Salvatio 2018
Salvatio 2018
Salvatio 2018
Department of Applied Science and Technology
AC Tech, Anna University, Chennai
February 22- 23, 2018
About Anna University Alagappa College of Technology (A.C.Tech.),
one of the constituent campus of Anna
University was established in the year 1944.
A.C.Tech was founded mainly to offer courses
on Chemical Engineering, Textile Technology
and Leather Technology. Later, recognizing the
need to equip the students for developing the
Anna University is the premier institution in society technologically, additional courses like
India which was formed in 1978 by integrating Ceramic Technology, Petroleum Engineering and
four technical institutions including College of Technology, Industrial Biotechnology, Food
Engineering Guindy (CEG) Estd.-1794, Technology, Pharmaceutical Technology and
Alagappa College of Technology (A.C.Tech.) Apparel Technology were introduced. AC tech
Estd.-1944, Madras Institute of Technology has been constantly taking efforts on raising the
(MIT) Estd.-1957. In addition to the above, Anna quality of education and research to produce
University has 13 Constituent Colleges, 3 superior human resource to match the rapid
Regional Campuses at Tirunelveli, Madurai and technological advancement.
Coimbatore and 593 Affiliated Colleges The Host Department
(Government, Government Aided and Self-
Financing Colleges).It is committed to provide The Department of Applied Science and
world class education and research in Technology (DAST), A.C Tech, Anna University
engineering and applied sciences. Anna was established in 2012 and thrives to
University can proudly claim its active role in accomplish its vision of developing dexterous
promoting the economic and social development and proficient students along with a promising
of the region by providing high quality and challenging career. This department offers
manpower through excellence in teaching, full time courses on
research and consultancy. Besides promoting
research and disseminating knowledge gained B.Tech(Petroleum Engineering and
therefrom, it fosters cooperation between the Technology)
academic and industrial communities. M.Tech(Industrial Safety and Hazards
About AC Tech
SALVATIO is the technical conference
organized annually by the Department of
Applied Science and Technology. SALVATIO
has innovative events which test the technical
adroit of students and researchers.
What's Special in SALVATIO’18 prospects. The organizing committee takes
immense pleasure in inviting you to the “Energy,
SALVATIO-18 has an interesting theme of Environment and Industrial Safety” to be held
“Energy, Environment and Industrial Safety" during February 22- 23. 2018, and benefit from
which echoes today's need for energy efficient, the exchange of information, ideas and insights.
environmentally friendly process and workplace
safety. This theme urges the budding young Registration Fee
engineers and scientists to channel their
resources and concentrate on problems which Indian Foreign
call for immediate and innovative solutions. Category Delegates Delegates
This year we are planning to organize an Corporate Staff Rs 1500 100 USD
International conference onEnergy, Environment
and Industrial Safety (ICEEIS), which will Academic / Research
enable the technologists to exhibit their talents on Staff Rs 1000 50 USD
an international forum. The rapid industrial Research Scholars/
revolution has resulted in a considerable rise in
Students Rs 750 30 USD
the standard of living of the people;however, it is
unfortunate that we have not yet realized the * Spot Registration: Additional 200/- or USD 5 for each category
Dr. Nitin Labhsetwar, Senior Principal Mr. S.K. Ashok Raj. Scientist, Ministry Of
Scientist & Head, CSIR- NEERI, Nagpur, Earth Sciences, Delhi, India.
Dr B G Prakash Kumar,Asst. Prof.,Birla Scientist,CLRI, Adyar, Chennai
Institute Of Technology & Science, Pilani
Dr. Senthilkumar Sivaprakasam,
Dr. I. Made Joni, Professor, Padjadjaran Associate Professor, IIT Guwahati,
University, Indonesia Guwahati (Assam), India
Dr. Eileen Yu, Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Dr.Sivasubramanian V, Associate
University, United Kingdom Professor, Chemical Engineering, NIT,
Calicut, India
Mr. Vijay Gunasekaran, Founder, CEO,
E-Bionary Technologies Pvt. Ltd, Dr. M. Arivazhagan, Associate Professor,
Hyderabad National Institute Of Technology, Trichy,
Mr. Harikrishnan Parthasarathy,
Business Development Manager, Aggreka Dr. S.Suresh, Assistant Professor, National
Process Services, Pearland, USA Institute Of Technology Trichy, India
Dr. Sébastien Balme, Assistant Professor, Dr. T.Senthilkumar, Scientist ICAR,
Institut Européen Des Membranes, France Mumbai, India
Ms. Revathi Ganesan, Technical Safety Dr.Yen Peng Tin, Associate Professor,
Engineer, Brunei Shell Petroleum National University Of Singapore,
Dr. R. Parameshwaran, Assistant
Professor, BITS, Pillani, Hyderabad Campus Dr.Yun Suk Huh, Associate Professor,
College of Engineering, Korea.
Dr. Ramasamy Sakthivel, Senior Principal
Scientist CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar, India Dr. Ruggeri Bernardo, Associate
Professor, DISAT, Italy
Dr. B.Raja, Assistant Professor, IIITDM,
Kancheepuram, India Mr.Arvind vyas Harinath, Chief Engineer,
Cummins Emission Solutions Inc. India
International Conference on Energy, Environment and Industrial Safety
Name :
Designation :
Organization :
Phone :
Email :
Amount paid :
D.D. No :
Signature of Participant Signature of the HOD/Principal
Please send the duly filled registration forms to the Organizing Secretary, ICEEIS,
Department of Applied Science and Technology, ACTech, Anna University, Chennai-25
along with the D.D drawn in favour of" SALVATIO" payable at Chennai.