Drag Laws
Drag Laws
Drag Laws
Particle Drag Laws Implemented in the
Rocky DEMCFD OneWay and TwoWay Coupling Modules
The entire set of drag laws are dependant on the particle’s relative Reynolds number, defined
Dilute Flow Drag Laws
A collection of correlations for the drag coefficient (drag laws) can be found in the extensive
technical literature available on particlefluid interactions. The most common and validated
ones for single particle (dilute flow) are implemented in the Rocky DEMCFD oneway and
twoway coupling modules, both of which apply to spherical and nonspherical particles.
Schiller & Naumann (1933)
The Schiller & Naumann (1933) drag correlation for spherical particles provides the drag
coefficient ( ) for
D Re
< 800 with a maximum deviation of 5% in relation to experimental data.
The standard version of the correlation is given by Equation (2).
[1, 2]
A modification commonly used for inclusion of drag inertial range ( > 1000) is given by
Equation (3).
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Within the Rocky oneway DEMCFD coupling module, the modified version of this drag law
is implemented and it is also the recommended drag law to be applied for simulations with
spherical particles.
Dallavalle (1948)
[4, 5]
The Dallavalle (1948) drag law also provides the drag coefficient for spherical particles. Its
validity range is up to < 3000 and its main difference to the modified Schiller & Naumann
(1933) correlation is that it is a continuous function. The Dellavalle (1948) correlation is
presented in Equation (4).
Figure 1 shows the fit of Equation (3) and Equation (4) to spherical particles experimental
data. It can be seen that the modified version of Schiller & Naumann drag correlation and the
Dallavalle correlation both fit very well into the spherical experimental data.
Figure 1. Dilute flows drag laws validation test.
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Haider & Levenspiel (1989)
The common correlation for both types of particles is given by Equation (5).
The values of the coefficients B
, , D
C and , for spherical particles are:
= 0.1806,
B =
C = 0.4251 and D = 6880.95. For nonspherical particles, these coefficients are
calculated as a function of the particle sphericity, ϕ
The particle sphericity () is calculated by Equation (7), where Asphere is the surface of a
sphere having the same volume as the particle and Ap is the actual surface area of the
Figure 2 presents the comparison of Equation (5) using Equation (6) to calculate the
parameters for nonspherical particles with experimental data for four different types of
particles, all with different values of sphericity.
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Figure 2. Haider & Levenspiel validation test.
Ganser (1993)
Ganser (1993) showed that both Stokes’ shape factor ( K ) and Newton’s shape factor (
1 K )
are important for the prediction of drag. Stokes’ shape factor ( K) is defined as the ratio
between the drag coefficient of a spherical particle and a particle with an arbitrary shape,
both in Stokes’ flow (
Re << 1). Newton’s shape factor ( K) is defined as the ratio between the
drag coefficient of a particle with an arbitrary shape and the drag coefficient of a spherical
particle, both in Re = 10000.
Thereby, Ganser developed a simplified drag equation, shown in Equation (8), that is a
function only of the generalized Reynolds number K
1 . This equation is applied to all
shapes and it is valid for
ReK1 5
< 10
K2 .
Equation (9) and Equation (10) give the suggested expressions of K K
1 and 2 for isometric and
nonisometric particles. In these equations, n is the diameter of a spherical particle with the
same projected area of the actual particle in the direction of the flow, and d
v is the diameter of
a spherical particle with the same volume of the actual particle.
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Figure 3 presents the comparison of the drag coefficient calculated using Equation (8) with
the same nonspherical particle experimental data used on the validation of the Haider &
Levenspiel (1989) correlation. This plot must be analysed only as a general, qualitative
evaluation because the data did not allow for the accurate calculation of the shape (Stokes’)
In the Rocky oneway DEMCFD coupling module, this correlation is implemented and
calculates both Stokes and Newton parameters, considering the effects of shape and
alignment of the particle with the flow field to compute the drag coefficient. This is a more
accurate but also numerically more expensive option.
Figure 3. Ganser validation test.
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Dense Flow Drag Laws
The drag laws presented above were developed (generally) for a single particle in an infinite
medium and can be applied for collections of particles as long as the criteria for dilute flow
is satisfied. For a dense flow of particles, different drag laws must be used. Some of these
dense flow drag laws are corrections over the single particle drag laws based on fluid volume
fraction (α
f) α
or particles volume fraction (s);
others are completely independent equations.
The drag laws implemented within the Rocky DEMCFD twoway coupling module were
manipulated to use physical velocity (instead of superficial velocity) and adjusted to calculate
the correct pressure gradient when applied in the fluid momentum conservation equation
given by Equation (11) :
Where the drag coefficient is used in the definition of the momentum exchange coefficient sf,
given by Equation (12):
Wen & Yu (1966)
Ergun (1958)
For higher particle concentrations, the Wen & Yu (1966) drag law deviates from the
experimental data. For these cases, which can have solids volume fraction αs
≥ 0.2 up to the
maximum packing limit (usually ∼60%−70%),
Ergun (1958) has developed a correlation to
[3, 7]
the head loss in fixed beds . The form of the Ergun (1958) equation that fits the definition
of sf of Equation (12) is shown in Equation (14).
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Gidaspow, Bezburuah & Ding (1992)
Gidaspow, Bezburuah & Ding (1992) have developed a simple connection between the
Wen & Yu (1966) and Ergun (1958) correlations to represent the complete range of solids
volume fraction in a single drag law, by simply applying each law over its valid range. The
Gidaspow, Bezburuah & Ding (1992) correlation is then given by Equation (15).
Huilin & Gidaspow (2003)
The Gidaspow, Bezburuah & Ding (1992) drag correlation covers the entire range of solids
(particle phase) volume fraction (from 0 up to the maximum packing limit) but presents a
discontinuity at the point f = 0.8. To make the transition between the Wen & Yu (1966) and
Ergun (1958) correlations in a smoother way, Huilin & Gidaspow (2003) have applied a
blending function to promote the connection based on the fluid volume fraction. The final
drag correlation is given by Equation (16). The blending function ψ is calculated as a function
of the fluid volume fraction as shown in Equation (17).
Di Felice (1994)
Using experimental data, correlations from previous works and analytical results, Di Felice
(1994) derived a correction function for the single particle drag coefficient to consider the
case of dense particle flow. The correlation, adjusted to the definition of Ksf
of Equation (12) is
shown in Equation (18):
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Figure 4. Comparison of the dense flow drag laws for = 0.4.
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= 1000.
Figure 5. Comparison of the dense flow drag laws for
1. ANSYS, Inc. CFX Solver Theory Guide. Canonsburg, PA, 2013.
2. ANSYS, Inc. Fluent Theory Guide. Canonsburg, PA, 2013.
Yutaka. Multiphase Flows with Droplets and Particles. 2. ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC
Press, 2012.
4. DALLAVALLE, J. M. Micromeritics: the Technology of Fine Particles, 2nd Edition,
Pitman Publishing Corp., 1948.
5. DI FELICE, R. The Voidage Function for FluidParticle Interaction Systems.
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, v.20, n. 1, p. 153159, 1994.
6. GANSER, Gary H. A rational approach to drag prediction of spherical and
nonspherical particles. Powder Technology, v. 77, p. 143152, 1993.
7. GIDASPOW, Dimitri. Multiphase Flow and Fluidization: Continuum and Kinetic Theory
Descriptions. San Diego, CA: Academic Press, 1993.
8. GIDASPOW, Dimitri; BEZBURUAH, Rukmini; DING, J. Hydrodynamics of
Circulating Fluidized Beds: Kinetic Theory Approach. In: ENGINEERING
Proceedings... New York, NY: Engineering Foundation, 1992. p. 7582.
9. HAIDER, A.; LEVENSPIEL, O. Drag Coefficient and Terminal Velocity of Spherical
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