SFPD Gascon Retrospective August 2010
SFPD Gascon Retrospective August 2010
SFPD Gascon Retrospective August 2010
San Francisco Police Department 850 Bryant Street, Room 525, San Francisco, CA T 415-553-1551 http://sf-police.org
On August 7, 2009, Chief George Gascón was sworn-in to lead the San Francisco Police Department, an organization with 2,800 talented
employees 1 and a rich 160-year history, serving 1.2 million people 2 in a diverse world-class metropolis.
MISSION: To Make San Francisco the Safest Large City in the Nation.
“This is an incredibly forward-thinking city, this is a world-class city. There is no reason why we should not
be the safest large city in the country.” Chief George Gascón
To progress towards the mission of making San Francisco the safest large city in the nation, the SFPD has embraced the Chief’s core
principles of Smart Policing Innovations, Community Engagement, and Accountability. We currently face the realities of shrinking municipal
resources combined with rapidly evolving threats to public health and safety. Consequently, an improved understanding of and relationship to
the communities we serve, a commitment to openness and transparency, and a relentless drive towards innovation and efficiency as a means
to do more with less have become the necessary principles which guide both daily operations and long-term strategy.
Below are first year goals which set a foundation for achieving our ambitious mission – which can only be accomplished by working in
partnership with the community, the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, the Police Commission, and through the daily commitment of our
uniformed and civilian men and women. Please note, these goals were achieved without a net increase in General Fund appropriations. 3
✓ Accomplished: Implemented reforms and process improvements to increase transparency and control within the Department.
❖ Worked with Police Commission to Improve Discipline Case Management which has reduced case backlog.
❖ Implemented Proactive Accountability Mechanisms, including a robust Early Intervention System, systematic Policy Review, and
Operational Audits.
❖ Openly and quickly implemented reforms in response to Crime Lab and Brady Issues.
❖ Reorganized Department to three Offices to improve control and align functions.
1 Upon Chief Gascón’s appointment, SFPD had 2,790 employees (2,373 sworn, 417 civilian). Currently there are 2,631 employees (2,254 sworn, 377 civilian).
2 Population of 1.2 million includes 808,000 residents and the additional visitor and daytime commuter population.
3 FY 2009-10 budget rose 2.07% over FY 2008-09. The increase is offset by 3% in sworn salary increases. Salaries & benefits comprise 90% of budget.
One Year Retrospective, Chief George Gascón, August 2010
Part 1 Violent Crimes Change Over Prior Year Part 1 Property Crimes Change Over Prior Year
A smart policing tool, CompStat functions as a real-time, proactive, results-oriented program. CompStat addresses all sources
of a problem. “CompStat looks outwardly at crime and its affects in the community, while at the same time looking within the
organization to identify best practices in managing police personnel and risk management issues such as sick time, use of
force, pursuits, complaints and accompanying city liability.” Assistant Chief Jeff Godown
CompStat operates from the principles of timely intelligence, effective tactics, rapid deployment, and relentless follow-up.
❖ Timely, Accurate Information - Know what is happening.
A CompStat review occurs bimonthly (open to the public).
SFPD managers and staff at all levels participate in active
discussions to understand affects of crime statistics.
CompStat information, reports, and meeting schedule can be found at http://sf-police.org. Click on the CompStat icon.
BRICC will provide and receive real-time, crime focused analysis enhancing public safety for the entire region. A critical
component of Smart Policing, BRICC uses technology to strategically deploy personnel in the most efficient manner possible.
BRICC provides officers with immediate crime support information analysis, enabling them to address crime issues, identify
patterns, and conduct investigations at a much more rapid pace. We anticipate that BRICC will be located at 17th and De
Haro Streets and be 85% operational by the end of 2010.
Inspectors did not receive cases until a day or two Inspectors immediately informed of cases
Response Time
after they occurred
Inspectors would interview witnesses days after Inspectors can conduct onsite interviews, more ac-
Witness Interviews
crime curate and convenient for witnesses
Patrol & Investigations essentially functioned as Inspectors now work directly with Patrol Officers
Patrol Bifurcation separate units with Patrol initiating a report which from beginning of a case
was forwarded to the Investigations Unit.
Patrol officers lacked training in issues that were Officer involvement serves as an on-the-job training
critical to the investigative process. Patrol reports tool, improving officer technical skills on what makes
Patrol Education
often lacked key information. cases strong, and increasing accountability and
Captain Flexibility Station Captains previously had no responsibility Station Captains now responsible for and use inves-
Accountability for the investigative function tigators as a district crime fighting tool
Inspectors could be assigned a case from any- Station Inspectors gain a greater understanding of
Community Relations where in the City ,and build relationships with, community stakehold-
Although Inspectors were on-call 24/7 to respond In-office coverage has been expanded with Inspec-
Staffing Hours to incidents, the majority of Inspectors worked tors now working weekend, swing, and graveyard
business hours. shifts.
Previously, statistics on investigation clearance (solved or closed cases) and filing rates (cases where District Attorney files
criminal charges) were only maintained at the unit level. In April 2010, we implemented CompStat statistical tracking and
review of investigation statistics. CompStat’s statistical analysis functionality into the investigative process will help us monitor
our productivity and enable the strategic deployment of investigative resources and continual operational improvements.
Additionally, the Investigations Bureau was reorganized into three divisions: Vice Crimes, Major Crimes and Special Victims.
Major Crimes includes the Criminal Investigations Unit (CIU), which conducts major crimes, robbery, and enforcement criminal
investigations and provides technical assistance for major crimes that exceed the resources of the Station Investigative Teams.
These highly trained units focus on specialized investigative areas such as homicides, gang related crimes, kidnapping,
domestic violence, and bank robberies.
Chief Gascón’s initiation of anti-open illegal drug market operations in the Tenderloin District provides an example of targeted
Zone Enforcement. The smallest district station in San Francisco (contained within 0.2 square miles), the Tenderloin
experienced high crime rates within an environment where narcotics were openly bought and consumed. This unprecedented
targeted Zone Enforcement effort resulted in more than 300 arrests in 20 days, mostly from buy-bust operations. The effort
was also unusual in that information was openly and continuously provided to the media during the operation. To encourage
the reduction of crime, Chief Gascón initiated coordinated operations on overlap days with Bureaus such as Gang Task Force,
the Fugitive Recovery Enforcement Team and Narcotics.
Another example of strategic deployment can be found in the Bayview district where a patterned rise in street crime and
robbery around Muni stations was eliciting fear within the community. The Zone Enforcement response included the
redeployment of 32 officers (all volunteers for this assignment) to patrol targeted areas. Additionally, the Department held
community meetings to both deter the violence and calm fears.
The Homeland Security Unit has increased the number of Terrorist Liaison Officers from 40 to 100. These officers protect San
Francisco’s critical infrastructures, receive continuous training by the FBI and Northern California Regional Intelligence Center
and systematically disseminate this training with officers at every station. TLO’s now reach out to the community by developing
point of contact relationships and educating high-risk business owners on terrorist threats and reporting protocol. Additionally
the HSU works with the City’s Department of Emergency Management to develop citywide exercises and protocol on a variety
of critical incidents and emergency situations.
The SFPD continually reviews and adjusts its organizational structure and deployment for maximum effectiveness. Additional
examples include:
The Civilian Investigator Program will enable victims to schedule an appointment within a time window instead of waiting
indefinitely for police response. Investigators can spend more time with crime victims as they follow a set appointment
schedule and do not have to break for emergencies. Investigators will be trained to interview victims and witnesses, write
reports, take crime scene photos, and collect fingerprint and DNA evidence. The Civilian Investigators will respond to calls
Before Chief Gascón’s appointment, Bookings are now processed and stored electronically and linked
bookings were done by hand with in- to Sheriff’s Department enabling quick retrieval. Although funding
formation typed on cards and informa- allocations and equipment purchases for this initiative occurred
Booking Arrests tion retrieved manually. several years ago, the resulting system experienced problematic
and incomplete implementation. Chief Gascón prioritized the ini-
tiative and drove complex vendor negotiations which resulted in
successful system implementation.
An officer would manually record their Allows officers to directly enter their daily activities (i.e. arrests,
Officer Productivity daily activities and submit to a time- number of incidents, reports, inspections) directly into a web-
Records keeper who entered data into a system. based system. This information is used for payroll, CompStat and
other types of analysis.
Police reports may have been handwrit- All police records now prepared electronically. Additional im-
Police Reports ten, typed, or prepared on a computer. provements, such as development of a database and overhaul of
process are under development.
In the field, suspects lacking proper The new Automated Biometric Identification System (ABIS) en-
identification were processed at a later ables quick fingerprint identification of individuals in the field.
Field Identification date or transported to a station for (Funded by fingerprinting service fees.) Greatly reduces officer
identification. time and resources spent in holding and transporting prisoners for
identification purposes.
Since Chief Gascón’s arrival, the Department has aggressively pursued alternative funding sources and applied for 17 new
grants, 10 of which have been awarded. A $16 million Department of Justice grant enabled the hiring of 50 officers.
Additionally, the Chief is currently exploring the creation of a Police Foundation to fund innovations through private donations.
✴ Conducts community education efforts by presentations in the community on such issues as using 911, elder abuse,
internet safety and pedestrian safety;
✴ Conducts outreach for current events and organizes town hall and community meetings;
✴ Contains a dedicated language liaison officer to facilitate document translation, interpreter services, and bilingual testing for
members. The liaison works with a coalition composed of community groups and the Office of Citizen Complaints;
✴ Working with SF Crisis Care, a community-based coalition to help officers provide on-scene support to survivors
traumatized by suicides, homicides, accidents and other tragedies;
✴ Creation of Special Community Forums. CRU established a forum for adults who work with youth and is currently working
to establish forums to explore public safety concerns and open a dialogue with the SFPD for the following communities:
Youth, Asian Pacific Islanders, African American, Arab American, Faith-Based, LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender),
and Hispanic;
Additionally, all police officers receive formal training and supplemental training on such topics as assisting domestic violence
victims, community outreach, cultural understanding and competency. District stations also routinely participate in and host
community events and disseminate newsletters to stakeholders.
An example of how a Community Advisory Board functions can be found at Ingleside Station. With 15 community board
members meeting monthly, they have organized events such as a neighborhood clean up and planting on August 3, 2010.
They are also tackling community safety through educational crime prevention video advertisements for Chinese radio and TV
and by writing letters to the District Attorney regarding their concerns on specific arrests.
Youth programs have expanded through the Police Activities League (PAL). In July 2010, 25 PAL Cadets graduated from the
program’s first mini-police academy where they received an abbreviated version of recruit training. The cadets recently started
internships at the Bayview and Ingleside Stations.
The staffing in our Media Relations Unit increased and now includes Cantonese
and Spanish speakers. Daily hours were expanded to include coverage through
10:00pm with staff available on call 24/7. The unit conducts regular individual
editorial board meetings and a biannual round table with the Chief and local editors.
Media Relations manages the SFPD Facebook Page and Twitter Account and has
expanded public information content on the SFPD website. Media Relations has
created the Chief’s Message and is producing a media training video and manual
for all officers.
In the interest of transparency, Chief Gascón has sought to develop an open relationship between the Department and the
media by being accessible to them as much as possible (press conferences and granting interviews) to communicate on issues
and events, including all officer-involved shootings. Additionally, all police officers are encouraged to speak directly to the media
within their knowledge levels and department guidelines.
❖ Implementation of the Text-A-Tip Program (TIP411/847411), enables people to quickly and anonymously report crimes,
and is a more comfortable communication medium for young people. Between August 1, 2009, and July 31, 2010, 740
texts were received. All texts are analyzed and acted upon by BRICC staff.
❖ SFPD activated its own Facebook page in February 2010. This medium enables people to express their opinions and it
provides an efficient means for the Department to communicate with users. Meetings, missing persons information, public
safety tips, crime statistics, and current events and case updates are posted. As of August 11, 2010, the page had 2,380
❖ The Department uses the City and County 311 Twitter page that enables citizens to request non-emergency police and
municipal services. The Department uses Twitter to share breaking public safety information, including traffic street
closures and major road accidents As of August 2010 the 311 Twitter page had 6,400 followers. Follow us at
The principle of accountability is an extremely critical core responsibility that we continually endeavor to uphold. Chief Gascón’s
first year marks significant efforts to institutionalize both accountability mechanisms and awareness within our organization in
the areas of internal affairs, disciplinary case management, operations review, and other open reform efforts.
Chief Gascón reorganized the Department into three Offices - Operations, Administration, and the Office of the Chief of Staff on
November 14, 2009. The reorganization accomplishes both a “flattening” of the organization and a functional realignment that
ensures more effective spans of control and proper management.
❖ Section reorganized into Criminal Investigations, Administrative Investigations, and Brady Compliance units, and staffing
❖ Instituted a 60-day timeframe to investigate cases, (a significant improvement as it previously took approximately six
months to complete an investigation);
❖ Added a criminal investigations component to the unit, enabling criminal and administrative components to be more
efficiently investigated under one umbrella (they were previously bifurcated, leading to process delays);
❖ Development of best practices processes and associated training;
❖ Expanded the Officer-Involved Shooting Team to investigate all shooting incidents where an officer intentionally discharges
a firearm in response to a perceived threat. Consequently, all officer involved shooting investigations undergo consistent
process standards;
❖ Additional case review levels and round-table reviews have been added to serve as structural checks and balances to case
determinations without compromising case resolution timeframes.
Consequently, the number of pending cases before the Commission has decreased 36% from 72 cases in August 2009 to 46
cases in August 2010.
Both the Department’s criminal and administrative investigations were completed and provided to the Attorney General’s Office
in July 2010. As stated by Chief Gascón, “We can certainly talk about all the administrative fixes that have been done to
mitigate the likelihood of having a reoccurrence, or certainly having a reoccurrence that goes on for some time without being
noticed. We can never guarantee that human beings will not commit crimes, but we can guarantee that we have systems that
will pick it up quickly.” To decrease the likelihood of a similar issue arising in the future, we have enacted the following reforms:
✤ Streamlined narcotics evidence testing processes and guidelines through the implementation of Presumptive Testing.
Presumptive Testing enables patrol officers to conduct preliminary testing of suspected narcotics in the field (600 officers
trained to date). This eliminates the need for testing negative or inconclusive samples or where the suspect submits a
guilty plea at a preliminary hearing. Consequently the narcotics testing caseload was reduced from 10,000 to 4,000.
✤ Implemented best practice caseload ratios to ensure Criminalists are not overworked. Excess testing will be outsourced.
✤ Implemented a digital photography system for C.S.I., eliminating the need for film;
✤ Assigned 2 on-call investigators between midnight and 6 am instead of just one;
Currently, very few law enforcement agencies have instituted a Brady Notification Protocol. The Department’s policy
development process and the procedures themselves have a central focus of transparency, inclusion of stakeholders, and
compliance with all legal requirements. This has resulted in a procedure that by any standard will be a model Brady Notification
❖ Created a Written Directives Unit to draft and review departmental policy arising from reform and compliance efforts and to
implement uniform standards.
❖ Initiated Vertical Staff Meetings between the Chief and members of a specific rank to generate operational improvements
and address staff issues.
❖ Instituted weekly station tours by Command Staff to address officer concerns and issues.
❖ Currently overhauling the sworn promotional process through a working group led by civil rights attorney Connie Rice in an
attempt to institutionalize the opportunity for officers to broaden their knowledge base and assignment variety.