B.S Broadfield Science/ Secondary education, Alverno College, Milwaukee, WI, August
2014- December 2018
Field Placements:
Manitoba Elementary, Milwaukee WI, 4th grade
Engaged in 3 small group lessons of differing subject areas
Incorporated technology and hands on activities in the classroom
Oak Creek High School, Oak Creek WI, 9th grade (Physical Science)
Engaged in 3 whole group lessons related to physical science
Designed open ended labs to let students show their own personalities within
their work.
WAWM Intermediate School, Milwaukee WI, 8th grade (General Science)
Engaged group throughout a unit focused on basic chemistry concepts
Designed and graded a unit test based on a point criterion
Cudahy High School, Cudahy WI, 12th grade (Special Education)
Designed a small group lesson focused on detailed writing
Found a deeper understanding of how each student with a disability is unique
Openly admitted mistake made during lesson and related it to the important
concept of how, “even teachers aren’t perfect”
Ronald Regan High School, Milwaukee WI, 9th grade (Biology)
Engaged in 3 blocks scheduled, whole class, lessons focused on basic biology
Made material relatable to students by comparing it to activities they participate
in, such as sports.
Cudahy High School, Cudahy WI, 10-12 grade (Biology, Chemistry, A&P)
Engaged in 3 chemistry and 2 A&P whole class lessons focused on student
based learning
Designed and ran 2 labs (one for each subject taught)
Employment History
PPG Lab technician, (Contracted via Hiregenics) June 2016- August 2018
PPG Oak Creek, 10800 s 13th st, Oak Creek, WI, 53254
I collaborate with fellow employees on persisting issues seen throughout the day.
Using technology, I record and analyze data collected to determine an accurate
When handling challenging situations I ask others for help when needed, and
debate the best method to move forward.
Teaching Assistant, Reading the World, September 2015- May 2016
Alverno College, 3400 s 43rd st. Milwaukee, WI, 53234
● When interacting with high school students I use knowledge and energy to get
them excited about learning
● I collaborate with teachers on how to enhance the experience and adjust lesson
plans for the following year
● Using technology I read, comment, and record the work done by the girls on their
blog page
Cashier, September 2012- July 2016
Wendys, 7940 s Howell ave,Oak Creek, WI, 53154
● When interacting with people I have trained and motivated others
● When dealing with issues I have performed the necessary needs as well as
guided others.
● When using data I have logged in orders and coordinated them successfully
Orientation Leader, May 2015- January 2016
Alverno College, 3400 s 43rd st, Milwaukee, WI, 53234
● When interacting with potential students, I kept an excited energy flowing
throughout the course of the day to help welcome them to the upbeat Alverno
● When interacting with fellow employees, we collaborated as a team to figure out
the best way to create a more individualized visit through trial and error.
Summer Conference Assistant, May 2015-August 2015
Alverno College, 3400 s 43rd st, Milwaukee, WI, 53234
● When interacting with residence, I greeted them openly and answered any
questions they had about living in the dorms.
● When dealing with a difficult situation, I confronted the resident and explained to
them the situation while listening to what she had to say and taking her views into
● When using technology I successfully completed overnight logs, work orders,
and duty logs in order to keep all residence staff informed.
Mad Scientist, October 2014- December 2015
Mad Science Factory, 5034 ashland way,Franklin, WI, 53132
● While interacting with children I have learned to make learning enjoyable by
doing hands on experiments
● When meeting a new group I have helped the children bond and make new
friends with each other and myself.
● When dealing with conflicts in the classroom I have learned how to appropriately
explain the problem in a way they understand to help prevent it in the future.