RICE and Physiotherapy

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Bond University

From the SelectedWorks of Wayne Hing

March 1, 2011

Comparison of multimodal physiotherapy and

"R.I.C.E." self-treatment for early management of
ankle sprains
Wayne Hing, Auckland University of Technology
Justin Lopes
Patria A. Hume, Auckland University of Technology
Duncan A. Reid, Auckland University of Technology

Available at: http://works.bepress.com/wayne_hing/4/


Comparison of multimodal physiotherapy

and "R.I.C.E." self-treatment for early
management of ankle sprains

Wayne Hing (PhD)

Head of Research for School of Rehabilitation and Occupation Studies, Auckland University of Technology
Justin Lopes (MHSc)
Director and principal physiotherapist, Back to Your Feet Physiotherapy Ltd, Avondale, Auckland
Patria A. Hume (PhD)
Professor Human Performance, Director J.E. Lindsay Carter Kinanthropometry Laboratory, Sport Performance Research Institute New
Zealand, School of Sport and Recreation, Auckland University of Technology
Duncan A. Reid (DHSc)
Head of School, School of Rehabilitation and Occupation Studies, Auckland University of Technology

Current guidelines advocate the use of R.I.C.E., the acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation, for patient self-management
of soft tissue injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of R.I.C.E. applied as part of patient self-management
compared (R.I.C.E.) to R.I.C.E. incorporated with multimodal physiotherapy management (Physiotherapy). A randomised control
trial was carried out in a Physiotherapy Clinic. Twenty eight participants with an acute ankle sprain were randomised into either
R.I.C.E. (n=12) or Physiotherapy (n=16) groups. Pain, function and swelling for acute ankle sprain patients were recorded on Days 1,
3, 7, and 11 post injury. Medication usage was also recorded. The main findings of the study were that pain and swelling reduced
significantly and function improved significantly in both groups (p<0.05); however, there were no significant differences between
the groups (p>0.05). Medication use was less in the physiotherapy group than the R.I.C.E. only group. In the acute setting, patient
self management using R.I.C.E. is as effective as multimodal physiotherapy treatment in the management of the ankle sprain.
Improvements in function scores and reductions in pain and ankle swelling were similar for both groups. These results are consistent
with other studies that have investigated the use of R.I.C.E.
Hing W, Lopes J, Hume PA, Reid DA (2011): Comparison of multimodal physiotherapy and "R.I.C.E." self-treatment for
early management of ankle sprains. New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy 39(1) 13-19.
Key Words: ankle sprain, R.I.C.E., physiotherapy

INTRODUCTION Elevation. Rest is encouraged to prevent further tissue damage

Injuries to the ankle joint complex are one of the most common (Accident Compensation Corporation 2004b). Ice is thought
musculoskeletal and sporting injuries (Boyce et al 2005, to a) reduce nerve conduction, and/or b) reduce muscle spasm,
Stasinopoulos 2004, Verhagen et al 2004). These injuries and/or c) have an antinociceptive effect on the gate control
account for approximately 10% of all injuries treated in the mechanism (Bleakley et al 2006). Ice has also been shown
casualty department (Accident Compensation Corporation to reduce blood flow, the inflammatory response, oedema
2003, Frey et al 1996, Lynch and Renstrom 1999). The incidence production, haemorrhage, and pain sensitivity (Smith 2003).
of ankle ligament sprains in the athletic population ranges from Compression is purported to increase the hydrostatic pressure of
11% to 20% (Accident Compensation Corporation 2003, Lynch the interstitial fluid, counteracting some of the force that causes
and Renstrom 1999, Safran et al 1999). The lateral ligament is fluid to move out of the tissue following damage. Compression
more commonly injured than the medial with inversion of the is hypothesised to stop bleeding, inhibit fluid seepage into
ankle the most common mechanism of injury. Injuries to the soft underlying tissue spaces and help disperse fluid (oedema)
tissue structures around the ankle are a major cause of short thereby minimising the secondary damage to surrounding tissue
term disability and pain; they often result in loss of function and that often occurs post injury (Rucinski et al 1991). Elevation of
can have long term consequences for returning to sport and the affected limb utilises the influence of gravity and results in
work if not treated adequately. an increase in venous and lymphatic drainage (Tsang et al 2003),
reduction in oedema (O’Brien et al 2005) and reduction of local
The aims of management in the acute phase of treatment bleeding (Wiger and Stuf 1998). Collectively these four elements
are firstly to rule out serious injury such as fracture. If no are aimed at reducing the significance of the damage to the
fractures are present most current guidelines advocate the ligaments and soft tissues around the ankle and improving
use of R.I.C.E., the acronym for Rest, Ice, Compression and return to full function. Support for the use of ice comes from


two systematic reviews examining the effect of ice on soft tissue Figure 1: Flow chart for the study of multimodal
injuries in general and a Cochrane review that examined several physiotherapy and R.I.C.E. (Physio) versus R.I.C.E.
treatment modalities for soft tissue injuries to the ankle. These Acute ankle sprain
reviews suggested that ice promotes a faster functional recovery
(Hubbard et al 2004, Ogilvie-Harris and Gilbart 1995); less Request to participate in research
persistent pain, less persistent swelling and greater ankle range
of motion (Bleakley et al 2004) when used in the acute phase Patient screening (n=31)
for lateral ligament ankle sprains. (Inclusion/exclusion, grading, X-ray)

Physiotherapy, whilst utilising R.I.C.E. in the management

Included Excluded
of ankle sprain also includes a number of other treatment n = 28 n = 3 due to bony pathology
modalities including electrotherapy (ultrasound, Transcutaneous
Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), interferential therapy),
taping, soft tissue therapies and functional treatments
Information sheet & Consent form & Baseline assessments
such as proprioception retraining, range of movement and
strengthening, and gait re-education. A combination of Randomisation

treatment options (termed multimodal physiotherapy) is often

used depending on the diagnoses, severity, clinician experience Physiotherapy group (n = 16) R.I.C.E. group (control) (n = 12)
R.I.C.E. and Physio R.I.C.E.
and patient choice (Larmer et al 2002). A recent Cochrane (Multi-modal physio)
review of 21 trials involving 2184 participants found that
functional treatment of acute ankle sprain in adult participants
was of greater benefit than immobilisation of the injured part Treatment Treatment
Day 1 - 11 Day 1 – 11
(Kerkhoffs et al 2002). While there are a number of studies that R.I.C.E. advice & R.I.C.E. advice
have investigated the effects of these individual modalities on
ankle sprain there has been little research into the effects of
R.I.C.E. alone compared to the incorporation of R.I.C.E. with
Post Day 11 Post Day 11
multimodal physiotherapy to improve the functional return to Optional physiotherapy or stop Optional physiotherapy or stop
treatment treatment
activity following an acute ankle sprain.
Researcher Researcher
The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficacy of 4 evaluation sessions on Days 4 evaluation sessions on Days
1, 3, 7, 11 1, 3, 7, 11
R.I.C.E. applied as part of patient self-management compared
to R.I.C.E. incorporated with multimodal physiotherapy Participant Participant
Home Diary & R.I.C.E. Home Diary & R.I.C.E.
management in improving function, pain and swelling outcomes
up to Day 11 post injury for ankle sprains.
On the initial assessment all participants underwent a full
Study design subjective assessment and were screened for serious pathologies
A randomised control study design was used comparing R.I.C.E. such as fractures (Stiell et al 1995), Achilles tendon pathology,
versus R.I.C.E. incorporated with multimodal physiotherapy. ankle dislocation, and vascular or neurological damage. An
The variables of interest were patients’ ankle swelling, pain and initial grading of the severity of the sprain was given by the
function during the intervention period measured on days 1, 3, treating therapist using an adapted version of the West Point
7, and 11. Secondary variables were the amount of medication Ankle Grading System (Gerber et al 1998). Grading in the acute
used and compliance with the programme during the 11 days. setting is difficult and not reliable (van Dijk 1999), therefore
Figure 1 depicts the overall structure and randomisation process a final grading took place on Day 7 to ensure the provisional
for the study. diagnosis at Day 1 was correct.
Participants If no red flags or fractures were present, participants in both
groups received a total of four ankle assessments on Days 1, 3,
Male and female participants between the ages of 16 and 40
7, and 11. At each of these assessments the participants’ pain
were recruited via advertisements and brochures placed around
score was recorded, a group of questions regarding functional
the local community. Participants had to have sustained an
tasks were completed, and three foot and ankle volumetric
ankle sprain within the previous 48 hours. Participants also had
measurements were taken. All participants were required to
to be geographically located close to the physiotherapy clinic
keep a diary and record the compliance with the programme
providing the treatment. Participants were excluded if they had a
previous sprain of the same ankle, sustained a fracture or other and the amount and type of medication used during the trial.
injury other than a soft tissue ankle injury, could not understand As patients could present at any time within the first 48 hours,
or speak English, withheld consent; or had a systemic disorder post ankle sprain, the description of ‘Day 1’ refers to the day the
that interfered with normal healing timeframes. participant presented, not necessarily Day 1 post injury. This was
deemed the baseline measure once they had presented.
A total of thirty one participants met the inclusion criteria and
signed written consent forms for participation in the study. The physiotherapy group received up to six treatments until Day
Participants were randomly allocated by sealed envelope to one 11 while the R.I.C.E. group received only the standard R.I.C.E.
of the two treatment groups: R.I.C.E. or Physiotherapy (See advice. After Day 11 both groups could have physiotherapy or
Figure 1). stop treatment.


Participants received the same general advice about the R.I.C.E. • Medication use related to the ankle sprain was examined via
treatment protocol: a pamphlet called “Managing your Sports participant diaries to see if there was any difference between
Injury” (Accident Compensation Corporation 2002b); a ‘Nexcare groups on Day 1 and Day 11, given as a percentage of
instant and re-usable’ cold pack (3M Health Care, St Paul, USA participants who used medication.
CAT# 2642); and a crepe 75mm elastic compression bandage.
Statistical analyses
It was recommended that the ice was applied for 10 minutes
every two hours for the first 24-48 hours. The outcome measures were analysed using a variety of
methods. The demographics of the participants were analysed
The physiotherapy group received 30 minutes of R.I.C.E.
via descriptive statistics. Differences between groups on Day
incorporated with multimodal physiotherapy treatment which
1 and Day 11 were assessed using independent samples
was at the discretion of the treating therapist. This management
t-tests. A one-way within participants ANOVA was conducted
was in line with the ACC Physiotherapy Profiles (Accident
with the factor being the days post injury and the dependant
Compensation Corporation May 2000) and the ACC guidelines
for the management of soft tissue ankle injuries (Accident variable being the pain scores, or function scores. Repeated
Compensation Corporation 2002a). These include a combination measures multivariate or univariate analyses were utilised where
of any of the following: palliative techniques (including strapping, appropriate with the test of significance (Mauchley’s Test) and
therapeutic ultrasound, interferential therapy, TENS, and gentle the Huynh-Feldt correction procedure used where indicated.
manual traction of the joint), and functional rehabilitation, such as The pain data were analysed using a repeated measures one-
gait re-education, prescribed weight-bearing/non-weight bearing way ANOVA. Box’s Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices was
exercises and proprioceptive exercises. significant (p = 0.014) indicating that a Multivariate analysis
Outcome measures was inappropriate, and thus a univariate analysis was used.
The function data, analysed using Box’s Test of Equality of
The following outcome measures were used: Covariance Matrices, was non-significant (p = 0.539) thus a
• Pain was measured using a visual analogue scale (VAS) which Multivariate analysis was appropriate. The Statistical Package
has advantages over verbal rating scales and numerical scales for Social Sciences (SPSS) software package (version 15, SPSS
in sensitivity to changes in pain intensity (Jamison et al 2002, Institute, Cary, NC, USA) was used and the alpha level was set
Wewers and Lowe 1990). at 0.05.
• Functional ability was assessed via a questionnaire for ankle Results
sprains adapted from the Lysholme knee injury questionnaire
by de Bie et al. (1997). The five categories (pain, instability, Of the 31 participants that were recruited three were excluded
weight bearing, swelling and gait pattern) contained from the study because they were diagnosed with bony
choices the participant could identify that best illustrated pathologies after x-ray screening. Final analysis was therefore
their functional ability at the time the questionnaires are conducted on 28 participants (R.I.C.E. n=12; Physiotherapy n=16).
completed. Each functional category is allocated points, in
Baseline characteristics
such a way to illustrate their overall level of disability. The
points are totalled; a score of thirty-five points correlates with There were no significant differences between the R.I.C.E.
the person being able to walk and a score of seventy-five group and Physiotherapy group on Day 1 in terms of perceived
points illustrates that the person can maintain a normal gait pain, swelling, age and time taken to present to physiotherapy
pattern in most circumstances. This questionnaire has been (See Figures 2-4 and Table 1). However, the R.I.C.E group were
reported to have a sensitivity of 97% and a specificity of taking significantly more medication and had significantly higher
100% for discriminating between light (<2 weeks) and severe functional scores at baseline than the physiotherapy group.
(>2 weeks) ankle sprains (de Bie et al 1997).
• Swelling was assessed using volumetric measurement Figure 2: Visual Analogue Scale (VAS scores) for R.I.C.E.
undertaken via the water displacement method. In an only and Physiotherapy and R.I.C.E. groups at Days 1, 3
acute study of this nature the ability to detect changes and 11
in swelling is important and the volumetric method
has been demonstrated to be valid for measuring 6
the volume of the lower limbs (Brijker et al 2000, RICE
Petersen et al 1999, Tierney 1996) . A volumetric tank 5
custom made from 6mm thick Plexiglass (Modern
signs (NZ) Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand), a recipient
Pain Scores

container, electronic scales (accuracy 0.01g, VIBRA-CG, 3

Wedderburn scales Ltd, Auckland, New Zealand) and a
mercury thermometer were used to measure swelling 2
at the ankle. The accuracy of these materials used for
volumetric analysis was quantified in an earlier study 1
(Balasundaram 2006). To minimise diurnal variation of
foot and ankle volume the participants were asked to
1 3 11
present for five separate volumetric measurements at a
similar time of day.
• Compliance to the programme was investigated by Pain
examination of the participants’ diaries. Compliance was
calculated as a percentage of the days they indicated they Both groups’ VAS scores reduced significantly over time (p <
completed the programme compared to the total number of 0.05). There was no significant difference between the two
days in the trial. groups over time (see Figure 2).


Figure 3: Function scores for R.I.C.E. only and 3 for three participants, on Day 7 for three participants and Day
Physiotherapy and R.I.C.E. groups at Days 1, 3 and 11. 11 for six participants.

There was a significant effect for time (p < 0.05).The average
volume of the foot and ankle significantly reduced from Day 1
12 to Day 11 for both groups (p < 0.01). There was no interaction
10 effect observed between the two groups (see Figure 4).
Function Scores

8 Physio Medication
6 An analysis of the participants’ diaries indicated that all
medications used by the participants were self prescribed. The
number of participants taking medication reduced from Day 1 to
2 Day 11 for both groups however, there were more participants
reporting the use of medication in the R.I.C.E group compared
1 3 11 with the physiotherapy group throughout the study. The R.I.C.E
Day group used significantly more medication on Day’s 1 and 11
compared to the physiotherapy group however there was no
statistically significant difference at Day 3 (see Table 2).
Figure 4: Volumetric measure for R.I.C.E. only and
Physiotherapy and R.I.C.E. groups at Days 1, 3 and 11 Table 2: Number of participants using medication

Group Day 1 Day 3 Day 11

1680 R.I.C.E. and Physiotherapy 2 3 0
1660 R.I.C.E. only 5 5 1
1640 P value 0.035 0.222 0.048
Average Volume (mls)

Treatment prior to being assessed by physiotherapist
1560 Prior to presenting for assessment and treatment, participants
1540 managed their injuries in different ways, from doing nothing
1520 (10.7%), to using one or more of the components of R.I.C.E.
1500 (85.7%), strapping and medication (see Table 3). Most
1480 participants used at least one part of the R.I.C.E. principles prior
to seeing a physiotherapist, with 28.6% using all components
of R.I.C.E.
1 3 11 X-rays and investigations
X-rays were conducted on nine out of the 28 participants
(32.14%) as they presented with signs that suggested an
Function investigation was appropriate using the Ottawa Ankle Rules (see
Both groups significantly improved in function over time (p = Table 4). Out of the thirty-one participants investigated, three
0.042) from Day 1 to Day 11 (see Figure 3) with the R.I.C.E had a positive result for a bony pathology, excluding them from
group showing significantly greater function at each of Days 1, the study.
3 and 11 than the physiotherapy group. The ANOVA indicated a DISCUSSION
significant time and group effect (p < 0.05).
There are very few randomised controlled trials investigating
Swelling the effectiveness of multimodal physiotherapy, even though this
Only 27 of the 28 participants completed all of the volumetric is the way that most physiotherapists manage ankle sprains.
measurements (16 in the physiotherapy group and 11 in the The main finding of the current study was that there was no
R.I.C.E. group). A multivariate analysis was used to fill in the significant difference in outcome 11 days post-acute injury
missing data as suggested by Tabachnick and Fidell (2007) when between R.I.C.E. treatment and R.I.C.E. plus physiotherapy
the missing data were less than the 5%. With respect to the multimodal treatment. This is not surprising given the short time
swelling in the ankle, the lowest volume was observed on Day frame for the study of only 11 days. This finding is in keeping
with the management of other acute musculoskeletal conditions
Table 1: Means for demographic characteristics and comparison of outcome measures for the R.I.C.E only (R.I.C.E ) and
Physiotherapy and R.I.C.E. (Physio) groups at Day 1.

R.I.C.E. Physio R.I.C.E cf Physio. ALL participants (n=28)

(n=12) (n=16) (p value)
Age (years) 30.1 (n=12) 25.5 (n=16) 0.65 27.5
Number of hours after 28.3 (n=12) 28.9 (n=16) 0.65 28.6
injury presenting at clinic
Medication use (no. 5 (n=12) 2 (n=16) 0.035 25%


Table 3: Treatment undertaken prior to seeing versus no ice in 30 subjects with an acute ankle sprain. Those
Physiotherapist in the ice group had 20 minutes of ice followed by standard
physiotherapy treatment, where as the no ice group only
Treatment Frequency Percent received the physiotherapy treatment. Similar outcomes to the
(number of patients) current study were used (pain swelling and return to function).
Compression 2 7.2 Laba and Rostenburg’s (1989) study indicated that by day 10
Ice 5 17.9 post-injury both groups had improved to the same degree
with respect to key variables. Hocutt et al (1982) compared
Ice Compression 3 10.7
15 minutes of ice 1-3 times a day versus a similar prescription
Ice Elevation 1 3.6
of heat, either one hour after injury or 36 hours after injury in
Ice Strapping 1 3.6 37 subjects with an acute ankle sprain. Ice applied within the
Ice Voltaren 1 3.6 first hour was far more effective than the other strategies and
Nil 3 10.7 allowed subjects to return to full function in 13 days compared
Rest Elevation 1 3.6 to 30 days in the other groups. In summary all of these similar
Rest Ice 1 3.6 studies, including the current study, have demonstrated ice has
RICE 8 28.6 a positive effect on both pain and function within the first two
RICE Crutches 1 3.6 weeks of an acute ankle sprain.
Strapping 1 3.6 Pain
Total 28 100
One of the aims of early treatment is to reduce pain. However,
Table 4: Investigations undertaken if appropriate using there were no significant differences between the two groups
the Ottawa Ankle Rules over time in reducing pain scores. Mean pain scores for both
groups combined were low in this study (Days 1, 3 and 11
Investigations Number of Percentage of respectively were 4.6, 2.6 and 1.3 out of ten), if scoring is based
participants participants on previous studies where scores of below six out of ten are
X-ray 9 32.1 representative of moderate pain and below three out of ten
represents low pain (Bleakley et al 2006).
No X-ray 19 67.9
Total 28 100 Function
The significant improvement over time for functional outcomes
such as acute back pain with respect to early investigations for both groups was observed and expected due to the short
to rule out red flags, the immediate benefits of pain relief duration of treatment (11 days). However, it is of interest that
and reassurance and resumption of usual activities (Accident the R.I.C.E. only group had greater improvement in function
Compensation Corporation 2004a). than the Physiotherapy group over time. There are a number
of possible reasons for this. Firstly, the R.I.C.E. group were
One finding relevant to this study is the application of R.I.C.E.
functioning at a higher level at baseline than the Physiotherapy
prior to commencing the study. Twenty nine percent of all
group (7.5/14 points versus 4/14 points respectively (see Figure
participants used all four components of the R.I.C.E. regime
3) and continued to steadily improve over the 11 days). The
and 85.72% of participants used at least one component of the
Physiotherapy group however, appeared to make a more rapid
regime prior to the initial assessment. This demonstrates that
improvement in function from Day 3 onwards.
education of R.I.C.E., as an early management for ankle sprains,
by health insurers such as Accident Compensation Corporation, Secondly, this result may demonstrate that in the acute
who have endeavored to educate the public about early setting physiotherapy is not routinely required to ensure
management of soft tissue injuries, appears to be understood. functional improvement. This may suggest the question
However this widespread application of the R.I.C.E .regime prior when is the best time to institute physiotherapy? Is
to entering the study may also have contributed to the similarity treatment best applied from 10 days onwards once the
in results between the groups. acute effects of the injury have resolved and any residual
functional deficits are more easily addressed?
R.I.C.E. treatment
A further explanation may have been that the randomisation
The results of the current study, although not solely an ice
process within the study resulted in more people with higher
only intervention, can be compared to other studies that have
function in the R.I.C.E. group. Thus as these participants
investigated the use of ice in the management of ankle sprain
were higher functioning anyway they could capitalise on this
(Bleakley et al 2006, Hocutt et al 1982, Laba and Roestenburg
and continued to improve, whereas the lower functioning
1989). Bleakley et al (2006) conducted a randomised controlled
participants ended up in the physiotherapy group and their
trial comparing an intermittent ice protocol (where ice was
improvement only started catching up 3 days post-injury. A
applied for ten minutes, taken off for ten minutes, then
future study to investigate for this effect is warranted.
reapplied for ten minutes), with a constant protocol where the
ice was left in situ for twenty minutes with 89 subjects with In this paper we have presented the data up until Day 11
acute ankle sprains. Both options were repeated every two due to a large number of participants in the R.I.C.E. group
hours for 72 hours post injury. The results indicated that the requesting physiotherapy post this time period despite making
intermittent method was significantly more effective in reducing good functional improvement. Participants expressed that they
pain on activity in the first week than the constant method; felt more treatment was required to get full resolution of the
however, both groups had improved to the same degree by problem. This cross over would have contaminated the sample
the second week. Laba and Roestenburg (1989) compared ice so the study was stopped at this point.


Swelling or volume change day the participant presented for treatment, not necessarily the
actual day the injury occurred, was a potential limitation. Had
Although it was expected that the lowest ankle volume would
participants been able to present on the day of injury higher
be on Day 11 for all participants, the ankle was at its smallest
levels of pain and swelling may have been observed. Finally,
volume on Day 3 for three participants, one in the physiotherapy
being a pilot study, the small recruitment numbers within this
group and one in the R.I.C.E. group. There could be a number
study must be acknowledged.
of reasons for these discrepant results. There has been shown to
be a diurnal change in ankle volume, where the ankle is larger Conclusion
as the day progresses, perhaps due to gravity (Brijker et al 2000). This study demonstrated that there was no significant
Thus, all efforts were made to ensure that the measurements difference in outcome between using patient self management
were done at the same time of the day for all five measurements. R.I.C.E. or R.I.C.E. plus multimodal physiotherapy treatment
Secondly the vast majority of participants were sports people in the management of the acute ankle sprain. Both groups
who were keen to return to sport. In two cases participants had however had improvements in pain, functional scores and
re-aggravated their sprain slightly by returning to sport. Thirdly, reductions in ankle swelling. The study indicates that those
the position and/or activity immediately prior to volumetric with acute ankle sprains can manage the condition as well
measurement can influence the volume of an injured ankle, for as the physiotherapist in the first eleven days. The benefits
example if a participant has been sitting prior to the measurement of further therapy, and the amount and type of intervention
being taken (Rucinski et al 1991). It has been shown that both required after the second week post injury are unknown
elevation and elevation with compression treatment for thirty and warrant further investigation. The ability to consult a
minutes reduces the ankle volume by 17.3 ml ± 4.1 ml between physiotherapist to make the diagnosis, get the appropriate
the pre treatment measurement and post treatment measurement advice and ascertain the need of further investigations such as
in participants with acute ankle sprains (Tsang et al 2003). an X ray, are still useful parts of the initial management.

Medication Key points

One of the interesting findings of this study was medication • In the acute setting, patient self management using R.I.C.E
use. Whilst initially the physiotherapy group had higher mean is as effective as a combination of R.I.C.E and physiotherapy
pain scores, the R.I.C.E. group was taking more medication management in the treatment of an acute ankle sprain.
on Day 1 than the physiotherapy group as illustrated by their • Physiotherapists have an important role to play in the
lower pain scores and higher functioning scores. Overall, the acute management of an ankle sprain by applying clinical
physiotherapy group required less medication than the R.I.C.E. guidelines to evaluate and screen for serious injury.
group over time. It is well supported in the literature that • R.I.C.E. has a positive effect on reducing pain and swelling
alternative pain relief than medication may be of benefit to the and improving function in the acute management of an ankle
patient in reducing acute pain (Bleakley et al 2008) which may sprain.
reduce the chance of complications such as gastric intolerance • Medication use was less in patients having physiotherapy for
or bleeding related to the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory an acute ankle sprain indicating that physiotherapy may be
drugs (NSAIDs) medication (Calligaris et al 1993). Analysis of useful as alternative form of pain relief.
participants’ diaries indicated that the common medications Acknowledgements
used were either analgesics such as Panadol® or NSAIDs such as
Voltaren®. These drugs were either self prescribed or prescribed The Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC) funded this
by a medical practitioner. The highest number of participants study. Thanks are given to the physiotherapists who treated
using medication was on Day 3 which may correspond to the the participants; Adam Crump, Anna Barlow, Bede Christey,
peak of inflammation. Gretchen Falloon, and Rob Marshall.

Ruling out serious pathology Address for correspondence

Dr Wayne Hing, Associate Professor, School of Rehabilitation
Whilst it has been suggested above that physiotherapy may
and Occupation Studies, Health & Rehabilitation Research
not be required in the acute setting, one of the benefits
Institute, AUT University, Private Bag 92006, Auckland 1142.
of consulting a physiotherapist is to gain an assessment as
Phone 0064 (9) 921-9999 ext 7800, Fax 0064 (9) 921-9620,
to the seriousness of the injury, to rule out red flags and
Email wayne.hing@aut.ac.nz
provide reassurance about the prognosis. Over one third of
the participants in the current study required screening and Funding
undertook X-ray examination to rule out a possible fracture.
Provided by the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC),
As a consequence of this screening three participants were
New Zealand
eliminated from this study with fractures found on X-ray. This
demonstrates that the initial screening undertaken by the References
physiotherapists using the ACC Ankle Guidelines and the Accident Compensation Corporation (2002a): Managing Soft Tissue
Ottawa ankle rules are helpful at determining which patients Ankle Injuries: A Summary of Recent Research. http://www.acc.co.nz/
may require X-ray investigation when presenting with an acute
prd_ctrb112929.pdf [Accessed February 1, 2004].
ankle sprain. This supports the use of clinical guidelines in
Accident Compensation Corporation (2002b): Managing Your Sports
helping health professionals make appropriate clinical decisions Injury. http://www.acc.co.nz/PRD_EXT_CSMP/groups/external_ip/
in the diagnosis of acute musculoskeletal conditions. documents/publications_promotion/wcm000160.pdf [Accessed February
1, 2004].
Limitations Accident Compensation Corporation (2003): ACC Injury Statistics (First
Edition). http://www.acc.co.nz/PRD_EXT_CSMP/groups/external_ip/
As patients could present at any time point within the first 48
documents/publications_promotion/wcm000160.pdf [Accessed February
hours post ankle sprain, the decision to make ‘Day 1’ as the 1, 2004].


Accident Compensation Corporation (2004a): The Acute Low Back Pain Laba E and Roestenburg M (1989): Clinical evaluation of ice therapy for
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