Spinal Cord Trauma: Pathophysiology, Classi Fication of Spinal Cord Injury Syndromes, Treatment Principles and Controversies
Spinal Cord Trauma: Pathophysiology, Classi Fication of Spinal Cord Injury Syndromes, Treatment Principles and Controversies
Spinal Cord Trauma: Pathophysiology, Classi Fication of Spinal Cord Injury Syndromes, Treatment Principles and Controversies
Spinal cord trauma: Neurons are especially vulnerable to injury because of the
length, complexity and specificity of their connection. In addi-
classification of spinal pacity for and vulnerability to major ionic shifts. The spinal cord
components are rarely exposed to inflammatory cells and there is
ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 30:5 440 Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
cause injury to the cord.7 Knife injuries may cause direct com-
plete or partial laceration of the cord.9 Key-stages of the spinal cord response to closed
Based on the macroscopic findings, SCI can be classified into trauma1,6,11e16
four groups: (a) solid cord injury, the least common type, is Acute phase C Cord oedema, intracellular swelling
associated with normal appearance of the cord after injury; (b) (up to 72 hours) C Haemorrhage
contusion, the most common type, is associated with areas of C Regional cord perfusion shifts
haemorrhage and expanding necrosis/cavitation but with no C Inflammatory response: free radical
disruption of the surface of the cord; (c) laceration, where is a production, lipid peroxidation and
clear-cut disruption of the surface anatomy; and (d) massive cytokine release
compression, where the cord is macerated to varying degrees.10 C Membrane instability: shifts in
In most instances, the anatomic degree of spinal cord damage electrolytes and accumulation of
does not correlate with the degree of functional loss. neurotransmitters
C Demyelination
Pathophysiology-neurological insult C Cell necrosis and apoptosis
Intermediate phase C Proximal and distal extension of
The predominantly lipid structure of the spinal cord partially
(days to weeks) oedema, necrosis and apoptosis
accounts for its vulnerability to injury. Aside from the pia matter
C Continued inflammatory response
there is very little connective tissue in the spinal cord in com-
C Vascular angiopathy
parison with the peripheral nerves, which are much more
C Peak levels of astrocyte and
macrophage activity
C Initial scar formation
Primary injury
C Neuroplasticity
After the SCI the spinal cord is contused, may be partially C Spasticity
lacerated but is rarely transected. The maximal neurologic deficit Chronic phase C Formation of fluid e filled cavity
is observed immediately after a SCI because axonal transmission (months to years) C Wallerian degeneration
is disrupted or blocked by abrupt neuronal cellular damage, C Glial scar formation
endothelial and blood vessel damage, haemorrhage and massive C Demyelination
shifts in membrane potential and ionic concentrations.1 This is C Schwann cell proliferation
mostly irreversible.6 C Syringomyelia
C Tethered cord
Secondary injury C Neurite sprouting, altered
The secondary injury phase begins immediately and may extend neurocircuits and chronic
for several days. The tissue damage continues during that phase pain syndromes
substantially extending the size of the injury. Oedema and hae-
Table 1
morrhage within the cord may spread from the primary site of
impact over several rostral and caudal levels. Haemorrhage is
more evident in the gray matter because of its rich vascularity. Endothelial damage is the primary event that initiates the
Endothelial damage leading to increased permeability and cascade of SCI inflammation. Mechanical gaps between endo-
intracellular oedema, is a key factor in the recruitment of in- thelial cells develop within 1.5 minutes of injury leading to
flammatory cells.6 damage of perivascular basement membrane, red blood cell
The secondary injury response can be divided into acute, in- extravasation, platelet aggregation and fibrin deposition. Platelet
termediate and chronic phases. The intermediate phase starts a few aggregates occlude vessels leading to ischaemia. Endothelial gaps
days after injury and lasts for several weeks. The events of each promote influx of fluid and proteins thus producing oedema.
phase are summarized in Table 1; however there is close interre- Subsequent events promote microglial activation and leucocyte
lation among all phases without distinct borders between them. infiltration. The basal laminae are further degraded due to
increased endothelial expression of vascular cell adhesion
Vascular injury/inflammatory response molecule. These events further exacerbate the loss of endothelial
The spinal cord is not exposed to inflammation like tissues as integrity, increasing vascular permeability and leucocyte influx.
skin, bone, lungs, which frequently undergo healing process. The prominent cytokines present at SCI include IL-1, IL6,
Endothelial cells normally form a barrier that excludes the active TNF-a, and TGF-1. Early expression of TNFa and IL1 by micro-
blood components from the Central Nervous system (CNS).1,17 glia enhances the recruitment of inflammatory cells to the injury
This blood-CNS barrier is characterized by tight junctions be- site. IL1b is upregulated within one hour of injury, peaks at eight
tween endothelial cells and strong interactions between the hours after injury and persists at least seven days.1,11,17
surrounding astrocyte foot processes and basal lamina.1,17 Thus The four general classes of inflammatory cells that respond to
macrophages, lymphocytes and poly-morpho-nuclears are SCI are microglia, neutrophils, macrophages and lymphocytes.
seldom observed in the normal spinal cord and the intrinsic Microglia, neutrophils, macrophages offer innate immunity and
microglia is quiescent. Also, CNS cells are rarely exposed to in- lymphocytes offer adaptive immunity.6 Neutrophils enter the
flammatory cytokines (Table 2). damaged spinal cord immediately after injury and reach peak
ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 30:5 441 Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Only the dorsal columns are spared which provide deep initial assessment, acute treatment, definitive treatment
touch, proprioception and vibration sensation. The motor (including non-operative and surgical) and rehabilitation.
loss is greater in the lower than the upper limbs.8 The Despite the ongoing advances in trauma prevention with the
prognosis is poor with only 10% neurological recovery.6,24 use of helmets, protective garments, airbags etc 50% of SCIs are
C. Brown-Sequard syndrome occurs with damage of the lateral still due to Road Traffic Accidents (RTA). The treatment starts at
half of the cord (hemisection).6,25,26 It is manifested as the site of injury and attention should be drawn towards proper
ipsilateral motor, position and proprioception loss and immobilization of the patient with rigid collars, standard log roll
contralateral loss of pain and temperature, which affects two techniques and transportation on a firm spinal board. Upon
levels below the injury.6,25 It is usually the result of a reaching the Trauma Centre, the primary and secondary surveys
penetrating injury. The prognosis is very good with almost are based on Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) protocol.2,6
90% recovery of bowel/bladder function and ambulation.26 Absence of posterior midline tenderness in the awake, alert pa-
D. Posterior cord syndrome is rare and involves loss of posterior tient predicts low probability of significant cervical injury.
column function, which provides deep touch, proprioception Emphasis should be given to SCIs proximal to C5, which may
and vibration sensation.6,24 These patients maintain the require intubation.6 Abdominal bruising following a high energy
ability to ambulate but they rely on visual input for spatial injury should raise suspicion of flexion-distraction injuries of the
orientation.6,24 thoracolumbar spine. Rotational deformity may indicate a uni-
lateral facet dislocation.
Persistent spinal cord compression
Neuroprotective drugs
Continued compression of the injured spinal cord by disc, bone
or blood clot in the epidural space may exacerbate the magnitude The American National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study (NASCIS)
of the ischaemic and secondary injury cascades.6,23 Persistent phases IeIII studied the use of methylprednisolone sodium suc-
compression is common after SCI and may be caused by a cinate (MPSS) in various protocols regarding dose and timing of
ruptured disc, bony fragmentation or dislocation. Ischaemia is administration following an acute SCI. Post-hoc analysis of the
the presumptive mechanism of persistent compression.1 Persis- NASCIS II data revealed that those patients receiving MPSS within
tent compression after contusive SCI causes potentially reversible eight hours of injury had significant improvement in sensory and
additional injury in animal studies and decompression improved motor function after one year.2,28,29 Post-hoc analysis of the
the outcome in mild and moderate but not in severe SCI.1,6 NASCIS III data demonstrated that if the treatment starts within
Neurological recovery was inversely related to the duration of three hours from injury there is no need to extend treatment
compression.23 beyond 24 hours, whereas if it starts after three hours the motor
recovery is better if the treatment extends to 48 hours.30
Neuroprotection The MPSS administration protocol requires a loading dose of
30 mg/kg over the first hour and an infusion of 5.4 mg/kg/hour
The primary injury usually does not transect the spinal cord;
for 23 hours if started in less than three hours post-injury or for
post-mortem studies of acutely injured spinal cords found that a
47 hours if started three to eight hours post-injury. Indication for
sub-pial rim of spared but damaged long tract axons frequently
MPSS administration is non-penetrating SCIs within eight hours
spans the lesion. It is found in animal studies that significant
of injury and contraindications include: a) pregnancy; b) age
neurological function can be maintained if only 1.4e12% of the
under 13 years; c) brachial plexus injuries; d) more than eight
total number of axons is spared across the injury.3 Neuro-
hours after injury. However, patients treated with MPSS have
protection aims to reduce the secondary injury and limit the
increased incidence of wound infections pneumonia, sepsis and
injury to the level of damage initially done by the trauma.
death from respiratory complications.28,30 Partly for this reason
Diverse compounds ranging from hormonal receptor agents such
in 2013 the AANS/CNS Guidelines for the Management of Acute
as tamoxifen and oestrogen to polyethylene glycol have neuro-
Cervical Spine and Spinal Cord Injury released a level one
protective effects on numerous mechanistic pathways.3,27 Repair
recommendation that the administration of MPSS for the treat-
of inadequately myelinated residual axons is an important target
ment of acute SCI was not recommended.2 The controversy still
of therapy aimed at improving conduction of spared axons. The
exists as recent evidence suggests that surgery within 24 hours of
inflammatory response has also a major role in the expansion
injury in conjunction with 24 hours of MPSS may improve
and resolution of SCI and is a key target for neuroprotection.
neurological recovery and reduce adverse events.31,32 The Na-
Spinal cord inflammation is a topic of current active research.
tional Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines do not
Experimental studies showed that chondroitinase enzyme
recommend the standard use of methylprednisolone following
degraded the glial scar leading to partial restoration of sensory
the acute stage after traumatic SCIs.33
Encouraging results have been found with Riluzole, a drug for
patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, which was shown to
reduce motor neuron degeneration and prolong survival. The
The goals of management of an acute SCI are to prevent further phase I study showed significant improvements in recovery of
injury, maintain blood flow, relieve neural compression and motor function and a multicentre clinical trial has commenced.2
provide vertebral stabilization in order to allow early rehabili- Also minocycline, a chemical derivative of tetracycline has been
tation, whereas attention to systemic physiology influences the shown to reduce apoptosis and increase neuroprotective effects
final outcome. The treatment can be subdivided into prevention, in animal SCI models but is not ready for clinical use.2 Similarly
ORTHOPAEDICS AND TRAUMA 30:5 444 Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
other agents, such as tirilazad mesylate, gangliosides and gluta- any point the patient develops neurology, the radiographs show
mate antagonists have been investigated for the treatment of over-distraction or there is failure of reduction the process should
acute SCI, which require further trials before introduction to be discontinued.
clinical practice.
Operative treatment-clinical evidence on the timing for
Support of spinal cord perfusion decompression
The autoregulation is altered after SCI so that the cord is Most incomplete SCIs have an indication for decompression in
increasingly vulnerable to systemic hypotension.1 The mean order to preserve as much as possible of the spared function. The
spinal cord perfusion pressure is equivalent to the mean arterial aim is to relieve the spinal cord from continuous pressure and
(MAP) minus Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) pressure.1 Appropriate micro-trauma caused by the fracture or disc fragment, and
fluid resuscitation and use of vasopressors to keep the MAP realign/stabilize the injured area providing a stable environment,
above 90 mmHg is mandatory in order to maintain tissue therefore limiting the effect of the secondary injury to the cord.1
perfusion.34 Intensive Care Unit (ICU) level of care for cardio- The goals of surgery are to remove the compressive forces on the
pulmonary management is most appropriate in the acute phase spinal cord, restore anatomical alignment and re-establish spinal
to facilitate careful haemodynamic monitoring and implement stability.1 Decompression should take place if the patient is
pulmonary protocols.1 Additionally, fever or hyperthermia are deteriorating neurologically or if there is a foreign body retained
harmful for cord tissue preservation. into the spinal canal (i.e. gunshot wounds).
Controversy exists regarding the timing of surgical intervention
Treatment of spinal injury in non-deteriorating patients, as initial prospective studies
demonstrated no benefit from decompression within 72 hours
Injuries to the spine tend to occur at areas of maximal mobility post-injury.1 The Spine Study Trauma Group recommended that
and are closely related to the spinal cord trauma.6 Injuries occur patients with acute SCIs but no other life threatening injuries
when significant forces to the spinal column cause fractures, should receive decompression within 24 hours of injury.38 Pre-
ligamentous disruption or combined injuries that result in direct liminary results indicated that 24% of patients who received
compression and injury to the spinal cord. Injuries to the verte- decompressive surgery within 24 hours had an improvement of at
bral column are commonly classified by location (craniocervical, least two grades of the ASIA scale compared to 4% in those who
subaxial cervical or thoracolumbar) and mechanism of injury had later surgery. Also, the overall rate of complications among
(flexion, extension or axial load). White and Punjabi defined those who received early decompression was 20% lower than that
spinal stability as “the loss of the ability of the spine under of patients who received treatment later. The Surgical Timing in
physiological loads to maintain relationships between vertebrae Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study (STASCIS), a multicenter, inter-
in such a way that there is neither damage nor subsequent irri- national, prospective cohort study showed that at six month
tation to the spinal cord or nerve roots, in addition, there is no follow-up a 2-grade ASIA improvement was 2.8 times higher
development of incapacitating deformity or pain due to structural among those who had surgical intervention within 24 hours post-
changes”.35 The ‘‘three column’’ concept of thoracolumbar spine injury.31 A prospective study by Wilson et al.39 showed superior
injuries was described by Denis in 1984 and dictates that at least motor neurological outcomes at six months in patients who had
2e3 spinal columns need to be disrupted to be considered un- decompressive surgery within 24 hours after SCI.
stable and subject the spinal cord to risk of damage.36 More There is insufficient evidence (level III) regarding timing of
recently, the Thoraco-Lumbar Injury Classification score (TLICS) treatment of traumatic central cord syndrome. This entity pre-
included the neurological post-injury function in a classification sents no spinal instability and shows spontaneous clinical
system for spinal injuries to assist on defining indications for improvement with good prognosis despite myelomalacic cord
surgical treatment of a thoracolumbar spinal injury (Table 4).37 changes being present.2,22 Similarly, there is no substantive ev-
idence for decompression in the thoracic cord. In complete SCIs,
Acute-non operative treatment of SCI surgical treatment should take place to stabilize the spine and
In case of a fracture or dislocation with spinal cord injury in an facilitate early rehabilitation with as less external devices as
alert oriented patient it would be indicated to apply axial traction possible. In the long term and following the final neurological
for closed reduction and cord decompression. The technique status of the patient, appropriate tendon transfers should be
involves application of GardnereWells tongs and/or a Halo ring. considered in order to maximize function.
4.54 Kg traction weight is applied and then weight is added in
2.27 Kg increments with serial lateral radiographs until the cer- Stem cells-future operative treatments
vical spine is aligned. The general guideline is 4.54 Kg for the More than half of the astrocytes in the glial scar are generated by
head and 2.27 Kg for each level until the level of injury. There ependymal cells, the neural stem cells in the cord.18 Also, mul-
must be about 15e20 minutes between each increment in order tipotent endogenous progenitor cells exist in the sub-ventricular
to allow for the ligaments to relax, the patient to be examined for zone throughout the neuraxis and can be harvested during
any change in neurology and an X-ray to take place. Small doses neurosurgical procedures. The neural stem cell-derived scar
of diazepam may contribute to muscle relaxation, whilst keeping component has several beneficial functions, including restricting
the patient alert. Even though recent reports mention that even tissue damage and neural loss after SCI.18 Following differenti-
63.5 Kg of weight can be tolerated, most surgeons would not ation guidance to the oligodendrocyte lineage in experimental
exceed 22.68e31.75 Kg of maximum traction. Once the facet gets SCI models, it was found that they can re-myelinate the cord.
disimpacted the manoeuvres for reduction can be applied. If at However, ineffective tissues and cells connectivity in the cord
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