and producing poisons that are Sting for underhanded dealings with the Tamasheq.
shipped secretly with the caravans headed west to cells In Per-Bastet, the poisoning of cats has the Reborn
throughout Nuria Natal. Given Selket’s connection to Queen-Goddess wroth with anger and the gnolls are
death and especially mummiication, it is not unheard unsettled by an unexplained infestation of scorpions
of for nobles to be sympathetic to her followers or, in the city. Per-Xor’s religious tensions over the cult of
possibly, secretly cult members themselves in order to Ra-Amon-Ra have been rising in recent months, in
ensure they are properly delivered into the aterlife upon no small part to cultists of Selket’s Sting playing the
death. Some tribes of gnolls venerate her name as well. established religion of Aten against the messiah cult in
an attempt to goad them into open warfare.

cultiStS of Selket A gnoll scorpion cultist uses the standard gnoll
stat block with the following diferences:
Cultists of Selket are fanatically devoted to their
• Stealth +5
goddess. Cult members are ruthless against those that
scorn Selket and her ways. Like the scorpion, they are • Languages Common, Gnoll
swit and deadly. he following NPCs can be used as • As a bonus action, a gnoll scorpion cultist can
dip an arrow in poison. A creature damaged by
cult minions, intermediaries, and lower-level leaders
the arrow takes an extra 10 (3d6) poison damage,
to provide suitable enemies for the PCs as they strive
or half poison damage with a successful DC 13
against the Cult of Selket. Constitution saving throw.


he Cult of Selket oten uses converted tribes Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil
of gnolls to enforce their will in desert areas.
Armor Class 15 (studded leather)
Desert-dwelling gnolls are drawn to the cult of
Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
Selket, because her tenets align with their own and
Speed 30 ft.
because it's one of the few organizations where gnolls
can thrive and rise to power. Bands of these raiders STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
set upon caravans traveling the sand, attacking as 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1)
punishment upon nonbelievers or demanding a tithe
to the goddess from caravan goods in exchange for Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5
allowing it to pass without bloodshed. Any number Damage Resistances poison
of desert raiders can be part of an encounter. Condition Immunities frightened, poisoned

Playing for the Other Team

While the cult of Selket is portrayed here as an enemy too powerful to deal with on equal terms. Stealth,
to set against the PCs, it does not have to be so. subterfuge, and guerrilla tactics are perfectly acceptable
Another option is to play Selket’s Sting as protagonists means of dealing with a greater foe. he people may
that deserve the PCs’ aid. View the cult as zealous long for a return of the old traditions and may secretly
followers, attempting to help their goddess regain favor Selket’s cult, providing what aid they can while
her standing among an uncaring populace that has outwardly obeying the current regime.
forgotten her and worship jealous gods that wish A campaign of this sort would require a bit of
her to remain out of favor. While Selket is at best a retooling. In this case, the PCs need to work in secret
neutral goddess, the case can be made that she plays with cover stories, disguises, and other methods of
an important role, given her purview is healing and hiding their identities and activities from authorities.
death—speciically, the proper passage of the dead Should they be discovered, they may have to go
into the aterlife. In this sort of scenario, the PCs can underground to avoid capture. Since the PCs are
be secret followers of Selket, helping to spread her working against the powers that be, they need other
inluence and increase her worshipers. resources upon which to draw. A wanted criminal
his could be a tricky line to toe, as the use of poison cannot just walk into the market bazaar to do their
and assassination is usually frowned upon by good shopping. However, the black market is glad to sell
(or polite) societies. Yet if the opponent is a corrupt them what they require. Other outlaws may be willing
government or an overbearing and intolerant religion to work deals based on having mutual enemies.
holding all the power, the underdog may need to resort he PCs of course would be open to the mysteries of
to extreme measures in order to ight back. Poison the cult. Victory for the PCs could mean the ushering
could be a weapon of last resort or reserved for those in of a new age with Selket once again gaining primacy.

Selket’S StinG
Senses passive Perception 13 PRIEST OF SELKET
Languages Common
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Armor Class 16 (half plate)
Desert Ambusher. The desert scorpion assassin has Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45)
advantage on attempts to hide in a sandy environment. Speed 30 ft.
Implacable. The assassin has advantage on checks
against being intimidated.
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2)
Skills Insight +7, Perception +7
Multiattack. The desert scorpion assassin makes one
scimitar attack and one shortsword attack, or three Damage Immunities poison
shuriken attacks. Damage Resistances cold, ire
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Condition Immunities poisoned
target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Senses passive Perception 17
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., Languages Common
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage. Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Shuriken. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 20/60
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage. Blessed by Selket. The priest of Selket’s flesh has been
Devastating Wounds. If the desert scorpion assassin hits magically conditioned to resist cold and ire damage.
the same creature with both sword attacks on the same
turn, the creature takes an additional 10 (3d6) slashing
damage unless it makes a successful DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw.
he deadly messengers of Selket’s displeasure,
the Desert Scorpions are the assassins sent to
deal with the cult’s enemies and those that
interfere with the will of Selket’s clergy.
A Desert Scorpion may be sent to kill
a target as a solo operation, or a team
of two to four may work together to
bring down a particularly powerful
or hard to reach foe.

Spellcasting. The priest of Selket is a 7th-level spellcaster
who uses Wisdom as his spellcasting ability (spell save maGic item
DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). He has the following Being tools for assassination, Selket's bracers are
spells cleric spells prepared: seldom worn openly, but few desert scorpions are
Cantrips (at will): guidance, resistance, sacred lame, without one.
1st Level (4 slots): bane, guiding bolt, detect poison and SELKET’S BRACER
disease, inlict wounds Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement)
2nd Level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, his bronze bracer is crated in the shape of a
spiritual weapon scorpion, its legs curled around the wearer’s wrist,
3rd Level (3 slots): bestow curse, glyph of warding, tail raised and ready to strike. It has 4 charges, and
spirit guardians
it regains 1d4 charges daily at dawn. By expending
4th Level (1 slot): conjure manabane swarm (see “Spell”),
2 charges, the wearer can poison a weapon as a
guardian of faith
bonus action (the tail of the scorpion animates and
Venomous Insipiration. When a priest of Selket sees
touches the blade to envenom it). he next creature
an enemy take poison damage, the priest gains 5
damaged by this weapon must make a successful DC
temporary hit points, to a maximum of 10 at one time.
14 Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until
ACTIONS the end of its next turn. Also as a bonus action, the
Multiattack. The priest of Selket makes two spear attacks. wearer of the bracer can expend 1 charge to gain
Spear. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one tremorsense (30 feet) for 10 rounds. he wearer is
target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage. immune to the poisoned condition.
Fury of Selket (recharge 6). The priest summons the
poisonous fury of the scorpion god. Deadly scorpions
emerge from the ground and swarm around the priest, Spell
covering the ground out to 20 feet from the priest. Scarabs are common in the desert, and even revered
Creatures in the area take 33 (6d10) poison damage, or
by desert dwellers, until they're used as weapons.
half damage with a successful DC 15 Constitution saving
throw. The scorpions die at the end of the priest’s turn, CONJURE MANABANE SWARM
turning the ground into dificult terrain. The priest isn't
4th-level conjuration (summoning)
affected by the terrain penalty.
Casting Time 1 action
Sandshaper (1/day). The priest calls on Selket to
transform the ground into shifting sand beneath the Components V, S, M (a square of red cloth)
feet of Selket's enemies. Each enemy the priest can see Range 60 feet
within 60 feet must make a successful DC 15 Dexterity Duration 1 minute
saving throw or sink up to the waist into the ground. You summon a swarm of manabane scarabs (see
While sunken, the creature is restrained. A restrained
Tome of Beasts) that has just 40 hit points. he
creature can escape by using an action to make a
swarm appears at a spot you choose within 60 feet
successful DC 15 Strength check.
and attacks the closest enemy. You can conjure
his appointed servant of Selket deals death or life the swarm to appear in an enemy's space. If you
to those around her as the goddess sees it. A priest prefer, you can summon two full-strength, standard
of Selket will oten reside in a settlement in secret, swarms of insects (including beetles, centipedes,
posing as just another townsperson while secretly spiders, or wasps) instead.
ministering to the faithful and dealing out vengeance
to those that oppress the cult or thwart the designs
of Selket. She might have a Desert Scorpion in
attendance as a bodyguard. Camps of gnoll raiders
faithful to Selket oten have a priest in attendance as
leader and spiritual advisor.

ServantS of the white ape


ServantS of
the white ape
t he great southern jungles are a powerful
natural force. heir verdant growth has
reclaimed the ancient ruins of lost nations, buried
leaderS, orGanization,
and GoalS
entire civilizations. Within the vine-choked ruins As the youngest son of a declining noble house in
are dark secrets best let forgotten. An ambitious a northern free city, Josef Kranz sought his fortune
foreigner from the north, eager to capitalize on far to the south. Seeing his house diminished in
the rich resources of the region, stumbled upon political power and dwindling in fortune, young
the power of ages past hidden in a moldering Josef resolved to help restore the inluence and glory
temple. hrough intensive study, he harnessed a of the line. He became involved in trade, and gained
portion of it. Now, he has revived the old practices, new wealth from the sale and export of the land’s
spearheading an ancient evil’s return. he White Ape rich resources. Being of old money and conservative
and its followers again rise to trouble the region. traditionalists, his parents abhorred the idea of their

son lowering himself to a mercantile trade. Josef they communicated with pantomime and drawings
decided that, if the fortune was vast enough, even his in the dirt. hey eventually established that the
parents could not deny his ability or his noble heart. apes wished him to stay and indicated they would
Seeking even greater fortune, he forged farther provide for him. He accepted, returning to the
south, into the jungles, to discover new sources temple to continue his studies. Six years passed.
of ivory, spices, rare woods, and gemstones. With intensive contemplation and practice, both
Unfortunately, he was lost to darkness on this Josef Kranz and his summoned companion grew in
excursion. he merchant barge he was traveling power. He learned the apes’ language and their ways.
on ran aground. During the crew’s attempts to free he white apes began to call Kranz—they used his
the vessel and make repairs, they were set upon surname as it was easier for them to pronounce—
by a band of apes—especially savage and cunning the New Father, believing him sent to replace the
for their kind and as white as snow—that made Last Father, whose tomb the white apes guarded.
quick work of the expedition and its defenders. Eventually, Kranz began to believe this himself, for
Josef narrowly escaped, leeing into the jungle and his time isolated with these savage beasts had worn
stumbling upon the overgrown ruins of an ancient his sanity thin.
city. As he crept through the vine-choked streets, Once his summoned companion was powerful
a sinkhole opened beneath him, sending him enough, Kranz turned his attention to the local
plummeting into a looded chamber. Wandering tribes, going out with his simian followers, and
the subterranean passages of the city, he discovered gave them an ultimatum: submit or be destroyed.
an ancient vault of lore, long untouched. Josef hid Some capitulated but others fought, knowing the
and studied, living of pooled rainwater and what evils associated with the white apes and their ruined
little rations he had carried with him. He eventually city. hose that resisted were on borrowed time.
found the door out of the vault, which opened into he spellscourge (see below) that the white apes
the main room of a temple beneath a great idol of carry did its work, crippling the tribes’ spellcasters
white onyx in the form of a four-armed ape. Josef and decimating their defenses. Soon, all the nearby
soon found that the white apes used this building as tribes took the sign of the white ape as their symbol.
a shrine of sorts, leaving oferings of fruit and other Now, a decade ater entering the dark heart of the
food harvested from the jungle. He could not leave southern continent, the brooding Kranz is turning
the building without being torn asunder as the apes his eyes to the countries of the north and, possibly,
called this lost city home, so Josef snuck out of the to his homeland.
hidden vault from time to time to partake of these he spellscourge has all but annihilated
oferings, snatching up bowls and baskets to eat spellcasters in the local area. Kranz is the most
and then hurrying back to his bolt-hole. Eventually, powerful magic-wielding being for miles around,
through his studies, he was able to summon what his connection to the Great White Ape somehow
he believed to be an avatar of the Great White Ape, granting him immunity to the spellscourge. his
the deity to which the creatures outside prayed. It and his fanatical will give him the strength to rule
was small for an ape, but Josef knew it would grow over the cult, which consists of the white apes
larger and more powerful as he honed his art. Tired themselves and the people of several local tribes
of being alone and hoping that his new companion who have joined him or been forced to the cult’s
would help his cause, Josef went out to meet his fate. cause. his gives him a formidable force of warriors
Josef Kranz went out to the temple steps, his under his command, and each human village has a
summoned companion at his side. Appearing with white ape in residence, both as a proxy for the New
this new white ape at his side, the others seemed Father and as insurance that no new spellcasters
suiciently impressed. Without a common language, arise to lead a rebellion.

ServantS of the white ape
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil Multiattack. Josef makes two attacks with his primal blade.
Armor Class 17 (splint armor) Primal Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
Hit Points 162 (16d8 + 72) ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 11
Speed 30 ft. (2d10) force damage, and the creature can be subjected
to Josef's Absorb Spell ability, if it's available (see below).
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Absorb Spell (recharge 5‒6). When Josef hits with a
18 (+4) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 8 (‒1) 20 (+5) Primal Blade attack, he can choose to trigger this power;
no other action is required. If the creature struck by the
Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +8, Cha +9 primal blade has at least one unused spell slot of 3rd
level or lower, one spell slot is expended and Josef adds
Skills Investigation +4, Perception +3
one more daily casting for one of his innate spells. The
Senses passive Perception 13
lost spell slot must be the highest level available of 3rd
Languages Abyssal, Ashabe (local tribal dialect), level or lower. Josef can save this use for later, or he can
Common, White Ape expend it immediately as a bonus action.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Inoculated. Josef is immune to the effects

of Spellscourge.
Scholar. Josef has advantage
on Intelligence checks
related to the origin and
history of creatures.
Innate Spellcasting. Josef’s
spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with
spell attacks). He can
cast the following
spells innately,
requiring only verbal
At will: comprehend
3/day each: enlarge/reduce, misty step
1/day each: counterspell

Master Summoner (1/day). Josef summons the avatar
of the Great White Ape. It appears in an empty space of cult activitieS and
his choosing, within 20 feet of him. Roll initiative for the
avatar to determine when it takes its turns.
adventure hookS
Here are several methods of introducing the
Empower the Avatar (1/day). Josef calls upon the spirits
Servants of the White Ape as adversaries for the PCs
of the jungle to empower the avatar of the Great White
Ape. For 1 minute, the avatar of the Great White Ape
in your campaign. hey can be adversaries for single
gains +2 AC, 20 temporary HPs, and may make one adventures or as a continuing threat in an extended
additional pound attack on its turn. Josef must complete campaign where the PCs work to foil the rising
a long rest before using this ability again. threat of Josef Kranz, the Great White Ape, and their
army of white ape warriors and subjugated natives.
he Great White Ape is accepted by the white apes as Levels 1-3
authority over everyone save the New Father, Kranz. An expeditionary group from a prominent
he summoned companion enjoys its position and merchant house went south a year ago. Regular
exults when it has the chance to engage in battle reports had been coming north for the irst 6
against the cult’s enemies. Given the opportunity, months, then stopped. Now, two members of the
it would rend asunder any and all that have ever expedition have returned, weary and weak from
caused Kranz pain . . . or even discomfort, slight their trials. hey report rising hostility from the
embarrassment, or the most trivial inconvenience. natives in the area, prompting them to hastily
Its favorite pastime outside of battle is to oversee strengthen the fortiications of their camp. Ater a
the ceremonial placement of the skulls of the cult’s succession of raids, a full-scale attack was mounted.
enemies into the growing mountain of them that sits Most in the camp were killed, but the leader of the
before the tomb of the Last Father. he avatar also expedition—the daughter of a powerful merchant
carries a collection of skulls on a cord at its waist. within the house—was captured and borne away
his fetish grants the avatar immunity to being by the natives. he two escapees witnessed this but
charmed or frightened. were in no condition to mount a rescue and instead
he avatar of the Great White Ape uses the headed home to report.
standard giant ape stat block with the following he merchant house ofers a reward to anyone
diferences: willing to head south and investigate the situation
• Armor Class 15 (natural armor) and rescue the expedition’s leader if she is still alive,
• Charisma 11 (+0) or extract revenge if she is not. Should a party of
• Saving Throws Str +9, Con +7 adventurers make a timely arrival, they ind the
• Condition Immunities charmed, frightened woman still alive, but about to be sacriiced upon an
• Darkvision 60 feet altar that sits before a whitewashed stone statue of a
great ape.
• Languages white ape
• Its ist attacks are magical. Also, a creature hit by the he city’s spellcasters have been subjected to
avatar's ist attack must make a successful DC 17 random attacks at night by some great beast. he
Strength saving throw or be stunned until the end of thing attacks from the shadows and then quickly
its next turn. lees into the night, scaling walls and rootops.
• Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) While the victims are oten bloodied and battered,
none of the attacks have been fatal. Still, a sizeable
bounty is ofered to whoever stops the beast. he
attacks are the work of one of Kranz’s white ape
warriors, sent to spread spellscourge to weaken
the place before its eventual conquest. Should a

ServantS of the white ape
few days pass before the PCs deal with the ape, a he PCs are members of a native tribe of the
number of the victims start displaying symptoms of southern jungle. Life has been good, but now,
spellscourge, causing the spellcasters of the city to darkness looms on the horizon. he dreaded white
either go into hiding or lee the city and the bounty apes of the deep jungle have emerged to strike at the
on the beast to rise signiicantly. local tribes. he apes demand the tribe submit to the
ape’s leader, whom they call the New Father, or face
he PCs are hired as guards for a merchant
destruction. he PCs can help the tribe resist these
consortium seeking to open new trade lanes south.
conquerors for a time, but as once-allied tribes are
hey man the small, fortiied trading post aside a
destroyed or capitulate, their strength is added to
river that lows from the wild, untamed jungle. he
the ape cult’s forces. he tribe’s elders ask the PCs
natives have thus far been receptive and trade has
to help the tribe escape rather than surrender. hey
lourished, but now, some tribes no longer come to
must be the vanguard of an exodus to a new land
barter the spoils of their lands for northern goods.
where they are beyond the reach of the Servants of
Worse, others become hostile. he PCs must repel
the White Ape. It is a long and perilous journey with
several raids against the trading post, culminating in
new and unknown dangers ahead and the threat of
a horriic late-night attack, when a Great White Ape
pursuing cultists behind, not content to let them out
scales the walls and takes the place by surprise.
of Kranz’s grasp.

LEVELS 4–6 A renowned naturalist and owner of a world

famous zoo of exotic creatures has commissioned
A newly established temple sufers sacrilegious
the PCs for an extraordinary expedition. He seeks
attacks against their priesthood. Trained killers,
an example of a rare type of white ape known only
dressed in hides that make them resemble white
to the jungles of the far south. he PCs are promised
apes, ambush clerics on mercy missions among the
local populace. hey lure paladins into traps, and
even attempt to iniltrate the temple itself. Worse yet,
some of the survivors of the attacks have contracted
a strange disease that attacks both mind and body.
Some of the alicted are healed only to have those
that attended them contract the disease themselves.
he clergy cannot ight the disease and the warriors
of this vicious cult at the same time. hey need the
PCs to ind and stop these so-called Servants of
the White Ape and ind some clue to this strange
malady, how it spreads, and how it can be stopped.

a handsome commission to return a live, healthy he local authorities make a decision that the
specimen that he can study and put on display. needs of the community outweigh his personal safety
Unfortunately for the PCs, their patron is ignorant and privacy. he PCs are deputized and ordered to
of the true nature of the apes—their intelligence, enter the wizard’s home by any means necessary and
malign attitudes, and the terrible spellscourge gain access to the wizard’s magical knowledge as they
they carry. he safari quickly turns into a race for can. Not only do the PCs have to deal with the mage’s
survival, escaping the jungles before the wrath of traps, safeguards, and guardians, but the old wizard
the Servants of the White Ape catches up to them. himself has succumbed to the disease and haunts his
If they still manage to complete their mission, they home as one of the spellscourged—a crazed undead
bring spellscourge to the north, and their patron is thing that wishes nothing more than to spread its
the irst to sufer its efects. sufering among the living.
An ancient and valuable relic was being transported
LEVELS 7–9 north ater its discovery in the southern jungles,
he PCs travel to a remote monastery in the but the barge carrying it up the river was attacked
mountains on the edge of the great southern jungle. and the relic lost. he PCs are hired to track down
Perhaps they seek enlightenment or lost knowledge the thieves. A white ape adept and his group of
or are delivering much needed supplies. Whatever warriors are responsible and are hastening to bring
the case, the ascetics of this isolated location need their newly won spoils back to Kranz as a git. he
their help. he abbot, in years past, made a great heroes must move switly before the apes return to
friendship with a powerful denizen of the jungle their home territory where they have many allies
below, a winged serpent known as a couatl. he good to call upon to dissuade pursuit. he thieves prove
being was a beneicial ally to the remote sanctuary. challenging enough since the white apes carry
Sometimes, it simply visited to have theological spellscourge. Not only can the warriors spread it
discussions with the abbot or just play a game of through physical contact, but their adept leader’s
chess. hen, for reasons unknown, the couatl ceased spells are likewise contaminated with the disease.
its visitations. Now, it has returned, but the creature
is no longer the same benign ally. Something has
transformed this wise and beautiful being into an
LEVELS 10–12
undead horror. heir former ally seems bent on he PCs are trekking to the newly rediscovered
their destruction. If the PCs avert the threat, the location of a lost city, part of an ancient
abbot happily provides them with whatever they civilization whose lands have been reclaimed by
came in search of or rewards them with access to the the jungle. Whether for a patron or for their own
knowledge held in their libraries. gain, the heroes seek an ancient relic purported
to be held within the city’s greatest temple.
With the dreaded spellscourge spreading among
Unbeknownst to them, Kranz has also recently
those with magical ability, a desperate search for a
learned of the artifact and has sent some of his best
way to control the disease and stop its advance has
forces to retrieve it. A dangerous exploration of
yielded results. One bright mind has theorized that
the lost city and whatever lurks within might well
exposure to an antimagic ield neutralizes the disease
end in a showdown between the PCs and Kranz’s
without the risk of it spreading to those who treat
expeditionary force, led by a white ape druid who
the alicted. Such power is rare in this area however,
can turn the very jungle against the heroes.
and while word has been sent north to other cities,
the fear of spellscourge makes it unlikely that any he PCs run a bustling frontier town in the south
practitioners of the magical arts will risk coming near the jungle border. he town is owned by a
south to aid. here is one wizard locally with access merchant consortium that gathers in exotic goods
to such magic. However, this wizard is a bit paranoid here to ship north for sale. A group of hunters
and has sealed his home and not been seen in weeks. recently came into town with a strange prize: the hide

ServantS of the white ape
of a great ape, white as snow. It becomes quite a topic meeting in a secluded fortress, far from the fearful
of conversation in town and folk visit the hunters’ populace and the worst instances of the spellscourge.
tent outside the city to view the pelt. Meanwhile, the Information from spies, magical divinations, and
owner of one of the local taverns known for being captured enemies reveal the igure behind the cult.
rather cheap oten buys questionable meat from his Known as the New Father, this outsider from the
local hunter friends. his included the carcass of the north has turned the white apes of the far jungles
ape, for which the hunters had no use. and the local tribes into his personal army and
Ater serving the public his latest batch of seeks the conquest of the northern lands. Too many
sausages, a local wizard has fallen ill, as has the resources are in play keeping control, so a large force
priest of a local temple that was treating her cannot be sent.
alication. When the PCs’ attention is drawn to the he powers that be need the PCs to head south
matter, they ind an odd outbreak of a disease that on a mission to ind this New Father—a disinherited
afects spellcasters adversely. More fall sick as the nobleman named Kranz—and kill him in the hopes
investigation continues, both from the tainted meat that his death dissolves the cult or, at least, fracture
as well as from handling the fresh pelt of the white it and halt its ofense. he PCs are given access
ape. Soon ater the PCs discover the cause, deal with to a river barge with a crack crew and sent south
its origins and deal with the alicted, the white ape’s along the great river to the lands of the cult. hey
brethren descend upon the town for revenge. must brave the dangers of the chaos wrought by the
cult—disease, banditry, and fanatics who believe that
All trade to the far south has ceased. Tensions
killing all spellcasters will stop the plague—before
mount as a near-forgotten plague has reared its
arriving at the furthest reaches of the south. hen
head once more, laying low spellcasters and causing
they must brave the dangers of the wild jungles,
panic. Mundane folk ostracize and even attack those
natives loyal to the cult, and the deadly white apes
with magical abilities out of fear of the disease. he
to ind Kranz in his ancient lost city. here, they
Servants of the White Ape seem poised to move,
must confront and defeat the New Father and his
ready to claim the lands to the north once the
formidable ally, the Great White Ape.
plague has done its work and society has collapsed.
he greatest heroes of the area are summoned to a

Servants of the White ape in Midgard

Kranz’s ruined redoubt lies atop the Black Lotus Mesa, Should this irst leg of conquest succeed, Kranz plans
south of Nuria Natal, near the source of the Nuria River. to spread east to Siwal, then north into the province of
Kranz resides there as the New Father and ruler of the Mezar. Kranz claims this will be a satisfactory empire
white apes. He has begun to bring the various local and that he will treat with the Mahroti Empire for truce
tribes under his banner, consolidating his power within ater these conquests. He may be hard-pressed to keep
the jungles. Once he has established himself as the sole to this plan however, if the spellscourge spreads farther
authority there, he plans to expand north, starting with than the boundaries of his new domain. He hungers
Nuria Natal. Rather than march in with an army and for power, respect, and, above all, the recognition of
risk being defeated on the battleield, his plan calls for his parents that he is a strong, healthy ofshoot of his
subtlety and slow attrition from within. He hopes to sickly family tree. He secretly dreams of marching on
spread the plague among the priesthood and arcane their estate outside Hirschberg, ensconced on a throne
cabals by sending white apes and fanatical followers to carried upon the shoulders of his army of simian
infect them, sapping Nuria’s greatest strength before warriors, to demand their fealty and respect.
marshaling his forces and taking each city in turn.

Aflicted. The white ape warrior carries the spellscourge
cultiStS of the white ape disease, but it is immune to the effects of the disease.
he Servants of the White Ape seek to return
worship of their terrible god to prominence. To this ACTIONS
end, the cult garners followers that are relentless in Multiattack. The white ape warrior makes one bite attack
their pursuit of the cult’s goals, and merciless against and one claws attack.
their enemies. he following NPCs can be used as Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
cultist minions, intermediaries, and lower-level one creature. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
leaders to provide suitable enemies for the PCs as Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage and the
they strive against the Servants of the White Ape.
creature must make a successful DC 14 Constitution
saving throw or contract the spellscourge disease (see
CULTIST GUARD “Spellscourge”).
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 23 (4d8 + 5) slashing damage.
Armor Class 14 (hide armor)
Savage Blow (recharge 6). The white ape warrior
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
summons the strength of the Great White Ape. If the
Speed 40 ft.
warrior makes a successful greatclub attack, it can
immediately make a second greatclub attack against
the same target as a bonus action.
17 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 8 (‒1)
hese hardy warriors serve as the New Father’s elite
Senses passive Perception 11 bodyguard.
Languages Common
Challenge 1 (200 XP) RELIC HUNTER
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Primal Worshippers. The cultist guard's attacks do an
additional 3 (1d6) damage when it can see the avatar of Armor Class 16 (breast plate)
the Great White Ape. Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34)
Speed 30 ft.
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 12 (+1)
Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +5, Wis +4
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +6, Arcana +6, Perception
+4, Stealth +5
Senses passive Perception 14
Large beast, neutral evil
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Elvish
Armor Class 14 (improvised armor)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
Hit Points 114 (12d10 + 48)
Speed 40 ft. Temple Runner. The relic hunter’s passive Perception
is 18 for the purpose of noticing traps, and he has
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA advantage on Perception checks to ind traps.
20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 7 (‒2) 10 (+0) 7 (‒2) Spirit Walker. The relic hunter ignores dificult terrain
while dashing.
Skills Acrobatics +4, Perception +2, Stealth +4 Steeped in the Occult. Relic hunters have spent their lives
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11 pursuing strange artifacts and knowledge. When a relic
Languages White Ape hunter completes a long rest, he or she chooses one
Challenge 3 (700 XP) cantrip from any class spell list. The relic hunter can cast

ServantS of the white ape
that spell at will until the end of their next long rest. They forgotten relics lie within. At other times, a relic
also choose one 1st-level spell from the cleric or wizard hunter will lead cultists in raids against local
spell list; they can cast that spell innately, 1/day, using settlements that hold such items. In a raid, a relic
only verbal and somatic components. Their spellcasting
hunter is accompanied by four to six cultist guards
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
and one to three white ape warriors.
spell attacks).


Multiattack. The relic warrior makes two primal ray Large beast, neutral evil
attacks. Armor Class 15 (improvised armor)
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Hit Points 133 (14d10 + 56)
creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Speed 40 ft.
Primal Ray. Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 30/120
ft., one creature. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) force damage and the STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
creature must make a successful DC 13 Strength saving
22 (+6) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 8 (‒1) 12 (+1) 11 (+0)
throw or be pushed 5 feet.

he relic hunter serves the cult and the New Father Saving Throws Dex +3, Wis +4, Cha +3
by seeking items of power for Skills Acrobatics +3, Perception +4, Stealth +3,
the Servants of the White Ape. Intimidation +3
Sometimes this means scouring Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
the jungle for lost ruins Languages White Ape
and braving their dangers Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
to recover whatever

Aflicted. The white ape warlord is a carrier for the
spellscourge disease. It is immune to the effects of the maGic itemS
disease. he white apes tend to shun the use
Great Leaps. The white ape warlord can jump three times of magic, but their allies don't.
farther than normal (66-foot running long jump, 33-foot
standing long jump, 9-foot running high jump, 4-foot THE FATHER’S STAFF
standing high jump). Weapon (staf), very rare (requires attunement)
Primal Grappler. The white ape warlord has advantage his staf of polished ebony has a foot capped
on checks to establish, maintain, and escape from in ivory and a top of carved ivory inlaid with
grappling. While it has a creature grappled, only that
gold in the form of a curving claw. A relic
creature can be the target of the warlord's attacks.
from the ruins of the ancient civilization
Maw. If the warlord makes a successful bite attack against
that spawned the white apes, this staf once
an opponent it currently has grappled, the opponent is
frightened until the end of its next turn. belonged to a sorcerer of great power, for
whom it was both a tool and a symbol of
ACTIONS oice. he staf has 5 charges, and it regains
Multiattack. The white ape warlord makes one bite attack 1d4 + 1 expended charges each day at dawn.
and two claw attacks. he staf allows use of the following spells:
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one • dispel magic (1 charge)
creature. Hit: 12 (1d12 + 6) piercing damage and the • protection from energy (1 charge)
creature must make a successful DC 15 Constitution • magic circle (1 charge)
saving throw or contract the spellscourge disease • banishment (2 charges)
(see “Spellscourge”).
• hold monster (3 charges)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
• dominate monster (3 charges)
creature. Hit: 17 (2d10 + 6) slashing damage. If both
claw attacks hit the same creature on the warlord's turn, WHITE APE HIDE
that creature is grappled (escape DC 16). Armor (leather or hide), very rare
Javelin. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, range 30/120 (requires attunement)
ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) piercing damage.
Savage Bellow of the Jungle (1/day). The white ape his +2 hide armor is made from the layed
warlord pounds the ground and roars out ear-splitting remains of a white ape, usually one that has
bellows of intimidation. The warlord's allies within 60 fallen in battle or been executed for failing the
feet who hear the bellow have advantage on attacks, cult. Gited to loyal non-ape followers, this magical
ability checks, and saving throws until the start of the armor grants some of the might and abilities of the
warlord's next turn. Other animals that hear the bellow white ape to the wearer. Triggering these abilities
(excluding mounts) within 200 feet are drawn to the takes no action from the wearer.
warlord’s call; 1d4 beasts of Challenge 1/2 or less arrive
• 1/day, the wearer can gain +1 to hit and damage
and assist the warlord in combat. These beasts ight for
10 minutes or until they're killed.
on melee and ranged attacks based on Strength,
for 1 minute. During the same minute, the
Leaders of the Servants’ ofensive forces, these wearer also has advantage on Strength and
intelligent apes combine their immense strength Constitution checks and saving throws.
with a fervent devotion to the Great White Ape. • 1/day, the wearer can gain a climb speed of 30
hey are oten found leading both white ape feet that lasts 1 hour.
warriors (see above) and cultist guards.
• 1/week, the wearer can try to infect an opponent
with spellscourge. his ability is triggered
immediately ater the wearer makes a successful
melee attack. he target must make a successful
DC 15 Constitution saving throw or contract
the disease.

ServantS of the white ape

his disease is carried by many minions of the Great of exhaustion; 15-19 removes 2 levels of exhaustion; 14 or
White Ape. Creatures gain 1 level exhaustion immediately lower removes 1 level of exhaustion. he disease is cured
upon being infected. Further exposure to infection has no when the infected creature has no exhaustion.
additional efect, but infected creatures gain another level If a spellcaster dies from spellscourge, the creature must
of exhaustion every time they complete a long rest unless make one last DC 15 Constitution saving throw. If it fails,
they make a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw at the creature rises again in 24 hours as a spellscourged,
the end of the long rest. undead creature. It retains its former stats with the
In addition to gaining exhaustion, a spellcaster infected following exceptions:
with spellscourge can lose access to his or her spell slots. • Alignment becomes Chaotic Evil
Each time the spellscaster fails a saving throw at the end of • Type becomes undead
a long rest (gaining another level of exhaustion), they also
• Gains darkvision 60 feet, if it didn't already have
lose the use of their highest-level spell slots. For example,
a 7th-level wizard's highest spell slots are 4th level. If he is
• Can detect magic (as the spell) within 60 feet, at will
infected with spellscourge and fails the irst Constitution
saving throw ater a long rest, he loses the use of his
• Can't cast spells or use magic items
4th-level spell slots. If he fails another Constitution saving • Has advantage on saving throws against spells and
throw ater a long rest, he loses the use of his 3rd-level magical effects
spell slots, and so on. • Spell attacks and weapon attacks with magic
he disease can't be recovered from naturally. Only lesser weapons are made with disadvantage against
restoration or comparable magic can cure it. Each casting spellscourged undead
of lesser restoration must be accompanied by a spellcasting • Takes 6d6 force damage when targeted by a dispel
check: if the result is 20 or higher, the spell removes 3 levels magic spell or exposed to an antimagic ield


of truth
m any say that seeking the truth is a noble
endeavor. Philosophers, theologians, and
everyday people make the efort to discern what is
them—or rather peoples’ conception of that reality—
to that of their own choosing and to their own ends.
he woman now known as Vadoma Donesti was
true, and many are unhappy with what they ind. born among the lowest of the low, the illegitimate
Some argue the truth is ixed; others say the truth ofspring of a prostitute in the worst district of
is mutable or at least relative. hose in the ranks her home city. She was immediately given up to
of the Weavers of Truth believe that the truth is, an orphanage that, while founded with the best of
quite literally, what you make it. hey tap dangerous intentions, constantly struggled to meet the needs
powers to shape the reality of the world around of a growing number of charges with its steadily
diminishing resources.

weaverS of truth
Eventually, the latest headmistress, increasingly his luck did not last. His surviving relatives
desperate and morally questionable, struck a deal unravelled her web of lies and exposed her as a
with a local ne’er-do-well. He would harvest the fraud. he city’s justices stripped her of her title
best and brightest of her waifs in exchange for coin. and possessions and would have thrown her in
he amount was enough to keep the orphanage prison had she not orchestrated a prison break with
running with enough let over for the headmistress members of her former gang, whom she had kept
to ignore any misgivings that might plague her. he on retainer as bodyguards in her new life. Once free,
man then took his newly procured orphans and she led into exile, ironically ending up in the city
taught them various thieving trades—pickpocketing, in which her alter ego had supposedly been born,
simple cons, second-story work—based on their the capital city of a prosperous barony. Here she
natural inclinations and talents. Once competent, attempted to rebuild her reputation, and here she
they would be ofered up to various city gangs as found unexpected aid.
operatives in exchange for a modest fee. Vadoma’s obsession with and envy of the rich and
Vadoma excelled at lies and deception. She was powerful caught the attention of a servant of Pazuzu,
working for a local gang as bait in no time, acting the echo demon Malesussuri. Seeing a way to further
as a woman in distress to lure clueless saps into the pain and sufering of mortals, he approached
ambushes to be beaten and robbed. Yet Vadoma Vadoma under the guise of a bargain to assist her in
always longed for something more. She watched achieving her goals. he demon introduced her to
those of noble birth or even those of the mercantile the bard Tal Grazelt, and together they plotted. he
classes and wondered why she could not be like end result is the cult of the Weavers of Truth.
them. Ater all, they were lesh and blood, just like Vadoma is the queen in a hive of venomous
her. She was no less intelligent, no less attractive vermin, all seeking to change the world to their own
when she washed up. he only reason they looked advantage. She doesn’t care about her followers but
upon her and her ilk with contempt was nothing plays the part of the devoted priestess, using her
more than an accident of birth. Her goal became to minions to further her own grasp for wealth, fame,
insert herself into their society, to make them believe and power. Grazelt improves his reputation with his
she was one of their own, and to take what she felt demonic masters. Meanwhile, Malesussuri merely
was her due, denied by the fate of being lowborn. revels in the sufering they sow, hoping that soon the
When not doing her required work for the gang, cult’s lies further corrupt the fabric of society until
Vadoma studied and practiced. She learned how to everything crumbles into chaos.
walk and talk like the nobility, how to dress with
style, and how to eat and drink with the proper
utensils and glasses. She saved up her shares of
leaderS, orGanization,
the gang’s income to purchase clothing, make-up, and GoalS
perfumes, and lessons in etiquette and dancing. he majority of the cult is organized more like a
Eventually, she created a new identity, one with a crime syndicate than a religion. Members operate in
tragic backstory. She became Esmeralda Golescu, last small groups, each with a speciic task. Some work as
scion of an aristocratic house from a distant city. She information gatherers, gleaning secrets about all parts
spread rumors of her unfortunate circumstances and of the city’s day-to-day operations. From the habits
the last of the family fortune in transit to her new of merchants to the hobbies of the nobility, from the
home by ship. his stratagem landed her a wealthy grumblings of the common folk to the private prayers
but elderly husband nearly 50 years her senior. of the high priests, any shred of information that
When the ship that carried her family’s fortune and might be useful is written down.
Vadoma’s sizeable dowry was reported sunk, her new All of this information is then given to the
husband barely cared. And when he died without an whisperers. hese operatives seed rumors, lies, and
heir, she inherited his fortune and estate. misinformation in the right ears to ensure it goes

where they wish it to go. heir most common goals VADOMA DONESTI
are to turn possible enemies of the cult against
Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil
one another, to plant false evidence and testimony
Armor Class 16 (breastplate)
against enemies to discredit them or make them run
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 15)
afoul of the law, and to convince those with money
Speed 30 ft.
and inluence to look favorably upon the cult. hese
cultists are primarily rogues with a few bards and
experts assisting.
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 18 (+4)
he cult keeps a an old bathhouse on the edge of
the temple district of the city. hey have converted it Saving Throws Dex +6, Wis +5, Cha +8
to a temple of sorts where they keep their "oracles." Condition Immunities frightened
hese mysterious igures, heard but never seen, Skills Acrobatics +6, Deception +8, Perception +5,
supposedly have the power of divine insight. Visitors Persuasion +8
seeking answers from the oracles must irst bathe
in the pools here, using consecrated oils and sacred
waters—nothing more than normal water and
common fruit and lower oils—and don ceremonial
robes to trod barefoot to the upper loor where
the oracles await behind sheer silken curtains.
he supplicants believe the temple servants hold
their belongings in safekeeping downstairs. In the
meantime, cult members search thoroughly through
their clothing and accoutrements for anything that
can be used against them later.
he answers to supplicants don’t come right
away. Supplicants oten must wait for "an auspicious
time" before approaching the oracle. his gives the
information gatherers time to discover the person’s
situation through their belongings.A supplicant then
receives pronouncements tailored to that speciic
individual’s circumstances, creating self-fulilling
prophecies, usually helped along by cult agents.
he cultists here are commonly clerics of Pazuzu.
he "oracles" are oten bards putting on a good show
for the supplicants, though on occasion an actual
cleric or sorcerer ills the role.
he upper loor of the bathhouse is the demesne
of Vadoma Donesti. It is also the lair of Vadoma’s
personal bodyguard, a doppelganger. his creature
of envy sees Vadoma as a kindred spirit. Since she
also uses it as her personal assassin to eliminate
those people she cannot sway to her side, it also gets
immense pleasure from the challenges she presents
it in the way of powerful targets to mimic and defeat.

weaverS of truth
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Halfling, Orc,
Sylvan (or substitute any two human dialects for Orc
and Sylvan)
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Lies She Has Told. Vadoma is a practiced liar. She has

advantage on Deception checks, and others have
disadvantage on Insight checks to detect her deceptions.

Multiattack. Vadoma Donesti makes three rapier attacks.
Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Listen to Me (1/day). Vadoma Donesti implores those
around her to listen carefully. Each creature within 60
feet that can hear and understand Vadoma must make
a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or be stunned while it
takes in each word she says. The effect lasts for 1 minute;
a stunned creature repeats the saving throw at the end
of its turn, ending the effect on itself with a success.
Love Me (1/day). Vadoma Donesti smiles at one creature
within 30 feet she can see. That creature must make a
successful DC 16 Charisma saving throw or be charmed
for 24 hours or until the creature is damaged by
Vadoma. Once each hour, Vadoma can command the
charmed creature to perform a simple task or action.
The victim repeats the saving throw each time it receives
a new command, ending the effect with a success.
Fear Me (recharge 5‒6). Vadoma Donesti shrieks and
channels infernal power. Each creature that can hear
Vadoma must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or
be frightened of Vadoma for 1 minute or until they see
Vadoma take damage.
Vadoma’s ultimate goal is to be rich, powerful, and
admired. She is obsessed with the popularity and
success of others, constantly comparing her social TAL GRAZELT
status with others and vying for more. Once her Medium humanoid (half-elf), chaotic evil
knowledge of the incantation of lies made truth Armor Class 15 (scale mail)
ritual is complete, she performs it at the next solar Hit Points 91 (14d8 + 28)
eclipse and attempts to insert herself as the country’s Speed 30 ft.
titular ruler. Vadoma hates that she must rely on
Tal Grazelt’s knowledge to accomplish this, but so STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
far, he has been loyal, and Malesussuri ensures his 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 18 (+4)
complicity, so she grudgingly accepts the necessity
of the situation. It does leave her afraid of losing Tal Saving Throws Cha +7
before the ritual is ready, so she has cultists watching Skills Arcana +5, Performance +7
him to ensure his safety. Damage Resistances ire
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish Languages Abyssal, Celestial
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. Tal’s spellcasting ability is Charisma Disruptive Cacophony. Malessussurri’s presence is
(spell save DC 15). He can cast the following spells extremely distracting. Noises and small visual
innately, requiring only verbal components: disturbances occur around him when the demon is in
At will: minor illusion combat. Checks to maintain concentration are made
3/day each: charm person, invisibility, suggestion with disadvantage while within 100 feet of Malessussurri.
1/day each: mass suggestion, major image, modify ACTIONS
Iron Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
ACTIONS ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage and
if the creature is wearing metal armor, it must make
Multiattack. Tal makes two shortsword attacks or two
a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
shortbow attacks.
deafened until the end of its next turn.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Everywhere at Once (recharge 5-6). Malessussurri
one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
teleports up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
Immediately after teleporting, Malessussurri can make
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage.
an iron claws attack with advantage as a bonus action.
Deviled Verses (recharge 6). Tal sings a familiar tune but
Echoes of the Abyss (1/day). Malessussurri summons
with ominous changes to the words. Tal's allies within
horrible wails from the deep crevasses of the Abyss.
60 feet who hear the song have advantage on their next
Creatures within 60 feet who hear the wails must make
attack, and it does an additional 9 (2d8) ire damage if
a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned
it hits. In addition, their speed increases by 10 feet for 1
until the start of Malessussurri's next turn. Affected
creatures continue hearing the troubling echoes of these
Tal Grazelt is Vadoma’s second in command. cries until they complete a long rest, and they have
His loyalty is not so much to Vadoma as it is to disadvantage on Intelligence checks until then.
Malesussuri and the demon’s master, Pazuzu. As long
as serving the cult is what is desired of him, then
the bard remains loyal. His powers are oten used to
cult activitieS and
help maintain the cult’s secrecy and deal with those adventure hookS
whose suspicions are roused. A few artistically placed Here are several methods of introducing the
illusions or a well-timed modify memory are oten all Weavers of Truth as adversaries for the PCs in your
that is needed. campaign. hey can be foes for single adventures or
returning enemies in an extended campaign, pitting
MALESUSSURRI the PCs against the growing threat of the cult as it
Medium iend (demon), chaotic evil threatens to take the region under its control.
Armor Class 15
Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48) LEVELS 1–3
Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft.
A colony of giant spiders has made its lair in an
abandoned building just outside, or on the outskirts
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3)
of, the city. he city is ofering a bounty for every
spider killed. Another party however, is ofering
Skills Stealth +8, Persuasion +6 twice that bounty for every one brought in alive. he
Damage Resistances cold, ire, lightning baron doesn’t care one way or the other so long as
Damage Immunities poison the ofending creatures are removed. If the PCs take
Condition Immunities poisoned up the ofer to take them alive, they are well paid but
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 also assist Vadoma in acquiring a source of spider-silk

weaverS of truth
that she needs to help complete her incantation. their own if they too fall under the malign efects of
Should the PCs hear the ofer and slaughter the the magical coach!
spiders anyway, it may well put them in the ill graces he party rogue awakens one morning to ind the
of the Weavers of Truth, who may target them for city guard downstairs waiting to arrest him or
manipulation or worse at some point later in their her for a crime on the testimony of one or more
adventuring careers. witnesses. he PC in question has no recollection
he PCs are witness to a peculiar incident of street of the event. his is because Tal Grazelt charmed
violence. During some downtime, the PCs are in the the character, convincing the PC to commit the
market quarter of the city, eager to spend the proits crime and then used modify memory to erase all
of their last adventure. hey mill around various remembrance of the incident. he party might be
shops and stalls examining goods, jostling for able to bluf and come up with an alibi for their
position amongst the crowd, momentarily moving companion, but actually proving innocence can’t be
aside as a black carriage passes down the road. done because the PC actually did it. hey might be
Shortly thereater, a merchant is seen punishing a able to convince a justice of the peace to take into
lazy servant or young apprentice, laying about his account the possibility of magical inluence. Whether
head and shoulders with a stick. Suddenly, a mob that gets the character of the hook or is cause for a
mentality takes over as bystanders are unnaturally reduced sentence—perhaps a mission on behalf of the
outraged over this act and move to attack the city with the PCs’ companions in tow—remains to be
merchant, who quickly shuts herself into her shop seen. his also leaves Tal Grazelt as a loose end. he
just before the press of people overwhelms her. he PC remembers meeting him prior to when the crime
crowd is under the efects of Vadoma’s carriage of took place but nothing else. Make sure the player
whispers. he PCs are the only ones able to stop the in question is comfortable with a temporary loss of
mob as even the local guardsmen seem caught up in agency or consider using an NPC rogue instead.
it—perhaps they even have to stop one or more of

The Weavers of Truth in Midgard

Ater leeing justice in Zobeck, Vadoma settled in ally with the Mharoti. When it comes time to use the
the city of Capleon, where the cult was formed and incantation, she will expose the baron’s intent. hen
continues to operate. he oracular portion of the cult— during the ensuing uprising and revolt, she will use the
the only one visible to the public eye—claims to be a incantation to make herself the glorious patriot who
mystery cult devoted to hoth-Hermes, having recently others followed during the civil revolt, allowing her to
arrived from Friula to take up residence in accordance take the throne and bask in the admiration of an entire
with visions received by their leader. hose cult nation. In reality, she will have her followers assassinate
members that interact with the public are well versed in the baron and take over the monarcy for herself.
the customs and ways of that religion. Anyone showing In the meantime, her agents work to exert their
obvious suspicion or hostility is tailed by a pair of inluence over the city’s populace, especially the
information gatherers when they depart. hese cultists wealthy and powerful. Vadoma rides in her carriage
attempt to spy on the suspicious persons and determine of whispers through the city on various social calls or
if they are a threat, warning the other members if that errands, using its powers to sway the citizenry a bit
is the case. Tal Grazelt is a favorite in the court of Baron more her way each day.
Cazagoza and can call in favors to make enemies’ lives In a Midgard campaign, substitute Infernal, Kariv,
miserable in order to take pressure of the cult. and Nurian for Halling, Orcish, and Sylvan on
Vadoma’s plan remains much the same, though Vadoma’s list of known languages.
here she may eventually uncover the baron’s intent to

LEVELS 4–6 merchant, has been charming him into making large
donations to the Weavers of Truth, then modifying
A meticulous merchant seeks the aid of the PCs,
his memory to forget the donations, knowing the
thinking he is the victim of some sort of magical
merchant will resent the magical manipulation once
or supernatural mischief. His account books show
the enchantments wear of.
more money than he actually has in his cofers.
His treasury shows no signs of forced entry or A serial killer haunts the city. Someone or something
robbery, and he has the only key, but he knows he is stalking the docks and leaving a trail of victims
hasn’t removed any coin. Still, he trusts his careful in its wake, horribly torn apart, their faces masks of
accounting more than his memory and insists terror. he latest victim, a dockside prostitute, was
something is amiss. His only clue is an odd one: a found curled up in a dead-end alley, hands clutched
repertoire of hilarious jokes ("Have you heard the over her ears as if trying to block out a sound. A large
one involving the duchess, her jester, and a donkey?"). reward has been ofered to anyone that can discover
he merchant didn’t make them up, and he can’t the killer. An echo demon formerly working for
remember ever hearing them before, yet he knows the Weavers of Truth has gone rogue, preferring to
them. If the PCs investigate this strangeness, they wreak its own brand of havoc rather than jump to the
come to ind that the jokes are the creation of Tal commands of Vadoma and Malesussuri. It stalks the
Grazelt, a local bard much favored in the baron’s docks at night looking for victims and, by day, lairs
court. A closer examination of the bard leads to a in an abandoned warehouse at the end of a collapsed
local mystery cult. Tal, having been slighted by the pier. If the PCs near victory in their ight against the

weaverS of truth
demon, it ofers information in exchange for its life. noble family—were retaliating against blackmail or
Should they take such a deal, it informs them that strong-arm attempts made in the PCs’ name. hey
the Weavers of Truth are a cult that has unexpected produce letters in the handwriting of one or more of
depths. If they kill the beast, the baron rewards the PCs, perhaps even signed with an arcane mark
them, and they become heroes of the city meanwhile known to be the sigil of the party’s arcane caster.
unknowingly helping the cult and securing their Clearly, the PCs have a hidden enemy that wishes
secrecy once more. them harm. Depending on how the heroes proceed,
he PCs are asked to act as neutral mediators they may discover that the Weavers of Truth have
between two factions—rival gangs, merchant houses, had enough of their past meddling or were using the
or noble families, depending on what best suits the PCs as convenient scapegoats.
characters—whose conlicts have begun turning A wealthy and prosperous merchant in the city had
into open warfare in the streets. he situation his life fall apart around him 2 years ago. First, his
needs to be resolved before more powerful entities wife let him ater inding evidence of an afair. hen,
in the city become involved and punitive measures his two children died in separate, tragic accidents.
are taken. Diplomacy and investigation reveal that Finally, the crown put him under investigation for
the rit between the two parties is recent and has smuggling contraband into the city. He hanged
escalated with surprising quickness. Should the PCs himself in a it of despair. Some say his ghost haunts
delve deeper, they will ind a framework of lies and his manor house. None of the local clergy have been
deception, leading to the conclusion that an outside able to remove the haunting. he next of kin wish
party is manipulating both sides and turning them the situation resolved so they can sell the property.
against one another. If the PCs convince the two If the PCs intercede, they ind a half-mad, angry
sides of this, then they will make peace. If the PCs spirit that tries to possess one of them, preferably
pursue this lead further, they ind a cell of Weaver the one that looks the most physically dangerous.
operatives working to undermine the two groups he merchant’s ruin was plotted and carried out by
to some advantage of their own (for instance, if the Weavers of Truth. he sorcerer in charge of the
the two noble houses don’t stop ighting, the local mission was arrogant and had the audacity to show
baron will coniscate their properties and bequeath himself to the merchant as he dangled from the
some of the land to Vadoma). he cultists will lee rope, slowly strangling due to botching the hanging,
if overmatched. If captured, they likely only confess and confessed his role in the man’s downfall. It was
under extraordinary duress. the last thing the merchant heard before he died. He
was certainly guilty of the things of which he was
LEVELS 7–9 accused, but his son and daughter were innocent of
any wrongdoing. Now, the merchant’s ghost wants the
Ambush! he PCs are taken unaware by an
sorcerer dead. Killing him will allow the ghost to pass
unrecognized enemy intent on spilling their blood.
his is no case of mistaken identity. heir assailants on, but the sorcerer readily surrenders and explains
know who the PCs are and take the time to plan a why he carried out the plot.
carefully orchestrated attack that takes into account he PCs receive an unexpected visitor. A deva
the strengths and weaknesses of the party. hey approaches them in disguise, claiming to be a
are within the bounds of civilization, so the city holy warrior on a quest to avenge an unthinkable
guard could come to their aid should they need help evil. Someone has summoned, trapped, and killed
defeating their foes. Interrogating any surviving a celestial. He can ind the site where the celestial
attackers leads the PCs to the people who hired the was killed but wants assistance against those who
assassins. Again, the PCs are faced with people they committed this atrocity. he PCs are led into the
either don’t know or hold no animosity toward. sewers beneath the city and then into an old cellar
Eventually, the heroes discover these people—a where clerics of Pazuzu are draining the last blood
thieves’ guild, crooked merchant house, or shady from the celestial’s corpse. One lees with the blood

while the rest hold of the deva and the PCs. Should Astronomers have predicted a solar eclipse in 2
the heroes manage to pursue, the cultist leads them days’ time, which has unsettled the superstitious
directly to Tal Grazelt in the building above, who has population. Indeed, whispers tell of corruption
arrived with another group of cultists to receive the in the halls of the highest, rumblings of rebellion,
blood and take it to be magically preserved until it is even of a military coup. Now a priest of the god of
time for the incantation to be performed. knowledge has arrived from a neighboring country
to the south. She says that her deity has given her
LEVELS 10–12 a vision of heretics here in the city, plotting evil in
An intrepid adventurer, heir to a noble house in a her god’s name. She looks for stalwart adventurers
far of city, has come to ind Esmeralda Golescu, a to help, since she can get no one in government
woman of low birth that masqueraded as a woman to listen. She will turn her divinatory talents
of quality and married his elderly uncle. his young toward inding leads for them, eventually pointing
man has no vendetta. In fact, he was the only one in them toward the oracles at the bathhouse of the
the family to show her any real kindness or respect Weavers of Truth. his sets the PCs up for a inal
before she was found to be a fraud. Unfortunately confrontation with the cult, facing cultists, demons,
for him, "Esmeralda" still holds a grudge against the and Vadoma herself, in a ight to stop her before
entire family, thinking he turned on her like all the she completes her ritual and makes the entire city—
rest. As he searches the city, Vadoma inds out he is possibly even the PCs—into her adoring subjects.
here and has the young man kidnapped. he baron
wants the young man found immediately before
word of his disappearance spreads. He has no desire
cultiStS of the
for conlict with his northern neighbors. he PCs, weaverS of truth
among other able bodies, are enlisted to track down he Weavers of Truth are masters of deception,
the nobleman before there is an incident. In the misinformation and manipulation. he following
meantime, the young man languishes in a cell in a NPCs can be used as minions and lower-level leaders
hidden underground complex, guarded by cultists. to provide suitable enemies for the PCs.
Vadoma plans to use him as one of the blood
sacriices during the ritual. WHISPERER
A heat wave has struck the city, and tempers are Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
short in the stiling city summer. It seems the city is Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
about to boil over as the city watch is dealing with Hit Points 55 (10d8 + 10)
riots all over the city. A thoughtful guard, or perhaps Speed 30 ft.
an observant PC, notes that the riots are concurrent,
seeming to spring up along a winding path through STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
quarter ater quarter of the city. Investigation along 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 8 (‒1) 16 (+3)
this route inds one interesting thing of note: a black
carriage passed through mere minutes before the Skills Insight +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +5
riots started. Vadoma is preparing for the upcoming Senses passive Perception 11
eclipse and wants the city ready to tear itself apart Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish
at the seams so she can swoop in as its savior, the Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
incantation making everyone believe she is ascending
Expert Liar. A whisperer has advantage on Persuasion
the throne to bring peace and prosperity in the wake
of poor leadership. One of her minions, possibly
even Tal Grazelt, rides through the streets, putting ACTIONS
thoughts of anger into the population, giving them Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
that nudge they need to push the city over the edge. one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

weaverS of truth
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage. 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Bold-Faced Lie. The whisperer states a wild accusation Revealing the Truth. The seeker uses its reaction to reroll
about one creature within hearing. That creature must a failed ability check, attack, or saving throw. If the
make a successful DC 13 Charisma saving throw or have resulting roll is successful, any ally of the seeker within
disadvantage on its next ability check, attack, or saving 30 feet has advantage on their next ability check, attack,
throw. Each time this ability affects a creature, that or saving throw.
creature incurs a cumulative –1 on future saving throws
against any whisperer's bold-faced lies. Where the whisperers are the hands and mouths of
the cult, a seeker of secrets serves as the cult’s eyes
Whisperers are the mouthpieces and hands of the and ears. He uses his magic and natural wiles to
Weavers of Truth. hey move among the populace, seek out information that can beneit the Weavers of
spreading rumors and gossip, planting seeds of Truth. he seeker’s divinatory magic uncovers what
misinformation to grow until their words are can be seen and heard, while his enchantment magic
considered unquestionable fact. hey also seek out can be used to loosen tongues and create temporary
interesting gossip and tidbits of information that friends for more aid and information. For diicult
the cult can use. A whisperer might eavesdrop on missions, or ones of an extended duration, a seeker
private conversations, spy on illicit activities, or of secrets may lead a team of two to four whisperers.
pilfer letters and notes let lying within reach.
Medium humanoid (half-elf), neutral evil
Medium humanoid (half-elf), neutral evil Armor Class 15 (leather armor)
Armor Class 12 Hit Points 104 (16d8+32)
Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14) Speed 30 ft.
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 20 (+5)
8 (‒1) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+10) 14 (+2)
Skills Persuasion +8
Skills Arcana +5, Investigation +5, Intimidation +4 Senses passive Perception 10
Senses passive Perception 10 Languages Common, Elvish
Languages Common, Elvish Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Challenge 1 (200 XP)
Fast-Talker. The grand weaver’s silver tongue is infernally
Knowledge Hoarder. A seeker of secrets always has enchanted. Creatures attempting to save against the
advantage on Intelligence checks. grand weaver’s charm person and suggestion spells do
Innate Spellcasting. The seeker of secret’s spellcasting so with disadvantage.
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with Innate Spellcasting. The grand weaver’s spellcasting
spell attacks). They can cast the following spells innately, ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell
requiring only verbal components: attacks). They can cast the following spells innately,
At will: prestidigitation, ray of frost requiring only verbal components:
3/day each: charm person, detect thoughts At will: message, ray of frost
2/day each: clairvoyance, fog cloud 3/day each: charm person, magic mouth, alter self
1/day each: confusion 2/day each: sending, suggestion
1/day each: confusion, locate creature
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., ACTIONS
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 23 (5d8 + 1) slashing damage.

Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range ACTIONS
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Iron Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
Harsh but Fair. As a bonus action, the grand weaver
ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage and
may state a deeply private and unknown fact about a
if the creature is wearing metal armor, it must make
single creature it has currently charmed. That creature is
a successful DC 15 Constitution saving throw or be
stunned until the end of its next turn.
deafened until the end of its next turn.
Grand weavers ply their cunning toward making Everywhere at Once (recharge 5-6). The echo demon
the cult’s plots reality. hey disguise themselves as teleports up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space.
respectable citizens to plant rumors. hey leave magic Immediately after teleporting, it can make an iron claws
mouths in public areas to announce shocking gossip attack with advantage as a bonus action.
or outright lies when the places are most crowded Echoes of the Abyss (1/day). The echo demon summons
with listeners. hey make “friends” with charm horrible wails from the deep crevasses of the Abyss.
Creatures within 60 feet who hear the wails must make
person to use as scapegoats and cast suggestion to
a successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be stunned
goad people into doing seemingly innocuous things
until the start of the echo demon's next turn. Affected
that further their schemes. When working on an creatures continue hearing the troubling echoes of
especially complex scheme, a grand weaver may be these cries until they complete a long rest, and they
accompanied by one or two seekers of secrets and up have disadvantage on Intelligence checks until then.
to six whisperers.
Like an echo, some monsters can appear to come
from everywhere at once.
monSter: echo demon Nearly every evil soul told lies during its mortal
life—some petty, some bold, and some even deadly.
his vaguely humanoid creature has a batlike face and It is said that when a truly despicable liar’s soul
large claws of twisted, rusting iron at the end of winged passes to the Abyss, it can sometimes take the
arms. Strangely sot rust-colored fur covers its body. form of an echo demon. he tormented creature
is surrounded by a constant echoing chatter that
ECHO DEMON supposedly repeats every lie ever told, surrounding
Medium outsider (demon), chaotic evil the demon with a cacophonous aura of noise that
Armor Class 15 disorients and demoralizes foes.
Hit Points 102 (12d8 + 48) Echo demons (or chiroptus demons) are
Speed 30 ft., fly 20 ft. dangerous hunters that love nothing more than
to prowl near-empty halls in cavernous dwellings
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA in search of creatures to torment and kill. hey
20 (+5) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) use their sound-based powers to sow discord
and confusion, picking of groups of adventurers
Skills Stealth +8, Persuasion +6 one at a time. heir ability to appear anywhere
Damage Resistances cold, ire, lightning within earshot allows them to launch attacks
Damage Immunities poison from surprising angles, oten catching their prey
Condition Immunities poisoned of-guard. Ironically, the claws of an echo demon
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 cause the victim to be deafened, rendering them
Languages Abyssal, Celestial immune to the creature’s potent sonic powers.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) hough they can see as well as other demons,
echo demons oten rely on their batlike echolocation
Aura of Cacophony. The demon’s presence is extremely to ind their foes. Even more deadly than a single
distracting. Checks to maintain concentration are made
demon, a cluster of the monsters can use their
with disadvantage within 100 feet of the echo demon.
ability to be seemingly everywhere at once to set

weaverS of truth

up ambushes and vicious surrounding attacks. INCANTATION OF LIES MADE TRUTH

hankfully, like most demons, echo demons rarely 9th-level enchantment (ritual)
cooperate for long, inding the noise generated by Casting Time 9 hours
their brethren to be the most grating sound they Components V, S, M (celestial blood, demon ichor,
can imagine. mockingbird feather quills, powdered gold and
silver, and rare inks worth 25,000 gp)
Range 1,000 feet
Spell Target one creature, organization, or kingdom
Vadoma has a long-range plan, and she's using the Duration Permanent
Weavers of Truth to propel it forward. Once she his ritual must be cast during a solar eclipse. It can
completes her incantation, all bets are of. target a person, an organization (including a city), or
a kingdom. If targeting an organization or a kingdom,
the incantation requires an object epitomizing the

entity as part of the material component, such as a
crown, mayoral seal, standard, or primary relic. If
targeting a person, the primary performer must hold his strange vehicle is favored by the cult.
a vial of the person’s blood. CARRIAGE OF WHISPERS
Over the course of the incantation, the components Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
are mixed and the primary caster inscribes a false
history and a sum of knowledge concerning the target his black-lacquered, gold-trimmed carriage is
into the book using the mockingbird quills. typical of the ine conveyances used by the well-to-do.
When the incantation is completed, whatever he doors are emblazoned with shields that the owner
the caster wrote in the book becomes known and of the carriage can, as an action, transigure to display
accepted as truth by the target. he target can any heraldic device. Nothing said within the conines
attempt a Wisdom saving throw to negate this of the coach can be heard from outside.
efect. If the target was a city or a kingdom, the he coach contains the bound spirit of an echo
saving throw is made with advantage by its current demon, and the coach’s magic allows the owner
leader or ruler. If the saving throw fails, all citizens to twist the demon’s sound magic to their own
or members of the target organization or kingdom ends. When the coach is in motion, the owner or a
believe the account written in the book to be fact. passenger designated by the owner can whisper words
Any information contrary to what was written in within the coach that echo into the surrounding
the book is forgotten within an hour, but individuals area and are subconsciously heard by those nearby.
who make a sustained study of such information his requires the complete concentration of the
can attempt a Wisdom saving throw to retain whisperer, who cannot do anything else while using
the contradictory knowledge. Books containing this ability. Any nondeaf creature with an Intelligence
contradictory information are considered obsolete or of 3 or higher within 100 feet of the carriage must
purposely misleading. Permanent structures such as succeed at a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to ignore
statues of heroes who've been written out of existence the whispers. Creatures that fail the saving throw are
are believed to be purely artistic endeavors or so old afected by one of the following efects, chosen by the
that no one remembers their identities anymore. carriage's controller.
he efects of this ritual can be reversed by • he whispers play upon the subject’s doubts and
washing the written words from the book using fears. he subject has disadvantage on ability
universal solvent and then burning the book to ashes checks and attacks for 1d6 minutes ater the
carriage passes.
in a magical ire.
Incantation of lies made truth is intended to be a • he subject becomes more favorably inclined
villainous motivator in a campaign, with the player toward a person mentioned in the whispers.
he subject has disadvantage on checks or
characters ighting to uncover the truth and reverse
saving throws made against being persuaded
the spell's efect. he GM should take care not to
or intimidated by the person mentioned in the
remove too much player agency with this ritual. whispers for the next 8 hours.
he creatures afected should be predominantly
• he subject becomes more hostile toward a
NPCs, with PCs and even select NPCs able to resist person mentioned in the whispers. he subject
it. Reversing the efect of the ritual can be the entire has advantage on checks or saving throws made
basis of a campaign. against being persuaded or intimidated by the
person mentioned in the whispers for the next
8 hours.
• he subject is under the inluence of the
whisperer’s whims, as if afected by the spell
suggestion. his suggestion must be very general,
because the brief passage of the carriage does
not leave enough time for a detailed command.


antipaladinS and
Evil is not simple, it is not stupid, and above all it is overwhelming number of cases, the paladin repents.
not weak. While paladins and their kind may cower He makes amends to the fullest extent he's able, and
in castles or waste their time on the unworthy, the where he can't make amends, he probably roils in his
antipaladin understands that true power comes to failure and bears the regret and guilt for a lifetime.
those who take it. Why should Good get all the glory? However, if the transgression was in pursuit of
Antipaladins are mirror images of paladins. a greater goal, then the paladin might accept the
While both rely on martial prowess and supernatural sin. For these paladins, one particular objective
judgement to destroy their enemies, antipaladins (vengeance, justice, honor, or the like) supersedes
corrupt where paladins protect. any overarching moral framework. If the paladin’s
current patron is unwilling to provide the strength
the fall and riSe needed, then another patron may step in.
Such dramatic and momentous decisions are
of a paraGon oten determined in the heat of the moment, though
What happens when a paladin falls? Much like a star, they are never made without some sort of warning.
a paladin either goes out with a izzle or goes out A paladin on the edge may openly profess to “do
with a bang. anything” in pursuit of a questionable goal. hese
A paladin has more in common with an paladins express strength, not weakness, when
antipaladin than with a common foot soldier. hey deliberating on diicult decisions. If the paladin
are not two sides of a coin but rather two edges of the makes his choice regretfully, then he simply falls but
same blade. he paladin always feels the nearness of does not turn to evil. If the paladin makes his sinful
Evil, and no one knows its inevitable pull better. choice with utter conidence, then he sets his foot on
When a paladin seriously violates his code the path of the antipaladin.
(most gods forgive minor lapses), he has a choice: As above, so below, and an antipaladin may rise
repent from the sin and pay the price in penitence, just like a paladin falls. Good is just as seductive
or embrace the strength it provides. In the as evil, promising love, freedom from guilt, and a

Advance with Caution!

Antipaladins are paragons of evil. Just as paladins are character into their campaign. Party unity is easily
unswerving in their service to Good—absolutism is the destroyed by a single character whose goals are at odds
cornerstone of being a paladin, after all—antipaladins with everyone else's.
have the same devotion to Evil and corruption. It's your game and you're free to do as you please,
The antipaladins envisaged here are NPCs in the but take it from us; dropping an antipaladin into a
service of the cults detailed above. Much of this standard group of characters is guaranteed to cause
material could also be applied to player characters, but strife and stress unless everyone is prepared to deal
players and GMs are cautioned to think long and hard with the inevitable difficulties and intraparty conflicts.
before introducing an uncompromisingly evil player

pleasant aterlife. Paladins oten see their antagonists • How does the old patron feel about the
as beret of inner conlict, but antipaladins revocation?
experience just as much self-doubt as their kin on • How are those feelings manifested in the real
the other side of the blade. When they begin to world and what consequences do they create?
doubt and question why they are propagating such • What does this revocation mean to the larger
injustice, they are in danger of rising. campaign world?
Just like a paladin, an antipaladin may be
deprived of his powers if he loses his way. If he OATH OF THE CRAWLING BEYOND
decides to use his abilities for Good instead of hese antipaladins witness, worship, and enact the
Evil, his deity may rob him of his unholy strength unknowable plots of the ancient crawling things
as punishment. If the choice is a diicult one for beyond space and time. hey are sometimes called
the antipaladin, then he rises but does not become “knights of many eyes,” though only in whispered
a paladin. If the choice is made without guilt or conversations by those brave enough to name them.
uncertainty, then an antipaladin may take his role hey live to serve the monstrous beings that dwell
among the leaders of Good as a paladin of the light. in the outer realms and have no use for compassion,
Angels endeavor to save the damned just as devils empathy, or honor. More than mere servants,
seek to corrupt the good. the antipaladins who swear this oath become the
What does this all mean in-game? If one thing living embodiment of their master’s machinations.
is certain, it's that most players don't enjoy having hrough them, the enigmatic plots of the elder
their class abilities taken away from them. If a GM ones are staged and protected. hese cold-hearted
or player feels that a campaign would be improved monsters begin their career with knowledge of a
by falling or rising, then they must discuss it with single word in that dread tongue known as void
each other before anything changes. Such a dramatic speech. Over time they learn more words and master
character shit can be an incredible moment for the word’s abilities to dismantle both foe and reality.
a story, but it needs to be a willing, plot-driven It is not possible to list a common set of tenets that
transformation, not a surprise to those involved. capture the will of these patrons.


What is the cost of revoking your oath? he answer Level Spells
is not found in a simple mechanic or well-organized 3rd crushing curse*, unseen servant
table. A paladin’s oath deines both abilities and 5th maddening whispers*, darkness
narrative. A paladin who turns away from her current 9th void strike*, feed the worms
patron will see a wintering of not only her powers,
13th living shadows*, contact other plane
but also the story that gives her purpose. A paladin
(Charisma saving throw)
who falls, falls toward something—but at what
17th dream, planar binding
point in that process does the new patron arrive?
* see Deep Magic 3: Void Magic
Rather than attempt to describe rules to facilitate the
transition from one patron to another, here is a list of CHANNEL DIVINITY
questions that might help guide the GM and player in When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
the process. following two channel divinity options.
• How fast do the paladin’s current powers fail? Cold Starlight. You use your action to radiate the
• When do the abilities granted by the new warmthless light of long-dead stars. Creatures that
patron arrive? begin their turn within 10 feet of you are caught in
• Do the new abilities arrive all at once, or is there the light and must make a successful Constitution
a period of time where the paladin must prove saving throw or lose the ability to speak for 1 minute.
their sincerity? hey can use an action to repeat the saving throw on

their turn. Additionally, all creatures caught
in the light for even a moment are chilled
until they complete a long rest. Creatures
sufering from this chill have disadvantage on
Dexterity and concentration checks.
Void-Spun Syllable. You utter a dreadful half-word
in the tongue of madness, void speech. All creatures
within 30 feet that hear the syllable must make a
successful Wisdom saving throw or be compelled to
utter the remaining syllable of the word. he process
of completing the utterance is a deeply disturbing
act that requires the victim to see, for the briefest
instant, the unholy alphabet in their minds. Creatures
that complete the utterance take 1d6 psychic damage
multiplied by your Charisma modiier (minimum of
1) and are stunned until the end of their next turn. PHRASES IN THE VOID
At 15th level, victims of your void-spun syllable
MARKED ability are compelled to complete an entire phrase
Upon reaching 5th level, the antipaladin grows a in void speech. he damage dealt by the void-spun
pair of foot-long tentacles tipped with malevolent syllable increases to 1d10, and the afected creatures
eyes that extend from some part of their body. he are dominated by you (as per the dominate person/
tentacles don't interfere with the normal functions monster spell). You can maintain domination of any
of the body, and may grow from existing limbs, the number of afected creatures for as long as you keep
mouth, or even existing eye sockets. he tentacles concentration.
grant the antipaladin advantage on Perception
checks and increase their passive Perception by 2. THE HORROR INSIDE
At 20th level, you can spend an action to transform
SEARING EMPTINESS into a hideous void beast for 1 minute. Limbs twist
At 7th level, your cold starlight ability also blinds and contort while armor and equipment stretches
the creatures it afects. At 13th level, the range of to accommodate the transformation. Your AC
your cold starlight ability is increased to 20 feet and increases by 2 and your size increases to the next
you gain 10 temporary hit points for each creature range. While transformed, you make attack rolls with
afected, to a maximum of 20 temporary hit points. advantage and count all successful attacks as critical

hits. Creatures that witness this change must make Sow Doubt. You use your action to recite a
a successful Wisdom saving throw or be rendered memorized passage from an Abyssal treaty on the
unconscious for 1 minute. You must pray to the weakness of mortal hearts. Choose one creature
elder ones and complete a long rest before using this within 30 feet that can hear you. hat creature must
ability again. make a successful Wisdom saving throw or question
the intentions of its allies. Creatures that fail the
INFERNAL OATH saving throw are unable to use abilities, cast spells,
he Abyss echoes with the sound of broken or take actions that assist their allies. his includes
promises. From this cacophonous song of revocation but is not limited to: healing, the help action, spells
and failure, the demons of that iery place wrote the such as guidance and bless, bardic inspiration, etc.
unholiest of oaths. Antipaladins who bind themselves hey can continue to attack or use abilities and spells
to the demon lords become willing servants in the that target you normally. he GM has the inal word
nefarious plots of the cloven patrons. hese knights whether an action is assisting in nature. his efect
of the Abyss excel at crushing the hopes and dreams lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma
of Good-aligned beings. hey are not simple cogs modiier (minimum of 1).
in a smoking machine, but rather free and terrible
agents of damnation and incineration. hey come FED BY FLAME
to the battleield wrapped in lames and can break Upon reaching 5th level, the antipaladin becomes
friendships and alliances with their corrupting immune to ire damage. Additionally, you gain
laughter. At the pinnacle of their power, they are like temporary hit points equal to half the amount of ire
a river of fel-ire, lowing over their enemies, sending damage dealt to you, up to a maximum of 10
their charred spirits into the maws of the Abyss. hit points.
Paladin At 7th level, your Abyssal ires ability targets up to
Level Spells ive creatures.
3rd hellish rebuke, divine favor
(ire instead of radiant) FRIEND TO FOE IN FIRE
5th heat metal, shatter At 15th level, your sow doubt ability allows you to
9th ireball, slow choose up to three creatures. In addition to the efects
13th ire shield, wall of ire of the sow doubt ability, half of all damage dealt to
17th geas, antilife shell you by afected creatures is divided equally, then done
to the afected creatures instead, as ire damage.
When you take this oath at 3rd level, you gain the
following two channel divinity options. At 20th level, you can use your action to be
consumed by a 50-foot column of green, Abyssal ire.
Abyssal Fires. You use your action to summon green Creatures within 5 feet of you when this occurs must
lames under up to three creatures' feet. he creatures make a successful Strength saving throw or be pushed
must make a successful Dexterity saving throw or 20 feet away from you and deafened for 1 minute. he
take 1d8 ire damage multiplied by your Charisma column of lame lasts for a number of rounds equal to
modiier (minimum of 1). Creatures that fail this save your Charisma modiier (minimum of 1). Creatures
are also charmed by you for 1 minute. A charmed that move to within 5 feet of you or start their
creature repeats the saving throw at the end of its turn within that distance must make a successful
turn, ending the efect on itself with a success. You Constitution save or take 1d10 ire damage multiplied
gain a bonus to attack rolls, ability checks, and saving by your Charisma modiier (minimum of 1). At any
throws equal to the number of creatures currently time during the column’s existence, you can choose
charmed by your abyssal ires ability. to have it topple over (no action required), dousing

an area around you with a 20-foot radius in molten FEED THE WORMS
lava. Creatures in this area must make a successful
1st-level necromancy
Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (4d10) ire damage
Casting Time: 1 action
and be grappled by the lava (escape DC 15). he lava
Range: Touch
disappears and returns to the Abyss at the end of
Components: V, S
your next turn.
Duration: Until destroyed
You draw forth the ebbing life force of a creature and
SpellS use it to feed the worms. Upon casting this spell, you
hese spells assist the antipaladin in destroying his invoke Qorgeth, Demon Lord of Worms, and touch
or her enemies. If that’s not enough, 27 additional a creature that dropped to 0 hit points since your last
antipaladin spells can be found in Deep Magic 12: turn. If it fails a Constitution saving throw, its body
Blood and Doom. is completely consumed by worms in moments,
leaving no remains. In its place is a swarm of worms
DELAY PASSING (treat as a standard swarm of insects) that considers
1st-level necromancy all other creatures except you as enemies. he swarm
Casting Time: 1 action remains until it's killed.
Range: Touch
Components: V, S WIELD SOUL
Duration: Instantaneous 4th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
You draw forth the ebbing life force of a creature
Range: Touch
and question it. Upon casting this spell, you must
Components: V, S
touch a creature that dropped to 0 hit points since
Duration: Instantaneous
your last turn. If it fails a Wisdom saving throw, you
temporarily prevent its spirit from passing into the You draw forth the ebbing life force of a creature and
next realm. You are able to hear the spirit, though use its arcane power. Upon casting this spell, you
the spirit doesn't appear to any creature without must touch a creature that dropped to 0 hit points
the ability to see invisible creatures. he spirit since your last turn. If it fails a Wisdom saving
communicates directly with your psyche and cannot throw, you gain knowledge of spells, innate spells,
see or hear anything but what you tell it. and similar abilities it could have used today were
You can ask the spirit a number of questions it still alive. Expended spells and abilities aren't
equal to your proiciency bonus. Questions must revealed. Choose one of these spells or abilities with
be asked directly; a delay of more than 10 seconds a casting time no longer than1 action. Until you
between the spirit answering one question and you complete a long rest, you can use this spell or ability
asking another allows the spirit to escape into the once, as a bonus action, using the creature’s spell
aterlife. he corpse's knowledge is limited to what save DC or spellcasting ability bonus.
it knew during life, including the languages it spoke.
he spirit cannot lie to you, but it can refuse to
answer a question that would harm its living family
or friends, or truthfully answer that it doesn't know.
Once the spirit answers your allotment of questions,
it passes on.

The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. 6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris
this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J.
royalty-free, non-exclusive license with the exact terms of this Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend,
License to Use, the Open Game Content. based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are Demon Cults & Secret Societies for 5th Edition. Copyright
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You 2017 Open Design. Authors: Jeff Lee, Mike Welham, Jon Sawatsky.
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