DST J Translated

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of work
for the child

Copynght C> 2004 by Pearson Assessment.

Copynght of the Spanish adaptallon © 201 O by TEA Ediciones, SA.U., Madrid. Spain - This booklet 1s pnnted m TWO TIN ..-
TAS. If you are presented with another one 1n black ink, it is an illegal reproductton For the benefit of the profession and 1n his own, NOT the
USE. All nghts reserved - Total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Printed 1n Spain. Printed in Spain.


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. . . . Dq


.. I I •

1. Move direct scores lrom the Total Score boxes from each
.. . .
test to the PD column of the transformation table of the

2. You can .optionally use
lhe conversion tables 1n the manual to
. . . .
transform the PDS to percentiles (Pc column). 1. Names (N) 0 0 2 3
. . . 2. Coordination (CD) 0 0 1 2 3
. . . .
3. Use the convers10n tables 1n the manual to transform the
. .. 1----- - - -- - - - - < l - - - - -
3, Reading (L) 0 0 1 2 3
.. . . . .
PD m the tests to nsk scores (PR) To do this select the box
' '
corresponding to the child's risk category in each test
- ~--=-'-'------If---•

. . . . .. .
and move the value of the checked box in each test to the
. . Postural stability (E) 0 0 1 2 3
. 5. Phoneme segmentation (S) 0 0 1 2 3
column PR
Sb. Rhymes)(R) ( ) 0 0 1 2 3 (
) ( )
4. Calrulate lhe average of the PRS (use lhe Rhyme score only
. . . . 6. Dictation (OJ 0 0 1 2 3
i yoo hal<e ra been a kl <!WY Ptmmc segnenc;ilOn) n w::ie OOw11 ire 1esu.1
nthe GO box. 7. Reverse digits tDI) 0 0 1 2 3
1--- - - - - - ---lf---+-
Meanngless Readllg (LSI 0
0 1 2 3
5. Use the correspondence
. .
. given. at. the
. . bottom of the table
. to
determine the overa I nsk level of the child according to
. Copy (C) 0 0 1 2 3

his score GO. 10. Verbal Fluency (VF)

- - - - ---11---+-
0 0 1 2 3
. 11. Semantic Fluency (FS) 0 l 2 3
6. Move the test PRS to the profile at the bottom of this same page: --'--'---'--+--
12. Vocabulary (V) 0 0 1 2 3

mark the place correspond 1ng to the category of risk of the chiid.
ATIENTiON: The order in which ~tests apPear in the graph is •
IR (sum/ 12)
different irom the order in.which they are presented in the table;
.. .
pay attention when transferring scores
Between 0.00 and 0.59 Without

I I sk Between 0.60 and 0.89 Mild risk
etween 0.90ancf1 .19 Moderate risk•
Between 1.20 and 3.00 High risk

<l •

. . Copyright C> 2004 by Pearson Assessment

tea CoOYn!lht of the Spanish adaptation© 2010 by TEA E<liciones, S.A.U.. Madrid Spain • This booklet Is pnnto<l in TWO TIN ...•
IWlfllM.tw TAS If you are presented with another one in black ink, it is an illegal reproduction. For the benefit or the profession and m his own. NOT the
USE. All rights reserved· Total or partial reproduction is prohibited. Printed in Spain. Printed in Spain.

1. NAME No errors Time (seconds)

in second
( )x = ( 5
J + ( ) If you have used
criJ> blank card + 1 O =
as a gtude

0 ...
~nen the child
s~ has appointed
al che dra-Nings
Total score
If you have ~opped 1
. . . . . Aftllf 30 seconds or
N2° threaded beads
(Not counting the three
J the cord plu•
at once
- 1=

accounts that were entered 1
Stop when lhe child has threaded
during the prachce) ~ 30sec. Total score
all accounts.

, . . . . 5 consec:.k<e lliSlal<es
3. READ Seconds remaining for
SToP or alter 1 minute.
complete the minute by N° words read
Indicate the
form used Time in seconds finish the test correctly Total score

~ •\ : ( f,0 ) ~· [...-cf>
-, -.,] + ( b6 ) ( )
t,,c_; Md.In um
1 1
~C> :s~c::: - ........ Sii i - \ ~. ~""> l

PRACTICE WORDS Duck ) Rubberi Hair Clolhuig Cup)

l1111e squirrel claw man sale end<al
waler worl<1 scare .green- donl~ey

doubt Joor foam s lent age w1thin statue

car bOok dart no change elf

cold !> own ~ trunk Six ,,,_ cock rub

fall bfood drink letter dream. Clarify rumba
ear sky cane 1 red smile sted

ropa large rag trick eight shadow belly nut


tru~ ..,,,..
clog • s~nal

wind cheap1
l college

watch -'C noise gum IOC star
chair . . . .p joke suit lead

••d tram terrace e1T0< rpet

note cellar pmk crystal fiera

~ey wotk bug •unny plan- forest spark pa1nlod

dimate ·~ Vlllet'JftS
1\ wfliteboard 10~ respite re1r 4S run '> violet ,:i.r.. sponge

spider flavor spiral beckpack

r>t:'1f'IO goal story 1
son camol
- I naughty

lion brake Judge pnce w11eat
shBft gut grab d$ I pM!C• ~violin Wlekl

c loud bani< 1 cable float table -.,, JUnk

lO w shop cu~s 110 horsestioe lO copper 50 iron tiger bar

nvy thunder• smnll rice boa1 company

wood a ill'lr • folio full cane leg brush screun

bulet .... tailor Jacket creAm bag flute yellow

pen lamp pine tesl hare firep•c•

body '
l~ hat \' •C• I~ pOmp 11~ bnck l~ baOI ~' i>t>iaro a 1'5 drag
one danco ,...,_ cnap bud lrap bark 1111<erb4lll

nut Joke bnng wnn1<1ed
stem pale bonbon Axe cousin• fry

___ -
prey oasis thumbtack cl!r~ help outbreak inflame

JO soup 60 wtlool 90 chrome 120 racoon .__ _, 60 hug 90 wrap up 110 pen
Or solid as a rock
1 Slight wobble Score 2
( J
2 Rises on the toes +
3 Take a small step to the front /considerable wobble
4 Take a big step forward
Score 3
LJ +

c )
5 Take two controlled steps to the front
6 Take more than two steps or there is a significant loss of balance Score 4

• Total score
-( )


item Response

A Di N oon N ow di N oon without day Media

B Say Up and Down Now say Up and Down without altl L ow

Now say only the first letter (repeat if necessary
C D i Sol emphasizing the S: s-s-s-g) s
1 Say Rainbow Now say Rainbow without "iris" Arch>

2 Say Letter Now say Letter without "ta" Car G) 0)

3 Say Redhead Now say Redhead without "pe" Red-haired 1 Qt>

4 Di Mar
Now say only the first letter
~~~~~~- -
mn Q;> 0
5 Di Rosa r Now say Pink without the ·r· URSA cJ) 0
l;; 16 S~y Plan No~ say Plan w-it_h_o_u_t_'-'p-l-,, - - - - - - Anear Ci) 0


7 Say Plan Now say Plan without the "'p"'' Wool (1 ) 0

8 Say Plan Now say Plan without the "'r"'' Plan

9 Say Honey Now say Honey without the ·1· Mie


10 Di F lor Now say Flower w1lllout Ille "f" '

Lor 6) O)

~1 Say Balloon

12 Di Rule
Now say Balloon w1ltlout the ·1·

Now say Rule without the"'\"


Rega {YrJj
Total score
-( 10 )
5b. RHYMES (Stop 9~~~9~~pe '•dO
Response Score
Response r ...
t Firewood - Pena Yes No 1
To Salt - Lime j If Not1 1
2 Fear - Wat ering Yes No 1 0'
I Eye - Bear Yes N o
3 Beach - Stripe Yes No 1 0
C Straw - Box Yes No

D Hair - Rowing Yes No • 4. - Fry 5 Sun

~ - Flowe r
6 B ri ck - Coat Yes N o 1
I f Not 1
Y es No 1

E Boot - Drop If Not

~ 7 Mountain - Spider Yes N o 1 0
F Hand - Healthy If Not 8 Crystal - Jump Yes N o 1 0

Total score
-( ]
6. DICTATION On the back of this booklet you will find a space for the child to copy the words.

Maximum ~ Elapsed 2 STOP

2 minutes minutes or 1f you commit 5 Hand used RIGHT.LEFT.
cona9C.utlve errors

-. ~ If a cti~d aged 9 5 years or older makes ITllSlakes 1n the dos Quality of writing GOOD or POOR

Return the first words of list B. continue to apply the
first word on th• A.fist
Total Number Total score
word . (Number of '
- Count the 8 words from the A-list comp.l ete d'" of e rro rs hits)
in in the event that only the
words from list B. ( J - (__J = c---1
7. REVERSE DIGITS Series Correct answer Punt.
2 9 9 2
~ Wlhe cl>idcommits ~ 1 3 4 4 3 1
Stop errors 111 two senes ~

consecutive ~ •· 1 5 6 7 7 6 5 1

• • (2 61 (6 21
• Use only in the case )
·'"',_,. • [4 3 1]
that the child has not " [1 3 4J
u nderstood the task.
9 6
2 2 4
6 9
I 1 oJ
.... - ...

5 3 8 8 3 5
6 7 1 1 7 6 1 0
3 9 I 1 0
4 6 6 9 3 4 -
" 1 1- ~I
I 7 1 8 3 3 8 1 7
~ 3 2 6 1 4
- 1 0
4 1 6 2 3
~ 8 6 4 7 2 2 7 4 6 8 1 0
9 6 5 1 7 8 8 7 1 5 6 1 0'
9 ..,
1 QI
8 7 2 5 1 4 4 1 5 2 7 8 -
5 7 1 4 6 8 3 3 8 6 4 1 7 5 1 0
1 6 9 3 2 8 5 1 0
5 8 2 3 9 6 1
7 1 2 3 5 4 8 6 ' 1§
6 8 4 5 3 2 1 7 I
2 6 7 8 3 5 1 4 4 1 5 3 8 7 6 2 I 1 I0

Total score
- ....i
8. MEANINGLESS READING 1 Number of actual words
read correctly ( _)
- l'lllen fie~ readies' e end oflhe ll!xt,

c _J
STOP the 3 ml'lutes have elapsed or
make 5 consecobVe "9takes Number of pseudo-words
read correctly ("--___,) x 2 -

I Number of pseudo-words
read almost correctly (

Punctuation· (

' Time
in seconds
a) Time Bonus: Add 1 point for every 2 seconds below the
( )
) minute The maximum possible bonus is 1 O points.
Maxunum '
V 3rn1nutos
b) Time penalty: SUBTRACT 1 point for every 2 seconds above the
minute. The maximum possible penalty is half the score.
( )
Total score -[ ____)
Practice text: (8 words)
"Good lub," said the dil, "My name is Norbin ."

Text To 6:6 - 8:5 years (38 words)

One day a rhine fell into a tar. He was so ebo and tid that he started to
crying and said "Char". Then he ran to his dor. She said "Oh , plir" and she
gave a ren mud for drite.

Text B 8:6 - 10:5 years (47 words)

• • .
Once upon a time there was a min who fell into a tar. He was so grumpy that
she started crying, "Ober, give me a troldra!". He went outside, drained the
water from his clothes and ran to his dor. She said "Oh , plir" and gave him a ren
mud for drite.

~xt C 10:6 - 11 :5 years (53 words) 43 + 20 = 63 12

, \ , , I t • I I ~ I .

Once upon a time there was a boy who came running back from the
I . . • ......_ . - .
dringo. He ran and he ran until he fell into a tertan full of grepe. I was so lorru
' . . ., . . .._ " . .. .
who- began to cry, "Ober, give me. a troldra
, rembier
and eslasten the
vidoner". At last he went out, wrung the water from his clothes , and quickly

3~ -. '\~.
.it was gobidaton .
9. COPY On the back of this booklet you will find a space for the child to copy the tea ttos ,
Number of words completed
Number of errors and words
omit CJ /2
CJ +
Time in seconds

( l
Seconds remaining to complete the
minute at the end of the test
I 2 -
m•nute Quality of writing
O = Good; 1 = Immature; 2 =All caps; 3 = Unreadable CJ
~ When Ille reachos lllt end
5!,0P of lhe lext or after the
If the child is 8:6 years old or older, subtract one point for every
two omitted punctuation marks (score a maximum of 2 points) CJ
Total score ..
~ Maxrmum
1 rr11nutc• t --
Elapsed iime
( 1 minute.
r~ ·
• ,. ..'
1 01Ulllltt1

1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
11 11
12 12
13 13
14 14 'l
15 15 v
16 16
17 17
18 18
19 19
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23
24 24
25 25

Total score " .( ) -

Total score ..
12. VOCABULARY On the back of the booklet you will find
three pages with the drawings of this test.

SIPP wren they have

applied the 16 ttcms

Item 1
1 Choice Punctuation

a b c cl I

1 Chute la b c c:l I 1

2 Pineapple C3. I::> c:: c:I 1 0

3 Camel a b e d 1 0
1· t
4 Cobweb 1 0
C3. I::> c:: c:I
5 Volcano
GI b c:: cl
1 0 I
6 Lizard C3. I::> c:::: cl 1 I~
7 Autumn al t:::> c;: c:I 1 0

.,,.... 8 T orch al b c d 1 0

9 Airport a b d 1 0
I -----<
10 Only a c· d 1 0
r •
11 M edusa a bl d 1 0
12 Trophy ja b ) c d 1 0

13 Canoe a ~ c d 1 0

~Drought ai
bl co 1 0
t- >-

r 15 Blizzard a b c d 1 0

' 1
16 Habit a bl c d 1 0

Total score -[ _ __,)

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