CBT Anxiety Workbook Counseling
CBT Anxiety Workbook Counseling
CBT Anxiety Workbook Counseling
Fortunately, there are effective ways to deal with them. In this beautifully written workbook,
McKay, Skeen, and Fanning offer concrete and effective instructions to overcome these prob-
lems. I highly recommend this book.”
—Stefan G. Hofmann, PhD, professor of psychology at Boston University
“Combining the best approaches from all three generations of cognitive behavioral therapy
(CBT) research and practice, this book is a reliable, evidence-based guide to expand your life
when it is restricted by fear. Systematic, clear, and step-by-step, think of it as a roadmap for
human liberation—your own, or one you love. Highly recommended.”
—Steven C. Hayes, PhD, professor of psychology at the University of Nevada,
Reno,and author of Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life
“This workbook beautifully integrates strategies from acceptance and commitment therapy
(ACT), cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) into
practical solutions for a broad spectrum of anxiety problems. McKay, Skeen, and Fanning take
readers through a step-by-step process explaining mechanisms underlying anxiety, helping
individuals assess problematic coping patterns, and introducing values work to motivate them
for the challenge of tackling anxiety in a meaningful and lasting way. Numerous real-life
examples validate personal experiences and illustrate how to implement interventions to
reduce suffering, which will resonate with clients and clinicians alike.”
—Rochelle I. Frank, PhD, assistant clinical professor of psychology at the University
of California, Berkeley, and coauthor of The Transdiagnostic Road Map to Case
Formulation and Treatment Planning
“This workbook demystifies anxiety and teaches the nuts and bolts about using strategies from the
most up-to-date anxiety protocols and treatments to face your specific fears and cope with fearful
thoughts. It’s informative, thorough, and easy to follow, with numerous examples to use as guide-
lines. Whether you suffer from anxiety or you help those who do, this resource offers the practical
guidance you need.”
—Joan Davidson, PhD, codirector and founding partner of the San Francisco Bay Area
Center for Cognitive Therapy, and assistant professor in the clinical sciences program
at the University of California, Berkeley
“This book is based on a number of proven approaches for treating and managing anxiety, includ-
ing exposure to feared stimuli, mindfulness and acceptance, and cognitive reappraisal. Filled with
helpful worksheets and illustrations, the book’s clear, practical, and accessible format is an excel-
lent option for anyone struggling with anxiety.”
—Martin M. Antony, PhD, professor of psychology at Ryerson University, and coauthor
of The Shyness and Social Anxiety Workbook and The Anti-Anxiety Workbook
Anxiety Solution
3 Assessment 21
4 Motivation 31
5 Preparation 39
References 221
Fear is a natural and valuable emotion. It has great survival value for human beings, preparing
us to fight for survival or run away quickly from a threat. But too much fear in the form of
chronic anxiety is incredibly painful and debilitating.
Anxiety is prolonged fear that persists in the absence of a real threat: after a threat is over,
during situations that aren’t actually very dangerous, or before a potential threat in the future.
When anxiety becomes chronic and dominates your life, it morphs into an anxiety disorder.
Research consistently shows that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the most effective
anxiety treatment. It works better than drugs, psychoanalysis, hypnosis, and all the other ways
we have tried to treat anxiety over the years.
Broadly speaking, two CBT approaches for treating anxiety have emerged: coping and
exposure. Coping is changing how you think, evaluating threats more accurately, and building
confidence in your ability to handle a threat so that you are gradually less afraid. Exposure is
purposefully experiencing what you are afraid of, disproving your dire predictions of disaster,
until your fear naturally subsides. The most recent data show that both approaches help, but
exposure can work faster and results in larger, longer-lasting reductions in anxiety.
The first two-thirds of this book teach you everything you need to know to apply the latest
and most effective protocol for exposure, called inhibitory learning. It was developed by a team
of therapists and researchers (Craske, Treanor, Conway, Zbozinek, and Vervliet) who pub-
lished their results in 2014. This special exposure process will help you overcome anxiety as
rapidly and completely as possible.
This book also covers the most effective coping strategies used in CBT and related thera-
pies: coping planning, defusion, cognitive flexibility, and distress tolerance. They are research-
tested, highly effective techniques that will augment and strengthen your anxiety recovery
3. Obsessive-compulsive disorder
4. Panic disorder
5. Specific phobia
You will begin making a list of feared situations that you will carry forward into future
chapters. At the end of the chapter is an exercise to help you identify your particular fear
response and begin to shape your treatment plan.
Chapter 3 is all about assessment. You will begin an inventory of your feared situations,
your level of distress for each, and which of several safety behaviors you tend to use:
• Distraction
• Procrastination
• Perfectionism
The Anxiety Problem
By far the most common safety behavior is avoidance. The chapter concludes with a check-
list to find out which types of avoidance you favor: avoiding certain situations, avoiding certain
thoughts, or avoiding certain physical sensations.
Chapter 4 is where you will work to build motivation for facing your feared situations.
You’ll assess the costs of your avoidance and other safety behaviors in nine domains:
1. Friendships
2. Family
3. Parenting
4. Work/education
5. Self-care/health
6. Pleasure/recreation
7. Life goals
8. Service to others
9. Romantic relationships
You will also identify and rate your positive values in these domains and list the activities
and accomplishments you have been missing because of chronic anxiety. Finally, you will
consider the importance of willingness when facing situations you have been avoiding.
Chapter 5 is the planning chapter in which you will list various ways you plan to stop your
safety behaviors and expose yourself to the situations, feelings, and thoughts you have been
avoiding. For each of your planned exposures you will predict the worst possible outcome and
set a percentage probability for the outcome happening as predicted. After consulting many
detailed examples of inventories composed by people suffering from all the different anxiety
disorders, you will arrive at the end of the chapter with your own detailed exposure
Chapter 6 guides you through the actual exposure process: when to do it, what to experi-
ence first, how to prepare for exposures, evaluating your results, how often to do exposures,
and so on.
Chapter 7 is the first of the supplemental coping chapters. It explains how to increase your
sense of efficacy by developing a coping plan for your worst-case scenario.
Chapter 8 teaches the cognitive skill of defusion, a technique for coping with fearful
thoughts, adapted from acceptance and commitment therapy.
Chapter 9 corrects your anxiety lens by teaching you how to appraise threats more
Chapter 10 works on increasing your distress tolerance, using techniques from dialectical
behavior therapy, such as mindfulness, self-soothing, and relaxation.
Chapter 11 guides you in crafting a plan for relapse prevention, so that you can deal with
any anxiety that crops up in the future.
Appendices contain all the worksheets in one place for ease of photocopying, extra
instructions for panic disorder, and some useful standard measures for mental health profes-
sionals to use.
In this chapter you will learn about the alarm response to threats, identify your type of anxiety,
and begin to plan your treatment.
Chronic anxiety is like having an alarm sound in your mind and body that won’t turn off.
It just keeps ringing and warning you of danger. Everyone has a hardwired alarm system
designed for survival. It helps you survive by mobilizing you to deal with threats. To under-
stand how this valuable alarm response gets stuck in the “On” position, we first have to see
how the mechanism works. There are four steps in the alarm response:
2. Appraisal of threat—you assess how serious the danger is and whether you have the
resources to cope.
4. Behavioral response—you do something to feel safer, such as avoiding the threat, post-
poning the threat until later, distracting yourself from the threat, and so on.
Perception of Threat
There are three kinds of threats we are always alert for. The first is external. You’re out in the
woods and notice a bear lumbering in your direction. Or your boss frowns and says she’s con-
cerned about your performance. Or your partner seems withdrawn and disconnected. Whether
the threat is physical injury, loss of your job and livelihood, or a possible rejection, the danger
is that something bad will happen to you via outside forces.
Internal threats originate with sensations in your own body. Any kind of physical pain is
an example of an internal threat. A surprising, unfamiliar sensation can be threatening, as are
sensations associated with danger, such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, or light-
The third type of threat is a conditioned threat, or phobia. This is an object, a situation, or
even an internal experience that’s not very dangerous itself, but has become associated with
the expectation of harm. This process, based on classical conditioning, is how phobias are
formed. Most of us experience very little sense of danger getting in a car. But if your car gets
linked in your mind to a terrible accident you witnessed, or a scary near-collision you experi-
enced, something may change. Your car changes from a neutral, non-frightening stimulus into
a conditioned, threatening stimulus. You now have the same fearful response to driving your
car as you had to the accident or scary near-collision.
When these learned linkages occur, almost anything can become a conditioned stimulus/
threat. You’re probably aware of some of these phobias—heights, tight spaces, freeways, hypo-
dermics, elevators, airplanes, public places, dizzy feelings, bees, feeling hot, darkness, thunder,
rodents, dogs, spiders, and so on.
Appraisal of Threat
Once the alarm has gone off, your mind kicks in, trying to determine how much danger you
face. First, there is an assessment of the level of threat. How big is the bear? Is it moving toward
you? Does it look aggressive? In the case of conditioned threats (phobias) the evaluation of
danger may be near instantaneous, and largely depends on how close you are to the feared
object or situation.
Appraisal of the level of threat can run the gamut from accurate to utterly wrong. Your
evaluations of conditioned threats, because they’re driven by a learned relationship between a
neutral stimulus and grave danger, will usually be distorted. Inaccurate or distorted assess-
ments of danger are called misappraisals, and two components of the treatment program in this
book will help you overcome them.
In addition to appraising the immediate threat, your mind will also try to predict out-
comes. What bad things might happen in five minutes, tomorrow, in a month? This fortune-
telling response to threat is natural. Assessing possible catastrophic outcomes has helped us
survive as a species. But when your mind locks onto threats and won’t let go, when you can’t
stop preparing for all the harmful things that could happen, a normal mental process has gone
awry. Instead of protecting you, this worry/rumination response can drive anxiety to over-
whelming levels. This treatment program includes a component called defusion that will help
you deal with ruminative thoughts.
The Alarm Response
The third appraisal in response to threat is an assessment of your ability to cope. Do you
feel strong enough to face it? Do you have the resources to withstand the pain or stress this
threat might bring? The appraisal of your ability to cope, if it is high, leads to self-efficacy—
confidence that you can deal with difficult things. If it is low, you may experience distress
intolerance—a sense that you can be quickly overwhelmed by painful events. Distress intoler-
ance is a major contributor to chronic anxiety, and there are two components of this treat-
ment program that target it.
Here is an outline of the typical threat appraisal process, teased apart and slowed down so
that you can clearly see the three types of appraisals that determine whether your response
will be a decline in anxiety or escalating anxiety and avoidance:
1. Big Danger?
No—Alarm stops, anxiety/arousal declines.
Yes—Alarm continues: Danger!
2. Catastrophic possibilities?
No—Alarm stops, anxiety/arousal declines.
Yes—Alarm continues: Danger!
Notice that the alarm bell shuts off if your appraisal of the threat or future danger is low.
Likewise, the alarm diminishes or stops if you determine that you have the coping resources
to face the threat. Only if the current or future danger seems high and you lack the ability to
cope does the alarm continue, triggering both anxiety/fear and physiological arousal.
Avoidance behaviors typically occur only after anxiety/fear and arousal have been trig-
gered. The decision to avoid is often automatic and unconscious, unless you have a strong
reason to face the threat (for example, avoidance would trigger dire negative consequences, or
there is something you value about facing this particular fear). You will learn, in this treatment
program, how to consciously and deliberately make the decision to face threats and the anxiety
they trigger.
All of these autonomic reactions prepare you to survive a threat in the best possible way
by (1) running away, (2) fighting and defending yourself, or (3) freezing and playing dead. Your
brain decides which of these to do in just a few seconds.
Meanwhile, as your body reacts, the hypothalamus and the limbic areas of your brain are
beginning an emotional response—fear (a threat is right in front of you) or anxiety (a threat
may occur sometime in the future). The emotion of fear/anxiety creates a painful level of
arousal that makes you want to do something to stop it. While fear is adaptive, motivating you
to avoid danger, false alarms trigger fear-driven avoidance that makes you run from what isn’t
Behavioral Responses
All emotions share a single function—to organize and motivate behavior that helps you
survive. Anger, for example, drives aggressive behavior to protect you from attacks. Sadness
The Alarm Response
pushes you to withdraw so you can reevaluate following a loss or failure. And fear urges you to
resist or avoid whatever scares you. So embedded in every emotion is an innate, hardwired
urge to take action that helps to keep us alive.
The urge triggered by fear or anxiety is to seek safety. The most common safety behavior
is avoidance—the flight part of the fight-or-f light reaction. Avoidance can take three forms:
avoiding certain situations, avoiding certain thoughts, or avoiding certain sensations. Or
instead of immediate avoidance, you might try to determine whether you are safe by checking
for danger or seeking reassurance to ascertain whether the threat is as dangerous as you feared.
If a threat is unavoidable, you might perform certain mental or physical rituals like invoking
divine help or hand washing to feel safer. Safety behaviors can take many forms.
irritable bowel syndrome. Weeks later when a friend invited her to another ball game,
Sheila turned her down, using the most common safety behavior—avoidance.
False Alarms
When you react with fear and safety behaviors like avoidance to low-danger objects or
situations, that’s a false alarm. The more false alarms you experience, the more you suffer
unnecessary anxiety and arousal. Frequent false alarms result in avoiding things you don’t
need to avoid, constricting and diminishing your life.
False alarms have four causes:
• Distress intolerance—the belief that you can’t stand or cope with threats or
the anxiety they trigger.
These four factors not only create false alarms, but they also usually combine to maintain
your anxiety disorder. They are literally driving and deepening your fear and your pain. Each
of the treatment steps that follow in this book targets one or more of these factors. As you free
yourself of their influence, your anxiety and fear, your arousal, and all the constrictions that
avoidance has placed around your life will greatly diminish.
The Alarm Response
Let’s look at the criteria for each and which symptoms sound familiar to you. Put a check
by each disorder that might apply to you, and list the situations that you fear.
• restlessness
• fatigue
• difficulty concentrating
• irritability
• muscle tension
• sleep problems
Situations I fear:
The Alarm Response
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
The core experience of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is fear plus compulsive
coping behaviors. OCD is a common, chronic anxiety disorder in which a person obsessively
thinks about and tries to avoid a specific fear, such as:
• disorganization/forgetting
• germs or contamination
When a person encounters a situation that triggers the OCD fear (such as driving near a
schoolyard, cutting vegetables next to a loved one, touching the latch on a toilet stall, being
near someone who might have a disease, making a mistake, and so on), the person will attempt
to control the fear with a safety behavior or compulsive ritual. These compulsive behaviors
can include:
• compulsive counting
Situations I fear:
Panic Disorder
People with panic disorder have recurrent, unexpected panic attacks, which are sudden
periods of intense fear that may include palpitations, pounding heart, accelerated heart rate,
sweating, trembling or shaking, sensations of shortness of breath, the sense of being smothered
or choking, or the feeling of impending doom. The core fear is of sensations in your body that
are harbingers of panic, and the panic itself.
Panic disorder symptoms include:
• fear or avoidance of places where panic attacks have occurred in the past
Situations I fear:
Specific Phobia
As the name suggests, a person with specific phobia experiences intense fear in response
to a particular object or situation. Fear of blood or needles, fear of enclosed places, and fear of
flying are examples of specific phobia. Fear of spiders, fear of snakes, and fear of heights are
some more common ones. While many people experience fear of certain situations or things,
the key issue with phobia is that the individual feels (1) compelled to avoid it, and (2) the
avoidance affects that person’s life in a negative way. For example, for a person who lives in
New York City, a fear of snakes may not be very concerning. On the other hand, a backpack-
ing guide with a phobia of snakes would need either treatment or a new job.
Situations I fear:
The Alarm Response
• combat exposure
• terrorist attack
During a traumatic event, you may fear that your life or others’ lives are in danger. You
may feel that you have no control over what’s happening around you. Most people have some
stress-related reactions after a traumatic event, but not everyone experiences PTSD. If your
reactions don’t go away over time and they disrupt your life, you may have PTSD. Those with
PTSD try to avoid situations or people that trigger memories of the traumatic event. They
even avoid talking or thinking about the event. If you struggle with PTSD, the way you think
about yourself and others may change because of the trauma. You may feel surges of anger,
fear, guilt, or shame. You may also experience nightmares or unwanted flashbacks to the
Situations I fear:
The preceding lists of feared situations will be expanded in the next chapter. But first, the
following exercise will help you plan your treatment and how you will use this book. (A down-
loadable version of this worksheet is available at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.)
1.1 I try to stay away from things that make me anxious or uncomfortable rather
than face them.
1.2 I worry about all the bad things that could happen in the future.
1.3 When I get upset by a situation, my negative thoughts often don’t turn out to
be completely true.
1.4 I don’t believe I can cope with situations in which I feel anxious or fearful.
2.1 I tend to avoid situations, people, places, or things that make me feel anxious
or upset.
2.2 I tend to focus on all the negative outcomes that might result from a
2.3 I tend to assume things will be worse—more painful and scary—than they
turn out to be.
3.1 If I feel anxious and uncomfortable I avoid situations altogether—even
though I wish I didn’t have to.
3.2 Whenever there’s a problem, I tend to dwell on the worst things that could
3.3 When the situations are especially upsetting to me, I tend to have a string of
thoughts about myself or others that feel true at the time, but often aren’t.
3.4 I don’t know how to cope with anxious feelings or situations in which I am
The Alarm Response
4.1 There are situations or things that make me anxious, and I try to avoid
4.2 I find that I tend to overthink bad scenarios that could happen.
4.3 I easily jump to conclusions when I’m upset by something—and my conclu-
sions aren’t really accurate.
4.4 I feel distressed by fear or anxiety in a way that seems too big to cope with.
5.1 I try to avoid things I feel I must do to protect myself from feeling too
5.2 My problems trigger a lot of thinking about all the bad directions things
could take.
5.3 In difficult situations I can have one negative thought after another that
makes things seem worse than they really are.
You might feel overwhelmed by the number of items that were relevant for you. The good news
is that you are bringing awareness to the coping behaviors that are reinforcing your anxiety.
This is where the change starts to happen. Let’s look at what’s significant for you.
1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 are statements that apply to avoidance of the things that make you feel
anxious. These can be people, places, situations, things, or internal sensations that you tend
to avoid.
1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, and 5.2 are statements that apply to worry/rumination, extended worrying
about future dangers or threats and making negative predictions about the future that get in
the way of creating solutions to problems.
1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, and 5.3 are statements that apply to cognitive misappraisal, evaluating a situa-
tion, object, sensation, or person as dangerous when it isn’t.
1.4, 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, and 5.4 are statements that apply to distress intolerance, the belief that you
can’t stand certain experiences and the emotions they trigger.
Cognitive misappraisal. If you scored 15 or higher on the items concerning cognitive misap-
praisal, you can supplement the next four chapters by including the material in chapter 7, “You
Can Face Fear,” and chapter 9, “Correcting Your Anxiety Lens.”
Distress intolerance. If you scored 15 or higher on these items in the inventory, supplement
the next four chapters by working on the exercises in chapter 10, “Distress Tolerance Skills.”
Finally, don’t leave this book without consulting the final chapter 11, “Relapse Prevention,”
because in the long term you will need a strategy to quickly reapply your anxiety solution skills
when you start to feel anxious in the future.
To summarize how to use this book, make sure you do all the work in the next four chap-
ters and chapter 11. Depending on your particular scores on this inventory, you might also
benefit from chapters 7 through 10.
The Alarm Response
Time to Begin
Anxiety takes much of the joy out of life. Every time the alarm bell goes off, you end up feeling
endangered and beset with catastrophic possibilities. Your body reacts by preparing for battle
or for flight, and demands that you do something to get safe. You feel aroused and over-
whelmed, and all you can think about is how to escape the threat.
You must wonder: Can anything help? Could a book like this show the way to relief? The
answer is yes. Anxiety isn’t a mystery. It isn’t a black box that we can’t peer into and figure out.
Chronic anxiety is caused and maintained by the four factors listed above. The treatment
program outlined here will help you target the four factors that turn fear and anxiety from a
momentary experience into a disorder.
Help is on the way. Let’s get started.
In this chapter you will expand your list of feared situations and explore your safety behaviors,
including your unique pattern of avoidance. By the end of the chapter you will have a detailed
inventory of the people, places, things, situations, and experiences you fear and tend to avoid.
You will use this inventory in subsequent chapters, so take your time in this chapter and do
the exercises thoroughly.
Get started by transferring your feared situations from the previous chapter to the first
column of the worksheet on the following page. (A downloadable version of this worksheet is
available at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.) List all the situations you can think of,
including experiences, people, places, things, and even internal experiences such as worrisome
thoughts and panicky sensations—everything you fear.
In the second column, rate your SUDS (Subjective Units of Distress) from 0 to 100, where
0 would be no anxiety and 100 would be maximum anxiety possible.
Leave the third column blank for now.
Eileen loved horseback riding, but after a fall from her horse she became fearful about
riding. Here is her list of feared situations and SUDS ratings.
Galloping 85
Eileen’s feared situations were all related to a particular trauma, the fall from her horse.
Depending on the type of anxiety you experience, your list of feared situations might be much
more varied.
Safety Behaviors
The next column you will complete on your inventory will be the typical safety behaviors you
use in response to your feared situations.
What are safety behaviors? We’re all hardwired to protect ourselves from dangerous situa-
tions. When we experience threat, we’ll act quickly and go to great lengths to feel safe. If you
were in an unlit parking garage and you heard footsteps behind you, it’s likely that you’d move
fast to get to the safety of your car. In addition to seeking safety in response to a physically
threatening situation, you’ll find yourself seeking safety to alleviate the anxiety you experience
when you worry about something. Safety behaviors are chosen actions that are carried out to
protect you from the emotion of fear, and the catastrophes you worry about.
Safety behaviors are compelling because they provide immediate benefits. They reduce the
feeling of danger in the short term. For example, if you have OCD, an invitation to dine out
may trigger worries about being exposed to germs from the seats and the crowd, the bacteria
in the food that’s served, and the germs in the public restrooms. If you decline the invitation,
thereby avoiding the restaurant and all of the perceived threats that come with it, you’ll feel
better immediately. If you decide to go, you might take precautions (safety behaviors)—bring
antibacterial wipes, wear gloves for the bathroom door, and eat only salad. With these safety
behaviors you’re alleviating anxiety about contamination, but creating a far greater difficulty.
Your fear of germs will continue and perhaps worsen because you haven’t done anything to
directly decrease the fear itself.
There are two types of safety behaviors: avoidant and approach. With avoidant safety
behaviors, you are avoiding, delaying, or escaping the fear. This coping behavior is very appeal-
ing because you get an immediate decrease in your level of anxiety. With approach safety
behaviors, you engage in the anxiety-provoking situation, but you use strategies that will
prevent or minimize your feared outcomes. Both types of safety behaviors make you feel better
in the short term. So what’s the problem with them?
The problem with using safety behaviors is that you never learn anything. You never learn
whether your feared situation or experience will really cause you harm. You never learn to
tolerate uncertainty. And you never learn to trust your judgment. So the next time the same
threat appears, you suffer the same anxiety, push it away with the same safety behavior, and so
on indefinitely. You live in a recursive loop where anxiety tends to become more frequent and
intense, not less. The following sequence shows how safety behaviors maintain and often
worsen anxiety:
Avoidance. This is the biggie, the single most important safety behavior, the main engine that
powers anxiety. When you avoid what you fear, you reduce your anxiety by taking yourself
away from a situation that seems uncertain and threatening. You may avoid situations that
involve meeting new people. You might avoid getting your annual checkup because you don’t
know what the doctor is going to tell you. You might avoid tasks or challenges that bring up
fear of failure or danger. At the end of this chapter you will focus in more detail on your unique
patterns of avoidance.
Excessive reassurance seeking. If this is one of your safety behaviors, you seek reassurance
from others when you are making a decision. This might include making a big decision, like
the purchase of a car, or a smaller decision, like what to have for dinner. While it’s normal to
ask others for their opinions, with this safety behavior the reassurance seeking is excessive—as
in asking multiple times in order to counteract the anxiety that your worry generates.
Distraction. When facing a feared experience, you might behave in ways that are meant to
distract you. This could include daydreaming, compulsive TV watching or Internet use, count-
ing, tapping, planning, and so on. Another form of distraction is looking away from the object
or situation that you fear.
Procrastination. Procrastination is a safety behavior that falls under the broader category of
avoidance. With procrastination you’re putting off a feared experience as a way to delay wor-
rying about something or to minimize your sense of threat or risk.
Overpreparation. The activities related to this safety behavior are designed to increase your
certainty about situations that are ambiguous or unpredictable. Maybe you’ve heard the
expression, “I’m anxious about anything I can’t Google.” You will seek out as much informa-
tion and prepare yourself as much as possible to decrease the level of uncertainty when you
face an anxiety-provoking challenge.
Perfectionism. The goal of this safety behavior is to eliminate uncertainty and mistakes by
doing everything flawlessly. This means not delegating tasks to others so you can make sure
they get done the way that you want. It can also mean overworking to avoid the possibility of
Rituals. When facing a feared situation, you may engage in rituals as a safety behavior. As
soon as you think of something bad happening to people you love, you might say a prayer to
keep them safe, or you may arrange objects in a specific way. You may carry specific objects
with you as a way to keep yourself safe (such as a lucky charm, a keepsake, or a photo).
List making. Creating lists to avoid forgetting and uncertainty is a common safety behavior.
Take your time filling in column 2. Identify the safety behaviors you use when encounter-
ing each of your feared situations and experiences. What exactly do you do to cope with the
anxiety these experiences trigger? How do you get away from or diminish your fear?
Focusing on Avoidance
There are three kinds of avoidant safety behaviors that people use in an attempt to control
anxiety: situational, cognitive, and sensation or interoceptive avoidance. As you read the
descriptions below, put a check mark next to the type(s) of avoidance you’ve used. It’s not
unusual for people to use all three, so don’t be discouraged if that’s the case. This program will
help you no matter what forms of avoidance you use.
Situational avoidance. This is the most common type of avoidance. You stay
away from activities, places, people, and things that tend to trigger your anxiety.
For example, when Scott was a child, a dog bit his hand when he tried to pet
it. Scott remained fearful of dogs. As an adult, he would not attend any func-
tions at the homes of friends who owned a dog, and he avoided parks and other
outdoor venues that allowed dogs. In the short term, Scott was able to avoid
the feelings that got triggered when he was near a dog, but in the long term he
missed out on experiences with friends and loved ones.
the panic he felt dizzy, hot, and shaky, had palpitations, and felt “totally out of
it.” Since that time, he fears and vigilantly watches for any of these sensations.
He tries desperately to stop or block them, avoiding places where they might
occur. As a consequence, Juan is now avoiding all exercise so he won’t get
heart palpitations or overheated or too excited. He doesn’t watch sports, go to
concerts, hike, or go on outings with friends. What’s worse, if Juan even antici-
pates the possibility of panic, he begins to feel dizzy and “out of it”—which
often triggers a full-blown attack.
After focusing on the types of avoidance, you might find that you can break some items
on your inventory down into more components. For example, a fear of crowded places might
include the following items:
• crowded restaurants
• movie theaters
• concerts/nightclubs
• shopping malls
• bathroom doorknobs
• public doorknobs
• touching money
Go back to your inventory and expand any of the feared situations or safety behaviors that
could use more detail.
When Eileen considered the three types of avoidance, she realized that she used cognitive
avoidance any time she even thought about riding on the higher trails. And she drilled down
into her real fears to realize that what caused her the most distress was the possibility of expe-
riencing again the physical sensations of panic that she felt when her horse threw her on a
steep trail. So she added items 9 and 10 to her inventory:
Panicky physical sensation of not being 100 Avoiding, thinking I can ride later with
in control when horse thrusts up on instructor
steep trails
In the next chapter you will work on motivation, exploring why it is worth it to you to use
exposure and the other techniques in this book to solve your anxiety problems.
It is not easy to stop your safety behaviors and expose yourself to experiences you would rather
avoid. You’re going to need the motivation that this chapter will provide. First you will examine
the negative consequences of avoidance and other safety behaviors. Then you will review your
life values, especially the activities and relationships you’ve been missing out on because of
your anxiety. Finally, you will assess your willingness to go forward with your treatment plan.
Costs of Avoidance
As you become more familiar with your avoidance and other safety behaviors, you may also be
thinking about the ways in which you are missing out on important aspects of your life. The
more you avoid, the more your life is limited. Avoidance affects you emotionally, creating
depression when you stop doing things you enjoy or find nurturing. When you continually
disappoint or upset your family and friends, your relationships suffer and you feel shame and
guilt. Safety behaviors are likely creating consequences at work or school as well, blocking you
from reaching some of your life goals or preventing you from getting in touch with your life
purpose. And, by continuing to engage in safety behaviors, you never learn that there is less to
fear than you believe.
The following worksheet will help you identify the costs of avoidance. (This worksheet is
available for download at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.) In each of the following
domains, list your avoidance or other safety behaviors and their negative impact on your life.
Rate the impact on your life from 1 (very little negative impact) to 5 (large negative impact).
social activities
Life goals
Service to
Laura used the Cost of Avoidance Worksheet to examine how her fear of being socially
judged or rejected was affecting her life. In particular, Laura feared talking to strangers, believ-
ing that they might discover something flawed or unacceptable about her. She even worried
about friends secretly disliking her. Social situations frequently triggered thoughts like I’m
stupid, I’m boring, or I’m unattractive.
Pleasure, Drink at all social events to Feel out of it and stupid. Can’t 3
recreation, stop feeling like a failure. have a sensible conversation.
social activities Go online to distract myself at Feel isolated and alone at 3
social events. social events.
Avoid team sports. Couldn’t play softball. 3
Avoid fun group activities. Loneliness 4
Life goals Ritual thoughts like I’m doing Ignore sadness and do nothing 5
my best when I feel sad about about how alone I am.
no relationship and being
As a result of this exercise, Laura noticed that her safety behaviors were directly linked to
her loneliness, isolation at work, and feelings of disconnection from friends. Even worse, the
sense of hopelessness about ever having a romantic relationship seemed to be a direct outcome
of her safety behaviors.
Now instead of focusing on the negative aspects of your anxiety, think about the positive
things you would like to do if anxiety weren’t paralyzing you. What activities and abilities have
you lost? What plans can you no longer make? What goals have you given up? What sources
of joy or fulfillment seem closed to you now? In short, what do you care about? What are your
life values?
The following worksheet will help clarify some of the valued activities your anxiety has
curtailed. (A downloadable version of this worksheet is available at http://www.newharbinger.
com/34749.) In the left-hand column, list your specific fears. In the middle column, identify
each valued activity the fear blocks. Note that each fear could prevent multiple activities in
multiple settings (work, recreation, family activities, social activities, health maintenance,
parenting, and so on). In the right-hand column, rate how important each activity is from
1 (slightly valued) to 5 (extremely valued).
Values Worksheet
Naomi, who had a fear of contamination, listed multiple situations she avoided on her
Values Worksheet. She was surprised to see how each of these feared situations blocked activi-
ties that she valued.
As Naomi examined her worksheet, it became clear that her fear of public toilets was pre-
venting many highly valued activities. Her fear of sick people was also blocking a needed knee
surgery, and preventing her from taking adequate care of her health. Her fear of dirt was
getting in the way of two valued hobbies—pottery and orchid raising—as well as seeing her
brother. Fear was costing her a great deal in areas that deeply mattered to her. As a result of
this process, she was beginning to recognize the situations where she was most willing to face
challenging exposures.
Notice that values help guide your life toward things that matter to you. Because anxiety
often makes it difficult to act on key values, anxiety can rob your life of meaning. You may end
up avoiding many of the activities and experiences you care most about. This is how anxiety
can co-occur with depression: anxiety gets in the way of meaningful activities, and the result-
ing loss of vitality and engagement causes you to spiral down into depression.
In this chapter you will complete your Exposure Inventory Worksheet: a detailed plan for how
to stop safety behaviors and systematically expose yourself to what you’ve been avoiding. Your
inventory builds on all the work you have done to this point: listing your feared situations and
experiences, examining your safety behaviors in detail, and putting numerical values on the
negative distress you feel and the positive values by which you want to live your life.
To further refine your inventory you will add a plan to stop safety behaviors, as well as “pre-
dicted outcomes,” and “percent probability” to each of your feared situations. On the following
worksheet, write down one of your feared situations, your associated safety behaviors, the
subjective units of distress (SUDS), and the relative value ratings you made in the previous
chapters. (This worksheet is available to download at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.)
Exposure Inventory Worksheet
In the third column, make a plan for stopping your safety behaviors and exposing yourself
to what you have been avoiding. There are two ways to do this: the cold turkey plan and the
gradual plan.
Eileen’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet, Cold Turkey Plan
the fall minute sessions
recalling accident
and hospital stay
Gradual Plan
The second way to discontinue safety behaviors is to reduce them more gradually. You can
create a hierarchy that goes from full use of the safety behavior, to partial use, and incremen-
tally to no use. The trick is to devise two to five steps that can cushion the shock of a cold-
turkey plunge into zero safety behaviors. Plan a gradual lessening of safety behaviors if you
sense that your anxiety will be too overwhelming with a cold turkey approach. Of course,
there is a downside to gradual plans: they take a lot longer.
Here’s how Eileen made gradual plans for riding the Meadow Loop Trail and overcoming
panic sensations on steep trails:
Eileen’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet, Gradual Plan
Ride alone
instructor watching
Ride the grade
with instructor on
speed dial
Ride alone
Here are some other ways to gradually eliminate other typical safety behaviors:
• For avoidance, doing part but not all of an exposure, then working up to the
full exposure
• For perfectionism, making deliberate mistakes—first one, then two, then three
• Reducing time spent doing a ritual until it reaches nothing; cutting the number
of words in a ritual prayer or coping thought; using the ritual half the time,
then a quarter of the time, and so on
• For list making, creating shorter lists and setting a limit for how much time you
will spend on lists.
The mismatch between the harmful thing you expect and actual outcomes is critical to
new learning. And the more your expectation is contradicted by direct experience, the more
powerfully your old beliefs about danger will be disconfirmed. Overcoming false alarms, and
all the avoidance they generate, involves predicting that a particular aversive outcome will
occur (from an exposure) and then carefully comparing actual outcomes to the prediction.
In the sixth column of your Exposure Inventory Worksheet, for each of your plans, you
need to make a prediction: what are you most afraid will happen if you follow your plan and
stop your safety behavior? This prediction should be expressed as observable behavior—yours
or others’—as opposed to your feelings and internal experiences. For example, individuals who
fear elevators might predict that the doors will close and they will be stuck between floors. Or
that the cable will break and the elevator will start to drop. Or that they will have a heart
attack while riding the elevator. Notice that the prediction doesn’t include how the individual
will feel, but rather focuses on a worst-case scenario of what is expected to happen.
While there is no point predicting that you’ll feel anxiety—because you will—you can
predict your own behavioral responses. Returning to the elevator example, a behavioral pre-
diction might look like this: “I’ll be so overwhelmed, I’ll push the button for the next floor, get
off, take the stairs down, and go home.” You can also predict other people’s behavior in
response to your tests. For example, a socially anxious woman, who is afraid of asking ques-
tions, predicted the following: “When I ask department store clerks about the quality and
durability of a particular item, they’ll get a contemptuous look, say (in so many words) my
question is ridiculous, and walk away from me.” Notice the prediction doesn’t center on how
the clerk feels or what the clerk thinks. There’s no way to observe and know that. The predic-
tion is based entirely on outcomes you can see—they either happen or they don’t.
Go back and write in your worst fears and exactly what will happen if they come true.
Percent Probability
The next step in the prediction process is to assess how likely it is that the feared outcome
will take place. For example, you might assess that there is “an 80 percent chance that stand-
ing next to a dog will result in getting bit.” Or that there is “a 70 percent chance I’ll cut myself
or someone else if I use a chopping knife.” Or that there is “a 90 percent chance I’ll be so
scared I’ll have to get off the subway before reaching my stop.” For each of your worst-case
outcomes, note the percent probability in the last column.
Notice that the percent probability isn’t based on actual odds, but on what your fear tells
you. For example, you may know rationally that millions of people use knives every day without
mishap. But your assessment of the probability of injury should be based on your feeling of
danger and your subjective belief about likely outcomes if you use a knife.
To help you figure out how to make better exposure plans and outcome predictions, the rest
of this chapter consists of detailed examples of other people’s inventories. There is at least one
example for each of the six anxiety disorders. Some disorders have more than one example, to
show the widest possible range of options in filling out an exposure inventory.
Look through all of the examples, even if you don’t suffer from the particular type of
anxiety exemplified. You will learn different ways to structure your inventory to create a list of
doable exposure experiences. Notice how others:
• combine two mildly feared situations to make one more scary situation
• break a very scary situation down into several less scary situations
• make a plan gradual by altering the distance in time or space to a feared object
• set higher percent probabilities based on subjective fear, not actuarial data
Stephan’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Thinking doctor Lots of online Just stop cold turkey 85 5 Undetected 65%
is wrong and medical research stomach cancer
stomach pain is will make me
not just gas keep getting
Worrying I’ll lose Constantly check Check twice today, 75 4 Market will 50%
everything when Dow and S&P, once tomorrow, skip tank soon and
stock market call broker for a day, once more, I’ll be wiped
goes down reassurance then stop cold. out, homeless.
Call broker only
once a quarter.
Assuming if I buy Rechecking Drive each of five 60 2 I’ll pay high end 70%
a new Buick it Consumer Reports, models once, then for a car and just
will be a lemon procrastinating, decide keep pouring
frequent test money down a
drives, reassurance bottomless pit.
seeking with
Feared Safety Plan to stop SUDS Value Predicted worst- Percent
situation behaviors safety behavior 1–100 1–5 case outcome probability
and to expose
Afraid of getting Ask colleagues Stop talking to 90 4 I’ll lose my job, 90%
fired when boss for reassurance colleagues about then my house,
asks for a meeting boss and then my wife
performance reviews and kids.
Fearing heart Constantly taking Stop cold turkey 70 5 I’ll collapse on 70%
attack when pulse, online the treadmill with
heart rate goes medical research a heart attack.
up at gym at home
Antonio’s exposure inventory for social anxiety is typical in that it involves two types of
1. Situations that will induce him to speak with others, particularly people to whom he’s
Notice that Antonio highly values any exposures involving contact with Irene, someone
he likes at work.
Antonio’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Feared Safety Plan to stop SUDS Value Predicted worst- Percent
situation behaviors safety behavior 1–100 1–5 case outcome probability
and to expose
Talking to others Avoid it, keep quiet, Say “hello” to Irene 50 5 She’ll shrug, avoid 60
don’t go to parties at her desk eye contact, and
and other events look away
Put up online dating 60 3 Too scary, won’t 80
profile finish it and hit
Go to “Save the 65 4 No one will talk to 70
Earth” Meetup group me
Talking to others Avoid it, keep quiet, Go to party at my 80 2 I won’t say a word 75
don’t go to parties sister’s house to anyone, no one
and other events will talk to me
Being rejected Avoid Visualize talking to 55 1 Have to stop, 60
woman on train too painful
who looks disgusted
and moves away
By now you should have a pretty long Exposure Inventory Worksheet, probably rewritten
a few times as you revise your plans for stopping safety behaviors and exposing yourself to your
feared situations. In the next chapter you will finally get a chance to put your inventory to use,
and start solving your anxiety problems with positive actions.
Mary’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Feared Safety Plan to stop safety SUDS Value Predicted worst- Percent
situation behaviors behavior and to 1–100 1–5 case outcome probability
Picking up paring Avoid it, wait Holding carving knife— 60 2 Drop knife or 70
knife or carving until they’re gone 1 min. cut myself
knife, especially
near husband or Holding carving knife— 70 2 Drop knife or 80
daughter 3 min. cut myself
Holding paring knife— 80 2 Cut daughter 75
3 min., daughter across
costume, daughter with needle
across room
Annalea’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
after toilet, before meals,
no other washing
Being near sick Avoiding, washing Visualize seeing 40 4 Can’t stand it, 60
people roommate in hospital have to stop
Touching toilet Avoiding, washing Lower toilet seat with my 100 2 Sick by bedtime 100
hand, washing as above
armchair, washing
30 sec.
Near sick people, Avoiding, washing Visualize roommate in 90 4 Sick by bedtime 100
touching sick hospital + shaking
people hands with friends,
washing 30 sec.
money from ATM,
washing 30 sec.
This example showed Annalea’s inventory for exposing herself to her contamination fears
and discontinuing her safety behavior of prolonged hand washing. While not fully shown in
her inventory, she also systematically reduced the time she spent showering. In the end, she
tapered down to showering once a day for ten minutes and washing her hands for only thirty
seconds before each meal and after using the bathroom.
Morgan’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Feared Safety Plan to stop safety SUDS Value Predicted worst- Percent
situation behaviors behavior and to 1–100 1–5 case outcome probability
Think it 10 times 70 1 Physically struck 65
Sergio’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Driving more Avoidance: stay Drive to San Rafael— 45 2 Panic, have to stop 60
than a few miles home, get rides 30 min.
Thinking about Distraction, Visualize 1st panic— 45 1 Can’t stand it, have 60
my first panic drinking, Internet 2 min., then 5 min., to stop
no distraction or
Combo situations All of above Visualize 1st panic 60 2 Panic, have to stop 80
+ drive
Visualize 1st panic 70 2 Panic, have to stop 80
+ freeway
Very rapid breathing 70 1 Panic, have to stop 80
—1 min.
straw—1 min.
For even more details on designing interoceptive exposures, see Appendix IV at the end of this book.
• distance from the feared object or situation, where the closer you get, the more
you expect catastrophe
• level of threat such as how much time is spent near the feared object or in the
feared situation. Or how dangerous the exposure feels—is it a picture of a
snake or a real snake? How big is the snake? Is it in a cage? Will you touch it?
The following inventory documents the exposure plan for Sophia, a professional gardener
who was afraid of bees. She cared deeply about her job, as you’ll see in her value ratings.
Sophia’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
multiple bee stings
Prune back a 70 5 Multiple stings 75
rosebush at Ms.
Stan’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Giving myself an Avoidance Stick my finger 80 2 Can’t do it 90
insulin injection with a pin
shot in leg
1. Imagery exposure that involves visualizing the event in detail. This can often be
accomplished by making a recording lasting fifteen to thirty minutes describing each
minute step of the trauma, including as much as possible about what happened emo-
tionally, physically, and cognitively during the event.
2. Situational exposure to current fears that have been triggered by the trauma. For
Laura, who must either spend the night at the home of friends or persuade friends to
stay with her, the fear of being alone at night has become a serious problem. As you’ll
see, many items in her inventory are situational exposures designed to change the
belief that she’ll be attacked if she spends the night alone.
Laura has strong values about facing the pain in her life and maintaining her indepen-
dence, as you’ll see in her inventory.
Laura’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
I describe everything
that happened during
the attack
night in hotel
Aaron’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Feared Safety Plan to stop safety SUDS Value Predicted worst- Percent
situation behaviors behavior and to 1–100 1–5 case outcome probability
drugs, or distraction
Train to San Jose 80 3 Panic, get off, 90
Or in psychology jargon:
If only it were that simple! Just to get ready, you’ve already had to do a lot of reading, a lot
of intense pen and paper work that is scary in itself, a lot of learning, preparing, motivating,
analyzing, ranking distress and values, and so on. And you have yet to actually put one of your
plans into action.
But now all your work is going to pay off. In this chapter you will finally face and overcome
your anxiety, turning off your old false alarms.
It’s hard to face something you believe is very likely to harm you. And that’s exactly what
this treatment program is asking you to do. It would be understandable if you were thinking
seriously about stopping right here, hoping to find some other way. But here’s the problem:
exposing yourself to what you fear is the only way to permanently surmount anxiety. And the
exposure process offered here—though challenging—is faster and more effective than earlier
Other solutions don’t work. Anxiety drugs are rarely a good option. They help only as long
as you take them, and many cause chemical dependence. When you stop the drugs, the with-
drawal or discontinuation syndrome can leave you feeling worse than before. Waiting and
hoping sometimes seems like a solution because anxiety can spontaneously wax and wane. But
the long-term trajectory for untreated anxiety disorders is that they usually get worse.
Avoidance begets increased avoidance, and life becomes ever more restricted and closed in by
fear. Another strategy, trying to get people to help you, reassure you, or protect you, also makes
anxiety worse in the long run. Everything you do to feel safer brings momentary calm at best,
before you get caught in the next round of anxiety.
Your belief that certain things will harm you cannot change without disconfirming experi-
ences. When it comes to fear, everyone is from Missouri—we have to be shown. We have to
experience directly the feared situation and see that we are unscathed by it. That’s what will
happen in this treatment program. It’s hard, it requires courage, but it will set you free.
The Anxiety Solution
• They are things you want to do, experiences you truly want to have, but have
avoided due to fear.
• They are things that, when avoided, have affected your life in negative ways.
For example, the fear of panic attacks may have kept you from meeting friends
in restaurants, enjoying concerts, or taking public transportation. Social fears
may have kept you from speaking up at work or participating in task groups.
The fear of germs may have kept you from otherwise positive experiences that
seemed to risk contagion.
• They are not actually, really dangerous. While frightening to you, they should
be things that many people experience without apparent harm, things that are
generally regarded as safe by most people. So no taking long walks at night in
crime-ridden neighborhoods, no taunting vicious dogs, no driving over the
speed limit in heavy traffic.
Reading about scary things related to a feared situation, just before an exposure, can also
make the exposure more effective. By intensifying the expectation of harm, an outcome in
which no harm comes to you helps you learn that the exposure stimulus isn’t dangerous.
Harry’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet #1
to eat she will be angry for
Being outside, away Avoid, check Take 1-mile walk 60 4 Will panic, feel weak, 50
The Anxiety Solution
Harry looked at his probability percentages and realized that ordering tea in the diner and
taking a one-mile walk were under 60 percent. So he planned to also order a sandwich and
increased the walk to two miles, raising the probability percentages to 60 and 65 percent
He also noticed that he didn’t have a really challenging situation in which the probability
percentage reached 100 percent, so he added a weekend trip that his girlfriend had always
wanted to take. He also added a couple of mid-range exposures to different feared situations
to flesh out his inventory. One of them, going to popular movies, was something he really used
to like to do, a high-value exposure.
Harry added a visualization of being lost in a strange city, late at night, and running out
of gas. It was a situation he greatly feared, but he couldn’t figure out how to arrange it in real
life. He also added some imagery exposure to his plan to take a two-mile walk along the river.
While walking, he would visualize the time he had his first panic attack, on a hike with a
former girlfriend.
Harry beefed up his plan to experience his panic sensations at the gym by adding a heavy
sweatshirt and a visit to the sauna to address his fear of feeling hot. He also increased the time
exercising in order to experience longer elevations of his heart and breath rate.
The final version of Harry’s inventory looked like this:
Harry’s Exposure Inventory Worksheet #2
Feared Safety Plan to stop safety SUDS Value Predicted worst- Percent
situation behaviors behavior and to expose 1–100 1–5 case outcome probability
Eating out in Avoid, eat at Order tea and sandwich 50 3 Will have a panic 60
a restaurant home, call in diner, stay 30 minutes attack, have to leave,
for delivery be incapacitated for
angry for days
Remembering Distraction Visualize first panic attack 60 2 Won’t last, will have 85
first panic for 1 min., then 2, then to stop visualization
attack 3 min.
Feared Safety Plan to stop safety SUDS Value Predicted worst- Percent
situation behaviors behavior and to expose 1–100 1–5 case outcome probability
Being outdoors Avoid, check Take 2-mile walk along 65 4 Will panic, feel weak, 65
or out of town, and recheck river after imagining the barely make it home
far away from for phone, time I had a panic attack
home keys, etc. on a hike
Always drive Take bus to work 75 3 Will panic, have to 70
my own car, call a friend to take
stay close to me home
Walk in Muir Woods 85 5 Panic will make me 75
with girlfriend cut it short
girlfriend to Clear Lake cut trip short and have
her drive me home.
Feeling hot, Have stopped 10 min. in sauna at gym, 80 6 Will panic and have 80
panting, heart working out wearing sweatshirt, then to leave, feel
racing 20 min. on treadmill, incapacitated all day
getting hot, sweaty, out
Driving in Stay close to Visualize for 15 min. being 100 4 Won’t be able to 95
strange city, home, fill up lost in Chicago, late at finish the
getting lost tank night, bad neighborhood, visualization, will
frequently and running out of gas have to stop
The Anxiety Solution
That’s why exposures in this program always include a worst-case prediction and your
estimate of the percent probability of the prediction coming true. After each exposure, you get
a chance to learn about the actual dangerousness of things you fear.
The inhibitory learning model breaks with exposure traditions in other ways. It replaces
the old hierarchical exposure approach with random exposures. Instead of using a hierarchy
in which you expose yourself stepwise up a ladder of increasingly fearful situations, you do
exposures in a deliberately random order, mixing situations that cause you varying levels of
distress (SUDS). This is a faster way to learn that your predictions of catastrophe will not
come true.
So, after starting with your lowest SUDS item, jump to one with significantly higher
SUDS, and a higher percent probability of harm. As you expose yourself to items with differ-
ent SUDS levels—some lower, some higher—it serves to better disconfirm your expectation
that bad things will happen. Keep jumping around your inventory by asking the questions
“What do I need to learn next?” and “What avoided experience do I need to face next?”
Here are the other general rules to keep in mind as you create your inventory:
The Anxiety Solution
Combine exposures
Once you have some successful exposures under your belt, you can try combining exposures.
You can combine two situational exposures, or pair a situational exposure with imagery or
interoceptive exposure. Combined exposures result in something called deepened extinction—a
more profound violation of your expectation of harm, and something associated with better
treatment outcomes. But when you combine situational exposures, make sure you have already
done at least one of them already.
Now Do It
You are ready. Grab your fine-tuned Exposure Inventory Worksheet, pick out your first expo-
sure experience, and go out and do it. Work through your list of exposures systematically, fol-
lowing the guidelines and evaluating each exposure upon completion.
The Anxiety Solution
out of breath, and yet not panic. He was actually starting to get used to these
sensations. The next day he went to the gym to work out like he used to.
Harry asked the question, “What do I need to do next?” and scanned his
inventory. Intuitively, it occurred to him that he needed to face the fear associated
with his original panic attack. So he visualized the scene on the hiking trail for
1, then 2, then 3 minutes. Though he expected an 85 percent chance of panic, his
heart raced without further symptoms, and the percent probability went down to
5 percent on his testing worksheet.
Next, Harry visualized his first panic just before a hike by the river, and later
combined the same visualization with a movie date with his girlfriend. Though Harry
sometimes had brief panic symptoms, none of them incapacitated him or forced a
return home. He was beginning to believe no great harm would come to him for the
items he’d already tested.
Harry tried other exposure contexts—walking briskly on the crowded downtown
streets, and hiking with his girlfriend in Muir Woods. He continued to vary items in
terms of fear intensity and expectation of harm. Whenever possible, he combined high
SUDS items with things he wanted to do and greatly valued. While these high SUDS
items were scary, they were also experiences he felt very motivated to face.
During each exposure, Harry observed both his internal feelings and the external
sensations. He watched all that went on without resisting, coping, or distracting from
the exposure. And, with each successful exposure, he felt more and more convinced
that the things he’d avoided for so long would not hurt him.
Harry got to where he could “freestyle” exposures that were not planned out on his
inventory. He started taking the subway to work sometimes, or taking the bus partway
and walking the rest. He also chose to walk for various periods on the beach, in an
empty area of a big park, and on several new hiking trails. He even decided to take a
two-hour hike with a group of outdoor enthusiasts at work. His girlfriend pointed out
to him that what he called “freestyling” other people called “living your life.”
Results Tracker
Here is the worksheet for tracking your results after each exposure, followed by an explanation
of how to answer each of the four questions, and examples of how others have used the Results
Tracker. (This worksheet is also available for download at http://www.newharbinger
Results Tracker
Write out what you did in detail and how you followed your plan for exposing yourself to
the feared situation without using any of your preferred safety behaviors.
The Anxiety Solution
Percent Probability
Write down the percent probability for the worst-case outcome that you had before the
exposure, and the percent probability for the worst-case outcome now, after the exposure
about the dangerousness of this experience? Did anything surprise you? How likely does the
predicted harm seem now—in terms of percent probability?
For example, a woman predicted having a panic attack and becoming incapacitated and
unable to drive if she attempted to cross the Golden Gate Bridge. She wrote this summary of
her learning on her Results Tracker: “I was anxious. My heart rate was way up. It was pound-
ing. And I felt light-headed like I get. I was ‘panicky’ but not in full panic. I was able to drive
okay, which surprised me. I was able to react appropriately to traffic, and even get out of the
way of a car that was merging into my lane. I learned I can get anxious without having a panic
attack, and I can drive okay even if my heart is racing. I stay functional. Percent probability
that I won’t be able to drive and have to stop on the bridge: 40 percent.”
SUDS 1–100
Record the SUDS from your Exposure Inventory Worksheet, and the SUDS you felt just
as you ended the exposure. This is probably the least important information on the Results
Tracker, because the object of exposure is not necessarily to reduce your SUDS. However, it
can be interesting to compare post-exposure SUDS to the SUDS level you expected for this
experience in your inventory.
The Anxiety Solution
Exposure: Drive 22 miles to visit mother after Googling and reading articles about children
being hit by cars. No retracing route.
Predicted worst-case outcome: I will hit a child while I drive and read about it in the
newspaper the next day.
2. What happened instead? There were no newspaper reports of children who were victims
of a hit and run. There was an accident where a child was hurt inside a car, but that’s all. I was
also worried, I’ll admit it now, that I’d be so scared I’d have to retrace my route. But I forced
myself to park and ring my mother’s bell.
4. What did you learn from the exposure? I learned that I can drive at a moderate
speed and a moderate distance without hitting a child, at least this time.
Exposure: Run in place for 2 minutes until I’m out of breath and my heart is pounding.
Predicted worst-case outcome: I’ll get so panicked that I can’t stand it and will have to stop
early. I’ll be too upset to do anything the rest of the day.
2. What happened instead? I got winded and my heart was racing. But I made it through
the full 2 minutes. I was able to do the bills after, and go over and visit Joan that night. I was
anxious, but I got though the exercise and could still function.
4. What did you learn from the exposure? I learned that I could stand the feeling of being
out of breath and having my heart pound. The feeling doesn’t incapacitate me. I can carry on
with my life.
The Anxiety Solution
Predicted worst-case outcome: I will slide, fall, or jump off the edge of the open floor.
Something will pull or compel me to fall.
2. What happened instead? I’m alive and uninjured—I’d be dead if I’d fallen. I felt a little
dizzy up there. I had a picture in my mind of the floor tilting and me sliding off. And then—like
I’d seen in a movie—I imagined myself running full-out over the edge. But none of those things
4. What did you learn from the exposure? That having pictures in my mind of horrible
things doesn’t make them happen. That I’m not going to fall if I’m 10 feet from the edge, no
matter what story I’m on.
Exposure: Walk down Market Street between Sixth and New Montgomery (a busy commer-
cial area) at 8 p.m.
2. What happened instead? I got all the way to New Montgomery and nobody even seemed
to notice me, let alone make a move toward me. I was nervous at first, although that got better.
I did the visualization of my mugging in a coffee shop. I’d done it before, so it didn’t scare me as
much as I thought. I felt like I could face the walk back, so I did.
4. What did you learn from the exposure? I learned that I can probably walk down
Market Street without anyone bothering me and that expecting something to happen doesn’t
mean it will. I have more ability to face things than I thought.
The Anxiety Solution
Harry stopped planning exposures when he could do all the things in his inventory that
mattered to him. Sometimes he felt twinges of the old anxiety, and there were situations in
which the thought occurred to him that he might panic. But he had learned one thing: the
old symptoms couldn’t hurt or incapacitate him. He could do everything he wanted to do.
This is the first of four chapters that teach what we consider auxiliary skills. This one is about
correctly assessing your ability to cope with threats. The next chapter is about using a tech-
nique called defusion to reduce worry and rumination. Chapter 9 shows how to more accu-
rately assess dangers and threats. And chapter 10 teaches how to increase your distress
A Warning
As you have learned so far, the royal road to anxiety management is exposure. The first half of
this book has taught you how to assess your anxiety, stop safety behaviors, design systematic
exposure experiences, and work through them in real life. The real-life exposure experiences are
the heart of this book. If you have not conscientiously done the exercises in the previous six
chapters, we urge you to go back and do them. It’s the fastest and surest way to feel better.
That said, this and the next three chapters contain instructions for cognitive behavioral
skills that can help you manage your anxiety, especially for situations in which exposure is not
possible or feasible at the moment.
2. Appraisal of threat—you assess how serious the danger is and whether you have the
resources to cope.
4. Behavioral response—you try to avoid the threat, or you do something to feel safer.
Chapter 2 went on to explain that how you accomplish the second step, appraisal of threat,
has a lot to do with how much fear you experience. Part of appraising threat is assessing your
ability to cope with the threat. If you think that you have no ability to cope, then any threat,
even the most minor, becomes overwhelming.
This chapter teaches you to face fear by highlighting your ability to cope. You will start by
writing a “coping memoir.” In your coping memoir you will tell the story of difficult situations
you’ve experienced in the past, and how you survived them. By mining your past for examples
of how you have already coped, you will expand your thinking beyond the narrow scope of
your usual anxious thoughts, allowing you to face your fears more calmly.
After you compose your coping memoir, you will use it to compose a set of coping thoughts.
Coping thoughts are short statements that you can use in the future, when you face anxiety-
provoking situations, to remind yourself of your ability to cope.
Finally, you will imagine your worst-case scenario—what you are most afraid might happen
in the future. You will succinctly describe the disaster you fear, making it as bad as it can pos-
sibly be. Then you will draft a worst-case coping plan instead of spiraling down into a pit of
worry and fear. Your coping plan is a detailed list of what you would do to cope with disaster,
broken down into how you would act, feel, think, speak, and interact with others in your
worst-case scenario. This is a powerful exercise that teaches you the value of thinking flexibly,
realistically, and positively about the future.
You Can Face Fear
Don’t blame yourself. Your mind is hardwired by thousands of years of evolution to protect
you from harm. Your negative expectations and elevated level of anxiety are a result of the
natural alarm response that you share with all the other humans who have ever lived. Your
alarm response is just overdeveloped. It needs to be toned down, tempered by more flexible,
realistic, and confident thoughts of how you have coped in the past.
Your goal in this chapter is to expand your perception beyond the overly negative out-
comes you habitually foresee, to include your memories of successful coping in the past. Your
goal is to enlarge and inhabit the gap between fear and reality.
You Can Face Fear
Describe and rate several of your exposure experiences, covering a variety of situations
and fears. When Akram filled out this worksheet, one of his exposure experiences was going
into a government office to pick up an application for a green card. This exposure combined
his fear of having a panic attack in a public place and having to interact with authority figures:
I took the bus downtown and 5–9 I felt the fear peak and subside, 3
went to the Federal Building, peak and subside, like waves.
talked to the information person Kept thinking, Just do one thing
in the lobby, went up in the at a time. Focused on what I
elevator, found the right office, physically had to do to keep on
and asked the clerk for the going.
paperwork. At each step I felt Focused on my values, that a
scared, afraid I’d have a panic green card was important to
attack or be challenged by me, so I didn’t let myself down.
someone in authority. Wanted to
run away. Wanted to say, “Never
mind, it’s not important.”
In the second column indicate your Subjective Unit’s of Distress (SUDS)—a number from
1 to 10, with 1 indicating almost no distress, up to 10 indicating the most distress you could
possibly feel.
In the third column, write down how you coped: what you did, said, felt, and thought that
helped you to cope with the situation. Ask yourself these two questions:
Finally, in the last column, rate the subjective distress you felt after coping. Notice how
much your anxiety and other feelings decreased after you coped with the situation.
You Can Face Fear
My Coping Memoir
If you’re like most people, your life has not been free of challenges. Some of them may have
taxed you to your limit. And yet you have survived. You are still here, still alive to cope and
survive another day. And most likely, what you did to cope in the past helped lower your feel-
ings of distress.
• Example: Amara
Amara was afraid of many things: snakes, spiders, dark holes, sudden noises, traffic,
bridges, tunnels, big trucks, and knives. She worried about her daughter’s health and
safety in a marginal neighborhood, her son’s drug problem, and her own finances. Her
best friend, Betsy, described her as a “nervous wreck at the best of times.” And yet
Amara had somehow managed to survive for fifty-eight years on a planet beset with
dangers on every side. How was that possible? Here is her coping memoir:
You Can Face Fear
Son was arrested for selling pot. 6 Managed to pay the lawyer, talk 3
I was ashamed, freaked out, the judge into suspended
furious. He was defiant and so sentence, get him into
stupid. counseling. Saw that fear kept
me from being strong, and I had
to be strong because he was so
weak then.
Daughter assaulted last summer 9 Drove her to and from work for 6
at the bus stop. Cops called me three weeks until she was strong
and I fell on the floor in fear. enough to face taking the bus
Could hardly drive to the again. I’m still ready and able to
hospital. support her as she needs it.
Need to show an example of
being scared but carrying on.
Amara tended to forget that she was actually strong and competent in the face of real-life
challenges, especially when they involved protecting and helping her family. She kept a copy
of her coping memoir on her computer desktop and a printout in her purse, as a reminder.
• I can do it.
Use the spaces below to write your coping thoughts in your own words. Remember to
compose thoughts that address both what you can do to face challenging situations and what
you can do to face the fear itself. (A downloadable version of this worksheet is available at
Coping Thoughts
You Can Face Fear
As an example, here are Amara’s coping thoughts, based largely on her coping memoir:
I can shut my eyes for a moment, breathe deeply, and imagine my safe place.
Make a couple of copies of the following worksheet, so that you can use this exercise to
make plans for all the things you fear. (A downloadable version of the worksheet is available
at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.) Then assume that the worst has happened—a cancer
diagnosis, losing your job, a loved one dying, the end of your relationship—one of the main
disasters you tend to worry about. Write it down on the first line of one of your worksheet
Now imagine how you might cope with this eventuality. Think in terms of four kinds of
• Behavioral coping. What actions would you take? If you lost your job, how
would you go about looking for another one? What would be your financial
resources? How would you cut expenses and/or raise extra cash? If you faced a
medical emergency, what would you do to get a second opinion, explore treat-
ment options, change your environment or lifestyle?
• Emotional coping. Next, move on to how you would deal with all the feelings
that would come up. Write out how you would deal with your anxiety, anger,
or depression by confronting your fears, enduring difficult situations, and per-
sisting through painful feelings. Review your coping memoir and coping
thoughts for other ways you can cope emotionally.
• Cognitive coping. Here is where you can use the coping thoughts you devel-
oped in the preceding section. Write them down here, as they apply to this
worst-case scenario.
You Can Face Fear
Behavioral coping:
Emotional coping:
Cognitive coping:
Interpersonal coping:
Susanna was a student at a junior college, the first in her family to go to college. She had
to pass her math final in order to get her associate’s degree and go on to a four-year college.
With her history of poor performance on science and math tests, and her worries about failure
and letting her family down, she needed to have a coping plan.
Behavioral coping: I’ll study until 1 a.m., have a piece of toast and a cup of tea, then go to bed.
Get up at 8, eat breakfast, and get to the test rested and on time. On the test, if I get stuck I’ll skip
that problem and go on to the end, then go back to the hard one if I have time.
Emotional coping: When I feel panicky and my hands start shaking, I’ll close my eyes and just
notice what I can hear and feel in this moment, focusing on what is going on around me here and
now. If my mind goes blank I will sit back and do some deep breathing.
Cognitive coping: When I start thinking about failing and letting my mom and dad down, I’ll
use my mantra: “I know how to do this. I can take it one step at a time.”
Interpersonal coping: Charles has agreed to check over the practice test I did last night, and my
roommate says she will make sure I get to bed on time and will have breakfast with me.
Susanna had to skip a couple of problems and go back to them after completing the rest.
She completed all but one of the problems, got most of them correct, and passed with a
One Exception
This chapter has shown you how to expand your thinking about your ability to cope, remind-
ing you that even if the worst-case scenario comes to pass, there are things you can do to cope
with life’s challenges. However, there is one time when it is not helpful to use your coping
skills: right before or during an exposure exercise. In those situations, the goal is to actually
experience the habitual thoughts and feel the anxiety that they inspire, so using coping mech-
anisms then would lessen the therapeutic effectiveness of the exercise.
The next chapter teaches a powerful technique for dealing with fear in the moment.
When you are faced with a threat in life, it’s natural to start predicting outcomes: what’s going
to happen in the next few minutes, tomorrow, next week, or next year? When the doctor tells
you that your blood pressure is too high, your mind leaps to the future and you see yourself
having to eat a very boring diet, gobble pills, struggle to get some kind of exercise, finally
keeling over at an early age from a heart attack or stroke. Or you get a bad grade on a test and
immediately you can see yourself flunking out, stuck in some menial job with no prospects,
impoverished and alone.
Sometimes your worry about the future also includes rumination about the past. You dwell
on how you might have brought high blood pressure on yourself with bad habits. You regret all
the nights you stayed up late partying with your friends instead of studying.
A little of this is a good thing. Predicting outcomes, planning for the future, and learning
from past mistakes are natural and beneficial. They are survival skills that help keep our
species alive. But too much of this is a bad thing. When you think too long and too hard about
all the things that can go wrong, you’re not just planning for the future, you’re worrying. When
you ruminate obsessively on past mistakes and misfortunes, you’re not learning from the past,
you’re just worrying about it.
In this chapter you will learn to respond to worry thoughts with a technique called cogni-
tive defusion. The technique was developed by Steve Hayes, cofounder of acceptance and com-
mitment therapy (Hayes and Wilson, 2003). Hayes realized that anxious people become
“fused” with their fearful thoughts, being their thoughts instead of having their thoughts. He
created a series of exercises designed to “defuse,” or distance yourself from your thoughts by
observing and labeling them.
Cognitive defusion is similar to some Buddhist meditation practices in which you observe
your thoughts, label them, and then let them go. Where Buddhism is a spiritual practice in
search of serenity and detachment from material desire, defusion is a psychological technique
designed to reduce worry by creating distance between you and your fearful thoughts.
Visualization Exercise
Do this when you are alone and can sit quietly and comfortably, without interruption.
1. Recall the exercise in chapter 3 where you constructed an exposure hierarchy. Pick
one of the situations, objects, people, or events that you rated as producing signifi-
cant anxiety. Jot it down here, describing it in a few short words:
2. Circle a number below to rate how much anxiety you feel right now, just remem-
bering the situation, object, person, or event.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Reducing Worry with Defusion
3. Now get comfortable, close your eyes, and imagine that you are encountering the
situation in real life. Visualize what and whom you see, the surroundings, the
objects, and the action. Hear the sounds of people talking, traffic, whatever is
making noise. Feel the warmth of the sun or the coolness of the breeze and the
texture of things you touch. Make the scene vivid and real by using all your senses.
As the encounter unfolds, imagine that the very worst outcome happens.
Indulge your tendency to worry and ruminate and dwell on every catastrophic
detail. Really wallow in the scary details and let yourself have a giant worry-fest.
4. Open your eyes and circle a number below to rate how much anxiety you feel now,
after intensely worrying about the situation, object, person, or event.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
What was your experience of this exercise? If you are like most people, the worrying will
have increased your feelings anxiety. This is a small example of how your fear level is elevated
and maintained at a high level by chronic worrying.
3. Imagine that your consciousness is a TV screen on which you see and hear every-
thing that is going on. Since your eyes are closed right now and you are in a quiet
space, the soundtrack is quiet and the screen is blank.
4. Visualize your thoughts as a “news crawl” at the bottom of the screen. Whatever
you’re thinking appears as moving captions, printed words at the bottom of the
screen that appear on the right and move about as fast as you can read them to the
left-hand side and disappear.
5. Just lie there and watch and read your thoughts, seeing them as news reports that
randomly come up.
6. If your thoughts come too fast to put into complete sentences, just use single words
or phrases as shorthand.
7. The news crawl might stall or blank out or repeat the same thought over and over.
That’s okay. Don’t worry about it. Just wait patiently and see what happens.
8. For about five minutes, keep watching the news crawl of your thoughts until you
see how they chain together, one thing connecting to another and another.
When Joan tried this exercise she stretched out on the couch late one afternoon and saw
this news crawl: Okay, this is weird … just watching words stream … how can this work? How
long do I have to do this? Should be shopping … need bread and milk … Tom’s dinner … he’ll be
late … really working? With somebody else … That blonde … Doesn’t care … it’s not fair … got to
be careful … Don’t say anything … be extra nice … no use anyway … he’ll leave me …
How was the exercise for you? Did you notice that the thoughts never really stop? Even if
what you’re thinking is I’m not having any thoughts, or Maybe I’m doing this wrong, those are
If you had trouble with the news crawl stopping or blanking out, it might be that you think
more in visual images than in words. The next exercise is probably better for you. If the same
thought kept repeating, that’s an indication of a particularly stubborn or “sticky” thought that
is very central to your anxious feelings.
Reducing Worry with Defusion
The experience of watching your thoughts as printed words at the bottom of a screen helps
you see them more clearly, slow them down, and achieve some distance between you and your
thoughts. It’s a key experience of having thoughts instead of being your thoughts.
2. Imagine that you are in a white room that is completely empty, with no furniture
or decorations. You can position yourself in one of the corners, against a wall, up
high by the ceiling, or near the floor—wherever feels right to you.
3. Visualize two open doorways, one on the right and one on the left. The doors are
open into darkness. You can’t see whatever is on the other side of the doorways.
4. Imagine that your thoughts enter the white room from the left doorway, pass in
front of you, and exit through the right doorway. Your thoughts can take many
forms: words, colors, sounds, images. You can represent your thoughts as animals
or people or things. You might see a tough-looking thug, a nervous bunny, an
orange pyramid, or just a vague cloud drifting by.
5. Some thoughts might move more slowly than others and want to stick around. Just
let them move out the door. They might show up again, but keep them moving
through the room and out the door. Don’t worry if the same thoughts keep showing
7. Keep this up for five or ten minutes. Then remind yourself of your actual surround-
ings and open your eyes.
How was this exercise for you? Was it difficult to let some thoughts leave the room? Did
some thoughts circle back and transit the room again and again? Were some thoughts harder
to classify and label than others? Did you have the same kind of thought over and over? Or did
you experience a variety of thoughts?
When Roberto did the White Room Exercise, he saw many of his thoughts in the form of
people: he saw a homeless woman pushing a shopping cart and labeled it “a what-if thought
about losing my job.” He saw one thought as a stern police officer and labeled it “guilty.” A
crying little kid went through the room and Roberto labeled that thought “catastrophe
Letting Go
Once you have some facility in observing your thoughts, your next task is to practice letting
your thoughts go. The three exercises in this section draw on meditation techniques for letting
distracting thoughts go and returning to focus on the present moment.
2. Focus your attention on the things you are seeing, hearing, and feeling: the ground
beneath your feet, the buildings and trees and people, the weather, the sounds you
4. Continue this process for ten or fifteen minutes, noticing and letting go of distract-
ing thoughts, continually returning your attention to the here and now. The goal
of this exercise is not to keep your attention fixed on the walk, but to repeatedly
have the experience of being distracted by your thoughts, noticing that you are
distracted, and returning your attention to your surroundings.
How did you do? Were you surprised by how many thoughts came up? It is remarkably dif-
ficult to concentrate on the here and now. When Darcy took her Present Moment Walk, she
found herself thinking about an upcoming dinner party, then returned her attention to the
Reducing Worry with Defusion
bike trail she was walking on. But thoughts of the dinner kept intruding: whether everybody
liked Brussels sprouts, should she invite Jack’s coworker, did she have enough plates that
matched, and so on. At one point, she was so distracted that a man on a recumbent bike
almost mowed her down.
Breath Counting
1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable spot where you won’t be disturbed.
2. Focus your mind on your breathing—taking a slow, deep breath, holding it for a
second, and then letting it out in a gradual exhale.
3. Count your breaths. You can count one on the first inhale, two on the exhale,
three on the next inhale, and so on. Or just count complete breaths—whatever
feels right to you.
4. Very soon a thought will intrude. Again, it can be a fearful thought or not, but for
sure it will take your attention away from counting your breaths.
5. When a thought comes up, notice it, then let it go and return to counting your
7. Keep this up for five to ten minutes, counting breaths, noticing any distracting
thoughts, letting them go, and returning to breath counting.
This is a simple but profound experience, basic to several meditation traditions. How did
you do? Did you get so distracted that you lost count? Did you get better at noticing the
thoughts more quickly, or did the more interesting thoughts carry you away into an extended
reverie? There’s no wrong way to do this exercise, since the goal is to notice how often your
mind wanders away from the task at hand, and how you notice the distractions and return
your focus to the here and now.
Leaves on a Stream
1. Lie or sit down comfortably in a spot where you will not be disturbed. Relax by
breathing slowly and deeply.
2. Imagine that you are on the edge of a slow-moving stream, on a quiet day in fall.
See the red and orange and brown leaves on the shore. Sometimes a leaf falls into
the steam and floats away.
3. When you have a thought, place it on one of the floating leaves and let it drift out
of sight. Return to enjoying the streamside until the next distracting thought
arises. Place this thought on a leaf as well and let it float away downstream.
4. You can sum up your thoughts in a word or phrase, or use little images that you
place on the leaves.
5. Don’t try to make the stream move faster or slower, and don’t change what you put
on the leaves. Just let them float away.
6. For five or six minutes, as each thought comes up, put it on a leaf and let it float
7. Don’t be surprised or worried if your stream won’t flow or you get stuck with one
thought on a leaf that doesn’t want to go away. The whole scene might even disap-
pear for a while. That’s all right. Just recreate the scene and carry on as best you
8. Open your eyes and record your experience: whether your stream wouldn’t flow, or
the scene disappeared for a while, or whatever happened:
If you could not get a clear image of the scene, describe what you were thinking about
while attempting the exercise:
Did you enjoy the stream imagery and letting your thoughts float away on the leaves? This
exercise can show how persistent and “sticky” some thoughts are, and that you can eventually
let them go. If you had trouble getting your stream to flow or got stuck on leaf, that’s cognitive
fusion. When your stream was flowing freely and you could let leaves go, that’s cognitive
Reducing Worry with Defusion
Some people prefer to do this exercise with different kinds of scenes: attaching thoughts
to helium balloons and releasing them to disappear into the sky; or imaging that they are in
their car at a railroad crossing, watching boxcar after boxcar carry their thoughts away.
Carl liked to do this exercise using the boxcars. He visualized himself in his pickup truck,
watching the train cars go by with his thoughts spray painted on them like graffiti: father-in-
law … graduation … stupid exercise … need a tune up … nervous … When Carl thought of
specific people he sometimes saw them as photographic posters pasted on the boxcars, or as
actual human figures clinging to the ladders and couplings. Once he put a poster of his wife
on a boxcar and the train stopped moving and he couldn’t get it to start up again for quite a
When you have a “sticky” recurring thought that often causes you anxiety, consider these four
1. How old is this? When can you remember first having this thought? Was it years ago,
when you were a little kid? Does it date back to your school days? Did it start when you
began dating? When you started working for a living? Recalling the history of this
thought will remind you that it is just a thought. You have survived all this time while
having this thought frequently, and you are still alive, still carrying on from day to day.
Juliana often thought, He’s out of my league, whenever she was introduced to a new guy.
The thought went back to grade school, when she never felt like one of the cool kids,
and always considered herself the last to be chosen, the least interesting, the bottom of
the social barrel.
2. What’s its purpose? Think about why your mind keeps throwing up this thought.
What is it in service of? Is your mind trying to warn you of danger, protect you from
risk, help you avoid rejection or failure? For Juliana, the thought He’s out of my league
was serving to keep her safe from the pain of rejection. If she never tried to fit in and
make friends or find a boyfriend, she would never be excluded or dumped.
3. Has it worked? How well has this habitual fearful thought worked out for you? Have
you felt safe, protected, secure, and happy? Evaluating the success of your anxious
thought will highlight the consequences of being your thought instead of having your
thought. Fear of being mugged might keep you “safe” at home, but over time you
become isolated and lonely, while your friends and loved ones carry on with fuller lives
without you. For Juliana, the result of thinking He’s out of my league was years of
loneliness. She avoided social gatherings and didn’t even like to make phone calls to
the few friends she had. By trying to avoid possible rejection, she cut herself off from
any kind of acceptance and love. She ended up rejecting herself before anyone else
could reject her.
4. Can I tolerate it? This is the payoff question. By answering the first three questions,
you have distanced yourself from your habitual thought, defusing yourself from your
mind so that you can have the thought without being the thought. Ask yourself now if
you are willing to take your thought with you, while you pursue what you really want
in life. Complete this statement in your own words:
I’ll fall.
Strangers! Careful!
Reducing Worry with Defusion
When you have your fearful thoughts again, remember the defusion skills you have mas-
tered in this chapter. You can imagine that the thoughts are merely a news crawl at the bottom
of your screen, not the main program you are intent on watching. You can say to yourself,
There’s that thought again, passing through the white room of my mind, and continue on your way.
You can distance yourself from your thought by saying to your mind, Thank you, mind, for that
When a thought keeps intruding, you can refocus your attention on your surroundings,
seeing and hearing what is around you in the here and now, like you did in the “Present
Moment Walk.” Or you can focus your attention on your breathing and count two or three
breaths to calm and distract yourself from the thought.
You can also label thoughts as they come up: Oh, there’s another stranger/danger thought …
there’s a catastrophic prediction again … I’m magnifying risk now. Imagine letting these labeled
thoughts float away like leaves in a stream, balloons in the air, or boxcars on a train track.
One Exception
There is one time when it is not helpful to use your defusion skills: right before or during an
exposure exercise. In those situations, the goal is to actually experience the habitual thoughts
and feel the anxiety that they inspire, so using defusion then would lessen the therapeutic
effectiveness of the exercise.
The next chapter presents a new auxiliary skill in your anxiety arsenal: correcting your
anxiety lens.
Anxiety is like a distorting lens through which you view the world. Your anxiety lens filters
out rays of hope, blocks your view of possible good outcomes, blurs anything positive, brings
the negative into sharp focus, and magnifies any kind of threat in your life.
You are probably reading this chapter because in chapter 2 you identified misappraisal as
one of the problems that significantly contributes to your anxiety. Misappraisal is the inaccu-
rate or distorted assessment of danger or threat. When you consistently overestimate the level
of threat you are facing, you set yourself up for chronic anxiety.
All misappraisals of threat arise from three negative thinking patterns, or habits of percep-
tion that distort reality. The three negative thinking patterns that comprise the anxiety lens
1. Negative Predictions
2. Negative Focus
3. Problem Magnification
In this chapter you will determine which of these negative thinking patterns you use most
often and practice exercises that will help you correct your anxiety lens, more accurately assess
threats, and reduce your anxiety.
Your mind does its best to prepare you for possible danger, assess your ability to cope, and
keep you safe. It’s part of your human survival instinct. But sometimes the anxiety your mind
creates is more of a problem than the threats it seeks to avoid. The exercises in this section will
allow you to take a step back from your thoughts, to notice how your mind’s natural survival
instinct can go too far, and to see how your anxiety thoughts go beyond protecting you and
instead make you feel scared and unable to cope. Take your time doing these exercises and
don’t skimp on them. They will lay down a solid foundation of analytical skill that will serve
you well in the rest of the chapter and the rest of your life.
Negative predictions:
I’m going to lose my job.
This backache is going to get worse and require surgery.
If I’m late with the rent we’ll be evicted.
He’s going to dump me.
Negative focus:
Her class is so boring.
My life is just one problem after another.
Nobody ever gives me a break.
I can’t stand how insensitive he is.
Problem magnification:
The stress is killing me.
It’s impossible.
I’ll never get there on time.
This wedding is a total disaster.
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
Now that you have some idea of the differences among the three negative thought pat-
terns, categorize the anxiety thoughts below as:
A. Negative predictions
B. Negative focus
C. Problem magnification
4. She never calls, and when she does, she hangs up after five minutes.
10. The soup was bland; the dinner was just awful.
Answer key: 2. C, 3. A, 4. B, 5. C, 6. A, 7. B, 8. C, 9. A, 10 B.
How did you do? Don’t worry if you got some wrong answers. It is not easy to make these
subtle distinctions among the three types of negative thinking that lead to anxiety. They tend
to overlap and blend into each other, since all anxiety is to some degree concerned with pre-
dicting the future, highlighting the negative, and magnifying problems. And short statements
like these are open to subjective interpretation. You will probably find the next exercise easier,
when you are dealing with your own anxiety thoughts, expressed in your own words, in situa-
tions where you know the full details.
Thought Log
For the next week, keep a Thought Log. Whenever you feel anxious, jot down a few words to
sum up what you are thinking. Then note whether the thought is primarily negative predic-
tion, negative focus, or problem magnification.
Make several copies of this worksheet so you’ll have enough for the week. (A download-
able version of this worksheet is available at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.)
Thought Log
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
After a week, look back at your log and notice which type of negative thinking pattern
most often creates your anxiety. Take some time to consider how your habits of thought have
contributed to painful anxiety over the course of your life.
The exercises that follow are organized according to which of the three negative thinking
patterns they most directly target. You should read over all of them to familiarize yourself with
the various methods of correcting your anxiety lens. Then go back and really get to work on
the exercises that are most appropriate for your particular style of misappraisal.
In the last five years, how many times have you made this prediction?
Estimate the number of times and write it here: ______
How many times in the last five years has this prediction come true?
Count up the number of times and write it here: ______
Divide the second number by the first number and write the result here:
This calculation gives you the Validity Quotient, the exact odds of your negative predic-
tion coming true. If you are like most anxious people, this number will be a very small fraction
or decimal number—way less than 1. Here is an example of how Conrad determined the
Validity Quotient of his worries about his teenage son’s driving:
Donny’s so reckless, I worry he’s going to crash the car and hurt himself.
In the last five years, how many times have you made this prediction?
Estimate the number of times and write it here: 250
How many times in the last five years has this prediction come true? Count up the number
of times and write it here: 1
Divide the second number by the first number and write the result here:
In the past five years, Conrad’s son Donny had had one small fender bender that gave him
a sore neck for a couple of days. Conrad realized that he had spent hours and hours worrying
about Donny getting in an accident, when in fact the likelihood, the Validity Quotient of that
negative prediction, was very small.
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
Predictions Log
When the predicted time of each terrible thing arrives, get out your Predictions Log and
note what actually occurred. How many of your predictions came true? Of those that did
come true, if any, how many were as terrible as you thought they would be?
When Jenny did this exercise, she was approaching finals week at the junior college where
she was taking nursing classes. She wrote six different predictions about her school work: that
she would flunk Anatomy, that she’d get a bad grade in Statistics, that her advisor would make
her switch to a lab tech program, and so on. Of all six catastrophic predictions, only one actu-
ally occurred. She got a C-minus in Statistics, which didn’t look very good on her record, but
she passed. Keeping her Predictions Log helped Jenny see that her negative predictions were
just thoughts, not sure things. She felt a little less anxious about her classes, more confident
about her career choice, and calmer when she went to see her advisor to plan the next
Every activity has a purpose, including the mental activity of thinking about the future
and making predictions. You will find that the purpose of negative predictions is almost always
the same: to reduce uncertainty, to prepare you for bad things that might happen, and to
somehow keep you safe. And you will find that the answer to question number 2 is almost
always the same: Your predictions make you feel more anxious and threatened, not less.
Dwelling on catastrophic visions of the future does not make you feel more secure, does not
make you feel more prepared, and does not make you feel safe.
When you notice that you are worrying and making negative predictions, ask yourself
these two questions and let the answers serve as a reminder that your anxious thoughts are not
accomplishing anything. This will help you notice your thoughts, take them less seriously, and
let them go more easily.
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
• Pleasant emotions
When you find that you are focusing on the negative, take a look at the ideas on your
index card. Balance your perspective by identifying two positive aspects of what you are think-
ing about.
It’s not wrong or stupid to make negative evaluations, and they might even be true. But it’s
one-sided. There are always some positive aspects to every situation, and ignoring them leads
to chronic anxiety.
For example, Joyce was looking for a better job. She hated making calls on the phone to
follow up on resumes she had emailed. All she could see when she contemplated calling a
prospective employer was that she was very vulnerable, that she was opening herself up for
rejection. She consulted her index card of possible positives and reminded herself that the calls
were a chance to learn valuable information about each company, and that she would feel a
sense of accomplishment by making the calls.
Remember that nearly all experiences are a blend of the pleasant and the unpleasant, the
positive and the negative. Widening your focus to include the big picture will make your
habitual thinking patterns more flexible and less likely to lead straight to anxiety.
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
Practice seeing both sides of the coin by filling out the worksheet below with three nega-
tive experiences you have had, and the possible positive sides of those experiences.
John used this exercise to explore his experiences as a bookkeeper for a large nonprofit
foundation. He had been anxious about making mistakes, getting fired, and being unem-
ployed. Going to work seemed like a purely stressful and tense experience, but he thought long
and hard about the positive side of the coin. He realized that he did enjoy and value the two
colleagues with whom he ate lunch once a week. A positive evaluation from his supervising
accountant—something that usually would make him think, I fooled them for another year—
this time gave him a feeling of job satisfaction. And finally, he realized that he really did value
the philanthropic programs that his organization financed. He felt that he was contributing
something positive and doing something worthwhile by going to work every day.
• Lowering expectations
• Avoiding disappointment
Think about the negative thoughts that you tend to dwell on. Which of these purposes
could your thoughts be trying to achieve? You might even come up with a purpose we haven’t
The key question is this: Are your negative thoughts achieving their purpose? Are they
discharging anxiety, helping you avoid disappointment, or making you a better person? If they
are, that’s good. But since you are reading this book, chances are that your negative focus goes
too far, goes beyond any reasonable purpose, and is just causing you distress.
Fact is, most people overdo negative focus and get no benefit from it. They feel more pain,
not less. They cannot avoid all future stressful situations. Their anxious thoughts make them
feel less safe, not more.
When you find that you are focusing on the negative, ask yourself whether your thoughts
are really serving any beneficial purpose. If they are not benefiting you, label those thoughts as
unnecessary negative focus. Tell yourself, “There’s one of my negative, anxiety-provoking
thoughts again.” Just labeling the thoughts will create distance and allow you to let them go.
Of course, they will return, but when they do you will know how to question their purpose and
let them go again. Eventually, these thoughts will become less potent and troubling.
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
Problem Continuum
One way to judge size is by comparison to nearby objects. This exercise places your current
problems on a continuum, or scale, of problems that range from huge to tiny. Read over the
list of problems that follow and pick the largest, worst one. Rewrite it in the top blank space
in the middle column. Then pick the next largest problem and rewrite that one in the second
space in the middle column. Continue until you have ranked all the problems from biggest to
Then pick your own largest problem, the thing you worry about most. Write it down in one
of the spaces on the right, picking a spot where it fits in the continuum of problems, across
from a problem of about the same size, with a larger problem above it and a smaller problem
below it. Do this with one or two other problems you worry about. (A downloadable version
of this contract is available at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.)
A terminal diagnosis
House foreclosure
When Sherrie did this exercise, she found that visiting her sick mother-in-law, driving on
the bridge, and going to the dentist, which all seemed enormous to her, barely made it halfway
up the problem continuum. It put her problems in perspective and made her grateful that she
still had her health and her husband and a job.
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
When George did this exercise, he imagined his second cousin Marjorie describing his
relationship and living situation. George had just moved into a very expensive apartment with
his new girlfriend, Carol, who made a lot more money than he did, came from a wealthy
family, and had Champagne and caviar tastes. George’s own mental summary of his situation
went something like this:
I’m screwed. I’m way out of my league with Carol. I don’t dare tell her I can’t afford this
place. I’m barely making it and she wants to have the place painted and buy a gazillion
bucks’ worth of furniture. As soon as she sees what a cheapskate loser I am, she’s sure to
dump me.
When George imagined Cousin Marjorie describing his situation, it sounded more factual,
more confident, and a lot less dire:
I’m not sure Carol realizes I can’t swing a full half of these expenses. I need to make it clear
that if she wants this kind of lifestyle, she’ll have to pay for more than half. If that bothers
her, I’m better off knowing now, and so is she. Hopefully, our relationship is more
important to her than furniture, but if not, I guess I’m also better off knowing that now.
2 days
1–2 weeks
1 month
6 months
1 year
5 years
10 years
Until I die
Clarice was worried about her upcoming wedding—the venue, the dress, the flowers, the
registry, the guest list, the million details that kept her up at night and made her so tense she
would snap at anyone who had the temerity to tell her to calm down and relax. It helped to
ask herself, “How long will I remember this problem? Will I be insanely worried forever?” She
realized that the day after the wedding her worry would plummet. By the time she experienced
her first anniversary, giving birth to a child, or buying a house, she would have forgotten
almost all the worries of the wedding. Clarice still worried about her wedding, but taking the
long view once in a while kept things a bit more in perspective, and allowed her to be less of
what her maid of honor called “Monster Bride.”
One Exception
There is one time when you should not use the new techniques you’ve learned in this chapter:
while you are doing the exposure exercises in the earlier chapters in this book. The whole
point of exposure treatment is to fully experience the anxiety associated with specific situa-
tions, thoughts, or events. During those highly structured exercises, using the techniques in
this chapter can actually make results take longer to achieve. So save your anxiety lens
Correcting Your Anxiety Lens
correction skills for those times when you are not actively working on specific fears. Use them
when you catch yourself in garden-variety worrying, in a free-f loating state of anxiety.
Correcting your anxiety lens is a long-term project. Continuing to do the exercises in this
chapter will help you develop new habits of thought over time. It’s like getting glasses for the
first time. At first you forget to put them on in the morning, you leave them on your dining
room table or in your car, or you reach for them and can’t immediately recall where you left
them. But eventually you develop the habits that keep your glasses within arm’s reach. Likewise,
repeated practice will keep your anxiety-reduction habits fresh. You’ll remember to analyze
your negative predictions, sweeten your negative focus, and cut your problem magnification
down to actual size.
Turn to the next chapter to learn the last of the auxiliary skills for handling anxiety: dis-
tress tolerance.
Distress tolerance is one of those rare psychological terms whose meaning is clear. It means
the ability to experience negative stress without being overwhelmed by painful feelings. It is a
skill that you can learn and improve upon, just as you might work on improving your tennis or
bridge game. It is not an inborn characteristic like blue eyes that you either have or don’t have.
Distress tolerance is a key skill taught in dialectical behavior therapy to handle situations
that are impossible or very difficult to change, such as divorce, job loss, or health problems.
Distress tolerance is an acquired resilience that helps you regulate the anxiety you feel in such
challenging life experiences (Linehan, 1993).
In this chapter you will learn five ways to improve your distress tolerance skills: mindful-
ness, relaxation, self-soothing, positive distraction, and coping thoughts. These are all tech-
niques that will help you reduce anxiety in stressful situations that you can’t or shouldn’t avoid.
There is one time when you should not use the distress tolerance techniques you learn in
this chapter: when you are doing the exposure exercises you learned in the earlier chapters of
the book. Since research has shown that exposure exercises work best and fastest when you
fully experience the target emotion of anxiety, using distress tolerance techniques at the same
time will just make exposure take longer.
Mindfulness is a centuries-old practice that originated in Eastern religions. In Western psy-
chology, mindfulness has become an important part of emotional awareness in all three of the
universal treatments for emotional disorders: dialectical behavior therapy, cognitive behav-
ioral therapy, and acceptance and commitment therapy.
There are three aspects of mindfulness: awareness, acceptance, and present-focus. First,
you experience the world around you with all your senses while at the same time being aware
of your internal sensations. Second, you observe without judgment, without being for or against
what you perceive. Third, you confine your perceptions to the present moment, letting go of
all thoughts of the past or future.
Mindfulness helps reduce anxiety by shifting your attention away from ruminating on the
past or dreading the future. It also allows you to see that your anxiety is only a part of the
present moment, and that anxious thoughts and feelings are transitory—arising, peaking, and
declining over time.
Five Senses
This is a simple exercise you can do in two or three minutes, almost any time. Just pay atten-
tion to what each of your senses is telling you, taking the five senses in turn:
1. Sight: Spend about half a minute looking around and listing all the things you
can see.
2. Sound: Then close your eyes and listen to whatever sounds you can hear.
5. Touch: How warm or cold are you? Does anything itch or hurt? Where do you feel
pressure or weight?
Distracting or judgmental thoughts will pop up: This is silly, or There’s that stupid dog
barking again. When that happens, let the thought go and return to cataloging your sensations.
You’ll be surprised how calming and centering this exercise can be.
Mindful Breathing
Breathing meditations have been used for thousands of years in many cultures. When you pay
attention to your breathing, you automatically take attention away from your anxious thoughts.
Mindful breathing has three components: attending to your breath, labeling each breath, and
letting go of distracting thoughts.
1. Sit in a comfortable chair or lie down on your back with your arms and legs
uncrossed. Close your eyes and notice your breath. You can focus on your
Distress Tolerance Skills
diaphragm area at the bottom of your rib cage that rises and falls when you breathe.
Or you can concentrate on the path of the air from your nose to your throat and
down into your chest. Become conscious of the subtle changes in the temperature
of the moving air, the feelings of pressure and release, and the sounds of your
2. Label your breathing by saying “in” to yourself as you inhale and “out” as you
exhale. Or you might count your breaths, saying “one” to yourself on the first
exhalation, then “two” on the next exhalation, and so on. Most teachers suggest
starting over after “four.” Experiment with different labeling methods until you
settle on the one you like best.
3. Notice and let go of each thought that comes up. Don’t be discouraged if you expe-
rience a steady stream of distracting thoughts. That’s natural and to be expected.
As soon as you notice that your attention has shifted away from your breathing,
say to yourself, “thought,” and return your focus to your breathing. Many medita-
tion experts say that the essence and most valuable part of meditation is this shift
from distraction back to your intended focus.
Mindful breathing works best if you do it two or three times daily. Start with two-minute
sessions. After a few days, increase to three minutes for a few more days, then go to four or five
Mindfulness of Emotions
Once you have experienced mindful breathing for a while, you can go on to mindfulness of
emotions, a systematic way of observing the natural ebb and flow of painful feelings without
being swept away by them. This technique is particularly helpful when you are starting to feel
anxious about something, especially if you are tempted to avoid the feeling. Trying to avoid
anxiety makes it stronger and more enduring. Practicing mindfulness of anxiety makes it
weaker and briefer.
The secret to this skill is to allow the feelings of fear and nervousness to exist. Don’t try to
block or stifle them. Every emotion is like a wave in that it starts small, grows to a crest, and
then declines. If you observe this happening, without amplifying the feeling, analyzing it, or
judging yourself, then you will get a clear picture of the temporary nature of emotions.
1. When you’re feeling a painful emotion and it is possible to get some privacy, get
comfortable and close your eyes. Focus on your feeling and give it a name: fear,
nervousness, resentment, guilt, sadness, and so on. Ask yourself how strong the
feeling is, and whether there is just one feeling or several mixed together.
2. Pause and attend to your breathing for a few breaths, making it slow and regular,
paying attention to the air flowing into your nose and down your windpipe, filling
your trunk, and flowing out again.
3. When thoughts come up, label them: judgment, planning for the future, memory, and
so on. Then return to observing your breath and your inner emotional state.
4. Expand your awareness. Notice any physical sensations in your body. Listen for
sounds around you. Imagine space extending around you wider and wider, until
you are aware of your neighborhood, your continent, the planet, the solar system,
the universe of stars and planets.
5. Stay with this exercise, cycling from your feelings to your breath to the universe,
until the original feeling subsides, until it changes into a different feeling, or until
you feel you have done enough for now.
Watching your emotions like this allows you to see them for what they are: feelings that
come and go while you continue to live in the full context of your existence. It’s like feelings
are weather and you are the sky. Weather constantly changes, but the sky remains the sky.
Sometimes the weather can get very violent and scary, but it never destroys the sky. The sky
persists no matter how dark the clouds, and eventually the sun always comes out again.
Carol, a bookkeeper for a casino in Nevada, was terrified of being assaulted when she had
to drive downtown or to the store after dark. When she had to drive after dark, she used
mindfulness to calm herself before starting the car. When she parked at the store or on a
downtown street, she would take a minute to watch her emotions and sense impressions before
getting out of the car. While she was shopping or dining, she would label her intrusive fearful
thoughts: planning … worrying … living in the future.
Many different cultures and traditions use attention to your breathing as a way to relax.
Distress Tolerance Skills
Diaphragmatic Breathing
When you’re feeling anxious, your body tenses and your breathing becomes faster and more
shallow. By consciously slowing your breathing and drawing air deep into your lungs with your
diaphragm, you send your body a strong message that everything is okay and it can relax. Your
diaphragm is the wide, strong sheet of muscle at the bottom of your rib cage. It moves down
and out to fully inflate your lungs and moves up to push air out of your lungs. The instructions
for diaphragmatic breathing are simple.
1. Find a quiet place where you won’t be bothered for about five minutes. Lie down
on your back with your arms and legs uncrossed. Or sit up straight in an upright
2. Put your hand on your stomach just below your rib cage and breathe in slowly
through your nose. Feel how the inhalation pushes your hand out as you breathe
deeply into your belly.
3. Exhale fully through your mouth and feel how your stomach moves inward as your
diaphragm moves in and up.
4. Continue to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth, observing
how your hand moves out and in. Notice how your body feels more and more
relaxed as you breathe this way.
5. Your mind will wander over the next five minutes. When it does, return your
awareness to your breath and your diaphragm.
Practicing diaphragmatic breathing two or three times a day will go a long way toward
increasing your distress tolerance.
Cue-Controlled Relaxation
When you have become familiar with the relaxing feeling of your mindfulness or breathing
exercises, you can use cue-controlled relaxation to very quickly lower your feelings of tension
or anxiety. To prepare, choose a “cue word” that you will use to remind yourself of what relax-
ation feels like. It can be calm … relax … easy or any other word that appeals to you.
Close your eyes for a moment and scan your body for tension. Notice wherever your muscles
are holding tension. Then say your cue word to yourself and let your whole body relax.
Denny’s cue word was serenity. He pictured the word carved in flowing script on a hard-
wood log, deep in the forest. When he was feeling nervous about entering a meeting at work
or making a confrontational phone call, he would close his eyes, take a deep diaphragmatic
breath, and say “serenity” to himself, imagining that he was seeing the word carved into the
log, surrounded by the peaceful woods. It helped a great deal to remind him of his relaxation
skills and allowed him to let go of tension quickly.
Any activity, experience, or pastime that you enjoy or that relaxes you can qualify as self-
soothing. It can be listening to music, playing an instrument, reading, taking a walk, knitting,
painting a picture, or some other kind of craft or hobby. (Dangerous or destructive habits such
as drinking, taking drugs, or driving recklessly are not appropriate.) Self-soothing is one of the
key distress tolerance skills taught in dialectical behavior therapy (Linehan, 1993).
Take the time to soothe yourself by feeding your five senses. Watch a sunset; listen to a
song; taste and smell good food; wear soft, comfortable clothes.
Distress Tolerance Skills
Since sight is perhaps your most important connection with the outside world, what you
look at can have profound effects on tension and relaxation. Look over this list of pleasures
involving sight, check off those you want to try, and add any other items you can think of:
Carry a favorite photo in your wallet or purse that you can pull out and look at
whenever you want.
Get picture books from the library of whatever you like to look at.
What you hear has a huge effect on how you feel. Have you ever watched a movie with the
sound muted? It’s amazing how much the emotional impact of a scene is created by the music
and other sounds. Taking the time to add pleasant sounds to your environment can lower your
stress level in a big way. Try some of these suggestions, or add favorites of your own:
Listen to an audiobook. Most libraries have a selection. You don’t even have to
follow the storyline closely. Just hearing a human voice in the background can
be soothing.
Listen to the kind of music you like best. Pop, classical, jazz, new age, world—it
doesn’t matter as long as you enjoy it.
Use the TV or a fan as white noise to relax you. Turn the sound down low so
that it is like a babbling brook, a soothing background mumble.
Or actually listen to a white noise recording or machine. This can mask other
distracting or annoying sounds such as traffic or noisy neighbors.
Open the window so you can hear the birdsong and wind and other natural
sounds. Or if your window doesn’t offer that option, get a recording of nature
sounds that you like.
Distress Tolerance Skills
You have to eat and drink every day, so why not make meals and snacks an opportunity
for self-soothing? On the other hand, if you are overweight because you already do a lot of self-
soothing with food and drink, perhaps you should concentrate on your other senses. If eating
is not a problem for you, try some of these ideas and add some of your own:
Enjoy your favorite foods, savoring every bite and really getting into the taste,
texture, temperature, and so on.
Drink your favorite beverage, such as coffee or tea. Have it in a special cup or
glass and really pay attention to all the sensations of thirst and satisfaction.
Don’t have anything else with it and don’t do anything else while you’re
Humans are instinctively drawn to pleasing smells. The sense of smell plays a big role in
memory, in appetite, and in sexual attraction. Don’t overlook your sense of smell when search-
ing for ways to soothe yourself. You can try these ideas or come up with additional smells you
Bake cookies or a cake and enjoy the smell that fills your home.
Distress Tolerance Skills
Your skin is the largest organ in your body, rich in sensitive nerve endings and a powerful
source of pleasure. From this list select some ways to pamper your sense of touch and add other
ideas of your own:
Stretch to loosen your muscles and ease aches and pains. You can do real yoga
or runner’s stretches, or just experiment with your own moves.
Wear your most comfortable clothes—the worn jeans or soft sweatshirt that
just feels good.
Take a hot bath or cool shower and enjoy the sensations of water on your skin.
Carry some worry beads or a small polished stone with you in your purse or
pocket, to touch when you feel tense.
Pet your cat or dog. Research shows that contact with animals is very soothing.
Jeanie used self-soothing to counteract her tendency to ruminate about her failed marriage
and poor relationship with her ex-husband. She brightened up her studio apartment with col-
orful prints and some throw pillows in vivid colors and soft fabrics she loved. She hooked up
her laptop to her receiver so she could put her favorite music on “shuffle” and have it playing
in the background while she fixed dinner or did the laundry or dishes. She swapped her old,
scentless shampoo and body wash for products whose smell she liked, and sometimes she
burned sandalwood incense. She set up a weekly date with a friend to treat themselves to
manicures, movies, or hot fudge sundaes.
Positive Distraction
To keep chronic anxiety going you need to pay regular attention to your worries. Distraction
reduces anxiety by turning your attention elsewhere, away from your fears. We call this “posi-
tive distraction” to distinguish it from the kind of knee-jerk, desperate, negative, momentary
distraction that serves as a safety behavior. Positive distraction involves planning ahead to
engage over time with other people in meaningful activities, or to occupy your mind with
pleasurable games or productive thoughts such as planning exciting home improvements or a
Distress Tolerance Skills
yourself consumed by anxiety, do something on the list as a distraction from worry. Here are
some typical items to get you started, and room to add your own tasks:
Fill a box with stuff you don’t want and drop it off at the thrift store.
Over a hundred years earlier, Russian novelist Fyodor Dostoevsky put it this way: “Try to pose
for yourself this task: not to think of a polar bear, and you will see that the cursed thing will
come to mind every minute” (1863). To this day people refer to ironic mental processes as the
“white bear problem.”
You can escape the white bear problem by consciously choosing to think about other, more
interesting things. Here is a list of alternative trains of thought onto which you might jump to
avoid the white bear:
Recall happier times. Dwell on your experiences in the past that were fun,
exciting, or gratifying. What happened when? Who was there? How did events
unfold? Go into great detail with all the sense impressions of sights, sounds,
smells, and so on.
Indulge in sexual fantasies you enjoy. What would you like to do? Who would
you like to do it with? Think of as many details as you can.
Become the hero of your own story. Reimagine a past experience and edit the
scene so that you are the center of the action, the one who pulls off amazing
feats, wins the game, saves the day.
Imagine that someone you greatly respect is praising you. Listen as this person
tells you how smart, important, accomplished, attractive, or special you are.
Enjoy a fantasy in which a dream comes true: how you would spend six million
dollars, what it would be like to win a gold medal at the Olympics, what you
would say when you received the Nobel Peace Prize.
Sandy took her mind off her health and financial troubles by staying busy. She volunteered
at the public library, shelving books and pricing paperbacks for the annual book sale. Each
week on Sunday morning she cleaned out one drawer or cabinet in her house, sorting things
into “keep here,” “move there,” “throw out,” or “donate.” When thoughts about her dwindling
Distress Tolerance Skills
savings or possible future surgery intruded, she reminded herself to take it “one day at a time,”
a meaningful saying that she had written on an index card and kept in her purse.
Coping Thoughts
Tolerating distress is largely a mental ability. In this section you will improve your mental dis-
tress tolerance by exploring the probabilities that the events you dread might come to pass,
and by preparing mental coping statements to use when you do have to get through distressing
If you live in fear of having a panic attack, this is the section for you. It counteracts the
two processes that can lead to panic: overestimation and catastrophizing. Overestimation is
the tendency to overestimate the odds of bad things happening. For example, the chance of
the average driver having an auto accident in any 24-hour period is 0.0015 percent, or about
one in ten thousand; however, a panicky person drives as if it were a 60 percent possibility.
Catastrophizing is the tendency to predict that when a bad thing does happen it will be a
total catastrophe. So a panicky driver will assume that if an accident happens then everyone
will die, even though only 1 percent of traffic accidents involve a fatality.
The way to fight panic is to explore your overestimation and catastrophizing and revise
your thinking about probabilities. To do that, use the following Probability Worksheet. (A
downloadable version of the worksheet is available at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.)
Here are instructions:
Event: In the first column, write down an event that you typically dread. This can be an
observable external experience like fainting or vomiting while giving a speech, or a
purely internal experience like feeling dizzy or spacey.
Automatic thoughts: In the second column, write down your automatic thoughts about
the event. These are the things you say to yourself about what is likely to happen.
Probability: In the third column put a percentage from 0 to 100 percent, according to
how likely it seems that the dreaded event will occur. Zero percent means that there is
no chance of experiencing the event, and 100 percent means that the feared event will
inevitably happen.
Anxiety: As you imagine experiencing what you fear, in the next column rate your level
of anxiety in the same way, from 0 to 100 percent, with 100 percent being the worst
anxiety you have ever felt.
Evidence pro and con: In this column write down whatever evidence you can think of
to support or contradict your automatic thoughts. Ask yourself these questions:
• In all the times I’ve feared this happening, how many times has it actually
• When it didn’t happen, what happened instead?
• Have I had any outcomes in the past that were better than I feared?
• What actual facts about this event do I know? (statistics, medical realities,
• How long is the feared event likely to last? Can I tolerate it that long?
Coping alternatives: In this column describe what you can do if the event occurs.
Include things like the breath exercises in this chapter, family or friends you can call on
for help, coping skills you’ve used in the past, strategies you’ve seen others use success-
fully, and so on.
Probability and anxiety: Finally, in the last two columns re-rate your estimate of the
probability of the occurrence and your anxiety level now, after reviewing the evidence
pro and con and your coping alternatives.
Probability Worksheet
Distress Tolerance Skills
How did you do? Hopefully the process of weighing the evidence and your coping alterna-
tives accomplished two goals: helping you estimate risk more accurately and increasing your
confidence in your ability to cope.
Here is how Juan filled out his Probability Worksheet to process his fears about his daugh-
ter’s safety:
Juan’s Probability Worksheet
My daughter She’s so 90% 95% Pro: it hap- Her mother 35% 45%
Angela will get vulnerable, pened to her survived it,
mugged and it’s bound mother, this is there is less
raped to happen a dangerous stigma and
neighborhood. more coun-
seling these
Con: she’s days, she has
careful, doesn’t loving
walk alone at parents.
night, we have
Watch now.
Distress Tolerance Skills
• I can always pause for a moment and take a deep breath to relax.
• I’ve survived this before. Just breathe and get through it.
• I know my stuff.
Distress Tolerance Skills
In this chapter you have learned five different ways to build up your tolerance for anxiety,
starting with mindfulness and relaxation exercises to aid you in feeling calmer when you need
to. The suggestions for self-soothing and distraction can help in forming positive new habits
and making lifestyle changes that will make anxiety a smaller and less constricting part of
your daily life. Finally, your increased skill in formulating coping thoughts will get you through
unavoidable stressful situations with less anxiety.
Please keep in mind that the distress tolerance techniques in this chapter should not be
used while you are doing the exposure exercises in the earlier chapters. In exposure treatment,
the goal is to actually experience the full range of emotions. Practicing distress tolerance at
the same time will make exposure less effective.
Relapse Prevention
When you’re talking about anxiety, relapse is not actually “preventable,” in the sense that it
will never happen again. The occasional feeling of anxiety is an inevitable fact of life. You are
bound to feel anxious again, probably sooner rather than later. But if you face your fears and
carry on with your chosen path in life in spite of your anxiety, that’s not really a relapse in the
terms of this chapter.
However, if you fall back into your old patterns of avoidance and allow anxiety to divert
you from what you want to do in life, that is the kind of relapse we’re talking about in this
chapter. And let’s be honest: that kind of relapse is also a fact of life, because no change is
perfectly straightforward. In the real world, psychological change happens in a stop-and-start,
back-and-forth fashion. You take two or three steps forward, then a step or two backward. It’s
like driving a manual shift car up a hill in heavy traffic. Periodically, traffic stops your forward
momentum and you have to brake, push in the clutch, downshift, and then try to get going
again. Typically, you have to roll backward a little bit before you get the gas and clutch coor-
dinated and start going forward again. The key is to not stall the engine, not stop too long, and
not roll so far backward that you have a fender bender.
To switch metaphors, let’s compare emotional health to physical health. It would be nice
if anxiety could be treated the way we treat some physical problems. If you could have your
anxiety surgically removed like a bad appendix, that would be great. But it doesn’t work that
way. Fixing emotional problems is more like renewing your tetanus shot every few years or
developing the habit of applying sunscreen before you go out. You have to keep treating the
problem. The emotional skills you’ve learned in this chapter have to be renewed or reapplied
from time to time, so consider the skills you have learned in this book to be something you
have on hand, to use as needed when you relapse into avoiding what you fear.
If you find yourself relapsing into prolonged anxiety and avoidance, remember that’s
natural. It happens to everybody. It’s the signal that you need to apply the plan you made in
this chapter, to apply your emotional sunscreen, step on the gas, let out the clutch, and resume
your journey.
My Alarm Bells
Alarm bells are all the things in your life that can signal the start of a relapse. An appoint-
ment in a high-rise building can be an alarm bell if you fear heights. A person such as a police
officer or tax auditor can be an alarm bell if you get nervous around authority figures. Certain
thoughts or memories can be alarm bells if you can’t stop thinking about them. An upcoming
meeting on your schedule might be an alarm bell, or it might not be an alarm bell unless you
try to postpone it or start obsessively overpreparing for it. Everybody’s alarm bells are
In the following exercise, make a detailed list of your personal alarm bells. (A download-
able version of this worksheet is available at http://www.newharbinger.com/34749.)
Relapse Prevention
Where (places)
When (events)
Prolonged worrying
Relapse Prevention
Sexual arousal
Relapse Prevention
Father, ex-husband
Where (places)
When (events)
Relapse Prevention
Thought suppression
Prolonged worrying
When I catch myself staring at the wall, worrying, frozen in place
Thinking supervisor wants to fire me, hospital administration thinks I’m a malcontent
Sexual arousal
See “Overpreparation”
Relapse Prevention
My Relapse Plan
When one or more of your alarm bells goes off, it’s time to apply the skills you’ve practiced in
this book. It is a three-step process:
1. Name it and claim it. Don’t pretend everything is okay. Go immediately back to the
first three chapters of this book, where you learned about the nature of anxiety and
assessed how it particularly affects you.
2. Cut avoidance short. Use chapters 4, 5, and 6 of this book to figure out how best to
expose yourself to your fears and get past them.
3. Use auxiliary techniques as needed. Review chapters 7 through 10 for other ways to
cope with anxiety in addition to exposure.
chapter 8, telling herself, “There’s a ‘getting fired’ thought again” and “Thank you,
mind, for that inadequacy thought.” Her anxiety relaxed a little and she got through
the evaluation with her job intact. In fact, her supervisor remarked, “You haven’t
seemed so nervous lately.”
Allison’s father and ex-husband were involved in a family business, so her divorce
was a nightmare of recriminations, bad feelings, and complex negotiations. She was
supposed to read and sign a thick stack of papers that sat on her nightstand for two
weeks past the date by which she had promised to return them. She moved them to
the dining room table to work on them, then distracted herself by binge-watching TV
until the papers were covered with junk mail and she forgot where she had put them.
One day she was playing a game on her phone when yet another text from her ex-
husband reminded her that she was avoiding signing the papers. She realized that her
procrastination and distraction behaviors were alarm bells. She turned off her phone
right then, ransacked the house until she found the papers, and forced herself to sit in
a straight chair at the dining room table until she had read and signed them all. It
took a painful two hours, but she was relieved when she was finally done.
Relapse Prevention
When these alarm bells ring:
I will:
1. Name it a relapse and claim responsibility for it.
2. Confront, encounter, and expose myself to what I fear, cutting avoidance short.
Signature Date
When these alarm bells ring:
Constant worry
I will:
1. Name it a relapse and claim responsibility for it.
2. Confront, encounter, and expose myself to what I fear, cutting avoidance short.
Going Forward
You’ve come a long way in your journey through this book. Congratulations on your persis-
tence and your dedication to living your life according to your true values, in spite of your fears.
As you go forward and encounter challenges from day to day, remember that although some
relapse is inevitable, you have a plan to get back on track, and the skills to accomplish it.
Comprehensive Coping
Inventory (CCI)
The Comprehensive Coping Inventory (CCI) is here in the appendix so it can be easily repro-
duced. The CCI was used in chapter 2 to assess your use of four maladaptive coping
Each of the four subscales of the CCI targets one of the four causes and maintaining
factors of anxiety. You are encouraged to take the inventory several times during this treat-
ment program so you can recognize progress, as well as what still needs work.
Rate each item on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 means you don’t use that strategy at all, and 5
means you use it a great deal.
1.1 I try to stay away from things that make me anxious or uncomfortable rather
than face them.
1.2 I worry about all the bad things that could happen in the future.
1.3 When I get upset by a situation, my negative thoughts often don’t turn out to
be completely true.
1.4 I don’t believe I can cope with situations in which I feel anxious or fearful.
2.1 I tend to avoid situations, people, places, or things that make me feel anxious
or upset.
2.2 I tend to focus on all the negative outcomes that might result from a
2.3 I tend to assume things will be worse—more painful and scary—than they
turn out to be.
3.1 If I feel anxious and uncomfortable I avoid situations altogether—even
though I wish I didn’t have to.
3.2 Whenever there’s a problem, I tend to dwell on the worst things that could
3.3 When the situations are especially upsetting to me, I tend to have a string of
thoughts about myself or others that feel true at the time, but often aren’t.
3.4 I don’t know how to cope with anxious feelings or situations in which I am
Comprehensive Coping Inventory (CCI)
4.1 There are situations or things that make me anxious, and I try to avoid
4.2 I find that I tend to overthink bad scenarios that could happen.
4.3 I easily jump to conclusions when I’m upset by something—and my conclu-
sions aren’t really accurate.
4.4 I feel distressed by fear or anxiety in a way that seems too big to cope with.
5.1 I try to avoid things I feel I must do to protect myself from feeling too
5.2 My problems trigger a lot of thinking about all the bad directions things
could take.
5.3 In difficult situations I can have one negative thought after another that
makes things seem worse than they really are.
You might feel overwhelmed by the number of items that were relevant for you. The good news
is that you are bringing awareness to the coping behaviors that are reinforcing your anxiety.
This is where the change starts to happen.
1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 are statements that apply to avoidance of the things that make you feel
anxious. These can be people, places, situations, things, or internal sensations that you tend
to avoid.
1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, and 5.2 are statements that apply to worry/rumination, extended worrying
about future dangers or threats and making negative predictions about the future that get in
the way of creating solutions to problems.
1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, and 5.3 are statements that apply to cognitive misappraisal, evaluating a situa-
tion, object, sensation, or person as dangerous when it isn’t.
1.4, 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, and 5.4 are statements that apply to distress intolerance, the belief that you
can’t stand certain experiences and the emotions they trigger.
All the worksheets for The CBT Anxiety Solution Workbook program are gathered here so they
can be easily reproduced, and so that you can see the key elements of treatment in one place.
1.1 I try to stay away from things that make me anxious or uncomfortable rather
than face them.
1.2 I worry about all the bad things that could happen in the future.
1.3 When I get upset by a situation, my negative thoughts often don’t turn out to
be completely true.
1.4 I don’t believe I can cope with situations in which I feel anxious or fearful.
2.1 I tend to avoid situations, people, places, or things that make me feel anxious
or upset.
2.2 I tend to focus on all the negative outcomes that might result from a
2.3 I tend to assume things will be worse—more painful and scary—than they
turn out to be.
3.1 If I feel anxious and uncomfortable I avoid situations altogether—even
though I wish I didn’t have to.
3.2 Whenever there’s a problem, I tend to dwell on the worst things that could
3.3 When the situations are especially upsetting to me, I tend to have a string of
thoughts about myself or others that feel true at the time, but often aren’t.
3.4 I don’t know how to cope with anxious feelings or situations in which I am
4.1 There are situations or things that make me anxious, and I try to avoid
4.2 I find that I tend to overthink bad scenarios that could happen.
4.3 I easily jump to conclusions when I’m upset by something—and my conclu-
sions aren’t really accurate.
4.4 I feel distressed by fear or anxiety in a way that seems too big to cope with.
5.1 I try to avoid things I feel I must do to protect myself from feeling too
5.2 My problems trigger a lot of thinking about all the bad directions things
could take.
5.3 In difficult situations I can have one negative thought after another that
makes things seem worse than they really are.
You might feel overwhelmed by the number of items that were relevant for you. The good news
is that you are bringing awareness to the coping behaviors that are reinforcing your anxiety.
This is where the change starts to happen. Let’s look at what’s significant for you.
1.1, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, and 5.1 are statements that apply to avoidance of the things that make you feel
anxious. These can be people, places, situations, things, or internal sensations that you tend
to avoid.
1.2, 2.2, 3.2, 4.2, and 5.2 are statements that apply to worry/rumination, extended worrying
about future dangers or threats and making negative predictions about the future that get in
the way of creating solutions to problems.
1.3, 2.3, 3.3, 4.3, and 5.3 are statements that apply to cognitive misappraisal, evaluating a situa-
tion, object, sensation, or person as dangerous when it isn’t.
1.4, 2.4, 3.4, 4.4, and 5.4 are statements that apply to distress intolerance, the belief that you
can’t stand certain experiences and the emotions they trigger.
social activities
Life goals
Service to
Values Worksheet
Exposure Inventory Worksheet
Results Tracker
Behavioral coping:
Emotional coping:
Cognitive coping:
Interpersonal coping:
Thought Log
Predictions Log
A terminal diagnosis
House foreclosure
Probability Worksheet
Where (places)
When (events)
Thought suppression
Prolonged worrying
Sexual arousal
When these alarm bells ring:
I will:
1. Name it a relapse and claim responsibility for it.
2. Confront, encounter, and expose myself to what I fear, cutting avoidance short.
Signature Date
This widely used questionnaire allows you to identify your levels of depression, anxiety, and
stress. Norms are provided so you can see how your scores rate in terms of severity. This is a
repeatable measure, meaning you can take it over and over. You are encouraged to take the
DASS-21 several times throughout the treatment program to assess your progress.
Please read each statement and circle a number (0, 1, 2, or 3) that indicates how much
the statement applied to you over the past week. There are no right or wrong answers. Do
not spend too much time on any statement.
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales-21 (DASS-21)
Scoring: Add up your scores for all items and compare to the table of anxiety norms below:
0–7 Normal
Interoceptive Exposure
Interoceptive exposure* involves using exercises that reproduce or mimic body sensations
associated with panic, such as rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, feeling hot or flushed, diz-
ziness or lightheadedness, or shakiness and weakness in your legs. Because people who struggle
with panic come to fear these sensations, overcoming panic disorder involves exposing them-
selves to these very same sensations.
Included here is a full range of exercises typically used for interoceptive exposure. You can
briefly try them all, and then fully expose yourself to the exercises that feel most similar to
your own panic sensations.
Interoceptive Desensitization
Interoceptive desensitization is among the most effective—and challenging—components of
the treatment program for panic disorder. What you’re about to do is recreate, in a safe way,
bodily sensations similar to those you associate with panic. You can learn to experience these
sensations as something uncomfortable but not frightening. Dizziness, rapid heartbeat, even
feelings of unreality can become no more than annoying effects of the fight-or-f light response.
And when these feelings are no longer associated with panic, you’ll find yourself less vigilant
toward, and less focused on, the sensations inside your body.
Desensitizing to frightening bodily sensations is accomplished in three stages. In the first
stage you briefly expose yourself to ten specific sensations and then rate your reactions. Most
of the following exposure exercises were developed and tested by Michelle Craske and David
Barlow (2007). They induce feelings similar to those many people report prior to or during a
* Reprinted with permission from McKay, Davis, and Fanning, 2011, Thoughts and Feelings: Taking Control of
Your Moods and Your Life.
• Spinning while you sit in a swivel chair (not to be done standing up)
As you review this list, you can probably already tell that some of these sensations will be
quite uncomfortable. But it is precisely the feelings you most fear that you must desensitize to
in order to recover from panic disorder. If exposing yourself to these interoceptive (physically
arousing) experiences feels too frightening to do alone, enlist a support person to be present
throughout the exercise. Later you can discontinue support as you get more comfortable with
the sensations.
When you expose yourself to each of the ten sensations, you’ll need to keep records to
identify which ones create the most anxiety and have the greatest similarity to your panic feel-
ings. Fill in the Interoceptive Assessment Chart that follows as you sequentially expose your-
self to each interoceptive experience.
Interoceptive Exposure
When rating your anxiety intensity, the scale ranges from 0 to 100, where 100 is the worst
anxiety you’ve ever felt. The column where you rate each exercise’s similarity to panic sensa-
tions is very important. The range is from 0 percent similarity to 100 percent—absolutely
identical feelings.
Stage 2 of interoceptive desensitization involves making a hierarchy of frightening sensa-
tions from the Interoceptive Assessment Chart. Here’s what you do: Put a check by each
exercise that you rated 40 percent or above in similarity to actual panic sensations. Now, on
the Interoceptive Hierarchy/Anxiety Intensity Chart, rank the checked exercises from the least
to the greatest anxiety-intensity rating. Fill in the anxiety rating from your first exposure
under Trial 1.
Interoceptive Exposure
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Trial 5
Trial 6
Trial 7
Trial 8
Once you’ve developed your hierarchy, it’s time to begin stage 3—the actual desensitiza-
tion process. Start with the item lowest in anxiety on your hierarchy chart. If you need to have
a support person present during initial exposure, that’s fine. Here’s the actual desensitization
1. Begin the exercise and note the point where you first experience uncomfortable sensa-
tions. Stick with the exercise at least thirty seconds after the onset of uncomfortable
sensations—the longer the better.
2. As soon as you stop the exercise, rate your anxiety in the box for each exposure trial
(on your Interoceptive Hierarchy/Anxiety Intensity Chart).
4. Following each exercise, remind yourself of the medical realities relevant to the bodily
sensations you’re experiencing. For example, if you feel light-headed or dizzy after rapid
breathing, remind yourself that this is a temporary and harmless sensation caused by
reduced oxygen to the brain. Or, if you have a rapid heart rate after running in place,
you could remind yourself that a healthy heart can beat 200 times a minute for weeks
without damage, and it’s certainly built to handle this little bit of exercise.
5. Continue trials of desensitization with each exercise until your anxiety rating is no
more than 25.
Sample Interoceptive Hierarchy/Anxiety Intensity Chart
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Trial 4
Trial 5
Trial 6
Trial 7
Trial 8
1. Staring in the mirror 40
2. Holding breath 45
4. Running in place 60
6. Breathing rapidly 80
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
very almost
seldom sometimes frequently always
never true seldom always
true true true true
true true
My painful experiences and memories make it
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
difficult for me to live a life that I would value.
I’m afraid of my feelings. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
I worry about not being able to control my worries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
and feelings.
My painful memories prevent me from having a
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
fulfilling life.
Emotions cause problems in my life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
It seems like most people are handling their lives
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
better than I am.
Worries get in the way of my success. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
This is a one-factor measure of experiential avoidance. Score the scale by adding up the
scores for the seven items. Higher scores equal greater levels of experiential avoidance.
Cannon, W. 1915. Body Changes in Pain, Hunger, Fear, and Rage: An Account of Recent
Researches into the Function of Emotional Excitement. New York: Appleton.
Clark, T. 2011. Nerve: Poise Under Pressure, Serenity Under Stress, and the Brave New Science of
Fear and Cool. New York: Little Brown & Co.
Craske, M. and D. Barlow. 2007. Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic. New York: Oxford
University Press.
Craske, M., M. Treanor, C. Conway, T. Zbozinek, and B. Vervliet. 2014. “Maximizing exposure
therapy: An inhibitory learning approach.” Behavior Research and Therapy, 58, 10–23.
Dostoevsky, F. 1863. “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions.” In Notes from Underground and
the Double. New York: Penguin Classics, 2009.
Hayes, S. C., and K. G. Wilson. 2003. “Mindfulness: Method and process.” Clinical Psychology:
Science and Practice, 10, 161–165.
McKay, M., M. Davis, and P. Fanning. 2011. Thoughts and Feelings: Taking Control of Your
Moods and Your Life. 4th ed. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.
McKay, M., P. Ona, and P. Fanning. 2011. Mind and Emotions: A Universal Treatment for
Emotional Disorders. Oakland: New Harbinger Publications.
Michelle Skeen, PsyD, is a therapist who lives and works in San Francisco, CA. She helps indi-
viduals overcome fear-based beliefs utilizing schema awareness, self-compassion, and behavioral-
and mindfulness-based approaches. She is author of Love Me, Don’t Leave Me and coauthor
of Communication Skills for Teens. Skeen hosts a weekly radio show called Relationships 2.0 with
Dr. Michelle Skeen. To find out more, visit her website at www.michelleskeen.com.
Patrick Fanning is a professional writer in the mental health field, and founder of a men’s support
group in Northern California. He has authored and coauthored eight self-help books, including
Self-Esteem, Thoughts and Feelings, Couple Skills, and Mind and Emotions.
As the publisher at New Harbinger and a clinical psychologist since 1978, I know that
emotional problems are best helped with evidence-based therapies. These are the treat-
ments derived from scientific research (randomized controlled trials) that show what
works. Whether these treatments are delivered by trained clinicians or found in a self-help
book, they are designed to provide you with proven strategies to overcome your problem.
This is important: if this book isn’t enough, and you need the help of a skilled
therapist, use the following resources to find a clinician trained in the evidence-
based protocols appropriate for your problem. And if you need more support—a
community that understands what you’re going through and can show you ways to
cope—resources for that are provided below, as well.
Real help is available for the problems you have been struggling with. The skills you
can learn from evidence-based therapies will change your life.
SECOND EDITION Proven, Step-by-Step Techniques Commitment Therapy
A Step-by-Step Program for Overcoming Your Fear ISBN 978-1572244252 / US $21.95
ISBN 978-1608823802 / US $24.95 ISBN 978-1572245532 / US $24.95
1-800-748-6273 / newharbinger.com
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You are stronger than your anxiety!
Anxiety Solution
avoidance isn’t a long-term solution, and in the end it can cause feelings of
isolation, relationship problems, and even more anxiety. So, how can you
understand and overcome your fears, rather than just trying to avoid them?
Using this breakthrough approach, you’ll discover what really feeds your
anxiety, and find practical exercises to face what you fear. You’ll get help to
step back and observe your thoughts, rather than allowing them to be the
“ultimate truth.” You’ll also develop mindfulness and self-soothing coping
skills to help you work through your anxiety in the moment. Over time, these
practices will show you that you are more powerful than your fears. If you’ve
been stuck in a cycle of anxiety and avoidance, this workbook will help you A BREAKTHROUGH TREATMENT for
make the changes you need to get your life back.
Combining the best approaches from all
generations of cognitive behavioral The New
therapy (CBT) research and practice, this book Inhibitory » Learn what drives your anxiety
is a reliable, evidence-based guide to expand Learning Model » Break the avoidance cycle
your life when it is restricted by fear.
—STEVEN C. HAYES, PhD, author of
” for Anxiety » Change the beliefs that keep you stuck
Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life » Use distress tolerance to cope with uncertainty
» Reclaim your life
MATTHEW MCKAY, PhD, is a professor at The Wright Institute in Berkeley, CA. The
author and coauthor of numerous books, he specializes in the cognitive behavioral
treatment of anxiety and depression. McKay resides in the greater San Francisco
Bay Area.
A New,
MICHELLE SKEEN, PsyD, is a therapist, author, and radio host of Relationships 2.0
More Effective
with Dr. Michelle Skeen. She resides in San Francisco, CA. FANNING
PATRICK FANNING is a professional writer in the mental health field. He resides in Exposure
Northern California. Treatment
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