Chapter 4 - Using Checklist To Look at Physical Development
Chapter 4 - Using Checklist To Look at Physical Development
Chapter 4 - Using Checklist To Look at Physical Development
Week 4
For Safety Maintenance I definitely see this when teachers are close
Children are built to run and climb, to the playground or the balance beam to
motivated by curiosity and newfound prevent the children from falling and being
physical skills. heavily injured.
Observing the P.D of Infants and Toddlers I find it interesting how observations are
Observations can be made while the done on infants because they need an
infant is moving freely in the abundance of assistance but can still learn
environment, such as in the crib, on the from that. Such as when an infant is being
floor, or in someone’s arms. carried, determining the facial expressions
they make or being able to hold their bottle
on their own.
Differences in Physical Play, Boy/Girls It was interesting to read how between
There are other differences seen very boys and girls, there are differences within
early in life. Male one-year-olds already their motor skills. I think this has to do with
spend more time in gross motor boys generally playing soccer, jumping
activities, while girls of that age spend around whereas a girl will sit and play dolls.
more time in fine motor activities. Although these are generally, they are
instances where the roles are reversed.
Play in Nature When nature experiences include not
Nature classroom designs include having a planned playground gives the
outdoor spaces for building, music and children even more space to be creative. It
movement, climbing, gardening, messy allows them things that are around them
materials, gathering, and nature art. such as dirt, grass, and sticks to make up
They use natural materials in their own play with this type of play.
construction and for storage