Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan
Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan
Amtrak Cascades Long Range Plan
February 2006
Prepared by the Freight Systems Division
Washington State Department of Transportation
February 2006
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Washington State
Long-Range Plan for Amtrak
Washington State
Department of Transportation
February 2006
Table of Contents
Executive Summary................................................................................................ v
A. Amtrak Cascades Proposed Timetables and
Project Implementation Schedule.....................................................................A-1
B. Amtrak Cascades Service Alternatives ............................................................ B-1
C. Washington State-owned Rail Equipment Preservation Plan
and Replacement Options................................................................................. C-1
D. Station Profiles .................................................................................................D-1
E. Amtrak Cascades Northern Terminus Options ................................................ E-1
F. Amtrak Cascades Service Delivery ................................................................. F-1
WSDOT’s updated plan for intercity passenger rail service follows a step by
step approach that links specific sets of construction projects to service
improvements. These service improvements are grouped into six distinct
“building blocks” that could be introduced to the traveling public over time.
The total cost for all the construction and equipment necessary to achieve
WSDOT’s service goals for intercity passenger rail service between Portland,
Seattle, and Vancouver, BC is estimated to exceed $6.5 billion dollars in 2006
dollars. The intercity service will also require operating subsidies each year
as the capital investments are put in place. Upon completion of the capital
investment plan, WSDOT’s projections show that the service could carry
nearly three million passengers per year and operate with limited or no public
subsidy, depending on prices charged for passenger fares.
How does this plan fit in with WSDOT’s other planning efforts?
This plan satisfies the requirements outlined by the state legislature for rail
planning and its integration into WSDOT’s multi-modal plan (Washington
Transportation Plan) mandated by the state and federal governments.1
RCW 47.79.040
Railroad Corridor Transportation Plans – a Guidance Manual, USDOT, Federal Railroad
Administration, April 2001.
Following release of this study in April 1993, WSDOT was directed (Revised
Code of Washington Chapter 47.79) to develop “high-quality intercity
passenger rail service ... through incremental upgrading of the existing
[Amtrak] service.” The legislature believed that this step-by-step approach
would help to build a “rail culture” in the region that would eventually make
rail a competitive and viable alternative to automobile and regional air travel.
Throughout the program, WSDOT and these organizations and agencies are
continually reviewing system improvements and negotiating the funding
arrangements for these improvements.
Capital Investments
Portland, OR-Seattle-Bellingham-Vancouver, BC
Funding Source Amount
BNSF Railway Company $9.4 million
Washington State (WSDOT and Washington State
$120 million
Transportation Improvement Board)
Amtrak $62.0 million
Federal Funds for stations and safety projects (non-Amtrak,
Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Railroad $44 million
Sound Transit and the Federal Transit Administration
(projects improve rail system capacity that benefit commuter, $346.0 million
intercity passenger and freight services)
Oregon (Union Station to the Columbia River) $13.7 million
Local/other for stations $13.6 million
Total Capital Investment $608.7 million
WSDOT’s current plans outline rail corridor and service development through
2023. Exhibit ES-3, on the following page, presents an overview of the
number of round-trip passenger trains per day for current and planned service
along the corridor. Exhibit ES-4, on the following page, summarizes travel
times for this service through year 2023.
The travel times and train frequencies presented in this discussion focus on a
service mid-point, as well as year 2023. Year 2023 represents WSDOT’s
twenty year build-out plan. A specific year was not chosen for the “mid-
point” in service and infrastructure development—a number of intermediate
years could have been chosen; however, development of this incremental rail
service is dependent upon program funding.
Amtrak Cascades Ridership and Revenue Forecasts Technical Report, 2004.
In order to ensure that public funds are expended in the most efficient manner,
the long-range plan identifies all of the construction projects that will be
necessary to achieve WSDOT’s service goals as depicted in Exhibits ES-3
and ES-4. Each construction project is designed to solve a particular problem
February 2006 Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades
Page xii Executive Summary
within the corridor. These projects are then grouped into “building blocks”
that must be constructed in the sequence described in this plan. Each
successive “building block” adds upon the preceding investments and allows
WSDOT to add more daily trains, improve schedule reliability, and reduce
travel times in a methodical and rational way. These “building blocks”
ultimately become the daily timetables that the traveling public will rely upon
once a “block” of construction projects has been completed. This planning
approach combines methods commonly used by intercity rail planners in
Europe with the incremental approach sought by the state legislature.
In 2006 US dollars.
Estimates have been developed that highlight how the anticipated growth in
ridership will build operating revenues, improve the system’s farebox
recovery, and reduce the required operational subsidy. Looking forward, with
full implementation of the plan, operating revenues are expected to increase to
approximately seventy-one percent of operating costs by the mid-point service
and to approximately ninety-nine percent by program completion. This
results in operating subsidy requirements of approximately $11 million per
year to start, increasing to approximately $15 million per year, and gradually
decreasing until nearly all operations costs are expected to be recovered from
operating revenues. These estimates are expressed in constant 2003 dollars
and are based on current operating experience and comparable corridor
activity elsewhere in the Amtrak system.5 Exhibit ES-6 provides the
operating costs, projected revenue, and anticipated subsidy for the Amtrak
Cascades program for mid-point service and year 2023.
If all of the corridor improvements are put in place during the twenty-year
period, 34 million passengers are projected to travel a total of nearly 5.2
billion passenger miles. Cost and revenue estimates indicate that over this
timeframe the program will operate with an average farebox recovery of over
seventy-five percent, requiring just under $165 million in total operational
subsidies. These projections were based on the assumption that fares for the
Amtrak Cascades service would not increase over time.
Amtrak Cascades Ridership and Revenue Forecasts Technical Report, 2004.
How will this program benefit the citizens of Washington now and
in the future?
The public funds that will be invested to support faster and more frequent
Amtrak Cascades service will offer the citizens of Washington a number of
benefits in the years ahead. The service will provide a viable alternative to
automobile and regional air travel, while supporting improved freight rail
mobility within the state of Washington.
Planning for the Amtrak Cascades program has and will continue to
incorporate the corridor’s projected population growth, increases in domestic
and international trade, and the freight mobility needs of our region’s ports.
Other modes of passenger rail travel include high speed rail, heavy rail and
light rail. High speed rail, like Japan’s bullet train, is a faster version of
Amtrak Cascades rail service. High speed rail travels at speeds greater than
110 miles per hour (mph) and typically uses its own dedicated right of way.
Heavy and light rail transit is found in dense urban areas. Both modes of
transit serve urban residents for commuting as well as leisure travel. Heavy
rail lines travel on their own dedicated rights of way and are grade-
separated—either above or below ground. New York City’s subway and
elevated system is an example of heavy rail. Light rail, on the other hand,
often shares its right of way with automobiles. An example of light rail is
Portland’s MAX system and Sound Transit’s future LINK light rail system.
Sound Transit, the regional transit provider in the Puget Sound area, is developing
commuter rail service (Sounder) between Everett and Lakewood. This service shares rail
right of way with Amtrak Cascades service.
BNSF has four main line routes in Washington State, as illustrated in Exhibit 1-2.
beyond five hundred miles.3 Corridor rail service of five hundred miles or
less, with frequent daily departures and travel times of several hours or less
between major population centers, can eliminate the need to travel on
congested highways, as well as to and from airports located in suburban areas.
Corridor rail service can also provide transportation to communities not
served by regional air carriers, help relieve aircraft congestion at major
airports, and can become an attractive mode of transport for business travelers
and those taking single day round trips.
Intercity Passenger Rail Transportation, American Association of State Highway and
Transportation Officials, Standing Committee on Rail Transportation, 2002. Page 4.
During the same period, several studies were conducted resulting in the
Statewide Rail Passenger Program - Technical Report (January 1992), the
High Speed Ground Transportation Study (October 1992), and the
Washington Statewide Rail Passenger Program (Gap Study) (June,
September, and December 1992). These studies included analysis of possible
rail corridors statewide for items such as: ridership demand, funding sources,
train speeds, and number/frequency of trains (level of service). These analyses
also focused on identifying the appropriate technology and route for intercity
passenger rail in Washington State. The range of technology reviewed
included improved conventional rail, tilt body trains, electrification, and
magnetically elevated trains (maglev). 7
In addition, both the High Speed Ground Transportation Study and the Gap
Study clearly demonstrated that development of a new rail corridor—
especially in western Washington—would be very expensive. Discussions
with community members and local legislators suggested that a new rail
corridor would not be welcomed due to the potential impacts to the
environment and surrounding communities.
Substitute House Bill (SHB) 1452.
The Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991 (ISTEA) became law in
December 1991. Section 1010 of this Act called for selection of not more than five corridors
to be designated as high speed rail corridors.
The other four original federally-designated high speed rail corridors are: the Midwest
corridor linking Detroit, MI with Chicago, IL, St. Louis MO and Milwaukee WI; the Florida
corridor linking Miami with Orlando and Tampa; the California corridor linking San Diego
and Los Angeles with the Bay Area and Sacramento via the San Joaquin Valley; and the
Southeast corridor connecting Charlotte, NC, Richmond, VA, and Washington, DC.
Conventional and tilt-body trains are powered by diesel locomotives. Tilt body trains can
run at higher speeds than conventional trains on existing tracks. The tilt system has air
springs in the main suspension that allows the train to tilt naturally when traveling on curves.
The train tilts towards the curve without stressing the passenger. Electrifying rail tracks to
power trains is a technology which has been used extensively on the East Coast. Maglev is a
type of rail technology which uses magnetic forces to power the rail vehicles.
WSDOT’s and GAO’s findings were re-enforced in 1997, when the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) released its Commercial Feasibility report.9
This report found that the costs differential associated with constructing high
speed rail were higher than previously identified. Exhibit 1-4 illustrates this
Exhibit 1-4
Revised Cost Comparison Associated with
High-Speed Ground Transportation
High-Speed Ground Transportation: Issues Affecting Development in the United States, U.S.
General Accounting Office, November 1993, page 13.
High-Speed Ground Transportation for America, USDOT, Federal Railroad Administration,
September 1997.
Scenario One:
• Four daily round trips between Seattle and Vancouver, BC (four-hour
headway10; three hours travel time).
• Nine daily round trips between Seattle and Portland, OR (headway in
multiples of one hour; two hours and thirty minutes travel time).
Scenario Two:
• Eight daily round trips between Seattle and Vancouver, BC (two-hour
headway; two hours and thirty minutes travel time).
• Seventeen daily round trips between Seattle and Portland, OR (one-
hour headway; two hours and fifteen minutes travel time).
Research indicated that this scenario provided the best mix of ridership,
revenue and costs.
A headway is a transit term which refers to the amount of time between trains leaving a
particular station or location.
During this period (1994 and 1995), extensive analysis of maximum speeds
along the corridor was performed. Although initial findings indicated that
speeds in excess of 125 miles per hour (mph) were required to achieve the
desired travel times, further analysis indicated that this was not the case.11
The study team reviewed speeds of 110 to 125 mph, and found that only in
some cases would trains be able to travel at the higher speeds, thus resulting in
only a two minute travel time savings between Seattle and Portland, OR. In
addition, the cost between constructing 110 mph service and 125 mph service
was over $500 million (in 1995 dollars). As such, the Amtrak Cascades
service, as presented in the long-range plan, travels at maximum speeds of 110
When was the first long-range plan released?
Throughout the late-1990s, WSDOT prepared and released the Pacific
Northwest Rail Corridor Intercity Passenger Rail Plan for Washington State,
1997-2020 (December 1997; revised December 1998, updated April 2000). In
addition, a programmatic, corridor-wide environmental analysis12 was
produced in 1998 to ensure that corridor operations would not adversely affect
communities and the environment along the BNSF main line.
Due to constraints such as right of way, vehicle performance, and the mix of trains on the
See Amtrak Cascades Environmental Overview Technical Report, 1998, reprinted 2005.
Throughout the corridor, WSDOT has worked with local transit agencies to
ensure that public transit service and Amtrak Cascades service provide a
unified, seamless transportation system. Local transit agencies have worked
to modify their bus transit schedules to meet arriving Amtrak Cascades trains
at local stations.
The state of Oregon participated in the early planning work for the corridor,
concentrating on the Eugene to Portland, OR segment. Although it begins in
Oregon, the Portland, OR to Vancouver, WA segment is associated with the
Portland, OR to Seattle segment. As such, most of the planning work for this
segment has been conducted by WSDOT.
To date, nearly $800 million has been invested by the states of Washington
and Oregon, Amtrak, Sound Transit, and the BNSF to support Amtrak
Cascades service between Portland, OR, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC.
Exhibit 1-5 on the following page lists the investments that have been made
by the various funding entities between 1994 and 2005.
This plan also highlights efforts that have recently been completed and
projects that are underway. In addition, a discussion of future improvements
to achieve safe, faster, more frequent, and reliable passenger rail service in the
Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor is presented. This document also discusses
the potential impacts the rail program and its proposed improvements may
have on surrounding communities and the natural environment.
In addition to this long-range plan, six technical volumes are available for
review. These technical volumes include the detailed analyses, engineering,
and projections which were used to develop this long-range plan.
Washington State-sponsored intercity passenger rail service began in April 1994. The
brand name for this service – Amtrak Cascades – was introduced when the new trainsets
began operating in January 1999.
Built by Talgo, Inc.
Capital Investments
Portland, OR-Seattle-Bellingham-Vancouver, BC
Funding Source Amount
BNSF Railway Company $9.4 million
Washington State (WSDOT and Washington State
$120 million
Transportation Improvement Board)
Amtrak $62.0 million
Federal Funds for stations and safety projects (non-Amtrak,
Federal Transit Administration and the Federal Railroad $44 million
Sound Transit and the Federal Transit Administration
(projects improve rail system capacity that benefit commuter, $346.0 million
intercity passenger and freight services)
Oregon (Union Station to the Columbia River) $13.7 million
Local/other for stations $13.6 million
Total Capital Investment $608.7 million
Based on year 2000 U.S. Census data, seven out of ten Washington residents
currently live within fifteen miles of Interstate 5. The Washington State
Office of Financial Management anticipates that the population in the nine
counties which are directly served by Interstate 5 and Amtrak Cascades
service will grow twenty-eight percent by 2020, an increase of over one
million people from year 2000. Such an increase in population will result in
increased roadway and airport congestion, impacting both the movement of
people and goods.
Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 47.79 & High Speed Ground Transportation Study,
Washington State Department of Transportation, October 1992.
Improving our Pacific Northwest rail system is an option that could ease our
region’s growing pains in a cost-effective manner. The efficient movement of
people and goods within the region is crucial to the state’s ability to compete
in world markets, to protect the environment, and to maintain a high quality of
life. Given the level of urbanization, coupled with sensitive areas along the
corridor, increasing the capacity of the existing highway system would have
significant environmental impacts and prove extremely expensive.
RCW 47.79.040
Railroad Corridor Transportation Plans – a Guidance Manual, USDOT, Federal Railroad
Administration, April 2001.
Under a NEPA action, a federal agency is the designated lead agency. It is the
lead agency’s responsibility to ensure that the requirements and intent of
NEPA are fulfilled. In 1993, under the five-year, high speed rail initiative,
FRA was charged with the responsibility of overseeing the high speed rail
program. It partnered with the FHWA, which has staff and resources in the
Pacific Northwest, and gave FHWA the designation as federal co-lead. In
addition, it was agreed that the Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor project should
follow FHWA environmental procedures. A Memorandum of Understanding
was developed among FHWA’s Washington and Oregon Division, the FRA
and the state to address the roles and responsibilities for NEPA actions. These
parties signed the Memorandum of Understanding in October 1995.
See Amtrak Cascades Environmental Overview Technical Report, 1998, reprinted 2005.
In order to meet the program’s stated goals and vision, the Amtrak Cascades
program must recognize that the state’s partners also have their goals and
visions (based on their particular needs) for the same corridor. As partners,
Amtrak Cascades Ridership and Revenue Forecasts Technical Report, 2004.
z Expansion of Port Facilities. The rail corridor serves some of the world’s
busiest ports, including Seattle, Tacoma, Bellingham, Everett,
Kelso/Longview, Kalama, and Vancouver, WA, as well as Portland, OR
and Vancouver, BC. Imports and exports include commodities such as
grain and minerals, and consumer goods such as automobiles and
electronics. As a result of growing business, all of these ports are
undergoing expansion and renovation. The state’s intercity passenger rail
program complements the immediate and future needs of each of these
z The BNSF Railway Company’s (BNSF) Business Plan. The railroad is
continually maintaining and upgrading the existing rail line to
accommodate current and projected freight rail growth. A forecast of this
growth has been factored into the capacity projections developed for the
Amtrak Cascades program.
z Freight Action Strategy for the Seattle-Tacoma-Everett (FAST)
Corridor. The FAST Corridor program’s goal is to streamline the
movement of freight through the central Puget Sound region of
Washington State. Since 1996, WSDOT and local and regional agencies
have studied freight movement via rail, roads, and shipping ports to
develop projects that move freight more efficiently and increase safety for
cars, trucks and trains.
The State’s vision for passenger rail in the Pacific Northwest extends over a
twenty-year horizon. The vision is to reduce travel times and provide safe,
more frequent, and reliable Amtrak Cascades service between Portland, OR
and Vancouver, BC. In addition, customer satisfaction is a critical component
of this service. Amtrak Cascades’ trains provide amenities not traditionally
seen on passenger rail service—regional menus in the dining cars, onboard
movies, business class seating, and a host of other passenger services. These
amenities, coupled with the state’s service goals, provide the traveling public
with passenger rail service unlike any other service in the United States.
Amtrak Cascades trains (corridor trains), on the other hand, originate and end
service within the Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor. Because of this, their
reliability and travel times are more predictable and manageable. Today,
corridor trains run daily and carry eighty-seven percent of passengers
traveling by rail between Portland, OR and Vancouver, BC. Long-distance
trains carry thirteen percent of all riders in the rail corridor.
The program first began in the early 1990s when the states of Washington and
Oregon, the railroads, and others worked together to introduce new corridor
train service between Seattle to Portland, OR and Seattle to Vancouver, BC.
Washington State plans to incrementally improve Amtrak Cascades service
over the next twenty years. Improvements to track, safety systems, train
equipment and stations will reduce travel times, increase train frequency, and
improve safety and reliability.
The travel times and train frequencies presented in this discussion focus on
years 2003, 2023, and a mid-point. Year 2023 represents WSDOT’s twenty-
Amtrak’s Empire Builder has two routes. One train travels north from Seattle to Everett, and
then travels east to Spokane. The other train travels north from Portland, OR to Vancouver,
WA where it turns east and travels to Spokane. In Spokane, the two trains are coupled
together. The merged train then travels east to Chicago. This process is reversed for
westbound trains.
Chapter Five of this document presents a list of infrastructure projects necessary for
increased service.
What are the service goals for years other than the mid-point and
year 2023?
The Amtrak Cascades program has six levels of incremental implementation.
Each level of implementation is the result of capital projects that eliminate the
greatest capacity limitation(s) of the corridor.4 Each of the service and
operating plans for the six increments generally reflect the greatest amount of
passenger traffic that can be reliably operated after completion of the
infrastructure projects associated with that level of service.
In order to perform ridership, revenue, and cost projections, it was necessary that specific
years for service be chosen. Data for such analyses had to be based on actual information.
As such, for data and analysis purposes, WSDOT selected year 2008 as the mid-point year
based on the assumption that full funding for all projects targeted for implementation between
2003 and 2008 would be available.
Since the initial decision was made to use 2008 as the mid-point for the analysis, WSDOT has
recognized that funding levels necessary to meet the program’s goals will not be available.
Therefore, the implementation years identified throughout this operating and capital plan are
placeholders. Implementation of projects and equipment purchases could take longer than
anticipated, or could feasibly be expedited, depending upon funding availability. From the
inception of the Amtrak Cascades program, implementation goals have always been based on
market demand as well as funding.
Although these projects together provide the foundation for the specified service level, each
project was carefully developed to ensure that it solves a specific problem within the
immediate geographic area. The projects were developed with this independence to ensure
that taxpayer’s money would not be wasted if all projects were not completed. Each project
alone contributes to the incremental development of the overall passenger rail system.
Vancouver, BC
Today Mid-Point 2023
Travel Times
To Seattle 3:55 3:25 2:37 Bellingham
To Portland, OR N/A 6:40 5:22
Today Mid-Point 2023
Round Trips
Travel Times
To Seattle 1 3 4
To Vancouver, BC 1:48 1:39 0:50
To Portland, OR N/A 2 3
To Seattle 2:25 1:59 1:44
To Portland, OR N/A 5:14 4:29
Round Trips
To Vancouver, BC 1 3 4
Mount Vernon
To Seattle 2 3 4
Today Mid-Point 2023
To Portland, OR N/A 2 3
Travel Times
To Vancouver, BC 2:19 2:10 1:26
To Seattle 1:59 1:31 1:24
To Portland, OR N/A 4:29 3:55
Round Trips Everett
To Vancouver, BC 1 3 4 Today Mid-Point 2023
To Seattle 2 3 4 Travel Times
To Portland, OR N/A 2 3 To Vancouver, BC 3:03 2:42 1:55
To Seattle 0:52 0:40 0:39
To Portland, OR N/A 4:11 3:37
Round Trips
Edmonds To Vancouver, BC 1 3 4
To Seattle 2 3 4
Today Mid-Point 2023
To Portland, OR N/A 2 3
Travel Times
To Vancouver, BC 3:27 3:03 2:15
To Seattle 0:28 0:21 O:21
To Portland, OR N/A 3:52 3:19
Round Trips
To Vancouver, BC 1 3 4
To Seattle 2 3 4 Today Mid-Point 2023
To Portland, OR N/A 2 3 Travel Times
To Vancouver, BC 3:55 3:25 2:37
To Portland, OR 3:30 3:00 2:30
Round Trips
To Vancouver, BC 1 3 4
To Portland, OR 3 8 13
Today Mid-Point 2023
Travel Times
To Vancouver, BC 3:55 3:25 2:37
To Portland, OR 3:30 3:00 2:30 Tukwila
Round Trips Today Mid-Point 2023
To Vancouver, BC 1 3 4 Travel Times
To Portland, OR 3 8 13 To Vancouver, BC N/A 4:07 3:15
To Seattle 0:27 0:10 0:12
To Portland, OR 3:13 2:50 2:18
Round Trips
Tacoma To Vancouver, BC N/A 2 3
Today Mid-Point 2023 To Seattle 3 8 13
Travel Times To Portland, OR 3 8 13
To Vancouver, BC N/A 4:34 3:40
To Seattle 0:58 0:51 0:37
To Portland, OR 2:39 2:21 1:50
Round Trips Olympia/Lacey
To Vancouver, BC N/A 2 3
Today Mid-Point 2023
To Seattle 3 8 13
Travel Times
To Portland, OR 3 8 13 To Vancouver, BC N/A 4:59 4:02
To Seattle 1:38 1:01 0:59
To Portland, OR 2:02 1:58 1:31
Centralia Round Trips
To Vancouver, BC N/A 2 3
Today Mid-Point 2023
To Seattle 3 8 13
Travel Times
To Vancouver, BC N/A To Portland, OR 3 8 13
5:00 4:16
To Seattle 1:58 1:38 1:24
To Portland, OR 1:39 1:37 1:14
Round Trips
To Vancouver, BC N/A 2 3
To Seattle 3 8 13 Today Mid-Point 2023
To Portland, OR 3 8 13 Travel Times
To Vancouver, BC N/A 5:40 4:45
To Seattle 2:39 2:16 1:53
To Portland, OR 1:00 1:00 0:47
Vancouver, WA Round Trips
Today Mid-Point 2023 To Vancouver, BC N/A 2 3
Travel Times To Seattle 3 8 13
To Vancouver, BC N/A 6:28 5:11 To Portland, OR 3 8 13
To Seattle 3:12 2:48 2:19
To Portland, OR 0:18 0:11 0:10
Round Trips
Portland, OR
To Vancouver, BC N/A 2 3
To Seattle 3 8 13 Today Mid-Point 2023
To Portland, OR 3 8 13 Travel Times
To Vancouver, BC N/A 6:40 5:22
To Seattle 3:30 3:00 2:30
Round Trips
To Vancouver, BC N/A 2 3
To Seattle 3 8 13
*1994 was the first year that Washington State began investing in passenger rail
Note: Does not include non-Washington State sponsored Amtrak services (Coast Starlight, Empire Builder, and Pioneer)
Source: WSDOT Rail Office
Washington State Department of Transportation Rail Office, Ridership Comparison Sheet.
Exhibit 3-7
Amtrak Cascades: Projected Future Ridership
On the other hand, if ridership along the corridor increases beyond WSDOT’s
projections, it would be possible, based upon legislative funding, to increase
service in a shorter time frame. As an experiment, the project team developed
an alternative operating plan for the corridor and prepared ridership forecasts.
This exercise illustrated the ability of the incremental approach to add service
and attract new riders. Appendix B presents more information about this
alternative operating scenario.
This incremental approach was designed to ensure that the State’s investment
matched ridership demands. By building with discrete building blocks,
implementation of the rail program could stop at any time – without wasting
taxpayers’ investments. Each improvement is matched to a service level, so
no less or no more will be built – unless it is needed.
To ensure that the program reaches its ridership goals, the Amtrak Cascades
program will be evaluated at the program’s mid-point (when eight round trips
between Seattle and Portland, OR are reached).6
As identified in Washington’s Transportation Plan 1997-2016, Washington State Department
of Transportation, 1996, page 49.
The 2003 Washington State Legislature provided over $200 million for
construction projects and day-to-day operations that will support safe, faster,
more frequent Amtrak Cascades service between Portland, Seattle, and
Vancouver, BC over the next ten years. This level of funding will allow
WSDOT to add a fourth daily round trip train between Seattle and Portland,
OR in 2006, complete the projects within the state of Washington necessary to
support a second daily round trip between Seattle and Vancouver, BC, and
continue the department’s program to incrementally add additional service
with reduced travel times in the years after 2013. If the goals for Amtrak
Cascades service are to be realized by 2023, significant levels of funding from
all participating organizations - beyond levels currently available - will be
Since the PNWRC is one of only two designated high speed rail corridors that
cross an international boundary and connects with a major Canadian city,
funding from the province of British Columbia, the Canadian federal
government, and Canadian regional sources will be necessary to achieve
WSDOT’s goals for Amtrak Cascades service between Seattle and
Vancouver, BC. Funding sources could include the Canadian Strategic
Investment Fund and new transportation funding programs that are being
considered by Canadian authorities.
Depending upon the speed of the train and the amount of vehicular traffic that
crosses the tracks, federal guidelines recommend certain types of warnings at
the crossings.
BNSF and Amtrak have been working with local jurisdictions and the WUTC
to increase freight and passenger speeds to keep trains running on schedule in
the corridor. These two rail operators, in conjunction with WSDOT, will
continue to spearhead speed increases throughout the corridor.
Current maximum speeds set by the FRA for the current type of track and
signal system along the corridor are seventy-nine miles per hour (mph) for
passenger and sixty mph for freight service. As part of its guidelines, the FRA
has recommended specific grade crossing treatments. As discussed above,
these treatments range from gates and lights at a railroad crossing to complete
grade separation.
In the future, the maximum speeds of Amtrak Cascades trains will be 110
mph. These higher speeds will only be achieved when all of the required
safety systems and track improvements have been completed.
A first class city is a city with a population of ten thousand or more, at the time of its
organization or reorganization, that has a charter adopted under Article XI, section 10, of the
State Constitution. Per RCW 35.22.280, first class cities are granted the power to regulate
and control the use (and vacation) of streets.
Improved signal and communications along the rail corridor will allow
Amtrak, Sound Transit, and BNSF to run more trains safely and efficiently.
Although these new trains are capable of traveling at speeds exceeding 125
mph, they currently must travel at a maximum speed of seventy-nine mph in
our region until additional improvements to tracks, crossings, train control and
safety systems are completed.
The number of coaches in each train can vary by route and schedule, based
upon customer demand. Currently, the trainsets each have 250 seats, but they
can be modified in only a few hours to accommodate as few as one hundred
passengers to nearly three hundred passengers.
The five trainsets currently in use include service between Portland, OR and Eugene, OR –
which is outside of this plan’s discussion. For the corridor discussed in this plan (Vancouver,
BC to Portland, OR), four trainsets are used.
Sound Transit is implementing its Sounder Commuter Rail program between Lakewood and
Everett. Sounder trains will share stations with Amtrak Cascades trains in Everett, Edmonds,
Seattle, Tukwila, and Tacoma. Separate plans and environmental documents are currently
being produced by Sound Transit regarding these station area impacts to surrounding
Vancouver’s unique
two-sided station is
eligible for
placement on the National Register of Historic Places. Partial renovations
were completed in 1988, and the city is currently securing grant funds for a
more thorough renovation. Plans include renting the second floor of the
station as a community meeting space. In 2001, the city of Vancouver
purchased the rail station from the BNSF.
Union Depot
Centralia’s Union
Depot, built in 1912,
is located in the heart
of downtown
Centralia. The depot
was restored
throughout the
1990s, preserving
much of the original
décor and historical
elements. The
Tukwila Station is
located twenty
minutes south of
downtown Seattle.
Tukwila’s temporary
train station opened
in 2001. Sound
Transit owns the
facility, which
consists of two
wooden platforms
with shelters and 250
interim parking
spaces. The Tukwila
Station serves both
Amtrak Cascades and Sounder commuter trains. (Amtrak’s Coast Starlight
does not stop in Tukwila.) Metro and Sound Transit’s Regional Express bus
services connect passengers to points throughout King County.
The Tukwila
comprehensive plan
Exhibit 4-10
identifies a future, Seattle’s King Street Station
permanent Tukwila 303 South Jackson Street
station at the same
location as a regional
transportation hub
which will promote
development around
the rail station.4
King Street
Station (Seattle)
Seattle’s King Street
Station was
constructed in 1906
and is owned by the
BNSF. The station’s
Tukwila Tomorrow: Comprehensive Land Use Plan, Tukwila Urban Center Element,
Background Report, May 2004.
Many transportation options and services are available within a quarter mile
of King Street Station. King County Metro and other regional transit
providers offer bus service throughout the region and Seattle. Intercity buses
to Vancouver, BC and Spokane also serve the station. Colman Dock is the
departure and arrival point for Washington State Ferries to Bremerton and
Bainbridge and Vashon Islands. Sound Transit’s Sounder commuter rail and
regional express bus service connect to cities throughout Puget Sound. In
addition, the waterfront trolley serves the Pioneer Square neighborhood and
the Seattle waterfront. Interstate 5 and State Route 99 (the Alaskan Way
Viaduct) are both easily accessible from the station, as is I-90. Sound
Transit’s LINK light rail is planned to serve the former Union Station
building, one block away.
The Edmonds Exhibit 4-11
Station, located Edmonds’ Station
near the city’s 211 Railroad Avenue
waterfront, is
owned by the
BNSF. Amenities
include restrooms,
vending machines,
telephones, and a
staffed Amtrak
ticket office.
Transit provides
local transit
service, and a
Washington State
Ferry Terminal is
three blocks north
of the station.
Future plans call for a new Sounder commuter platform between Dayton and
Main Streets in downtown Edmonds. In addition, a proposed new Edmonds
Crossing multimodal station will combine local and regional transit,
commuter rail, intercity Amtrak Cascades service, and Washington State
Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades February 2006
Chapter Four: Amtrak Cascades Program Components Page 4-13
Ferries. The final plans for the new Edmonds Crossing facility have not been
The city-owned, four-story structure provides many transportation choices,
including Amtrak, Everett Transit, Community Transit Quick Bus,
Greyhound, Northwestern Trailways, taxis, and Sound Transit’s Regional
Express bus
service. In late Exhibit 4-12
2003, the station Everett’s Station
became the 3201 Smith Avenue
northernmost stop
for Sound Transit’s
Sounder commuter
rail. Not only does
the station serve as
an important
transportation hub,
but it is also home
to higher education
and career
centers. The
second floor and
half of the third
floor are occupied
by an education center—University Centers of North Puget Sound—which
includes Washington universities and colleges offering bachelors and masters
degree programs. A career development center (Work Source Everett) is
located on the main floor, with additional offices on the fourth floor.
Amtrak Cascades
began servicing the
station in September
In addition, Skagit
Transit (SKAT),
Greyhound, and local
taxi services are available at the station. It contains a meeting room fitted
with advanced telecommunications capabilities. A QuikTrak automated ticket
machine will be installed in 2006. The station serves as a convenient
transition point for tourists destined for the San Juan Islands, Vancouver
Island, and other areas of interest.
(Bellingham) Exhibit 4-14
Bellingham’s Fairhaven Station
Bellingham’s 401 Harris Street
Fairhaven Station
is located
three miles south
of the city’s
center, near the
Historic District.
The building was
once the
headquarters of
the Pacific
Company and
Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades February 2006
Chapter Four: Amtrak Cascades Program Components Page 4-15
underwent extensive renovations in 1994. The station is owned by the Port of
Bellingham and is part of the Bellingham Fairhaven Cruise Terminal
Complex. The cruise terminal is host to Alaska Marine Highway ferries
connecting to southern Alaska and a private company operating day cruises to
Victoria and Friday Harbor. The facility also serves as Bellingham’s
Greyhound station, with local bus service provided by the Whatcom Transit
Other Pacific Northwest stations that are equipped with the PIDS are Eugene, Albany,
Salem, and Portland, Oregon.
Many of the project improvements that will be designed and constructed over
the twenty-year program include new sidings and siding extensions. These
projects are discussed in detail in Chapter Five of this document.
A new Amtrak
maintenance facility is
being constructed south of
downtown Seattle, near
Safeco Field. This facility Freight traffic and storage along the corridor.
will be the primary
maintenance and repair site for current and future Sounder commuter trains,
Amtrak Cascades trains, and Amtrak’s long-distance Empire Builder and
Coast Starlight trains.
Additional main lines are required in rail corridors when traffic congestion is
significant. Additional tracks provide increased capacity just as additional
traffic lanes provide increased capacity on highways.
Analysis performed by WSDOT in 2002 (and again in 2004) indicate that the maintenance
cost of these dedicated tracks could be as much as sixty percent less than maintenance on
mixed (freight and passenger) traffic tracks.
Crossovers and turnouts are fairly small projects and are done regularly by the
BNSF as part of its maintenance and upgrade program. As part of the twenty-
year program, crossovers and turnouts will be placed along the corridor as
needed. These are the least disruptive and least costly types of improvements
that will be added along the corridor.
Bypass tracks
A bypass track is a track that goes around other railroad facilities or provides a
more direct route between two points when the existing route is circuitous. It
is really a siding or new main line. It may be as simple as a track that
bypasses a small yard or as significant as a complete route revision. Bypass
tracks are needed, in certain instances, to provide better passenger service
without adversely impacting existing freight service.
Utility relocation
Significant utility relocations may be required for the construction of the
program’s infrastructure projects. Utilities are located throughout the
corridor. Some utilities, such as fiber optics, are parallel to the BNSF right of
way, while many others cross under or over the railroad tracks.
These modeling efforts looked at the rail corridor over a fifty year horizon.
The modeling incorporated all freight and passenger needs of the many
The operations studies were preceded by a detailed economic and ridership analysis that
established the travel time and train frequency (service) goals that would provide the best
cost-benefit relationship.
These studies follow the location of current and future passenger and freight
trains minute-by-minute along a specific segment of a rail line. As part of
each analysis, a number of steps are performed:
This procedure was repeated over the course of many years to ensure that each
proposed infrastructure improvement fulfills WSDOT’s goals of providing
safe, more frequent, faster, and reliable passenger rail service between
Vancouver, BC and Portland, OR without degrading freight rail service.
During the operations analysis, passenger trains are incrementally added to the
tracks to see if there is enough rail capacity to handle the additional traffic at a
given time. If there is a conflict with an existing (or future) freight train, a
simple solution may be to change the passenger train’s schedule. This may
solve the problem. However, during the analysis, consideration also has to be
February 2006 Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades
Page 5-2 Chapter Five: Amtrak Cascades Needed Infrastructure Improvements
given to the potential loss (or gain) in ridership that may result from a
schedule change. Because of this, operations analyses are often done in
conjunction with ridership and commercial viability studies. Another solution
to fitting more trains on a track is to see where the conflicts or chokepoints
occur on the rail line, and then identify a physical solution that could solve the
conflict. However, this approach to operations analysis isn’t simple either.
However, benefits will still be derived from each individual project as it relates to its specific
location and problem.
Number of Tracks The number of tracks affects the capacity of the line. Two tracks (also
called double track) have more capacity (the number of trains that can
and Sidings move through the area) than one track (single track). Sidings also
increase the capacity of a rail line. Sidings located along the line allow
faster trains to overtake slower trains without affecting train traffic on the
other track. On a single track line, sidings are also needed to allow one of
two trains moving in opposite directions to clear the way for the other.
The capacity of the rail line and the reliability of operation are affected by
the time required to move between sidings.
Grade The steepness of the track dictates the types of trains that can use the rail
line. Typical grades for freight trains do not exceed two percent, while
(the steepness grades for passenger trains can be as high as four percent.
of the tracks)
Curves The tightness of the curve dictates the speed that a train can travel. The
higher the degree, the tighter the curve, the slower the speed. Amtrak
(often presented Cascades trains can travel faster through tight curves (than most trains)
in degrees) because they use tilt technology.
Speed Regulations Train speed limits are generally regulated by the Federal Railroad
Administration (FRA). The Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR 213,
Track Safety Standards) establishes classes of track with associated
speed limits and detailed physical requirements for tracks in a given class.
Speeds may also be restricted by the Washington Utilities and
Transportation Commission (WUTC) if a unique local safety condition
Capacity The number of trains moving at normal speed that the rail line is capable
of accommodating. Capacity and reliability are related. When traffic
exceeds capacity, delays increase and train service is not reliable.
Flexibility The ability of trains to move among tracks, or “change lanes” to pass
other trains or to pass maintenance work on one of the tracks. Flexibility
allows maximized use of the tracks and limits the requirement for
additional track.
Traffic The number and type of trains along a rail line relate directly to
capacity. The more trains that are put on a track, the more capacity is
(Number of Trains) required, generally in the form of increased speed, additional track signals
and improved traffic control. Without additional capacity, the speed and
traffic on the rail line would diminish as traffic increases.
Length Each track that is not a through-route must be long enough to serve the
intended purpose. Just as a parking space for a tractor-trailer must be of
sufficient length for the vehicle, a railroad track must be long enough to
hold even the longest train. The required length depends upon the type
of train traffic handled. The length of a typical passenger train is between
500 feet and 1,700 feet. The length of a typical freight train can be
between 7,000 feet and 10,000 feet (over a mile—5,280 feet—in length).
Signals and Traffic Signals help extend the engineer’s sight distance and therefore allow
greater speeds. Traffic control determines which trains can use which
Control tracks. The type of traffic control system is related to capacity because it
affects the ability to utilize the main line tracks.
The BNSF’s predecessors -- the Great Northern Railway and the Northern
Pacific Railroad -- originally constructed what now has become the Pacific
Northwest Rail Corridor, and several other different routes. The oldest part of
the line was constructed in 1872, the newest in 1914. In the intervening years,
many sections of the rail line were constructed, including some that replaced
part of the original construction in order to improve the route. Generally the
sections of line that were relocated had relatively steep grades, which were a
more important consideration in that era than now because the largest
locomotives were much less powerful than a typical locomotive today.
Improvements since 1914 have generally consisted only of improved signal
and traffic control systems, and tracks leading into or supporting industrial
zones that have been built since 1914.
There are three short exceptions to BNSF ownership of the route. Pacific Central Station in
Vancouver, BC is owned by VIA Rail Canada. The Fraser River Bridge is owned by the
government of Canada and operated by the Canadian National Railway. The rail line which
serves Portland’s Union Station, is owned by the Portland Terminal Railroad which is owned
jointly by the Union Pacific Railroad and the BNSF. For the most part, BNSF controls rail
operation on this rail corridor.
The BNSF has recently sold their line between Tacoma and Nisqually via
Lakewood to Sound Transit. This is the line known in this document as the
Point Defiance Bypass. The BNSF, Tacoma Rail, and Amtrak (including the
Amtrak Cascades), will be tenants on this line.
Because of this large number of tenants, as freight and passenger rail traffic
grows, capacity will begin to be filled. New main lines and sidings will be
required. The current rail line consists of two tracks between Portland, OR
and Seattle except for a one and one half mile single track section between the
Nelson Bennett Tunnel and Ruston, south of Tacoma. Between Seattle and
Everett the line alternates between single track and two tracks. North of
Everett is single track.
The operations analysis used this information as a basis for developing the
future Amtrak Cascades service plan. More information about the passenger
rail operations, methodology, assumptions, and results can be found in the
Amtrak Cascades Operating and Infrastructure Plan Technical Report, 2004.
WSDOT identified these potential improvements through their continuous evaluation of the
existing rail corridor and the ongoing operational analysis for the Amtrak Cascades
The siding and associated tracks will allow freight train inspections to occur
off the main line, helping to ensure that passenger trains operate on time.
Siding is track located next to a main line that allows a train to move out of
the way of an oncoming train. Sidings are also used to store trains or to
add/subtract rail cars. The estimated construction cost for this project is $13.8
million. This project is listed in the “2005 Transportation Partnership
Account,” but will require additional funding beyond the $3 million allocated
by the state legislature. The project also has an additional $3 million in
federal funding.
Bellingham to Blaine High-Speed Track (rail milepost 101.5 to 117.1)
This project entails construction of a high-speed track and associated
facilities. The purpose of the project is to allow passenger trains to operate at
110 mph, providing part of the travel time reduction needed between Seattle
and Vancouver, BC to achieve WSDOT’s service goal. This project is needed
because the current physical condition of the track and the current track
program. The state of Oregon and the province of British Columbia did not participate in the
development of these projects. WSDOT recognizes that it will be each of these jurisdictions’s
responsibility to review WSDOT’s findings and perform their own research to solve the given
problems along the rail line in Oregon and British Columbia.
Once all of these projects are constructed, the Amtrak Cascades service goals for year 2023
could be achieved. WSDOT would fulfill its directive to provide safe, reliable, faster and
more frequent passenger rail service.
This upgrade will allow an earlier departure from Bellingham and better
Portland connections in Seattle. Because of this change in schedule, the
trainset will be available to accommodate an additional Amtrak Cascades
roundtrip between Seattle and Portland, OR in mid-2006.
More refined cost estimates will be negotiated with BNSF before construction
is initiated. The estimated construction cost of this project is $8.4 million.
This project is listed in the “2003 Legislative Transportation Package,” but
may require additional funds beyond the $3.8 million allocated by the state
Marysville to Mount Vernon High-Speed Track
(rail milepost 39.19 to 67.5)
This project entails construction of twenty-eight miles of high-speed track and
associated facilities. The purpose of the project is to allow passenger trains to
operate at 110 mph, providing part of the travel time reduction needed
between Seattle and Vancouver, BC to achieve WSDOT’s service goal. This
project is needed because the current physical condition of the track and the
current track geometry in this location (due to the terrain) does not allow
trains to travel at high speeds. The estimated construction cost of this project
is $322.5 million.
This rail milepost number remains from the Great Northern Railway’s network. The number
represents the distance to St. Paul, Minnesota.
The entire facility is projected to cost $109 million, using funds from Amtrak,
WSDOT, and Sound Transit.
The proposed route of this WSDOT project is the same that Sound Transit
will use to extend Sounder Commuter Rail service to Lakewood. After both
projects are completed, Amtrak trains and Sounder Commuter Rail will share
the route with freight trains serving Fort Lewis.
The first part of this project will include a new second track between Tacoma
and Lakewood. The second part of this project – for which funding is
unavailable at this time – will include rehabilitation of tracks and speed
increases between Lakewood and Nisqually. The current conceptual cost
estimate for the entire project is $412 million. This project is listed in the
“2003 Legislative Transportation Package” and the 2005 Transportation
Partnership Account,” but will require additional funding beyond the $59.8
million allocated by the state legislature.
Ketron Crossover (rail milepost 18.4)
Construction of this crossover provides flexibility for trains to move between
tracks. This project will provide increased reliability and capacity. The
estimated construction cost of this project is $3.4 million. This project is
listed in the “2003 Legislative Transportation Package,” and is funded for up
to $3.9 million.
Centennial Crossovers (Leary and Pattison) (rail milepost 31.8 to 32.5)
Construction of these crossovers provides flexibility for trains to move
between tracks when entering Centennial Station to ensure that passengers
can exit the train on the east side of the rail line, adjacent to the station.
Without these crossovers, there would be situations when a train would be on
the west main line and would require passengers to cross the east main line.
This project will provide increased capacity, reliability, and safety. The
estimated construction cost of this project is $3.4 million. This project is
listed in the “2003 Legislative Transportation Package,” and is funded for up
to $3.9 million.
Hannaford to Nisqually Third Main Track (rail milepost 51.39 to 24.5)
A new twenty-six mile-long main line will be built next to the existing double
track between Nisqually and the Lewis/Thurston county border, and a second
new main line track will be built between rail milepost 36.2 and rail milepost
Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades February 2006
Chapter Five: Amtrak Cascades Needed Infrastructure Improvements Page 5-17
51. The purpose of these tracks is to allow passenger trains to operate at 110
mph, providing part of the travel time reduction needed between Seattle and
Portland, OR to achieve WSDOT’s service goal. This project is needed
because the current physical condition of the track and the current track
geometry in this location (due to the terrain) do not allow trains to travel at
high speeds. The second high-speed track allows two Amtrak Cascades trains
moving in opposite directions to pass without slowing. The estimated
construction cost of this project is $512.5 million.
Tenino Crossover (rail milepost 43.3)
Construction of this crossover provides flexibility for trains to move between
tracks. This project will provide increased reliability and capacity. The
estimated construction cost of this project is $3.4 million. This project is
listed in the “2003 Legislative Transportation Package,” and is funded for up
to $3.9 million.
The project will also construct a second platform at Centralia’s Union Depot,
giving passenger trains a choice of two tracks. This will reduce the conflict
between passenger trains and freight trains that, depending upon their origin
or destination and traffic conditions, may be unable to be routed to avoid a
single passenger platform. The estimated construction cost of this project is
$66.6 million.
Chehalis Siding (rail milepost 56.8 to 58.3)
Currently, industrial tracks are connected directly to the main line. This area
often gets congested because industry trains are using the main lines for
switching and idling. Construction of a new siding off the main line would
allow freight trains to wait and switch on the siding, thus freeing up the main
line. This project would increase capacity and reliability. The estimated
construction cost of this project is $11.3 million.
How will WSDOT and the BNSF work together to construct these
infrastructure improvements?
In 2003, WSDOT and the BNSF entered into a Master Corridor Development
Agreement that will govern the construction of Amtrak Cascades capital
projects within Washington State. This agreement is an important milestone
for WSDOT’s Amtrak Cascades program, as it sets in place the legal
framework and guiding principles that both WSDOT and the BNSF will abide
by as WSDOT continues to provide public funding for intercity passenger rail
February 2006 Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades
Page 5-24 Chapter Five: Amtrak Cascades Needed Infrastructure Improvements
corridor development. Some of the key highlights of the Master Corridor
Development Agreement include:
z The expressed intent of both WSDOT and the BNSF to work together to
develop Amtrak Cascades intercity passenger rail service between
Portland, OR, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC over the next twenty years.
z BNSF’s acceptance of WSDOT’s detailed capital and operating plans for
Amtrak Cascades service improvements within the rail corridor.
z A streamlined administrative process for executing the individual
construction projects funded by WSDOT.
z Clearly defined expectations of the specific benefits that WSDOT will
derive from each construction project in Washington State, including
additional daily frequencies and reduced running times between cities.
These clearly defined expectations will guarantee that the state of
Washington will get what it is paying for.
z A method for apportioning cost for the various construction projects that
provide direct benefits to both WSDOT and the BNSF.
This new Master Corridor Agreement between WSDOT and the BNSF is the
first of its kind between a state government and a host railroad that sets a
legally binding foundation for future development of state-funded intercity
passenger rail service. It is expected that this new agreement will make it
much easier for both WSDOT and the BNSF to complete the Amtrak
Cascades capital projects within the state of Washington as identified in this
1IfScott Road is chosen as the terminus for Amtrak Cascades service, then projects in Group 2 will not be required.
Appendix E of this report discusses the possibility of terminating service at Scott Road in Vancouver, BC. WSDOT will work
with regional, provincial, and Canadian federal officials to identify the potential benefits and losses that could result from such a
change in service.
Note: Either Group 1 or Group 2 projects would be required, but not both. If it is determined that Scott Road will be the
terminus for Amtrak Cascades service in British Columbia, then only Group 1 projects would be required. If it is determined
that Amtrak Cascades service will terminate at Pacific Station, then Group 2 projects would be required.
Exhibit 5-12
Timetables and Relationship to Amtrak Cascades Service Goals
Seattle to Vancouver, BC
Service Goals
Timetable Total
Seattle to Vancouver, BC Daily Schedule
(Completion Daily Round
Project Improvement Trip Trains
Round Running Time
Year) Trip Trains
Note: At the time of this writing, the implementation of “gray shaded projects” have been identified by WSDOT as needed
improvements that will be funded by other jurisdictions or agencies but are necessary to achieve WSDOT’s goals for Amtrak
Cascades service.
Service Goals
Timetable Total
Seattle to Portland, OR Daily Schedule
(Completion Daily Round
Project Improvement Trip Trains
Round Running Time
Year) Trip Trains
Felida Crossover
Woodland Crossover
Titlow Crossover A 1 4 3:25
Ruston Crossover
Sound Transit: Seattle to Lakewood Improvements
Note: At the time of this writing, the implementation of “gray shaded projects” have been identified by WSDOT as
needed improvements that will be funded by other jurisdictions or agencies but are necessary to achieve WSDOT’s goals
The final key factor that will influence the location of the Amtrak Cascades’
northern terminus in Vancouver, BC is customer preference. While a Scott
Road Station could eliminate the need for major rail line improvements north
of the Fraser River, Amtrak and WSDOT have only limited data to assess the
commercial impacts of a northern terminus at Scott Road, rather than
downtown Vancouver. BC. WSDOT, Amtrak, and Canadian officials will
need to gather this customer data and include it in a full benefit/cost
assessment before deciding if relocating the Amtrak Cascades’ northern
terminus from Pacific Central Station to Scott Road is the best course of
Under NEPA, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Federal
Railroad Administration (FRA) will act as federal co-lead agencies, while
WSDOT will act as the lead SEPA agency. To satisfy both NEPA and SEPA
requirements, the three agencies will identify the appropriate level of
environmental documentation necessary for each project improvement. Prior
to designing and constructing any of these projects, the appropriate
environmental documentation will be prepared. Following completion of this
documentation, final design, permitting, and mitigation planning will be
developed. Only after these steps are completed would construction begin.
Unless the action is exempt under SEPA.
Although groundwater exists everywhere under the ground, some parts of the
saturated ground contain more water than others. Such an area is called an
aquifer. An aquifer is an underground formation of permeable rock or loose
Detailed existing conditions of the rail corridor (environmental and community conditions),
potential impacts, and conceptual mitigation are presented in the Amtrak Cascades
Environmental Overview Technical Report, 1998, reprinted 2005.
Floodplains often contain wetlands and other areas vital to a diverse and
healthy ecosystem. Undisturbed, they have high natural biological diversity
and productivity. Floodplain vegetation provides important resting, feeding
and nesting areas for many waterfowl species. River corridors are frequently
used as flyways for migrating birds.
Much of the rail corridor passes through floodplain or flood fringe areas.
Hazardous Materials
Finding and cleaning up hazardous materials along the corridor is for the
benefit and safety of railroad workers, rail passengers and local residents. It is
not anticipated that there will be exposure to potentially hazardous sites and
materials during construction or operations. However, there is a possibility of
Biological Resources/Ecology
Wetlands were once thought of as swampy, bug-filled “wastelands” that were
useful only when they were filled in and developed for industry, housing, or
businesses. Today, however, society is beginning to realize that wetlands are
unique, natural areas, important to the ecosystem we all share, and thus they
should be conserved and protected.
Wetlands are located throughout stream and river systems, providing nutrient
and sediment traps and flood control all along the way.
Wetlands often have very close connections to the groundwater system. Some
may serve as important groundwater recharge areas. Others are receptors for
significant amounts of groundwater discharge. If the underlying groundwater
is contaminated, the consequences will be felt by the wildlife and all other
resources dependent on that wetland.
Numerous and diverse types of wetlands are located within the corridor, many
that are at locations where the railroad crosses the many waterways.
Wildlife habitat is abundant along the Columbia River and other river and
stream crossings along the corridor. Threatened and endangered species—and
species of concern—likely to occur in the corridor vicinity include the
peregrine falcon and osprey.
Air Quality
Polluted air can cause or worsen lung-related diseases—such as emphysema,
chronic bronchitis, and asthma—and can cause breathing difficulty and even
death. Easily inhaled small particles, called particulate matter, are perhaps the
most significant health concern related to poor air quality.
Polluted air can contribute to water pollution and lead to decreased visibility.
It can also damage building materials, cloth and metals, trees, agricultural
crops and other living organisms. When a new transportation facility is
proposed, it is imperative that we review the impacts that facility will have on
our air.
Land Use
Land use refers to
the types (uses) of
buildings and
land (for example,
agricultural) in an
area. When new
projects are under
consideration, it is
important to ask
two land-use
related questions.
First, is the proposed project compatible with surrounding land uses? For
example, building a new freeway through a regional park would not be
considered a compatible use.
Second, will existing land uses change as a result of the new transportation
facility? Sometimes it is desirable to have the existing land use change, and
sometimes it is not.
Throughout the corridor there are many different land uses. In Clark, Cowlitz,
and Lewis counties, the land uses are primarily rural in nature. In the larger
cities, such as Tacoma or Seattle, the land uses are concentrated with a mix of
industrial uses and commercial uses. In Skagit and Whatcom Counties, there
are many agricultural uses. In a few of the smaller communities, some
housing is located close to the railroad tracks.
In our increasingly urbanized society, the federal government and the state of
Washington have recognized the importance of preserving our diminishing
farmland. It is imperative that projects minimize the disruption to these
agricultural resources as much as possible.
The Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor is rich in resources ranging from Native
American burial sites and villages to the historic Fort Lewis Museum
building, to the historic Fairhaven district in Bellingham. The corridor is also
rich in park and recreational facilities. They range from small playgrounds to
sandy beaches to large state facilities. The rail right of way parallels
numerous parks and recreational facilities.
Visual Quality
The rail corridor program provides for improvements to passenger rail service.
These improvements include constructing standard tracks and associated
facilities along existing right of way that are not expected to impede visual
quality. Some improvements include replacing existing grade crossing and
bridge or overpass facilities.
Resource Clark Cowlitz Lewis Thurston Pierce King Snohomish Skagit Whatcom
Water 5 14 7 6 5 7 9 4 6
Miles of 4 20 10 18 5 12
Hazardous 23 18 17 2 43 138 52 6 45
Wetlands3 Less 751 to 500 to Less Over 751 to Over Less 751 to
than 1,000 750 than 1,000 1,000 1,000 than 1,000
500 acres acres 500 acres acres acres 500 acres
acres acres acres
Critical 4 16 1 17 14 11 11 3 7
Parks7 7 2 5 1 20 22 17 5 13
Historic 5 4 10 4 39 40 16 2 15
Targeted 1 4 1 0 5 13 2 0 3
1. All impacts are estimates. Information was developed using existing resources and mapping. Site specific review and field
review were not performed as part of this analysis.
2. Known sites located within 2,000 feet of the rail corridor.
3. These figures are approximations of wetlands (many located along shorelines) within 1,000 feet of the rail corridor.
4. Threatened and Endangered Species (T&E) Habitat Sites: reflects the number of acres of habitat that are located within 1,000
feet of the rail corridor.
5. Known Washington and Puget Sound Rare and Native Plant Sites, Wildlife Heritage Data Sites, and Seabird Colony Sites
located within 1,000 feet of the rail corridor.
6. Indicates areas with extensive amounts of unstable slopes along the rail corridor.
7. Located within 1,000 feet of the rail corridor. Most resources are located on the National Register.
8. Per Executive Order on Environmental Justice, these figures reflect the number of census tracts along the rail corridor that have
a population of fifty percent or more minority residents and/or populations where twenty percent or more of the residents have
income below poverty level.
Rail service in the state of Washington utilizes rail infrastructure owned by the
BNSF Railway Company (BNSF). Extensive analysis of current and future
railroad operations reveals that many infrastructure improvements are needed
to meet the Washington State Department of Transportation’s (WSDOT)
vision of increased passenger rail service while maintaining freight capacity
needs. To meet service and capacity demands, WSDOT is working with other
agencies and organizations to identify projects, their costs, and financing
Capital Costs
Capital costs generally represent investment for improvements to railroad
infrastructure, facilities and equipment. They normally result from a long-
range plan that identifies the need for certain expenditures in certain years.
The facility and equipment improvements identified in this report are
considered capital costs. The purchase of new Amtrak Cascades trains is a
current example of a system capital cost.
Chapter Five presented the capital costs for each of the project improvements
that will be necessary to meet the service goals of this program.
Operating Costs
Operating costs are a direct function of running the train service every year.
Costs include fuel, labor, maintenance (trains and facilities), insurance,
marketing and sales, and general administrative costs.1
A passenger rail system not only incurs operating costs but also collects
revenue from tickets purchased by passengers. Therefore, some costs are
offset by revenue.
See Appendix F for a discussion of the various agreements that support Amtrak Cascades
Exhibit 7-1
Corridor Capital Costs (in Millions of 2006 Dollars)
Note: Year 2023 costs for Oregon and Washington assumes equal cost sharing for the construction of the Columbia River
Due to rounding, amounts may not equal amounts presented in the Amtrak Cascades Capital Cost Estimates Technical
Report, 2006.
Estimates have been developed that highlight how the anticipated growth in
ridership will build operating revenues, improve the system’s farebox
recovery, and reduce the required operational subsidy. Looking forward, with
full implementation of the plan, operating revenues are expected to increase to
approximately seventy-one percent of operating costs by the mid-point service
and to approximately ninety-nine percent by program completion. This
results in an operating subsidy requirement of approximately $11 million per
year to start, increasing to $15 million per year, and gradually decreasing until
nearly all operating costs are recovered from service revenues. These
estimates are expressed in constant 2003 dollars and are based on current
operating experience and comparable corridor activity elsewhere in the
Amtrak system.2 Exhibit 7-2 provides the operating costs, projected revenue,
and anticipated subsidy for the Amtrak Cascades program for mid-point
service and year 2023.
Exhibit 7-2
Operating Revenue, Costs, and Subsidy
Amtrak Cascades Operating Costs Technical Report, 2004 and Amtrak Cascades Ridership
and Revenue Forecasts Technical Report, 2004.
In 2003, WSDOT and the BNSF reached agreement on a legal framework that
will govern the construction of Amtrak Cascades capital projects within the
Washington segment of the Pacific PNWRC. This Master Corridor
Agreement commits both parties and identifies expectations up front. This
twenty year agreement outlines how each of the individual projects that
WSDOT has identified for Amtrak Cascades service in Washington will be
constructed, what operational benefits each project will produce, and under
what conditions costs for the projects will be shared by the two parties. It is
the only legal agreement of its kind between a railroad and a state
government, and it is intended to streamline the construction process for both
the BNSF and WSDOT in the years ahead.
This long-range plan identifies anticipated operating costs and revenues over a
twenty year planning horizon. However, this plan does not assign any specific
operational funding amounts to our service partners. This is not possible at
this time, as all participating agencies have limited budgets that are
determined by their respective state legislatures and Congress. WSDOT will
continue to work with the state of Oregon, Amtrak and other jurisdictions in
order to secure the necessary funds to operate faster, more frequent Amtrak
Cascades service between Portland, OR, Seattle, and Vancouver, BC over the
next twenty years.
Such expenditures typically include the costs associated with maintaining and operating the
facility, often referred to as operational costs.
Travel time simply refers to the amount of time it takes to get to your destination.
External costs refer to the elements of your trip that aren’t “out-of-pocket” expenses. These
are often invisible expenses associated with the human environment, such as the impact to our
air and water quality as a result of emissions and water run-off from our transportation
The final step of the cross-modal analysis is to combine the total operating
costs per mode with the capital costs.
The results of these combined costs are shown in Exhibits 7-5 and 7-6. The
cost per passenger mile for rail travel will begin to decrease in the years
beyond the current planning horizon. This is because the rate of capital
investment is expected to be significantly lower in the years beyond 2023. By
then, improvements will be complete and service objectives met; therefore,
future capital needs are likely to be limited to rehabilitation and maintenance
Exhibit 7-6
Comparison of Modes – Air Travel and Passenger Rail
Total Operating and Capital Costs
z Release of This Plan. This plan was revised and expanded from the
Updated Plan released in April 2000. Incorporated into this update are
revised ridership forecasts, new and expanded lists of needed project
improvements, and a general discussion of revised operations. This
revised plan will be used as a guide to move forward into future service
expansion, and comply with existing state and federal transportation
planning requirements.
z Incorporation of this Plan into the next Statewide Transportation Plan.
WSDOT is required to produce a multi-modal transportation plan for the
State of Washington every few years. The plan, known as the Washington
Transportation Plan (WTP) serves as a blueprint for transportation
programs and investments. The next WTP will look ahead at state and
local transportation system needs and priorities for the twenty-year period
between 2007 and 2026. Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak
Cascades will be included in this next WTP update.
z Regular Performance Reporting. WSDOT publishes a performance
report every three months for the Governor, Washington Transportation
Commission, the state legislature and the public that highlights the
ongoing and varied activities of the department. The report, known as
Measures, Markers, and Mileposts includes Amtrak Cascades
performance statistics and program status reports. Amtrak Cascades
statistics featured include monthly and annual ridership, on-time
performance, customer satisfaction, and farebox recovery. The report is
designed to provide the policymakers and taxpayers of Washington with a
clear picture of what WSDOT is doing and how well the department is
performing so that WSDOT continues to be accountable to the people of
Washington State.
These are the various facets that make up the components of Amtrak Cascades
service and its implementation. These activities will continue throughout the
course of the program’s development.
This decision to evaluate the program at the mid-point was made based on
case studies from around the United States which indicated that eight round
trips provide the appropriate level of ridership and revenue to determine if the
rail program is successful and should move forward.
As identified in Washington’s Transportation Plan 1997-2016, Washington State Department
of Transportation, 1996, page 49.
Previous Studies
American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials,
Standing Committee on Rail Transportation. Intercity Passenger Rail
Transportation. 2002.
PNC High Speed Rail Technical Group. Incremental High Speed Rail -
Pacific Northwest Corridor. April 1994.
_____. Economic Analysis for the Intercity Passenger Rail Program for
Washington State. September 1998.
_____. Amtrak Cascades Plan for Washington State 1998 – 2018 Update.
April 2000.
At-grade crossing The surface where the rail and a roadway (or pathway)
cross at the same level.
Ballast Material selected for placement on the roadbed for the purpose of
holding the track in place.
Bypass A track that goes around other rail facilities (bypasses them) or
provides a more direct route between two points. A bypass may be as simple
as a track that goes around a small yard, or may be as significant as a
complete route revision.
Chokepoint An area along the railroad track that has less capacity than the
adjoining tracks, resulting in congestion. This makes it difficult for trains to
pass uninterrupted.
Deficiencies Areas along the track that cannot handle expected increased
train frequencies.
Dispatcher The individual who plans and controls the movement of trains.
Double track Two sets of main line track located side by side, most often
used for travel in opposite directions, like roadways.
Exclusive right of way A right of way that is to be used only for the rail
line (either freight or passenger or both). It is usually completely grade-
separated from other types of vehicles.
Fill sections Depositing of dirt, mud, or other materials into aquatic areas to
create more dry land.
Flashing light signals Used with the crossbuck signs at railroad crossings.
When the lights are flashing, the motorist or pedestrian must stop.
Floodplains The flat or nearly flat land along a river or stream that is
covered by water during a flood.
Frequency A term used to describe the level of rail service. For intercity
rail, frequent service means that trains serve a particular station at least every
four hours.
Gates Used with flashing signals at certain crossings to warn that a train is
Grade crossing The area along the track where a roadway or pathway
Habitat The place where a population (human, animal, or plant) lives and its
Light rail Carries a light volume of traffic. “Light” refers to the number of
riders that the train can carry, not the weight. Light rail may share right of
way on a roadway or operate on exclusive right of way and can have multi-car
trains or single cars. Trolley cars and Portland, OR’s MAX system are
examples of light rail.
Liquefaction When a solid changes to a liquid. Often the case with some
soils, resulting in landslides.
Main line (Mainline) A railroad’s primary track that usually extends great
distances. It usually carries both freight and passenger trains.
Meet A meet is the location where two trains traveling in opposite directions
pass one another. Additional tracks and/or crossovers may need to be placed
near these locations so that trains can maintain speeds and schedule reliability.
Positive train separation A new railroad safety system, using high tech
equipment to prevent train collisions.
Rail yard A system of tracks within defined limits, designed for storing,
cleaning, and assembling (to each other) rail cars.
Railroad tie The part of the track, often wood or concrete, where the rails
are spiked or otherwise fastened.
Rapid (or heavy) rail An electric railway that carries a large volume of
people on exclusive right of way. Subways like San Francisco’s BART or
Washington, DC’s Metrorail are examples of rapid (or heavy) rail.
Recharge area A land area in which water reaches the zone of saturation
from surface infiltration, e.g., where rainwater soaks through the earth to
reach an aquifer.
Right of way The horizontal and vertical space occupied by the rail service.
In the Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor, BNSF owns the right of way. Amtrak,
WSDOT, and Sound Transit run their trains on BNSF’s right of way through
operating agreements.
Runoff That part of precipitation, snow melt, or irrigation water that runs off
the land into streams or other surface water. It can carry pollutants from the
air and land into receiving waters.
Siding An auxiliary track located next to a main line that allows a train to
move out of the way of an oncoming train. Sidings are also used to store
trains or to add/subtract rail cars.
Travel time The elapsed time between a trip’s beginning and end. It
includes travel, transfers, and waiting time.
Yard limits An area where locomotives may enter the main tracks under
simplified conditions without authority from the dispatcher.
Washington State
Long-Range Plan for
Amtrak Cascades
Appendix A
Amtrak Cascades Proposed
Timetables and Project
Implementation Schedule
Washington State
Long-Range Plan for
Amtrak Cascades
Timetable A
Amtrak Cascades Intercity Passenger Rail Program
Service Goals
Total Schedule
Completion Maximum Number of
Daily Round Running
Project Improvement (Estimated Cost)* Year** Trip Trains Time
Speed Trainsets
Seattle to Portland, OR
Felida Crossover ($2.2)
Woodland Crossover ($2.8)
Titlow Crossover ($4.0) 4 3:25
Ruston Crossover ($3.6)
Sound Transit: Seattle to Lakewood Improvements
3 79 mph 5
Seattle to Vancouver, BC
2 3:55
Mount Vernon Siding ($8.4)
Service Goals
Total Schedule
Completion Maximum Number of
Daily Round Running
Project Improvement (Estimated Cost)* Year** Trip Trains Time
Speed Trainsets
Seattle to Portland, OR
Vancouver Rail Project ($86.6)
Kelso to Martin’s Bluff Rail Project ($464.3)
Centennial Crossovers (Leary and Pattison) ($3.4)
5 3:20
Winlock Crossover ($3.4)
Tenino Crossover ($3.4)
Ketron Crossover ($3.4)
North Portland Junction to Kenton ($58.7)
Seattle to Vancouver, BC 5 79 mph 6
Swift Customs Facility ($13.8)
Stanwood Siding ($9.9)
PA Junction/Delta Junction Improvements ($34.4)
2 3:55
Bellingham GP Improvements ($2.3)
Colebrook Siding ($11.4)
Southward Trains
115 111 117 109 113 105 103 107 101 Example Train Numbers
6:10 P 12:25 P 7:30 A Vancouver, BC
7:36 P 1:51 P 8:56 A Bellingham
8:04 P 2:19 P 9:24 A Mount Vernon
8:39 P 2:54 P 9:59 A Everett
8:58 P 3:13 P 10:18 A Edmonds
9:35 P 3:50 P 10:55 A
7:40 P 6:20 P 2:10 P 4:05 P 9:55 A 8:10 A 11:10 A 6:30 A
7:51 P 6:31 P 2:21 P 4:16 P 10:06 A 8:21 A 11:21 A 6:41 A Tukwila
8:19 P 6:59 P 2:49 P 4:44 P 10:34 A 8:49 A 11:49 A 7:09 A Tacoma
8:42 P 7:22 P 3:12 P 5:07 P 10:57 A 9:12 A 12:12 P 7:32 A Olympia/Lacey
9:03 P 7:43 P 3:33 P 5:28 P 11:18 A 9:33 A 12:33 P 7:53 A Centralia
9:40 P 8:20 P 4:10 P 6:05 P 11:55 A 10:10 A 1:10 P 8:30 A Kelso/Longview
10:12 P 8:52 P 4:42 P 6:37 P 12:27 P 10:42 A 1:42 P 9:02 A Vancouver, WA
10:40 P 9:20 P 5:10 P 7:05 P 12:55 P 11:10 A 2:10 P 9:30 A Portland, OR
Northward Trains
Example Train Numbers 104 102 106 108 110 112 114 116 118
Service Goals
Total Schedule
Completion Maximum Number of
Daily Round Running
Project Improvement (Estimated Cost)* Year** Trip Trains Time
Speed Trainsets
Seattle to Portland, OR
King Street Station Track Improvements ($92)
Seattle Maintenance Facility ($109)
Point Defiance Bypass ($412.0)
Reservation to Stewart Third Main ($48.3)
Centralia Steam Plant Coal Track and Power
Switches ($6.1) 8 3:00
Woodland Siding ($15.3)
Newaukum Siding ($3.4)
China Creek Crossover ($1.7) 7
Auburn South Third Main ($23.9) (Mid-point 79 mph 7
Sound Transit: Seattle to Lakewood Improvements service)
Seattle to Vancouver, BC
Sound Transit: Seattle to Everett Improvements
Bow to Samish Siding Extension ($50.5)
3 3:25
Bellingham Siding Extension ($102.6)
Ballard Bridge Speed ($11.5)
Vancouver, BC Project Improvements
*In millions of 2006 U.S. dollars.
**The completion year assumes full funding for all capital projects and operations starting in 2002.
Note: At the time of this writing, the implementation of “gray shaded projects” have been identified by WSDOT as needed improvements
that will be funded by other jurisdictions or agencies but are necessary to achieve WSDOT’s goals for Amtrak Cascades service.
Southward Trains
119 121 117 113 111 115 109 105 103 107 101 Example Train Numbers
6:15 P 12:10 P 7:15 A Vancouver, BC
7:40 P 1:35 P 8:40 A Bellingham
8:09 P 2:04 P 9:09 A Mount Vernon
8:44 P 2:39 P 9:44 A Everett
9:03 P 2:58 P 10:03 A Edmonds
9:40 P 3:35 P 10:40 A
7:30 P 5:20 P 2:35 P 1:30 P 3:55 P 12:00 P 10:00 A 8:30 A 11:00 A 7:00 A
7:42 P 5:32 P 2:47 P 1:42 P 4:07 P 12:12 P 10:12 A 8:42 A 11:12 A 7:12 A Tukwila
8:09 P 5:59 P 3:14 P 2:09 P 4:34 P 12:39 P 10:39 A 9:09 A 11:39 A 7:39 A Tacoma
8:31 P 6:21 P 3:36 P 2:31 P 4:56 P 1:01 P 11:01 A 9:31 A 12:01 P 8:01 A Olympia/Lacey
8:52 P 6:42 P 3:57 P 2:52 P 5:17 P 1:22 P 11:22 A 9:52 A 12:22 P 8:22 A Centralia
9:27 P 7:17 P 4:32 P 3:27 P 5:52 P 1:57 P 11:57 A 10:27 A 12:57 P 8:57 A Kelso/Longview
9:59 P 7:49 P 5:04 P 3:59 P 6:24 P 2:29 P 12:29 P 10:59 A 1:29 P 9:29 A Vancouver, WA
10:25 P 8:15 P 5:30 P 4:25 P 6:50 P 2:55 P 12:55 P 11:25 A 1:55 P 9:55 A Portland, OR
Northward Trains
Example Train Numbers 104 106 102 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122
Service Goals
Total Schedule
Completion Maximum Number of
Daily Round Running
Project Improvement (Estimated Cost)* Year** Trip Trains Time
Speed Trainsets
Seattle to Portland, OR
Winlock to Chehalis Third Main Track ($149.9)
Chehalis Junction Crossover ($3.5)
Chehalis Siding ($11.3)
East St. Johns Siding and Main Track Relocation 10 2:55 110 mph
($40.4) 13 9
Lake Yard North Leads ($26.0)
Portland Union Station ($7.6)
Advanced Signal System - 110 mph ($308.0)
Seattle to Vancouver, BC
3 3:25 79 mph
*In millions of 2006 U.S. dollars.
**The completion year assumes full funding for all capital projects and operations starting in 2002.
Note: At the time of this writing, the implementation of “gray shaded projects” have been identified by WSDOT as needed improvements
that will be funded by other jurisdictions or agencies but are necessary to achieve WSDOT’s goals for Amtrak Cascades service.
Southward Trains
123 121 125 119 115 113 117 111 107 105 103 109 101 Example Train Numbers
5:40 P 12:20 P 7:05 A Vancouver, BC
7:05 P 1:45 P 8:30 A Bellingham
7:33 P 2:13 P 8:58 A Mount Vernon
8:08 P 2:48 P 9:33 A Everett
8:26 P 3:06 P 9:51 A Edmonds
9:05 P 3:45 P 10:30 A
7:20 P 6:10 P 5:10 P 3:00 P 1:55 P 4:05 P 12:05 P 9:50 A 8:40 A 7:35 A 10:50 A 6:35 A
7:31 P 6:21 P 5:21 P 3:11 P 2:06 P 4:16 P 12:16 P 10:01 A 8:51 A 7:46 A 11:01 A 6:46 A Tukwila
7:59 P 6:49 P 5:49 P 3:39 P 2:34 P 4:44 P 12:44 P 10:29 A 9:19 A 8:14 A 11:29 A 7:14 A Tacoma
8:20 P 7:10 P 6:10 P 4:00 P 2:55 P 5:05 P 1:05 P 10:50 A 9:40 A 8:35 A 11:50 A 7:35 A Olympia/Lacey
8:39 P 7:29 P 6:29 P 4:19 P 3:14 P 5:24 P 1:24 P 11:09 A 9:59 A 8:54 A 12:09 P 7:54 A Centralia
9:06 P 7:56 P 6:56 P 4:46 P 3:41 P 5:51 P 1:51 P 11:36 A 10:26 A 9:21 A 12:36 P 8:21 A Kelso/Longview
9:37 P 8:27 P 7:27 P 5:17 P 4:12 P 6:22 P 2:22 P 12:07 P 10:57 A 9:52 A 1:07 P 8:52 A Vancouver, WA
10:05 P 8:55 P 7:55 P 5:45 P 4:40 P 6:50 P 2:50 P 12:35 P 11:25 A 10:20 A 1:35 P 9:20 A Portland, OR
Northward Trains
Example Train Numbers 104 106 102 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126
Service Goals
Total Schedule
Completion Maximum Number of
Daily Round Running
Project Improvement (Estimated Cost)* Year** Trip Trains Time
Speed Trainsets
Seattle to Vancouver, BC
3 3:25
*In millions of 2006 U.S. dollars.
**The completion year assumes full funding for all capital projects and operations starting in 2002.
Note: At the time of this writing, the implementation of “gray shaded projects” have been identified by WSDOT as needed improvements
that will be funded by other jurisdictions or agencies but are necessary to achieve WSDOT’s goals for Amtrak Cascades service.
Southward Trains
127 125 121 119 123 117 113 115 111 107 105 109 103 101 Example Train Numbers
8:14 P 4:14 P 12:14 P 8:14 A Vancouver, BC
9:07 P 5:07 P 1:07 P 9:07 A Bellingham
9:27 P 5:27 P 1:27 P 9:27 A Mount Vernon
9:59 P 5:59 P 1:59 P 9:59 A Everett
10:17 P 6:17 P 2:17 P 10:17 A Edmonds
10:51 P 6:51 P 2:51 P 10:51 A
8:06 P 6:06 P 5:06 P 7:06 P 4:06 P 2:06 P 3:06 P 12:06 P 10:06 A 9:06 A 11:06 A 8:06 A 6:06 A
8:18 P 6:18 P 5:18 P 7:18 P 4:18 P 2:18 P 3:18 P 12:18 P 10:18 A 9:18 A 11:18 A 8:18 A 6:18 A Tukwila
8:46 P 6:46 P 5:46 P 7:46 P 4:46 P 2:46 P 3:46 P 12:46 P 10:46 A 9:46 A 11:46 A 8:46 A 6:46 A Tacoma
9:05 P 7:05 P 6:05 P 8:05 P 5:05 P 3:05 P 4:05 P 1:05 P 11:05 A 10:05 A 12:05 P 9:05 A 7:05 A Olympia/Lacey
9:22 P 7:22 P 6:22 P 8:00 P 5:22 P 3:22 P 4:22 P 1:22 P 11:22 A 10:22 A 12:22 P 9:22 A 7:22 A Centralia
9:49 P 7:49 P 6:49 P 8:49 P 5:49 P 3:49 P 4:49 P 1:49 P 11:49 A 10:49 A 12:49 P 9:49 A 7:49 A Kelso/Longview
10:15 P 8:15 P 7:15 P 9:15 P 6:15 P 4:15 P 5:15 P 2:15 P 12:15 P 11:15 A 1:15 P 10:15 A 8:15 A Vancouver, WA
10:36 P 8:36 P 7:36 P 9:36 P 6:36 P 4:36 P 5:36 P 2:36 P 12:36 P 11:36 A 1:36 P 10:36 A 8:36 A Portland, OR
Northward Trains
Example Train Numbers 104 102 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128
Service Goals
Total Schedule
Completion Maximum Number of
Daily Round Running
Project Improvement (Estimated Cost)* Year** Trip Trains Time
Speed Trainsets
Seattle to Portland, OR
Felida to MP 114 Third Main Track ($173.1)
Hannaford to Nisqually Third Main Track ($512.5) 13 2:30
Columbia River Bridge (joint Washington/Oregon
project) ($575.0)
Seattle to Vancouver, BC
Marysville to Mount Vernon High-Speed Track
($322.5) 20
110 mph 12
Burlington to Bellingham High -Speed Track ($408.5) (2023)
Bellingham to Blaine High-Speed Track ($197.7)
Everett Junction to Everett Second Main Track 4 2:37
Advanced Signal System - 110 mph ($228.0)
White Rock Bypass ($312.7)
Colebrook to Brownsville High-Speed Track ($91.8)
Washington State
Long-Range Plan for
Amtrak Cascades
Amtrak Cascades Service Alternative and Fare
Sensitivity Analysis
Service goals established for Amtrak Cascades in Washington are based on
results from modeling work performed by the Washington State Department
of Transportation and the United States Department of Transportation in the
1990s. These service goals include thirteen daily round trips between Seattle
and Portland with a total travel time of two hours, thirty minutes and four
daily roundtrips between Seattle and Vancouver, BC with a total travel time of
two hours, forty minutes. These goals were chosen because the modeling data
indicated that this level of service would provide the best mix of ridership,
revenue, and cost. The long-range capital and operating plans included in this
document are designed to achieve these service goals.
Operating cost data used in this updated long-range plan assumes that the
fares for future Amtrak Cascades service will be essentially the same as the
fares charged today. This fare structure is projected to reduce the subsidies
necessary to operate the trains to approximately $1.1 million per year, in 2003
As part of this plan update, the project team examined the feasibility of adding
more Amtrak Cascades trains to the daily schedule without adding any more
infrastructure or equipment beyond that necessary to implement Timetable F.
The project team also explored what would happen to ridership and revenues
if fares were increased. This appendix describes the results of these analyses.
Additional Amtrak Cascades Service beyond Timetable F
WSDOT’s long-range plan for Amtrak Cascades infrastructure construction is
based on a series of six “building blocks” that could be introduced to the
traveling public over time. These building blocks ultimately become the
timetables that the traveling public will rely upon. In this plan, these six
timetables are listed alphabetically as timetables A through F. A listing of
these projects and their associated timetables are listed in Appendix A.
Train operation simulations performed for the last of these six timetables,
Timetable F, revealed that additional daily service could be added to the rail
line without requiring additional rail capacity or rail equipment. The
simulations indicated that one additional daily round trip could be added
between Seattle and Portland and one additional daily roundtrip could be
added between Seattle and Vancouver, B.C. These additional daily roundtrips
would be operated as a through train between Portland and Vancouver, B.C.
Exhibit B-1 on the following page presents a comparison of the ridership
Exhibit B-1
Comparison of Ridership Projections, Operating Costs, and Revenues
All financial data is in 2003 dollars and assumes continuation of the current Amtrak Cascades fare
Timetable F includes 3 daily roundtrips between Portland and Vancouver, B.C.
The Timetable F - Revised Service Plan includes 4 daily roundtrips between Portland and Vancouver, B.C.
Source: Amtrak Cascades Ridership and Revenue Forecasts Technical Report, 2004, and Amtrak
Cascades Operating and Infrastructure Plan Technical Report, 2004.
The projections performed for the Revised Service Plan scenario indicate that
Amtrak Cascades ridership would increase by 6.96 percent, expenses would
increase by 3.30 percent, and revenues would increase by 4.76 percent. This
would also result in a total operating subsidy reduction of 97.3 percent.
129 127 125 123 121 119 117 115 113 111 109 107 105 103 101 Example Train Numbers
8:14 PM 4:14 PM 2:14 PM 12:14 PM 8:14 AM Vancouver BC
9:04 PM 5:04 PM 3:04 PM 1:04 PM 9:04 AM Bellingnham
9:26 PM 5:26 PM 3:26 PM 1:26 PM 9:26 AM Mount Vernon
8:17 PM 7:17 PM 6:17 PM 5:17 PM 4:17 PM 3:17 PM 2:17 PM 12:17 PM 11:17 AM 10:17 AM 9:17 AM 8:17 AM 7:18 AM 6:17 AM Tukwila
8:43 PM 7:43 PM 6:43 PM 5:43 PM 4:43 PM 3:43 PM 2:43 PM 12:43 PM 11:43 AM 10:43 AM 9:43 AM 8:43 AM 7:44 AM 6:43 AM Tacoma
9:04 PM 8:04 PM 7:04 PM 6:04 PM 5:04 PM 4:04 PM 3:04 PM 1:04 PM 12:04 PM 11:04 AM 10:05 9:04 AM 8:05 AM 7:04 AM Centennial
9:19 PM 8:19 PM 7:19 PM 6:19 PM 5:19 PM 4:19 PM 3:19 PM 1:19 PM 12:19 PM 11:19 AM 10:19 AM 9:19 AM 8:20 AM 7:19 AM Centralia
9:48 PM 8:48 PM 7:48 PM 6:48 PM 5:48 PM 4:48 PM 3:48 PM 1:48 PM 12:48 PM 11:48 AM 10:48 AM 9:48 AM 8:49 AM 7:48 AM Kelso
10:14 PM 9:14 PM 8:14 PM 7:14 PM 6:14 PM 5:14 PM 4:14 PM 2:14 PM 1:14 PM 12:14 PM 11:14 AM 10:14 AM 9:15 AM 8:14 AM Vancouver, WA
10:36 PM 9:36 PM 8:36 PM 7:36 PM 6:36 PM 5:36 PM 4:36 PM 2:36 PM 1:36 PM 12:36 PM 11:36 AM 10:36 AM 9:37 AM 08:36 AM Portland, OR
Example Train Numbers 102 104 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130
Vancouver, BC 9:22 AM 5:22 PM 1:22 PM 5:22 PM 8:22 PM
Bellingnham 8:16 AM 10:16 AM 12:16 PM 4:16 PM 6:16 PM
Mount Vernon 7:55 AM 9:55 AM 11:55 AM 3:55 PM 5:55 PM
Tukwila 8:06 AM 10:06 AM 11:06 AM 12:06 PM 1:06 PM 2:06 PM 4:06 PM 5:06 PM 6:06 PM 7:06 PM 8:06 PM 9:06 PM 10:06 PM
Tacoma 7:39 AM 9:39 AM 10:39 AM 11:39 AM 12:39 PM 1:39 PM 3:39 PM 4:39 PM 5:39 PM 6:39 PM 7:39 PM 8:39 PM 9:39 PM
Centennial 7:19 AM 9:19 AM 10:19 AM 11:19 AM 12:19 PM 1:19 PM 3:19 PM 4:19 PM 5:19 PM 6:19 PM 7:19 PM 8:19 PM 9:19 PM
Centralia 7:03 AM 9:03 AM 10:03 AM 11:03 AM 12:03 PM 1:03 PM 3:03 PM 4:03 PM 5:03 PM 6:03 PM 7:03 PM 8:03 PM 9:03 PM
Kelso 6:36 AM 8:36 AM 9:36 AM 10:36 AM 11:36 AM 12:36 PM 2:36 PM 3:36 PM 4:36 PM 5:36 PM 6:36 PM 7:36 PM 8:36 PM
Vancouver, WA 6:10 AM 8:10 AM 9:10 AM 10:10 AM 11:10 AM 12:10 PM 2:10 PM 3:10 PM 4:10 PM 5:10 PM 6:10 PM 7:10 PM 8:10 PM
Portland, OR 6:00 AM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:00 PM 5:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 8:00 PM
Washington State
Long-Range Plan for
Amtrak Cascades
Washington State-owned Rail Equipment
Preservation Plan and Replacement Options
Pursuant to Revised Code of Washington (RCW) 47.06.090, the Washington
State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is required to identify any
state-owned components of the department’s passenger rail program and
provide a long-term preservation plan for that equipment. The purpose of this
requirement is to ensure that all state-owned rail equipment is properly
preserved and maintained so that it lasts as long as possible before requiring
Each trainset includes twelve cars: six regular coaches, two business class
coaches, one bistro car, one lounge car, one baggage car, and one generator
car that powers heating, air conditioning, lights, kitchen equipment, and the
train’s video and audio system. Washington State also owns two additional
cars: one baggage car and one generator car. These two cars, stored in
Seattle, serve as spares and are only used when needed. Amtrak owns three
additional cars: one spare bistro car stored in Seattle, and two coach cars that
are used on their trainsets.
Cab control cars are engineless locomotives placed at the end of each trainset that allow the
engineer to operate the train from either end, eliminating the requirement to turn the entire
trainset around after completing a route. This saves a significant amount of time and reduces
the costs of operating the trains. Since the cab control cars were first put into service in
1999, the Federal Railroad Administration has issued an order that requires cab control cars
on all Amtrak Cascades trainsets.
In 1997 partially constructed Talgo trainsets were sent via ship to the United
States, with final assembly performed in Seattle by Pacifica Marine Inc.
These trainsets went into service in January 1999.
The mathematical calculation used for the Reliability Failure Index equals the number of
miles the fleet travels divided by the number of Mission Completion Failures (MCFs) plus
two times the number of Mission Termination Failures (MTFs).
February 2006 Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades
Page C-4 Appendix C
Talgo equipment performance requirements and penalties
Talgo is permitted one Mission Termination Failure (MTF) every 800,000
fleet miles.3 An MTF occurs when a mechanical component of the train fails
en route and the train is either cancelled or is two or more hours late due to a
Talgo train mechanical defect. The current accumulated fleet miles per
calendar are approximately 680,000. As such, the Talgo fleet cannot have
more than 0.85 MTFs a year without being assessed a financial penalty. In
2004, there were no MTFs.
Talgo is also permitted one Mission Completion Failure (MCF) every 200,000
fleet miles. An MCF occurs when a component of the train's mechanical
system fails and either delays the train significantly or disrupts electrical
power delivery to the train. Talgo is allowed three MCFs per year, based on
current fleet usage. In 2004, there were four MTFs.
There are also lower order failures called Mission Success Failures (MSFs),
which measure impacts to customer comfort items such as air conditioning,
toilets, audio systems, and other customer amenities. These are also
monitored and corrected by Talgo when they occur.
This calculation is based on four Talgo trainsets.
The decision to replace this equipment sooner than 2029 will be based on the
availability of funding for rail line construction projects identified in
WSDOT’s long range plan for Amtrak Cascades and the ability of WSDOT
and Amtrak to procure new train equipment at a reasonable price.
Equipment overhauls
The 2005 Washington State Legislature provided $17 million for overhauls to
the three state-owned trainsets. All three trainsets will receive interior and
exterior improvements, including paint, seating, tables, carpet, toilets,
windows, wall coverings, and video and audio systems. The overhauls will
ensure that customer satisfaction and passenger comfort remains high during
the life of the equipment. This overhaul work will be done in phases, starting
in 2007 and ending in 2013.
The next service increment identified in WSDOT’s long-range plan calls for
five round trips per day between Seattle and Portland and two round trips per
day between Seattle and Vancouver, BC (Timetable B). This can only occur
after completion of the Vancouver Rail Project (WA) and Kelso-Martin’s
Bluff Rail Project, the latter of which is not fully funded in the state’s ten year
transportation budget. If federal funding can be obtained to complete this
project, and if there are sufficient operating funds to add the fifth daily round
trip between Seattle and Portland, OR before the Talgo equipment reaches the
end of its life, WSDOT and Amtrak will need one additional trainset to
achieve the schedules that make up Timetable B. This means that a single
Domestic rail transit and passenger car manufacturers are virtually non-
existent because of the lack of demand for new passenger rail cars.
Bombardier, a large Canadian transportation conglomerate, has some limited
production facilities in Vermont, but for the most part, does the majority of its
production outside the United States. European and Asian manufacturers
have maintained production capabilities due to healthy international rail
passenger equipment markets. However, most of these trains are not built to
meet the regulations imposed by the U.S. Federal Railroad Administration,
and therefore cannot be operated in this country without substantial
If additional high speed rail projects are funded throughout the U.S., there
would likely be sufficient demand for new passenger equipment. As a result,
domestic mass production could occur and it would be possible to buy
equipment as needed. If WSDOT is the sole customer ordering high speed
train equipment, the price will be significantly affected by the size of the
order. Even an order for five trainsets (the size of the order for the current
fleet of Amtrak Cascades trainsets) could be considered too small if a
production facility in the U.S. needs to be established specifically for the
order. An order for one trainset would likely receive no reasonably priced
bids from rail equipment manufacturers.
• WSDOT and Amtrak could continue to use the current fleet of Talgo
equipment until the trainsets reach the end of their lifecycles, which under
the current and anticipated service levels, is projected to be in 2029. This
long-term use of the existing trainsets will only occur if there is
insufficient funding to complete the capital projects necessary to go
beyond five daily round trips between Seattle and Portland, OR and two
daily round trips between Seattle and Vancouver, BC (Timetable A).
After 2029, new equipment would need to be purchased.
• One additional trainset could be purchased for implementation of
Timetable B, bringing the total number of trainsets to six. However,
production of only one trainset would be extremely expensive and would
likely be deemed cost-prohibitive for the state of Washington and Amtrak.
(It is also unlikely that any manufacturer would offer to produce only one
• If the U.S. federal government establishes a dedicated funding source that
states can use for high speed rail development, WSDOT, Amtrak, and
other organizations responsible for implementing intercity passenger rail
service across the country could enter into a pool-agreement where one or
more manufacturers would produce a large number of trainsets, thereby
lowering the cost to all customers. WSDOT could purchase either six new
trainsets for Timetable B, seven new trainsets for Timetable C, and
potentially up to twelve new trainsets for Timetable F, which marks the
completion of WSDOT’s capital construction plan for Amtrak Cascades
service in Washington. WSDOT’s three existing Talgo trainsets could
potentially be sold to other states or countries, and any funds generated
through the sale of equipment could be applied toward other PNWRC
capital expenses within Washington State or to offset the cost of this new
train equipment.
Washington State
Long-Range Plan for
Amtrak Cascades
UNION STATION The Northern Pacific
Terminal Company
Portland, Oregon
constructed the station in
1896. Since then, the station
LOCATION has hosted trains from the
800 NW 6th Avenue, on the Northern Pacific, Great
northern edge of Portland’s Northern, Southern Pacific,
downtown. The station is Portland, Spokane and
approximately 0.3 miles west Seattle, and Union Pacific
of the Willamette River, between Railways, as well as Amtrak.
Chinatown and the Pearl District. In 1987, the Portland Development Commission acquired the station
and began major restorations.
The city of Portland
Amtrak ticket office and baggage service; QuikTrak automated ticket
STATION PASSENGER machine; snack bar and newsstand; ATM; public telephones;
restrooms; full service restaurant. The facility meets the requirements
VOLUMES of the American Disabilities Act.
Approximately 500,000 Amtrak
passengers passed through
Portland’s Union Station in 2005. There are 25 on-street parking stalls adjacent to the station. The
maximum time limit is one hour. In addition, there are 36 spaces
across from the station available for $3.50 per hour or $9.00 per day.
The lot also has two Flexcar stalls and three disabled parking stalls.
A new, 400-stall Smart Park garage is two blocks north of the station.
Rates are $1.25 per hour, with a $6.00 maximum for a 24-hour period.
Bicycle parking is limited to five bicycle posts near the
entrance of the station.
The station is located at the intersection of NW 6th Avenue and
NW Irving Street. However, NW 6th Avenue is a transit only
arterial, so travelers must either take SW Broadway to Irving
Street or NW 4th Avenue to access the station. From the south,
Interstate 405 Exit 2B leads to eastbound Everett Street, which
intersects both Broadway and NW 4th Avenue. From the north,
Interstate 5 exit 302A leads to the Broadway Bridge, NW
Broadway, and NW Irving Street. Both freeways are less than
a mile from Union Station.
The methodology used to produce these figures is not the same as that used for the other twelve stations listed in this appendix. These
figures are from the city of Portland’s Office and Transportation RTP_8 Model for the year 2000, which combines household data with
travel patterns during an afternoon peak hour commute. Household data was then multiplied by the average number of residents (2.578)
per household to produce the figures listed.
There are 95 free automobile stalls at the station.
The primary arterial serving the station is West
11th Street. Interstate 5 is approximately one mile
east of the station. From the north, Interstate 5
exit 1C connects with State Route 501 (East 15th
Street), Lincoln Avenue, and West 11th Street.
From the south, Interstate 5 exit 1B connects East
6th Street, Jefferson Street, and West 11th Street.
Interstate 5 is approximately 0.75 miles east of the station. I-5 Exit 39
connects with Allen Street, Pacific Avenue, and Ash Street.
There are 96 free parking spaces at the station and in the
immediate vicinity.
North Railroad Avenue is one block east of Tower
Avenue, a major one-way arterial that accommodates
northbound traffic, and two blocks east of North Pearl
Street, another major arterial that serves southbound
traffic. Tower and Pearl are the bi-directional roadways
that comprise State Route 507, which runs through
Centralia. The station can be accessed from both roads
via Pine Street. Union Depot is approximately 1.5 miles east of
Interstate 5. Exit 82 (Harrison Street) leads in to downtown, becomes
Main Street, and intersects with North Railroad Avenue one block
south of the station.
In 2000, the city of Centralia adopted “Hospitality
Centralia,” a plan to re-establish Centralia as a
“Hub City,” a destination for small conventions,
business meetings, seminars, entertainment, and
recreation. A plan is well underway to redevelop Centralia’s historic infrastructure to its original uses for
hospitality, business conferences, entertainment, and commerce.
Restrooms; vending machines; telephones; a
QuikTrak automated ticket machine; large
waiting area. Volunteer staff are available to
answer questions. The station also serves as an
office for the Thurston County Sheriff.
There are 136 free parking stalls at the station,
including eight disabled parking stalls. There
are also eight bicycle lockers on the north side
of the station.
Yelm Highway is a major east-west roadway that
connects south Olympia, Tumwater, and the south
edge of Lacey with State Route 510 and Yelm.
From points south of Olympia/Lacey, the station
can be reached by taking Interstate 5 exit 101,
Tumwater Boulevard, and Henderson Boulevard to
Yelm Highway. Using this route, the station is
approximately seven miles from the freeway.
From points north, travelers can take Interstate 5
exit 109, College Way south to its intersection with
Yelm Highway. Using this route, the station is
approximately five miles from the freeway.
The primary arterial serving Tacoma’s Amtrak Station is Puyallup
Avenue. Southbound Interstate 5 exit 135
connects with Portland Avenue and westbound
Puyallup Avenue. To reach the station from
northbound Interstate 5, travelers take exit 133
(Interstate 705 to City Center), then East 26th
(Tacoma Dome), and D Street to eastbound
Puyallup Avenue. Travelers coming from
downtown Tacoma and the neighborhoods
south of downtown can take Pacific Avenue to
eastbound Puyallup Avenue.
Tukwila Station is approximately one mile
east of Interstate 5 and 0.25 miles south
Interstate 405. The station can be reached
by taking Interstate 405 Exit 1, the West
Valley Highway (State Route 181) 0.25
miles south to eastbound Longacres Way.
Parking around King Street Station is somewhat limited. There is
metered, on-street parking on King Street and Second Avenue South
for $1.50, with a two hour maximum. Day parking is available for a
maximum of $9.00 on non-event days in the parking lot just north of
Qwest Field. Several other garages within three blocks of the station
provide day and overnight parking that costs as much as $20 per day;
for these garages, travelers must check to ensure that the facility will be
open if they are returning to Seattle after 7 p.m. There is no bicycle
parking at King Street Station.
King Street Station is 0.5 miles west of Interstate 5 and 0.5
miles east of State Route 99. It is situated on the south edge of
downtown and several of Seattle’s major arterials lead to the
station. For travelers coming from outside of downtown
Seattle from the north, Interstate 5 exit 164 connects to Fourth
Avenue South, Jackson Street, Second Avenue South, and
King Street. From SR 99, the Safeco Field exit leads to Royal
Brougham, Fourth Avenue South, Jackson Street, and Second
Avenue South to King Street. From the east side of Lake
Washington, travelers can take Interstate 90 to exit 1, which
A conceptual drawing of the completed King
leads to the Fourth Avenue South approach to the station Street Station renovations. Source: 2002 J. Craig
described above. Thorpe, commissioned by WSDOT.
The station is approximately four miles west of Interstate 5 and three
miles west of State Route (SR) 99. From the south, I-5 exit 177
connects with SR 104. The station can be reached by
taking SR 104 to Dayton or James Streets, both of which
connect to the station’s parking lot. From the north, I-5
exit 181 B connects with SR 524, which leads to the
north entrance of the station at Main Street. From the
west, the station can be reached by the Washington State
Ferries’ Edmonds to Kingston route.
There are 25 automobile stalls designated for Amtrak/Greyhound
passengers, eight rideshare vehicle stalls, and six bicycle racks.
There are 12 bus bays and four separate park and ride lots adjacent
to the station with a total of 750 parking stalls.
Smith Avenue connects with Pacific Avenue, a major east-west
arterial, just north of the station. Broadway, a major north-south
arterial, is two blocks west of Smith Avenue. Pacific Avenue
connects with northbound Interstate 5 exit 193. Travelers on
southbound Interstate 5 use exit 194, Everett Avenue, and Maple
Street to reach the station.
There are ninety free parking stalls at the station, including four
designated for disabled parking. There are also thirteen free on-street
parking stalls adjacent to the station with a two hour limit. There is one
bicycle rack that can accommodate as many as eight bicycles on the
south side of the facility. The station also has a large area for Skagit
Transit and Greyhound.
Kincaid Street and West Montgomery Street are
the primary arterials serving the Skagit
Transportation Center. Kincaid Street intersects
with Interstate 5 at Exit 226, approximately 0.2
miles east of the station.
There are eighteen automobile stalls, five bus bays, and eight bicycle
lockers at the station. There are also 160 long-term parking stalls
across the street from the station ($6 per day, $30 per week).
Harris Avenue is the primary arterial serving Fairhaven Station.
Finnegan Way connects downtown Bellingham and the Fairhaven
Historic District, and Old Fairhaven Parkway connects with Interstate 5
at Exit 250, approximately 1.3 miles east of Fairhaven Station.
Number of
C 118,012
F 265,637
Station Street is parallel to and one block east of Main Street, a major
north south arterial on the east edge of downtown Vancouver that
connects the city’s inner harbor, Chinatown, and the north shore of the
Fraser River. The major east-west arterial north of the station is
Hastings Street (Provincial Highway 7A), 0.5 miles to the north. The
major east-west arterial south of the station is Broadway, (Provincial
Highway 7), 0.7 miles to the south. The Trans-Canada Highway
(Highway 1) is 3.1 miles east of the station, with ingress/egress at exits
25 (Hastings Street) and 28 (Boundary and Broadway).
Residents within five miles – 665,000;
within ten miles 1,131,000; within
fifteen miles 1,550,000.
Washington State
Long-Range Plan for
Amtrak Cascades
Amtrak Cascades Northern Terminus Options
In 1992, the United States Department of Transportation established the
Pacific Northwest Rail Corridor (PNWRC). This corridor was selected as one
of five corridors in the country to be developed for high speed rail service.
The PNWRC stretches 466 miles (750 km), connecting Eugene, OR, Portland,
OR, Seattle, Vancouver, BC, and twelve intermediate communities. In 1995,
Amtrak, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) and
the BNSF Railway Company (BNSF) re-established passenger rail service
between Seattle and Vancouver, BC. Since then, one daily round trip
passenger train has continued to operate between these cities.
In 2005, Pacific Central Station served over 129,000 Amtrak passengers. The
station is also the western terminus of VIA Rail, Canada’s national passenger
rail service. Amtrak intercity buses, as well as local and regional transit,
provide service at Pacific Central Station. SkyTrain, Vancouver’s elevated
rapid transit system, stops near the station and provides direct access to the
Vancouver waterfront and over thirty transit centers throughout the greater
Vancouver region.
The long-range plans for Amtrak Cascades service call for four daily round
trips between Seattle and Vancouver, BC. To accommodate this level of
service to Pacific Central Station, a number of major capital improvements
need to be made to the rail corridor between the Fraser River and the
downtown station. The cost of these projects, estimated at over $500 million
(USD), could preclude Amtrak Cascades service levels from increasing
beyond two daily round trips between Seattle and Vancouver’s Pacific Central
Station, as it is uncertain if Canadian public funding for projects of this
magnitude would ever be made available.
This appendix assesses the merits and demerits of continued use of Pacific
Central Station and those of a new Greater Vancouver Terminal in Surrey,
British Columbia.
Proximity to downtown
Pacific Central Station is 1.25
miles (two kilometers) from
the center of Vancouver’s
commercial business district and waterfront. The center of the city is a short
taxi ride from the station, and easily accessible by transit, bicycle, and
Downtown train stations can help serve as anchors for existing development
and can help attract new businesses to the area. As passenger rail travel has
become more popular in recent years, downtown train stations are being
viewed as important community assets that can serve as catalysts for
Route and Terminal Alternatives for Amtrak Passenger Train Service Between Vancouver
and Seattle. (1998). Prepared by Transit Safety Management for the British Columbia
Transportation Financing Authority, Victoria, B.C., Canada.
Cascades Gateway Rail Study (2002). Prepared by Wilbur Smith Associates for the
International Mobility and Trade Group, Bellingham, Washington.
Population is no longer concentrated exclusively in central urban areas as it
was when most of the great central-city stations were built. The suburbs often
represent the preponderance of the population of a metropolitan area. For that
reason, the schedules of corridor and long distance passenger trains often
include a suburban stop in addition to a central city terminal. For example:
For this plan, ridership forecasts were developed for both Pacific Central
Station and a Greater Vancouver terminal located along the Fraser River in
Surrey. It is estimated that a Greater Vancouver, BC terminal would increase
total annual Amtrak Cascades ridership between Seattle and Vancouver, BC
Exhibit E-2
Population in Greater Vancouver, BC Area
Vancouver 545,500
Surrey 348,000
Burnaby 194,000
Richmond 164,000
Coquitlam 113,000
Langley 110,500
Delta 95,500
District of North Vancouver 82,000
Maple Ridge 55,000
New Westminster 54,500
North Vancouver 44,000
Other Municipalities 94,000
TOTAL 1,900,000
by three to seven percent when the maximum levels of passenger rail service
identified WSDOT’s long-range plan are in place by 2023.3
Direct ridership comparisons between Pacific Central Station and the Greater Vancouver
Terminal were only conducted for the scenario that includes five daily Amtrak Cascades
roundtrips between Seattle and Vancouver, BC and fourteen daily round trips between Seattle
and Portland, OR. The range of values listed here includes an estimate of ridership at the
February 2006 Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades
Page E-6 Appendix E
This ridership increase would be the result of shorter travel times to and from
the new terminal for people residing throughout the region. Exhibit E-3
illustrates the results of these ridership projections.
Exhibit E-3
Projected Passenger Volumes at Vancouver, BC Stations
Greater Vancouver Terminal with four daily round trips between Seattle and Vancouver, BC,
and thirteen daily round trips between Seattle and Portland, OR.
A Neighbourhood Concept Plan for South Westminster (2003). Prepared by the city of
Surrey Planning and Development Department. Surrey, British Columbia, Canada.
Can Amtrak Cascades trains serve both Pacific Central Station and
a Greater Vancouver terminal?
It is unlikely. This dual-station arrangement will pose a number of challenges.
First, the total estimated cost of the projects at and north of the Fraser River
climbs to over $600 million, as it adds the cost of a new station (estimated at
$75 million) and additional tracks at the new station. This scenario eliminates
the trade off in total costs that are assumed in the single station concept, which
could make it even more difficult to effectively compete for scarce public
funds for transportation projects in the greater Vancouver, BC area.
The dual station scenario would also add at least ten minutes to the scheduled
running time between Seattle and downtown Vancouver, BC as it would take
at least this much time to leave the main line tracks, enter the station, let off
passengers, and return to the main line for the journey across the river and into
downtown or south to Seattle. This could have a negative impact on ridership,
but the degree of the impact is not known at this time.
The final and perhaps most important challenge that would have to be
overcome in the two-station scenario deals with Canadian and U.S. federal
security protocols. Customs and Immigration agents from both the United
States and Canada would have to be positioned at both Pacific Central Station
and the Greater Vancouver, BC Terminal, and additional security
arrangements would have to be made so that portions of the train would be
locked or sealed in such a way as to ensure that all passengers are accounted
for before crossing the international boundary. While this is technically
feasible, previous discussions with officials from what is now known as U.S.
Customs and Border Protection indicate that the two-station scenario would
Washington State Long-Range Plan for Amtrak Cascades February 2006
Appendix E Page E-9
not be acceptable, as it would increase risk of security breaches and drive up
staffing costs.
One of the key recommendations that emerged for the Cascades Gateway Rail
Study (2002) was that marketing research of Amtrak Cascades passengers and
residents of the greater Vancouver region would help identify customer
preferences for station locations. The appropriate research would be carefully
constructed to represent the current and proposed transportation products
rather than only the terminal location alternatives. Analysis of the research
results would be an important first step toward discovering the level of
popular support for continued use of Pacific Central Station or a new Greater
Vancouver, BC Terminal.
Who will decide where the northern terminus for Amtrak Cascades
should be?
The decisions regarding the continued use of Pacific Central Station or
relocation to a Greater Vancouver Terminal will ultimately be made by the
Canadian organizations that will be funding the capital projects identified in
this document. Amtrak and WSDOT will play a role in these discussions, but
the responsibility must lie with Canadian funding partners.
Washington State
Long-Range Plan for
Amtrak Cascades
Amtrak Cascades Service Delivery
The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) works closely
with Amtrak and other organizations to offer Amtrak Cascades intercity
passenger service in the Pacific Northwest. This section describes the service
agreements that exist between WSDOT, Amtrak, the BNSF Railway
Company (BNSF), and Talgo Incorporated. The purpose of this section is to
explain how WSDOT and its partners work together to provide Amtrak
Cascades service to the people of Washington State on a daily basis.
This trend continued through the 1950s and 60s, and the railways eventually
petitioned the federal government for relief from their unprofitable passenger
services. In 1971, the federal government granted this request and relieved
the private railways of their obligation to maintain passenger rail services
across the nation. The National Railroad Passenger Corporation, more
commonly known as Amtrak, for American Travel by Track, was created.
Amtrak and the Class I1 railroads have legally binding operating agreements
that govern the joint use of the railroad rights of way by the host railroads and
Amtrak. In Washington State, this operating agreement is between Amtrak
and BNSF. In brief, the Amtrak/BNSF operating contract includes the
following provisions:
A Class I railroad is any railroad with annual gross revenues of at least $260 million,
according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. These are the largest long-distance U.S.
railroad systems such as Union Pacific-Southern Pacific, Norfolk Southern, CSX, and BNSF.
WSDOT has also entered into a separate contract with BNSF on capital improvements to the
corridor, described in Chapter 7 of this document.
Customer Satisfaction
One of the key measurements used to determine the quality of Amtrak
Cascades service delivery is Amtrak’s Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI).
CSI scores are based on surveys of Amtrak passengers that include questions
on train cleanliness, food quality, staff performance, and other key indicators
that capture customer perceptions. Amtrak and WSDOT have established the
CSI goal for Amtrak Cascades to be an average of ninety-one points (out of
one hundred) or better for the year. Terms of the contract stipulate that
Amtrak must take steps to maintain this score, as well as the incentives
Amtrak will receive from WSDOT if successful. The collaboration between
Amtrak and WSDOT on many aspects of service delivery has consistently
placed Amtrak Cascades among the nation’s top-ranked routes in Amtrak’s
entire national system.
A fifth train set, under lease to the state of Oregon by Talgo, Inc., was purchased by WSDOT
in 2003.