O Brien 2005
O Brien 2005
O Brien 2005
ELSEVIER Journal of Orthopaedic Research 23 (2005) 475480
Osteonal bone is often compared to a composite material and to metals as discontinuities within the material may provide sites of
stress concentration for crack initiation and serve as barriers to crack growth. However, little experimental data exist to back up
these hypotheses. Fluorescent chelating agents were applied at specific intervals to bone specimens fatigue tested in cyclic compres-
sion at a stress range of 80 MPa. The failed specimens were sectioned and labelled microcracks identified using UV epifluorescence
microscopy. Microcrack lengths were measured and their relationship to cement lines surrounding secondary osteons recorded.
Microcrack length at the time of encountering a cement line was also measured. Microcracks of less than 100pm stopped growing
when they encountered a cement line. Microcracks of greater than 1OOpm in length continued to grow after encountering a cement
line surrounding an osteon. Only microcracks greater than 300 pm in length were capable of penetrating osteons and these micro-
cracks were the only ones which were observed to cause failure in the specimen. These experimental data support the hypothesis that
secondary osteons act as barriers to crack propagation in compact bone. However, it shows that this microstructural barrier effect is
dependent on the crack length at the time of encountering an osteon. For the vast majority of cracks, osteons act as barriers to
growth but for the minority of cracks that are long enough and do break through the cement line, an osteon may actually act as
a weakness in the bone and facilitate crack propagation.
0 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0736-0266/$ - see front matter 0 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.orthres.2004.08.005
476 F.J. O'Brien et al. I Journal of Orthopaedic Research 23 (2005) 4 7 5 4 8 0
mentioned the possibility of a microstructural barrier ef- lines (but not penetrating these cement lines). Over
fect existing in bone [1,14,22,26], whereby the critical 80% of all cracks were interstitial and did not penetrate
stage in the fatigue process is not the initiation of cracks secondary osteons.
but their propagation beyond microstructural sizes. This paper is an extension of that study and looks
Numerous studies have looked at microcrack interac- specifically at the relationship between crack length
tion with bone microstructure. Carter and Hayes [7] ob- and propagation. To understand this phenomenon,
served bone microdamage created by cyclic flexural the study looks at the crack length at the time of
loading and found that separation of cement lines and encountering the cement line surrounding a secondary
interlamellar cement bands, as well as tensile cracks in osteon and seeks to determine whether this influences
interstitial bone, played major roles in the failure of the crack's ability to continue to grow. Rather than
bone specimens. Other studies [27] showed that the splitting cracks into two categories as before [18],
microstructure of the bone constrained the growth direc- cracks are divided into five distinct categories to look
tions of microcracks while Schaffler et al. [20] showed in detail at how osteons influence crack propagation
that features of the bone matrix ultrastructure, such as in secondary compact bone. This tests the hypothesis
the collagen fibre-bone mineral relationship, encourage that a microstructural barrier exists in bone whereby
the formation of numerous small cracks but minimise the critical stage in the fatigue process is not the initi-
the formation of larger, detrimental cracks. Schaffler ation of cracks but their propagation beyond micro-
et al. [21] also suggested the majority of microcracks structural sizes.
in cortical bone are found in the interstitial matrix be-
tween osteons and Boyce et al. [2] showed experimen-
tally that microcracks developed in the interstitial Materials and methods
tissue regions but stopped at the osteonal boundaries.
Recent work in this laboratory has developed a tech- Compact bone samples were removed from the mid-diaphyses of
bovine tibiae and machined into typical waisted test specimens of
nique which allows microcrack growth to be monitored 7 mm circular cross section using an established protocol [ 1 1,251.Com-
during the course of a mechanical fatigue test by the pressive fatigue tests were carried out in an INSTRON 8501 servo-
application of a series of fluorescent chelating agents hydraulic testing machine used in load control to apply an axial force
to the specimens, which were enclosed in a small plastic bath to which
[9,17]. These fluorescent markers are site specific as they the dyes could be added and removed. All tests were carried out at
bind to calcium ions lining the crack walls. Each agent room temperature, at a frequency of 3Hz, with a stress range of 80
fluoresces a different colour under UV light and so indi- MPa and a ratio between minimum and maximum stress of 0.1. Spec-
imens were kept wet during all stages of machining and testing.
vidual agents can be distinguished when viewed using Prior to testing, the machined specimens were placed in a single vial
UV epifluorescence microscopy. Experimental work of 0.0005M alizarin under SOmmHg vacuum for 16h to label any
has been carried out using this technique to study micro- microdamage which existed prior to testing. A pre-determined se-
quence of dyes [ 171 was used to label microcracks formed during test-
crack accumulation at different intervals during fatigue ing. Testing was carried out in xylenol orange for the first 10.000 cycles
testing of compact bone [ 181. In that study, pre-stained of testing. Testing was stopped, the xylenol orange removed, the bath
specimens were fatigue tested in cyclic compression with was rinsed with distilled water and calcein green added. Testing was
then continued until 50.000 cycles had elapsed and the calcein green
up to three other chelating agents applied during testing was replaced with calcein blue. Failure was defined using established
to label microcracks formed at different time intervals. criteria; a 10% reduction in stiffness [25] which generally coincided with
Microcracks were found to initiate in interstitial bone the appearance of a large crack. Following testing. the gauge length of
the specimens was removed using a diamond saw (Struers Miniton.
in the early part of a specimen's fatigue life. Further Frankfurt, Germany). Sections of 250pm were cut. handground to be-
accumulation of microcracks was then suppressed until tween 100 and 150pm and mounted under a glass coverslip. They were
the period late in the specimen's life. Cracks were also examined using epifluorescence microscopy, their cross sectional areas
obtained and microcracks identified and measured using established
described in terms of location: (a) osteonal, where they criteria (Table I).
were located entirely within a secondary osteon or tra- Microcracks were divided into five distinct categories: (i) micro-
versed a cement line surrounding a secondary osteon, cracks which were located in interstitial bone and did not encounter
secondary osteons, (ii) microcracks which initiated in interstitial bone
or (b) interstitial: where they were located completely but, when they encountered secondary osteons, stopped growing out-
in interstitial bone between osteons or around cement right, (iii) microcracks which initiated in interstitial bone and, when
Table 1
Criteria for identifying microcracks in bone [9, I 1,161
Step I Fluorescence microscopy: green incident light (546nm), x125 magnification. Candidate crack should be intermediate in size, being larger than
canaliculi but smaller than vascular canals
Step 2 Fluorescence microscopy: green incident light (546nm), x125 magnification. Candidate crack should have a sharp border. with a halo of
fuchsin staining around it
Step 3 Fluorescence microscopy: UV incident light (365nm), x125 magnification. Candidate crack should be stained through the depth of the section
Step 4 Light microscopy, x250 magnification. When the depth of focus is changed, the edges of the crack can be observed to be more deeply stained
than the intervening space
I? J. OBrien el a/. I Journal ojOrthopaedir Researcll23 (2005) 475480 477
they encountered secondary osteons, continued to grow and were de- in comparison to the other types (56pm; SD 50pm),
flected around the cement line but did not propagate into the circum-
ferential lamellae of the osteon, (iv) microcracks which initiated in found close to the outer surfaces of the test specimens,
interstitial bone and, when they encountered secondary osteons, pene- and did not propagate during testing.
trated the cement line and propagated into the osteon and (v) micro- Fig. 2 shows an example of a crack from each of the
cracks which encountered secondary osteons at both tips of the
crack and did not propagate at either end. The relationship between five categories described. Fig. 3 shows a graph of mean
microcrack length and location using the five distinct categories was crack length at the time of encountering an osteon for
then analysed. each category. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA)
In all specimens, one observer identified microcracks and from a
number of preliminary tests, it was estimated that the lower limit for showed that that crack length at the time of encounter-
reliable crack detection was a length of 30pm and errors in measured ing an osteon significantly affected its ability to propa-
length were in the range of flOpm. Paired 1-tests were performed to gate (p < 0.05). The first category shows that cracks
compare individual sets of data in order to determine statistical signif-
icance. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and pairwise multiple which did not encounter osteons grew to an average
comparison procedures (Dunn’s method) were used to compare groups length of 198pm (SD 75pm) before growth was halted.
of data. A probability value of 95% (p < 0.05) was used to determine The second bar illustrates that cracks of mean length
95 pm (SD 26pm) when they encountered a cement line
surrounding an osteon, stopped growing outright. How-
ever the third bar shows that cracks that propagated to
Results an osteonal cement line but were deflected into it and
around the osteon rather than penetrating it had a mean
Fig. 1 shows a graph of microcrack length at each of length 174pm (SD 47 pm).These cracks were usually ob-
the different intervals during testing. Propagating micro- served to stop growing soon after encountering the ce-
cracks (labelled with two agents indicating growth at ment line. The fourth category shows cracks which did
two different stages during testing) were found to be actually manage to penetrate osteons: these were signifi-
longer than microcracks formed at individual periods cantly longer ( p < O . O 5 ) than the other categories
during testing (281 pm; SD 119pm). No significant dif- (3 13pm; SD 116pm). The fifth category illustrates cracks
ference in length was found in microcracks formed at which encountered osteons at both tips. This usually
individual periods during testing (0-10,000 cycles, happened in areas of high osteon density. Cracks in this
10,000-50,000 cycles, 50,000 cycles to failure). The mean category stopped growing outright when they encoun-
crack length of cracks formed during these periods was tered cement lines and their average length of 106pm
found to be 170pm (SD 56pm). Pre-existing micro- (SD 37 pm) is also comparable with the average spacing
cracks which had formed prior to testing, were short of 100pm found between osteons in these areas [24].
Period of Formation
Fig. 1. Microcrack length at each of the different intervals during testing. Pre-existing microcracks were significantly shorter than the other
categories. No significant difference was found in microcracks formed at individual periods during testing (0-10,000 cycles, 10,00~50,000cycles,
50,000 cycles to failure) while propagating microcracks were found to be significantly longer than the other categories.
478 F.J. OBrien et ul. I Journul of Orthopuedic Reseurch 23 (2005) 475480
microcracks which grew during at least two stages of the one Haversian system, it would not be stopped by
specimen’s life were found to be longer (281 pm) than encounters with either cement lines or Haversian canals
microcracks formed at individual periods during testing. and the scenario of cracks propagating from Haversian
This length is similar to that of microcracks which pen- canal to Haversian canal is consistent with the experi-
etrated cement lines (Fig. 3), indicating that microcracks mental observations in this study.
which formed at least as early as the second stage of the This might explain why some authors have hypothe-
specimen’s life and then continued to propagate had a sized that secondary osteons act as weaknesses in the
greater chance of breaking through osteons. bone and encourage crack propagation while others
From a general observation of the specimens, failure have claimed that they acted as barriers to further
always occurred with the propagation of one or two growth. In our earlier paper [18] we proposed that ce-
long cracks to critical lengths rather than the coales- ment lines surrounding osteons act as barriers to the
cence of numerous small microcracks. An interesting growth of small microcracks. The data presented in this
observation was that these cracks always appeared to study support this hypotheses, however we have now
penetrate a cement line at some stage on the path to fail- shown that if microcracks do grow to certain lengths
ure. Although no quantitative data exist to back up this (approximately 300 pm), they are long enough to allow
hypothesis, Fig. 4 shows a typical example of two large penetration of secondary osteons. If these cracks con-
cracks that were involved in specimen failure. As these tinue to grow through the concentric lamellae inside
cracks grew to macrocrack level, they penetrated the ce- an osteon and have a high enough stress intensity value
ment lines of numerous osteons. This was a recurring to break through the Haversian canal, they have a clear
theme when the fracture surfaces were studied; all failure pathway with no barriers to further growth and failure is
surfaces tended to show splitting of osteons, often at the a likely result. This still begs the question as to why
Haversian canals in the centre. Failure tended to occur cracks in regions of low osteon density were generally
with the critical growth of cracks, which penetrated ce- observed not to cause failure and suggests that perhaps
ment lines, rather than the growth of cracks which were cracks preferentially seek out osteons. Numerous studies
found in regions of the bone with few secondary ost- have shown that secondary osteonal bone is mechani-
eons. This suggests that in the event of a microcrack cally weaker than primary bone [7,6,19] so failure will
growing to a length which allowed it to penetrate a ce- be more likely to occur in regions of secondary osteonal
ment line and eventually reach as far as the Haversian bone than in an adjacent region of primary bone.
canal in the centre of the osteon, its length and stress Although osteons act as barriers to growth, it is likely
intensity were large enough to allow its progression that they are actually weaker then the surrounding bone.
through the osteon and onto the next Haversian system. Frasca [8] showed that the cement line interface between
Thus, once the crack was long enough to break through osteons and interstitial bone is relatively weak which
means that it may reduce the shear strength of osteonal
bone but slipping at this interface may relax shear stres-
ses, reduce strain energy and therefore may slow crack
propagation. Burr et al. [5] showed that the cement line
is a region of reduced mineralization and provides a rel-
atively ductile interface with the surrounding bone ma-
trix which has the qualities required to promote crack
initiation but slow crack growth in compact bone. Infi-
bre-reinforced composite materials, the crack can enter
the fibre interface and then become trapped by deflec-
tion and blunting. If this is true for bone then it might
imply that the long cracks which have penetrated a ce-
ment line, are attracted to the stress concentration asso-
ciated with Haversian canals and this increases the
number that they encounter. This is worthy of further
In conclusion, this study further demonstrates the
Fig. 4. This illustrates a typical example of two large cracks (white concept of a microstructural barrier effect existing and
arrows) that were involved in failure of a specimen. It can be seen having a major effect on the fatigue behaviour of bone.
clearly that as these cracks grew to macrocrack size, they managed to It shows that for the vast majority of cracks, osteons act
penetrate the cement lines of a number of osteons and in some cases
as barriers to growth, but for the small number of long
propagated directly through the Haversian canals (black arrows).
Much secondary damage related to the main cracks is evident in this cracks that break through the cement line and split
figure. However evidence of crack arrest at cement lines is also present through a Haverisan canal, allowing a pathway for fur-
(dashed arrows). Bar = 100pm. ther propagation and eventually failure, an osteon may
480 F.J. OBrien et al. I Journal of Orthopaedic Research 23 (2005) 475480
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