Hespiridin PDF
Hespiridin PDF
Hespiridin PDF
ISSN 2249-3522
International Journal
of Research in
Pharmacy and Science
Research Article
INTRODUCTION family Hesperides, and was given the name hesperidin. Its
presence was detected in lemons by Pheffer as early as 18743 5.
There is great demand for herbal medicine in the developed as Hesperidin is believed to play a role in plant defense. It acts as
well as developing countries like India, because of their wide an antioxidant according to in vitro studies. In humans it
biological activities, higher safety of margin than the synthetic contributes to the integrity of the blood vessels. Hesperidin
drugs and lesser costs1. Plants have played a significant role in reduced cholesterol and blood pressure in rats. In a mouse study
maintaining human health and improving the quality of human large doses of the glucoside hesperidin decreased bone density
life for thousands of years, and have served humans as well as loss 6. Another animal study showed protective effects against
valuable components of seasonings, beverages, cosmetics, dyes, sepsis. Hesperidin has anti-inflammatory effects. A number of
and medicines. Consumption of fruit and vegetables, as well as researchers have examined the antioxidant activity and radical
grains, has been strongly associated with reduced risk of scavenging properties of hesperidin using a variety of assay
diseases2. systems. The current literature highlights that hesperidin exerts,
efficiently, an attenuating effect on the progression of
Natural products are organic compound that are formed by
hyperglycemia and also on some diabetes-induced
living system. The elucidation of their structure, chemistry,
complications in rat brain7.
synthesis and biosynthesis are major areas of chemistry.
Phytochemistry or the chemistry of natural products may be Importance of Hesperidin
strategically placed somewhere in between natural product,
organic chemistry and plant biochemistry. In fact it is intimately Hesperidin, an abundant and inexpensive bioflavonoid in
related to the above two discipline 3. However, in a border sense Penggan (Citrus reticulata) peel, has been reported to possess a
phytochemistry essentially deals with the enormous different wide range of pharmacological properties like antioxidant, anti-
type of organic substances that not only elaborated but also inflammatory, hypolipidemic, vasoprotective and
accumulated by plant. It is also solely concerned with the anticarcinogenic and cholesterol lowering actions. Hesperidin is
following various aspects namely Natural distribution, Chemical also an enzyme inhibitor and inhibits phospholipase A2,
structure, Biosynthetic structure, Biosynthesis (biogenesis), lipoxygenase, HMG-CoA reductase and cyclo-oxygenase8.
Metabolism and Biochemical function4. Hesperidin is a Hesperidin improves the health of capillaries by reducing the
flavanone glycoside (flavonoid) (C H O ) found abundantly capillary permeability. Hesperidin is used to reduce hay fever
28 34 15
in citrus fruits. Its aglycone form is called hesperetin. and other allergic conditions by inhibiting the release of
Hesperidin was first isolated by Leberton in 1828 from the histamine from mast cells. The possible anti-cancer activity of
albedo (the spongy inner portion of the peel) of oranges of the hesperidin could be explained by the inhibition of polyamine
Chaudhri et al., Int J Res Pharm Sci 2016, 6(2) ; 15 –18
ISSN 2249-3522
synthesis. Sources of hesperidin include citrus fruits, berries, extraction sleeve is laid out in an extensive crystallisation dish.
onions, parsley and green tea 9. Afterwards the substance is placed again in an extraction sleeve
and, like before, but with 800 mL methanol, extracted unless the
Hesperidin has been extracted from a variety of sources using
solvent leaving the extraction sleeve is colour less (1 to 2
both analytical as well as preparative techniques. Waste orange
hours). After complete Soxhlet extraction and maceration the
peel from the citrus industry has been used as the raw material
filtrate was then acidifying (pH 3-4) with 6% acetic acid, Keep
using styrene-divinylbenzene (SDVB) resin followed by
the concentrated residual liquid in refrigerator (4-6◦C) over night
desorption in much reduced volume of alkaline eluents. By this
when a solid crystalline substance appears. It was again filtered
procedure good yield and high purity after acidification of the
and the crude hesperidin was separated out on buchner funnel as
concentrated solutions, thus overcoming disadvantages due to
amorphous powder. The hesperidin was further characterized
the high dilution. Hesperidin was extracted from peel with an
and identified according to various Physical and analytical test.
aqueous saturated Ca(OH) solution, allowing precipitation of
calcium pectates from colloidal pectins that can interfere in the Physical data for Hesperidin
subsequent phases ofadsorption and separation of hesperidin. Hesperidin should yield white needles upon recrystallization.
The clear extracts were neutralized to optimize adsorption on
resin. The most effective eluent was 0.5 N NaOH solution Melting point range : 242-244ºC.
containing 10% ethanol10. Color : Yellowish brown
Another procedure used was ultrasonic assisted extraction of Odor : Aromatic and characteristic
hesperidin from Citrus reticulate combined with parameters like
extraction solvents, solvent volume, temperature, extraction Yield : 1.75 gm
time, ultrasonic power, ultrasonic frequency. It was observed
that solvent, frequency and processing temperature were the RESULT AND DISCUSSION
most important factors for improving the extracting yields of
Analytical test observation result
hesperidin. The optimum ultrasonic conditions were determined
as: methanol, frequency of 60 kHz, extraction time of 60 min, 1. Ferric chloride test : Wine red color
and temperature of 40°C 11. 2. Shinoda test : Bright pinkish violet color
3. Thin layer chromatography : [n-butanol: Acetic Acid:
Another procedure is by treating the orange peel with Ca (OH) 2
Water (4:1:5)] one spot observed and Rf value found at
and recycling of the extracting liquor led to an increase of the
yield of both extracted hesperidin and naringin. The highest
yield of hesperidin was 15.5 g/2 kg peel, and the highest yield of UV Spectral analysis
naringin was 12 g/2 kg peel. The effect of maturity of the peel
To prepare 5µg/ml of methanol and water (1:1) solution of
and recycling of the extracting liquor upon the yield of
isolated compound hesperidin and UV spectra were recorded on
glucoside were investigated. The highest yields of hesperidin
a UV-Visible Spectrophotometer Pharma spec-1700
were obtained from orange peel extracted at the early season,
(SHIMADZU). The λmax was found to be 284.4 nm. The UV
increase in maturity led to a decrease in yield of hesperidin
spectra given in fig. 1.
extracted and a decrease of its purity12.
Fig. 1. UV Spectra of isolated compound hesperidin
Collection of Plant Material
The fruits of Citrus sinensis (Orange) were purchased from local
market of Junabganj, Lucknow and they were peeled off and
peels were dried under shade.
Extraction of Crude Hesperidin
800 mL petroleum ether (40 – 60°C) is filled in a 250 mL round
bottom flask with magnetic stir bar. 250g dried and powdered
dried orange peel are placed in the extraction sleeve of a Soxhlet
extractor and covered with a little glass wool. A reflux
condenser is put on the Soxhlet extraction unit, and then the
reaction mixture is stirred and heated for 4 hours under strong
reflux. The petroleum ether extract is discarded. In order to
remove the adherent petroleum ether, the content of the
Chaudhri et al., Int J Res Pharm Sci 2016, 6(2) ; 15 –18
ISSN 2249-3522
FTIR Spectral analysis The mixture was placed in an evacuable die and subjected to a
pressure of 5-6 tones for 5 minutes. A transparent disc was
FTIR spectrum of compounds was recorded on a Perkin Elmer
produced which was then placed in a pellet holder and IR
Spectrum RXI FTIR system by using potassium bromide pellets.
spectra was recorded and given in fig. 2.
Preparation of KBr pellets of compounds
FTIR (KBr, max, cm-1): 3640 (O-H str.), 3072 (C-H str. (arene)),
100 mg of anhydrous KBr (IR grade) was accurately weighed 2995 (C-H str. (alkane), 2896 (C-H str. (alkane –OCH3), 1675
and 1.0 mg of compound was added to it and triturated well. (C=O Str.), 1625 (Aromatic C C str.)
Fig. 2. IR Spectra of isolated compound Hesperidin
The compound was isolated from maceration and Soxhlation Research Institute (CDRI), Lucknow for providing spectral data
shows a positive ferric chloride and Shinoda test for flavonoids, of the compounds.
indicating that the compound may be a flavonoid. It is yellow
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