SPE-188863-MS Sweet Spot Mapping in The Montney Tight Gas Reservoir
SPE-188863-MS Sweet Spot Mapping in The Montney Tight Gas Reservoir
SPE-188863-MS Sweet Spot Mapping in The Montney Tight Gas Reservoir
This paper was prepared for presentation at the Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference held in Abu Dhabi, UAE, 13-16 November 2017.
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A common goal in unconventional plays is to create a sweet spot map by integrating all available data,
including seismic data. This map could be utilized to optimize future drilling locations. Thus, in order
to establish the workflow, we conducted a sweet spot mapping study in the Lower Triassic Montney
tight gas play in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, specifically focusing on prediction of lateral
variations in condensate-gas ratio (CGR). A 3D geomodel was first created to obtain the 3D distribution
of reservoir quality and completion quality properties which are expected to be potentially correlated with
CGR. In the model, simultaneous AVO (Amplitude Variation with Offset) inversion results were fully
utilized by geostatistically integrating with the well log data. Typical SRV (Stimulated Reservoir Volume)
geometry in the study area was estimated from analysis using production data and microseismic data. For
each producing well, average values for the reservoir quality and completion quality properties within the
estimated SRV were obtained from the 3D geomodel to directly compare with the CGR value. Statistical
analysis including crossplot and multiple-regression analysis was conducted to investigate the effectiveness
of model properties as predictors of CGR. The analysis result implied that the reservoir depth and gas
content are the most dominant properties for predicting lateral variations in CGR at seismic-scale. The
reservoir depth is interpreted as a first-order control of thermal maturity and CGR. High gas content and low
CGR is also observed in areas of higher porosity, which may correspond to secondary migration pathways
for methane (Wood and Sanei, 2016); this is a second order control on gas content and CGR. Multiple-
regression analysis was perfomed to obtaine a formula that explains CGR distribution by using the most
effective combination of model properties. A CGR map was created by applying the established formula
to the entire study area. The map of predicted CGR is consistent with the measured CGR. The map will be
utilized for optimization of future drilling locations.
In most unconventional plays horizontal well locations are spaced regularly in order to geometrically fill the
license area, rather than taking into account lateral variations in geology. A common goal in unconventional
plays is to create a sweet spot map by integrating all available data including seismic data. This map could
be utilized to optimize future drilling locations. Although some techniques for sweet spot detection have
been proposed, seismic AVO inversion method is one of the most utilized methods (e.g., Johnson et al.,
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2012; Nieto et al., 2013). The studies correlated seismic-driven attributes with a sweet spot index such as
productivity. However, seismic data commonly have limitations. For example, seismic vertical resolution
is poorer compared to well logs, and seismic data quality can be affected by nearsurface heterogeneity
and gaps in data acquisition. Thus, it can be said that a common workflow of sweet spot detection using
seismic data was not yet established in unconventional plays. In conventional plays, geomodeling based on
a geostatistical approach is often conducted for several purposes such as estimating hydrocarbon volume
and understanding subsurface heterogeneity. Nevertheless, it is difficult to find published examples of
geomodeling using not only well log data but also seismic data for sweet spot detection in unconventional
plays. It is expected that geomodeling based on a geostatistical approach, using both well log and seismic
data provides better resolution in vertical and lateral directions than methods utilizing only well logs data or
seismic data. Thus, in order to establish a workflow based on a geostatistical approach, we conducted a sweet
spot mapping study in the Lower Triassic Montney tight gas play in the Western Canadian Sedimentary
Basin, specifically focusing on prediction of lateral variations in CGR.
Study area
The Lower Triassic Montney Formation is a prolific gas producer in the Western Canadian Sedimentary
Basin and straddles the Alberta - British Columbia border. In the tight gas fairway, the Montney Formation
is up to 320 m thick, composed primarily of siliciclastic sediments and divided into Upper, Middle, and
Lower Montney members (Davies et al., 1997). The Upper Montney member represents relatively proximal
deposition of coarse clastics on a shallow clastic ramp, in contrast to the Lower Montney member fine-
grained sediments which were deposited in a more distal, deeper-water setting (Wilson et al., 2012). The
Middle Montney member is described as a coquinal dolomite (Davies et al., 1997). As shown by Figure 1,
the study area is located at the center of the Montney tight gas fairway, an area that has been developed by
horizontal drilling and multistage fracturing.
Figure 1—Location of study area in Montney tight gas fairway, Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin (after Sekine et al., 2016).
Anomalous areal change in the liquid component of produced hydrocarbon gas, discordant with the
regional thermal maturity trend, has been observed in the Montney reservoir (Wood and Sanei, 2016;
Akihisa et al., 2017). As reported by Sanei et al. (2013), who investigated the characteristics of organic
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matter in the Montney Formation, hydrocarbons originally accumulated in the Montney reservoir as oil
and then thermally transformed to gas during further burial. The reservoir was then uplifted to the current
level, leaving solid bitumen and gaseous hydrocarbons within the siltstone and silty sandstone reservoir.
Wood and Sanei (2016) hypothesized that local CGR distribution was controlled by the up-dip migration
of thermogenic methane, along pathways that were possibly influenced by permeability variation.
These anomalous areal changes in CGR can also be observed in our study area. Figure 2 shows a bubble
map of the CGR of initially-produced hydrocarbon gas from 55 wells drilled into three different subzones
in the Upper Montney member. There is an area of lower CGR in the southeast corner of the study area.
In contrast, wells located in the central to north areas show larger CGR values. Furthermore, the lateral
variations in the liquid-richness can be observed in mud gas measurement data. Akihisa et al. (2017) used
the mud gas measurement data acquired in the same area as this study to investigate the effect of the drilling
process on the mud gas hydrocarbon concentration, and then confirmed the applicability of mud gas wetness
(Haworth et al., 1985) as a proxy for CGR. Their mud gas wetness map shows similar large lateral variations
as observed in Figure 2. It is desireable to predict lateral distribution of liquid-richness for optimal field
development, since it is a critical factor in the economics of gas production. Accordingly, this study aimed
to create a CGR prediction map in the Upper Montney member by using all available data.
Figure 2—Initial CGR values from 55 producing wells in the study area. The blue, light blue and
magenta circles represent the wells drilled into three different subzones in the Upper Montney member.
There are two types of properties that are expected to potentially correlate with gas productivity and its liquid
content: reservoir quality properties and completion quality properties (e.g., Glaser et al., 2014). Reservoir
quality properties including porosity, saturation and permeability have often been used for evaluating
the quality of conventional plays. On the other hand, completion quality properties are associated with
geomechanical properties such as Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio and its derived properties (brittleness
index, closure stress and so on). Because unconventional plays have been developed by hydraulic fracturing,
completion quality properties should be included in the list of potential properties. In the study area, the
mechanism controlling lateral CGR variation has not been fully confirmed, although some hypotheses were
proposed (e.g., Wood and Sanei, 2016). Therefore, we first derived distribution of as many potentially
relevant properties as possible, and then compared them to CGR values observed at the producing wells to
generate an equation that can predict lateral distribution in CGR.
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In the geomodeling process, well log analysis was first carefully conducted to obtain conditioned log data.
Rock physics modelling was also carried out by using the conditioned well log data to predict shear-sonic
data (Kato et al., 2014). After carefully applying data conditioning to prestack seismic data, simultaneous
AVO inversion was performed to obtain P- and S-wave velocities and density volumes. After time-depth
domain conversion, the seismic inversion results were geostatistically integrated with the well log data using
collocated co-kriging to obtain 3D volumes of the reservoir quality and completion quality properties. In
this paper we will select only two analyses (simultaneous AVO inversion and property modeling) to describe
in detail, because they are key analyses for sweet spot mapping.
Figure 3—Seismic stack section (a), predefined background model for P-wave velocity (b), S-wave
velocity (c) and density (d), and simultaneous AVO inversion result for P-wave velocity (e), S-wave
velocity (f) and density (g), respectively. Note that the seismic data was licensed from Seitel Inc. and TGS.
Figure 4—(a) Inversion result at the well location. Left, middle and right panels are P-, S-wave velocities
and density, respectively. The red and black solid curves represent the inversion results and actual well
logs, respectively. The light blue line represents the pre-defined background model. The dashed black
and dashed red curves represent the 95% confidence level of the background model and inversion result,
respectively.(b) Angle gather at the well location. Input gather data (left), synthetic gather derived from the
inversion result convolved with the angle-dependent wavelet (middle), and difference between them (right).
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Property Modeling
For modeling of reservoir quality and completion quality properties, a geomodel framework was first created
(Figure 5). Three seismic horizons (Montney top, mid and base) were used to define the Upper and Lower
Montney layers. The horizons were domain-converted from time to depth using a velocity model constructed
from well control. Well markers from 10 selected vertical wells were used for zoning within the layers. The
grid size was defined to be 30 m × 30 m in the horizontal direction and 5 m in vertical direction. Figure 5
shows the constructed model framework, which has 435 × 586 × 143 grid cells.
Figure 6 shows workflow of the property modeling. The AVO inversion results could be valuable
information for property modeling in the areas between existing wells. However, the AVO inversion
results also have some limitations, as already discussed. Thus, in order to overcome the limitations, we
geostatistically integrated the AVO inversion results with the well logs to derive new P- and S-wave
velocities and density volumes. Here, collocated co-kriging was adapted, in which well log data were used
as hard data and seismic inversion results were used as soft data. In the collocated co-kriging, we determined
the coefficient of the soft data, which represents the contribution from soft data to the property estimation.
The coefficient map was generated based on the observations of the AVO inversion results.
Figure 6—Workflow of property modeling. The solid arrows represent property modeling through simple
conversion, while the dashed arrows represent the geostatistical approach (collocated co-kriging).
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The coefficient in areas with good seismic quality was defined to be 0.6 (Upper Montney) and 0.4 (Lower
Montney) for P-wave velocity, 0.50 (Upper Montney) and 0.35 (Lower Montney) for S-wave velocity and
density. The coefficient was set to zero in area of poor quality seismic data such as the edges of the 3D
volume. The new P- and S-wave velocity and density volumes have higher resolution in the vertical direction
as compared to that of the original inversion results.
In an isotropic scenario, as is our assumption, two elastic constants such as Young's modulus and Poisson's
ratio can be derived from P- and S-wave velocities and density. Several expressions had been proposed as
a brittleness index in the literature. In this study brittleness index was derived from Young's modulus and
Poisson's ratio (Rickman et al., 2008) and used for further analysis. The minimum horizontal stress may
be an important property for evaluating productivity and hydrocarbon content, because it corresponds to
a resistant stress against the opening of fractures. In other words, fractures are more easily induced when
minimum horizontal stress is smaller. The minimum horizontal stress (σhmin) is expressed as bellow:
where v is Poisson's ratio, a is the Biot's coefficient and P is pore pressure. Vertical stress and tectonic
stress are represented by σv and σext, respectively. For calculation of the vertical stress, density volume
from ground surface to the Montney reservoir top was generated by using well log data along with the
seismic interpreted horizons. Also, the overburden density volume was merged with the reservoir density
volume. The vertical stress volume was created from the merged density volume along with gravitational
acceleration. A pore pressure 3D volume was created, assuming constant pore pressure gradient based
on Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing (DFIT) data. The minimum horizontal stress volume was finally
obtained from Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, pore pressure and vertical stress. Note that we made two
assumptions for the calculation using equation (1)). One is that the Biot's coefficient equals one. The other
assumption neglects tectonic stress, because it can be reasonably considered that lateral variation in the
tectonic stress is sufficiently small in the relatively small study area.
After modeling of completion quality properties, modeling of reservoir quality properties such as
porosity, water saturation and permeability was subsequently conducted. The analysis using the well log data
confirmed porosity has strong correlation with P-wave velocity in the Montney Formation. Thus, porosity
was modeled by collocated co-kriging, in which the volume of the P-wave velocity (high vertical resolution)
was used as soft data and the well sonic data were used as hard data. As reported by Wood (2013), bulk
volume water (BVW) correlates to porosity, particularly in the Upper Montney member. Following this
observation, BVW was modeled by collocated co-kriging, in which 3D volume of porosity was used as soft
data and the well data were used as hard data. Water saturation (Sw) was simply obtained from porosity
and BVW.
The past studies (Wood, 2013; Wood et al., 2015) conducted reservoir quality evaluation by using core-
and well log-data in the Montney Formation and derived a simple method for determining gas effective
permeability from well logs. Following their method, matrix absolute permeability, Kabs, based on the
modified Winland equation is expressed as follows:
where SSB is solid bitumen saturation and ϕ is porosity. Also, following Wood's (2013) equation based on
the special core analysis, relative gas permeability, Krg, is expressed as follows:
We used the above equations to derive 3D volumes for the properties associated with permeability from
water saturation, porosity and total organic carbon (TOC). Note that solid bitumen saturation, as an input
variable in the equation (2)), was obtained through the following step. TOC was first estimated from well
log data by using "Passey Delta Log Rt Method" (Passey et al., 1990). The estimation was calibrated with
core analysis data. Next, solid bitumen volume, VSB, was calculated from the estimated TOC along with a
representative value of solid bitumen density (1.30 g/cc) based on measurement data reported in the literature
(Okiongbo et al., 2005; Stankiewicz et al., 2015). Thus, solid bitumen saturation was derived from VSB and
porosity as follows:
where PhiT is total porosity. Note that kriging was used in the geomodeling for creating a 3D volume of
TOC. A list of the modelled reservoir quality and completion quality properties is shown in the left panel
of Figure 7. The generated 3D volumes of some of these properties are shown in the right side panel.
Figure 7—(Left) List of the reservoir quality and completion quality properties created
in through geomodeling and (Right) 3D volume of selected modeled properties.
extracted from the SRV geometry. Average values of the reservoir quality and completion quality properties
within the SRV-extracted volume were obtained for each producing well.
The average values of the reservoir quality and completion quality properties were compared to CGR
values recorded at initial production, as shown by Figure 9. The blue, light blue and magenta circles represent
the wells drilled into three different subzones. It can be observed that pore pressure has the strongest
correlation with CGR (R2=0.53), showing that CGR decreases with increasing pore pressure,and vice versa.
Minimum horizontal stress (Shmin), vertical stress (Sv) and gas content (Vgas) also show relatively-strong
correlations to CGR (Shmin. R2=0.46, Sv: R2=0.32 and Vgas: R2=0.29). Note that gas content is expressed as
Figure 9—Crossplot of reservoir quality and completion quality properties vs CGR. The CGR values are expressed in
logarithmic scale. The blue, light blue and magenta circles represent wells drilled into 3 different reservoir subzones.
Next, multiple linear regression analysis was performed to obtain an equation which can explain the
observed CGR value from reservoir quality and completion quality properties. Note that we assumed a
linear model, meaning CGR has a linear relation to the input variables. Individual candidate properties were
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successively added into the model or removed from the model on a trial and error basis. Adding or removing
a property was accepted or rejected based on the p-value of the F-test. The initial model was iteratively
updated through this process to obtain the final model that should have the minimum p-value. The final
model is as follows:
where a, b, c and d are constants. The statistical values are as follows:
(Intercept) 7.274e-16
Number of observations: 55
Error degrees of freedom: 51
R2: 0.737
Adjusted R2: 0.721
The selected variables in the final model are pore pressure, gas content and solid bitumen volume.
Pore pressure and gas content have very small p-values, implying they are important variables for CGR
prediction. Figure 10 shows a crossplot of the observed versus predicted CGR, in which the prediction was
obtained by applying the final model to the wells. The prediction is reasonably consistent with the measured
data (adjusted R2 of 0.721).
Figure 10—Crossplot of predicted vs observed CGR. The CGR values are expressed in logarithmic scale.
The blue, light blue and magenta circles represent wells drilled into three different reservoir subzones.
As previously discussed, we obtained a CGR prediction equation that was calibrated with measured data.
Therefore, since the 3D distribution of the input variables was already modeled, 3D distribution of CGR
can be generated by applying the equation to the modeled properties. Figure 11 shows the predicted average
CGR map in the uppermost subzone of the Upper Montney member. The map shows the lowest value in
the southeast area. Another distinguishing feature is a regional trend that shows a gradual increase in CGR
from south to north, leading to the maximum CGR-value in the north area in the study area. These features
are overall consistent with the observed CGR (Figure 2).
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Pore pressure and gas content were found to be as a predominant variable for CGR prediction. Here, we
will consider the geological meaning of the predominant variables. As already described, pore pressure was
assumed to have a linear relation with depth based on DFIT data. Thus, it can be said that CGR is correlated
with reservoir depth rather than pore pressure. In the study area, reservoir depth monotonically becomes
deeper from NNE to SSW, likely defining the regional maturity trend, and acting as the first order control on
CGR. In contrast, gas content (Vgas) is not associated with the regional maturity trend. As shown by Figure 9,
CGR decreases with increasing gas content, and vice versa. As described previously, Wood and Sanei (2016)
discussed the local CGR distribution based on gas composition data from numerous wells in the area. Based
on their hypothesis, the local CGR distribution and along-strike CGR variation was controlled by the up dip-
migration of thermogenic methane along pathways that were possibly influenced by permeability variation.
Based on horiztonal well cuttings and mud gas analysis, Akihisa et al. (2017) confirmed that permeability
was a controlling factor for up-dip methane migration, and that permeability is primarily controlled by solid
bitumen saturation. In our study, gas content was selected as the predominant variable corresponding to the
methane migration pathways suggested by Wood and Sanei (2016). Therefore, it can be concluded that our
study result is consistent with the methane migration hypothesis.
We conducted a sweet spot mapping study in the Lower Triassic Montney tight gas play in the Western
Canadian Sedimentary Basin, specifically focusing on prediction of lateral variations in CGR. A 3D
geomodel was first created to obtain the 3D distribution of reservoir quality and completion quality
properties which are expected to potentially correlate with CGR. We performed linearized AVO inversion to
simultaneously derive P- and S-wave velocities and density. The inversion results were fully utilized in the
property modeling process by geostatistically integrating with well log data. After defining SRV geometry,
average values of reservoir quality and completion quality properties were compared with observed CGR
at initial production. The statistical analysis result implied that the reservoir depth and gas content (Vgas) are
the most dominant properties for predicting lateral variations in CGR at seismic-scale. Multiple-regression
analysis was performed to obtain an equation that can explain the observed CGR. A predicted CGR map
was finally created by applying the equation to the entire study area. The predicted CGR map is consistent
with the actual CGR overall. The map defines features such as depth-controlled CGR increase from south
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to north, and very low CGR values in the southeast corner of the study area which correspond to an area
of up-dip methane migration. The predicted CGR map is expected to be utilized for optimization of future
drilling plans for the area between the existing wells, particularly in the northern area.
This study was conducted as part of a joint research project between Encana Corporation (Encana),
Cutbank Dawson Gas Resources Limited (CDGR) and Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation
(JOGMEC). The authors would like to thank all partners for permission to publish parts of the joint research
achievements. The authors would also like to thank the owners of the seismic data, Seitel Inc. and TGS, for
kindly permitting JOGMEC to use the data and publish the study results.
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