Offer Acc 02
Offer Acc 02
Offer Acc 02
All applicants must read and complete each section of this form. We cannot process this acceptance until all conditions in the letter of
offer have been met (if applicable).
Your eCoE will be issued after your acceptance and payment have been processed.
Applicants under the age of 18 need to provide details of their guardianship arrangements. See
Diplomatic mission where you will apply for your student visa (i.e. country)#:_________________________
# If you are not applying for a student visa, please indicate your current visa subclass: ____________
I wish to accept the academic credit awarded in my letter of offer. Yes / No (Please circle one).
( ) I already have/will arrange my own OSHC through a recognised Australian OSHC provider a
Please note: you will be required to show proof of your OSHC when applying for an Australian Student Visa.
aPlease refer to the following government website for more information about OSHC and recognised Australian providers: Student Health Cover FAQ-1
^ Please note that if you require Dual Family or Multi Family Cover your deposit amount will increase to cover the increased OSHC
premiums. Please contact to determine your new required deposit.
If you require OSHC Dual Family or Multi Family Cover your deposit amount will increase to cover the increased OSHC premiums.
Please contact to determine your new required deposit.
( ) 1 year 50% of the Indicative Tuition Cost indicated on your offer + $A745.00 for
single OSHC
( ) 6 months The Indicative Tuition Cost indicated on your offer + $A412.00 for single
( ) Medicinae ac $A40,000.00
If you vary your degree from the one detailed on this offer acceptance declaration your tuition fee liability may vary and you may be
invoiced in your first semester for an amount additional to the deposit. Otherwise, your deposit will cover your first semester's tuition
This deposit includes visa-length Overseas Student Health Cover (where applicable). Where OSHC is not organised through the
University, the full deposit amount will be credited to your tuition fee account.
Payment options – there are two payment options. Please select below:
1) Secure and fast payment through Western Union Business Solutions
This is the preferred method of payment and will allow you to pay in your local currency online 24/7. You can pay by credit or debit
card or telegraphic transfer, where available.
Attention: If sending a cheque please ensure that your bank sends the required confirmation to the drawing bank in Australia.
The Australian Department of Home Affairs requires that Universities ensure international students studying in Australia are aware of
their financial obligations and have sufficient funds to support themselves and any dependents during their studies.
You will be required to certify that you will have funds available for travel to and from Australia, payment of the tuition fee listed above
and living expenses for you and your dependents for each year of your program of study.
All sections of this form must be completed along with the acceptance and payment declaration before an Electronic Confirmation of
Enrolment (eCoE) can be issued.
Student visa holders in Australia are limited to 40 hours of work per fortnight during semester. No work limits apply if you are studying
Masters by research or Doctorate course in Australia. Although your visa permits you to work you should not rely on work to support
yourself in Australia as a student. More information about permission to work while studying is available from the Department of Home
Affairs website
• I confirm that I have read and understand the information relating to the cost of living in Canberra at and I have access to sufficient funds to
cover all associated costs with my study, travel to and from Australia, living expenses for the duration of my studies for myself
and my family members (regardless of whether they are accompanying me to Australia) for the total period of my stay in
• I understand that the listed tuition cost is indicative and does not include expenses such as textbooks, stationery and
additional program specific requirements.
• I understand that in the event that I have insufficient funds to cover all associated study and living costs, I will not seek
assistance from the University or the Australian government.
• I understand that in the event that I have insufficient funds to cover all associated study and living costs, the University
reserves the rights to terminate my enrolment and eCoE.
I hereby certify that all the statements made on this declaration of finances are true and correct.
Please note: If you are under 18 years of age, this declaration must also be signed on your behalf by your parents or a person(s) who
has legal custody of you.
All applicants must read each point in the declaration. All applicants must sign and date the declaration. Applicants under the age of 18
• I confirm that I have met the academic and English language requirements as outlined in the policies of the University and in my
letter of offer.
• I acknowledge and agree to the University auditing information presented for my admission including but not limited to qualifications,
English language proficiency and referee reports. (This includes obtaining official records from institutions or issuing bodies for the
purpose of verification of my supporting documents).
• I confirm that the documents presented with my application are genuine and a true representation of my study history. I
acknowledge and agree that it is an offence to submit fraudulent documentation in support of an application for the purpose of
gaining admission to the University.
• I acknowledge and agree that all documents provided for my admission become the property of the University and will not be
• I acknowledge and agree to the University providing my personal information to any relevant third party for auditing purposes.
• I acknowledge and agree to provide original documents if requested by the University.
• I acknowledge and agree that if I am discovered to have submitted incorrect, incomplete or fraudulent information to the University
the University will revoke my offer and that my enrolment will be cancelled. If I am admitted or enrolled I will also be subject to ANU
Policies and Rules (available at ), including the Discipline Rules, whereby if I am found to have engaged in
misconduct by providing incorrect, incomplete or fraudulent information the University may terminate my candidature or enrolment in
a program of study or course.
• I acknowledge that I may access course information and other information relevant to my enrolment as outlined in the offer letter.
• I acknowledge and agree I will be subject to the Statutes, Rules, Orders, Codes, policies and procedures of the University and that I
must comply with orders and directions given by staff of the University.
• I understand that I remain ultimately responsible for all tuition fees and associated study costs while enrolled at the University
regardless of any scholarship arrangement.
• I have read and understand the information attached relating to the Refund Policy for International Students (pages 5-7 of this
• I accept the place offered to me at the Australian National University in the above program and agree to meet the conditions stated
in the offer letter.
• Unless I have indicated that I do not require ANU to organise OSHC, I understand that by signing this Offer Acceptance Declaration,
I agree to enter into and be subject to the terms and conditions of the Allianz OSHC policy. I can access this policy at
• I agree to keep the University informed of my current address, mobile phone number, email address and who to contact in
emergency situations and I agree that when any of this information changes, I will inform the University within 7 days.
• I acknowledge that if I vary my degree from the one detailed on this offer acceptance declaration my tuition fee liability may vary and
I may be invoiced for an additional amount to the deposit.
• I acknowledge and understand that I remain solely responsible for determining whether or not any qualification I seek to obtain from
ANU is recognised for any purpose in any jurisdiction.
• I understand that the Australian National University is bound by the Privacy Act 1998 (Cth), we collect, hold, use and disclose your
personal information to the Commonwealth including the TPS, or state or territory agencies to enable us to meet legal obligations.
These obligations include visa and immigration requirements of the Commonwealth. Information that ANU will disclose to these
parties includes, but is not limited to your enrolment details, academic progress and contact information. For other situations in
which your personal information may be shared, please refer to the Privacy Policy at the policies webpage:
• I understand and have been informed of the requirements for acceptance into the program, including the minimum level of English
language proficiency, educational qualifications or work experience required, and program credit if applicable.
• I understand and have been informed Program content, modes of study for the course including compulsory online and/or work-
based training, placements, other community-based learning and collaborative research training arrangements, and assessment
• I understand and have been informed of program duration and key academic dates
By completing this form, I acknowledge that I have read and agree with the statements above.
135 ANU
1. The University recognises that, on occasion, there may be circumstances that warrant a refund of tuition fees
collected by the University. 16.1(e) of the Fees Rules states that the Registrar, by notice, may determine the
circumstances in which a person may be entitled to a refund of the whole or portion of the fees paid or to the
remission of a fees debt.
2. Partial or full refunds will be given where a student has paid a tuition fee deposit or paid tuition fees, and then
withdraws from the program and/or course/s prior to the relevant dates.
3. For the purposes of determining whether a refund is given, the date of withdrawal from a course or program is the
date on which the University receives written notification of withdrawal, or the date on which a course is dropped on
4. Census dates for courses can be viewed on the website Census dates for
courses are also displayed under the Enrolment Menu on ISIS.
5. Refunds will normally be made in the same currency as the fees were originally paid.
6. Where a fee was paid using a credit card, a refund will be processed back to that credit card.
7. A refund must be applied for by 31 December of the calendar year in which an overpayment occurred unless covered
in Special Circumstances (Late Withdrawal). Apart from this exception retrospective refunds will not be given for
previous calendar years.
8. This refund policy and procedure do not remove the right of the student to take further action under Australia's
consumer protection laws. In addition, a student may commence legal proceedings relating to any dispute arising
from this refund policy at any time where that student believes it is reasonable to do so to seek urgent relief.
9. Where a discrepancy occurs between this policy or procedure and the Higher Education Support Act 2003, the
Education Services for Overseas Students (Act) 2000, the Australian National University Act 1991, the Fees Statue
2006, the Fees Rules or the Tuition Fees Order, that legislation will prevail.
11. A new international student who pays all or part of their tuition fee will be eligible for a refund of all or part of that fee
based on which category they fall into below:
a. If an offer of a place is withdrawn, or the University is unable to provide the program (unless the offer is withdrawn on
the basis of incomplete or incorrect information provided by the student)
b. If a student's visa application or request to transfer from another institution to the ANU is refused. Evidence of refusal
is mandatory. Students provide the decision record from the Department of Immigration and Border Protection in the
case of a visa refusal.
c. If a student attempts to but fails to meet any one of the conditions stated in the offer letter and is not permitted to
In the following circumstances, a fee will be retained by the University. The amount of the administrative fee and withdrawal fee will
be reviewed annually and published at
d. A student, who cancels their place in a program in writing at least four weeks before the program starts, will be
refunded the program fees paid, less the administrative fee amount.
e. A student who cancels their place or withdraws from a program in writing less than four weeks before the program
starts, up until the first census date, will be refunded the program fees paid, less the withdrawal fee amount.
f. Students enrolled in a non-standard session (e.g. Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring session) and who withdraw from
all courses for whatever reason, will only be eligible for a refund for those courses whose census dates have not
passed, less the withdrawal fee amount.
12. If the University withdraws an offer of a place on the basis of incomplete or incorrect information provided by the
student, the student will be refunded the program fees paid less the administrative fee amount.
14. A student who defers their offer less than four weeks prior to the program start date, will be entitled to a refund of the
program fees paid, less a security equal to the administrative fee. This security will be held on the student's account.
If the student later cancels their offer they will forfeit the amount as it will cover the administrative fee outlined in 11.e.
15. Where a student commences their program after deferring their offer, the student will be required to repay the deposit
minus the amount that has been kept by the University as security.
17. A continuing student, who withdraws from course/s before the relevant course census date/s, will be eligible for a full
refund of the tuition fees paid for the course/s.
19. A continuing international student who does not meet Academic Progress Rules and is not permitted to re-enrol or to
continue a program will be eligible for a refund of program fees for current or future terms if the fees were paid before
the student was advised of termination of enrolment. The refund will not be paid until any appeal under Academic
Progress Rules has been finalised.
21. Permanent resident (PR) status is recognised from the date proof of PR status is provided to the university, not the
date on which the application for permanent residency was made or granted.
22. For a student who has already paid the tuition fees applicable to international students for the semester, a refund of
these fees (less any agent fee applying to the University) will be paid if the student has obtained permanent residence
by the census date for that semester; and either:
• satisfied section 36-40 of the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (HESA): that is, have completed a Request for
Commonwealth Support form on or before the course census date, or
• have made arrangements with the University to pay fees as domestic student
23. A student who obtains permanent residence status after the census date in a semester will be classified as an
international student for the remainder of that semester. They will be liable to pay the tuition fees applicable to
international students for that semester. From the following semester, the student will be classified as a permanent
resident and will liable to pay either the student contribution in accordance with HESA guidelines or full fees applying
to domestic students.
25. An off-shore international student who will be no longer attending the University will need to request a refund of
OSHC from the Student Administration & Records Office. ANU will cancel the COE and students will be advised
when this has occurred.
26. A sponsored international student who does not have their OSHC paid by their sponsor will need to contact Allianz
Global Assistance directly to request for a refund.
27. A sponsored international student who does have their OSHC paid by their sponsor does not need to request a refund
as Allianz Global Assistance will liaise with the University to refund the premium to the sponsor.
Domestic Students
28. A student who voluntarily withdraws from a course before the course census date will not incur a tuition fee liability for
the course from which they have withdrawn and will be eligible for a full refund of tuition fees paid.
29. A student who withdraws from a course after the course census date will incur a tuition fee liability for the course and
is not entitled to a refund, except in special circumstances (see Special Circumstances (Late Withdrawal)).
31. Where a student withdraws from a course after the relevant course census date, the student remains liable for the
student contribution amount applicable to that course. If the withdrawal is made because of special circumstances
(see Part 9) the student may be eligible for a refund of the student contribution amount paid upfront or a remission of
the HECS-HELP or FEE-HELP debt for the course/s.
32. If census date falls on a weekend, the previous working day will be taken as the census date for that particular
34. A student who, after the census date of their course/s, voluntarily withdraws from their program or withdraws from all
their courses in a session of study, will remain liable for the SA-Fee in that session of study and will not be refunded
their SA-Fee where paid upfront or remitted their SA-HELP debt if deferred. The student will remain liable for the SA-
Fee whether or not the student qualifies for a refund or remission of some or all tuition fees under Special
Circumstances (Late Withdrawal).
36. As a general guide, special circumstances include those that are beyond a student's control; (e.g. a situation occurs
which a reasonable person would consider is not due to a student's action or inaction, either direct or indirect, and for
which a student is not responsible. This situation must be unusual, uncommon or abnormal. A lack of knowledge or
understanding of the University's rules, due deadlines and administrative procedures is not considered to be beyond a
person's control.); and occur either:
b. Before the census date, but the full effect or magnitude does not become apparent until on, or after, the census date;
c. Make it impracticable for a student to complete the course requirements. For example, circumstances are such that it
is impracticable for a student to undertake the necessary private study required, or attend sufficient lectures or
tutorials or meet other compulsory attendance requirements, or complete the required assessable work, or sit the
required examinations.
a. Medical reasons: where a medical condition existed prior to the census date, continued past that date and
deteriorated to the extent that a student is unable to continue their studies OR a student's medical condition only
became known after the census date.
b. Family/personal reasons: due to unforeseen personal/family reasons that are beyond a student's control and they are
unable to continue their studies.
c. Employment related reasons: where a student's employment status or employment arrangements change
unexpectedly due to circumstances beyond their control and they are unable to continue their studies.
d. Program/course related reasons: where the arrangements for a student's course are changed and as a result they are
38. An application under this section must be received within 12 months of the date of withdrawal, or 12 months after the
end of the period during which the person undertook, or was to undertake, the course, whichever comes sooner.
39. Each application will be considered on its merits in conjunction with the supporting documentation provided.
Supporting documentation should provide enough detail for an informed decision to be made regarding the case for a
refund. Students will be advised of the outcome of their request by letter within 20 working days from the date ANU
received the full request with complete supporting documentation.
Part 10 - Appeals
40. A student requesting a review of a decision about a refund may lodge a formal appeal in writing within 20 days of the
notification of an unsuccessful refund application to the Manager, Student Administration & Records Office. The
Student Administration & Records Office will then forward the appeal to the Registrar, Student Administration.
41. The appeal must address the reason/s for the decision not to refund a payment.
42. The Registrar will then consider the appeal. In undertaking a review of the refund decision, the Registrar will:
a. Discuss the decision with administration staff involved in the refund process;
b. Consider the reasons for the decision not to refund a payment; and
c. Consider the information contained in the appeal from the applicant that addresses those reasons.
b. Set aside the original decision and approve a refund of the payment.
44. The Registrar or nominee's decision on whether to refund the payment must be communicated in writing to the
applicant within 7 working days of the decision being made.
45. A student may, within 20 working days after the decision was notified to the student, appeal against a decision made
under paragraph 43 to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor on procedural grounds only.
b. set aside the original decision and refer the matter back to the Registrar to reconsider the original decision in light of
the Deputy Vice-Chancellor's findings; and make a new decision.
47. In determining an appeal, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor may inform himself or herself as he or she sees fit.
1. Refund requests will only be processed in circumstances where the refund complies with the Policy: Student Refunds
3. A refund request will only be accepted after, or at the same time, as the request that creates an overpayment of
tuition fees or the tuition fee deposit by the student.
4. The refund request will normally be processed in 20 working days, unless one of the following apply:
a. Delays in program withdrawal or leave being approved;
b. Appeals requiring the approval of the Registrar, Student Administration; or
c. Incorrect or incomplete information being provided.
5. The Student Administration & Records Office will notify a student of the outcome of a request.
10 | D I V I S I O N O F S T U D E N T A D M I N I S T R A T I O N
10. A student may appeal a refund decision by lodging a written appeal addressed to the Registrar, Division of Student
Administration, addressing the reason/s for the decision not to provide a refund. The appeal must be received by the
University within 20 working days of the notification of the outcome of the original request.
11. The appeal must be submitted to, in person at the Student Exchange (Building X-005), or by
mail to:
Student Administration and Records
Division of Student Administration
Student Exchange (Building X-005)
The Australian National University
Acton ACT 2601 Australia
12. The Registrar will consider the request and advise the student of the outcome within 7 working days of the decision
regarding the outcome being made.
13. Within 20 working days after the decision of the Registrar being notified to the student, a student may lodge an appeal
to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor on procedural grounds only.
14. The appeal must be submitted to, in person at the Student Exchange (Building X-005), or by
mail to:
Student Administration and Records
Division of Student Administration
Student Exchange (Building X-005)
The Australian National University
Acton ACT 2601 Australia
15. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor will advise the student of the outcome of the procedural appeal within 7 working days of
a decision being made.
16. If a student still holds a dispute with the University about a refund, they must advise within 20
working days of the notification from the Deputy Vice-Chancellor regarding the outcome of their procedural appeal. An
arbitrator nominated by the Chair of the ACT Chapter of the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia will be
11 | D I V I S I O N O F S T U D E N T A D M I N I S T R A T I O N