The Ultimate Guide to Personal Protection
Matt Kovsky
5th degree black belt Guided Chaos
Human Kinetics
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Perkins, John, 1951 Mar. 31-
Attack proof : the ultimate guide to personal protection / John Perkins, Al Ridenhour,
Matt Kovsky. -- 2nd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-7876-4 (soft cover : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-7360-7876-2 (soft cover : alk. paper) 1. Crime prevention. 2. Violent crimes--Prevention.
3. Self-defense. I. Ridenhour, Al, 1964- II. Kovsky, Matt, 1957- III. Title.
HV7431.P453 2009
ISBN-10: 0-7360-7876-2 ISBN-10: 0-7360-8531-9 (Adobe PDF)
ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-7876-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-7360-8531-1 (Adobe PDF)
Copyright © 2009 by John Perkins, Albert Ridenhour, and Matt Kovsky
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Dedicated to Coy Perkins Sr., who started it all.
—John Perkins
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Drill Finder vi
Acknowledgments x
Introduction: Life on the Streets xi
BoDy UnITy
DrIll naME
Advanced Ninja and
Vacuum Walks
• 89 II
Anywhere Strikes I • • • 37 I
Anywhere Strikes II • • • • 38 I
Anywhere Strikes III • • • • 39 I
Anywhere Striking Full-Power
Footwork: The Rocket Step
• • • 38 I
BoDy UnITy
DrIll naME
Coin Dance • • 120 II
Combat-Draw Movement • 243 III
Contact Flow • • • • • • 135 II
Contact Flow on Stairs • • • • • • 224 III
Contact Flow Variations • • • • • • • 138 II
Crazy Walk • 90 II
Crazy Walk on Stairs • 223 III
Dead-Fish Arms • • 62 II
Drop-Striking the Grappler • • • • 203 III
Falling in Your Favor • • 204 III
Finger Creep • 190 III
Focus Your Fear • 25 I
Fold Like a Napkin • • 61 II
Free-Form Body Unity • 79 II
Free-Stepping and
Kicking on Stairs
• • • • 223 III
BoDy UnITy
DrIll naME
Gun Defense II • • 240 III
Hackey-Sack • • 98 II
Hula • 63 II
Interview • 29 I
Iso-Strike • 191 III
Knife Skip • • 233 III
Knife Spin • • • 233 III
Leg Mania • • 212 III
Meet Jason • • 34 I
Mexican Hat Dance • • 41 I
Middle-Linebacker 29 & I&
Hitting • •
124 II
Modified Anywhere Strikes • • • • 180 III
Ninja Walk • 87 II
Ninja Walk and Vacuum
Walk on Stairs
• 221 III
Rooted Multidirectional
• 96 II
BoDy UnITy
DrIll naME
Solo Circle Flow • • 67 II
Speed Flow • • 192 III
Split-Brain Air Writing • 71 II
Stair Steps • 122 II
Starting the Mower • 77 II
Stepping Over the Line • 97 II
Stepping Off-Line Drill • 98 II
Sticks of Death • • 68 II
Sticky Fingers • • 68 II
Stop the Charge • • • 203 III
Stumble Steps • • 122 II
Swimming • • 64 II
Swimming Backstroke • • 66 II
Swimming Sidestroke • • 66 II
Switch Feet • 97 II
Turning • • 64 II
TV Cut • 124 II
Two-Minute Push-Up • 191 III
Unitized Long-Stepping • • 80 II
Vacuum Walk • 88 II
Washing the Body • • • • 132 II
Weaving Python • • 62 II
Whirling Dervish Box Step • • • 95 II
Wood Surfing • 91 II
S pecial thanks to guided chaos third-degree Ari Kandel, who was instrumental in
the creation of this expanded second edition of Attack Proof. His lucid, detailed, and
compelling prose makes up large portions of the new material, which is pulled from his
dedicated training and teaching experiences in John Perkins’ classes and seminars.
Also thanks to the following people:
• Tim Carron of TLC Photo (www.tlcphotostudio.com) in Cold Spring, New York, for
his flawless photography
• Graphic artist Joe Troy for the cover concept
• Killeen Good, Breanna Good, David Randel Jr, Joseph Martarano, Kevin Harrell,
Michael Watson, Tony Dey, and Samantha Fox for modeling their techniques and
expertise in the photographs
• Bryan Hopkins, aka Dr. Macintosh, for his computer expertise
• David Pirell for his peerless artistry
• Mary Ann Celente for her organizational precision
• Phyllis O. Burnett (you know why)
Grand Master John Perkins would like to thank Professor Bradley J. Steiner for his
inspiration, Grandmaster Ik Jo Kang for his patient teaching, Master Waysun Liao for
his philosophy, and Dr. Drew Miller for his insights. Special thanks to Dr. Peter Pizzola
and Dr. Peter DeForrest for their guidance on the world of forensic science. John also
wants to acknowledge George and Stathis Kaperonis for contributing to his knowledge
of Elephtheri Pali (an ancient Greek fighting art) and Tony Dey for his MMA expertise.
Most of all, John would like to thank Cheryl Adler for her wisdom and support.
Lieutenant Colonel Al Ridenhour would like to acknowledge his wife, Lani, and his
son, Spencer, for all their love and support over the years and without whom none of
this would be possible.
Matt Kovsky would like to thank his wife, Kerri, for her love and endurance through
the lengthy birth (and rebirth) of this book.
xii Introduction: Life on the Streets
Although marketed as self-defense, they are now too elaborate and cumbersome for the
violent mayhem of real-life situations.
In addition, the current craze for mixed martial art (MMA) tournament fighting in the
form of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) and the like has created a powerful,
false association in the mind of the public between sportive competitions and life-and-
death combat. Although UFC contests provide the ultimate arena for superb athletes to
use maximum skill and power, the object of these events—to secure submission through
tapout or knockout—is far different from the goals and training implicit in life-and-death
warfare. When you train to compete within rules meant to protect the competitors, you
begin the dangerous process of ingraining in your nervous system and reflexes self-limiting
habits fraught with peril. Although this perspective causes tremendous antagonism in
the MMA community, a simple examination of the UFC’s own rules prohibiting specific
“dangerous” attacks within matches underscores the point over and over that the way
you train is the way you fight. These attacks are prohibited by the UFC:
1. Butting with the head
2. Gouging at the eyes
3. Biting
4. Hair pulling
5. Fish hooking
6. Attacking the groin
7. Putting a finger into any orifice, cut, or laceration on an opponent
8. Manipulating an opponent’s small joints
9. Striking the spine or back of the head
10. Striking downward using the point of the elbow
11. Making throat strikes of any kind, including grabbing the trachea
12. Clawing, pinching, or twisting the flesh
13. Grabbing the clavicle
14. Kicking the head of a grounded opponent
15. Kneeing the head of a grounded opponent
16. Stomping a grounded opponent
17. Kicking to the kidney with your heel
18. Spiking an opponent to the canvas on the head or neck
19. Throwing an opponent out of the ring or fenced area
20. Holding the shorts or gloves of an opponent
21. Spitting at an opponent
22. Engaging in unsportsmanlike conduct that causes injury to an opponent
23. Holding the ropes or fence
Rather than being avoided, all of the above can and should be trained (both their deliv-
ery and defense) as part of a realistic self-defense curriculum. If dealt with properly, there
are ways of practicing these attacks with little risk to the participants. Certain maneuvers,
such as holding ropes or fences, have real-world analogs that are vital to survival in varied
and chaotic environments, something we cover in depth within the art of guided chaos.
resulted in a highly simplified system of strikes and strategies designed to do one thing:
kill the enemy. Through a political process too convoluted and distressing to elaborate
on here, over the years, this hand-to-hand training has become convoluted, misdirected,
and ineffective except under so-called sportive or competitive (i.e., unrealistic) conditions.
In the meantime, the Russians instituted a hand-to-hand combat methodology in 1989
that far surpassed ours in terms of simplicity and effectiveness. Ironically, it was nearly
identical to the system our military used in World War II. In addition, several years ago
in Manchester, England, an alleged Al Qaeda training manual was recovered that was
used in several terrorist trials. It taught exactly the kinds of killing techniques that our
military used to teach. What’s wrong with this picture?
Without overelaborating, sport fighting proponents within the services have come
to believe that sportive techniques are suitable for the battlefield when, in fact, they are
nothing more than a recipe for disaster. Sport fighting proponents are teaching locking,
grappling, and restraining maneuvers that our soldiers are supposed to use against an
enemy trying to kill them. All you have to do is watch a few episodes of COPS on TV to
see how well that works against street thugs. The videotape doesn’t lie: It often takes five
officers piled on top of a crazed criminal to cuff him. What does any of this have to do
with man-to-man, hand-to-hand, life-or-death combat?
Granted, some missions require soldiers to roll people up and detain them with basic
arm-control techniques, but such skills should be taught only after soldiers learn how to
kill the enemy (it should also be noted that sportive throwing and grappling techniques
require tremendous physical ability in order to make them work—highly impractical for
the battlefield when you’re wrapped in 71 pounds [31.75 kg] of battle rattle).
If the simple, deadly tactics employed in World War II were resurrected, some fear
that soldiers would be apt to use them against civilians—or on each other. But when you
consider that soldiers are taught to fire rifles and pistols all the time, and there is nothing
to stop them from going to a local pawn shop, buying guns, and sniping at people from
the bell tower, you realize these fears about using fighting tactics are absurd. There are
several possible reasons why people might think this way:
1. They’ve never seen real down and dirty street fights and don’t know what people
are capable of: The speed and ferocity are just on a different level.
2. Their impression of real fighting (like that of most people in our culture) has been
shaped by sportive fighting, movies, and TV, so they have no frame of reference
based on truth.
3. They may have a fear of stepping into the dark world of real, up-close and personal,
life-and death combat. Many people pontificate on it, but to actually acknowledge
the chaotic savagery of real violence is to acknowledge the fact that some of our
preconceptions about life-and-death combat are just plain wrong.
Think about it: Soldiers, who are wearing an average of 71 pounds of gear, are being
expected to go to the ground and grapple with people who are probably trying to kill
them, and then to do what? Control the attackers with a lock? This is insane, yet it’s what
passes for military combatives today.
And as bad as our soldiers have it, our police have it far worse because they have to be
politically correct and follow the letter of the law while encountering far more hand-to-
hand mayhem than any marine is ever likely to face. Hamstrung as they are, law enforce-
ment officers are being taught techniques that put them at great risk.
The methodologies in this book address all of these misconceptions and are the result
of extensive real-world testing. These methodologies have nothing to do with belts,
tournaments, rankings, egos, or the preservation of traditions that no longer reflect the
effectiveness of their original forms. Their creator, John Perkins, is a retired New York
police detective and an expert on the dynamics of violence at homicide scenes. His
research experiments for Dr. Peter Deforrest (head of Forensic Science at John Jay Col-
lege of Criminal Justice) and Dr. Peter Pizzola (current director of the New York Police
xiv Introduction: Life on the Streets
This book provides martial artists with unique principles that enhance what they
already know; it gives novices the bare bones of survival strategy as well as a training
methodology that will enhance their overall coordination, timing, balance, and inner
and outer harmony. But, which is not the case with purely meditative training, that inner
peace will become more profound because it will be based on physical and mental abili-
ties and on a true representation of fighting dynamics.
Yonkers BloodBath
John Perkins
In one documented example, a police officer responded to a radio call for help from an
injured colleague at an infamous Yonkers, New York, lounge. The responding officer was
highly trained in various styles of karate and kung fu, and he plunged through the open door
of the bar, ready for action. As he ran across the threshold, his first step into the dimly lit
room was straight into a pool of blood. As if on ice, he slipped and slammed down hard on
his back. Immediately, a huge brute dove on him and began alternately pummeling his face
and strangling him. In a frenzy, the officer grabbed his nightstick and swung it wildly at the
attacking man’s head. Instead, the heavy nightstick crashed against a bar stool and blew
apart. It was now useless as a bludgeoning weapon.
What saved the officer was that as a child, he had been trained by his father in Native
American fighting principles that embodied looseness, spontaneity, and unbridled, free-form
viciousness. These now emerged. He began to use the broken nightstick as a stabbing
weapon, hammering it against the thug’s temple. This, working in concert with his raging
adrenaline, enabled him to evade strikes, adapt to the broken nightstick, and avoid serious
injury to himself.
This fighting methodology is different from other organized styles of martial arts in
many ways, yet it can complement most of them. How different is it? To begin with, the
methods presented here have no forms. That is, there are no set and sanctified techniques,
no prearranged responses to specific types of attacks, and no learn-by-the-numbers cho-
reography to clog the mind and reflexes with unnecessary strategic calculations. How
is this possible? We invert the entire learning process. With guided chaos, we start your
training where most systems should end—with improvisation and adaptability—and
work backward from there.
We do this because during a real fight for your life, it is virtually impossible to deliver
a stylized technique effectively; the speed, chaos, viciousness, confusion, and utter terror
associated with a real fight preclude this. Your nervous system simply becomes overloaded
with the flood of sensory stimuli. You can’t treat your brain like an electronic diction-
ary full of self-defense responses and expect it to select the right technique to counter a
matching attack under extreme duress. It simply doesn’t work that way.
If you’ve been programmed by practicing a specific response to a specific attack, your
defense will fail if the attack changes by even one inch from the way you’ve trained. This
is true whether you know one technique or a thousand. How will your body know when
to deliver the strike if the sensory data it is being bombarded with have no correlation to
your practice? All serious (nonsparring) fights are literally hell-storms of chaos; therefore,
you cannot rely confidently on choreographed training. This is not conjecture. It has
been proven through exhaustive experience, countless police and morgue reports, and
testimonials from police officers with high-ranking belts from various martial arts styles
whose classical training failed them when the spit hit the fan.
This book contains documented examples of real people under horrific circumstances.
It helps to be reminded over and over that violence rarely unfolds the way it does in the
ring, in martial arts school, or on TV or in the movies.
xvi Introduction: Life on the Streets
PsYchotic reaction
John Perkins
A fact of life is that no matter how strong, large, or fast you are, there’s always someone stron-
ger, larger, or faster. Typically, these are the people who attack you. Also, no matter what the
attacker looks like, you never know who you’re dealing with. An otherwise diminutive individual
can become so enraged by drugs, psychosis, or sheer terror that he or she literally has the
strength of a lion.
In one instance, police officers found a small, homeless woman lying motionless in the
street, muttering to herself. When they asked her to move, all hell broke loose. Between the
street where she was discovered and the mental hospital where she was finally locked down,
one cop had his uniform torn to shreds, another had flesh ripped from his body, and two
large hospital orderlies who tried to restrain her in the cell were seriously injured. Their cries
for help could be heard through the heavy door meant to contain her. Caught by surprise, a
220-pound (100 kg) cop with a black belt hit the woman with a reverse punch square in the
solar plexus and sent her crashing against a wall. This only enraged her. She let out a deep,
guttural growl that would have made an exorcist cower in fear, and then she exploded. In the
end, the first effective thing available with which to subdue her without serious injury was a
200-pound iron hospital bed. Despite her size, the woman was a human tornado.
This book offers a proven alternative form of thinking, training, and fighting that
takes the following issues head-on:
• Training in a hard style of martial art that emphasizes brute strength may not
adequately prepare you for real, life-and-death confrontations.
• Training in a soft style with technically complex forms can clog the mind when
every millisecond of a real fight is totally unpredictable.
• Training in a rules-based, sportive, and competitive manner, even with full speed
and power, is dangerously detrimental to the development of true self-defense and
instinctive reflexes.
Now don’t get us wrong. With time, dedication, talent, and first-class teaching, classical
training has turned out (and continues to turn out) superb fighters. Sport fighting trains
those with already superior genetics and makes them even better competitors. Never-
theless, we submit a different approach to learning realistic self-defense, one that’s more
focused on the end result of taking average people and adapting them to the inherent
unpredictability of random violence. Weigh the arguments carefully and draw your own
conclusions. Our methodology focuses on training in a noncooperative manner from the
very start, stressing the unexpected.
Contrast this with the training routine of many popular soft styles. On cue, one person
attacks another in a pre-set manner, with both parties knowing the precise technique
that will be used. For example, one person faces another, pretending to attack with a
knife held about waist high. The attacker slowly moves forward, while the defender steps
confidently to one side, brushing the knife away. The defender then grabs the attacker’s
knife arm, twisting the wrist. The attacker then jumps into the air, flips over, and lands
on one side, whereupon the defender puts the knife hand into a wrist lock, supposedly
vanquishing the attacker. This is as close to pure choreography as you can get, yet it’s
a scene duplicated in many martial arts schools and police academies. Students are led
to believe that these techniques will work in the real world, when in fact, this idea is a
dangerous fallacy. Police reports show that an enraged, untrained, 100-pound (45 kg)
woman with a large knife can slice a trained martial artist to ribbons in seconds.
Take a reality test: Face off against a training partner armed with a felt-tip marker
representing a knife. Both of you slather your arms with oil (the oil represents the shock-
Introduction: Life on the Streets xvii
ingly slippery blood that would almost certainly be covering your arms in any real knife
attack). Now, with the attacker slicing and stabbing wildly at maximum adrenaline speed
like a crazed sewing machine, try to effect a knife disarm. You will find, in addition to
being covered with hundreds of ink marks (representing your body being carved into
hamburger), that it’s impossible to get a grip on your slippery attacker. Congratulations:
You have survived a simulation; in real life, your corpse would’ve been shredded almost
beyond recognition. Train unrealistically and unnaturally, and you cannot fight for real.
As obvious as this concept seems, it is one of the most overlooked aspects of martial arts
Don’t misunderstand—it is always helpful to be fit to have the best chance in an attack. In the real world,
That is, achieving and maintaining cardiovascular fitness and muscular strength means
attacks are not
you will be better able to move quickly and protect yourself. However, since the reality
is that most real fights last less than four seconds, adrenaline and trained reflexes are the
true keys to survival. Even if you win the fight, however, you could still lose: If you’re not They happen
in shape, your body can suffer cardiovascular and structural trauma simply recovering when least
from the stresses your adrenaline-fired responses placed on it. We will help you develop expected and
only those physical attributes necessary for self-defense at the expense of those that would under the worst
help you win a body-building contest, an arm wrestling match, or a triathlon. circumstances.
We will say this again and again: Classical training is very often beautiful, cooperative, They are anar-
and predictable, but combat is ugly, nasty, and chaotic. Board breaking, high kicks, and chic and sponta-
flashy Russian splits are all great and praiseworthy athletic accomplishments. But they neous by nature,
have absolutely nothing to do with self-defense. It’s very simple: The way you practice and they require
is the way you fight. So if you can’t depend on fixed techniques, and you can’t rely on a different mind-
muscling your assailant, what are you left with?
set and method
of training.
another Way
To free the mind and allow it to function at the gross, animalistic level best suited for
survival, you need to train in paradoxical ways by learning principles of movement that
are simultaneously random, spontaneous, and free, yet singularly effective. What we
mean by principles of movement are the laws of balance, ballistics, body unity, inertia,
momentum, speed, weight, looseness, sensitivity, and coordination best suited for the
human body in mortal combat.
This is what we call an education in guided chaos. During a fight, the only constant
is change—change in direction, attack angles, weapons, balance, environment, lighting,
number of assailants, friction, speed, force, tactics, footing, emotions, pain, and any
number of other variables. Therefore, in this methodology, what you will be learning
and practicing are principles and exercises to help you to become a master of motion,
randomness, improvisation, and change rather than a master of techniques.
Now an army may be likened to water, for just as flowing water avoids the heights and has-
tens to the lowlands, so an army avoids strength and strikes weakness. And as water shapes
its flow in accordance with the ground, so an army manages its victory in accordance with
the situation of the enemy. And as water has no constant form, there are in war no constant
conditions. Thus, one able to gain the victory by modifying his tactics in accordance with the
enemy situation may be said to be divine.
—Sun Tzu, The Art of War
This is as true today as it was over 2,000 years ago.
Because our approach to self-defense is unusual, the material in Attack Proof is laid out
differently from what you might expect. There are virtually no common conditioning
exercises or repetitive drills. Although we detail many physical exercises that may double
as effective, low-impact aerobics, the mission of Attack Proof is to teach you principles of
motion that can help you save your life.
xviii Introduction: Life on the Streets
For those of you who have the first edition of Attack Proof, you will be happy to see
that we have expanded virtually every chapter, adding in things that were originally
deleted because of space limitations. There are also new chapters applying the principles
to even wilder scenarios.
In part I we detail and dispose of certain faulty preconceptions about handling vio-
lence. Chapter 1 prepares you mentally for what is to follow. If this sounds frightening,
don’t worry; once you begin to understand what you are dealing with and how you are
going to deal with it, you will build a new perspective on self-defense—and perhaps
life—that is both calming and fortifying. You will also learn the single most important
tool of self-defense, which, ironically, has nothing to do with fighting. Chapter 2 briefly
describes basic strikes, some obvious and some unusual, that make up the elementary
tools you’ll use to defend yourself. This includes treating misconceptions about kicks and
explaining how and when they are appropriate. We have culled all this from a system
created to rapidly train U.S. soldiers during World War II to deal with Japanese troops
allegedly proficient in judo and karate. A simplified system called close combat has been
devised from these methods. It is lethal and, with little training, provides effective self-
defense for the average person. (We’d like to point out that Perkins’ close combat differs
from all the currently popular World War II combatives in that it incorporates some of
the far more advanced guided chaos principles.) We round out the chapter with some
very unusual drills to unify the mental principles described in chapter 1 with the physi-
cal principles explained in chapter 2. It is important, however, that you do not attempt
fanatical perfection of the strikes explained in chapter 2; if you do, you will fall into the
most common trap in martial arts: fixating your mind and body on a technique. What
you’ll learn is that the strike itself is not as important as acquiring the opportunity to
deliver it. Learning this close combat material first will ensure that you develop the right
attitude for self-preservation before launching into the heart of this book—the study and
training of guided chaos and its related principles in parts II and III.
What, then, is the relationship between the close combat described in part I and the
guided chaos described in parts II and III? We believe that learning to punch and kick is
the easy part. All you need is the knowledge to discriminate between useless and effective
striking; that’s what close combat does. Then, once you understand what basic strikes
are and what they’re supposed to do, you can focus your attention on the real business
of learning self-defense: how to make the strikes work. That’s where guided chaos comes
in. Guided chaos is the language of fighting. We cannot emphasize enough that great
physical strength, hand-toughening routines, and high-flying wheel kicks aren’t required.
All you need are gravity, perseverance, and an open mind.
Part II explains in detail the primary principles of guided chaos. Their chief purpose
is to make your movements free and creative. Each chapter has its own exercises for inte-
grating the principles into unified, mind–body responses. We say “unified” because,
as you’ll see, your own mind can be your biggest enemy.
Introduction: Life on the Streets xix
John Perkins
In one of our seminars, an arrogant teacher of a particular style that emphasizes knife work
(who also happened to be a police trainer) thought he was overqualified for a particular drill
using rubber knives. He was matched with an untrained, 5-foot-2-inch (1.6 m) woman. Before
the exercise began, she was pulled to the side and told to imagine that she was a Native
American warrior, and that settlers had captured her family. The only thing standing between
her and her children was the self-assured man standing in front of her. She was given per-
mission to do whatever she wanted. With a yell, the woman ran straight at the man. At the
last second, she slid on her knees and stabbed the police trainer five times in the groin with
the rubber knife. Stunned, he managed one feeble swipe at her head, which she blocked,
before falling backward on the ground. The woman jumped on top of the police trainer and
finished him with a stab to the throat. Not surprisingly, the police trainer was crestfallen. He
was obviously highly skilled, but he suffered from a reactive handicap: pattern recognition.
Because what the woman had done resembled no pattern he had ever practiced, he could
not respond to her movement effectively.
Part III shows you how to apply the principles of part II to combat, including those
involving weapons and multiple attackers. By explaining additional modifying principles
and exercises in chapter 7 (Applying the Principles to Motion) and chapter 8 (Economy
of Movement), you begin to apply the “guided” in guided chaos. Chapter 9 (Grabs and
Locks) uses the preceding principles to protect you from one of the most dangerous traps
in fighting: falling in love with controlling tactics. Finally, in chapter 10, we explain in
great detail the guided chaos approach to ground fighting. There is a world of difference
between these methods and those currently popular in MMA.
Chapter 11 is an exploration of stair fighting and how the principles can be adapted
to a demanding environment (many of Perkins’ patrols took him into crime-infested
housing projects). Chapter 12 covers attack and defense using kicking, sticks, knives,
guns, and canes.
Afterword: The Survival Manifesto was written primarily by guided chaos master Lt.
Col. Al Ridenhour, who gives his unique perspective as an Iraq War combat veteran on
self-defense mind-setting. This brings us full circle by reiterating and amplifying the
critical survival principle of part I: self-defense as warfare. We have included in the after-
word some real-life horror stories that are definitely not for the faint of heart. If you are
not mentally prepared to train for the realities recounted in these stories, your chances
of survival are slim.
Throughout Attack Proof we present various self-defense awareness strategies that make
up a body of street smarts, covering everything from home, work, and school to defense
while traveling by car or airliner, including in hotels and during hijackings.
If you are already an advanced black belt or want to put teeth in your tai chi, you
needn’t dispose of everything you know. What you’ll find is that guided chaos makes
everything you know work better.
Special Note: DVDs augmenting parts I, III, and III are available from www.
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Body and Mind
PrinciPles of
close coMBat
B efore we launch into the more advanced guided chaos methodology that makes
our approach so different from that of other martial arts, part I provides you
with critical close combat fighting basics that should be part of every serious self-
defense student’s knowledge. These consist of awareness and general self-defense
decision making (chapter 1) and basic close combat strikes and strategies (chapter
2). As noted in the introduction, these close combat methods alone are lethal and,
with little training, provide effective self-defense for the average person. They also
provide the necessary foundation on which you can build your knowledge and
practice of guided chaos, which is presented in parts II and III.
Chapter one
T he concept of awareness is so simple that we’re almost embarrassed to teach it. Ironi-
cally, though, it’s one of the most ignored yet effective forms of self-defense available.
There are also many misconceptions about what to do with this concept. Consider this
scenario: You’re walking to some destination on a city street. You need to make a left at
the next corner. As you make the turn, you notice two men loitering against a car. They
don’t necessarily look dangerous, but there’s just something, a feeling, that disturbs you
slightly about them. Do you
• walk down the opposite side of the street and avoid eye contact so you won’t seem
• walk straight toward them, confident, head held high, the way you may have learned
in an assertiveness training class; or
• reach into your pocket (handbag, holster) and rest your fingers lightly on your knife,
mace, or pistol?
The correct answer? None of the above. Rather, you use your awareness and walk down
another street. It’s logical: If you’re not there, they can’t attack you. No one is going to
pin a medal on you for bravery if you’re already dead. Let the next person be the hero.
Learn to respect your intuition and use your awareness in any situation. Everyone has
awareness, yet many people silence their inner voice and ignore their better judgment. A
gross example of this is people who walk around with their heads down, contemplating
some inner scenario, or grooving with their iPods completely oblivious to their surround-
ings. This behavior is an accident waiting to happen. Even though most of us look where
we’re going, we don’t really see anything.
Even if you are licensed to carry a handgun and have sought the necessary professional
training to be able to use your gun safely and effectively, it’s important that you remain
aware so that you can reach for it in time. Without adequate hand-to-hand fighting
knowledge, you won’t be able to get your gun out before you’re overpowered. And your
assailant may get to it first, which could really escalate the seriousness of the situation.
We’ve done workshops in which gun owners had their worlds rocked by a simple test:
They found that when they were charged at by a knife-wielding attacker from across a
large room, they were cut down long before they could pull their weapons.
Awareness 3
By reminding you to be aware of your surroundings, we are not talking about descend-
ing into some New Age, Zen-like state of mind, but about the importance of training
yourself to casually notice your surroundings all the time. This is vital because in nearly It’s important
100 percent of assaults, the victim had a feeling that something was wrong before any- to take notice of
thing actually happened. Our primitive instincts are still fully functional, screaming at your surround-
us; we’re just not listening to them. ings all the time.
Try this simple exercise every time you’re on the street: Decide to look for something
during the course of your walk. For example, look for people with red shirts or men with
mustaches. This gets you to open your awareness to your surroundings on a regular basis.
You don’t have to go around in a continuously paranoid state, however. Simply keep
your attention outward, and if something looks amiss, you’ll notice it. Best of all, if you
are aware, any predator out there will notice that you’re cognizant of your surroundings
and so won’t be an easy target.
Learn to trust your feelings. For example, if a complete stranger insists on helping you
fix a flat tire or carry packages, or offers to do any other unsolicited favor, you may feel
a tightness in your stomach and ignore it because you want to be polite. Predators count
on this. They approach you this way to earn your trust and then get you to a private loca-
tion. Don’t back down. Seek out a third person, such as a store employee or a neighbor, if
the stranger’s insistent. Or start screaming; there are more dead polite people than you’d
like to know about. Be aware and be vocal. The best self-defense is never having to use
it in the first place.
out. Instead, offer a reward if he or she turns your lost property over to the police.
Or offer to meet him or her in a public place—and bring a friend.
• If you’re in an unmarked car and something the people say or do clearly tells you
they’re not real police, crash the car.
• If you receive a phone call from someone claiming to be a police officer, find out
which precinct he or she is calling from and call back to verify.
• If you’re approached on foot by someone flashing a badge, don’t just follow blindly
if asked—demand a uniform patrol car be sent.
• If you’re driving lawfully and carefully in an isolated area and a suspicious, unmarked
car pulls up with a plainclothes driver asking you to pull over, take no chances. Even
if you see a flashing dashboard and single roof light, be careful. Anyone can buy a
badge or light for a car. Authentic-looking uniforms can be purchased by anybody.
Signal to the suspect officer to follow you to a safer, crowded area. If you’re stopped,
request that a uniform patrol car be sent. Keep your car locked with the windows up
and engine running. Ask for the phone number of the precinct. Call 911 if you feel
you’re in danger, and let the others see you doing it. This points to the necessity of
always carrying a charged cell phone—don’t leave home without it.
• Join your Neighborhood Watch program, or form one if it doesn’t already exist.
• Keep your valuables out of easy sight and away from ground-floor windows.
• Make sure that your garage door is secure. Many thieves and violent criminals gain
access this way.
• Have a peep sight and/or an intercom system installed in your front and rear door.
Don’t open your door for anyone. If someone at your door is in an emergency, call
911 for them. Rapists, robbers, and murderers often use this ruse. They may pose
as plumbers, letter carriers, or telephone or power company employees. They may
be women or children with adult male backup. Fake injuries are also used to get
past your front door.
• If you reach the door to your house or apartment and the key won’t go into the lock
or your entry is damaged, get away immediately and call the police. Don’t enter
your home without the police checking it out first.
• If you’re on your way home and suspect you’re being followed, verify this by making
four left or right turns around a block. If the vehicle is still behind you, don’t go
home. Criminals will simply follow and jump you in your own driveway. Drive to
the local police or fire department or some other highly public area. Use your cell
phone and call 911.
• reinforce your bedroom door with a secure lock to slow down an intruder. Keep a
cell phone and gun (that you’ve been trained to use) by the bed. A shotgun has the
highest deterrent value, and anyone with an ounce of brains will run when they
hear it cocked. This may seem extreme but think of the simple logic: If the intruder
is not discouraged by motion lights, alarms, and a dog and is still determined to
get in, you’ve got a serious problem. All the previously listed obstacles and the rein-
forced door are meant to slow down an intruder; having a cell phone gets around
a cut phone line. You know what the gun’s for. If it’s come to this, don’t hesitate to
empty your gun into the intruder.
• create an escape plan. The advice so far is good if you’ve got no children, or there’s
no other exit. If you do have children or another way out, remember that the first
line of defense is awareness, and the second is escape. Create and practice an evacu-
ation plan for your entire family. Everybody needs to try to get out through the
nearest window or door and get a neighbor’s attention.
Jogging Safely
Pepper spray has limited effectiveness against an enraged and determined attacker. In
John Perkins’ personal experience, it has worked only about half the time, even when it’s
shot straight in the eyes at close range. Use pepper spray in conjunction with a defensive
strategy: spray and run, or spray, hit, and run. Here are more commonsense tips for jog-
ging safely:
• Never jog with headphones on—you jeopardize your awareness, making yourself a
sitting duck.
• Stay away from unlit, thick shrubbery adjacent to trails and paths. remain at least 10
feet (3 m) away from the sides of buildings and parked cars as you round blind corners.
This can provide the critical space you need to defend yourself against an ambush.
• Do not jog alone.
• Vary your jogging times and routes. Predictability aids a predator’s planning.
• Wear a personal alarm that you can set off with one hand.
• If you believe at any time you’re being followed by a vehicle as you’re out jogging,
turn around immediately and run in the opposite direction—preferably toward home
or another secure area. Don’t be assertive. Don’t be coy. Just get out of there!
Awareness can prevent you from getting into other potentially hazardous situations,
from entering a strange bar at 4:00 a.m. on New Year’s Eve to leaving your drink unat-
Awareness 7
tended (and susceptible to a date-rape drug cocktail). In addition to the awareness guide-
lines provided throughout this chapter, two excellent books that promote self-defense
awareness are Strong on Defense by Sanford Strong and The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker.
don’t second-guess yourself. Many horrific tragedies in the news could have been
prevented if people had followed this ridiculously easy and simple advice. Have your
keys ready. Once inside, lock the windows and doors.
• Avoid driving through bad areas of town. If you must, and you get a flat tire, drive
on the rim as far as you need to in order to leave the area. The cost of a new wheel
is a small price to pay for your life. When you’re driving, if someone outside the
car points to your wheel and says you’ve got a flat, respond with thanks and keep
driving to the nearest safe area. The person may even have put a slow leak in your
tire and followed you. This phony Good Samaritan scenario is the oldest trick in
the book.
• Always carry a car charger for your cell phone and an extra battery.
• When in traffic, always maintain some space in front and behind your car so you
can escape or at least ram another car and then escape.
• Beware of fender-bender scams. If you’re hit, never pull over in a deserted area.
Signal to the other driver that you want to drive to a populated area or some busi-
ness establishment where you can trade insurance information. If the other driver
doesn’t like it, too bad. You can tell the judge you were afraid for your safety. Better
to be judged by 12 than carried by 6.
• If you’re stopped on a deserted highway with severe car trouble, your cell phone won’t
connect, and someone stops to “help” you, tell that person you just called the high-
way police for assistance, but you’d also like to call AAA and your battery just died.
Ask the person if he or she could go to a phone and call for you. If the person insists
on helping you and then gets out of the car, leave the ignition key in place, get out
immediately, and put distance between you and the other person. Don’t get trapped
in your car. Remember, a law-abiding person would never put you through this.
• Prepare your family for carjacking incidents. Practice escaping through the nearest
window or door and scattering in different directions at the first indication of danger
or at a prearranged signal from you (e.g., “run!”).
• If you’re alone and a predator suddenly enters through a window or door before you
can hit the gas, leave the keys and get out the other door. Give the intruder the car.
• Don’t go with an abductor. crash the car. Hard. If the abductor is driving, wait until
you’re doing at least 25 miles per hour (40 km per hour) and then scratch his eyes
out, bite his ear off, go berserk, and make him lose control. That’s what you want.
Grab the wheel. Don’t reach for the keys; it’s a dangerous waste of time.
• If it’s gotten to the point that abductors are going to place you in the trunk,
The three you’re in big trouble. What we said earlier about not going to the second crime
linchpins of self- scene applies here. Fight like a rabid dog. Don’t think that by complying you’ll
defense are have a better chance of surviving later. If, however, you wind up in the car’s
• scan, trunk, rip out as many wires as you can once the car starts moving. Inoperative
tail lights may attract a cop’s attention. In many cars, you can punch out the
• avoid, and tail lights from inside the trunk and actually stick your hand out and wave to
• carry a cell attract attention.
phone. • fill your tank in the daytime. Scan the gas station and the store before pulling up.
• The instant you see a gun, run (provided the gun’s not right on your body and
you’re not being restrained). Don’t even wait for the attacker to say anything. This
is best illustrated by an incident that happened to one of the authors’ wives. A thug
jumped out from between two parked cars and waved a handgun. The woman took
off the instant she saw gunmetal, leaving the attacker speechless. He never even had
a chance to say, “Give me your money!” The odds of him shooting at this point were
small because it would have attracted attention; the odds of that attacker hitting
the intended victim at all (much less with a lethal shot) were even smaller. You’d be
surprised how fast and far an adrenaline-fueled person can run, even with several
poorly placed bullets in them.
avoid excessive tactics that may save the officer’s life and the lives of innocent victims,
yet provoke a lawsuit by the perpetrator.
The legal implications of every action have created a market for tactics that don’t use
lethal force (locks and holds rather than strikes and chokes), which protect the criminal
more than the cop or other victim. Even so, the effectiveness of these nonlethal tactics
is also controversial. This book is not the place to discuss this issue in depth without get-
ting into an argument over department policy, local politics, and civil rights; however,
we will say that geared-down “lethal” force training often winds up being safer for both
perpetrator and policeman than locks and holds. Understand this well: A cop who can’t
fight will be far more likely to use a gun. The point is that as a civilian, you are under
no such constraints.
Challenge no one
We are teaching the pacifism of a warrior. Unless you or a loved one is in imminent
physical danger, no fight is worth it because you never know who you are dealing with.
Even when you win, you can be seriously injured. Remember that self-defense isn’t
about honor; it’s about survival, and macho posturing is a form of insecurity. What are
we talking about? Suppose you are in a bar and someone bumps you, then makes some
remark intended to insult your sexual orientation or claim to have intimate knowledge
of your sister. You say confidently, “Excuse me,” admit you’re a eunuch, and wish him
well with your sister. If necessary, claim you’re a coward and leave, but don’t sound like
a coward. This puts just a hint of doubt in the bully while providing an excuse not to
escalate. Walking away from confrontation has three advantages:
1. It lets you avoid petty squabbles and later entanglement with the legal system.
2. It restricts fights to those you absolutely must undertake to save your life.
3. It relieves you of the moral indecision and guilt when you have no other choice
but to do what must be done. This mindset alone triples your fighting power.
The principle of challenging no one, although philosophical, will also prepare you for
its vital physical counterpart when we launch into the guided chaos principles in part II.
don’T FighT
Many years ago before he began training in guided chaos, author Kovsky was entering a
building for his high school reunion when a small, wiry man pushed past him, knocking him
into the door. Kovsky said, “Hey, watch it!” to the man, who wheeled around and screamed,
“F--k you, asshole!” Kovsky, sensing he could crush the punk because of his small size,
stepped forward just as a third person intervened and de-escalated the situation (he knew
the punk’s brother). Later, Kovsky asked the third person, “Why did you stop me? I could’ve
kicked his ass!” The other replied, “Because everybody in the neighborhood knows he just
got himself a new gun, and he’s been itching to try it out.”
Basic strikes
and strategies
Y ou develop your awareness, you avoid dangerous situations, and you confidently
claim cowardice and walk away from confrontations. Nevertheless, some mutant has
picked you as his target du jour. If you’re jumped without notice or your attacker wants
to move you to another location and you can’t run, you now know, at least mentally,
that it is time to make your stand and let loose the dogs of war. (If you still think play-
ing nicey-nice with neat little McDojo techniques or the latest MMA ground and pound
moves you learned will allow you to walk away without wrinkling your shirt, you need
a serious reality check. Skip to the end of this book and read “The Survival Manifesto”
with special focus on the section called mind-setting. Go ahead, we’ll wait.)
Got your mind right? Good. But what do you actually do, and how do you train for it?
14 ATTAck PRoof
away. A law-abiding person won’t pursue you. You react to the interview this way so
you can take full responsibility for what happens next.
Despite your withdrawal, if a stranger (or a hostile acquaintance) physically enters
your personal comfort zone (see chapter 1, p. 7) with a gesture, strike, or attempt to
touch you for the purpose of causing you harm, and you can’t escape or run, you
need to resort to preemptive striking—an action that Bradley Steiner, president of the
International combat Martial Arts federation, calls “attacking the attacker”—quickly
and decisively (Tactical Skills of Hand to Hand Combat by Bradley J. Steiner, copyright
1977, Paladin reprint edition 2008). You don’t want to spar with the enemy. If the fight
lasts longer than four seconds, you’re in deep trouble. You want to disable him or her
as quickly as possible and run. If you feel as if your life is in danger, your actions may
involve using immediate, deadly strikes to the eyes and throat. In close combat, there
are basic defensive postures that enable you to use preemptive striking effectively.
a b
Figure 2.1
Basic Strikes and Strategies 15
Don’t attempt to look threatening with an en garde posture as if you know karate.
The last thing you need to do is get your aggressor’s adrenaline flowing faster than it
already is. Instead, like Jack Benny, look small, passive, and harmless. Depending on the
situation, it may help you to look terrified (this may be closer to how you actually feel
than you’d like, but we’re going to teach you how to use terror as an energy source). This
immediately lets the other person think he won’t have to work too hard to get what he
wants. You’re basically setting a trap. But wouldn’t being assertive just make him back
off? Unless you’re a great actor and have pressure-tested your frothing-at-the-mouth-
pyscho routine, no. Remember, he’s already picked you out. He expects you to be scared.
If you’re normal, you are scared. If you look as if you are, your aggressor will be lulled
slightly before you explode in his face like a hand grenade. Tell him, “You’re the man,
you got me, what do you want?”
But let’s be absolutely clear: If it’s money he wants, give it to him promptly. Be super
polite, and hopefully he’ll take your dough and go. Don’t fish around for bills in your purse
or wallet; give him the whole wallet. Don’t fight simply because he wants your money.
If the aggressor wants more than you can give and attempts to harm you, or espe-
cially if he or she wants you to go somewhere, you must act immediately. Because you’ve
looked like easy pickin’s until now, the aggressor’s defenses will be down slightly. This
is good, because you’ll be attacking him or her preemptively, by striking in the middle
of a sentence, while you’re cowering (attacking the attacker). If you’re getting the idea
that playing possum has its advantages, you’re on the right track. In a nutshell, you’re
assuming a physical posture that does three things:
• It makes you less threatening to the attacker, and relaxes him or her slightly.
• It automatically provides cover for your head and throat and protects you from an
accomplice’s rear choke.
• It aligns your arm for a straight shot to the thug’s chin, eyes, or throat, while deflect-
ing any strike.
With your arms in the Jack Benny stance, and while acting meek, shoot your lead
(upraised) hand straight out as you step forward onto your lead leg with all your weight,
moving in a falling motion. This adds power to the blow. The lead hand smashes your
attacker under the chin with your palm while your fingers drive deep into the eye sockets
(see figure 2.2a on p. 16). This type of combination strike is called a chin jab. A relatively
weak person, powered by adrenaline, can wrench a larger person’s neck with this strike
because the vertebral support is weak.
You can also chop to the front or side of the throat with the edge of your hand on the
pinkie side (see figure 2.2b on p. 16). or you can just stab the attacker straight in the eyes
with your fingers. Which first strike you pick will be determined by your training. Some
people prefer chopping, and some prefer chin jabbing. A smaller person with skinny arms
might prefer gouging straight to the eyes (this is advantageous because skinny arms are
harder to block). Regardless of your first strike, follow up instantaneously with the other
arm by blasting your palm up under his chin, into the side of his jaw, or into his temple
(depending on what’s available). Step forward with each strike, as if launching a shot put.
This is only the first in a series of rapid, straight, and screaming blows you should unleash
like a wild, enraged jungle cat (you’ll learn others, starting on p. 18). While doing this,
hunch your shoulders and sink your head down so that you protect your face and neck.
Your arms will occupy the line your attacker might take to attack you. This accomplishes
your deflection automatically. How is this possible?
When you’re standing sideways in the Jack Benny stance, because both hands
shoot out (one behind the other), you’ll automatically deflect a strike from either of
the attacker’s hands if he or she should move first. This forms a kind of instantaneous
defensive arc around your head. To understand how this works, imagine the hull of
a boat, or better yet, an icebreaker. The V-shaped hull cracks the ice at the prow, the
point of maximum force combined with the narrowest surface area. The ice then slides
around the sides. Similarly, without blocking, your hands go straight for the chin,
eyes, and throat, while your arms (the prow) shield against his attack.
16 ATTAck PRoof
a b
Figure 2.2
Don’t block. If your energy is directed toward blocking his hand, you’ll be committed
to this direction and will waste perhaps your only opportunity to strike unimpeded.
Also, he’ll probably overpower your block, anyway. Because you want to disable the
attacker, focus on driving his head back, spearing his eyes, or chopping the side of his
neck. Because of the shape of your response (the position of your arms coming out of
the Jack Benny stance), you will block the initial attack anyway. If he reaches for or
strikes at you from the outside left (see figure 2.3a) he’ll be deflected and struck at the
same time. If he reaches or strikes from the outside right, the outcome will be the same.
If he reaches straight forward (figure 2.3b), either his attack will be deflected, or both
your first strike and his will neutralize each other—except that your other hand, which
has been simultaneously traveling to the same target, will hit its mark.
If he reaches for you with both hands (typically attackers don’t hit with both hands
simultaneously), the shape of your attack will split his two hands like a wedge. Remem-
ber, your chin jab, eye gouge, or chop is not happening in isolation. You are not posing
to strike like a kung fu movie star. Your move is merely the first in a continuous barrage
of screaming, ripping, wildcatlike, buzz-saw strikes. In short, forget about looking good
or admiring your handiwork; just go berserk. Attacking the attacker is efficient because
you don’t block. Your strikes are your blocks. We detail these and other strikes as well
as drills to practice them later in this chapter. You will also learn the remarkably simple
No strike occurs close combat universal entry (ccUE), which ties all these principles together.
in isolation.
a b
Figure 2.3
The fright reaction uses your body’s natural, adrenaline-fueled response to sudden
shock and fear. Ever been attacked by a swarm of bees? Ever had a firecracker thrown in
your face or heard a gunshot? What did you do? Your whole body instinctively dropped
its center of gravity, your back curved out protectively, your head sank low between
your upraised shoulders, and your arms and elbows came up around your face and neck
(figure 2.4a ). Dropping your center of gravity in this way strengthens your stability and
a b
Figure 2.4
18 ATTAck PRoof
adds to your power and balance. This fundamental, instinctive reaction involves a vital
It is a waste of motion principle called dropping (described later in this chapter); we will fully exploit
time to block this principle in parts II and III. for now, though, understand that simply lowering your
because this head, hunching your shoulders, and raising your arms protects vital areas (especially
may be the only your throat) from strikes and rear-approach strangling attacks (figure 2.4b). And you
opening you tend to do all this naturally without any training (provided your instincts haven’t been
ever get. If the smothered by some bogus martial art). The fright reaction is an ideal defensive position
attacker reaches and should not be substituted with some stylized kung fu stance.
What you do immediately after the fright reaction is critical, and it must be simple
for you first, and focused. Turn toward the attacker and hit like a banshee. Jab his chin, chop his
resist the temp- neck, and spear your fingers straight into his eye sockets. We will give you drills that
tation to stop his will help you discover which strikes work for you, but train them all so they can be
or her hand. Go delivered like a buzz saw when you need them. Eye strikes are especially nasty and hard
straight for the for the enemy to block. If you’ve ever been accidentally poked in the eye, such as in a
eyes and throat. basketball game, imagine how devastating a purposeful strike could be. We describe
Done correctly, these and other follow-up strikes in the next sections.
your strike will
deflect your at-
tacker’s strikes. Basic Close Combat Strikes
Many of the strikes detailed in this section can be lethal if practiced properly. They do
not involve complicated movements. Most of them are culled from methods taught to
U.S. soldiers during World War II to defeat the Japanese, who were all presumed to be
skilled in judo, jujitsu, and karate. These strikes are also the elementary weaponry used
in guided chaos principles, described beginning in chapter 3.
Speaking of guided chaos, we will briefly illustrate one of its key principles here because
it can amplify all your close combat strikes. Simply put, we want you to deliver every strike
as if you were sneezing. “Sneezing?” you say. That’s right. Not straining, not winding up,
but convulsing spasmodically, as if your strike had been
shot out of your body like your breath during a sneeze. We
call this principle dropping; it involves an instantaneous
tightening and relaxing of the whole body like a whip.
This principle will make more sense when we discuss it
in relation to the energy principles described in chapter
6, but for now, apply this sensation to every strike you
Chin Jab
As described earlier, you direct this strike at the face while
moving forward. The idea is to cause massive trauma
to the head and spine by striking with the heel of the
palm, especially underneath the chin. You actually walk
through the strike, driving your attacker back. By striking
under the chin, the head snaps back, creating pressure
on the spinal cord and either knocking the assailant
unconscious or breaking the attacker’s neck. At the end
of each chin jab, use your fingers to gouge out the eyes
or drive through them with power, pushing them back
into their sockets. Yes, it’s gory, but your goal is to survive,
not to be a guest at your own funeral.
Deliver these palm strikes exactly as if you were throw-
ing a shot put. A common mistake beginners make when
delivering palm strikes (and punches) is to get too close
and overbend the elbows so that they wind up pitty-pat-
Figure 2.5 ting the target using nothing but their triceps (figure 2.5).
Basic Strikes and Strategies 19
keep your arms relatively straight at impact and drive through the head, not with
muscular strength but with your root—your connection with the ground. This is some-
thing you should do on all strikes. Your root is an esoteric principle from martial arts;
it means your ability to drive all your strikes from your feet. You will train yourself to
root automatically when you learn more about the principles in part II, but for now,
recognize that your legs are far stronger than your upper body. Also, using your arm
muscles exclusively makes you tight and slow. Drive from the ground through your
legs at high speed, extending the energy through your hips and back to your hand and
out your fingertips as if you were pushing a stalled car. Use this visualization, however,
only to get the right alignment. The way you actually hit the target will be more like a
jackhammer. Slam it but don’t overcommit to it, or you will end up losing your balance.
You might ask, “Why not use a fist?” There are many dis-
advantages to using a closed fist (see p. 21). one of them is
that a closed fist is easier to block. A chin jab can slip under
an opponent’s deflection because the hand is shaped more
like a spear when it comes out, offering less surface area.
You’re being held tightly by his arms; you can’t move.
chances are, however, that your mouth is free. If so, you can
use it to rip and tear into his flesh like a wild dog. Don’t be
shy: This is your life we’re talking about, and you could die
if you don’t act. Worry about diseases later. The second your
attacker flinches, start gouging with your fingers, hitting
with your elbows, and ramming with your head.
Head Butts
You’ve probably seen these in movies, but it’s important to
know what part of the head to hit with, or you’ll suffer more
damage than you’ll dish out. Use the thickest part, which
is the top of the forehead, right at the hairline. The straight
butt is particularly effective in an upward strike against a
tall opponent (figure 2.9). Your target can be any part of the
face, temple, or jaw. Just don’t hit your attacker’s forehead.
You can also slash with this part of the head sideways like
a hook punch. Be sure to practice head butts at all possible
angles on a heavy bag, but remember to warm up, stretch
your neck muscles first, and start slowly.
Elbow Strikes
You can use elbow strikes anywhere: to the head, neck, Figure 2.9
throat, base of the skull, chin, upper and lower arm, hand, shoulder, chest, rib cage, and
so on. When done correctly, an elbow strike is equivalent to hitting someone with a
baseball bat because the elbow’s striking power penetrates deep into the body. Moreover,
you can use the elbow strike in a spearing motion. This tool is virtually limitless in its
applications and the variety of angles at which you can deliver it. It is vastly underused
in most martial arts. Practice elbow strikes using a variety of angles. (Part II teaches other
uses for the elbow beyond striking.) The only limitation of this weapon is that you can
only use it at short range.
Some of the less familiar angles that we recommend you practice include the up elbow
(figure 2.10a on p. 22) and the downward-spearing elbow (figure 2.10b), delivered as a
thrust with the upper body rather than as a swing. The downward-spearing elbow is
similar to the horizontal-spearing elbow (figure 2.10c). You deliver the inverted up elbow
(figure 2.10d) like a shoulder shrug, and you can use it as part of an upward-turning body
rotation that ends in a chop to the throat. You should practice every angle you can think
of. Be creative. You never know what position you may find yourself in.
Closed-Fist Strikes
You may be wondering why we placed these strikes at the end of this list of offensive
hand weapons. Although these strikes are the most popular, they’re the least effective for Learning how to
self-defense, especially when striking to the head. Ironically, using the fist is practically make a proper
a conditioned response in most people. fist takes a lot of
Believe it or not, a fist has too much give in it to be an effective weapon unless it is practice and is
highly trained; the wrist is likely to bend on impact. The hand itself is constructed of actually difficult
many small bones and tendons, each with the cushioning potential of a small shock to execute in a
absorber. When making contact, the hand must first compress until there is no more panic, compared
flex remaining before it can deliver any power. Along the way, there is great potential for
injury to the puncher. This is why boxers tape their wrists before a fight.
to a palm strike.
When you use an open-handed strike such as the palm heel, it’s already in the posi-
tion it needs to be when it makes contact. There’s little skeletal movement because the
22 ATTAck PRoof
a b
c d
Figure 2.10
bones in the lower part of the hand and arm are already in line with each other. There’s
little flex or give because the hand sits right on the end of the forearm bone. This allows
maximum power transfer to the target.
This is not to say that closed-fist punches have no use. When you do use them, target
the soft areas of the body: the nose, ribs, kidneys, and the like. When delivering them,
keep the hand loose and relaxed. When you strike, tighten the hand on contact as if grab-
bing a bar and then instantly relax it. This creates a vicious snapping or slashing effect
Basic Strikes and Strategies 23
Knee Strikes
keep your knee strikes low, using them on your attacker’s thighs
Figure 2.11
(inside and out), hips, sides of the knee joints, tailbone, abdo-
men, or groin. Don’t jump up to knee-strike someone in the head, the way you see in
the movies, unless you want to get slammed to the ground. Use a convulsive action to
drive your knee forward as if you are coughing. This contracts the diaphragm explosively,
pulling in the stomach muscles and adding speed to your knee strike.
your lead leg right where it is or move it forward a few inches, and instantly bring your
rear leg forward to kick, like a soccer player. If the attacker is farther away (because you
tried to back away first, and he moved toward you), make up the distance by first step-
ping forward with your rear leg and stomping with it as it lands. Immediately follow that
stomp with a low kick with the other leg. In either case, deliver the whole stomp-step-kick
sequence at high speed to your attacker’s shins or ankles; there should be only a split
second between the stomp-step and the kick. It should look like you’re kicking a field
goal (figure 2.12, a–b). However, keep the kick short and snappy. Do not follow through
or you may wind up on your butt if you miss. We call this containing the over-travel and
cover it in more depth in chapter 5.
The stomp part of the kick is important because it gains power from the ground and
also stabilizes you on slippery surfaces, such as water, ice, blood, or oil. Police officers
and bouncers using this strategy have proven its effectiveness. However, don’t stomp
at an angle, or you may slip. Your lower leg and especially the foot must hit the ground
Do the stomp as if your lead leg had been kicked out from beneath you, and your
weight collapsed downward as you recovered your footing. This intentional stum-
bling forces you to involve your complete body mass whether you want to or not. The
momentum the stomp generates then drives the kick. Thus, if you weigh 110 pounds
(49.9 kilograms), your kick has more than that amount of force behind it—because
momentum is mass times velocity. When you’re within arm’s length of your attacker,
use a lead-leg stomp to close the distance and add power to a chop, spear, or chin jab.
This adds significantly more force than you could generate with just arm strength.
Not using muscle power exclusively also helps you remain loose and less likely to be
seriously injured in a fight.
When you learn the ccUE (close combat Universal Entry, p. 31), you’ll learn more
ways of incorporating low kicks. We also get into the far more advanced guided chaos
kicking in part III.
Basic Strikes and Strategies 25
a b
Figure 2.12
This drill teaches you to channel and focus your fear, allowing you to run or success-
fully mount a counterattack.
1. Go into a room, close all the windows and doors, and turn off all the lights.
2. close your eyes.
3. Stand completely relaxed and slowly breathe through your nose deep into your belly.
4. Visualize tension leaving through your exhalation and the power of the sun entering
Basic Strikes and Strategies 27
through your inhalation, flooding every cell of your body with energy. Do this for a
full five minutes.
5. Now imagine that the most depraved criminal you can think of is about to enjoy
attacking and psychotically torturing the person who depends on you most, the person
you’re closest to in the world. But first, he’s going to torture and kill you to get you
out of the way. Not if you can help it.
6. Visualize the dark, tragic future this criminal could create: the tears, the regret, the
shame. Now take all your fears, frustration, and helplessness and crush them deep into
the bottom of your stomach. Take all the wrongs and humiliations that have been
dealt you in life, all the anger and blind rage, and set them to burning. Ignite them
with a sense of justice unfulfilled. Unfulfilled . . . until now.
7. from the pit of your gut, drive the fire into your feet, and then let it roar back up
through your legs, hips, back, chest, shoulders, and then out your hands and mouth in
the loudest, deepest animal scream your diaphragm can handle. We call this the war-
rior cry. You may have to yell into a pillow or wait until you’re alone in the house, out
in the woods, or in a self-defense class. But you need to release the potential paralysis
that can occur in a moment of crisis—and become familiar with it. You need to know
that you can explode and act when you’re terrified and your family depends on it.
8. Do this once a week even after you’ve become proficient at everything else in this book.
In our society, we are conditioned to be polite, listen, obey, and behave. The psycho-
pathic criminal knows this. He relies on your tendency to be socially correct. You need to
relearn what an animal knows to do at the first sign of danger: It fights or runs for its life!
Not in every instance, but often enough, there is a moment of suspicion before violence
or an actual abduction takes place. If you question the victims of violent crime, you
will find that nearly all of them had an inkling beforehand that something was just not
right. This first inkling of danger is when you run, not after. forget about being polite
to a suspicious stranger; your personal safety is your first responsibility.
Fright Reaction I
In some segments of society today, individuals (especially teenage girls) have separated
themselves from their basic instincts. Because of the inundation of senseless violence
in film, television, and especially music in our materialistic culture, some young people
act as if they’ve been anaesthetized when first presented with simulated assault drills. In
short, many have become desensitized to violence. Unless they’ve been actual victims,
kids are hip, cool, blasé, and detached—just as teen culture has taught them. It’s almost
as if their instinct for self-preservation has been drained out of them. Nothing could be
more dangerous. on the flip side, however, some teens are so wound up by popular cul-
ture, sugar, and so-called energy drinks that they have become nervous wrecks. (There
are political and sociological implications to this also, but we won’t go into that.) This
drill deals with both conditions and helps you channel fear-generated adrenaline into
effective defensive reaction instead of frozen terror.
1. find a partner to help you perform this drill.
2. Stand quietly with your eyes closed and your arms at your sides. Breathe slowly into
your stomach, saying in to yourself with each inhalation and out with each exhalation.
feel the tension escape with each exhalation and your body relax and sink deeper
with gravity into your feet. Relax and quiet your mind. Tune into the sensation of air
moving over your skin.
3. Now, have your partner touch you, as gently as a fly, somewhere around your head
(this may remind you of annoying mosquitoes on a hot summer night).
4. The instant you feel anything, open your eyes and drop explosively into the fright
reaction—lower your center of gravity, widen your stance, bring your hands up around
your face, and sink your head low between your shoulders.
28 ATTAck PRoof
5. Have your partner make the touch lighter and lighter (thus making you more sensi-
tive) as he or she touches annoying areas: your eyelids, ears, hair, and the like.
6. React as early and as quickly as you can, each time returning to the starting position
with your eyes closed and arms relaxed at your sides.
7. Do this drill 20 or 30 times per session, and you’ll begin to feel very alert and alive. Do
not confuse this state of mind with anxiety, which can actually lessen your sensitivity.
When you’re in a dark alley or other remote location, this feeling is exactly what you
Your partner should try to get his or her touching hand out of the way as fast as possible,
while you try to keep it off you. However, you’re not trying to grab or hit your partner
directly; you’re simply reacting reflexively without thought or plan, both of which would
slow you down. The key is to develop your reflexive sensitivity and dropping so that, in
a blind attack, your whole body will begin to move as early as possible so it’s ready for
what comes next.
Fright Reaction II
This fright-reaction drill and those that follow are vital for understanding that fear is good
when used to your advantage. This drill helps you channel your fear-generated adrenaline
into effective defensive reaction instead of frozen terror.
1. find a partner to help you perform this drill.
2. Stand quietly with your eyes closed and your arms at your sides. Breathe slowly into
your stomach, saying in to yourself with each inhalation and out with each exhalation.
Relax and quiet your mind. Tune into the sensation of air moving over your skin.
3. Spin around several times and then walk forward, keeping your eyes closed.
4. keep walking. Within a few steps, your partner will shove you forcefully with a padded
kicking shield (available at martial arts stores). The shove should come from an indis-
criminate angle.
5. open your eyes and go into the fright reaction at the instant of contact (or as early as
you can).
6. consider your reaction. Your balance, of course, will be totally blown. The point of this
drill is to get you to drop your weight and spread your stance so quickly that eventually
you can eliminate all stumbling. Repeat the drill again and again, regaining your bal-
ance each time by bending your knees and widening your stance, thus lowering your
center of gravity. With practice, you will land as balanced as a jungle cat, no matter
how hard you’re pushed and from any angle.
5. from whatever position you end up in, open your eyes, go into the fright reaction,
and then immediately launch yourself into the shield with fast, furious, full-power,
alternating palm strikes.
6. Step forward with each strike. Nothing fancy here—simply drive forward as fast and
straight as you can. Don’t push the shield; hit it hard and fast as if smashing cock-
roaches on a red-hot frying pan to kill them without being in contact with the pan
long enough to be burned. Hit as hard as you can and bounce off the surface into
the next strike. Do not overcommit your balance to the shield, or you will fall over
if it moves (contain the over-travel). Rely on your own balance, not the target’s. This
is an important concept that we will develop throughout this book. As a variation,
try ripping and shredding as you hit. In other words, immediately after striking and
as you retract your hands as fast as lightning, try to rip the leather off the face of the
shield. Ideally, this should have no effect on your striking speed.
7. Scream like a banshee with each strike.
8. keep advancing on the target, but don’t get so close that you cramp the full extension
of your arms on impact. (This is a common fault of beginners—they wind up pitty-
patting the shield because their elbows remain bent at less than 90 degrees.)
9. Turn your back and shoulders into each strike so that your trunk and hips (rather
than just the unbending action of your elbows) are driving your arms out. Ideally, you
should also step in with each strike. Hit as fast and hard as you can. After four or five
shots, run away.
Middle-Linebacker Hitting
If you’ve played football you probably remember this one:
1. With your hands in front of you, pick your feet up and step in place as fast as you can.
2. Here’s where we modify it: With each step, shoot out a palm-heel strike with the alter-
nate hand. In other words, as your right foot lands, hit with the left palm heel and vice
3. Make your steps smaller and smaller and faster and faster until your feet are barely
leaving the ground. You could call this the supersonic shuffle. At the same time, try
to keep your palm striking in sync with your steps.
4. Try this drill against a heavy bag; then, try coordinating palm strikes with the step on
the same side (left hand step, left palm strike, etc).
The point of this drill is to get you to put your entire body weight behind every strike.
By stepping, you force this to happen. By taking smaller and faster steps, you increase
your coordination and the ability to marshal all your power instantaneously and loosely
without muscling up. This is actually a high-speed dropping drill (a full explanation of
dropping is coming up in chapter 6).
This drill incorporates the personal comfort zone and the Jack Benny stance. It is so simple
you might think it’s unnecessary, but it’s vital to practice because, when in danger, most
people react to the wrong stimuli at the wrong time.
Remember that the interview, as opposed to an assassination, involves a short period
of time where the assailant is sizing you up. Selecting you was the first step. You can
minimize being selected somewhat if you appear to be aware of your surroundings, but
don’t count on it. for whatever reason, there’s now someone almost in your face, and
you’re his chosen prey.
30 ATTAck PRoof
In chapter 1, you learned how to establish your personal comfort zone (see p. 7). If the
aggressor makes a move to cross this boundary, or the content of the conversation sets
off alarm bells in your stomach (that’s your good friend Mr. Adrenaline at your service),
you must strike like lightning, stopping only when you can run. or just run immediately.
Now since your first contact with this person is verbal, and you probably will be sur-
prised, you might feel a slight fright reaction coming on. However, the interview stimulus
is still not so dangerous that you’ll just go off, as you would in a blind attack; instead,
you raise your arm by assuming the Jack Benny stance (p. 14) or a similar nonthreat-
ening posture that raises your hands. This is not so unnatural, because touching your
face nervously and moving away sideways is a sign of fear and discomfort. If you think
standing tall with your chest out is going to discourage a predator, remember this: He’s
already picked you out. Now he wants to see how hard he’s going to have to work to get
what he wants. Unless you’ve perfected your frothing-at-the-mouth routine he’s going
to go through with whatever he’s got in mind. It’s better now to appear weaker, so that
he lets down his guard slightly.
This drill helps you practice delineating and maintaining your comfort zone, checking
for accomplices, moving off-line, and deciding to avoid petty squabbles. By doing these
four things, you give the enemy every opportunity to change his mind. If he enters your
zone (your sphere of influence), he will have to deal with a wild animal. He has made
your choice for you.
1. find a partner to help you perform this drill. Have your partner put on a focus glove
(available at martial arts stores) with two eyes drawn on it.
2. Spin around in circles with your eyes closed, then stop and walk forward.
3. open your eyes when your partner, holding the focus glove, addresses you verbally.
• If your partner says, “Come with me” or “Get in the car,” run away immediately. If
you see a gun or knife and he’s not holding you, run away immediately (use rubber
knives and guns for the drill).
• If your partner starts with some seemingly innocuous chatter such as
“You got change?” “You got the time?” or “How do you get to . . . ?”
say no and keep on walking; be alert for a rear or side attack from the assailant
or an accomplice.
• If, however, after opening your eyes you see that your escape is blocked by a wall,
furniture, or other objects, then immediately adopt the Jack Benny stance and
back away slowly as far as you can. Backing away is important to justify what is
to follow. (By the way, a scam artist, kidnapper, or rapist will often address you
with reassuring conversation. Don’t be taken in; it’s meant to lower your guard
before the attacker gets physical.)
4. Somewhere in the conversation, your partner should reach for you or, to make it more
belligerent, should strike at you. If someone physically enters your personal comfort
zone under these circumstances, attack the attacker right then with everything you’ve
got. for the purposes of this drill, you will be responding the same way as in fright
Reaction III” with a barrage of strikes. Try both of the following as your first strike:
• Stomp-step and strike with your lead hand, using a chin jab.
• Spear straight for the eyes on the focus glove or chop to the front or side of the
throat (the side of the focus-glove hand—not your partner’s!) Make sure both
your hands come out almost simultaneously, with the closer one hitting first.
5. Without pausing, continue ripping at the focus glove’s eyes or slam the glove with
your palm heels, driving your partner back, screaming from the gut the whole time.
keep your arms pumping like jackhammers, driving with your legs and powering your
arms with your back and waist. If you’re clawing at the eyes like an insane alley cat,
try to rip the leather from the skin of the glove. You want to imagine yourself tearing
the attacker’s face off his skull.
6. Hit 5 to 10 times and then run away. keep in mind that when your partner reaches or
Basic Strikes and Strategies 31
strikes at you, his or her hand will be deflected incidentally by the curve of your arm as
you go straight toward your target, just as water is deflected by the hull of a boat. This
holds true for your other arm, too, in case your partner strikes with his other hand,
which will happen half the time. Remember, it’s a waste of time to block the attacker’s
hand; practice to eliminate this dangerous habit.
When you are practicing this drill, remember that you should not perform the stomp-
ing first strike in isolation. It’s merely the first in a series of snarling, slashing, crushing
blows. In general, as initial strikes, chin jabs, and eye gouges work better for smaller indi-
viduals than throat chops. However, if you do practice eye strikes, train yourself mentally
to spear right through the eye sockets. Ghastly as this may sound, we have experience
with students who trained physically but not psychologically to perform these strikes.
In an actual fight, with their lives in peril, they had their fingers right on their attacker’s
eyeballs but couldn’t bring themselves to drive through them. Luckily, the students were
advanced enough to use other strikes and get away with their lives.
The above drill is one way of responding to the enemy. following is another method
that is slightly more advanced but has the advantage of being virtually universal in its
application. As you improve, you should practice it within the interview scenario described
a b
c d
Figure 2.13
path of the right arm); it then slashes down and inside to the left like an ax, with a chop to
the attacker’s neck or spine. This is immediately followed by a palm heel to the temple with
the other hand (the one that did the clearing motion). As an alternative, you can substitute
clawing strikes (like a cat or bear) for the clearing, chopping, and palming movements.
As you read this, you may have thought the motion is complicated and time consuming,
when in actuality, it is lightning fast because it happens all at once and economically
combines stepping, clearing, and striking (figure 2.14 shows all movements combined in
reality). This all happens explosively and will be greatly enhanced when you learn about
dropping energy in part II and apply that to both the clearing and chopping motions.
But there is one thing even better about this entry, and that is its universality (as you
will see when you practice it): If the attacker throws a straight left, your right hand easily
smashes it out of the way, clearing a path for the chop to the neck (figure 2.15a). However,
if the attacker throws a straight right, the devastation will be even worse because there
will be nothing to clear in the first place (figure 2.15b). Let’s say, however, that the attacker
throws a left hook. What you will find is that by virtue of the body’s innate fear or flinch
Basic Strikes and Strategies 33
reaction and the very nature of the ccUE’s motion, your right hand
will automatically check the hook by moving to the outside right (but
inside the strike). In the meantime, your guillotining left chop will
come crashing in on its mark with nothing to stop it (figure 2.15c).
It doesn’t matter what the assailant attacks you with because your
response is a complete no-brainer. And this is all because in a real
assault, the attacker comes right at you, so stepping off-line in your
favorite direction is still effective. What if he jumps you so fast that
you can’t get the full ccUE off? It doesn’t matter because a ccUE cut
short by space is simply an ordinary fright reaction. It just comes out
that way. The attacker winds up eating an elbow straight to his face—all
because you got scared and reacted naturally and instinctively.
But this is not the end of the ccUE. The chop is immediately
followed by a knee strike (left or right is determined simply by
the natural steps you take with the chop/palm) so that a high-low
attack is delivered in an instant (figure 2.16 on p. 34). This will
be addressed later in the Ground fighting chapter as another no-
brainer response to a takedown attempt, but for now, picture this:
The attacker dives at you; you don’t know if he’s throwing a right, a
left, or a big roundhouse hook, but in a microsecond, he’s gone from
sight because it turns out he actually dove for your legs. No matter—
he just ate your knee with his face because it was part of your ccUE
Figure 2.14
A more advanced way of stepping off-line that Master Perkins prefers
is much more subtle and thus easier to screw up as a beginner. In the previous scenario,
in a left lead, instead of stepping in obliquely to the right with the right foot, drop-step
forward (see chapter 6, dropping energy) very slightly to the right with the left foot (figure
2.17 on p. 34). This is even faster (and more powerful because the impact is shocking), but
the margin for error is greater because you are essentially crashing inside with the most
economical degree of off-lining. The sequence of your arms remains the same although
your right knee now follows naturally instead of your left.
Be aware that if you’re a lefty or if you just prefer moving left, all the above is reversed.
It also doesn’t hurt to practice both directions. Just remember that the way you train is
a b c
Figure 2.15
34 ATTAck PRoof
the way you fight, and you don’t want to have a computer meltdown picking one or the
other when violence strikes. Pick the direction you like best and use it for everything.
A slight variation of the clear/chop may be used against very big and strong attackers
where you simply don’t have enough force to intercept the incoming strike. If the attacker
throws a left to your face, you simply smash it in and down with your left elbow (like a
fright reaction) and instantaneously follow with a left chop to the neck.
The following concept is advanced and may not make sense until you read the rest of
the book. The ccUE is a patterned close combat technique, even though the rest of this
book talks about eliminating all patterned techniques and responses. That is because
close combat defines what you do in the opening instant of an attack when you are not
yet in tactile sensitivity range. close combat may be all you ever need, but do not, we
repeat, do not count on it, or you will fall into the same trap as those who follow every
other system. That is because you never know exactly how a fight will go, and you must
learn how to flow and adapt with the chaos—something you can’t really do until you
are in actual physical contact with your attacker. Although it’s very effective, if the close
combat ccUE hasn’t destroyed the enemy in the first second of the fight, you’re in big
trouble. This is why Perkins invented guided chaos. Parts II and III will explain all this
in great detail.
Meet Jason
Besides being used for the horror movie Halloween, a goalie’s mask taped to a focus glove
is an excellent training aid for practicing eye gouging.
1. Have your partner wear a focus glove with a goalie’s mask taped to it.
2. Practice eye gouging through the holes of the goalie mask. Learn to deliver the gouges
one immediately after the other as if you were an enraged alley cat.
Surviving rape
Rape is horrible enough. However, many women can live through a rape and recover psy-
chologically. The problem is that there’s no guarantee the monster will stop with just rape.
This is a choice only you can make. Often, the rape is followed by torture and murder. What
you need to know is that most rapes are committed without a weapon. So chances are you
won’t have to deal with that factor. With most rapes, there are slim windows of opportunity
where the rapist is vulnerable. You need to seize those opportunities the way a cornered wildcat
would; your life may depend on it.
The most important thing is not to let this scenario happen in the first place. All the aware-
ness material in chapter 1 plays a big part in staying safe and is underscored by a story that
appeared in New York City a few years ago. A young woman was approached by a man from
behind in broad daylight on a crowded street. The man hissed menacingly, “Don’t turn around.
I’ve got a gun pointed at you! Walk with me and look normal!” He then began to search for
the ideal secluded location to rape her. The woman was terrified. She never saw the gun, but
she looked beseechingly into the eyes of passersby as she and her captor moved from one
place to another. No spot was ever good enough for the hapless rapist. He eventually gave
up and just walked away. The woman was unbelievably lucky. Contrast this with another New
York City incident where a man jumped out from between two parked cars with a gun and
approached a woman walking on the sidewalk. In this case she didn’t even wait for the attacker
to say anything. As soon as she saw gunmetal, she was out of there. As author Ridenhour
likes to say “they’ll be cleaning the skid marks for a week!” The attacker was left speechless
with the gun hanging at his side. This goes back to what we said earlier: Unless you’re being
restrained, and the gun is shoved right in your face or into your back, run! Even if the gun is
in your face or back, if you’re being taken to another location, fight right now, or you may
never get another chance.
If the attack is going down, you’re alone, and you haven’t been able to escape, you could
appear to submit slightly to get to those moments of vulnerability we spoke of earlier. If the
rapist is armed with a gun or a knife and you are in a standing position, you can use the strat-
egies outlined in this chapter and chapter 12. If, however, you are in a prone position, you
could wait for the attacker to put down the weapon for a second while he undoes his pants
or makes any other preparation for the rape. You could be just a little difficult to handle so he
is taken off guard, giving you the opportunity to attack him in the eyes. When his pants are
down, submit momentarily and bite or crush his testicles. Get up immediately, launch into eye
and throat strikes, and then run. There are other opportunities during a rape when the rapist
may become vulnerable, but we will leave those to your imagination. Yes it is ugly, but if you
are serious about self-defense, failing to plan is planning to fail.
Another strategy that could cause your assailant to reconsider is to pick up the knife or
weapon your attacker puts down and plunge it into his neck. If the rapist is bare-handed and
pulls you from behind, respond as in Fright Reaction II (p. 28). If you go to the ground, the
strategies for ground fighting in chapter 10 will be useful.
Mace may only enrage a determined rapist and immediately turn a sex crime into a brutal
attack or homicide. Women need to seriously consider carrying a real weapon that can be
employed instantly, like a knife; however, be forewarned that you will then enter into a legal gray
area where a court may actually find you more at fault in a crime than your attacker, and you
may wind up serving prison time instead of the monster who assaulted you. There are certain
knives (for example, push-daggers and punch knives) that require very little skill or strength
to use effectively; they have the added advantage of being very hard to dislodge even when
wet with blood. These kinds of knives are illegal virtually everywhere. Don’t be overconfident if
you have a permit to carry a handgun, either. Believe it or not, unless there is a lot of distance
between you and the attacker, it is very difficult to draw your weapon during an actual assault.
More on this in chapter 12. There is also a comprehensive gun defense DVD available from www.
attackproof.com that covers far more scenarios than can be addressed in this book.
36 ATTAck PRoof
Gang Attack I
Ideally, you will have five training partners for this drill. This drill trains your peripheral
awareness and your ability to react and move powerfully in random directions.
1. Have four individuals arrange themselves in a circle facing you, the “victim.” Each
should be holding kicking shields (available at martial arts supplies stores). Have the
fifth individual stand outside the circle and act as an instigator.
2. face the instigator with your eyes closed.
3. Wait while the instigator preselects an attacker from the circle by pointing to him.
4. Now, open your eyes. The instigator will engage you in conversation. The content need
not be hostile. In fact, the instigator should pick a subject that you become involved
in and have to think about, for example, how to fix a car or bake a cake. The goal is
for the instigator to create an innocuous mental distraction (something scam artists
do well).
5. continue until, somewhere in this exchange, the preselected attacker simultaneously
yells and charges at you.
6. Whip around to face the attacker, scream, stomp-step, chop, and palm-strike the
shield. If the attacker is very close, go into your fright reaction and then hit.
Anywhere Strikes I
If you surveyed 100 martial arts books, chances are not one of them would train you
the way this drill does. This extremely vital exercise will build your ability to hit ran-
domly, freely, and powerfully from any angle without plan. This exercise will come
into focus with the information on guided chaos in part II, but for now, you can start
training your nervous system to simply react and recognize bizarre openings without
interference from your brain dictating the angle or type of strike.
1. choose a target such as a hanging, heavy bag (available at most sporting goods stores),
B.o.B. (Body opponent Bag), or fighting Man Dummy (both available on the web).
Alternatively you can use a tree or basement support pole.
2. Take any strike, let’s say a chop, and begin hitting the target slowly, using only one
hand. Practice turning your entire body behind every strike. Drive from your feet,
through your legs, and turn your hips. Unwind your back and align your shoulder
so that you have one continuous, uninterrupted chain of power coming up from the
floor and into your hand on every chop. Your arms are almost straight at impact. Be
sure not to stand too close and crimp your arms; this is a common fault of beginners.
3. Now, begin to change the angle of delivery so that the pattern of strikes moves around
the bag like the hands of a clock. You will see that the mechanics of the strikes change
as you go beyond the range of a specific joint. for example, with your right arm at about
one o’clock (figure 2.18a), you begin to look like a very nasty waiter delivering a bowl of
soup. At about four o’clock, the chop becomes a ridgehand to the thigh or groin (figure
2.18b). At seven o’clock, it becomes a chop again (figure 2.18c).
4. Work around the clock three times with about 40 strikes, moving slowly and concen-
trating on delivering each chop with your full body weight. Then go counterclockwise.
a b c
Figure 2.18
38 ATTAck PRoof
5. Switch hands and go around the other way. Be aware that, like any good tennis player,
you should reposition your feet for every shot so that maximum power and balance
are available to you. This is paramount.
6. Perform this drill with elbows, palm strikes, clawing motions, and hammer fists. Notice
that elbow blows can be delivered with horizontal or vertical spearing motions straight
ahead as well as circular. Add those to the mix.
Anywhere Strikes II
You have to practice spontaneity to be spontaneous. Get loose and let fly.
1. Perform the previous drill again, but this time, add speed and rhythm, using fast-paced
music as your guide.
2. Despite the increase in speed, be sure your feet move and readjust for maximum power
delivery with each strike.
3. Practice the drill with different weapons.
When you hit, retract the strike faster than it goes out so that you’re bouncing your
shots off the target.
4. The chop and palm should both hit the bag dead center so that the bag
is dented and does not spin. Do not push the bag and do not maintain
contact with it after impact. The quality of your strike should be a
piercing splash: Imagine that you’re trying to annihilate a cockroach
on a red-hot frying pan. You must hit the cockroach so fast and so
hard that you obliterate it without burning your hand. The frying pan
would essentially bounce into the air from the impact. Maintain the
same distance from the heavy bag the entire time you perform this
drill. Do not fall into it. Pass the bag; don’t crowd it.
5. The instant after you spring off your right foot and land on your left,
your right foot steps to the left also, but because 99 percent of your
weight is now transferred to the left, your right foot lands by merely
tapping the ground sharply with the toe (figure 2.19). The toe-tap
landing is about 2 to 2 1/2 feet (.6 to .7 m) to the right of your left
foot. What your right toe immediately does then is probe the ground
for the next root it will spring to when you deliver the same strikes
springing back to your right. We say “probing” because where you step
depends entirely on where the target is. In the case of a moving enemy
(or heavy bag), this quality of a mobile root is critical for delivering
maximum balanced power into your next strike. If you were fighting
an immobile enemy, you could just drop (see dropping, chapter 6)
into both feet right where you stand, but typically the enemy is not
hanging around waiting to be pounded a second time (except in the
movies.) Figure 2.19
6. After impact, both your arms have swung through the target and are
now poised to your left for a right chop and a left palm moving to the right. This has
a loose swinging feel, like the arms of an ape. As before, drive off your bent, coiled
left leg and deliver the chop and palm combination like a machine gun as you land
with 99 percent of your weight on your right foot (which has stepped about 6 inches
[15.2 cm] further to the right); your left foot comes up sharply nearby, with the toe
popping into the ground—again probing for its next root because you will chop and
palm to the left again.
7. Spring back and forth, crushing the bag with the chop and palm combo. Each time
you hit, take two steps: left-right, right-left, left-right, and so on. It should sound like
Bam-Bam, Bam-Bam, Bam-Bam, etc.
8. Do not rise when you step. Do not lunge and do not leave the back foot “in the bucket.”
What you will notice is that you will hit harder, faster, and sharper than you ever have
before; you’ll always be balanced and spring-loaded for the next strike. This is because
the rocket step forces you to use full body unity (chapter 4) as well as dropping energy
(you’ll see why in chapter 6) when you step.
Do not fall in love with the stepping in this drill. This is because how you step is always
dependent upon how the enemy moves and can always change. Instead, understand the
principle behind the quality of this movement and apply it when necessary.
2. Double and triple up occasionally on the same strike to the same spot. for many people
accustomed to rigid, classical self-defense training, hitting this randomly presents a
problem: They want to work like boxers, in fixed combinations. You must, however,
forget about looking cool and just let the strikes flow. With time, you’ll have no idea
what you’re doing, nor should you. And if you don’t know what you’re doing, heaven
knows your opponent won’t have a clue.
3. Apply this method of practice to any weapon. With the elbow, you will find that you
can deliver certain angles with a spearing action, rather than a bludgeon. Try head
butting from every conceivable angle, just don’t knock yourself out—butt against a
heavy bag! Remember to use your forehead just below the hairline.
4. After trying each different strike solo, mix them up. creativity is the key. Add your
shoulders. How many different ways can you hit with them? It’s up to you to find out.
Add your knees and feet. Hit with your butt (this is useful to create space). Remember
to use the principles described earlier in this chapter regarding close combat strikes.
once you have fully understood dropping energy (described in part II), come back
to this drill and try to drop on every strike. The idea is not to hit hard, although you
should go for maximum power when you get used to the drill. The idea is to develop
familiarity with the motion of random hitting, so that no matter what position you
find yourself in, you can deliver with power, alignment, and balance. You’ll be able
to hit from anywhere to anywhere.
After a while, you’ll notice something interesting. You’ll see that certain strikes flow
right into others, within the same movement. for example, a right backhanded elbow
strike to the head flows nonstop into a right backhanded chop to the head (figure 2.20a),
which in the same full-body turn a millisecond later flows into a left inside palm strike,
followed by a left inside elbow (figure 2.20b). This has all occurred within one whole-
body, step-and-turn movement to the right. Your arms are merely acting like the teeth of
a rotary blade, and your waist has become like the drive shaft. This multihitting principle,
discussed in chapter 8, is extremely effective when combined with the other guided chaos
principles you will learn in parts II and III.
To continue with this example, after your body has completed the ape-like or pendulum-
like swing of blows to the right, it can immediately unleash a similar barrage of blows as
a b c
1 2
Figure 2.20
Basic Strikes and Strategies 41
it swings back to the left. Using the anywhere principle, you can also direct this swinging
vertically or diagonally. for example, merely change the angle of your waist and back
and the position of your feet, and the blows serve to knock the assailant’s head skyward
in one direction (figure 2.20c) and into the ground in the other. As you can see, practic-
ing this drill adds a vital attribute to your self-defense skills. once you fully understand
looseness (also in part II), come back to this drill and add pocketing and yielding to your
interaction with the bag as it swings.
Gang Attack II
This drill simulates actual upright fighting conditions very closely. Be warned, however,
that this particular drill is exhausting; do it at maximum speed and intensity for no longer
than 10 to 15 seconds at a time. Make sure you’re in good physical condition first. This
drill also requires a long, heavy bag (also called Muay Thai bags).
42 ATTAck PRoof
1. Get four or more partners, three of them with their own large kicking shields. Have
the fourth person stand by the room light switch and rapidly flick the lights on and
off (mostly off).
2. close your eyes and spin.
3. Have two of your partners slam you with their shields while the third throws several
loose shields at your feet, trying to trip you. Not surprisingly, this is very disorienting.
4. At first contact, open your eyes, regain your balance with a fright reaction, find the
heavy bag, and attack it.
5. Simultaneously avoid and attack the partners holding shields; focus on the heavy,
hanging bag as your primary target.
6. continue stomping, both to get your balance and to crush the loose kicking shields
on the floor as if they were attackers’ feet. Because of the flashing lights, you will need
to keep reorienting yourself; at the same time, try to keep the heavy bag between you
and the nearest shield-carrying attacker. Just go nuts. Have no plan. Simply be fast,
loose, balanced, and relaxed. Scream on every blow.
7. As with the anywhere striking drills, insert as many strikes as randomly as possible
within your flow of movement. As you move in, elbows follow palm strikes, head butts
follow elbows, knees follow both, and biting follows clawing. However, this is not a
rule. In a real fight, there are no rules. Spontaneity is king. Move with your whole body.
8. Be sure not to crimp your shots by getting too close to the bag. When you learn drop-
ping energy, you’ll be able to hit harder in less space.
If you’re practicing solo and have the space and funds, you can perform this drill inside
a circle of three Muay Thai heavy bags.
If you do this drill several times a week, the results will be incredible. What you will
find is that, just as in a real fight, all techniques and planned counters go right out the
window. The way to get better is by becoming looser, quicker, and better balanced, not
by fighting your body’s natural motion. classical purists will be uncomfortable with this
training and will make all kinds of excuses about why they can’t get their stuff off or
make it look pretty. As you learn the guided chaos principles in parts II and III, however,
you’ll become more creative, efficient, and lethal with gang attack II.
Although knives and guns can enter into close combat, most assaults take place with-
out a weapon; even if you have a weapon, you still need hand-to-hand combat skills to
create enough room to get it out. for this reason, we present these basic hand-to-hand
close combat principles and skills in isolation from weapons. We specifically address
how to deal effectively with knife and gun attacks in chapter 12. We’ve chosen not to
include those topics in this chapter because they introduce higher levels of sensitivity
and awareness that you will gain with the principles and exercises presented in parts
II and III of this book. obviously, guns and knives also introduce a whole new set of
tactical problems.
courthouSe Frenzy
John Perkins
With only a few classes of close combat under her belt, a petite woman entered an elevator
in a New York courthouse. Just before the doors closed, a huge, 300-pound (136 kg) man
rushed in and immediately hit the button for the basement. He was a paroled rapist, wander-
ing the halls of the courthouse looking for a victim.
As he turned to face the diminutive woman, she cowered (she was terrified) and put her
hands up to her mouth in horror (a modified Jack Benny stance). This put the giant more
at ease. Smelling her fear, he lowered his hands, brought his face closer, and opened his
eyes wide, practically salivating at the prospect of easy prey. The woman’s hands suddenly
exploded straight out, her fingers stabbing deep into his eye sockets. The man screamed in
pain, but she continued to hit and kick him while simultaneously pushing every button she
could reach with her elbow. The doors opened, and the elevator stopped six inches below
the floor. The man fell out and tripped as she continued to kick and palm-heel his head. When
security arrived on the scene, they pulled her off him, thinking it was a domestic disturbance.
The man suffered a torn retina among his many injuries.
is done for personal edification or to increase social status. Sometimes bullies are out for
profit, but stealing someone’s property through the use of physical force or threat of vio-
lence is a crime. We consider those people criminals and will speak about dealing with
them later. As for the bully, he or she wants the attention of other people and is trying
to prove toughness in front of an audience. The key to protecting yourself from a bully
is not to play into their game.
The bully usually follows a three-step attack process.
1. The in ya face 2. The bump or push 3. The attack
The in ya face step is when the bully gets in close, right in front of your face. Usually this
is accompanied with a barrage of insults designed to make you angry and get you off balance
both physically and mentally. Eventually, one of the people involved has had enough, and
the encounter moves to the next step: the bump or push. Then the bully uses the attack
step, with a right hook or overhand punch to the face. A flail of hooks and punches fol-
lows. This is the bully’s game, and it works—but if you don’t play the game, you can’t lose.
All the awareness material previously described comes into play here. Avoid confronta-
tion at all costs. Do not engage in tough talk back. If you’re continually being hounded,
notify school security. This is important because if it comes to blows later, you properly
gave authorities advance warning. Never stand toe-to-toe with a bully. That is playing into
the bully’s hands and into his or her game. When you first become aware of the bully,
face him or her but keep moving; keep the bully outside your personal comfort zone or
sphere of influence. It’s very difficult to push someone who is moving around you. keep
your hands up by your face in the Jack Benny or similar “I don’t want to fight” posture
so that you are also ready for a rear attack from an accomplice. Do not assume a fighting
stance; to do so would be to play the bully’s game. Try to de-escalate the situation. Loudly
say, “Leave me alone. I am outta here. I am not getting in trouble ’cause of you; this is
not worth it.” These are statements that let people around you know that you are not the
aggressor. This will help you later on because if despite all your attempts to gain space,
the bully moves into your personal comfort zone or inside your sphere of influence, all
the material in chapters 1 and 2 comes into play. Because you are now at immediate risk
of physical injury, attack the attacker. There should be no shortage of witnesses to the
bully’s initial threat posture since it was preceded by close-in, verbal abuse loudly broad-
casting to an audience the bully’s intent to mess you up.
If you have to fight, then fight like a victim—don’t ball up your hands into fists. Hitting
someone with a closed fist can be considered assault. It appears aggressive and combative
to any bystanders. fists are also less effective than open-hand strikes.
44 ATTAck PRoof
Step in but off-line using the ccUE. If the bully hasn’t swung first, he’ll be caught
completely off guard. If he has, the ccUE will let you bypass his strike and insert your
own chops and palm strikes. If he dives for your legs, the step off-line and ccUE knee
strike will crush his face as your elbow slams his neck or your fingers tear at his eye sockets
(this is only if you perceive the bully has deadly intent).
When striking, shout, “Help! Get Back! Leave me alone! Get this psycho off of me!
I am not fighting you!” These words let first responders know that you are the victim.
Remember, escape the instant you are able. After a good, open-palm strike, the bully
will probably have second thoughts about messing with you. Do not beat the bully to a
pulp if he or she becomes unable to fight. Use only the force necessary to get away from
your opponent. Get to a dean, teacher, or school security personnel and let that person
know what happened. Explain the steps you took to de-escalate the situation. odds are
you are not the first person this bully has bothered. If you are afraid of being seen report-
ing a bully, a superb resource is www.schooltipline.com (not available in all states). Here,
bullies can be reported anonymously. Parents need to ask all states and all schools to use
this Web site. Remember, do not become the aggressor. Self-defense is about defending
your body from injury; it is not about your pride.
The second threat in schools is criminals. They come in all ages, shapes, and sizes, and
all ethnic and social groups. Some students steal because they can’t or don’t want to pay
for something. Some steal just for the rush of doing something bad. Whatever the reason,
your best defense is tactical awareness. Be conscious of your environment and always try
to know where you are: know the building, floor, and address. Do not leave your valuables
unattended. Don’t give out you locker combination and don’t bring anything to school
that you are scared of losing. fancy jewelry, electronics, cameras, and cell phones are
all better left at home. Granted, in an extreme situation like terrorism or kidnapping a
cell phone can be a lifesaver, but the odds of your accessing the phone during an actual
assault are nil. You will have to balance the risks of theft versus utility. one option is
not to bring the latest awesome cell phone/MP3/web ready model to school, period. No
criminal is going to be interested in taking a plain, lame, 3-year-old phone away from you.
If someone comes up to a student and threatens violence in order to take something,
that’s not bullying, that’s robbery. If the aggressor displays a weapon while threatening,
that’s robbery. If the aggressor uses something not usually thought of as a weapon to
amplify the threat, this is robbery, too. for example, if a criminal displays a chain or bike
lock and tells the student, “If you don’t give up your cell phone, I’ll bust you in the head,”
that’s a robbery. This aggressor is not a bully; he or she is a criminal. Even if no weapon
or improvised weapon is displayed or used, but the threat of force is communicated or
implied, it is a strong-arm robbery. Remember, a bully is someone who intimidates or
harasses you. The moment that person tries to take your property or your life, he or she
is a criminal.
Another group of criminals in the schools is a gang. There are many different gangs
covering lots of varied ethnic and social groups. Some wear colored bandannas tucked
into pockets; some wear colored beads to identify them as members of a particular gang.
This is referred to as flagging. If you or your child is ever approached by a group wearing
(or taking out and displaying) these so-called flags, this should raise your suspicion and
concern. If you see these groups approaching you, get away immediately but use your
street smarts and tactics. Go to any public phone and call 911. Even if you have a cell
phone, use a public phone if possible because the police can know immediately where
you are. Even if it isn’t practical to talk to the operator because of an immediate threat,
just call 911 and let the phone hang. Police will then be dispatched to investigate the 911
call. When you see a police car, wave it down. Tell the officers a large group was acting
menacingly, and you felt you needed help.
If an attack is unavoidable or if you are taken by surprise, this is usually called getting
jumped. This is a group assault in which the victim is kicked and punched by multiple
attackers, who then flee the scene after their attack. Your best bet is to follow the prin-
ciples of guided chaos involving multiple attackers found later in this book. If you fail,
use the techniques of modified Native American ground fighting: fight to evade. Strike
to escape. Do not get surrounded.
Basic Strikes and Strategies 45
The final predator students may come into contact with is the suicidal gunman; this
is the most rare but the most dangerous of the predators. An example was the colum-
bine High School shooting. on April 20, 1999, columbine High School was the scene of
a terrible school shooting where 23 people were injured, and 12 students and a teacher
were killed by two of their classmates. In the event of an emergency situation involving
armed gunmen, your first and best option is to escape through the nearest exit and get as
far away from the scene as possible. If the attackers order you to stop, do not listen. Run
for your life. Stay low, hunch your body forward, and keep your head down. A common
myth is that it is best to run in a zig-zag pattern to avoid getting hit by bullets; that is not
necessary. Just stay low and run for your life. If you are able to escape, get to a phone and
dial 911. Be prepared to give as much information as possible to help the police.
If you cannot escape, try to find cover or concealment. cover is something that pro-
tects you from a projectile or explosion. This could be a wall or column of a building, the
engine block of a car, a fire hydrant, or a large, thick tree. The next and least favorable
tactic is concealment. This is something, including a bush, a hedge, curtains, or cardboard
boxes, which blocks you from your assailant’s view but offers no ballistic protection.
Use concealment to buy time to escape or find cover. Don’t wait out a situation behind
concealment; you need to get to real cover.
If you are put into a situation where you believe combat is your only chance for sur-
vival, then fight with the savagery of a cornered sewer rat. Grab anything handy as a
weapon: A pen, pencil, ruler, or even the corner of a hard-cover book can become an
improvised stabbing weapon. Yell, scream, stab, claw, bite, scratch, and rip. Do not stop
until the threat is neutralized. Remember that you only use improvised weapons in this
extreme case. The minute you use something as a weapon, you will be held accountable
for your actions.
All of these tactics, legalities, awareness methods, and fight strategies apply equally to
bullying, robbery, and attack situations in the workplace.
sure you know how to operate the exit and mentally rehearse opening it. In the event
of an emergency and if everyone is trying to get to the emergency exits in a panic, the
quickest way to get there, if you are physically able, may be to climb over the seats rather
than attempt to move through a jammed aisle.
Although purpose-built weapons are obviously not allowed on airliners, take note of
the myriad of improvised weapons that are available to you:
• A cane can be used as a weapon. If you seem to need a cane in order to walk, you
will be able to take one onboard. See the section in chapter 12 about cane fighting.
The narrow confines of an airliner’s aisle magnifies the effectiveness of the thrusting
motions guided chaos emphasizes. Be sure you have a cane up to the task. Attack-
proof.com has sturdy chromalloy steel canes.
• A sturdy pen can be a very effective stabbing weapon. Thick, metal pens with rub-
berized plastic grips and flat buttons on top for driving with the thumb are best.
• Steel-toed boots or any other sturdy footwear can enhance your kicking ability,
effectively putting a pair of sledgehammers on the ends of your legs. composite-
toe footwear is available that is just as strong as steel but lighter. This type is now
available in almost any kind of shoe or sneaker.
• Big, heavy, solid objects are but a latch lift away in the overhead bins. Feel free to use
someone else’s luggage as a bludgeon, shield, or projectile against a blade-wielding
maniac or terrorist. Seat cushions can be used not only as floatation devices, but
also as shields or projectiles.
• The corner of a laptop computer can be used to smash into a hijacker’s face with
short, explosive, two-handed, hatchet-like or spearing motions. There are also metal
handles that screw on to many laptops available online; these handles allow you to
swing a laptop with surprising power (as well as carry your computer more conve-
niently). In addition, your laptop or cell phone’s Ac power supply can be placed in
a sock and swung with tremendously damaging force.
• An ordinary glossy magazine (preferably one with book-style binding) can be turned
into a rigid stabbing weapon. fold the magazine diagonally so that one corner con-
taining the binding becomes the apex of a triangle. fold it over a second time, and
the apex becomes a sturdy spike that can be thrust with two hands like a jackham-
mer into the hijacker’s face.
• Anything that can cause a person to blink or look away can be an effective distrac-
tion device, allowing you to follow up against a temporarily blind, off-balance, or
unprepared attacker. A pocket full of change or a drink (either thrown or spit) can
work nicely.
Be aware of how the aircraft environment can limit but also enhance your fighting
capabilities. The narrow aisle obviously decreases the space you have to move off-line or
swing or kick from outside angles. Straight, direct strikes and kicks are the rule in this
environment. When we train federal air marshals for unarmed combat aboard an airplane,
we emphasize the development of extreme, short-range dropping power in straight strikes,
which allows the marshals to stop, crush, and run over people moving in the aisles.
The seats on either side of the aisle offer a unique opportunity to enhance your balance
and double your kicking power. Use your hands to hold on to and push off from the seats
beside you as you launch straight front kicks. If you are physically able, you can use the
added balance and leverage offered by the seats to launch your entire body forward, hit-
ting with one or both feet into the torso or throat of the enemy. Because of the narrow
aisle, the attacker will be unable to get out of the way, and the speed and power you can
gain in your kicks from holding onto the seats or even the overhead bins (if you’re tall
enough) can be devastating. In a workshop we conducted for flight attendants shortly
after 9/11, a 100-pound (45.4-kg) female flight attendant was able to knock a 300-pound
(136.1-kg) instructor who was holding the kicking shield ass-over-teakettle using this
method. Practice this method by holding the backs of two sturdy chairs while you kick
at a kicking shield.
Basic Strikes and Strategies 47
If a terrorist is coming down the aisle past your seat, and you have a pen, you can
ambush him as follows: Just as he passes your seat, rise, get behind him, reach around to
his front with both hands, and pull your pen down hard into his jugular notch (which
will act like a funnel) with both hands. As you do this, fall backward, pulling him down
on top of you as cover against other terrorists, and continue to work the pen into his
throat until you hit spine. If the throat stab somehow fails, gouge deeply into the eye
sockets with your pen or your fingers, attempting to penetrate the brain.
If you need to subdue an emotionally disturbed person, and you can enlist others to
help, a blanket can be an effective device to gain initial control. once several people can
secure the blanket over the person’s head so that he or she is disoriented and slightly
restrained, it should be easier to upset the person’s balance and pin him or her on the
floor without causing undue injury, where additional blankets can be used as restraints.
Remember, however, that your safety and that of the other passengers must come first.
Emotionally disturbed persons (EDPs in cop-speak) can be insanely strong (no pun
intended) and destructive, and it may require harsher measures to get them to stop.
If a terrorist attempts to set off a bomb (e.g., the infamous Shoe Bomber), the terrorist
must be stopped as quickly as possible by any means necessary. Leaving the would-be
terrorist conscious may allow him or her to set off the bomb, even if restrained.
contrary to popular belief, bullets and even hand grenades will in most cases not bring
down a plane (although they can be very damaging to the passengers). Relatively small
penetrations of an airliner’s skin will not result in a huge suction effect or catastrophic
depressurization. Bullets and small explosions can damage electronics, hydraulics, and
other aircraft systems, but modern commercial airliners have sufficient redundancy and
safety mechanisms built in to survive such damage.
If you never do anything but study and practice the skills and strategies presented in
this chapter, you will become quite formidable to an attacker. However, what if you become
the victim of someone possessing the same or similarly devastating skills? This was the
problem confronting John Perkins when he was a child. His father and uncles who were
training him to be a warrior were all highly proficient in fighting arts similar to close
combat. In addition to having these warrior skills, John’s father could punch a hole in a
refrigerator, and his uncle could lift the front end of a car. This is why the guided chaos
principles were devised—to give you a fighting chance against the physical monsters of
the world and the most advanced practitioners of other martial arts. The material in parts
II and III is radically different from anything else you may have ever encountered and
was designed to let you confront these scenarios head-on.
Body and Mind
PrinciPles of
Guided chaos
T he main concept underlying guided chaos is this: Why train patterned move-
ments when every real fight is made up of unpatterned movements? Throughout
a lifetime of fighting, and as a forensic scientist reconstructing homicides for the
police, John Perkins has meticulously analyzed the movement dynamics of hor-
rific life-and-death bloodbaths. Unlike fight scenes in movies, these are far from
choreographed. Through research and plenty of terrifying hands-on experience,
he’s concluded that the main thing all melees have in common is utter chaos and
mayhem. Any system of self-defense training that doesn’t appreciate this fully is
dangerously delusional. By following our methodology, you endeavor to understand
and exploit chaos and then channel its energy. We want you to thrive in chaos.
How do you do this?
In most classical martial arts schools, you’re taught from the outside in. They tell
you, “This is what you’re supposed to do against this certain kind of attack.” They
give you choreographed or sportive moves to deal with every kind of assault. They
impose form upon function, as if you were preparing to learn the tango. Eventually,
after decades of external practice, what you’re supposed to achieve is an internal
state of balance, relaxation, and sensitivity—what some people would call chi. What
they don’t tell you is that brawls aren’t ballets. Your attacker is not going to dance
the same steps as you.
In addition, to their credit, many of the more innovative styles try to borrow
techniques from other disciplines. As if they’re adding spokes to a wheel, they try to
make their styles well rounded, complete, and natural. However, there is a potential
trap: If the techniques are never integrated subconsciously and dissolved, or the
techniques can only function in a rules-based environment, all you’ll have are a
Body and Mind Principles of Guided
Chaos 49
million defensive moves waiting for a million matching attacks. When the spit hits the
fan, will you pick the right one? And should this even be a job for the brain to handle at
that instant? The last thing you want to do is lock up your brain with calculations and
defense formulas during a fight.
Guided chaos bypasses this neural traffic jam entirely by teaching principles of effective
combat through play and experimentation so that you can quickly absorb information
subconsciously. When you were a child, you learned to walk and talk not from a textbook
but by natural trial and error. Similarly, guided chaos will teach you to defend yourself Guided chaos
using your own instincts by maximizing your human physical attributes. does not train
It has been said that there are many paths up the mountain, but from the top, every- technique. It
thing looks the same. Similarly, after 30 years of tai chi (if your patience holds out) or trains response-
taekwondo (if your body holds out), what you might finally begin to develop after end- ability.
less, arduous hours of memorization, imitation, sweat, and “perfect” execution, are the
four pillars of combat that everything else rests on: looseness, body unity, balance, and
sensitivity, culminating in the elusive fifth principle: complete freedom of action and an
anything-goes adaptability. Well, here’s a wild idea: Why not train these principles first?
Don’t misunderstand us. It’s possible for high-quality classical training to turn out
superb fighters, but there are potential traps along the way that preclude the develop-
ment of spontaneity in the unwary. In parts II and III, we present a realistic approach to
self-defense, an approach that stresses principles, not techniques. The reason we harp
so much on principles is that they’re easier to apply to a lot of different situations in a
pinch. In this methodology, you still train hard, just differently. With guided chaos prin-
ciples, you train like a jazz musician improvising on a theme, letting it flow and evolve
with the rhythm and energy of the music. A martial artist who learns only forms and
techniques is akin to a jazz musician practicing only scales—that musician will never be
able to jam with confidence. You learn to jam by jamming, and you learn to improvise
and adapt by adopting a training model that emphasizes combat-effective improvisation
over everything else.
however that John Perkins’ best student, who’s lethal beyond comprehension, employs all
these principles masterfully yet has no names for most of them. He believes some things
are better left unspoken, undefined, and unintellectualized. His advice to other students
while they’re training: Stop thinking!
T he best defense against any type of strike—fist, kick, or gunshot—is not to be there
when the strike arrives. This is a central tenet of guided chaos, but you cannot accom-
plish it without looseness—the ability to change direction with any part of your body with
the tiniest impetus, with no conscious thought or physical restriction. To do so requires
becoming relaxed, reactive, rooted, and yielding.
relaxed Looseness
Muscular tension is so deeply ingrained in most people that they are astonished to learn
it isn’t natural. Watch the way animals fight, especially apes, who most resemble us ana-
tomically. They are living embodiments of loose, powerful ferocity. In the heat of battle
and at extreme speed, common alley cats bend and arch away from strikes like rubber,
yet their teeth and claws are always ready, positioned, and in the attacker’s face.
Animals don’t need to make a moral or strategic choice when challenged. It’s simply
fight or flight for them. In contrast, the frozen terror and indecision humans experience
during combat is actually a combination of these factors:
1. Moral and cultural breeding (discussed in chapter 1).
2. The brain searching its memory for appropriate physical defense responses.
3. The body’s execution of those responses using muscular tension because it has been
trained that way. This can also occur when a sport fighter trained to prefer grappling
maneuvers over evasion and lethal striking tries to control a crazed assailant bent on
taking his or her life.
The result of this combination is impeded movement. Tension lengthens your reaction
time and cuts down your speed and power. It also makes your body easier to break. Thus, it
is self-defeating to practice striking and blocking with full-force muscular contractions as
if you were performing a 300-pound (136 kg) bench press. Ironically, practicing with such
muscular tension is an error found in virtually all classical, hard-style martial arts training.
You can’t achieve looseness without relaxation, and as most top-level sports training
research reveals, relaxation aids physical and mental performance. Later in this chapter,
52 ATTACk Proof
we introduce drills to help you develop your ability to stay loose. It is important that
you practice these drills with full seriousness because reacting with tension, especially
in a life-or-death situation, is a very hard habit to break. In addition, physical tension
encourages mental tension, which narrows your awareness dangerously. We want to be
clear that when we mean eliminate tension, we’re not talking about fear. As addressed
in chapter 1, fear can be paralyzing—but it can also turbocharge your nervous system to
perform nearly super-human feats of strength and agility.
In an effort to stabilize and strengthen our motions, we regularly use muscle groups
that interfere with the motion we are trying to perform. That is, the muscles tend to work
against one another. When the muscles work against each other, the body has a tendency
to drag. for example, if you extend your arm to strike and you exert strong muscular force,
you are restraining your joints. You begin to involve other muscles (called antagonistic
muscles) to overcome this drag, so you strain even harder. This creates a vicious cycle.
The more force you use, the tighter your joints, the less relaxed you are, and the slower
you respond to your opponent’s moves.
No matter how hard you think you’re punching, you’re not punching nearly as hard as
When you prac- you could be if you loosened your muscles and thereby limited the interaction with and
tice patterned among other muscle groups, allowing proper skeletal alignment, body mass, and gravity to
movements, you do the work. This is what you’ll learn to do from the drills and principles of guided chaos
expect your op- in this book. By remaining loose and pliable at all times, you automatically remove the
ponent to move resistance created by antagonistic muscles when you strike or are struck. This allows you
in certain ways. to hit with uninhibited power as well as to absorb the strike of a stronger adversary. You’ll
do this by using your muscles as little as possible and relying on momentum, relaxation,
Trust us: Unlike
and two concepts you’ll learn more thoroughly later on: body unity and dropping energy.
in the movies, All muscular movement is controlled by the mind. A loose, relaxed mind creates a
this rarely hap- loose, relaxed body—it’s that simple. relax the mind, and the body will relax. To relax
pens during your mind, you’ll need to put your brain on autopilot. It must remain focused and aware,
an attack. Your yet placid. To do this, you need to relieve your brain of the job of thinking while fighting
brain, shocked and train it to simply sense and feel instead.
at this discovery,
may temporarily
freeze, putting reactive Looseness
the brakes on
Being loose also means never being static. As long as you’re either receiving energy
your muscles and (yielding) or transmitting energy (striking), you’re in a continuous state of movement
nervous system and flow. This characteristic of looseness is important to remember. In a fight, there is
and increasing always enough energy coming from the opponent to propel you into a constant flow of
the strength you motion. As soon as you stop, the opponent gets a fix on you. These behaviors obstruct
need to apply, the flow of energy:
which makes the When you think, you stop.
situation worse. When you pose, you stop.
When you block or lock, you stop.
When you strain or grapple, you stop.
When you execute a technique, you stop because you’re thinking.
You will learn to develop your looseness so that any input of energy from your oppo-
nent causes your entire body to respond, like a seesaw or revolving door.
You can be hurt or killed only if you can be hit. You must be able to disappear from
where your attacker wants you to be and reappear where your attacker doesn’t want or
expect you to be. You must become like a phantom or mongoose. The mongoose is one
of the few creatures that can stand directly in front of a poisonous snake and avoid being
bit. It pops up and strikes from seemingly impossible angles, sensing and flowing with
the snake’s every move.
Learn to hit and articulate your body to strike wherever and whenever. However, avoid
the limp-noodle looseness characteristic of many tai chi practitioners who lack true combat
training (they may be loose in their forms but are stiff as boards in their push hands).
Looseness 53
Their intention is sincere, since extreme looseness does protect you from hard impacts.
Unfortunately, it can also leave you in a position where you can’t get out of your own
way to deliver a counterattack. The problem is that extreme looseness
1. can leave you unprotected if you don’t keep some part of your body between your
opponent’s weapon and its target (more on this in chapter 7),
2. has no power if it’s not connected to the ground (see the next section), and
3. can get your limbs twisted into positions that are impossible to launch counterat-
tacks from (you can actually block yourself).
Instead of just limp looseness, you want a kind of steel-spring looseness that’s excep-
tionally flexible and reactive, capable of slicing your attacker to ribbons on the rebound.
Perhaps a better term than looseness is pliability. This kind of resilient energy has a name
in tai chi: peng ching. It is often unfamiliar or overlooked, yet ironically, it’s critical to
making looseness a combative attribute.
rooted Looseness
The other factor for making looseness powerful and combative is your root, your ability
to transfer energy from your foot to any external body part through a balanced connec-
tion to the ground (see chapter 5 for more on rooting as it applies to balance). If you’re
unbalanced, you have no root. If you’re stiff, you have no root. If you carry your body
weight too high, you have no root.
To understand looseness without a root, imagine that your entire body is a whip—limp
and flexible, just a hanging rope. Your root (foot) is the handle of the whip; your hand
is the tip. When you learn to drop (chapter 6) and create an instant explosion of energy
that bounces off the ground back up into your legs and body, it’s your root that anchors
and cracks the whip, even if the root or drop occurs for just a split second.
Imagine if someone cracked a real whip and let go of the handle precisely at the moment
of impact. The wavelike power of the whip would completely disintegrate and hit you
with all the force of overcooked spaghetti. It’s the anchoring action of the handle that
roots the transfer of power to the tip.
Beginning students tend to limit their looseness to their arms. Think of it this way: the
crack of the whip has more power if the wave of looseness is allowed to traverse its entire
length before reaching the tip. Limiting looseness to just your arms or shoulders or even
your hips is akin to grabbing the whip in the middle and trying to snap it hard.
Looseness anchors at the foot, just as holding the handle of the whip anchors the rope.
The hand is like the tip of the rope. The power of your strikes is directly related to how
much body mass you can get moving loosely. When doing the Psycho-chimp and other
looseness drills (pp. 61-71), initiate all your movements by stepping, dropping, or transfer-
ring weight in your feet and lower legs.
What does a strong root feel like? You can create an exaggerated sense of rooting when
you do a dance that involves swinging your partner around, such as the Lindy, jitterbug,
or hustle. You counterbalance your partner’s swinging body weight by firmly anchoring
your feet. At that moment, you feel as if your feet are nailed to the floor. When you release,
letting your partner go into a spin or other movement, you feel a tremendous uncorking
of energy. You need to develop that same rooted sensation in your feet throughout the
entire range of your own combative movements. We’ll work on developing this sensation
of suspending and releasing in the more advanced drills in chapter 6.
principle of yielding, however, does not mean you become a punching bag or a leaf blow-
ing in the wind. To learn yielding, you adopt the fluid nature of water. Water is never
stopped, just redirected. If you plunge your fist into water, the water moves out of the way
and engulfs your arm at the same time. It avoids you, yet sticks to you (think how this
applies to grappling). You also cannot compress water. No matter how hard or softly you
squeeze it, it instantly moves to an area of lower pressure. Nothing is as soft as water, yet,
if it’s completely contained, it can be harder than stone. It is at once extremely mobile
and heavy. It can wash away whole towns and mountains. Your body is 70 percent water.
Why fight nature? Use it.
To be loose, move your arms and body with the fluid nature of two king cobras—yield-
ing, expanding, contracting, sliding, redirecting, engulfing, and nullifying. Just as the
head of a serpent is always moving into position to strike, so should your hands always
be seeking a path of destruction. If a python meets a stone head-on in its path, does it
try to smash through it? of course not. The snake isn’t anatomically constructed to slam
through rock. When its sensitive tongue encounters an obstacle, its entire body moves
to accommodate the obstacle. The snake effortlessly and sinously writhes around and
past it. Yet, when necessary, the snake can crush the life out of its prey by incrementally
relaxing and taking up slack. Likewise, you are never blocked, merely redirected to a more
advantageous position from which to strike or avoid an attack.
reality is not a movie. You can’t withstand a barrage of blows like John Wayne in an
old western barroom brawl and remain standing. When an elbow is slammed into your
neck, your neck breaks. When a fist is buried deep into your kidneys, you land in the
hospital. Tightening your neck muscles won’t stop a chop to the throat, nor will closing
your eyelids stop an eye gouge. It’s simply a joke to think the ability to do 500 sit-ups will
protect your trunk. What muscles protect your ribcage?
To apply the principle of yielding to your body’s survival chances, you have to do
something called pocketing. The whole concept of pocketing is simple: remove the target,
and the target only, so the rest of you can remain close. That is, get the part of the body
that’s about to be hit out of the way of an opponent’s strike by becoming sensitive to
your opponent’s intentions and relaxing the muscles. for example, if the target is your
stomach, make it concave so it shrinks away from the blow; leave the rest of your body
relatively where it is so you can counterattack simultaneously.
If your opponent’s intended target suddenly becomes even 1 inch (2.5 cm) farther away
than he or she expects, you will lessen the impact significantly. Whatever the target, pull
You must de- it away, as if your opponent’s fist was red hot or covered with a deadly virus. Get the
velop reac- imagery? Don’t let your opponent even touch you with it. Self-defense is not about how
tive looseness tough you are; it’s about survival. You don’t want to get broken. But instead of relying on
and extend it blocking, you’re going to learn how to make opponents miss so you can stay close and
throughout your deliver attacks while simultaneously avoiding theirs.
Accordingly, in practicing the drills in this chapter, you will learn to modify your
entire body. whole body’s shape like rubber so it molds to avoid blows. Your head will yield like a
Don’t limit it jack-in-the-box, and your midsection will stretch like Silly Putty. Paradoxically, you will
only to your later discover that yielding can also put you in prime positions to attack. Yielding invites
arms. the attacker in closer until, like a Venus flytrap, you spring the trap.
Looseness Yielding should be a kinesthetic response to stimuli. As soon as you feel so much as a
enables you to hair of your body becoming compressed from an attacker or even the intent of an attack,
achieve angles you should already be moving. How do you know which part of you to yield? This is not
something a rigid technique can teach. rather, you will learn to use your awareness (see
of attack and de-
chapter 1) and hone your sensitivity (chapter 6). Like radar, you will learn to interpret the
fense that would incoming attack’s direction and speed before the strike makes deep penetration.
otherwise be If you loosen your body to avoid a strike to the point where you can loosen no more,
totally unavail- then you must step to a new root point. If you’ve exceeded your pocketing space limit, step
able to you. in closer to the attacker either directly or to one side. In either case, the step should put
you in a more advantageous position from which to deliver the coup de grâce. How do you
know when to step? When you feel that you’re losing your balance from excessive pressure
(we discuss balance extensively in chapter 5). Cut your losses and move. Don’t get in the
habit of challenging your opponent or you will fall into the ego trap caused by strength
Looseness 55
contests and ever-increasing rigidity. We will repeat this point endlessly: Never challenge
your attacker’s strength. You never know who you’re dealing with. for a few seconds, a
120-pound (54 kg) insane person or a crackhead on Angel Dust can be stronger than a 200-
pound (91 kg) bodybuilder. Yield and find an alternative attack entry. More on this later.
The following are a few examples of the principle of yielding. Understand these are
only a few of many thousands of possible movements, which are limited only by your
imagination. Master the principle, not the technique. The movements will vary from
opponent to opponent due to different body types, physical abilities, and so on.
Yielding has a
Yielding a Strike strange effect on
Instead of blocking your opponent’s motion, let him go where he wants to go—except your opponent.
that you’re not going to be there when he arrives. Here, B is dealing with an attacker, A, He expects to
who is trying to strike B in the chest or face. rather than try to take the blow straight on, B make contact
yields, or contorts, his body to redirect the force of the strike, thus avoiding it (figure 3.1a). and finds noth-
If B attempts to block the strike straight on, B must meet that force with equal or greater ing. He will often
force. The strike may get through in some fashion. It will either go through B’s block, or fall over himself
it will knock B’s hand into his body, thus allowing time for A to gain an advantage. or, if as if drawn by
B’s blocking arm is rigid, his whole body will be rigid, allowing a well-trained opponent
some invisible
to move B and throw a quick secondary strike. However, by redirecting the strike, turn-
ing his body, and pocketing the target area (figure 3.1b), B can control the direction of A’s magnet.
force with little or no effort.
for your opponent to hit you with power, you must “cooperate” to a certain extent.
Typically, you harden your body and gird yourself against impacts. In trying to be tougher
than your attacker, you become a rigid bull’s eye. By yielding, however, you become unco-
operative with your attacker. When a person throws a strike at you or grapples you, there is
a certain expectation that you will be there when the strike lands or that you will grapple
back. This gives your attacker’s mind and body a point of reference from which to balance.
Because most people, including fighters, never train to develop dynamic balance indepen-
dent of their opponent’s, they become vulnerable to attack. They need the resistance of
your body to maintain their own balance and stay in the fight. By taking away reference
points, you take away the attacker’s balance, however slightly. If you have balance and
your opponent doesn’t, no matter how hard he can punch or kick, he can’t strike with
effective power. When his energy is neither rooted nor focused, his energy is negated.
a b
Figure 3.1
When you are pushed or hit, you should imagine yourself as a sponge. No matter how
hard you hit a sponge, it always returns to its original shape. Now, imagine yourself as
56 ATTACk Proof
pressure responses
The following are some simple examples of what we mean by responding loosely. remem-
ber, these are not techniques. When your body becomes familiar with the principle and
you develop the feel that characterizes looseness, you will spontaneously invent your
own movements.
b c
Figure 3.3
a b
c d
Figure 3.4
Here’s another example of flowing with the attacker’s inward energy instead of
The first law of against it: in figure 3.5c, B goes with the direction of A’s energy and steps in, smashing
war is the preser- either a punch or an elbow (figure 3.5d) into the nerves of A’s biceps or a palm into the
vation of yourself shoulder joint, separating it (figure 3.5e). This clears the offending arm, making room
and the destruc- for B’s arm to come slashing back with a chop to A’s neck or temple (figure 3.5f ). The
tion of your chopping motion immediately follows the clearing motion with a plyometric or recoil
enemy. effect. In other words, instead of forcing the body into two separate, full-muscular
contractions, you rely on the natural elastic properties of muscle tissue to initiate and
augment the return strike (the chop). This is further augmented by B shifting her weight
from her right foot to her left and then returning to her right like a pendulum that
has reached the end of its arc and now returns with the full, falling power of gravity.
This is a crucial concept that lies at the root of guided chaos that you must understand
and experiment with.
d e f
Figure 3.5
a b
Figure 3.6
60 ATTACk Proof
instantly and flows with it by stepping in and augmenting A’s directional energy,
striking to the chest with his palm (figure 3.6b). As much as possible, try not to pull
back on the attacker’s arm before you reverse direction on him. As you increase your
sensitivity, you will learn to make the transition time between direction changes
shorter and shorter until, in the end, your attacker feels nothing, and you stick and
follow his motions like a ghost.
Elbow Pressure
B is in a right lead, standing a little too sideways, so A pushes against B’s right elbow to
keep him from turning back (figure 3.7a). Instead of resisting, B loosens the right shoul-
der completely and lets it go, yielding and turning away with A’s push just enough to
release the pressure (figure 3.7b). The speed with which B yields is directly proportional
to the amount of force A exerts on the elbow. In fact, B reacts to this touch on his elbow
the same way as if he had been touched with a red-hot frying pan. Notice also that A’s
pushing hand has inadvertently fallen into B’s other hand. With a springlike action, B’s
whole body jerks away—perhaps only 1 inch (2.5 cm)—and then bounces back in with
a loose, smashing chop to the throat (figure 3.7c). Another option that displays more
economy of motion (see chapter 8) is for B to isolate his yielding to his right shoulder
joint. This would retract his upper arm perhaps 2 inches (5 cm), creating a new entry
angle for either a right chop to A’s throat or (using rotational energy in response to A’s
push) a right hammer fist to A’s right temple.
b c
Figure 3.7
Looseness 61
These are all examples of what you can accomplish with looseness. If they seem
absurdly simple, it’s because they are. If you’re wondering if they work, they do. If you
haven’t trained yourself to be loose, however, even if you’re highly trained in other
ways, you won’t be able to perform them. Here are some drills to develop your ability
to be loose.
Looseness Drills
The point of these drills is to develop the overall body feel that characterizes looseness.
If you focus on pummeling your target or your partner, you’ll miss the whole point.
Relaxed Breathing
The key to developing looseness or pliability is relaxation, not only physical but also
mental relaxation. remember, the mind controls the body. When the mind is agitated, so
is the body. When the mind is calm and focused, the body becomes more responsive to
whatever the mind wants it to do. Conversely, if you practice with a loose, relaxed body,
the training acts as a moving meditation, and the mind becomes relaxed. This drill helps
you focus on relaxing your breathing, thereby relaxing your mind and body.
1. Stand in a relaxed stance, feet shoulder-width apart, and sink your weight into your
legs. keep your back straight, knees slightly bent, and arms hanging at your sides like
wet noodles.
2. Empty your mind of all the day’s tension. relax your upper body and breathe through
your nose deep into your belly, loosening your diaphragm. (Note: Breathing high in
the chest, the way most people do, creates neurological tension and anxiety.)
3. Imagine your skin is inhaling also, absorbing fresh air and sunshine through every
pore like a sponge. feel this absorbed air and energy adding relaxation, gravity, and
blood mass to your body and limply hanging arms.
4. feel your stomach actually expand like a balloon with each inhalation of fresh, sooth-
ing air.
Exhale by releasing your expanded stomach so air flows out naturally through your
nose (don’t force it out). Imagine all negative energy leaving with your expended
breath. feel fresh blood pumping into the vessels of your arms, adding weight and
liquid relaxation.
5. feel the movement of air across your skin. Imagine a gentle breeze swaying your body
like a blade of grass.
Dead-Fish Arms
So how do you know if you are relaxed? Try this:
1. Stand with your arms hanging at your sides.
2. Have another person take your arms by the wrists and raise them outward for you. Do
not help in any way! You’ll be amazed how difficult this is for most people. They try
to raise their arms themselves. They simply can’t let go.
3. Let your elbows hang loosely below your wrists and shoulders (since this is the “folding
point” of the limb).
4. Let your arms flop to your sides like two dead fish when your partner suddenly releases
your wrists.
5. Have your partner place his or her hands under your armpits and push straight up.
Most people will be immovable because their shoulders are locked to their trunk. If
you are truly loose, your shoulders will rise independent of the rest of your body, as if
you were shrugging.
6. Let your arms and shoulders flop down like two heavy, wet noodles when the upward
pressure is released.
Weaving Python
The sort of body isolation and pliability you demonstrate with this drill is vital to your
survival. You must assume that every person who attacks you is far stronger than you, is
deadly serious, and can hurt you wherever he strikes.
1. Stand with your arms hanging at your sides.
2. Have your partner place one hand about 6 inches (15 cm)away from the center of your
chest, palm in. Your partner’s other hand should be 6 inches (15 cm) away from the
center of your back, also palm in.
a b
Figure 3.8
Looseness 63
3. Without moving your feet or raising or turning your body, expand your chest directly
outward so you can touch your partner’s hand. This requires you to throw your shoul-
ders and arms back, loosen your stomach and pectoral muscles, and bend your knees
further to sink your weight backward into your hips and buttocks. This is a compensat-
ing move to keep you from falling on your face (figure 3.8a).
4. reverse the movement and touch your partner’s rear hand with the center of your back
(figure 3.8b). You will have to cave in your chest and throw your shoulders and arms
forward, loosening your back muscles. You’ll also have to rotate your pelvis down and
forward and sink your weight into your knees to avoid falling backward.
5. In one loose, continuous movement, like a python weaving backward and forward,
touch one of your partner’s hands and then the other repeatedly. keep this motion
completely horizontal. Your head should remain the same height above the floor. Your
knees should remain bent and your feet flat on the floor.
What is the point of all this? If the two palms were knives, it would be immediately
apparent. Try this with every part of your body. Note that the far more advanced exercise
Washing the Body (chapter 6) also uses this concept.
The Hula
You want to keep your weight low and balanced, like a downhill skier or a middle line-
backer, rather than high and precarious like a ballet dancer. This drill encourages you to
keep your root mobile, like a big jungle cat or a tank on ball bearings.
1. Stand with your arms hanging at your sides.
2. Imagine that the air has weight, like seawater. feel the currents drift across your skin.
feel that your arms, indeed your whole body, could easily float in the air through no
effort of their own. Imagine, however, that your pelvis is attached by a steel cable to
a 500-pound (227 kg) weight hanging below you.
3. Gently raise your arms in front of you, about as high and wide as your shoulders. Help
raise them by straightening your knees slightly. While doing this, use only enough
strength to keep them up. keep your upper and lower arms totally flaccid without any
muscle tension whatsoever.
4. Practice raising your arms up and down, back and forth, in a super-slow, graceful
manner like a drunken hula dancer, keeping your feet well rooted to the ground. As if
your whole body is moving in a current of water, your legs, hips, back, and shoulders
drift with your arms as they move. Breathe slowly and deeply into your belly at the
same time.
5. Perform this while walking around slowly with knees bent like an ice skater or Groucho
At first your arms may feel unnatural and heavy, but as you become more accustomed
to this exercise, you will notice your arms beginning to feel weightless. Develop the
sensation that your arms are suspended on a cushion of air, so light and responsive that
a fly landing on them would cause them to move. Apply this sensation to your whole
body. This is what it feels like to be loose. remember, though, that a 500-pound (227
kg) weight is keeping your pelvis anchored low to the ground. Although your hips and
knees can sway with the current easily, you are rooted to the ground through your feet
like an oak tree. A common mistake, however, is to glue your feet to the ground and
refuse to move them, even if you’re losing your balance. This is both unnecessary and
64 ATTACk Proof
Perform this simple movement in a dreamlike, meditative manner, as
if driven by ocean waves. Breathe deep into your belly. If some part of
your body were to hit a pole as it moves, it would wrap around the pole
like a heavy sausage chain.
Now instead of just drifting with the waves, you will begin to glide and swim through
them. The swimming analogy is useful in correcting an error beginning students of guided
chaos often make. When blocking, beginners often actually pull a strike into the body
in an effort to smother it. However, if you do this against a more experienced student or
opponent, he will push your pull (see chapter 6) and use your energy to catapult a strike
into you. In other words, when you pull his arm in, he’ll add to your pulling energy by
beating your energy back to its source—you—and actually strike with both, like a rub-
ber band. When you swim, as you pull your arm back, do you pull the water into your
chest? of course not. You pull and then push the water past you. You do the same with
an opponent’s strike when you employ the swimming motion. This drill develops your
ability to use your pulling energy to push your opponent’s strike past you.
1. Do a swimming crawl stroke through the air as if it were made of water. Loosely articu-
late your shoulders, back, and waist to get the maximum extension; keep your body
low with the knees bent (figure 3.10a) but don’t lean.
2. Step forward with each stroke with the leg opposite the arm you’re using.
3. Turn your feet as you accommodate the extra reach required to make the motion.
reach as far as you can with each stroke, but without leaning. As you swim, be sure to
drive with the legs, completely shifting your weight from foot to foot as in the turning
drill. However, keep the path your arms take as economical as possible. In other words,
Looseness 65
a b
Figure 3.10
don’t windmill them. Try to cut through the water with a flat stroke; move your body
and arms with as little resistance, or splash, and as much efficiency as you can.
4. Imagine you are sending a spearing strike into the attacker’s eyes, skimming over his
5. As your hands retract, sweep them down a few inches away from your pectorals and
make tight circles as they extend back out. once again, make your shoulders do the
circling so your hands don’t take on a wide, windmill-like path. Imagine you are clear-
ing the attacker’s arms.
It’s a lot harder to move a flat surface broadside through water than if you turn it edge-
wise. So, too, a wild, sloppy stroke will slow you down as you try to swim. The application
is that in combat, you should swim through your opponent’s defenses and knife through
his resistance, rather than challenging either head-on.
66 ATTACk Proof
for example, if an opponent exerts down pressure on your arm, yield with it and swim
out of it, circling your arm down and then over for a dropping palm strike to the neck or
a spear hand to the eyes. This is yielding with the same arm. As your arm circles down,
the tight arc it makes across your pectorals will serve to cover you as it yields. If your
whole body yields, it turns away like a propeller on one side and crashes in with borrowed
energy on the opposite side (figure 3.10b). This is not something you plan; it just happens
because you’re loose and without thought, like a drunken puppet.
If your opponent is applying up pressure against your arm, guess what? That’s right—
backstroke out of it. As the pressured side of your body yields and turns away from the
force, the other side turns in and delivers a devastating rising spear hand to the throat
(figure 3.10c). Practice swimming backward and forward and at different angles. We want
to keep repeating: Do not memorize this as a tech-
nique. Instead, become familiar with the principle of
looseness and reciprocal motion.
Swimming Backstroke
Now in addition to working looseness, you’re going
to combine two strikes at once to develop the guided
chaos subprinciple of multitasking. Looking over your
right shoulder, begin doing a backstroke by elbowing a
rear attacker in the face with your right arm ). Simul-
taneously, drive a rising ridgehand into the groin of a
frontal attacker. Without pausing, continue with a left
elbow and right ridgehand (figure 3.11), and so on. In
this picture, the defender has dropped his weight into
both legs. This is one option. You should also practice
this drill in a manner similar to turning; stand with
your feet square to your partner in front of you and
drive with your legs using a complete lateral foot-to-
foot weight shift. Using this method, a left rear elbow
strike would have you placing 99.9% of your weight on
your left foot. In either case, make sure you are loosely
rolling your shoulders and back to gain maximum
elastic power. The quality of your movement should
be springy and whipping, not stiff and staccato as is
typical in many external styles.
Figure 3.11
Swimming Sidestroke
Exactly as the name implies, practice doing the side-
stroke. As with all swimming movements, fully turn
and extend your back and shoulders. It helps to step
forward with each stroke with the leg opposite the
arm you’re using. This helps to get your entire body
weight moving behind each movement. This motion
is useful for warding off strikes to your side, as from
multiple attackers, and is similar to the CCUE. In
figure 3.12, the defender on the right is warding off
the attacker’s arms with a sidestroke-like motion and
will next extend his left arm in a spearing or thrusting
chop to the approaching attacker’s windpipe.
Figure 3.12
Looseness 67
a b
Figure 3.13
68 ATTACk Proof
Sticks of Death
This drill requires great looseness, balance, and sensitivity so that you don’t swing wildly
at the sticks but instead glance off them as you use pocketing to avoid contact.
1. Have your partner stand behind a heavy bag or padded dummy, holding two, 4-foot-
long (1.2 m) padded sticks like cue sticks against the dummy.
2. Stand 3 feet (.9 m) away from your partner. Your partner should randomly poke the
sticks at you.
3. Evade, pocket, and redirect the sticks, sliding through them while simultaneously
attacking the dummy’s eyes and throat with both hands (figure 3.14). (refer back
to the Jack Benny stance in chapter 2.) The object is to get in to biting range, while
simultaneously remaining unavailable to the sticks.
Figure 3.14
Sticky Fingers
Maybe this should be called stinky fingers. All kidding aside, your sense of smell is a
superb example of heightened sensitivity in that it forces you to extend your awareness
out beyond your skin. This drill is vital in re-learning the deeply ingrained, macho habit
of overcoming strength with strength by trying to withstand incoming blows.
1. Have someone try to poke you randomly with both hands anywhere on your body at
ever-increasing speed.
2. Don’t back up or block. Bend, twist, pocket, and fold your body like rubber. It’s like
when you were five years old, and your older brother tried to tickle you to exhaustion.
3. Imagine some vile substance on the tips of his fingers to aid in your pocketing reaction.
revulsion is a good source of yielding energy. Some people put on old clothes and try
to dot each other with paint.
Looseness 69
Second only to the previous drill in terms of wackiness, this exercise will have a very
liberating result on your looseness and savagery.
1. Begin with a relaxed stance, feet about shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent and
loose, arms outstretched to the left. Your arms should feel like dead weight, with what
seem like the finest strings barely holding them up by the wrists.
2. With a strong, dropping motion of your knees, let your arms fall and swing to the
right, using only the turning momentum of your body, the drive of your legs, and the
weight of your arms to propel them. Limit the use of your arm or shoulder muscles.
3. Without pausing, drop and swing your arms back in the other direction.
4. keep going. As you continue to do this drill, your arms should maintain complete,
dead-weight relaxation. They will begin to take on snapping, chaotic trajectories that
get wilder and wilder.
5. Drop on each motion, like cracking a whip, with your entire body (the whip) and your
connection with the ground (the handle). Step around as you drop.
6. Increase the speed gradually until you’re going as fast as you can, and you begin to
look like a psycho-chimp. Be free, but try not to hit yourself!
7. While maintaining looseness, modify your arms’ trajectories (using your body’s momen-
tum, not your arm muscles) so they don’t swing behind your body, which would be
wasteful movement. Pocket and yield your body severely to keep from hitting yourself
and to create more room for your arms to move. At the same time, modify the wildness
so it occurs mostly in front of you.
8. Now, without stopping this swinging, dervishlike craziness, merely recognize the inher-
ent strikes within the flow, without forcing them. Without much planning, have the
70 ATTACk Proof
snapping motions turn into chops, spears, uppercuts, and other strikes we don’t have
names for.
If the wavelike energy you’re creating is properly guided by your whole body weight,
the power, speed, and savagery of your movement will be plainly evident. If your arms
encounter each other, they will whip and coil like live snakes, yet avoid entangling each
other because of your looseness.
Notice that as the arc of some whipping movements tightens, the speed increases. We
call this slingshotting, a method for increasing the power behind strikes. for example,
the arm, after connecting with a loose, rising backhand strike to the chin, will increase
in speed greatly if its arc tightens as it loops all the way around into a hook punch to the
ribs. This is akin to the speed of a spinning figure skater increasing as she pulls in her arms.
Gorilla Walk
You see we have a fondness for simian-named drills. Maybe it’s because our primate rela-
tives had a natural looseness and savagery that we’ve since lost. In this odd-looking drill,
you’re going to take deliberate, swinging steps and drop into them so heavily and loosely
that all the loose flesh on your body (you know what we mean) reverberates and jiggles
in waves like jello. When we say drop heavily, though, we’re not talking about stamping
your feet. To emphasize what we mean, stand on one leg with your other knee in the air
and then just collapse into the other foot as if someone had just cut the tendons in your
knees. As your foot hits the ground, feel the impact reverberate back up into your body
as a wave that makes your back, arms, and shoulders jiggle and roll, like a drunken go-
rilla. This exercise is actually a precursor to feeling dropping energy, except that instead
of channeling the rebound wave into strikes, we just want you to feel it interacting with
your looseness. Continue stepping so you feel your entire body rolling loosely throughout
the exercise.
Circle Clap
This drill is very important for developing a feeling of explosiveness at high speed while
maintaining muscular relaxation.
1. Clap your hands as fast as you can. Your clapping speed and endurance will be dictated
exclusively by your ability to relax your muscles.
2. Simultaneously, move your hands above your head and make a wide circle, down to
your waist, back above your head, and in and out.
3. Now circle your hands side to side. Clap at any angle you can think of.
4. Do it on one leg and with your eyes closed as you twist and turn your body into bizarre
contortions. Try generating the power for the claps not in your arms but in a vibration
that wells up from your legs into your hips. Think of your whole body as spasming
with your arms loosely attached. You will probably find that your hands are most
comfortable about 2 inches (5 cm) apart.
5. When tension overcomes motion, stop, breathe, and visualize your exhalation spread-
ing relaxation throughout your arms. Start again.
The reason you make the circles is that you want to maintain the relaxation no matter
what your position. What is the application? Later, you will learn to deliver blows from
anywhere to anywhere with no windup or room to move. In a fight, most people’s mus-
cles clamp up with supreme, adrenaline-fueled exertion. This renders the person frozen
with tension as he fights the movements of his own body. With the Circle Clap drill,
you reprogram your nervous system to tense only in tiny microbursts separated by total
relaxation. This allows you to change direction at any time and thus flow with the fight.
Try this drill again after you completely understand dropping (chapter 6).
Looseness 71
Learning guided chaos is like having a whole series of aha! experiences. Sudden real-
izations of how all the principles come together will happen with increasing frequency.
Even though we’ve only gone through some drills to encourage looseness, you will be
using what you’ve learned in this chapter to develop the principles explained in the
remaining chapters in part II: body unity (chapter 4), balance (chapter 5), and sensitivity
(chapter 6). It’s important, therefore, to come back to these drills and imbue them with
your heightened understanding as you advance. Moreover, many of the drills you will
perform in upcoming chapters will continue to train and hone your looseness.
Body Unity
B alance is the foundation of body unity, and body unity is your power source augmented
by looseness and triggered by sensitivity. Simply put, body unity means that if any part
of your body moves, no matter how slightly, then the rest of your body moves also. If you
weigh 180 pounds (82 kg), then every movement, even a finger strike, should have at least
180 pounds of body mass momentum behind it. (We say “at least” because the phenom-
enon of dropping energy that you will learn fully in chapter 6 will increase this amount.)
We’re not talking about mystical secrets to achieve body unity. In almost any sport,
you’ve got to get your body behind the ball. Top athletes, with little strain, are able to do
this with grace, balance, power, and accuracy. An athlete’s body unity is manifest in a
perfect, relaxed, mechanical alignment of all the skeletal joints. This is vital. Without it,
you cannot develop relaxed power.
The movements in fighting, however, are far more varied and anarchic than those in
sports, whether it be football, soccer, or wrestling. There are millions of tiny differences in
the way tennis players serve, but the parameters and the end result are always the same:
They must stand behind the baseline, toss the ball vertically, and hit it into a box with
every fiber of their being. A street brawl has no such rules. Therefore, you must really
understand what’s going on behind attributes such as body unity, balance, looseness, and
sensitivity in order to apply them to a combat situation of total chaos.
Introduction to Chi
In Eastern martial thought, the terms are different, but the goals are the same. The esoteric
tai chi term for perfect alignment is translated as “moving the chi like a thread through
the nine pearls.” The nine pearls are the joints of the body: the ankle, knee, hip, waist,
spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, and fist. If we take out the obscure symbolism, what we’re
left with is simple physics. Chi is “threaded” through the joints, with each alignment
augmenting and reinforcing the others with a smooth, unkinked flow of power from the
floor to the hand (or whatever weapon you’re using). “Great,” you say, “but what is chi?”
The simplest definition of chi is energy. We bring up the mysterious subject of chi here
because it directly relates to all our principles, especially body unity, with its concept of
delivering the most power with the greatest efficiency. But to speak of chi, we must first
explain the concept of internal energy.
74 ATTACk Proof
Internal Energy
one way of differentiating the styles of martial arts is to divide them into two categories
depending on whether the source and application of available energy is external or inter-
nal. In an external art, the source of power is almost purely muscular: Strength and speed
are emphasized through learning and repeatedly executing fixed drills in unvarying pat-
terns. The full-power muscular contractions that are characteristic of external-style arts
are typically marked by a battle cry, or kiai. External-style arts place a substantial amount
of stress on your tissues, as is evidenced by the high incidence of tendon, ligament, and
muscle injuries in external-style schools. These injuries often occur without even making
contact with an adversary. Ideally, after decades of training (if his or her body holds out),
the external-style martial artist sometimes develops an easy, effortless grace that requires
little muscular exertion. This begs the question: If this is what you’re really after, why not
learn grace from the beginning? This is what we do in guided chaos by developing and
training the attributes of body unity, balance, looseness, and sensitivity that typify grace.
Although our approach is different from all the others, you could consider guided
chaos one of the internal-style arts, along with the traditional Chinese styles of tai chi,
hsing I, and bagua. In an internal-style art, the mind and nervous system are relaxed
and amplified with both static and moving meditation exercises. Internal-style energy
methods emphasize perfect, relaxed, mechanical alignment of the bones and tendons
to achieve the most efficient plyometric application of energy via an explosive nervous
system instead of through rigid muscular force. This application is aided both by grav-
ity and the exploitation of the enemy’s muscular force. It’s the same with body unity.
Your body, even if you’re a small person, has significant mass irrespective of its inherent
strength. In other words, even if you can’t punch your way out of a paper bag, if you
simply dropped the dead weight of your body on another individual, the force generated
would be substantial, especially if the contact point was something hard, like an elbow.
The goal in using your internal energy is to have the entire mass of your body per-
fectly aligned with all the bones in your body so that this mass is behind every move-
ment assisted by gravity. This way you can strike, block, and so forth, and still maintain
muscular relaxation because you are not forcing the motion but remaining loose. An
example of perfect misalignment would be trying to push a car with your feet pointing
in opposite directions, standing sideways, your head near your knees, using the backs
of your fingertips. Even if you can bench-press 400 pounds (181.4 kilogams), if you are
positioned this way, the car is not going to move, and you’ll probably break your hands,
too. “So,” you might ask, “wouldn’t the ideal combination be perfect alignment with
massive muscular strength?” Yes, if you’re pushing a car, because in such a case, the
goal is to move one object (the car) in space from point A to point B in a straight line.
You can commit all your force to one direction because you’re not expecting the car to
suddenly jump up and down or sideways. Unfortunately we’re talking about combat,
where there are no rules and where everything changes, including force, speed, angle of
attack, opponents, weapons, and traction—millisecond by millisecond. In the famous
film Enter the Dragon, a bad guy tries to impress Bruce Lee with his power by breaking
boards with his hand. Lee, unimpressed, remains calm and says enigmatically, “Boards
don’t hit back!” In short, your assailant is not going to stand still while you wind up
to take your best shot.
When the muscles of your arm strain to do heavy work, the triceps and biceps oppose
each other to stabilize the joint. These muscles have what is called an antagonistic rela-
tionship. This hinders either one from accomplishing its respective task: extending and
contracting the elbow joint. Using intense, continuous muscular effort anywhere in your
body activates antagonistic muscles, making you rigid, hard, slow, and unresponsive—just
what you don’t want to be when fighting for your life. Most people (and many trained
martial artists) get very hung up on this because they think pure strength is the end-all
of fighting. Unfortunately, the simple reality is this: No matter how strong you are, there’s
always someone stronger.
Internal energy, however, is more than just perfect alignment, more than just having a
long lever to, say, pry loose a boulder. Cultivating internal energy involves developing an
Body Unity 75
explosive nervous system as a conduit for chi. You can achieve this through the unique
principle of dropping (introduced in chapter 2 and detailed within the context of guided
chaos in chapter 6). “Chi?” you ask. “Isn’t that the supernatural force you see in movies
that can hit people without physical contact?” Let’s look at this concept more closely.
Body unity does
not mean body
Chi and Combat rigidity. Effective,
There are many intriguing accounts of the much-sought-after phenomenon of projecting combative body
chi outside your body without actual physical contact as a source of self-defense. Even unity requires
though decades of day-long meditation may or may not actually make this possible, this the ability to
expectation continues to foster the image of being able to develop superhuman powers
with an average body. This only adds to the mystery, confusion, and eventual frustration
change direction
over how to make ordinary self-defense work for you without getting caught up in the effortlessly and
illusion of becoming a Jedi warrior overnight. You may think no one could be quite this instantaneously
gullible, but this expectation lives in many dedicated tai chi practitioners as a longed- while maintain-
for end result of their training. However, there is a danger in pining for the long-term ing looseness.
development of an almost unattainable weapon when the short-term prospect of taking You cannot re-
your life in your hands could be a much closer reality. spond to change
Since we’ve never seen a demonstration of chi projection outside of video games (and
if all your force
some of us have spent large sums of money in China looking for it; see p. 76), we can only
speak of chi as it has been defined in other classic literature and experienced by us. Chi is stiffly com-
is not a myth. Nor is it mystical. The simplest definition of chi is “life energy.” In classic mitted to one
Chinese literature, this energy can take many fascinating forms, which we won’t go into direction. Think
here. for self-defense purposes, let’s simply call it “internally applied grace and balance.” organically, not
A close reading of classic Chinese texts will yield a definition that can be understood in mechanically.
a firm, scientific light. The T’ai Chi Boxing Chronicle by kuo Lien-Ying (1994 Berkely CA, Think tidal wave,
North Atlantic Books) defines chi as the “circulating point of finesse within the body” (p. not Tin Man.
vi). What’s unclear in the English translation is that chi is not some indefinable, super-
natural force (although it can appear so); it’s merely a code word for describing multiple,
simultaneous attributes. Even the English word finesse can be hard to define. But don’t
worry; you won’t need a crystal ball to get it. We define chi in terms of guided chaos as
the constant powerful interaction between your ever-changing center of gravity, root, and
contact point with the enemy, aided by looseness, body unity, and heightened sensitivity.
(This is also close to the definition of proprioception, explained later).
Diligently practicing and applying all the principles of guided chaos will develop chi
in you to the extent that others will not understand how you’re doing what you’re doing
to them.
Another classic analogy for the flow of energy, or chi, through a unified body is to
visualize your tendons and bones as a garden hose with water rushing through them.
If the joints or muscles are not loosely, gracefully, and mechanically aligned, the hose
becomes kinked, and the water does not flow. When you apply body unity to the defini-
tion of chi as a circulating point of finesse, you can see that this implies that chi also
embodies automatic physical awareness and skill—awareness of your own body’s position
and movement as well as your opponent’s—a phenomenon known as proprioception.
This kinesthetic awareness requires a foundation of balance and sensitivity, which you
will learn to develop in upcoming chapters.
Where is this rushing water, or chi, supposed to come from? It comes from a relaxed,
unified body that knows how to react instantly to outside force. outside force generated
by your attacker should compress your whole body like a spring, provoking a reaction:
an absorbing, yielding, and collecting of energy on the side of your body in contact with
your opponent, and an explosive, steel spring–like releasing of the accumulated energy
on the opposite (striking) side. When you’re balanced, some part of your body will be
rooting the energy (absorbing the energy in your feet like a coiled spring), and another
body part—the hand, elbow, or other foot—will be delivering it.
Viewed from the outside, unified body movement is often undetectable because it
might involve only internal energy changes or slight muscle and joint realignments. As
you move toward mastery of this methodology, your large body movements and circular
76 ATTACk Proof
redirections of strikes will become more and more economical. The sensation of body
unity becomes obvious only to you or the person you are hitting. At this point, the energy
is truly internal, and you may seem to move hardly at all. This occurs, for example, when
some part of your body (like an elbow) is in contact with your opponent’s trunk. Using
dropping energy and body unity, you can achieve (with apologies to Bruce Lee’s 1-inch
punch) a no-inch punch, which can either send your attacker flying or cause internal
damage, depending on how you deliver it. And this is with no winding up. To summarize,
when you move to strike, your opponent should always feel as if he or she’s getting hit with
an object that weighs at least as much as your entire body, even if it’s only your finger.
Enhance body There is a more common term for body unity—grace. When a person moves with grace,
unity when strik- he or she epitomizes coordination, finesse, balance, power, and body unity all coming
ing by training together as one. In fact, maybe we could call grace a mystical Western principle!
so that when
your knee stops
bending (when
dropping or
Body unity Drills
stepping), your We need to be clear here: Having great muscular strength is always an advantage, but
hand stops only if it’s used properly. When fighters rely solely on muscle, they tend to destroy body
unity, and thus power delivery becomes more and more inefficient. The goal is to apply
moving. This
full muscular power explosively and only for a millisecond in the same direction and at
prevents you the precise apex of shifting body unity guided by sensitivity and aided by gravity. This
from leaning or prevents you from becoming overcommitted and unbalanced in any attack. Muscular
overcommit- strength is the icing on the cake and not the cake itself. If you don’t understand what
ting and ensures we’re saying here, don’t worry. This incredibly important concept will become completely
full body mass clear after finishing part II.
behind every In order to rearrange your priorities, body unity drills focus on training you to move
strike. Another with the intent of driving a thousand pounds with nothing but alignment and the barest
application of muscle. In other words, you train by positioning your body to overcome
way to enhance
that degree of resistance, but you actually use only enough muscular strength to move
body unity is to the weight of your own flesh. Why? Because you want to avoid the tightness that comes
experience every from straining. As you learned in chapter 3, you need to remain loose enough to react
strike you de- instantly to a change in your attacker’s energy so that you can take advantage of your
liver as pressure superior body position and amplify your opponent’s energy to use against him.
building in your
Body Writing
Many beginners have a lot of trouble understanding the concept of looseness combined
with body unity. They wave their arms around as if they were disembodied serpents or
the robot from Lost in Space. This exercise may help you begin to feel what body unity is.
1. Stand facing a wall and raise your arm as if to write on a blackboard (if you’ve got a
real blackboard, use it).
2. With your right hand, sign your name in big letters at least 3 feet (.9 m) high. Notice
your wrist and elbow do all the work.
Body Unity 77
3. Now do it again, but this time, lock your wrist, arm, elbow, and shoulder so they are
absolutely immobile. So how are you supposed to write? By stepping, sinking, and
turning your body from the waist down, you actually write with your legs.
4. Do the same thing with your other hand.
5. repeat this drill, writing the whole alphabet, until you can achieve the same fluidity
in your body writing as you have writing the normal way.
Granted, body unity should also involve free movement of your hand, wrist, elbow,
and shoulder, but most people can do this anyway. It’s the foot, leg, hip, waist, trunk,
and back involvement that eludes most beginners. That’s why it’s helpful to do this drill,
writing the whole alphabet, until you can achieve the same fluidity as you’d have writing
the normal way.
Tales of Chi
John Perkins
While teaching in a New York City school in 1980, I saw a demonstration given by a group
of Japanese martial artists who claimed some amazing powers. I observed one practitioner
kicking to the throats of three others, who were kneeling, without inflicting injury. I thought
there must be something in the way the kick was performed and absorbed that would be
significant. The problem arose when these practitioners stated that no one could hurt them
because they had covered themselves with a protective shield of energy. Although they did
not specifically call this energy chi, this was the implication. Demonstrations such as this are
typical of those who claim to have supernatural chi. I then requested if I could simply poke
each of the kneeling men in the trachea with my index finger. They looked at me with contempt
but would not allow an “unbeliever” to try it out. Later, when I engaged in some not-so-gentle
kumite (free sparring), I found them susceptible to being thrown, pushed, and struck.
I’m not saying that chi flow or iron-shirt techniques don’t exist. In fact, I’ve seen ordinary
people struck many times with bludgeons (including blackjacks and nightsticks) and have
even broken my own heavyweight police baton over a few heads without stopping the at-
tackers. I have seen other authentic demonstrations, but they have always involved some
kind of absorption of energy. I have also seen many fakers, who used tricks analogous to
those used in professional wrestling.
Yes, the professional boxer or highly skilled martial arts practitioner can toughen his or
her body to what seems a supernatural degree. But as far as projecting a shield of energy
around the body, all I can say is, try this acid test: Ask the claimant if he would allow you to
poke him in the eye. See if he can bounce your finger off with pure energy.
a b
Figure 4.1
3. Slowly reverse the movement, pushing the cord back to its source, while aligning your
body as if the recalcitrant mower cord is pushing against your hand. Try to become
aware of every joint used and feel how to align the bones for the most power.
4. repeat several times, moving as slowly as possible with no muscular tension. This is not
an isometric exercise, however, so don’t flex while doing it. The trick is to train your
legs and back to do all the work. remember that your entire body starts and finishes
the motion at the same time, so if your hand is still moving at the completion of the
move, you’re not unitized.
As you get more advanced, do a 100 percent weight shift from leg to leg so that at each
end you’re able to raise the unweighted foot off the ground and balance on the other
one. Do this smoothly with no hitching or further movement. You want to be able to get
100 percent of your body mass shifting from root to root; each time you shift, balance
effortlessly on your root, poised for complete and total release of your power into a new,
balanced root at the slightest provocation.
a b
Figure 4.2
this motion, with the exception of your hand position, you’ll see that we’re asking you
to move with the same mechanics you’d use if the door weighed 500 pounds (227 kg).
3. As you walk through the door, stay as close to it as possible. release your arm and
swing it through, yielding your upper body so the door won’t touch any part of you.
4. As you swing your arm through, bring it up at the same time in an answer-the-phone
motion to keep the door off you, yet whisker close (figure 4.2a).
5. The phone-answering motion should transition in one smooth movement into a
reverse rocker (discussed in detail in chapter 9, p. 186) with your elbow or fingertips
until you’re clear of the door (figure 4.2b). Your fingertips should touch the door as
lightly as a feather. This movement acts as a check to be sure the door (or an attacker’s
strike) is clear or, at least, not about to swing back on you. You can do this slowly to
accentuate the feeling of powering the door with your whole body or at normal speed.
Unitized Long-Stepping
It helps while doing this exercise to visualize all of the following and use whatever works
for you (depending on how old you are!): Groucho Marx running with a cigar, Mr. Natural
striding down the road, or olympic speed skater Apolo Anton ohno burning up the ice.
What we want you to do is practice walking slowly with long, balanced strides such that
each step pauses briefly in the air before angling outward slightly and powerfully driving
out the next step. Your head should be down and your back bent determinedly as if each
turbocharged stride could pull a tractor or blast you through a brick wall. Simultaneously,
swing your arms powerfully high in front and behind you to augment your steps, left arm
forward with the right leg and vice versa. Get your back and shoulders into the motion.
You should look like a videotape slow-mo of ohno going for the gold.
This drill teaches you to unitize your hands and feet and to hit as if you can feel your
feet in your hands. It also increases balance and the ability to strike freely with hand/
foot combinations simultaneously. (Note: this is different from the puppeteering concept
described in chapter 9.)
1. Imagine there is a magic string connected from your right hand to your right foot. raise
your right hand and pull your foot into the air, balancing on your left and bending
the knee. The foot movement should be exactly proportional to the hand movement
(figure 4.3a).
2. Move the hand (and string and foot) up and down, side to side, and in circles. Do both
tiny and large sweeping movements.
3. repeat with the left hand and foot.
4. Transfer the imaginary string back to the right hand but keep the connection to the
left foot. This subtly changes the way the foot responds to the hand rising, falling, and
circling (figure 4.3b). Switch hands and feet.
5. Move the hand behind your back so that now the connected foot rises, circles, and
moves to the rear (figure 4.3c). Switch hands and feet.
6. Perform all these with your eyes closed.
a b c
Figure 4.3
Body Unity 81
What you will rapidly begin to feel is a powerful, instinctive connection between your
hands and feet so that you can chop and step or chop and kick with full body unity. This
drill also helps you learn to change the striking angle and step or kick appropriately with
lightning speed. This overcomes the common tendency to fight with sluggish, plodding
footwork, using only arm power.
elevaTor aTTaCk
Picture yourself traveling up in a freight elevator about 7 feet by 8 feet (about 2 by 2.4 m). You
are with two well-dressed men. You are carrying a briefcase. Suddenly one of the men hits
the emergency button while the other turns toward you with his right hand reaching behind
his back. The man who has turned toward you now steps in your direction with his head
slightly down and his eyes focused on you.
What is your next step?
a. Ask them what’s going on.
b. Grab for your handgun or folding knife.
c. Step back with your briefcase raised to protect your face.
d. Step off line and attack the man approaching you using your briefcase as a shield.
The answer is d. Since the elevator was stopped for no apparent reason by one of the
men, you should be ready for something out of the ordinary. The fact that the second man
turned toward you with his hand behind him and stepped in your direction should have set
off your alarm bells.
If you chose b, you most likely would not have had time to pull your weapon and prevent
being stabbed or slashed repeatedly.
If you chose a, you might have been lucky enough to find out that these were salesmen
who wanted to sell you some sharp knives and have a captive audience.
If you chose c you may have kept your face protected at the cost of stabs to various other
body parts.
This experience actually happened to one of our students. Luckily, he attacked the attacker.
The man approaching had a knife as did the first man, the one who had pushed the stop
button. Our student stepped off line, sprang off the door of the elevator, and drop-kicked
the approaching man. The student did not stop there. As the button man went into action,
our student stopped him with a dropping side kick that struck above the knee. He next went
into a hell-evator frenzy, using the walls as reinforcement and ricocheting from man to man
with kicks, palm heels, chops, punches, and elbows. As soon as the student was able to get
out of the elevator, he called the police. The emergency personnel who treated the two men
thought that our student had hit them with a baseball bat—he had done that much damage.
Balance, Rooting,
and FootwoRk
W hen most people think of balance, they might imagine a tightrope walker or some-
thing similar. This type of balance is one-dimensional. The rope is always the bal-
ance point. In a fight, your balance point is always changing. Your foot positions move
constantly, or you may be against a wall, on one knee, or on your back (yes, you still have
to be balanced, even on your back), but even this is not the only kind of balance we’re
going to be talking about or having you practice.
Body unity and looseness are both fundamental components of balance because they
help you develop grace as well as the ability to deliver tremendous energy by loosely con-
trolling your body’s mass. In guided chaos, we’re not talking about developing everyday
balance; rather, we’re talking about hyperbalance, balance on steroids, balance that is
fundamentally different in two unique ways:
1. It’s dynamic. You can attack and defend in body positions and angles that other
people just don’t have because they don’t learn and practice them. You can’t train hyper-
balance with a fixed drill or static exercise because all fights are chaotic; any attempt to
adopt a stance, form, or technique under duress will meet with catastrophe. This is a fact,
as explained in the introduction, that is confirmed by police reports (and by anyone, for
that matter, who’s been in a fight for his or her life). Balance must be dynamic.
2. It’s cumulative. You must first feel a sense of balance in each part of your body in
order to then get each part to act collectively in a powerful manner. Imagine each bone
as a scale, or better yet, as a seesaw. If your attacker pushes down on one end of your
forearm, let’s say the hand, the other end of the forearm (the elbow) should swing up
and hit the attacker in the jaw. The elbow’s power is augmented by all the other bones
in your body through body unity. Thus, balance also refers to the position of each bone
in relation to the position of every other bone. It also refers to the ability of each bone
(and the heavy, connected flesh) to deliver its delicately balanced momentum to each
succeeding bone in turn.
To understand this further, imagine every one of your bones as a sledgehammer, finely
balanced on the end of every other bone and connected by ball bearings like a big chain.
Balance, Rooting, and Footwork 83
The ball bearings are all the joints in your fingers, hands, wrists, upper and lower arms,
shoulders, every vertebra in your back, and every joint in your hips and legs. Your job is
to whip them so that their individual momentum is cumulative, like a big wave. When
the bones move counter to each other, there’s no body unity, and those movements
detract from the total amount of momentum, even if they’re all loose. It would be like
five people grabbing a whip at different points along its length and attempting to snap
their individual sections with force.
With the progressive drills provided in this chapter, you will train your body to balance
so that every part of it is counterbalanced and influenced by every other part, so that if
one part moves, even the slightest bit, every other part moves also. For example, think
about when you pass through a subway turnstile. If you walk through one slowly, the
other side simultaneously rotates behind you. If you were to run through, the back side
would whip around and smack you in the rear violently. This is also a simple example of
yin and yang energy transformation. Briefly, yin and yang are two Chinese Taoist terms
that define opposite energy states (e.g., hard and soft, or attacking and yielding). The side
of the turnstile that moves away when you hit it is receiving energy and is thus in a yin
state. The part of the turnstile that swings around and hits you in the rear is transmitting
energy and is thus in a yang state. Understand that the balanced looseness of a turnstile
happens in a single horizontal plane. Your joints are infinitely more mobile, moving in
directions multiplied geometrically by all your other joints and by how each one influ-
ences the other. Now you can see why we talked so much about internal energy in the
previous chapter: Balance is the axle that the wheel of internal energy turns around;
external energy actually disrupts the individual and collective balance of your bones by
committing you to rigid, full-force unidirectional movement.
When your body has momentum, it has latent energy without the input of muscular Balance acts as
force. Guided chaos makes extensive use of this. But to generate momentum and get it to the axis between
go where you want, you have to be both balanced and loose. The total momentum of a
guided chaos strike will come from the weight of all the flesh and bones in motion, not
soft and hard,
from a continuous muscular contraction. This allows for two different kinds of loose, strike and yield,
powerful strikes: push and pull,
and attack and
1. Whipping strikes. When used correctly, a whip conducts its energy instantly defend, allowing
from the handle to the tip, where energy is amplified and focused. The tip can cut like
for one to flow
a knife or smash like a wrecking ball depending on how it’s delivered and how much
mass it has. This occurs even though every other point of the whip’s length is totally soft into the other
and flexible. If the whip strikes a solid object, like an iron pipe, the whip merely wraps with no discern-
around it. Every point of its length has a balanced energy relationship with every other, ible interruption,
like a visible sine wave. This whipping motion is also perfectly suited for the human body. so one becomes
2. Jackhammer strikes. In addition to circular whipping blows, balance and body indistinguishable
unity can manifest in loose, linear, pile-driver-like strikes. As explained in chapter 4, from the other.
having a relaxed body allows you to drive from your feet through your hands with unin-
hibited power. This is why each bone must be balanced in relation to every other bone. If
the bones are not lined up, however, energy will be frittered away into space. Whipping
and jackhammer strikes will both be augmented by dropping energy (chapter 6, p. 109).
1. They both involve loading and releasing energy instantaneously, like a pressure
cooker, in accordance with yin and yang principles (more on this later).
2. Because they both redirect energy, they render your own root invisible to the op-
ponent. This is why we say you want to develop a root that can’t be found (more on
this later). When you use one or the other depends on the situation and what you
are feeling from the attacker. If you have neither the time nor the space to step out
of the way, the 50–50 balance principle is a way of loading and releasing power while
remaining unavailable to the enemy. If you have space to step, however, single-leg
balance allows you to compress and uncork even more power.
In the constantly changing dynamics of a fight, if your weight ever sits in both your feet,
it is only for a split second. This also applies as you step, gyrate, and contort your body to
avoid or deliver strikes because you are coiling or loading your energy plyometrically onto
one leg so you can explode and deliver onto the other leg. You will learn to compensate
for your extreme looseness by gyrating, twisting, and writhing like a mongoose while
balancing on one leg (which can instantly change to the other if needed) but without
leaning, posing, or rising onto your heels or toes—all of which destroy balance and power.
off your feet or even tear the fingers off your hands? You can see it is always in your
interest to develop a mobile root.
However, do not fall into the trap of mistake 2. To illustrate what happens if you fall
into this trap, bounce around on your feet like a poor caricature of Muhammad Ali, throw-
ing punches at your opponent within typical boxing range. Without warning, have your
opponent dive on you like a middle linebacker. You will either be blown back stumbling
or knocked off your feet. Not only can your opponent not find your root—you can’t find
it either! This is for the simple reason that you have none.
In order to develop the correct balance of rooting and moving, you first have to fully
understand the limits of a static, two-legged root. What follows is a very simplified ver-
sion of a more advanced contact flow exercise explained later in the book.
inward slightly. Your stance becomes weak when one knee bends out
farther than the stance requires. This also makes the knee susceptible to
injury and attack. Moreover, the straight leg, prevalent in many styles
of martial arts, is a mechanically poor position and a bad habit to fall
into. Not only does it take away from your ability to balance yourself,
but it also puts your leg in a position where it can be easily broken.
Balance Drills
These exercises may seem unusual, but they share principals with many established
fighting styles, including tai chi, bagua and Native American fighting arts. Nevertheless
they are totally unique.
Ninja Walk
1. Stand with either foot forward, hands up in a relaxed fighting position, with your knees
bent, elbows down and relaxed, back straight, and head up.
2. Slowly redistribute 99 percent of your weight over your forward leg, just enough to
balance on it, yet keep your rear foot flat and barely on the floor (figure 5.3a on p. 88).
3. keep your rear leg relatively straight and the foot flat. Point only the big toe of your
rear leg up in the air without changing the angle of your foot. This will force you
to keep your rear foot flat as you perform the following: Raise your entire body by
straightening your supporting (front) leg, as if you were doing a one-legged squat. This
one-legged squatting action will bring your rear foot off the ground an eighth of an
inch. The purpose of raising the toe of the rear foot first is to make sure you come off
the ground with a flat foot (i.e., parallel to the ground and without benefit of a heel-
toe push off). Do this at an extremely slow speed. Do not raise your rear foot off the
ground by merely curling your rear leg’s knee. For the moment, your rear knee should
actually remain fairly straight (figure 5.3b).
4. once your rear foot is off the floor, bend your rear knee and point the toe of the raised
foot toward the ground.
5. Tap slowly and lightly on the ground behind you twice with your toe. However, don’t
tap by straightening the knee of your rear leg. Rather, maintain the bend in the knee
as it is. You will reach the floor with your toe by lowering your entire body as you per-
form a one-legged squat with your front leg (figure 5.3c). Don’t cheat on this, or you’ll
defeat the whole purpose of the exercise. Depending on how low you are, the burn
in your thighs can be tremendous. You can make this harder by bending the knee of
the tapping leg more and maintaining that bend as your supporting leg’s knee bends,
a b c d
Figure 5.3
raising and lowering your entire body. Since the tapping leg’s knee is bent more, your
supporting leg’s knee must bend more for the tapping foot to reach the ground.
6. Slowly bring the tapping leg forward and tap lightly two times on the ground in front
of you with your heel. Be sure you’re tapping by sinking and squatting down on your
supporting leg. Do not bend the tapping leg’s knee independently to make the foot
reach the ground (figure 5.3d).
7. After slowly tapping twice with the heel in front of you, flatten the tapping foot and
slowly place it on the ground. Slowly redistribute your weight so that 99 percent of it
is on the new supporting leg. Do not rush this or throw yourself onto the new leg or
you will completely defeat the exercise.
8. As before, slowly raise your entire body with your new supporting leg so that your rear
leg comes off the ground with the foot flat and parallel to the ground without any kind
of toe push off.
9. Repeat this process over and over in the same fashion, alternating legs so you are “walk-
ing” forward. one complete cycle should take no less than 40 seconds—the slower,
the better. The key with this drill is not to build up forward momentum, where you
could propel yourself from one step to another by pushing off your toes, but rather
to slowly place each foot down, so you create the maximum stress, challenging your
balance as you tap and change supporting legs.
Vacuum Walk
By doing this walk correctly, you develop tremendous balance in areas where most people
don’t, and you will begin to glide low and powerfully across the ground like a cat. The
Ninja Walk and the Vacuum Walk drills develop and strengthen the small stabilizing
muscles in the hips necessary for powerful but subtle weight shifts that occur during a
fight as you constantly struggle to regain your balance and step to your new root points
on uncertain ground. This walk is vital for developing a root that can’t be found as well
as the rooted, one-legged, instant balance essential to dropping into awkward positions
and redirecting kicks or delivering multiple counterkicks, Rockette style.
1. Begin with steps 1 through 3 of the ninja walk described previously.
2. once again, raise your rear foot parallel to the floor. Remember—do not raise this foot
independently. Don’t bring the foot near the ground merely by bending and unbend-
ing the knee of the leg that is in the air.
Balance, Rooting, and Footwork 89
3. While bending the knee of your supporting leg even farther so that your whole body
sinks lower, bring your rear foot alongside the front, supporting foot but do not put it
on the ground. While doing this, maintain the bottom of the foot at an eighth of an
inch (less than 1 cm) above the ground and parallel to it (figure 5.4a).
4. From there, circle your raised leg from the front to the rear in the shape of an outward
crescent, keeping the foot no more than an eighth of an inch off the ground at all
times, as if you were vacuuming the floor.
5. keep the entire bottom of the foot parallel to the floor, no matter where it moves. This
requires you to constantly change the angle of your ankle as well as the bend in your
supporting knee.
6. The slower you do all the movements, the better. Each foot circle should take no less
than three seconds and should be no less than 2 feet (.6 m) in diameter (figure 5.4b).
7. Circle the leg slowly twice, then place it silently on the ground in front of you, redis-
tributing all your weight onto that leg.
8. Repeat this process with your other leg. Continue to do this so you are slowly “walk-
ing” forward (or backward if you choose).
Completing the foot circles forces you to be sensitive to the surface of the ground as if
you were battling in the dark or on uneven terrain. The leg muscle isolation strengthens
your lower body, while your upper body stays loose. If you are doing this honestly, you
won’t be able to perform the vacuum walk drill for more than a few minutes. Here are a
few more reminders:
• Keep your back straight and don’t lean.
• Keep your head and hands up and in fighting position.
• Breathe slowly, deep into your belly.
a b
Figure 5.4
• Do both walks slowly up and down stairs (when doing the vacuum walk, circle
your leg behind you to avoid hitting the step in front of you).
• Do the walks outdoors on large rocks with your eyes closed. The best place for this
is in a dry streambed or along a rocky shoreline. Alternatively, you can try them
on an old, round-rung ladder laid on the ground. Try using various parts of your
foot to balance on (heel, midsole, ball of the foot). The ultimate challenge would
be to use the ladder with your eyes closed. The mental concentration and muscular
control required are considerable, but the development of your fighting root and
stability will accelerate quickly. Try adding the Ninja and Vacuum walks to the end
position of other exercises, such as Turning, Swimming, Solo Circle Flow, Rolling
the Ball, and Starting the Mower. This ensures that each turn, cord pull, or stroke
has a complete body-unitized weight shift and root transfer.
Crazy Walk
Now perform the Ninja and Vacuum walks together while purposely stepping to the
oddest and most challenging positions possible. This is where you really begin to amplify
the circuitry in your nervous system and increase your adaptability and versatility—the
two primary objectives of guided chaos that prepare you for dealing with the random
insanity of real violence. Remember: No real fight looks pretty.
Step deeply in front, behind, or to your side with your foot twisted in as difficult an
angle as possible, including across the other leg. The key is to place the foot on the floor
in its final position without twisting or sliding it once it’s in contact with the ground.
Continue to slowly and completely transfer and then isolate your balance onto the new
leg; then s-l-o-w-l-y perform the squatting movement to raise and lower your body as you
tap or circle your foot while you’re in these bizarre positions. The burn in your thigh,
hip, and back muscles will be intense.
over the years, we have found that when students conscientiously perform just these
exercises five minutes a day for a year, they will effectively develop superior balance
and root equal to what might be achieved after 10 years of doing the tai chi form. This
is because you’re specifically working on the attributes the form is designed to develop,
without spending years perfecting the exact movements, and you increase your adapt-
ability by never stepping in fixed patterns. When you combine the walks with Polishing
the Sphere (p. 131) and other random-flow drills described later, you teach your nervous
system to be balanced as it becomes comfortable with spontaneous movement.
5. Retract both without putting the foot down and then do a right-back kick and double
front palm strike combo. Rock forward so that your trunk is parallel to the ground and
you look like a figure skater. This really challenges your balance and by now your legs
are getting pretty shaky.
6. As you pull your legs and arms back in, go right into a high-forward right-knee smash
(but sink on your left leg) as if pulling the enemy’s head into the knee.
7. Without putting the foot down first, step forward, land, and deliver a right chop with
the left hand protecting the face. Sink as you chop. This is the first time you have put
the right foot on the ground.
8. Turning your waist and sinking a little deeper, throw out a left palm heel to the head
with your right hand now guarding your face.
9. Rise up on your right foot with your left knee held high and do the entire sequence
with left hand and foot combinations. Continue back and forth until tired. Breathe
deeply and exhale on every strike. Visualize crushing the enemy. If you want be a
complete psycho, combine with the following drill.
Wood Surfing
The benefits of doing this drill daily for a few minutes are substantial. You build up tre-
mendous strength and sensitivity in all the tiny foot and lower leg muscles. At the same
time, you form new neural connections in the motor reflex areas of your brain, raising
awareness of your center of gravity.
1. Find a board, preferably a two-by-four, cut to a length a little wider than the width of
your shoulders.
2. Make the board unstable. There are a million methods. The simplest is to wad up duct
tape into balls and tape them to the bottom of each end of the board. A more elegant
solution is to nail on strips of garden hose. You get the picture.
3. Stand on the board with your feet about
shoulder-width apart; work to balance
yourself without falling off. This is similar
to Canadian log rolling.
4. If you feel yourself losing your balance, just
step off the board. In this way, you teach
yourself to step to a new root point without
struggling excessively. Struggling can be a
fatal tendency in classical training: A prac-
titioner will strain to maintain his stance
even after his balance is shot. You need to
learn how to flow smoothly to a new balance
5. Try slowly turning at the waist, staying low,
until your stability is compromised.
6. Twist the other way.
7. Try this while doing the Swimming, Solo
Circle Flow, Ninja Walk, and Small Circle
Dance drills from chapter 3, among others
(figure 5.5).
8. Next, position the board 2 to 3 feet (.6 to
.9 m) away from a pole or tree and slowly
perform random anywhere strikes (chapter
2). Do them on one leg.
Figure 5.5
9. Vacuum and crazy walk on the board. Try the walks with your eyes closed while swim-
There are even harder drills you can do while wood surfing that you will read about
in chapter 7. For now, while balancing, visualize attack and avoidance as you move with
your anywhere strikes. You should push the envelope with your twisting and writhing
to hypersensitize your balance.
Box Step
This drill develops the box step, a key movement principle of guided chaos. With it, you
develop a feel for your body’s equilibrium while in motion; you learn to move your en-
tire body in a balanced, coordinated manner, without retreating, leaning, or hopping,
or without crossing your feet. The box step helps you elude attacks, stay close, and get
behind the attacker. In guided chaos, feeling where your body is and how it’s balanced
is more important than adopting a stance or technique. This drill will train you to land
positioned, balanced, and ready to strike, with no extra movement, especially in the dark
and against multiple opponents. For a real-life example of how the training principles of
balance and kinesthetic awareness can aid you in a fight for your life, see the Williams
Brothers’ Attack (p. 101).
1. Mark out a box on the ground, roughly 3 feet by 3 feet (.9 m square).
2. Stand in an L-shaped stance, with the heel of your right (forward) foot in one corner
of the box and the left (rear) foot behind it and outside the box at about a 90-degree
angle to the right foot (figure 5.6a).
3. From there, step with your rear foot clockwise to another corner of the box, landing
in an L but with your left foot forward.
4. Continue stepping to a new corner with your rear foot, which, when it lands, becomes
the new forward foot. You always step in the direction of the rear foot. If your right foot
is forward, stepping with your rear (left) foot to the corner on your left is the easiest. A
little tougher is stepping with your rear foot to the corner directly across the box. This
requires you to turn 180 degrees in the air clockwise and land facing in the direction
from which you came (figure 5.6b). Most difficult is bringing your rear (left) foot all
the way to the corner of the box directly to your right. This means you have to turn
your body 270 degrees in the air clockwise (figure 5.6c). With all these movements,
you never cross your feet, and you never step behind yourself.
5. Continue to do this drill back and forth in both directions, stepping to any corner at
random without pause.
If you feel your weight is off when you land, you are off balance, and you need to
adjust in the air. This will present a challenge with the more difficult steps. To get your
feet to land properly without twisting, you will have to get your hips moving early while
you’re still in the air.
keep in mind the importance of how you step.
• When you step to your new position, don’t hop or jump. Glide softly and smoothly,
like a cat hugging the ground (or like Groucho Marx).
• Rise as little as possible, as if at the apex of your step you might hit your head on a
very low ceiling.
• Be careful not to lean too far back or too far forward when landing in your new
• When you land, be sure your feet are in the final L-stance before each makes contact
with the ground so you don’t have to readjust or twist either foot in any way.
• Land the new front foot smack in the middle of the new corner.
Balance, Rooting, and Footwork 93
a b c
Figure 5.6
This is the simplest way to do the box step. once you are able to land without making a
sound and can get your entire body balanced and positioned without readjustment at each
corner, you can begin to add some of the following drills. These drills will also apply to
sensitivity and other guided chaos principles, which you will learn about in later chapters.
a b
Figure 5.8
Balance, Rooting, and Footwork 95
the sledgehammer with only the thumb and index finger of one hand. Third, generate
the power to move the sledgehammer with the momentum of your body, not your
muscles. To do so, you must also gently catch the hammer’s motion between each
step before changing the direction of the circular swing with your new step, without
tightening up or throwing yourself off balance. Do this by imagining that the sledge-
hammer is a baby that’s fallen out of a window.
4. During moments of weightlessness and transition between landings, try twirling the
sledgehammer along its axis in your hand (figure 5.8b), spearing the hammer with
either the handle or the head (figure 5.8c). Release and take up the slack by letting the
hammer handle slide through your hand as you extend it. Let its momentum carry
it just to the end of the handle until, like a relaxed pendulum, you swing it back and
box-step to a new position.
5. Perform this drill for 5 to 10 minutes every few days to reap its benefits.
The Battle-Ax Box Step drill develops relaxation in your hands and power in your body;
it gets you to step around and closer to your opponent to take his space (see Taking Your
opponent’s Space, chapter 7) while avoiding being hit. With this drill you are obviously
training for the largest possible moves. In reality, and when doing contact flow, all that
may be necessary to gain a better entry angle or avoid strikes are tiny 1-inch (2.5 cm) box
steps. But you will certainly develop tremendous unitized power no matter what their
size. The box step also helps generate momentum for striking as a yielding response to
pressure. How this applies to fighting will become clearer when you learn about sensitiv-
ity in chapter 6.
footwork Drills
Now that you have become familiar with the sensation of complete body-unitized weight
and root transfer, it is time to increase the versatility. Remember we said in the fixed-step
rooting drill that you need to become aware of your personal balance, looseness, and
weight-shifting limits while attacking and yielding within the confines of a fixed posi-
tion—and then take them to the max. After much practice, the fixed-step rooting drill
should almost look as if you’re doing a Ninja Walk back and forth but without the tap-
ping—in the sense that you achieve a decisive and purposeful 100 percent weight transfer
from foot to foot so that the other foot is weightless. This has unbelievable benefits for
increasing your power.
And now here is the paradox: After all your work developing a powerful, two-pointed
root, we are now going to teach you to abandon it. The last thing we want you to do is
fall in love with this new skill. The seductive tendency to just stay put in your front-to-
back or side-to-side position is extremely dangerous because you never know who you’re
dealing with. You want to be able to have maximum power and weight shift not only in a
fixed position, but in any position moving anywhere. The laws of physics dictate that the
more you move mass, the more momentum you will have, even if it’s just a tiny step. The
fixed-step rooting drill was to maximize your power and elusiveness if for some reason
you could not find room to move or step. It’s also the prescription for people who have
no balance, looseness, or body unity whatsoever. (For the ultimate in developing power
without winding up, chambering, or even barely moving, see information on dropping
energy in chapter 6.)
The following drills provide a systematic methodology for getting reluctant feet to
move so that you will be able to use the same energy you developed in earlier drills but
with even greater power and adaptability. These footwork drills have distinct patterns to
get you comfortable with every kind of stepping you might encounter. But do not fall in
love with them either. once you get in the habit of stepping from anywhere to anywhere
with full, body-unitized power, you will abandon them also. You would come back to
them if your spontaneous footwork began to lose its body unity.
flow later, is that the smallest root change can make an enormous difference in your
ability to deliver strikes—or avoid them—unimpeded. often, you will discover that a
1-inch (2.5 cm) foot reposition allows you to insert a strike that would’ve been impossible
before. This may seem amazing, but subtlety creates a tremendous number of opportuni-
ties that are always missed when you rely on gross external muscular exertion, where it
seems that all you can do is hit and retract. This is a key principle behind having a root
that can’t be found. Because you are so thoroughly developing your single-leg balance,
the attacker will not perceive you subtly changing the angle of your attack or defense
until it’s too late.
Switch Feet
1. Begin with your right foot forward and your left foot back in a right lead boxing position.
2. Place your right foot alongside the left and then immediately step the left foot into
the forward position so you are in a left lead.
3. Immediately place your left foot back alongside the right and then immediately step
the right forward so you are again in a right lead.
4. Repeat the sequence continuously for two minutes, increasing your speed.
You might ask, “What is my weight distribution in these drills?” The answer is that every
time you step, for a microsecond it is 100 percent on the new root—and then abandoned
for the next. You never hang out or overcommit. You never leave your foot “in the bucket”
(refer back to the rocket step). Your root is pegged, plyometrically spring-loaded—and
then abandoned, depending on what you sense from the opponent.
key points: The transition should be smooth, and there should be no hopping to the
new root point. As you progress with this drill, you will want to add kicking to develop
your balance. As you step, your feet must come off the ground. You should never pivot
or slide on your feet, nor should you hop since this tends to raise your center of gravity
too high, causing you to lose balance. Do not hitch, twist, or slide the foot in the slightest
when preparing to step; be sure the foot is in its final position the instant it lands, also
without any twisting or sliding. If you have to correct your foot position or angle while
it’s in contact with the ground, you will lose all benefits. The entire change of body and
foot position is performed in the air so that you land silently, like a cat.
This is another one of those bizarro drills that nevertheless yields amazing results in
terms of balance and adaptability. What you’re basically going to do is play ping-pong
between your hands and feet. This drill becomes very free form, so don’t get too caught
up with the sequence we’re about to describe once you get the idea.
1. Lift your right leg high enough in front of you so you can tap your toes with your
outstretched right hand. Do the same with your left foot and hand.
2. Repeat with the left hand to right foot, then right hand to left foot.
3. Raise your right foot up obliquely so that the heel comes toward your crotch and tap
the heel with your right hand. Do the same on the left side and then switch hands
and feet as before.
4. Raise your right heel behind you toward your back, tapping it with your right hand.
Do the same on the left and then repeat, switching hands and feet as before.
5. Now it gets crazy. Every time you raise your heel up and tap, swing it to the opposite
position and tap again with the other hand before putting the foot down. For example,
if your right heel comes up toward your crotch, tap it with the left hand, swing the
heel out toward your side, and tap it with the right hand, and then place it down. Do
the same with your heel coming up behind you: Swing it out and tap it with one hand,
then immediately swing it in, tapping it with the other hand. Then try going directly
from front to rear taps and vice versa without pausing.
6. At this point, you should be kicking, tapping, swinging quickly and freely, and looking
like a mad hackey-sacker (this won’t be the last drill that’ll have onlookers staring!).
Perform all this free form without pause while doing random box steps or Whirling
Dervish box steps. What you are building is a synaptic familiarity with chaotic yet
unitized movement: Your hands and feet are synchronized to move and hit as one in
the midst of mayhem.
Balance, Rooting, and Footwork 99
knocking him down. If he tries a front kick, you’ll intercept it. Now, all the principles
you’ve studied come into play: While sticking loosely to his leg with your foot, using your
body’s mass and balance rather than your muscle, guide his leg to a new root point for
yourself, either outside or inside (figure 5.10b). This is almost always a bad place for the
opponent, since his root, if he ever had one, is committed to his kick. If you deny him a
place to land, he is likely to stumble. Worse, since his supporting leg is unprotected and
his balance disturbed, you have the opportunity to break his leg with yours by dropping
and driving your knee into the back of his leg, sweeping his leg out with a motion similar
to the vacuum walk, and stepping on his Achilles tendon. If your groin kick intercepts his
kick but glances off without sticking, continue through (see Skimming Energy, chapter 6)
and attack the supporting leg. When intercepting or kicking his shins, use multihitting
and ricocheting principles. Your relaxed knee loosely but powerfully swings your foot into
his leg. Your foot then bounces off and hits the same or a different spot on the same or
different leg multiple times. You can do this with or without bouncing your kicking foot
off the floor. You can also use your hip and backside as sticking and pulsing tools. You
can also front heel kick his shins or knees with your knee pointed either in or outwards
(notice the similarity to the Hackey Sack drill).
By adding dropping energy, you increase the delivery speed of your kicks. If you’re
a downhill skier, you know that down-unweighting creates the fastest type of turn By
instantly dropping your weight (as if your knees were trying to beat your feet in a race to
the floor), you can shoot out a close-range kick to the shins with no chambering, step-
ping, hopping, telegraphing, or any other kind of preparation.
This gives you a precious millisecond’s advantage. Moreover, you can fire the kick with
either leg, weight bearing or not. This is because your body becomes weightless when
you drop. Accordingly, you can rapid-fire one dropkick after another, since no chamber
is necessary. When you drop-kick on the supporting leg, you catch yourself by falling
into the other or both legs. When you drop-kick on the non-weight-bearing leg, you can
catch yourself by falling into either or both legs. Try these variations against a pole or
low, heavy bag. once again, the dropkick is an incredibly fast, highly effective close-range
kick that you can do in the context of the Mexican Hat Dance.
It is vitally important to experiment with all of these while doing contact flow (coming
up in chapter 6).
a b
Figure 5.10
Balance, Rooting, and Footwork 101
S ensitivity, looseness, body unity, and balance are the “big four” of our guided chaos
methodology. They all work together to produce the devastating fifth principle: combat
adaptability. But aside from the other important subprinciples in this book, if even one
of the prime four is missing from the mix, you have nothing. Although we’ve mentioned
sensitivity before, we’ve held off explaining it completely until now because the depth
and power of this principle would be meaningless without first understanding the other
three. It is also the prime mover of all the other principles.
Sensitivity is the ability to detect and create changes in energy, whether in type, amount,
or direction, and to do so without conscious thought. This requires using a part of your
brain and nervous system that you never have to think about. Something that is actually
faster and more sensitive than eye–hand coordination: your sense of touch.
As you probably know, eye–hand coordination is the skill you use to whack a baseball,
catch a pass, or block a punch. In terms of response time in an attack, however, it’s too
slow. What are we talking about? For the answer, we need to conduct a little experiment.
Get into a traditional boxer’s stance, with your hands up and about 6 to 12 inches (15.2
to 30.5 cm) apart. Have your training partner pick a mutually agreed-on spot on your
chest that he will try to touch. Your job is to block him. Your partner should stand the
same distance away that he would be if he were sparring with you. He, of course, should
move as fast as possible to touch that spot, and you should move as quickly as you can
to block it (figure 6.1 on p. 104).
Guess what? Even though you know where he’s going, if he’s reasonably fast, you
will never block him, try as you might. This is because eye–hand coordination requires
your thinking brain to calculate the interception, a process that is way too slow for life
and death combat. Our point here is that any form of fighting that relies on eye–hand
coordination exclusively for self-defense is at an inherent disadvantage. Think about
this carefully. This includes almost all styles of fighting (especially sparring) that rely
on distance, space, and visual timing; however, there are some notable exceptions. The
following styles have a distinct fighting advantage because they all, to some greater or
lesser degree, address the subject of sensitivity: wrestling, wing chun, judo, aikido, ulti-
mate fighting, and the tactile, internal “soft” martial arts styles such as tai chi, bagua,
hsing I, and guided chaos. All these styles involve constant, close physical contact with
the opponent. The difference is that in guided chaos, we place far greater importance on
developing sensitivity from the very beginning.
104 ATTAck PrOOF
Figure 6.1
sensing energy
Our focus in this book is on fighting to save your life, not gladiator nonsense. This may
dictate some notable philosophical alterations in your self-defense strategy. It also bodes
well for maintaining a personal philosophy of nonviolence. Why? Because unless you’re
cornered, if you have enough space to spar, you have enough space to run. Typically, if
your attacker stays at a sparring distance, he’s not really serious about hurting you. If
your attacker backs up, you back up—and leave the area. real mayhem begins only when
you are in close physical contact with your attacker. This is where most of the damage is
dished out and, coincidentally, where most traditional training breaks down.
This is because in a controlled environment like sparring or boxing, there are rules
that govern the action. Strikes come at a cadence of one, retract, one, retract, and so on.
Even in a flurry, each strike is separate from the one before and the one after. Strikes to
the back of the head are prohibited. And how do most flurries end? With a clinch. Then
the fight stops. This is not reality.
Let’s return to the previous experiment but with a slight modification. Set up like
before, only this time, gently rest your fingertips on your partner’s hands, as if you
were playing an expensive piano. close your eyes; take a slow, deep breath; and try to
completely relax your muscles. clear your mind and think of nothing. All you want to
do is react to the slightest change in pressure against your fingertips and nothing else.
You might think, This is ridiculous. What fight looks like this? But consider the fact that
no real fight begins, nobody hurts anybody, until the opponents actually make skin
contact. Until you reach that point, running away is your first and best option. When
both of you come close enough so that with arms fully extended you touch only at the
fingertips, tactile sensitivity begins (note that this is also the beginning of your personal
comfort zone and sphere of influence).
Now, moving as explosively as possible, have your partner again try to touch the spot
on your chest while you attempt to block him. keep your eyes closed. (What? You’ve
never been attacked in the dark?) With practice, if you can relax enough, you’ll find
that your partner can’t do it, not even once. With your eyes open it’s not even close.
No amount of practice will enable you to stop an attacker at close range if you break
off tactile contact and rely solely on eye–hand coordination. Why? The attacker is always
one step ahead of you in terms of nerve impulses. When you use tactile sensitivity,
however, you’re relying on your sense of touch, which is hardwired into the primitive
centers of your brain. You’re bypassing the whole eye–hand coordination system wherein
Sensitivity 105
you see the punch, the image is sent to your brain, and your higher brain processes
it, calculates an interception angle, and sends a signal to your muscles to carry out
the defense. With tactile sensitivity, you react at a gross animal level, the same way a
cat responds to danger or your eyelids respond to dust (sounds like the fright reaction
again, doesn’t it?) There’s no reactive middleman. This is what you’re going to exploit,
develop, and amplify for self-defense.
to your attacker, be all over him or her, yet be completely unavailable. You need to be at
close range to cause damage to your assailant and yet stay alive yourself, but you’re not
going to grapple. You will find that as you train, your definition of force will change.
What the average person might call a light touch, you will call a shove. This means In guided chaos,
you are developing your sensitivity. If you overcommit to a block or forced strike in
we like to say
which you try to blast through your opponent’s defense when there is no opening,
you’ll be stuck—you won’t be able to react. You’ve committed yourself to one direc- you’re both
tion and can’t recover in time to deal with your opponent’s next strike. Because you’ve unavailable and
committed yourself, you won’t recognize openings or be able to take advantage of unavoidable.
them. This is why you stay soft—until you actually make contact with your own strike.
You’re not training sensitivity to become yieldingly passive like limp spaghetti. You’re
developing sensitivity to change (direction, force, or yin versus yang). These changes will
then be amplified by you into deadly force. By being sensitive and remaining connected
to your opponent, you follow his every move. When you move into some wild contortions
in response to your opponent’s energy, it will be impossible for you to deliver a rooted,
powerful strike unless you also have hyperbalance that instantly readjusts with the same
rapidity and fluidity as your sensitivity.
When you have developed your balance and sensitivity, you can deliver any strike from
any position with devastating consequences. Learning to punch and kick by themselves
is actually the easy part.
Now that you have built your foundation of looseness, body unity, and balance with
the prior chapters, you are ready to see how sensitivity can also help you create energy.
Creating energy
As both Eastern mystics and contemporary physicists will tell you, everything consists
of energy. A punch, pull, kick, or block is an embodiment of bioelectric synaptic energy.
Even your opponent’s intent is latent, or potential, energy. Your nervous system is both
a receptor and initiator of kinetic energy. This receiving and initiating of kinetic energy
is enhanced by heightened sensitivity.
In guided chaos, we propose to become experts at the manipulation of raw movement,
or energy, both in its delivery and reception. The principle of sensitivity has the effect of
liberating you from concentrating on obscure techniques and configurations, allowing
you to focus on feel. Feel is subconscious, and you are the only one who can develop it.
Once you have it, the type of strike you use or that is used against you is irrelevant. Your
feel will dictate what is appropriate, not your brain (your thinking brain, that is).
Yin-Yang Generator
As you learned in chapter 5, the principal of yin and yang delineates the universe in terms
of opposites that can either be sharply separated or intermixed. Hard and soft, up and
down, in and out, push and pull, attack and yield—these qualities need to be understood
separately yet blended and applied simultaneously to achieve the unmatched power that
is available to the practitioner of an internal art. There are many more qualities defining
yin and yang, including male and female, heaven and earth, hot and cold, and so on,
but these are not central to our discussion. Without getting philosophical (and to avoid
the often intentional mystification and confusion associated with this vital topic), simply
train yourself to be aware of and do the following: Push the opponent’s pulling energy
and pull the opponent’s pushing energy.
Doing so has the effect of augmenting your opponent’s energy and putting it at your
disposal. We can categorize the push as yang energy and the pull as yin energy. This
concept is not really so esoteric. When you push a child on a playground swing, you feel
the right movement. Although you don’t actually pull the swing back toward you once
it’s in full motion, you do retreat to stay out of its way. At this point only tiny, perfectly
timed pushes are necessary to make the swing go higher. Given the swing’s full arc, a
108 ATTAck PrOOF
six-year-old on a swing can knock a grown man’s head off if his timing is wrong. But
what does this have to do with fighting? With guided chaos, we’re going to turn you
into a yin-yang generator.
consider what your stereo amplifier does to the signal it receives from an old phono-
graph. A vinyl record’s grooves consist of millions of tiny wiggles—tiny, frozen, physical
waves of energy that are an exact duplicate of the music it copied. The needle follows
these grooves exactly and converts them to tiny waves of electrical energy. Your stereo
amplifier takes these tiny waves of energy and amplifies them dramatically, but it doesn’t
alter the information they contain in any way. It doesn’t oppose the waves. It follows
them exactly and adds to their energy, using household current. Differences in volume
and frequency are translated into powerful waves of magnetism that have gigantic peaks
and troughs—opposites—that your speakers turn into loud, pulsing music.
These opposites are exactly analogous to the movements of your assailant as he or
she struggles against you. You’re going to follow these opposites—or yin-yang, push-
pull movements—and amplify them using inertia, sensitive muscle contractions . . .
and gravity. Using your loose, balanced, body-unified connection with the ground as
your electricity, you’re going to generate additional energy.
As you flow with your opponent’s intention (remember, intention is a form of energy),
learn to pull with one side of your body while you push with the other side. Your oppo-
nent’s energy drives you like a seesaw. Your sensitivity tells you when pull becomes push.
This simultaneous pushing and pulling could be a ripping or yielding action with your
left side in response to an incoming attack and a reciprocating punch with your right side.
This seesaw action can occur at any angle or along any direction and reverse itself at any
time. What’s important is that this push-pull relationship happens simultaneously—not
first one and then the other—and that your body remains relaxed and whiplike, or like
a steel spring, and is always perfectly balanced, like a gyroscope. The classic tai chi texts
refer to this as having one side empty, one side filled and not being double-weighted.
The theory is, if you’re pushing rigidly with your whole body displaying yang, or hard,
energy, you will have no counterbalance. Therefore, you would be relying exclusively
on muscular force.
To become a yin-yang generator, you must learn to recognize and separate the full-
ness from the emptiness, the tension from the relaxation, the yin from the yang. This
is so the yielding reception of your opponent’s energy has someplace to go. When your
balance and root are strong, this energy flows through your yielding side into your feet
and bounces back out through your attacking side.
In accordance with the principles of body unity, do not isolate the push-pull action to
just your hands. Move your entire body with this quality, even if the attack or defense is
the subtlest of movements. Separating the yin from the yang (recognizing the pressured
side from the unpressured side) can occur in the entire body or in just one part. When
your weight is balanced momentarily on one foot and the power is poised to fly into the
other foot, you’re using push and pull physics. When you’re hand receives downward
pressure and your elbow flies up into an attacker’s throat as an instant response, you’re
using push-pull physics. Your level of sensitivity dictates how soon and how small an
amount of stimulus you require to set this reaction in motion. With these principles under
your direction, you will eventually be able to redirect your opponent without effort. You
need to have superior sensitivity to detect exactly when a push becomes a pull, and vice
versa. When you can do this, you are separating the yin from the yang. The drills at the
end of this chapter will help you learn and practice this separation.
With a kinesthetic understanding of the yin-yang generator, you can begin to develop
an explosive, slingshot kind of energy that is amplified by your focused fear (chapter 2,
Focus Your Fear drill, p. 25). In tai chi, this may be called borrowing jing, but we’d like to
use a more modern explanation of this slingshot phenomenon using space-age science.
Because of the tremendous distances involved in space travel, the National Aeronau-
tics and Space Administration (NASA) relies on the laws of physics to generate more
speed in a spacecraft than its own propulsion could ever generate. To get probes, such
as Voyager or Galileo, way out into the solar system, NASA aims them at a nearer planet
or the sun first. As the probe approaches the planet, the planet’s gravity draws the ship
Sensitivity 109
in even faster, in effect accelerating it as it falls toward the planet. Then, with a slight
deviation in course, the probe is directed to narrowly miss the planet, whip around it,
and slingshot away at tremendous velocity. The space probe borrows the planet’s gravity
for energy while using none of its own. Sound familiar? This is what happens when you
learn to push your opponent’s pull and pull his push.
Here are some actual physical examples of yin-yang energy generation. If you think
of every joint in your body as being finely balanced, a breath of air can cause it to swing
one way or the other:
• A touch on your elbow rotates your fist into the opponent’s face.
• A touch on your hand swings your elbow down on your opponent’s neck.
• A push on one shoulder shoots your other arm out.
• A strike to your chest collapses your chest like a sponge but shoots both your arms
out into your opponent’s eyes.
• A slight challenge to your root shifts you onto one leg momentarily, which swings
your entire body weight into the returning blow.
These changes in balance are instantaneous. The energy is delivered in the transition
from one relaxed point of balance to the next. There should be no pause in the flow
between them.
Don’t think of these balance points as slow or weak. Turning your body into a yin-yang
generator is like becoming a ferocious, spring-loaded trap that instantly resets itself. Where
does this explosive spring-loading come from, and how do you keep it from making you
tense, causing muscular exertion? The next section provides the answer.
Dropping Energy
We’ve introduced some of the basics of dropping energy in chapter 2, but now that you
have an applied understanding of looseness, body unity, balance, and sensitivity under
your belt, you will be better able to understand the full depth of how dropping energy
can be used to defend yourself. Dropping is an instantaneous explosion or wave of energy
you can use for striking, deflecting, uprooting, regaining balance, and augmenting virtu-
ally any other movement.
Simply put, dropping energy refers to a spasmodic lowering of the entire body weight
into a current or new root. Whatever your body weight is, it becomes a formidable weapon
when you get it moving all at once in accordance with gravity. The sensation of dropping
In dropping you
is similar to having your legs kicked out from under you, stumbling off a curb, or falling
asleep at the wheel of your car and then jerking awake. If you’re a downhill skier, the make gravity
sensation of dropping is like the down-unweighting used for making the fastest possible your friend. As
edge change in a turn. The feeling is similar to a sneeze or cough in that your whole body you drop, you
spasms and drops. The energy is explosive but involuntary. You want to be able to control create a shock
it at will, directing it to any weapon. When fueled by your fear and permitted to flow by wave of en-
your relaxation, the damage dished out by dropping can be devastating. ergy that trav-
Dropping consists of three parts that all happen simultaneously: els down your
1. Stand with your knees slightly bent, then try to bend them more so quickly that for body, rebounds
a split second your whole body becomes weightless, so that a slip of paper could actu- explosively off
ally be inserted between your feet and the ground. Most beginners make the mistake of the ground, and
actually jumping up first, which entirely misses the point. races back up
2. Halt the drop with a snap to start the shock wave of energy. When you drop, your your legs to be
body’s momentum tries to continue going lower but is suddenly stopped. The energy channeled any
reflects or rebounds off the ground and travels back up your body looking for an exit way you desire.
point. It’s similar to a sneeze except that instead of coming out your nose, the energy is
focused to come out as a strike. You don’t want to drop more than a couple of inches at
most. Think of it as snapping a wet towel or cracking a whip; you’re essentially trying to
catch the bounce your body makes as it’s stopped.
110 ATTAck PrOOF
the circular,” the essence being that as you circularly evade and redirect blows you can
absorb the energy into your root and bounce it directly off the ground via dropping.
The injuries you inflict as a result of a dropping strike are different from those you
might inflict with a conventional strike. The opponent may not appear to move at all,
but the dropping energy reverberates inside his body like an implosion. This is due to its
suddenness. You want to time your strike so you halt your drop and hit simultaneously.
You want your arms loose and flaccid, with no muscular tension whatsoever. Drop-striking
becomes even more devastating when someone is falling into your strike because you
yielded to theirs. The effect is multiplied, depending on your opponent’s incoming speed.
Some manuals, like the T’ai Chi Classics (Liao 1990), call this type of dropping energy
cold power because the explosive, snappy action generates shock waves that blast into the
opponent’s body, penetrating without actually moving him much. It does catastrophic
internal damage, however. contrast this with long power that projects the opponent a
distance away. For our purposes, we don’t want to launch the attacker away, where he can
regroup and attack again. Instead, we want to disable him where he stands. remember, the
way you train is the way you fight. In tai chi, if you always use long power during push
hands (a tai chi training exercise), you’ll probably also do it in a life-and-death situation.
What’s the logic behind dropping? It eliminates winding up, chambering, or drawing
back.. These are wasted motions. When you draw back to throw a punch, no matter how If you’re not bal-
quick you are, you won’t be able to get the strike off if your attacker is staying close to anced, dropping
you or charging like an animal. When throwing a punch, the only motion that matters energy is frit-
is the forward motion. Now you may be asking, “If I can’t wind up to strike, then how tered away and
am I supposed to hit? Not drawing back seems to be a contradiction.” This is because
the principle is paradoxical when compared with everything most of us have ever been
misdirected into
taught about punching and kicking. space as you try
If you’re relaxed and balanced, you can hit with enormous power with no windup by to regain your
using the principle of dropping. With a no-inch punch, your acceleration is virtually balance. Correct
instantaneous. This is strategically efficient for two reasons: this situation by
observing the
• If you draw back to strike, you create a natural opening for your attacker that can’t
be defended. principle of body
• If you’re already sticking to follow the attacker’s every motion, dropping allows
you to attack and defend simultaneously because you never lose contact with your
opponent. For example, if your hand is already near the opponent’s face and drop-
ping would allow you to hit with effective power, why draw back only to have to
bring your hand forward again? In fact, in the time it takes you to pull back on a
strike, not only could you have thrown a strike at your opponent, but you could
have struck your opponent twice: once on the extension and once on the return.
Bruce Lee taught that punches should be felt, not seen. Whether or not he was the
first to espouse this idea is unknown. Nevertheless, it’s a very sound principle of fighting,
which the looseness of dropping energy encourages. First, the strike is like steam—vapor-
ous, illusive, unknown. Then it becomes like water—fluid, continuous, ever changing.
Finally, on impact, it becomes like ice—crushing, destroying—and then immediately
returns to steam. Dropping repeats the cycle over and over again.
Due to the dynamics of combat, however, it’s not always physically possible to drop
on every strike you deliver because you’re continually loading and reloading your body
weight. However, in your practice, you should try to drop as often as you can. Also, when
you practice dropping within contact flow (explained later), your dropping speed should
be the same as that of the rest of the flow.
Stealth Energy
Stealth energy is a term given to sensitivity so high you’re in contact with your opponent’s
intent only. When your opponent’s sensitivity is untrained, you do not appear on his
radar screen, even though he is clearly on yours. Thus, his body’s targets are defenseless,
as if you were a stealth bomber preparing to drop its payload.
112 ATTAck PrOOF
John Perkins can actually sense the heat of his attacker’s skin. By training free-form
creativity for most of his life (in between his hundreds of real fights), he has explored and
programmed into his subconscious virtually every possible human combative motion,
something that would have been impossible had he sought to deliver choreographed
techniques at every opportunity. Thus, he has the ability to stick to your motion, often
without even touching you. For most of us, this is a lofty goal, but it is definitely achievable
with practice and is not the stuff of myth. Training to be so light and responsive that you
actually avoid bending the hairs on your arm (except when landing with a strike) is one
approach. Another is to visualize that you’re sticking to a fatter version of your opponent,
a Michelin Man existing beyond the skin of your partner. This keeps you from bearing
down on him and allows higher contact flow speeds without causing injury. Dropping
allows you take the same energy that would penetrate his body and recycle it back into
your root for another drop. You bang against the ground instead of his body. This has
the outward appearance of you smashing an invisible barrier right at the surface of his
skin. Against heavy bags or a real attacker you just take the same energy you’ve practiced
with and let it penetrate to the bone.
Pulsing Energy
Pulsing is any movement you make with any part of your body that adds energy to your
contact with the intent of eliciting a response that can be exploited. In other words, it’s
a fake out. It may be a push, pull, tug, nudge, hip check, rocker (see chapter 7), or the
like. For the sake of clarity, we will call all tugging and pulling actions inward pulses.
Now you may be thinking, Isn’t guided chaos about not adding energy, about being unavail-
able and sensitive to your opponent’s intentions? That’s exactly right. The purpose of puls-
ing is not to overpower your opponent with a titanic push or tug-of-war: You’re merely
instigating a reaction in your opponent that you can flow off of. This is an important
distinction to understand. You’re not trying to engage and grapple with him. You’re
messing around with his balance and sensitivity, and thus trying to get him to grapple
and engage you. When he does this, he uses more energy that you can turn back at him
using push-pull principles. When you get your opponent to react to a pulse, you can
also lead his energy away and slide into the opening. The sensation of pulsing is elastic
and bouncy, kind of like a rubber ball bouncing rapidly between two walls or like the
feeling of quickly tugging and releasing a bungee cord. The amount of energy imparted
can be very subtle. remember, however, that even though the pulse may be small, you
should still have your entire rooted body behind it. You just don’t use any muscle. This
is so your countermove is fully balanced and spring-loaded.
A pulse can be as light as a touch; an inward pulse can be as delicate as plucking a
guitar string. How much energy you use depends on what your sensitivity tells you
about your opponent’s structure and what it will take to trap him. You then take the
opponent’s reactive energy and amplify it against him. This is, in effect, what you’re
doing when you pulse an opponent. When your opponent reacts, he loads your spring,
quite unconsciously, setting in motion a devastating slingshot or boomerang effect. In
addition, by dropping as you pulse, you supercharge your next strike. To summarize:
With pulsing, you instigate, your opponent reacts, and you amplify his reaction by using
the yin-yang generator principle and by dropping.
An interesting byproduct of the disengagement principle is that you can often get
an opponent to pulse himself. In an effort to find you, they wind up pushing and over-
committing when they finally do make contact. You anticipate this, flow off of it, and
they get sucked into their mistake.
One very important clarification must be made here because of an error we often
see in classes: Pulsing is not a defensive tool and is not used to stop, block, or suppress
an opponent (compare with destructions, coming up soon). Pulsing is a trap you set;
it is delivered and exploited in a microsecond. Beginners often misinterpret pulsing as
pushing and use it to block, setting back their development by years. They think they’re
pulsing when they’re actually doing Sumo and using it as a crutch.
Sensitivity 113
The difference between the yin-yang generator principle and pulsing is that in the
former you are passively following the opponent and then amplifying his energy. In other
words, if he’s pushing, you actually pull his push so that he never feels any resistance until
it’s too late. This is a good way to ensnare them into arm breaks or blows with your other
arm. If they’re pulling (for example, trying to smother your hands against their body), you
push their pull and pound them in the ribs without ever giving any resistance to their
original pull. (“You want my hand? Here, take it!”) In pulsing, you’re actively provoking a
reaction that you then flow off of. This is always in the opposite direction. Even if your
opponent doesn’t react strongly, a pulse gets the attacker to tighten and freeze for an
instant, effectively taking all the slack out of his limb so it can be used as rudder to uproot
his whole body or else be tool replaced (see tool replacement, p. 118) for a clean shot.
Until now, the following has been a closely guarded secret: Moe of the Three Stooges
was actually a guided chaos master. Picture him with his outstretched arm, saying to curly,
“Hit this!” Imagine Moe’s fist flying around in the opposite direction in an impressive
display of pulsing before crashing into curly’s head. Nyuk nyuk! Seriously, though, the
wide, circular swing Moe took would not be in keeping with the economical, tight circles
that come from moving behind a guard (chapter 7). Well, maybe he was only a white belt.
Here’s a more realistic example: Let’s say you pulse an opponent’s arm by pushing with
your elbow (figure 6.3a). He panics, and his immediate, unconscious reaction is to tense
up, pushing you back. This loads your spring. Your arm and shoulder, supercharged by
his energy, move in a tight circle in the opposite direction, and you palm-heel him in
the face (figure 6.3b).
a b
c d
Reaction pulse
Figure 6.3
114 ATTAck PrOOF
Or, suppose you inward-pulse him by tugging on his forearm with your hand (figure
6.3c). He tightens and yanks back, in effect pulling a chop into his throat (figure 6.3d).
This will cause an involuntary, outward deflection on his part, allowing you to pull his
push. When you run this through your yin-yang generator, his attempt to block your chop
to his throat gets his arm extended out, perhaps leading to a break. This little exchange,
as you can see, has a Ping-Pong sort of quality, where one event (your inward pulse) starts
a whole chain reaction.
Pulsing can get very nasty very quickly, because once you set the chain reaction in
motion, it can feel to your opponent as if he’s been thrown into a giant pinball machine.
If he’s not sensitive, balanced, and yielding like you, it will seem that every move he
makes is wrong, putting him in even more mayhem.
A pulse can also be something as simple as a hand squeeze or pinch. This could be
all you need to provoke a reaction. Just remember that when you pulse, you become
the spark of an energy generator. It’s easy to get off balance due to the forces you’ll be
creating. Learning to pulse is easier than learning hyperbalance, so be sure your train-
ing emphasizes the latter. Don’t cheat yourself on the basics.
By the way, a feint is actually a pulse: Although you make no contact with it, a feint
adds energy to the mix. Feints provoke a reaction in the opponent that you can take
advantage of. For example, if B feints a chop straight into A’s throat and circles into an
overhand palm strike, A, moving to cut off the chop, overcommits to his centerline,
leaving his outside line open to the palm strike.
Once you understand pulsing, you can use as much force as you want, as long as it’s
rooted, dropping, nonmuscular force. But force is often not necessary and sometimes
wasteful. Stealth energy is of much higher value because the opponent can’t even
follow you. It’s important to aspire to this level. Then you can sprinkle in some pulses
randomly, without thought, and the combined effect will be overpowering.
Destruction Energy
When pulsing is performed at maximum speed and power, it becomes a destruction. You
drop and splash your opponent’s limb, damaging it but never just blocking, pushing, or
suppressing its motion (see Skimming and Splashing Energy, coming up). Again this is
because you have to be absolutely ruthless about not wrestling with the enemy. This is
A helpful visual- also because you want your destructions to lead to ricocheting energy.
ization for sliding
energy or stick-
ing in general is
Ricocheting Energy
to imagine your ricocheting occurs when you’re moving at high speed and loading the spring almost
hands are hock- instantaneously. You strike and bounce off your opponent’s body into a different target,
ey pucks and the like a bullet ricocheting off concrete into an escaping felon (remember the scene from
Robocop?). The point here is that the bullet changes direction without using any of its
entire surface of
own energy, just what it receives from bouncing off the wall. Again, this effect can be
your partner’s amplified by dropping.
body is an air ricocheting occurs whenever you strike some portion of your opponent’s body, and
hockey table. the resulting recoil bounces you into additional strikes that you augment by dropping.
Your hands skim The potential for ricocheting is always there when you strike. The problem is, if you’re
just above the not loose and sensitive to the energy, it won’t happen. remember, don’t tighten up and
surface of his bear down on your opponent when you strike; this commits you to one direction only.
skin on a layer of ricocheting energy and destructions become even more devastating when you regularly
perform slambag drills (coming up later) because of the tendon strength and crushing
compressed air. power developed in your hands.
This helps you to
stick but not get
stuck. Sliding Energy
In the process of being as disengaged as possible while still being engaged, you attempt
to slither through openings like a snake, not blast through them like a bull. This sliding
energy requires great balance, sensitivity, and articulation because you will be moving at
Sensitivity 115
many angles as you simultaneously stick and slide through the opponent’s defenses. For
example, suppose B is sticking to A’s hands (figure 6.4a), and A decides to blast through
B’s guard to push or strike. B simply lets A go where he wants by letting A’s arms slide
right past his hands. By moving just his body out of the way but sticking with his hands,
B remains in contact, yet makes his targets unavailable (figure 6.4b). B maintains strong
structure the whole time by keeping his elbows low but does not use any force.
We also call this kind of energy forearm surfing. Using sliding energy, treat your oppo-
nent’s forearms like ocean waves and your hands as the surfers. Since you could never
hope to overpower a wall of water that weighs perhaps 20 tons (18.1 metric tons), you
have to learn to ride the wave’s surface. Similarly, as your opponent’s arms move, slide
your hands along their surface, moving to the elbow to stop an elbow strike or to the wrist
to stop a chop or punch. You then ricochet off his attack. remember to move your body
and shift your footwork as necessary to maintain body unity and keep yourself behind
a guard (chapter 7). To maintain a balance of yin-yang energy, keep sliding back to the
middle of the forearm until your opponent’s energy tips you off.
Figure 6.4
116 ATTAck PrOOF
Sticking Energy
Sticking energy is an extremely subtle opposite of sliding energy and is actually a form
In guided chaos of pulsing. (This is not to be confused with plain sticking, which is simply maintaining
we don’t block. tactile contact with the opponent.) As you let the opponent’s body slide through your
We destroy or hands, you can at any time press into his flesh slightly with your fingers, nails, or the
make them miss. V formed by your thumb and forefinger. create an extremely brief and elastic adhesion
by stretching his skin. Instantaneously rebound off this into a strike or other move. At
no time do you grab onto your opponent or squeeze with your hand in any way. This is
difficult, of course, if either one of you is sweaty. Sticking energy takes a lot of practice
but is extremely sneaky.
Skimming Energy
Actually, you’ve already practiced skimming energy with the Sticks of Death drill (chapter
3, p. 68). Skimming energy refers to the glancing action a strike or deflection may take,
similar to a flat stone skimming the surface of a pond. The stone will stop and sink rapidly
if its angle is too steep. Similarly, if you become too engaged with an opponent, a skimming
strike will get bogged down and will not have a clean bouncing action. If the opponent
strikes to your face, skim by shooting your own strike in at an angle that glances off and
deflects your opponent’s attack and connects simultaneously. For example, A punches at
B’s head. B shoots a spear hand at A’s face, which deflects A’s strike and skims off into A’s
eyes (figure 6.5). Skimming differs from ricocheting in that the strike trajectory remains
relatively unchanged. It also differs from sliding energy because you are skimming past
your opponent; in sliding, you allow your opponent to slide past you.
A little move we call the rising ram is another
example of skimming energy. While fighting A,
B’s lead arm winds up in an extended low posi-
tion, pointing toward the ground. As B raises
the arm it is blocked by A’s hand or forearm.
The instant the top of B’s arm contacts the
bottom of A’s arm, the relaxed, rising motion
of B’s arm turns into a forward, sliding strike
aided by B dropping, turning, and stepping
forward slightly. It’s almost like shoving your
whole arm through a greased mail slot. This
is a good example of highly tuned sensitivity,
because if B is tight and tries to fight upward
through A’s block with brute force, he’ll miss
the opportunity for an easy, sneaky, and deci-
sive blow forward into A’s lower torso or groin.
Although we’ve given this strike a name out of
convenience, we can apply the principle behind
the rising ram to almost any strike at almost
Figure 6.5 any angle.
Splashing Energy
Splashing energy is an interesting principle, in that it relates the human body to water.
Because the body is mostly liquid, it has a lot of give to it, so you must hit another’s
body differently than you would a brick. To make liquid act like a solid for a split second,
you have to splash it. If you punch the surface of a pool, your hand will knife right in,
but if you smack it as fast and snappy as you can with an open hand, you create much
more disruption.
For various strikes, you can actually cause more trauma with a splashing action than
with a strict reverse punch. You cause shock waves that travel deep into the tissue. The
other advantage of splashing is that it doesn’t overcommit you to the strike. Your aim
Sensitivity 117
is to penetrate the target to the depth of perhaps two inches (5.1 cm) and then com-
pletely relax the hand. This allows you to resume sticking to the exact spot you struck
the instant after you make contact. This is an enormously important concept that keeps
you balanced and ready to defend yourself further.
Isolation Energy
Isolation energy is another very subtle, advanced
principle. An example is placing your palm on
someone’s arm while his or her eyes are closed
and being able to walk around him or her, rising
and sinking, all without that person being aware
of any change in your pressure or direction.
This kind of sensitivity allows you to confuse
the other’s nervous system and set up for strikes
without triggering an alarm reaction on his or
her part. You can use this point of contact as a
fulcrum around which you may rotate to any new
attack angle. For example, if your palm contacts
your opponent’s forearm so lightly that he or she Figure 6.6
118 ATTAck PrOOF
can barely feel it in the heat of battle, you can step or move your body just enough to
change your attack angle.
Here, A’s forearm is in between B’s palm and B’s intended target, which is A’s face (figure
6.6a). By using isolation energy, B is able to subtly move his upper body and shoulder just
enough to create a new entry angle, allowing him to launch a chop to A’s throat through
this opening (figure 6.6b). This whole scenario takes place in a fraction of a second. There’s
no obvious posing or setting up going on.
Transferring Energy
Your sensitivity is heightened, and you’re sticking, when all of a sudden, your radar picks
up your opponent’s intention to strike with his fist. Instead of only yielding or pocketing,
you pass off his incoming force to another part of your body better positioned to exploit
the energy. We call this tool replacing, or transferring energy. For example, your hand is
on his forearm (figure 6.7a). As soon as you feel his forearm tighten as if preparing for a
strike, pass it off, using no strength on your part, to your other hand (figure 6.7b).
This action is similar to a waterwheel passing water to the next paddle as it rotates or
two gears turning with their teeth intermeshed. It’s also like climbing a rope, hand over
hand. It’s important not to grab or wrench your opponent’s forearm because this would
tighten you up, destroy your sensitivity, and alert your opponent to your intention. If
you’re skilled enough, you can pulse, which gets your opponent to push harder (remember
that the average person tightens up when pressed, in effect fighting fire with fire). Once
he does this, you can clear or break his extended arm, opening up new angles of attack.
Since the tool replacing described here is from hand to hand, we like to call it passing
the apples. This implies that neither hand is going to keep the apple; rather, you’re only
transferring it to its final destination. You can rapidly pulse and pass the apple many times
a second. This pulse-and-pass combo is extremely effective and feels to your opponent
as if he’s been tossed into the cuisinart again.
Tool replacement is a flexible and powerful principle. You can essentially make a tool
replacement between any two parts of your body: for example, replace your hand with the
elbow of the same arm (figure 6.8a) or of the other arm (figure 6.8b); replace your elbow
(using a rocker position; see chapter 7) with the hand of the other arm (figures 6.9a and
6.9b). You can also replace your elbow with your chest. This last example is particularly
interesting, because your chest, acting as a checking tool, frees both your arms to strike
(figure 6.10).
One little tip about passing your opponent from the hand to the elbow of the same
arm: Because you’re constantly trying to take your opponent’s space, try to have the elbow
reconnect farther up the limb you’re passing. If your left hand is on his right forearm and
he’s pressing hard, you can step in slightly, pocket, and pass his right arm by reconnecting
a b
Figure 6.7
Sensitivity 119
to it with your elbow at a point somewhere around his triceps. With this done, you’ve
gotten his right arm completely cleared and out of the picture, you’ve closed the gap, and
your left hand is free to chop, spear, or claw his face. In the meantime, your right hand
has received the apple by hyperextending his right arm. By the way, this elbow replace-
ment could also be a simple destruction to his shoulder joint, powered by his pressure.
a b
Figure 6.8
a b
Figure 6.9
Figure 6.10
120 ATTAck PrOOF
Recognizing Energy
After reading about the different energy principles, you may recognize that you’ve already
felt them at one time or another by accident. These accidents can be the turning points of
a fight. You may have deduced that they’re all interrelated and seem to happen naturally.
That’s the idea. If you’re moving in accordance with physics your natural animal reflexes
often rise to the surface. It’s very hard to dissect spontaneous energy and movement.
We’ve simply tried to define the effects of certain kinds of motion and categorize them
so that as you begin to do the drills that follow, you’ll recognize and encourage all these
accidents to happen more frequently.
sensitivity Drills
The energy drills presented later in this chapter will help you develop sensitivity simulta-
neously with other attributes. For now, though, here are three very odd drills that develop
sensitivity exclusively. You may think they’re too wacky to be any good, but that’s their
strength: They force you to move in ways you’d never think of, and they require great
Coin Dance
The positions you get yourself into during this dance can be bizarre, but so are the posi-
tions you need to assume in a fight. This drill heightens your sensitivity by helping you
focus on being relaxed and loose.
1. Place a penny on the tip of each index finger.
2. Have your partner carefully place the tips of his or her index fingers on yours, so you
are holding the two coins between you.
3. Moving extremely slowly, begin to make large random circles with your arms without
dropping the coins. Only the extreme tips of your index fingers should be holding the
Sensitivity 121
coins. To do so will require both of you to forget everything else and really tune in to
and follow the motion of the other partner.
4. In the beginning, you’ll drop the coin frequently. But as you learn to stay focused,
loose, and relaxed, you can actually strike at each other like two sloths slugging it
out. There’s no leader or follower, so don’t cooperate with each other. Do not try to
push back to stop a strike—get out of the way. The fragility of your fingers encourages
this. Obviously, you would never block a strike with your fingers, which is why we’re
overemphasizing their use as sensing tools in this drill. When you have a ferociously
powerful adversary, any part of your body is subject to breakage, so try to react with
your entire body as you would with your fingers. Feel and move into areas of lower
pressure and lesser structure so you can strike with unobstructed power. remove your
own targets so you don’t get broken. Try to strike with your elbows at odd angles
(your anywhere striking practice helps here). To increase the difficulty, both of you
can move your arms in and out, high and low, and spin your bodies 360 degrees so,
at some point, you actually have your back to your partner. Just don’t drop the coins.
If you have a third person available, add one more coin and join fingers so that you
have three people attempting to sense each other’s movements. Also, try holding the
coins between your and your partners’ respective elbows.
Coin Chase
To make things wilder and faster, hold a coin between your palm and your partner’s. Both
your and your partner’s hands should stay flat at all times with no cupping. Now you can
both go crazy running, spinning, jumping, and whipping your palms—but don’t drop
the coin. You must learn to sense your partner’s movements. Yield when your partner
pushes and follow when he or she retreats.
Back Walk
This drill goes counter to most martial arts training because you’re not trying to over-
power your opponent; instead, you’re trying to listen to your opponent’s movements
with your whole body.
1. Stand back-to-back with your partner with your shoulder blades touching and knees
slightly bent.
2. One of you becomes the leader and the other the follower. The leader tries to discon-
nect from the follower (not too quickly at first or you’ll both be on your backsides) by
walking forward, rising, sinking, and twisting.
3. No matter what happens, maintain contact between your shoulder blades at all times.
When you get better at this, you can dispense with the leader-follower scenario and
try to freely chase and avoid each other. Your job is to completely eliminate any buildup
of pressure between you, so if your partner suddenly stops running and comes toward
you, you can immediately sense the change and reverse course. At the same time, don’t
lose your partner. Beware: This drill puts a tremendous load on your quadriceps. Practice
this drill regularly, and you’ll develop legs like tree trunks.
Dropping Drills
Beginners often misinterpret dropping as simply falling or bending the knees. But as we’ve
said, the motion is more of a spasmodic, jerking action similar to the snap of a whip. To
promote this feeling, notice what your body does the next time you sneeze. Your whole
122 ATTAck PrOOF
body spasms and then relaxes. How do you know if you are dropping correctly? Place
your palm on a brick wall about chest high with only enough pressure to bend a blade of
grass. Now drop strongly and direct the rebound energy out of your palm without ever
breaking contact with the wall. If your relaxation is high and your timing is right, the
shock wave that ricochets back into you will feel like it could dislocate your shoulder. If
you didn’t use a brick wall there will now be a hole in the wall. If your timing is off or you
maintain too much pressure, all you’ll be doing is pushing. If your balance is poor, you’ll
stumble backward. If at any point you didn’t have your palm flat against the wall, you’re
wasting your time. What follows is a comprehensive program to develop the critical guided
chaos principle of dropping. With consistent practice you will achieve remarkable results.
The first two drills may help you understand and approximate dropping’s unusual
snapping action. In addition to these exercises, go back to the Pyscho chimp and circle
clap drills in chapter 3 as well as the anywhere strikes drills in chapter 2 and add drop-
ping to them. Note: Dropping drills can be very taxing on your knees and ligaments, so
be careful if you have any joint problems.
Stumble Steps
Here’s an artificial way of simulating the sensation of dropping:
1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.
2. close your eyes and have a partner suddenly push you from behind with moderate
force. The shove should be enough to make you stumble and lose your balance.
3. catch yourself by landing on one or both feet as abruptly as possible. If you’re standing
on a wooden floor, you should actually feel it give slightly beneath you. All the din-
nerware in the house should rattle. This doesn’t mean you should purposely kick the
floor, however. The energy comes from the sudden collecting of your balance. This,
timed with a forward punch or palm strike delivered simultaneously on landing, is the
essence of dropping power.
4. Try to duplicate the sensation without being pushed. Just fall forward and drop on
your own.
5. Eventually, you’ll be able to do this drill with a partner slamming you with a kicking
shield while your eyes are closed. Drop, catch your balance, and instantly launch into
a barrage of chops and palms to the shield.
Stair Steps
Here’s another way of simulating the dropping sensation:
1. Stand on the bottom step of a sturdy flight of stairs.
2. Balance on one leg and extend the other leg out in preparation for walking down to
the next step.
3. collapse your supporting leg abruptly as if someone has kicked out your knee. Don’t
try to brake yourself; instead, just let yourself go, falling hard into the other leg as you
land on the floor, heel first. Do not absorb the impact by bending the landing knee
but actually keep it only slightly bent and immobile. You have only fallen perhaps
10 inches (25.4 cm), but your whole body weight should hit the floor like a ton of
4. If you are sure you can do this without falling down the stairs and killing yourself—
and have healthy knees—start at the top of the stairs and work your way down. Pause
momentarily and then crash down to the next step. This exaggerates the feeling of
dropping; when you drop for real, however, you will sink only about 1 inch (about
2.5 cm).
Sensitivity 123
Middle-Linebacker Hitting
remember this exercise from chapter 2? Well, now that you fully understand dropping
it’s time to do it again:
1. With your hands in front of you, step in place as fast as you can.
2. Here’s where we modify it: With each step, shoot out a palm-heel strike with the alter-
nate hand. In other words, as your right foot lands, hit with the left palm heel and vice
3. Make your steps smaller and smaller and faster and faster until your feet are barely
leaving the ground. You could call this the supersonic shuffle. At the same time, try
to keep your palm strikes in sync with your steps.
4. Try this against a heavy bag. Then try coordinating palm strikes with steps on the same
side (e.g., left-hand step, left palm strike).
The point of this drill is to get you to drop on every strike. By stepping, you force this
to happen. By taking smaller and faster steps, you increase your coordination and the
ability to marshal all your power instantaneously and loosely, without muscling up.
The beauty of the television as a training tool is that picture edits, without music or sound,
have no rhythm whatsoever—as in a real fight. MTV works best because of its fast-paced
programming and quick cuts. This is a highly effective drill that builds incredible reflexes,
quickness, looseness, relaxation and dropping ability.
1. Make sure you’re thoroughly warmed up first or you can easily tear a muscle or tendon.
2. Tune the TV to any program with fast-paced programming and quick cuts. Stand in a
relaxed ready position in front of the TV with the volume off.
3. Begin by performing one type of dropping strike every time the picture changes. Explode
out as fast as you can and retract the strike even faster.
4. Once your mind and body become extremely quiet and focused, work on spontane-
ously changing the strikes without thought. Use kicks also.
Ball Compression
This develops the no-inch punch from extremely close range, where most fighting ends
up. The beauty of these strikes is that they require no chambering or pulling back of any
kind. This drill develops body unity, balance, focus, relaxation, and most important,
full-power dropping.
1. Take an old tennis ball and find a fat tree trunk or telephone pole.
2. Select any tool, for example, a palm strike, and place the ball in your hand against the
tree (figure 6.11).
3. Orient your body using the principles of body unity into some rather strangely angled
strike, such as might occur in a melee. You could even stand on one leg.
4. Hold the configuration, breathe deep into your belly, and relax your entire body—
muscles, joints, and mind—while palming the ball against the tree as lightly as possible.
5. Now, as if you sneezed or coughed from the soles of your feet through all the joints of
your body and out your hand, drop so the tennis ball is instantaneously and explosively
6. change the angle and location of the strike and repeat.
Sensitivity 125
Figure 6.11
7. Then change the tool (the palm is the easiest; chops are a lot harder). Try using your
fist, elbow, shoulder, knee, and foot.
remember to be relaxed, balanced, and sensitive when you practice this drill. If you
are not completely relaxed, you will have no power. Muscle tension will have you fighting
your own body’s mass. Even if you are unusually strong, you will not compress the ball
as much as when you drop correctly. If you aren’t completely balanced, you will actually
blast yourself away from the tree. If you aren’t completely sensitive, the ball will shoot
out of your hand due to the tree’s curved surface. If you aren’t properly aligned, your
power will be nil.
If you practice this drill five minutes a day, you will increase the availability and effec-
tiveness of your dropping strikes. When you do use dropping strikes against an oppo-
nent, the shock waves will reverberate inside the assailant without actually moving him.
Because of splashing energy, they cause internal damage from their concussive force. This
is effective when you’re grappling with a larger opponent, especially when your strikes
are slipped inside the opponent’s arms and are directed against the five vital zones: eyes,
throat, spine, groin, and kidneys.
slambag training
This comprehensive training regimen teaches you to both drop and splash while tre-
mendously increasing hitting and crushing power. For this training, you’ll need to make
or purchase an empty beanbag from a martial arts supplier and fill it with from 2 to 10
pounds (1.0 to 4.5 kg) of beans or shot. Attackproof.com makes them specifically for this
purpose. The slambag with its smooth, seamless leather skin and specially selected bean
fill offers maximum potential for improvement balanced with minimum risk of injury for
most people. With other bags and bean or shot fills, care must be taken to minimize the
potential for injury through abrasion or through use of a fill that is too hard or heavy for
your current level of development. Steel shot especially can lead to arthritis in your fingers.
Slambag training is very different from iron palm training. This is because rather than
merely conditioning the hand for striking, slambag training allows you to improve your
dropping power, splashing energy, timing, coordination, body unity, speed, and tendon
strength, in addition to gradually and safely conditioning your striking surfaces for impact.
126 ATTAck PrOOF
Solo Training
Here’s a progression to use when training with the slambag by yourself. To begin, simply
toss the bag in front of you with your left hand, then step in and slam-catch it with a
dropping, right-palm strike. Then toss with the right and hit with the left. remember to
observe the ideas described above (hit through the center of the bag, hit perpendicularly
to the flat of the bag, stay loose, drop and splash to penetrate and stick to the bag before
seizing it with the fingers).
Using two kinds of tosses will allow you to vary up the focus of your training:
1. The pizza toss: Visualize a pizza chef tossing his disc of dough while keeping it spin-
ning constantly. Tossing the bag in the same way enables you to control the angle of the
surface the bag presents to you; it also ensures that the distribution of the fill inside the
bag will be relatively uniform when you hit it, due to the centrifugal force generated by
the spinning. You can use a vertical spin to simulate hitting someone straight in the face,
for example, or a horizontal spin to simulate hitting straight down at the head of some-
one shooting in for a tackle. Of course, try all angles and adjust your body accordingly.
2. The flip toss: Toss the bag so that it flips end over end like a burger being flipped
on a grill. This toss challenges your timing as you seek to hit the bag just as its flat side
is presented to your striking surface. The faster and farther you flip the bag, the more
difficult this becomes.
To emphasize looseness and sensitivity, follow the momentum of the captured bag
after you grab it. Allow it to pull your whole body into a loose swing that launches it
into the next toss.
To emphasize tendon strength development, freeze yourself and the bag in space for a
second just as you grab it. You should feel a burst of energy in your muscles and tendons
(particularly in your striking arm) when you do this. Feel that for a second, then release
it and loosely swing into the next toss.
Sensitivity 127
To force you to shorten up your hitting, toss and slam-catch the bag with the same
hand. remember to move your whole body to align with and drop into the bag.
Now toss the bag in ways other than right in front of you. You can toss it farther out,
forcing you to long-step or gorilla-walk to it. Toss it to the side or even behind you. You
can toss it very close to your own body, forcing you to shorten your hits, pocket, and
adjust to get good hits (just be sure not to slam the bag into your body!).
Now that you’ve mastered the basic slam catch with the palm, start working on your
high-speed tendon strength, looseness, and speed by doubling up. Hit the bag twice
with the same hand before catching it. Start with an easy, slow pizza toss right in front
of you. You’ll have to drop, penetrate, and splash well on your first hit to ensure that you The key to de-
don’t swat the bag away before you’re able to bounce loosely into the second hit. The veloping your
withdrawal from the first hit is like when you open your hands while clapping. Because sensitivity when
you’re dropping on both hits, you don’t need more than an inch of clearance. After the training alone is
second hit, stick and catch. to imagine that
Making the double hit sing from all angles and distances? Good. Now make the first hit
you are engaged
in the double hit a chop instead of a palm strike. keep your thumb up, fingers straight and
together, and hit with the base of the edge of the palm. Start out with downward chops to an with a real op-
easy, horizontal pizza toss. chop straight through the center of the bag (you should be able ponent
to see the crease your chop leaves in the bag as you withdraw your hand), then drop again
and slam-catch with the same hand. Horizontal chops to vertical pizza tosses are harder,
but you’ll get the feel of it. remember to stay loose and adjust your whole body for the hit.
Now, triple the palm strikes, and do double chops into a slam catch on the third drop
to challenge your speed. Make sure the strikes don’t turn into mere taps. Each penetration
should make the bag feel solid. Don’t be surprised if in your efforts to do this properly,
your feet naturally start dropping foot to foot (practically vibrating against the floor) at
very high speed. That means you’re getting it.
The possibilities for solo slambag practice are endless. You don’t always have to catch
the bag. You can just toss it up and hit it at all different angles, letting it fall to the ground
after the hit. If you’re dropping and splashing properly, the bag should not fall very far
from where you hit it—maybe a few yards at most. Your goal is not to launch the bag
across the room, but rather to slam it hard, sending your striking energy into the bag
rather than pushing on its surface. An interesting variation is to do a horizontal pizza
toss right in front of you, then wait until it’s descending to hit it.
• Accelerate your hit downward quickly and loosely enough that it still feels like a
rock when you hit it.
• Let a close vertical pizza toss descend past your hip before you hit it. See how your
body has to move and drop to get the angle to hit it well. Imagine how this and
variations might relate to stopping someone trying to tackle you (you slam your
fingers into his eye sockets from underneath like a bowling ball).
• Slam-catch the bag, then immediately release it and smash or chop it down into the
• Try using elbow strikes. Observe how moving your whole body becomes even more
important. If you try to generate the necessary suddenness to splash the bag with
your elbow by moving just your arm, you’ll practically rip your shoulder out—and
won’t get a good hit anyway!
• Use fists, hammer fists, forearms, wrists, ridgehands, whatever you want (we do not
recommend using your head, but it is your head to use as you see fit).
• Double-drop using both hands instead of just one. Do a slow, vertical pizza toss out
in front of you; drop in and palm-strike it in midair with one hand, then slam-catch
with the other. Make sure both hits are good, with the correct angles. Then vary the
angles and weapons, coming from one or both sides of the bag. Slam the bag back and
forth between two weapons. No one said this was easy. Stay loose and experiment.
• Try clapping the bag: Hit it from both sides at once with your palms. Double this,
hitting the bag twice before you catch it between your hands. Vary the angles. Then
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try hitting with your hands off center in order to slam-twist the bag. For example,
when you’re doing a vertical pizza toss, the hand hitting forward hits at a slight
upward angle while the hand hitting the other side pulls slightly downward. Imag-
ine how this relates to simultaneously hitting a person’s neck or base of the skull in
one direction while hitting the upper skull in the other direction (something that is
easily done when you take an opponent’s space and tool-replace to the chest). Vary
it at different angles and by using different weapons. Try an elbow with a palm, a
palm with a ridgehand, an ox-jaw hand with a forearm—whatever you want. Vary
the angles, vary the tosses, double it up. Try some variation of slam clapping on the
first drop, and on the second drop, gouge the fingers of one hand deep into the bag.
• Step in different directions as you drop. Box-step. Do the Hackey-Sack drill with your
nonstriking hand. Stand on one leg. Get on a wobble board. catch the slambag with
one hand and hit a heavy bag with the other on the same drop. Polish the Sphere
and Wash the Body (coming up soon) as you work the slambag. Get two slambags
and work them simultaneously.
The possibilities are endless. Just a note: Do not overdo it. In your training session,
stop when your arms start getting fatigued and you begin to lose your dexterity with the
bag. Your hands especially will begin to cramp. When first starting out, work the slambag
only once or twice each week. Just as in weight training, your muscles get broken down
and then need rest time to build back up stronger than before. Your tendons also need
to adapt to the slambag training. Don’t burn them out without giving them a chance to
adapt and rebuild.
All the slambag exercises involve hitting the bag in midair or while holding it in your
hand. We do not recommend placing the bag on a solid surface and hitting it. Not only
does this eliminate the dynamism and hence most of the benefits to be gained from the
training, but striking unyielding surfaces (even through softer objects) often leads to
joint and nerve problems.
Although we do not consider using traditional liniments necessary or useful, we do
recommend that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after a slambag
session. This helps to soothe and relax your hands, and it also prevents your hands from
smelling like a dead cow for the rest of the day (assuming you have a leather slambag).
Partner Training
Throw the bag at each other. Use different kinds of tosses (pizza tosses, flip tosses, your
own versions) at all different heights and angles, lobs and line drives, directly toward
the body and away from the body. Hit and catch in different ways, for example, with a
slam catch, a downward hit, a double hit, and so on. Stay loose, line up your whole body,
and drop and splash through the center of the bag from the best angles. Don’t just play
catch with the bag (although that’s fun, too). Throwing the bag can be a good tendon
strengthener on its own.
Perform the close combat Universal Entry from chapter 2 but treat the incoming,
thrown slambag to your face as the assailant’s punch. Your parry hand slam-catches the
bag while the chopping hand hits the air above it.
If you are practicing in a group, keep the bag moving and try to trick each other with
no-look passes. Just try not to nail each other in the face and groin if you want to be
friends at the end of the day. Get multiple bags moving simultaneously.
energy Drills
Energy drills are absolutely critical to developing a natural synthesis of all the guided chaos
principles in a free-form and spontaneous manner working by yourself. While doing these
drills, remain loose, unified, balanced, and sensitive to the energy, no matter how much
you contort, articulate, or pocket. Perform these flow exercises with an attitude of play
and improvisation. Work to develop a sensation of natural movement that is effortless
Sensitivity 129
and powerful, yet virtually random—where you’re free yet properly positioned to strike
and deflect. Your movements should augment and support each other without thinking
about what you’re doing.
Moving spontaneously is a purely subconscious, kinesthetic skill. Anyone can develop
it because it relies on mastering looseness, body unity, and balance, not on mechanical
techniques. The only thing you need to learn is how to develop and use your spontane-
ous movement so it’s unified and powerful enough for mortal combat. Otherwise, you’ll
wind up looking like a marionette on angel dust. These exercises are not only an excel-
lent form of low-impact aerobics, but they’re also a form of moving meditation. If you
combine them with proper breathing—so that all yang, or outward, movements involve
exhalation and all yin, or yielding, movements use inhalation deep into your belly—
you’ll achieve a level of relaxation and chi development equal to what you might find
after decades of doing forms.
a b
c d
Figure 6.12
The ball itself represents your opponent’s energy, which you never oppose. You roll
around your opponent’s attacking limbs and body, staying whisker close, yet unavail-
able. When you combine the effect of your opponent’s energy being amplified by the
yin-yang generator and your body unity loosely flip-flopping your arms between their
opposite positions, the end result is that your rolling hands become like the blades
of a blender: Anything that gets between them will get torn apart or crushed—using
little of their own energy. To be sure you’re balanced, try rolling the ball while doing
a Ninja or Vacuum Walk at each end of the 100% weight shift.
7. Now we will bring this abstract drill down to earth and combine it with close combat.
At the end of each weight shift, you will carry the ball at shoulder height but instead of
rounding out the ball shape, you will deliver a chop to the side, so that a weight shift
to the right ends in a right chop to the throat. End with a left chop when you move
left. Now forget the ball and simply weight shift and drive out slow, menacing chops.
Sensitivity 131
8. To heighten your balance and the sense of down dropping, stand completely on one
leg by raising the knee of the leg that will be stepping into the strike as high as you can
and then glide onto it, sink, and deliver the chop. For a left chop, you’d be standing
on your right leg facing left, your left knee high in the air, your right hand protecting
your face to ward off strikes, and your left elbow bent and held shoulder high, pointing
like a spear out to the left. Glide with your left foot and step to the left, simultaneously
and proportionately unfurling your left chop to the throat with your left shoulder held
high to protect your throat. Tuck your head and peer out from behind the shoulder.
As your foot descends it should follow an arc to the ground (don’t just fall onto it; it
should be a controlled, balanced descent, something like what you feel in the Vacuum
Walk). Your chop should hit its apex at the exact instant you finish your weight shift on
to your left foot. When the knee stops bending, the hand stops moving. At this point
your weight distribution should be about 80% on your left foot and 20% on your right.
Now sink a little lower and send out a right palm, rotating slightly at the waist. As you
do this, your left hand comes to your face to ward off strikes. Feel the power from the
legs. You should feel like you could chop down an oak tree. Now balance completely
on your left foot, turn to the right, raise your right knee high, and step and glide into
a right chop and left palm. continue going back and forth for several minutes. This
drill also greatly increases your body unity.
ground stroke is not going to stand like a statue and flick at the ball with her wrist to
smash it back. She has to reach, plant, drop, and align her body. When one part of you
moves, your entire body must back it up.
Figure 6.13
Washing the Body
Washing the Body is the single most important drill for developing the four main principles
on your own. Unlike Polishing the Sphere, it greatly increases your sensitivity. The goal
is to turn you into a human sponge with spikes. remember Weaving Python (chapter 3,
p. 62), where you alternately collapsed and expanded your chest and back in response to
your partner’s palms? Similarly, with this drill, you can practice the limits of your loose-
ness, but you’ll be doing it with every part of your body and by yourself.
1. Shrink the energy ball to the size of a pea.
2. As your hands roll the pea, again notice the yin-yang relationship between their move-
ments. roll the pea between your hands, and between your hand and your forearm,
elbow (figure 6.14a), shoulder, chest, waist (figure 6.14b), and head (figure 6.14c). Use
the lightest pressure possible. Feel every contour of your body.
3. Perform this motion as if you were washing your hands over your body with a slippery
soap. This is where the drill becomes a little schizophrenic. As you wash, simultaneously
avoid and pursue yourself. Simultaneously attack and yield by pocketing—moving
those areas of your body that are being washed away from those that are doing the
washing. At the same time, the attacking, or washing, areas chase them. For example,
as your palm washes your elbow, your elbow moves away while maintaining a feath-
erlight pressure on your hand the whole time. Your whole body turns away with the
Sensitivity 133
a b c
Figure 6.14
elbow. As the elbow avoids the buildup of pressure by the hand, it tries to circle back on
the hand at a different angle. Your whole body circles back with it. The hand, sensing
this change, yields and moves away, while also maintaining a featherlight pressure on
the elbow. remember, due to body unity, even if you are rolling a pea with your hands,
your shoulders and back rise and fall to move your hands around the pea. In addition,
your feet and legs stride and reposition to get the best body unity. You want to move
with the intent of driving 1,000 pounds (453.6 kg), but not the force. This will make your
mechanics perfect in a real fight so that, for the millisecond you drop and deliver the
goods, the power will be there. Otherwise, stay completely relaxed. If your opponent
resists, your mechanics will remain perfect as you instantly flip-flop and pull his push
like a spring-loaded mousetrap.
4. Try rising and falling, carrying the pea all the way to the ground. continue washing
while lying on the ground. Wash any part of your body that could be struck or grabbed
in a fight—in other words, everything. Try hitting your own head from all angles. Twist
and contort your whole body like a beached catfish. rolling on and off the floor develops
total looseness, grace, and balance even when ground fighting (see chapter 10).
5. Try throwing yourself into locks and grabs. You will learn to flow with the locking energy
so that others will find it impossible to lock or grab you.
Along with helping to keep your joints as loose as ball bearings, with your flesh simply
hanging off your bones, the washing action embodies the principle of being as disengaged
as possible yet still engaged. You roll the pea around (or in this case, your skin) with zero
resistance. Be sure that you are never pressing hard against your skin like in Sanchin-kata or
some other isometric exercise. You glide over your skin, barely touching it, like the puck on
an air hockey table. Eventually you will actually be able to feel the heat of your own body
and detect its presence without actually touching it. Think carefully on the implications
of this: If you can detect and react to your own movements this way, imagine the effect it
will have if you use it on the enemy? When you begin contact flow later, you will want to
carry over the exact same sensation you experienced with washing the body. Do not revert
to grabbing, grappling, or pushing him like a sumo wrestler.
You can wash (attack) your own ribs with your elbow, then yield, pocket, and check or
clear it with the other hand. Meanwhile, don’t forget to root and pulse yourself (again, as
if you’re your own worst enemy), attempting to create suspend-and-release situations you
can simultaneously escape from. remember, the extremes of your looseness and the roll-
ing of your hands are actually balanced energy opposites. The ferocious power of guided
chaos comes from flip-flopping between these opposite positions at a hair-trigger’s notice
by dropping.
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Try combining all the energy drills: Polishing the Sphere (I, II, III), rolling the Energy
Ball, and Washing the Body. For the ultimate challenge, flow from one to the other while
Wood Surfing (p. 91). In the end, your nervous system won’t be able to tell the difference
between attacking yourself and attacking someone else. So go ahead—beat yourself up.
The benefits are immense.
because by attempting to follow your leader’s movements you become very aware of
both your structure and your leader’s and how they align in space. This gives your
nervous system and subconscious mind a big workout. Just imagine how much input
you will process subconsciously when you make contact in contact flow!
If you do this exercise every day for 15 minutes, the improvements in power, balance,
and looseness will be remarkable. You will imprint your subconscious with the necessary
dynamics of combat instead of fixed choreography. In addition, you’ll derive all the ben-
efits of moving meditation: inner and outer harmony, stress reduction, and low-impact
aerobic conditioning.
• Be aware of the rising and falling, which emphasize body unity and the separation
of the yin and yang within dropping energy. The polishing the sphere and wash-
ing the body movements program your nervous system to become spontaneously
evasive as it simultaneously attacks. This gets you as disengaged as possible, yet still
• Feel the exhalation and let the continuous, slow dropping drive you through the
entire movement. remember, gravity is your friend. Don’t resist it. Learn to use it.
• Become familiar with the sensation of swinging your entire body’s mass through
every movement.
• Keep your hands in sync with your legs. When your legs stop moving, so do your
hands, regardless of the relationship between them.
• Throughout the entire exercise, visualize the enemy as you focus your fear, mold to
him, and destroy him. Visualize your targets. Begin making all the movements in
washing and polishing combative and deadly.
This is not a form. creativity is king.
Contact Flow
Let’s face it: Although training on your own will enhance mastering principles, to get
good at fighting with people, you have to either fight or train with another person. There
are at least a million ways a person can move, and you need a way to become comfortable
with all of them but without memorizing any of them.
Contact Flow is
The only way you can effectively practice all the principles in this book simultaneously
is in a totally unchoreographed, completely spontaneous interchange through which you the most ad-
train with another person while experiencing minimum risk of injury. contact flow is vanced of all the
potentially very dangerous. It’s essentially free fighting, and absolutely anything goes— drills, combin-
but be careful about injuring your partner if you want to continue to have someone to ing everything
train with. It’s about creativity, adaptability, improvisation, energy, and movement—not you’ve learned
about scoring points. and will learn.
There’s nothing highly complicated about this exercise, no obscure mystical secrets. Nevertheless, it’s
You’re simply learning how to deal with another person’s motion. That’s it.
something you
Now you may be saying to yourself, If two-person training is so critical, then what value
is there in training on my own? The answer is that both types of training complement practice with
each other. Each time you train, you get a little bit better, even if you can’t discern any a partner from
immediate progress in your ability. When you train on your own, you not only reinforce the very begin-
the basic principles but also discover and develop what works for you. This allows you ning; it will be
to bring more things to the table the next time you contact flow with a partner. Also, if the foundation
you practice diligently on your own, you won’t regress if you later have little access to a of all your future
partner. Because you’re reprogramming your neural pathways, it’s important to do drills training.
that involve the four basic principles for at least a little time every day. When you’re alone,
you can examine your development closely.
The last thing you want to do when performing contact flow is think, plan, or try to
win. Instead, you simply feel. Your biggest enemy is your brain. Your subconscious, the
136 ATTAck PrOOF
same part of you that carries out the billions of operations that keep you alive and upright
without your thinking about them, is the part of you that will be guiding your movement.
By using visualization when you perform the solo drills, the principles slowly will creep
in by themselves. So relax and be free. When you’re done, you can analyze what you
did and refer back to the book all you like. But remember, while you do this drill, empty
your mind. After all, how much analyzing are you going to do during a fight? This drill
helps you prepare to adapt your movements to any situation you might find yourself in.
1. Face your partner in a basic Jack Benny stance (sideways, so you don’t expose too
much target area). Before beginning every contact Flow drill session, note the distance
between you immediately and recognize that, if your partner’s safely beyond your
personal comfort zone, you should run or back away.
2. If your partner is within your personal comfort zone, reach out with your sensitivity
to make contact with his intent before you even touch him. This way, your body is
already in motion by the time the action begins. Slowly reach for your partner to slowly
strike and stick, simultaneously. When you first approach your partner, don’t be casual.
Even though your speed and pressure are limited, you want to visualize destroying the
enemy: breaking, penetrating, and tearing the enemy limb from limb. Move, as Bruce
Lee said in the film, Enter the Dragon, with “emotional content,” not anger. This fero-
cious mindset should characterize all your movement and imbue every fiber of your
being. It should be expressed in the latent power of your body unity and the wicked
elusiveness of your looseness. You are right on top of your partner, unavailable and
3. Begin contact flow by doing two things simultaneously: Step off line and attack the
attacker. As you recall from part I, step in but obliquely, not off to the side. You can
actually begin with a slow fright reaction, eye or throat spear, chin jab, or the stomp-
step-kick sequence from chapter 2. This is basic close combat. You can also do the
close combat universal entry (ccUE), which is highly efficient. Once contact is made,
however, full guided chaos begins.
4. Stick to your opponent as closely as possible, but keep the contact as light as a feather,
except, of course, when you’re hitting or gouging him. Slide and skim over the surface
of his skin without ever getting caught. You both want to strike each other and avoid
being struck, without ever losing contact with each other, all at the same time. Twist,
In order to im-
bend, and pocket like two weasels.
prove when do-
5. When moving, use whatever you want on each other: elbows, palm strikes, chops,
ing contact flow
breaks, punches, gouges, pinches, kicks, head butts, you name it. If you know a tech-
you have to be nique from some other art, try it. Interestingly, what you will find is that you will
absolutely ruth- rarely be able to pull off any set techniques. This is because if your logical mind plans
less with your- them, it not only makes you tight and slow, it practically air-mails your intentions to
self: Refuse to your partner (that is, if he or she has any sensitivity). If you’re working the principles
either push or be correctly, it should be virtually impossible for your partner to grapple or lock you,
pushed (except regardless of your speed. Don’t cooperate. One of you is not defense and the other
when pulsing). offense. There are no points, pauses, breaks, or restarting. You stop when you both feel
like it. You are, in essence, fighting.
After much practice, you will plan nothing. Everything will happen seemingly by
accident. You’ll have no idea what you’re doing or what you’ll try next. All you will be
doing is feeling your own and your opponent’s movement.
There are various kinds of flow you can play with later, but in its basic form, stick to
this principle: keep the energy level consistent with regard to speed and pressure. Even
when you drop, do that at the same speed and pressure as the rest of the flow. There are
important reasons for this: In guided chaos we do not allow ourselves to be controlled,
grabbed, or grappled by anyone. We also do not seek control. We seek destruction. This
is a completely different methodology that is foreign to most styles. It is intrinsic to
being both unavailable and unavoidable. Here’s the deal: If your opponent decides to use
force and speed it actually makes it easier for you to annihilate him. This is because he
practically airmails you his intentions. He also learns nothing from the drill. We want
Sensitivity 137
to increase your adaptability and versatility versus other humans regardless of their size
and strength, and so we are forcing you to rely on increased looseness and sensitivity for
your offense and defense. This also means that until you completely understand sensitiv-
ity, you should refrain from pulsing while performing contact flow. As described earlier,
pulsing is a learning trap for beginners (and even intermediates) because they completely
misinterpret what it’s for.
Throughout the drill, maintain a relatively slow, constant speed, proportionate with
one another. Move with your whole body with the intent of driving 1,000 pounds (453.6
kg) but without the force or tension. Speed will come later as you learn to move in the
most efficient, natural, and powerful manner you can. You’ll find it’s much easier for
your brain to work toward developing a feel while doing contact flow than to analyze,
plan, and execute prescribed techniques.
Another reason to go slowly at first is that all human beings have virtually the same
top muscle speed, no matter how much it’s trained. Put a straight razor in the hands of
a sedentary woman and tell her you’re holding her children hostage, and she’ll cut you
up faster than lightning, black belt or no black belt. Therefore, if you or your partner
should suddenly accelerate to 10 times practice speed to score a point, it’s stupid and
unrealistic. In a real psychotic bloodbath, you’ll both be going at maximum adrenaline
velocity anyway, which is virtually the same speed. If you could go twice as fast as that,
you would be Superman and wouldn’t need any martial art! Think of contact flow as some
alternate universe where the top speed you and your partner can move is, say, 2 miles
per hour (3.3 km per hour). This way, in order to hit or avoid being hit, you have to rely
completely on looseness and adaptability. You can’t speed up, and you can’t push. If you
feel an opening and sense a target but you can’t reach it in time because you’re moving
slowly, too bad. As you get more sensitive, you’ll get better tactical position earlier. If your
openings are blocked, find another way around the block without pushing through. Learn
how to explore and discover all your movement options. If you push, your skills will go
backward for two reasons: First, you’re cheating, and second, the increased energy of a
push is nothing but a contained speed increase. Your partner is required to speed up in
response to your pressure increase because he or she should at all times be following the
principle of refusing to accept pressure. If your partner doesn’t speed up, then you’re both
pushing because you’re both containing your speed; you might as well quit now because
you’re wasting your time. Go ahead and push to your heart’s content, but only if you
want to play football or do sumo. In a real fight, you’d be crushed by a stronger attacker
because you’d be playing the enemy’s game!
If your partner speeds up, it’s you, ironically, who’ll benefit because you’ll get a chance
to see how calm, loose, and adaptive you are while your opponent foolishly exercises
his ego and wastes his time and energy. Moreover, if you get competitive or angry, you’ll
learn nothing and become rigid. That would be very bad. In a real fight situation, if either
extreme fear or anger paralyzes you, your emotions will have inhibited your sensitivity
and power. There’s no ego here. Your attacker is not a person—just energy and motion
you have been training to deal with. contact flow, and all its variations, will teach you to
channel your adrenaline into an unrestricted flow of sheer animal power like nothing else.
Train for life-and-death combat, be real with yourself, and worry about looking cool
later. As you progress, you can eventually do contact flow as fast as you want. You can
pulse and drop with full power. But in the beginning, go slowly so your nervous system
won’t become overloaded. keep your speeds proportionate so your subconscious can
digest the kinesthetic data it’s experiencing and explore all options. remember: Guided
chaos is extremely dangerous, so use common sense at all times.
We can’t emphasize enough that it’s senseless to get competitive and try to score on
your partner by overpowering him or her. This is not why you’re training. remember that
no matter how strong you are, there’s always someone stronger, perhaps even twice as
strong as you. This is not to say you can’t experiment with excessive speed and strength.
It’s just that as you get better, you won’t need it, and if your partner is far more balanced,
loose, and sensitive than you, you’ll be annihilated, no matter how fast or strong you are.
How do you improve at this drill? There’s no mystery—just lots of practice, with as
many different partners as you can find. If you have friends who are schooled in different
138 ATTAck PrOOF
defense styles, performing contact flow with them can provide a gold mine of experience.
Most schools train students to move in characteristic ways. But because you’re not locked
into any one way of moving, you react to the motion and nothing else.
Once you’ve finished practicing, think about what you experienced:
• How did your partner feel? How did you feel?
• Did you turn your brain off to avoid thinking about what you were doing?
• Did you observe the principles? Which ones?
• Did you feel rooted? Balanced? Did you step when you needed to?
• Did you challenge your opponent’s strength or did you flow with him or her like a
• Were your mind and breathing slow, calm, and relaxed?
• Did your body have unified motion?
• Did your body feel relaxed yet springy, like a metal whip?
• Were you leaning?
• Did you stand sideways to your opponent or did you face him or her squarely, creat-
ing a giant target?
• Was your sticking pressure light, like a butterfly’s, or were you pushing your partner
to force openings?
• Did you stick consistently without grabbing?
• Did you drop at every opportunity?
• Could you clearly separate the sensations of yin and yang in your body, so your
opponent’s energy was reflected and magnified back?
• Did you keep your elbows down?
• Did you stick with whatever part of your body was necessary or did you limit yourself
by sticking only with your hands?
• Did you slide, skim, fold, pocket, weasel, step, and tool replace to stay as close as
possible while both eluding and delivering devastating strikes?
• Did you make him miss instead of blocking?
• Did you hit with as many different kinds of weapons as possible?
• Did you try to hit with more than one weapon at a time (multitasking)?
• Did you multi-hit or ricochet (coming up later)?
• Did you use your feet like your hands?
There’s much to reflect on, including some additional principles in the following chap-
ters that you will also apply to this drill. Just don’t think while you’re training. If you’ve
read all this without actually experiencing contact flow, you may think it’s wacky, New
Age junk. All we can say is, try it, practice it diligently, and you’ll be shocked how much
faster you’ll learn how to protect yourself than you would by doing 100 knuckle push-
ups, board breaking, forms, splits, sparring, and fighting by the numbers.
your hands (this will also come in to play later in some choke, knife, and gun defenses).
They should slide and circle into attacks and deflections. To add the ultimate challenge,
do contact flow with your eyes closed. After understanding and practicing the informa-
tion in chapter 10, add ground fighting.
Once you become comfortable with the concept of contact flow, try it while wood-
surfing. First try it with both you and your partner on boards, then with only one of you
on a board and the other person standing on the ground, creating an obvious balance
mismatch. This forces the person standing on the board to further develop his or her
hyperbalance. This is equivalent to fighting someone on the edge of a cliff. To make it
even more difficult, stand on one leg with your eyes closed.
As you contact-flow with every movement and in any position, remember to learn to
feel the separation of yin and yang. What part of me is relaxed, and what part is tensed?
Where is the energy building? Where does it want to go? Where am I resisting its trajec-
tory? How can I let go enough to guide it without exertion and without planning?
economically eluding blows with as little movement as possible. Elude on one vector
and enter on another. You’ll discover how a weight shift of less than half an inch (1.25
cm) completely changes the entire situation and can turn the tables instantly—even
before you move your feet. Once you can completely exploit the limits of fixed front-
to-back and side-to-side shifting, it is time to work on a mobile root and add stepping.
3. Balance flow. Use various methods to challenge your balance during contact flow.
Stand on wobble boards or uneven, slanted, wet, icy, or soft surfaces. John Perkins used
to train students on rocks along the shore and in riverbeds. Stand on one leg, feeling
the range of motion and energy initiation available from rooting through different
points on the sole of the foot. The ultimate is doing flow on an old, round-rung ladder.
Wear a weighted backpack to throw off your balance. Get creative—challenge your
4. Stalker flow. This exercise requires an odd number of training partners, three or more.
While the pair or pairs of training partners practice contact flow, the stalker sneaks
up on one of the training partners and executes a sneak attack at whatever speed the
contact flow is being performed. The attacked partner must react to the sneak attack
(a slow fright reaction is usually appropriate) and flow with the stalker. The attacked
person’s former partner now becomes the stalker.
5. Melee flow. This contact flow variation requires three or more training partners. It’s
every one for himself or herself (although briefly ganging up on one unfortunate victim
is . . . human). This exercise becomes more and more fun the bigger the group gets. In
a large group, everyone should strive to continually move through the center of the
melee without using force, lest the melee soon disperse as everyone naturally moves
out to safety. If you’re ever caught up in a real riot or mass attack situation, the skill you
develop by moving into the middle of the training melee will help you move out of the
real melee, which should be your goal. When practicing this exercise, be sure to always
protect your head, keep your body soft to absorb impact, keep moving in order to give
no one a bead on your back, and never fixate for more than a brief moment on any one
person or location. Be sure to constantly drop and stomp your feet, both to maintain
balance in the chaos and to crack shins and crush insteps. These actions are critical to
survival in a maelstrom. keep the action slow enough that the least experienced person
in the group does not become overwhelmed. If you have a large group of experienced
training partners who have the control necessary to move relatively quickly without
injuring each other, things can get pretty chaotic! Try the exercise on a field of wobble
boards or BOSUs (balance trainers) to add an additional balance challenge.
6. Set-up attack flow. This contact flow variation, usually performed at higher speeds
(once everyone involved has the requisite levels of looseness, sensitivity, control, and
trust in each other), involves beginning the flow from a disadvantaged position. For
example, a trainee may stand with his or her eyes closed. The training partner will
attack from an unexpected angle. The trainee must flow with the attack and work from
there. Or they can both be back-to-back with eyes closed and start with one partner
saying Go! It could begin with an attempted takedown with eyes closed. Other set-up
attacks might begin with the trainee in a seated or lying position, with the goal to get
up and move to a predetermined location (i.e., get away). You could begin with your
eyes closed, and two or more attackers attempt to kidnap you and throw you in a van.
This contact flow variation improves the trainee’s spontaneity and ability to adapt to
bad situations.
7. Timed flow. This high-speed contact flow variation uses a predetermined time limit
(typically 5 to 10 seconds) counted out by an uninvolved observer. The goal of the
trainees is to land as many “decisive” blows as possible within the timeframe while
avoiding getting struck. No score is kept. Obviously, a higher level of skill and control
is necessary to participate in this sort of training. If one of the trainees clearly outclasses
the other in terms of skill, the less experienced trainee’s goal can be to simply stay in
the flow for the whole duration while minimizing damage to himself or herself. This
is an excellent exercise for improving one’s fighting spirit and scrappiness. In this
manner, a trainee can take on a roomful of attackers sequentially.
Sensitivity 141
8. Leg flow. This drill will be described in great detail in chapter 10, Ground Fighting.
For now, begin to visualize all the attributes of guided chaos and contact flow being
applied to your feet and legs while you are rolling and skittering on the ground. Tool
replacement, pulsing, and the disengagement principle will all come into play, so stay
tuned! Use your legs and feet in the same way as your hands to feel, pulse, intercept,
and destroy. There is much more information in the section Using Anywhere kicks on
the Ground in the Ground Fighting chapter. You should also try to use all the skills
developed in the Hackey Sack, Mexican Hat Dance, Puppeteering, and guided chaos
kicking sections of this book while doing standing contact flow.
9. Striking intervals. This contact flow variation partially compensates for the one
shortcoming in the contact flow exercise: the proscription against striking your training
partner in all areas with full speed and penetration. Obviously, no matter how skilled
you and your training partner are, and no matter how loose, you cannot actually strike
your training partner in the head and neck (nor eyes and groin for that matter) with
full speed and penetration. (Even during high-speed flow, if you understand dropping,
you can apply full-power dropping without penetrating deeply by striking a virtual
“fatter version” of your partner. By the way, this is not pulling your strikes. You are
simply cracking the whip of your dropping strike a few inches (centimeters) short so
the full power goes back down into your root. This may seem esoteric at first but will
become easier as your understanding of dropping matures.)
In striking intervals contact flow, a third-party observer watching a pair practice
contact flow calls out “Go!” every few seconds. At the command, both training partners
immediately attack heavy bags or dummies positioned nearby with a flurry of full-
power strikes, then quickly go back to doing contact flow with each other at whatever
speed was agreed to. kicking shields or focus mitts held by other training partners who
move around can substitute for the heavy bags or dummies. Another variation is for a
training partner wearing a pair of focus mitts to flow with another trainee wearing no
mitts. Every few seconds, especially right after disrupting the trainee’s balance with a
violent shove, the person with the focus mitts holds them up; the trainee immediately
hits them with full speed and full power, and then goes back to flowing.
10. Weapons flow. This would be an exercise you come back to after reading and prac-
ticing the drills in the Ground Fighting and Weapons Fighting chapters. You begin
with one or more partners; everyone has his or her eyes closed in a room filled with
environmental weapons, such as padded sticks, rubber knives, boxes, books , garbage
cans, you name it. At the signal “Go!” it’s everyone for himself or herself, evading,
attacking and using whatever is at hand as weapons. If none is available, you fight
empty handed. All the previous contact flow concepts still apply. You can also create
teams to train defensive cooperation tactics, like circling the wagons and seeking
4. Don’t lean.
5. Never oppose your opponent’s energy: Neither your opponent nor you should feel
any resistance at any time. Don’t power through blocks; go around them or entice
them away via pulsing. Do not use pulsing to block, push, grapple, or in any way
suppress your partner’s motion. Pulsing is not a defensive tool; it’s offensive. When
pulsing is done at maximum speed and power, it can be used as a destruction.
6. Stick but don’t get stuck. Stick closely enough to sense your opponent’s intentions,
but lightly enough to avoid entanglement or grappling. You’re not developing
sensitivity to become passive like limp spaghetti. You’re developing sensitivity to
change direction, force, and yin versus yang. You can then amplify these changes
into deadly force.
7. To develop in your training, be ruthless with your sensitivity practice. Never chal-
lenge, accept, or oppose your opponent’s force. Don’t bite on your opponent’s pres-
sure. Don’t play into the game of pressing back. Instead, disappear and return your
opponent’s energy reversed and amplified from a different direction. Again, this has
nothing to do with pulsing.
8. Don’t think about anything at all when practicing. Just feel. Later, during a quiet
moment, relax your mind and visualize the sensations each of the following ways
of moving would trigger:
• Refuse to either accept or give pressure, except when pulsing or destroying.
• Use pulsing as an offensive trap you set to instigate a reaction. Pulsing is not a
defensive tool.
• Never challenge your enemy’s energy.
• Don’t linger. Don’t fixate. Keep moving; don’t stop the flow.
• When sticking, don’t follow an opponent’s limbs out farther than the perimeter
of his or your body. If he or she blocks wide, simply slide straight in. Once you
become aware of this, you won’t believe how many openings it creates. Of course,
the same thing applies in reverse. If you swing your arms wildly in order to attack
or block, your defense will have as many holes as Swiss cheese.
9. Don’t reach across your body if your body is not turning with it. If you do, you’re
violating yin and yang principles by adopting a double-yang position. For example,
if you’re in a left lead and you reach all the way across your centerline to the left
with your right hand to intercept a strike, you’ll wind up folded like a pretzel. Such
a movement unbalances you because both sides are sending energy out and neither
is receiving. This leaves you open to being tied up, locked, and uprooted, as well as
hit. It also violates body unity and moving behind a guard (see chapter 7).
10. Don’t hang out with an arm in a horizontal position (or any posed position for that
matter). It’s all right if it occurs temporarily within the movement of sticking or
striking, but it leaves your midsection unprotected by your elbows. Your wrist and
forearm also become susceptible to crushing, jujitsu-style breaks. Finally, it violates
guard and home principles (coming up soon). You will see that your guard moves
and changes with the flow.
11. Except within a strike, fright reaction, or a drac (chapter 8, p. 178), don’t raise your
elbow above shoulder level. Doing so leaves everything too open and makes you
unbalanced. There are times when it may become the only strike or interception
available, but in general, the hand is much more efficient.
12. Don’t block. Make your opponent miss.
13. Don’t back up when fighting a kicker. A really excellent kicker loves it if you do this
and will take your head off. Always take his or her space. Don’t have a guided chaos
upper body and a karate lower body.
14. Train your legs to be as sensitive and versatile as your arms.
15. Use your shoes as contact surfaces, not your shins (unless you’ve been bashing ba-
nana trees your whole life). You can also use your knees.
Sensitivity 143
reaction. This is why you want to do most of your contact flow practice with your eyes
open, even though practicing with your eyes closed would seem to more thoroughly
emphasize tactile awareness. If you are seeing what is going on during contact flow with
relaxed, impartial, unattached observation—not consciously looking at anything, but
simply allowing your eyes to take in the information—over time, your subconscious
mind can build associations between the movement it sees and what your body feels. It
can then subconsciously act on subcortical visual stimuli almost as quickly and precisely
as if those visual stimuli were tactile. This is what we mean by extending or reaching
out with your sensitivity. If this sounds weird, don’t worry—it is! However, it becomes
clearer when you work with a guided chaos practitioner who can use subcortical visual
sensitivity. He or she will seem to feel your motion and adapt instantly to it even before
physical contact is established. Even then, this attribute is used primarily to safely guide
the practitioner into a position where physical contact can be established, allowing the
tactile sensitivity to take over.
The basic Turning drill (see chapter 5, p. 64) is a good way to get a feel for this. Forget
any idea of how this drill is supposed to look or what you’re supposed to do. Simply move
your limp body back and forth by pushing harder against the floor with one foot, then
with the other. keep your body from your ankles up completely loose, passively letting
your body move with changes in pressure against the ground. Start out by letting your
body settle between each weight shift, allowing your body to move as freely as possible
before coming to rest.
Once you have the feeling of letting your body move with each change of foot pressure,
the next time don’t let your body settle. As your body moves with one pressure change,
change the pressure in your feet again before the body stops moving. As you continue
doing this, and changing your foot pressure in a variety of ways, your completely passive
body should begin to move randomly until you’re doing a passive version of polishing the
sphere. Each successive energy wave from each change of foot pressure collides with and
augments the waves still traveling through the body from the previous changes, creating
unpredictable but increasingly powerful, flowing full-body movement. concentrate only
on the connections of the feet against the ground and the pressure changes they make,
allowing the rest of your body to just go where it will. Strive to fine-tune your proprio-
ception so that you can feel even the slight deformation of your feet against the ground
as you distribute more or less weight to different parts.
All active intention should come from the feet, pushing against the ground. No inten-
tion should come from anywhere else.
By intention, we mean initial motivation to action. If you want to react to an attack,
and your brain decides to initiate the action anywhere other than in your feet, you’ll be
easily stopped and knocked off balance. For example, many people initiate the motion of
a punch from the shoulder, hip, or head. If you do this, not only will you telegraph your
motion but the enemy need only shoulder-stop you (slam a palm strike into the shoulder
of the punching arm) to stop your attack, jolt your whole body, and take over control of
your balance. However, if your initiation is only in your feet pressing against the ground,
and your loose body simply carries the wave of energy from that pressure change from
the foot-ground connection up through your body into the punch, the shoulder stop
will not unbalance you; because your whole body is involved, the wave of energy will
be redirected to the other side of your body, which will proceed to hit the enemy. You’re
giving your opponent no intention to block.
Having no intention in the upper body means that you don’t want anything in par-
ticular to happen (e.g., you’re not thinking, I want to punch him there, now!). As soon as
you want something specific to happen, your mind and therefore your intention goes
to where you want it to happen, and you present your intention and the key to your
balance to the enemy. However, if your intention remains in your feet, and you simply
add energy to position your center of gravity according to the dictates of your sensitivity
and its bead on the enemy’s center of gravity, your body remains without intention and
therefore able to adapt naturally to anything the enemy does without conscious thought.
The key to having intention in your feet is staying low and rooted throughout all move-
ment and stepping, letting all your vitality and strength sink into your feet so that your
feet are full and heavy while the rest of your body is empty and flaccid. If you rise up
during a movement, losing the fullness and weight of the feet, you will lose your rooted
connection to the ground, and nothing will work. If you stay rooted and full with your
feet and empty in the rest of your body, it is practically impossible to overcommit and
throw yourself off balance. Pressure from your rooted feet will never throw your center
of gravity beyond your base. In contrast, movement initiated by intention in your upper
body can easily throw your balance beyond the base provided by your feet because your
feet, which root your balance, don’t get a say in the matter!
If you move with intention solely from your feet while remaining rooted, it is practically
impossible for the enemy to control your balance unless he controls your center directly.
He cannot force you off balance through your periphery because it is empty of intention,
giving him nothing to push against; your center of gravity remains under the control
of your root. If you feel him getting close to controlling your center directly, changing
the pressure in your feet to move your center even one inch is enough to make you safe
Sensitivity 147
again—unless he’s better at the whole game, does not overcommit to anything, and is
sensitive enough to follow your change.
remember that a person can stop your motion, jam you up, and force you off bal-
ance only if he has a direct line with his pressure through your center, no matter where
he’s pushing from. For example, if he pushes on your arm directly into your center, he’ll
be able to stop that arm and your whole body from moving and force you off balance.
Many students try to move the pushed arm to shed the opponent’s push. This simply
won’t work if the pusher is at all sensitive, because all the pusher has to do is follow the
obviously moving limb and keep the pressure toward the center; the pusher can even
abandon the limb and take up the slack closer to the center itself. However, if you keep
the limb where it is and simply use the pressure of your feet to move your center only 1
inch (2.5 centimeters) and take all intention out of your body, you’ll immediately regain
control of your center and allow your body to slip in and destroy the pusher, unless the
pusher is sensitive enough to change immediately. This requires an entirely different level
of sensitivity from that required to follow a moving arm because, in this case, the point
of contact does not move until the movement of the center has already put the pusher
in checkmate. A less sensitive pusher may not even detect a change until suddenly he’s
being hit from all directions while his push slides harmlessly off your body. compare this
concept with isolation energy (discussed earlier) and moving behind the guard (chapter 7).
This is only a first step to moving with full body unity and ghostliness: where every
contact with the enemy is either too light for him to perceive or heavy enough to get
him off balance and damage him. Once you attain the proprioception and relaxation
under pressure to move exclusively from your root, which results in body unity, you can
start to break the rules and isolate movements of your limbs and body apart from your
root. You can disconnect and isolate when that helps, and reconnect where appropriate.
Within your flow of motion, you can isolate and change something before reconnecting to
destroy, which really confuses things for an opponent who does not yet understand such
things. This requires a higher level of sensitivity and proprioception. When appropriate,
you can strategically add intention and fullness—but not overcommitment—back into
your upper body to bait and deceive the enemy. This is part of pulsing. The key is that
you have complete control over your movements and can empty instantly when needed
so you don’t get stuck. This is different from the actions of a less experienced student,
who simply does not yet know how to empty his or her upper body and fill his or her feet.
Psycho Tango
This solo drill can help you begin to isolate upper and lower body movements in an ef-
fective, deceptive way.
1. root on your left leg, sinking low so that all your weight flows into the ground through
your left foot. keep your arms relaxed, with your hands in front of your throat.
2. Begin to tap a steady, rhythmic pattern (about two taps per second) with your right
foot against the ground. Tap your foot against the ground in front of you, then back to
the center, then out to the right side, then back to the center, then behind you, then
back to the center, and then repeat. Make sure the entire sole of your foot touches the
ground at the same moment with each tap—don’t tap just your heel or toe, and don’t
roll your foot. Make sure your toes remain pointed straight forward. Make sure your
body does not bounce at all—you should be completely rooted and steady on your
left leg. Watch yourself in a mirror. You should not be able to discern any movement
in your body from the waist up as you perform the tapping pattern. concentrate on
executing this pattern absolutely precisely, with a perfectly steady rhythm.
3. Maintain the precise rhythmic pattern with the lower body and begin polishing the
sphere and washing the body from the waist up. The polishing and washing with
your upper body should be completely random, without any rhythm or pattern. The
random, arrhythmic movement of your upper body should be completely divorced
148 ATTAck PrOOF
from the patterned, rhythmic movement of your lower body. This is more difficult
than it sounds. Watch yourself closely to ensure that your upper body is not subtlety
following the rhythm of your lower body.
4. Speed up the motion of your upper body, keeping it completely unpatterned and
arrhythmic; maintain the precise tempo, rhythm, and pattern of your lower body.
5. Slow down the motion of your upper body, keeping it completely unpatterned and
arrhythmic; continue to maintain the precise tempo, rhythm, and pattern of the lower
6. To make things more difficult, wash your head and hips while ensuring your right foot
still taps in the exact same places in the exact same pattern, rhythm, and tempo.
7. repeat the drill, rooting on the right leg and tapping with the left. compare with the
Split-Brain Air Writing drill in chapter 4.
Know your enemy and know yourself, and in 100 battles you will not be defeated.
Proprioception is the “know yourself” part. The more precisely you can subconsciously
feel all the details of your own body and movement, the better.
External sensitivity (tactile and subcortical visual) is the “know your enemy” part.
The more precisely you can subconsciously feel all the details of your opponents’ bodies
and movement, feel their intentions and balance more precisely and more quickly than
even they can, the better.
Being subconsciously aware of what you are allowing your opponents to feel is the
“knowing what your enemies know about you” part. Having good proprioception and
external sensitivity will do you little good if you constantly give away your intentions
to your opponents through excess contact. The pinnacle of ghostly movement is allow-
ing your enemy to feel nothing except lack of balance and damage. Any contact heavy
enough for him to perceive, and that does not damage him or immediately upset his
balance, is contact his sensitivity can use to gather information about your movement. If
you understand what you are allowing him to feel, you can use such contact deceptively
as pulsing. By doing so, you allow him to feel something other than what actually is,
which is facilitated by isolation energy (described earlier).
Being subconsciously self-aware is the “know your vulnerabilities” part. You must be
aware of your vulnerabilities moment by moment, given your position, intentions, and
balance relative to your opponent. This enables your body to move to cut off all possible
vulnerabilities as quickly as possible by moving your body and your opponent’s as neces-
Sensitivity 149
sary. You can then deal with and defeat what could be rather than simply what is. As John
Perkins says, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of pain!”
In guided chaos, you must deal with what actually is true and what actually could be
true, not what you want to be true. This is one of the important differences between
guided chaos and conventional, patterned-movement martial arts.
What follows is an example of a ferocious altercation where form went right out the
window. It is the same kind of situation you may come up against some day—with one
big difference. In this case, the defending partners were police officers who were trying
to subdue a psychotic attacker without the use of lethal force. In the end they all piled on
at once and only then was Perkins able to subdue the maniac with a sleeper hold (which
was legal at the time). Even if they had decided the situation warranted it, the ongoing
chaos would have prevented them from using their guns because of the risk of shooting
a fellow officer. As a a policeman following correct protocol, Perkins could not end the
fight immediately with deadly strikes to the eyes and throat, even though the opportuni-
ties were there. As a civilian, you’re under no such obligation if you think you’re going
to die. Your attacker certainly isn’t.
Guided Chaos
for superior
N ow that you have an understanding of the principles of guided chaos, we can
begin to discuss more specific strategies and tactics that will help you use the
principles to move freely as well as efficiently, effectively, and combatively. Although
all fights are chaotic, the human body tends to move in characteristic ways when
attacking and defending. Part III addresses these tendencies by showing how the
guided chaos principles flow into related subprinciples that deal effectively with
the particulars of combat. We have waited until now to go into these subprinciples
because, to the uninitiated, they may seem like techniques. Rather, they are merely
snapshots in a continuous flow that give clues to dealing with chaos. Before we
explore part III’s subprinciples, however, let’s review the larger concepts you picked
up in part II:
• The state of natural awareness is a combination of looseness, body unity, bal-
ance, and sensitivity functioning as one, not as independent parts of the whole.
• You cannot have looseness without balance. You’ll simply be knocked over or
twisted into a pretzel.
• You have to develop sensitivity to know when to yield or step around a strike
to move to a new, balanced position.
• When you’re better balanced, your opponent can’t move you; yet because of
body unity, you can move your opponent at will.
• If your opponent pushes you, he’ll find himself off balance, pushing against
nothing because you’re loose and balanced, yet you’re constantly all over him,
sticking like jelly.
152 ATTAck Proof
applyinG The
prinCiples To
T he subprinciples discussed in this chapter are not some great secrets of the universe;
they merely reflect the way the human body naturally moves. We emphasize natural
movement because wild animals don’t have a cognitive mind fighting for control over
their nervous systems as we do. for example, you can’t teach a tiger to fight “better.”
It’s always performing at maximum for its species. Similarly, there are ways of attacking
and defending that are naturally efficient for the human body. Part II explained these
in terms of looseness, body unity, balance, and sensitivity. Now, to help you understand
how to apply these principles to specific attack and defense scenarios, we have divided
the material into two sections: the body as a shield and the body as a weapon.
154 ATTAck Proof
themselves into positions that leave them even more vulnerable. They also have an exces-
sively loose reaction to incoming pressure that creates additional openings. The solution
is to always move behind a guard. keep something between you and the attacker at all
times as you stick to him or her. This is so simple we’re almost embarrassed to teach it;
nevertheless, as obvious as it sounds, it is rarely observed. Sticking lightly is not the same
as blocking. Instead of just picking off hits, mold to your opponent’s weapons, continu-
ously sealing off your targets. When you practice the contact flow drill, you learn to
stick with your opponent’s every move while still keeping something practical—like a
hand or elbow, not a toe, pinky, or nose—in front of the nearest threatened vital area:
your face, neck (front and rear), torso, and groin. What most people don’t realize is that
as they move and stick, the relative alignment of weapon, guard, and target constantly
changes and must be readjusted; otherwise, they’ll be sticking to the wrong side of the
weapon! When you have just a blocking mentality, this constant readjustment process
never occurs, and you’re always one step behind the attacker—waiting to block.
While maintaining contact, you can cover your face and neck with your hand or fore-
arm (and sometimes your elbow), your torso with your elbow (and sometimes your hand),
and your groin with the angle of your hips or knees. keep the area you’re protecting as
unexposed as possible. Remember that by standing sideways, you reduce the size of the
Don’t move the target area and allow your lead leg to guard your groin.
attacker’s strike. If you watch how people move, they often pull strikes into their bodies in an uncon-
Move your body scious (or, in the case of some extremely popular styles, conscious and purposeful) attempt
so it stays behind to smother or grapple the attack. Doing so will actually make you stick to the wrong side
your guard (con- of your opponent’s weapon, eliminate your guard, and encourage your opponent to drive
in farther! Is this really a tactic you want to employ against larger, stronger, and more
tact point with dangerous individuals? You want to be unavailable yet unavoidable. Every second you
the enemy). grapple with or are otherwise locked to a stronger opponent exposes you to more danger.
You always want to work the paradox of being as disengaged as possible yet still engaged,
remaining in contact yet being free to move.
A simple way to practice this is to look in the mirror and move your hand randomly in
circles and arcs in front of your body with the palm always facing away from your body
(this is a precursor to the advanced Polishing the Sphere exercise). As you move your hand,
try to imagine a line between the back of your hand and your face; constantly move and
align your body to keep your face behind your hand (but not 2 inches [5 cm] away). We
mean a reasonable but defendable distance so there’s room to deflect an incoming strike.
You should almost look like you’re playing follow the leader with your hand. Now do
the same thing with the point of your elbow. Move it around in front of you, side to side
and up and down, but keep your face and throat tucked behind it in the drac position
described in chapter 8. This is simple stuff, but even skilled fighters use techniques that
allow the enemy to engage and grapple them directly! This is insanity. remember the
key guided chaos principle that under the influence of adrenaline or drugs, anyone can
be dangerous, and any fight can result in your death. Ingrain this deep into your brain:
If you can’t run, be as disengaged as possible yet still be engaged.
Now, using both arms, randomly move your forearms, palms, elbows, and shoulders.
The key point of this drill is that however you move, your vital areas should be covered
as much as possible by whatever body part is practical. There is no rule or form to this.
To keep this drill simple in the beginning, one or both palms should remain in front of
your eyes and throat (facing out) in the direction you’re moving, and your elbows should
be within 12 inches (30 cm) of your kidneys. The elbow of the lead arm should be down
no matter which direction you’re facing.
As a variation, do the same drill but move so the elbow of your lead arm sticks out
in front of your face with that arm bent and held horizontally so you look like count
Dracula hiding behind his cape. keep the palm of your rear hand facing forward, near
your solar plexus. As you turn and face a different direction, your hands reverse, with
your new lead arm doing the drac elbow and the other palm guarding your solar plexus
(figure 7.1). Try having your lead elbow move randomly from a vertical to a horizontal or
an inverted position (see the Elbow Strikes section in chapter 2, pp. 21). finally, be aware
that although you are consciously choosing positions in this drill, when you flow with
Applying the Principles to Motion 155
leg balance because you need to be able to change your root continuously from foot
to foot under dynamic stress. All the while, you need to remain comfortable with
delivering strikes with dropping energy and plyometrically loading your coiled body
unity so that it explodes with full-body mass into the new, completely balanced root,
which is yet again instantly abandoned for a new, more powerful root. Do not stub-
bornly cling to a fixed root. A mere quarter-inch (.6 cm) microadjustment in your
foot position makes a colossal difference in your defense. Go with the energy, and
like a sprung mousetrap, pour yourself into the new root. When you have a root that
can’t be found, you can move in any direction, redistribute your weight, and yield
or change positions at any time without ever having the need to dance on your toes.
focus on adaptability, not choreography.
Leaning versus Yielding Leaning is a reactive handicap common in many
classical fighting stances. It indicates poor balance and makes it harder to respond to
incoming strikes. keep your feet as flat to the ground as possible (refer to the Ninja
Walk and Vacuum Walk, pp. 87-88). This is easier to do if your lower back remains
relatively straight as it comes to rest in the neutral position; a straight lower back pre-
vents you from leaning forward on your toes or backward on your heels. When you
yield and pocket you move just the target area out of the way while moving the rest
of your body a compensating amount to retain balance. This maintains your ability
to step freely if necessary. Leaning in any direction hinders this and rocks you off
the flats of your feet.
efficient Guarding Seek to root yourself so you face your opponent sideways,
and your profile becomes narrow enough to protect with one arm. Your lead hand
covers your face with your palm facing out to ward off head shots. Your lead forearm
protects your chest, and your lead elbow covers your kidneys and ribs. As you stick
to your opponent, move behind your guard by keeping your targets diametrically
opposite his weapons. This further reduces the area you need to defend. contrast
with blocking, which attempts to move the incoming strike off-line.
Stand with your feet in an L stance so your lead foot always points toward the enemy,
and your rear foot points to the side. If your opponent tries to circle you, simply pivot
slightly on your front foot, keeping it pointed at him so you retain a narrow profile. He’ll
have to travel five times farther than you to get around your lead. follow these guidelines
for creating an efficient defense:
There are a mil- • Even though you’re sticking to the opponent, don’t chase his arms beyond what’s
lion counters necessary. It may take only 1 inch (2.5 cm) of deflection or redirection at an early
made possible by stage of a strike to protect a wide swath of your body.
taking your op- • As soon as you gain 1 inch of deflection or redirection from yielding, turning, or
ponent’s space, tool replacing, slide, fold, skim, ricochet, or weasel your strike into the opening.
but all you need • When you turn your body, turn fully so you present your other side to your oppo-
to know is that if nent. This is an example of separating the yin from the yang. Don’t hang out in
you remain loose between—the target it creates is equivalent to the broadside of a barn. This is a
and sensitive, common beginner’s mistake.
you will simply • If you only turn your upper body, with your right hand, shoulder, and left foot for-
flow into the ward, you’ll be poised for a split second, suspended like a wrecking ball or a rubber
openings with- band, before you release and fly back the other way to a normal lead. As you return
out effort. with your wound-up energy, you can deliver a strike out of both lead positions like
a whip. or you can simply box step out of it into a new lead.
In the act of yielding, don’t let your elbow bend totally or you’ll wind up crimping
yourself. This is a mechanically weak position that your opponent can easily lock. You
shouldn’t need to overbend your elbow because the yielding should be taken up as your
shoulder joint rotates, your trunk pockets, and your waist and feet rotate or re-root. Also,
overbending your elbow can leave it trapped against your body.
The Rocker
Use your palms,
the edges of With guided chaos, there are no prescribed techniques because your attacker’s motion
dictates what form your defense and offense will take, guided only by the principles.
your hands, and
However, in order to illustrate a typical adaptation, we’re going to break down how you
your inner and might move with a particular part of your body (in this case the elbow) in a given situ-
outer forearms, ation. So for the sake of illustration, we’ll call the following a rocker. This would be an
elbows, shoul- effective movement that might arise from combining the principles of yielding, pulsing,
ders, and hips as tool replacing, and moving behind a guard. It also capitalizes on the elbow home position.
primary sticking With your elbows down and relaxed, your whole arm can rock like a pendulum from
surfaces. side to side from your shoulder, sweeping across your lower midsection. Envision your
shoulder as the fulcrum and your upper and lower arm as the pendulum, roughly main-
Applying the Principles to Motion 159
Triangle Defense
This is a typical expression of moving behind a guard. 2
The name is derived from the shape created by keeping
a forearm in front of your head and neck, your head
tucked low behind your shoulder, and your elbow always
threatening to extend into your opponent’s face at close
range, like a spear or a spike, and forming the point of a
triangle or wedge. You can create the triangle by position-
ing your elbow either horizontally or vertically (figures Figure 7.6
160 ATTAck Proof
b c
Figure 7.10
arm), and his left side is facing A. Also, turning to the right has allowed B’s right hand
to simply yield to the pressure from A’s left hand and thus rise up into the hello hand
position, keeping A’s left arm outside.
All B has done is respond to stimuli. Now for the coup de grâce: following the prin-
ciples of suspend and release, looseness, and multihitting, B immediately turns back
to his left like a spring-loaded door hinge. B’s left inward elbow strike turns into a left
outward chop to A’s throat, and his right outward hello hand turns into a right inward
palm heel (figure 7.10c). In this example, B has not only been moving behind a guard,
but bringing a weapon on line as well. These two principles, moving behind a guard,
and bringing a weapon on line (coming up) should always be at work simultaneously.
This is a prime example of combat efficiency.
We have painstakingly broken this movement down so you can see the simple physics
behind it. In reality, though, you shouldn’t get too hung up on each part of the move-
ment; the whole feel of this thing is actually like a gorilla swinging its body back and
forth with its arms flying. Program that into your brain instead.
The flipper is insurance against having a wrist broken. While sticking to an oppo-
nent, if his hand slides down over yours, and your hand bends downward and inward
in an attempt to yield, your hand easily can be broken by an aikido-type wrist lock
Applying the Principles to Motion 163
ridge-hands. fold the arm and you have elbow strikes. Dig in your fingers and you have
rips and gouges. When you focus on traditional punching (as opposed to hammer fists)
or any of the exotic blocks and strikes from kung fu like phoenix eye fists, chicken beaks,
and the like, it takes longer to actually form the weapons. Even if it’s milliseconds, this
is precious time you can’t afford to waste in a fight for your life. keep it simple and live.
• keeping your elbows close to you doesn’t preclude you from throwing spearing
downward elbow strikes. You don’t have to wind up—simply drop your body. If
the attacker has gotten his arms around your waist or lower for a take-down, his
spine should be perfectly positioned for one of these downward spearing elbow
• To loosen your elbows even more, you must loosen your shoulders. By doing this,
you give your elbows an extra 3 to 5 inches (about 8 to 13 cm) in range and mobil-
• Stab the elbow against the soft parts of your opponent’s body with an abrupt,
thrusting motion. This spearing (accompanied by dropping) makes your attacker
feel he’s been jabbed with a crowbar.
• When used in conjunction with taking your opponent’s space and dropping, your
elbow can uproot your opponent while it slashes back and forth in a rocker motion,
continually moving through the home position to gain power.
• In line with the principles of the triangle defense, when you’re in close and sticking
your elbow in your opponent’s face, your elbow should have the same sensitivity as
your hand. If it’s pushed or pulled, it can yield with a small circle and come right
back in your opponent’s face like a rubber band. You can also retract the shoul-
der, which frees the elbow. You can use the elbow to pulse his arm slightly in any
direction so you can move it in a small circle and wedge it into an opening from
another direction. Thus, the elbow can slither in with the same sensitivity as the
The best way to practice using your elbow is with the Anywhere Striking drills (chap-
ter 2) against a pole and with the elbow contact flow option. When striking a pole, also
practice pulsing (inward, outward, and side to side) from every possible angle.
Skipping Hands
Punching makiwara boards half your life is a waste of time. As far as sensitivity goes, devel-
oping your hands by making them tough as stone also makes them dumb as doorknobs.
With skipping hands, you’ll be able to play the attacker’s body like a piano, something
you’d find difficult with arthritic joints.
When sticking with your hand, try to use two points of contact: the tips of your fingers
and the heel of your palm. Think of them as having a yin and yang relationship: Your
fingers act as delicate probes, and the heel of your palm acts as a structurally strong guard.
When the opponent’s pressure builds beyond what your fingertips can handle (which
isn’t much), they tool-replace to the heel of the palm of the same hand.
As you already know, the reason you stick with your fingers is so you can remain
disengaged. It’s easier, and you’ve got more clearance to throw a strike than when your
hand is clamped to the opponent’s body. In addition, if your fingertips sense so much as
a muscle twitching in your opponent’s forearms, you’ll know something’s coming. The
reason your fingers don’t get broken is because you’re reacting to the slightest change in
pressure as if you had touched a hot frying pan.
It may help to think of the hand as a smaller version of the rocker: With the slightest
increase in the opponent’s energy, the hand rockers from the fingers to the heel of the
palm, allowing your opponent’s arms to be redirected. With your elbow down low in
the home position, and your body lining up behind it and your palm, you can exert tre-
mendous pulsing power that you can flow off of. This is all in accordance with moving
behind a guard.
from the heel of your palm, you can tool-replace back to your fingertips with a walking,
or skipping, action. This allows you to alternately scoot and check along the surface of an
attacking limb as you redirect it. This is a very sneaky, effective concept you should play
with while doing contact flow. Although a little different in principle, the effect is the
same as with sliding energy by allowing the attacking limb to slide past. for example, B’s
fingertips are delicately poised on A’s forearms, with the heel of the palm barely touching
(figure 7.13a). B picks up that a muscle is tensing slightly a millisecond before A launches
a strike. B’s fingers rocker, or skip, to the heel position with the elbow low and supported
by the alignment of B’s whole body and both legs (figure 7.13b).
This position is structurally powerful, requiring little muscular exertion. This momen-
tarily pulses or destroys A’s attack as well as occupies the line A was going to enter. If A
attempts to slide around this position, B forearm-surfs and takes A’s space, in effect, let-
ting A slide into an even more disadvantageous position (figure 7.13c). B’s hand actually
skips, or scuttles rapidly like a crab, along the outside surface of A’s arm as it runs from
heel to fingertips, heel to fingertips, letting A’s arm go by. B’s hand has thus skipped
from an initial contact point on the forearm to the outside of A’s elbow, which is a better
reference point. from the palm position, B can let A’s elbow fall into the groove between
thumb and index finger for more control (figure 7.13c). If A attempts to power through
the heel of B’s palm, B does a reverse rocker with his fingers, clearing A’s arm in the same
direction it wants to go (figure 7.13d). B slides right into a strike that A practically fell
into with his chin.
Applying the Principles to Motion 167
a b
c d
Figure 7.13
Economy of
W ithin guided chaos are many powerful ways to economically cover your target areas
as well as to deliver the most damage with the least movement. The elbow home
position and the triangle defense discussed in chapter 7 are examples of the former. In addi-
tion, you already know that chambering, or setting up, is a wasted attacking movement.
Defensive economy
To begin, let’s address a common beginner’s problem: Windmilling the arms in an effort
to stay loose. The answer is to follow the economy of movement principle: Move your
body and feet more so you have to move your arms and hands less.
When you’re balanced enough to step and move your body more, you accomplish four
critical goals:
• You move your guard less, thus hiding your footwork and intent to counter.
• You remove vital targets from direct attack.
• You generate tremendous counterattacking energy through body unity.
• You are ready to attack, as your arms are close to centerline in the home position.
If you keep your body static like a statue but swing your arms independently like pro-
pellers, your balance will be off, your power weak, your targets open, and your arms can
be twisted, pinned, or generally taken out of the fight. This result is even more evident
when you develop looseness without moving behind a guard.
Practice maximum motions to discover your balance limits. Then pare them down so
you move only as much as needed. Don’t defend beyond the perimeter of your vital areas.
Better yet, don’t intercept even 1 inch (2.5 cm) beyond an imaginary cylinder formed
170 ATTAck Proof
by the width of the weapon and its attack path toward its target. In other words, if the
attacker is punching at your face, you only have to be concerned with intercepting an
area that is 4 inches (10 cm) wide (the diameter of his fist) and about 2.5 feet (.8 m) long
(the distance to your face). This will keep you from performing wide superfluous move-
ments that will only take you out of a fight. Be sure, however, to move enough so that you
can survive. If you have to move radically, you will have already played with your limits.
How do cats and dogs confront danger? They either run or fight. When they fight, they
dive in with their teeth for the kill. rarely, however, do they go straight in. They penetrate
at a slight angle, far enough to get past their enemy’s teeth and claws, but close enough
to get a death grip on the enemy’s throat. They go in because backing up can be fatal. It’s
easy to trip and fall. When you dive in, you move in at a slight angle; we call this zoning.
You can then actually avoid big, looping blows as well as close-in strikes—as long as you
remain loose, flexible, and relaxed.
If you’re fighting, it’s assumed you have no other recourse. In guided chaos, you
rarely back up. When you need to relieve pressure, you zone by stepping in and to your
opponent’s side, staying close. This is the purpose of box stepping. By pocketing and
passing the apples, you get your opponent’s energy to bypass you. Thus, you attack and
Economy of Movement 171
d e f
g h i
j k l m
Figure 8.2
Economy of Movement 173
Dropping to Deflect
As part of moving behind a guard, remember that most of the deadly damage an assailant
can inflict is against your head, neck, solar plexus, and kidneys. Dropping destructions All strikes, pulses,
against incoming strikes to these areas as you pocket helps protect them. This is vital, and destruc-
because the dropping gives you power, rooting, and stability at the moment you need tions are merely
it most, and your looseness evades the strikes. This enables you to take your opponent’s motions within
space while defending and attacking simultaneously.
By dropping a split second before you yield, you create a situation in which you can
the flow. As soon
loosely but powerfully destroy a strike, yet slide in and counterattack, all in the same as you separate
motion. The yielding and articulating allows you to slither in and strike simultaneously, them out in
but it’s impossible to pull this off without dropping. Dropping anchors you to your root your brain and
so you avoid the floating and light-footed sensation of instability common to beginning think, Now I will
students who are learning to yield. strike, or Now I
Another advantage to dropping as you yield is that your explosion of energy loads your will pulse, you
own spring, because you bounce off the attacker’s strike. This acts as a pulse, which makes
become rigid,
the attacker push even harder to knock your hands off. But it’s too late for him. You pull his
push and crush him or fold around and impale him (see Spike-in-the-Sponge, chapter 3). slower, weaker,
As long as we’re in the defensive category, it would be neglectful not to mention such overcommitted,
fighting fundamentals as tucking your chin (except when yielding your head) and keep- less sensitive,
ing your teeth together. and less bal-
Offensive economy
We’re now in the category of economical attacking principles. The first one is unique
to guided chaos, and it depends totally on your ability to develop looseness. If you refer
back to the circle clap drill in chapter 3, you’ll know exactly what we’re talking about.
The goal of multihitting is to insert as many strikes within one flow of movement as pos-
sible. This is tactically efficient, so you can mete out maximum damage in the least time.
However, do not force superfluous or awkward blows into the mix. What you should find
is that the enemy’s targets are just conveniently in the way of your body as it moves from
a yang state to a yin state, and vice versa. All your strikes should be empty and unformed
until contact (remember, don’t clench your fist until impact—this prevents stiffness). Here
are some examples of multihitting, some of which you have already practiced in your
Anywhere Strikes I, II, and III drills in chapter 2.
• When you palm to the chest, slide a spear hand into the throat.
• When you step straight in with a palm strike to the head or chest, continue the
motion without stopping so that, immediately after contact, your elbow folds and
blasts up into the attacker’s chin. You must simultaneously step in and take the
attacker’s space to do this.
• If you deliver a right palm or slapping strike along a more circular path (like a right
hook to the head in boxing), continue rotating your body to the left, fold your elbow
slightly, and within the same motion, slam your attacker with a horizontal right
elbow to the side of the head.
• When you turn out with an elbow strike to the side of the head, continue turning
so it becomes a chop to the same spot. This can be linked to the move described in
the previous bullet.
• If you explode with a palm strike to the face, claw the eyes or clear an obstructing
arm as you retract.
• If you’re punching into the stomach, you can slide into an uppercut.
174 ATTAck Proof
consider shortening the weapon as something you need to apply to all your motion.
for example, B palm-heels at A, who manages to block it. When B first senses contact
with the block, her nervous system should react as if she had just touched a red-hot
frying pan (figure 8.5a). This causes her to shorten her weapon, pulling her shoulder up
and back while she continues to step in, taking her opponent’s space. Simultaneously, B
readjusts, turning her torso and shoulder slightly and firing the same or a slightly dif-
ferent weapon (like a spear hand) at a slightly different angle (figure 8.5b). In the mean-
time, A is still reacting to the feel of the block she just made, because she expected the
contact with B to last longer and be more substantial. As if sucked away by a vacuum, B
is no longer there. This begins to establish a pattern of overcommitment on the part of
A, who searches for something to get a grip on.
If you throw in pulsing and dropping, shortening the weapon becomes very nasty.
When shortening the weapon, however, you don’t pull your hand back dramatically as
if winding up. Instead, the shortening should be whatever the maximum range of your
shoulder joint is. Shortening the weapon can also be a completely internal movement,
in the sense that your nerves, muscles, and tendons reverse suddenly without you actu-
ally moving your arm. This makes you even harder to read. Ideally, you should be able
to strike your opponent’s arm with power and then instantly relax so your fingertips
stick to the target with feather-light pressure, never once breaking contact (compare with
skimming and splashing, p. 116).
An extremely important point about shortening the weapon is to never let anyone get
control of your elbow. Your elbow is one of your body’s most critical control points. If
your opponent possesses any sensitivity at all and gets an opportunity to grab, pull, or
press your elbow, you could be in great peril. Therefore, at the slightest touch on your
elbow, shorten the weapon and get it the heck out of there immediately (this motion is
practiced in the row the Boat drill coming up). Do a small circle and then whip back
with a chop to the throat.
By the way, you can take advantage of the reverse scenario: Take control of your
opponent’s body while forearm surfing to slide to the back of the elbow. With just two
fingers, you can pinch the joint at the brachial nerve, wait for your opponent to panic,
and either pass the arm off to your other hand or hit directly with the same hand.
a b
Figure 8.5
Economy of Movement 177
a b
Figure 8.6
In guided chaos, it is vital to develop a full, isolated range of motion for every possible
angle in the shoulder joint so that you look as if you are shrugging up, down, backward, and
forward. When you accomplish this, your hands can be in contact with your opponent’s
limbs and remain relatively motionless, yet have a multitude of different attack angles
available because of the dynamic, isolated movement of your shoulders. for example, B
is in contact with A, whose arm is in the way of a direct strike (figure 8.6a). B raises his
whole shoulder joint while leaving the rest of his body still so that a new angle opens up,
which he can strike through (figure 8.6b). Practice shortening the weapon with the row
the Boat drill and the contact flow Shoulder option drill (chapter 6).
Tool Destruction
You also already know about tool destructions from part II. Although this initially sounds
as if you’re forcing your way in, the reality of tool destruction in guided chaos is that
you’re actually going to be using your attacker’s energy. You’re already familiar with tool
destruction if you’ve used rockers to smash incoming punches with your elbow. Since
rockers involve a loose turning of your body, it’s the force of the incoming strike that
does the damage. Your sensitivity initiates a seesaw rocker to perform tool destruction.
for example, your fingertips, perched on the arm of the attacker, sense the intention
of a strike. When the strike comes, your arm folds rapidly at the elbow into a rocker as
your midsection pockets and turns. Instead of the rocker simply redirecting the strike,
the rapid folding of your elbow caused by the incoming force of the opponent’s blow
smashes the rocker elbow into his shoulder joint or jaw hinge. The power is augmented
by the turning and dropping of your whole body. This has a popping quality, quick as
lightning, while your rear hand accepts the passed apple (the attacker’s fist) and clears
178 ATTAck Proof
it. The ricochet off the destruction immediately launches you into further strikes with
both hands. This can’t be done if you linger or grapple with the opponent’s arm in any
way. (Note that tool destruction is also discussed in chapter 9 as a sensitive reaction to
grabs.) A full-power pulse can become a tool destruction, as can riding the lightning.
In both cases, you smash the enemy’s strike with a punch, palm, hammerfist, or elbow
and ricochet into a strike of your own.
checking refers to a short, snappy pulse that pops an opponent’s tool slightly off line.
checking is not blocking. Usually done with the palm, checking can be used to initi-
ate an attack, create an opening, maintain an opening (by knocking an arm out of the
way), or ensure that an opponent’s attack, like an elbow to your stomach, never reaches
its target. This is merely a safeguard you can combine with pocketing. checking and
its more aggressive cousin, tool destruction, are both far more effective with dropping.
Don’t overcommit with a follow-through motion in a check or tool destruction.
Splash your opponent’s striking arm and shorten your weapon so you can take his space
without being thrown off balance. Your splashing hand penetrates only a maximum
of a few inches beyond the point of contact. If your check or tool destruction knocks
the opponent’s arms away and wide, you still need to be sure he’s not going to come
back and nail you as you step in to take his space. If you pass the apple by guiding his
arm and elbow past you, a check with your other hand makes sure his arm stays out
of your line for the split second you need to enter and attack. You can also ricochet off
the check. Palm-strike or splash the elbow and dive through the opening into another
strike. Just remember that when you enter, get as close to your opponent as possible.
checking, tool destruction, and the like are all fine if the enemy is somewhere around
your size and strength. Understand however that at the highest levels of the art, you
want to keep your interaction with the enemy limited to just two kinds of contact: near-
invisible sticking and the striking of lethal targets. This level makes any other kind of
contact unnecessary and more risky, especially when fighting monsters.
Dog-Dig Entry
The dog-dig entry qualifies as one of the simplest and most effective entries you can do.
Skip in and kick the assailant’s shins while rapidly rolling your hands in a dog-paddling
or dog-digging motion. Just as you would enter using a swimming sidestroke or ccUE,
smack his lead hand out of the way and either gouge out his eyes, chin-jab his head, or
spear his throat repeatedly like a buzz saw.
If he resists the first clearing dog-dig motion, make sure the second, third, and fourth
are right behind it. If he pulls back against the dog-dig, use his energy to pull your strikes
into his face. If he pushes them away with superior force, skim over them or circle in the
opposite direction and use rising spear hands to the throat. By rolling with his energy,
not against it, you avoid tightness and wasted motion. If you don’t like the dog-dig anal-
ogy, you can visualize yourself as a foaming wildcat and claw, gouge, and shred your
way to his vitals.
a b
Figure 8.7
your clearing hand was hidden from view by your Dracula elbow. You can substitute
a straight, spearing strike to the eyes with your lead arm for the Dracula elbow if you
want. The spear hand has the advantage of skimming off and deflecting an incoming
strike as it simultaneously hits its target. Note the similarity of this move to the swim-
ming sidestroke and the ccUE.
By the way, your sensitivity should also tell you intuitively if you can blast through
the enemy’s defenses using destructions. You will be able to instantly assess his size,
density, strength, and structure at first contact (or earlier). This is essential because you
never want to challenge your attacker as a matter of habit. Sometimes destructions are
helpful (especially if you are already a formidably powerful individual) but remember it
is always deadlier, cleaner, and more efficient to hit your targets unimpeded like a guided
missile or a cobra.
You have to be in it to win it. Endeavor in contact flow to get as close as possible and still
remain unavailable. Even at slow speeds you can work on “cleaving” the enemy’s neck with
your entire descending arm like a guillotine with full body unity while simultaneously
smashing him in the kidney with the other. rip at the face, bite, head butt, and elbow
with full intent and alignment but at slow speeds so your training partner isn’t injured.
Be very careful with this. As you improve you will be able to go faster with more force but
you never actually need to damage your partner because when you learn how to really
drop you will know exactly how much power can be delivered. You can even drop with
full power but send the energy back into your root instead of your partner. You need to
be very high level with this, but the idea is to feel the “bounce” off your partner’s target
that is just at skin level without penetrating. You feel what you would have hit him with if
this was an actual fight because the full energy, as mentioned before, goes back into the
floor and is felt as intense, rapid pressure in the feet. When you work with John Perkins
or his top students, you often feel like you’re going to die and are surprised and relieved
that you didn’t, because you can literally feel the energy that would’ve annihilated you
whirl around and pass you without penetrating.
activates some of the strongest muscles in your body, it is used for clearing chokes and
strangles—and knives and guns placed against your head, as you will see in Chapter
4. roll each shoulder independently: When one is up, the other is down; when one is
forward, the other back. If you combine this with weight shifting, you will find yourself
morphing into the rolling the Energy Ball drill.
and Locks
G rabs and locks are excellent tools for explaining guided chaos principles for two
1. They represent opposing forces and condensed combat on a small scale.
2. They are revered by many and thus are ripe for debunking.
Because we never want to be overcommitted and thus involve antagonistic muscles, limit-
ing our ability to flow, an effective grab should be an instantaneous, elastic maneuver. In
guided chaos, you never grab to restrain someone, and if you really clamped down with
intent to control, you wouldn’t be sensitive enough to deal with the other’s response.
If your attacker is stronger than you and adrenaline fueled, you’ll be thrown like a toy.
Moreover, don’t count on being able to grab at an attacker moving at high speed. It is
nearly impossible. Instead, use grabs as a probing tool to instigate a reaction from your
opponent that you can flow off of. Grabs need to be subtle to remain undetected and to
pass the apples or tool-replace. In general, only take a grab you can accomplish with two
fingers (the thumb and index or middle finger). But let’s be clear about this: You can grab
with as much power as you want, but it must come from your root and must be quick,
reactive, and immediately abandoned. Don’t wrestle. Striking should always be your priority.
You don’t need to use a grab to bring an opponent closer. Doing so always runs the
risk of using antagonistic muscles, leading to a tug-of-war. By being mobile and stealthy
you can take his space without him knowing it. By pulsing you can get him to come to
you while reeling him in.
If you use a grab as a pulse, drop with your whole body weight for a split second, and
then release the grab. Applied this way, a grab can unbalance your opponent or create
an opening. It’s often useful to grab an elbow and move it just enough so you can punch
Grabs and Locks 183
right into the spot the elbow just occupied. Your grabbing hand then becomes a target
that your punching hand can lock onto. A good example of all of this is puppeteering
(not to be confused with the hand and foot drill called Puppeteering).
Puppeteering involves lightly applying a two-fingered grab (with your thumb and
middle or index finger) on each of your opponent’s wrists and merely following his
limbs around without adding any energy of your own. This causes a very curious thing
to happen. The opponent panics because he hasn’t the slightest idea what you’re doing,
and all he wants is to hit or wrestle—anything to get you off him. Puppeteering is a subtle
variation on pulsing because it instigates a reaction.
It’s doubly annoying to your attacker because you’re following him around and can
thus easily redirect a strike. You’re connected to a control point—as if you were a mata-
dor leading a 2,000-pound (.91-metric-ton) bull around by a nose hair. Keep your elbows
loose, relaxed, and near the home position to keep yourself structurally strong. As soon
as your opponent commits or overextends, release, tool-replace, and attack. You can use
his first arm strike to block his second by redirecting the first into the path of the second.
But the key here is his reaction. Whatever move he makes, flow with him and hit him.
Hold on only as long as you need to get a reaction.
If your opponent yanks away, follow him, release, and hit. If he strikes, step in, pull
his push, extend his arm, check or destroy it with your chest or other arm, then let go
with your grabbing hand and strike. The grab can thus be doubly unnerving if used as a
pulse because the opponent doesn’t know if you’re going to hit with the grabbing hand
if he pulls out or hit with your free hand if he pushes through (if he pulls out you can
hit with the free hand anyway!). If he attempts to pull his hand away behind his back,
follow his movement and break his wrist.
As any cop can tell you, in a real fight, when everyone is moving at maximum speed, it’s
virtually impossible to apply a lock if you’re looking for one. Once adrenaline kicks in,
locks, even applied by experts, become less effective (see chapter 1). The reason you see
locks working in UFC competitions is primarily because half the time they’re trying to
lock each other; maiming and killing is not allowed. The other half of the time they’re
looking for knockouts that require full-power punches to areas that aren’t necessarily Never look for a
lethal. Look back at the UFC fouls in the book’s introduction. Using all of them viciously lock; either they
precludes any locking. Also, grappling involves committing and fixating your arms on happen or they
restraining moves, leaving them static and susceptible to counter-locks; this becomes a
vicious cycle in the sporting arena. The one good thing about UFC is that the locks are
being done with full speed and power—short of intentionally snapping the bones (the
rules forbid it and encourage tapping out). In many dojos, they’re worked and reworked
cooperatively, flowing from one to the next with the choreography of a dance. When
you train in guided chaos, you never cooperate, even in the beginning.
In general, we don’t advocate locks because they fixate you. However, sometimes locks
can be used effectively, but they should be fast, snapping actions that last a millisecond
before you flow out and into a strike. Police officers generally have to lock people with-
out breaking their arms, which is why their jobs are so dangerous. It would be better if
the perpetrator could be softened up before the lock was applied, but nowadays that’s
viewed as brutality, even if more people are injured because the bad guy wasn’t stopped
immediately. If there isn’t sufficient backup to pile on, a solitary officer then may have to
resort to using excessive violence anyway, including emptying his gun. Which is better?
You may know of or have been shown how to apply a particular lock from some other
art, but in guided chaos, it’s up to you to discover when to apply it. This will be dictated
by the flow and energy of the movement. If you don’t train this way from the start, you’ll
be lost.
For example, if your opponent punches, you stick and yield, breaking his arm as you
pull his push, extend his punching arm, and apply a rising palm to the elbow (figure
a b
Figure 9.1
9.1a). But suppose your opponent is sensitive, picks up on his overcommitment to the
punch, and retracts. You might follow him and tuck his wrist under his armpit (figure
9.1b), thereby breaking his wrist.
If there’s resistance to the lock, that’s fine: He’s loading your spring. Don’t bear down
and hang on. Abandon the lock and release the energy. If you fall into a two-hands-on-one
situation, and he fails to do the flipper (chapter 7), his yielding will result in a crushed
wrist when you apply inward pressure. Of course he could also punch you in the face
with his free hand, which is another reason not to lock in the first place.
Don’t fall in love with locks. They are restraining maneuvers that act as drags on your
flow. They make you move as if you were mired in mud. If you bear down on a lock, you
employ antagonistic muscles that can start wrestling matches, possibly with opponents
twice your size. Bad move unless you’re a punk just horsing around for a youtube video,
which means you’re a jackass. It’s better to deliver a lock like it’s a strike and snap his
bones like lightning. That’s what you do when you’re fighting to save your life.
The Vise
A different type of lock is the vise—a quick, springy action you suspend and release.
While fighting, if A’s limb gets caught between B’s limb and B’s trunk, B can quickly drop
and clamp down with the elbow (figure 9.2a). This abruptly disrupts A’s balance, causing
him to resist forcibly with upward pressure. This is great because the vice has acted as a
a b
Figure 9.2
Grabs and Locks 185
pulse or springboard to further hits. From here, B instantly springs up into a chop to the
throat. B simultaneously passes the arm he has in a vise to his other hand (figure 9.2b).
If B had not been loose but only had clamped down with the vise and held it with
all his might, he would have become as fixated and vulnerable as A. This is an obvious
display of strength, and its direction gives the opponent a virtual road map of your
intentions. This is also the antithesis of stealth energy, guaranteeing an unsuccessful
counterattack on your part.
The Cross-Tie
The cross-tie is an opportunistic lock that occurs frequently when you train with some-
one unskilled in guided chaos. It occurs when one punch is pulsed, passed, deflected, or
thrown down and into the path that an anticipated second punch would take (figure 9.3a).
In the process of rolling the ball or passing the apples during contact flow, the hand that
was doing the deflecting circles under and cross-grabs the second punch while your other
hand cross-grabs the first (figure 9.3b). Because your opponent’s hands are crossed and
yours aren’t, and since his momentum carried him to this position, you can easily twist
his arms up while continuing to roll. Just remember that your body’s turning drives the
cross-tie, not your arm muscles.
What’s interesting is that once your opponent’s tied up, you can let go—and strike—
because he will actually tense and resist against himself, causing an instant opening to
his torso or head (figure 9.3c). Or you can just twist, drop, and break. If he resists strongly,
a b
c d
Figure 9.3
just roll back with him in the other direction, release one or both grabs, and hit, using his
resistance to propel your strike. It’s usually easier to let go with the hand that’s holding
his lower arm (because it’s trapped by his own upper arm) and hit. You can also instigate
a cross-tie by actually knocking or throwing one arm into the other, then grabbing and
twisting. Sometimes it helps to pop-check and destroy his elbow with your palm to keep
him in the cross-tie a split second longer to ensure your opening (figure 9.3d).
You can avoid being caught in a cross-tie yourself by staying sideways to your oppo-
nent, turning when pushed, and not presenting him with two outstretched arms. If you
are caught in a cross-tie, step and shoot the arm that is on top in the direction it is being
pulled. Because you are going with the energy, this will release the lock. Instantly fly
back with an axe hand to the neck.
is in a left lead, properly standing sideways to A to create a smaller target. A grabs B’s left
wrist to get control (figure 9.4a). B can stab A in the eyes with his right, but if A is ready
for that, B can answer the phone by relaxing and circling his shoulder down, inward,
and up, raising his whole left arm from the shoulder. As B brings the arm up, he keeps
it near his side to gain the mechanical advantage of being close to his center of gravity
(figure 9.4b). The action is like scraping your ribs with the inside of your palm, forearm,
and elbow. As you can see, this involves turning to the right from the waist, stepping in
closer with the left foot to take A’s space (A’s grab was pulling B in anyway), and pocket-
ing the left side of the ribcage in case of an attack to the kidneys (this movement also
makes room for B’s arm to slide past). B moves his hand, palm inward, close by and then
past his ear as if raising a receiver to listen (figure 9.4c). raising the arm this way forms a
protective wedge around the side of the head, which can also ward off strikes to the rear.
It also tool-replaces the attack or grab from B’s wrist or forearm to B’s shoulder, freeing
B’s arm. Compare with the fright reaction.
Because A’s grab pulled B in, B followed the energy and took A’s space, moving behind
the guard provided by the answer-the-phone motion. This, combined with B turning
away from A as he raises the phone, generates tremendous torque against A’s wrist, break-
ing the grab. After B answers-the-phone, he turns back to the left, whipping a chop or
elbow to the left side of A’s neck through the huge opening answering the phone just
made (figure 9.4d).
After answering the phone, B delivers the chop as if saying, “Here, it’s for you!” This
action is one continuous movement, like swimming. It’s also a swinging, yin-yang type
of motion, because B twists one way and then immediately whips the other way. This
allows for a palm strike with B’s other hand.
a b
c d
Figure 9.4
Answering the phone is also a good response any time an opponent’s arm contacts
your arm between the elbow and shoulder, because he’s too high on your arm for you to
roll your elbow over (and he’s too close for comfort to your face). It’s also great for ward-
ing off a flurry of strikes to your head by multiple attackers. Under these circumstances,
answering the phone looks like you’re fighting a swarm of bees.
Swarm of Bees
If you were being dive-bombed by a swarm of angry bees, would you drop into a deep
karate stance and throw reverse punches or perhaps use an esoteric tai chi technique such
as grasping the sparrow’s tail? Of course not. While guarding your face, you’d whip your
hands around as fast and lightly as possible with great sensitivity to avoid being stung.
This is natural. However, if you examine these movements, you’ll notice they look like
multiple answer the phones, combined with short swimming and chopping movements.
Do the same to protect yourself from flurries to the head.
regardless of the technique described above, the key principle is to always flow with
the grabber’s energy. If the enemy is facing you and he has grabbed your left wrist with
his right arm and is pulling it to your right, do not think you are being sensitive and
loose by simply collapsing your left elbow into his chest or face (a common mistake).
You would still be opposing him because he’s pulling sideways and you’re trying to hit
straight ahead (even though you’re folding). Instead, punch or shoot your arm out in
the exact same vector as he’s pulling. This briefly releases the tension, causing him to
go “uh-oh” and try to pull you back in the opposite direction, which is exactly what
you want. Snap the arm back and, augmented by the enemy’s energy, smash him in
the face or ribs (depending on the angle of return) with an elbow, chop him in the
side of the neck, or blast him with a palm heel with the other hand.
Both movements (the tension release and the snap-back) are performed with full
body unity, meaning you step away and back in as you release and strike. This adds
enormously to the power and occurs lightning fast, with no pause in between, aided
by dropping. Notice that at no time (either with the tension release or the snap-back)
are you opposing his energy.
Tool Destruction
Smashing a rocker into your opponent’s grabbing hand to liberate your own is tool
destruction, as is slamming the knuckles or forearm of an incoming punch with your
elbow. Tool destruction is a common martial arts term for attacking the attacker’s limbs.
What is uncommon is how we use it. Instead of trying to pick an incoming strike out of
the air like a baseball or a scud missile, guided chaos tool destruction often results from
either folding or turning your body away from pressure. In the latter case, you should
use the principles of taking your attacker’s space, body unity, the triangle defense,
and the box step to turn your whole body and step into a horizontal palm smash at a
grabbing arm (figure 9.6a, arrow 1). Within the same movement, your elbow should
slash his face—provided the grab was held high enough (arrow 2)—and your now-freed
hand should chin jab (arrow 3). Instantly, using multihitting, your elbow slashes back
in the opposite direction (arrow 4), followed immediately by a backhanded chop with
the same arm (arrow 5) and another inside palm strike or claw with your freed arm
(figure 9.6b). This whole sequence occurs in less than a second. This works against
both regular and cross-grabs. When executed, it looks like an ax tearing through balsa
wood. remember, though, to turn with each movement so you’re only presenting your
side to your opponent.
a b
Figure 9.6
Grip exercises
Your hands can really benefit from a strength-building regimen. If you think about it,
other than our teeth (which are feeble compared with those of most predators), the only
raw weapons we have (other than bludgeoning surfaces like knees, feet, and elbows) are
our fingers. Lacking claws, we nevertheless have great power in our fingers, relative to the
rest of our bodies. This pays off whenever you rip, tear, gouge, and pinch. Grip strength
is essential when you’re totally tied up, and your hands are against your opponent’s skin.
The amount of pain an iron-like rip can deliver is sometimes sufficient to create room
for further strikes.
The trick in gripping is not to hang on. Your hand should have a snapping, biting qual-
ity that instantly relaxes to avoid sustained tightness, allowing you to find other targets.
That said, one of the best exercises for developing your grip (as well as hitting) is the
entire slambag drill series in chapter 6. The following drills develop the grip exclusively.
Finger Creep
The purpose of this exercise is to strengthen the muscles that contract the fingers, which
are different from the ones that turn the wrist.
1. Take a full-length broom. Hold the stick at the top with the fingers of one hand so that
the bristles hang just above the floor.
2. Using only your fingertips, walk your fingers down the handle so you’re raising the
broom off the floor while your arm stays at the same height.
3. Pull the broom up till you reach the bottom and start over.
You can weight the broom to make this harder by slipping 2-pound (1 kg) barbell
plates over the broomstick.
Grab to Destroy
Grabs should be lightning fast destructions and rips. Peel off fingers and snap them (do
not hold them—this fixates you). To save your life, grab bone protrusions and cavities and
wrench them quickly till the part breaks. Within contact flow, experiment with finding
every bony protrusion of the body that can be dug into and wrenched. Do this with the
tenacity of a rock climber looking for finger holds on a smooth cliff face. The finger tips
should be fully bent to the base of the fingers (almost like a fist), which gives enormous
strength to the grab. Just a few of the possible handles:
• The hair
• The nostrils
• The nose ridge
• The ear
• The ear hole
• The eye socket
• The eye brow ridge
• The cheek bone
• The jaw (front, side, and underneath)
• The larynx
• The clavicle, collarbone, or jugular notch
• The rear base of the skull
• The skull protrusion behind the ear
Grabs and Locks 191
Sand Bucket
You’ve probably heard that the crushing force of an alligator’s jaws are immense, but that
an average person can hold the gator’s mouth shut. To avoid the gator’s dilemma, you
need to work the muscles that open your hand, not only the ones that close it. When
opening and closing strengths are balanced, they actually augment each other. You need
a bucket of sand to do this drill.
1. Form your hand into an eagle’s beak. The tips of your fingers should be pressed together
and even with the end of your thumb.
2. Spear your hand into the sand and then twist it two or three times to drill it in.
3. While continuing to push down, spread your fingers as far as they will go, angling
your hand for the most resistance against the sand with all your fingers, including your
pinkie and thumb.
4. repeat steps 2 and 3 at least 10 times per hand, and then try the reverse: Spread your
palm wide on top of the sand, push down, and try to crush a handful of it into a dia-
mond like Superman. Do this 15 times or until your forearms feel as if they’re going
to explode.
tendon Strengtheners
The following exercises develop tendon strength, which is far more important for fight-
ing than muscular strength. When you’re moving loosely and powerfully at high speed,
your large, strong muscles that have been trained purely for strength and size tend to be
slow and highly injury prone. This is why strict bodybuilders can’t play in the National
Football League. Their tendons would simply blow apart. Tendons connect muscle to
bone and need to be strengthened carefully along their entire range of movement. Some
of the drills are extremely slow and others extremely fast. This combination trains the
tendons (and the muscles they are connected to) to withstand the ballistics of wild and
chaotic combat conditions.
Two-Minute Push-Up
High-speed looseness doesn’t require big, bulging muscles; instead, it requires tough,
elastic tendons with strong bone attachments that resist tearing.
1. Perform a push-up very slowly, working to increase the time it takes for you to go down
and come back up.
2. Continue until you can take two minutes to go down and two to come up. This will
take some significant training.
These are slow, isometric tension exercises that build strength throughout the length of
a combative movement, rather than only through the limited range of resistance found
in most weight training.
1. Begin with your right arm wrapped tightly around your body in
an exaggerated starting position for a backhanded chop.
2. Stand against a wall and exert strong tension against it in a slow,
controlled effort to uncoil your strike (figure 9.7).
3. Inch by inch, reposition your feet so you experience resistance
against every part of the chop’s movement throughout your body
from your hand all the way down to your feet until the chop is
fully extended.
4. Don’t forget to drop in slow motion as well.
5. Try this with every type of strike you can think of, continually
repositioning your body to offer the maximum isometric resistance
throughout the entire range of movement.
Figure 9.7
Speed Flow
As well as working your tendons, these exercises promote high-speed muscle strength,
which is different from brute strength.
1. Make slow, circular, horizontal chopping motions with your hand and arm. Your
forearm should be parallel to the floor. Use a subtle dropping motion with your knees
as the chop comes out. Do this for 30 seconds.
2. Increase to three-quarter speed for 30 seconds.
3. Then go to full speed for as long as you can maintain full looseness and relaxation.
Whip your arm, making the air move.
4. When you begin to fight against the cramping and stiffening of your own muscles,
5. repeat with your other arm.
Apply this same procedure of speeding up the flow in increments to the following:
AttAcked At Work
I’m a steel worker in New York City working the high iron in Manhattan. I was being messed
with early in the morning by this man about 6 feet 2 inches (180 cm) tall and around 230
pounds (104 kg). He thought he was being cute and grabbed my wooden folding ruler I
carry in my tool belt. I was tired and weighted down with heavy tools and a safety harness.
Now, mind you, it is about 7:00 a.m. and there are about 20 guys waiting for the elevator
to take us up to the 17th floor to start the day. This guy opened my ruler and started poking
me with it. It blew my mind that a 40-year-old man would be inclined to act this way. It’s scary
how ignorant people can be.
As he poked me with my ruler it snapped in half. Now I had no ruler to do my job. At that
moment, he was standing to my side, and I threw a low side kick to his knee. This all hap-
pened very quickly, but for some reason I pulled back on the kick because I just thought it
was overkill. I then snatched my broken ruler out of his hand.
He got angry, snuck up behind me, and immediately threw me into some sort of a choke
hold. Without hesitation or thought, I loosened, dropped into a fright reaction, and spun di-
rectly into him, palm-heeling to the side of his head. I then followed with a right palm strike
but missed him because he had already been launched backward to the ground about 6
feet from me. He had no intention of fighting any longer.
I felt my body knew just how much force to use. It was as if I was on autopilot and just
acted, not so much reacted. Also, it shocked me that a guy my size could send a guy twice
as big (who also does the same hard work) flying off his feet.
It all happened so quickly, and to be honest, I didn’t even feel it when I struck him. The
man had sheer terror in his face. He then started apologizing and trying to make up for what
he had done. I just told him to stay away from me. I honestly felt sorry for having to do what
I did, but I believe it was justifiable since he could’ve choked me out.
D espite your training, and whether you like it or not, you may find yourself defend-
ing your life on the ground. The reason we’ve saved this subject until now is that
ground fighting employs all the previous principles except that now you have to translate
them to a new dimension where they become even more savage. These principles are very
different from the way most other martial arts handle grappling. The ground fighting
concepts of guided chaos represent some of the art’s most devastating aspects. Developed
by John Perkins in his early bouts with his father and uncles, refined in the bloodbaths
he survived as a cop, and confirmed by his later forensic homicide research, they reflect
a great deal of Native American martial arts influence in that they are based on freedom
of movement and an “anything goes” adaptability.
There are some arts in vogue now that actually prefer to take the fight to the ground
and emphasize this in their training. Fans of the UFC and no-holds-barred matches
(which is a misnomer because there are strict rules to prevent serious injury) contend
you should practice grappling because more often than not you end up there. Although
highly skilled in modified Native American ground-fighting techniques, John Perkins
has gone to the ground in less than 10 percent of the over 100 serious, violent, armed,
and unarmed confrontations he has been involved in. Intending to go to the ground as
a form of self-defense is a potentially fatal way of thinking for at least six reasons:
1. By violating the principle of challenging no one, you eliminate the simplest and
most effective form of self-defense there is: running away.
2. On the ground, your advantages of upright balance and rooting become negated—
bad news if your attacker outweighs you by 100 pounds (45.4 kg) or more.
3. The real world is not a martial arts school classroom with soft mats. In a dogfight,
the last thing you want to do is smash your head, tailbone, or neck on a car bumper,
concrete sidewalk, fire hydrant, or broken glass to gain a so-called ground advantage!
4. Weapons, such as knives, eliminate most grappling techniques. Try wrestling with
an opponent wielding a Magic Markerat breakneck speed and see how long you can
avoid being turned into a piece of graffiti.
Ground Fighting 195
5. You might be fighting multiple opponents. With standard grappling, you can fight
only one assailant at a time. Meanwhile, that attacker’s buddies will stomp you into
dog food.
6. The entire notion of controlling or submitting a dangerous opponent, essentially attach-
ing your body to his to incapacitate him, runs totally contrary to the very definition
of survival. Every second you are tied to your enemy exposes you to more danger.
People ask, “But isn’t grappling better than punching? Everybody knows a wrestler can Going to the
beat a boxer.” To answer this, read the following excerpt from a letter the president of ground to grap-
the International Combat Martial Arts Federation, professor Bradley J. Steiner, sent to his ple could mean
associates: going to your
grave. If your
During WWII, with the exception of Jack Dempsey, virtually every single unarmed and hand-
opponent falls
to-hand combat instructor for the United States, Canadian, French, and British forces had
a formidable and core background in wrestling, judo, ju-jutsu—yet every single one of those to the ground,
instructors deliberately minimized, played down, and de-emphasized all grappling in favor of don’t follow him.
basic, simple blows, when preparing men for war. Why? Well, why do you think? Some of these Run away.
experts, like Pat (Dermot) O’Neil and William Ewart Fairbairn, were literally the first Caucasian
ju-jutsu/judo black belts in the world at that time! They were ranked fifth-degree black belt,
and second-degree black belt, respectively. Fairbairn had personally participated in more than
600 deadly encounters (armed and unarmed) prior to WWII, when he was Commissioner of
the Shanghai Municipal Police! Don’t you think that man knew what real combat required?
Also consider this from Colonel Rex Applegate, the former director of close combat
training at the Military Intelligence Training Center, who accumulated his experience
during wartime and trained over 10,000 military and intelligence personnel for the Office
of Strategic Services (OSS) (which eventually became the CIA): “Blows should always be
used in preference to throws” (Kill or Get Killed by Colonel Rex Applegate, Paladin Press,
1976, p. 29).
If you’ve read through the book this far, you already know that if you use only strength,
speed, and standard wrestling, boxing, or no-holds-barred fighting skills, your odds
of disabling a larger opponent who has the same skills are virtually nil. Unless you’re
extremely fast or lucky, you’ll be crushed, mangled, and torn limb from limb. However,
the extremely nasty tactics of guided chaos and close combat can negate an opponent’s
superior skills and physical strength. Why? Even past ultimate champion Royce Gracie
would find it difficult to fight with a finger buried in his eye (and why he did it himself
on his opponent in one of his early televised bouts when he got into trouble). This is why
these tactics are forbidden in UFC competitions.
You may wonder what might prevent your attacker from using these tactics, too.
Nothing, except that you will be better at them. The ability to deliver and defend against
these tactics for survival is based solely on looseness, body unity, balance, and sensitiv-
ity—aspects virtually no one else teaches, especially on the ground.
Let’s take an analytical look at what guided chaos modified Native American ground
fighting actually is, why it is, and how and why it differs from conventional ground
fighting (grappling) methods.
Ground Mobility
Although a good grappler is mobile relative to his or her opponent because the grappler
is able to climb rapidly all over and around the opponent’s body, the engaged aspect of
grappling prevents the grappler from being mobile relative to the total environment. This
is because the grappler’s goal is control: to fix the opponent so he or she can be pounded
or further immobilized and strangled. While the grappler is attached to the opponent,
working toward the opponent’s defeat, the grappler is not free to move rapidly around
the environment he or she is fighting in.
In guided chaos, you remain disengaged from the enemy (through trained rapid,
convulsive, and yielding movement and sensitivity) and are free to move wherever you
want. Further, rapid mobility across the ground (primarily in the mode of rolling) is
something that is practiced constantly in guided chaos ground fighting training. This
kind of training is notably absent from most conventional grappling programs, simply
because it does not fit into the grappling paradigm of constant engagement and the goal
of submission. Even when a guided chaos practitioner is forced to fight nose to nose, close
range disengagement is a priority.
is an extremely risky strategy. Although the story exists of a grounded grappler buying
time against multiple attackers by manipulating his engaged opponent as a shield against
the kicks and punches of the other attackers, this is hardly a reliable enough strategy to
count on. This would require the almost Herculean task of manipulating the opponent’s
entire body mass against his will while simultaneously defending against his attacks! A far
better strategy is the exact same one a guided chaos practitioner would use when stand-
ing up: Remain mobile and disengaged in order to prevent the attackers from targeting
you for effective strikes and grapples while lashing out with powerful, accurate, full-body
attacks against the closest attackers and attempting to create a window to escape the crowd.
This is exactly what the guided chaos multiple attacker strategy consists of: constant,
unpredictable movement (rapid, stomping steps to the toes and shins while standing, and
rolling when on the ground); rapid, powerful, full-body striking at all angles to the eyes,
throat, and other lethal targets (dropping strikes and kicks while standing, and dropping
kicks [primarily], body slams, and strikes on the ground); and awareness of opportunities
to escape the mass attack (breaking out of the crowd to run away while standing, and
creating space to get up and then run when on the ground).
a b c
Figure 10.1
secondarily for momentary striking, gouging, and ripping. In figure 10.1a one combat-
ant attempts a sportive takedown while expecting the other to use grappling or blunt
striking tactics to prevent him. Instead, the defender uses piercing and ripping tactics
to blind or maim his attacker and a neck wrench, which could do even worse. He might
also elbow to the spine or chop to the base of the neck while convulsively delivering a
dropping knee strike to the face (see the section on Ground Avoidance coming up soon).
Because the defender has attempted up to this point to avoid violence but is now in fear
of dying he is not playing the same game. In figure 10.1b the two opponents are intent
on submitting each other and the competitor on the bottom has successfully applied a
lock from which the adversary on top has no means of escape. By contrast, in figure
10.1c the adversaries are engaged in mortal combat (where either or both could die).
However, the combatant on the bottom is still employing sportive controlling tactics
while the combatant on top is fighting for his life and is ripping his enemy’s eyes out.
Granted, the bottom combatant could also use life-or-death tactics, but the point is that
when you train exclusively to both deliver and defend against such tactics you have a far
better chance of making yours work and eluding the enemy’s. It is not simply a matter
of “adding in dirty fighting when necessary,” as some MMA purists have stated. We have
presented the above scenario as a point of comparison, but it needs to be pointed out that
if the defender were employing guided chaos principles from the start he shouldn’t even
be in this arm bar. The groundfighting tactics coming up would keep him disengaged
with his boots in the attacker’s face instead of his trunk. But you never know.
During guided chaos training, you’re admonished to keep your hands as free and
unencumbered as possible. This is because guided chaos acknowledges the fact that in real
combat, hand-held weapons are often a factor in the outcome. Therefore, guided chaos
ground fighting is designed to integrate seamlessly with weapons use. This is inherent in
the art’s Native American roots, when a practitioner would have been expected to have
tomahawks or hunting knives in his or her hands while fighting in close combat, on the
ground or otherwise. The modern guided chaos practitioner may instead have a handgun,
a carry knife, a cane, or a weapon of opportunity picked up from the ground (e.g., a brick,
bottle, rock, or dirt to throw in the enemies’ eyes). Ground fighting with weapons, as well
as picking up weapons from the ground in the midst of a fight, are frequently practiced
aspects of guided chaos training.
Ground Fighting 199
1. Balance. The hyperbalance that is a result of guided chaos training makes it less likely
that you will lose your footing and fall to the ground, regardless of the cause.
2. Sensitivity and disengagement. The guided chaos attribute of external tactile sen-
sitivity, along with its application according to the disengagement principle (remain as
disengaged as possible while remaining engaged enough to cause damage—to stick but
not get stuck), can prevent a grappler from putting you in a strong clinch. Your body
always seems to squirt out of attempted grips and holds while striking into vital areas
and disrupting the grappler’s balance from unexpected angles. This is similar to what
one would experience trying to throttle the aforementioned “enraged bobcat.” The
importance of this combination of looseness and sensitivity cannot be overemphasized.
It is the embodiment of all the internal principles trained in guided chaos. You learn to
move your body as if the attacker’s skin is red hot and scalding, yet you must still feel
where the attacker is and where he or she is going. This completely changes the mindset
from force and control to touch, evasion, and destruction. The image in guided chaos is
one of carrying a hot potato in your hands across a room without dropping it—it’s too
hot to hold but too tasty to let go. This negates a common grappling takedown strategy:
to first tie up the opponent in a standing clinch in order to suppress his strikes and gain
control over his balance, and then to take him down from there.
3. Dropping energy and the sphere of influence. Guided chaos practitioners’ use of
dropping energy to keep strikes within the sphere of influence (to prevent reaching with
strikes) means they are unlikely to overcommit to strikes. Taking advantage of a striker’s
overcommitment is the main means by which an experienced grappler can shoot in for
a successful takedown from beyond contact distance. If the grappler cannot force an
opponent to overcommit to long-distance striking attacks, it becomes very difficult for a
grappler to achieve a clean takedown without first achieving a controlling clinch. Addi-
tionally, dropping energy, along with body unity, allows for very powerful strikes from
very close range, which can further frustrate a grappler’s efforts to safely close distance.
4. Looseness. The guided chaos practitioner’s trained looseness makes it very difficult
for a grappler to control his or her body even if a grip is achieved. For example, against an
untrained person, a grappler can force the other’s body off balance simply by manipulat-
ing one arm because an untrained person naturally tenses up against the grappler’s grip.
However, many a grappler has grabbed a guided chaos practitioner’s arm only to realize
that he’s got nothing. Guided chaos principles allow you to move the rest of your body
decisively, independent of the controlled arm, to retain balance and attack the grappler.
5. Savagery. Since you fight only to save your life, biting, ripping, tearing, gouging,
and crushing body parts is the norm and prevents most grapples; practicing defense
against the same through contact flow prevents the grappler from using them on you.
Generally, training in guided chaos principles will allow you to deal with a grappler
as with any other fighter. Guided chaos practitioners pay special attention to aspects
of contact flow and combat application particularly germane to grappling (e.g., feeling
the level change, finding and indexing on the head, body unity and dropping to stop
momentum, close-range destruction, destroying the grappler while being taken down, etc.)
changing the angle can be accomplished in only one direction: downward. You must go
to the ground.
The methods by which you would go to the ground are very different from those used
by most sport grapplers. Nearly all the methods sport grapplers use to take a fight to the
ground (e.g., wrestling takedowns, judo throws) involve bringing their most vital areas
(head, neck, chest) very close to the opponent’s hands. This creates a major problem in real
combat situations that require you to go to the ground—situations in which one goal of
the maneuver is to gain distance between your vital areas and the weapons of the enemy.
The methods used in guided chaos, based on Native American takedown maneuvers, do
not suffer from this problem. They involve dropping, diving, spinning, and rolling to
the ground at angles that present your feet toward the enemy as you move your upper
body away from the enemy’s weapons. The simultaneous takedowns are done with your
feet and legs, and these have a good chance of seriously damaging the enemy’s lower
body, primarily breaking his or her knees. They also set you up to use your legs on the
ground (again keeping the vital areas of the upper body away from the enemy’s weapons)
to quickly end any subsequent ground fight.
Ground Avoidance
But how do you avoid going to the ground in the first place? Extend your sensitivity, so
you can treat your opponent the way a matador treats a bull. Avoid the typical response
of squaring yourself and stiffening at the prospect of a collision or takedown move. Such
tightening would provide a firm handle for your opponent to grapple. Guided chaos is
about making yourself unavailable and not confronting force head-on. Don’t look at
your opponent as the enemy; this makes you angry and tense. Rather, think of your
opponent as the carrier of a vile disease and therefore not to be touched (except to the
extent of feeling where he is if necessary). This change in attitude will be reflected in the
way your whole body moves. Your looseness and pocketing should accelerate until they
turn into a kind of spasming we call shedding energy. React to grappling like an angry
alley cat. Instead of tensing, squirm and writhe out of your attacker’s grasp while you
simultaneously rake his flesh.
Let’s look at a possible scenario. You’re threatened by an attacker from a distance
of about 10 feet (3 m). You can back away or run, keeping the attacker in sight as you
retreat. If you know you’re fast, and the enemy doesn’t look it, great. If it’s the opposite,
then strike preemptively. From this distance, look meek (Jack Benny style), back away
slowly, and wait for the attacker to advance. If this happens, explode forward but slightly
off line, stomp-step, and kick as if you’re making a field goal (these are extremely fast,
low, shin-level kicks). Immediately spear-hand to the eyes or throat or palm to the face
while stepping in with a knee strike. This is basic close combat and should be practiced
in action-reaction drills. You can also do the CCUE.
Suppose, however, that the attacker is a grappler, and he dives for your legs. Fine. The
forward drop kick becomes a knee to the face. Dropping causes your diaphragm to contract
convulsively (like a cough), speeding your knee to the target while you drop an ax hand
or elbow to the neck. If this doesn’t cripple the attacker, you’ll be in the same situation as
if he were closer in and decided to dive for your legs. Drop strongly and jam your fingers
from underneath into his eye sockets like a bowling ball. Pocket your vital areas away
from his grasp. Use his eye sockets, ears, jaw, and hair as handles to wrench and break
his neck. (Remember, you fight to save your life or your loved ones only.)
Because you’re striking downward, you can use full dropping energy to power chops,
palms, elbows, or hammer fists against the base of his neck (compare with the slambag
drills, chapter 6.) As your hands come up between blows, take something with you—his
Adam’s apple, ears, or hair—or twist his whole head violently (nobody asked him to attack
you; he volunteered). If he picks up his head to avoid the initial onslaught, use your fingers
to seek out and penetrate his eye sockets. Unless defense against eye attacks is practiced
(as in contact flow), it is almost impossible to stop them at close range. Eye gouging can
cause convulsions, unconsciousness, and death. We apologize, but real self-defense isn’t
nice. If you die because you didn’t incapacitate your attacker before he regrouped, your
grief-stricken family won’t be consoled because you showed your assailant compassion.
tips for Survival
Although there is much more that might be said about the unique and practical characteristics
of guided chaos modified Native American ground fighting, what has been said so far should be
sufficient to give you an idea of what to keep in mind as you train. Here are some training tips
to consider as you begin your path to combative ground fighting expertise:
• Stick with the principles. Because guided chaos ground fighting looks different from
guided chaos stand-up training, people sometimes assume that the basic principles of
balance, sensitivity, looseness, and body unity do not apply. Nothing could be further
from the truth! Balance in any position on the ground is what allows what look like crazy
maneuvers to be effective. Both tactile and subcortical visual sensitivity are necessary to
guide your movements across the ground and into the enemy, even when your head may
be moving and turning rapidly to keep away from danger. Without looseness, your body
will quickly be broken against the ground itself, especially during the falling and diving
maneuvers. Looseness combined with sensitivity is also what allows you to avoid being
dragged into an immobile grappling clinch. You must learn to move your body like a
writhing mongoose or a furiously twisting, spitting bobcat. Who would want to grapple
with a 160-pound (72.6-kg) bobcat or attempt a headlock, mount, or figure 4? No one;
doing so would be insanity. The grappler would never get a grip on the bobcat’s body
as he or she’s being torn to shreds. Finally, body unity is what makes the ground kicking
and rolling maneuvers so damaging to the enemy. The attacks come from the whipping
and dropping (yes, even on the ground!) of the whole body, not just the legs, allowing
them to cleave through the enemies’ bodies rather than bouncing off harmlessly. The
original Native American fighting methods were characterized by a loose gracefulness
and uninhibited use of the entire body as a united weapon to destroy the enemy.
• Become friends with the ground—gradually. Although all the high-speed, ballistic whip-
ping, diving, falling, and spinning maneuvers used in guided chaos ground fighting
demonstrations are certainly cool and fun to watch and perform, it’s important to start
slowly in learning how to do them. The ground can be quite unforgiving if in your eager-
ness, you don’t take enough training time to allow your body to become accustomed to
merging fluidly with the ground and moving with it rather than against it. Use soft mats
while learning anything new.
Begin learning any falling, rolling, diving, or dropping maneuvers from your knees rather than
from your feet—you’ll have less distance to fall in case you make a mistake. Practice rolling and
moving across the mat in a free, fluid, and creative manner, feeling where you can drop or whip
out attacks or contort your body to keep your vital areas safe from attacks from any angle. Only
gradually shift your practice off mats and onto hard and especially uneven ground. Remember
that no matter how good you get, in the real world, the ground is a hazardous place to be. (Just
ask that fire hydrant you didn’t see behind you as you began to spin down to the sidewalk.)
• Be cautious about confined spaces. Remember that if one of the possible reasons to go to
the ground is to be able to get your vital targets further away from a weapon in confined
space, you need to be able to do all the maneuvers in a confined space. Do not practice
all of the diving and falling attacks only by diving across the room into wide, ballistic arcs.
You should be able to drop to the ground and take out the legs of the person right next
to you. This can even be performed in the same movement by shooting the legs out as
you fall. Going to the ground like this starts out with a sensation similar to dropping when
you’re on your feet. Like a marionette that’s had its strings cut, your whole body suddenly
goes limp and drops—only rather than catching yourself within 1 inch (2.5 cm), you let
the drop go all the way to the ground while you spiral or collapse to land at the correct
angle to allow you to take out the enemy as you fall. When you do it properly, it should
seem to your enemy that you have suddenly disappeared—only to reappear next to his
broken legs with your boots against his neck and head.
Ground Fighting 203
Perform regular contact flow. One partner suddenly goes for a low takedown. The other
partner drops convulsively and delivers one of the following:
1. Multiple machine-gun hammer fists or chops down on the back of the neck, followed
by gouges to the eyes using the eye sockets to wrench the head up and sideways.
2. Dropping elbow strike to the back of the neck.
3. Rising knee strike, with convulsive dropping energy, to the falling head. What you will
find is that if you have a favorite leg to knee with, you will be able to slam it into your
opponent’s head regardless of which knee your opponent may go for in the takedown.
A safe way to practice this is for the attacker to keep his palms in front of his face as
he drops quickly out of sight and dives for the the target knee.
4. Deliver a devastating counterattack that combines the other elements. For example,
you can slam in the down elbow at the exact same time as you land the rising knee,
forming a pincer to crush the attacker’s head, then reach under and rip up into the eye
sockets to wrench the head. Use low power but high speed and be extremely careful.
The following can be performed full power if you have a fighting man dummy avail-
able to be dropped or thrown at you. (The fighting man dummy is an essential tool we
recommend purchasing; see References and Resources.)
altered. This mobility is a very important aspect of guided chaos ground fighting. Rather
than the posed side-kick-from-the-ground kicks you typically see in karate, this is much
wilder and looks kind of like a mix of log rolling, break-dancing, and the moves of Curly
from the Three Stooges.
You must now learn to skitter, spasm, and jump around like a freshly caught catfish
in a bucket. To be able to shoot your legs out, flip, roll, and change body position by 180
degrees while you deliver blows, you’ve got to be loose, yielding, and sensitive. This is
so you can avoid pressure and entanglement, then set up attack positions where you can
pulse and react off the opponent’s energy yet remain unavailable. Do not grab or other-
wise wrestle your opponent with the intent of containing or pinning him or her. This
is even more important on the ground because there you can be crushed and strangled.
While keeping your head away from the attacker’s legs, dive and roll sideways at
extremely high speeds by pulling in your arms and legs like a figure skater going into a
spin. By rolling we mean both head over heels like a ball and horizontally like a log. Both
need to be practiced. You can jackknife your body violently to reverse your head and legs
to avoid and deliver kicks. By using your hands to help, you can run in a circle on your side
on the floor, a movement that powers many of the kicks described in the coming pages.
Find Your root One big difference on the ground is that your root is no longer in
your feet. The principle of having a root no one can find is never more important than
when ground fighting. Your root can be anywhere your body is in contact with the
ground, and it can change like lightning to any other part as you spasm and skitter. An
instantaneous drop and spin onto your backside, hip, back, shoulder, knee, or stomach
can propel you into a completely different alignment and pivot point to facilitate strikes
and redirections. Avoid landing on your elbow because it will shatter against concrete.
Once you’re on the ground, kick and knee-strike using your buttocks, hips, and hands
to balance you like a crazed break-dancer. For a split second, you can root (be in contact
with the ground) and kick or hit off your stomach, chest, shoulder, upper back, lower
back, hip, or any other body part you land on while spasming and jerking your body.
You’ll remain disengaged from the opponent as well as find an attack angle for yourself.
Don’t just hang out like a flipped turtle! And don’t pose like in a karate flick!
Use Bouncing and Contorting energy To gain power, kick, stomp, or bounce
your feet off the ground or target and kick again. In a flash, contract your whole body
into a fetal position (shorten the weapon) and then explode outward. kick through your
opponent’s head, bounce your heel off the ground, and kick again. Immediately snap
your leg back and hook kick with your heel to the same target. Bounce parts of your
opponent’s body off the ground like a basketball. Think of bouncing as a form of puls-
ing because ricocheting off the ground propels you without requiring you to become
entangled—something you must avoid at all costs.
Apply bouncing and contorting energy to all your strikes. Don’t linger anywhere. When
your attacker is on the ground as well, bounce a shot off his head, bounce your knee off
his spine, or bounce your forehead into his nose. Twist your body around and mule-kick
to the chest, knee, throat, back of the neck, and so forth while bracing with both palms
on the ground. If you’re lying on your backside, shoot your leg into the air and then drop
an ax kick with your heel down onto his neck. Bounce off the neck and drop your heel
again onto his thigh or groin. Scissor-kick with one or both legs as you balance, poised on
your hip, and chop him down like a tree with roundhouse and heel kicks. When doing
round and heel kicks, make sure you are driving the entire leg by swiveling from the hip
joint to get the most mass into motion. Do not get lazy and just flick the lower leg by
bending the knee! After destroying the target, roll with his leg snagged between the toe
and heel of both your feet, snapping his knee. If he resists mightily, which is unlikely,
release and reverse the energy like a rubber band, and then thrust-kick. Explore all your
hitting options in contact leg flow—but do not grapple.
Suspend and release The suspend-and-release principle is uniquely effective
when you are both on the ground because most attackers are hell-bent on controlling
and overpowering you. Think of the bony protrusions on your opponent as tiny foot-
and handholds a rock climber might use. Use your toes, heels, knees, elbows, and hands
to climb around your opponent’s body. Do not, however, take and maintain a wrestling
hold, either with leg scissors or your arms. Instead, actually stretch him out like a rubber
band with your feet and hands (suspend and release) and wait (usually a millisecond)
for the response. Let his panic propel your whole body into a snap-back reaction (as if
you’re doing a jackknife off a diving board), either in the form of a strike or a ripping,
throttling action. The possibilities are endless. The simple action of digging the heels
of your shoes into his ankles or knees and stretching him out for a split second by
straightening your legs causes your opponent to have such a bizarre feeling that he may
freak out and forcibly pull his body in. Anticipate this energy and use it to propel you
like a stretched rubber band into, multihitting strikes like elbows to the neck and knees
to the spine and coccyx. Just remember to deliver your crushing or choking assault as
instantaneous blows that you immediately abandon as you move on to the next attack.
This way, your opponent never gets a fix on you until it’s too late for him.
If he grabs and twists your leg (which shouldn’t happen in the first place if you’re
following the principles), don’t resist; instead, roll your whole body with it like a log,
kicking while rolling. Or, because he’s now fixated with both hands on your leg, kick
or scrape his hands off with your boot heels or batter the nearest part of his body (now
defenseless since he’s occupied with his grab). If you find yourself on your back with
your opponent on top, sticking comes back into play because your back is rooted to the
ground, and your hands are free. If you’re on your back and he’s sitting on top, you can
crush his testicles, even if he weighs 300 pounds (136.1 kg), and there seems to be no
room to insert your hand. Convulse your stomach in and slide a spear hand, palm down,
under his crotch at the same time as you stab for the eyes with your other hand. Now
make a fist under his crotch. The amount of power you can generate closing your hand
far surpasses the resistance created by his weight. Now, twist your fist over and crush his
testicles. He’ll probably get off you first.
tool replace To help you avoid entanglement, make sure you use tool replacements
with your feet the same as with your hands. In other words, smash and pulse with your
boots, but the moment you feel the enemy pushing back or attempting to tie up his legs
with yours, suspend and release with one foot, passing the apple to the other foot—or
smashing with it. Crack and check, stomp and suspend, tool-replace and destruct—but
do not grapple or tie up. Make believe his legs are red hot and keep everything ballistic.
Remain unavailable but unavoidable.
Defeating Chokes
One way attackers bring their victims to the ground is with choking. The best defense
is to prevent chokes in the first place. If you’re aware, sensitive, yielding, and attack-
ing the attacker, the assailant will find it difficult to choke you. The tendency when
you’re all yang energy is to tense your neck and shoulder muscles against the attack.
This gives the enemy a handle and makes you even more susceptible to choking and
other mayhem. When you’re yielding, retract your head and neck like a garden snail’s
antenna. If you get choked from the front, it’s better to simply step back than to start
wrestling with the offending arm. Or, you can stab him in the eye with the other hand.
No fancy moves. If it’s too late for this, turning sideways and shrugging one shoulder
up into the choking arm can break the choke, while leaving both your arms free. The
fright reaction accomplishes the same thing.
the waist to lower your knees to the floor, or as close as possible, on each side (keep
your knees at a right angle, pressed together) while turning your head in the oppo-
site direction and keeping your shoulders flat against the floor. Repeat for 20 to 30
Now for the actual ground fighting exercises. During all of these exercises, keep the
following points in mind:
• Do not use your hands or arms against the ground for balance. You want to develop
the ability to root and move from your hips, butt, back, shoulders, and all areas of
your torso so that you can keep your arms free to strike, protect your head, or use
a weapon. Whenever you arm is braced against the ground, it becomes vulnerable
to damage from any impact or jarring. keep your hands and arms off the ground
throughout the exercises, preferably protecting your head but free to move as needed.
• Keep each foot at a right angle to its shin (i.e., flexed, not pointed) so that the foot is
always ready to kick or stomp from any angle. If you let your foot get lazy and dangle
at any odd angle, your ankle becomes very susceptible to damage from impact with
the ground or enemies.
• Keep your head up, away from the ground. If this overloads your neck muscles, keep
at it. You want to develop your neck muscles so that you can reflexively keep your
head away from the ground at any angle. If you really can’t keep your head up for
more than a few seconds, supplemental neck exercises might be warranted.
• Always keep a slight bend in your knees. Similarly, you should never fully extend
your elbows when fighting.
• Just as in many of the guided chaos exercises, move slowly most of the time for
maximum benefit and impact on your balance and stabilizing muscles.
• Remember that you’re doing the exercises primarily to improve your balance, loose-
ness, body unity, and proprioception in any position on the ground. Even though
the ground-fighting exercises constitute a great workout for all the core muscles (plus
neck and legs), as in all the guided chaos exercises, concentrate on feeling your own
body and gaining efficient, effortless movement.
Here’s how to complete the exercises:
1. Lie on your back, kick straight up to the ceiling with your left heel, then sweep your
nearly straight left leg down until it is only 2 inches (5 cm) above the ground. Then
kick straight up with your right heel as your left leg retracts, then sweep down your
right leg to 2 inches above the floor. This is like a very precise, mindful bicycle kick
motion. Repeat for 30 seconds.
2. Reverse the motion from the previous exercise. Thrust your left heel straight forward,
parallel to the ground and 2 inches above it, then sweep the almost straight leg up to
a vertical position. Retract the left leg as the right thrusts straight forward and then
sweeps up. Repeat for 30 seconds.
3. Lie on your back and ax-kick out to the sides while shifting your hips. Bring the left
leg up and around in an outward arc so that it’s pointing toward the left, heel toward
the ground, and sweep the leg down to 2 inches above the ground. As you do this, lift
your hips and bring them down a few inches to the left. Then sweep the right leg up,
outward, around, and down while your hips lift and come down a few inches to the
right, and the left leg retracts. Repeat for 30 seconds. The hip shift is a critical part of
this exercise that helps develop balance and proprioception. Without it, you’re just
waving your legs around.
4. Lie on your back with your knees pulled up together at a right angle (so that your
shins are parallel with the floor); turn from the waist to lower your knees to 2 inches
above the floor on each side (keeping the knees at a right angle, pressed together). This
is similar to the stretch described above, except that you don’t have your hands and
arms on the ground for balance, and you do not want to actually touch your legs to
the floor. Instead of being a stretch, this exercise is intended to develop your balance
on all parts of your hips and shoulders. Make sure that as you rock back and forth,
neither your arms nor legs touch the ground.
5. Lie on your side, balancing on your hip and shoulder (your arms and legs are off the
ground); scissor your legs back and forth as widely as possible. The bottom leg (the leg
closest to the ground) should not touch the ground at any time. Don’t simply wiggle
your lower legs from your knees. Scissor your whole legs as widely as possible from the
pelvis, feeling the adjustment and balance through the entire body (body unity).
6. After about 30 seconds of doing exercise 5, when your top leg (the leg furthest from
the ground) is stretched in front of you, plant the sole of the foot of the top leg flat
on the ground. The bottom leg is still off the ground, extended behind you. Push off
the ground and whip the top leg up toward the sky in a wide arc. As the top leg passes
through the vertical position, the bottom leg whips up to follow it in the same direc-
tion. This creates a whipping momentum that switches your root onto your other hip.
Stop this momentum by stomping the sole of the foot of the initial bottom leg (now
the top leg as you’re lying on your other side) flat on the ground in front of you. Your
initial top leg is now your bottom leg, extended out behind you, off the ground. During
this whipping hip switch, no part of either leg touches the ground except the soles
of the feet to initiate and stop the motion. You must train your body to prevent any
other part of the leg (especially the outside of the bottom leg’s ankle) from hitting the
ground, which could result in leg damage. Whip switch back and forth several times,
then return and do exercise 5; this time, you’ll be on the opposite side from where
you began. Visualize cleaving a standing enemy’s legs in half with your boots, then
smashing his face or any other part of his body into the dust with your stomp as he
falls to the ground. Switch.
7. Log-roll sideways and feel the timing as your roll to whip out your legs as in exercise
6. Don’t touch the soles of your feet against the ground until you want to stop rolling.
8. While log-rolling sideways, thrust out alternate short, thrusting kicks with your heels.
keep this flurry of short thrusts going throughout the rolling motion, while you roll
across your side, front, and back. It takes some practice to get the coordination.
9. Lie on your side, balancing on your shoulder and the soles of your feet; run around in
a circle on the floor, with your shoulder serving as the center of the circle. It is optional
to make Curly’s Three Stooges’ whoo-whoo sound (or Homer Simpson’s more recent
homage to it) while doing this exercise. Whip switch to the other side and repeat.
10. Now that you’ve mastered a bunch of different movements in isolation, free-form it.
Roll around on the floor, going through parts of all the different exercises randomly,
concentrating on your balance and proprioception. Imagine threats materializing from
every direction and experiment to find how best to bring your legs to bear against these
threats quickly and efficiently while keeping your head away. Remember to follow
the bulleted list on page 211. Most important, don’t start bouncing your head off the
ground in an effort to get more creative!
Leg Mania
To do this particularly nasty drill justice, it helps to have some or all of the following equip-
ment as targets for all the kicks and stomps described:
• One or more low hanging heavy bags 5 to 15 feet (1.5 to 4.6 m) apart.
• A heavy bag, fighting man dummy, or kicking shields lying on the ground—alternately,
you can use padded trees or poles, but it’s not as fun.
• Kicking shields and rubber knives that training partners can use while they run at you.
• Shoes with a composite toe that’s as strong as a steel toe but lighter. If you take your
self-defense seriously, you can consider adding them to your wardrobe without much
Ground Fighting 213
risk to your fashion sense. Using them in this exercise makes you feel like you’ve
got two sledgehammers attached to your legs.
This drill can become totally exhausting, so be sure you’re in excellent aerobic condi-
tion first. In real life the fight may last only seconds, but you never know. keep in mind
the following two principles of guided chaos:
1. Don’t clamp down or maintain pressure on any kick or scissoring move. Don’t push.
Splash the target and instantly ricochet off it into something else. Grappling with your
legs against a larger opponent is suicide.
2. keep your head away from your assailant’s feet at all times, whether he’s standing up
or lying on the ground.
Practice each of these scenarios on the floor. For simplicity, you can practice any one
component against a target before moving on to or combining with others. Don’t worry
about form. It’s not supposed to look pretty.
You can initiate the exercise right out of standing contact flow or practice with your
eyes closed while a partner with a shield violently throws you or shoves you to the ground.
It can also be initiated out of the gang attack drills (coming later) or against a hanging
fighting man dummy so you can claw it before falling, depending on how or if you
actually lose your balance.
Thrust your legs and drive your body violently away from the source of the attack
to gain distance. Roll on the ground lengthwise while intermittently moving your
legs around in big arcs and circles. This looks a little like break-dancing, but it’s more
focused. When you are wearing strong boots, you have the equivalent of two sledge-
hammers at the end of your legs.
1. Practice a wide bicycling motion with your legs. Use it to scissor-kick at a tree, pole,
or heavy bag. Now bring your legs in contact with the floor so the bicycling action
makes you spin in a circle on your hip or butt (it helps if you’ve seen the Three
Stooges in action).
2. Practice rolling (lengthwise like a log, not curled up like a ball) and straight-kicking
simultaneously. Just contract and shoot your legs straight out singly and together.
3. Practice scissoring with both round and hook kicks while on your hip. Use a tree,
post, or hanging heavy bag as your target. Practice explosively bouncing your heel
off the ground and target to add energy. Brace the other foot on the floor while you
do this, then launch that foot out into a kick while the other one hook-kicks back
4. Crescent-kick through the target (narrowly missing it) and rebound back to scissor-
kick it. The crescent kick from the ground is when you are on your backside and
your foot sweeps up and over in an arc; in contrast, an ax kick is straight up and
5. Immediately pull your knees to your chest into a fetal position and, with no pause,
explode both legs out with heel kicks. This action should be so convulsive that for
a split second your whole body comes off the ground. Start slowly. As your legs fly
out, twist your body onto your chest (almost a squatting posture), pull them back
in, and blast them out again either singly or together, this time as a mule kick, while
bracing your palms on the floor.
6. Pull in your legs fast as lightning while simultaneously landing on your left hip. Split
them into a wide scissors with the bottom leg forward and the bottom foot anchor-
ing you to the ground. Arc the upper leg forward, upward, and then backward in a
sweeping, circular motion clockwise toward twelve o’clock as you simultaneously
switch to your rear end. Smash the heel straight down for an ax kick, bounce off
the ground, and kick straight up with your toe into a tree, wall, or low, heavy bag.
The arcing kick could be to the head of a kneeling assailant; the ax kick to the thigh
muscle, knee, neck, or kidney of a recumbent one; and the toe kick to the groin of
a standing one.
7. Dive to the side of a low hanging bag while smashing a roundhouse toe kick through
it while your body’s flying through the air. Land on your hip (with your head away
from the bag) and roll at high speed like a log while dishing out short, thrusting kicks
at a partner running alongside with a shield. Continue rolling to a kicking shield lying
on the floor and end your roll with a crushing stomp kick. While lying on your side,
smash the shield by clapping your feet together with the shield in between. Grind the
heels and soles of your boots together as if to rip the skin off the shield. Do this by
moving your legs in and out, pulling your knees alternately to your chest. We call these
shredding kicks. Do a quick sit-up and jam your fingers into imaginary eye sockets on
the shield. Roll onto your butt, shoot a leg into the air, and ax-kick down onto the
shield, stomping it with your heel. Convulse your body into the air so you’re on your
hip and drive your knee in, then fall back and thrust kick.
8. Instantly roll like a log to another tree or heavy bag and use the momentum to spin
out a round kick into it as part of the rolling motion, then roll back and scissors-kick
the first bag while lying on your hip.
9. Snap your legs back into a fetal position, then shoot them straight out into the target,
snap in again, and simultaneously round-kick forward with your rear foot and hook-
kick back with the heel of your front foot. Dive, but this time into a forward tumbling
roll, and land so that both heels come stomping down on a floor target to stop the roll.
Dive forward onto the shield with a spearing, downward elbow. Quickly try to tear
it in half with your hands, then sink your teeth into it, roll away, and kick. Go wild.
You get the idea. The very last point is simple: At the end of each drill, get up and run
away. Never stop to admire your handiwork.
his legs with yours, playing with his balance. This is why you also do Leg Mania. However,
the sensitivity and anatomical knowledge your subconscious gains from this exercise will
lend devastating efficiency to the kicks, sweeps, rolls, and slams that you’ll use against
an enemy. Rather than bouncing harmless leg kicks and strained pushes off the strongest
parts of the enemy’s legs, your body will automatically position itself to deliver fully-body
power from your root through your legs into the enemy at the most vulnerable angles
given the fluidly changing situation. This sensitivity, balance, looseness, body unity, and
subconscious knowledge are what enables John Perkins, without apparent effort, to sweep
standing attackers off their feet from the ground or break their legs at will.
3. Another partner with a kicking shield simultaneously charges you at random inter-
4. A third partner throws assorted kicking shields at you on the ground while he or she
flicks the room lights on and off. It’s vital to keep reorienting yourself so your head
stays away from the swinging dummy and the attacking shield. Finally, to simulate
what would happen when an attacker tries to dive on you, roll under the high bag
while it’s swinging and try to connect with as many kicks as possible.
One demanding drill we do at our school requires a bit of rigging: Suspend a fighting
man dummy parallel to the ground with a system of turnbuckles and pulleys so two
assistants can rapidly and violently hoist, lower, and swing the dummy right on top of
you. You can just imagine what nastiness is done to the bag.
You can also use this drill to practice getting your gun out when you’ve been thrown
to the ground. In this situation, you must kick first before you can even hope to draw
your weapon.
As you will be hitting and kicking with full screaming power against the dummy you
will find this drill very disorienting and exhausting, and you need to be in excellent physi-
cal condition to do it for longer than 10 seconds. You can drill all the ground-fighting
principles discussed here, including mobility, scissoring, rolling, jackknifing, shortening
the weapon, disengagement, tool replacement, and so on. It may help to break some of
them down; for example, experiment using only scissoring or only mule kicking against
the various targets. In general though, you should just go wild—but be accurate.
If you’re brought to the ground, you’ll need everything you’ve practiced in the ground-
fighting section to keep them away from your head and stay alive. If you ever want to
see your family again, have the attitude that this may be your last fight, so you might as
well take as many of your attackers with you as you can. This is why going all out in the
gang attack drills is so vital—and why most classically trained fighters’ skills go out the
window under these conditions.
Fright Reaction IV
1. Find three or more partners for this drill.
2. Stand quietly with your eyes closed and your arms at your sides. Breathe slowly into
your stomach saying in to yourself with each inhalation and out with each exhalation.
Relax and quiet your mind. Tune into the sensation of air moving over your skin.
3. Now spin around several times, keeping your eyes closed, and walk.
4. keep walking. Within a few steps, one partner will shove you forcefully with a padded
shield. The shove should come from an indiscriminate angle.
5. Drop and land into a fright reaction. From whatever position you end up in, open your
eyes and launch yourself onto the shield with fast, furious, full-power alternating palm
strikes, screaming. Meanwhile, the other partners keep circling to new positions.
6. When someone yells “switch!” immediately attack the next nearest partner. Be sure
not to take long, awkward steps. Take quick, short, shuffling sideways steps that do
not cross each other. Chop with the side of the body that is nearest the new target
and step that way sideways. You can chop with that hand repeatedly and then turn
toward your attackers with a barrage of palm strikes. When someone yells “switch!”
again, move again sideways with quick, short, shuffling steps to the next nearest part-
ner, chopping with your lead hand. Continue switching. In the next step, we’ll make
it more complicated.
7. As you’re hitting one partner, the others circle in continuously, and it becomes up to
you when to switch. The idea is to hit and run so you can escape. Don’t get bogged
down or entangled with anyone. This is pure close combat. Chop, step to the next
attacker, chop, step (or box-step) to the next, and so on until you can break out of the
circle and run. The most strikes you should deliver to any one person is three or four
(two chops and a palm, or one chop and three palms, etc). If your partners are properly
protected, you can include low, short, quick kicks with the chops and palms (recall
the Hackey-Sack and Puppeteering drills) as well as toe stomps if they’ve got steel toe
boots on.
keep moving. Do not let anyone get behind you. keep circling and box stepping so
that you keep the person you’re hitting between you and the other attackers to the best
of your ability. Never fight between two people. Run away as soon as there’s an opening.
We have tried to describe guided chaos groundfighting with as much detail as pos-
sible. We realize however that the movements are quite different from what you may be
used to. The entire groundfighting warm-up and most of the drills can be found on the
Combat Conditioning DVD while most of the groundfighting methodology, tactics, and
principles are shown in exhaustive detail on the Guided Chaos Groundfighting DVD;
both are available from www.attackproof.com.
Stair Fighting
F ighting on a staircase introduces a variety of opportunities and dangers beyond what
you would face on a flat surface. Some of these variables are common to fighting on
sloping or uneven surfaces or in confined spaces as well, so stair fighting is a very worth-
while area of study, the benefits of which are applicable to many other situations. Many
self-defense instructors pay lip service to the fact that you’re unlikely to be attacked on
a flat, open dojo floor . . . but then limit the vast majority of training to a flat, open dojo
floor or mat. Don’t fall into the same complacency.
Because of the isolation and confinement that stairwells in buildings provide, they are
favored locations for criminal activity, from drug dealing to rape and murder. Stairwells
are commonly crime scene number two in abductions from parking garages. These more
secluded, contained areas are where abductors can gain greater control over victims and
follow through with their nefarious plans. Simply watch the controversial yet realistic
“Rape of Dr. Melfi” scene in The Sopranos for an idea of how this happens.
The first variable we’ll examine in stair fighting is elevation. Standing on a different
level from your enemies can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on your bal-
ance, prior training for such situations, and knowledge of the possibilities.
Being on a higher step than your enemy gives you easier access to the vital targets on his
or her upper body—and decreases access to yours. You may be able to kick the attacker in
the torso or head without raising your leg so high as to jeopardize your balance. Leaning
against the banister or wall can augment your balance and the power of your kicks (figure
11.1a on p. 220). If you are being chased up a flight of stairs and your pursuers are about
to catch you, stop suddenly and kick backward like a mule while holding the banister
for enhanced balance (figure 11.b). This can quickly reverse the momentum of the fight.
Standing on a higher step than your enemy also puts you in a position to use gravity to
power your strikes to an even greater degree than usual, as in dropping. Assuming you have
undergone the training to develop the necessary balance, agility, and tendon strength in
your legs, you can drop down onto lower steps and unleash enormous power while strik-
ing and kicking.
When you are above your enemies on a staircase, using all the aforementioned advan-
tages to generate devastating attacks, the impact of your attacks will often have the effect
of sending your enemies tumbling down the stairs (figure 11.2 on p. 220). Kind of adds
insult (and additional injury) to injury.
220 ATTAcK PRooF
Figure 11.1
The major danger in being above your enemies on a staircase is the risk of losing
your balance, or generating more downward energy than your body can control. This
is what you should learn to exploit if you find yourself downstairs from your attackers.
If your attackers are attacking you full blast from above you on a staircase, and you
can move to make them miss and augment their downward momentum, it is relatively
easy to make them topple down the stairs or at least stumble and struggle to catch their
balance, leaving them very vulnerable to your attacks.
Being below your enemy on a staircase enhances your
ability to damage your enemy’s legs by kicking them into
the stairs. A kick that might not seriously damage a leg
on even ground takes on new meaning if it can lever
your enemy’s leg against the stairs or smash an ankle
against the corner of a step.
We have already mentioned the utility of banisters
and walls in stairwells as an aid to balance; using them
can magnify your striking power. Banisters and walls
are also very useful obstacles to ram your enemies’ heads
into. Folding an enemy backward over a banister with
your strikes makes life far more unpleasant for him than
if he had space to step back.
If you lose your footing in a fight on stairs, previous
ground-fighting training on stairs would prove itself
to have been a wise investment. Stair training should
be undertaken slowly and gradually, and only after
you have acquired the ability to fall and ground fight
dynamically on flat, solid ground (i.e., without mats).
The sensitivity and looseness required to save yourself
from injury in a fall on stairs are great. From any position
and in any type of fall, you must ensure that your head
and neck do not impact against the stairs, and that your
limbs do not get stuck and broken in the many angles
Figure 11.2 and nooks present on a staircase. If you fall, you don’t
Stair Fighting 221
want to tumble out of control all the way down the stairs. This is what will probably
happen if you stiffen as you fall, and you’ll break body parts against the steps along
the way. Instead, loosen and flop onto the steps to gain traction and balance with any
part of your body and stop your descent if that is tactically warranted. Generally, if
you feel that you’re losing your balance in a stair fight, it may be safer to sit down or
fall down under control than to struggle for too long and tumble end over end. Your
ground-kicking skills can then be augmented on the stairs just as your standing kicks
can be as you use the steps themselves and the differences in elevation to add to your
kicks’ destructive potential. That being said, just as on flat terrain, you do not want to
go to the ground on a fight on stairs.
An incident from John Perkins’ police experience illustrates many of these ideas in
action (see next page).
Stair-Fighting exercises
The goal of practicing stair-fighting exercises is to develop the additional balance, tendon
strength, and spatial awareness necessary to move combatively with grace and purpose
on a staircase. At the same time, you’ll enhance your subconscious awareness of the
additional uses of gravity and the structures available on a staircase.
Stair Fighting 223
When you can keep your balance with your hands free while box-stepping at various
angles up and down the stairs, you’ll know you’re getting somewhere!
Then, have training partners holding focus mitts and kicking shields stand on the
stairs. You have to move around them while striking the targets they present. Kick the
shields presented at various heights. Kick or stomp a shield resting right on a step above
you, simulating smashing an ankle into a step. Mule kick while holding the wall or rail-
ing. Start slowly, making sure you line up your body and drop into each strike and kick.
Experiment with the opportunities that differences in elevation and confinement create.
When you are able to pick up the speed and hit the various stationary targets fluidly and
with balance, have your training partners start to push you with the shields and mitts,
forcing you to drop and recover your balance as you move and strike.
a b
Figure 11.3
Stair Fighting 225
Figure 11.3, continued
and on the ground (figure 11.3c). In figure 11.3a the defender attempts to maintain his
balance, body unity, looseness, and sensitivity while fighting enemies on different levels.
In figure 11.3b the defender braces himself with the railing. In figure 11.3c the defender
uses his low position to topple and blind the enemy pressing from the rear while thrust-
ing kicks (reinforced by his seated position on the step) into the lower enemy’s groin.
I f you’ve made it through the book this far, you’ve seen how we’ve exploded many myths
about hand-to-hand combat. You shouldn’t be surprised to learn this also extends to
weapons. Politically correct and romanticized versions of weapons training have prolif-
erated over the years and many have little utility outside of the dojo , movie studio, or
local shooting range. Bear in mind that from the ages of 16 to 18, John Perkins trained
with U.S. Marshall Thomas Loughnan, the fastest man in the world with a Colt 1911.
Loughnan taught Perkins how to shoot under actual combat conditions before he entered
the police academy. This experience, combined with his Native American influences and
evolving tenets of guided chaos, brought about significant changes in Perkins’ applica-
tions of knife, stick, and gun fighting.
There are simply so many common misconceptions about using guns, knives, and
sticks that it would require an entire book to iron them all out. Nevertheless, we have
attempted to summarize some of them here and provide a methodology for training
real-life weapon attacks and defenses.
Stick Fighting
The advantages of using sticks or similar objects are that they can physically extend your
arms and be thrust through small, defensive openings.
The reality of the stick is very different from what is presented in many traditional
arts. Flashy patterns and spiraling, circling movements will get you killed. If your oppo-
nent has a stick and you don’t, your only defense other than running is getting inside
on him or her as fast as possible with an arm raised to prevent a head impact. The best
time to get in is immediately. If you attempt to time your attacker’s swings and dance
outside, you’ll be destroyed. If it’s a heavy weapon, like a bat, you might be able to get
in just as your attacker swings because your delayed reaction will get you there just as
Weapons Fighting 227
the weapon passes you. Think of it this way: If you can’t run, absorbing one glancing
blow as you dive inside gives you a better chance than trying to survive and fight at a
distance, which would only prolong the inevitable. Once you’re inside, the opponent’s
tendency is to fixate his or her attention on freeing the weapon. Take advantage and
spear him in the eyes and throat. This principle also applies in reverse: If you both have
sticks, and you get inside where you want to be, if you can no longer get clean shots,
immediately abandon the stick and go straight for your attacker’s eyes and throat with
your hands. Your attacker’s instinctive reaction will be to hold on to the weapon, ren-
dering him defenseless.
If you have a cane, which is legal to carry, simply raise it into the palm of your other
hand, which you should position like a horizontal chop in case your opponent is too
close to be speared with the cane (figure 12.1a). If there is still enough room between
you and your attacker, grab the cane with the chop hand and jab with a flat, thrusting
motion, using both dropping energy and a jackhammer-like delivery. Hit your attacker
as if you’re a crazed sewing machine (figure 12.1b). Because of the penetrating power,
directness, and narrowness of the attack angle, this procedure stops a knife or whirling,
twirling stick-wielding attacker cold. Once the attacker is stunned, you can swing the
cane, but not in the way you might expect. Hold it like a short ax, with your hands apart,
and take short, rapid, hammering swings that limit your opponent’s openings (figure
12.1c). Don’t change the direction of your attack. Break whatever you’re hammering.
With this wide grip, you have more leverage, enabling you to hit with either side of the
stick by simply twisting your body.
Remember, wide swings are slow, wasteful, and overcommit your balance, creating
openings. When you’re inside, use short, chopping, hammering, or thrusting strikes with
your cane. If your cane gets in your way, abandon it immediately and go hand-to-hand,
where you have more options and sensitivity.
a b c
Figure 12.1
Knife Defense
Despite what you’ve read or seen about elegant, wonderful knife defense techniques,
don’t kid yourself. Put a knife in the hands of a 12-year-old kid, and he or she becomes
an automatic twelfth-degree black belt. Tell a 50-year-old, nonathletic woman you’re
kidnapping her grandchildren, and we don’t care if you’re Grandmaster Moe: If you put
a butcher knife in her hand, you’ll be sliced up faster than a Thanksgiving turkey. If you
need evidence of this, reread Overqualified? in the introduction to this book.
An important point with both knife and gun defenses is that if you can’t run away
after the initial strikes, your only recourse is to be merciless and keep on striking until
you render the assailant unconscious. keep hammering with palm heels, chopping strikes,
and eye gouges over and over. It’s you or the attacker. As described previously, a cane also
works well against a knife.
That said, what can you do to survive a knife attack unarmed? First, if it’s a simple
mugging, be super polite, give the robber your whole wallet (don’t stand there counting
out bills), and do it quickly. You can’t spend your money if you’re dead. If he wants more
than your money, if he wants to take you somewhere, if it’s an ambush, or if you’re with
your family, you all must either run away if possible, or you must make your stand—right
now. Police reports show that if you go with your captor, you’ll most likely die or wish you
had. So don’t think you’ll be able to get away later, like on TV. And don’t count on being
rescued. Instead, train your family to scatter in different directions when in danger and
go to previously arranged safe houses. Teach your children to recognize law enforcement
officers or safe public places.
A reality check: If someone sneaks up on you successfully and attacks with a knife with
the intent to kill, you’re dead. That’s it. No martial art in the world will save you, nor will
Weapons Fighting 229
a gun. This is an unfortunate fact. Recidivist felons in prison do little else but practice
surprise assassinations. Luckily, this is not the intent of most attacks. The goal is to rob,
rape, or injure, and then get away. This is why awareness is always the first line of defense.
When you’re in a secluded area such as a parking lot at night, always scan the area as
you approach your vehicle. One tip is to look into the windows of other parked cars as
you pass for the hint of a reflection of an imminent attack. If you see anyone approach-
ing from behind, get a vehicle between you and the stranger as soon as possible. If you
see a knife or gun, run. Now, let’s address what to do if you are cornered by an assailant
who has a knife.
B strikes with the opposite hand into A’s eyes with a clawing
spear hand strike (or any basic strike described in chapter 2). All
three actions occur simultaneously, which is why it’s shown in
only one picture (figure 12.3). If they were depicted sequentially
and practiced that way, they would fail. Don’t forget the crucial
last step: Run away immediately, screaming.
Knife on Back
The escape here is the same idea as for knife on the belly or
chest: a robbery situation gone bad. If you’re not boxed in or
being restrained, run. Otherwise, if you have complied with A’s
orders but believe the attacker wants to go further by taking
you somewhere else, or if the attacker begins to give orders that
might be a prelude to rape or worse, you must quickly do as B
demonstrates here. B twists her torso out of the way of the knife,
simultaneously pushing it farther off line, left or right (figure
12.4a). Instantly, B palm-heels A’s head once or twice, drop-
ping into each strike (figure 12.4b). B runs away immediately.
As earlier, getting off line, pushing the knife, and striking are
done in one movement. Don’t break it down when you practice;
you have to keep it simple if you want to live.
a b
Figure 12.4
Weapons Fighting 231
another location (where he or she will probably be killed, raped, or tortured). B, not without
reason, acts scared and helpless and then, in an instant, simultaneously smacks the knife
hand away to the outside from the inside with his left hand and drop-steps forward with
a right palm heel or eye gouge. B’s right hand should work like a jackhammer, blasting
out three or four strikes in one second while his left maintains control of the knife hand.
By control we mean anything that keeps the knife away from vitals (stick, parry, smack,
or grab, if necessary). B then immediately runs away, screaming. When you practice this
defense against a target, use full, howling intensity. Practice using your adrenaline so it
propels you to safety, not paralysis. A couple of points:
If you perceive by the way you’re being held that one or two strikes will give you
the space to get free, than don’t try pinning the knife hand. Stun and run. If he’s very
entangled with a good grip on you, you will have to hit harder and longer and keep the
knife hand controlled. There are subtleties involved that are too complex for a book.
We greatly recommend the Weapons Series DVDs from www.attackproof.com, which
cover every nuance in an extremely comprehensive format, each of which must be prac-
ticed diligently. For now, try experimenting grabbing the knife arm with each of the
following: a hooking-shaped hand (similar to hapkido), a full arm wrap-up (above the Even with a suc-
elbow so he won’t slip out), a vice-grip between forearm and bicep, a straight double- cessful escape,
hand grip that uses head-butting and foot stomping, an inverted double-hand grip that you could still be
involves stepping under the knife arm and stabbing the attacker in the gut with his own cut, perhaps seri-
weapon and actual weapon grabbing. You may even find that going to the ground to
ously, but you’ll
gain momentary survival space allows you to crack the hell out of his legs with vicious
kicks. There are many more, but for now experiment. You will find out many more survive. The
things that work through improvisation and modification than with rote repetition of point is, don’t try
standardized defenses. to be fancy and
don’t go with
Knife on Your Neck From the Rear your abductor to
a second crime
The usual manner in which attackers use a knife is to reach around from behind the scene.
victim and hold the edge of the knife against the throat. This is an extremely difficult
position to get out of. The assailant will also use his other hand, either holding the
victim’s hair or shoulder or covering the mouth. This is scary, to say the least. This is a
method taught to specialized members of various armed forces for taking out sentries
(and is similar to the method used on Nicole Simpson). In this case, we’re assuming the
victim is not killed outright, but that the knife-wielding attacker is attempting to control
and abduct the victim.
The method used to extricate yourself takes a great deal of practice. The first step to get-
ting free is to get the blade away from your neck by moving several ways simultaneously.
Picture the knife being held by a right-handed attacker. His wrist and forearm encircle
your neck from behind with the blade pressed against the left side of your throat. At the
same time, his left hand is covering your nose and mouth. The attacker is also usually
pressed close to your body to control you.
Only you can make the decision of which method to use. One option is to wait until
the instant the attacker tries to move you to another place, like a car. Moving tends to
loosen the blade and restraining hand for a split second. You can also feign having a
heart attack or passing out to change the attacker’s grip. Just don’t wait too long, because
the clock is ticking. When you do act, it must be with total commitment. Dramatically
lift your right shoulder toward your right ear while turning your head to the left and
tucking your chin. This will exert tremendous pressure against the knife hand, forcing
it away from the neck for a split second. Simultaneously, reach up with your right hand,
grab the blade hand, (not the blade!) and pull it down with dropping energy. The action
should feel like you are doing a high-speed pull-up with your full body weight on his
hand. The combined effect of raising the shoulder and dropping into the hand exerts
enormous force against the knife arm. Simultaneously, with full extension, drive your
left elbow repeatedly into his face, throat, or solar plexus like a jackhammer (figure 12.5
on p. 232). Depending on the attacker’s body position, you might alternately strike with
left hammer fists or chops to his groin, then turn back to your right with a dropping
left palm heel to the side of his head or stabs through the
eye sockets. This should get you free of the blade and allow
you to run for your life, screaming. One caveat: Despite its
effectiveness, if the attacker is extremely large and strong, and
you can’t get to his eyes, the release will not work. You will be
lifted off the ground and eviscerated. Sorry, but we don’t want
to sugarcoat it for you. This is why we’re so big on awareness
and the fright reaction—that microsecond of misdirection
will keep the assailant from locking down on you and allow
the longer-range defenses (eye and throat stabs, dog-digging,
multi-kicking, and running) to effect your escape. This is why
we say ignore chapters 1 and 2 at your own peril.
Your ability to adapt to changing circumstances is impera-
tive because there are no precise formulas. For example, if the
attacker grabs your left arm instead of your mouth, your abil-
ity to strike may be impeded. Without struggling against his
grip, it would be easier to simply turn your left hand toward
his groin and crush. You would follow this immediately with
elbows to the face. But suppose he has angled his hip to cut off
access to his groin; this would tend to bring his head to the
side of yours, which is perfect for smashing a sideways head
butt into his face the way you practiced in your Anywhere
Strikes drills in chapter 2. You never know how an attack will
go down. Sometimes an inexperienced assailant with an extra-
long knife will actually keep his wrist instead of the blade
against your throat. Because the point of his knife would then
Figure 12.5 be mere inches from his face, your best recourse might be to
grab his knife hand and drive it back straight into his eyes.
There are a few key points in practicing knife drills. The first is obvious: Train against
both right- and left-handed attacks. The second key point is variability. By being creative,
you will develop more subtleties than we can describe here. However, the three things
you must usually do with rear-choking knife attacks are
1. drop and pull,
2. lift the shoulder, and
3. hammer repeatedly.
You should know that unless injuries are in vital areas, you could keep on fighting for
a period of time even with multiple stabs wounds. kick, eye gouge, and bite. Unless you
are facing an assassin with a death wish, he’ll probably lose interest because he never
intended to get hurt in the first place. Don’t give up. You can survive.
of the neck, and the femoral arteries near the groin. In general, keep the knife hand out
in front with the checking hand in the rear.
If the attacker also has a knife, run. If you can’t, all your yielding training must come
into play, except that now, instead of imagining that the attacker is holding a knife to
make you pocket his punches, you’ve got the real thing to deal with. Try to cut his knife
arm and keep your body away from him. Remember, you can kick also. Don’t try any
kamikaze moves.
If you’re forced to hide in your home or elsewhere, and you’re not physically strong,
hold the weapon (whether a strong-lock, back-folding knife or a stout chef’s knife) in
your strong hand in a shake-hands grip with your other hand over it for reinforcement.
If you’re discovered, stomp-step, scream, and simultaneously drive the knife straight
forward into the assailant over and over like a sewing machine needle so you won’t be
disarmed. Drop your body and thrust your arms rapidly, pulling your arms back faster
than you send them out.
A punch-dagger has the advantage of being almost impossible to dislodge or drop in
the midst of a hell storm, even when soaked in blood. It takes virtually no skill to use
one effectively. Grip it in your hand concealed inside a coat pocket. If you’re afraid you’re
going to die, use it.
There are many more knife-fighting principles in guided chaos that are culled from
Native American methodologies, but they are beyond the scope of a self-defense book.
Knife Skip
Use soft, rubber knives, eye goggles, throat protection (a foam collar), and shin guards
when performing this drill.
1. Stand with your eyes closed while your partner surprises you with a rubber knife in
the stomach. Open your eyes.
2. Dog-dig at the knife while skipping backward as fast as possible using the fencer’s step
(push off with one leg, then leap without crossing your legs).
3. Once you’re at a sufficient distance, turn and run.
4. If you can’t get a sufficient distance away for whatever reason, skip backward and
unexpectedly stop, drop, and repeatedly kick into the knife-wielding attacker, like a
Rockette, with your front leg only.
5. If you can’t get away, and there is a wall, run straight at the wall that is trapping you,
brace your body for impact with your palms flat on the wall about chest high, and
then repeatedly mule-kick backward with your heel at the attacker. Bounce your foot
off the floor and then at your attacker like a jackhammer. This has enormous power.
6. If you trip and fall, use your ground-fighting kicking skills. keep your head away from
his feet and the knife and kick mercilessly. If you practice this against a partner who is
holding a rubber knife and a kicking shield, and wearing shin guards, you will find that
the ground kicks are very effective and your training partner won’t enjoy it very much.
Knife Spin
Close your eyes and spin. Your partner should pick a spot on your body to touch with
the rubber knife. This can be from the conventional to the insane. As soon as you feel
the knife, stop, open your eyes, simultaneously move yourself and the knife off line,
and strike. The trick is to pick an off-line direction both for yourself and the knife that
minimizes your exposure. You need to experiment because in some cases the deflection
should be made by your forearm, upper arm, elbow, or shoulder. In the beginning, in an
attempt to get off line, you may find yourself actually moving into the attack arc of the
blade. As your body awareness increases, this will happen less frequently.
Equipped as described for the Basic knife-Fighting Drill, two people square off with a chair
between them. As they try to attack and elude each other, if either one touches or kicks
the chair, the one who does so loses a point. This drill is not meant to simulate a real fight
except to the extent that you’ll see how easy it is to be eviscerated. kamikaze moves will
get you killed, and it is vital to focus on avoiding being cut rather than being fancy and
flashy. Having to avoid the chair dramatically improves your balance, reaction timing,
and looseness. A little tip you can try is to wait for a stab, slash the stabbing hand, then
stab to the throat. keep the blade out in front and the rear hand just behind for parrying.
Gun Defense
The gun is a unidirectional weapon as opposed to a blade, which can slice sideways, too.
But a bullet fired from a gun can penetrate you or your loved ones from close-contact
distance to at least the length of a football field. Defense against the gun is absolutely
dependent on the gun’s angle and distance from you.
Always remember when dealing with any life-and-death situation that almost all attacks
are dynamic, easily flowing from one position to another without warning. If you’re
ordered by the gunman to do something that would allow him further control of you,
if he hasn’t already grabbed you or put the gun on your body, and if you’re in a public
area, such as a parking lot, run away immediately, even if the gun is already drawn. The
chances of his firing at you in public are slim. If he does, the probability of your being
fatally wounded are even slimmer.
Everything changes if the gun is right on you, if he’s holding you, or if there’s no place
to run. First, remember that most assaults occur without a weapon, at least initially. Second,
know that there’s no way to defend against a gun if it’s out of reach. Defense is feasible
only if the weapon is in close proximity to or in contact with your body. The best you can
do is cooperate until the gun comes within close range. Sometimes you can encourage
this by feigning paralyzing fear or illness (although this will probably be closer to your
true reaction than you’d like). The gunman may need to come closer to move you if you
no longer seem to be in control of your muscles (voluntary and involuntary muscles, if
you know what we mean; you could also use this as a ploy).
Weapons Fighting 235
Make no mistake: If you aggressively resist moving, the gunman probably will fire,
and you may be hit. At the very least, you’ll be deafened by the noise or suffer burns. He
may fire even if you don’t resist. But your chances of survival are more reasonable if you
fight back than if you go with your abductor. The trick is when.
As opposed to hand-to-hand combat, gun and knife defenses are specific techniques
you must practice thoroughly; they change with the angle of the weapon, and there’s
no margin for error. Not surprisingly, bullets are much less forgiving than hand strikes,
especially when the barrel is already on you. Because of limited space, we can’t go into
all the variations of gun defenses. Many of them are more appropriate for video or
personal instruction and are simply too advanced to convey practically in a book. The
principles, however, are similar. We have included the most elementary ones here. (For
more information, consult the References and Resources at the end of this book.)
Figure 12.6
Figure 12.7
a b
Figure 12.8
Figure 12.9
a b
Figure 12.10
a b c
Figure 12.11
Weapons Fighting 239
ImprovIsed Weapons
John Perkins
My radio car partner and I responded to a family dispute at a particular address. When we
arrived, I spoke to one female who was apparently injured from a punch to the eye. She
stated that her husband was in the kitchen. As my partner and I walked toward the kitchen,
we saw there were two open doorways. I entered the closest doorway and saw the husband
standing near the second door, holding a large, double-pronged fork in his hand. I heard
my partner’s footsteps and knew he was just about to enter that doorway. There was no time
for me to give him a verbal warning—I knew I would have to act. In front of me was a heavy,
old-fashioned metal and wood kitchen table. I stepped forward and dropped into the table.
Although it felt like my fingers barely made contact with it, the table flew off the ground and
flattened the fork wielder. Although I’d used adrenaline-powered dropping on inanimate
objects before, this particular instance seemed like one of those mythical tales of chi.
There are also techniques for taking a gun away from an assailant that require grabbing
the weapon and twisting it out of an assailant’s hands. These techniques are more difficult
to apply under real, adrenaline-rush conditions. If the gun is held with a choke combina-
tion behind your back, remember that the gunman still has a free hand and his feet to
attack you with. Twisting the gun has some value when the gun is in front of you, but it is
dangerous when the gun is held behind you. It’s far simpler to push the muzzle away from
you and into the attacker while simultaneously jumping off line, striking, and running.
Gun Defense I
Practice this drill with a partner and a plastic gun. If you have one that shoots toy darts,
you can actually see if you’d get hit. You typically have a half-second delay in the response
time of your attacker. This amount is increased by obvious paralyzing fear or feigned
submissiveness and decreased by assertiveness or apparent setting up for a counterattack
on your part. It is vital that the “assailant” realistically perform each of the scenarios: gun
presentation without restraint or demand for money, gun presentation without restraint
plus demand for money, gun presentation with restraint plus demand for money, and
gun presentation with restraint plus demand for money and command to go with him
to crime scene number two.
1. While spinning slowly with your eyes closed, have your partner press the plastic gun
against any part of your body he or she can think of. Variation is vital to your practice.
2. Open your eyes and run like hell if you’re not being held.
3. If you can’t run or you’re being restrained and you’re ordered to hand over money,
comply with your partner’s command immediately.
4. If your partner says or indicates that you are to move someplace else, be totally sub-
missive (in real life you can cry, beg for your life, or whatever). Then, like lightning,
twist around off line and simultaneously get in and press the gun toward and against
his body. At the first sign of your physical counterattack, your partner should fire the
toy dart. Be aware when you practice that you should not try to push the gun in a
direction where, when it goes off (and it probably will), the dart can strike an innocent
bystander. This is a split-second decision, and only you can make it at that moment.
If your partner restrains you so forcefully or has the gun in a position so heinous that
deflection is impossible, practice feigning a heart attack, vomiting, feinting, etc, but
move or collapse slowly while making verbal indications that you’re losing it so he
won’t be surprised and shoot you. You want to suck him in and change or release his
grip so you have a better attack angle for suddenly exploding into him.
5. Stomp-step and drop while delivering pulled blows to your partner’s head. Run away
6. Practice similarly against all the various gun-choke combinations. You will eventually
develop subtle nuances in your responses that are more detailed than can be elaborated
on in a book. This drill can be modified to practice against knife attacks, as well.
Gun Defense II
Now practice with both a partner and a heavy bag. You can draw a face on the bag or
purchase one of the lifelike dummies commonly available through martial art supply
distributors (see References and Resources).
1. Spin with your eyes closed.
2. As you spin, have your partner touch you with a padded stick from behind the bag.
3. Twist off line and drive your partner’s stick (the gun arm) against the bag while deliver-
ing screaming, full-power dropping strikes.
4. Run away.
There are many ways to practice point shooting. Here’s a way a point-shooting begin-
ner can have great success:
1. Take four standard sheets of paper from a legal pad and make a rectangle out of them.
Number each sheet either from right to left or in mixed order. Place this target at about
18 feet (5.5 m) from your position.
2. While holding your handgun at the side of your body, have a friend call out the
numbers in random order.
3. As the numbers are called out, smoothly shoot each sheet without using the sights
of your handgun. In some cases, taping over the sights may help you not to cheat. You
can practice this smoothly without pushing your speed. Your speed will pick up as you
continue to practice. Remember to hold onto your weapon as tightly as comfortable.
During an actual gunfight, you will more than likely be crushing your grip while pull-
ing your trigger as fast as possible. keep in mind that the usual target-shooting principles
hardly have a place in close-quarters gunfighting. The adrenaline response will make it
nearly impossible to take a sight picture and then obtain a perfect, smooth trigger pull as
in bull’s-eye shooting.
This exercise will help familiarize you with your particular handgun; it’s shown great
results with the vast majority of our students.
1. First, empty your handgun. Check it several times to make sure it is empty. Hopefully,
you will have a handgun that is ergonomically correct for you. Because this is often not
the case, this exercise will help you point your weapon as well and as naturally as possible.
2. Go alone into a room that has a number of items on or against each wall. While holding
your empty weapon, look at a particular item. Remember where it is and close your eyes.
3. As smoothly as possible, point the handgun at the item while your eyes are still shut.
Hold the weapon steady, open your eyes, and look through the sights to see how close
you got to the center of the target item. One-handed practice is usually easier. Your body
should move naturally as you turn and aim toward your target.
4. Pick a target that is on the opposite side of the room from where you are facing. Look
over your shoulder at a particular item.
5. Close your eyes and repeat this exercise until you can move and aim well enough
to get a centered sighting on the item. If you try to get into a particular stance, you will
usually fail to get on target, except for those items that are already in front of you. You
can practice this using both hands, too.
You will probably find two-handed practice to be far more difficult than one-handed
practice. Becoming proficient with one-handed shooting has many advantages at close
range. When a sudden attack occurs, you will be more able to get off a fast shot with
one hand. If the attacker or attackers are already on you, you may need your free hand
to push or strike while drawing your weapon. One thing to seriously consider is the pos-
sibility that your weapon will be covered and you will not be able to get your hand on it
during an attack. This is where close-quarters fighting will be of paramount importance.
Following is a description of the content of the basic Barehands to Handguns course
that we teach.
Beyond that, there are no guarantees. Sometimes you’ll be able to wrap up or lock up
the weapon-bearing limb while striking the attacker’s throat, eyes, and head with hand
strikes and head butts, but sometimes you’ll only be able to grab or redirect the gun arm
as you attack. Seemingly insignificant characteristics of different bodies (e.g., the protuber-
ance of the elbow joint) can make all the difference in how you can control a person. A
criminal will move when you suddenly attack, even if it’s merely to flinch away from your
strikes or fall to the ground. You must rely on your sensitivity, developed through contact
flow practice, to guide your attack. Generally, allowing the attacker to move away from
you will be lethal because he’ll be able to bring the gun back online. You must strike to
destroy him where he stands, not to push him away. This requires sensitivity in striking.
If he falls while still in control of himself and his gun, you may have to fall with him to
prevent him from bringing his gun back online. You may be able to momentarily pin
the gun arm on the ground as you access your own gun, knife, or other carry weapon.
Sometimes it may be sufficient to knock the attacker’s gun off line, strike once, and run.
Sometimes, however, you may have to finish the job.
Of course, the probability of multiple armed attackers complicates the situation expo-
nentially. If you carry a gun or other weapon, and you do not walk around with it con-
stantly in your hand, you have to learn how to access and use it under the pressure of a
surprise attack or in midfight. The following drill will help.
Combat-Draw Movement
Begin with a semiautomatic gas-powered or fast electric Airsoft replica (or Simunitions
if available) of your carry handgun concealed as you would on a daily basis (e.g., same
holster, same carry location, fully concealed). As in any such drill, you’ll need to wear
eye protection.
Have your training partner, wearing head and throat protection impervious to close-
range Airsoft shots and holding a padded cane or stick, stand about 20 feet away. Increas-
ing the initial distance makes the drill easier and less realistic; decreasing the distance
makes the drill more difficult and more realistic.
Close your eyes and spin in place. After a few seconds, your partner shouts and charges
at you with the goal of whacking you in the head with the padded stick.
As soon as you hear the shout, open your eyes and run off line from the attacker’s
charge to gain enough time before contact to draw your gun and shoot the attacker.
Several points will become evident from repeatedly running this drill:
1. Drawing your gun before beginning your movement off line will result in being whacked
before you can fire. Your first movement must be to get off line and keep moving while
simultaneously accessing your weapon.
2. Extending your weapon away from your body in any of the classic, one- or two-handed
target shooting stances is dangerous. This can put your gun within reach of the attacker,
allowing him to knock it off line. Point shooting with one hand (allowing maximum
mobility) from below eye level is usually the way to go.
3. Shooting as many pellets as possible, as quickly as possible, into the center of mass
of the attacker until the attacker stops is a likely outcome of getting whacked by the
padded stick. Your partner should not stop quickly after the first pellet impact but
should continue to move just as an actual attacker would, even after being shot.
4. Moving your feet quickly, with balance and coordination (including the split-brain
multitasking of performing separate tasks with the upper and lower body), is a more
important factor in this drill than any sort of target-shooting skill. Most students, given
normal levels of coordination—enhanced by guided chaos training—and firm grips
on handguns that fit their hands reasonably well, can make effective hits to the center
mass in this drill, even with the movement involved. The difficult part is creating the
time necessary to bring the gun into play through effective and efficient movement.
Efficiency is key: A smooth, practiced draw that can be executed independently of
movement by the rest of your body will be far quicker than a panicked snatch for the
gun, destabilized by off-balance movement of your feet.
5. Being able to evade the swing of the stick, hit, and unbalance the attacker with the
non-gun hand will prove important as the initial distance decreases.
The next phase of this drill involves going to the ground in order to get off line of the
charge. This is appropriate training for situations in which there is no space or time to
move sideways, or when you may trip and fall. Just as balance and the ability to move
swiftly and nimbly on your feet are the most critical components of a standing drill, guided
chaos falling and ground-fighting skills are the most critical factors in this version. Again,
the first movement of the drill must be to avoid the charge. Taking the time to go for the
gun before beginning to fall will result in getting whacked before the gun is on target.
As in unarmed guided chaos ground fighting, you should fall in such a way as to present
your legs toward the attacker. This will allow you to stop his charge and briefly keep him at
bay, creating time to access your handgun. At worst, getting hit on the lower leg is not as bad
for you as getting hit on the head. Once you have your gun, you must have the coordination
to fight using your legs while point shooting—without shooting your own legs. As described
in chapter 10, use a one-handed, bent-arm “perp shoot” grip, not a two-handed isosceles or
Weaver grip or you’re liable to shoot your own feet as you kick to keep him off you. You can
practice this with a toy dart gun or Airsoft gun with eye protection. keep the gun above or
beside your head so it won’t be within the attacker’s reach. Shoot until the attacker stops.
You can improve your dynamic fighting-while-drawing-or-shooting skills with the fol-
lowing drill (a variation on the unarmed gang attack drills).
Once you are armed with a concealed Airsoft replica gun as in the previous drill, stand in
the center of a triangle of hanging dummies or heavy bags. Have your training partners stand
behind each dummy; their job is to manipulate the dummies to challenge you by crowding
you, hitting you, and knocking you off balance. An additional training partner flicks the
room lights on and off, while another may toss kicking shields and other obstacles under
your feet. At the starting signal, you must fight unarmed against the attacking dummies,
moving and striking to avoid getting crushed, knocked over, or hit from behind. The fright
reaction; dropping; simple striking; and fast, spinning, stomping footwork are key—at the
same time remaining pliable and sensitive to avoid damage.
On the command of “Draw!” create space and opportunity to draw your replica gun
and hit each of the dummies with multiple pellets as quickly as possible while moving and
retaining full control of the gun. A designated training partner or instructor might shout,
“Ground!” first. At that command, fall and fight off the attacking dummies from the ground,
using your legs. You would then execute the draw while ground fighting.
You will find from running these drills that in a close-quarters combat situation, even when
you are armed with a handgun, your ability to move and fight effectively when unarmed,
whether on your feet or on the ground, will be far more critical to your survival than target-
Weapons Fighting 245
shooting skills. In effect, close-range gunfighting involves dynamically placing a gun and
the coordination and skill to use it into the same fight you were fighting without the gun.
These drills should be combined with live-fire point-shooting practice against inani-
mate targets for full effectiveness. During your live-fire practice, move as dynamically
and shoot as quickly as safety constraints allow. Just as in guided chaos unarmed combat,
you’ll learn to isolate different parts of your body where appropriate; during shooting
practice, try to isolate your shooting hand from the chaotic motion of the rest of your
body to make good hits no matter what the circumstances.
machete attack
I have been a student of John Perkins since October of 1996. Several weeks prior to a confron-
tation, I had terminated one of my employees for stealing equipment from me. I had warned
him on numerous occasions to stop, but he continued to steal. Finally, I had no other choice
but to fire him.
After I fired him, we were in a parking lot. I told him not to steal my customers. We were argu-
ing, but when I realized it was futile, I turned my back to leave the scene. Using blinding speed,
he retrieved a machete from his vehicle and came at me. I remembered the principle of attack
the attacker. I quickly moved in on the weapon and his body, attacking with both hands and
knees. If I had stepped back instead, he would’ve severed my hands and perhaps my head.
He was holding the machete with two hands at about shoulder height. Using a combination
of body unity, balance, and dropping force, I stopped the sideways and slightly upward swing
of the deadly 3-foot (.9 m) blade by slamming his lead arm, stopping his forward movement.
My strikes got him to release one hand from the weapon. However, he was very skilled with
a machete, which he used on a daily basis; he fell back to a second position and raised the
machete over his head for a downward stroke.
At this point, I realized this was going to be really bad if I didn’t take some drastic measures
to end the attack. It was literally do or die, so I went for it. Luckily, I had stuck close to the at-
tacker, taking his space and room to maneuver. I pushed the blade off line and downward
while palm-heeling him in the face, and then I cranked on his head, twisting his neck. He im-
mediately dropped the weapon and spun away, falling to the ground. I booted him twice in the
torso, causing further damage. I stopped attacking him when a man who identified himself as
a city marshal stepped up to me.
I would have never thought that someone I had known for years would try to kill me. A ma-
chete is a very serious weapon. A person with little strength can cut small trees in half almost
effortlessly. All of this happened in a split second; I had no time to think, just react. I am con-
vinced that what made this a successful outcome for me was being able to put myself ahead
of this guy before he knew it. It was a seamless series of reactions and body alignments that
prevented him from seriously cutting me and made my counterattack so successful. A witness
said that if I had not stopped this guy with such force, he would have cut me up. His intent was
obvious, and by the look on his face, he meant business.
Authors’ note: Our student’s biggest mistake was getting into an argument with the attacker
in the first place. By observing the principle discussed in chapter 1 and avoiding all fights, the
entire incident (at least for the moment) could have been avoided. Of course, who’s to say our
student wouldn’t have been assaulted at some future date when he couldn’t have just walked
away. Regardless, the training saved his life.
The machete wielder was arrested and charged with assault with a deadly weapon, battery,
and menacing.
O ne thing we want to stress is this: Unlike in many systems that create techniques
based on hypothetical situations, in guided chaos we don’t make stuff up. Every
drill, training scenario, technique, or principle has its roots in some horrific real-world
attack that actually happened.
Everything that we do is based on the more than 100 extremely violent encounters
and over 150 homicides that Grand Master Perkins has been personally involved in as
a detective and forensic expert for the Yonkers, New York, Police Department. This also
includes the experiences of the many instructors and students with law enforcement,
corrections, emergency medical technician (EMT), and military combat experiences. The
body of knowledge that makes up guided chaos is written in blood, not some made-up
nonsense based on what people think real violence is. There is a difference.
If you want to debate the merits of the sportive or classical techniques or the bogus,
so-called reality-based scenarios that would work only on a drunk and how they’re sup-
posed to save your life in a brutal, homicidal attack, you need to go elsewhere because
we’re not talking about the same thing.
248 Afterword: The Survival Manifesto
have done is created a well-rounded sport. This is fine for mixed martial arts venues but
a recipe for disaster against psychotic street killers.
The current systems being taught in the armed forces are based on sportive techniques
and a sportive modality of training. Rather than being focused on killing the enemy, they
are focused on winning a sportive duel or controlling people. Just as one couldn’t expect
to win a grappling match without grappling techniques, it’s doubtful one could fight for
his or her life without training what is required in order to survive blood baths against
a determined killer, which is what war is all about. It’s no different if you’re assaulted on
the street and you think you’re going to die.
The major principles of guided chaos can be thought of as a pyramid. There are other
subprinciples to each one of these, but none of that matters if you don’t have a basic
knowledge of how they interrelate on a macrolevel.
In our pyramid, balance is the foundation for all the other principles. On top of bal-
ance is pliability. Without balance you can’t be loose no matter how gifted you are. On
top of looseness is sensitivity. Without looseness you can’t respond sensitively. Even if
you are loose, without balance you can’t connect to your root and bring your power to
bear. Balance is nothing more than being able to control your equilibrium under dynamic
conditions, and it has both a physical and mental aspect.
Looseness, or pliability, is not just muscular relaxation. It involves subtle muscle con-
trol, allowing you to strike from one point to another while simultaneously avoiding an
attacker’s strikes. It is the ability to be hard and soft and everything in between all at the
same time. It is the ability to slip through the smallest space possible or elongate your
body when you need to. It is the ability to be solid, liquid, or vapor simultaneously by
isolating various parts of your body through subtle muscle control.
Sensitivity is nothing more than what you mentally perceive based on touch (kines-
thetic awareness) or what you see in the context of the fight (subcortical vision). As with
balance and looseness, there is a mental as well as physical aspect to sensitivity that
cannot be ignored. Sensitivity tells you where to be and when, and it drives the other
principles without thought.
The culmination of these principles working together is body unity, or proprioception. If
you want to know what allows some practitioners of guided chaos seemingly to transcend
the physical limitations of their bodies and continue to improve, it is the development of
body unity through the principles. Through the development of proper body unity, you
can do what you want to people and in some cases instantly master various techniques
that normally take people years to develop.
Body unity starts with proper foot placement in relation to your root and is the key
to proper skeletal alignment. When you strike with body unity, you’re hitting with your
skeleton, assisted by gravity and with full control of your momentum within your sphere
of influence. In other words, you’re blasting the enemies with minimal effort, and their
bodies just seem to get in the way of your weapons.
Body unity allows you to appear faster and more agile than you really are. You are
able to cut off angles of attack and penetrate people with little or no movement. You’re
never overextended, out of alignment, or restricted in movement. Your balance enables
you to instantly change your root point in order to control your equilibrium. As enemies
advance, you can easily step off line. As they retreat, you can take their space.
• Through looseness you are able to contort your body to avoid being penetrated.
As you move in to strike by yielding, you can align your weapon with your body,
lengthen or shorten your weapon, cut off angles, and strike with maximum power
from virtually impossible positions simultaneously.
• Through sensitivity you know where the other person is in relation to your weap-
ons. You maintain contact and flow with the battle effortlessly, seemingly always
knowing what others are going to do before they do it.
• In guided chaos, balance + looseness + sensitivity = body unity.
• Body unity facilitates blinding speed, economy of movement, endurance, energy
awareness and manipulation, internal energy (qi), and striking power (fa jing). Striking
Afterword: The Survival Manifesto 249
awareness Concepts
Without becoming paranoid, learn to direct more of your attention outward into your field
of vision, which is as far as you can see and assess potential enemies. Resist the modern
tendency to blithely trust your surroundings and withdraw completely into your iPod
or personal thoughts. Your field of vision gives you “the big picture.” Remember that
distance equals time and the sooner you can observe the enemy’s actions, the greater the
distance they have to cover, allowing you to react or pre-empt.
Within your field of vision is your sphere of influence, which encompasses the reach
of your arms and legs and is the area within which you can do actual physical damage
to an enemy. Ingrain your sphere of influence into your nervous system. Anyone who
enters it is fair game. This is why criminals use the interview technique. It allows them
to get close without setting off alarms. But if your mind is focused outward, it’s not so
easy for a stranger to simply walk up and attack you.
Proper Mind-Setting
The foundation of a martial arts program is a proper mind-set; just as sport fighting in
its variety of forms has a different dynamic that governs them, so does fighting for your
life. If a program is developed from the wrong mind-set, then the underlying theory of
the whole system is fatally flawed. This is why sport fighting almost always fails in real
fights—unless you’re exceptionally gifted—because if a system is not based on killing
the attacker from the start, it is incapable of developing a realistic training regimen for
street combat. Deadly self-defense training can always be tuned down as necessary, but
the reverse is never true: Soft-ball training can never be ramped up in an emergency to
save your life. The nervous system simply doesn’t work that way.
250 Afterword: The Survival Manifesto
The guided chaos principles of balance (control of your equilibrium), looseness (mus-
cular and mental pliability), sensitivity (kinesthetic awareness and subcortical vision,
eye–hand coordination), body unity (coordination, subtle muscle control, economy of
movement, proprioception), and freedom of action (anything goes in a real fight) have
always been factors in real life-and-death combat since the dawn of mankind. The prin-
ciples of guided chaos are rooted in physics and human physiology, so like gravity, they
are universal and available for anyone to develop, provided the individual is willing to
put the time in.
It’s been shown that those who train for survival as opposed to training to win trophies
and merit badges are better able to deal with both the psychological and physical aspects
of close combat. Even if injured, many people have said that because they were both
physically and psychologically prepared to deal with the reality of violence, including
being seriously injured, they were able to control their fear; rather than become paralyzed
by it, they became empowered.
If you are not mentally prepared to deal with what happens in a real attack on your life,
you are finished. Therefore, whether armed or unarmed, you must develop the mind-set
to think and strike like an assassin and attack the attacker. An assassin doesn’t want a
protracted fight—he wants to get in, finish it, and get out.
Accordingly, focus on developing the proper mind-set, body unity, and body mechan-
ics when performing all the striking drills; emphasize realistic body movements rather
than the flashy moves common to many martial arts that lack true effectiveness. In your
contact flow and all other drills, visualize tearing the enemy limb from limb; engrain it
deep into your nervous system so that all your movements, no matter how small, have
devastating intent.
entering to Win
Even with heightened awareness, you may find yourself in a situation where you cannot
run due to space, health, or the proximity of loved ones. Also, you cannot maintain your
awareness on red alert indefinitely, or you’ll suffer nervous-system burnout. If an attack
is imminent or a mugger wants to take you to a second location, you must attack the
attacker with the mind-set of a cornered sewer rat. You do this by entering to win. The
key is to always move in at an angle.
By changing your body position or stepping off line but in (at about a 45-degree angle),
you can thwart an initial attack. You then must be able to penetrate your opponent’s center
with bone-crushing force. To do this, you often must move your sphere into your oppo-
nent by long-stepping so that you do not overreach, overcommit, and lose balance. Step
in but off line from your enemy’s weapons. This renders you unavailable yet unavoidable.
Keep in mind that the attacker’s center will change depending on his or her orienta-
tion. No matter which way the attacker turns, your strikes are still focused on penetrating
his or her center. A typical flaw of the untrained fighter is launching glancing attacks at
an enemy. You see this with long, looping hook punches straight out of a John Wayne
movie that only chip away at the target. If practiced against a heavy bag, they simply set
the bag spinning, waste power, and throw you off balance. Even straight shots suffer from
this strategic error, often resulting in broken hands and wrists. The solution is to train to
always hit your target dead center, no matter what the angle of the weapon or the position
of the enemy. This is why we stress balance, looseness, body unity, and adaptability in
guided chaos. This is one interpretation of what we mean by finding the straight line in
the circle. Your movement resembles the whirling of a projectile in a slingshot: It circles
about your head, gaining speed, until you let it fly, straight and true, to its target. So, too,
your looseness and sensitivity may have you circling to find the path of least resistance, but
by using the enemy’s energy, your final attack is sharp, straight, and immensely powerful.
If you anticipate an attack and move in preemptively, it shouldn’t matter which way
you step as long as you simultaneously strike and protect your eyes and throat. That is
the combat efficiency of entering to win: By stepping off line and attacking at the same
time, you make yourself both unavailable and unavoidable.
Afterword: The Survival Manifesto 251
You never know how you’re going to be attacked, but you can always throw a monkey
wrench into the attack by stepping off line in either direction. With the CCUE you can
deliver a side chop simultaneously; as long as you do not move beyond your sphere of
influence, you can recover quickly. If you miss, you’re still on balance because you’re
capable of changing your root point at will. If there are multiple assailants you can box
step in the direction that places the closest attacker between you and the next near-
est attacker, constantly circling to avoid being trapped. If the attack is so sudden and
close that there’s no time to step, dropping into a simple, direct, chop or fright reaction
effectively takes you off-line because your structure and balance are no longer where
the enemy expected them to be (higher up), even though the change is in mere inches
(centimeters). Even then, you use the rebound (ricocheting) energy from the impact of
your strike to immediately initiate your moving off-line (even subtly) for your next strike,
and the next, like a machine gun. You become like a rabid mongoose, impossible to hit
yet impossible to avoid.
These entries need to be practiced free form within contact flow so you can experi-
ment with variables.
Once you have struck the enemy, you know where he or she is in relation to your body.
If the simple close combat entry hasn’t destroyed the enemy, and the enemy moves, blocks,
or counters effectively, pure guided chaos principles now come into play (the principles
can also be used to imbue straight close combat with more adaptability). It is because
of the guided chaos training that you are able to remain loose, balanced, sensitive, and
coordinated on the way in as you strike. Any changes in the enemy’s body are immediately
met with more punishing blows. Also because of guided chaos training, you can strike
from anywhere to anywhere regardless of the enemy’s body position.
As you enter, you should only be concerned with two things: the opponent’s weapons
and yours. You do not strike hard or soft—you strike to kill (ramping down force is easier
than ramping it up if you train properly and you only fight to save your life). Your oppo-
nent either deals with it or is destroyed. Your strike becomes your block, and your block
becomes your strike. In guided chaos, we never play, we never do sportive training. This
is what we call fighting with ruthless intent.
Ruthless Intent
Miyamoto Musashi states the following in The Book of Five Rings:
Whenever you cross swords with an enemy you must not think of cutting him either strongly
or weakly; just think of cutting and killing him. Be intent solely on killing the enemy. Killing
is the same for people who know about fighting and for those who do not . . . cutting down
the enemy is the Way of strategy, and there is no need for many refinements of it. (2000)
Ruthless intention is but an extension of your will; it is more mental than physical
and totally achievable by the average person. Guided chaos will not allow you to levitate
a 300-pound (136 kg) prison-trained monster, but it will give you a chance to survive an
attack by one. You must be able to strike to penetrate people with the emotional and moral
will to cut through them. When you feel as if you’re going to die, your intention must
be to destroy the attacker, and you must set it in your mind beforehand that no matter
what, you will take him or her out. With the development of guided chaos principles
to the nth degree, the merest thought becomes deadly. Although appearing ordinary to
the uninitiated, your movement becomes imbued with incredible intrinsic power that
is only apparent to the recipient on impact. What appears like a simple natural move-
ment on the surface has the crushing force of an ocean wave crashing against the rocks,
of lightning splitting a tree down the center, of a tornado tossing a house like a toy. In
truth, real killing skill looks like nothing at all, which is why people miss it even when
it is staring them in the face. All systems that attempt to structure a fight through forms
or rigid dogma are actually divorcing themselves from the natural, wild, free-flowing
motion your body is capable of. It is in this chaotic motion where the deadliest skills are
found. Through guided chaos training, you are able to harness these lethal qualities and
focus them with little or no thought.
252 Afterword: The Survival Manifesto
more time you give the attacker to bring you under control, both physically and
6. Escape now! Don’t hang around to see if your assailant is okay or admire your handi-
work (reread The Battered Kickboxer in chapter 1). Don’t wait for the police at the
scene; your attacker(s) may have accomplices coming to finish you.
7. Never, ever give up! People have escaped and survived after having been riddled with
bullets, stabbed repeatedly, fallen from buildings, burned, blinded, and more. No
matter what happens, so long as you don’t give up, you can survive. John Perkins
was seconds from losing his life when attacked by the Williams brothers, but he was
saved by a ferocious desire to survive. After being kicked and jumped on by multiple
attackers, he almost lost consciousness but fought back and lived. His skills would
have been worthless if he had just given up.
The concept of attacking the attacker is only one aspect of the five-second fight. In
most cases where a serious criminal attack is involved, the victim does not always have a
warning or control of the environment or know the actual mindset or number of attackers.
Sudden attacks often involve subterfuge, distracting you from what is about to happen.
Even though you are moving and making yourself a difficult target, you must know how
to take out multiple attackers in five seconds or less because the more protracted the fight,
the less chance you have to survive.
In guided chaos, there are no fancy pressure points to worry about. The eyes, neck, and
groin are the primary targets and have the greatest chance of taking out an assassin. All of
the attributes that are developed in guided chaos must be developed and coordinated at
high speed with extreme focus and power to make the five-second fight work. You must
also develop extreme accuracy—a glancing blow to the head won’t cut it. As described
earlier, you must penetrate the attacker’s center deeply, for example with direct, ax-hand
strikes to the side of the neck. This way you don’t have to rely on extreme strength. Nev-
ertheless, having slambag training for pounding, ripping, tearing, and crushing power
can only help your chances.
• Though unavailable to the enemy as a target, you are at the same time unavoidable
as a weapon, dishing out tremendous mayhem. To your opponent, you feel like a
sponge with steel spikes buried in it. A spring-loaded multiple of your entire body
weight is behind every blow, no matter what the angle.
• You’re without thought, tension, or form. You generate colossal force because you’re
not fighting your own muscles or balance. Your higher brain is a mute witness to
the melee, a mere bystander. Your primitive brain, the one that houses the million-
year-old animal, does what evolution created it to do, except now the reactions have
been electrified and tuned.
Train and ingrain these reactions into every fiber of your being. Ultimately, unbounded
by dogma, myth, or arrogance, you’ll move freely and hopefully survive a deadly onslaught.
You’ll be able to create what you need, when you need it, without thought, until you
become pure, unbridled energy, raining down chaos upon the enemy. The winds of hell
will swirl around you, the center. All will be quiet, and the terrible forces will be guided,
diverted, and destroyed, never blocked, as they are whipped and slingshotted around you,
the eye of the storm.
Attacking the attacker is close combat in a nutshell, and guided chaos is like being nuked
by a stealth bomber. You can see the enemy on your radar screen, but you can’t be seen
on his. Using stealth energy, if you can ghost through your opponent’s attack while drop-
ping, multihitting, yielding, and moving behind a guard, your attack is your defense.
Striking Concepts
We place a premium on blows versus throws. However, we do not spend a lot of time
working on strikes but rather on the delivery system that makes them work. Guided chaos
can be broken up into the following broad areas:
• Principles: Balance, looseness, sensitivity, body unity, and freedom of action are
the principles. These are supported by subprinciples, such as always move behind
a guard and always bring a weapon online. There are many others that have been
explained in this book.
• Techniques: We don’t advocate rote techniques other than the entries and preemp-
tive striking techniques within close combat.
• Tools: These include chops, palms, kicks, knees, elbows, teeth, and so on. In guided
chaos, the entire body is the tool.
Many people think that to develop your hands you need to engage in psychotic tool-
developing methods, such as doing knuckle push-ups on concrete, kicking palm trees
until your shins bleed, practicing Maki-wara board training, and more. These methods
cause excessive calluses, calcium deposits, bone spurs, arthritis, blood clots, and perma-
nent nerve damage among others. However, one thing these will not promote is your
development into a better fighter.
When striking, you want to feel the ridge (striking surface) of your weapon and the
relationship between your body and the strike. As described earlier in the book, try to
feel your feet in your hands. Whether you move quickly or slowly, alignment is key. If
you’re striking with the side of the hand, ensure that the thumb is fully extended, fingers
are together, and the strike is delivered with the side of the hand and not the fingers. If
you’re executing a side kick, aim with the heel and keep the foot as flat as possible. Do
not crescent or turn your foot.
If you are fighting to save your life and use your power to strike an attacker (regardless
of size) in the eyes or throat, or at the base of the skull or in the neck, that attacker will
either die or experience some form of incapacitation.
Reading Between the Lines
John Perkins
Police officers are obligated not to use unnecessary force against a perpetrator, even though
there is always the potential the officer could be severely injured or killed in apprehending
a criminal. This mitigated the kinds of strikes I was allowed to use. As an unarmed civilian
defending yourself in a situation where you feel you could die, the laws are different (varying
state to state), and you do what you have to do.
On a cold November evening, I was walking my beat in a high-crime area of Yonkers,
New York. As I approached a bar, I heard a loud commotion coming from inside. Just as I
got to the front entrance, a crowd of men came pouring out and almost knocked me over.
The crowd encircled two combatants who, I later learned, were brothers fighting over a girl.
I tried to call for backup, but the radio signal wouldn’t go through. The two brothers were
ferociously throwing punches, and many were causing damage.
I attempted to separate the two men, who were both 6 feet 4 inches (1.9 m) each. Appar-
ently the crowd did not care that I was a uniformed police officer and saw me as an unwanted
interloper. The crowd then closed in on me. Just before they did, I felt the change in the
mood of the crowd and moved accordingly. As the first attackers closed in, I circled the two
fighting brothers and ended up on the other side of them. This gave me a second’s respite.
Here is where dynamic balance played a great part in keeping me safe. At first I thought I
could just escape the crowd, but a few belligerent members prevented my exit. This forced
me to go into a deep-rooted fright reaction, which toppled a few of them onto others who
were also coming forward. A reverse box step took me to another part of the group that
wasn’t ready for me. Here, extreme balance along with dropping force enabled me to keep
my feet while I turned and slammed one into another, causing confusion. A few times during
this fight, I stomped like a flamenco dancer, crushing the feet of whoever came close. This
made some of them back up, giving me more room to maneuver. I then went into a frenzy,
pushing, tripping, and pummeling a few more of the crowd members.
At one point, one of my legs was grabbed by an attacker on the ground. I dropped into
the leg that had been grabbed and quickly drove my fingers with a clawlike motion into his
eyes and yanked his head backward, releasing the hold. As I continued to move, I remained
loose. I combined this looseness with body unity to slam and maneuver my assailants in all
directions, using the ricocheting energy gained from each impact to increase the power of
the next. Rather than letting fear freeze my body, I was able to sense where there were open-
ings in the line of attackers and was able to move nearly at will between them, while using
their energy against them. This created an ideal environment for multihitting as I unleashed
a storm of damaging blows that ping-ponged from target to target and person to person. I
was on autopilot and delivered flurries of chops and elbow strikes, spinning like a whirling
dervish. These moves used a combination of single-leg balance, whirling dervish box step-
ping, dropping, looseness, body unity, and sensitivity—and kept me safe until backup arrived.
Almost any portion of this fight could be broken down into individual altercations with one
or two attackers engaging me. Most styles, even if they could handle the chaos of this limited
scenario, completely break down in a multiple-attacker situation. Other styles might provide
robotic, regimented responses that are applicable only to a dry textbook. However, it is the
unique, adaptive, and reality-based energy principles of guided chaos that allow you to
move easily from one line of attack to another against multiple attackers, borrowing power to
launch you into new attack vectors. This is what guided chaos is all about. A person trained
in sportive scenarios or typical “you do this–now I do that” self-defense would be inviting
nervous-system overload in a split-second fight against even one of these attackers (or pairs
of attackers). Against multiple, simultaneous attackers, a non–guided chaos defense would
prove difficult if not disastrous. This is not theory but rather my professional experience as a
forensic homicide investigator anyalyzing thousands of bloody melees and deaths.
256 Afterword: The Survival Manifesto
Key Points
• Stay on balance and maintain your body unity. Start off performing contact flow at ultraslow
speed, then half speed building to full speed. Begin with light contact and progress to full
drop hitting (against a heavy bag, as in the Anywhere Striking series).
• When striking against a bag for practice, focus on penetrating and denting the bag through
its center as opposed to pushing it. Splash the tissue when striking a person as opposed
to just pushing.
• Ensure that your other hand is up to protect your throat when striking.
For the lower body, focus on the groin, kidneys, and abdomen as well as the spine
and tail bone. Kicks (preferably with steel-toed shoes) should always be kept low. Target
the shins, with the groin being the highest target and the spot you aim for to stop all
incoming kicks. Additionally, you should practice incorporating foot and toe stomps with
your heel into contact flow.
The most well-made tools are worthless in the hands of those who are unskilled in their use.
—Alexander the Great
Figures 1a-c, e, f, and h show the parts of the tools to make contact with. Figures 1d and
g show the direction of the strikes.
a. Spear hand and side of hand (figure 1a). Note the exaggeration of the thumb in the
figure. This is critical when striking with the side of the hand to augment power and
looseness. When using the spear hand, the thumb can be held against the hand.
b. Side of hand as knife hand (figure 1b).
Figure 1
Afterword: The Survival Manifesto 257
c d
Figure 1, continued
g h
Figure 1, continued
Figure 2a shows a front kick. Use only the toe or the heel to hit with. Hitting with
the ball of the foot (as is used in many styles) actually cushions the impact. Crush with
the heel. This is not a dojo or the Octagon. You’ve got shoes on. Use them! Also use
the toe for round kicks to spear in the weapon. Do not use the top of the foot or shins.
Figure 2b shows a back or side kick. Use the heel of the foot, not the edge (figure 2, a-b).
Do not blade your foot as in many styles. Use your shoes for blocking kicks, not your
shins, unless you’ve been bashing banana trees or fire hydrants with your shins for half
your life. When you kick, ensure your feet are always in the right position. You want to
aim with the toe or with the heel when using either a front kick, side kick, or back kick,
maintaining about a 90-degree angle to provide a mechanical advantage and structural
integrity to the foot. For the roundhouse kick, use the toe.
a b
Figure 2
Afterword: The Survival Manifesto 259
Off-duty assauLt
This account comes from one of our military officers.
“When I was stationed in a garden spot somewhere in Asia, the following event took place.
“It was a very hot, humid August night. I was walking home to my apartment near the post
where I was stationed. Normally, the walk home was relatively peaceful as long as there were
Americans around. I had just passed the last block of vendors in a shopping area before
my street when a voice in my head told me to slow down and take a look around. I did just
that and noticed a few things out of the ordinary. First, two street lights had been shot out.
Second, a bunch of trash cans had been moved in such a way as to channel any person
who was not paying attention toward a central spot. Third, a group of college-age males
were positioned in what looked like an L-shaped ambush.
“I had calmly started to turn around so I could take another way home when two other
males appeared in front of me. Then, the other group of males started to close in on me.
Fearing for my safety and not speaking the language, I did the only thing I could think of: I
attacked the closest guy to me with two quick palm strikes to the head followed by an elbow
to the back of his head. He dropped, and then the next closest guy tried to kick me.
“Before he could raise his leg to chamber his kick, I took his space and multihit by stomp-
ing down on his shin and foot. My body unity allowed me to immediately follow the stomps
with a very hard strike to his solar plexus. I held on to him long enough to box step and use
him as a shield to block the bottle that one of his buddies on the sidewalk threw at me. After
the human shield had served his purpose, he became very well acquainted with my foot as
it pressed his head into the pavement. The others turned and ran away. I guess they had
seen enough. The following week in the same area, six other soldiers were attacked, and
their military IDs and wallets were stolen.
“The close combat training and dropping principles I had learned from John Perkins saved
my life. Because I was trained to be aware of my surroundings, I was able to see the little
details that were out of place, giving me enough time to be proactive instead of reactive to the
situation. The key is to always attack the attacker. Make it quick and very violent. Don’t waste
time because you never know how many other knuckleheads are around. Take the attacker
out as quickly as possible; make an example of him, and the others are less likely to attack.”
final Thoughts
Where does the swordsman strike? Nowhere.
—Takuan So Ho, The Unfettered Mind:
Writings of the Zen Master to the Master Swordsman
One thing that will help you in your development is to assume nothing. The only things
we can count on in a real fight are utter chaos and change. Assume that the enemy is
capable of anything. This is why so many fighting systems fail when the poop hits the
oscillating device. They assume the wrong things. In guided chaos, we assume everyone
understands the same principles we do. This is how we keep ourselves honest.
In all that you do, understand that no one can do anything to you unless on some level
you allow it to happen. When someone punches or grabs you, it requires your coopera-
tion. In other words, you have to make your body available to the attacker for him to
make his stuff work. This is what happens when your intent is to challenge the attacker
instead of survive and escape. Move even slightly, and you completely change the fight.
Whether by pocketing, stepping off line, or attacking the attacker, any change in your
body’s position (if the attacker fails to adjust fast enough) causes his body to get out of
260 Afterword: The Survival Manifesto
alignment. This causes him to fall behind as he tries to adjust. As long as you continue
to make your body unavailable, he can never catch up.
Preemption through moving off line or striking first is paramount. Think of it like
this: If you let someone strike you in the throat with all their might, there’s probably a
good chance you’re not going to make it. There’s no good counter to a crushed windpipe.
When someone attacks you, how do you know he or she isn’t trying to kill you? The point
is you don’t—so you can’t allow it to happen in the first place. Once that type of hitting
starts, you will never get back into the fight—unless the attacker really doesn’t want to
kill you, and that’s a mercy you can’t count on.
If someone attempts to grab you, just doing the simple fright reaction changes the
dynamic of the attack process. As simple as it sounds, this is the truth: If you change
your body, you change the fight.
As shown throughout this book, if we will not yield to the five universally applicable
principles (balance, body unity, looseness, sensitivity, and total freedom of action or
adaptability), we become our own worst enemies. For the most part, this is purely mental.
We say it can’t be done before we examine the possibility, or we refuse to take the leap of
faith. Some physically gifted people only develop to a certain level because their natural
abilities are almost never challenged. They get away with things because they can. If
they are ever challenged by those of greater physical ability, they will be helpless because
in training they relied on talent rather than the principles. The principles are the great
equalizer for people with limited physical attributes.
Lack of creativity will hold you back in guided chaos. You get good at thinking outside the
box when you use experimentation instead of regimentation as a core principle in your
training. As our students have heard me say on numerous occasions, “Owning a hammer
doesn’t make you a carpenter.” From the basic principles, one is able to develop infinite
responses. As long as it is within the laws of physics and human physiology, don’t ever
let anyone tell you what you can’t do. From there, you are limited only by your imagi-
nation. When we show people a manifestation of a principle, we stress that it is not a
technique carved in stone but only an idea of what you could do. Don’t fall in love with
any specific technique.
Points to Remember
➤ Maintain an outward focus. Be especially receptive to sudden movement.
➤ If you get a bad feeling, listen to your gut and go another way before
something happens.
➤ Forget about being “assertive” and avoid all potential confrontations.
➤ Control your sphere of influence or personal zone.
➤ Do not allow people to encroach on your space.
➤ Do not allow yourself to be cornered or boxed in.
➤ Never ever allow yourself to be moved from one location to another; it’s
always better for them and worse for you.
➤ Don’t ever assume the enemy will behave in a predictable manner; the
enemy will always do what he or she wants.
➤ Assume nothing.
➤ The enemy is capable of anything.
➤ Never let an attacker get the drop on you, and never drop your guard.
➤ Always be prepared to go into action and use deadly force.
➤ Think about what you want to do in the event of an ambush, kidnapping
attempt, and so on beforehand. Develop your battle drill and practice,
practice, practice. Then imagine every possible scenario you can think of
and repeat the previous steps.
➤ Always be prepared to step off line and in.
➤ When striking, keep the majority of your strikes above the shoulders.
➤ Strike to the neck from every angle.
➤ Strike with all of your might and strike to penetrate.
➤ Strike to kill; never strike to wound. Just like bunting in baseball, you can
always back off the energy, but you can never raise it if you need it.
➤ Work to develop the ability to preempt a person’s attack either by moving
off line and in or by striking first.
➤ Do not attempt to grapple or control people. It will only slow you down.
If someone grabs or attempts to grab you, strike that person in the eyes
or throat. Do not grapple back, or you could die.
➤ Do not go to the ground and grapple with an attacker. If you fall to the
ground, keep your head away from the enemy’s feet, strike and kick with
all your might, get to your feet as quickly as possible, and run.
➤ If someone attempts to grab you, following all the previous points
changes the game entirely.
➤ Never, ever give up fighting. The will to survive will find a way if you let it.
➤ Be sure that in the totality of your training, every movement is consistent
with the natural principles of balance, body unity, looseness, sensitivity,
and total freedom of action (adaptability), or you will be wasting your
Creating a Training
T o help you create a training regimen, we’ll make two assumptions:
1. Your primary interest is in improving your self-defense skills, not impressing your
friends with flashy moves.
2. You’re not a monk living in the mountains, and your free time is probably limited.
To reduce your training time, we advocate training smarter, not harder. It’s better
to train frequently for short periods than infrequently for long periods. Studies
show that reducing downtime, even between short workouts, aids retention. You’re
reprogramming your nervous system, so consistency and repetition are crucial. It’s
also more convenient for most of us to squeeze in a few minutes every day than to
schedule a large block of time for training.
Most of the drills don’t require a Herculean amount of strength; however, some drills
(such as the Gang Attack drills on pp. 36, 41, and 215 and Leg Mania on p. 212) can be
very exhausting, so it’s important to know your physical condition and limits. Any time
you start a new training program, consult your doctor first.
All the drills are valuable and build on one another. Some are more specific to training
a single attribute, like the dropping drills, while others simultaneously train many or all
of the guided chaos principles. The absolutely essential exercise is Contact Flow (p. 135)
and its variations (p. 138). This is a drill you should start to do early in your program and
repeat often. Although the best thing you can do for yourself is to get a training partner,
you will find that even if you get to do contact flow only once a week, if you regularly do
the solo exercises, you will derive the maximum benefit from these sessions, retaining
and augmenting the attributes you’ve already developed.
Variety is important in your training to keep your enthusiasm high as well as to focus
and build on all the nuances of self-defense preparation. This book provides a wide range
Index 263
Creating a Training Regimen
of drills to work with. Keep in mind, however, that you should continue to review the
close combat drills in part I even as you become more advanced.
Moreover, if you’re already highly trained in a martial art, you don’t neccessarily need
to abandon what you already know. We have many students with high-ranking belts from
other styles who, because they’re in law enforcement or the military, find guided chaos
to be the grease that makes their other skills work better.
If you have only a limited amount of time to train, the Anywhere Striking series (part I),
Polishing the Sphere I, II, or III (pp. 131-132), and Washing the Body (p. 132) are drills you
should do every day—ideally, for five minutes each. These drills concentrate the principles
in a practical way, and you can do them by yourself. Include contact flow as often as you
can. If you have a variety of partners and can do contact flow every day, your development
will be phenomenal. We highly recommend you register on the Training Groups Page
on our Web site, www.attackproof.com. There you will find like-minded people willing
to work out with you virtually anywhere in the world. Be aware, however, that they may
never have been to a class, and you never know whom you’re dealing with. Attackproof Inc.
and Mad Squirrel Productions Inc. cannot be held responsible for training injuries, accidents, or
your physical condition. In other words, you’re on your own, kids, so play nice!
The best way to arrange your guided chaos program is to perform six or seven drills each
day: Polishing the Sphere I, II, or III; Washing the Body; and RHEM, as well as three or
four different drills—one from part I, two from part II, and an occasional drill from part
III. This approach allows you to hit every neural pathway and keeps things interesting.
Work your way down the drill finder on page xv; after a few weeks, start from the
beginning again. Don’t get too crazy with this: After a while, you may decide to skip some
drills and double up on others but always strive to do them correctly. If you make stuff
up or mix in drills from other styles you could potentially set back your development by
decades or even go backwards. Check with us on our Web forum; we can point you in
the right direction and keep you from wasting your time. If you need video guidance, the
Combat Conditioning DVD has most of the drills set to Native American music that you
can follow along with. Note that it has no explanations of the drills in order to keep your
workout continuous. The Attackproof Companion DVD Part 2 has detailed explanations
of most of the energy drills in part II of this book.
anywhere principle—In a real fight, a strike can come from or be delivered anywhere.
anywhere strike—Any kind of strike from any angle and any body position.
attack the attacker—A philosophy of striking preemptively without blocking; refusing
to be a victim and fighting offensively instead of defensively. The phrase was coined
by Professor Bradley J Steiner in the 1970s.
awareness—Being in the moment when out in public as opposed to being lost in thought;
achieved through calm visualization and learning to extend your tactile sensitivity
outward beyond your skin so that your nervous system actually begins to recognize
and flow with the movement of people around you; learning to trust your gut feelings
about dangerous situations and people.
balance—The ability to maintain your center of gravity over your root point no matter
what your body position or root point—your foot, back, backside, shoulder, or even
hip when lying on the ground; also refers to the balance of each bone and its relaxed
relationship to every other bone.
blind attack—An assault with no interview or warning of any kind, with the intent to
mug, rape, or kidnap; this is defensible, as opposed to an assassination attempt, which
is virtually indefensible no matter what your training or weaponry.
body unity—Having your entire body weight behind every movement you make, no
matter how small or subtle, by perfectly aligning all the skeletal joints while still
keeping them relaxed.
box step—An effective way of moving that keeps you close to your attacker while enabling
you to avoid being attacked.
chambering—A method of striking that wastes time by requiring you to withdraw the
weapon (object or body part) before moving it forward to strike.
Index 265
chi (energy)—Internally applied grace and balance; the circulating point of finesse
within the body.
close combat—A simplified system of striking culled from methods used to train U.S.
soldiers in World War II to deal with Japanese troops proficient in judo and karate.
close combat universal entry (CCUE)—A simplified series of strikes applicable to
almost any initial assault that also moves you off line.
contact flow—Free-form sensitivity and fighting drill incorporating all principles of
guided chaos.
containing the over-travel—To prevent overcommitment and loss of balance, strikes
and kicks are delivered in such a away as to reflect and recycle the energy back to your
root where it can circle or snap back out into another blow. This requires dropping
and a single-leg root among other things.
counterturning—Turning to strike with the side opposite to that being attacked. For
example, driving out a left palm strike when you’re struck in your right shoulder.
disengagement principle—Remaining in close physical contact with your attacker
while exerting the least pressure.
destruction energy—Full-power pulsing meant to destroy incoming strikes that are
then ricocheted off of.
drac—Horizontal triangle defense where your elbow extends out in front of your face.
dropping—A method of delivering energy by a spasmodic lowering of your entire body
weight into a current or new root. When you drop, you create a shock wave of energy
that travels down your body and rebounds explosively off the ground and back up
your legs to be channeled any way you desire.
external energy—A source of energy that relies solely on muscular power and is usu-
ally characterized by whole-body tension.
flipper—Raising your hand from the wrist; a sensitive lever for launching elbow strikes,
stopping wrist breaks, and guiding inside palm strikes.
fright reaction—Your body’s natural, adrenaline-fueled response to sudden shock or
fear, wherein your whole body instinctively drops its center of gravity, your back
curves out protectively, your head sinks low between your upraised shoulders, and
your arms come up around your face and neck.
guided chaos—A system of self defense created by John Perkins in 1978 that accepts that
all fights are hell-storms of unpatterned and unchoreographed chaos. By augmenting
natural animal and human movement with an awareness of physics, you make chaos
work for you instead of against you. Also called the way of adaptation.
hello hand position—Vertical hand position for intercepting high outside strikes.
hostile awareness—An everyday visualization technique and mental exercise wherein
you calmly imagine counterattacking assaults launched by passersby in the street,
carjackings, or virtually any other attack you can conceive of; visualizing hitting to
destroy. This conditions the subconscious for real combat.
instant balance—An extremely brief period of balance created by dropping into a new
root, which is then instantly abandoned for a new, better root as the balance point
necessarily shifts.
internal energy—A source of power that is a byproduct of muscular and mental relax-
ation, perfectly and economically aligned bones, and an attuned nervous system
that conducts fear impulses without tension. This power is contrasted with external
energy, which relies on pure muscle power.
interview—The verbal banter a scam artist, rapist, kidnapper, mugger, or harasser will
use to distract your attention, gain your trust, draw you closer, and further gauge
your ability to defend yourself.
inward pulse—A method of pulling against your attacker to provide a reaction.
266 Glossary
Since the first edition came out, Attack Proof has been adopted by many schools and
institutions as their training manual. Nevertheless, though a picture is worth a thousand
words, video is worth a billion. All the concepts in Attack Proof are demonstrated on DVDs
available from www.attackproof.com, where you can also find classes, private lessons, and
seminars for civilians, police, security personnel, and the military. You can learn about
close combat; guided chaos; modified Native American ground fighting; gun, knife, and
cane fighting; and essential training tools like the slambag.
An invaluable training aid is the fighting man dummy, a human-shaped, heavy bag. Fight-
ing man dummies are available from www.iisports.com (800-898-2042) and other sources.
The focus gloves, kicking shields, beanbag fill, muay thai heavy bags, and much of the
other equipment described in this book can be purchased at most martial arts supplies stores.
What could be more accessible weaponry than your feet? Steel and composite toe shoes
are now available in virtually any style from sneakers to boots to dress shoes (sorry ladies,
no pumps!) A great source is www.steeltoeshoes.com.
Note: The italicized f following page numbers refers to figures.
A balance
abdomen, as target 256 breathing 87
abduction, avoiding 8-9, 10 components of 82
alarms drills 87-95, 140
home security 5-6 in economic movement 169-170
personal 6 flow 140
portable door alarm 4 in guided chaos 82-84, 248, 249
alcohol and safety 4, 6-7 momentum 82-83
anger, awareness of 7 neutral 155-156
answer the phone movement 186-188, 187f sphere of influence and 249
arm pressure 56-60, 57f-59f stances 83-87, 84f, 87f
Art of War, The (Tzu) 148 ballpoint pen 7
assaults, preventing 3-7 belly, knife against 229-230, 230f
attacking the attacker 14, 71, 177-179, 250-253 biting 21, 163
automated teller machines (ATMs) 3-4 blind attacks
awareness description of 16-18, 17f
concept of 2-3, 44, 249-250 drills 25-29
drill 3 blocking, from Jack Benny stance 16, 17f. See
hostile 7-10 also shield, body as
strategies 3-7 body unity
chi and 73-77
B description of 73
back drills 76-81
gun against 236, 236f enhancing 76
knife on 230, 230f guided chaos and 49-50, 145-147, 248-249
270 Index
Jack Benny stance mace 35
description of 14-16, 14f, 16f, 17f martial arts
drill 29-31 internal vs. external 74-75
scenario 35 Native American 174, 194, 195-199
jackhammer strikes 19, 83 melee flow drill 140
jogging safely 6-7 mind-set, proper 249-250
mobility in ground fighting 196, 204-206
K momentum 83
kicks muggers
areas to target 256 abduction by 8
in close combat 23-24, 25f attacking 253
ground fighting 209-210, 209f, 210f avoiding 5
in guided chaos 99-100, 100f multihitting 173-174, 174f
strikes 258, 258f murder, preventing 3-7
kidnapping, avoiding 8 muscular strength, body unity and 76
kidneys, strikes to 173, 256
Kill or Get Killed (Applegate) 199 N
knee(s) Native American martial arts movements 174,
bending 86-87 194, 195-199
strikes 23, 33, 33f neck
knives knife on 230-232, 230f, 232f
defense 35, 228-233 strikes to 173, 254
drills 233-234 neck-breaking 163
using 232 nine pearls 73
leaning vs. yielding 156 offense
legs body as weapon 163-167
drills 141, 212-214 economic movements 173-177
using 19 open-handed strikes 21, 22-23, 165
lethal force training 11 opponent
locks energy of 170-171, 171f
executing 183 vortex 170
resisting 184, 186-189 weapons of 251
types of 184-186
using 183-184, 184f P
looking terrified 15 palm(s)
looseness strikes 15, 18, 18f, 31, 32f, 257, 257f
in body movements 50 as weapons 163, 165, 166
Index 273
pepper spray 6 S
perception, guided chaos and 145-149 schools, personal safety in
personal comfort zone bullies, three-step attack process for 42-44
drill 29-31 criminals, tactical awareness of 44
establishing 7 gangs, getting jumped by 44
pickpockets, avoiding 5 suicidal gunman 45
pinching 20, 163 screaming as defense
pocketing confrontations and 13
concept of 54 environment and 11
as defensive response 170-171, 171f, 172f in Jack Benny stance 16
example of 55-56, 55f, 56f security. See also awareness
point shooting 241 at ATMs 3-4
police at home 5-6
phony 4-5 in hotels and motels 4
reasonable force 10-11 while jogging 6-7
posture, balance and 87, 87f self-defense. See defense
preemptive striking, confrontations and 14 sensitivity
prefight orientation 7-10 description of 103
pressure responses, examples of 56-61, 57f-60f and destruction vs. control and submission
proprioception and guided chaos 145-149 199
pulsing energy drills 120-121, 147-148
examples of 113-114, 113f eye-hand coordination 103, 104f
purpose of 112 in guided chaos 49-50, 143-145, 248
vs. yin-yang generator principle 112-114, hitting 120
113f using against opponent, analogies of 106-
puppeteering drill 80-81, 80f, 183 107
purse snatchers, avoiding 5 set-up attack flow drill 140
shaking the tree 174
R shedding energy 201
rape, strategies for surviving 35 shield, body as
relationship of human energy to movement elbow, overbending 158
(RHEM) drill 134-135 flipper 162-163, 163f
relaxation formless stance 155-156
drills 61-62 Harley position 158, 158f
for looseness 51-52 hello hand position 160-161, 160f-161f
ricocheting energy 114, 170, 251 hello hand position with triangle defense
ridgehands, description of 20 161-162, 162f
ripping 16, 20, 163, 166-167 moving behind guard 153-155, 155f
robberies, preventing 3-7 rocker position 158-159, 159f
rooting taking opponent’s space 156-157, 157f, 158f
balance and 84-86 triangle defense 159-160, 160f
common mistakes 85-86 yielding 155, 158
description of 19, 84 shoes, steel-toed 7, 23, 256
drills 63, 84-86 shortening the weapon 175-177, 176f, 177f
fixed-step rooting 86 skimming energy 116, 116f
in ground fighting 205 slambag training
in looseness 53 partner training 128
50-50 (neutral balance) 84-85 slambags 125
plyometric rooting 85 solo training 126-128
single-leg balance 84-85 using 23, 126
ruthless intent 251-252 vs. iron palm training 125-126
274 Index
276 About
Index the Author
Matt Kovsky is an editor for CBS Television. His work has earned him two Emmys, one
for outstanding editing and another for producing an outstanding entertainment series,
as well as many other awards. He also co-produced the debut CD, finally..., of songwriter
Keri Shore, which won runner-up in the 2002 John Lennon Songwriting Contest. He has
trained in isshinryu karate and jeet kune do and has a fifth-degree black belt in guided
chaos. Kovsky lives in Westchester, New York.