Andrea Carolina Gonzalez Rincon
Andrea Carolina Gonzalez Rincon
Andrea Carolina Gonzalez Rincon
1. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: is a formal record of the financial activities and
position of a business, person, or other entity. Relevant financial information
is presented in a structured manner and in a form easy to understand.
5. ASSET: is something that an entity has acquired or purchased, and that has
money value (its cost, book value, market value, or residual value). An asset
can be something physical, such as cash, machinery, inventory, land and
11. TREASURY: is the area of a company in which it manages the actions related
to the operations of monetary flows. It basically includes the management of
the cash and the various banking operations. Accounting records such
execution. For example, human resources perform the calculation of salaries
to be paid; treasury is responsible for ensuring that there is sufficient money
available to pay the salaries on the due date, and to give payment orders;
accounting and recording of movements.
12. CASH FLOW: are the inflows and outflows of cash or cash, in a given period.
Cash flow is the net accumulation of liquid assets in a given period and,
therefore, is an important indicator of the liquidity of a company.
14. INTEREST RATE: it is the cost that has a credit or the profitability of the
savings. It is a term that, therefore, allows to describe to the profit, utility,
value or the gain of a certain thing or activity.
21. LIQUIDITY: The ability of a person, company or bank to meet its financial
24. COST: is the economic expense that represents the manufacture of a product
or the provision of a service. In determining the cost of production, the retail
price of the good can be established.
25. PRICE: is the amount of money that society must give in exchange for a good
or service. It is also the amount of money allocated to a product or service,
or the sum of the values that the buyers exchange for the benefits of having
or using or enjoying a good or a service.