HI Invasive

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Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 1 of 12

Haemophilus influenzae, Invasive Disease

Table of Contents

 Overview

 Haemophilus influenzae Disease (including Hib) - CDC Webpage

 2015 Nationally Notifiable Condition and Case Definitions – CDC

 Information Needed for Investigation

 Public Health Partner Notification

 Control Measures

 Laboratory Procedures

 Reporting Requirements

 References

 Disease Case Report (CD-1) PDF format Word format

 Record of Investigation of Bacterial Meningitis or Bacteremia Case Report


 Missouri Outbreak Surveillance Report (CD-51)

 Sample Letter to Parents of Children Exposed to Hib -

Chemoprophylaxis Recommended

 Sample Health Care Provider Notification Letter

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 2 of 12

Haemophilus influenzae, Invasive Disease

2, 3, 6, 7, 8
Haemophilus influenzae invasive disease (Hi) is caused by the bacterium Haemophilus
influenzae (H. influenzae). H. influenzae may be either encapsulated (typeable) or
unencapsulated (unencapsulated strains lack capsule genes and are designated nontypable2). Six
antigenically distinct capsular types of H. influenzae (types a - f) that can cause Hi in persons of
any age and are often severe, particularly among infants. Nontypeable strains can also cause Hi
but more commonly cause mucosal infections. All Hi isolates should be serotyped.
Hi includes clinical syndromes of meningitis, bacteremia or sepsis, epiglottitis, pneumonia,
septic arthritis, osteomyelitis, pericarditis and cellulitis. In contrast, syndromes of mucosal
infections such as bronchitis, sinusitis and otitis media, which are considered noninvasive
disease. Noninvasive H. influenzae infections are not reportable to the Missouri Department of
Health and Senior Services.
Before the introduction of effective vaccines, H. influenzae serotype b (Hib) was the cause of
more than 95% of Hi among children; and the leading cause of bacterial meningitis in the United
States among children younger than 5 years of age. Meningitis occurred in approximately two-
thirds of children with invasive Hib disease, resulting in hearing impairment or severe permanent
neurologic sequelae, such as mental retardation, seizure disorder, cognitive and developmental
delay, and paralysis in 15% - 30% of survivors. Approximately 4% of all cases were fatal. The
most striking feature of Hib disease is its age-dependent susceptibility. Hib disease is not
common beyond 5 years of age.
H. influenzae bacteria, including Hib, are spread person-to-person by direct contact or through
respiratory droplets like by coughing and sneezing. Usually the bacteria remain in the nose and
throat causing no harm. Sometimes the bacteria can enter the blood and spread, causing serious
infection in the individual. Most of the time, H. influenzae bacteria are spread by people who
have the bacteria in their noses and throats but who are not ill themselves (asymptomatic). The
incubation period is unknown, but likely 2 - 4 days. Persons remain communicable as long as
organisms are present, which may be for a prolonged time. Persons are noncommunicable within
24 - 48 hours after starting appropriate antibiotic treatment. Humans are the only known
reservoir for H. influenzae.
There's a vaccine that can prevent Hib disease, but not the other types ("strains") of H. influenzae.
Hib vaccine is recommended for all children younger than 5 years of age in the United States and
is usually given to infants starting at 2 months of age.
Without treatment, infections caused by Hib can be rapidly fatal. This is particularly true of
meningitis and epiglottitis. For a complete description of Hi, refer to the following texts:
• American Academy of Pediatrics. Red Book: 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious
Diseases. 29th ed. 2012.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 3 of 12

• Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, “Pink Book”, CDC. 12th

ed., second printing, May 2012; http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/hib.html.
• Murphy, Timothy F. Haemophilus Species (Including H. influenzae and Chancroid). In:
Gerald L. Mandell, John E. Bennett, & Raphael Dolin, Eds. Principles and Practice of
Infectious Diseases, 7th ed.
2015 Case Definition - Haemophilus influenzae, invasive disease4 – (1/15)
Clinical Criteria
Invasive disease may be manifest as pneumonia, bacteremia, meningitis, epiglottitis, septic
arthritis, cellulitis, or purulent pericarditis; less common infections include endocarditis and
Laboratory Criteria for Diagnosis
• Detection of Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen in cerebrospinal fluid [CSF]; or
• Detection of Haemophilus influenzae-specific nucleic acid in a specimen obtained from a
normally sterile body site (e.g., blood or CSF), using a validated polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) assay; or
• Isolation of Haemophilus influenzae from a normally sterile body site (e.g., CSF, blood,
joint fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid).
Epidemiologic Linkage
Not applicable for case classification.
Case Classification
• Isolation of Haemophilus influenzae from a normally sterile body site (e.g., CSF, blood,
joint fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid) OR
• Detection of Haemophilus influenzae-specific nucleic acid in a specimen obtained from a
normally sterile body site (e.g., CSF, blood, joint fluid, pleural fluid, pericardial fluid),
using a validated PCR assay.
• Meningitis with detection of Haemophilus influenzae type b antigen in CSF.
Case Classification Comment(s)
Positive antigen test results from urine or serum samples are unreliable for diagnosis of
Haemophilus influenzae disease and should not be used as a basis for case classification.
Isolates of Haemophilus influenzae are important for antimicrobial susceptibility testing.

Information Needed for Investigation

Verify the diagnosis. For all Hi cases prior to case classification; obtain demographic, clinical,
laboratory information, and other epidemiological information necessary to complete the Disease
Case Report (CD-1). Complete the Record of Investigation of Bacterial Meningitis or
Bacteremia Case Report (CD-2M) on all probable and confirmed cases of Hi. The information to

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 4 of 12

complete the forms can be obtained from the attending physician, hospital, laboratory, patient, or
a knowledgeable family member. NOTE: Early notification of Hi cases by health care providers
in children younger than 5 years is important to ensure isolates are saved for serotyping. Ensure
appropriate confirmatory laboratory tests are performed for all Hi cases. Rapid identification of
invasive Hib cases is important to allow for early administration of chemoprophylaxis and Hib
vaccine to household and childcare classroom contacts of case-patients, if appropriate (see the
table on chemoprophylaxis).8
Establish the extent of illness. Determine whether household or other close contacts are or have
been ill with symptoms compatible with Hi by contacting the health care provider, patient, or
family member. For information on the clinical features of Hi, please refer to CDC’s website at:
http://www.cdc.gov/hi-disease/about/symptoms.html. If the case is a child who attends a child
care facility or a school, determine the serotype and whether any other children in that setting are
or have been ill with symptoms. NOTES: Exposed children in whom febrile illness develops
should receive prompt medical evaluation. A sample parent and physician notification letter are
provided at the end of this manual section. These may be adapted as necessary, duplicated, and
distributed as needed.
Risk factors for disease.6 H. influenzae, including Hib, are a bacterium that can cause a severe
infection, occurring mostly in infants and children younger than 5 years of age. Adults 65 years
and older are also at higher risk for disease. American Indian/Alaska Native populations are also
at increased risk for Hi. People with certain medical conditions are at higher risk for developing
a H. influenzae infection. Those medical conditions include:
• Sickle cell disease.
• Asplenia (no spleen).
• HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection.
• Antibody and complement deficiency syndromes.
• Malignant neoplasms (a type of tumor).
Risk factors related to disease transmission for consideration are:
• Does the case or a member of the case’s household attend a child care center, nursery
school, or any school setting?
• Does the case or a member of the case’s family work as a health care provider or other high
risk setting?
• Identification of young children who are household or childcare contacts of patients with
Hib invasive disease and assessment of their vaccination status may help identify persons
who should receive antimicrobial prophylaxis or who need to be immunized.8
Provide information on H. influenzae to persons at risk for infection and the general
public. Efforts should be made to promote Hi awareness and provide prevention information to
the public to reduce the risk of disease. Hi can cause serious and potentially life-threatening
complications. CDC’s website provides information on H. influenzae at: http://www.cdc.gov/hi-

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 5 of 12

An excellent informational sheet, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib): Questions & Answers
Information about the disease and vaccines, and Hib is a serious disease...Make sure your child is
protected is also available from the Immunization Action Coalition.
H. influenzae Surveillance. H. influenzae surveillance information is used to monitor the
effectiveness of Hib immunization programs and vaccines, to assess progress toward Hib disease
elimination, and to describe the epidemiology of (non-b) Hi. Hib surveillance data can be used
to characterize populations or geographic areas in which additional efforts may be needed to raise
awareness and reduce disease incidence.
NOTES: Conduct close surveillance of Hib contacts for at least 30 days following onset of the
index case to assure prompt medical evaluation, and treatment of anyone who develops a febrile
illness.3, 9 Establish close contact with key local medical providers to assure prompt reporting of
any additional cases.
• If Hib is suspected, the local public health agency (LPHA) should contact the District
Communicable Disease Coordinator, the Senior Epidemiology Specialist for the District
immediately, or the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services (MDHSS) -
BCDCP, phone (573) 751-6113, Fax (573) 526-0235, or for afterhours notification contact
the MDHSS/ERC at (800) 392-0272 (24/7).
• If a Hib case(s) is associated with a childcare center, BCDCP or the LPHA will contact the
Bureau of Environmental Health Services (BEHS), phone (573) 751-6095, Fax (573) 526-
7377 and the Section for Child Care Regulation, phone (573) 751-2450, Fax (573) 526-
• If a Hib case(s) is associated with a long-term care facility, BCDCP or the LPHA will
contact the Section for Long Term Care Regulation, phone (573) 526-8524, Fax (573) 751-
• If a Hib case(s) is associated with a hospital, hospital-based long-term care facility, or
ambulatory surgical center BCDCP or the LPHA will contact the Bureau of Health Services
Regulation phone (573) 751-6303, Fax (573) 526-3621.
Control Measures
The following recommendations are provided for the control of invasive Hib disease. NOTES:
There is a vaccine that can prevent Hib disease, but not the other types of H. influenzae.6
Currently, chemoprophylaxis is not recommended for contacts of people with invasive disease
caused by (nontype b) H. influenzae strains.2
Rapid identification of cases is important to allow for early administration of chemoprophylaxis
and Hib vaccine, if needed, to household and childcare classroom contacts of case-patients.8
Therefore children’s immunization records should be reviewed and unimmunized or
incompletely immunized children should receive a dose of vaccine and should be scheduled for
completion of the recommended age-specific immunization schedule. 2

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 6 of 12

In patients with invasive Hib disease, droplet precautions are recommended for 24 hours after
initiation of effective antimicrobial therapy. Rifampin chemoprophylaxis is not recommended
for pregnant women.2
For information on the medical management of invasive Hib disease see the American Academy
of Pediatrics. Red Book: 2012 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 29th ed. 2012,
Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 7th ed., Pennsylvania: Churchill Livingstone
Elsevier, 2010 or other suitable reference; several such references are listed at the end of this
Rifampin Chemoprophylaxis. Because of the need to make rapid decisions about
chemoprophylaxis, the serotype should be determined and reported for all Hi isolates. It is
particularly important that serotype be reported for cases in children younger than 5 years of age;
the second highest priority is for cases among children 5–14 years of age.8
Chemoprophylaxis is not recommended for contacts of people with invasive disease caused by
(nontype B) H. influenzae strains, because secondary disease is rare.2 See the following table
extracted from the American Academy of Pediatrics, Red Book: 2012 Report of the Committee
on Infectious Diseases. 29th ed. for recommended chemoprophylaxis in different circumstances:
Indications and Guidelines for Rifampin Chemoprophylaxis for Contacts of Index
Cases of Invasive Haemophilus influenzae Type B (Hib) Disease2
Chemoprophylaxis Recommended

 For all household contacts in the following circumstances:
o Household with at least 1 contact younger than 4 years of age who is unimmunized or
incompletely immunized.§
o Household with a child younger than 12 months of age who has not completed the primary
Hib series.
o Household with a contact who is an immunocompromised child, regardless of that child's
Hib immunization status.
 For preschool and child care center contacts when 2 or more cases of Hib invasive disease have
occurred within 60 days and unimmunized or incompletely immunized children attend the
facility. Chemoprophylaxis should be provided to all attendees irrespective of their age and
vaccine status; and child care providers should be considered.
 For index patient, if younger than 2 years of age or member of a household with a susceptible
contact and treated with a regimen other than cefotaxime or ceftriaxone, chemoprophylaxis
usually is provided just before discharge from hospital.
Chemoprophylaxis Not Recommended
 For occupants of households with no children younger than 4 years of age other than the index
 For occupants of households when all household contacts 12 through 48 months of age have
completed their Hib immunization series and when household contacts younger than 12 months
of age have completed their primary series of Hib immunizations.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 7 of 12

 For preschool and child care contacts of 1 index case. ¥

 For pregnant women.

Defined as people residing with the index patient or nonresidents who spent 4 or more hours with the index patient
for at least 5 of the 7 days preceding the day of hospital admission of the index case.
Complete immunization is defined as having had at least 1 dose of conjugate vaccine at 15 months of age or older;
2 doses between 12 and 14 months of age; or the 2- or 3-dose primary series when younger than 12 months with a
booster dose at 12 months of age or older.
Data are insufficient on the risk of secondary transmission to recommend chemoprophylaxis for attendees and
child care providers when a single case of invasive Hib disease occurs; the decision to provide chemoprophylaxis
in this situation is at the discretion of the health department.2
The recommended dose is 20 mg/kg once daily (maximal daily dose 600 mg) for 4 days has
eradicated the carrier state in approximately 95% of carriers and significantly reduced the
incidence of secondary Hib disease‡ in household members.2, 7 The dose for infants younger than
1 month of age is not established; some experts recommend lowering the dose to 10 mg/kg. For
adults, each dose is 600 mg.2 NOTE: If rifampin prophylaxis is indicated, it should be initiated
as soon as possible to be effective in preventing secondary Hib disease‡. Because some
secondary cases occur later, initiation of prophylaxis 7 days or more after hospitalization of the
index patient still may be of some benefit.2
COMMENTS: Chemoprophylaxis does not eliminate the need for contact surveillance. Parents
and child care staff should be advised of the risk of secondary Hib disease‡ despite
chemoprophylaxis.9 Careful observation of exposed, unimmunized, or incompletely immunized
children who are household, child care, or nursery school contacts of patients with invasive Hib
disease is essential. Exposed children in whom febrile illness develops should receive prompt
medical evaluation.2

Secondary Hib disease is defined as illness occurring 1 to 60 days following contact with an ill case, and accounts
for less than 5% of all invasive Hib disease.3
Guidelines for obtaining Rifampin to be provided by MDHSS to Local Pharmacies for
Chemoprophylaxis. If contacts can pay for chemoprophylaxis, or have insurance that will pay
(including Medicaid), then one of these sources should be used. NOTE: Some retail pharmacy
chains offer a free antibiotic program to their patrons. These resources should also be explored
when trying to get contacts prophylaxed in a timely manner. If the contact is unable to obtain
chemoprophylaxis from any of the above means, then MDHSS can supply rifampin. Since
chemoprophylaxis should begin promptly after diagnosis of the primary case, generally this will
mean MDHSS will be replacing the pharmacy’s supply of rifampin used to fill approved
prescriptions, if needed. In addition, MDHSS will pay up to $3.00 per prescription
(administrative costs to the pharmacy) for each rifampin prescription dispensed by the pharmacy
for approved prescriptions.
Contact the District Communicable Disease Coordinator, the Senior Epidemiology Specialist for
the District, or MDHSS - BCDCP, phone (573) 751-6113, to receive approval, or for afterhours,
contact the MDHSS/ERC at (800) 392-0272 (24/7). In order to receive mediations and/or

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 8 of 12

administrative payment for approved chemoprophylaxis of Hib invasive disease, the pharmacy
1. Submit a bill to the MDHSS district office (or to the local public health agency, which can
then be forwarded to the MDHSS district office). The bill must be labeled “Bill to
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Communicable Disease
Control and Prevention, P. O. Box 570, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570.”
2. The bill must include the invoice date; to include the month, day and year the service was
provided. The invoice should include the pharmacy’s name and address, number of clients
receiving approved rifampin prescriptions, and the total amount requested.
3. A list of names of the persons receiving rifampin must be attached to the bill.
4. Partial or open bottles of medication become the property of the pharmacy.
5. Unopened bottles of MDHSS rifampin should be retrieved from the pharmacy and returned
to the MDHSS district office.
6. Physicians or health care providers may wish to provide chemoprophylaxis for persons not
meeting the guidelines listed in the above table. MDHSS is unable to provide rifampin or
administrative cost reimbursement unless the above guidelines are followed.
Routine Childhood / Adult Immunizations. Hib conjugate vaccines licensed for use in infants
are highly immunogenic. More than 95% of infants will develop protective antibody levels after
a primary series of two or three doses. Clinical efficacy has been estimated at 95% to 100%.
Invasive Hib disease in a completely vaccinated infant is uncommon.3
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) “Recommended Immunization
Schedule for Persons Age 0 Through 18 Years, 2014” is available on CDC’s website at:
http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html. The ACIP
“Recommended Adult Immunization Schedules, 2014” is available on CDC’s website at:
Hib invasive disease does not always result in development of protective anti-PRP antibody
levels. Children younger than 24 months of age who develop invasive Hib disease should be
considered susceptible and should receive Hib vaccine.6 Vaccination of these children should
start as soon as possible during the convalescent phase of the illness. The schedule should be
completed as recommended for the child's age.3 NOTES: Children >24 months of age who
develop Hib invasive disease usually develop a protective immune response and do not need
immunization.8 Some children with immunological impairment may benefit from more doses of
conjugate vaccine than usually indicated.2 COMMENT: Immunologic evaluation should be
performed in children who experience Hib invasive disease despite 2 to 3 doses of vaccine and in
children with recurrent invasive disease attributable to type b strains.2
Laboratory Procedures
Most hospital and commercial microbiologic laboratories have the ability to isolate H. influenzae
from cultured specimens. Confirming a case of Hib disease requires culturing and isolating the
bacteria from a normally sterile body site. Normally sterile-site specimens for isolation of

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 9 of 12

invasive H. influenzae include CSF, blood, joint fluid, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion,
peritoneal fluid, subcutaneous tissue fluid, placenta and amniotic fluid. All Hi isolates should be
tested for antimicrobial susceptibility according to guidelines in M2-A9 Performance Standards
for Antimicrobial Disk Susceptibility Tests (January 2006) from the Clinical Laboratory
Standards Institute.8
All H. influenzae isolates associated with invasive infection should be serotyped.2, 8 This is an
extremely important laboratory procedure, especially those obtained from children younger than
15 years of age.8 This test determines whether an isolate is type b, which is the only type that is
potentially vaccine preventable.6
Because the type b capsular antigen can be detected in body fluids, including urine, blood and
CSF of patients, clinicians often request a rapid antigen detection test for diagnosis of Hib
disease. Antigen detection may be used as an adjunct to culture, particularly in the diagnosis of
patients who have received antimicrobial agents before specimens are obtained for culture. The
method for antigen detection is latex agglutination (LA). LA is a rapid and sensitive method
used to detect Hib capsular polysaccharide antigen in CSF, serum, urine, pleural fluid or joint
fluid but false negative and false positive reactions can occur.8
NOTE: If the Hib antigen is detected in CSF but a positive result is not obtained from culture or
sterile site, the patient should be considered as having a probable case of Hib disease and
reported as such. Because antigen detection tests can be positive in urine and serum of persons
without Hib invasive disease, persons who are identified exclusively by positive antigen tests in
urine or serum should not be reported as cases. Real-time PCR detects DNA of all H. influenzae
in blood, CSF, or other clinical specimens. A major advantage of PCR is that it allows for
detection of H. influenzae from clinical samples in which the organism could not be detected by
culture methods, such as when a patient has been treated with antibiotics before a clinical
specimen is obtained for culture. Even when the organisms are nonviable following
antimicrobial treatment, PCR can still detect H. influenzae DNA. Isolation of the bacterium is
needed to confirm Hi, determine the serotype, and test for antimicrobial susceptibility.
NOTE: All Hi isolates should be sent to the Missouri State Public Health Laboratory for
confirmation and typing. The Missouri State Public Health Laboratory only accepts isolates from
sterile sites. Information on acceptable specimens and the shipment of specimens for testing by
the MSPHL may be viewed at: http://health.mo.gov/lab/specialbacteriology.php.
A manual summarizing laboratory techniques used in the isolation and identification and
characterization of Neisseria meningitidis, Streptococcus pneumoniae and H. influenzae from the
cerebrospinal fluid or blood of patients with clinical meningitis or bacteremia may be found on
CDC’s website at: http://www.cdc.gov/meningitis/lab-manual/index.html. 6

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 10 of 12

Reporting Requirements
Hi (including meningitis) is a Category 2A disease and shall be reported to the local health
authority or to the MDHSS within 24 hours of first knowledge or suspicion by telephone,
facsimile, or other rapid communication. For afterhours notification, contact the MDHSS/ERC
at (800) 392-0272 (24/7).
As a Nationally Notifiable Condition, all Hi cases prior to classification are a STANDARD
report to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). STANDARD reporting requires
MDHSS to report to CDC by electronic transmission via WebSurv within the next normal
reporting cycle.
1. For confirmed and probable Hi cases, the local public health agencies should complete a
Disease Case Report (CD-1) and a Record of Investigation of Bacterial Meningitis or
Bacteremia Case Report (CD-2M).
2. Entry of the CD-1 by the local public health agencies into WebSurv negates the need for the
paper CD-1 to be forwarded to the District Health Office.
3. Send the completed CD-2M to the District Health Office.
4. MDHSS will report to CDC following the above reporting criteria (see box).
5. All outbreaks or suspected outbreaks must be reported as soon as possible (by phone, fax, or
email) to the District Communicable Disease Coordinator. This can be accomplished by
completing the Missouri Outbreak Surveillance Report (CD-51) and faxing or emailing it.
6. Within 90 days from the conclusion of an outbreak, submit the final outbreak report to the
District Communicable Disease Coordinator.
1. American Public Health Association. B. Haemophilus Meningitis (Meningitis due to
Haemophilus influenza). In: Heymann, D Ed. Control of Communicable Diseases Manual.
19th ed. Washington, D.C. American Public Health Association, 2008: 421-423.
2. American Academy of Pediatrics. Haemophilus influenzae Infections. In: Pickering LK,
Baker CJ, Kimberlin DW, Long SS, eds. Red Book: 2012 Report of the Committee on
Infectious Disease, 29th ed. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2012:
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-
Preventable Diseases, Haemophilus influenzae type b. Atkinson W, Hamborsky J, Wolfe S,
eds. 12th ed., second printing. Washington DC: Public Health Foundation, 2012: 87-99.
http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/pinkbook/index.html (1/15).
4. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance
System (NNDSS) and Case Definitions. http://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/ (1/15).
5. Advisory Committee on immunization Practices (ACIP) Recommended Immunization
Schedules for Persons Aged 0 Through 18 Years and Adults Aged 19 Years and Older -
United States, 2013. http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html
and http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/adult.html (1/15).

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 11 of 12

6. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Haemophilus influenza Disease (Including Hib):
http://www.cdc.gov/hi-disease/index.html (1/15).
7. Murphy, Timothy F. Haemophilus Species (Including H. influenzae and Chancroid). In:
Gerald L. Mandell, John E. Bennett, & Raphael Dolin, Eds. Principles and Practice of
Infectious Diseases, 7th ed., Pennsylvania: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier, 2010: 2911-2919.
8. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Chapter 2: Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib),
Manual for the Surveillance of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases (5th Edition, 2011).
http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/pubs/surv-manual/chpt02-hib.html (1/15).
9. The Blue Book: Guidelines for the Control of Infectious Diseases: Haemophilus influenzae
Infections. http://ideas.health.vic.gov.au/bluebook/haemophilus.asp (1/15).
Sample Letter to Parents of Exposed Children
(Chemoprophylaxis Recommended)

To Parent(s) of Children at
[Child Care Center’s Name]
[Parent’s Address]
Dear Parent(s):
A second child who attends the [Child Care Center’s Name] has been diagnosed as having
[clinical syndrome] caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and unimmunized or
incompletely immunized children attending the facility.
So that others do not get this illness, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
(MDHSS) recommends a preventive medication [Drug Name] to be provided to all child care
providers and children irrespective of their age and vaccine status. The preventive medication is
an antibiotic and will help protect your child from Hib disease.
Your child may also need to receive the Hib vaccine if your child is not up-to-date with this
immunization. Receiving the vaccine is an important intervention in that the antibiotic only
provides short-term protection. A review of your child’s immunization records has determined
that your child [Child’s Name] [does / does not] need to receive Hib vaccine.
NOTE: If arrangements need to be made for administration of the Hib vaccine, you will need to
add a paragraph regarding this. Example:
[Local Public Health Agency] can provide Hib vaccine to your child. Our office hours are
[Office Hours a.m. / p.m.]. You can contact us at [Local Public Health Agency’s Phone Number]
to set up an appointment /or we will be at [Child Care Facility Name] on [Date] at [Onsite Clinic
Hours a.m. / p.m.] to administer the immunization. You will need to be present to receive
information on the immunization and sign the consent form.

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual
Division of Community and Public Health

Section: 4.0 Diseases or Conditions Revised 1/15

Subsection: Haemophilus Influenzae, Invasive Disease Page 12 of 12

Hib disease is rare in persons over five years of age, but all persons who were in contact with the
sick child should be monitored for the next 30 days. A child that develops a fever or headache or
any other unusual symptoms should receive a prompt medical evaluation, and treatment if
indicated. Meningitis can begin with an ear or sinus infection and go on to fever, vomiting,
listlessness or stiff neck. Some children with meningitis may have long-lasting neurological
problems. In some cases death can occur.
An information sheet on Hib disease is enclosed. If you have questions, please contact your
health care provider or the [Local Public Health Agency] at [Phone Number].

NOTE: If the rifampin is being provided through MDHSS; then arrangements need to be made.
The local public health agency may need to add a paragraph on where and how to obtain the
medication. Example:
The MDHSS will provide rifampin free-of-charge for your child. You may pick up the
medication at [Pharmacy’s Name / Address] after [Date / Time a.m. / p.m.].
Sample Health Care Provider Notification Letter

[Health Care Provider’s Name]
[City, State, Zip Code]
Dear [Health Care Provider’s Name]:
A second case of Haemophilus influenzae type b [clinical syndrome] has been diagnosed in a
child enrolled in the [Child Care Center’s Name]. This child care center has incompletely
immunized children in attendance. Children from this child care center are being referred to their
health care provider for chemoprophylaxis with rifampin. We are also recommending that
children be up-to-date with their Hib immunization(s). The Advisory Committee on
Immunization Practices (ACIP) “Recommended Immunization Schedule for Persons Age 0
Through 18 Years, 2014” is available on CDC’s website at:
Please be alert to the presence of this disease in your community. If you have any questions,
please contact your [Local Public Health Agency] at [Phone Number].

Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services

Communicable Disease Investigation Reference Manual

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