Energyplus Vs Equest

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A Comparison of EnergyPlus and eQUEST

Whole Building Energy Simulation Results for a

Medium Sized Office Building


Hema Sree Rallapalli

A Thesis Presented in Partial Fulfillment

of the Requirements for the Degree
Master of Science

Approved November 2010 by the

Graduate Supervisory Committee:

Harvey Bryan, Chair

Marlin Addison
T. Agami Reddy


December 2010

With the increasing interest in energy efficient building design,

whole building energy simulation programs are increasingly employed in

the design process to help architects and engineers determine which

design alternatives save energy and are cost effective. DOE-2 is one of

the most popular programs used by the building energy simulation

community. eQUEST is a powerful graphic user interface for the DOE-2

engine. EnergyPlus is the newest generation simulation program under

development by the U.S. Department of Energy which adds new modeling

features beyond the DOE-2’s capability.

The new modeling capabilities of EnergyPlus make it possible to

model new and complex building technologies which cannot be modeled

by other whole building energy simulation programs. On the other hand,

EnergyPlus models, especially with a large number of zones, run much

slower than those of eQUEST. Both eQUEST and EnergyPlus offer their

own set of advantages and disadvantages. The choice of which building

simulation program should be used might vary in each case. The purpose

of this thesis is to investigate the potential of both the programs to do the

whole building energy analysis and compare the results with the actual

building energy performance. For this purpose the energy simulation of a

fully functional building is done in eQUEST and EnergyPlus and the

results were compared with utility data of the building to identify the

degree of closeness with which simulation results match with the actual

heat and energy flows in building.

It was observed in this study that eQUEST is easy to use and quick

in producing results that would especially help in the taking critical

decisions during the design phase. On the other hand EnergyPlus aids in

modeling complex systems, producing more accurate results, but

consumes more time. The choice of simulation program might change

depending on the usability and applicability of the program to our need in

different phases of a building’s lifecycle. Therefore, it makes sense if a

common front end is designed for both these simulation programs thereby

allowing the user to select either the DOE-2.2 engine or the EnergyPlus

engine based upon the need in each particular case.


I take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Prof. Marlin

Addison, for his dedication, keen interest and encouragement despite the

obstacles we had to face throughout this project. I want to specially thank

Prof. Harvey Bryan for giving me numerous opportunities to explore the

field through research projects and for his relentless support throughout

my time at ASU. I also want to thank Prof. Agami Reddy for his inputs

from time to time, and Late Prof. David Tait, because of whom I was

privileged to pursue this program.

I am glad to have shared the space at Sim Lab with my friends from

ASU Building Design, Architecture & Planning programs. That wonderful

time will always be missed.

Finally, I want to mention my best friends Sinduri and Surekha for

their constant support and words of encouragement throughout my

journey of life. Last but not the least I want to thank my parents and

brother for believing in me and letting me pursue my dreams.

Thank you all.



LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... vi

LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................vii


1 PROJECT INTRODUCTION ..................................................... 1

Introduction .............................................................................. 1

Purpose and Objectives .......................................................... 2

Methodology ……………….………………………………...... 4

Scope and Limitations …….………………………………...... 5

Computer Configuration ................................................…... 6

2 LITERATURE STUDY ............................................................... 7

Introduction .............................................................................. 7

Building Energy Simulation ..................................................... 8

Simulation Tools and Comparison……..…….…..................11

EnergyPlus .................................................................…...13

eQUEST ...................................................................…..... 22

Runtime Comparison ................................................…..... 38

3 ENERGY MODELING.............................................................. 40

Building Description ............................................................... 40

Energy Modeling in eQUEST ................................................ 44


Energy modeling in EnergyPlus.....................................…...45

Creating Custom Weather Files........................................... 48

Simulations ….…………………………………….….…….......43

4 RESULTS COMPARISON....................................................... 49

Simulation Programs Output ................................................. 49

Comparison of Results .......................................................... 49

Observations and Recommendations ……………………....56

5 CONCLUSION ........................................................... …………64

REFERENCES ........................................................................................... 66


A ZONE SUMMARY ................................................................ 68

B MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTIONS ................................. 73


Table Page

1. Comparison of Software Tools ................................................ 33

2. Capabilities of EnergyPlus over DOE 2 ................................. 34

3. Zone Areas and Properties .................................................... 41

4. Comparison of Electric consumption ...................................... 50

5. Comparison of Electric consumption with utility data .............. 53

6. Comparison of Gas consumption with utility data ................... 54

7. Zone Summary ....................................................................... 68

8. Glass Properties ..................................................................... 73

9. Material Properties ................................................................... 73

10. Construction Layers ............................................................... 74

11. Construction ............................................................................ 75


Figure Page

1. Energy Flow in Buildings ........................................................... 7

2. Structure of EnergyPlus ......................................................... 15

3. Work flow of DesignBuilder ..................................................... 19

4. Screen shot of Sketch Up with Open Studio plug-in ............... 21

5. Energy model in eQUEST ...................................................... 40

6. Energy model in DesignBuilder ................................................ 40

7. Screenshot of eQUEST .......................................................... 44

8. Screenshot of DesignBuilder .................................................. 46

9. Screenshot of Open Studio ..................................................... 47

10. Screenshot of IDF Editor ......................................................... 48

11. Electricity Consumption for Lighting ....................................... 51

12. Electricity Consumption for Equipment ................................... 51

13. Electricity Consumption for Space Cooling ............................. 52

14. Electricity Consumption for Pumps ......................................... 52

15. Electricity Consumption for Ventilation Fans........................... 53

16. Comparison of Electric Consumption with actual data ........... 54

17. Comparison of Gas Consumption with actual data ................. 55

Chapter 1


Energy simulation tools are increasingly used for analysis of energy

performance of buildings and the thermal comfort of their occupants.

Today, there are many building performance simulation programs with

different user interfaces and different simulation engines that are capable

of these analyses. Given the significant variety of such simulation tools, it

is crucial to understand limitations of the tools and the complexity of such

simulations. The reliability of data exchange and straightforward, user-

friendly interfaces are major aspects of the practical usage of these tools.

Due to the huge amount of data that is to be input and the availability of

rich 3D geometry rendering engines, effective data exchange and

software interfaces are crucial to enable faster and reliable performance of

the simulation tools..

DOE-2 is one of the most popular programs used by the building

simulation community. With today’s PC computing power, a DOE-2 energy

model normally takes less than a minute or couple of minutes in case of

large buildings to complete an annual simulation run. DOE-2’s

computational efficiency results from its hour by hour calculations and the

sequential software structure of LOADS-SYSTEMS-PLANT-ECONOMICS

which does not solve the building envelope thermal dynamics with the

HVAC system operating performance simultaneously. EnergyPlus is a

new generation simulation program built upon the best features of DOE- 2

and BLAST, and adds new modeling features beyond the two programs.

With DOE-2’s limitations in modeling emerging technologies, more

modelers, especially in academia and research community, have begun

using EnergyPlus for their simulation needs. EnergyPlus does sub-hourly

calculations and integrates the load and system dynamic performance into

the whole building energy balance calculations which can provide more

accurate simulation results but runs much slower compared with DOE-2.

Both the programs offer their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

The purpose of this study is to analyze the capabilities of these two

programs by developing energy models of a same building with similar

simulation settings in both the software and comparing their results.

Purpose and Objectives

For the past 50 years, a wide variety of building energy simulation

programs have been developed, enhanced and are in use throughout the

building energy simulation community. These building energy simulation

programs have different features and various capabilities such as: general

geometry modeling; zone internal loads; building envelope properties,

daylighting and solar; infiltration, ventilation and multi-zone airflow;

renewable energy systems; electrical systems and equipment; HVAC

systems; HVAC equipment; environmental emissions; economic

evaluation; climate data availability, results reporting and validation.

Nearly all energy analysis tools have been targeted at mechanical

engineers and code compliance specialists. Architects need tools that

provide qualitative or “order of magnitude” feedback in a highly graphical

form to show clients.

Software tools that integrate graphical results with context-sensitive

guidance are likely to have the most appeal for architects. In contrast,

engineers need software tools that can be used in both the conceptual

design stage, when little is known about the building; as well as in the final

design stages, when most project details have been finalized. Software,

such as eQUEST, and DesignBuilder, that combine simplified input

wizards with detailed simulation tools have the most potential to meet

these differing needs at various stages of the design process.

Certain programs are designed to work for individual building

components like the wall, roof, building form and fenestration. There are

also tools which are specifically used for one or more parameters like

lighting, heat transfer, wind, and shade. When a building is modeled for a

same climate in different simulation programs, the performance of the

building shown as the output of the simulation run is expected to be same,

but in actual they exhibit a difference in output. Hence, there is need for

comparison of output, and analyze by what percent they are deviating.

The objectives of this study are as follows:

• To understand eQUEST and EnergyPlus software.

• Model the building similarly in both the software, by closely

mapping the input parameters

• Compare the results of both the programs with measured

utility data and identify discrepancies.

• Document the observations from the project.


The purpose of the research is to perform energy simulation of a

fully functional building for identifying the degree of closeness with which

simulation results generated by two different simulation tools match with

actual heat and energy flows. The case of a medium sized office building,

in Albuquerque, NM has been used for this purpose. Further the analysis

has been extended to study the energy savings for a set of ECMs.

The methodology used in the project has the following steps:

• Explore EnergyPlus and eQUEST programs.

• Data collection about the office building

• Preparation of schedules for occupancy, lighting and

computers using actual data

• Understand the inputs parameters in both the tools

• Develop a detailed building energy simulation model of the

case using eQUEST and EnergyPlus.

• Modification of weather data file required for simulation using

on-site measurements
• Comparison of results derived from both the simulation

programs with the utility data of the building.

Scope and Limitations

As different simulation programs may have different software

architecture, different algorithms to model building and energy systems,

and require different user inputs even to describe the same building

envelope or HVAC system component; it is an enigmatic task to develop

an identical energy model with two simulation programs. To get as close

as possible for an apple-to-apple comparison of both the simulation

programs, they will be run on a common basis with:

• The same building and energy systems and their control


• Studied for the same simulation run period

• The same or as close as possible simulation settings: time

step, calculation algorithm.

• The same computer with same hardware and software


Evaluation of the two programs in question will be based on

the following:

Usability - Import/export capabilities; the user interface; how much

time is spent for learning and training; effort required in updating

model / conducting parametric studies and the simulation run time.

Functionality - The detail of comprehensiveness of geometric and

system modeling;

Reliability - Consistency and accuracy of results

Prevalence - Available documentation, user support and pricing

and licensing

The analysis in this project is limited to the study of the

results. In depth analysis of the reasons for deviation based on the

structure/algorithms of the programs are not done in this project.

The degree of instrumentation in this project is also limited.

Computer configuration

The simulation runs are done on a personal laptop computer with

Intel Core 2 Duo processor of 3 GHZ and 2 GB of RAM on Microsoft

Windows Vista operating system with SP2.

Chapter 2



Buildings are complex physical objects. They interact with their

immediate surroundings while trying to provide a comfortable living and

working environment to the occupants. The way a building behaves and

performs is affected by the choices made in selecting building materials

and components while designing the building envelope (walls, windows,

roofs), and different systems (lighting, HVAC, etc.). Buildings provide

comfortable indoor environment conditions like thermal, visual, and

acoustical by consuming energy.

Figure1. Energy flow and concepts in buildings

Building energy simulation

In recent years, the variables affecting energy use have increased

manifold and understanding building behavior has become a daunting

task. However, technological advancements in computer software have

provided tools that are more effective at predicting energy performance

once the building is operational. An energy simulation tool models the

thermal, visual, ventilation and other energy consuming processes taking

place within a building to predict its energy and environmental

performance. During its calculation process, it takes into account the

external climatic factors, internal heat sources, building materials and

systems to accurately model the building. Building energy simulation is a

powerful method for studying energy performance of buildings and for

evaluating architectural design decisions as well as choices for

construction materials and methods. Complicated design issues can be

examined and their performance can be quantified and evaluated.

Simulation and energy analysis are essential to designers in

developing effective forms and components for their buildings. Building

energy simulation is an analysis of the dynamic energy performance of a

building using computer modeling and simulation techniques. Such tools

support the integrated use of multiple investigation and visualization

during the design evolution process—from the conceptual and schematic

phases to the detailed specification of building components and systems.

There is a wide range of simulation tools available today which help

predict various aspects of building behavior such as energy performance,

acoustical performance, fire movement, anti–seismic performance, life-

cycle assessment simulators, etc.

• Energy performance simulation tools allow designers to:

• Predict thermal behavior of buildings in relation to its outdoor


• Envisage the impact of daylight and artificial light inside


• Model the impact of wind pattern and ventilation create

natural scenarios and impact on energy use.

• Estimate the size/capacity of equipment required for thermal

and visual comfort.

• Calculate the effect of various building components on each

other and predict resulting conditions.

• Check for compliance with building codes.

• Consider the building as a single integrated system.

Building energy simulation has been playing an increasingly

significant role not only in building design, but also in operation,

diagnostics, commissioning and evaluation of buildings. It can help

designers compare various design options and lead them to energy

efficient designs in manner of cost-effectiveness. Building energy

simulation can also help facility managers and engineers identify energy
saving potentials and evaluate the energy performance and cost-

effectiveness of energy saving measures to be implemented. There are

many building energy simulation software available now a days. Some are

simplified energy analysis tools that only provide a quick analysis of

annual energy use of buildings, but some use more detailed models and

run on hourly basis that provide detailed hour-by-hour energy analysis of

buildings. No matter which software is used, calibration of simulation

models is necessary and crucial for the accuracy and usability of energy

simulation. The calibration process compares the results of the simulation

with measured data and tunes the simulation until its results closely match

the measured data. Whole building simulation tools are widely used and

are applied to the entire building as an integrated system; these take into

account all parameters and components together. Examples of the

programs include:

• Simplified programs for overall energy consumption

assessment, peak temperature prediction, heating/cooling

loads calculations.

• Sophisticated programs for hourly simulation of heat, light

and air movement.

• Complex specialist packages for delighting and artificial

lighting, computational fluid dynamics (CFD), two- and three-

dimensional conduction calculations, and moisture migration

within the building components.

Simulation tools and comparison

A large number of simulation tools have been developed over the

last few decades. The building energy simulation software tool web page,

run by the US Department of Energy lists over 240 tools, ranging from

research grade software to commercial products. Some important studies

and comparisons were previously done on some of these tools that are

discussed below.

(Pasqualetto, 1997) presented a case study of a multiple-step

validation undertaken to test the MICRO-DOE2.1E program, which

includes the following: (i) response of the model to a given perturbation in

the outdoor environment, (ii) comparison with another modeling tool, (iii)

sensitivity analysis, and (iv) empirical validation using information from a

large existing office building.

(Crawley, 2008) describe testing and validation of EnergyPlus. The

results to date show good agreement with well established simulation

tools such as DOE-2.1E, BLAST, and ESP. Several testing utilities have

been developed to help automate the task of assuring that each new

version of the software is still performing properly. Selected test results

are presented along with lessons learned.

(Neymark, 2002) stated that validation of building energy simulation

programs consists of a combination of empirical validation, analytical

verification, and comparative analysis techniques.

(Henninger, 2004) gives the report of testing the EnergyPlus

building energy simulation software using the IEA HVAC BESTEST E100–

E200 series of tests. HVAC BESTEST is a series of steady-state tests for

a single-zone DX cooling system. Cases range from dry to wet coil, low to

high part load, and low to high temperatures. This published test suite

includes three sets of analytical solutions and results from several other

simulation programs for comparison.

(Crawley, 2005) provides an overview of a report, which provides

up-to-date comparison of the features and capabilities of twenty major

building energy simulation programs. The comparison is based on

information provided by the program developers in the following

categories: general modeling features; zone loads; building envelope and

daylighting and solar; infiltration, ventilation and multizone airflow;

renewable energy systems; electrical systems and equipment; HVAC

systems; HVAC equipment; environmental emissions; economic

evaluation; climate data availability, results reporting; validation; and user

interface, links to other programs, and availability.

(Zhou, 2008) evaluate the energy performance of the VRV air-

conditioning system, a new simulation module is developed and validated

experimentally in this study, on the basis of the building energy simulation

program, EnergyPlus. The differences between average monitored and

predicted data for the total cooling energy and power use are proved to be

within 25.19% and 28.31%, respectively.

Comprehensive testing of building energy analysis software is a

difficult task given the infinite combinations of inputs that may be entered

and the difficulties in establishing truth standards for all but the simplest

cases. Testing has been guided by a comprehensive test plan which

includes the following types of tests:

• Analytical tests which compare against mathematical


• Comparative tests which compare against other software,

• Sensitivity tests which compare small input changes versus

a baseline run,

• Range tests which exercise the program over wide ranges of

input values,

• Empirical tests which compare against experimental data.


U.S Department of Energy funded the development of a new

building energy-simulation program beginning in 1996 and called it

EnergyPlus. While the program borrows what was effective from BLAST

and DOE-2, it contains a number of quite innovative features, including

sub hourly time steps, user-configurable modular HVAC systems that are

integrated with a heat and mass balance-based zone simulation, as well

as input and output data structures that can facilitate third party module

and interface development. EnergyPlus was released in April

2001(EnergyPlus, 2008).

EnergyPlus structure

In 1997, two workshops on next generation energy tools

sponsored by DOE and the U.S. Department of Defense, revealed

a strong consensus that a more flexible and robust tool with

additional capabilities was needed. Recurrent simulation needs

expressed throughout both workshops focused on design,

environment, economics, and occupant comfort and safety.

Designers need tools that provide answers to very specific

questions during design. They want tools that provide the highest

level of simulation accuracy and detail that is reasonably possible

without getting in the user's way. One of the highest priorities was

an integrated (simultaneous loads and systems) simulation for

accurate temperature and comfort prediction.

In response to these findings, it was decided that integrated

simulation should be the underlying concept for EnergyPlus. Loads

calculated (by a heat balance engine) at a user-specified time step

(10 mm to 1 hr) are passed to the building systems simulation

module at the same time step. This module, with a variable time

step (down to seconds), calculates heating and cooling system and

plant and electrical system response. Feedback from the building

systems simulation module on loads not met is reflected in the next

time step of the load calculations in adjusted space temperatures, if


Figure 2.Structure of EnergyPlus

By using an integrated solution technique in EnergyPlus, the

most serious deficiency of the BLAST and DOE-2 sequential

simulations were solved: inaccurate space temperature prediction

due to a lack of feedback from the HVAC module to the loads

calculations. Accurate prediction of space temperatures is crucial to

energy-efficient system Engineering--system size, plant size,

occupant comfort, and occupant health are dependent on space

EnergyPlus also contains inter-zonal airflow, moisture

absorption and desorption, definitions of more realistic HVAC

system controls and radiant heating and cooling systems. In

addition, EnergyPlus enables automated sizing of many

component-specific parameters.

EnergyPlus simulation is mainly based on input from text

files, which increases the effort to define all necessary input data

compared to engines with graphical user interfaces. Some user

interfaces are under development and the most advanced of them

are DesignBuilder and Open Studio. The heat and thermal mass

balance simulation is integrated with the building systems

simulation, such that the result is always accurate and independent

of space loads being met or not. In addition, modules such as

COMIS, SPARK, TRANSYS and others can easily be incorporated

into the simulation to combine different concepts and aspects of

building energy simulation. This modular approach allows the

integration of additional modules in the future.

EnergyPlus Key Capabilities

The following is a representative list of EnergyPlus


• Integrated, simultaneous solution where the building

response and the primary and secondary systems are tightly

coupled (iteration performed when necessary)

• Sub-hourly, user-definable time steps for the interaction

between the thermal zones and the environment; variable

time steps for interactions between the thermal zones and

the HVAC systems (automatically varied to ensure solution


• ASCII text based weather, input, and output files that

include hourly or sub-hourly environmental conditions, and

standard and user definable reports, respectively

• Heat balance based solution technique for building thermal

loads that allows for simultaneous calculation of radiant and

convective effects at both in the interior and exterior surface

during each time step

• Transient heat conduction through building elements such

as walls, roofs, floors, etc. using conduction transfer


• Improved ground heat transfer modeling through links to

three-dimensional finite difference ground models and

simplified analytical techniques

• Combined heat and mass transfer model that accounts for

moisture adsorption/desorption either as a layer-by-layer

integration into the conduction transfer functions or as an

effective moisture penetration depth model (EMPD)

• Thermal comfort models based on activity, inside dry bulb,

humidity, etc.

• Anisotropic sky model for improved calculation of diffuse

solar on tilted surfaces

• Advanced fenestration calculations including controllable

window blinds, electrochromic glazings, layer-by-layer heat

balances that allow proper assignment of solar energy

absorbed by window panes, and a performance library for

numerous commercially available windows

• Daylighting controls including interior illuminance

calculations, glare simulation and control, luminaire controls,

and the effect of reduced artificial lighting on heating and


• Atmospheric pollution calculations that predict CO2,

SOx, NOx, CO, particulate matter, and hydrocarbon

production for both on site and remote energy conversion


The DesignBuilder is the most popular interface developed

for EnergyPlus that includes a simplified CAD interface, templates,

wizards, and most compact air system configurations of


Figure 3.Work flow of DesignBuilder

The workflow of DesignBuilder starts with the selection of a

location and the corresponding weather through a weather file

followed by the creation of specific thermal building model

geometry with the integrated CAD interface. This building geometry

represents the definition of geometry needed for the simulation of

the building’s thermal performance. Additionally, one can import

DXF files as footprints for the creation of the geometric model.

DesignBuilder provides a variety of country or region specific

templates for selection of parameters (such as materials and

constructions). Lists of other definable parameters include internal

loads (with occupancy patterns/activities), construction types,

openings (windows and doors), lighting, and HVAC systems. Once

the definition of all input parameters is complete, one can perform

design day and/or annual simulations. In addition, one can validate

most parts of the thermal model of the building against the energy

code that applies to the location of the building.

The typical usage of DesignBuilder includes evaluation of

facade options, daylighting analysis, visualization of site layouts

and solar shading, thermal simulation of natural ventilation, and

sizing of HVAC equipment and systems

Open Studio

Open Studio Plug-in for Google Sketch Up is another front

end to EnergyPlus that was created by the National Renewable

Energy Laboratory for the U.S. Department of Energy, that allows

users to create and edit the building geometry for the EnergyPlus

input files. This free plug-in also allows users to launch EnergyPlus

simulations and view the results without leaving the Google Sketch

Up 3D drawing program. The plug-in adds the building energy

simulation capabilities of EnergyPlus to the Sketch Up environment.

One can launch an EnergyPlus simulation of the model they are

working on and view the results without leaving Sketch Up.

Figure 4.Screen shot of Sketch Up with Open Studio plug-in

Highlights of Open Studio Plug-in include the ability to:

• Create and edit EnergyPlus zones and surfaces

• Launch EnergyPlus and view the results without leaving

Sketch Up

• Match interzone surface boundary conditions

• Search for surfaces and sub surfaces by object name

• Add internal gains and simple outdoor air for load


• Add the ideal HVAC system for load calculations

• Set and change default constructions

• Add daylighting controls and illuminance map

EnergyPlus has been tested with several test suites including:

• Analytical Tests

• HVAC tests, based on ASHRAE Research Project 865

• Building fabric tests, based on ASHRAE Research Project

1052 Comparative Tests

• ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 140-2004

• International Energy Agency Solar Heating and Cooling

Program BESTest (Building Energy Simulation Test)


• EnergyPlus HVAC Component Comparative tests

• EnergyPlus Global Heat Balance tests


eQUEST is an easy to use building energy analysis tool which

provides high quality results by combining a building creation wizard, an

energy efficiency measure wizard and a graphical results display module

with an enhanced DOE-2.2 derived building energy simulation program.

The building creation wizard walks a user through the process of creating

a building model. Within eQUEST, DOE-2.2 performs an hourly simulation

of the building based on walls, windows, glass, people, plug loads, and
ventilation. DOE-2.2 also simulates the performance of fans, pumps,

chillers, boilers, and other energy-consuming devices. eQUEST allows

users to create multiple simulations and view the alternative results in

side-by side graphics. It offers energy cost estimating, daylighting and

lighting system control, and automatic implementation of energy efficiency

measures (eQUEST, 2008).

Integrated Energy Design

While DOE-2 has long been available for designers to

evaluate the energy performance of their building designs, it has

been too difficult and expensive to use for most projects. eQUEST

is a building energy simulation tool so comprehensive that it would

be useful to all design team members, yet so intuitive any design

team member could use it, in any or all design phases, including

schematic design. eQUEST is well named because it provides

something the buildings industry has been looking for, but has been

unable to find a sophisticated, yet easy-to-use building energy

analysis tool powerful enough to address every design team

member's domain (e.g., architectural, lighting, mechanical) but

simple enough to permit a collaborative effort by all design team

members in all design phases. eQUEST was designed to allow to

perform detailed analysis of today’s state-of-the-art building

technologies using today’s most sophisticated building energy use

simulation techniques without requiring extensive experience in the

"art" of building performance modeling. This is possible because

eQUEST's DOE-2-derived engine is combined with a building

creation wizard, an energy efficiency measure wizard, industry

standard input defaults, and a graphical results display module.

eQUEST will step through the creation of a detailed building model,

allow to automatically perform parametric simulations of design

alternatives and provide with intuitive graphics that compare the

performance of design alternatives. Reliable detailed simulation

was made easier by eQUEST.

Engine in eQUEST

DOE-2 is the most widely recognized and respected building

energy analysis program. Although DOE-2 was first released in the

late 1970's, it used as starting points earlier simulation tools and

methods developed and funded by ASHRAE, NASA, the U.S.

Postal Service, and the electric and gas utility industries. During the

first half of the 1980's, it continued under DOE support, but

decreasing national concern about energy created the need for

industry support, which became its principal source of support

through much of the 1990's. Through this long and collaborative

history, DOE-2 has been widely reviewed and validated in the

public domain. The simulation "engine" within eQUEST is derived

from the latest official version of DOE-2, however, eQUEST's

engine extends and expands DOE-2's capabilities in several

important ways, including: interactive operation, dynamic/intelligent

defaults, and improvements to numerous long-standing

shortcomings in DOE-2 that have limited its use by mainstream


Overview of the Process

eQUEST calculates hour-by-hour building energy

consumption over an entire year (8760 hours) using hourly weather

data for the location under consideration. Input to the program

consists of a detailed description of the building being analyzed,

including hourly scheduling of occupants, lighting, equipment, and

thermostat settings. eQUEST provides very accurate simulation of

such building features as shading, fenestration, interior building

mass, envelope building mass, and the dynamic response of

differing heating and air conditioning system types and controls.

eQUEST also contains a dynamic daylighting model to assess the

effect of natural lighting on thermal and lighting demands. The

simulation process begins by developing a "model" of the building

based on building plans and specifications. A base line building

model that assumes a minimum level of efficiency (e.g., ASHRAE

90.1) is then developed to provide the base from which energy

savings are estimated. Alternative analyses are made by making

changes to the model that correspond to efficiency measures that

could be implemented in the building. These alternative analyses

result in annual utility consumption and cost savings for the

efficiency measure that can then be used to determine simple

payback, life-cycle cost, etc. for the measure and, ultimately, to

determine the best combination of alternatives.

Building Blocks of Simulation

Building simulation requires that a model of the proposed

building be created not a physical model but a virtual model

capable of simulating the important thermodynamics of the

proposed building. Toward that end, the following list summarizes

essential components, steps, or building blocks, in a how-to

description of the process of simulation modeling. Before "building"

anything, including simulation model, first considers and collects

the following

Analysis Objectives

Approach for simulation model with a clear understanding of

the design questions wish to answer must be clear. It has to focus

on the important issues and at the same time, limit the questions

with use of model to answer. Experience will teach how best to

strike this important balance for each new project.

Building Site Information and Weather Data

Important building site characteristics include latitude,

longitude and elevation, plus information about adjacent structure

or landscape capable of casting significant shadows on proposed

(or existing) building.

Building Shell, Structure, Materials, and Shades

eQUEST is interested in the walls, roof, and floor of

proposed building only in so far as they transfer or store heat.

Geometry (dimensions) and construction materials of each of the

heat transfer surfaces of proposed building. This will include glass

properties of windows and the dimensions of any window shades

(e.g., overhangs and fins). eQUEST provides users with simple,

user-friendly, choices for each of these.

Building Operations and Scheduling

This includes information about when building occupancy

begins and ends (times, days of the week, and seasonal variations

such as for schools), occupied indoor thermostat set points, and

HVAC and internal equipment operations schedules. eQUEST

defaults operations schedule information based on building type.

Internal Loads

Heat gain from internal loads (e.g., people, lights, and

equipment) can constitute a significant portion of the utility

requirements in large buildings, both from their direct power

requirements and the indirect effect they have on cooling and

heating requirements. In fact, internal loads can frequently make

large buildings relatively insensitive to weather. More importantly,

the performance of almost all energy-efficient design alternatives

will be impacted either directly or indirectly by the amount of

internal load within a building.

HVAC Equipment and Performance

Good information regarding HVAC equipment efficiency will

be important to the accuracy of any energy use simulation.

eQUEST assumes default HVAC equipment efficiencies according

to California's Title 24 energy standard. Where possible, equipment

efficiencies specific to each analysis should be obtained, e.g., from

the building design engineers or directly from equipment

manufactures. Most HVAC equipment manufactures now publish

equipment performance data on their web sites.

Utility Rates

A great strength of detailed energy use simulation using

eQUEST is the ability to predict hourly electrical demand profiles

that can then be coupled with full details of the applicable utility

rates (tariffs). eQUEST comes with the principal residential and

commercial electric and natural gas rates from the sponsoring

California utilities. For California locations (weather file selections),

eQUEST defaults the rate selection depending on climate zone and

on estimated peak electrical demand. Users outside California must

create their own utility rate descriptions using eQUEST's DOE-2-

derived Building Description Language (BDL) and save these

descriptions as text files for eQUEST's use.

Economic Parameters

Energy Design Resources concur with a growing chorus

including the U.S. DOE, Federal Energy Management Program and

the National Institute of Standards and Technology in

recommending life-cycle economics above simple payback

methods of economic analysis.

Because energy efficiency investments usually return benefit

over the entire life of the building or system, considering their life-

cycle impact is most appropriate. Imagine selecting a variable rate

mortgage based on no more information than the initial interest

rate. While few would be comfortable ignoring the long range terms

of any loan or investment, it is common practice among building

developers and designers to recommend building efficiency

investments with equal shortsightedness.

HVAC Zoning

HVAC zoning recognizes that load profiles seen by different

spaces in a building differ. Identifying those areas with similar load

profiles and grouping them under the same thermostat control

improves comfort and may reduce energy. For example, imagine

measuring indoor air temperatures at many locations throughout a

building during hours when the HVAC fans are turned off. Internal

gains, solar gains, and envelope gains/losses would cause the

temperatures to vary with time. If, after some number of hours or

days, carefully examined the temperature histories, grouping

together those that shared similar profiles, have effectively grouped

together those areas of the building that share similar load

characteristics. Each such area or "zone" could, therefore, be

adequately controlled by a single thermostat. In other words, HVAC

thermal zoning seeks to group together those areas (rooms) in a

building that share similar load and usage characteristics, for

purposes of control. Of course, this imagined procedure is not how

HVAC engineers actually zone any building.

Rather, the rules listed below are followed.

• The same rules apply when zoning a simulation model when

modeling existing buildings, refer to the actual zoning

indicated by the HVAC plans

• magnitude and schedule of internal loads

• magnitude and schedule of solar gains

• schedule of fan system operations

• outside air requirements

• intended efficiency measures

• location of thermostats called out on the HVAC plans

Currently, eQUEST provides the user with two automatic

zoning schemes, one zone per- floor, and simple core-vs.-perimeter

zoning. Based on this user selection, eQUEST will automatically

zone model for us.

Computational Steps in eQUEST

To better understand the results and limitations of eQUEST

DOE-2-derived engine; it is helpful to be familiar with the generic

computational steps DOE-2 has always gone through in its

simulation. Understanding this sequence is important to

understanding the detailed reports produced by eQUEST DOE-2-

derived engine. See the Detailed Reports section of this tutorial for

a brief overview of the available detailed reports.

eQUEST produces intuitive graphical summary results

reports. See the Graphical Reports section for more information

about eQUEST's summary reports.

Types of Heat Transfer Surfaces in DOE-2

To better understand how an eQUEST simulation views

simulation problem, it is useful to recognize that DOE-2 has always

had only four types of heat transfer surfaces on its "palette" to use

to model the various types of heat transfer surfaces in actual

(proposed) building: Light-transmitting surfaces, e.g., windows,

glass block walls, sliding glass doors, skylights, etc. - DOE-2 thinks

of all of these as the same type of heat transfer surface, i.e., a

WINDOW. Exterior surfaces, e.g., opaque exterior surfaces such as

exterior walls, roofs, and floors, etc. - DOE-2 thinks of all of these

as the same type of heat transfer surface, i.e., an EXTERIOR-

WALL. Interior surfaces, e.g., opaque interior surfaces such as

interior walls, interior floors, and interior ceilings, etc. - DOE-2

thinks of all of these as the same type of heat transfer surface, i.e.,

an INTERIOR-WALL. Underground surfaces, e.g., underground

surfaces such as basement floors & walls, & slab-on-grade - DOE-2

thinks of all of these as the same type of heat transfer surface, i.e.,

an UNDERGROUND-WALL. eQUEST automatically provides its

DOE-2 derived simulation engine with the input descriptions it

needs, based on easy-to-understand building description.

Table 1

Comparison of Software Tools for Energy Simulation (Crawley, 2005)

DesignBuilder eQUEST
General details
Import geometry from
yes yes
CAD programs
Export geometry to
yes no
Unlimited zone,
yes yes
system, equipment
Dimming electric
yes yes
lighting controls
Heat load
Hourly load calculation yes yes
Thermal comfort
yes no
Automatic design day
yes yes
User configured HVAC
yes yes
Automatic sizing yes yes
Absorption chillers yes yes
Air to air energy
yes yes
recovery systems
Seasonal heat and cold
no yes
Individual zone and
yes yes
system control
Natural ventilation yes no
Operable windows yes no
Climatic data
Weather data available
yes yes
with program
Data editing facility yes yes
Life cycle cost analysis No yes

Graphical Yes yes
Text yes yes
Cost of software license to be purchased free
Web link

Table 2

EnergyPlus Advanced Modeling Capabilities beyond DOE-2 (Hong, 2008)

Item EnergyPlus DOE-2 (both 2.1E and

2.2 unless otherwise
HVAC Loads Uses the heat balance Uses the transfer function
method which is more method with custom
accurate. Also performs weighting factors. This
radiant and convective method is an
calculations at each surface. approximation of the heat
Can model thermal mass balance method, is less
effect more accurately. accurate and more prone
Improved ground heat to user error through
transfer modeling. misapplication of
Anisotropic sky model weighting factors. Errors
provides good diffuse solar are probably the greatest
calculations for building envelope
components that have
thermal mass.
Integrated Building response to thermal Building response to
Simulation of loads is calculated thermal loads is
Loads and simultaneously with system calculated independently
Systems operation. This expands the of system operation. Load
range of conditions that can calculations assume
be analyzed to include ones building temperatures are
where the building in control. Limits
temperatures are not always applicability of simulation
in control (e.g., natural to mechanically
ventilation, undersized conditioned spaces.
systems). Limited feedback from
Feedback from HVAC system HVAC system operation
operation can affect building affects building loads and
loads. zone temperatures.
This prevents DOE-2
from accurately
simulating systems and
heat transfer where
zones are under heated
or under cooled.

Radiant Explicitly models radiant Models radiant exchange
Exchange exchange between surfaces. only through combined
Users have control over solar, radiation / convection
visible, and thermal coefficients applied to
absorptance and emittance each surface.
for each surface. Surface The convection and
temperature is a factor in heat radiant heat transfer do
transfer. not vary with surface
It should be noted that the temperature for opaque
program uses simplified surfaces.
calculation in lieu of explicit
view factors that account for
area and orientation of
Thermal Can develop surface Cannot directly model
Comfort temperatures for zone thermal comfort as it
consideration of radiant cannot develop surface
comfort. temperatures.

HVAC Systems are built up out of Systems are pre-

Systems fundamental components. designed types. This has
This is a more flexible and several limitations:
robust approach to specifying 1) You cannot easily
system characteristics. While model some systems
the process to specify an because there is no pre-
HVAC system is more designed model for them;
complex, templates and 2) Enhancements to the
wizards help simplify the program (like evaporative
process. cooling) have to be
Through a link to SPARK, implemented on each of
custom HVAC equipment the different system
component models can be types.
modeled to provide further 3) Only one system can
flexibility. be assigned to a zone.
You cannot model a
system with a perimeter
fan coil for heating and a
cooling only VAV box for
Displacement Can model both radiation and Assumes all zones are
Ventilation thermal stratification through fully mixed (uniform
Systems a 3-node stratification model. temperature throughout),
Both of these are critical which is not appropriate
elements to displacement for displacement
systems. ventilation systems.

Under-Floor Can model UFAD systems for Assumes all zones are
Air interior and perimeter zones. fully mixed (uniform
Distribution temperature throughout),
Systems which is not appropriate
for UFAD systems.
Cannot model supply
Radiant Can model radiant cooling No direct models for
Cooling and and heating systems. radiant cooling or heating
Heating systems.
Natural Can model natural ventilation Can model simplified
Ventilation with Airflow network which natural ventilation via
allows wind- and buoyancy- operable windows in a
driven airflow calculations to few single zone system
be performed simultaneously types (RESYS, RESYS2,
with building thermal PSZ, and EVAP-COOL).
response and system
operations calculations.
Hydronic Heating and cooling systems This feature is only
Loops can be separated into available in eQUEST
distribution loops that can be (DOE 2.2). It is not
connected to one another. available in the reference
This provides a much more method DOE-2.1E.
accurate model of system In 2.2 only limited
pumping energy. configurations of constant
This can be used for and variable flow systems
evaluation of alternative are available.
hydronic distribution systems
like primary-only variable
flow, primary/secondary and
Moisture The combined heat and mass Cannot model moisture
Migration transfer model allows migration.
EnergyPlus to model moisture
migration and its affect on
cooling loads. Neglecting
moisture migration can cause
errors in sensible and latent
heat transfers.
Multiple Time Heating and cooling loads are Can only calculate loads
Steps calculated on a timestep on an hourly basis. There
basis and passed through to is also no feedback
the HVAC portion of the between loads and

simulation. Loads that are systems.
unable to be met by the
system are fed back into the
engine and result in zone
changes for the next time
The default time step for
EnergyPlus is 15 minutes;
however, it can be reduced
down to 1 minute.
Air Emission EnergyPlus can calculate air DOE-2 cannot calculate
emissions associated with air emissions directly. It
energy use within a building. has to rely on post-
This is useful in determining processing.
environmental impacts of new
energy efficiency measures
for code development.
Water Usage Water usage becomes more DOE-2 does not have this
and more important for capability.
California. EnergyPlus can
calculate water usage for
Renewable Can model PV either DOE-2.2 can model PV.
Energy standalone or BIPV.
Cogeneration Can mode cogeneration with DOE-2 cannot model IC
IC engine, micro CHP, and engine or fuel cells.
fuel cells.
Daylighting EnergyPlus has detailed DOE-2 tends to
and Controls daylighting models. overestimate daylighting
Windows and EnergyPlus has more shading DOE-2 has limited
Shading controls for windows and shading controls.
Controls skylights.
Demand EnergyPlus has demand DOE-2 has none.
Response limiting controls for lighting,
Controls equipment, and zone
Outdoor EnergyPlus can model DOE-2 cannot.
Lighting and outdoor lighting and controls
Green Roof EnergyPlus can model green DOE-2 cannot.
Visual EnergyPlus calculates visual DOE-2 does not.
Comfort comfort.
Run Time comparisons between EnergyPlus and DOE-2

Compared with DOE-2, EnergyPlus runs much slower. The main

reason EnergyPlus runs much slower than DOE-2 is that EnergyPlus does

the integrated heat balance calculations for loads, systems, and plant at a

loads time step normally around 15-minute, while DOE-2 does sequential

calculations from loads to systems to plant at an hour time step.

EnergyPlus performs necessary iterative calculations at a smaller time

step (down to 1 minute) for HVAC systems in order to achieve HVAC

convergent solutions.

When DOE-2 was first developed in late 1970s, the computer

computing power was very limited. Even a 50-zone model could take

hours if not days to complete an annual run. With today’s PC computing

power, it was thought that it is not so important to develop simulation

programs that run as fast as DOE-2, but rather to develop programs that

can do sub-hourly and more accurate building thermal performance

calculations in a reasonable amount of time, which lead to the rise of

EnergyPlus. But this large simulation runtime is still a significant


According to a study conducted by Tianzhen Hong (Hong, 2008) at

a 15-minute time step, EnergyPlus runs much slower than DOE-2.1E by a

factor of 105 for the large office building to 196 for the hospital building. At

a 60-minute time step, EnergyPlus still runs slower than DOE-2.1E by a

factor of 25 for the large office building to 54 for the hospital building;

however, the EnergyPlus computer run time improves by almost a factor

of 4 which corresponds to the reduction of number of time steps per hour

from 4 to 1. The primary reason EnergyPlus runs considerably slower than

DOE-2.1E is that EnergyPlus performs integrated heat balance

calculations for loads, systems and plant at a given time step while DOE-2

does sequential calculations from loads to systems to plant without

accounting for feedback from plant to systems or from systems to loads.

Consequently, EnergyPlus may require several iterations within each time

step in order to reach a convergent solution.

In a study done at IIIT Hyderabad, a concept has been proposed

which uses data parallelization to speed up EnergyPlus simulation. Data

parallelization is a form of parallelization for computing across multiple

processors or multiple computers in a cluster, run under a suitable

environment. Data parallelism focuses on distributing the data across

different parallel computing nodes by breaking it into smaller chunks, each

of which is processed on by the same function, running in parallel on

different cores/machines. This is achieved by breaking a simulation with

annual Run Period into several simulations of smaller Run Period, each

handled by a separate computer. Each computer instead of running an

annual simulation, handles a chunk of smaller Run Period, say one month,

thus taking lesser time. It has been observed that a speed gain of

approximately 6.8 times can be achieved by this method. (Garg, 2010)

Chapter 3


Building Description

The case building is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is a

West facing two storied office building with a total floor area of 17,000 sft.

Albuquerque is in Climate Zone 5 and it is in a Dry (B) location.

Figure 5. Screenshot of the eQUEST model of the Office building

Figure 6. Screenshot of the DesignBuilder model of the Office building

Materials and Construction

The walls are R-19 batt 2 x 6 metal frame spaced on 24-inch

centers 1 ½” polystyrene 1” stucco construction and roof is R-30 3/8” built

up roof and 5/8” plywood. The floor height is 12’ with a floor to ceiling clear

space of 9’, 3’ for the plenum that comprises air conditioning ducts and

false ceiling. (See Appendix-B)

Zoning and HVAC

This office building basically has conference rooms, staff offices,

management offices, electrical and mechanical rooms. The building has

60 small zones including the Plenum spaces. The building is conditioned

with a rooftop packaged VAV system. (See Appendix A)

Table 3
List of zones with areas, occupancy and internal loads

Height Occupa
Zones Area (sf) LPD/sf EPD/sf
(f) ncy
1st Floor Corridor Spc 352.6 9 2.94 4.219 1.83
1st Floor Plnm Spc 8,318.10 3 1.3 1.242 0
2nd Floor Plnm Spc 8,748.00 3 1.31 1.256 0
Breakroom (1011) Spc 169 9 1.83 4.236 0.88
Conference Room (1013)
226.6 9 1.62 0 1.18
E Spc
Conference Room (1013)
235.8 9 1.02 0.489 1.22
W Spc
Conference Room (2022)
553.1 9 3.15 2.696 3.15
Copy Rm (2029) & Staff
305.8 9 1.18 1.133 1.74
Ofc Spc
Copy Room (1027) &
356.2 9 0.61 0.584 1.85
Staff Ofc Spc
Dbl Staff Offices (2004,
482.5 9 2.08 1.989 2.74
02) Spc

Dbl Staff Offices (2011,
312.6 9 3.4 7.671 1.78
09) Spc
Dbl Staff Offices (2015,
280.7 9 1 0.747 1.60
13) Spc
Dbl Staff Offices (2023,
274.6 9 0.52 0 1.56
25) Spc
Electrical Room (1026)
191.2 3 2.09 2.001 0
Plnm Spc
Electrical Room (1026)
191.2 9 1.51 1.126 0
Elevator & Elec. Equip
613.6 9 1.79 1.567 0
Room Spc
Elevator/ Storage Spc 398.9 9 1.17 1.516 2.07
Entrance/ Lobby (1000)
252.8 9 1.21 0.459 1.31
IDR Room (1020) Plnm
238.6 3 1 0 0
IDR Room (1020) Spc 238.6 9 2.37 0 0
Management Office
422.5 9 1.3 0 2.19
(1010) Spc
Management Office
147 9 0.35 0 0.76
(1056) Spc
Management Office
151.5 9 0.13 0 0.86
(2006) Spc
Management Office
149 9 1.06 0 0.85
(2050) Spc
Mech Chase1 Spc 20.2 9 0.85 16.89 0
Mech Chase2 Spc 5.9 9 0.69 0 0
Mechanical Room (1028)
248.7 9 2.4 1.357 1.29
Restrooms (1st Floor) Spc 445.4 9 1.4 3.935 2.31
Second Floor Corridor
273.4 9 0 0 1.55
Second Floor Restrooms
396.6 9 0 0 2.26
Second Floor Secretary 2
275.6 9 0 0 1.57
Second Floor Secretary
212.1 9 0 0 1.21
Second Floor Stairwell #1
172.5 9 0 0 0.98
Second Floor Stairwell #2
242.1 9 2.9 1.388 1.38
Secretary (1012) Spc 175.9 9 2.04 2.236 0.91
Secretary (1054) Spc 127 9 1.51 1.268 0.66
Staff Office (1018) Spc 354.2 9 1.69 1.268 1.84
Staff Office (2014) Spc 158.3 9 2.05 1.966 0.9
Staff Offices (1003, 05,
311.9 9 3.15 2.407 1.62
07) Spc
Staff Offices (1006, 08)
236.2 9 3.08 2.355 1.23
Staff Offices (1014, 16)
364.9 9 1.43 1.352 1.89
Staff Offices (1017, 15)
304.8 9 1.34 5.008 1.58
Staff Offices (1023, 21,
309.9 9 0.52 0 1.61
19) Spc
Staff Offices (1034, 32,
395.9 9 1.49 1.298 2.05
30) Spc
Staff Offices (1036, 38)
367.2 9 1.52 1.28 1.91
Staff Offices (1052, 46)
553.2 9 2.76 2.115 2.87
Staff Offices (1058, 60,
499.5 9 2.85 1.365 2.59
62) Spc
Staff Offices (1064, 66,
493.8 9 1.48 1.247 2.56
68) Spc
Staff Offices (2000, 62)
361.9 9 1.74 1.306 2.06
Staff Offices (2001, 03,
372.8 9 1.47 1.28 2.12
05) Spc
Staff Offices (2010, 12)
331.7 9 2.04 1.37 1.89
Staff Offices (2016, 18,
484.5 9 1.53 1.143 2.76
20) Spc
Staff Offices (2021, 19,
315.5 9 1.79 1.358 1.79
17) Spc
Staff Offices (2034, 32)
323 9 2.32 3.238 1.84
Staff Offices (2040, 38,
478 9 1.34 0 2.72
36) Spc
Staff Offices (2046, 44)
411.9 9 0.66 0 2.34
Staff Offices (2052, 54)
326 9 0.1 0 1.85
Staff Offices (2056, 58,
489 9 0.67 0 2.78
60) Spc
Stairwell #1 Spc 242.3 9 1.04 0.339 1.26
Stairwell #2 (1042) Spc 234.9 9 0 0 1.22

Building schedules and operations

The schedules and operating hours for the models are very

comprehensive. The building has different schedules for Monday to

Thursday and one for Friday and different schedule for weekends and


Energy modeling in eQUEST

The eQUEST model of the office building used in this study was

previously developed by a group for studying the performance of the

building. It was calibrated against the utility data for a period of one year

i.e. August 1st 2004 to July 31st 2005. A custom weather file was created

by collecting the onsite weather data for that period of time.

Figure 7. Screenshot of the energy model of the office building in eQUEST

Energy modeling using EnergyPlus

Data Collection

The data for modeling the office building in EnergyPlus was

extracted from the eQUEST model that was previously developed

by a group for the study of the performance of the building.


To model the building in EnergyPlus, initially DesignBuilder

software which is the most popular front end for EnergyPlus was

used. It was relatively easy to learn this software based on the

experience of having worked on eQUEST before. After developing

the basic 3D model from the CAD drawings it was easy to assign

basic materials, constructions and schedules since it comes with

extensive data templates for simulation inputs such as typical

envelope construction assemblies, lighting systems, and occupancy

schedules. But assigning a HVAC system to the model was a

difficult task since DesignBuilder couldn’t model the rooftop

packaged VAV system that was used in the actual building.

After spending a while trying to figure out a way to model the

Rooftop packaged VAV system in the building, the model was sent

to the EnergyPlus support group to include the HVAC system in it.

The EnergyPlus support group was kind enough to update the

model with the HVAC system in it and return the model to me.

Figure 8. Screenshot of the energy model of the office building in

DesignBuilder (DesignBuilder, 2007)

Open studio

The model developed in the DesignBuilder with the

integrated HVAC system was given in the EnergyPlus (.IDF)

format. To visualize the file and edit the building geometry, Google

Sketch Up with an Open Studio plug-in was used. This free plug-in

allows us to launch EnergyPlus simulations, assign some attributes

and view the results without leaving the Google Sketch Up 3D

drawing program. OpenStudio allows us to import the .IDF file and

edit surfaces and zones in the file. Using open studio one can

match interzone surface boundary conditions, add internal gains

and simple outdoor air for load calculations and can set and change

default constructions and assign daylighting controls. Though the

OpenStudio plug-in makes it easier to visualize the geometry and

do some basic editing, it doesn’t yet handle all critical input objects.

Some editing of the input file was required to be done outside of


Figure 9. Screenshot of the energy model of the office building in Google

Sketch Up with Open Studio Plug-in

IDF Editor

Since Open Studio is not yet developed to the level of being

a full fledged front end for EnergyPlus, some of the text file editing

was required to do using an IDF Editor. EnergyPlus comes with

several utilities to help create input files and run simulations. IDF

Editor is one such utility in which any EnergyPlus object may be

viewed and edited using a spreadsheet-like grid.

Figure 10. Screenshot of IDF Editor

Using the IDF editor the properties for HVAC system were

assigned and the schedules were corrected for errors. Finally the

model was ready for simulation by the end of this stage.

Creating the custom weather file for EnergyPlus

The custom eQUEST weather file in .bin format of

Albuquerque, New Mexico with the onsite measurements for the

period August 1st 2004 to July 31st 2005 was used to create a

custom weather file in .epw format for EnergyPlus. This was done

using the free weather converter program that comes with the

EnergyPlus software package.

Chapter 4


Simulation Program Outputs

All the major programs offer the following output includes:

The input data: The report usually repeats the input data for ease of

review. This includes data drawn from the program’s data libraries. For

example, the output may indicate the outside air temperature and humidity

that were assumed for each hour.

Building loads: Loads are divided into heating, cooling, lighting, process,

etc. Some programs may report the components of these loads. For

example, cooling load may be divided into solar gain, conduction load,

internal heat gain, and latent load. The loads for individual hours may be


Equipment Sizing data: Normally equipment capacities are selected by

using the calculations of peak equipment load. For example, the program

may report the peak air flow of air handling units, the peak steam flow

from boilers, the peak energy input to individual chillers, etc.

Outputs in eQUEST and EnergyPlus

In eQUEST there are two ways to use output. One is using the

reports generated by the program or using the .SIM file (in Windows

Explorer in the project directory) that allows us to jump to each relevant

report (the .SIM file is a normal text file). In reports, there is a tab for each

report group - Loads, Systems, Plant, and Economics. There are two

controls in each tab that apply to hourly reports. Report Frequency: hourly,

daily, monthly or yearly can be selected. In EnergyPlus, we can choose

the kind of reports we want to look at. Based on the number of reports

requested and the detail, the run time varies. After simulation EnergyPlus

gives output in different formats from which we get to choose.

Table 4

Comparison of results for eQUEST and EnergyPlus electric consumption

Electric Consumption (kWh) eQUEST EnergyPlus Difference

Space Cool 49273 50699 -3%

Vent. Fans 47441 51527 -9%

Pumps & Aux. 6328 2710 57%

Misc. Equip. 162641.3 162648.5 0%

Area Lights 46985.2 46980.29 0%

Total 324339 314549 -1%

Note: There is a mismatch in the areas of the zones and a difference of

4% was notice in eQUEST and EnergyPlus. This error occurred due to the

way both external and internal walls are considered by DesignBuilder.

DesignBuilder considers external wall inside the drawing and internal wall

in mid of CAD boundary.

Consumption in kWh

2000 eQUEST
1500 EnergPlus

Figure 11. Electricity consumption for lighting

Consumption in kWh


Figure 12. Electricity consumption for equipment

Space Cooling


Consumption (kWh)




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 13. Electricity consumption for space cooling



Consumption (kWh)


300 eQUEST


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 14. Electricity consumption for pumps

Ventilation Fans


Consumption (kWh)


3000 eQUEST


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Figure 15. Electricity consumption for ventilation fans

Table 5

Comparison of electricity consumption with the utility data.

Month Actual kWh eQUEST kWh EnergyPlus kWh

Jan 20,136 22436 23777.34
Feb 19,397 20641 21091.93
Mar 21,921 23926 23644.45
Apr 23,734 24270 25665.67
May 28,780 27686 29476.21
Jun 33,516 32641 30057.25
Jul 39,480 39889 33704.96
Aug 36,877 37857 30683.08
Sep 30,989 29336 28522.46
Oct 24,464 24232 26763.62
Nov 21,118 22417 22818.53
Dec 20,489 20873 21781.59

25,000 Actual kWh
20,000 eQUEST kWh
15,000 Energy Plus kWh







Figure 16. Comparison of electricity consumption results of eQUEST and

EnergyPlus with actual consumption in building

Table 6

Comparison of gas consumption with the utility data.

eQUEST EnergyPlus
Month Actual Therms Therms Therms
Jan 535 579.28 269.97
Feb 604 528.45 227.79
Mar 451 511.88 220.45
Apr 326 341.51 121.28
May 309 304.98 60.86
Jun 305 282.78 21.18
Jul 250 293.39 8.75
Aug 263 306.19 21.26
Sep 290 309.1 41.03
Oct 401 355.07 108.62
Nov 507 540.78 217.90
Dec 694 606.42 367.67




Actual Therms
eQUEST Therms
Energy Plus Therms


Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Figure 17. Comparison of gas consumption results of eQUEST and

EnergyPlus with actual consumption in building.

Observations and Recommendations

Some of the distinguished building energy simulation tools that exist today

are developed by technical researchers, building scientist and HVAC

engineers and are not very compatible with architects’ working methods

and needs. A practitioner needs a single tool that does a whole building

analysis right from the inception of design to construction as well as for

commissioning of the building after it is occupied. Based on the

observations done during the study some recommendations are made to

help the practitioners understand the capabilities and limitations of these

two tools, thereby allowing them to choose the right tool for their need.

Some of these recommendations are aimed at the researchers.

User background and need- The users can be categorized into two groups

a) Architects, designers and engineers who do not have an in-depth

knowledge of building simulation but wish to establish in-house modeling

capability. The GUIs for DOE-2 like eQUEST and Visual DOE and for

EnergyPlus like DesignBuilder and Open Studio are recommended.

b) Engineering and modeling specialists whose day to day job it is to carry

out design through modeling and analysis. Since this group has a higher

level of knowledge and expertise, they can choose from either program

based on their need.

Choosing the right tool – Since it was observed that the modeling

capabilities are competitive, choosing the right tool should be based on

the case. A comparative study of both the tools mentioned in the literature

study chapter comes in handy to broadly go through the capabilities to

access which could be the right tool for our need. Understanding the

strengths and weakness of each tool is crucial in choosing the right tool

Accessibility to the software – DOE-2 and EnergyPlus are free software

but a license for the DesignBuilder. DesignBuilder software needs to be

purchased after the 30 day trial version, which is with limited modeling

capabilities. Open Studio comes as a free plug-in to Google Sketch up

software. eQUEST is a freeware. The accessibility and pricing of the

software play a key role when a company or an individual has to decide on

which software to choose from for establishing their in-house modeling

capability. Above all, since EnergyPlus is a developing tool, the user

should surely note that there is betterment in the tool every six months

with the launch of new version and, hence they might have to upgrade to

the new version every six months, which at many times have other

implications. Hence, EnergyPlus’s key feature of interoperability between

two versions is noteworthy.

Ease of learning the software – It is easier to learn eQUEST or

DesignBuilder due to its interface and the presentation format of the

software. eQUEST walks the user through a series of screens that allows

them to smoothly go through the whole process. One can get a detailed

explanation of a particular field by simply right clicking in the field and

choosing from the menu. DesignBuilder has a help window that provides

tips and wizards guiding the user through the creation of the thermal

model. This is especially useful to novice users, as it helps them to better

understand the concepts of thermal modeling. It is generally easy to learn

these front ends but a one day training or introductory workshop will speed

up the learning process. For learning EnergyPlus one needs to have in-

depth technical knowledge and have to take a 3-4 day short term course

to get a basic understanding of the software. Continued use of the

software in day to day energy modeling will improve proficiency.

Documentation and support group – Both eQUEST and EnergyPlus have

extensive documentation that supports the learning and modeling process.

One can also get active help from the user support groups. And, since

EnergyPlus is a developing tool, the user support group is very active. In

both the cases, though the example files that are provided with the

software help to understand particular cases, it would be helpful to have

some documentation of a real time case study of a building that explains

the whole process step by step.

Data exchange and interoperability - eQUEST enables DWG imported

from a CAD program as a basis for the geometry of the building model.

The user has to first redraw the building shape, and then define thermal

zoning in a second step. However, eQUEST’s ability to modify the

geometry after the import is cumbersome and relies on manual change of

parameters rather than on modification of objects in a CAD environment.

DesignBuilder supports the import of DXF files that can be used as

footprints of the building. DesignBuilder allows for multiple footprints,

which enables more complex building geometries. The user can select the

needed layers and display them at a chosen height. DesignBuilder does

not support three dimensional geometry data exchange, since no such

functionality is present in the interface. It cannot import EnergyPlus input

files (the .idf format) of existing buildings, even though it exports such files.

Modeling capabilities - Creating the geometry, and assigning properties to

all the components is a highly complicated and tedious task to work

directly in EnergyPlus or a DOE 2 engine. Using the front end like

DesignBuilder and eQUEST is relatively easy. eQUEST provides two

design wizards, namely the Schematic Design and Design Development

Wizards. Both represent well-known stages during design that differ

significantly in the level of detail they contain. Both wizards can be used to

simplify data input through usage of default parameters. Weather data,

geometry, construction material, space types and usage, schedules, and

HVAC systems and components are the major input categories in both the

simulation tools.

Note: External wall consideration - eQUEST considers external wall

outside the CAD boundary and DesignBuilder considers it internal so while

modeling or at the time of converting single line drawing from original CAD

one has to consider it, else it will give faulty zone areas. And also the

centerline of a wall is to be considered in case of internal partitions in


Simulation Run Time - Considering the simulation run time, eQUEST

simulates very quickly and EnergyPlus takes a lot of time to simulate

which also depends on the complexity of the building and the output

reports required. So, for large projects eQUEST is good in terms of the run

time of the simulation. EnergyPlus simulation of large buildings might run

into few days from few hours. For this case study, while eQUEST took 30

seconds to complete the simulation, EnergyPlus v6 took 35 minutes to

complete the simulation when both the models were run at one hour time

step. An important point that can be noted here is the simulation runtime

difference that was observed between EnergyPlus v5 and v6. The case

study building took about an hour to simulate in v5 of EnergyPlus,

whereas the same building took 35 minutes in v6. The EnergyPlus model

took 50 minutes to run the same simulation at a 15 minute time step in v6.

One can try to reduce the simulation run time in EnergyPlus by trying to

keep the model simple for diagnostic analysis and adjust the simulation

settings to 1 hour time step especially in the early design stage. Recent

studies in this field show that the through data parallelization concept, a

single input file of EnergyPlus can be simulated simultaneously on multiple

computers, to decrease overall runtime of the simulation.

Energy Efficiency Measures and Parametric runs - In eQUEST, changes

can be made in parameters like chiller COP, external wall and roof

construction, direction, glazing etc., and the effect of changes can be seen

through parametric runs and the energy savings can be compared with

base case. Initial and time over investment for each EEM can be inserted

as input parameter. These alternative analyses result in annual utility

consumption and cost savings for the efficiency measure that can then be

used to determine simple payback, lifecycle cost, etc. for the measure

and, ultimately, help to determine the best combination of alternatives.

These results would also help in the decision making process of the

building design. In EnergyPlus each of the changes should be inputted

separately and all the simulations together can by run using group

simulation options. Updating portions of the multiple files that change and

do not change between permutations becomes tedious and error prone

and may lead to incorrect conclusions concerning the energy savings of

specific measures and more over for every minute change the user needs

to wait for a long time to analyze the results since the simulations run time

for each run is high.

Capabilities and limitations specific to software – The modeling

capabilities of each of the software might differ. For example: the window

opening for natural ventilation can be modeled by EnergyPlus but not by

eQUEST. Drury Crawley’s paper on ‘Contrasting the capabilities of

building energy performance simulation programs’ provides a quick

overview of the basic capabilities of each simulation software. For

modeling special cases in EnergyPlus, the user can refer to the example

files that come along with the EnergyPlus installation files. Understanding

the limitations and common errors of the software are also very important

to a practitioner. Identifying the common errors at an advanced stage of

modeling can be difficult to correct and is also time consuming. One has to

pay careful attention to the changing modeling capabilities that change

with the newer versions of the software by closely following the

documentation on their websites.

HVAC - eQUEST is good software for the projects where HVAC modeling

is required since it supports detailed input parameters for HVAC modeling

via performance curves, efficiency, flow, capacity, etc. It precisely

calculates the heat gain form occupants and consider both latent and

sensible load. The main benefit of eQUEST is that it requires less

simulation time. DesignBuilder only supports compact HVAC system

definitions and cannot make use of detailed component-based definitions.

The HVAC modeling in EnergyPlus is also very comprehensive. Modeling

HVAC through EnergyPlus HVAC templates is easy but it’s not in enough

detail. The expanded version of the same file is much more detailed and

allows us to make the changes individually. High definition of the

mechanical system is required for defining it in the expanded input data

file.. The level of expertise required to use the tool is rather high and any

definition can result in a significant impact in the results.

Subhourly calculations - If in some cases the results are required for less

than one hour, only EnergyPlus can be used since eQUEST cannot do

calculation for less than one hour time step.

Results and reporting - Both eQUEST and EnergyPlus produce

exhaustive results. The EnergyPlus output is text based while eQUEST

produces the results in text as well as in graphical format. Though

EnergyPlus has some third party programs using with the results can be

view in graphical formats, the results format generated by eQUEST are

more understandable. There are many report variables in EnergyPlus that

one can choose from.

Chapter 5


This research analyses the building energy simulation tools that run

on DOE-2 and EnergyPlus engines. The benefits and limitations of each

tool were discussed by describing their functionality, ease of usage,

accuracy of results, range of application and run time. The user interfaces

for DOE-2 are currently more developed in comparison to the interfaces

for EnergyPlus. The lack of user-friendly, mature and comprehensive user

interfaces limits the usage of building energy performance simulation in

practice. Current progress on interfaces to EnergyPlus is promising and is

likely to provide adequate user friendliness and functionality in the future.

As outlined in the recommendations, various issues related to

energy simulation tools itself need more development and research to

improve the value and accuracy of energy simulation. The strength of

energy simulation today is the comparison of different design alternatives

rather than predicting absolute energy consumption values. With

additional research and development, these tools could also provide more

accurate absolute values and provide many additional benefits to their


The development of the example building modeled in this research

demonstrates the typical and frequently encountered problems related to

building energy performance simulation. Energy performance simulation

tools are used throughout the life cycle of the building, i.e. during all

stages of the design and construction of the building as well as during the

commissioning and operations phase.

As observed in this study eQUEST is easy to use and quick in

producing results that would help in the decision making process during

the design phase. On the other hand EnergyPlus aids in modeling

complex systems but consumes more time. The choice of simulation

program might change depending on the usability and applicability of the

program to our need in different phases of a building’s life-cycle.

Therefore, it makes sense if a common front end is designed for both the

simulation programs like eQUEST and EnergyPlus thereby allowing the

user to select either the eQUEST engine or the EnergyPlus engine based

upon the need in each particular case.


Crawley, D. B. (2005). Contrasting the capabilities of Building Energy

Performance Simulation Programs. Proceedings of Building Simulation .
Montreal, Quebec, Canada: IBPSA.

Crawley, D. B. (2008). Testing and validation of a new building energy

simulation program. Proceedings of Seventh International IBPSA
Conference. Brazil: IBPSA.

DesignBuilder. (2007). DesignBuilder Software Homepage. Retrieved from

EnergyPlus. (2008). EnergyPlus: Getting started with EnergyPlus.

Retrieved from

eQUEST. (2008). eQUEST-The quick energy simulation tool, an overview.

Retrieved from

Garg, V. (2010). EnergyPlus simulation speedup using data parallelization

. Proceedings of ASME 2010 4th International Conference on Energy
Sustainability. Phoenix.

Henninger, O. (2008). EnergyPlus Testing with HVAC equipment

component tests. Washington DC: U S Department of Energy.

Hong, T. (2008). Comparing Computer Run Time of Building Simulation

Programs. Build Simul (2008). Berkeley,: Tsinghua Press and Springer.

Hong, T. (2008). EnergyPlus analysis capabilities for use in California

building energy efficiency standards development and compliance
calculations. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

LBNL. (2007). EnergyPlus homepage. Retrieved from

LBNL. (1998). Overview DOE-2.2. Retrieved from

Neymark, J. (2002). Applying the building energy simulation

test(BESTEST) diagnostic method to verification of space conditioning
equipment models used in whole-building energy simulation programs.
Energy and Buildings , pp. 1652-1658.

Pasqualetto, L. (1997). A case study of validation of an energy analysis
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USDOE. (2007). Building Energy Software Tools Directory. Retrieved from

Zhou, Y. (2008). Energy simulation in the variable refrigerant flow air-

conditioning system under cooling conditions. Retrieved from



Table 7
Zone Summary

Gross Window People Plug and

Area Conditioned Volume Lighting
Room name Multipliers Wall Area Glass Area [m2] per Process
[m2] (Y/N) [m3] [W/m2]
[m2] [m2] person [W/m2]
15.74 Yes 43.18 1.00 16.90 3.89 15.8177 9.29 0.0000
ROOM (1026)
31.90 Yes 87.50 1.00 6.04 4.46 3.8560 17.93 0.0000
21.04 Yes 57.71 1.00 20.68 3.89 11.8352 17.93 0.0238
ROOM (1028)
34.20 Yes 93.82 1.00 25.70 3.20 20.7315 17.93 18.1291
(1034 32 30)
32.45 Yes 89.02 1.00 16.30 2.16 17.0714 17.93 12.7265
(1036 38)
19.35 Yes 53.09 1.00 25.12 3.19 6.3042 17.93 0.0000
30.72 Yes 84.26 1.00 19.93 3.53 7.0322 17.93 6.7392
ELEC ROOM (1020) 20.20 Yes 55.41 1.00 24.02 0.00 27.9716 9.29 0.0000
11.79 Yes 32.34 1.00 19.30 1.07 36.6423 17.93 52.5884
OFFICE (1056)
49.41 Yes 135.53 1.00 17.15 2.16 11.1926 17.93 8.3590
(1052 46)
SECRETARY (1054) 10.56 Yes 28.96 1.00 10.24 2.13 40.9268 17.93 92.2748
43.93 Yes 120.51 1.00 25.47 3.24 14.7736 17.93
(1058 60 62)
29.43 Yes 80.74 1.00 0.00 0.00 22.0163 17.93 21.0650
(1023 21 19)
COPY ROOM (1027) 33.25 Yes 91.20 1.00 0.00 0.00 15.0088 17.93 42.1690
28.53 Yes 78.28 1.00 0.00 0.00 25.6528 17.93 14.5085
(1017 15)
43.65 Yes 119.74 1.00 27.43 3.20 14.8228 17.93 14.2042
(1064 66 68)
21.87 Yes 60.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 12.6194 17.93 16.3229
ROOM (1013) W
21.19 Yes 58.13 1.00 0.00 0.00 12.9295 17.93 4.9075
ROOM (1013) E
37.02 Yes 101.54 1.00 0.00 0.00 7.4294 17.93 0.0000
15.72 Yes 43.13 1.00 0.00 0.00 9.1581 17.93 181.5081
23.53 Yes 64.55 1.00 16.31 15.87 17.4227 17.93 0.0000
STAIRWELL 1 24.57 Yes 67.41 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.2616 17.93 0.0000
41.20 Yes 113.01 1.00 0.00 0.00 11.4570 17.93 0.0000
20.47 Yes 56.14 1.00 19.24 2.15 21.1087 17.93 48.9117
(1006 08)
36.50 Yes 100.12 1.00 27.23 4.67 11.8092 17.93 5.6717
OFFICE (1010)

28.96 Yes 79.44 1.00 0.00 0.00 22.4116 17.93 21.4101
(1003 05 07)
SECRETARY (1012) 15.57 Yes 42.72 1.00 8.35 1.07 35.5751 17.93 30.4379
32.76 Yes 89.87 1.00 17.57 2.14 13.1557 17.93 12.6063
(1014 16)
780.10 No 713.32 1.00 112.91 0.91 0.0000 0.0000
24.22 Yes 66.44 1.00 10.65 0.00 7.5557 16.35 0.0000
47.97 Yes 131.59 1.00 33.19 3.24 11.9872 16.35 3.9193
ROOM (2022)
28.46 Yes 78.10 1.00 16.75 5.45 17.2517 16.35 14.5111
(2034 32)
42.24 Yes 115.92 1.00 24.86 7.08 16.8548 16.35 14.6769
(2040 38 36)
19.77 Yes 54.25 1.00 25.78 2.95 6.3731 16.35 0.0000
12.82 Yes 35.18 1.00 20.34 3.53 21.4427 16.35 16.1405
42.65 Yes 116.99 1.00 25.08 2.15 16.6946 16.35 14.5375
(2016 18 20)
11.80 Yes 32.36 1.00 19.30 6.14 36.6211 16.35 17.5476
OFFICE (2050)
18.20 Yes 49.92 1.00 10.24 3.10 23.7936 16.35 26.0466
36.51 Yes 100.15 1.00 16.05 5.10 15.1201 16.35 56.5085
(2046 44)

42.55 Yes 116.73 1.00 24.66 4.69 23.1249 16.35 15.5341
OFFICES (2004 02)
24.16 Yes 66.29 1.00 14.44 3.61 20.4015 16.35 15.4770
29.57 Yes 81.12 1.00 17.14 2.14 16.6044 16.35 14.0004
(2010 12)
34.20 Yes 93.81 1.00 0.00 0.00 25.2954 16.35 35.2966
(2001 2003 2005)
15.66 Yes 57.27 1.00 0.00 2.43 7.2802 16.35 0.0000
37.14 Yes 101.89 1.00 0.00 0.00 14.2967 16.35 0.0000
32.12 Yes 88.11 1.00 18.61 3.62 17.2475 16.35 12.8889
(2000 62)
57.02 Yes 156.41 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.0699 9.29 0.0000
COPY ROOM (2029) 28.47 Yes 78.11 1.00 0.00 0.00 15.3468 16.35 14.5040
29.15 Yes 79.96 1.00 0.00 0.00 29.6053 16.35 22.6757
OFFICES (2011 09)
43.26 Yes 118.68 1.00 25.07 7.42 19.0919 16.35 14.3305
(2056 58 60)
25.46 Yes 69.84 1.00 0.00 0.00 33.9756 16.35 25.9629
OFFICES (2023 25)
25.65 Yes 70.35 1.00 0.00 0.00 33.7274 16.35 25.7732
OFFICES (2015 13)
29.17 Yes 80.03 1.00 16.91 5.34 16.8650 16.35 14.1570
(2052 54)

29.62 Yes 81.26 1.00 0.00 0.00 21.8424 16.35 20.9309
(2021 19 17)
12.25 Yes 33.61 1.00 19.66 2.14 35.2595 16.35 16.8952
OFFICE (2006)
764.47 No 713.35 1.00 112.91 0.00 0.0000 0.0000
Total 3100.17 5708.41 907.51 133.06 8.3121 32.47 8.0871
Conditioned Total 1555.60 4281.73 681.69 132.15 16.5653 16.29 16.1169
Unconditioned Total 1544.57 1426.67 225.82 0.91 0.0000 0.0000



Table 8
Glass properties

Spec Shading Glass Visible Outside

Glass Type Name Library Selection
Method Coefficient Conductance transmittance Emissivity
AFG Gray+Low- Glass AFG Gray+LoweClr-
n/a 1.47 0.9 0.84
eClr2inAlFrmNoBrk Library NoBrk
AFG Gray+Low-eClr2inAlFrm Glass AFG Gray+LoweClr-
n/a 1.47 0.9 0.84
wBrk Library wBrk
Non-North Glass Type Simplified n/a 0.44 0.36 0.45 0.84
North Glass Type Simplified n/a 0.44 0.36 0.45 0.84
2Dome Acrylc White, Alum no Brk Simplified n/a 0.54 1.27 0.5 0.84

Table 9
Material Properties

Material Name Spec Method Thickness Conductivity Density Specific heat Resistance
EWall Cavity R-value Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 9
IWall Cons Mat 2 (5.5) Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 5.5
Roof R-Value (R30) Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 30
UFMat R6 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 6.5
UFMat R25 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 25.8
UFMat R20 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 19
UFMat R40 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 43
UFMat R30 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 29.1
UFMat R10 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 9.9

UFMat R15 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 14.1
UFMat R80 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 84
UFMat R100 Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 100
Polyisocyanurate 4in Properties 0.351 0.0117 2 0.22 n/a
EIFS R-Value Mat Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 6
Stucco 1in (SC01) Properties 0.083 0.4167 116 0.2 n/a
GypBd 1/2in (GP01) Properties 0.042 0.0926 50 0.2 n/a
Blt-Up Roof 3/8in (BR01) Properties 0.031 0.0939 70 0.35 n/a
Plywd 5/8in (PW04) Properties 0.052 0.0667 34 0.29 n/a
Conc HW 140lb 2in (HF-C12) Properties 0.167 1 140 0.2 n/a
Carpet & No Pad Resistance n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.75
Light Soil, Damp 12in Properties 1 0.5 100 0.25 n/a
Conc HW 140lb 4in (HF-C5) Properties 0.333 1 140 0.2 n/a
AcousTile 3/4in (AC03) Properties 0.063 0.033 18 0.32 n/a

Table 10
Construction Layers

Ins Film Thkne thkn thkne thkne

Material1 Material 2 Material 3 Material 4
Layer name Resis ss1 ess2 ss3 ss 4
Clg Tile AcousTile 3/4in
0.76 0.063 - n/a - n/a - n/a
Layer (AC03)
EWall Cons EIFS R-Value EWall Cavity GypBd 1/2in
0.68 Stucco 1in (SC01) 0.083 n/a n/a 0.042
Layers Mat R-value (GP01)
IFlr Cons Conc HW 140lb 2in Carpet & No
0.68 0.167 n/a n/a - n/a
Layers (HF-C12) Pad
IWall Cons IWall Cons Mat GypBd 1/2in
0.68 GypBd 1/2in (GP01) 0.042 n/a 0.042 - n/a
Layers 2 (5.5) (GP01)
Roof Cons Blt-Up Roof 3/8in Roof R-Value Plywd 5/8in
0.68 0.031 n/a 0.052 - n/a
Layers (BR01) (R30) (PW04)

Table 11

Construction name Spec Method Absorptance roughness U value Wall parameters Layers
EWall Construction Layers Input 0.6 1 0.061 - undefined - EWall Cons Layers
Ceilg Construction Layers Input 0.7 3 0.377 - undefined - Clg Tile Layer
IWall Construction Layers Input 0.7 3 0.141 - undefined - IWall Cons Layers
Roof Construction Layers Input 0.5 1 0.031 - undefined - Roof Cons Layers
IFlr Construction Layers Input 0.7 3 0.626 - undefined - IFlr Cons Layers
Dummy U-Value Cons U-Value Input 0.7 3 0 - undefined - n/a
Sgl Lyr Unins Mtl Door U-Value Input 0.7 3 2.08 - undefined - n/a


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