Keystroke Logging

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Keystroke logging

Keystroke logging, often referred to as keylogging or keyboard capturing, is the action of recording (logging) the keys struck on a ke
typically covertly, so that the person using the keyboard is unaware that their actions are being monitored. Data can then be retrieved by the
operating the logging program. A keylogger can be either software or hardware.

While the programs themselves are legal, with many of them being designed to allow employers to oversee the use of
their computers, keyloggers are most often used for the purpose of stealing

passwords and other confidential


Keylogging can also be used to study human computer interaction. Numerous keylogging methods exist: they
range from hardware and software-based approaches toacoustic analysis.
1 Application For Logging Keystrokes
1.1Software-based keyloggers
1.1.1Keystroke logging in writing process research
1.1.2Related features
1.2Hardware-based keyloggers
2 History
3 Cracking
3.2Use by police
4 Countermeasures
4.1Anti keyloggers
4.2Live CD/USB
4.3Anti-spyware / Anti-virus programs
4.4Network monitors
4.5Automatic form filler programs
4.6One-time passwords (OTP)
4.7Security tokens
4.8 On-screen keyboards
4.9 Keystroke interference software
4.10 Speech recognition
4.11 Handwriting recognition and mouse gestures
4.12 Macro expanders/recorders
4.13 Deceptive typing
5 See also
6 References
7External links

Application For Logging Keystrokes

Software-based keyloggers
These are computer programs designed to work
on the target computer's software. Keyloggers
are used in IT organizations to troubleshoot
technical problems with computers and business
networks. Families and business people use
keyloggers legally to monitor network usage
without their users' direct knowledge. Even
Microsoft publicly admitted that Windows 10
operation system has a built-in keylogger in its
final version to improve typing and writing
services. However, malicious individuals can

use keyloggers on public computers to steal

passwords or credit card information. Most
keyloggers are not stopped by HTTPS encryption
because that only protects data in transit between A logfile from a software-based keylogger, based on the
computers, thus the threat being from the user's screencapture above.

From a technical perspective there are several categories:

Hypervisor-based: The keylogger can theoretically reside in amalware hypervisor running underneath the
operating system, which thus remains untouched. It effectively becomes a virtual machine. Blue Pill is a
conceptual example.
Kernel-based: A program on the machine obtainsroot access to hide itself in the OS and intercepts keystrokes that
pass through the kernel. This method is difficult both to write and to combat. Such keyloggers reside at thekernel level,
which makes them dificult to detect, especially for user-mode applications that don't have root access. They are
frequently implemented asrootkits that subvert the operating system kernel to gain unauthorized access to the
hardware. This makes them very powerful. A keylogger using this method can act as a keyboarddevice driver, for
example, and thus gain access to any information typed on the keyboard as it goes to the operating system.
API-based: These keyloggers hook keyboard APIs inside a running application. The keylogger registers keystroke
events, as if it was a normal piece of the application instead of malware. The keylogger receives an event each
time the user presses or releases a key. The keylogger simply records it.
Windows APIs such as GetAsyncKeyState(), GetForegroundWindow(), etc. are used to poll the state of

the keyboard or to subscribe to keyboard events. A more recent example simply polls theBIOS for pre-boot
authentication PINs that have not been cleared from memory.
Form grabbing based: Form grabbing-based keyloggers log web form submissions by recording the web browsing
on submit events. This happens when the user completes a form and submits it, usually by clicking a button or hittin
enter. This type of keylogger records form data before it is passed over the Internet.
Javascript-based: A malicious script tag is injected into a targeted web page, and listens for key events such as
onKeyUp(). Scripts can be injected via a variety of methods, includingcross-site scripting, man-in-the-browser,

man-in-the-middle, or a compromise of the remote web site.

Memory injection based: Memory Injection (MitB)-based keyloggers perform their logging function by altering the
memory tables associated with the browser and other system functions. By patching the memory tables or
injecting directly into memory, this technique can be used by malware authors to bypass Windows UAC (User
Control). The Zeus and SpyEye trojans use this method exclusively. Non-Windows systems have analogous
protection mechanisms that the keylogger must thwart.7 with an added feature that allows access to locally recorde data
from a remote location. Remote communication may be achieved when one of these methods is used:

Data is uploaded to a website, database or anFTP server.

Data is periodically emailed to a pre-definedemail address.
Data is wirelessly transmitted by means of an attached hardware system.
The software enables a remote login to the local machine from the Internet or the local network, for data
logs stored on the target machine.

Keystroke logging in writing process research

Keystroke logging is now an established research method for the study of writing processes.
Different programs have been
developed to collect online process data of writing activities, including Inputlog, Scriptlog, and Translog.

Keystroke logging is legitimately used as a suitable research instrument in a number of writing contexts. These
include studies on cognitive writing processes, which include

descriptions of writing strategies; the writing development of children (with and without writing
ficulties),dif spelling,
first and second language writing, and
specialist skill areas such as translation and subtitling.
Keystroke logging can be used to research writing, specifically. It can also be integrated in educational domains for
second language learning, programming skills, and typing skills.

Related features

Software keyloggers may be augmented with features that capture user information without relying on keyboard key
presses as the sole input. Some of these features include:

Clipboard logging. Anything that has been copied to theclipboard can be captured by the program.
Screen logging. Screenshots are taken to capture graphics-based information. Applications with screen logging
abilities may take screenshots of the whole screen, of just one application, or even just around the mouse cursor.
They may take these screenshots periodically or in response to user behaviours (for example, when a user clicks th
mouse). A practical application that is used by some keyloggers with this screen logging ability, is to take small
screenshots around where a mouse has just clicked; thus defeating web-based keyboards (for example, the web-
based screen keyboards that are often used by banks), and any web-based on-screen keyboard without
screenshot protection.
Programmatically capturing the text in acontrol. The Microsoft Windows API allows programs to request the text
'value' in some controls. This means that some passwords may be captured, even if they are hidden behind

password masks (usually asterisks).

The recording of every program/folder/window opened including a screenshot of each and every website visited.
The recording of search engines queries, instant messenger
conversations, FTP downloads and other Internet-
based activities (including the bandwidth used).

Hardware-based keyloggers
Hardware-based keyloggers do not depend upon any software being
installed as they exist at a hardware level in a computer system.

Firmware-based: BIOS-level firmware that handles keyboard events can

be modified to record these events as they are processed. Physical
and/or root-level access is required to the machine, and the software
loaded into the BIOS needs to be created for the specific hardware that it
[13] A hardware-based keylogger.
will be running on.
Keyboard hardware: Hardware keyloggers are used for keystroke logging by
means of a hardware circuit that is attached somewhere in between the
computer keyboard and the computer, typically inline with the keyboard's
cable connector. There are also USB connectors based Hardware
keyloggers as well as ones for Laptop computers (the Mini-PCI card plugs into the expansion slot of a laptop). More
stealthy implementations can be installed or built into standard
keyboards, so that no device is visible on the external cable. Both
types log all keyboard activity to theirinternal memory, which can be
subsequently accessed, for example, by typing in a secret key
sequence. A hardware keylogger has an advantage over a software
solution: it is not dependent on being installed on the target computer's
operating system and therefore will not interfere with any program
running on the target machine or be detected by anysoftware. However
its physical presence may be detected if, for example, it is installed
outside the case as an inline device between the computer and the
keyboard. Some of these implementations have the ability to be
controlled and monitored remotely by means of a wireless

communication standard.
Wireless keyboard and mouse sniffers: These passive sniffers collect
packets of data being transferred from a wireless keyboard and its
receiver. As encryption may be used to secur the wireless A connected hardware-based
communications between the two devices, this may need to be
cracked beforehand if the transmissions are to be read. In some cases keylogger.
this enables an attacker to type arbitrary commands into a victims
Keyboard overlays: Criminals have been known to use keyboard overlays onATMs to capture people's PINs. Each
keypress is registered by the keyboard of the ATM as well as the criminal's keypad that is placed over it. The device [16]

is designed to look like an integrated part of the machine so that bank customers are unaware of its presence.
Acoustic keyloggers: Acoustic cryptanalysis can be used to monitor the sound created by someone typing on a
computer. Each key on the keyboard makesa subtly different acoustic signature when struck. It is then possible to
identify which keystroke signature relates to which keyboard character viastatistical methods such as frequency
analysis. The repetition frequency of similar acoustic keystroke signatures, the timings between different keyboard
strokes and other context information such as the probable language in which the user is writing are used in this

analysis to map sounds to letters. A fairly long recording (1000 or more keystrokes) is required so that a big
enough sample is collected.
Electromagnetic emissions: It is possible to capture theelectromagnetic emissionsof a wired keyboard from up to 20
metres (66 ft) away, without being physicallywired to it. In 2009, Swiss researchers tested 11 different USB, PS/2
and laptop keyboards in a semianechoic- chamber and found them all vulnerable, primarily because of the
prohibitive cost of addingshielding during manufacture. The researchers used a wide-bandreceiver to tune
into the specific frequency of the emissions radiated from the keyboards.
Optical surveillance: Optical surveillance, while not a keylogger in the classical sense, is nonetheless an approach that
can be used to capture passwords or PINs. A strategically placed camera, such as a hiddensurveillance

camera at an ATM, can allow a criminal to watch a PIN or password being entered.
Physical evidence: For a keypad that is used only to enter a security code, the keys which are in actual use will hav
evidence of use from many fingerprints. A passcode of four digits, if the four digits in question are known, is reduced

from 10,000 possibilities to just 24 possibilities (10 versus 4! (factorial of 4)). These could then be used on
separate occasions for a manual "brute force attack".
Smartphone sensors: Researchers have demonstrated that it is possible to capture the keystrokes of nearby
computer keyboards using only the commodityaccelerometer found in smartphones. The attack is made possible by
placing a smartphone near a keyboard on the same desk. The smartphone's accelerometer can then detect the vibrations
created by typing on the keyboard, and then translate this raw accelerometer signal into readable sentences with as
much as 80 percent accuracy.The technique involves working through probability by detecting pairs of keystrokes, rather
than individual keys. It models "keyboard events" in pairs and then works out whether the pair of keys pressed is on the
left or the right side of the keyboard and whether they are close together or far apart on the QWERTY keyboard. Once it
has worked this out, it compares the results to a preloaded dictionary where

each word has been broken down in the same way. Similar techniques have also been shown to be effective at
capturing keystrokes on touchscreen keyboards while in some cases, in combination with

An early keylogger was written by Perry Kivolowitz and posted to the Usenet news group net.unix-wizards,net.sources on November
17, 1983. The posting seems to be a motivating factor in restricting access to /dev/kmem on Unix systems. The user-mode
program operated by locating and dumping character lists (clists) as they were assembled in the Unix kernel.

In the 1970s, spies installed keystroke loggers in the US Embassy and Consulate buildings in Moscow and St
[31][32] [33]
Petersburg. They installed the bugs in Selectric II and Selectric III electric typewriters .
Soviet embassies used manual typewriters, rather than electric typewriters, for classified informationapparently because they are
[33] [32][34][35]
immune to such bugs. As of 2013, Russian special services still use typewriters.

Writing simple software applications for keylogging can be trivial, and like any nefarious computer program, can be
distributed as a trojan horse or as part of a virus. What is not trivial for an attacker, however, is installing a covert
keystroke logger without getting caught and downloading data that has been logged without being traced. An attacker
that manually connects to a host machine to download logged keystrokes risks being traced. A trojan that sends
keylogged data to a fixed e-mail address or IP address risks exposing the attacker.

Researchers devised several methods for solving this problem. They presented a deniable password snatching attack
[36] [37]
in which the keystroke logging trojan is installed using a virus or worm. An attacker who is caught with the virus
or worm can claim to be a victim. The cryptotrojan asymmetrically encrypts the pilfered login/password pairs using the
public key of the trojan author and covertly broadcasts the resulting ciphertext. They mentioned that the ciphertext can
be steganographically encoded and posted to a public bulletin board such asUsenet.

Use by police
In 2000, the FBI used FlashCrest iSpy to obtain the PGP passphrase of Nicodemo Scarfo, Jr., son of mob boss Nicodemo Scarfo. Also
in 2000, the FBI lured two suspected Russian cyber criminals to the US in an elaborate ruse, and captured their usernames and passwords
with a keylogger that was covertly installed on a machine that they used to access their computers in Russia. The FBI then

used these credentials to hack into the suspects' computers in Russia in order to obtain evidence to prosecute them.

The effectiveness of countermeasures varies, because keyloggers use a variety of techniques to capture data and the
countermeasure needs to be effective against the particular data capture technique. In the case of Windows 10 keylogging
from Microsoft it is enough to change some privacy settings on your computer. For example, an on-screen keyboard will
be effective against hardware keyloggers, transparency will defeat somebut not allscreenloggers and an anti-spyware
application that can only disable hook-based keyloggers will be inefective against kernel-based keyloggers.

Also, keylogger program authors may be able to update the code to adapt to countermeasures that may have proven
to be effective against them.

Anti keyloggers
An anti keylogger is a piece of software specifically designed to detect keyloggers on a computer, typically comparing
all files in the computer against a database of keyloggers looking for similarities which might signal the presence of a
hidden keylogger. As anti keyloggers have been designed specifically to detect keyloggers, they have the potential to
be more effective than conventional anti virus software; some anti virus software does not consider a keylogger to be
a virus, as under some circumstances a keylogger can be considered a legitimate piece of software .

Rebooting the computer using a Live CD or write-protected Live USB is a possible countermeasure against software keyloggers if
the CD is clean of malware and the operating system contained on it is secured and fully patched so that it cannot be infected as
soon as it is started. Booting a diferent operating system does not impact the use of a hardware or BIOS based keylogger.
Anti-spyware / Anti-virus programs
Many anti-spyware applications are able to detect some software based keyloggers and quarantine, disable or cleanse them.
However, because many keylogging programs are legitimate pieces of software under some circumstances, anti spyware often
neglects to label keylogging programs as spyware or a virus. These applications are able to detect software-based keyloggers
based on patterns in executable code, heuristics and keylogger behaviours (such as the use ofhooks and certain APIs).

No software-based anti-spyware application can be 100% effective against all keyloggers. Also, software-based anti-
spyware cannot defeat non-software keyloggers (for example, hardware keyloggers attached to keyboards will always
receive keystrokes before any software-based anti-spyware application).

However, the particular technique that the anti-spyware application uses will influence its potential effectiveness against software
keyloggers. As a general rule, anti-spyware applications with higher privileges will defeat keyloggers with lower privileges. For
example, a hook-based anti-spyware application cannot defeat a kernel-based keylogger (as the keylogger will receive the
keystroke messages before the anti-spyware application), but it could potentially defeat hook- and API-based keyloggers.

Network monitors
Network monitors (also known as reverse-firewalls) can be used to alert the user whenever an application attempts to make a network
connection. This gives the user the chance to prevent the keylogger fromphoning" home" with his or her typed information.

Automatic form filler programs

Automatic form-filling programs may prevent keylogging by removing the requirement for a user to type personal details and passwords
using the keyboard. Form fillers are primarily designed for web browsers to fill in checkout pages and log users into their accounts. Once
the user's account and credit card information has been entered into the program, it will be automatically entered into forms without ever
using the keyboard or clipboard, thereby reducing the possibility that private data is being recorded. However someone with physical
access to the machine may still be able to install software that is able to intercept this information elsewhere

in the operating system or while in transit on the network.Transport( Layer Security (TLS) reduces the risk that data in
transit may be intercepted by network sniffers and proxy tools.)

One-time passwords (OTP)

Using one-time passwords may be keylogger-safe, as each password is invalidated as soon as it is used. This solution may be
useful for someone using a public computer. However, an attacker who has remote control over such a computer can simply wait
for the victim to enter his/her credentials before performing unauthorised transactions on their behalf while their session is active.

Security tokens
Use of smart cards or other security tokens may improve security against replay attacks in the face of a successful keylogging attack, as
accessing protected information would require both the (hardware) security token as well as the appropriate password/passphrase.
Knowing the keystrokes, mouse actions, display, clipboard etc. used on one computer will not subsequently help an attacker gain access to
the protected resource. Some security tokens work as a type of hardware-assisted one-time password system, and others implement a
cryptographic challenge-response authentication, which can improve security in a manner conceptually similar to one time passwords.
Smartcard readers and their associated keypads for PIN entry may be vulnerable to keystroke logging through a so-
called supply chain attack where an attacker substitutes the card reader/PIN entry hardware for one which records the user's PIN.

On-screen keyboards
Most on-screen keyboards (such as the on-screen keyboard that comes with Windows XP) send normal keyboard event messages to
the external target program to type text. Software key loggers can log these typed characters sent from one program to another.

Additionally, keylogging software can take screenshots of what is displayed on the screen (periodically, and/or upon each mouse click),
which means that although certainly a useful security measure, an on-screen keyboard will not protect from all keyloggers.

Keystroke interference software

Keystroke interference software is also available. These programs attempt to trick keyloggers by introducing random
keystrokes, although this simply results in the keylogger recording more information than it needs to. An attacker has the task of
extracting the keystrokes of interestthe security of this mechanism, specifically how well it stands up tocryptanalysis, is unclear.

Speech recognition
Similar to on-screen keyboards, speech-to-text conversionsoftware can also be used against keyloggers, since there
are no typing or mouse movements involved. The weakest point of using voice-recognition software may be how the
software sends the recognized text to target software after the recognition took place.

Handwriting recognition and mouse gestures

Also, many PDAs and lately tablet PCs can already convert pen (also called stylus) movements on their touchscreens
to computer understandable text successfully. Mouse gestures use this principle by using mouse movements instead
of a stylus. Mouse gesture programs convert these strokes to user-definable actions, such as typing text. Similarly,
graphics tablets and light pens can be used to input these gestures, however these are less common everyday.

The same potential weakness of speech recognition applies to this technique as well.

Macro expanders/recorders
With the help of many programs, a seemingly meaningless text can be expanded to a meaningful text and most of the time context-
sensitively, e.g. "" can be expanded when a web browser window has the focus. The biggest weakness of this
technique is that these programs send their keystrokes directly to the target program. However, this can be overcome by using the
'alternating' technique described below, i.e. sending mouse clicks to non-responsive areas of the target program, sending
meaningless keys, sending another mouse click to target area (e.g. password field) and switching back-and-forth.

Deceptive typing
Alternating between typing the login credentials and typing characters somewhere else in the focus window can cause a keylogger
to record more information than they need to, although this could easily be filtered out by an attacker.Similarly, a user can move
their cursor using the mouse during typing, causing the logged keystrokes to be in the wrong order e.g., by typing a password
beginning with the last letter and then using the mouse to move the cursor for each subsequent letter. Lastly, someone can also
use context menus to remove, cut, copy, and paste parts of the typed text without using the keyboard. An attacker who is able to
capture only parts of a password will have a smallerkey space to attack if he chose to execute abrute-force attack.

Another very similar technique uses the fact that any selected text portion is replaced by the next key typed. e.g., if the
password is "secret", one could type "s", then some dummy keys "asdfsd". Then, these dummies could be selected with the
mouse, and the next character from the password "e" is typed, which replaces the dummies "asdfsd".

These techniques assume incorrectly that keystroke logging software cannot directly monitor the clipboard, the
selected text in a form, or take a screenshot every time a keystroke or mouse click occurs. They may however be
effective against some hardware keyloggers

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