How Designers Think - The Design Process Demystifi
How Designers Think - The Design Process Demystifi
How Designers Think - The Design Process Demystifi
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Bryan R Lawson
The University of Sheffield
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Fourth edition
Bryan Lawson
Preface vii
Acknowledgements xi
ABK group (Ahrends, Burton and Building and Urban Design Associates,
Koralek), 241,246,248 Birmingham, 227
AD Urban Concepts (Brown), 3 Building Performance Research Unit, 100
The Adventures o f Sherlock Holmes Burrows, Mike, 94
(Conan Doyle), 54 Burton, Richard, 165,241,246,247,
Agabani, FA., 184,196,197 248,252,263
Ahrends, Peter, 241,246,248,263
Akin, 0 ,45
Alberti, Leon Battista, 173,204 CAD systems (computer aided design),
Alexander, Christopher, 24,25.27.28, 283-4
62.75,76.77:91,164 Cairns, G.M., 86
Alfred MacAlp~neConstruction Ltd, 259 Calatiava, Santiago, 10,148,149,170,
Alice in wonderland (Carroll), 159 171,189,204,208,217,218,256,
Alice Through the Looking Glass 279,282,294,301,302
(Carroll), 31,63 Cambridge University. 177,195
Allsop. Kit, 205,206,207 Candy, L.. 94,101
Andrews, R., 267,288 Castelvecchio Museum, Verona, 279
Anthony, K.H., 156 Cathedral of St John the Divine,
Archer, L. Bruce, 40,69,70 New York, 218f
'Architects Club,' 23 Centraal Beheer office building,
Architectural Practice and Management Appledorn, 163,169
Handbook (RIBA), 33-4 Chapman, F.B., 14
Architecture Action and Plan (Cook), 181 Chermayeff, 5.. 62.77
Armani, Giorgio, 190 Christiaans, H., 184
Arts Council, 236 Clegg, G.L.. 10,22
Asimow, M., 40 Caleridge. Samuel Taylor, 148
Astragal, A.J.. 31 Colonia Guell, Barcelona, 251
Come to Judgment (Picasso), 63
Components of design problems, 5342
Barcelona International Exhibition, 10 see also Problems and 5olutions in
Bartlett, F.C.. 15,133,134,141,142 design
Bauhaus, I60 defining the limits of a problem, 55-7
Bellini. Mario, 146,189 experience develops
Berlyne, D.E., 131 judgement, 55-6
Bill, P., 8 regression and escalation, 56-7
Boardman, Chris, 94 differerences between design
Boden, Margaret, 146,295 fields, 534
Bole, Axel, 71 difficulties typified in town
British Airports Authority Project planning, 54f
Process, 259 establishing the level of detail. 55
Broadbent, Geoffrey, 76,203 integrated solution, 61-2
Brown. Denise Scott, 3,168,209,255 Georgian window, 6lf.62
Bruner, Jerome, 119,133,134 pattern ofthe problem, 62
Buchanan, Professor James M., 80 multi-dimensional problems, 58-60
Buckle, Richard, 175 designing a window, 59,60
Components of design Crick, Francis, 153
problems (continued) Crinson, M, 6
relating to what already exists. 57-8 Cross, Anita. 190
sub-optimising, 60-1 Cross, Nigel, 22, 28, 108, 167, 184.
cumulative strategy, 60 190. 191, 201, 265, 273, 274, 275,
interconnectedness, 60-1 276,277,283,288,290,291,303
Conditions of Engagement for
Architects, 36
Conference on Design Methods, Daley, J., 28
Manchester 11962). 38 Darke, Jane, 46, 47.99. 295
Constraints in design. 90-1 10 Das Capital (Maw), 17
clientluser, 9 W l Data General computers. 246
conflicts between constraints, 91-2 De Bono, Edward. 3. 15, 132, 201. 293
designer, 90 De Groot. A.D., 133
domain of influence, 92-3 De Re Aedificatoria (Alberti). 160
external constraints, 94-7 Demosthenes, 220
constraints often interesting to Design see also Components of
architects, 97 design problems; Constraints in
des~gningChicago bibliographical design; Education for design;
centre, 95-6 Measurement in design; Model of
engineering Severins bridge, Designing; Principles of design;
Germany, 94, 95f. 96f Problems and solutions in design;
examples, 94 Process of design; Role of the
formal constraints, defined, 104 designer; Strategy for design;
four generators of design Tactics for designers; Teamwork
constraints, 90f and design:
function of constrainb, 99-102 in architecture, 5
classification of buildings into definition of the word, 3
types, 102 in engineering, 4
criteria used by designers, 101 and the environment, 4-5
form and content, 100-1 in fashion, 4
four functions of a building, 100 personal, 5
purpose of constraints, 100 professional, 5-6
internal constraints, 93-4 as a skill, 14-15
defined, 93 Design Guide for ResidentialAreas
legislator, 91 (Essex County Council), 74
model of design constraints. 105-10 Design in Mind (Lawson),viii, 266
constraints and criteria. 109-10 Desian
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