"The Principal, KCG College of Technology, Chennai.": Day 1-Introduction To Iot and RF System Design
"The Principal, KCG College of Technology, Chennai.": Day 1-Introduction To Iot and RF System Design
"The Principal, KCG College of Technology, Chennai.": Day 1-Introduction To Iot and RF System Design
PG students from academia and Engineers & Scientists from
KCG College of Technology (a unit of Hindustan Group of industry and R&D institutes to have discussions on the recent Participants are requested to fill the registration form and
Institutions) was found in 1998 to fulfil the advances in both the design and applications of antenna and send the same to the Coordinator along with DD to be drawn
Founder-Chairman, Dr. KCG Varghese’s vision of “Making also to provide much deeper insights into the most exciting in favour of “The Principal, KCG College of Technology,
Every Man a Success and No Man a Failure”. The College is technology of our RF Industry – Internet of Things (IoT). This Chennai.”
affiliated to Anna University, Chennai and approved by program combines both Presentations and Hands on
AICTE. The College has been certified as an ISO 9001: 2008
Institution. The college is providing excellent infrastructure,
Training, so that you can appreciate the Engineering that REGISTRATION FEE
makes the RF Systems work.
and progressive outlook, in order to achieve high academic For faculty members: Rs. 1,000/-
standards and performance. The college has established High Frequency Structural Simulator (HFSS) is a commercial Participants from industry: Rs. 1,500/-
Centre for Excellence in Engineering to actively involve in finite element method solver for electromagnetic structures. It
Research and Development. The campus of KCG College of is one of several commercial tools used for antenna design, For PG students: Rs. 750/-
Technology is beautifully landscaped in a lush Green stretch and being the latest it is also used in the design of complex
of land amidst, many multinational companies, spread over
50 acres at Karapakkam which is about 10 Km from Adyar on
RF electronic circuit elements including filters, transmission NOTE
lines, and packaging.
the Old Mahabalipuram Road, the IT corridor of Chennai. • Registration Form can be scanned and sent to Email Id.:
Day 1- Introduction to IoT and RF System Design • Participants should bring their own Laptop for hands-on
The department of Electronics and Communication training
Engineering has set up Centre for Excellence which is • IoT Overview
approved by Anna University as a Nodal Research Centre. • RF System design challenges • Certificates will be provided for the registered participants
The department has its core strength in the leading areas of • Antennas for IoT
Electronics technology. Ever since its inception, it has been • Autonomous Vehicles and Challenges CONTACT US
providing dynamic and quality engineers to the society. The Mr. S. Sadasivam
Hands–On Session I: IoT based Antenna Design using
department has Undergraduate Programme in Electronics Assistant Professor/ECE
HFSS software.
and Communication Engineering and Postgraduate Ph. No.: 9842376523
Programmes in Communication Systems and VLSI Design in Day 2- IoT Medical Applications Email Id: sadasivam.ece@kcgcollege.com
helping the students to gain technical skill and expertise. The
centre is committed to excellence in fundamental research as • Overview of RF System for Medical applications
Ms. B.Thyla
well as the development of innovative technologies for the •Implantable and Ingestible Antennas Assistant Professor/ECE
future. The cutting edge research areas include VLSI, Image
Hands – On Session II: Design and fabrication for antennas Ph.No.: 9884089707
Processing & Pattern Recognition, Communication
in medical applications Email Id: thyla@kcgcollege.com
Technologies, Sensor Networks, Wireless Communication
and Signal Processing. The centre has set up a state of art
laboratory facilities. The centre has collaborative partners
from academia and industry. The workshop is open to Faculty members, PG students,
Research scholars and persons working in R & D
ABOUT THE WORKSHOP organizations and Industries.
There are different radio network deployments, in which
diverse antenna system design methodologies and
techniques are adopted. The antenna design is one of the Last date for Registration: 25.11.2016
major fields of research in RF area due to the essentiality of
antennas for all equipment that uses radio. With increasing
demands for high data rate and seamless coverage, ultra
wideband, multiband, reconfigurable/wearable and high
frequency antennas are required to develop both commercial
and defence applications.
Organizing Committee:
Chief Patrons:
Dr. Elizabeth Verghese
National Level
Two Day Dr. Anand Jacob Verghese
Director & CEO
Faculty Development Programme on
IoT Antenna Design using HFSS software Dr. Annie Jacob
(29th - 30th November 2016)
Date :
Signature : "To make Every Man a Success and no Man a Failure"