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International Journal of

ISSN: 2230-9926 International Journal of Development Research

Vol. 07, Issue, 01, pp.xxx-xxx, January, 2016

Full Length Research Article

*1Hrishikesh Yadav. K., 2Pavan Kumar, G., Abhinav Kumar, R. and Mahesh Singh, T.
1MPT, Srinivas College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore 575001 India
2Asst Professor, Srinivas College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore 575001 India


Article History: Background: Flat foot or excessive pronation causes altered biomechanics of lower limb which
Received xxxxxxxxxx, 2016 leads to excessive mobility which puts increased stress on the plantar fascia. It has been found out
Received in revised form that there is significant atrophy of foot intrinsic muscles in people with plantar fasciitis. Foot
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 2016 intrinsic muscle training is commonly used to control the excessive pronation. Studies have been
Accepted xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 2016 done to know the effect of Foot intrinsic muscle training in normal subjects but no study is
Published online xxxxxxxxxxxxxx, 2017 available in people with plantar fasciitis.
Objective: To evaluate and compare the effectiveness of foot intrinsic muscle training and
Key Words: traditional physiotherapy in subjects with plantar fasciitis.
Foot intrinsic muscle training; Methodology: 64 Subjects were participated in study with age group between 18 – 50 years who
Plantar fasciitis; had met the inclusion criteria. They were randomly divided in to two groups, Foot intrinsic
Navicular Drop. muscle training group and Traditional physiotherapy approach group. Outcome measures were
Foot function index and navicular drop test.
Results: Statistical analysis was conducted in order to identify differences between the
experimental and the control group. Overall, there were clinical significance difference in Pain
score (p<0.001), Activity limitation (p<0.001), and Navicular drop (p<0.001), but Disability has
shown no clinically significant differencein both FIMT and TP.
Conclusion: There was a significant difference between foot intrinsic muscle training group with
Traditional physiotherapy group in Pain, Activity limitation and Navicular Drop but no
significance difference in Disability which indicates intrinsic muscle training of foot is superior to
traditional treatment approach in the management of pain, activity limitation and navicular drop
plantar fasciitis.
Copyright©2017, Hrishikesh Yadav et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

INTRODUCTION flatten the medial longitudinal arch because these forces fall
both posterior and anterior to the tibia. But the plantar fascia
Plantar fascia is the principle static and dynamic stabilizer of by virtue of its anatomical arrangement and tensile strength it
foot longitudinal arches and also act as a shock absorber and prevents collapse of the arch (Hicks, 1954; Lori, 2004 and
helps to protect the underlying soft tissue (Ravindra Kim, 1995). Occurrence of plantar fasciitis is often unclear and
Puttaswamaiah, 2007). Plantar fasciitis is a degenerative may be due to many factors. Possible risk factors include
syndrome of the plantar fascia resulting from repeated trauma obesity, occupations which require prolonged standing
at its origin on the calcaneus (Cornwall, 1999). Degenerative prolonged weight bearing. Other risk factors can be broadly
changes can lead to acute and chronic inflammation and may divided into extrinsic like training errors and equipment and
also cause calcification at the origin of the plantar fascia and intrinsic like functional and structural or degenerative
bony traction spur formation (Ravindra Puttaswamaiah, 2007 (Cornwall, 1999; Riddle, 2003 and Young, 2001). Among
and Cornwall, 1999). In normal gait, ground reaction forces extrinsic factors those athletes who have an history of an
travel upward on the meta tarsal heads and the calcaneus increased distance, intensity or duration of activity. In addition
which will cause the flattening of arch and also Vertical forces speed work outs, plyometric, hill workouts are particularly
from body weight travel downward via the tibia and tend to high risk factors. In intrinsic factors faulty bio mechanics such
as over pronation of foot and pescavus and pesplanus weak
*Corresponding author: Hrishikesh Yadav. K., tibialis posterior and decreased dorsiflexion and weak intrinsic
MPT, Srinivas College of Physiotherapy, Mangalore 575001 India foot muscles (Cornwall, 1999 and Kim, 1995). Many previous
studies investigating risk factors associated with plantar performed by using a randomizedtable of numbers created
fasciitis have reported a strong relationship between decreased prior to the beginning of the study. Index cards with the
ankle dorsiflexion mobility and plantar fasciitis. Limited ankle random assignments were prepared and placed in sealed
dorsiflexion during gait causes over pronation of the foot, envelopes. A researcher who was blinded to the baseline
placing repetitive longitudinal stress on the plantar fascia may examination findings opened the envelope and proceeded with
result in plantar fasciitis (Cornwall, 1999 and Riddle, 2003). treatment according to the group assignment. All participants
10% of the population experience plantar heel pain at some gave informed consent upon enrollmentin the study.
point during their lifetime and plantar fasciitis accounts for
approximately 1% of all outpatient visits to orthopaedic
clinics. One of the most important factors for plantar fasciitis
is weakness of foot intrinsic muscles. Research has suggested
that these intrinsic muscles have a functional role in stabilizing
the foot during single limb stance and supports medial
longitudinal arch. Weakness of these intrinsic muscles may
leads to fatigue resulting in over pronation and puts undue
stress over the plantar fascia which will result in plantar
fasciitis and increased navicular drop (Allen, 2003; Wearing,
2007; Chang, 2012 and Headlee, 2008). A reduced
participation by these muscles could prolong the healing
process by putting added stress onto the already compromised
plantar fascia and thus perpetuating the state of injury. With
respect to treatment of plantar fasciitis, 90-95% of the reported
patients diagnosed with plantar fasciitis receive conservative
treatment. In addition to conservative treatment, 5-10% of
plantar fasciitis patients require surgical intervention
(Ravindra Puttaswamaiah, 2007; Wearing, 2006; O’Malley,
2000; Headlee, 2008). In the rehabilitation of foot and ankle
pain syndromes these muscles are mostly neglected yet which
are functionally essential muscles. Till now many Statistical Analysis
experimental studies have been done which focused on various
treatment approaches but none of them focused on relevance Descriptive analysis was done and then subjected to test of
of these muscles in people with plantar fasciitis. Therefore, the normality. Inferential analysis was carried out by non-
purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of foot parametric tests as the sample size was small which did not
intrinsic muscle training infunctional performance of people show a normal distribution. The confidence interval for the
with plantar fasciitis measuring foot function index and tests was kept at 95%.Mann Whitney test was used to compare
Navicular drop. the outcomes between the two groups and Wilcox on Signed
Rank test was used to compare the outcomes within the same
group pre and post intervention.
Subjects were recruited from Department of Physiotherapy, RESULTS
Srinivas Hospital Mangalore. Inclusion Criteria includes Age
18 to 50 years that are diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. Pain Table 1. Summary of Participant Demographics
provoked by first few steps in the morning, by prolonged
standing and walking. Tenderness localized to the origin of Variables FIMT TP group
group(n=32) (n=32)
plantar fascia on the medial tubercle of calcaneus. Excluded if
Age (years)* 39.6±5.1 40.1±5.4
any lower extremity injuries within 6 months. Receiving Male, female 19,13 17,15
plantar steroid injection within 3 months. Other painful foot Height (cm)* 164.6±4.2 161.9±4.7
condition such as bunion, corn, or ingrown toe nail. Any other Weight (kg)* 59.1±4.2 60.1±4.9
lower extremity neuromuscular condition. Previous foot BMI 21.4±2.3 22.5±1.1
Pain* 51.8±5.5 52.1±6.2
surgery or recent abrupt trauma on foot. Congenital defects of Activity limitation* 57.2±5.4 57.5±5.4
the lower extremity. Foot pathology other than plantar fasciitis Disability* 7.8±1.3 7.7±1.3
including tendonitis, bursitis, or calcaneus fracture or tarsal Navicular Drop* 13.9±1.4 13.1±2.4
tunnel syndrome and Diabetic neuropathy. A priori power
analysis calculation established that a sample size of 32 DISCUSSION
subjects per group would provide 80% power to detect a
meaningful clinical difference with a pair wise comparison This study is to evaluate the effect of foot intrinsic muscle
among the 2 groups at an alpha level of 0.05 (2-tailed test). training on plantar fasciitis. Initial findings support that a
simple foot intrinsic muscle training program has an impact on
Methodology and pain, activity limitation and navicular drop of foot
function index in subjects with plantar fasciitis than that of
Eighty one patients were screened for inclusion in the study, traditional physiotherapy treatment. Not only do these muscles
with of them 17 not meeting the inclusion criteria. Therefore, prevent increased ND they may have the capacity to alter the
64 patients participated in this study. Following the baseline FFI with a simple exercise regimen. It is important to note that
examination, patients were randomly assigned to either the this study is an indirect assessment of the influence of plantar
FIMT Group (n=32), or TP Group (n=32). Allocation was intrinsic foot muscle training as there are currently no gold
Table 2. Pre - Post Value and Mean Differences of Both The Groups

FIMT group TP group

MEASURES Mean±SD Mean difference Mean±SD Mean difference p-value
Pain –pre 51.8±5.5 13.9±3.1 52.1±6.2 9.8±2.1 0.001
Pain –post 37.91±7.1 42.1±5.1
Activity- pre 57.2±5.4 9.5±2.8 57.5±5.4 6.6±1.9 0.001
Activity- post 47.7±5.9 50.8±5.3
Disability- pre 7.8±1.3 3.3±0.8 7.7±1.3 3.3±0.7 0.001
Disability- post 4.5±0.8 4.5±0.8
Nav.Drop- pre 13.9±1.4 8.8±1.3 13.1±2.4 3.8±0.8 0.001
Nav.Drop -post 5.7±1.5 9.3±2.1

standards of measuring isolated intrinsic foot muscle strength plantar fasciitis. It showed significant results for FIMT group
(Soysa, 2012). Instead in this study it was evaluated the effect in Pain, Activity limitation and Navicular Drop but no
of plantar intrinsic foot muscle training in its ability to impact significance in Disability. Further research should be
navicular position and influence foot function during taskswith conducted for further analysis and better protocol regime for
increased postural demands (Kelly, 2012). The results of this plantar fasciitis management and functional performance
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of 9.4 (p< 0.001) and 6.6 (p< 0.001) and Navicular drop of REFERRENCES
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