Open Source Intrusion Detection System Using Snort: Conference Paper
Open Source Intrusion Detection System Using Snort: Conference Paper
Open Source Intrusion Detection System Using Snort: Conference Paper
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Software and hardware components are parts of almost every Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
which is able to monitor computer networks for any possible security incidents. Using Internet
resources all over the world has been becoming as one of the most popular task among all people
and this usage and connection to Internet creates security risk for many different network attacks.
This is because these attacks and threats can strongly affects network security.
IDS system became one of the most useful network security mechansinms which protect users`s
valuable resources and confidentialy, integrity and availability of information and information
assets located in the protected part of any organization’s computer network. Therefore, IDS
systems have a very significant role in protecting users, companies or any institutions againist
cyber attacks.
IDS can be designed as signature-based or anomaly-based detection system. Signature-based
system (Misuse-based IDS) is only eligible to detect attacks which are already known and
anomaly-based systems are eligible to detect unknown attacks which give them functionality to
be proactive i.e. to resolve attack before it harm specific protected system. In this paper are
presented already available classification of IDS and general capabilities of SNORT open source
IDS solution.
Keywords: Snort, IDS, Intrusion Detection System, Intrusion, Signature-based IDS, Anomaly-
based IDS,
Nowadays security is one of the biggest issues for almost all networks in any field. There are
countless malicious attempts to reach to companies’ private information, networks and web
services therefore many different methods have been used by different companies to provide
The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2013)
tools, hardware and software components such as firewalls, encryption mechanisms and virtual
private networks to protect these personal information.
In the modern time, there is huge tendency to have Intrusion Detection System on any network
because; attacks and threats create potential risk for network and computer system. IDS can face
a great deal of challenge for the sudden change in intrusion categories as well as big
computational power. Intrusion detection systems are “systems that collect information from a
variety of system and network sources, and then analyses the information for signs of intrusion
and misuse” (Proctor, 2001).
The most important advantage of using IDS is that IDS to provides knowledge if there is an
attack launched against specific system, through the IDS users are aware of what kind of risk and
threat they are in. Multiple tools can be used to protect specific system such as firewalls, IDS
SNORT, etc. Snort which is an open source Intrusion Detection System (Sourcefire, 2013) and it
is available at Snort is as open source solution and has a simple installation
process and it is to set it up and running with the minimal amount of difficulties. Snort intrusion
detection system requires to be installed with other tools, and applications such as Banyard,
WinPCap. Snort might be used on Linux, UNIX and Windows. Patterns for recognizing new
viruses can be created or downloaded and as well as new generations of the attacks which can be
updated automatically using Snort services (Tenhunen, 2008).
Intrusion Detection is kind of software and hardware network component that can be used for
detection and the finding any suspicious or real threat activity in the system or network.
Depending on the specific situation IDS can take preventive action to detect malicious traffic by
blocking user activity or blocking network IP address.
As a result, IDS is an important security mechanism of any organization. Cyber attacks are
potential threats for privacy and accessibility. These attacks can be used to use to attempt to
obtain the rights of super users/administrators. The aim of IDS is to observe and identify the
attacks what is stated by (Bace R, 2000), (Scarfone K, Mell P, 2007), (Bace R, Mell P, 2001).
IDS systems can be classified in various ways which depend on specific principle such as
information source, type of analyses, type of reply and detection time according to Common
Intrusion Detection Framework (CIDF)); that describes to function of Intrusion Detection System
(as seen in Figure 1).
The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2013)
3. IDS Types
Type of analyses is one of branches of trees and also Snort can be analyzed under the Misuse-
based detection IDS. Misuse-based and Anomaly-based methods are two methods of IDS for
analyses of the events (Stillerman et al., 1999).
With regard to Anomaly-based detection, it identifies abnormal activities and highlights these
activities as threats. These treats are completely different from casual threats. Anomaly-based
detection focuses on normal behavior of user or network instead of abnormal activities when
evaluating this method.
The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2013)
Misuse-based Detection IDS is crucial system for classical or new virus scanning, this type of
IDS attempts to distinguish a pattern among different these activities and attacks or threats that
are known form before by system, stated by (Mukherjee B, Hebertein LT, Levitt KN, 1994),
(Bace R, 2000), (Scarfone K, Mell P, 2007).
Misuse-based intrusion detection system is also called as Signature-based IDS identified by (M.
Bishop, 2002), (E. Cole, R. L. Krutz, and J. Conley, 2007).
Misuse detectors are very successful at detecting threats and attacks by giving the true
Misuse detectors; detect constructed intrusion tools and procedures rapidly.
Misuse detectors are eligible for system administrators to operate system easily and to
monitor system.
Misuse detectors can just determine known threats and attacks, and database of attacks
should be renewed to expend knowledge about new threats, attacks by frequent updating.
Misuse detectors are planned to discover threats, attacks which already have pattern in
Another disadvantage of Misuse detectors is that the detection rate of attacks is relatively
Also, Misuse-based IDSs cannot detect a new attack if a signature is not yet installed in
the database.
3.3. Snort
Snort is one of most significant Intrusion Detection System because it is an open-source system
that is improved and sustained by Sourcefire according to (Sourcefire), Research projects and
Commercial products which supports Snort make it easy to use and adaptable for different
systems. When it comes to real time analysis, Snort is suitable of performing, matching content
and detecting different types of attacks and threats. Although there are a lot of different usages
and detection abilities of Snort (Tenhunen, 2008).
Alarms which are generated by Snort in detecting misuses are performed by using rules defined
before. Binary tcpdumpt-formatted files or plain text files can be used in order to obtained,
network traffic which can analyzed by SNORT.
Network packets are obtained from computer network through Tcpdump (Tcpdump, 2013) or
Wireshark (Wireshark, 2013) software program; they are stored in tcpdump-formatted files. Snort
The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2013)
comprises language for definition of new rules because it is rule-based or missus IDS. It also has
architecture to enable new functionalities when compiling it, (Roesch M. 1999), (Rusell R. 2003).
Snort has specific components that work together to determine and identify attacks and threats
which are presented below, (Rehman RU, 2003).
2-Preprocessor: The purpose of component is to investigate packets before they are sent to
detection engine. They do not do any modification to packets after these packets are sent to
detection engine which can create alert for specific packet.
3-Detection engine: This component is the most important component because it detects known
potential intrusion activity in the packet. Detection engine runs for a number of attributes in Snort
rule definition file. Extra detection function might be supplied by Detection engine.
4-Logging and Alerting System: This component is in charge for generating alerts and logging
messages. What is found inside of packet depends on packet. Every packet is used to log activity
or to create an alert. All log files are placed under /var/log/snort folder as default. The location of
the log files can be configured through the use of command line.
5-Output plug-ins: Output modules can control the output from detection engine. Alarms
created from detection engine, preprocessor or decoding engine can be accepted by this plug-ins.
This plug-ins checks the output generated by logging and alerting system.
In figure 2 Snort process is demonstrated. Any data coming to inside of packet decoder from
the internet. On the way of output modules, it is either fallen or alert is generated. show
The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2013)
Intrusion Detection System detects attacks using signatures that carry malicious and harmful
Signature-based IDS can be used to detect known attacks, on the other hand unknown attacks are
detected trough Anomaly-based IDS. Anomaly-based IDS enables attack detection that have
signatures which are not in the database of already available attack patterns.
Snort is open-source IDS solution which is not only used for detecting attacks it can be used for
preventive actions too, for instance, as soon as attacks are detected connection can be blocked
immediately to stop entering any malicious and attacks to the network system. As a result Snort
should be updated frequently because it has to be familiar with new attacks and threats. Snort can
be used for protection of network systems from any potential attacks or threats before they create
any damage to network system.
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The 4th International Symposium on Sustainable Development (ISSD2013)
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