Empowered & Unshaken Schedule
Empowered & Unshaken Schedule
Empowered & Unshaken Schedule
6:45pm...........................Welcome! (Refuge Room)
7:15pm..................................Session 1: Empowered
Katie Newton
7:45pm....................................................Group Activity
8:15pm.......................................................Senior Panel
9:30pm...................................Star-Belly Sneetches
10:00pm........................................................The GAME
8:15am.................................Breakfast Begins (Cafe)
10:00am.................................................Group Activity
12:30pm...............................................Seminar Option 1
Rooms and seminar topics on next page
1:15pm.................................................Seminar Option 2
1:45pm................................................Worship (Refuge)
Room 110: Tabby Davis
This breakaway session will discuss what it looks like to engage in the
secular world around us while being rooted and established in the
solid foundation of Christ. Tabby will use her experiences leading in a
non-Christian service organization on campus to explore the struggles
and triumphs of being part of the world and set apart from the world.
How is God using your gifts and talents? As Christians, we are
empowered through the Holy Spirit and are given spiritual gifts that
are unique to us. Whether we are gifted with administration,
discernment, faith, shepherding, or more, God uses spiritual gifts to
build up the church as one body with many parts. Come learn about
your spiritual gifts and how you can use them to glorify God in your
In our culture, sex has become normalized and those waiting for
marriage have become stigmatized. But do we actually understand
why we should wait? Come learn about what the Bible says regarding
God’s plan for sex and marriage and how this should motivate us to
walk in purity.