Turn Over Ceremony
Turn Over Ceremony
Turn Over Ceremony
Tonight, I will be turning over our duties and responsibilities as SICAT Alumni
Officers to our successors, to be led by their President, ___________________.
The Association has experienced numerous highs and lows but, with the support and
encouragement of the people around us who never doubted our capabilities, we
persevered and succeeded. Thank you for the support and encouragement mga ka-
buddy to organize this grand alumni homecoming.
To Sir John Y. Chan, our School President, thank you for the immense trust and
To Hon. Conrado A. Vito, Board of Director, thank you Sir for granting our request to
give us tonight an inspirational message.
Thank you for being always there. Thank you so much for your effort, time and
sacrifices. I have never seen such determined and rounded individuals. You
continuously inspire me and it makes me really proud to be part of this organization.
I believe that this Alumni Association will continue in making legendary and
remarkable activities in the name of our Alma Mater for the succeeding years. When I
look at my successor, I’m very positive and confident that this organization under
his/her leadership, will accomplish everything that they have envisioned and may
even surpass what we have achieved.
On behalf of the SICAT Alumni Officers, Alumni year 2012-2018, I will now turn-
over our duties and responsibilities.