Code STAT Course Details
Code STAT Course Details
Code STAT Course Details
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 1
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Course Outline
Meaning of Descriptive and Inferential statistics. Population and Sample. Types of variables,
Measurement Scales. Sources of Statistical data in Pakistan. Description of data by frequency
tables and graphs. Stem and Leaf plots and Box plots. Measures of Central Tendency. A.M.
H.M. G.M., Mode, Median, Quantiles. Properties of Mean with proofs. Weighted Arithmetic
Mean. Empirical Relation between Mean. Median and Mode. Relative Merits and Demerits
of various averages. Measures of Dispersion: Absolute and Relative Measures, Range. Semi-
Inter Quartile Range, Mean Deviation, Variance, Standard Deviation. Coefficient of
Variation, Coefficient of Mean Deviation, Coefficient of Quartile Deviations, Properties of
Variance and Standard Deviation with proofs. Standardized variables, Moments, Moment
Ratios, Sheppards Correction, Kurtosis and Skewness.
Recommended Books
1. Chaudhry, S.M. & Kamal, S. (2010). Introduction to Statistical Theory Part I, Ilmi
Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
2. Wonnacott, T.H. and Wonnacott, R.J. (1998). Introductory Statistics, John Willy &
Sons, New York.
3. Clarke G. & Cooke D. (1998). A basic Course in Statistics, Arnold Publisher, London,
4th Edition.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 2
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 3
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
STAT‐103 Statistics‐II 3 II
Year Discipline
1 Statistics‐I,II,III, Mathematics‐II, Economics
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
STAT‐104 Statistics Lab‐II 1 II
Year Discipline
1 Statistics‐I,II,III, Mathematics‐II, Economics
Course Outline
Random experiments, sample space and events. Counting techniques. Definitions and axioms
of probability. Basic laws of probability. Independence of events. Bayes Theorem (proof and
required) and its application.
Recommended Books
1. Chaudhry, S.M. & Kamal, S. (2010). Introduction to Statistical Theory Part I, Ilmi
Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
2. Crawshaw, J and Chambers, J. (2001). A concise course in advanced level Statistics
with worked examples, Nelson Thornes, 4th Edition.
3. Graybill, Iyer & Burdick (1998). Applied Statistics, A first course in inference.
Prentice Hall, New Jersy.
4. Beg, M.A. and Mirza, M.D. (2006). Statistics, Theory and Methods, Volume I,
Carven Book House, Kutechery Road, Lahore.
5. Chase W. & Bown F. (1997). General Statistics, 3rd Edition, John Willy & Sons, New
6. Macfie, B.P. and Nufrio, P.M. (2006). Applied Statistics for public policy, Prentice
Hall of India.
7. Blumen (1997), Elementary Statistics, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 4
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 5
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 6
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Course Outline
Sampling designs of Simple random, Stratified, Systematic and Cluster sampling, Judgment
and Quota Sampling. Random Numbers and their uses in sampling. Advantages of sampling.
Statistical Inference
Nature of statistical inference, point and interval estimation of parameter, properties of point
estimator, confidence interval and its interpretation. Null and alternative hypothesis, simple
and composite hypothesis. Type I and Type II errors. Level of significance. P-value and
power of test (only concept and definition), Acceptance and rejection regions, one sided and
two sided tests, test procedure. Inference about single mean and difference between means
for paired and un-paired observations for small and large sample sizes. Inference about
proportion and difference between two proportions. Determination of sample size.
(Application of Normal distribution and t-distribution).
Introduction and application of F-distribution: test of hypothesis for equality of two variance.
Recommended Books
1. Chaudhry, S.M. & Kamal, S. (2010). Introduction to Statistical Theory Part II, Ilmi
Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
2. Macfie, B.P. and Nufrio, P.M. (2006). Applied Statistics for public policy, Prentice
Hall of India.
3. Crawshaw, J and Chambers, J. (2001). A concise course in advanced level Statistics
with worked examples, Nelson Thornes, 4th Edition.
4. Medhi, J. (1992). Statistical Methods: An Introductory text, New Age International
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 7
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 8
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Course Outline
Chi-square test of Independence, Chi square test of goodness of fit,
Chi-square test of homogeneity.
Recommended Books
1. Chaudhry, S.M. & Kamal, S. (2010). Introduction to Statistical Theory Part II, Ilmi
Kitab Khana, Urdu Bazar, Lahore.
2. Macfie, B.P. and Nufrio, P.M. (2006). Applied Statistics for public policy, Prentice
Hall of India.
3. Medhi, J. (1992). Statistical Methods: An Introductory text, New Age International
4. Beg, M.A. and Mirza, M.D. (2006). Statistics, Theory and Methods, Volume II,
Carven Book House, Kutechery Road, Lahore.
5. Crawshaw, J and Chambers, J. (2001). A concise course in advanced level Statistics
with worked examples, Nelson Thornes, 4th Edition.
6. Levin, J. and Fox, J.A. (2006). Elementary Statistics in Social Research, 10th edition,
Pearson Education.
7. Graybill, Iyer & Burdick (1998). Applied Statistics, A first course in inference.
Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
8. Moore D.S., McCabe G.R., (1997). Introduction to the Practice of Statistics, 3rd
Edition, Will Freeman & Co., New York.
9. Blumen (1997), Elementary Statistics, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York.
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Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 10
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 11
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Recommended Books:
1. Walpole, R. E. 1982. “Introduction to Statistics”, 3rd Ed., Macmillan Publishing Co.,
Inc. New York.
2. Muhammad, F. 2005. “Statistical Methods and Data Analysis”, Kitab Markaz,
Bhawana Bazar Faisalabad.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 12
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
STAT‐221 Probability and Statistics 3 IV
Year Discipline
2 Information Technology
This course is aimed to introduce the concept of statistics, randomness and probability and
build on these concepts to develop tools and techniques to work with random variables. The
following topics will be covered in this course: Introduction to Statistics, Descriptive
Statistics, Statistics in decision making, Graphical representation of Data Stem-and Lead plot,
Box- Cox plots, Histograms and Ogive, measures of central tendencies, dispersion for
grouped and ungrouped Data, Moments of frequency distribution; examples with real life, use
of Elementary statistical packages for explanatory Data analysis. Counting techniques,
definition of probability with classical and relative frequency, subjective approaches, sample
space, events, laws of probability. General Probability Distributions, Conditional probability,
Bayes theorem with application to Random variable (Discrete and continuous) Binomial,
Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial Distributions, Exponential Gamma and Normal
distributions, Regression and Correlation.
Text Book
Walpole, Introduction to Statistics, Prentice Hall, 1982, ISBN: 0024241504.
Reference Material:
G. Cowan G, Statistical Data Analysis, Clarendon, Oxford, 1998, ISBN13:
Mariano R, Advances in Statistical Analysis and Statistical Computing III, JAI Press,
Greenwich, Conn, 1993
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 13
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
Parametric and Nonparametric Tests
STAT‐301 3 V
Year Discipline
3 Statistics‐I,II,III
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
Parametric and Nonparametric Tests
STAT‐302 1 V
Year Discipline
3 Statistics‐I,II,III
Books Recommended
1. Dixon, W.J., and Massey, F.J. “Introduction to Statistical Analysis” McGraw-Hill
Company, New York, Fourth Edition, 1979.
2. Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie, J.H. “Introduction to Statistical Analysis” McGrow-Hill Book
Company, New York, Second Edition, 1980.
Reference Books
1. Larson, H.J. “Introduction to Probability Theory and Statistical Inference” John Wiley
and Sons, New York, Third Edition, 1982.
2. Wilcox, Rand R. “Fundamentals of modern Statistical methods”, Springer N.Y. 2001.
3. Vaidyanathan, M. “Latest Statistical Methods”, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi,
4. Aggarwal, Y.P. “Statistical Methods” Sterling publisher, New Delhi, 1998.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 14
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Course Outline
1. Concept of experiment. Planning of experiment. Design of experiment and its
terminology. Principles of experimental designs. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA).
Inference about means after ANOVA. Multiple comparison tests: LSD test,
Duncan’s test, Tukey’s test, Orthogonal contrast test, Scheffe’s Test,
2. Layout and analysis of Completely Randomized, Randomized Complete Block,
Latin Square and Graeco-Latin Square designs. Estimation of missing
observations. Relative efficiency of these designs. Fixed, Random and Mixed
effect models. Expected mean squares deviations. Partitioning of treatment and
error SS. Orthogonal Polynomials.
3. Covariance analysis for Completely Randomized, Randomized Complete Block
and Latin Square designs; single and double covariates.
Books Recommended
1. Cochran, W.C. and Cox, G.M. “Experimental Design” John Wiley and Sons,
New York, Second Edition, 1957.
2. Montgomery, D.C. ”The Design and Analysis of Experiments”. John Wiley and
Sons, New York, Fourth Edition, 1997.
3. John, J.A. and Quenoville, M.H. “Experiments and Analysis of Experiments”,
Charles Griffin & Co. London, Second Edition, 1977.
Reference Books
1. Kempthorone, O. & Hin Kelmann, K. “Design and Analysis of Experiments,
Vol.1”, John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994.
2. Barker, T.B. “Quality by Exp. Design”, Second Edition, 1994, Marcel Dekker,
Inc. New York.
3. Boniface, D.R., “Experiment Design and Statistical Methods for Behavioural and
Social Research”, Champman & Hall, London, First Edition, 1995.
4. Ostle, B. and Mensing, R.W. “Statistics in Research” The lowa State University
Press, New York, Second Edition, 1971.
5. Winer, B.J. “Statistical principles in Experimental Design”, McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, Second Edition, 1971.
6. Federer, W.T. “Experimental Design”. Macmillan Company, New York, 1955.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 15
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Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 16
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Sampling Techniques
Course Outline:
1. Sampling and non-sampling errors and their sources. Non-response and their sources.
Bias and sources of bias. Probability and Non-probability samples.
2. Simple random sampling. Estimation of mean, total, proportion and variance
Confidence limits, Determination of sample size. Inverse Sampling.
3. Stratified random sampling. Estimation of mean, total, proportion and variance.
Arbitrary, proportional and optimum allocations and their comparisons. Determination
of sample size. Effect of deviation from optimum allocation. Controlled and two way
selection. Gain in precision in stratified sampling as compared with simple random
sampling. Construction of strata.
4. Systematic sampling. Estimation of mean, total and variance. Systematic sampling
under stratification. Comparison of systematic, stratified and random sampling for
population with linear trend. Population in random order. Periodic variations.
Books Recommended
1. Cochran, W.G. “Sampling Techniques” John Wiley and Sons, New York, Third Edition,
2. Raj. D., “Sampling Theory” Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971.
3. Singh, D. Chaudhry F.S. “Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey Designs”, Wiley
Eastern Limited, New Dehli, India, 1986.
Reference Books
1. Fuller, Wayne A. “Sampling Statistics” John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2009.
2. Brewer, K. “Combined Survey Sampling Inference” Oxford University Press, New
York, 2002.
3. Raj, D. “Design of Sample Survey” Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971.
4. Kish, L. “Survey Sampling” John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1965.
5. Som, R.K. “A Manual of Sampling Techniques” Heinemaan Educational Books Limited,
London, 1973.
6. Sukhatme, P.V. and Sukhatme, B.V., Sukhatme, S. and Asok, C. “Sampling Theory of
Surveys with Applications” Iowa State University Press, Ames, IOWA. Third Edition,
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 17
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
STAT‐307 Probability Theory (Theory) 3 V
Year Discipline
3 Statistics‐I,II,III
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
STAT‐308 Probability Theory (Lab) 1 V
Year Discipline
3 Statistics‐I,II,III
Probability Theory
Course Outline
Probability. Kinds of probability. Conditional probability and independence. Total probability
and Bayes theorem. Random variables. Distribution function, probability function and
probability density function. Moments, factorial moments and cumulants. Probability
generating function. Moments generating function. Cumulant generating function. Chebyshev
inequality, Univariate distributions: Discrete uniform, binomial, hyper-geometric,
multinomial, Poisson, geometric, negative binomial distributions.
Books Recommended
1. Hogg. R.V. and Craig, A.T., “Introduction to Mathematical Statistics” Prentice-Hall
International, Inc. Engle Wood Cliffs, N.T., Fifth Edition, 1995.
2. Mood, A.M., Graybill, F.A. and Bloes, D.C. “Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
“McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, Third Edition, 1974.
Reference Books
1. J. Susan Milton and Jesse C. Arnold, “Introduction to probability and statistics”,
McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Sheldon, M. Ross, “Introduction to probability modes”, Academic press, 2003.
3. Dudewicz, E.J. and Misra, S.N. “Modern Mathematical Statistics” John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1988.
4. Hogg. R.V. and Tanis, E.A. “Probability and Statistical Inference” McMillan
Publishing Company, New York, Forth Edition, 1993.
5. Stuart, A. and Ord, J.K. “Kendall’s Advanced Theory of Statistics Vol.-I” Edward
Arnold, London, Sixth Edition, 1994.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 18
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Semester
STAT‐309 Statistical Computer Packages 2 V
Year Discipline
3 Statistics‐I,II,III
Statistical Computer Packages
Course Outline
Introduction to Computer and Windows, Introduction to SPSS, Starting SPSS, How to exit
from SPSS, Different windows in SPSS, Data Entry in SPSS: Defining a variable, Entering
data, Saving data file, Defining Value Labels, Computing frequencies, Computing the new
variables, Selection of cases, Defining Date Variable, Defining weights variable, Recoding
and categorizing the existing variables, Categorizing the variables, Ranking the cases,
Defining the missing values, Replacing the missing values, Creating a time series, Exploring
the variable.
Finding descriptive statistics, Editing Output., Cross tabulation and measures of association,
Entering a Cross-tabulated data, Graphs for variables and cross-tabulated variables, Merging
and Splitting files, Bar Chart, Pie Chart, Histogram, and Historigram.
Box plot, P-P plot, Q-Q plot, One sample t-test, Independent Samples t-test, Paired samples t-
test, Parametric statistical inference (one sample, Two sample, More than two sample).
Scatter Diagram, Correlation, Partial Correlation, and Regression Analysis: Simple and
Multiple regressions, Non-Parametric Tests, Test of inference about proportions (one &
several), Computing probability distribution and distribution functions.
Recommended Books:
1. Discovering Statistics by using SPSS. 3rd ed. Any Field.
2. Ho, Robert (2006), Handbook of Univariate and Multivariate Data Analysis and
Interpretation with SPSS, Chapman and Hall/CRC.
3. Kirkpatrick, L.A. and Feeney, B.C. (2001), A Simple Guide to SPSS for Windows,
Wadsworth: Thompson Learning.
4. George, D. and Mallery, P. (1999), SPSS for Windows: Step by Step, Allyn and Bacon.
5. Brace, N., Kemp, R. and Snelgar, R. (2003), SPSS for Psychologists: 2nd Edition,
Palgrave and Macmillan.
6. Statistics for researchers.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 19
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Course Outline
1. Factorial experiments and its advantages. pxq Factorial in Randomized Complete Block
designs. 2nd series Factorial experiments. Linear and quadratic components of main
effects and interactions. 3rd series Factorial experiments.
2. Confounding, its types and its advantages. Complete and partial confounding in 2nd
3. Fractional replication. Quasi-Latin squares.
4. Split-plot designs and Split-split plot designs.
5. Balanced incomplete and Partially Balanced incomplete block designs. Comparison of
Incomplete Block design with Randomized Complete Block design. Youden Squares.
Books Recommended
1. Cochran, W.C. and Cox, G.M. “Experimental Design”, John Wiley and Sons, New
York, Second Edition, 1957.
2. Montgomery, D.C. “The Design and Analysis of Experiments”, John Wiley and Sons,
New York, Fourth Edition, 1997.
3. John, J.A. and Quenoville, M.H. “Experiments Design and Analysis”, Second Edition,
Charles Griffin & Co. London, 1977.
Reference Books
1. Kempthorone, O. & Hin Kelmann, K. “Design and Analysis of Experiments, Vol.1”,
John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1994.
2. Barker, T.B. “Quality by Exp. Design”, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York, Second
Edition, 1994.
3. Boniface, D.R., “Experiment Design and Statistical Methods for Behavioural and Social
Research”, Chapman & Hall, London. First Edition, 1995.
4. Ostle, B. and Mensing, R.W. “Statistics in Research”, The lowa State University Press,
Third Edition, 1975.
5. Winer, B.J. “Statistical Principles in Experimental Design”. McGraw-Hill Book
Company, New York, Second Edition, 1971.
6. Federer, W.T. “Experimental Design”, Macmillan Company, New York, 1955.
7. Graybill, F.A. “An Introduction to Linear Statistical Models, Vol.1” McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York, 1961.
8. Heath, D. “An Introduction to Experimental Design and Statistics for Biology”, UCI
Press, London, second edition, 1996.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 20
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 21
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Books Recommended
1. Cochran, W.G. “Sampling Techniques” John Wiley & Sons, New York, Third Edition,
2. Raj. D., “Sampling Theory” Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971.
3. Singh, D. Chaudhry F.S. “Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey Designs”, Wiley
Eastern Limited, New Dehli, India, 1986.
Reference Books
1. Fuller, Wayne A. “Sampling Statistics” John Wiley and Sons, New Jersey, 2009.
2. Brewer, K. “Combined Survey Sampling Inference” Oxford University Press, New
York, 2002.
3. Raj, D. “Design of Sample Survey” Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1971.
4. Kish, L. “Survey Sampling” John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1965.
5. Som, R.K. “A Manual of Sampling Techniques” Heinemaan Educational Books Limited,
London, 1973.
6. Sukhatme, P.V. and Sukhatme, B.V., Sukhatme, S. and Asok, C. “Sampling Theory of
Surveys with Applications” Iowa State University Press, Ames, IOWA. Third Edition,
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 22
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Multivariate Techniques
Course Outline:
Review of matrix algebra, Notions of multivariate distributions. The multivariate normal
distribution and its properties. Linear compound and linear combinations. Estimation of the
mean vector and the covariance matrix. The Wishart distribution and its properties. The joint
distribution of the sample mean vector and the sample covariance matrix.
Books Recommended
1. Johnson, R.A., & Wichern, D.W. (2008). Applied multivariate statistical analysis,
Pearson Education: Singapore.
2. Anderson, T.W. (2003). An introduction to multivariate statistical analysis (3rd ed.).
John Wiley & Sons: New York.
3. Chatfield, C. & Collins, A.J. (1980). Introduction to multivariate analysis. Chapman
and Hall: London.
4. Morrison, D.F. (1990). Multivariate statistical methods (3rd ed.). McGraw Hill
Publishing Co.: New York.
Reference Books
1. Kandall, M.G., & Stuart, A. (1983). The advanced theory of statistics (4th ed.). Charles
Griffin and Company: London.
2. Rao, C.R. (1973). Linear statistical inference and its applications (2nd ed.). John Wiley
and Sons: New York.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 23
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Probability Distributions
Course Outline
Continuous distributions: continuous uniform, normal, exponential, gamma, beta, lognormal,
Weibull, Pareto and Cauchy distributions and their properties.
Books Recommended
1. Hogg. R.V. and Craig, A.T., “Introduction to Mathematical Statistics” Prentice-Hall
International, Inc. Engle Wood Cliffs, N.T., Fifth Edition, 1995.
2. Mood, A.M., Graybill, F.A. and Bloes, D.C. “Introduction to the Theory of Statistics
“McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, Third Edition, 1974.
Reference Books
1. J. Susan Milton and Jesse C. Arnold, “Introduction to probability and statistics”,
McGraw Hill, 2003.
2. Sheldon, M. Ross, “Introduction to probability modes”, Academic press, 2003.
3. Dudewicz, E.J. and Misra, S.N. “Modern Mathematical Statistics” John Wiley and
Sons, New York, 1988.
4. Hogg. R.V. and Tanis, E.A. “Probability and Statistical Inference” McMillan
Publishing Company, New York, Forth Edition, 1993.
5. Stuart, A. and Ord, J.K. “Kendall’s Advanced Theory of Statistics Vol.-I” Edward
Arnold, London, Sixth Edition, 1994.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 24
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Books Recommended
1. Lipschutz, M.M. Lipschuts S. “Theory and Problems of Data Processing”. Schaum’s
outline series. McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
2. Lipschutz., AS. And Poc., A. “Theory and Problems of Programming with FORTRAN”.
Schaum’s out line series, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.
3. Salaria R.S. “Programming in Microsoft FORTRAN 77”, BPB Publications, New Delhi,
India, 1994.
Reference Books
1. Fouri, W.M. Gaughran, S.L and Fouri, M. “IBM FORTRAN 77: Elements of
Programming Style” 1986, Hayden Book Company.
2. Zwoss, V. “Introduction to Computer Science” 1981, Braves and Noble Books, New
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 25
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Course Objectives
This course is designed to train the students in theoretical as well as applied statistics with
particular reference to psychology. The statistical analysis is a very essential part of
psychological research and students need to grasp the concepts, theoretical rational of use of
certain statistical analysis and also to learn to carry out these analyses.
Course Contents
Defining Statistics
Descriptive and Inferential Statistics.
Scales of Measurement
Importance of Statistics in Psychology
Defining Probability,
Subjective Empirical And Classical Probability.
Laws of Probability.
Permutation and Combination.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 26
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Recommended Books
o Alder, H.L. & Accsstes, E.B. Introduction to Probability and Statistics. San Francisco:
o and Company. New York.
o Howell, D. 1999. Fundamental Statistics for Behavioral Sciences. 4th Edition
o Howell, D. 2002. Statistical Methods for Psychology. 5th Edition. Luxury Press.
o Downic, N.M. & Heath, R.W. Basic statistical Methods. New York: Harcourt Brace
o Jakanovich
o Fergusan, G. A. & Takane, Y. 1969. Statistical Analysis in Psychology and
Education (6th ed.).
o McGraw Hill.
o Freund , J.E. Modern Elementary Statistics. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
o Garrett H.T.& Woodworth, R.S. Statistics in Psychology and Education ,
o Guilford, J.P. & Fruchter, B. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education.
o Kinnear & Gray 1994. SPSS for Windows Made Simple. 3rd Edition Psychology
o McClane J. T. 2000. A First Course in Statistics 7th Edition. Prentice Hall
o Moore, D. S. & McCabe, G. P. 1998 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics. 3rd
o New York: Longmans.
o Siegel , S. Non-Parametric Statistics. New York: McGraw Hill.
o Sinha, B. J. 2000. Encyclopedia of Statistics, Psychology and Education. Anmol
o Terry Sircich Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
o Winer,S.B. Statistical Principles in Experimental Design. McGraw Hill Book
Company. N.Y.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 27
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
Course Objectives
Students would have already completed basic computer skills course. This course is
designed to enhance their competence in using computers for data analysis and literature
search. At the end of course the students will be able to analyze data using SPSS and use
psychological search engines.
Course Contents
Doing Online Literature Search Using search Engines: Yahoo, Google, Alta Vista
a. Using Data bases: Science Direct, Ebscohost, Black Synergy, Psychinfo, Medical Index
b. How to make on line search effective.
Recommended Books
o Kinear, P.R., & Gray, C.D. (1994). SPSS for windows made simple. Hove, East
Sussex: Erlbaum Publishers.
o Maran, R. (1995). Windows 95 simplified. Foster City, C.A: IDG Books Worldwide,
o Maran, R., & Wing, K. (1997). Teach yourself word 97. Foster City, C.A: IDG Books
worldwide, Inc.
o Nelson, K.Y. (1996). Windows 95 is driving me crazy. Berkeley, CA: Peach pit Press.
o Person, R. (1993). Using Excel Version 5 for windows. Indianapolis: Que
This is a training course, which will be conducted in computer lab with guided instructions
and practical work during each class.
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 28
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
This course is designed to train the students in theoretical as well as applied statistics with
particular reference to psychology. The statistical analysis is a very essential part of
psychological research and students need to grasp the concepts, theoretical rational of use of
certain statistical analysis and also to learn to carry out these analyses.
At the completion of course the students should be able to:
Carry out statistical techniques of data analyses according to the hypotheses been formulated.
Interpret and discuss statistical results and present them in graphic and table form as well as
able to report results in text form.
Course Contents
Testing Hypotheses.
Null and Alternative Hypotheses
Acceptance And Rejection Regions
One Tailed & Two Tailed Tests
Type One and Type Two (I & II) Errors
Level of Significance
Testing The Hypotheses About Mean and Difference Between Means both Small And Large
Samples. (T & Z Tests)
Analysis of Variance, One Way and two way analysis of variance
Recommended Books
o Alder, H.L. & Accsstes, E.B. Introduction to Probability and Statistics. San
Francisco: Froeman and Company. New York.
o Howell, D. 1999. Fundamental Statistics for Behavioral Sciences. 4th Edition
o Howell, D. 2002. Statistical Methods for Psychology. 5th Edition. Luxury Press.
o Downic, N.M. & Heath, R.W. Basic statistical Methods. Harcourt Brace &
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 29
BS (4 Years) for Affiliated Colleges
o New York
o Fergusan, G. A. & Takane, Y. 1969. Statistical Analysis in Psychology and
Education 6th Edition .McGraw Hill.
o Freund , J.E. Modern Elementary Statistics. New Jersey, Prentice Hall.
o Garrett H.T.& Woodworth, R.S. Statistics in Psychology and Education ,
o Guilford, J.P. & Fruchter, B. Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education.
o Kinnear & Gray 1994. SPSS for Windows Made Simple. 3rd Edition Psychology
o McClane J. T. 2000. A First Course in Statistics 7th Edition. Prentice Hall
o Moore, D. S. & McCabe, G. P. 1998 Introduction to the Practice of Statistics. 3rd
o New York: Longmans.
o Siegel , S. Non-Parametric Statistics. New York: McGraw Hill.
o Sinha, B. J. 2000. Encyclopedia of Statistics, Psychology and Education. Anmol
o Terry Sircich Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.
o Winer, S.B. Statistical Principles in Experimental Design. McGraw Hill Book
Company. N.Y.
Lectures, Tutorials, student presentations, class discussions, invited lectures
Center for Undergraduate Studies, University of the Punjab 30
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
Course Outline
Point esstimation, problem
p of estimation. Properties of a good estimatorr: Unbiaseddness,
Consistenncy, Efficiiency and Sufficiencyy. Mean-sqquared erroor. Consisteency and Best
asymptottically norm
mal estimator. Minimal sufficient statistics.
s Jooint sufficienncy. Exponeential
family. Sufficiency
S and Comppleteness. Cramer-Rao inequality. Minimum Variance Bound B
estimatorrs. Rao-Blaackwell andd Lehmann--Sheffe theoorems. Uniformly Minnimum Varriance
Unbiasedd estimatorss. Joint com mpleteness. Location innvariant andd scale-invaariant estimaators.
Pitman estimators forr location annd scale.
mended Book
Recomm ks:
Reference Books:
• Lindgrind, B.W. “Statistical Theory” Macmillan Publishing Company, New York, Third
Edition, 1976.
• Stuart, A. and Ord, J.K. “Kendalls Advanced Theory of Statistics, Vol-2, Edward Arnold,
London, Fifth Edition, 1991.
• Spanos. A “Probability theory and Statistical Inference” Cambridge University Press, 1999.
• Welsh, A.H. “Aspects of Statistical Inference” John Wiley, 1996.
• Freund, J.E. “Mathematical Statistics” Sixth Edition, 1999.
• Kale, B.K. “a first course on parametric inference” Narosa, India, 1999.
• Hagan, A. “Kendall’s Advanced theory of Statistics Vol.2B; Baysian inference” Arnold,
U.K. 1994.
BS (4 Years) forr Affiliated Colleges
Course Outline
1. E
2. Simple Linea
ar regressioon
Ordinaryy least squaares methodd; assumptioons and estiimation. Maaximum likkelihood meethod;
assumptiions and esttimation, Prooperties of OLS and ML M estimatorrs. Partitionn of total suum of
squares. Sampling diistribution of sum of squuares, Testinng of hypothheses confideence intervals for
the param
meters and Linear
L combbinations of parameter.
p C
Comparison of simple liinear regresssions,
Chow tesst.
3. G
General Lineear regressiion
Ordinaryy least squaares methodd; assumptioons and estiimation. Maaximum likkelihood meethod;
assumptiions and esttimation prooperties of OLS
O and ML
M estimatorrs. Partition of total suum of
o sum of squuares, Testinng of hypothheses for thee single, all some
squares. Sampling diistribution of
any paraameters, Lineear combinaations of parrameters. Coomparison of
o general liinear regresssions,
Chow tesst. Gauss Maarkov’s theorem.
4. O
Other topics
Stepwisee regression, Ridge regreession, GLR R partitioned form: Estim mator & testinng of hypothhesis,
Use of exxtraneous infformation inn linear regreession. Restrricted least squares estim
Recommended Books:
• Gujrati, D. “Basic Econometrics”, McGraw Hill Book Company, Third Edition, 1995.
• Johnston, J. “Econometric Methods”, McGraw-Hill Book Company, Third Edition, 1985.
• Koutsoyiannis, A. “Theory of Econometrics”, Macmillan Press Ltd., Hong Kong, 1979.
• Maddala, G.S. “Introduction to Econometrics”, John Wiley, India, Third Edition, 2005.
• Ramanathan, R. “Introductory Econometrics with Applications”, South-Western Thomson
Learning, USA, Fifth Edition, 2002.
Reference Books
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Sem
STAT-4005 C++ Computer Proggramming Laanguage 3 V
(Paper: Theory & Practical equaal marks)
Year Disciplinne
4 Statisticcs
Course Outline
Introducttion to C-Lan
nguage, Bassic Data typees, Input, Ouutput and Forrmat. Decisiion making in i C-
Language, Branching g and Loopinng. Arrays, Strings,
S Poinnters, Structuure and Unioon. Functionns
and Conccepts of Filin
ng. Introducttion to Macrros, buildingg of projects and librariess.
mended Book
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
Course Outline
mended Book
Recomm ks:
• Salannt, P. and Dillaman, D.AA. “How to conduct yourr own surveyy”, John Wiley and Sonss, Inc.
• Goodde, W. J. and d Hatt, P. K.
K “Methods in Social Research”,
McGraw-Hill Book Comppany,
• Gupta, S. “Reseaarch Methoddology and Statistical Techniques”
T , Deep & Deep
D Publicaation,
New Delhi, 1997 7.
• Dalemmius T. “Eleements of Suurvey Sampling” SAREC C, Stockholmm, 1985.
Reference Books
• Grosh, Margaret, “Designing Household Survey Questionnaires for Developing Countries”,
World Bank, New Age Int. 1999.
• Kish, Leslie, “Survey sampling”, Wiley 1995.
• Barnett Vic, “Sample Survey”, Arnold London, 2002.
• Gupta S. “Research Methodology and Statistical techniques” Deep & Deep Pub. New Delhi
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
Code Subject Title Cr. Hrs Sem
STAT- 4007 Statisticcal Inference-II (Theory)) 3 VIIII
Year Disciplinne
4 Statisticcs
Course Outline
Method ofo momentss. Maximum m likelihood method andd its propertties. Methodd of least squares
and its properties. Ordered
O leastt squares esttimation of location
l andd scale param
meters. Miniimum
chi-squarre method.
Interval estimation. Confidence interval andd its interprretation. Onee-sided conffidence interrvals.
Methods of finding confidence intervals.
i Piivotal quantiity method. Confidence intervals foor the
mean annd variance. Confidencee region forr the mean and variancce. Large-saample confiddence
intervals.. Bayesian in
nterval estim
mates. Shorteest sets of coonfidence inttervals.
Tests of Hypothesess. Simple annd compositee hypotheses. Power fuunction. Sizee and powerr of a
test. Randomized and d Non-randoomized tests.. Most poweerful tests. Neyman-Pear
N rson lemma. Loss
function and Risk function. Bayes test. Generalized
G likelihood-rratio tests. Uniformly most
powerfull unbiased test.
t Monotoone likelihoood ratio testts of hypothheses. Sequeential probaability
ratio test. Approximaate sequentiaal probabilityy ratio test. Average
A sam
mple numberr.
mended Book
• Hoggg, R.V., & Craig, A.T T. (1995). Introductionn to mathem matical stattistics (5th ed.).
MacM Millan: Neww York.
• Moodd, A.M., Graaybill, F.A., & Boes, D.C
C. (1974). Inntroduction to
t the theoryy of statisticss (3rd
ed.). McGraw-Hiill: New Yorrk.
• Levyy, P.S., & Lemeshow, S. (2008). Sammpling of populations: Methods
M and applicationss (4th
ed.). John Wiley:: New York.
• Lehmann, E.L., & Casella, G. (1998). Theory of point estimation (2nd ed.). Springer: New
• Rao, C.R. (2001). Linear statistical inference and its applications (2nd ed.). John Wiley: New
• Hoel, P.G. (1984). Introduction to mathematical statistics (5th ed.). John Wiley: New York.
Reference Books
• Hogg, R.V., & Tanis, E.A. (2005). Probability and statistical inference (7th ed.). Prentice
Hall: New Jersey.
• Lindgren, B.W. (1993). Statistical theory (4th ed.). Chapman and Hall: New York.
• Kendall, M., Stuart, A., & Ord, J.K. (1991). Kendall’s advanced theory of statistics, Vol. 2:
Classical Inference and relationship (5th ed.). Oxford University Press: New York.
• Spanos, A. (1999). Probability theory and statistical inference. Cambridge University Press:
• Welsh, A.H. (1996). Aspects of statistical inference (1st ed.). John Wiley: New York.
• Miller, I., & Miller, M. (1998). John E. Freund’s mathematical statistics (6th ed.). Prentice
Hall: New Jersey.
• Kale, B.K. (2005). A first course on parametric inference (2nd ed.). Narosa: New Dehli.
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
Course Outline
mended Book
Recomm ks:
• Gujraati, D. “Basic Econometrrics”, McGraw Hill Boook Company, Third Editiion, 1995.
• Johnsston, J. “Eco
onometric Methods”,
M MccGraw-Hill Book
B Compaany, Third Edition,
E 19855.
• Koutsoyiannis, A.A “Theory of Econometrrics”, Macm millan Press Ltd.,
L Hong Kong,
K 1979.
• Madddala, G.S. “Introduction to Economeetrics”, John Wiley, India, Third Edition, 2005.
• Ramaanathan, R. “Introductoory Economeetrics with Applications
A s”, South-W
Western Thom mson
Learnning, USA, Fifth
F Editionn, 2002.
Reference Books:
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
de Sub
bject Title C Hrs
Cr. Semester
STAT--411 Tim
me Series Anaalysis-I 3 VII
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Stattistics
Course Outline
1. Inntroduction to time serries, time series analyssis, Objectivves of timee series anaalysis,
Componeents of time series, tim me series plots,
p time series
s and stochastic
s processes, sppecial
features of
o time seriees data, meaans, variancee, auto-covaariance, auto-correlation and partial auto-
correlatioon for samplle time seriess data.
3. Probability Models
M for Tiime Series: Stochastic processes
p andd stationary processes, useful
stochastic processes, purely randdom process,, random waalk, moving average process, Stationnarity
and Invvertibility of moving average models, m autoo-regressive process, Stationarity and
invertibillity of auto--regressive models,
m Duuality betweeen moving average andd auto-regreessive
models, Principle
P off parsimony, Recursion rule
r for ACV VF and ACF F of auto-regressive proocess,
Yule-Waalker equatio ons for auto--regressive process,
p Mixxed ARMA models,
m movving averagee and
auto-regrressive repreesentations of
o mixed AR RMA modelss, Models forr Non-stationnary Time series,
Box-Jenkkins Integrrated ARIIMA modeels,: Statioonarity thrrough diffe ferencing, other
mations. Gen neral linear processes
p andd continuouss processes.
mended Bo
Recomm ooks:
• Chatffield, C. (20003). The anaalysis of time series: An introductionn (6th ed.). Chapman
C & Hall:
• Wei, W. (1990). Time series analysis: Unnivariate andd multivariaate methods. Addison-W Wesley
publiishing compaany, Inc.
• Box, G.E.P., Jen nkins, G.M. & Reinsel, G.C. (2004)). Time seriies analysis: Forecastingg and
contrrol (3rded.). Holden-daykk: San Franccisco.
• Brockkwell, P.J., & Davis, R.A. (2002). Introduction
I to time seriies and foreccasting. (2ndded.).
Sprinnger: New York.
Reference Books
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
de Sub
bject Title C Hrs
Cr. S
STAT--412 Opeeration Reseaarch 3 VII
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Stattistics
Course Outlines
Definitioon and natu ure of Operrations Research (OR)). Phases of an OR study.s Modeeling,
constrainnts, objectivve and critterion. Probblem formuulation. Deccision Variables, Objeective
function,, Constraintss Model building approach to problem solving. Types
T of models available for
OR. Deeterministic models, Stochastic Models.
M Exaamples of Models. Example
E off OR
mended Book
Recomm ks
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
de Sub
bject Title C Hrs
Cr. Semester
STAT--413 Tim
me Series Anaalysis-II 3 VIII
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Stattistics
Course Outline
1. M
Model Buildiing, various stages of model
m buildinng, Identificcation of moodel from saample
time series, steps for
f model identificationn, estimating the auto--covariance, auto-correllation
function and partial auto-correlaation functionn, pattern off theoretical ACF and PACF as a toool of
model iddentification.
2. E
Estimating th
he parameteers of an auuto-regressivve model, estimating
e thhe parameteers of
moving average,
a Bacck casting, dual
d estimatiion, mixed ARMA
A model and integrrated model. The
Box-Jenkkins seasonaal model. Model
M diagnoostics; Residdual analysiss, over fittinng and param
redundanncy, portmannteau tests. Model
M selecttion criteria, AIC, BIC.
3. Forecasting: Univariate
U p
procedures, M
Minimum m
mean square estimate of forecast, forrecast
weights, mean, variaance and forrecast limits for forecasst, forecast error,
e minim
mum mean sqquare
forecast error, struccture of minnimum meaan square forecast
f erroor. Multivarriate proceddures,
comparisson of forecaasting proceddures. Predicction theory..
Books Recommende
R ed
Referencce Books
• Hamilton, & James, D. (1994). Time series analysis. Princeton University Press: New Jersey.
• Chatfield, C. (2000). Time series forecasting .Chapman & Hill/CRC: New York.
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
de Sub
bject Title C Hrs
Cr. Semester
STAT--414 Mulltivariate An
nalysis 3 VIII
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Stattistics
Course Outline
mended Book
Recomm ks:
• Johnsson, R.A., & Wichern, D.W. (20088). Applied multivariatee statistical analysis.
a Peaarson
Education: Singaapore.
• Andeerson, T.W W. (2003). An intrroduction to multivvariate stattistical anaalysis
(3rd ed.).
e John Wiley
W & Sonss: New Yorkk.
• Rencher, A.C. (2 2002). Methoods of multiivariate anallysis (2nd edd). John Willey & Sons: New
• Tabachnick, B.G G., & Fidell, L.S. (20066). Using multivariate
m statistics (5tth ed.). Allyyn &
Bacon: Boston.
• Bhuyyan, K.C. (20008). Multivvariate analyysis and its applications.
a New Centrral Book Ageency:
• Chatffield, C., & Collins, A..J. (1980). Introduction
I to multivarriate analysiis. Chapmann and
Hall: London.
Referencce Books
BS (4 Ye
ears) for A
Affiliated Co
de Sub
bject Title C Hrs
Cr. S
STAT--415 Tota
al Quality Management
Yeaar Disccipline
4 Stattistics
Course Outlines
Statisticaal Process Co
ontrol: Statisstical Controol Charts, Statistical basiis of the Conntrol Chart, Steps
in the deevelopment of control charts,
c Types of controll charts, Proocess Capabiility. Acceptance
Samplingg: Lot by lo ot Acceptannce Samplinng for attribbutes. Typess of Samplinng Plans. Single S
Samplingg Plans: Construction of OC-currve, Rectifyying Inspecttion. Doublle and Muultiple
Samplingg Plans.
Quality Management
M t Systems: ISO
I 9000 Seeries of Stanndards: Requuirements, Im
mplementation &
Benefits. Environmeental Managgement Systeem: ISO 144000 series of o Standards: Requiremments,
Implementation and Benefits.
Books Recommende
R ed
• Besteerfield, D.H
H., Michna, C.B., Besteerfield, G.H.. & Sacre, M.B. (20033). Total Quuality
Manaagement (3rd d ed.). Pearson Educatioon.
• James, P. (1996)..Total quality managemeent. Prenticee Hall.
• Monttgomery, D.C. (2009). Statistical
Quality Conttrol (6th ed.)). John Wileey & Sons, New
Reference Books
• Evans, J.R. & Lindsay, W.M. (2005). The Management and Control of Quality (6th ed.).
Thomson South-Western.
• Oakland, J.S. (2003). Total Quality Management (3rd ed.). Butterworth-Heinemann.
• Grant, E.L. & Leaven-worth, R.S. (1996). Statistical Quality Control Handbook (7th ed.).
McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.