CGA Brochure Final-2
CGA Brochure Final-2
CGA Brochure Final-2
The earth system is increasingly being perceived holistically, linking the atmosphere,
oceans, and solid Earth. This holistic perspective explains how the growing societal
impact of the Earth science research, empowered by state-of-art techniques. At its
core, modern science is founded on principles of sustainable resource management
and overall sustainable development, encompassing social, economic, energy-
related, and environmental aspects. Sustainability is paramount for humanity’s
scientific advancement, particularly in energy and environmental domains.
Today's global demands
About IIT(ISM)
The Indian School of Mines (ISM), Dhanbad spans a sprawling campus area of 393
acres and is located n the heart of India’s prime coking coal belt, approximately 260
km away from Kolkata city. IIT (ISM) Dhanbad boasts all the facilities of a world-
class academic institution and operates as a fully residential campus. Established
on December 9, 1926, by Lord Irwin, the then Viceroy of India, the Indian School of
Mines was founded to address the pressing need for trained manpower in mining-
related fields, with a focus on disciplines such as Mining and Applied Geology. In
1967, it was accorded the status of a
deemed university under Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956. Over the last 98 years, ISM
has expanded significantly, incorporating essential core engineering disciplines and
garnering a reputation as a full-fledged institute of global repute, offering higher
education in engineering, science, and management. The Indian School of Mines has
been conferred the status of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) on September 06,
2016, the Government of India elevated the institution to the status of an Indian
of Technology (IIT) and renamed it the Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School
of Mines), Dhanbad. Since its inception, the institute has experienced substantial
growth in its activities, and it now stands as a comprehensive technology education
institute. IIT (ISM) offers a wide array of programs, including B. Tech. (4 Years)
courses in 12 major engineering disciplines; Integrated M. Tech. (5 Years) programs
in Applied Geology, Applied Geophysics, and Mathematics & Computing;
Master of Technology; Master of Science; Master of Science and Technology; Master
of Business Administration; and Ph.D. programs. IIT(ISM) Dhanbad has made
significant contributions to the growth and development of fields of Mining, Mineral,
Petroleum, and groundwater exploration in India.
The Department of Applied Geophysics at IIT (ISM) was established in 1957 and has
since achieved years of excellence. It has emerged as one of the premier
geophysics departments in the dedicated to providing high quality teaching and
conducting impactful research. Over the years, Department has experienced
significant growth and currently offers range of programs, including years M.Sc.
Tech. and five years integrated M. Tech. in Applied Geophysics, two years M. Tech in
Earthquake Science and Engineering, and a doctoral program in Applied Geophysics.
Students in the department are actively engaged with various professional
organizations, including SEG, EAGE, SPG, AEG, AAPG, and IGU. The department is
involved in more than 15 ongoing research and development projects along with
several national and international consultancy projects supported by various
agencies and industries. Additionally, it participates in several national programs
such as D R S, SAP, COSIST, CAS, and F IST all funded by the government of India. The
Department boasts state-the-art geophysical instruments across various
geophysical disciplines and maintains multiple well- equipped laboratories,
including those dedicated to Seismic, Gravity & Magnetic, Electrical &
Electromagnetic, Geophysical Inversion, Global Optimization & Deep Learning,
R ock & Petrophysics, and R emote Sensing, Geophysical Instrumentation and
Seismological Observatory. F urthermore, the department is at the forefront of
cutting-edge research and has established a Center for Mineral Exploration and
planning to establish SE R B-Centre of Excellence in AI / ML modeling for early warning
of extreme Geohazards in collaboration with DST, N ew Delhi.
Important Dates
Advisory Committee
The souvenir (abstract book) comprises highlights of the technical program, a list of
delegates, and abstracts. It will be distributed to all participants. Advertising in this
book offers a golden opportunity for industries and other entities to promote their
products and services, fostering future business and growth.
At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the paper to be
included in the conference proceeding. Student’s registration is only applicable if
the first author of the paper is a registered student at an institution. R egistration
F ees (includes GST @ 18 % .) :
Organizing Committee
Core Committee
Advisory Committee