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The document outlines the requirements for training, qualification, certification and auditing of non-destructive testing (NDT) personnel according to MIL-STD-410E and NAS 410 standards.

The audit sheet provides a checklist to evaluate whether an NDT program is in compliance with the requirements for training, examination, certification and documentation of NDT personnel at different qualification levels as specified in the standards.

The document addresses requirements for Level I, Level II, and Level III NDT personnel as well as auditors.


NAS 410

Date: Facility:
Auditor: Accompanied by:
Title: Title:
Method Procedure: Revision: Date of Procedure: one that
Bubble Leak (LT)
Eddy Current (ET)
Magnetic Particle (MT)
Penetrant Inspection (PT)
Radiographic Inspection (RT)

Section # Description Page #

1.0 General Requirements/Training/Qualification/Certification/Procedure Requirements

2.0 Level III Detail Requirements/Instructor/Trainee

3.0 Level II Detail Requirements

4.0 Level I Detail Requirements

5.0 Detailed Auditor Requirements



NAS 410
Section Para. Para General
1.0 410 NAS Requirements Yes No App N/A
4.1 4.1 Does the employer have NDI/NDT written practice covering
Training/Qualification/Certification of personnel
4.1 4.1 Is it available for review
5.2 5.2 Does the written Practice have a detailed course outline to
train personnel?
4.1.3 4.1.3 Does the written practice contain an outline of instruction
provided as well as sources of the outside training utilized?
Does the course outline cover the basic principles, products,
5.2 5.2 equipment, oper. Procedures, techniques, specifications,
codes & instructions used by the employer?
4.1.4 4.1.4 Are the techniques within the method and minimum amount
of time for each technique identified?
5.2 2.0 Was SNT-TC-1A used to develop the training outline?
5.2 2.0 Was the referenced material used validated against the
training outline? Reference material:
4.1.1 4.1.1 Are all levels of qualification applicable to the facilities needs
identified in the procedure?
4.1.2 4.1.2 Are the personnel duties and responsibilities identified for the
different levels of qualification?
4.1.6 4.1.6 Does the written practice address records and document
administrative practices?
4.1.6 4.1.6 Does the written practice address the responsible individual
for developing, administering, and maintaining the facilities
4.1.5 4.1.5 Does the written practice include the designation of
5.4.1 5.4.1 individuals or organization that will perform the examinations
as well as the number of questions, and type of physical tests
4.1.7 4.1.7 Does the written practice address the facilities requirements
5.7.3 for recertification of personnel, loss, and reinstatement of
5.7.4 certifications?
5.2 5.2 Is the course outline approved by a Level III?
4.5 4.5 Was an outside agency used to develop a certification
program, train, examine personnel and perform any other
Level III functions?
4.5 4.5 Agency:
4.5 4.5 Is there sufficient documentation to justify suitability of the
outside agency to perform the functions required by the
specified specifications?


NAS 410

Sect Para. Para Level III

2.0 410 NAS Requirement Yes No App. N/A
Required Physical for all Levels of certification
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is the Near vision tests administered annually? Current ?(5..6.2)
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is it the Near vision- Jaeger #1 test chart at not less than 12
inches or equiv. With one eye, either natural or corrected?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is Near/Color perception tests administered by an individual
approved by the Level III?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is Near/Color perception tests administered by an outside
5.4.1 5.4.1 Are color perception tests administered prior to certification
or recertification?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is color perception performed to distinguish & differentiate
between colors used in the method in which certification is
4.4 4.4 Note: The Prime contractor is responsible for compliance to the requirements of the specified
specification by their subcontractors
4.5 4.5 Note: Utilization of outside sources for training/examination to assure requirements are met
are also the responsibility of the Prime Contractor
1.0 1.0 Does the facility have a Level III?
1.0 1.0 Does the Level III have a corporate Level III Certification?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Do the records indicate that a General, Specific and Practical
examination was given?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are documents available that show the Level, method and
Technique, which the In house Level III was certified to?
(Level III, PT, Type I, Method A, Form D)
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is it documented that this person is the Level III?
5.4.5 5.4.5 Who administered the Level III examinations?
Agency: Date: Exp.:
5.4.2 5.4.2 Is the In house Level III ASNT certified?
Certificate Number: Date: Exp.:
5.4.3 5.4.3 Is there evidence that the Level III was administered a
Specific examination?
Administered by: Date:
Practical Examination Section Does the Level III make accept/reject decision? Did the Level III have a practical examination? Did the Level III demonstrate proficiency in the application
of the method as well as interpretation of results?
5.4.4 5.4.4 Was this examination based on interpretation only?
5.4.4 5.4.4 Was actual production hardware or test samples used:
Actual Test samples (circle one)


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Level III
2.0 410 NAS Requirement Yes No App. N/A
5.4.4 5.4.4Were the production parts evaluated by the Level III
administering the examination prior to administering the
examination to the Level III.
3.26 3.24 Were all abnormal or out of specification conditions noted in
5.4.4 the production part on a report?
3.26 3.24 Did the test samples contain known defects?
5.4.6 5.4.6 Did the Level III find all the indications noted? 3.18 Are the results of the practical examination adequately
5.4.6 5.4.6 documented? Is score above 70%
5.4.4 5.4.4 Is there a written check list covering the topics to assure
adequate coverage was obtained? Does the check list address the Level III’s practical and
technical adequacy of the procedures prepared by the
candidate? Does it address adequacy of interpretation and evaluation of
5.4.4 Did the Level III prepare the NDI/NDT procedures in the
applicable method(s) Note: Procedures prepared for a previous employer is acceptable if the
procedures meet the current employers needs. Were the procedures prepared for this employer or previous
employer? Current Previous (circle one) Are the results of the practical examination adequately
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are all qualification tests present, documented and include
the separate test scores, that the Level III has taken?
General Examination Section
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was the Level III General Examination administered closed
5.4.2 5.4.2 Did the Level III General Examination consists of at least 40
5.4.2 5.4.2 Does Level III General Examination address general
knowledge of other methods as well as method for which
certification is sought?
5.4.2 5.4.2 Is this cross section of questions at the appropriate level?
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was SNT-TC-1A supplement used to develop the Level III
General Examination? If Yes, questions must not be
identical. Identical / Not identical (circle one)
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was another publications used (other than SNT-TC-1A
supplement) to develop the Level III General Examination?


NAS 410
Sect Para. ParaN Level III
2.0 410 AS Requirement Yes No App. N/A
5.4.2 5.4.2 What other material was used to develop the questions:

5.4.6 5.4.6 Are results of the General Examination 70 % or above?

5.4.7 5.4.7 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency and given at least 30 days
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
Note: If examination is identical to original examination
that is unacceptable.
5.4.6 5.4.6 Were the results of the Re-Examination 70% or above?
Specific Examination Section
5.4.3 5.4.3 Was the Level III Specific Examination administered closed
5.4.3 5.4.3 Did Level III Specific Examination consist of at least 30
5.4.6 5.4.6 Are results of the Level III Specific Examination 70% or
5.4.7 5.4.7 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency and given at least 30 days
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
Note: If examination is identical to original examination
that is unacceptable.
5.4.6 5.4.6 Were the results of the Re-Examination 70% or above?
5.4.3 5.4.3 Does Level III Specific Examination questions cover
specification, codes, equipment, operating procedures,
techniques encountered in the performance of his/her duties?


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Level III
2.0 410 NAS Requirement Yes No App. N/A
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is date and expiration of current certifications documented
5.6.4 and present? Certification is 5 yrs.
5.6.1 5.7.1 Do the Level III’s certification records show that they
expired anytime prior to recertification
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are any records available that indicate the Level III
continued to perform normal duties/responsibilities during
this period?
5.6.2 5.7.2 At any time did the Level III certification interval laps with
no recertification attempt?
If yes, certification is expired
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are all previous NDT/NDI certifications with this current
5.2.4 5.2.3 employer.
If not who were the certification records with:

5.2.4 5.2.3 Was the training received from another employer used to
accept the candidate by current employer?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Did current employer administer any fresher training to
5.2.4 5.2.3 Was refresher training given those not certified within 6
months of their training?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Did the current employer validate this and is it documented?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are all training records available that shows the (history)
source and dates of training, course hours and grades and
instructor's name documented/present? Yes No
5.2.3 5.2.2 Does the Level III have sufficient training hrs to allow
certification to Level III without prior certification as a
Level II or performance equivalent to a Level II ?
5.3 5.3 Is there sufficient data on the Level III’s history to justify
satisfactory experience requirements for certification with
both current and previous employment. Ref 5.3 Table II in
applicable method?
5.3 5.3 Is the Level III’s formal education documented?
5.6.2 5.7.2 Did Level III perform in the method certified in within the
last 12 consecutive months?
If No, certification is suspended
5.6.2 5.7.2 Is the Level III performance found to be deficient in any
If yes, certification is suspended
5.6.3 5.7.3 Has complete and proper correction of certification
suspension been corrected and verified?


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Level III
2.0 410 NAS Requirement Yes No App. N/A
5.6.3 5.7.3 If yes, certification may be reinstated. If No suspension
remains in effect
5.6.2 5.7.2 Did Level III perform in method certified in within the last
24 consecutive months?
If No, certification is revoked
5.6.3 5.7.3 Has rectification been accomplished, due to certifications
being expired, revoked or suspended? If yes, validate
recertification, para 5.6.4
If yes, validate recertification, para 5.6.4
5.6.4 Re-Certification is good for 5 yrs. Verify
certification/expiration date.
5.6.4 Was the physical and practical examination, equivalent to
those required for initial certification given prior to
recertification present?
5.6.4 Was the extent of the general/specific re-examination
administered to Level III (to ensure subject areas of
individuals knowledge is adequate) satisfactory?
5.4.7 Note: Re-examination are not to be the same as
administered previously to the candidate. Samples are to not
to be the same ones used in previous examinations.
Administration Of Training/Examinations
5.2.1 5.2 Does Level III administer training to trainee's, Level I, Level
II, Level III personnel?
5.5 5.5 Did the Level III designate an instructor to administer
training to trainee's, Level I, Level II, and Level III
personnel? Instructor must meet one of the
5.5 5.5 a) Be certified to Level III in method for which they will be
designated Instructors?
5.5 5.5 b)Possess equivalent B.Sc. in engineering, physical science
or technology. Have adequate knowledge in method
for which they will be designated instructors?
5.5 5.5c c)Possess associate's degree in phy/science or technology.
2 yrs. Have min. 5 yrs experience/equivalent , as Level II in
method which they will be designated instructors?
5.5 5.5d d)Possess a minimum of 10 years experience as a Level II,
4 yrs. or equivalent in method for which they will be
designated instructors?


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Level III
2.0 410 NAS Requirement Yes No App. N/A
5.2.1 5.2.1 Did the Level III designate specialist personnel to provide
instruction on highly specialized topics to trainee’s
Level I, Level II, Level III personnel?
5.2.1 5.2.1 Is there documented evidence of Level III approving the
designated Instructor or Specialist personnel?
5.1.1 5.2.1 Is the Trainees work under direct supervision of a Level II,
Level III or Instructor in the same method
Note: Trainees are not to independently perform tests, make
accept/reject decisions or perform NDI/NDT
5.2.2 N/R Was an end of course exams given to satisfy the block of
training hours?
5.2.2 N/R Did the end of course examination cover the basic principles,
product, equipment, operating procedures, technique,
specifications, codes, instructions used by the
5.2.2 N/R Note: such examinations given in conjunction with
training shall not be used to satisfy any of the
qualification examination requirements of section
5.2.2 N/R Was the examination given in conjunction with training to
satisfy the qualification examination requirements of


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level II
3.0 410 NAS Required Physical for all Levels of Certification Yes No App. N/A
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is the Near vision tests administered annually? Current ?(5..6.2)
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is it the Near vision- Jaeger #1 test chart at not less than 12
inches or equiv. With one eye, either natural or corrected?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is Near/Color perception tests administered by an individual
approved by the Level III?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is Near/Color perception tests administered by an outside
5.4.1 5.4.1 Are color perception tests administered prior to certification
or recertification?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is color perception performed to distinguish & differentiate
between colors used in the method in which certification is
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the name of individual certified documented?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the Level, method and techniques for which individual is
certified documented & present? e.g. Level III, PT, Type I,
Method A & B, Form D
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are results present and documented of all qualification
examinations, including the separate test scores, that the
Level II has taken?
General Examination Section
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was the Level II General Examination administered closed
5.4.2 5.4.2 Did the Level II General Examination consist of at least 40
5.4.2 5.4.2 Does Level II General Examination question cover the cross
section of questions at the appropriate level?
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was SNT-TC-1A supplement used to develop the Level II
General Examination? If Yes, questions must not be
identical. Identical / Not identical (circle one)
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was another publications used (other than SNT-TC-1A
supplement) to develop the Level II General Examination?
5.4.6 5.4.6 Are results of the General Examination 70 % or above?
5.4.7 5.4.7 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency at least 30 days later?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
Note: If examination is identical to original examination is unacceptable.
5.4.6 5.4.6 Were the results of the re-examination 70% or above?
NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level II
3.0 410 NAS Specific Examination Section Yes No App. N/A
5.4.3 5.4.3 Was the Level II Specific Examination administered closed
5.4.3 5.4.3 Did Level II Specific Examination consist of at least 30
5.4.6 5.4.6 Are results of the Level II Specific Examination 70% or
5.4.7 5.4.7 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency and given at least 30 days
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.1 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
Note: If examination is identical to original examination
that is unacceptable.
5.4.6 5.4.6 Were the results of the Re-Examination 70% or above?
5.4.3 5.4.3 Does Level II Specific Examination questions cover
specification, codes, equipment, operating procedures,
techniques encountered in the performance of his/her duties?


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level II
3.0 410 NAS Practical Examination Section Yes No App. N/A Did the Level II practical have at least one test sample for
each technique? Were at least two test samples evaluated for each method?
5.4.4 5.4.4 Did the Level II demonstrate proficiency in the application
3.26 3.24 of the method as well as interpretation of results?
5.4.4 5.4.4 Was actual production hardware or test samples used:
Actual Test samples (circle one)
5.4.4 5.4.4 Were the production parts evaluated by the Level III
3.26 3.24 administering the examination prior to administering the
examination to the Level II.
3.26 3.24 Were all abnormal or out of specification conditions noted in
5.4.4 the production part on a report?
3.26 3.24 Did the test samples contain known defects?
5.4.6 5.4.6 Did the Level II find all the indications noted? Are the results of the practical examination adequately
5.4.4 5.4.4 Does the written checklist cover all the topics to assure
adequate coverage was obtained? (see below) Does the checklist address the Level II proficiency in the
procedures, equipment or materials, adherence to details and
documentation of results? Does it address adequacy of interpretation and evaluation of
5.4.7 5.4.6 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency and given at least 30 days
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the specimens different than original examination?
5.4.7 5.4.7 If No! Examination is invalid
5.6.1 5.7.1 Has the employer documented the Level II date of
certification along with expiration?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Was there a lapse in the Level II certification prior to
recertification where the Level II continued to perform their
normal duties?



NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level II
3.0 410 NAS General Requirements Yes No App. N/A
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are all previous NDT/NDI certifications with current
5.2.4 5.2.3 employer.
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the training history, which identifies source and dates of
training, course hours and grades and instructor's name
documented and present?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Was training received from another employer used to accept
the candidate by current employer?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Was the training receive from the other employer
documented and verified by the previous employer prior to
accepting candidate?
5.2.4 5.2.3 If the training from the prior employer was used to accept
the candidate, Did the current employer administer any
fresher training to the employee?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Was refresher training administered to those not certified
within 6 months of their training?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the history with both current/previous employer sufficient
to justify satisfaction of experience requirements for
certification. Ref 5.3 Table II in applicable method?
5.6.2 5.7.2 Did Level I certification interval laps with no recertification
attempt? If yes, certification is expired
5.6.2 5.7.2 Do the records reflect that the Level II periodic physical
examination is overdue? If yes, certification is suspended
5.6.2 5.7.2 Has the Level II performed in the method certified in within
the last 12 consecutive months? If No, certification is
5.6.2 5.7.2 Is the Level II performance found to be deficient in any
manner? If yes, certification is suspended
5.6.3 5.7.3 Has proper and complete correction of certification
suspension been corrected and verified? If yes, certification
may be reinstated. No suspension remains
5.6.2 5.7.2 Has the Level II performed in method certified within the
last 24 consecutive months? If No, certification is
5.6.2 5.7.2 Was the Level II conduct found to be unethical or
incompetent? If yes, certification is revoked
5.6.3 5.7.3 Has recertification of the Level II been accomplished, if
certification had expired or been revoked? If yes, validate
recertification, para 5.6.4


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level II
3.0 410 NAS General Requirements Yes No App. N/A
5.6.4 Is the Level II certification current? Cert. good for 3 yrs.
Verify certification/expiration date. Yes No
5.6.4 Was physical and practical examination, equivalent to those
required for initial certification given prior to recertification
5.6.4 Is the extent of general/specific re-examination administered
to Level II (to ensure subject areas of individuals knowledge
is adequate) satisfactory?

NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level I
4.0 410 NAS Required Physical for all Levels of Certification Yes No App. N/A
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is the Near vision tests administered annually? Current ?(5..6.2)
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is it the Near vision- Jaeger #1 test chart at not less than 12
inches or equiv. With one eye, either natural or corrected?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is Near/Color perception tests administered by an individual
approved by the Level III?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is Near/Color perception tests administered by an outside
5.4.1 5.4.1 Are color perception tests administered prior to certification
or recertification?
5.4.1 5.4.1 Is color perception performed to distinguish & differentiate
between colors used in the method in which certification is
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the name of individual certified documented?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the Level, method and techniques for which individual is
certified documented & present? e.g. Level III, PT, Type I,
Method A & B, Form D
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are the results present and documented of all qualification
examinations, including the separate test scores, that the
Level I has taken?
General Examination Section
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was the Level I General Examination administered closed
5.4.2 5.4.2 Did the Level I General Examination consist of at least 40
5.4.2 5.4.2 Does Level I General Examination question cover the cross
section of questions at the appropriate level?
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was SNT-TC-1A supplement used to develop the Level I
General Examination? If Yes, questions must not be
identical. Identical / Not identical (circle one)
5.4.2 5.4.2 Was another publications used (other than SNT-TC-1A
supplement) to develop the Level I General Examination?
5.4.6 5.4.6 Are results of the General Examination 70 % or above?
5.4.7 5.4.7 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency at least 30 days later?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
Note: If examination is identical to original examination is unacceptable.
5.4.6 5.4.6 Were the results of the re-examination 70% or above?
NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level I
4.0 410 NAS Specific Examination Section Yes No App. N/A
5.4.3 5.4.3 Was the Level I Specific Examination administered closed
5.4.3 5.4.3 Did Level I Specific Examination consist of at least 30
5.4.6 5.4.6 Are results of the Level I Specific Examination 70% or
5.4.7 5.4.7 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency and given at least 30 days
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the re-examination questions given different than the
original examination?
Note: If examination is identical to original examination
is unacceptable.
5.4.6 5.4.6 Were the results of the re-examination 70% or above?
5.4.3 5.4.3 Does Level I Specific Examination questions cover
specification, codes, equipment, operating procedures,
techniques encountered in the performance of his/her duties?


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level I
4.0 410 NAS Practical Examination Section Yes No App. N/A Does the Level I make accept/reject decision? Did the Level I have a practical examination? Did the Level I practical have at least one test sample for
each technique?
5.4.4 5.4.4 Did the Level I demonstrate proficiency in the application of
3.26 3.24 the method as well as interpretation of results?
5.4.4 5.4.4 Was actual production hardware or test samples used:
Actual Test samples (circle one)
5.4.4 5.4.4 Were the production parts evaluated by the Level III
3.24 administering the examination prior to administering the
examination to the Level I.
3.26 3.24 Were all abnormal or out of specification conditions noted in
5.4.4 the production part on a report?
3.26 3.24 Did the test samples contain known defects?
5.4.6 5.4.6 Did the Level I find all the indications noted? Are the results of the practical examination adequately
5.4.4 5.4.4 Does the written checklist cover all the topics to assure
adequate coverage was obtained? (see below) Does the check list address the Level I proficiency in the
procedures, equipment or materials, adherence to details and
documentation of results? Does it address adequacy of interpretation and evaluation of
5.4.7 5.4.6 If the results were not above 70% was additional training
given in the area of deficiency and given at least 30 days
5.4.7 5.4.7 Is the additional training documented and addresses the
deficient areas?
5.4.7 5.4.7 Were the specimens different than original examination?
5.4.7 5.4.7 If No! Examination is invalid
5.6.1 5.7.1 Has the employer documented the Level Is date of
certification along with expiration?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Was there a laps in the Level I certification prior to
recertification where the Level I continued to perform their
normal duties?


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level I
4.0 410 NAS General Requirements Yes No App. N/A
5.6.1 5.7.1 Are all previous NDT/NDI certifications with current
5.2.4 5.2.3 employer.
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the training history, which identifies source and dates of
training, course hours and grades and instructor's name
documented and present?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Was training received from another employer used to accept
the candidate by current employer?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Was the training receive from the other employer
documented and verified by the previous employer prior to
accepting candidate?
5.2.4 5.2.3 If the training from the prior employer was used to accept
the candidate, Did the current employer administer any
fresher training to the employee?
5.2.4 5.2.3 Was refresher training administered to those not certified
within 6 months of their training?
5.6.1 5.7.1 Is the history with both current/previous employer sufficient
to justify satisfaction of experience requirements for
certification. Ref 5.3 Table II in applicable method?
5.6.2 5.7.2 Did Level I certification interval laps with no recertification
attempt? If yes, certification is expired
5.6.2 5.7.2 Do the records reflect that the Level Is periodic physical
examination is overdue? If yes, certification is suspended
5.6.2 5.7.2 Has the Level I performed in the method certified in within
the last 12 consecutive months? If No, certification is
5.6.2 5.7.2 Is the Level I performance found to be deficient in any
manner? If yes, certification is suspended
5.6.3 5.7.3 Has proper and complete correction of certification
suspension been corrected and verified? If yes, certification
may be reinstated. No suspension remains
5.6.2 5.7.2 Has the Level I performed in method certified within the last
24 consecutive months? If No, certification is revoked
5.6.2 5.7.2 Was the Level Is conduct found to be unethical or
incompetent? If yes, certification is revoked
5.6.3 5.7.3 Has recertification of the Level I been accomplished, if
certification had expired or been revoked? If yes, validate
recertification, para 5.6.4


NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Requirements for Level I
4.0 410 NAS General Requirements Yes No App. N/A
5.6.4 Is the Level I certification current? Cert. good for 3 yrs.
Verify certification/expiration date. Yes No
5.6.4 Was physical and practical examination, equivalent to those
required for initial certification given prior to recertification
5.6.4 Is the extent of general/specific re-examination administered
to Level I (to ensure subject areas of individuals knowledge
is adequate) satisfactory?

NAS 410
Sect Para. Para Detailed Auditor Requirements
5.0 410 NAS Yes No App. N/A
N/R 3.1 Does the company have an auditor who reviews NDT
systems and procedures?
5.6 Does the company use a Third Party Auditor that is
approved by the NDT Level III?
Third Party:

5.5.6 Do the records show evidence that the Auditor has the
education, training, skill and knowledge necessary to
understand the processes and procedures utilized in the NDT
5.5.6 Do the records also show evidence that the Auditor is
familiar with the applicable codes, standards, and other
contractual documents that control the method?
5.6 Do the records indicate that the person performing audits,
surveys or assessments were approved by the responsible
Level III from the cognizant NDT organization?
5.6 Do the documents show that NDT and Audit training was
5.6 Was a passing score per 5.4.6 in the General and Specific
examinations which covered the applicable NDT methods
and audit requirements?
5.6 Do the records also reflect that the auditor passed a Practical
examination consisting of two audits, while being
accompanied by a qualified NDT Auditor?
5.6 Was the content and time required determined by the
supervising auditor and cognizant Level III?
5.6 Is it equivalent to or greater than the requirements listed for
a Level I in Table 1?
5.6 Was the documented evidence of Qualification on file and
available for review of all Auditor used?


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