Implementation Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Implementation Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Implementation Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Abstract:-The high number of user vehicles means that push the vehicle until the driver finds the nearest location of
the needs of the garage will be higher.The garage is very garage. Usually, the driver will ask the people around the
necessary especially when vehicles experience problems area to get the nearest garage information, but the way it is
at a location unknown. Nowadays, we can use insurance ineffective and takes a long time and difficult to get accurate
for our vehicles but not everyone can have this solution. information.
This is because there are several conditions that must be
met before a person can have or become a policyholder. Actually, we can use insurance for our vehicles. By
So when a problem occurs, the driver needs another having vehicle insurance, when an incident occurs, such as a
alternative to overcome it. To overcome this, needed strike on a trip, you can contact the insurer to take your car
media information to help find the nearest garage to a partner's garage and you will get a replacement car
location. Application usingFloyd-Warshall algorithm for during the repair process. This definitely makes it easier for
the shortest path of the garage is one solution to solve you to stay active and drive.Although the government also
this problem. This application based on Android, appealed to the public to have and take advantage of the
equipped GPS systems and Google Map to make it easy benefits of insurance, not everyone can have this protection
to find the nearest garage location from the user product. This is because there are several conditions that
location. must be met before a person can have or become a
policyholder. So when a problem occurs, the driver needs
Keywords:Garage, GPS, Floyd-Warshall, Android, Google another alternative to overcome it.To overcome this, needed
Map API media information to help find the nearest garage location.
needs the technology of Global Positioning System (GPS) paths from i to k + 1 (which passes simpulsimpul 1 to k),
and Google Map API as a virtual map provider that runs on and the shortest path from k + 1 to j (also using
an operating system based on Android and displays the route simpulsimpul from 1 to k). Therefore, the formula for the
on the position of the driver to the garage location function shortestPath (i, j, k) can be written as a notation as
technology using Location Based Services(LBS). By follows :
obtaining more accurate information, the driver can easily
determine the shortest path to the location of the garage.
Moreover, to know where the nearest garage, distance
measurement methods are needed. The method used is
Floyd-Warshall algorithm. This algorithm can compare the
possible trajectories of the graph for each side of all the
nodes so as to facilitate the search for the shortest path to the
location of the garage.
The Decision Support System (DSS) is interactive,
computer-based systems and subsystems intended to help
Figure 2.1:- Shortest Path Function
decision makers in using communication technologies, data,
documents, knowledge and/or models to complete decision
This formula is the core of Floyd-Warshall
process tasks, explain in [8].
From the above, it is necessary to develop an application algorithm, this algorithm works by calculating
that determining the shortest path of garage based on shortestPath (i, j, 1) for all pairs (i, j), then the results will be
used to calculate shortestPath (i, j, 2) for all couples (i, j),
Android in kecamatan Kembangan, Jakarta Barat using
and so on. This process will continue until k = n and we
Floyd-Warshall algorithm.
have found the shortest path for all pairs (i, j) using the
vertices intermediary.
Wether No Choose
W(i,j) > W(i,k) + W(k,j) W(i,j)
Fig 2.4:- V Model Location Manager (API Maps) Provide tool or a source
The stage of V-Model: for the LBS, Application Programming Interface (API).
Requirements modeling: Analyze and collect all user Maps provide facilities for menampilakan, manipulate
needs. maps or maps with these types of features such as
satellite view, street, or a combination thereof. This
Architectural design : Can also called high-level design, package is
where the system architecture is determined during this
phase. This phase provides an overview of solutions, Location Provider (API Location) Provide a location
platforms, systems, products and services / processes. search technology used by the device. API Location
corresponding data and Global Positioning System
Component design : Can also called low-level design (GPS) and real-time location data. API Location is the
where the system is divided into sections in order to android package that is in the package android.location.
facilitate the developers to write code. This phase is By Location Manager, we can determine our current
where the actual software components are designed. location, track movement or displacement, as well as
proximity to a specific location by detecting the
Code generation : In this stage programming is done for displacement[3].
each module that has been formed.
Google MAP Application Programming Interface
Unit Testing : Unit testing will be performed on the (API)
code generation of the component design, which in this
phase tests each part of the system separately. An API is a documentation which shall be
composed of the interface, functions, classes, structures
and so on to build a device. With the API, then allows
Integration Testing : Integration testing will be done on
the programmer to unload a software to then be
each component design where the component design
developed or integrated with other software. An API
will become a system architecture. In this phase test
can be regarded as an application interface with other
several parts of the system simultaneously to ensure the
applications that allows programmers to use the system
system can work and work together.
System Testing : In this phase test the entire system that Black Box Testing
has been built in accordance with the needs of users.
Black-box testing, also called behavioral testing,
Acceptance Testing : Determining whether the built focuses on the functional requirements of the software.
system meets the demand and satisfies the user or not. That is, black-box testing techniques enable you to
derive sets of input conditions that will fully exercise Category Display
all functional requirements for a program. Black-box On the category page there are various types of garage
testing is not an alternative to white-box techniques. options that users can choose based on categories.
Rather, it is a complementary approach that is likely to
uncover a different class of errors than whitebox Category Display can be seen in Figure 3.2 below:
A. Android Implementation
Homepage Display
The results of Black-box testing can be seen in Table 3.1 IV. CONCLUSION
Based on the theory and discussion in the previous
Table 3.1 Test Result chapters that have been done, it can be concluded that has
been developed the application determining the shortest path
No Trials Expected results Test Result of the garage using Floyd-Warshall algorithm based android
which can display the shortest distance of the nearest garage
1 Login Home Display the Home corresponding location from the user position with the selected and radius
page page category by the user, displaying route and road information
to the location of the garage. In this application, utilization
2 Choose The selected garage corresponding of Google Map API as a virtual map provider has been
garage category is as successfully implemented. In determining the shortest path
category desired the nearest garage in the application has successfully applied
the distance measurement method using the Floyd-Warshall
3 Setting the Go to the radius corresponding algorithm dan for displaying the shortest path has been
radius page and the radius successfully able to determine the categorization and radius
data will be saved based on the selected of the user.
for calculation