Modeling and Prediction of MRR and Surface Roughness in Turning Operations Using Factorial Met...
Modeling and Prediction of MRR and Surface Roughness in Turning Operations Using Factorial Met...
Modeling and Prediction of MRR and Surface Roughness in Turning Operations Using Factorial Met...
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Article History: This paper presents the findings of an experimental analysis into the effects of feed rate, cutting
Received 16th February, 2016 speed, depth of cut, and cutting environment in turning operation of Low alloy steel (En-353).
Received in revised form Design of experiment technique, i.e. factorial method have been used to accomplish the objective
24th March, 2016 of the experimental study. 23 factorial design with eight treatment combination used for
Accepted 27th April, 2016 conducting the experiments. It was observed that the feed rate and depth of cut was the most
Published online 31st May, 2016 influential factors on the MRR and surface roughness. The importance of the cutting parameters
on the cutting performance outputs is determined by using the variance analysis (ANOVA).The
Key Words: variation of MRR and surface roughness with cutting parameters is modeled by using a regression
Turning process;
analysis method.
MRR, Surface roughness,
Factorial method,
Copyright©2016, Brajesh Kumar Lodhi and Sumit Saurabh Singh. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
radius affected surface roughness significantly. Sahin and There are various process parameters of CNC lathe affecting
Motorcu (Sahin, 2008) indicated that the feed rate was found the material removal rate and surface roughness. On the basis
out to be dominant factor on the surface roughness, but it of pilot run investigations, the following process parameters
decreased with decreasing cutting speed, feed rate, and depth have been selected for study. Their levels are given in Table 2.
of cut in turning AISI 1050 hardened steels by CBN cutting
tool. The RSM predicted and experimental surface roughness Table 2. Parameters and Their Levels
values were found to be very close. Zhang et al. (Zhang, 2007)
investigated the surface integrity of hardened bearing steel in Parameters Symbol Unit Level
hard turning using Taguchi method and optimized the Low High
parameter. Ozel and Karpat (Ozel, 2005) developed regression (-1) (+1)
Feed rate A mm/rev 0.05 0.10
and ANN models in finish hard turning of AISI H13 steel for Depth of cut B mm 0.25 0.5
surface roughness and tool wear. Decrease in the feed rate, Speed C rpm 710 1120
better was the surface roughness but slightly faster tool wear
development. Increasing cutting speed resulted in significant Measurment
increase in tool wear development but resulted in better
surface roughness. Increase in the work-piece hardness
The material removal rate (MRR) in turning operations is the
resulted in better surface roughness with higher tool wear. In
volume of material/metal that is removed per unit time in
this study, the effect of the machining parameters and their
mm3/min. For each revolution of the work piece, a ring shaped
levels of significance on material removal rate and surface
layer of material is removed.
roughness were statistically evaluated by using analysis of
variance (ANOVA). Experiments were conducted under
different machining parameters namely, feed rate, speed and MRR = ×
depth of cut. The setting of maching parameters was
determined by using factorial method. The factorial parameter
Where, Wa = after maching weight of work piece in gm Wb=
design in order to identify the optimum material removal rate
before machining weight of work piece in gm t = Machining
and surface roughness performance with a particular
time in seconds ρ= Density of EN-353 steel = (7.9 x 10ˉ³
combination of cutting parameters in a turning operation.
gm/mm³). Surface roughness measurements have been done
using a Stylus type roughness tester. Surface roughness
measurements are taken on the work-piece in the transverse
Experimental Set-up and Material direction and this procedure repeated three times to obtain the
average value of surface roughness and all he measurements of
In the present study, Low alloy steel EN 353 grade (25mm surface roughness cut-off length is taken as 0.8 mm.
diameter, 152 mm long) is selected. The properties of EN 353
steel work-piece material, used for experimentation in this Factorial Method
work, are as given in Table 1. The parameters, chosen for
different settings of feed rate (A), Depth of cut (B) and speed In a factorial experiment, the effect of varying the level of the
(C) were used in the experiments. The cutting tool selected various factor affecting the process output are investigated.
were titanium coated carbide inserts (TN4000) of corner Each complete trial replication of the experiment takes into
radius 0.800 mm. Fig. 1 shows the schematic diagram and the account all the possible combination of the varying level of
setup of turning process. these factors effective factorial design ensures that the least
no. of the experiment runs are conducted to generate the
Table 1. Chemical composition of en-353 steel (wt%) maximum amount of information about input variable effect
the output of process (Table 3) (Montgomery, 1991).
Material C Si Cr Mn Ni Mo S
Fe-703 0.40 0.21 0.53 0.34 0.03 0.22 0.027
Table 3. Desgin of the experiments and results
model how can predict value amount close to the actual the resulting image look close to a straight line if the data are
values. The effect of process parameters on the material approximately normally distributed. Deviations from a straight
removal rate and is shown in Fig.2. The MRR of the work line suggest departures from normality. Hence, it is proved,
pieces increases with increase in depth of cut as well as feed this experiment follow the normality assumption. The normal
rate. Effect of depth of cut on the surface roughness as well as probability plots of residuals are shown in Fig.4 and Fig.5 for
MRR is more in comparison to feed rate. The effect of process material removal rate (MRR) and Surface roughness (Ra)
parameters on the surface roughness and is shown in Fig.3. respectively [8].
The surface roughness of work piece is increased with increase
in depth of cut as well as feed rate, because of increase in net Normal Probability Plot
(response is MRR)
resistance material. Thus the size of removed material is big so
the surface roughness of work piece material is increased.
These plots are used to visuliaize the relation between 95
the parameters at spindle speed (level +1), feed rate (level +1), 80
depth of cut (level +1) gives the maximum MRR and spindle
speed (level +1), feed rate (level -1), depth of cut (level -1) 50
gives the minimization of surface roughness. 30
Main Effects Plot for MRR 5
Data Means
A B 1
-500 -250 0 250 500
1500 Fig. 4. Normal Probability plot for MRR
-1 1 -1 1
Normal Probability Plot
(response is Ra)
-1 1
Fig. 2. Effect of parameters on MRR 50
Main Effects Plot for Ra
Data Means 10
A B 5
-0.50 -0.25 0.00 0.25 0.50
2.5 Residual
ANOVA is a statically based, objective decision making tool
2.0 for detecting any differences in average performance of groups
-1 1
of items tested [9]. An ANOVA table consists of sum of
squares, corresponding degree of freedom, the F-ratio
Fig. 3. Effect of parameters on Surafce Roughness corresponding to the ratios of two mean squares, and the
contribution proportions from each of the control factors.
Normal Probability Plot These contribution proportions can be used to assess the
importance of each factor for interested multiple performance
The normal probability plot is a graphical technique to identify characteristics (MPCs). The total sum of squares, SST, in the
substantive departures from normality. This includes ANOVA is:
identifying outliers, skewness, kurtosis, a need for
transformations, and mixtures. Normal probability plots are = ∑ ( − )2 (2)
made of raw data, residuals from model fits, and estimated
parameters. In a normal probability plot (also called a "normal This can be reduced to the following forms:
plot"), the sorted data are plotted vs. values selected to make
7833 Brajesh Kumar Lodhi and Sumit Saurabh Singh. Modeling and prediction of mrr and surface roughness in turning operations
using factorial method and regression method
Total DOF = Number of experiments – 1 Ra (µm) = 2.6425+ 0.2975 Feed rate + 0.725 Depth of cut –
Factors DOF = Number of levels – 1 0.525 Speed, r2 = 96.10
Error term of DOF = Total DOF – Sum of all Factors DOF
The results indicates that the estimated regression model is
Table 4. Anova for material removal rate significant at the α-level of 0.05 R-squared (R2) amount was
calculated to check the goodness of fit. The R2 value indicates
Factors DOF SS MS F-Value P% that the predictor explain 96.09% and 96.10% of the response
A 1 2748340 2748340 38.3 37.44 variation for MRR and Ra width respectively. Adjusted R2 for
B 1 3237240 3237240 45.1 44.10
C 1 1067991 1067991 14.9 14.54 the number of predictors in the model was 93.16% (MRR) and
Error 4 286715 71679 3.91 93.17% (surface roughness). Both values show that data are
Total 7 7340286 100 fitted well.
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