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Final Report 930-564



Prepared by

Rod E. Turochy
David H. Timm
S. Michelle Tisdale


PROJECT 930-564


Rod E. Turochy
David H. Timm
S. Michelle Tisdale

Highway Research Center

Auburn University
Auburn, Alabama

Sponsored by

Alabama Department of Transportation

Montgomery, Alabama

October 2005
The contents of this report reflect the views of the authors who are responsible for the facts and
accuracy of the data presented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views
or policies of the Alabama Department of Transportation or Auburn University. This report
does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation.


LIST OF TABLES………………………………………………………………….…iv
LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………v
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS …………………………………………………………...vii
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Objectives 2
1.3 Scope 3
1.4 Organization of This Report 3
CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW……………………………………………..5
2.1 Variations in Traffic Characteristics 5
2.2 Axle Load Modeling 10
AND NEIGHBORING STATES……………………………………..15
3.1 Truck Factors Updated in 1983 15
3.2 Truck Factors Updated in 1993 18
3.3 Surveys of Practice in Other States 18
CHAPTER 5: ANALYSIS PROCEDURE…………………………………………..25
5.1 Variations in Axle Load Distributions and Truck Factors 25
5.2 Axle Load Modeling 33
5.3 Effect of Load Spectra on
Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design 37
CHAPTER 6: RESULTS…………………………………………………………….44
6.1 Variations in Axle Load Distributions and Truck Factors 44
6.2 Axle Load Modeling 61
6.3 Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Results
and Discussion 69
7.1 Truck Factors 72
7.2 Axle Load Modeling 74
7.3 Application of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design
to Axle Load Distributions 75


Table 3.1 Truck Factors in Alabama

Table 3.2 Summary of Surveys
Table 4.1 Location of WIM Sites
Table 4.2 Data Completeness
Table 5.1 Critical Values for K-S Test
Table 5.2 Constant Input Parameters for Calculation of D
Table 5.3 Constant Input Parameters for Calculation of Design ESALs
Table 6.1 K-S Test for Statewide Average Single Axles
Table 6.2 K-S Test for Statewide Average Tandem Axles
Table 6.3 Daily Truck Factors; Pt =2.5 and SN = 5.0
Table 6.4 Average Daily Truck Volumes
Table 6.5 Daily Percent Error of Truck Factors for Pt =2.5 and SN = 5.0
Table 6.6 Monthly Truck Factors; Pt = 2.5 and SN = 5.0
Table 6.7 Monthly Percent Error of Truck Factors for Pt =2.5 and SN = 5.0
Table 6.8 Variation of Truck Factors by Direction
Table 6.9 Variation by Site from the Statewide Average for Pt = 2.5 and SN = 5.0
Table 6.10 Variation by Site from the Statewide Average for Pt = 2.5 and D = 9.0
Table 6.11 Comparison of 1993 and 2001 Truck Factors
Table 6.12 Comparison of Weighed and Counted Class 5 Vehicles
Table 6.13 Distribution Parameters for Single Axles
Table 6.14 Results for Chi-Squared and R2 Tests for Single Axles
Table 6.15 Distribution Parameters for Tandem Axles
Table 6.16 Results for Chi-Squared and R2 Tests for Tandem Axles


Figure 2.1 FHWA Vehicle Classes

Figure 2.2 Yuan-Lin, Single Axle (Huang et al, 2002)
Figure 2.3 Yuan-Lin, Tandem Axle (Huang et al, 2002)
Figure 4.1 Location of WIM Sites
Figure 5.1 Example of Comparison of Cumulative Distribution Function
Figure 5.2 Axle Load Distribution for Statewide Average
Figure 5.3 Example of Three Peaks in an Axle Load Distribution
Figure 5.4 Three-Layer Pavement Structure
Figure 5.5 Stochastic-Based M-E Analysis
Figure 5.6 Asphalt Horizontal Tensile Microstrain Spectra
Figure 5.7 Subgrade Vertical Compressive Microstrain Spectra.
Figure 5.8 Thickness Determination – Example
Figure 6.1 Single Axle CDFs for Statewide Average
Figure 6.2 Tandem Axle CDFs for Statewide Average
Figure 6.3 Variation of Percent Error by Depth of Concrete
Figure 6.4 Variation of Percent Error by Structural Number
Figure 6.5 Monthly Variation for Statewide Average
Figure 6.6 Trends Over Time of Truck Factors
Figure 6.7 Three Distribution Mixture for PAT Station
Figure 6.8 Two Distribution Mixture for Hestia Station
Figure 6.9 Differences between LN-N-N and LN-N-LN Distribution
Figure 6.10 Axle Load Distribution for Statewide Average
Figure 6.11 M-E Pavement Thickness Design Summary


The objectives of this study were to develop truck factors for pavement design in
Alabama and axle load distribution models for mechanistic-empirical pavement design. In
addition, the effects of variations in axle load spectra obtained from different sites on pavement
design requirements using both the 1993 AASHTO pavement design guide and a mechanistic-
empirical (M-E) design approach were evaluated. Information from thirteen weigh-in-motion
(WIM) sites on rural principal arterials was provided by the Alabama Department of
Transportation for this study. Statistical and practical tests were used to determine the daily,
monthly, directional, and site variations in truck traffic relating to the development of truck
factors. A sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the effect the variation in truck
factors would have on the final pavement design thickness. It was determined that using a
statewide average truck factor would be sufficient for pavement design of rural principal
arterials in Alabama.
The data from the WIM sites were also used to create an innovative statistical model of
axle load distributions. Separate models were developed for single and tandem axles at each
site and for the statewide average. A mixture of either a lognormal, normal, and normal
distribution or a lognormal and normal distribution was used for the single axles. For all
tandem axle loads a mixture of a lognormal and normal distribution was found to be the best fit.
All of the developed single axle models were found to explain at least 98.6 percent of the total
variation in the data and all the developed tandem axle models were found to explain at least
96.2 percent of the total variation.


The authors wish to thank many people who assisted with the research documented in
this report and who provided guidance along the way. Julia Bower, a student in the Department
of Civil Engineering at Auburn University, assisted with much of the data analysis to determine
the sensitivity of mechanistic-empirical design to axle load distributions. Larry Lockett, Scott
George, Gary Brunson, and Charles Turney of the Alabama Department of Transportation were
all willing to provide their insights on the research, meet with the principal investigators, and
provide comments on drafts of this report.


1.1 Background
Designing and maintaining the statewide network of roads is an essential responsibility
of State highway agencies. A pavement design that accurately reflects the environmental and
traffic conditions over the life of the pavement results in less maintenance, repair, and traffic
disruptions and therefore, benefits the State through savings in cost and time. There are several
input parameters that are required to design a pavement structure. One vital component is an
accurate account of the expected magnitude and frequency of traffic loads over the design life
of the pavement. Traffic can be characterized using equivalent single axle loads (ESALs).
ESALs convert the effect of mixed axle load applications into the equivalent number of
applications of an 18,000 lb single axle that would be required to produce the same amount of
pavement distress. Typically, ESALs are calculated per vehicle and then multiplied by the
average annual daily traffic (AADT), growth factor, lane distribution, and directional
distribution to compute the total ESALs for design. The effect of motorcycles, passenger cars,
and pick-up trucks on calculation of ESALs per vehicle, or the “truck factor”, are very small.
Some agencies, including the Alabama Department of Transportation, choose to include these
light vehicles while others consider their contributions negligible and omit them from the
process of determining truck factors.
The Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) currently uses a statewide
average truck factor that was determined in 1993. Since truck volumes and weights can change
from year to year, new truck factors that accurately reflect the existing truck traffic are needed.
Also, the appropriateness of using an average truck factor instead of site or facility type-
specific truck factors needs to be verified. In addition to variations between sites, the variations
in truck traffic by day of the week, month of the year, and direction needs to be examined. If
the differences are not accounted for, the resulting truck factors may inaccurately portray the
loads on the pavement and consequently ESAL computations. Underestimating the traffic loads
on the pavement could lead to underdesigned facilities and premature failure and
overestimating the traffic loads is not economically efficient.
It is also beneficial to know if variations exist for data collection purposes. For
example, if data cannot be collected every day of the week and it is known that the truck factors

for a typical Sunday are significantly higher than for the rest of the week, then Sunday should
not be left out of the data collection. Conversely, money can be saved if it is known that the
truck factors do not vary significantly by day and therefore data do not need to be collected
every day. The existence and extent of variations must first be determined in order to decide
whether or not it is appropriate to use average truck factors and when to collect data.
The forthcoming “2002” Guide for Design of Pavement Structures will use
mechanistic-empirical (M-E) based pavement design procedures. Instead of using ESALs for
the traffic input, the full axle load distribution for each axle type is required. The axle load
distribution is required because the strain on the pavement and subgrade caused by the
individual axle loads of each axle type is determined using response models. The strains are
input into distress models which account for distresses such as fatigue cracking, rutting,
pumping, and joint deterioration. The distress models determine the number of applications to
failure for each axle load on each axle type, which is compared to the actual number of axle
loads expected over the life of the pavement. Since observed axle load distributions are not
always readily available, a model of axle load distributions is very useful for mechanistic-
empirical design.
The current state of the practice is to use polynomial regression equations to model axle
load distributions. These models may have up to five discontinuous equations and 20
regression constants per axle load distribution. Also, they do not take advantage of the central
tendencies and dispersion in the natural axle load distributions. Therefore, there is a need to
develop simpler and more robust axle load models that accurately reflect the properties of the
truck traffic.

1.2 Objectives
The two goals of this research were to develop accurate truck factors for use in
pavement design for Alabama and to develop new statistical models of axle load distributions.
The specific research objectives are:
1. To review and assess research on variations of axle load distributions and truck
2. To review and assess current methods of modeling axle load distributions;
3. To review and assess past ALDOT procedures for determining truck factors;

4. To determine truck factor variations by day, month, direction, and site;
5. To evaluate the sensitivity of pavement design to truck factors;
6. To develop recommended truck factors for ALDOT;
7. To compare the recommended truck factors to the truck factors used by ALDOT in
the past;
8. To develop a new statistical model of axle load distributions;
9. To evaluate the sensitivity of pavement design relative to load spectra using an M-E

1.3 Scope
This study consisted of using data from 13 Alabama Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) sites
collected in 2001 to compare axle load distributions and truck factors for daily, monthly,
directional, and site differences. Statistical and practical differences between the axle load
distributions and truck factors were determined. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to
determine the effect of differences among the truck factors on pavement design. The axle load
distributions for each site and the statewide average were used to create new statistical models
for use in M-E design. A sensitivity analysis was used to determine the effect of differences
among site-specific load spectra, for three values of soil resilient modulus, on flexible
pavement design using an M-E approach.

1.4 Organization of This Report

The literature review that discusses research that has been done on variations of axle
load distributions and truck factors is presented in Chapter 2. Also, Chapter 2 presents recent
research on modeling axle load distributions. The research that ALDOT has done specifically
to determine truck factors for use in pavement design in Alabama is discussed in Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 describes the data that were supplied by ALDOT and used for this project. The
methodology to determine differences in axle load distributions and truck factors as well as the
sensitivity of the pavement design parameters, using the 1993 AASHTO method, to truck
factors is described in Chapter 5. Chapter 5 also describes the procedure used to create a model
of axle load distributions and then applies an M-E design approach to evaluate the sensitivity of
required flexible pavement thickness to the deviations in site-specific load distributions from

the combined statewide distribution. The methodology was then applied to the data supplied
by ALDOT and the results are displayed in Chapter 6. The conclusions and recommendations
pertaining to truck factors for pavement design in Alabama, and recommendations for data
collection, are made in Chapter 7. Also in Chapter 7 are the conclusions about the statistical
models of the axle load distributions and the impacts of site-specific differences in these
distributions on M-E pavement design. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 are each divided into three
sections: the first pertains to development of new truck factors and the sensitivity of pavement
design to site-specific differences based on the 1993 AASHTO procedure, the second describes
the development of statistical models of axle load distributions, and the third describes the
sensitivity of M-E pavement design (using the M-E design software, PerRoad) to site-specific
differences in axle load distributions.


An extensive literature review was performed to gather information on variations in

traffic characterization, determination of ESALs, and axle load modeling. The purpose of this
literature review was to determine what characteristics of traffic data are important when
calculating ESALs. Traffic characteristics include variations in vehicle classes, days of the
week, months, years, seasons, sites, and between directions.
The forthcoming “2002” Pavement Design Guide uses mechanistic-empirical design
which requires the input of axle load distributions, rather than ESALs. Since axle load
distributions are not available for every design location, a procedure to develop axle load
distribution models is beneficial to mechanistic-empirical design. Therefore, the current
methods of modeling axle load distributions were examined.

2.1 Variations in Traffic Characteristics

Key factors in designing a pavement structure are the magnitude and number of
repeated loads. Axle loads can be converted into ESALs using AASHTO design procedures
(AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures, 1993). ESALs require the input of a
terminal serviceability, axle load distribution, and structural number (SN) or depth of concrete
(D). The terminal serviceability can be defined as the point at which the pavement reaches a
minimum tolerable level of serviceability, at which rehabilitation activities typically occur.
The SN is an index number that may be converted into the thicknesses of the flexible pavement
layers by using layer coefficients that are dependent upon the material type of the layer.
ESALs can be calculated separately for each vehicle class or for the aggregate traffic mix.
Other considerations when calculating ESALs are daily, monthly, yearly, seasonal, and
regional variations in truck traffic. The following sections discuss research that has been done
in those areas.

2.1.1 Vehicle Classes

The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) divides vehicles into thirteen different
classes as shown in Figure 2.1. When ESALs are calculated, the effects of vehicle classes 1-3
(motorcycles, passenger cars, and pickup trucks) are minimal since their axle loads are so light

compared to the other vehicle classes. For example, one tractor-semitrailer combination is
equivalent to about 2.0 ESALs and one passenger car

1. Motorcycles 2. Passenger Cars 3. 2-Axle, 4-Tire Single Units, Pick-up

or Van

4. Buses 5. 2-Axle, 6 Tire Single Units 6. 3-Axle, 7. 4 or More Axles,

Single Units Single Unit

8. 3 to 4 Axles, Single Trailer 9. 5 Axles, Single Trailer 10. 6 or More Axles, Single Trailer

11. 5 or Less Axles, Multi- 12. 6 Axles, Multi-Trailers 13. 7 or More Axles, Multi-Trailers

Figure 2.1 FHWA Vehicle Classes (Traffic Data and Analysis Manual, 2001)

to only 0.0004 ESAL (Fwa et al, 1993). A study conducted for the Arizona Department of
Transportation (ADOT) to create a new ESAL table found that FHWA vehicles classes 1-3
have a minimal impact on the overall number of ESALs a segment will experience (Alavi and
Senn, 1999). Therefore, it was determined that classes 1-3 could be ignored when calculating
ESALs can be calculated individually per truck class or for an average of all trucks.
ESALs are sometimes separated by truck class because each truck class has a separate growth
rate. ADOT found that the composition of truck traffic had been changing between 1993 and

1997. Class 9 trucks had increased in increments of approximately 2.5 percent per year relative
to the total truck traffic and in increments of approximately 0.8 percent relative to the entire
traffic stream. It was recommended that this issue be revisited in 3 to 5 years to see if Class 9
vehicles are still increasing in percentage. If so, then consideration should be given to
modifying growth factors by vehicle class.
A study conducted for the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) used data
from 1993-1995 and a time series analysis to conclude that Class 9 and Class 4 trucks had an
annual rate of change of 6% and 5%, while the percentage of other truck classes did not
increase over the given time period (Qu et al, 1997). TxDOT also compared the axle load
distributions of the same axle type in the same or different truck class. It was observed that the
same axle types would have different load distributions when they were in different truck
classes or at a different position, such as the front or the rear, on the same truck class.
Therefore, ESALs were calculated separately by truck class and by the position on the truck.

2.1.2 Daily Variation

It is important to know if truck traffic varies greatly between days so that the
significantly heavy or light days are not neglected in the determination of ESALs. Load
distributions have been used to determine if a daily variation in traffic loading was present. A
study conducted using WIM data collected for 3 years from a site on a four lane freeway in
North Carolina used the Kruskal-Wallis (Conover, 1980) test to determine whether the gross
weight distribution varied daily (Wu, 1996). The Kruskal-Wallis test tests the null hypothesis
that when k samples are taken from k possible different populations, the entire population is
identical. In other words, the gross vehicle weight distributions for each day were tested to
determine if they were identical. For single unit trucks with single axles (SUS), the null
hypothesis that the daily gross weight distributions were the same was rejected. When Sunday
was removed from the data set the null hypothesis was accepted. This means that differences
among the daily gross weight distributions were not statistically significant except for Sunday.
Other sites with higher Sunday truck traffic were tested, and it was found that Sunday
distribution functions were identical to those for weekdays. These results suggested that the
Sunday gross weight distribution only differed significantly when recorded truck traffic was
very low. The error this will cause in pavement design was estimated to be minimal because it

would have an insignificant impact on the accuracy of the overall average ESALs. For single
trailer vehicles the daily gross weight distribution variation was found to be insignificant.
Seasonal variation was also tested using the Kruskal-Wallis test. Four samples were used from
the same site and it was determined that there was no seasonal variation.

2.1.3 Variation between Years

The axle load patterns can change throughout the design life of a pavement. If a
significant increase or decrease in ESALs is expected over the design life of the pavement, it is
necessary to account for it in the pavement design procedure. Studies have been undertaken to
determine if axle load distributions vary between years.
A study done for TxDOT used WIM data from two sites for 1993, 1994, and 1995 to
analyze yearly axle load distributions (Qu et al, 1997). The purpose of the analysis was to
determine if axle load distributions should be adjusted for the forecasted design year when
computing ESALs. To compare the axle load distributions between the three years the data
from both sites were combined for each year. Since both stations only monitored southbound
traffic, direction of the traffic could not be compared. By plotting the axle load distributions
for the three years it was determined that the axle load distributions among the three years were
almost identical; this observation was not validated through statistical testing. Therefore, it was
decided to use the axle load distribution from 1995 when calculating ESALs.
A study using LTPP data from 21 sites in the North Central Region for interstate
highways used axle type distribution, ESAL distribution, and axle load distribution to
characterize trends in the traffic data (Kim et al, 1998). The North Central Region included the
following states; Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska,
North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to
determine if there were statistically significant differences in axle type, ESAL, and axle load
distribution within the region. The sites had to be subdivided into three regions before the
traffic patterns were not significantly different. Within the three regions the Kruskal-Wallis
test indicated that the distribution by axle type, ESAL, and axle load for both single and tandem
axle did not change significantly over time for the three years studied. It was therefore
concluded that axle load distribution could be extrapolated over reasonable periods of time. No
definition of what would be considered a reasonable amount of time was given.

2.1.4 Variation between Sites
Truck traffic can vary considerable between sites, even if they are in the same state or
same region of a state. Therefore it is important to know what regional differences exist when
calculating ESALs. A comparison between sites can be made using axle load distributions.
A study done for TxDOT used three years of WIM to compare the axle load
distributions for two sites by plotting the distributions (Qu et al, 1997). The method of analysis
was to visually inspect the plots for any differences. They were very similar, but they were not
identical because one site experienced slightly more traffic than the other. It was decided that
ESAL calculations should be performed separately for both sites.
A study conducted in Taiwan used data collected for the ten years from static
weighbridges at four toll stations (Huang et al, 2002). The Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) Test
was used to determine whether or not there were significant variations or differences in the
traffic patterns among the four toll stations. The K-S test determines if two independently
drawn samples are from the same distribution function. Each toll station was compared to the
other three toll stations separately, so there were six comparisons made. For each comparison,
axle load distributions for single and tandem axle loads were compared. The null hypothesis
was that the axle load distributions of the two stations being compared could be considered
identical and the alternative hypothesis was that they were not identical. For the four toll
stations compared, it was determined that there were significant differences in the axle load
patterns between paired stations at a significance level of 5%. The toll stations were only
compared to each other, not to an average of all four toll stations. Since the stations were found
to be statistically significantly different they were analyzed separately.

2.1.5 Sensitivity Analysis

It is beneficial to know how sensitive the AASHTO design equations are to input
parameters when trying to determine the required depth of pavement. For example, if it is
determined that a specific increase in ESALs does not change the required depth of pavement,
then that particular increase in ESALs would be insignificant in the final design.
A study was conducted for the New York State Department of Transportation
(NYSDOT) to analyze the effect of input parameters on pavement thickness using the

AASHTO procedure (Chen et al, 1996). The sensitivity analysis was conducted by varying one
input parameter at a time. The independent input parameters tested for flexible pavements
were reliability, standard deviation, serviceability loss, soil resilient modulus, asphalt concrete
(AC) base layer coefficient, subbase layer coefficient, subbase drainage coefficient, and design
traffic in ESALs. For rigid pavements the test variables were reliability, standard deviation,
serviceability loss, modulus of subgrade reaction, drainage coefficient, concrete modulus of
rupture, load transfer coefficient, and design traffic in ESALs. The AASHTO recommended
value was selected for the baseline value and upper and lower bounds were selected for the
sensitivity analysis. Changes in design thickness were categorized by the percentage change in
design thickness of AC or Portland cement concrete (PCC) per ten percent change in the input
parameter. The percent change was considered low if it was less than 2.5 percent, moderate for
2.6 to 5.0 percent, and high for more than 5.0 percent.
For both rigid and flexible pavement it was determined that changes in thickness due to
changes in ESALs are moderate when they are below the baseline value and low when they are
above the baseline value. So, as the magnitude of design ESALs increase, their effect on
pavement design decreases. To calculate design ESALs a growth rate, design life, ESALs per
vehicle class, and AADT must be determined. These values could all have varying effects on
the outcome of design ESALs and consequently pavement thickness. For this study, however,
they were not included in the analysis.

2.2 Axle Load Modeling

ESALs, which are widely used today, provide a quick analysis of traffic for pavement
design, but it does not take into account all the distresses traffic loading may have on a
pavement. The forthcoming 2002 AASHTO Design Guide includes mechanistic-empirical
design procedures, which will require the full axle load distribution of each axle type instead of
ESALs. Therefore, researchers have attempted to model axle load distributions using regression
techniques. The current method to model axle load distributions is to break the distributions
into four or five sections and then model each section using a regression equation. Therefore,
the models are not continuous or differentiable. There are four or five equations with this type
of model and up to 20 regression constants. Also, statistical tests to validate the goodness of fit

of the model to the actual axle load distribution cannot be performed because they are not based
on a theoretical distribution.
As mentioned previously the study of LTPP data from the North Central Region divided
axle load distributions into three separate regions (Kim et al, 1998). For each of the three
regions axle load distribution models were created for single and tandem axles using regression
models. The basic procedure included developing axle load distribution factors, using the axle
load factors to model the axle load cumulative frequency, and developing a 90 percent
prediction interval for the axle load cumulative frequency model developed to account for
differences that might exist at a specific site. The cumulative axle load distribution was divided
into four sections. For each section a polynomial regression equation was fit to the curve. The
first three sections required a 3rd order polynomial and the last section required a 4th order
polynomial. The model form was as follows:
For single axles (0 kips < W < 8.3 kips) and tandem axles (0 kips < W < 15.1 kips),
CF = α 1W 3 + α 2W 2 + α 3W
For single axles (8.3 kips < W < 13.5 kips) and tandem axles (15.1 kips < W < 31.0 kips),
CF = α 4W 3 + α 5W 2 + α 6W + α 7
For single axles (13.5 kips< W < 20.5 kips) and tandem axles (31.0 kips < W < 45 kips),
CF = α 8W 3 + α 9W 2 + α 10W + α 11
For single axles (20.5 kips < W < 34 kips) and tandem axles (45 kips < W < 58.5 kips),
CF = α 12−W 4 + α 13W 3 + α 14W 2 + α 15W + α 16
CF = cumulative frequency
W = axle load
αi = regression constants
These equations require a large number of regression constants; sixteen for each sub- region
and 96 total for the project. Since there is always variability in estimating traffic parameters, a
model that requires fewer input parameters to describe axle load distributions would be more
ideal. A statistical test for goodness of fit could not be performed for these equations since the
functions are not theoretical probability distributions. The coefficient of determination (R2) was

calculated and ranged from 0.93 to 0.99, which the study found to be adequate for predicting
the cumulative frequency for single and tandem axles.
After determining that the axle load models were adequate, the study recommended the
following procedure to estimate axle loads for Interstate highways within the study area. First,
the number of axle passes was obtained for a given site. It was assumed from previously
gathered information that 50 percent of the total axles were single axles, 49 percent were
tandem axles, and 1 percent were tridem axles. The polynomial regression models for single
and tandem axles are then used to determine the axle load distribution for both single and
tandem axles. Using data from 1995 that were not part of the data used in the analysis, it was
determined that these steps gave a good prediction of the axle load distributions for both axle
types. The coefficient of determination was 0.98 for single axles and 0.95 for tandem axles.
In Taiwan, a similar study was performed using data collected from static weighbridges at 4 toll
stations on the Sun Yat-sen Freeway for ten years (Huang et al, 2002). The axle load
distribution models were developed using regression techniques. The same procedure
described previously was used for this analysis. The only difference was the cumulative
frequency was divided into five sections instead of four. The equations require 20 coefficients
for each particular site and axle type. The model form was as follows:
For single axles (0 kips <W< 12.4 kips) and tandem axles (0 kips <W< 12.4 kips),
CF = α 1W 3 + α 2W 2 + α 3W
For single axles (12.4 kips <W<19.1 kips) and tandem axles (12.4 kips <W< 29.2 kips),
CF = α 4W 3 + α 5W 2 + α 6W + α 7
For single axles (19.1 kips <W< 24.7 kips) and tandem axles (29.2 kips <W< 40.5 kips),
CF = α 8W 3 + α 9W 2 + α 10W + α 11
For single axles (24.7 kips <W< 31.5 kips) and tandem axles (40.5 kips <W< 47.2 kips),
CF = α 12W 3 + α 13W 2 + α 14W + α 15
For single axles (31.5 kips <W< 49.5 kips) and tandem axles (47.2 kips <W< 74.2 kips),
CF = α 16W 4 + α 17W 3 + α 18W 2 + α 19W + α 20
CF = cumulative frequency
W = axle load

αi = regression constants
Data collected in 2000 were used to check the models. Predicted versus the measured
axle load frequency was plotted for comparison. No justification of the goodness of fit of the
model was given in the published literature. There was only a visual comparison of the
difference between the predicted and the actual axle load frequency. Figures 2.2 and 2.3
display the results for the Yuan-Lin station on the Sun Yat-sen Freeway. Since only a visual
comparison was made, there was no quantifiable measure of how well the data were modeled
using the polynomial regression equations. Basing the goodness of fit on visual inspection
alone is subjective and would vary from person to person.

Figure 2.2 Yuan-Lin, Single Axle (Huang et al, 2002)

Figure 2.3 Yuan-Lin, Tandem Axle (Huang et al, 2002)

This chapter has summarized the research that has been done to identify traffic
characteristics that are important when calculating ESALs. Comparing axle load distributions
was the primary way to determine if ESALs should be calculated by vehicle class, day of the
week, season, year, and by region or site. There was a lack of information on separating
ESALs by month or direction of travel. Also, the current method of modeling axle load
distributions is to use a polynomial regression model. The next chapter illustrates ALDOT’s
past research in determining truck factors for use in pavement design in Alabama.


Since the development of truck factors during a loadometer study in 1964, the Alabama
Department of Transportation (ALDOT) has updated its truck factors twice. In 1983 a report
was published documenting the procedures and data used to calculate truck factors and ESALs
for Alabama pavement design. The truck factors were again updated in 1993, but an official
report was not created. A survey of Alabama’s neighboring states was conducted to determine
what procedures are currently used for pavement design.

3.1 Truck Factors Updated in 1983

From 1964 to 1983, ALDOT used truck factors obtained from 1964 loadometer studies
for pavement design. In 1982 a research study was initiated with the following objectives: (1)
use truck weight data from currently operating ten Weigh-In-Motion (WIM) sites in Alabama
to determine truck weight distribution factors and compare them with the factors currently
being used, (2) at each WIM determine the total traffic count, percent trucks, and lane usage
(on multi-lane facilities) (Alabama Highway Department, 1983). All WIM sites were located
on four lane highways, with the exception of three sites located on two lane highways. The
sites were classified as either urban or rural and interstate or other federal aid system.
WIM devices were used to collect axle weight data for trucks over an approximately
twenty-four hour period at each site. The outside lane of each roadway was used to collect
measurements for the four lane highways. The number of trucks using the inside or non-
instrumented lanes of the four lane highways were recorded manually. The total number of
axles passing a given site was determined through the use of pneumatic tube counters. An axle
load frequency distribution was developed for each site by grouping the single or tandem axles
into 1 kip increments.
The truck distribution factors were determined by using a program written for an Apple
III microcomputer. For each axle load frequency distribution at each site, the total number of
ESALs was computed using the method described in the AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of
Pavement Structures. The method required the input of terminal serviceability (pt) and
structural number (SN) for flexible pavement or depth of concrete (D) for rigid pavement, to

determine the load equivalency factor (LEF). The only pt values used in the calculations were
2.0 and 2.5. The values used for SN were 1-10 (flexible pavements), and the D values ranged
from 6 to 15 inches (rigid pavements). The LEFs were calculated by using equations from the
AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures (Appendix MM).
The following equation was used for flexible pavements (Appendix MM):
⎡w ⎤ G Gt
log10 ⎢ tx ⎥ = 4.79 log10 (18 + 1) − 4.79 log10 ( Lx + L2 ) + 4.33 log10 L2 + t − (1)
⎣ wt18 ⎦ βx β 18
⎡ 4.2 − Pt ⎤
Gt = log10 ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 4.2 − 1.5 ⎦

⎡ 0.081(L1 + L2 )3.23 ⎤
β = 0.40 + ⎢ 5.19 3.23 ⎥
⎣ (SN + 1) L2 ⎦
Lx = load on one single axle or one tandem axle set (kips)
L2 = axle code (1 for single axle and 2 for tandem axle)
β18 = value of βx when Lx is equal to 18 and L2 is equal to one
SN = structural number
Pt = terminal serviceability
The following equation was used for rigid pavements (Appendix MM):
⎡w ⎤ G Gt
log10 ⎢ tx ⎥ = 4.62 log10 (18 + 1) − 4.62 log10 ( Lx + L2 ) + 3.28 log10 L2 + t − (2)
⎣ wt18 ⎦ βx β 18
⎡ 4.5 − Pt ⎤
Gt = log10 ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 4.5 − 1.5 ⎦

⎡ 3.63(L1 + L2 )5.20 ⎤
β = 1.0 + ⎢ 8.46 3.52 ⎥
⎣ (D + 1) L2 ⎦
Lx = load on one single axle or one tandem axle set (kips)
L2 = axle code (1 for single axle and 2 for tandem axle)
β18 = value of βx when Lx is equal to 18 and L2 is equal to one
D = depth of concrete, in
Pt = terminal serviceability

For both the flexible and rigid pavements, the LEF was determined by taking the
inverse of the ratio wtx/wt18 (LEF = wt18/ wtx). Therefore, equations (1) and (2) solve for the log
(base 10) of the inverse of the equivalency factor. The LEFs and axle load distributions for
single and tandem axles were used to determine the ESALs. The ESAL value was then divided
by the number of trucks weighed to calculate the ESAL per truck or truck factor. The
procedure was done at each WIM site for both pt values and all SN and D values.
There were four sets of truck factors from the 1964 study that were classified as
Interstate rural, Interstate urban, other federal rural, and other federal urban. For the 1983
study there were six sites classified as other rural, two sites classified as other urban, and one
each classified as Interstate Rural and Interstate Urban. For the 1964 study the four sites truck
factors ranged from 0.36385 to 0.45664 (pt =2.5 and SN = 5), while the 1983 truck factors
ranged from 0.43846 to 1.04329 (pt =2.5 and SN = 5).The truck factors for the 1982 study were
double or more the factors that had been used since 1964. It was decided not to group the
factors by highway classification because six of the ten sites were classified as Other Rural.
Instead, one statewide average truck factor was determined using the data from all ten WIM
sites. For a SN = 5 and pt = 2.5 the resulting truck factor was 0.80447.
Data collected from all but two sites were also used in the 1982 loadometer study where
an eight hour count (10 AM to 6 PM) was used in place of the twenty-four hour count. The
average number of equivalent 18 kip single axle loads per 1,000 trucks was computed at each
site for a pt of 2.5 and SN of 5 for flexible pavements and D of 9 inches for rigid pavements.
The truck factors from the eight hour period were a good approximation of those from all the
continuous WIM sites except one. Therefore, it was recommended that eight hour counts be
used in the future to reduce personnel requirements and avoid problems with local power
The results for the percentage of trucks using the outside lane at each four lane site
range from 79.1% to 92.0%. The average percent of trucks in the outside lane was calculated
to be 84.1%. The study recommended that a value of no less than 85% be used for pavement
design purposes.

3.2 Truck Factors Updated in 1993
In 1993 the truck factors were again updated, but there was no official documentation of
the procedure or information used to obtain them. From the information supplied by ALDOT it
was determined that the same equations from The Design of Pavement Structures (Appendix
MM) were used to determine the truck factors. The new truck factors used tridem axles as well
as single and tandem axles. This was accounted for in the design equation by using an axle
code (L2) of three. The terminal serviceability was also extended to include 3.0 and 3.5. An
average truck factor was calculated by using a weighted average for vehicle classes 5-13 as
shown in steps 1 to 3.
1. Multiply each vehicle class by its average daily count.
2. Sum the values from step 1.
3. Divide the sum by the total average daily count for classes 5-13.
Truck factors were computed this way for five WIM stations and for the statewide average. It
was common practice for ALDOT to use the statewide average truck factor for pavement
design. For a SN = 5 and pt = 2.5 the resulting truck factor was 0.9896, which was an increase
of 23% from the 1983 truck factor. The recommended truck factors for use in pavement design
in Alabama are summarized in Table 3.1 (pt = 2.5 and SN = 5).
Table 3.1 Truck Factors in Alabama
Year Recommended Truck Factor
Flexible Pavement Rigid Pavement
1964 0.46952* 0.60635*
1982 0.80447 1.35282
1993 0.9896 1.5797
*Classified as Other Urban

3.3 Surveys of Practice in Other States

As part of this study, a survey was conducted of Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and
Tennessee to gain insight into their methods for pavement design. The responses of each state
to the survey are included in Appendix A. The results of the survey concluded that all four
states use AASHTO design procedures and ESALs for pavement design. All states but Georgia
have operating WIM stations that are used for data collection. Tennessee is the only state that

uses a different ESAL for each design location based upon individual loading information. The
other states use a statewide average for different vehicle classes. A summary of the response to
the surveys is displayed in Table 3.2.

Table 3.2 Summary of Surveys

Question Georgia Florida Mississippi Tennessee
Breakdown of Flexible-No FHWA Classes 4- FHWA Classes 4- FHWA Classes 1-
Vehicle Breakdown 13 (Averaged) 13 (Separately) 13 (Separately)
Classification Rigid-Multi-Unit,
Single-Unit, and
Use of Growth No Yes Yes Yes
How often ESAL Last Update 1984 Reviewed Every 2-3 years As-Need Basis
Updated Annually
Use Average Yes (Rigid No No Yes
ESAL factors Pavement)

It has been common practice for Alabama and 3 of the four states surrounding
Alabama to use a statewide average truck factor for pavement design. Current data from
WIM devices in Alabama was used to determine if Alabama should continue to use a
statewide average. The next chapter will describe the WIM data that were used.


ALDOT provided the 2001 weight and vehicle classification data that were used for this
project. The weight data came from two types of WIM stations; HESTIA and PAT. The PAT
stations were for enforcement only. The HESTIA stations are a rack mounted piezo electric
sensor, while the PAT stations use the following sensors; bending plates, piezo, and loops. For
the classification of vehicles the HESTIA stations have a user definable classification system
and the PAT stations use a “Scheme F Default”, which is the FHWA vehicle classification
system. There were five HESTIA sites and eleven PAT sites. Each site has two stations that
recorded data in both directions except for HESTIA site 920, which recorded traffic in one
direction only. Figure 4.1 and Table 4.1 shows the locations of all the WIM sites.

Table 4.1 Location of WIM Sites

Equipment Site Direction of Travel Location Milepost
48 North and South I-65 210.0
906 East and West US 84 201.0
HESTIA 914 North and South US 280 132.15
917 North and South US 431 38.0
920 South only I-59 196.2
931 North and South I-65 355.7
961 North and South I-65 21.0
963 East and West I-10 5.0
918 North and South I-59 100.0
911 North and South US 280 55.8
PAT 915 North and South US 43 49.2
933 East and West AL 20 30.8
934 East and West US 78 79.0
939 East and West AL 41 124.7
960 North and South US 84 49.9
964 North and South US 231 36.0





48 914


915 917



Figure 4.1 Location of WIM Sites

The PAT sites had nearly complete data for the year 2001 with the exception of stations
963 and 918. Since there was very little information provided for those two stations, it was
decided to not include them in the analysis. Site 960 was also not included in the analysis

because the data from the site resulted in unrealistically high monthly truck factors. The
remaining PAT stations had at least 83% of the year’s data. The data from the HESTIA stations
were not as complete as the PAT stations, but it was decided that there was enough information
to proceed with the analysis. Table 4.2 shows the data completeness for each station. The last
number of the station ID represents the direction of travel; 1 (North), 5 (South), 3 (East), and 7
(West). The percentage of data completeness was determined by comparing the total hours of
operation for a month with the total hours for that month. The average hours of operation for
the entire year were also calculated.
The software program Vehicle Travel Information System (VTRIS), available from the
Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), was used to generate annual, monthly, and daily
summaries of the raw traffic data for all stations. VTRIS was then used to derive information
from the vehicle classification and weight data, and organized it into several tables. The W-4
Table segregated the average daily axle counts for each vehicle class by axle load bins. For
single axles the axle load bin ranged from 0 kips to 44.1 kips in increments of 2.2 kips and for
tandem axles the axle load bin ranged from 0 kips to 88.2 kips in increments of 4.4 kips.
The method used to average the axle counts was the “Hour of the Day Method”. For
each class, the average number of axles was calculated for each hour in the year. Then the
hourly averages are summed and divided by 24 to obtain the daily average for the class
(Equation 1 and 2).

WC (1) WC (2) WC (24) WCi ∑WCi

+ + ... + =∑ = i =1
∑ THi
TH (1) TH (2) TH (24) TH i
i =1

i = 24
∑ TH
i =1
AverageDailyValue = i

WC(x) = Weight count for hour x
TH(x) = Total number of hours counted for hour x

At each axle load bin the axle counts for FHWA vehicle classes 5 to 13 were added to
create an axle load distribution for heavy vehicles. This was done for both single and tandem
axles for the given time period. A spreadsheet was used to calculate the relative and
cumulative frequencies because VTRIS was not able to generate frequencies. After this was
done a procedure was developed to analyze the difference between axle load distributions and
ESALs, which is described in the next chapter. The data from these sites were also used to
create a model for axle load distributions.

Table 4.2 Data Completeness








481 0 0 0 0 8 100 56 0 0 53 100 39 30
485 0 0 0 0 8 98 45 0 0 53 100 36 30
9063 0 0 0 0 0 36 70 44 6 50 90 94 34
9067 0 0 0 0 0 45 69 70 6 50 92 90 36

9141 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 93 50 56 63 80 29
9145 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 93 50 55 63 81 29
9171 95 98 100 99 97 100 0 63 21 0 77 50 68
9175 97 99 98 99 98 100 0 64 22 0 75 55 68
9205 41 64 90 98 0 32 19 76 50 18 0 0 45
9113 99 100 100 100 100 100 42 72 100 100 100 100 93
9117 100 100 100 100 100 100 42 72 100 100 100 100 93
9151 100 98 100 100 100 100 100 100 99 100 100 99 100
9155 99 100 100 99 100 100 100 100 99 100 100 97 100
9181 100 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 15
9185 50 63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9
9311 88 100 100 100 90 100 87 74 97 100 100 100 95
9315 88 100 100 100 90 100 87 74 97 100 100 100 95
9333 100 100 100 100 100 100 87 97 87 100 100 100 98
9337 100 100 100 100 100 100 87 97 87 100 100 100 98
9343 95 98 100 100 100 100 45 77 100 100 100 100 93

9347 95 98 100 100 100 100 45 77 100 100 100 100 93

9393 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97 100 100
9397 97 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 41 100 97 100 94
9603 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 98 100 100 95 100 99
9607 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 95 100 100
9611 100 100 35 87 44 89 84 71 100 90 100 100 83
9615 100 100 35 87 44 89 84 71 100 90 100 100 83
9633 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 100 90 18
9637 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 100 90 18
9641 100 100 15 100 97 100 94 77 100 98 100 100 90
9645 93 100 12 50 61 100 94 77 100 98 100 100 82


Truck factors may be computed independently for each day of the week, month of the
year, and direction of travel. The analysis would require that data from WIM stations be
collected year round for seven days a week. However, the truck factors only need to be
separated if the differences in truck factors cause a significant difference in the resulting
thickness of pavement. The purpose of this analysis was to determine if the differences in truck
traffic at each site warranted the separate determination of truck factors by day, month, and
direction. Also, site specific truck factors are needed if there are variations in truck traffic
throughout the region or state. If no variations exist one truck factor for the region or state
could be used.
Statistical and practical tests were created to determine if the truck factors should be
determined separately for each day, month, direction, and site or if a statewide average could be
used. Practical tests were used as well as statistical tests because a comparison could result in a
statistical difference without any difference in the resulting pavement thickness.
The use of truck factors to calculate ESALs for pavement design are important for the
empirical design procedures of the 1993 AASHTO Guide. However, the forthcoming “2002”
Guide and other M-E design approaches require the knowledge of axle load distributions. An
innovative procedure was created to model axle load distributions using a mixture of normal
and lognormal distributions. A procedure to compare M-E pavement designs required for
various site-specific load spectra and their deviations from the combined statewide distribution
was developed.

5.1 Variations in Axle Load Distributions and Truck Factors

The 2001 weight data organized by VTRIS were used to determine variations in axle
load distributions and truck factors. Procedures were developed to determine the statistical and
practical differences on a daily, monthly, directional, and site basis. A sensitivity analysis
tested the impact of variations in truck factors on pavement design. The results of the tests
were used to determine if the truck factors should be separated by day, month, direction, or site.

5.1.1 Daily Variation
At each station, and for the statewide average, the axle load distributions for heavy
vehicles were determined for each day of the week. Each daily axle load distribution was then
compared to the average yearly axle load distribution for that station. The Kolmogorov-
Smirnov (K-S) test was used to test if the axle load distributions were statistically significantly
different by day of the week (Siegel, 1956). The K-S two-sample test determines if two
independent samples have been drawn from the same population by comparing the cumulative
distribution functions (CDFs) of the samples. For this test the following hypothesis was tested:
Null Hypothesis (Ho): the CDFs are equal
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): the CDFs are statistically significantly different
The K-S test required the total yearly axle counts for the analysis. Since the data were
compiled into average daily axle counts, they were expanded by multiplying the number of
hours that data was collected for the specific day and then dividing by 24. At stations with two
lanes of traffic, the lane with the most hours of operation was used for the analysis.
To perform the test, the maximum of the differences (D) between the CDFs at each axle
load bin for each day and the average across all days was determined. For example, the
maximum difference can be seen in Figure 5.1 as the difference between 21.8% and 15.4% at 3
kips. The difference was then compared to critical values at various levels of significance, as
shown in Table 5.1. For D values greater than the critical value the null hypothesis was
rejected, which means there is a statistically significant difference between the axle load
distributions being compared.


Cumulative Frequency, %
Day of the Week
1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37
Axle Loads, kips

Figure 5.1 Example of Comparison of Cumulative Distribution Function

Table 5.1 Critical Values for K-S Test
Value of D so large as to call for rejection of Ho at the
Level of Significance
indicated level of significance

n1 + n 2
0.05 1.36
n1 n 2

n1 + n 2
0.001 1.95

Note: The values of n1 and n2 are the total axle counts

The axle load distributions are used to calculate the truck factors. Even if the axle load
distributions are statistically significantly different, the resulting truck factors may not cause a
practical difference for pavement design. Therefore, a comparison of truck factors was
conducted to test for practical differences. The W-4 table generated in VTRIS calculated the
load equivalency factors for the given terminal serviceability (Pt) and structural number (SN)
for flexible pavement or depth of pavement (D) for rigid pavement. The terminal serviceability
is defined as the point at which the pavement is no longer serviceable. The SN is an index
number that may be converted into the thicknesses of the flexible pavement layers by using
layer coefficients that are dependent upon the material type of the layer. The load equivalency

factors are multiplied by the corresponding axle count for each of the 13 vehicle classes to
calculate the ESAL’s. The ESAL’s are divided by the number of vehicles for each vehicle
class to determine the ESAL’s per vehicle. To test the practical difference, the ESAL’s per
truck for heavy vehicles with a Pt of 2.0 and 2.5 for SN ranging from 1 to 10 and D ranging
from 5 to 14 were calculated. The ESAL’s per truck were combined into an average ESAL’s
per truck for heavy vehicles, or truck factor, by using a weighted average (Equation 5.1). The
weighted average takes into account the proportion of heavy vehicles by vehicle class.
⎛ ESALi ⎞
∑ Count i * ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
WeightedESAL = TruckFactor =
i =5 ⎝ vehiclei ⎠ (5.1)

∑ Count
i =5

Counti = Daily Average Count for vehicle class i
ESALi = ESAL’s per truck value for vehicle class i
vehiclei = Vehicle classes 5-13
The percent error was then calculated to compare the difference in the daily truck factors and
the average yearly truck factor (Equation 5.2). The percent error shows the how much the daily
truck factors deviate from the average yearly truck factor.
⎡ TruckFactorx − TruckFactoravg ⎤
PercentError = ⎢ ⎥ * 100 (5.2)
⎣⎢ TruckFactoravg ⎦⎥
Truck Factorx = Truck factor for a specific day of the week
Truck Factoravg = Average truck factor for all days combined

5.1.2 Monthly Variation

For the eight PAT stations and the statewide average, the axle load distributions of
heavy vehicles for each month were determined. The HESTIA stations were not included in
the monthly analysis because of the large amount of missing data at those WIM stations. The
CDF’s for each month were compared to the CDF of the average across all months for each
station and the statewide average using the K-S Test. The truck factor for each month was also
compared to the average yearly truck factor using percent error as defined above. The same

methodology described in the preceding section was used to determine the practical and
statistical significance of the monthly variations.

5.1.3 Variation by Direction

For the daily and monthly variations, each direction was independently tested for each
station. To detect directional variations, each direction of a site was compared to the average of
both directions for that site. Station 9205 was not included in the analysis because traffic was
monitored in only one direction. The K-S Test was used to determine if there were statistically
significant differences between the CDF’s for each direction at a site and the site average. To
expand the daily axle counts for the directions combined, the hours of operation for the station
with the least amount of operating hours was used. Since there was always less than 437 hours
difference in operating hours between directions, the choice of which hours of operation to use
made an insignificant difference. The K-S test was performed in the same manner described
previously to determine whether the differences were statistically significant.
The percent error between the directional truck factor and the average yearly truck
factor was also compared. To determine the effect the percent error in truck factors would have
on the final SN or D, a sensitivity analysis was performed. AASHTO’s recommended design
equations from 1993 AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structures were used to calculate
SN and D. The following equation was used for flexible pavements (Huang, 1993):
⎡ ΔPSI ⎤
log10 ⎢
log10 W18 = z r * so + 9.36 * log10 (SN + 1) − 0.20 + ⎣ 4.2 − 1.5 ⎥⎦ + 2.32 * log M − 8.07 (5.3)
10 R
0.40 +
(SN + 1) 5.19

W18 = ESAL’s
Zr = -1.645, @ 95 % Reliability
So = Variability
SN = Structural Number
ΔPSI = Design Serviceability Loss
MR = Resilient Modulus of Soil
Since the purpose of the sensitivity analysis was to determine the effect of the truck
factors on pavement design, a general pavement structure was assumed and held constant. The

flexible pavement had an initial serviceability of 4.2 and terminal serviceability of 2.5, which is
recommended for major highway facilities (Yoder, 1975). The variability and reliability were
assumed to be 0.45 and 95%, respectively. A variability of 0.45 is the standard number used
for flexible pavement design and a reliability of 95% is a reasonable value for interstates,
freeways, and principal arterials. The values for variability and reliability are the
recommended values from the 1993 Guide. Three different values of resilient modulus were
used to include a wide range of soil stiffness. The three values used were 5000 psi, 10,000 psi,
and 25,000 psi.
For rigid pavements the following equation was used (Huang, 1993):
⎡ ⎤
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ (5.4)
⎡ ΔPSI ⎤ ⎢ ⎥
log 10 W18 = z r * s o + 7.35 * log 10 (D + 1) − 0.06 +
log 10 ⎢
⎣ 4.5 − 1.5 ⎥⎦ ⎢
+ (4.22 − 0.32 p t ) * log 10 ⎢
s ' c *c d D 0.75 − 1.132 ] ⎥

1.624 * 10 7
⎢ ⎡ ⎤⎥
1+ ⎢ ⎥
(D + 1)8.46 ⎢ 18.42 ⎥ ⎥
⎢ 215.63 * J ⎢ D 0.75 − ⎥
⎢ ⎢ ⎛ Ec ⎞ ⎥ ⎥
0 .25

⎢ ⎢ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥⎥
⎣ ⎣⎢ ⎝ k ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎦

W18 = ESAL’s
Zr = -1.645 @ 95 % Reliability
So = Variability
D = Depth of concrete slab, in
ΔPSI = Design Serviceability Loss
s’c = Concrete Modulus of Rupture, psi
cd = load transfer coefficient, unitless
Ec = Concrete Elastic Modulus, psi
K = Effective Roadbed Soil Modulus, pci
The rigid pavement was assumed to have Portland cement concrete (PCC) shoulders
with dowel bars and good drainage capabilities. These assumptions meant the load transfer
coefficient (J) was 2.8 and the drainage coefficient (cd) was 1.15. Table 5.2 displays the
standard values of initial serviceability, terminal serviceability, concrete elastic modulus (Ec),
reliability, and variability for AASHTO design of PCC pavement (Huang, 1993). The concrete
modulus of rupture (S’c) of 662.5 psi was calculated using the Ec value and the following
equation (Huang, 1993):

43.5 E c
S 'c = + 488.5 (5.5)
10 6
Three different values of 258, 515, and 773 pci were used for the effective roadbed soil,
which corresponds to the three resilient modulus values used in the sensitivity analysis for
flexible pavement. The effective roadbed soil modulus is equal to the resilient modulus divided
by 19.4 (Huang, 1993).
Table 5.2 Constant Input Parameters for Calculation of D
Input Parameter Constant Value
Concrete Elastic Modulus 4 x 106 psi
Modulus of Rupture 662.5 psi
Reliability 95%
Variability 0.35
Effective Roadbed Soil Modulus 258, 515, 773 pci

In order to determine W18, or ESAL’s over the entire design life of the pavements, a
growth rate, number of years in the design life, average daily truck traffic, lane distribution, and
directional distribution had to be assumed (Equation 5.6).
W18 = GrowthFact or * ADTT * 365 * TruckFactor * LaneDistri bution * DirectionalDistribut ion (5.6)


Growth Factor =
((1 + GrowthRate) − 1)

N = Design Life
ADTT = Average Daily Truck Traffic
Truck Factor = ESAL’s per truck
Lane Distribution = % of vehicles on heaviest loaded lane
Directional Distribution = Distribution of vehicles by direction
Typical values were selected and held constant as shown in Table 5.3. Though ALDOT
uses lane distribution factors of 0.85 for urban and 0.95 for rural four-lane facilities, it was
decided to use 0.85 uniformly in the analysis regardless of location. This was done to evaluate,
on an even basis, the effects of differing load distributions. In practice, the site-specific lane
distribution factors should be used. The directional distribution was set to one since a
comparison was made between each direction and the average for that direction. Four different

values of 100, 800, 1500, and 2500 trucks were used for the ADTT in order to capture a range
of truck traffic. On highways with particularly high truck traffic volumes, such as many
Interstate highways, site-specific data are often available and generally should be used in lieu
of axle load distribution models aggregated from other sites. The final variable needed to
calculate the ESAL’s was the truck factor for each station. For rigid pavements the truck factor
corresponding to a D of 9 inches was used and for flexible pavements SN of 5 was used.

Table 5.3 Constant Input Parameters for Calculation of Design ESALs

Design Variable Value
Growth Rate 4%
Design Life 25 Years
Lane Distribution Factor 0.85
Direction Distribution 1.0
ADTT 100, 800, 1500, 2500

For each ADTT there were three SN or D’s calculated, one for each resilient modulus or
effective roadbed soil modulus. The calculations were performed for each direction and the
two directions of travel at each station combined. Each direction was then compared to the
average of both directions. The truck factors were compared by observing how much the
resulting SN or D fluctuated. For example, if the pavement depth increased or decreased by
less than half an inch between truck factors, then that would indicate an insignificant
difference, from a practical perspective, between the truck factors. A ½ inch differential was
selected because it is unrealistic to design and build a pavement thickness to a finer level.

5.1.4 Variations between Sites and Statewide Average

A comparison was made between each of the 13 sites (directions combined) and the
statewide average. The K-S Test was used to detect statistical differences and the percent error
was used to determine if there were any practical differences using the same procedures
described previously. A sensitivity analysis was also conducted to determine the effect of
differences in truck factors on the final SN and D values. The methodology was the same as
described in the preceding section.

5.1.5 Trends in Truck Factors Over Time
ALDOT calculated truck factors for 1964, 1983, and 1993. In 1964, truck factors were
calculated for four different functional classes; urban interstate, urban other, rural interstate,
and rural other. In 1983 and 1993 a statewide average was used. The rural other truck factor
for 1964 and statewide average truck factors for 1983, 1993, and 2001 were plotted to
determine if there are any trends in the truck factors over time.

5.2 Axle Load Modeling

ESALs are a useful tool to characterize heavy traffic loads, but recently several states
have implemented mechanistic-empirical design procedures. The forthcoming “2002” Guide
for Design of Pavement Structures is a mechanistic-based design guide and requires the use of
the full axle load distribution by main axle types, i.e. single, tandem, and tridem. In the past
axle load distributions have been modeled using regression models. The axle load distribution
is divided into four or more parts and then a polynomial regression equation is fitted to each
part. It would be useful to create a model based on a theoretical distribution instead so that it
would be continuous, differentiable, and more meaningful.
For this study, a mixture of normal and lognormal distributions was used to decompose
the axle load distributions for single and tandem axles at the 13 sites and for the statewide
average based on the data. These distributions were chosen because axle load distributions
generally have two distinct peaks that resemble normal or lognormal distributions. It was
found that for single axles, the first peak represents Class 5 vehicles and the second peak
represents the steering axles of Class 9 vehicles. For tandem axles, the two peaks probably
represent unloaded and loaded trucks. The mean and standard deviation of the normal and
lognormal distributions can be used to characterize the data. The mean gives the location of the
peak axle load and the standard deviation describes the dispersion of observed axle loads about
the peak.
The process to generate the axle load distribution models involved a number of steps:
1. Fitting the distributions to the data,
2. The computation of R2 to determine how much of the observed error is explained by the

3. Performing a chi-squared test to determine the fit of the theoretical probability density
function (PDF) to the actual PDF
The theory behind the axle load model was that the bimodality of the axle load distributions
was due to a mixture of statistical functions. The general mixture model is presented in the
Equation (5.7) (NIST/SEMATECH e-Handbook of Statistical Methods):

M = pφ1 + (1 − p )φ 2 (5.7)
p = proportion of first distribution
φ = normal or lognormal probability functions of respective distributions
M= probability distribution function for the mixed model

For the mixture of two distributions, there were five unknown parameters that had to be
determined. The five parameters were the mixing proportion and the mean and standard
deviation of both distributions. For example, the first mean shows the location of the first peak
and the second mean shows the location of the second peak as illustrated in Figure 5.2. The
standard deviations describe the dispersion of the axle loads about the means. For example, the
higher the standard deviation, the lower and wider the peak.

Relative Frequency, %

Statewide Average



Tandem Axle Loads, kips

Figure 5.2 Axle Load Distribution for Statewide Average

A least squares regression technique was used to solve for the five parameters that best
fit the model to the observed data. Initial seed values for the mixing proportion, the means, and
the standard deviations were required to start the iterative process. The five initial seed values
were used to calculate the theoretical distribution. The squared difference of the theoretical
distribution and the actual distribution was calculated for each axle load bin. The squared
difference was then summed for all bins. The process was repeated to solve for the five
parameters that resulted in the minimum sum of the squared errors, which was determined to be
the best fit. The squared error was defined by Equation (5.8):
n 2

SSE = ∑ (PDFi − M i ) (5.8)

i =1

SSE = Sum of the squared errors
N = number of axle load bins
PDFi = actual probability at axle load bin i
Mi = theoretical probability at axle load bin i
The axle load bins were divided into 1,000 lb increments. Initially 500 lb increments
were used, but it was discovered that observed peaks were minimized as the increments were
decreased. Without the peaks, the lognormal and normal distributions cannot be used to model
the data. There were not enough data point if increments of more than 1,000 lb were used,
therefore, 1,000 lb increments were determined to be the optimal size of axle load bins.
For some of the single axle load distributions a combination of three distributions was
used to get a better fit because there was a small third peak among the heaviest axle loads
(Figure 5.3). Theoretically, equation 5.8 can be expanded to solve for an infinite number of
subdivisions, given the number of underlying probability distributions. The general mixture
model for three distributions is:
M = p1φ1 + p 2φ 2 + (1 − p1 − p 2 )φ 3 (5.9)
p = proportion of distribution i
φ = probability density function of distribution i

When the mixture model for three distributions was used there were eight parameters instead of
five parameters to determine. The same method was used to determine the best fit model.

Relative Frequency, % 25


Actual Data




















Single Axle Loads, kips

Figure 5.3 Example of Three Peaks in an Axle Load Distribution

The R2 statistic was determined for all the models. The R2 statistic relates the
proportion of the observed error that is explained by the theoretical model. R2 values range
from 0 to 1, with R2 = 1 representing a perfect fit. The following equation was used to
determine the R2 statistic for each model:
⎛ SSE ⎞
R2 = 1− ⎜ ⎟ (5.10)
⎝ SST ⎠

( )
SST = ∑ y i − y
i =1

SSE = Sum of the Squared Errors
SST = Total Sum of Squares
yi = actual probability distribution function at axle load bin i
y = average of probability distribution function
An advantage of using a mixture of distributions to model the axle load distributions
was the ability to test the statistical properties of the theoretical distribution. The Chi-Squared
Goodness of Fit Test was used to measure the conformity of the data to the theoretical

distribution for a specified confidence level (D’Agostino, 1986). For each axle load bin there
was an observed number of axle counts. The rule for the chi-squared test is if the axle counts in
a particular bin are less than five, they must be combined with the adjoining bin(s) until the
axle counts are five or greater. The expected number of axle counts at each bin was computed
by multiplying the total number of counted axles by the theoretical frequency at that bin. The
following equation is then applied to the data:
(Oi − Ei )
χ obs = ∑
0 Ei

χ2obs = observed chi-square value
Oi = observed number of axle counts
Ei = expected number of axle counts
The χ2obs is then compared to the critical chi-squared value. The χ2obs must be less than the
critical chi-squared value for a given significance level for the theoretical model to be
considered a good fit.
The described procedures were applied to the Alabama’s 2001 data to determine the
traffic variations that existed. The resulting axle load distributions and truck factors as well as
the statistical and practical differences between them are discussed in the next chapter. The
sensitivity of pavement thickness to the variations in truck factors in Alabama is also described.
In addition to the truck factors, the mixture model for each site is shown along with the results
from the R2 and Chi-Squared Test.

5.3 Effect Of Load Spectra On Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design

Mechanistic-empirical (M-E) pavement design represents a dramatic change in
pavement engineering that agencies at the federal, state and local level are currently facing.
Due to the limitations of the existing design methodology (AASHTO, 1993), based upon the
AASHO Road Test conducted in the late 1950’s (HRB, 1962), it is commonly understood that
a change is needed to accommodate current traffic, materials and environmental conditions.
While the end result of M-E design is still pavement layer thickness, there are significant
changes in how the traffic loadings, material properties and environmental conditions are

modeled for design. For agencies, this translates into assessing the current practice and how it
may be adapted to M-E design.
Concerning traffic characterization, most modern M-E design approaches (e.g., Eres,
2004; MnDOT, 2005; Timm and Young, 2004) utilize load spectra rather than converting
mixed traffic into equivalent single axle loads (ESALs). Under the existing AASHTO
empirical pavement design method (AASHTO, 1993) these axle weights and frequencies would
be converted into ESALs using the fourth-power law in consideration of pavement type and
expected serviceability loss. The fourth-power law, established at the AASHO Road Test
(HRB, 1962), states that pavement damage increases with axle weight raised to the fourth
power and is the basis for converting mixed traffic into ESALs. In M-E design, these
distributions are used for mechanistic pavement response modeling and empirical damage
functions to determine the expected life of the pavement structure.
Given the needs discussed above, the objective of this part of the research project was to
determine the practical impact of site-specific load spectra on flexible pavement M-E thickness
design. To accomplish this objective, the site-specific load spectra were evaluated using the M-
E design software PerRoad (Timm and Young, 2004). The software incorporates linear layer
elastic theory, Monte Carlo simulation and transfer functions to estimate pavement
performance. Designs were developed for a typical three-layer pavement structure with three
levels of soil support.

5.3.1 Pavement Cross-Section and Traffic Loading

For the purposes of this study, all the load spectra were evaluated with a fixed traffic
volume of 10 million axle load repetitions. In reality, traffic volume is certainly site-
dependent, but one purpose of this study was to examine the practicality of using a
representative axle load spectra statewide. Therefore, it was necessary to evaluate each load
spectra at a fixed traffic volume according to the axle load distribution of each particular WIM
A typical three-layer pavement structure comprised of hot-mix asphalt (HMA) over an
unbound granular base on top of subgrade soil was selected for analysis. Figure 5.4 illustrates
the pavement cross-section and test matrix variables. The material properties were chosen to
be representative and consistent with a previous study of load spectra effects on pavement

design. Three soil stiffnesses were included to evaluate the impact of soil strength. Three
HMA thicknesses were included to facilitate M-E design whereby trial sections are attempted
in order to meet the design requirements, as will be explained below.

HMA H, in Modulus, psi Poisson’s Ratio

4, 8, 16 500,000 0.35

Granular Base
10 30,000 0.40

Subgrade Soil
Infinite 5,000 0.45
10,000 0.45
15,000 0.45

Figure 5.4 Three-Layer Pavement Structure.

5.3.2 Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Procedure

The M-E design software PerRoad 2.4 (Timm and Young, 2004), depicted
schematically in Figure 5.5, was used to facilitate this study. Although PerRoad can model
material property and thickness variability, only load spectra were considered in this study as
shown in Figure 5.5. Load spectra were modeled using Monte Carlo simulation and critical
pavement responses were computed using WESLEA, a layered elastic pavement analysis
program (Van Cauwelaert et al., 1989), at the bottom of the HMA layer and top of subgrade to
predict fatigue cracking and rutting, respectively. Shown schematically in Figure 5.5, the
actual strain distributions generated from sites 920 and 933 and the statewide distribution are
shown in Figures 5.6 and 5.7, respectively. It is interesting to note that the modes of each
distribution, for both tensile and compressive strain, appear very similar amongst the different
sites. For example, the mode of compressive strain in Figure 5.7 is approximately 160 με.
Also, the bi-modality evident in the raw load spectra (Figure 4.1) appears to be diminished
when transforming the axle weights through the mechanistic load response model. This was
also observed in a previous study of load spectra and pavement response (Timm et al., 2000).

Material Properties Carlo Mechanistic
Random Model
frequency (WESLEA)


Axle Weight
Load Spectrum
Response Spectrum
Di =
N fi k2
⎛1 ⎞
N fi = k1 ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟
Nf ⎝ εi ⎠
Pavement Life Spectrum


Dtotal ∑
Damage Spectrum 1.0 1.0 ∗ MC
= i =1
= ⇒ n = MC
∑ Di
i =1

Number of Axles, n

10e6 *

HMA Thickness, in.

Figure 5.5 Stochastic-Based M-E Analysis.



Site 920
Site 933




0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 275 300
Horizontal Tensile Microstrain at Bottom of HMA Layer
Figure 5.6 Asphalt Horizontal Tensile Microstrain Spectra.



Site 920

Site 933
20% Statewide




0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Vertical Compressive MicroStrain in Subgrade
Figure 5.7 Subgrade Vertical Compressive Microstrain Spectra.

After the strain distributions were generated, pavement performance transfer functions
were used to compute predicted number of cycles until failure for each strain level. While

many such functions are available, the following were used to predict fatigue and rutting
performance, respectively (Timm and Newcomb, 2003):
⎛ 10 6 ⎞
N f = 2.83 × 10 ⎜⎜ −6
⎟⎟ (5.12)
⎝ εt ⎠
⎛1 ⎞
N r = 1× 10 ⎜⎜ 16
⎟⎟ (5.13)
⎝ εv ⎠
Nf = number of cycles until fatigue failure
Nr = number of cycles until rutting failure
εt = horizontal tensile microstrain at bottom of HMA layer
εv = vertical compressive microstrain at top of subgrade layer
Equations 5.12 and 5.13 were utilized for each Monte Carlo cycle (i) so that
distributions of performance were generated as depicted schematically in Figure 5.5. Further,
Miner’s Hypothesis, a typical damage accumulation model used in M-E design, was used to
compute damage (Di) for each Monte Carlo cycle (i) by:
Di = (5.14)
N fi

The total damage (Dtotal/MC) was calculated by summing over all the Monte Carlo cycles

Dtotal i =1 i ∑D
= (5.15)

The number of load repetitions to failure (n) for the given pavement cross section and load
spectra were then determined by scaling the damage to the critical value of 1.0:
1.0 ∗ MC
n= MC
i =1

Number of Cycles to Failure


Design Traffic Level


Site 920

1.00E+06 Site 933


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
HMA Thickness, in.
Figure 5.8 Thickness Determination – Example
Figure 5.8 shows that thickness was determined, for each soil stiffness and site, by plotting the
number of load repetitions (n) versus HMA thickness and finding the thickness where n
equaled 10 million, the design traffic level.


The procedures described in the previous chapter were applied to the 2001 WIM data to
determine the variations between axle load distributions and truck factors. The comparisons
were made for daily, monthly, directional, and site differences. The results indicate that a
statistically significant difference in CDFs does not mean that there is a practical difference in
truck factors.
The 2001 WIM data were also used to successfully create axle load models for single
and tandem axles. A mixture of a lognormal and normal distribution or a mixture a lognormal
and two normal distributions was the best fit for single axles. Though the data did not conform
well to the theoretical distribution, according to the chi-squared test, the models had very high
R2 values, indicating that the models fit the observed data well. The best fit for tandem axles
was the mixture of a lognormal and normal distribution. At most sites, the tandem axle models
conformed well to the theoretical models, and all of the models had very high R2 values.

6.1 Variations in Axle Load Distributions and Truck Factors

The K-S Test revealed that for almost all of the cases the daily, monthly, directional,
and regional differences in axle loads were statistically significantly different; due primarily to
the large sample sizes. However, the percent error test did not show a considerable difference
in truck factors. The sensitivity analysis illustrated that the differences in truck factors had an
insignificant effect on the resulting pavement design.

6.1.1 Daily Variation

According to the K-S test there is a significant statistical difference in axle load
distributions between the days of the week and the yearly average for each station. For the null
hypothesis that the CDFs were identical to be accepted, the greatest allowable difference, D,
between CDFs was always less than 2% and sometimes as low as 0.3%. Figure 6.1 shows the
single axle CDF curves for the statewide average. The Tuesday CDF appears almost identical
to the average CDF since the percent greatest difference between the two is 2.34%. However,
for the CDFs to be considered identical by the K-S Test there can be a difference no greater
than 0.83%, at a significance level of α= 0.05, as shown in Table 6.1. Figure 6.2 and Table 6.2

show the same scenario for the statewide average tandem axles. The reason for the very small
critical values was the large sample size, which was the number of axle counts.

Cumulative Frequency, % 90
1.1 5.5 9.9 14.3 18.7 23.2 27.6 32 36.4 40.8
Single Axle Loads, kips

Figure 6.1 Single Axle CDFs for Statewide Average

Table 6.1 K-S Test for Statewide Average Single Axles

α=0.05 α=0.001
SUNDAY 0.0631 0.0115 0.0166
MONDAY 0.0060 0.0087 0.0124
TUESDAY 0.0234 0.0083 0.0119
WEDNESDAY 0.0227 0.0078 0.0112
THURSDAY 0.0137 0.0078 0.0112
FRIDAY 0.0205 0.0081 0.0117
SATURDAY 0.0610 0.0110 0.0158


Cumulative Frequency, %
80 Monday
30 Friday
20 Saturday
10 Average
2.2 15.4 28.7 41.9 55.1 68.3 81.6
Tandem Axle Loads, kips

Figure 6.2 Tandem Axle CDFs for Statewide Average

Table 6.2 K-S Test for Statewide Average Tandem Axles

α=0.05 α=0.001
SUNDAY 0.0965 0.0117 0.0168
MONDAY 0.0207 0.0088 0.0126
TUESDAY 0.0037 0.0083 0.0119
WEDNESDAY 0.0023 0.0070 0.0113
THURSDAY 0.0072 0.0079 0.0114
FRIDAY 0.0379 0.0085 0.0121
SATURDAY 0.0308 0.0115 0.0165

However, the analysis did identify which daily axle load distributions vary the most
from the average axle load distribution. The daily axle load distributions for single axles
generally did not deviate much from the average. At nine of the stations, Saturday and Sunday
axle loads were lighter than the rest of the days, but for the remainder of the stations there was
not a noticeable difference. For tandem axles, Monday through Thursday remain fairly
constant and were the closest to the average. These days of the week were typically so close
together on the CDF curve, that they were indistinguishable by visual comparison. The axle

load distributions that deviate noticeably from the average were Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Saturday and Sunday were typically the days when trucks were carrying their heaviest loads,
whereas Friday they were carrying their lightest loads. The difference between CDFs was
greater than 3% for Sundays at 88% of the stations, for Saturday at 60% of the stations, and for
Fridays at 52% of the stations. Station 9063 had the highest difference of 17% between Sunday
and the average. Recall that a study in North Carolina found that the gross vehicle weight
distribution for Sunday was statistically significantly different from the other days of the week
(Wu, 1996). However, it was determined that the difference in Sunday traffic would have an
insignificant impact on the accuracy of the overall average ESALs.
Even though Saturday and Sunday carried the heaviest loads, they did not always have
the highest truck factor (Table 6.3). The reason for this was the lower truck volumes on the
weekends (Table 6.4). The lower truck volumes affect the truck factor because the it is a
weighted average of heavy vehicles. The lowest truck volume occurred on Sunday at 18 of the
stations and on Saturday at the remaining 7 of the stations. The lowest truck factors occurred
on Friday (8), Saturday (12), or Sunday (5).

Table 6.3 Daily Truck Factors; Pt =2.5 and SN = 5.0


481 1.0500 0.9299 0.9377 0.9237 0.8988 0.8385 0.8765 0.9139
485 1.0319 1.0655 1.0772 1.0847 1.0899 1.0203 0.9809 1.0589
9311 0.7171 0.6423 0.6955 0.7072 0.6913 0.6303 0.6488 0.6752
9315 0.8674 0.7996 0.8584 0.8523 0.8113 0.7034 0.7273 0.8075
9205 1.5779 1.4224 1.4729 1.4695 1.4385 1.3987 1.5365 1.4663
9171 0.7198 0.7847 0.7428 0.7425 0.7389 0.6672 0.6585 0.7217
9175 0.8446 0.8905 0.8894 0.9037 0.8796 0.8776 0.8166 0.8840
9141 0.8418 0.8861 0.9042 0.8873 0.8807 0.8297 0.7688 0.8688
9145 1.1768 1.1208 1.1634 1.1499 1.1619 1.0582 0.9591 1.1271
9113 0.2245 0.6952 0.7409 0.7305 0.7034 0.6155 0.2703 0.6097
9117 0.5764 0.8977 0.9415 0.9301 0.9250 0.8312 0.5286 0.8478
9063 0.9157 0.8275 0.7928 0.9643 0.8900 0.8000 0.6670 0.8336
9067 0.7166 0.8659 0.8383 0.7107 0.7185 0.7879 0.6840 0.7789
9611 0.8785 0.8158 0.8987 0.8879 0.8541 0.7716 0.8905 0.8552
9615 0.6820 0.7488 0.8283 0.8362 0.8101 0.7460 0.7024 0.7781
9151 0.4261 0.8100 0.8440 0.8554 0.8315 0.6958 0.4797 0.7514
9155 0.3936 1.1829 1.1758 1.1765 1.1286 1.0484 0.5852 1.0373
9393 0.6249 0.6354 0.6503 0.6710 0.6690 0.6347 0.5880 0.6475
9397 0.6332 0.8118 0.8552 0.8638 0.8600 0.7799 0.6028 0.7984
9343 1.0915 1.2010 1.2072 1.2486 1.2355 1.1176 1.1581 1.1944
9347 0.9590 0.8691 0.9019 0.8997 0.9022 0.8555 0.8853 0.8939
9333 0.6248 0.7204 0.7270 0.7213 0.7106 0.6593 0.5179 0.6860
9337 0.6037 0.6078 0.6244 0.6196 0.6056 0.5744 0.5465 0.6026
9641 0.5940 0.5748 0.6109 0.6120 0.5876 0.5511 0.5802 0.5887
9645 0.6699 0.6758 0.6956 0.6932 0.6787 0.6179 0.5861 0.6680
AVG 0.8474 0.8748 0.9090 0.9138 0.8981 0.8301 0.8100 0.8785

The greatest percent error between truck factors was 25.3%, with the exception of sites
9113, 9117, 9151, 9155 (Table 6.5). These stations had high percent errors for Saturday and
Sunday. The main difference between these stations and the others was the fact that the axle
loads were significantly lower on Saturday and Sunday at these four stations. Therefore, the
combination of very light loads and few trucks caused the truck factors for Saturday and
Sunday to be much lower than the other days of the week at these stations.

Table 6.4 Average Daily Truck Volumes
481 1199 2998 3350 3219 3135 2877 1326 2579
485 1374 2839 3156 3094 3094 2747 1346 2528
9311 1338 2134 2621 2663 2726 2535 1498 2211
9315 1876 2952 3420 3474 3350 2782 1599 2780
9205 1008 1429 1898 2046 1966 1765 1221 1619
9171 210 458 502 503 502 455 201 402
9175 179 403 456 483 494 462 218 385
9141 345 1025 1171 1183 1232 1133 417 924
9145 372 943 1061 1102 1180 997 416 862
9113 624 1030 1089 1130 1148 1153 673 975
9117 358 806 866 888 918 926 458 745
9063 75 370 343 380 382 313 98 275
9067 66 375 385 401 409 366 126 304
9611 1354 2253 2669 2791 2721 2442 1465 2254
9615 1379 2271 2669 2797 2809 2649 1634 2328
9151 324 747 807 793 824 852 410 676
9155 366 739 783 775 800 795 413 661
9393 383 968 1090 1107 1095 1024 480 878
9397 627 1210 1331 1357 1369 1285 705 1125
9343 891 2231 2682 2780 2751 2627 1348 2179
9347 1517 2566 2975 3066 3002 2597 1451 2448
9333 973 1850 1951 2012 1969 1796 882 1638
9337 584 1679 1855 1913 1897 1879 877 1532
9641 678 1282 1470 1469 1445 1247 647 1175
9645 926 1214 1375 1426 1334 1010 636 1129

The truck factors and percent error between the daily truck factors and the average were
calculated for values of SN between 1and 10 and D 9-14. Figures 6.3 and 6.4 show the percent
error did not vary greatly among values of SN or D. The 0% line represents the average of all
days, while the other lines represent the percentage of deviation of the days of the week from
the average. The error tends to decrease for D ranging from 8 to 11 and SN ranging from 4 to
7. The chart also shows that the greatest deviations from the average were Friday, Saturday,
and Sunday. The truck factors also did not vary between the Pt values of 2.0 and 2.5.
The only noticeable variation was between the SN and D. It can be seen that Sunday
varied more from the average with changing SN and D than the other days. Sunday was the
only day where the actual shape of the cumulative axle load distribution was noticeably
different from the average, based on visual inspection (Figure 6.2). That could be a possible
cause of the varying percent errors seen in Figures 6.3 and 6.4. The percent error for Sunday
only varies up to 3%, so the trend is not significant.

Table 6.5 Daily Percent Error of Truck Factors for Pt =2.5 and SN = 5.0


481 14.9 1.8 2.6 1.1 -1.6 -8.2 -4.1
485 -2.6 0.6 1.7 2.4 2.9 -3.6 -7.4
9311 6.2 -4.9 3.0 4.7 2.4 -6.6 -3.9
9315 7.4 -1.0 6.3 5.5 0.5 -12.9 -9.9
9205 7.6 -3.0 0.5 0.2 -1.9 -4.6 4.8
9171 -0.3 8.7 2.9 2.9 2.4 -7.5 -8.8
9175 -4.5 0.7 0.6 2.2 -0.5 -0.7 -7.6
9141 -3.1 2.0 4.1 2.1 1.4 -4.5 -11.5
9145 4.4 -0.6 3.2 2.0 3.1 -6.1 -14.9
9113 -63.2 14.0 21.5 19.8 15.4 0.9 -55.7
9117 -32.0 5.9 11.1 9.7 9.1 -2.0 -37.7
9063 9.8 -0.7 -4.9 15.7 6.8 -4.0 -20.0
9067 -8.0 11.2 7.6 -8.8 -7.8 1.2 -12.2
9611 2.7 -4.6 5.1 3.8 -0.1 -9.8 4.1
9615 -12.3 -3.8 6.5 7.5 4.1 -4.1 -9.7
9151 -43.3 7.8 12.3 13.9 10.7 -7.4 -36.1
9155 -62.1 14.0 13.4 13.4 8.8 1.1 -43.6
9393 -3.5 -1.9 0.4 3.6 3.3 -2.0 -9.2
9397 -20.7 1.7 7.1 8.2 7.7 -2.3 -24.5
9343 -8.6 0.6 1.1 4.5 3.4 -6.4 -3.0
9347 7.3 -2.8 0.9 0.6 0.9 -4.3 -1.0
9333 -8.9 5.0 6.0 5.1 3.6 -3.9 -24.5
9337 0.2 0.9 3.6 2.8 0.5 -4.7 -9.3
9641 0.9 -2.4 3.8 4.0 -0.2 -6.4 -1.4
9645 0.3 1.2 4.1 3.8 1.6 -7.5 -12.3
AVG -3.5 -0.4 3.5 4.0 2.2 -5.5 -7.8

Percent Error

-2.00 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 THURSDAY
Depth of Concrete, in

Figure 6.3 Variation of Percent Error by Depth of Concrete

Percent Error

-2.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 THURSDAY
Structural Number

Figure 6.4 Variation of Percent Error by Structural Number

6.1.2 Monthly Variation

The K-S Test determined that there were statistically significant differences between the
months and the statewide average for each station. The maximum difference between CDFs
ranged from 0.37% to 14.61% for single axles, and 0.56% to 32.8% for tandem axles. The
reason the monthly variation was considered statistically significant was the amount of
variation between CDFs could not be greater than 2% (with the exception of stations 9063 and
9067 which allowed 4%). The amount of variation in CDFs varied at each site, but typically the
months of April through July tended to have the heaviest axle loads, while January and
December had the lightest axle loads
Table 6.6 displays the truck factors for each month. With the exception of station 9343,
there was no percent error in truck factor greater than 22.8% (Table 6.7). Station 9343 had
very high truck factors for May – July, which caused the large percent errors. July had a value
of 2.5490 (pt =2.5 and SN = 5) which was extremely high, relative to the other sites. The data
for station 9343 were questionable because of the obvious difference in truck factors. It was
decided to keep station 9343 in the data set because of the low amount of data. Figure 6.5
shows the distribution of truck factors over the year for the statewide average. It can be seen
that values increased from January to May and then began to drop off again in August. The
increase in the loads during the summer months could probably attributed to increased
commerce and construction truck traffic.

9311 0.6294 0.7228 0.6964 0.6817 0.7071 0.6935 0.6731 0.6939 0.6746 0.6596 0.6379 0.6312 0.6752
9315 0.7724 0.7539 0.7402 0.8435 0.9186 0.9062 0.8396 0.8343 0.7997 0.7849 0.7537 0.7324 0.8075
9611 0.8341 0.8662 0.8223 0.8961 0.9169 0.9369 0.9015 0.8283 0.8526 0.8434 0.8253 0.7856 0.8552
9615 0.6930 0.7569 0.7902 0.8410 0.8957 0.8678 0.8036 0.7805 0.7657 0.7715 0.7289 0.7128 0.7781
9113 0.7028 0.7253 0.7093 0.6939 0.6406 0.6108 0.5827 0.6543 0.5723 0.5526 0.5281 0.4708 0.6097
9117 0.7006 0.8105 0.8167 0.7990 0.8104 0.8105 0.7811 0.9355 0.9491 0.9895 0.9456 0.8183 0.8478
9151 0.7775 0.7741 0.6732 0.7800 0.7661 0.8298 0.7947 0.7422 0.6988 0.7083 0.6929 0.7885 0.7514

9155 1.0004 1.0717 1.0575 0.9264 1.0108 0.9908 1.0320 1.1402 1.0904 1.0908 1.0390 0.9821 1.0373

9333 0.6663 0.6795 0.6572 0.7116 0.6909 0.7045 0.7128 0.6886 0.7173 0.7110 0.6663 0.6342 0.6860
9337 0.5628 0.5756 0.5865 0.5879 0.6462 0.6274 0.6400 0.6506 0.6105 0.6081 0.5569 0.5377 0.6026

9343 0.6832 0.7532 0.9306 1.4017 1.8241 1.7426 2.4101 1.2868 1.2665 1.0217 0.9632 0.7822 1.1944
9347 0.7377 0.8556 0.8994 0.9379 0.9412 0.9382 0.9460 0.9340 0.9059 0.8769 0.8673 0.8931 0.8939
9393 0.6309 0.6890 0.6757 0.6363 0.6070 0.6519 0.6403 0.7123 0.6880 0.6475 0.5905 0.5641 0.6475

9397 0.9319 0.9614 0.9060 0.8110 0.8060 0.7823 0.6677 0.7616 0.7475 0.7547 0.7359 0.7235 0.7984
9641 0.5112 0.5479 0.5284 0.6082 0.7059 0.6729 0.5595 0.5640 0.5883 0.5803 0.5761 0.5617 0.5887
Table 6.6 Monthly Truck Factors; Pt = 2.5 and SN = 5.0

9645 0.6875 0.6207 0.5589 0.6296 0.6614 0.6522 0.6873 0.7517 0.6571 0.6918 0.6834 0.6236 0.6680

AVG 0.7570 0.8067 0.8240 0.9216 0.9538 0.9405 0.9509 0.8647 0.8471 0.8595 0.8057 0.7802 0.8785
Table 6.7 Monthly Percent Error of Truck Factors for Pt =2.5 and SN = 5.0
9311 -6.8 7.1 3.1 1.0 4.7 2.7 -0.3 2.8 -0.1 -2.3 -5.5 -6.5
9315 -4.3 -6.6 -8.3 4.5 13.8 12.2 4.0 3.3 -1.0 -2.8 -6.7 -9.3
9611 -2.5 1.3 -3.8 4.8 7.2 9.5 5.4 -3.2 -0.3 -1.4 -3.5 -8.1
9615 -10.9 -2.7 1.6 8.1 15.1 11.5 3.3 0.3 -1.6 -0.9 -6.3 -8.4
9113 15.3 19.0 16.3 13.8 5.1 0.2 -4.4 7.3 -6.1 -9.4 -13.4 -22.8
9117 -17.4 -4.4 -3.7 -5.7 -4.4 -4.4 -7.9 10.3 11.9 16.7 11.5 -3.5
9151 3.5 3.0 -10.4 3.8 2.0 10.4 5.8 -1.2 -7.0 -5.7 -7.8 4.9
9155 -3.6 3.3 1.9 -10.7 -2.6 -4.5 -0.5 9.9 5.1 5.2 0.2 -5.3
9333 -2.9 -1.0 -4.4 3.7 0.7 2.7 3.9 0.4 4.6 3.6 -2.9 -7.5
9337 -6.6 -4.5 -2.7 -2.4 7.2 4.1 6.2 8.0 1.3 0.9 -7.6 -10.8
9343 -42.8 -36.9 -22.1 17.4 52.7 45.9 101.8 7.7 6.0 -14.5 -19.4 -34.5
9347 -17.5 -4.3 0.6 4.9 5.3 5 5.8 4.5 1.3 -1.9 -3.0 -0.1
9393 -2.6 6.4 4.3 -1.7 -6.3 0.7 -1.1 10.0 6.3 0.0 -8.8 -12.9
9397 16.7 20.4 13.5 1.6 1.0 -2.0 -16.4 -4.6 -6.4 -5.5 -7.8 -9.4
9641 -13.2 -6.9 -10.2 3.3 19.9 14.3 -5.0 -4.2 -0.1 -1.4 -2.1 -4.6
9645 2.9 -7.1 -16.3 -5.7 -1.0 -2.4 2.9 12.5 -1.6 3.6 2.3 -6.6
AVG -13.8 -8.2 -6.2 4.9 8.6 7.1 8.2 -1.6 -3.6 -2.2 -8.3 -11.2

Truck Factor

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec AVG

Figure 6.5 Monthly Variation for Statewide Average

6.1.3 Variation by Direction
The axle load distributions for each direction were statistically significantly different
from the average of the two directions according to the K-S Test. The large sample size of axle
counts caused the critical value to be very small, as observed with the daily and monthly
comparisons. The CDFs showed more variation of axle load distributions at non-Interstate
stations. For Interstate stations, the greatest difference between direction and the average was
10% and the greatest difference in truck factors for non-Interstate stations was 18.6% (Table
The sensitivity analysis was designed to demonstrate the effect the variation in truck
factors actually had on the design of a pavement structure. For example, Station 9117 has a
percent error of 17.9% when compared to the average of both directions. If an initial SN of 5
is applied to the design equations and all other variables held constant as mentioned in the
analysis procedure, then Station 9117 (direction-specific) ends up with a SN of 5.1 and Station
911 (average of both directions) ends up with a SN of 5.0. Table 6.8 shows the directional
comparison made at each site with ADTT = 1500 and MR = 10,000 psi. The greatest
difference between SN for each direction to the average at a site was 0.2. As ADTT was
increased the SN increased as well. The increases were consistent for each truck factor, so that
the greatest difference between truck factors is no more than 0.2 at any ADTT. If an a1 of 0.44
is used, the difference of 0.2 for the SN results in less than ½ inch difference in asphalt
For rigid pavement the greatest percent error was 18.6% for Station 9117, which
resulted in a difference of 0.3 inches of pavement. Table 6.8 shows the comparison made at
each site with ADTT = 1500 and k = 515 pci. The greatest difference in D was 0.3 inches for
any ADTT and k combination. The amount of variation in truck factors was independent of the
ADTT and subgrade modulus for rigid pavement.
When NYSDOT conducted a sensitivity analysis of the AASHTO design equations, it
was discovered that the total design ESALs only have a moderate impact on the resulting SN or
D (Chen et al, 1996). As the design ESALs increase in magnitude their effect on the final
depth of concrete decreases. For this study the impact of truck factors on SN of D was
determined, which is only one input parameter into the calculation of design ESALs. The other
input parameters are design life, growth factor, ADTT, lane distribution, and directional

distribution. From this analysis it was determined that a percent error in truck factors of 18%
for flexible pavement and 19% for rigid pavement results in less than ½ inch difference of
pavement thickness.
Pavements are not designed to the nearest 0.1 inch because it is not possible to
construct a pavement layer to that fine of a specification. The smallest increment to which a
pavement layer could be realistically designed is a ½ inch. Therefore, the difference between
the SNs and the depth of concrete was not practically significant. Since none of the differences
between a direction and the average of the directions is greater than ½ inch of pavement, it
would not be practical to use truck factors separately for each direction.
For flexible pavement the largest percent error was 18% between directions and 19%
for rigid pavement, which proved to be insignificant for the final design of a pavement
structure. For the daily comparison 92% of the days had a percent error less

Table 6.8 Variation of Truck Factors by Direction

Flexible Pavement Rigid Pavement
Truck Factor Percent Error SN Truck Factor Percent Error D
9311 0.6752 -10 4.9 1.0289 -11.3 9.3
931 0.7493 5 1.1595 9.5
9315 0.8075 7.9 5.1 1.2713 8.9 9.6
9611 0.8552 4.7 5.1 1.3966 5.5 9.8
961 0.8170 5.1 1.3086 9.7
9615 0.7781 -4.8 5 1.2487 -5.6 9.6
481 0.9139 -7.4 5.2 1.4611 -7.5 9.8
48 0.9864 5.2 1.5792 10
485 1.0589 7.3 5.3 1.6860 7.4 10.1
9205 1.4663 NA 5.5 2.3971 NA 10.7
9113 0.6097 -15.2 4.9 1.0053 -16.0 9.2
911 0.7188 5 1.1968 9.5
9117 0.8478 17.9 5.1 1.4197 18.6 9.8
9151 0.7514 -15.9 5 1.2556 -16.9 9.6
915 0.8931 5.1 1.5106 9.9
9155 1.0373 16.1 5.3 1.7722 17.3 10.2
9333 0.6860 6.3 5.0 1.1016 6.8 9.4
933 0.6453 4.9 1.0311 9.3

9337 0.6026 -6.6 4.9 0.9573 -7.2 9.1
9343 1.1944 14.9 5.4 1.8892 14.6 10.3
934 1.0399 5.3 1.6479 10.0
9347 0.8939 -14.0 5.1 1.4201 -13.8 9.8
9393 0.6475 -12.1 4.9 1.0346 -13.6 9.3
939 0.7370 5 1.1968 9.5
9397 0.7984 8.3 5.1 1.3092 9.4 9.7
9641 0.5887 -6.4 4.8 0.9086 -7.7 9.1
964 0.6290 4.9 0.9847 9.2
9645 0.6680 6.2 4.9 1.0583 7.5 9.3
9063 0.8336 1.2 5.1 1.3737 2.0 9.7
906 0.8235 5.1 1.3466 9.7
9067 0.7789 -5.4 5.0 1.2534 -6.9 9.6
9141 0.8688 -12.5 5.1 1.3819 -13.8 9.7
914 0.9926 5.2 1.6203 10
9145 1.1271 13.6 5.3 1.8455 15.2 10.2
9171 0.7217 -10.2 5 1.1003 -12.6 9.4
917 0.8039 5.1 1.2595 9.6
9175 0.8840 10 5.1 1.4183 12.6 9.8

than 18% for flexible pavement and 92% of the days had a percent error less than 19% for rigid
pavement. Also, 94% of the months had a percent error less than 18% for flexible pavement.
For rigid pavement, 93% of the months had a percent error less than 19 %. Based on the results
from the sensitivity analysis, the days of the week and the months of the year do not deviate
enough from the yearly average in most cases to warrant separate truck factors.

6.1.4 Variation between Sites and Statewide Average

The CDFs for each site varied from the statewide average and were statistically
significantly different according to the K-S Test. Tables 6.9 and 6.10 show the truck factors
and percent error for each site for both flexible and rigid pavements. For flexible and rigid
pavement the truck factors that caused a variation greater then ½ inch were from stations 964,
933, and 9205. For flexible pavement and stations 964 and 933 the SN variation was 0.3 when
the low value of MR = 5000 psi was used. For rigid pavement and stations 964 and 933 the
variation in D ranged from 0.4 to 0.6 with one exception. For station 964 when ADTT = 2500

and k = 515 the variation was 0.7. Overall, these variations are still closer to a ½ inch than 1
Station 9205 varied the most from the statewide average. The percent error for station
9205 was 67% for flexible pavements, which resulted in an SN that was higher than the
statewide average by a degree of 0.3 to 0.5. The difference of 0.5 translates into less than 1.2
inches of asphalt. For rigid pavement, the percent error was 70%, which resulted in the depth
of concrete between 0.7 to 1.2 inches greater than specified for the statewide average, which
means that rigid or flexible pavement at station 9205, would be underdesigned by up to an inch
if the statewide average were used in lieu of site specific data. In general, the statewide average
was a good representation of truck factors throughout the state, with respect to pavement
design, based on the sites from this study.

Table 6.9 Variation by Site from the Statewide Average for Pt = 2.5 and SN = 5.0

Structural Number
Percent Error
Truck Factor
Station ID

ADTT = 100 ADTT = 800 ADTT = 1500 ADTT = 2500

MR, ksi MR, ksi MR, ksi MR, ksi








964 0.629 -28.4 4.2 3.2 2.7 5.6 4.5 3.9 6.1 4.9 4.3 6.5 5.3 4.6
933 0.6453 -26.5 4.2 3.2 2.8 5.6 4.5 3.9 6.1 4.9 4.3 6.5 5.3 4.6
911 0.7188 -18.2 4.2 3.3 2.8 5.7 4.6 3.9 6.2 5 4.3 6.6 5.4 4.7
939 0.737 -12.3 4.3 3.3 2.8 5.7 4.6 4 6.2 5 4.4 6.7 5.4 4.7
931 0.7493 -14.7 4.3 3.3 2.8 5.8 4.6 4 6.2 5 4.4 6.7 5.4 4.7
917 0.8039 -8.5 4.3 3.3 2.9 5.8 4.6 4 6.3 5.1 4.4 6.7 5.4 4.8
961 0.8107 -7.0 4.3 3.3 2.9 5.8 4.7 4 6.3 5.1 4.4 6.7 5.5 4.8
906 0.8235 -6.3 4.3 3.4 2.9 5.8 4.6 4 6.3 5.1 4.4 6.8 5.5 4.8
AVG 0.8785 --- 4.4 3.4 2.9 5.9 4.7 4.1 6.4 5.1 4.5 6.8 5.5 4.8
915 0.8931 1.7 4.4 3.4 2.9 5.9 4.7 4.1 6.4 5.1 4.5 6.8 5.5 4.8
48 0.9826 12.3 4.4 3.4 3 6 4.8 4.1 6.5 5.2 4.6 6.9 5.6 4.9
914 0.9926 13.0 4.5 3.5 3 6 4.8 4.1 6.5 5.2 4.6 6.9 5.6 4.9
934 1.0399 18.4 4.5 3.5 3 6 4.8 4.2 6.5 5.3 4.6 7 5.6 5
9205 1.4663 66.9 4.7 3.7 3.2 6.3 5.1 4.4 6.8 5.5 4.8 7.3 5.9 5.2

Table 6.10 Variation by Site from the Statewide Average for Pt = 2.5 and D = 9.0

Depth of Concrete, in

Percent Error
ADTT = 100 ADTT = 800 ADTT = 1500 ADTT = 2500
Truck Factor
Station ID

Soil Modulus, pci Soil Modulus, pci Soil Modulus, pci Soil Modulus, pci












964 0.9847 -30.2 5.9 5.0 -- 8.7 8.2 7.8 9.6 9.2 8.8 10.5 10.0 9.7
933 1.0311 -26.9 5.9 5.1 -- 8.8 8.3 7.8 9.7 9.3 8.9 10.6 10.1 9.8
931 1.1595 -17.8 6.1 5.3 -- 8.9 8.4 8.0 9.9 9.5 9.1 10.8 10.3 10.0
911 1.1968 -15.4 6.1 5.3 -- 9.0 8.5 8.1 10.0 9.5 9.1 10.8 10.4 10.0
939 1.1968 -12.4 6.1 5.3 -- 9.0 8.5 8.1 10.0 9.5 9.1 10.8 10.4 10.0
917 1.2595 -10.7 6.2 5.4 -- 9.1 8.6 8.2 10.1 9.6 9.2 10.9 10.5 10.1
961 1.3086 -7.2 6.3 5.5 -- 9.2 8.7 8.3 10.2 9.7 9.4 11.1 10.6 10.3
906 1.3466 -4.5 6.3 5.5 -- 9.2 8.7 8.3 10.2 9.7 9.3 11.0 10.6 10.2
AVG 1.4103 --- 6.3 5.6 4.5 9.2 8.8 8.4 10.2 9.8 9.4 11.1 10.7 10.3
915 1.5106 7.1 6.4 5.7 4.7 9.3 8.9 8.5 10.4 9.9 9.5 11.2 10.8 10.4
48 1.5792 12 6.5 5.7 4.8 9.4 8.9 8.5 10.4 10.0 9.6 11.3 10.9 10.5
914 1.6023 13.6 6.5 5.8 4.9 9.4 9.0 8.6 10.4 10.0 9.6 11.3 10.9 10.5
934 1.6479 16.8 6.5 5.8 4.9 9.5 9.0 8.6 10.5 10.0 9.7 11.4 11.0 10.6
9205 2.3971 70 7.0 6.4 5.7 10.1 9.6 9.2 11.1 10.7 10.4 12.1 11.6 11.3

6.1.5 Trends in Truck Factors Over Time

The truck factors determined in this study are compared with the truck factors
determined in 1993 in Table 6.11. The statewide average for 2001 was less than was
determined in 1993. A possible reason for this is the fact that data from five functional classes
were used in 1993 while only data from rural principal arterials (interstate and other) were used
in 2001. It can be seen in Table 6.11 that the highest truck factors in 1993 can be attributed to
the three functional classes that are not represented in 2001. The truck factors determined from
data collected at rural principal arterial Interstate sites increased by about 1.9% from 1993 to

Table 6.11 Comparison of 1993 and 2001 Truck Factors
Rural Rural Urban Urban
Principal Principal Principal Principal Statewide
Year Minor
Arterial - Arterial - Arterial - Arterial – Average
Interstate Other Interstate Other
1993 0.9187 1.0107 1.1665 1.5582 1.1703 0.9896
2001 0.9362 0.9439 NA NA NA 0.8785
1993 1.4458 1.6492 1.9739 2.5090 1.9354 1.5797
2001 1.5024 1.5199 NA NA NA 1.4103
# of 1993 20 20 4 3 4 51
Stations 2001 7 18 0 0 0 25

There were twice as many WIM stations used in the 1993 calculation of truck factors.
Yet, only eleven of the 51 sites used in 1993 were used in this study. The remaining 14 sites in
this study may experience lighter loads than the non-repeated stations in the 1993 study, which
could be another reason the statewide average truck factor is lower. Also, it is unknown if the
data in 1993 was checked for quality assurance, which might have led to high truck factors.
For 2001, as stated in the data collection chapter, two stations were not used because of data
completeness problems and one station was not used because of suspiciously high data. Figure
6.6 displays the trend in truck factors from 1964 to 2001.

y = 0.0242x - 46.853
1.4 2
R = 0.8034
Truck Factor

1 D
0.8 Linear (SN)
0.6 Linear (D)
y = 0.0127x - 24.444
0.4 R = 0.8206
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Figure 6.6 Trends Over Time of Truck Factors

There was an increase from 1964 to 1993 and then a decrease from 1993 to 2001.
Though the truck factors seem to have a linear trend up to 1993, the truck factors should not be
extrapolated over time. One reason for this is an increase in truck factors can not always be
expected. For example, legal weight limits can increase or decrease, which consequentially
affects the truck factor.

6.2 Axle Load Modeling

It was determined that a lognormal-normal-normal distribution mixture was the best fit
for single axles at eight of the sites. For the other five the lognormal-normal mixture was the
best fit. The distributions for single axles did not conform to the fitted theoretical distribution
according to the chi-squared goodness of fit test at a significance level of α= 0.05, but they did
have R2 values greater than 0.986. The best fit for tandem axles at all the sites was a
lognormal-normal distribution. Most of the distributions conformed according to the chi-
squared goodness of fit test and had high R2 values (R2>0.962).

6.2.1 Single Axles

The weight data came from equipment manufactured by two different companies; PAT
and HESTIA WIM stations. Figures 6.7 and 6.8 illustrate the typical difference observed
between the two sources. Generally, the PAT sites had three distinct peaks, while the HESTIA
sites only have one distinct peak at the 12 kip range with two smaller peaks on each side. It
was determined that one possible reason for this was the HESTIA sites were weighing less
Class 5 vehicles than the PAT sites (Table 6.12). The HESTIA sites were counting the Class 5
vehicles but they were not weighing all of them. This resulted in the PAT sites having a
different model than the HESTIA sites.


Relative Frequency, %
Station 933




















Single Axle Weight, kips

Figure 6.7 Three Distribution Mixture for PAT Station

Relative Frequency, %


Station 48























Single Axle Load, kips

Figure 6.8 Two Distribution Mixture for Hestia Station

Table 6.12 Comparison of Weighed and Counted Class 5 Vehicles

Site Class 5 % of Class 5
(Directions Average Daily Average Daily Vehicles in the
Combined) Count Weighed Truck Traffic
HESTIA 48 343 273 11.03
9205 120 95 6.08
906 84 78 27.56

914 143 129 14.81
917 74 65 17.02
931 225 386 15.53
961 323 538 23.58
911 237 389 45.18
915 165 327 48.81
933 247 428 27.09
934 352 508 22.15
939 146 284 28.57
964 168 244 21.35

For the HESTIA sites, a mixture of the lognormal and normal distribution fit the
measured axle load distribution best. The best fit was determined by solving for the minimum
sum of squared errors. A mixture of two distributions did not fit the PAT sites well because the
model left out the third peak and resulted in a high value for the sum of squared errors. A
mixture of three distributions was applied to the data next, and it was found that two different
mixtures resulted in almost identical sum of squared errors; 1) lognormal, normal, and
lognormal and 2) lognormal, normal, and normal. Figure 6.9 illustrates the difference between
the two distributions. The lognormal distribution did not capture as much of the third peak as
the normal distribution. Since the reason for using three distributions instead of two was to
capture more of the third peak, the lognormal, normal, and normal distribution was determined
to be the best fit. Table 6.13 shows the mixing proportions, means, and standard deviations for
each model.


Relative Frequency, %
12 Station
10 LN-N-LN
8 LN-N-N




















Single Axle Loads, kips

Figure 6.9 Differences between LN-N-N and LN-N-LN Distribution

Table 6.13 Distribution Parameters for Single Axles


Site p1 p2 p3 M1 SD1 M2 SD2 M3 SD3 R2

48 0.33 0.67 -- 10.06 7.49 9.80 1.41 -- -- 0.9978

9205 0.40 0.60 -- 11.76 8.65 9.70 1.38 -- -- 0.9968

906 0.52 0.48 -- 8.57 5.18 9.39 1.56 -- -- 0.9969

914 0.38 0.62 -- 9.40 6.16 9.71 1.44 -- -- 0.9979
917 0.48 0.52 -- 8.69 5.55 9.83 1.39 -- -- 0.9979
931 0.23 0.71 0.06 4.27 1.65 10.01 1.29 15.45 1.41 0.9927
961 0.26 0.71 0.03 4.12 1.33 10.05 1.41 15.54 1.09 0.9879
911 0.43 0.55 0.02 3.94 1.08 9.73 1.71 15.48 1.31 0.9932
915 0.53 0.39 0.05 3.64 0.80 9.71 2.05 18.24 2.59 0.9859

933 0.30 0.67 0.03 4.04 1.21 9.63 1.43 15.29 1.09 0.9908
934 0.24 0.68 0.08 4.29 1.53 10.05 1.38 15.38 1.92 0.9922
939 0.29 0.68 0.03 3.89 1.08 9.57 1.50 15.12 1.31 0.9925
964 0.27 0.70 0.03 4.34 1.70 9.65 1.47 15.06 1.17 0.9918
AVG 0.25 0.71 0.05 4.27 1.48 9.83 1.48 15.47 1.44 0.9923
Note: pi = mixing proportion of distribution i, Mi = mean of distribution i, and SDi = standard deviation of
distribution i

The results of the R2 were very good for each site and the statewide average. According
to the R2 statistic the observed error was explained by the models for each site. As shown in
Table 6.14, the R2 values all are greater than 0.9859, which is very high. For the polynomial
regression models discussed in the literature review the R2 values ranged from 0.93 to 0.99, so
a mixture of theoretical distributions results in a model that explained a higher proportion of the
variation. The mixture models are also continuous and differentiable, which the polynomial
regression equations are not. The mixture models reflect the actual properties of the data with
the means and standard deviations unlike the polynomial regression equations.
Only two of the sites’ data conformed to the theoretical distributions according to the
Chi-squared goodness of fit test at α= 0.05 (Table 6.14). For single axles the number of bins
with axle counts was 22 or less which resulted in low degrees of freedom and therefore low
χ2crit values. Lower χ2crit values increased the likelihood of rejecting the null hypothesis that
the observed data conform to the tested theoretical distribution according to the Chi-squared
test. Also, the chi-squared test is very sensitive to values at the tails of the distribution.
Therefore any difference between the theoretical distribution and the actual distribution at the
tails was magnified. Even though all the models did not conform according to the Chi-squared
test, it does not mean that the models were not a good fit of the data, as evidenced by the R2

Table 6.14 Results for Chi-Squared and R2 Tests for Single Axles
Functional # of Axles X2obs, Chi-Squared Test R2
Class Site Counted (O-E)^2/E X2critical Conforms SSE R2
931 3462 357.87 16.919 NO 7.02 0.9927
961 3030 1045.99 15.507 NO 11.25 0.9879
48 3329 124.67 37.652 NO 2.16 0.9978
9205 2089 108.99 37.652 NO 2.81 0.9968
911 1136 681.30 15.507 NO 5.28 0.9932
915 863 137.40 18.307 NO 12.18 0.9859
933 2132 833.03 15.507 NO 8.04 0.9908
934 1210 249.12 16.919 NO 6.47 0.9922
NON-INT 939 1283 319.23 15.507 NO 6.41 0.9925
964 1640 712.01 15.507 NO 7.05 0.9918
906 391 7.10 15.507 YES 2.51 0.9969
914 1203 36.13 21.026 NO 1.98 0.9979
917 567 10.57 19.675 YES 1.79 0.9979
Combined Average 1872 59.72 9.488 NO 6.58 0.9923

6.2.2 Tandem Axles

There were two distinct peaks for all the tandem axle load distributions, which
correspond to heavy and light trucks. Therefore, all the stations were modeled with a
lognormal-normal distribution. Figure 6.10 shows the axle load distribution and model for the
statewide average. The mixing proportion means and standard deviations for each station are
displayed in Table 6.15.


Relative Frequency, %

3 Statewide


Tandem Axle Loads, kips

Figure 6.10 Axle Load Distribution for Statewide Average

As with single axles, the results for the R2 test were very good. All of the R2 values
were greater than 0.9622. The Chi-squared goodness of fit test showed much better results for
the tandem axles. All but four stations passed the goodness of fit test (Table 7.16). The results
show that a mixture distribution modeled the tandem axles very well.

Table 6.15 Distribution Parameters for Tandem Axles
Mixing Mixing Lognormal Normal
Site Proportion, Proportion, Distribution Distribution R2
p1 p2 M1 SD1 M2 SD2
915 0.55 0.45 14.40 4.42 36.76 4.24 0.9726
48 0.59 0.41 12.96 4.79 32.41 3.49 0.9773
931 0.60 0.40 17.51 8.16 30.67 3.03 0.9622
933 0.62 0.38 14.36 5.43 31.08 3.30 0.9800
911 0.62 0.38 14.69 5.66 33.86 4.28 0.9717
9205 0.62 0.38 18.91 9.57 32.63 4.42 0.9843
964 0.62 0.38 14.85 6.03 30.21 2.93 0.9782
961 0.63 0.37 18.93 7.79 32.55 2.41 0.9726
939 0.63 0.37 16.41 7.41 31.25 3.44 0.9835
914 0.64 0.36 14.85 6.00 32.94 3.57 0.9759
917 0.65 0.36 13.13 4.93 31.94 5.11 0.9773
934 0.70 0.30 20.03 8.41 32.15 2.82 0.9833
906 0.71 0.29 15.86 6.67 32.26 5.31 0.9842
0.62 0.38 16.67 7.28 31.80 3.34 0.9806

Table 6.16 Results for Chi-Squared and R2 Tests for Tandem Axles

# of
Functional X2obs,
Site Axles X2critical Conforms SSE R2
Class (O-E)^2/E
931 3477 147.19 37.652 NO 9.79 0.9622
INT 961 3016 77.46 38.885 NO 7.46 0.9726
48 3910 88.28 42.557 NO 5.13 0.9773
9205 2551 57.95 43.773 NO 2.66 0.9843
911 761 17.84 41.337 YES 6.09 0.9717
915 524 34.62 48.602 YES 6.11 0.9726
933 1930 66.13 42.557 NO 5.09 0.9800
934 2835 38.81 38.885 YES 3.77 0.9833
NON-INT 939 1195 14.94 46.194 YES 3.65 0.9835
964 1455 28.41 55.758 YES 5.8 0.9782
906 317 4.07 38.885 YES 4.15 0.9842
914 1268 37.8 42.557 YES 5.54 0.9759
917 509 13.45 41.337 YES 5.58 0.9773
COMBINED Statewide
1800 33.08 44.985 YES 4.34 0.9806

6.3 Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design Results And Discussion

Figure 6.11 summarizes the thickness designs resulting from the 12 sites and the
statewide distribution. It must be noted that the thicknesses for the highest soil stiffness were
governed by fatigue while the two softer soils (5 and 10 ksi) were governed by rutting. The
table in the upper right corner indicates the required thickness when using the statewide
distribution. The graphical portion indicates the thickness difference when using site-specific
load spectra. For example, at the lowest soil stiffness, site 48 would require approximately
1.25 in. more HMA when compared to the statewide distribution. Another interpretation is that
site 48 would be underdesigned by 1.25 in. if the statewide load spectra were used rather than
the site-specific load spectra.


HMA Thickness from

2 Mr, ksi Statewide Distribution, in.
Site Specific Required Thickness -
Statewide Required Thickness, in.

5 9.85
10 7.23
1 15 6.64

Mr = 5 ksi

-2 Mr = 10 ksi
Mr = 15 ksi

48 906 911 915 917 920 931 933 934 939 961 964
WIM Site

Figure 6.11 M-E Pavement Thickness Design Summary.

Some general trends are evident from Figure 6.11. First, as expected, required pavement
thickness tends to decrease with increasing soil stiffness. Second, for most cases the
differences between the statewide thickness and site-specific thickness tended to diminish with
increasing soil stiffness. This may be due to vertical compressive strain controlling the designs
at the lower stiffnesses. As the stiffness increases, the compressive strain is more a function
simply of the soil stiffness rather than the thickness of the overlying pavement structure and is
therefore less sensitive to differences in load spectra. This observation, however, requires
further investigation and may be limited to the conditions considered in this study.
Regarding differences in required thickness resulting from site-specific load spectra, 31
out of 36 (86%) design scenarios were within 0.5 in. of the statewide design thickness. Using
0.5 in. as a practical limit, the data provide strong motivation for using a statewide load spectra
when conducting M-E pavement design for the types of routes considered in this study.
However, as demonstrated by sites 48 and 920, there are certainly instances where site-specific

data are warranted and should be collected. For example, in the case of site 920, it can be seen
from simple calculations on the traffic data that the percentage of heavy trucks is substantially
higher than at the other sites and therefore could be treated separately. Site 920 is on Interstate
59 northeast of Birmingham, a major freight corridor known for heavy truck traffic. In fact,
class 9 vehicles (typical tractor-single trailer combinations) constitute 22.9% of the traffic at
this site. This value ranged between 1.8 and 18.7 percent at the other study sites.


7.1 Truck Factors

7.1.1 Conclusions
From the results it can be concluded that a 18% variation in truck factors for flexible
pavement and a 19% variation for rigid pavement creates less than a half inch variation in the
depth of pavement, which is not considered practically significant. For flexible pavement, 92%
of the daily truck factors for the seven days of the week and 94% of the monthly truck factors
for the 12 months of the year across all 13 sites and the statewide average varied less than 18%
from the average yearly truck factor. For rigid pavement 92% of the daily truck factors for the
seven days of the week and 93% of the monthly truck factors for the 12 months of the year
across all 13 sites and the statewide average varied less than 19% from the average yearly truck
factor. Since the majority of truck factors for each day and month of the year used in this study
would cause a difference in pavement thickness of less than a half inch when compared to the
yearly average for each station, it is not necessary to calculate truck factors by day of week or
month of the year. To ensure that the average truck factor is representative of all days and
months, the data should be collected on the lightest and heaviest days and months. All of the
directional variations were less than 19% so there is no need to calculate truck factors
separately for each direction of travel.
The sensitivity analysis of pavement thickness to truck factors showed that all of the
sites but three had less than a half inch variation in the resulting depth of pavement from the
statewide average. Stations 964 and 933 were lighter than the average and resulted in a
reduction of 0.4 to 0.7 inches of pavement thickness from the statewide average for flexible and
rigid pavement. Station 9205, which is a high volume station on I-59, varied up to 1.2 inches
from the statewide average. The use of Station 9205 in the calculation of the statewide average
truck factor causes it to be a little higher than stations 964 and 933, which adds a factor of
safety into the statewide average truck factor. Overall, the statewide average is representative of
rural principal arterials in Alabama.
The resulting statewide average for flexible and rigid pavement determined from this
study is lower than the statewide average truck factor determined in 1993. While this study

only used data from rural principal arterials, the 1993 truck factors used data from rural
principal arterials, rural minor arterials, and urban principal arterials. The 1993 truck factors
were determined from information from 50 stations, while the data for this study came from 25
stations. Only eleven of the 50 stations used in 1993 were used for this study. All these factors
contributed to the statewide average truck factor decrease from 1993 to 2001.

7.1.2 Recommendations
It is recommended that statewide average truck factors can be used for pavement design
of rural principal arterials in Alabama. In this study, statewide average factors (based on the 25
sites for which data were available) were determined to be 0.8785 for flexible pavements and
1.411 for rigid pavements. However, for several reasons, it may be prudent to continue use of
the factors derived in the last update performed by ALDOT in 1993, which yielded factors of
0.9896 for flexible pavements (SN=5) and 1.579 for rigid pavements (depth of 9 inches).
Among these reasons are that the 1993 study used data from 51 sites, covering four different
highway functional classifications, and that the sensitivity of pavement thickness design is less
sensitive to small changes in total ESALs than changes in many other inputs.
While truck factors can not directly be extrapolated over time, they should be revisited
periodically (e.g., every 10 years). Also, engineering judgment should be used to determine if a
road needs additional analysis. Though truck factors do not need to be separated by day or
month, WIM data should be collected so that the data are representative of axle loads
throughout the year. The following recommendations are made for collecting WIM data:
• Data should at least be collected on the following three days 1) Friday, 2) Saturday
or Sunday, and 3) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday.
• Data should at least be collected in either November, December or January to
account for the decline in winter truck traffic and either April, May or June to
account for the higher summer truck traffic.

7.2 Axle Load Modeling

7.2.1 Conclusions
The use of a mixture of lognormal and normal distributions is a good model of single and
tandem axle load distributions. Depending on the proportion of Class 5 vehicles in the truck
traffic, either a lognormal-normal or lognormal-normal-normal distribution should be used for
single axles. The R2 value for all the models was greater than 0.986. The data did not conform
to the theoretical distribution used to model single axles according to the Chi-squared goodness
of fit test. However, the goodness of fit of the model to the data can be seen from the PDF
plots and is supported by the high R2 values.
For tandem axles, a lognormal-normal distribution was determined to be the best fit for all
the sites and the statewide average. The R2 value for all the models was greater than 0.962 and
the axle load distributions at 64% of the sites do not differ significantly from the theoretical
probability distribution used to model them. Therefore, the lognormal-normal mixture models
provide an accurate representation of tandem axle loads.

7.2.2 Recommendations
The use of a mixture model of axle loads would be useful for mechanistic-empirical
pavement design. The lognormal and normal mixture distribution for tandem axle loads at
most sites represents the data well and is recommended for use on principal rural arterials.
Further research that is recommended for using a mixture model for axle load distributions
• Investigation into why some single axle models required a mixture of two
distributions while others required a mixture of three distributions.
• Use the methodology presented in this report to model axle load distributions
from functional classes other than rural principal arterials.

7.3 Application of Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design to Axle Load Distributions
7.3.1 Conclusions
• Monte Carlo simulation can be an effective tool in evaluating load spectra effects on
pavement design. The approach can be used to evaluate load spectra on a wider scale,
such as regional or nationwide.
• Similar to empirically-based design (i.e. the 1993 AASHTO procedure), it is the
heavier axle loads that govern M-E thickness design. Therefore, heavy axle weights
must be carefully measured; especially overloads.

7.3.2 Recommendations
• Based on the rural principal arterials considered in this study, statewide load spectra
for M-E design are recommended when site-specific data are not available. In most
cases, this approach will not overly affect resulting HMA design thicknesses. This
is consistent with the findings using the same load spectra with the current
AASHTO empirical design approach. As always, site-specific information should
be used when readily available. Also, local knowledge and experience should help
determine when site-specific data must be collected and used for design.
Alternatively, a quick examination of vehicle classification distribution at a site
(such as site 920 in this study), when compared to several other sites on highways in
the same functional classification, can help to determine whether site-specific data
should be collected.
• When considering differences in load spectra between site-specific conditions and a
more general (e.g., statewide) distribution, it is critical to assess the practical
significance in addition to statistical significance since considerable resources and
personnel are required to gather site-specific load spectra. In this study, 86% of the
design scenarios (combinations of site-specific load spectra and soil strength)
required HMA thickness within one half-inch of the statewide distribution.
• Further studies should be conducted using the design software developed through
the National Cooperative Highway Research Program Project 1-37A (NCHRP,
2005) to evaluate similar load spectra and the practical effects on pavement
thickness design.

Alabama Highway Department. Truck Weights as Related to Pavement Design in.
Alabama Project No. 930-106. Research Division, Bureau of Materials and Tests,
Alabama Highway Department, 1983

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, “AASHTO Guide

For Design of Pavement Structures,” Washington, D.C., 1993.

Alavi, Sirous H., Kevin A. Senn. Development of New Pavement Design Equivalent
Single Axle Load (ESAL), Final Report. FHWA-AZ99-455. Nichols Consulting
Engineers, Chtd. 1999.

Chen, Hong-Jer, Luis Julian Bendana, Dan E. McAuliffe, and Raymond L. Gemme.
“Updating Pavement Design Procedures for New York State”. In Transportation
Research Record 1539, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C.,
1996, pp. 51-57.

Conover, W. J. Practical Nonparametric Statistics. 2nd ed. New York: John Wiley and
Sons, 1980.

D’Agostino, Ralph B. and Michael A. Stephens. Goodness-Of-Fit Techniques. New

York and Basel: Marcel Dekker, Inc, 1986.

Eres Consultants Division. Guide For Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design of New and
Rehabilitated Pavement Structures. Final Report, NCHRP 1-37A, 2004.

Fwa, T. F., B.W. Ang, H. S. Toh, and T. N. Goh. “Estimation of Axle Loads of Heavy
Vehicles for Pavement Studies”. In Transportation Research Record 1338, TRB,
National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 1993, pp. 70-79.

Highway Research Board. The AASHO Road Test, Report 5, Pavement Research. Special
Report 61E. National Academy of Sciences – National Research Council. Washington,
DC, 1962.

Huang, Wei-Hsing, Yu-Ling Sung, and Jyh-Dong Lin. Development of Axle Load
Distribution for Heavy Vehicles. Transportation Research Board: 81th Annual
Meeting. January 2002

Huang, Yang H. Pavement Analysis and Design. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc, 1993

Kim, Jong R., Leslie Titus-Glover, Michael I. Darter, and Robert K. Kumapley. “Axle
Load Distribution Characterization for Mechanistic Pavement Design”. In
Transportation Research Record 1629, TRB, National Research Council,
Washington, D.C., 1998, pp. 13-17.

Minnesota Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design: MnPAVE Homepage. Minnesota
Department of Transportation,, Accessed July 11, 2005.

NCHRP Design Guide Homepage. National Cooperative Highway Research Program 1-37A,, Accessed July 11, 2005.

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McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1956.

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1853, TRB, National Research Council, Washington, D.C., 2003, pp. 134-142.

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Mechanistic-Empirical Pavement Design. In Transportation Research Record: Journal
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Washington, D.C., 2000, pp. 73-80.

Timm, D.H. and J. Young. The Effects of Load Spectra and Variability on Perpetual Pavement
Design. International Symposium on Design & Construction of Long Lasting Asphalt
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ESAL Calculation Survey for Florida

1. Does your State use as its basis for pavement design and rehabilitation (e.g. AASHTO
Guide, customized system, etc.)? AASHTO 1993 Guide

2. What types of data do you use to come up with the ESAL table values and how are they
collected? Approximately 40 WIM sites, 18 continuous, 23 at 1 week quarterly or semi-
annual samples.

3. Do you use a single ESAL table for all design locations within your state or is a different
ESAL value computed for different locations based upon load information for that location?
Average statewide values by four system types.

4. How often do you update your ESAL tables? Reviewed annually

5. Do you break down ESALs by vehicle classification and, if so what vehicle classes do you
use? No. Classes 4-13 are averaged.

6. Do you apply average ESAL factors to the vehicles in each classification? What are they?

7. Do use growth factors to expand ESALs to design years? How do you determine growth
factors? Yes, each project is forecast by a trained planning analyst using historical trends
and/or growth models.

8. Do you use WIM data? If, not what do you use for load data? Yes

9. Do you collect classification data? How? How often? Yes 1950 portable classifiers (2 to 8
day samples) and 249 continuous.

10. How much confidence do you have in the values you use for pavement design and
rehabilitation? Pretty Good

Additional Comments:

ESAL Calculation Survey for Georgia

1. Does your State use as its basis for pavement design and rehabilitation (e.g. AASHTO
Guide, customized system, etc.)? 1972 AASHTO Interim Guide, 1981 revision

2. What types of data do you use to come up with the ESAL table values and how are they
collected? ESAL factors have not been updated in last ten years due to lack of data

3. Do you use a single ESAL table for all design locations within your state or is a different
ESAL value computed for different locations based upon load information for that location?
Single table with breakdown for functional classification and percent trucks

4. How often do you update your ESAL tables? Last update 1984

5. Do you break down ESALs by vehicle classification and, if so what vehicle classes do you
use? Flexible pavement- no breakdown; Rigid pavement- Multi-unit trucks, single-unit
trucks, and Other

6. Do you apply average ESAL factors to the vehicles in each classification? What are they?
Rigid pavement: Multi-unit - 2.68
Single unit - 0.5
Other - 0.004

7. Do use growth factors to expand ESALs to design years? How do you determine growth
factors? No growth factors used

8. Do you use WIM data? If, not what do you use for load data? No load data

9. Do you collect classification data? How? How often? No

10. How much confidence do you have in the values you use for pavement design and

Additional Comments: An effort is underway to collect WIM and classification data to

update the ESAL factors during 2003.

ESAL Calculation Survey for Mississippi

1. Does your State use as its basis for pavement design and rehabilitation (e.g. AASHTO
Guide, customized system, etc.)? The AASHTO Guide.

2. What types of data do you use to come up with the ESAL table values and how are they
collected? From data obtained from permanent WIM stations, and portable WIM

3. Do you use a single ESAL table for all design locations within your state or is a different
ESAL value computed for different locations based upon load information for that location?
We use a single ESAL table statewide with different factors based on rigid or flexible
pavement, and rural or urban interstate or other road classifications.

4. How often do you update your ESAL tables? Every 2-3 years.

5. Do you break down ESALs by vehicle classification and, if so what vehicle classes do you
use? Yes, Classes 4-13 as defined in FHWA’s Traffic Monitoring Guide.

6. Do you apply average ESAL factors to the vehicles in each classification? What are they?

7. Do use growth factors to expand ESALs to design years? How do you determine growth
factors? Yes, growth factors are calculated from historical traffic data, and applied to the
section being evaluated at the time a design traffic request is made.

8. Do you use WIM data? If, not what do you use for load data? Yes

9. Do you collect classification data? How? How often? Yes, we collect classification data
year round from our permanent locations; plus, classification data is collected from
additional sites as necessary under contract (Southern Traffic Services). Approximately
1/3 of our traffic sections are counted each year. This amounts to approximately 900 sites
counted every year.

10. How much confidence do you have in the values you use for pavement design and
rehabilitation? Approximately 80%

Additional Comments:

ESAL Calculation Survey for Tennessee

1. Does your State use as its basis for pavement design and rehabilitation (e.g. AASHTO
Guide, customized system, etc.)?

Our state department of Transportation uses the AASHTO guidelines for pavement
design including the ESAL values for different axle loadings provided by AASHTO.

2. What types of data do you use to come up with the ESAL table values and how are they

We, at TDOT, use traffic and classification counts as well as weight-in-motion (WIM)
technology to gather data annually on axle loads of different types of trucks. This data is
collected at various locations on Tennessee highways.

3. Do you use a single ESAL table for all design locations within your state or is a different
ESAL value computed for different locations based upon load information for that location?

No we don’t use a single ESAL table for all design locations, each design location is
computed with a different ESAL value based upon its individual loading information.

4. How often do you update your ESAL tables?

All ESAL tables are updated on as-need basis only

5. Do you break down ESALs by vehicle classification and, if so what vehicle classes do you

Yes, we at TDOT, categorize ESAL’s into 13 types of vehicle classification. They are
listed below with the sequence numbers corresponding to the Federal Highway
Administration vehicle type code.
1. Motorcycles
2. Passenger Cars
3. Single Unit Vehicles: 2-Axle, 4-Tier (pickup, panel, van)
4. Buses
5. Single Unit Truck: 2-Axle, 6 Tire
6. Single Unit Truck: 3-Axle
7. Single Unit Truck: 4-Axle or More
8. Single Unit Truck: 4-Axle or Less
9. Single Unit Truck: 5-Axle
10. Single Unit Truck: 6-Axle or More
11. Multi-Trailer Trucks: 5-Axle or Less
12. Multi-Trailer Trucks: 6-Axle
13. Multi-Trailer Trucks: 7-Axle or Less
14. Other

6. Do you apply average ESAL factors to the vehicles in each classification? What are they?

Yes, please see attachment

7. Do use growth factors to expand ESALs to design years? How do you determine growth

Yes, we at TDOT, use growth factors to expand ESALS to design years as it applies to
traffic counts. Our growth factors are annually counted at various locations along
Tennessee’s highways from out database computer software, Advance Traffic Data
Analysis Management.

8. Do you use WIM data? If, not what do you use for load data?

Yes, our state department uses WIM (weight-in-motion) technology to gather data
annually on axle loads of different types of trucks.

9. Do you collect classification data? How? How often?

Yes we collect classification data (200 class counts per year) every three years on a
rotating basis. This data is collected by our field crew both manually and with machines.

10. How much confidence do you have in the values you use for pavement design and

Since we follow all necessary guidelines and procedures according to the American
Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO) manual in pavement
design and rehabilitation, we have the utmost confidence in those values and the results
that they provide.

Additional Comments:


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