IM User's Guide Vs 2012
IM User's Guide Vs 2012
IM User's Guide Vs 2012
SAFOAM is produced from naturally occurring materials that are microencapsulated using sophisticated
proprietary technology. Produced under food ingredient conditions with the highest levels of quality control,
SAFOAM is inherently safe to use and all components are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS) as prior
sanctioned by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.
Reedy International Corp., in partnership with Genpak Corporation, has completed development of an advanced
foam production process that meets current and future global emission requirements without major equipment
changes or compromises in product quality, density or production rates.
Reedy International and Genpak Corporation have recently been awarded patents for producing foam sheets
using SAFOAM concentrates and a combination of atmospheric and organic gases as blowing agents. Reedy
International currently holds six additional patents for using direct gas in a low-density polystyrene foam using
CO2, N2, and/or any other gas.
SAFOAM is an endothermic chemical foaming agent (CFA) used in thermoplastics with a wide variety of
applications. Processors use it to produce foamed moldings or extrusions, or to eliminate other processing
problems, such as sink marks, warpage or molded in stresses. Its use in structural plastics provides several
advantages, including:
Plastic processing is a constantly evolving industry and new techniques and equipment are introduced regularly.
Despite the wide variety of equipment and processes, they can be classified under two main groupings:
Molding Extrusion
This User’s Guide reviews physical and chemical foaming agents as well as the basic injection molding and
extrusion processes. A glossary of terms and a list of common acronyms appear in the Appendix. SAFOAM
selection and use information can be found on the insides of the covers.
This SAFOAM User’s Guide is intended as a service to our customers. The information contained in this guide
is based on our experience with SAFOAM and the foaming processes that are discussed. We strongly
recommend that SAFOAM be thoroughly evaluated in your process equipment and application. We do not
guarantee favorable results, and we assume no liability in connection with the use of SAFOAM. This
information is not intended as a license to operate under, or a recommendation to infringe any patent of Reedy
International Corporation or others.
The term “structural foam” is generally used to describe a plastic product having integral skins, a cellular core,
and a high enough strength-to-weight ratio to be used in load-bearing applications. There are many systems
used in the production of structural foam, with as many equipment manufacturers preparing machines to make
the products. There are a wide variety of thermoset and thermoplastic resins used in structural foam, with many
types of physical and chemical foaming agents being used to produce the cellular structure.
The real value of foam is the increase in strength-to-weight ratio and the reduction of sink marks in areas
opposite thick sections. The structural integrity of a properly foamed part is greatly enhanced due to the
reduction of stresses and a general increase in stiffness. Parts produced by the structural foam process are three
to four times as rigid as injection moldings of the same weight. The density of a foamed part is generally 60-
90% of the polymer or foaming agent.
Foamed plastic can be thermoset, thermoplastic or thermoplastic elastomer resins. Thermosets are generally
foamed as a result of the vaporization of a foaming agent, caused by the exotherm in the thermosetting reaction.
Foamed thermoplastics are typically produced by the addition of an inert gas or chemical foaming agent to a
thermoplastic resin. The most significant quantities of foamed plastics are being produced in thermoplastics.
More recently the term “structural plastics” has been adopted to describe polymers foamed by a variety of
emerging technologies.
Amorphous polymers are those that are devoid of crystallinity or stratification. They do not have melting points
but rather softening ranges. They are normally transparent, and undergo only small volume changes when
solidifying from the melt, or when the solid softens and becomes fluid. Most plastics are amorphous at
processing temperatures, with many retaining this state under all normal conditions. Common examples of
amorphous thermoplastics include polycarbonate, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) and polystyrene, and
are very easy to foam using SAFOAM.
Crystalline polymers contain solid crystals with a definite geometric form. Such structures are characterized by
uniformity and compactness. Unlike amorphous polymers, crystalline polymers have considerable order to
their molecules in a solid state. This indicates that many of the other atoms are regularly spaced, have a true
melting point with a latent heat of fusion associated with the melting and freezing process, and have a relatively
large volume change during the transition from melt to solid. It is these characteristics that cause a lack of melt
tension and/or melt strength, which may make crystalline polymers more difficult to foam. Common examples
of crystalline thermoplastics include polyethylene, polypropylene, nylon, and acetal.
Thermoplastic elastomers (TPE) represent a family of polymers that resemble elastomers in that they can be
repeatedly stretched without distortion of the unstressed part shape. They are, however, true thermoplastics and
as such do not require curing or vulcanization as do rubber-like elastomers. It is possible to foam TPEs if they
are specifically designed for melt tension and strength.
The desirable performance properties of thermoplastic elastomers are derived from their chemistry and
morphology. Thermoset rubber articles commonly contain a reinforcing agent such as carbon black. In TPEs,
the polymer system itself provides this reinforcement, commonly due to two or more intermingled polymer
systems, each with its own phase.
Chemical composition and morphology provide a rational, convenient means of categorizing the existing
commercial thermoplastic elastomers. There are presently six generic categories of commercial TPEs:
1) Styrenic block copolymers
2) Rubber-polyolefin blends
3) Elastomeric alloys
a) Thermoplastic vulcanizates (TPVs)
b) Melt processible rubbers (MPRs)
4) Thermoplastic polyurethanes
5) Thermoplastic copolyesters
6) Thermoplastic polyamides (nylons)
To compare the different classes of TPEs, locate them on the two-dimensional plot below, with the horizontal
axis representing performance and the vertical axis representing cost. The cost and performance of the generic
categories of TPEs increase as one proceeds in the order of styrenics, polyolefin blends, elastomeric alloys,
polyurethanes, copolyesters, and polyamides. As a basis for comparison, Table 2 gives a plot of the different
generic classes of thermoset rubbers. The thermoset rubbers also increase in both cost and performance as one
proceeds from the lower left to the upper right portion of the plot. In comparing thermoplastic rubbers with the
corresponding thermoset rubbers, it is important to remember the processing costs of the TPEs are significantly
lower than those of the thermosets.
Thermoplastic Elastomers.
High Cost Polyamides
Elastomeric Alloys
Low Cost Styrenics
Low Performance High Performance
Table 1.
Thermoset Rubbers.
High Cost Fluoroelastomer
Low Cost SBR
Low Performance High Performance
Table 2.
Any substance capable of producing a cellular structure in a plastic or rubber mass, be it alone or in
combination with other substances, is defined as a foaming agent. Thus, the term includes compressed gases
that expand when pressure is released, soluble solids that leave pores when leached out, liquids that develop
cells when they change to gases, and chemical agents that decompose or react under the influence of heat to
form a gas. Liquid foaming agents include certain aliphatic and halogenated hydrocarbons, low boiling
alcohols, ethers, ketones, and aromatic hydrocarbons. The chemical foaming agents range from simple salts
such as ammonium or sodium bicarbonate to complex nitrogen releasing agents, of which azodicarbonamide is
an important example. Foaming agents, also known as chemical blowing agents (CBAs), can be utilized in all
conventional plastic processes including extrusion, calendering, injection and compression molding, coating,
expansion casting, and rotational molding. Regardless of type, a foaming agent should possess the following
desirable qualities:
The quantity of gas contained in a foaming agent is not nearly as important as the rate at which that gas is
released. Azodicarbonamides contain large volumes of gas, but are well known to give rise to foamed parts
with voids and poor surface finish. SAFOAM endothermic foaming agents contain less gas volume, but
release that gas in a much more controlled fashion, giving rise to more uniform cell structures. SAFOAM
produces CO2, which is a low-pressure, very soluble gas. Solubility improves the melt flow of most polymers
and may lower processing temperatures. These foamed plastics have higher performance characteristics than
those generated with other commonly available foaming agents.
Foaming agents are classified as physical or chemical. Chemical foaming agents (generally solids) undergo a
chemical reaction when producing the gas, while liquid physical foaming agents undergo a reversible change of
physical state: vaporization.
The two major categories of physical foaming agents are liquids and gases. The gas most often used is
compressed nitrogen. In injection molding, the gas is injected under high pressure directly into the polymer
during plastication, and the mixed polymer and gas are metered into the mold. When the pressure is relieved,
the gas becomes less soluble in the polymer and expands, forming the cellular structure. Nucleating agents like
SAFOAM, in the form of finely divided powders and chemical foaming agents, sometimes are used with the
gas to yield a finer cell structure. The nitrogen is inert, nonflammable, leaves no residue in the polymer, and is
not temperature restrictive; however, the use of the process in industry is limited. The specialized equipment
that is needed is licensed, and there is a tendency for the process to produce foams with coarser cell structure
and poorer surface appearance than those of polymer processes with nitrogen-producing chemical foaming
Liquid physical foaming agents produce gas through vaporization. They are generally short-chain aliphatic
hydrocarbons (in the C5 to C7 range) and their chlorinated and fluorinated analogs. Others used less frequently
include cycloaliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones, and aldehydes. The liquid physical
foaming agents are used over a wide temperature range in low pressure atmospheric processes. They are widely
used to produce low density thermoplastics such as foamed polystyrene, and thermoset polymers such as
polyester, epoxy, and polyurethane foam systems.
Chemical foaming agents produce gas by a chemical reaction, such as a thermal decomposition or a reaction
between two or more components. They are selected for a specific application or process based on their
decomposition or gas generation temperature. It is important to match the decomposition temperature with the
processing temperature of the polymer to be foamed. If the polymer processes at temperatures below that of the
chemical foaming agent, little or no foaming will occur. Additionally, if the process temperature is
significantly above the foaming agent’s decomposition or reaction temperature, poor (overblown, ruptured) cell
structure and surface skin quality problems will likely result.
Chemical foaming agents may be either organic or inorganic chemicals. The thermodynamics of gas formation
with chemical foaming agents are classified as either exothermic (heat releasing) or endothermic (heat
absorbing). The most well known organic, exothermic chemical foaming agent is azodicarbonamide. The most
common inorganic, endothermic foaming agent is sodium bicarbonate.
One of the most widely used exothermic chemical foaming agents is azodicarbonamide. This chemical foaming
agent is a yellow powder that decomposes at 383-421ºF (195-216ºC), depending on the method of preparation.
It evolves 220 cc/gram of gas after decomposition. The decomposition rate of azodicarbonamide can be
adjusted by activators, and a wide range of lower decomposition temperatures can be attained. This range of
useful temperatures and high gas efficiency are the primary advantages of this type of chemical foaming agent.
Suitable activators include transition metal salts, (especially those of lead, cadmium and zinc), polyols, ura,
alcohol amines, and some organic acids. Unlike many other organic foaming agents, azodicarbonamide does
not support combustion.
The thermal decomposition of azodicarbonamide is complex, giving rise to a variety of reaction products. The
decomposition of azodicarbonamide at 374ºF (190ºC) produces gaseous products consisting of nitrogen (65%),
carbon monoxide (31.5%), and carbon dioxide (3.5%). Ammonia has also been detected in some cases.
Exothermic chemical foaming agents are generally used for the following results:
maximize total density reduction
generate foam in high viscosity resins
increase mold filling capability
decompose at higher temperatures
Azodicarbonamides are capable of generating large quantities of gas at high foaming pressures. The
exothermic reaction of this family of chemical foaming agents is hard to control in most foaming applications.
This leads to coarser cell structures, voids, and poorer surface quality for the processed parts. The thermal
decomposition of azodicarbonamide compounds is well known to generate cyanuric acid and isocyanurate,
which contribute to plate out on mold surfaces and extrusion equipment.
Exothermic azodicarbonamide chemical foaming agents should be used only when an endothermic chemical
foaming agent is judged as unsuitable for your application.
A Differential Scanning Calorimetry curve for a common exothermic azodicarbonamide chemical foaming
agent can be found in Figure 1.
Azodicarbonam ide
20 Figure 1.
Heat Flow (W/g)
Calorimetry curve
10 for a common
chemical foaming
agent showing
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Temperature (Celsius)
Sodium Borohydride
Chemical foaming agents based on sodium borohydride produce gas as a result of a chemical reaction rather
than thermal decomposition. Sodium borohydride foaming agents produce copious amounts of hydrogen gas
upon reaction with water or when activated by a proton source. The decomposition of sodium borohydride is
independent of processing temperatures.
Several products based on sodium borohydride exist in polyethylene and polystyrene carriers. Some grades are
activated by special chemical additives. The sodium borohydride concentrates are typically 5-10% active. The
sodium borohydride foaming agents are stable to moisture once compounded in the concentrate form.
Because the reaction decomposition product of sodium borohydride foaming agents is hydrogen gas, extreme
care must be taken not to exceed the lower explosion limit of 4% volume of hydrogen in the air.
The common acid/bicarbonate products are available as 100% powders or as concentrates in universal waxy-
type carriers. The concentrate products are available in up to 70% active concentrates. The gas evolution of
these acid/carbonate products depends on the level of their activity and in which form the product is used. The
typical 100% active powder product produces about 100 cc/gram of carbon dioxide gas.
The acid/carbonate systems are typically safe for use in food contact applications. All components are
Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). The carbon dioxide gas is non-flammable and poses no threat for
explosion. It readily diffuses from the foamed products, allowing for shorter painting cycles. The universal
waxy-type carriers have been known to cause screw slippage in certain applications. Poor dispersion is a
common concern for the high percentage concentrates in many traditional material handling systems. Poor
dispersion lends itself to variations in the foaming process, creating voids and thin skins that lead to mechanical
failure in the final foamed products.
A recent addition to the array of endothermic chemical foaming agents is the SAFOAM family of products.
The chemistry of SAFOAM most closely resembles the traditional acid/carbonate systems, but is based on a
buffered salt reaction chemistry. SAFOAM products are not solely based on simple sodium bicarbonate, but
take advantage of the controlled reaction of synthetic inorganic carbonate compounds with acidic species to
generate carbon dioxide gas. Although the volume of evolved gas for SAFOAM is somewhat lower than other
acid/carbonate systems, the kinetics of gas release insures its superior performance.
SAFOAM products are available as 100% active powders or as concentrates in functional polymer carriers.
The concentrates are typically 40% active to insure a good dispersion in traditional material handling systems.
SAFOAM P, FP, RIC, and RPC will produce about 140 cc/grams and serve as the base material for the
polyethylene and polystyrene concentrates.
A Differential Scanning Calorimetry curve of a common endothermic chemical foaming agent can be found in
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
-0.2 Calorimetry
Heat Flow (W/g)
The use of SAFOAM endothermic chemical foaming agents gives rise to more uniform cell structures, thicker
skins, better surface appearance, and more control as compared to other traditional chemical foaming agents.
SAFOAM affords significant weight reduction, sink mark elimination, shrinkage control, and warpage
elimination. It produces parts that can be painted without significant degassing time.
SAFOAM products are safe for use in food contact applications. The components of all SAFOAM products
are Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). SAFOAM is manufactured within the confines of an FDA
approved facility, adhering to strict Good Manufacturing Practices to insure the maximum product quality.
The enhanced performance of SAFOAM endothermic chemical foaming agents is believed to be the result of a
more uniform cell structure that is directly related to the controlled rate of gas release in the product. This rate
of gas release is dependent on temperature, pressure and the composition of the foaming agent. The SAFOAM
family of endothermic chemical foaming agents is based upon modified citric acid/carbonate systems that vary
significantly in their compositions from the traditional acid/carbonate systems.
The gas released by SAFOAM FP can be seen in Figures 3 and 4, while figures 7 and 8 represent SAFOAM
FP-40. A typical azodicarbonamide was used as a reference in Figure 3. The gas volume data was generated
by a linear temperature program. The thermal expansion of the air in the sample vessel is accounted for by the
subtraction of a blank value (45.7cc) from the total gas volume measured. Figure 3 clearly shows that
SAFOAM FP generates 200 cc/gram of gas volume at 350ºC. Figure 7 shows that SAFOAM FP-40 generates
101 cc/gram at 375ºC. Both the SAFOAM FP and FP-40 generate significantly less gas than the typical
azodicarbonamide, which generates 230 cc/grams at 350ºC.
The first order kinetic factor of SAFOAM RPC as compared to a typical azodicarbonamide can be found in
Figure 6. The differential response of SAFOAM RPC is significantly slower than the azodicarbonamide. The
longer the foaming time (defined as the amount of time it takes to generate 63% of its gas capacity), the slower
the kinetics of gas release. Slower gas release allows for a more controlled formation of the cell structure
within the foamed plastic, which in turn allows for fewer voids and stresses, thicker skins, and higher quality
surface finishes.
4 Typical Azo
2.5 Figure 3.
Comparison of gas
2 volumes for
a typical azo-
1 dicarbonamide.
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4
Typical Azo
Volume Differential (ml/grams
3 Figure 4.
Differential response
and a typical
showing rate of gas
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.25 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00
Typical Azo
Volume (ml/grams
Figure 5.
2.5 Comparison of
gas volumes for
and a typical
1.5 azodicarbonamide.
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4
3 Typical Azo
Volume Differential (ml/grams
Figure 6.
2 Differential
response for
and a typical
1 azodicarbonamide
showing rate of
gas release.
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00
Volume (ml/grams
Figure 7.
Gas volume for
0.6 SAFOAM® FP-40.
0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2 2.25 2.5 2.75 3 3.25 3.5 3.75 4
Volume Differential (ml/grams
0.8 Figure 8.
response for
showing rate of
gas release.
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75 4.00
SAFOAM is used in the production of injection molded parts requiring a cellular structure and for the
elimination of sink marks and stress in solid parts. SAFOAM is used in all types of injection molding
equipment, including low and high pressure specialized structural foam machines, and conventional machines
modified for structural foam.
Thin wall parts - generally 1/8 - 3/16 inch (3.18 - 4.76 mm) thickness with a 1-20% reduction in
weight compared to solid molding.
SAFOAM is also used to eliminate sink marks and to reduce warp and molding stresses: it is used at low levels
(up to 0.20% active SAFOAM) and is not intended to produce any significant weight reduction.
Structural Foam is a plastic product having walls with a solid skin around a cellular core. Density is usually 65-
90% of the solid polymer and varies according to material, fillers, blowing agent, wall thickness, processing
conditions and required physical properties of the part. The term “structural” is applied because the principle
behind foaming is that strength is obtainable by properly designed structure (using the wall thickness). The
flexural strength (S) of a supported beam can be defined by:
S KO or S K1 Ea 3 Figure 9.
for any two identical loading conditions. “E” is the flex modulus of the material, “K1” is a constant for that
particular beam and load, and “a” is the beam height. From this it is obvious that the wall height is much more
important than the flex modulus. If we were to take the material required for a solid beam with a wall 0.160”
thick and foam it to 80% of solid, we would now have enough volume to
generate a 0.200” thick beam at the same width. The flex modulus may decrease by 25% for the foamed resin,
but the results are:
S1 K1 E (.160) 3 S2 K1 (.75E )(.200) 3
K1 (.0041E ) K1 (.0060E ) Figure 10.
dividing S2 by S1 and solving:
K1 (.0060E .0060
S2 / S1 1.463
K1 (.0041E .0041
Thus, the same quantity of resin foamed is nearly 50% stiffer than its unfoamed counterpart. With similar
manipulations, we would see that equal strength could be obtained with only 88% of the resin at 20% weight
The ability to obtain strength with structural foam caused the initial push to develop around cheaper commodity
resins. As the end-use requirements have become more demanding, however, the materials used have become
more sophisticated. There are now well over 200 million pounds of engineering plastics being foamed each
Density reduction up to 40% can be achieved in SFM. The density reduction obtained is dependent upon part
thickness, flow length of the resin, amount of filler, and part design. Foaming a polymer should not change its
chemical resistance or chemical structure, provided the proper processing conditions are used.
SFM parts have increased stiffness because they are usually thicker than solid moldings. Their lower density
gives a higher strength-to-weight ratio compared to solid moldings. Because of the cellular structure within the
parts, acoustic or insulation properties can be enhanced.
Thermal Conductivity. Engineering Structural Foam is also a good heat insulator, significantly better than
solid plastics as seen from its lower thermal conductivity. In business machine housing design, for instance,
higher operating temperatures can be tolerated without exposure of the machine operator to a hot surface, as
would be the case with metal.
It should also be noted that as densities decrease, thermal conductivity also decreases. This is true because in
the cellular core there is an increased content of air, which has lower thermal conductivity than the base resin.
Acoustical Properties. Engineering Structural Foam can offer distinct advantages versus metal in noise
reduction since they dampen vibrations much more rapidly.
It should be noted that the manner in which structural foam is used to reduce noise plays an important role in its
effectiveness. If the method of noise reduction is merely to enclose the sound source (sound attenuation), metal
will suffice. However, if the actual source of noise can be made out of foam, the noise will dissipate up to 16
times faster than with metal. Moreover, if the source continuously generates noise, as is the case with a printer
housing, the use of structural foam decreases the amplitude of vibration for an over-all reduction in noise level.
In many cases, to eliminate unwanted vibration or noise it is necessary to add dampening to the system, or to
design it so that the forcing frequency is well below the natural frequency. This is done by either increasing
stiffness or reducing mass, usually accomplished by the addition of ribs.
Resin A
Resin B
Resin C Figure 11.
Sound Dampening
60 Characteristics.
Physical properties such as impact resistance or tensile strength will depend on the amount of weight reduction
and the thickness of the skins surrounding the cellular core. The thicker skins achieved with SAFOAM,
compared to other foaming agents, produce parts with better physical properties.
Although increased strength from designing thick wall sections is a major benefit of structural foam, there are
several other key advantages obtained from foaming. Some of these are: enhanced processability, reduced part
stresses, large part sizes, lower costs, and a large variety of processing techniques. These topics will be
overviewed in this section and will be discussed in more detail throughout this guide.
Weld Lines. The occurrence of weld lines (knit lines) is very common with specific configurations and causes
weak areas in the part. Consequently, a part must be designed with that in mind, since typically only 50% of
the solid wall strength is retained. In a foamed part, however, the melt merges more uniformly and achieves
about 70% of the part’s wall strength. While not perfect, the superior bonding does allow for greater overall
part strength and permits more freedom in allowing weld lines when necessary. By further masking the weld
line in a slightly thicker wall, a designer may produce a part having a weld line, but not a weakness.
Knit Lines. Improved melt flow can cause more distinct knit lines. Reducing injection speed should correct
Improvements in Processing
The presence of gas in the polymer provides a slight lubricating effect which increases typical flow lengths by
about 2-5%. Similarly, the viscosity responds as if it was lower and requires lower injection pressures to fill.
In most cases, the expansion of the dissolved gasses in the molten polymer provides the force that fills the part,
eliminating the need to maintain a packing pressure during molding. The force exerted on the mold is
substantially smaller during filling/packing, usually less than 1,000 psi, as compared with 12,000+ psi in
injection molding. Typical values for estimation are 20-25 tons of clamp required per square foot of surface
area of the part.
Lower Costs
Several of the peculiarities of structural foam molding can have significant impact on cost savings. In the
majority of cases, if the physical disadvantages of foamed parts are not prohibitive in end use, structural foam
processing will be more cost effective than injection molding. Each cost saving area, though related, is
generally autonomous so that any application could use one or all of the benefits. Resin savings and tool costs
are obvious ones, but the biggest contributor to cost is the option on the type of machine that can be used for the
foam process. Whether using a low pressure structural foam machine or a high pressure injection molding
machine, the machine selected will dictate the type of product, several of the part’s characteristics and, most
importantly, the cost savings options that can be included.
Resin Usage. Using less resin is the obvious area of cost improvement for foam. The greater the density
reduction, the higher the savings in resin cost will be. If a chemical foaming agent (CFA) is used, there will be
an added cost for the chemical. In most resin/blowing agent mixtures, a minimum level of chemical is needed
to produce measurable density reduction. This weight can usually be reduced further by an increase in the CFA
concentration. Generally a point is reached, however, where additional foaming agent will produce little or no
additional weight reduction. A typical example appears below in Table 3. Use of a physical foaming agent,
such as nitrogen or carbon dioxide, is cheaper but requires different types of machines or machine
modifications and produces coarser cell structure. Wall thickness and flow length will impose a physical
limitation on the reduction in density and physical end-use requirements may solidify that limit.
Table 3. Comparative cost chart based on an average resin price of $2.00 and an average SAFOAM®
price of $5.20.
Tooling Expenses. The mold cost is a variable influenced by many parameters, particularly the design of the
part. Most of these parameters are identical for tools in structural foam; however due to the lower pressure of
the foaming process, the physical strength required for withstanding injection and clamp pressures is much less.
As such, aluminum tools are the standard material of construction. This generally means that the cost of the
mold is around 25% less than that of a steel tool, and of course, much lighter and easier to handle. If the mold
will see a great deal of activity (over 200,000 parts), then tool wear will be a key factor and hardened steel
might be the better choice.
Processing Charges. The substantial decrease in clamp tonnage necessary to make a foamed part is the reason
that machine (or operation) charges are reduced. Since platen dimensions and shot size become the new
limiting factors, any typical injection molding machine would be capable of producing much larger parts in
foam. If a 30 ounce part with a large surface area required a 700 ton machine for injection molding, it is
probable that a 300 ton machine would be adequate to produce a foamed part, assuming sufficient shot capacity
and adequate platen area. The cost of operating smaller machines is significant, and if only larger machines are
available, then 2 or 3 parts could be made with multiple-cavity molds. In one case there are lower operating
costs per part; in the other case, more parts are made for about the same operating cost.
Designing parts in Engineering Structural Foam requires the same careful consideration of load, modulus,
fatigue and stress conditions as any product design cycle.
Load Considerations
The mechanical properties of Engineering Structural Foam resins are relatively stable over a wide range of
conditions and are predictable over a range of temperatures. Like all thermoplastics, structural foam resins
exhibit visco-elastic behavior. Therefore, the properties of strength and rigidity depend on the amount of stress,
the rate of loading, and the length of time that the stress is applied, as well as the temperature and environment
in which it is applied. In structural foam, unlike injection molding, the type of process, the degree of density
reduction and the wall thickness will have an effect on the properties of the molded part.
Stress-Strain Curves
The stress-strain curves, exemplified in Figure 12, illustrate the capability of Engineering Structural Foam
resins to withstand short-term loading and the effects of density on tensile properties, measured by ASTM
D638. Tensile properties and proportional limits increase as density increases. On this basis, the designer can
determine a specific gravity of a part appropriate to fulfill performance requirements.
Curve @73F.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 4.5
Strain %
The rate of creep in a part will vary with the temperature of the environment and stress in the part. The stress
level where creep becomes negligible is called the creep limit of the material.
The simplest method to compensate for the visco-elastic behavior of Engineering Structural Foam is to work
with the apparent modulus rather than the instantaneous modulus. The apparent modulus is used to predict part
performance at given points in time after initial application of external loads. It is expressed as:
E Figure 13.
e1 e2
S = Induced stress (psi)
e1 = Initial strain (in/in)
e2 = Strain due to creep of the material at a given stress and time (in/in)
e1 = e2 + Total strain
Fatigue Properties
When parts are subject to cyclic loading, fatigue failure can occur below the yield point of a particular structural
foam material. Figure 14 shows the results of fatigue testing conducted at 1800 CPM for two foamable resins.
To determine the fatigue life of a part, the maximum stress of the part is calculated and compared to the fatigue
endurance curve. Stress concentrations should be considered when calculating the maximum stress level.
Since fatigue endurance in thermoplastic materials is dependent on cyclic frequency, this curve can be used as a
guide. For critical applications, prototype testing or computer-aided methods are recommended to assure
satisfactory reliability.
Fatigue strength can be expected to increase with decreasing wall thickness, due to the higher density seen in
thinner wall parts.
.80 SG
3 Figure 14.
2.5 Flexural Fatigue-
2 Fatigue-Endurance.
10*4 10*5 10*6 10*7 10*8
Cycle to Failure
1, 2 are the coefficients of thermal expansion for respective materials
E = Modulus of Material
T = Temperature Change
Structural Design
Unlike most commodity thermoplastic foams, which are not linearly elastic, Engineering Structural Foam resins
enable the designer to accurately predict stresses and deflections resulting from external loads, enhancing the
reliability of short- and long-term performance.
Stresses, strains and deflections can be determined using classical engineering methods. The structure of the
cellular core and solid skin may be considered to be a composite, and the stress analysis performed accordingly
in the composite analysis. An equivalent I-beam section of solid material serves as the cross-section for the
foam part. (See figure 16.)
Figure 16.
bh 3 b bc h 2 ts
1x Figure 17.
b Ec
Where: bc
Ec = Modulus of Core
Es = Modulus of Skin
ts = Thickness of Skin
hc = Height of Equivalent Core
This approach is technically correct, but there are difficulties in measuring the core modulus and the as-molded
variations in skin thickness. Incorrect assumptions in these areas can result in erroneous solutions.
A more conservative approach to analyzing a structural foam part in a load-bearing environment would be to
model the cross-section as two outer skins with no cellular core. (See Figure 18).
Figure 18.
Two Skins with
No Core --
b h 3 hc 3 Figure 19.
Since the cellular core does provide some stress-absorbing characteristics, this analysis should provide a safety
factor. When time or costs do not permit a more detailed analysis, the structural foam cross-section can be
considered to be homogeneous. (See figure 20.)
Figure 20.
(All mechanical properties reported in this manual were determined with the test material being homogeneous
materials -- not composites. Therefore, the reader should assume homogeneity when computing stresses or
deflections, or when referencing this data. The section modulus or moment of inertia of a part's cross-section is
then determined solely by the exterior dimensions of the part. The property values as a function of the
environment can be obtained from the graphs shown).
The efficient distribution of material in a structural foam cross-section contributes to its excellent flexural
properties. The flexural strength of a structural foam material is significantly higher than its tensile strength,
even though failure in bending is a result of tensile rupture, because the maximum tensile stresses occur in the
outer fiber of the part, which is solid polymer or skin (Figures 21 and 22).
When designing for ultimate failure of a part in bending, the engineer should be cautioned that flexural failure
can occur at the tensile strength limits of the foam. The governing factor is the maximum tensile stress in the
cellular core under flexure. If the distance from the neutral axis to the outer-most cellular core exceeds one-half
inch, failure will occur approximately at the tensile strength of the material. The cellular core will yield and a
stress crack will propagate through the adjoining skin. If that distance is kept under a half inch, flexural failure
will result closer to the reported flexural strength for a standard test specimen.
When optimizing structural members for bending, the designer should select a non-symmetrical cross-section to
allow the placement of the neutral axis so that the maximum bending stresses occur in compression.
Figure 21.
Foam Cross-
Section in
Figure 22.
The apparent tensile strength of any foam material is less than that of the same material in a solid configuration.
Strength is reduced considerably because of the density reduction and stress concentrations caused by each
individual cell. Therefore, tensile stresses should not exceed the proportional limit of the material.
The compressive strength of a foam material is higher than its tensile strength. In bending, a compressive
failure, although extremely rare, normally involves buckling of the skin and collapse of the cellular core. When
pure compressive stresses are applied, structural foam parts will fail because of a crushed cellular core rather
than from induced tensile stresses resulting from volumetric changes.
The distribution of material in a foam cross-section helps optimize the torsional stiffness-to-weight ratio. In
this case, the cross-section can be thought of as a hollow shaft similar to the analogy of the I-beam effect in
bending. A foam part will have less torsional stiffness than a solid part of the same dimensions. But as weight
is reduced with the introduction of a cellular core, the polar moment of inertia is only decreased a fraction of
that same amount. This is because the inertia is a function of the fourth power of the ratio of the inner diameter
to the outer diameter.
Twisting and racking of structural foam parts can be offset with the use of molded-in ribs. For example, a
square plate would resist torsion if diagonal ribs were molded-in to help avoid deflections. In this case, the ribs
would be put into tension and compression, and strains would be significantly reduced because of the increased
polar moment of inertia.
Figure 23.
Very often a plate analysis is required for a foam structural design. As with beams, plates can be analyzed
using standard engineering methods. However, a foam structure requiring rigidity will normally consist of a
cross-pattern of ribs rather than a uniformly thick wall. Since handbooks will give plate equations in terms of
uniform thickness, ribbed plate design thickness must be calculated, and is based on equivalent moments of
inertia between the flat and ribbed sections. (See figure 23).
SFM parts may be made by low or high pressure processes. Pressure refers to the mold cavity pressure. Low
pressure SFM is produced by incorporating SAFOAM with a resin and injecting a “short shot” (less than the
mold cavity volume) into the mold. The screw must be allowed to bottom out, that is, no pad or cushion should
exist for the forward movement of the screw. This allows the gas to expand and evolve in the polymer melt
while in the mold. The gas released by SAFOAM expands the resin to fill the cavity. Since the mold cavity is
not completely filled with resin, the pressure in the mold is only that generated by the SAFOAM. Low
pressure SFM is produced in a variety of equipment.
SFM on conventional machines (Figure 24) is possible, but some modifications are recommended if good
quality parts are to be produced. The most important modification is the use of a positive nozzle shut-off valve
to prevent drooling of the resin which causes variation in part weight and nozzle freeze-up. The shut-off nozzle
may be spring, mechanically, or hydraulically operated.
Figure 24.
A typical
with major
Figure 25.
illustration of
There are machines that are specifically built for the production of low pressure SFM. These machines offer
the advantages of fast injection speed, large shot capacity and platens. Because lower clamp tonnages are used,
the tooling is less expensive. Reciprocating screw, or two-stage screw, plasticating/ram-injection machines are
The equipment used for a low pressure structural foam process with chemical blowing agents is very similar to
that used in injection molding. In fact, standard injection molding machines are used in many cases, giving the
injection molder the flexibility of processing structural foam.
Low Pressure SFM parts generally show characteristic surface splay (or swirl marks) caused by gas bubbles
escaping from the leading edge of the molten plastic and being smeared due to the laminar flow. SAFOAM
normally produces smoother surfaces than other chemical foaming agents, and techniques such as increased
mold temperatures and fast injection speeds with increased mold pressure can reduce surface splay.
Co-Injection Machine
Figure 26.
illustration of
A. initial
B. injection of
skin material
C. transition
D. injection of
core material
E. additional
injection of
skin material.
Gas counter-pressure SFM utilizes a sealed mold and sequencing valves to pressurize the mold from a gas (e.g.,
nitrogen) pressure source. The purpose for the sealed mold is to control the gas pressure during injection. Use
of SAFOAM means that low gas counter pressure (40-60 psi) can be used. Sealing the mold usually involves
machining an O-ring groove around the parting line to accept sealing material such as neoprene. Recommended
groove dimensions are .170" deep by .182" wide (.432 x .463 cm), for a .188" (.476 cm) O-ring. It may also be
necessary to seal ejector pins, the sprue bushing and moving slides or cores to maintain a seal adequate to hold
35-300 psi counter-pressure. Thus, the process should be considered as a tooling modification rather than one
that requires specialized molding equipment.
The steps in the process are as follows: clamping the mold, pressurizing the cavity, injecting the resin,
depressurizing and ejecting the part. This sequence has no significant effect on either cycle or cure time.
Just before the injection stroke begins, the mold is pressurized, and this pressure is maintained during about
75% of the injection stroke. Pressurization is accomplished by connecting the mold to a supply of filtered, dry
compressed air, or, more frequently, nitrogen. At this point the sequencing valves isolate the pressure source
and also release the pressure from the mold. Solenoid-controlled valves regulate both gas intake and venting to
depressurize the cavity. The gas pressure prevents escape of the foaming gas while the mold is almost filled
and a solid skin is formed. The amount of gas is controlled by pressure transducers or regulators. Release of
the mold pressure permits the gas to expand to fill the mold completely. (Figure 27)
The more blowing agent used, the higher the counter-pressure required to contain bubble growth, although 300
psi is usually sufficient. Table 4 shows the relationship of wall thickness and counter-pressure requirements.
With a tightly sealed mold, gas counter-pressure processing produces a part with a cellular core and a smooth
surface. Although a Class A surface is achievable, slight imperfections may occur, but are easily masked with a
mist coat of paint. Density reduction is normally less than that of a similar part molded with the low pressure
foam process. The exact amount of density will be determined by wall thickness, flow length, part
configuration and processing conditions.
The gas counter-pressure method does offer a number of advantages. Because expansion of the polymer does
not occur until the entire shot is injected, cell structure is evenly distributed throughout the part. This provides
a predictable, uniform mechanical property profile and reduces the possibility of over-packed and over-stressed
sections that can result in poor dimensional control and warping. Counter-pressure produces a much thicker
and non-porous skin, sealing in the gases that usually permeate the porous skin of conventional foam parts.
The addition of SAFOAM to the mix allows parts to be painted directly from the mold without blistering. In
addition, volatiles that sometimes rise to the surface of parts are kept in solution, greatly reducing liquid build-
up in vent areas and on the parting line.
The mild foaming nature of SAFOAM, an endothermic product, imparts a much higher level of control to the
structural foam process. Use of SAFOAM as a nucleating agent, which produces smaller bubbles, (up to 0.5%
of 100% active SAFOAM or SAFOAM concentrate up to 2%) will give smoother surfaces and fewer voids,
because it allows better dispersion of gas into small, numerous, uniform cells. This improved gas dispersion is
essential in thin walls to obtain a significant weight reduction. A reduction of 10% or more is possible with
SAFOAM that is not possible with nitrogen alone.
Figure 28.
The high pressure SFM process provides a better reproduction of mold cavity detail and a surface essentially
free of surface splay, which often eliminates post molding finishing operations, if the correct processing
conditions are used. It is also possible to vary density by controlling the mold expansion so that weight
reduction is restricted to non-critical areas. Areas where high strength is required can essentially be solid resin.
Guidelines for high pressure foam molding regarding clamp requirements, material flow, and basic mold
configuration are quite similar to those for injection molding. However, the increased complexity of expansion
molds results in higher tooling costs than in low pressure molding.
Gas Co-Injection is a two-component molding technique. One component completely encapsulates the other,
thereby allowing us to call the outside component the “skin”, and the inner component the “core”. No shuttling
or rotating of tools or machine platens takes place, as in some other two-component processes. Both material
components are shot through a common nozzle assembly. The two resin components are delivered from
independent in-line reciprocating screw-type barrels, each with its own profile of temperature, pressure, and
injection velocity. The two barrels share a common nozzle assembly, which is the backbone of the process.
This nozzle assembly provides two concentric flow chambers for the respective resins.
Gas Assist Molding is being realized as a method that can offer significant cost reductions over other processes
by taking certain operations out of the manufacturing sequence. Gas assist injection molding offers most of the
manufacturing and design advantages that a customer looks for. These include good surface finish, good
structure, and a shorter cycle time - all of which add up to a notable cost reduction.
Chemical Gas Assist Molding will enable designers to produce molding with thin and thick sections without
processing problems, built in stresses or sink marks. To produce molded products that have wall sections
between 0.04 inches and 0.4 inches or more in a single molding with ease, it is necessary to add only .1% to
.5% active level of an endothermic blowing agent, such as SAFOAM.
CoralFoam® is a process with selective foaming ability done outside the tool and is capable of achieving a
Class A surface.
Over Molding is a process consisting of two shells molded in separate cavities. This technique allows uniform
wall thickness and, if required, interior ribs or bosses as well as inserts. The shells are then temporarily
attached by simple snap or press fits and installed into a second tool for overmolding. For best results in
sealing, the flange temperature should be elevated prior to injecting the overmold material. In contrast to
encapsulation, the surface temperature of the flanges allow the overmold material to adhere, creating a better
seal. The best time for the seam to be injected is directly after the halves have been molded.
Oversized platens relative to clamp tonnage, enabling the use of large molds and the placement of these
molds for optimum processing.
Extremely high injection speeds in the range of 1,000 cubic inches per second.
Large shot capacity. With these machines, material is "stored" in an accumulator and then injected into
the mold. Since the size of the accumulator is virtually the only limitation on shot size, this is a
considerable advantage over single-nozzle machines, which in reality are also limited by resin flow
length, hydraulic system design and other process variables.
Machines of this type, suitable for very large parts and multiple-mold production, require adequate temperature
control, as well as streamlined flow in transfer tubes, manifold and nozzles, to properly process engineering
structural foam.
Machine Settings
To achieve optimum results when foam molding resins, certain basic criteria must be maintained and
sufficient clamping pressures
proper mold temperatures
proper melt temperatures
proper injection, hold and back pressures
proper injection speed
Each application may require independent determination of optimal machine settings within the ranges
described for each material.
Clamping Force
A number of variables affect correct clamping, including projected surface area, thickness of the part, length of
flow from the gate, injection pressure and injection speed. Figure 29 illustrates typical clamp requirements.
150 200 250 300 350 400 450
Wall Thickness
Melt Temperatures
Although the flexibility of foamable resins allows them to be processed at relatively wide temperature ranges,
the optimum temperature for a given part depends on the machine used, the part’s geometry and complexity, the
flow lengths required, and other considerations. Reedy International has technical help available at your
request. Please find our contact information on for support and assistance.
Mold Temperatures
Although it is possible to use molds without temperature controls, controlled molds are recommended for
foamable resins, as they can substantially influence the following parameters:
surface appearance
molded-in stresses
Efficient cooling is essential in SFM to minimize cycle times. It is defined as the time between the end of
injection and the opening of the mold. The actual cooling time required may vary depending upon part size and
complexity. It is very important where the part has thick sections, because that will determine the cycle.
Cooling efficiency is much poorer when using epoxy molds. The benefits of SAFOAM in this area are: 1)
reduction in cycle times of 3-50%, 2) lower clamp forces, 3) improved filling due to lower viscosity, 4) lower
internal stresses, 5) more molecular disorientation, and 6) lower filling temperatures.
Mold Cooling
To produce uniform, high quality Engineering Structural Foam Parts, mold temperature control is of utmost
importance. Temperature differentials in the mold can cause unpredictable thermal expansion of large molds,
creating alignment problems. Difficult-to-cool areas, such as high cores, should receive special attention so as
to avoid hot spots. Water channels should be designed to maintain uniform temperature and avoid cold spots.
Proper mold temperature, aided by SAFOAM, contributes to good surface finish, low molded-in stresses,
uniform predictable flow, proper cell structure and uniform skin thickness.
Pressure Settings
Injection Pressure. Pressure should be sufficient to maintain constant injection speed. Pressure levels depend
Hold Pressure. Although usually not necessary, hold pressure can be utilized to delay screw drive, resulting in
shorter residence time.
Injection Speed
The most efficient method of figuring injection speed is by measuring with a stopwatch or electronic device.
The ideal injection speed is determined by several factors:
part weight
flow length
wall thickness
gate and runner design
part configuration
density and surface requirements
Functional Design
The structural foam process permits molded parts with sections thicker than can be realized in injection molding
without sink marks and warpage problems. Traditionally, structural foam parts were designed with .250"
(6.35mm) wall thickness. Now with engineering resins, parts can be designed with wall sections as low as .04"
(1mm) and up to .4" (10mm) or higher with as little as .1% to .5% active level of an endothermic blowing agent
such as SAFOAM. The design criteria of a structural foam part must be considered before choosing the
optimum wall thickness and material for an application. The main considerations are impact strength, rib
design, boss design, and the strengths and moduli required for a properly functioning part. Flexural strength,
flexural modulus, and tensile strength increase with decreasing wall thickness. This is due to lower density
reductions and higher skin-to-core ratios seen more in thinner walls than in thicker ones.
Rigidity, load-bearing ability, and impact strength decrease with decreasing wall thickness, since they are more
dependent on part cross-section than density reduction. The effect of wall thickness on rib and boss design will
be covered later in this section.
As all section thickness and ram pressure increase, the flow length of foamable resins increases. Higher melt
and mold temperatures also add to flow length and the ability to lower density. SAFOAM converts to liquid
CO2, which acts as a lubricant, improving flow and mold filling.
Figure 30 shows the relationship of wall thickness and flow for various resins.
300 Resin A
Figure 30.
Wall Thickness
Resin B
250 Wall Thickness
Resin C
200 vs. Flow.
Resin D
0 10 15 20 25 30
Flow (inches)
In molding wall thicknesses below .250" (6.35mm), there is a higher resistance to flow which must be
overcome by increasing injection pressure. Wall sections above .250" (6.35mm) have minimal opposition to
flow. These variations in resistance to flow could result in lower achievable density reductions and shorter flow
lengths in thinner walls than thicker ones.
However, recommended melt temperatures yield optimum physical properties. Exceeding these melt
temperatures produces lower physical properties with little or no increase in flow length. If flow lengths for the
chosen material exceed the recommended values, two methods can be employed to increase flow capability:
1. The cross-section-to-material flow can be increased by adding flow ribs or runners. These should not
become too large or the material will flow down the rib and have trouble filling the flat sections and part
cycle time may be increased.
2. By slightly increasing wall thickness by .030" - .0500", material flow capabilities may be enhanced to
alleviate molding problems in difficult-to-fill areas such as between louvers, where a flow runner is not
Transition Sections
Transition sections from thick to thin walls are more easily achievable without sink marks in structural foam
than in injection molding. Still, uniform wall thickness should be maintained whenever possible to minimize
restrictions to material flow.
Transition from thick to thin walls should be tapered for proper processing of the structural foam part. In
molding parts with wall sections of varying thicknesses, it is often better to gate the part in the thin section and
allow the material to flow into the thicker area.
Figure 31.
Kt is the concentration factor and should be included in the equation for stress calculations. R/T is the ratio of
the fillet radius to the part section thickness. Use as large a radius as possible on inside and outside corners to
minimize this stress concentration and aid in mold filling. In most parts, the minimum inside radius should be
.060". If the section is under load or subject to impact, a minimum radius of .125" should be adopted.
A radius equal to 0.6 times the wall thickness will provide a desirable fillet for practical purposes.
Stress Concentration
3.5 Line A
Figure 32.
2 Concentration
1.5 Factors.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4
R/T Ratio
Tolerances/Warpage Control
Tolerance specification is extremely important in product design as it can directly affect both part cost and the
ability to perform properly. The practice of blanket tolerancing on a drawing can result in unnecessary cost,
both in the part and the tool.
The key to tolerance and warpage control in a structural foam part is to achieve a good and consistent density
reduction throughout the part. Some general guidelines for obtaining this density reduction and subsequent
flatness are:
Maintain uniform wall thickness throughout the part. Thick sections will not only cause increased cycle
times, but may contribute to part warpage.
Minimize restrictions to material flow. Omit ribs unless absolutely necessary and orient louvers in the
direction of the flow.
Remain within the flow length of a material to reduce the chances of part overpacking. Add flow ribs or
gates close to openings to minimize overpacking.
Tighter tolerance and flatter parts can be realized by means of the structural foam process rather than injection
molding, since lower induced stresses result from lower cavity pressures.
Draft Angles
As in injection molding, draft angles are necessary in structural foam molding. Because of the lower pressures
involved in foam molding, smaller draft angles can be tolerated in certain cases. The wall thickness of a part
will influence the amount of draft necessary to release a part. As wall thickness decreases, larger draft angles
will be required. This is due to the higher cavity pressures in the mold which will make the part more difficult
to release from the tool. Generally, an angle of 0.5 to 3 will provide sufficient draft to release a part. (Figures
33 and 34 show the result and taper per inch for varying draft angles.) On very deep draws such as tall
standoffs and ribs, the increase in base width due to draft must be considered. A base that is too thick can result
in sink marks, postblow conditions, or increased part cycle time. In certain situations, zero degree draft can be
incorporated, depending on part configuration, material shrinkage, wall thickness, mold design, and mold
Textured surfaces generally require an additional 1 draft per 0.001 inch depth of texture. For best results,
consult your engraver for depth versus pattern before specifying the draft requirements.
Figure 33.
Draft Angle
Taper Per
Figure 34.
Draft Angle
Taper Per
The superior rigidity and strength of structural foam parts permit increased utilization of snap-fits for assembly
and for mounting heavy components in bases. A quick and extremely economical assembly method, snap-
fitting eliminates the need for added screws, brackets, and fasteners, significantly reducing labor and assembly
Stress, deflection, and strain are the primary criteria in determining the stiffness and assembly force required for
optimum performance of snap-fits. Equations for a cantilevered beam with constant cross-section are used as
models when designing snap-fits in structural foam parts:
FLC FL3 3 yC
y Figure 35.
I 3EI l2
Figure 36.
Snap-Fit and
Pull-Off Lead
To facilitate pull-off, an angled lead can be designed to function in the same way as the push-on lead angle. To
stay within the maximum allowable strain, the height of the lead ramp should never exceed the calculated
If the snap-fit is designed as a tapered beam, a separate set of beam equations must be used. The primary
design criteria in this analysis are given by the following equations:
Eb h1 R
2 InR 3 R 4 R WhereR
Figure 37.
6FL 3yhs
bh 2 Ks L2
The above analysis considers the theoretical perpendicular force required to deflect the beam a specified
distance. In actual performance the force is applied via a lead-in angle. Thus the actual force required to bend
the beam is a function of the tangent of the lead angle (i.e., F insertion = F bending tan). A small lead angle gives a
lower assembly force. For example, changing the lead angle from 45 to 30 decreases the lead-in force by
The maximum stress level can be varied by changing the required deflection for insertion (y), the length of the
beam (L), the thickness of the beam (h), or a combination of all three.
Properly designed, integral structural foam hinges offer fatigue strength comparable to metal, while eliminating
costly bracketry and assembly time. Hinges can be designed to be either hidden or visible, depending on their
location in the part. A number of basic hinge designs are practical for structural foam parts, several of which
are discussed below.
The length of the hinge and the diameter of the metal pin are the determining factors in whether the full pin
hinge can be molded. When the length of the hinge is restricted by the permissible length of the side pull, a
partial pin hinge may be necessary.
Figure 38.
Full Pin
SAFOAM® User’s Guide page 43
Load Bearing Ability. The full pin hinge has the highest load-bearing ability of any of the types discussed,
because the metal pin distributes the loading the full length of the part.
Cost. This type of hinge also has the highest tooling cost. Both mating pieces require side pulls to produce a
through-hole the entire length of the part.
Load-Bearing Ability. When the hinge is in the open position, the U-shaped sections assist in load bearing and
provide a uniform appearance along the length of the hinge.
Cost. The tooling cost for this design is less than for the full pin hinge because only the two barrels at the ends
require side pulls. The central barrels can be molded with straight pull tooling.
Figure 39.
Partial Pin
Figure 40.
Projected Pin
Load-Bearing Ability. When both mating surfaces are flush and a load is applied, the latch and hinges
withstand the load. However, when the mating surfaces and hinge are in the open position, the load-bearing
ability of the hinge is relatively low, since only the small cross-sectional area of the projected pins are
withstanding the load in shear.
Cost. Tooling cost for projected pin type hinges is relatively low, since only the part with the holes requires
side pulls in the tool.
Load-Bearing Ability. The load-bearing ability of the simulated hole hinge can be improved by increasing the
bearing surface on the outside U-shaped portions of the barrel.
Cost. The tooling cost for this type of hinge is potentially the lowest of the types discussed since no side pulls
are required for either mating piece.
Figure 41.
Hole Hinge.
Bosses can be easily incorporated into structural foam parts to accept fasteners and support components. In
many applications, the addition of molded-in bosses, mounting pads, stand-offs and retainers can replace costly
brackets and miscellaneous small metal part assemblies.
In Engineering Structural Foam, there appears to be an optimum boss diameter for the best insert performance.
Experimentation has shown the optimum boss diameter to be 1.6 to 2.0 times the diameter of the cored hole,
with a minimum boss wall thickness of .080" (2mm). When a boss wall thickness becomes too thin, the walls
will have higher stress concentration and will be subject to breakage. If the boss wall becomes too thick, there
will be a greater chance of voids in the boss and it will behave somewhat like a pressure vessel. Hoop stresses
will increase with increasing wall thickness due to the distribution of material in a cross-section. Thicker
bosses are not necessarily stronger; they can result in an increased cycle time and ensuing part cost.
When utilizing bosses with wall thicknesses less than .120" (3mm), gussets or connecting ribs should be used
for added strength. Bosses should be cored whenever possible to prevent the formation of a thick section in the
part. Generous fillets should be designed in order to avoid stress concentration and resist torque loading.
Figure 42.
The addition of ribs will increase the rigidity and load-bearing capability of a structural foam part without
increasing the wall thickness. In addition, ribs can reduce the cycle time and materials cost associated with
thicker wall sections. Unlike injection molding, the structural foam process permits the use of thicker, and thus
shorter, ribs for maximum rigidity opposite appearance surfaces without risk of sink marks. The surrounding
wall thickness and resulting density reduction determines the thickness of ribs that can be designed without sink
marks. Tall ribs that become very thin at the tip may cause problems with mold filling and will be areas of
higher stress concentration.
Figure 43.
Rib Design.
Molded-in structural foam guides can be used to locate printed circuit boards or any modular units, eliminating
the need for metal bracketry or metal bending operations. Because of the strength and rigidity of the material,
guides can be designed with snap-stops. The formulas given for snap-fits can be used to determine performance
criteria for molded-in snap-stops. Horizontal card guides can also be molded in the center of a part with straight
pull tooling technique.
Zero degree draft on guides is possible over limited areas when the wall section of the part is over .200" (5mm).
With wall sections less than .200", the draft angle should be increased to .5 since cavity pressures are higher
and the part will have a greater tendency to stick to the mold.
A technique to get the solid fit that 0 draft provides on a card guide without pulling it a long distance is to start
with 0 draft for one inch where the card meets with the mother board and then increase the draft to .5-1.0 for
the remaining distance.
Figure 44.
Tapered Draft.
Molding in louvers in structural foam parts eliminates costly metal stamping operations. In addition, louvers
provide cooling capabilities to offset the insulative properties of plastic. Deflectors can also be molded in to
channel the flow of air for maximum cooling.
Whenever possible, louvers should be oriented in the direction of material flow. In designs where this is not
feasible, a runner should be located between louvers to channel the material to the outside of the louvers.
To utilize straight pull tooling for louvers located on the side of a structural foam part, the louvers can be
designed to extend over the top corner of the part. When louvers are molded with a side pull, a witness line
results around the core. Costly sanding operations are usually required to remove this line. Recess the area
0.020" and witness lines appear to be designed-in, thus reducing finishing costs.
Figure 45.
Louver with
Nozzle Design
The structural foam process requires control of the nozzle to eliminate drool and maintain fast flow. Since this
must be accomplished without using decompression or "suck back" so that the material does not foam
prematurely, the most desirable method of nozzle control is a well-designed shut-off that will not restrict
injection speed.
If a nozzle shut-off is not available, the effects of the drool may be minimized by closely controlling the
temperature of the tip of the nozzle.
The nozzle land should be .188" (.476 cm) and the orifice should be .188" (.476 cm) minimum. When using a
long nozzle, it is recommended that two heating zones be employed: one to maintain melt temperature in the
main body and one to heat the tip for drool control.
In the nitrogen process, Teflon, or other non-thermally-conductive nozzle tips are extremely helpful in
preventing nozzle "freeze-off," as well as creating a better seal than the normal metal-to-metal nozzle.
Many materials have been used in the construction of structural foam production molds, and the choice of mold
material depends upon a number of factors such as part design (plastic material and geometry), number of parts
to be produced, plastic molding process and mold design. The particular usefulness of steels stems from the
unique combination of properties achievable through alloying additions and suitable heat treatment.
Specific properties of steels that can be modified to achieve desirable characteristics are: hardness, wear
resistance, corrosion resistance, strength and toughness. No other class of mold materials is as versatile as steel.
While cast molds have been produced in aluminum, beryllium-copper and alloys with satisfactory results,
machine molds are most commonly constructed of aluminum, mild steel or pre-hardened steel.
Structural foam molds are usually designed to withstand 1,000 psi, but the actual pressure is in the range of
300-400 psi. These low molding pressures permit the use of lower cost molds and “soft” metals. Therefore, in
low pressure SFM, molds can be made of less expensive materials such as forged or supported cast aluminum,
Kirksite, steel, or epoxy, because of the low clamping forces required.
Steel molds are generally used in high pressure SFM where high clamp tonnages are required. Steel is specified
primarily because of its abuse resistance. The softer materials scratch easily, lose their fine finish during long
production runs and require care and high maintenance.
The most common tool steels used for plastic molds are AISI P-20, H-13, S-7, A-2 and A-6. The introduction
of new molding materials, higher temperatures, and higher injection and clamping pressures has created a need
for better corrosion resistance, improved control of mold temperature and higher compression strength. A
plastic manufacturer’s most important demands on tool steel for long lasting molds are as follows:
There is always a risk of indentation of the parting lines, but the risk decreases with increasing compressive
strength on the part of the tool steel used. High compressive strength is also desirable because the tools are
liable to mechanical damage during transport and installation. In some cases, the tools are nitrided to prevent
the cavity from becoming scored or otherwise spoiled.
To improve the strength of the plastic product, an addition of glass fiber, asbestos, wood fibre, etc., is frequently
made. These substances have an abrasive effect on parting lines, runner gates and inlet nozzles. For such
products, it can therefore be advisable to choose a particularly wear-resistant tool steel.
Corrosion Resistance. Practically all molds used for molding come into contact with cooling water. The
cooling water is sometimes contaminated with small amounts of acids and salts. In all water-cooled parts, such
as inserts, molds, frames and holders, corrosion is likely to occur. Some plastics are also corrosive to the mold
material. After a time, therefore, the tool must be taken out of service and cleaned.
A brief pause in production and high humidity can cause the mold to perspire, which causes the mold to rust,
especially in seams. This corrosion can cause serious problems with dismantling the tool, since the parts
become difficult to separate.
Thermal Conductivity. The limitation in maintaining a high production pace lies in the ability of the mold to
conduct heat away from the plastic item. In this context, the thermal conductivity to the material is obviously
important, as are heat transfer between tool and coolant and heat transport through the coolant.
Heat Treatment. The purpose of heat treating a finished tool is to retain suitable mechanical properties, such
as hardness, toughness, and strength. The principal problems that arise in association with heat treatment are
distortion and dimensional changes. To minimize these problems, the tool should be stress-relieved after rough
machining. Some changes are inevitable during hardening, and while it is possible to limit and control them to
a certain extent, the safest way is to use pre-hardened steel, for which no additional heat treatment is required.
Sprues are usually tapered from the nozzle to the mold to reduce melt expansion to a minimum. A standard
sprue bushing of .5" to .75" taper per foot (1.270 to 1.906 cm per meter) with a minimum "0" dimension of
.219" (.557 cm) is recommended for use in injection machines. They should be of the minimum length possible
to avoid cycle time increases and reduce unnecessary shear and to minimize adverse effects on polymer flow
and injection speed.
Runners should be large enough to allow fast injection speeds. They should be designed to ensure that pressure
is maintained on the melt to prevent premature expansion. On multi-cavity molds, the runner system should be
designed so that mold fill-rates are balanced.
Full round and trapezoidal runner profiles are recommended in molds for Engineering Structural Foam. Full
round runners should be a minimum of .375" (.952 cm) diameter, and depending on flow length, injection speed
and part weight, can be as large as .75" (1.906 cm) diameter. Runners should be kept as short as possible. Cold
slug wells should be included at the end of primary and secondary runners.
Gates should be sized to ensure fast and complete fill of the mold. Width and thickness of gates are usually
smaller than part thickness to make removal from the part easy and to prevent an increase in cycle time.
Where possible, gates in foamed parts should be in the thinnest area to allow the low pressure melt to flow more
easily into the thicker sections, and to ensure that the thinner sections are completely filled.
Engineering Structural Foam resins can be molded using common gate designs. The most frequently used types
are direct-sprue and edge gates. Tunnel and pinpoint gates can be used, but should be limited to small parts
with short flow lengths. Gates for structural foam perform the function of balancing flow to all parts of the
mold. The gates, however, should not restrict injection speed. Gate land length and design can determine
surface quality when trying to achieve an as-molded aesthetic part. If the gate and nozzle are increased and the
vents are decreased, maintaining tool pressure of 35 psi, the increased mold pressure would greatly improve
surface quality by eliminating splay.
Gate Locations
The following are important considerations in selecting gate locations:
In order to properly fill molds, it is essential to evacuate entrapped air and gas from the mold cavity. This is
most readily accomplished by employing multiple vents in the mold. The amount of venting required depends
upon the volume of gas to be evacuated and the rate at which it must be evacuated. High temperatures and air
restriction as the mold fills can also cause burning of the part in the vent area.
Machine relief slots to a width of .500" to .750" (1.270 to 1.906 cm) and a depth of .032" (.795 cm).
Allow .25" (.635 cm) land at the extremes of flow (in the far corners, for example) and at 3" (7.62
cm) centers around the parting line. It is extremely important not to connect the relief slots.
Machine vents 0.003" (.008 cm) deep at the extremes of flow and at difficult-to-fill areas.
Progressively open vents as required to produce a part of consistent density and acceptable surface.
(NOTE: Injection speed will affect density and surface; adjustments in injection speed should be
made at the same time vents are being modified, so that an optimum combination is found.)
Figures 46, 47 and 48 illustrate typical venting methods that may be used alone or in combination to vent
Figure 46.
Parting Vent
Figure 47.
Ejector Pins and
Figure 48.
Durable paint systems have been developed for structural foam parts which require fewer finishing steps than
for metal fabrications. These systems add color, gloss, texture and solvent, UV and mar-resistance to the
Although well-molded parts can be coated without any surface preparation, structural foam parts are often
lightly sanded to promote paint adhesion, or to remove surface imperfections that cannot be remedied by
tooling changes or processing improvements. Parts should be totally free of surface contamination before
painting. Counter-pressure paint systems sometimes differ from those used for standard structural foam.
SAFOAM® uses CO2 as the foaming gas. CO2 will diffuse through most plastics very rapidly, allowing for
immediate painting with either water-based or solvent-based paint.
Self-Tapping Fasteners. These fasteners are viable for permanent assemblies or when less than ten field
assembly/disassembly operations are anticipated. Structural foam's relative freedom from molded-in stresses,
coupled with its compressible cellular core, makes thread rolling screws preferable to the thread cutting variety.
Cored holes should be molded whenever possible to obtain maximum performance.
Figure 49.
Ultrasonic Inserts. One of the most popular methods of assembling Engineering Structural Foam parts is
through ultrasonic inserts. These inserts perform very well, plus provide the flexibility of repeated
assemblies/disassemblies for the foam parts.
In order to obtain maximum performance from ultrasonic inserts, correct hole sizes are critical. Wherever
possible, the hole should be molded into the foam part. Drilled holes will yield much lower performance value
because their interior surface will not have a continuous skin.
Expansion Inserts. Expansion inserts are placed in pre-formed holes and expanded against the side of the hole
by insertion of a screw. These inserts offer lower performance than ultrasonic inserts, but are more economical
and suitable for many common assemblies.
Expansion insertion causes cold forming of the material, and while the compressible cellular core makes
Engineering Structural Foam parts less susceptible to residual stress, the following guidelines are recommended
to minimize insertion and high hoop stresses:
1. Boss diameters should be approximately two times the diameter of the insert.
2. When designing component parts for clearances, be sure that the insert and not the plastic carries the load.
3. Heating cycles associated with finishing a structural foam assembly may cause relaxation and loosening of
inserts. Finished parts should therefore be checked during production to guard against insert failure.
Molded-In Inserts. Molded-in inserts are compatible with Engineering Structural Foam resins. When using
these inserts, reinforced grades of material are generally preferable due to their lower coefficients of thermal
expansion. However, suitably designed inserts can be used with unreinforced grades of material. If molded-in
inserts are required, thorough testing for any possible part cracking or insert loosening is advised.
Press Fits. Press fits can be used to attach metal pins, bushings or inserts to a foam part, provided correct
diametral interferences are predetermined in the design. Long-term reliability will depend upon the creep
behavior of the material used.
Assuming the metal shaft does not deform greatly when pressed in, a simplified Lamé equation for thick walled
cylinders can be used to determine the amount of diametral interference:
Sd Ds L h
L Eh
Figure 50.
1 Ds / Dh
1 Ds / Dh
D = Diametral interference
Sd = Design stress
Dh = O.D. of hub
Ds = O.D. of shaft
Eh = Tensile modulus of hub
L = Geometry factor
vh = Poisson ratio of hub
The holding and assembly force may be approximated by multiplying the joint pressure, joint area, and
coefficient of friction of the materials together.
F PA f
Sd Ds f Figure 51.
F = Assembly force
P = Joint Pressure
Ds = Shaft diameter
l = Length of press fit
f = Coefficient of friction
Sd = Design stress
If the press fit assembly must operate at elevated temperatures the strength of the interface will be reduced due
to changes in thermal expansion and the resin's modulus of elasticity. To calculate the loss of interface due to
thermal expansion of a metal shaft pressed into a structural foam hub:
D Do h s Do T Figure 52.
Do = Original diameter
D = Diameter at operating temperature
h = Coefficient of thermal expansion of hub
s= Coefficient of thermal expansion of shaft
T = Change in temperature
When examining long-term performance, the apparent modulus of the structural foam resin determined from the
creep curves must be utilized.
Ultrasonic Bonding. Engineering Structural Foam allows the designer to use ultrasonic assembly methods,
Insertion - the process whereby a metal piece is implanted in the plastic.
Staking - the process of melting and forming the upper portion of a stud so as to retain another material,
usually metal.
Spot Welding - the process of creating small localized bonds between two parts.
Continuous and large area welding techniques are not generally recommended for use with foam, since
the cellular core tends to dissipate much of the ultrasonic energy in a far field weld.
Vibration Welding. Vibration welding is a relatively new process for bonding large parts. Basically a low
frequency friction weld, it is capable of producing strong, pressure-tight joints. This method lends itself very
well to Engineering Structural Foam parts that require permanent loads over large areas. Although butt joints
are normally used in this process, the geometry of the part may require a flange to increase rigidity. Since the
process resembles ultrasonic welding, there may be considerable flash during bonding, and cosmetic flash traps
are recommended on critical appearance surfaces.
Sonic and vibration welding techniques generally perform better in thinner wall designs than in thicker ones.
As the wall section is widened, a greater amount of energy is absorbed by the cellular core, and bonding
becomes more difficult to achieve.
Solvent Bonding. Foamable resins can be solvent-cemented to themselves or other plastics using a number of
commercial solvents.
Adhesive Bonding. Solventless adhesives can be used to bond foamable resins to themselves or other plastics.
Since each application has unique requirements of flexibility, temperature resistance, etc., careful selection of
adhesive is recommended. Epoxies, urethanes and silicones are typical candidates for adhesive bonding.
1. Injection pressure should be set high enough to provide the maximum injection speed possible
without burning. Keep in mind that some resins are sensitive to high shear. High speed injection
usually gives improved surface quality.
2. Back pressure should be used (100-200 psi) to give consistent, even filling and mixing during
3. Screw speeds of 20-50 RPM are usually used.
4. Shot size should be set about 25% less than the mold volume, although the desired weight reduction
may specify the exact setting.
5. Minimum cushion is used (i.e. the shot size should be such that the screw nearly bottoms out during
injection). Holding pressure should not be used.
6. The rear zone temperature should be low enough to prevent premature decomposition and gas loss
through the hopper.
7. Mold temperatures affect surface finish, skin thickness, and cycle time. Hot molds give a glossier
surface, thinner skins and longer cycle times. The normal range is 60-160ºF (16-72ºC), but higher or
lower temperatures are not unusual.
8. Quenching a part in water immediately on removal from the mold is helpful in reducing cycle times
and post-blow in parts with thick sections.
9. Cycle times depend on the polymer and part thickness and mold temperature. SAFOAM gives lower
cycle times than exothermic foaming agents.
10. Vent size and location should be decided upon by experimentation with the mold using metal shims
before cutting the mold.
11. SAFOAM tends to clean out residues of exothermic chemical foaming agents and other additives
(i.e. colors) over time. The CFA residues can cause misleading results until they are no longer
12. Although SAFOAM poses no problems in painted parts on its own, any exothermic residue in re-
grind can cause blistering or pin-holing. Parts with exothermic re-grind should be treated as
exothermic CFA parts.
Microscopic analysis of the cell structure in a polyurethane foam shows that the cell faces are composed of thin
membranes which are bounded on all sides by thick elements termed ‘struts’. Each strut forms at the
intersection of three cell walls and results from drainage during foam formation. The thin cell membranes and
relatively thick struts comprise the two structural elements in the foam geometry. Conduction through the
polymer has been analyzed by considering the distribution of polymer material between cell walls and struts and
by evaluating conduction in the actual cellular structure through upper and lower limiting models.
By staggering the cells, the effect of the tortuous path of conduction can be determined. Heat flow through
randomly oriented planes and randomly oriented sticks gave the same analytical results as the preceding
analysis. This suggests that the conduction term is essentially independent of cell geometry. For any given
cellular geometry, the cell walls will be statistically oriented for greater heat flow as compared to the struts.
The cell gas conductivity, kg, can be combined with the polymer conduction term when the cell gas
composition is uniform within the foam cross section. The case when the cell gas composition varies across the
foam thickness will be discussed later in the manual. The upper and lower limits to the conduction term can
now be summarized. The upper limit of the conduction model is given by:
2 f
ksg kg s (1)ks
3 3 Figure 53.
Three parameters must be experimentally obtained from the foam to evaluate the polymer conduction term in
Figure 53. The polymer distribution parameter, fs, is the fraction of the polymer material contained in the struts
of the foam. An experimental technique to calculate this parameter is presented in the Gas Diffusion Model
section of this guide. Note that the coefficient of the polymer conduction term reduces to the two limiting
s a f
s g Figure 54.
where s, a, f, and g are the densities of the polymer, air, foam and cell gases, respectively. The polymer
conductivity, ks, must also be determined. Mark Sinofsky developed a transient hot wire thermal conductivity
testing technique at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to measure the thermal conductivities of foam
polymers. The majority of Sinofsky’s data is on urethane foam polymers but isocyanate, polystyrene and
phenolic polymers have also been tested. The lower limit of the conduction model is given by:
2 fs
ks g k g 0.8 (1 ) ks Figure 55.
3 3
The difference of 20 percent in the solid conduction term between the two limiting models results from a
consideration of the tortuosity of the conduction path. The uncertainty between the two limiting models
amounts to less than five percent of the overall foam conductivity.
Thermal Radiation
The approach to the modeling of thermal radiation in the past has been to assume that the cell walls in foam
insulation are opaque to thermal radiation.
Thermal radiation in foam insulation involves radiant transport in non-gray, emitting, absorbing and
anisotropically scattering media. For commercially available foams, it has been shown that the attenuation of
thermal radiation is primarily absorption dominated and that scattering can be treated as isotropic. These results
simplify the experimental means of determining the contribution due to thermal radiation heat transfer and yet
only introduce a margin of error of 10 to 15 percent in the radiation heat flux term.
The experimental approach has been to directly measure the attenuation of thermal radiation in foams by
placing thin foam slices in an infrared spectrophotometer and measuring the percentage transmission of
radiation through each sample. Figure 55 shows a typical spectrograph for a thin slice of polyurethane foam.
The transmission spectrum is approximately uniform so that an average transmission value can be determined
for the sample thickness. Additional tests are conducted on other foam samples covering a range of thicknesses.
When the percentage transmission values are plotted versus sample thickness on a semi-log plot, the data forms
a straight line.
Figure 56 shows a plot of the average percentage transmission values obtained experimentally versus sample
thickness. The data shows that thermal radiation is exponentially attenuate in the foam as the foam thickness
increases to larger and larger values. As expected, the percentage transmission extrapolates to 100 percent at
zero sample thickness. The slope of the line is termed the foam’s extinction coefficient, K, and is the key
parameter required to quantify thermal radiation heat transfer in the foam.
2 f 16Tm
k eff k g s (1 ) k s
3 3 3K Figure 56.
where Tm is the mean temperature of the foam and is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The contributions due
to conduction through the polymer and thermal radiation will remain essentially constant during foam aging.
The cell gas conduction contribution will change as atmospheric gases diffuse into the cells of the foam and
Freon gas diffuses out of the foam. A gas diffusion model is required to predict the changes in cell gas
composition that occur during foam aging. The cell gas composition, in turn, determines the cell gas
conduction contribution in the heat transfer model.
The gas diffusion model was developed by Douglas W. Reitz and Leon Glicksman at the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology.
An overview of the aging process in closed cell foam insulation is show in Figure 57. A freshly made foam
contains primarily Freon gas with small concentrations of carbon dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen. Any carbon
dioxide formed during foam formation rapidly diffuses out of the foam. Oxygen and nitrogen diffuse into the
cells of the foam over time while Freon gas simultaneously diffuses out of the foam. The high molecular
weight of Freon causes it to diffuse much more slowly through the foam structure than oxygen or nitrogen.
This overall diffusion process leads to a decline in the R-value of the foam during its lifetime. The use of a
facing at the surface of the foam board may reduce the rate at which the foam ages.
Cuddihy and Moacanin showed that foam insulation can be treated as a homogenous media that obeys Fick’s
law of diffusion. Commercially available foams will satisfy the requirement of homogeneity unless the foam
contains large voids, collapsed cells of other defects that disturb the local gas diffusion process. The one-
dimensional form of Fick’s law that is applicable to diffusion in foams is given by,
2 p 1 p
x 2
D Figure 57.
where p is the partial pressure of the gas in the foam board and D is the diffusion coefficient of the gas in the
foam. The diffusion coefficient determines the transport rate of the gas through the foam medium and must be
obtained for each diffusion gas. Two major factors must be considered in developing an expression for the
diffusion coefficient: 1) the effect of the foam’s cellular structure on the gas diffusion rate, and 2) the
The two-dimensional sections provide a means of determining the distribution of polymer material between cell
walls and struts within a foam. The fraction of polymer material contained in the cell walls is of primary
importance since the struts play essentially no role in the gas diffusion process. The polymer distribution
parameter is determined by measuring the cell wall thickness and surface area to volume ratio of a foam using
the two-dimensional sections. The cell wall thickness can be measured at high magnification using a scanning
electron microscope. The thin polymer membranes are subject to swelling as a result of interaction between the
embedding resin and the polymer material. The extent of the polymer-resin interaction was investigated by
measuring the thickness of a polyurethane film before and after use of the resin. The measurements revealed a
swelling of the polymer material between 34 to 69 percent due to the resin. Thus, the measurements should
only be used as an upper limit estimate to the actual cell wall thickness in the foams.
The surface area to volume ratio of a foam is also measured from the sections. A test line is drawn across a
section photograph and the number of intersections between the test line and foam cell walls are counted. The
sample’s surface area to volume ratio, SV, is expressed in terms of the parameter, NL (number of
intersections/test line length). In general,
SV 2 N L Figure 58.
and is valid when uniformity of sampling is attained and the samples are representative of the structure. By
combining the surface area to volume ratio with the cell wall thickness, t, the fraction of polymer contained in
the cell walls can be determined,
SV t
1 Figure 59.
where (1 - ) is the fraction of the foam volume occupied by polymer material (struts plus cell walls).
Measurements of polymer distribution in five polyurethane foams showed that the cell walls contained only 10
to 20 percent (fw = 0.10 to 0.20) of the polymer material in a foam. Thus, most of the polymer material is not
retained in the cell walls of a foam where it can be utilized in reducing gas diffusion into the foam cells.
Each cell wall can be considered a resistance to diffusion with a diffusion coefficient, Ds, that determines the
transport rate of a gas through the cell wall. Each cell has an average cell dimension, d, and each cell wall has a
uniform thickness, t. Summing over all resistances and equating to an effective resistance, the effective
diffusion coefficient, Deff, that determines the transport rate of a gas through the foam’s cellular structure is
given by,
td d
Deff Ds Ds Figure 60.
t t
since d>t. In addition to the cell geometry parameters, the effective diffusion coefficient is directly
proportional to the cell-to-cell gas transport rate, defined by the polymer diffusion coefficient, Ds. This
transport coefficient must be considered before continuing with the development of the model.
Finally, the dissolved gas comes out of solution to a lower pressure p2 or gas concentration c2. The absorption
step at the surface of the membrane is controlled by the solubility of the gas in the polymer. In general, Henry’s
law is obeyed so that the gas pressure at the membrane surface is linearly proportional to the gas concentration
within the membrane. The three-step process is termed permeation and is driven by the difference in the gas
partial pressure across the membrane. The defining equation for the permeability at standard conditions (STP:
273 K, 76 cm Hg) is,
p1 p 2 A Figure 61.
where VSTP is the volume flow rate of gas at STP passing through a membrane of thickness t and area A under
a differential gas pressure (p1-p2). Each gas is not influenced by the presence of other permeating gases
although water vapor and Freon may have some plasticizing effects on the permeation of the other gases.
Using these assumptions in combination with the definition of the permeability in Figure 61, the diffusion
coefficient Ds is given by,
Ds PSTP Pe s
TSTP Figure 62.
where PSTP and TSTP are the gas pressure and temperature at STP, respectively and T is the test temperature.
The permeability of each diffusing gas in the foam polymer must be evaluated for use in the gas diffusion
model. Permeability data has been obtained using both the variable volume permeability testing method and the
variable pressure permeability testing method (see ASTM D1434-75 for a discussion of the testing methods).
Test films were prepared by combining the foam components (excluding the blowing agent) and casting them
into thin films (one to three mils thick). The films were post-cured in an oven. Note that catalyst levels had to
be reduced to avoid bubble formation.
The results of the cell-to-cell gas transport analysis can now be combined with the gas diffusion model. Before
summarizing the model, it is important to note that the cell shape in foams is more accurately represented by a
pentagonal dodecahedron or a truncated octahedron than a simple cubical cell. The surface area to volume
ratios of these cell shapes can be related to the average cell dimension, d, in the foam’s cell structure. The
pentagonal dodecahedron and truncated octahedron have surface area to volume ratios of 3.46/d and 3.55/d,
respectively, when in an aggregate of cells each shares half of its surface area with adjacent cells surrounding it.
Using the pentagonal dodecahedron cell shape and the results from Figure 62, the effective diffusion coefficient
defined Figure 60 becomes:
3.46 T
Deff PSTP Pe
SV t TSTP Figure 63.
3.46 s g
Pe s
f w f g a
Figure 64.
These equations may be applied to the gas diffusion process under any high temperature aging conditions (i.e.,
60C) by simply substituting the appropriate high temperature permeabilities and the permeability test
temperature. The two forms of the gas diffusion model provide insight into the foam parameters that must be
influenced in order to reduce the gas diffusion rates in foams. An obvious but costly choice is to increase the
foam density. Significant improvements without necessarily affecting the foam’s density can be achieved,
however, by increasing the fraction of polymer material in the cell walls or by decreasing the polymer
permeabilities of the diffusing gases.
Trouble Shooting Splay. Splay or swirl in structural foam molding is a rough surface with a random occurring
pattern, usually increasing as you come closer to the gate. When the blowing agent is added in the barrel of the
injection molding machine or extruder, the blowing agent converts from powder, pellet, or liquid form into a
liquid gas molecule. The pressure and temperature inside the barrel keeps the blowing agent in a liquid form.
Once the pressure is released inside the mold, the blowing agent's liquid molecules convert again into gas
bubbles. When the liquid molecules of gas are converting from the liquid form into the gas form, they either
absorb heat (endothermic) or give off heat (exothermic). These gas bubbles instantly go to the surface of the
leading edge of the plastic. The gas bubbles move very quickly through the plastic because they are very low in
molecular weight. As the plastic is filling the mold, these bubbles on the leading edge are smeared against the
surface of the mold. The smearing of the bubbles is splay. The bubble size is determined by the particle size of
the blowing agent. The larger the particle size, the larger the bubbles will be, resulting in a rougher surface.
All gases are very sensitive to differences in temperature and viscosity. In low viscosity with hot materials, the
bubbles will be large. In low viscosity with cold materials, the bubbles will be small. In high viscosity and cold
materials, the bubbles will be non-existent.
Starburst pattern originating at the Increase injection speed
Heavy swirls at the gate Reduce injection speed
Splay pattern around post/rough rib Lower mold temp, especially at area of
rough surface. Add venting
Splay near vent is different from Change size of vent. For rough surface,
other areas close vent slightly. For smoother
surface, open vent slightly.
The Throttle for Endothermic Blowing Agent is Temperature. When the shot is completely in the mold, the
blowing agent will go to the hottest area with the lowest resistance-the core. The foaming agent will foam in
this area. As the foaming continues in the core, heat is being absorbed by the blowing agent and the surface of
the parts is being cooled by the cold mold surface. By controlling the melt temperature and mold temperature,
you can change the foaming conditions.
Shot speed also plays an important part in the foaming process. Shot speed affects surface melt temperature due
to shear heat. Shot speed also affects mixing of the liquid blowing agent and plastic. The faster the shot speed,
the better mixing and more surface shear heat is added. The more shear heat, the thinner the viscosity, the
larger the surface bubbles or surface splay. If the shot speed is too slow, there will be less shear heat, mixing
will be worse, and the surface splay or surface bubbles will be larger. In other words, it is important to achieve
a correct balance between shot speed and temperature.
Blowing Away Sinks. A sink mark is a depression or dimple on the surface caused by internal shrinkage after
the gate seals or by a short shot.
Increase in Shrinkage: As the part continues to contract, it pulls away from cavity walls allowing
shrinkage to take place. The center or core of the part is the hottest area (this is where foaming takes
place) and the longest to cool.
Increase in Wall Thickness
Lack of Cavity Pressure
Part Design
Thicker sections take longer to cool than thinner sections, which allow for additional shrinkage to take place.
Thicker parts will result in more sinks than smaller parts.
Shape of the part affects the rate of cooling. Round parts will allow for a more uniform distribution of the
plastic and sink marks will be very minimal.
Highly polished surfaces reflect light which exaggerates the appearance of sinks (magnifying glass).
Amorphous Plastics-Plastics with highly branched molecular chains and with long side chains that
cannot assume a tightly packed condition in any region because of their irregular structure. Chain
molecules of this type are intertwined like a tangled ball of yarn. Amorphous plastics are transparent as
glass (ex. CD).
Filled & Fiber reinforced Plastics-A composite structure comprised of a thermosetting or thermoplastic
resin and fibers that have high strength and good electrical resistivity.
SAFOAM acts as a lubricant and improves melt flow and filling of the polymer.
If using gas counterpressure, reduce pressure until Splay appears, then increase by 10 psi.
Increase venting.
The answers to the most commonly asked questions about SAFOAM are given below. They are based on our
experience in the commercial use of SAFOAM with various customers.
Q. 1 What is the difference between endothermic and exothermic chemical foaming agents (CFA)?
A. Exothermic CFA such as Azodicarbonamide (or 1,1-azobisformamide), 4,4-Oxybis (benzenesulfonyl
hydrazide (OBSH), or 5-Phenyltetrazole (5-PT) release heat during decomposition and require care
during handling and processing to avoid problems caused by overheating.
Endothermic CFA, such as SAFOAM, need energy (i.e. they absorb heat) during decomposition
resulting in improved processing properties such as:
Extrusion speed
Wider operating temperature
Q. 11 What causes sinks and splay?
A. Please refer to the trouble shooting section in the user guide.
Q. 12 We have problems with ‘sink marks’; will SAFOAM help with these?
A. Yes. At very low levels of SAFOAM (.1 - .5% activity) sink marks can be eliminated with no visible
surface effects. Do not overpack the part when using SAFOAM for sink marks, as high pressure will
prevent cell formation necessary for sink mark removal.
Q. 13 We have a warping problem cased by molded-in stress. Will SAFOAM help relieve this?
A. Yes. Using the same technique as for sink marks can eliminate warp or molded-in stress, and still retain
good physical and appearance properties.
A positive nozzle shut-off valve capable of providing a positive closure at cylinder pressures in the
range of 1,500-2,000 psi minimum. It can be hydraulic, pneumatic, or spring actuated. Its purpose
is to maintain pressure on the melt to prevent gas escape, to stop ‘drooling’ of resin between shots,
and to eliminate nozzle freeze-up.
A suckback is sometimes used to prevent ‘drooling’.
Boosters to increase injection speed and an accumulator to increase capacity are desirable
Q. 17 We use the gas counter-pressure SFM process. Is SAFOAM suitable for this?
A. Yes. Lower gas counter-pressures (40-60 psi) can be used. This is a positive advantage over the high
gas counter-pressures required by most other CFA or nitrogen.
Q. 18 We use the direct-gassed nitrogen low pressure SFM process. Should we use SAFOAM?
A. Yes. Low levels of SAFOAM (.1 - .5% activity as a nucleant) will have beneficial effects. These
include better surface quality, fewer voids, and additional weight reductions of up to 10%. SAFOAM
gas makes the nitrogen more melt-soluble and smaller, more uniform cells are produced. This usually
leads to improved physical properties and shorter cycle times.
Q. 19 We currently use an exothermic CFA to produce SFM. Why should we change to SAFOAM?
A. Reduced cycle times (15 - 20%) mean higher output. Mold plate-out deposits are eliminated. Faster de-
gassing means faster post-finishing. The SAFOAM brochure lists several other advantages.
Q. 22 Can SAFOAM be used in blow-molding?
A. Yes. Weight reductions of 5 - 15% have been achieved.
Q. 27 Can SAFOAM be used to foam roto-molded parts?
A. Yes. SAFOAM powders work well in roto-molding. The best results are achieved by using SAFOAM
in combination with exothermic foaming agents.
Polyethersulphone Polystyrene Society of Plastics
Polyethylene Polyurethane SPI
terephthalate Society of Plastics
PVAL Industry
PETP Polyvinyl alcohol
Polyethylene TGA
terephthalate PVDC Thermal Gravimetric
Polyvinylidene chloride Analysis
Phenyl-formaldehyde PVDF TPE
Polyvinylidene fluoride Thermoplastic
PFA elastomers
Perfluoroalkoxy (resin) PVF
Polyvinyl Fluoride TPU
PI Thermoplastic
Polyimide RH polyurethane
Rockwell hardness
Polyisobutylene Ultra-high modulus
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Journal of Cellular Plastics, Volume 26, July 1990
Mooney, Gerry; Tarquini, Mike; and Andrews, Claude, “Activex Users Guide”, J.M. Huber Corporation,
Chemicals Division
SAFOAM® User’s Guide page X
Methven, J.M. “Foams and Blowing Agents, Rapra Review Reports, Volume 3, Number 1, 1990
Uniroyal Chemical Company, Inc. User Guide for Celogen, Kempore and Expandex
M. A. Schuetz & L. Glickman, “A Basic Study of Heat Transfer through Foam Insulation”, Owens Corning
D. W. Reitz, “Heat Transfer and Aging of Closed-Cell Foam Insulation”, Owens Corning.
Chakra V. Gupta, PhD, Polychem Alloy, Inc., “Flouropolymer Foams”, Handbook of Polymeric Foams and
Foam Technology