Electronics Technician: Volume 5-Navigation Systems
Electronics Technician: Volume 5-Navigation Systems
Electronics Technician: Volume 5-Navigation Systems
Electronics Technician
Volume 5—Navigation Systems
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refer freely to the TRAMAN and seek advice
ERRATA: If an errata comes with this course, and information from others on problems that
make all indicated changes or corrections may arise in the course. However, the
before you start any assignment. Do not answers must be the result of your own work
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(TRAMAN) or assignments in any other way. referring to or copying the answers of
others and from giving answers to anyone
TEXTBOOK ASSIGNMENTS: The TRAMAN for this else taking the same course. Failure to
course is Electronics Technician, Volume 5. follow these rules can result in suspension
Navigation Systems, NAVEDTRA 12415. The from the course and disciplinary action.
TRAMAN pages that you are to study are listed
at the beginning of each assignment. Study SUBMITTING COMPLETED ANSWER SHEETS:
these pages carefully before attempting to Complete all assignments as quickly as
answer the questions in the course. Pay possible to derive maximum benefit from the
close attention to tables and illustrations course. As a minimum, you must submit at
because they contain information that will least one assignment per month. This is a
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of each chapter or topic in the text and/or meet this requirement could result in
preceding each set of questions in the disenrollment from the course.
course. Learning objectives state what you
should be able to do after studying the TYPES OF ANSWER SHEETS: If you are a U.S.
material. Answering the questions correctly Navy enlisted member on active duty or a
helps you accomplish the objectives. drilling U.S. Naval Reserve enlisted member,
you should use the answer sheet attached at
BLACK DOT INFORMATION: Black dots (Ž) may be the end of this course and follow the
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emphasize important or supplemental an enlisted U.S. Naval Reserve member who is
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you answer the questions and understand the Coast Guard, you should use the Automatic
material. Data Processing (ADP) answer sheets included
in the course package and follow the
SELECTING YOUR ANSWERS: After studying the instructions in section B.
TRAMAN, you should be ready to answer the
questions in the assignment. Read each A. Manually Scored Answer Sheets
question carefully, then select the BEST
answer. Be sure to select your answer from
A. Manually Scored Answer Sheets sheet for each assignment. Use only the
original ADP answer sheet provided in your
If you are a U.S. Navy enlisted member course package; NETPMSA will not accept
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Reserve drilling unit, your course will be
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must use the answer sheet designed for Anwser Sheets: Follow the “MARKING
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may reproduce the one in the back of this and for you to receive credit for your
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As you work the course, be sure to
Recording Information on the mark your answers in the course booklet
Manually Scored Answer Sheets: As you because your answer sheets will not be
complete each assignment, submit the returned to you. When you have completed
completed answer sheet to your ESO for an assignment, transfer your answer from
grading. You may submit more than one the course booklet to the answer sheet.
answer sheet at a time. Remember, you
must submit at least one assignment each Mailing the Completed ADP Answer
month. Sheets: Upon completing an assignment,
mail the completed answer sheet to:
Grading: Your ESO will grade each
answer sheet and notify you of any COMMANDING OFFICER
incorrect answers. The passing score for NETPMSA CODE 074
each assignment is 3.2. If you receive 6490 SAUFLEY FIELD RD
less than 3.2 on any assignment, the ESO PENSACOLA FL 32559-5000
will list the questions you answered
incorrectly and give you an answer sheet Use envelopes to mail your answer sheets.
marked “RESUBMIT.” You must redo the You must provide your own envelopes or
assignment and complete the RESUBMIT answer request them from your ESO. You may
sheet. The maximum score you can receive enclose more than one answer sheet in a
for a resubmitted assignment is 3.2. single envelope. Remember, regardless of
how many answer sheets you submit at a
Course Completion: After you have time, NETPMSA should receive at least one
submitted all the answer sheets and have assignment a month.
earned at least 3.2 on each assignment,
your command should give you credit for NOTE: DO NOT USE THE COURSE COMMENTS
this course by making the appropriate entry PAGE AS AN ENVELOPE FOR RETURNING ANSWER
in your service record. SHEETS OR OTHER COURSE MATERIALS.
Course Completion: When you if you are authorized to receive them under
complete the last assignment, fill out the current directives governing retirement of
“Course Completion” form in the back of the Naval Reserve personnel. For the purpose
course and enclose it with your last answer of Naval Reserve retirement, this edition
sheet. NETPMSA will issue you a letter of the course is evaluated at 2 points.
certifying that you satisfactorily These points will be credited to you upon
completed the course. You should make sure your satisfactory completion of the entire
that credit for the course is recorded in course.
your service record. YOU MAY RETAIN THE
SYSTEM-–NOT THE DATE YOU DEPOSIT THE LAST Course Completion paragraph under section
ASSIGNMENT IN THE MAIL. This is especially B. ADP Answer Sheets.
important if you are taking the course for
Naval Reserve retirement credit. You must COURSE OBJECTIVES
mail your answer sheets at least 60 days
before your anniversary date. This will After completing this course, you
provide you with enough time for delays in should be able to: Identify the primary
the mail or reworking failed assignments. navigation systems used by Navy surface
DO NOT MAIL YOUR ASSIGNMENTS TO THE NAVAL vessels; identify the basic components of
RESERVE PERSONNEL COMMAND (NRPC). and explain the basic operation of the
Ship’s Inertial Navigation System (SINS);
Student Questions: Refer identify the basic components of and
questions concerning this course to explain the operation of the U.S. Navy
NETPMSA by mail (use the address on page Navigation Satellite System (NNSS);
ii) or by telephone: DSN 922–1366 or identify the basic components of and
commercial (904) 452-1366. explain the operation of the NAVSTAR Global
Positioning System (GPS); and identify the
NAVAL RESERVE RETIREMENT CREDIT basic components of and explain the
operation of the Tactical Air Navigation
If you are a member of the Naval (TACAN) system.
Reserve, you will receive retirement points
Naval courses may include several types of questions—multiple-choice, true-false, matching, etc. The questions
are not grouped by type but by subject matter. They are presented in the same general sequence as the textbook
material upon which they are based. This presentation is designed to preserve continuity of thought, permitting
step-by-step development of ideas. Not all courses use all of the types of questions available. The student can readily
identify the type of each question, and the action required, by inspection of the samples given below.
Each question contains several alternatives, one of which provides the best answer to the question. Select the
best alternative, and blacken the appropriate box on the answer sheet.
s-1. Who was the first person appointed Indicate in this way on the answer sheet:
Secretary of Defense under the
National Security Act of 1947?
1. George Marshall
2. James Forrestal
3. Chester Nimitz
4. William Halsey
Mark each statement true or false as indicated below. If any part of the statement is false the statement is to
be considered false. Make the decision, and blacken the appropriate box on the answer sheet.
s-2. All naval officers are authorized to Indicate in this way on the answer sheet:
correspond officially with any systems
command of the Department of the
Navy without their respective com-
manding officer’s endorsement.
1. True
2. False
Each set of questions consists of two columns, each listing words, phrases or sentences. The task is to select
the item in column B which is the best match for the item in column A that is being considered. Items in column
B maybe used once, more than once, or not at all. Specific instructions are given with each set of questions. Select
the numbers identifying the answers and blacken the appropriate boxes on the answer sheet.
In questions s-3 through s-6, match the name of the shipboard officer in column A by selecting from column
B the name of the department in which the officer functions. Some responses may be used once, more than once.
or not at all.
Textbook Assignment: “Surface Navigation Systems,” chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-19; and
“Tactical Air Navigation,” chapter 2, pages 2-1 through 2-9.
1–11. A ship’s inertial navigation system 1-18. The nominal orbit of NNSS
is dependent on celestial, sight, satellites is what type of orbital
and radio navigation aids. parameter?
1. True 1. Status
2. False 2. Command
3. Systems
1–12. What device measures changes in 4. Fixed
speed or direction along the axis
in which it lies? 1-19. NNSS satellite data can be used as
an accurate time reference.
1. Gyroscope
2. Accelerometer 1. True
3. Axilometer 2. False
4. Servoscope
1-20. NNSS satellite refined orbits are
1-13. What type of system is used to keep calculated at which of the
a SINS platform stabilized? following facilities?
1–14. Which of the following is a stand- 1-21. Which of the following facilities
alone SINS? calculates NNSS satellite clock
error before satellite message
1. AN/WSN-5 injection?
2. AN/WSN–25
3. AN/WRN-6 1. Control center
4. AN/WRN-8 2. Computer center
3. Tracking station
1-15. Approximately how often can 4. Injection station
operators using the NNSS obtain
fixes? 1-22. Approximately how long does it take
the injection station to transmit
1. Every hour information to an NNSS satellite?
2. Every 2 hours
3. Every 3 hours 1. 10 seconds
4. Every 4 hours 2. 12 seconds
3. 15 seconds
1-16. NNSS satellites transmit phase 4. 18 seconds
modulated data every 2 minutes on
how many rf carriers? l-23. If errors are detected during a
readback of freshly injected
1. One satellite data, how often is NNSS
2. Two satellite message injection
3. Three repeated until the transmission is
4. Four verified as being correct?
IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS 1-24, 1–25, 1-30. Which ship’s system will provide
AND 1–26, REFER TO FIGURE 1–7 IN the information required to perform
CHAPTER 1 OF THE TRAMAN. the additional computation required
by NNSS?
1-24. At what point during the satellite
pass will expansion effects cause 1. OMEGA
the received frequencies to drop 2. LORAN
below the generated frequencies? 3. PNNS
1. T1
2. T2 1–31 l Given the orbital parameters of a
3. T3 satellite, the Doppler shift of the
signal transmitted from that
1-25. At what point will the received satellite, and the velocity of a
frequencies exactly match the vessel, it is possible to obtain a
transmitted frequencies? navigational fix if the satellite
is within what distance from the
1. T1 navigation set?
2. T2
3. T3 1. Skip zone
2. Line–of–sight
1-26. At what point will compression 3. Scatter zone
effects cause the received 4. Line-of-support
frequencies to be higher than the
transmitted frequencies? 1-32. One of the capabilities of the
AN/WRN-5 includes time-ordered
1. T1 alerts for up to how many
2. T2 satellites?
3. T3
1. Six
1–27. Which of the following factors 2. Two
affects the measurement of Doppler 3. Eight
shift? 4. Four
1. Vessel’s draft
2. Vessel’s length
3. Vessel’s speed
4. Vessel’s class
1–35. You are initializing the AN/SRN– 1–41. How many earth orbits will each GPS
19(V)2. In addition to programing satellite complete in a 24–hour
the set’s position, what other period?
parameter must you enter?
1. One
1. Antenna height 2. Two
2. Ship’s length 3. Three
3. Usable power 4. Four
4. Cabling length
1–42. What communications technique is
1–36. What navigational system will used for GPS satellite broadcasts?
replace the NNSS?
1. Spontaneous–emission
1. NAVSTAR GPS 2. Spread–spectrum
2. OMEGA MK2 3. Standard–broadcast
3. LORAN D 4. Spectral–emission
1–43. GPS satellites are positioned so a
1-37. Which of the following terms minimum of how many satellites are
describe GPS satellite positioning observable to a user anywhere on
data? earth?
1–38. How often is the GPS satellite 1–44. Which of the two codes (C/A and P)
navigation data message updated? transmitted by GPS satellites is
NOT available to civilian users?
1. Every hour
2. Every 12 hours 1. Course acquisition code
3. Every 24 hours 2. Precise code
4. Every 36 hours
1–45. Which of the following data is
1–39. What facility transmits the data NOT included in the GPS NAV–msg?
required to update the GPS
satellite navigation data message? 1. Clock–bias
2. Correction data
1. Manned control center 3. Ephemeris
2. Manned tracking station 4. Spectral
3. Unmanned monitor station
4. Unmanned injection station l-46. GPS navigation is based on what
1-40. There are how many (a) active spare
and (b) active operational GPS 1. Satellite ranging
satellites? 2. Satellite speed
3. Satellite broadcast
1. (a) 21 (b) 3 4. Satellite response
2. (a) 3 (b) 21
3. (a) 3 (b) 24 1–47. Within how many feet can GPS
4. (a) 24 (b) 21 determine position fixes?
1. 50
2. 250
3. 500
4. 1000
1-48. To obtain the above accuracy, how 1-54. Satellite signals reflecting off
many satellite inputs are required? one or more objects before reaching
the navigation set produce what
1. Five type of reception?
2. Two
3. Three 1. Multipath
4. Four 2. Faded
3. Skip-zone
1–49. How is the time difference between 4. Ground-wave
satellite transmission and when the
navigation set receives this signal 1-55. What data do operators enter into
related to the distance between the the AN/WRN-6(V) to speed up
satellite and the receiver? satellite acquisition?
1. True 1. Polar-coordinate
2. False 2. Polar-sync
3. Neutral-coordinate
1-53. Of the frequencies listed below, 4. Neutral-sync
which one will ionospheric delay
phase–shift the most? 1-59. Instead of depending on radio-wave
reflection, beacon-transponders
1. 1227.60 MHz generate what type of replies?
2. 1575.42 MHz
3. 1883.65 MHz 1. Neutral
4. 2879.23 MHz 2. Artificial
3. Basic
4. Torque
1–60. What type of decoders do TACAN 1-66. What type of radiation pattern is
transponders use? transmitted by the TACAN ground
station antenna?
1. Twin–pulse
2. Single–pulse 1. Parabolic
3. Neutral–pulse 2. Cardioid
4. Basic–pulse 3. Vectorial
4. Tangential
1–61. Which of the following receiver
controls provides noise–generated 1-67. What is the common name of the
output? 135–Hz reference burst?
1–62. If more interrogating aircraft come 1-68. How often is the identification
into the TACAN’S range, the number code broadcast?
of noise–generated pulses will
1. Every 37.5 seconds
1. increase 2. Every 60 seconds
2. decrease 3. Every 37.5 minutes
4. Every 60 minutes
1–63. What signal does the TACAN ground
station transmit to identify 1-69. What is the designation of latest
itself? TACAN equipment in the fleet?
1-72. The AN/URN-20 uses the same 1-74. The TACAN receiver frequency is
electronically-scanned antenna as always displaced how many MHz from
the AN/URN-25. the transmitter frequency?
1. True 1. 20
2. False 2. 42
3. 63
1-73. What is the total number of TACAN 4. 75
channels available using both X and
Y modes? 1-75. How many aircraft can be provided
distance data simultaneously?
1. 68
2. 100 1. 25
3. 126 2. 50
4. 252 3. 75
4. 100
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