Title: General Testing Procedure For Ball Valve As Per Ap/ 60
Title: General Testing Procedure For Ball Valve As Per Ap/ 60
Title: General Testing Procedure For Ball Valve As Per Ap/ 60
- HW-PS-1024
Rev. -0
Date - 30.0l.~o16
Page - 1of12
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.. ; i Spec No.·· BW-1'8-f024
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1.0 Scope
2.0 Reference
4.0 Test
7.0 Draining
8.0 Tables
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.--..---------~---- ..·--·------- -------- --·----- ..... -
Spec No. - BW-1'~-l024
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Hydrostatic Test· These tests shall be performed with water (chloride llmlt s; 3Q..J;wm) at an
ambient temperature.
Before testing the valve, close and open the valve 3 times with the lever/gear/Actuato.!:
- Check if the valve operates correctly with the lever I gear/Actuator;
- Check the cafibration of the limit switches, if applicable
- Check the alignment of the opened ball with the bore.
In caseof double piston effect ball valve, replace the safety valve with a plug
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The test shall be performed at ambient temperature according to the rating, the type.of material
and the applicable standard.
2. Fill one side of the valve with the medium and apply the test pressure;
4. -
3. Check if there is some leakage through the seats; (unidirectional valves)
Repeat the steps 2} and 3) on the other side of the valve; (bidirectional valves)
5. Drain the valve.
1. Fill the valve and its cavity with test fluid in half-open position.
2. Close the valve
Apply the test pressure to upstream end of the valve
4. Monitor leakage from the upstream seat via the valve body cavity vent/drain connection
5. For valves without vent/drain connection or downstream seated valves, se.atleakege shall
be monitored at the respective downstream end of the valve.
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Spec No. - BW-PS-102.t
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1. Fill the valve and its cavity with test fluid in half-open position.
2. Close the valve
3. Apply the test pressure to both ends of the valve
4. Monitor leakage from each seat via the valve body cavity vent/drain connection
5. For valves without vent/drain connection, seat leakage shall be monitored from the
respective downstream end of the valve.
The Hydrostatic testing procedure for shell and seat is same as specified in 4.1 and 4.2 respectively.
Drain the valve of hydrostatic test fluid prior to the start of this test.
~ - The seat test specified in 4.3 shall be repeated at a test pressure between
0.34 barg and 1 bar using air as the test medium.
~. The seat test specified in 4.3 shall be repeated at a test pressure between
5.5 bar and 6.9 bar using air as the test medium.
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For Test Pressure: Refer Table - 1
For Min. Test Du ration: Refer Table - 4
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Spec No. - BW-l'S-1024
Rev, - 0
Date- 30.01.2016
Page - 6 of 12
- Less than 0.27 ml/min of (nitrogen+ helium) from any leak path.
- When the valve is tested by submerged method, no visible leakage is allowed.
• The electrical resistance between the ball & the valve body and between the stem & the valve body
shall be measured using a DC power source ( s 12 V ).
• The resistance shall be measured using ohmmeter and shall be s 10 0.
The maximum torque or thrust required to operate the valve shall be measured at the pressure specified by
the customer for the following valve operations:
a) Open To Closed - With the bore-pressnrtzed and the cavity at atmospheric pressure, if applicable
to the valve design;
b) Closed To Open - With both sides of the ball pressurized and the cavity at atmospheric pressure;
c) Closed To Open - With one side of the ball pressurized and the cavity at atmospheric pressure;
d) As in Item c) but with the other side of the ball pressurized.
If necessary for assembly, a lubricant with a viscosity not exceeding that of SAE lOW motor oil or equivalent
may be used.
Th rust and torque testing shall be performed after high-pressure hydrostatic seat testing and, if specified,
prior to any low-pressure gas seat testing.
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... -~-·· ------·--~----·-·-----~ -. I ; -~Spec_. No. - BW-PS·-I024
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ihe drive train strength test for ball valves shall be measured when specified by the customer.
The test torque shall be applied with ball blocked for a minimum time of 1 min.
Acceptance Criteria
The test shall not cause any permanent visible deformation of the drive train.
For bat! valves, the total torsional deflection of the extended drive train when delivering the design torque
shall not exceed the overlap contact angle between the seat and closure.
Cavity relief testing Is not required if protection of the cavity against over-pressure is ensured, for both the
open and the closed position, by a hole in the obturator.
The procedure for cavity-relief testing ofTrunnion Mounted Ball Valves is as follows:
Failure to relieve at a pressure less than the valve cavity relief pressure shall be cause for rejection.
1. Fill the valve and its cavity with test fluid in half-open position
2. Close the valve
3. Open the Vent Valve to allow excess test fluid to overflow from the
valve-cavity test connection
4. Apply the test pressure simultaneously from both ends of Valve
5. Monitor seat leakage via overflow through the valve cavity connection
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Each seat shall be tested in both directions. Cavity-relief valves shall be removed if fitted.
1. Fill the valve and its cavity with test fluid in half-open position, until the
test fluid overflows through the cavity relief connection.
2. To test the seat leakage in the direction of cavity, the valve shall be closed
and apply test
pressure successivelyto
eachvalve end.
3. Leakage shall be monitored via the valve cavity pressure relief connection.
4. To test the seat leakage in the downstream side, both valve ends shall open
to atmosphere.
5. Fill the valve cavity with the test fluid. Apply the test pressure at the valve
6. Monitor the seat leakage through each at both ends of the valve.
Some valve types can require the balancing of the upstream and valve cavity
pressure during the downstream seat test in which case only one end of the valve shall
be open to atmosphere.
5.10 Double Isolation And Bleed, DIB-2 (One Seat Unidirectional And One Seat
The bidirectional seat shall be tested in both directions. Cavity-relief valves shall be
removed, if fitted.
1. Fill the valve and its cavity with test fluid in half-open position, until the
test fluid overflows through the cavity relief connection.
2. To test the seat leakage in the direction of cavity, the valve shall be closed
and apply test`
approvalof pressure
CESARE successively
BONETTI IND/A to each valve end.
3. Leakage shall be monitored via the valve cavity pressure relief connection.
4.. To test the seat leakage from downstream side, Test pressure
shall be applied simultaneously to the valve cavity and the upstream end
5. Monitor leakage at the downstream end of the valve.
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The 241h edition of API 6D specifies quality levels for pipeline valves.
Quality Levels QSL-2 to QSL··4, which are optional and may be specified
by the purchaser.
Upon completion of all tests, Valves shall be drained of test fluids, dried, and
Table 2: Rated Pressure Value For Class And Material As Per ASME 816.34 At 38°C
Group 1.1 1-2,1-9,1-101-lS,2 ·83-5,3·8 2.1·2.2-2.4-2.5-3.6 2.3-3.4
150 20 30 22 20 30 22 19 28.S 21 16 24 18
300 52 78 57 52 78 57 50 75 55 42 63 15
600 103 154.5 113 104 155 114 100 150 110 ~ 124.S 91
90(> 154 231 169 156 234 172 149 223.5 164 125 187.S 137.5
1500 256 384 282 259 388.5 285 249 373.5 274 207 310.S 228
2500 426 639 469 431 646.5 474 414 621 455 345 517.5 379.5
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.. .. .. Spec No. - BW··PS-1024
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Test Duration
Note: The test duration is the period of inspection after the valve is fully prepared and is under full
Note 1: Leakage rates for Reduced Bore valves shall be based on DN (NPS) of the valve.
Note 2: "DN" stands for 'Nominal Diameter' & it is Numerical designation of Valve size in millimetres (mm).
Note 3: The leakage rates only apply when discharging test fluid to the atmosphere.
Note 4: The meaning of "No visually detectable leakage" is that there is no visible weeping or leakage in the
form of drops or bubbles.
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Spec No. - HW-PS--1024
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Table 6 - Pressure Testing Requirements Based on Quality Specification Level
-··- -·-·--··
Test T... ype QSL-1 QSL-2 QSL-3 QSL-4
-··-·- ·--··· -·
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