Microlite 20 Ultimate Fantasy
Microlite 20 Ultimate Fantasy
Microlite 20 Ultimate Fantasy
The following is a number of optional methods for creating and playing Microlite 20 fantasy characters
(though in many cases they apply to any Microlite 20 game, regardless of genre). Any of these can be used in
addition to or in place of the rules listed in the Microlite 20 Purest Essence document. These rules options
are meant to help you create a fun and easy-to-play game the way you want it. They blend fantasy RPG
rules for specific tactical measurements, with free-form rules for “making it up as you go,” and with a
comprehensive set of rules that many gamers already know.
Choose as many options as you wish, as long as the other players and game master are using them too, or at
least as long as they approve of the changes you’re making to your character. Make the game your own —
use the options you like, change the options you sort of like, and ignore the options you don’t like.
It’s assumed that characters are using Strength (STR), Dexterity (DEX), Mind (MIND), Physical, Subterfuge,
Knowledge, Communication and Survival. Most other RPG skills are covered by these five skills. For example,
Technology is part of the Knowledge skill, and Perception is part of the Subterfuge skill. In the same way,
other stats are just a mix of a stat and skill. Charisma is MIND + Communication, and Endurance is STR +
Physical, for example.
PERSONALITY whatever you can to win. As the saying goes,
“Winning isn’t everything, it’s the only thing.”
CHARACTERISTICS Earn a check mark when you start any kind of
competition (from an argument to actual
While it’s always up to a player to determine how
his or her character performs in the game, giving Arrogant (prideful): You know you’re right, and if
mechanical rewards for personality traits can help someone else has a good idea, you still find a
some players do more than wait for the next fight. way to make yourself the center of attention.
Using this option, each character begins with a You know you’re better than others, but
personality characteristic, or two if the game master sometimes having someone else around can be
agrees. In many cases, one characteristic represents useful.
the character’s behavior toward others, and another Earn a check mark when you are able to make
represents how they really are inside, and among yourself the center of attention.
close friends.
Brooding (morose, gloomy): You feel your special
This option can also be used for the classic abilities make you an outcast in society. No one
alignment systems found in many RPGs. For truly understands you, and though they may try
example, a character’s personality characteristics to sympathize, you truly are all alone.
might be “neutral” and “good.” Earn a check mark when you accomplish something
using an ability, power or talent no one else in
The game master can also assign a personality the party has.
characteristic to a character whenever he or she
finds it appropriate, though characters shouldn’t Cautious (shy): You like to make sure everything is
have more than three or four total. All in order before you take action, and prefer to let
characteristics must be approved by the game other people take the lead. You have no problem
master before the character begins play (to prevent joining in, but you’d prefer to never have to be
a party of loners, for example). in charge.
Earn a check mark when you get through combat
When the character does something significant that without making an attack, or when an action you
aligns with one of his or her characteristics (as have planned out ahead of time works perfectly.
determined by the game master), he or she gains a
check mark. A character will usually gain no more Comic (wisecracking): You’re here to have a good
than one to three check marks in any one game time. You think of funny things to say all the
session, even with multiple characteristics. time, and even when you know it’s not
appropriate you can’t help yourself. You’re a lot
At the end of each game session (each night of of fun to be around, at least for most people.
playing, not necessarily when the adventure is over), Earn a check mark when you make the other players
roll 1d6 for each check mark. On a result of 5 or 6, (and/or characters) laugh out loud.
each player gains experience equal to the amount it
would get for an encounter of the party’s level. On a Creative (artistic): You live to design, build and
result of 4 or less, no experience is gained. All check perform. You like creating beautiful things
marks are erased before the next game session. This (however you define beauty) because something
way, personality characteristics that would flawless or original makes the world a better
otherwise be a hindrance to the party can still place.
contribute to the game by earning experience, Earn a check mark when you create something new
assuming they are played out during the session. (a weapon, a work of art, etc.)
Twenty-five personality characteristics are listed Dilettante (partier): Life is short; party hard. You
below. Use these as examples to create your own. want to experience everything you possibly can,
because you never know when it could all
Aggressive (intimidating, competitive): You enjoy disappear. You’re a lot of fun to be around — life
picking fights and bullying others around. Even if is meaningless, so why think too much about it?
you aren’t physically intimidating, you still do
Earn a check mark when you have a good time in a boring, every day existence. Sometimes you’re
social situation (make new acquaintances, crazy and wild, always doing the unexpected
become the “life of the party,” etc.). either because you can’t help yourself or
because you truly are out of your mind.
Diplomatic: You prefer talking to fighting. You don’t Earn a check mark when you get into a daring
necessarily have a problem with combat, but situation that surprises others, especially if you
you’re skilled at getting two sides to come to an rush in without any preparation (combat doesn’t
agreement — it usually turns out better for you count).
and your allies than a fight would.
Earn a check mark when you are able to act as the Inspiring (noble): Those who know you turn to you
negotiator between two sides and mediate a for advice or to lead the way. Those who don’t
successful agreement. know you respect you (even your enemies), and
you work at all times to make life better for
Focused (driven, single-minded): You are disciplined yourself and your kind.
to accomplish a certain goal, even if it’s a goal Earn a check mark when you accomplish a task that
that’s impossible, like bringing all criminals to helps a larger group you belong to (not your
justice, or creating harmony between all people. adventuring party, but your race, nation,
You often make for a good leader, though you’re organization, etc.).
not always the easiest person to be around.
Select a goal when you choose this Intellectual (scholarly, scientific): The world can be
characteristic. explained with rigid rules; you just haven’t
Earn a check mark when you refuse someone or learned them all yet. You love solving puzzles
something because it would distract you from and figuring out problems. Sometimes you may
your chosen goal. alienate others, by spending your time in your
own head rather than talking with people.
Giving (kind, martyr): You always try to help others, Earn a check mark when you solve a complicated
because the world needs more goodness and problem.
hope. You’ll hold the line against those who
deliberately perform evil acts for no reason Judgmental (by-the-book): You like to be in charge,
(often, adventuring parties cause damage and and look down at others who don’t live their
destruction, but it’s usually in the name of lives your way. For you, everything must be
good). You’re the one others depend on to help perfect — your manner of dress, your behavior,
them through tough times. and the world: it’s either with you or against
Earn a check mark when you successfully protect or you. You like making things run smoothly,
help someone else (aside from minor healing). making you a good leader, if others can handle
your opinions of them.
Honorable (lawful, virtuous): Many adventurers Earn a check mark when you accomplish a task
follow moral codes of some kind, but for you, without a single mistake, injury, obstacle or
honor is life. You don’t lie unless there is point of confusion.
absolutely no other way to get out of a situation,
and are uncomfortable when others cheat or Loner (deviant, rebel): You simply don’t fit in,
steal. You don’t insist others live the way you whether by choice or because others have made
do, just that they understand the rules you have you that way. You don’t dwell on your outsider
set for yourself, and respect you enough to not status, but live like a “lone wolf,” often hitting
try and encourage you to break them. the road and not making many close friends.
Earn a check mark when you follow your code of Some loners enjoy their independence, so much
honor, at a time when doing so makes things so they have a problem with any leadership, and
more difficult for the party. like to make things difficult even when it won’t
help their cause.
Impulsive (curious, eager): You always want to know Earn a check mark when you succeed at a task
what’s ahead, what’s around the next corner. without anyone’s help, or when you cause
You like trying new things that get your significant trouble without retaliation.
adrenaline going — stunts, dangerous situations,
anything that shakes yourself and others out of
Loyal (zealous, fanatic): You are true to your friends others do it for you. You might be good at fast-
or a certain group (the target of your loyalty), talking others into doing your job, or seducing a
even when they’re making mistakes. You would lover, or pulling a tricky con that makes you a
never do anything that would harm or betray lot of money.
your target. The only thing that matters to you is Earn a check mark when you trick someone else into
your target’s well-being and success — you’ll doing your bidding.
sacrifice yourself and work hard to advance your
cause. Select a single friend, adventuring party, Tortured (haunted): Your past has come back to
or group to which you are loyal. trouble your present. Something horrible
Earn a check mark when you aid your target, happened to you once, and it has affected
especially if it’s in a way that does you personal everything that’s happened to you since. You
harm. feel guilty and shamed, and work every day to
try and clear your conscience. You’re afraid it
Mysterious: Your true self is hidden — maybe even may never be clear. Select an action in your past
you don’t know who you are, and where you (before you started play) that led to your current
came from. You speak in riddles and disguise state when you choose this characteristic.
your origins, which puzzles others. It may also Earn a check mark when you do something because
conceal your true skills and powers. it helps calm your tortured mind.
Earn a check mark when someone else makes an
untrue assumption about you that gives you an Whiny (petulant, long-suffering): You suffer, either
advantage. honestly because it helps take the burden from
others or (more commonly) because you’ve led
Naïve (innocent, childlike): You may be a child, a an easy life, and don’t like doing anything
sheltered adult, or an outsider being exposed to difficult. Sometimes whining irritates others so
the real world for the first time. You aren’t much you get your way after all. But don’t do it
stupid, and learn from your mistakes. Even when too often, or everyone will start to ignore you.
an error turns you bitter or teaches you Earn a check mark when you get your way after
responsibility, you still feel optimistic in new whining about your situation.
Earn a check mark when you learn something after Wise (deep, thoughtful): You know a great deal and
trying a task for the first time. have reached a point in life where you’re ready
to pass that knowledge along to others. You may
Responsible (reliable): You can teach and protect meditate serenely, or be smart about dozens of
others who can’t help themselves. You don’t like things and want to teach others. In your
to see others get hurt; you’d rather they learned experience, ignorance is the greatest evil, and
from your experiences, or never have to learn the light of knowledge will lead the way to a
what you’ve learned the hard way. better life.
Earn a check mark when you are able to protect or Earn a check mark when you learn someone has
help someone who can’t help themselves. done good because of something you taught him
or her.
Sarcastic (cynical): The world is a tough place, and
you’re better off criticizing everything about it, Kjell has the personality characteristic of
keeping it at arm’s length. You try hard, but “Responsible.” He’s big and dumb as a man can
even when you don’t ask for much you can’t get come, but he’s always first in line when an enemy is
it. You know how things “really” work, and just threatening his friends. During a game session, I say
have to laugh when you see others try and fail — that Kjell charges to the forefront of a skirmish,
like you knew they would. Sometimes it’s a grim where an orc is about to draw his sword on young
statement on the world; other times it’s a witty, human children. The game master awards me a
biting comment. check mark. At the end of the game session, I roll
Earn a check mark when you point out a mistake or 1d6 and get a 5. Kjell and all the other heroes earn
flaw in yourself or others that led to tragedy. experience points for good role playing — and I also
earned experience for slaying that vile orc during
Suave (convincing, smooth): You don’t like to work the game.
hard, so you’ve developed the ability to make
RACES SRD Races And Race Points
The races found in the SRD use race points in the
following way.
Race Points
Instead of selecting a race and taking the listed Dwarf: +2 Strength
benefit, each character begins with TWO Race Elf: +2 Mind
Points, to be spent on the following. Any Race Points Gnome: +1 Dexterity, +1 Mind
not spent are lost. Since your race will not normally Half-Elf: +1 Mind, +1 to any two skills
change, you will never gain more Race Points. Halfling: +2 Dexterity
Half-Orc: +1 Strength, +1 to Physical, +1 to
1 Race Point for +1 to one stat score (stat scores any other skill
can go above 18) Human: +1 to any four skills
1 Race Point for +1 to two different skills
1 Race Point for a special ability. Several are listed Kjell the Bear is a human, but I like the Stand Fast
below, along with the race which most commonly special ability, so I spend one Race Point on that.
has that special ability. You can select any special My other Race Point is spent on a +1 to Strength,
ability, no matter what race you decide to make boosting that stat score to 19. His stat bonus is still
your character. +4.
SKILLS five skill points to spend on skills, and he can have
at most six points in any one skill. I assign three
points to Physical, one to Communication, since
Spending Skill Points he’s good at intimidating people, and the last skill
In the basic Microlite 20 rules, every character has point to Survival. As a fighter, Kjell gains a +3 class
some degree of talent with every skill. But bonus to Physical, which doesn’t count against his
characters in fiction often have just a few areas of limit of six skill points in a single skill. His final
expertise — that’s why they team up. skill ranks are: Physical 6, Subterfuge 0, Knowledge
0, Communication 1 and Survival 1.
In the Purest Essence rules, skill rank is simply
character level + class bonus. Replacing the When he reaches second level, Kjell earns another
character level part of the skill rank with skill points five skill points, and assigns two to Physical, one to
lets characters emphasize a few skills instead of Subterfuge, and two to Communication. He doesn’t
being evenly good at everything. get any other bonuses to skills, so his new skill
ranks are: Physical 8, Subterfuge 1, Knowledge 0,
Determine the character’s skill points = total Communication 3 and Survival 1. He can have at
number of skills x level. You can assign these skill most 7 points in any one skill (level 2 +5), but the
points to skills any way you wish, with a limit of +3 his class gave him for the Physical skill does not
level +5 skill points in any one skill. Skills without count against that limit.
skill points have a skill rank of 0 (zero). Any skill
points not assigned are lost. The character gains If I was starting Kjell as a fifth level character, he
additional skill points equal to the number of skills would have 5 skills x level 5 = 25 skill points, and
the character has each time he or she gains a level. have a +3 total bonus for one or more skills due to
his class. His maximum skill rank (not counting his
The character will also gain a total +3 class bonus class skill bonus) would be 10.
for one or more skills. This is added to skill points to
determine skill rank, and doesn’t count against the Trained Skills
skill point limit. Remember, your final skill rank will For more variety in skill ranks between characters,
be: skill points + class bonus. choose one skill to be the character’s trained skill. If
you choose a pre-designed class, it’s the skill that is
Variants To Skill Points: Characters who gain a level assigned the +3 class bonus (or one skill that gains
earn skill points, as described in this option, and a part of that bonus — player’s choice, but once
+1 to each skill for each character level (or only at selected the skill cannot be changed). If you choose
first level). This variant gives characters very high a rogue-type class, you have Subterfuge as your
skill ranks as they gain levels, which fits the fantasy trained skill, and also choose a second trained skill
genre: it’s rare that a hero fails at what he’s trying (you can’t choose Subterfuge twice). All other skills
to do. It also brings characters more in line with SRD are untrained.
characters that have feats and other benefits that
boost skills. Physical + Subterfuge:
Duellist, Street Tough, etc.
Alternately, when a skill has a rank of 10 or more, it Knowledge + Subterfuge:
“costs” 2 skill points to improve it by one rank, as Demolitions, Trap-Builder, etc.
advanced levels of training require more from a
student. Communication + Subterfuge:
Diplomat, Spy, etc.
Chance Of Failure: To keep characters from being Survival + Subterfuge:
perfect at everything, the game master may want to Commando, Highwayman, etc.
include a chance of failure: A d20 roll of 1
automatically fails a stat + skill roll, even if the Using this option, your character does not receive a
character’s skill rank is high enough to succeed at +3 class bonus. Instead, at level 1, you start with 3
the action. skill points for each trained skill, and 1 skill point for
each untrained skill. Starting with level 2, you gain
Kjell has the standard five skills of a Microlite 20 +1 per level in trained skills, and +1 at each even-
fantasy character. At first level, he has (5 x 1 = 5) numbered level in untrained skills. Every five levels
(5, 10, 15, etc.) you can make one untrained skill I’ve decided that Kjell is good at intimidation, and
into a trained skill. You still add your level to your I’ll give him a strong constitution, durable enough
skill points determine your final skill rank. to withstand disease and poison, at least to a
degree. He has the aptitudes intimidation
Kjell’s traveling companion is Galan, a classic (Communication) and resist disease/poison
halfling rogue who trained under the finest trap- (Physical). I don’t have a good idea for a third
defusers in the kingdom. At first level, Galan has aptitude, so instead I get one reroll per game
the trained skills of Subterfuge and Knowledge, session.
which provide 3 skill points each (for a skill rank of
4 in each). Physical, Communication and Survival Heroism Points
have 1 skill point a piece (for a skill rank of 2 in Heroism points represent a character’s
each). When he reaches second level, Galan will add determination and their importance to the plans of
+1 to each of his skills, since he gains +1 to trained the gods or the forces of fate. A character has a
skills each level, and +1 to untrained skills at even- number of Heroism points equal to his or her level x
numbered levels. At third level, Galan will add +1 2 (or simply equal to level, for a less heroic game).
to only Subterfuge and Knowledge, his trained
skills. Heroism points can be used to add to any attack,
damage or stat + skill roll at a rate of +1 per 1
Aptitudes Heroism point spent. You can only spend up to your
The five skills Microlite 20 characters have cover level in Heroism points on one single roll (for
nearly any activity a character might try. For example, a level 10 character can only spend up to
characters who are especially talented in specific 10 Heroism points, for a +10 bonus).
areas, they can select aptitudes (also called
affinities). An aptitude gives the character an Heroism points do not need to be spent all at once,
additional +2 when that aptitude applies to a skill but when they are completely spent, they are gone
use, or a character can reroll the skill attempt when for the rest of game session. A character’s Heroism
an aptitude applies to a skill use. Decide whether points are restored to their starting amount at the
the character’s aptitudes provide a bonus or a reroll beginning of a game session. Alternately, the game
when selecting aptitudes. master may restore 1 or more Heroism points on a
die roll of 20 and/or if the character does something
For example, a character with the aptitude especially entertaining (funny, exciting, or
“Tracking,” which is related to the Survival skill, appropriate to the character’s personality).
gains +2 to MIND + Surv rolls when he is attempting
to track, but not when he is attempting something Role Playing Description
else using the Survival skill and STR, DEX or MIND. If you’re interested in telling a story and bringing a
fantasy world to life, but some of the players are
A character can have up to three aptitudes. If you only focused on the amount of damage they cause
choose fewer than three, you begin with +2 hit and suffer, provide a small bonus (+1 or +2) to stat +
points for each aptitude you do not select, or you skill rolls or attack bonuses that add “flavor” to the
can reroll any die roll you make once per game story. “I shoot at the orc” or “I try to pick the lock”
session, with one reroll per aptitude you do not would not provide a bonus, but “I quickly peek
select. All characters in the game should use this around the corner and loose an arrow before the orc
option if it is used, since it makes characters slightly can react” or “I juggle through my picks,
more powerful than others of their type. remembering when my thieves guild master first
taught me to jimmy a lock” might provide a
Suggested aptitudes include: description bonus.
Physical: Climb, Endurance, Lift, etc.
Subterfuge: Move Silently, Pick Locks, Pick
Knowledge: Arcana, Dungeoneering, History
Communication: Bluff, Intimidate, Persuasion
Survival: Animal Empathy, Poisons, Tracking
EQUIPMENT the same set of statistics found in Microlite 20
Purest Essence. Maximum range for thrown weapons
is 30 feet; it is 100 feet for ranged weapons.
Modern Money
One gold piece is equivalent to $20 modern U.S. Weapon Type Cost Damage
dollars, but good luck finding a bank that will do the Unarmed Free 1d3
conversion either way! Light 5 gp 1d6
One-Handed 15 gp 1d8
Fourth Edition-Style Equipment Two-Handed 20 gp 1d10
Instead of spending gold pieces, simply select one of Thrown 1 gp 1d4
each of the following. One weapon, armor or other Ranged 40 gp 1d8
item has a +1 bonus to attacks and damage, Armor
Class, or appropriate stat + skill rolls. Armor Type Cost Armor Bonus
Light 10 gp +2
Melee weapon Medium 50 gp +4
Ranged weapon (and 20 ammunition, if Heavy 250 gp +6
needed) Light Shield 10 gp additional +1
Armor Heavy Shield 15 gp additional +2
Shield, if a fighter-type class and using a one-
“Chainmail Bikini”
handed weapon as main weapon
What’s more ‘microlite’ than a skimpy suit of armor?
Adventurer’s kit (backpack, bedroll, flint and Add ¼ the cost of the armor (round up) to its price,
steel, belt pouch, 2 torches, 10 days trail to pay for squeezing all that protection into just a
rations, 50 feet hempen rope, waterskin) few inches of loincloth or chest covering. Add ½ the
Simple clothing, which has no armor bonus character’s Comm bonus (round up) to AC, because
Class-appropriate gear (spellbook for wizard, the more beautiful you are, the more distracted
holy symbol for cleric, thieves tools for your enemies will be. Any kind of armor can be
rogue, etc.) “bikini-ized” — traditionally, the armor is a chain
1d6 + 10 gold pieces (or 3d8) shirt or hide, but the term “breastplate” has real
meaning with this option!
Galan begins with a short sword, a light crossbow
and 20 bolts, leather armor, an adventurer’s kit, Armor Type “bikini-ized” Cost Bonus *
simple clothing, thieves tools, and 12 gp. One item * +½ Comm bonus (round up)
becomes a +1 item, and I’ll make it his short sword. Light Padded 3 gp +1
It provides a +1 to hit and damage. Leather 13 gp +2
Studded Leather 32 gp +3
Ammunition: Arrows And Bolts Chain Shirt 125 gp +4
In most situations, it can be assumed that characters Medium Hide 19 gp +3
have enough ammunition available to them that Scale Mail 63 gp +4
they’ll never run out in battle. The price of the Chainmail 188 gp +5
ammunition can be ignored when buying a new bow Breastplate 250 gp +5
or crossbow, though special ammunition (like magic Heavy Splint Mail 250 gp +6
arrows or bolts with unusual heads) should be Banded Mail 313 gp +6
purchased separately. Alternately, on a Half-Plate 750 gp +7
missile/ranged attack roll of 1, the game master Full Plate 1875 gp +8
may rule that the weapon is “empty,” or alternately
has just enough ammunition for one more attack ― Kjell and Galan both look hideous in “bikini-ized”
then it’s out of commission for the rest of the armor, so they’ll skip this option.
Armor As Damage Resistance
Generic Equipment In some RPGs, armor makes a character harder to
If detailed lists of weapons and armor aren’t what hit, and reduces the amount of damage they suffer
you’re looking for, try generic equipment. Each has when they are hit. To determine the armor’s
damage resistance, divide the armor’s normal armor
bonus by 2 (round down). To determine the armor’s
new armor bonus, subtract the DR from the normal
armor bonus.
COMBAT enough to avoid the massive damage penalty. He
still suffers 43 points of damage — he’s not killed,
just very seriously burned.
To determine which character or monster takes the Non-Violent Combat
first turn in combat, each character rolls 1d20 + DEX The emphasis on combat rules shows how important
bonus. If there is a tie between two or more swordplay and spell-slinging is to the Microlite 20
initiative results, the character or monster with the game. That level of detail can be brought to any sort
highest DEX score acts earlier. of confrontation simply by renaming a few things.
On a combat turn, a character can take TWO In non-violent combat, the opponents aren’t trying
actions, usually [1] move and [2] move again, make to kill one another. Instead of making a roll of
an attack, cast a spell, attempt another activity attack bonus vs. Armor Class, each combatant makes
(requiring a stat + skill check), etc. Movement of 5 a stat + skill roll, using the same pair of stat bonuses
feet or less, drawing a weapon, speaking or similar and skills. If the attacker’s result is equal or higher,
activities are “free” and do not count as an action. he or she causes “damage” equal to 1d6 + stat bonus
of the stat used in the combat. That damage is
Kjell and an orc are ready for battle, weapons removed from a set of imaginary hit points, equal to
drawn. I roll 1d20 + 1 (for his DEX of 13) and have the stat score of the stat used in the combat. When
the higher result, so I go first. those imaginary hit points fall to 0 (zero) or less, the
combat is over, and the loser is defeated (knocked
Using Attack Bonuses unconscious, humiliated, etc). These imaginary hit
It should be clear from the type of attack a points are not related to the character’s actual hit
character is making which attack bonus should be points in any way. They cannot be healed, and all
used (for example, a sword would use melee/hand- damage to imaginary hit points disappears when the
to-hand, while a bow would use missile/ranged). In combat is over.
the SRD, spells call for “ranged touch attacks,” but
in Microlite 20, they should use the For example, a boxing match would use STR + Phys
magic/supernatural attack bonus instead. The spell rolls, and the STR stat score for imaginary hit points.
caster may still need to physically touch the target A war of insults or an attempt to fast-talk a mark
of an attack, if the spell’s description demands it. might use MIND + Comm rolls, and the MIND stat
Most spells, however, don’t require a die roll to take score for imaginary hit points.
Social Combat: In a game where characters rely
Critical Hits And Misses more on their talents for intrigue, seduction and
A roll of 20 on the d20 is a critical hit, while a roll of intimidation, the complex combat rules of standard
1 on the d20 is a critical miss on an attack roll. Microlite 20 may not be appropriate. In that case,
There are dozens of special rules for rolling a critical the game master and players may decide to revise
in various RPGs, but the simplest is that a critical hit the stats, combining Strength and Dexterity into
causes double damage (determine the weapon’s Body (BOD) and splitting Mind into Mind (MIND),
total damage for the attack and double it), while a representing knowledge, and Charisma (CHA),
critical miss hits the attacker or one of his or her representing social skills.
allies instead of its target.
Attack bonuses remain the same, though both the
Massive Damage melee/hand-to-hand and missile/ranged attack
If a single attack causes 50 points of damage or bonuses will be determined using BOD bonus + level.
more, the victim of the attack immediately makes a In the same way, other characteristics like hit points
STR bonus + Phys roll vs DC 15. If the roll fails, the and special abilities will use the new stats. Stat +
character is instantly killed. If the roll is a success, skill rolls also change to fit the new stats: A backflip
the damage takes effect normally. over a charging bull is BOD + Subt, while calming an
angry mob is CHA + Comm, and flashing a winning
Thanks to a magic cape, Galan has 10 points of fire smile may be CHA + Phys.
resistance. But a red dragon blasts him for 53
points of damage. I roll 17 on a STR + Phys roll,
Galan is trying to earn a few coins by entering a character sheet or with tokens like coins or poker
contest of skill for tricksters. He plans to show off chips). When the character has suffered four
his talent for mundane illusions like card tricks and Damage Marks, he or she is out of action for the rest
the old rabbit-out-of-a-hat bit. The game master of the battle, and returns at full health (no Damage
decides the contest is a non-violent combat, and Marks) immediately afterward.
will use DEX + Subt. Galan has a DEX of 18, giving
him 18 imaginary hit points for this combat. His Minor enemies may only be able to take one Damage
opponent also has a DEX of 18. Galan wins Mark, while major villains or powerful heroes may
initiative, and rolls 19 (11 on 1d20 + 4 for DEX be able to take 6, 10 or more. This option is good to
bonus + 4 for Subt skill rank). His opponent scores simulate a variety of impediments to characters, not
12, so Galan’s first trick is more impressive than only cuts and bruises but also being bound in a net,
the other guy’s. I roll 4 on 1d6 and add his DEX stumbling over an obstacle, being intimidated by an
bonus for a total “damage” of 8. Now the enemy’s challenge, etc.
opponent’s imaginary hit points are 10. After a few
more moments of trickery, the opponent’s During a battle, Kjell is surprised by a gang of
imaginary hit points fall to 0 (zero), and the judges hobgoblins, who tie him up in their enchanted
announce that Galan has won the contest. ropes. One whacks him over the head with a club,
and he is unconscious. Using the traditional hit
Signature Move point rules, it would take the hobgoblins several
Many heroes have a favorite maneuver or fighting turns to whittle down Kjell’s hit points, but using
style. As you play your character, you may develop a the Damage Marks option, the ropes and the club
signature move, one that the character tries to each cause one Damage Mark. His exact health
perform each time he or she is in combat. Using this status doesn’t matter; what makes the story
option, the game master may award a +2 bonus on exciting now is that Kjell has been captured and
the character’s first attack that uses the signature brought before the hobgoblin king.
move. An enemy that is successfully injured by an
attack using a signature move can also be worth 10 Knockback
percent more experience points (round up). This Some attacks are so powerful, they can send an
bonus can be awarded once per battle. enemy flying backward. If a damage die shows its
highest result (for example, a 6 on a d6), the
A signature move may be determined while creating opponent loses hit points from the attack, then
a character, but it is often discovered during play. A moves backward in a straight line 10 feet (2 spaces)
character can only have one signature move at a per die showing its highest result. Terrain effects
time. Signature moves may include climbing high are ignored, since the opponent is actually flying or
and diving toward an enemy, giving a chilling battle stumbling back, but if the opponent strikes a solid
cry, staring down a foe before drawing a weapon, object like a wall or tree, he or she takes 1d6
leading the charge into battle, always head-butting damage and must make a DEX + Phys roll (vs DC 10)
enemies with unarmed attacks, singing or playing a or fall down. If the opponent strikes another
personal “theme song” (in a silly game), etc. character or creature, both must make a roll to
avoid falling.
Kjell and Galan are back to back as the orcs
approach. Kjell draws his sword and growls. Galan A wizard hurls a lightning bolt at Kjell, for 2d6
does what he always does: pulls a dagger and tosses damage. The game master rolls a 6 on each die.
it lightly from hand to hand, smiling all the while. Kjell takes 12 points of damage and is knocked
Then he suddenly whips the dagger toward the backward 4 spaces. He slams into a rock wall for
nearest orc. I gain a +2 bonus on the attack, another 3 points of damage and a major headache.
because Galan performed his signature move.
Armor Class Adjustments
Damage Marks In the Purest Essence rules, AC = 10 + DEX bonus +
For a game that spends less time on detailed combat armor bonus (from purchased armor and racial and
and more on telling a story, ignore hit points and class benefits). To represent characters who keep
determining specific damage from an attack. out of danger thanks to quick thinking and fast
Instead, each successful attack causes an opponent reflexes instead of suits of metal, the game master
to gain one “Damage Mark” (indicate this on the may rule that characters carrying a shield, other
than a buckler, or wearing any armor except light Descending Armor Class
armor (padded, leather, studded leather, chain Players of early versions of The World’s Most Popular
shirt) cannot apply DEX bonus to AC. Role Playing Game have created fantastic monsters,
treasures and rules sets that can easily be used in
Characters wearing no armor or light armor and/or Microlite 20. While most aspects of the rules work
holding a buckler can still use DEX bonus to the same, older games use a descending armor class,
determine AC. If this option is used, it should apply where a lower AC is better. To convert it to
to all heroes and enemies in the game, not just Microlite 20, simply subtract the listed AC from 19,
characters who would benefit from it. if the listed AC is 9 or less. If it is 10 or more, use
the AC as listed. For example, a bugbear has a
As a general guideline, armor and shield bonuses descending armor class of 5, and a Microlite 20 AC of
adding up to +5 or more do not allow the character 14. A hero wearing plate mail might have a
to add his or her DEX bonus to AC. descending armor class of -2, which converts to a
Microlite 20 AC of 21.
For high-powered games, the game master may
want to also award every character a bonus to AC Splintering Shields
equal to ½ level (round up). Shields are used to add to a character’s Armor Class,
but they can also be “sacrificed” to prevent injury.
Galan has a DEX bonus of +4, and wears leather Instead of taking any damage from a single
armor (+2 armor bonus) for a total AC of 16. Kjell successful melee/hand-to-hand attack made by an
has chainmail armor (+5 armor bonus), and so he enemy, the shield’s armor bonus can be reduced by
can’t use his DEX bonus to calculate his AC. So his -1. If it falls to +0, the shield is destroyed is no
final Armor Class is 15. Kjell is slightly easier to longer useful. Missile/ranged and
hit, but much harder to take down (he has more hit magic/supernatural attacks are not affected by this
points than Galan). He can also wear heavier armor rule.
than Galan, ultimately providing a higher armor
bonus. Kjell carries a heavy wooden shield (with a +2
armor bonus) into battle against a bandit carrying a
Alternate Defenses war hammer. The bandit hits Kjell for 10 points of
Microlite 20 keeps combat simple with a single damage, but Kjell puts his shield in the way just in
defense for all attacks, Armor Class. To add more time. He takes no damage, but his AC is reduced by
variety to combat, use the four types of defense 1 (since the shield’s armor bonus is now +1).
introduced in Fourth Edition.
Mob Fighting
Armor Class: 10 + DEX bonus + armor bonus It’s dramatic and exciting to have heroes battle
Use for weapon attacks hordes of orcs or legions of evil soldiers all at once,
(swords, arrows, maces, etc.). but in many RPGs it’s difficult to keep track of each
Fortitude Save: 10 + (STR bonus x 2) in combat. An easy solution is to use the exact same
Use for endurance characteristics for a monster or enemy as the game
(swimming, resisting poison, etc.). master would use in a one-on-one battle, but state
that each member of the mob has only one hit
Reflex Save: 10 + (DEX bonus x 2)
Use for dodging area effect attacks
(dart traps, dragon breath, etc.).
For example, the Purest Essence rules list an
Will Save: 10 + (MIND bonus x 2) average goblin as having 5 hit points. Using this
Use for resisting magical effects option, a hero could instead fight five goblins, each
(spells, psionics, etc.) with one hit point. When it’s the goblin mob’s turn
to attack, all five goblins would attack and cause
Galan’s Reflex Save is 18 (as his DEX bonus is +4), damage as one (since they are minimal threats on
while his AC is only 15. If a dragon breathes fire at their own, it would take multiple successful hits to
him, he’s better at dodging away from the blast truly injure an adventurer). If the hero defeats the
than he is at trying to twist out of the way, hoping mob, he or she gains experience equal to defeating
his armor is tough enough. a single normal goblin.
In the same way, a single attack against the mob Recovery: A MIND + Comm roll (usually vs DC 15) can
represents several sword slashes, or a few quick restore 1d6 San points to a character in the form of
arrow shots, enough to take out several members of “psychology,” but only once per day. As with hit
the mob at the same time. Using this option, the points, a character’s Sanity Rating can only be
rules don’t really change, but a description of the restored to its starting amount. A character will
action can change significantly. never gain more San by advancing in level. The
Sanity game option is often used in settings with
Sanity little magic and few unusual creatures, and often
A fantasy adventurer’s life is full of horrific visions — leads inexorably to a character’s total insanity.
terrible monsters like dragons and demons, mind-
bending magic, and bizarre images that violate the Kjell, with his MIND stat score of 9, has a Sanity
laws of reality. In some game worlds, the strangest Rating of 45. During an adventure, he vanquishes a
sights and thoughts can destroy a hero’s sanity. horde of skeletons during a search for an evil
priest. Destroying skeletons is the kind of thing
Each character begins with a Sanity Rating (San) of Kjell does all the time, so the game master decides
MIND stat score (not bonus) x 5. Whenever the game that won’t affect his Sanity Rating at all. However,
master rules that the character has witnessed when Kjell reaches the cultists, they’re about to
something that could damage his or her sanity, roll sacrifice a young villager to their dark gods. Each
1d% (1d100). If the result is less than or equal to the cultist wears a mask made of bone and carries a
character’s current San, the character can handle sacrificial knife decorated with demonic runes. It’s
the weirdness and is not affected. If the result is more concentrated evil than Kjell the Bear has ever
greater than the character’s current San, the seen in his life.
character’s psyche diminishes a little bit. Roll a die
based on the intensity of the event, and subtract the A cult ritual is a 1d10 San loss. I roll a 10, so Kjell’s
result from the character’s current San. If your San falls to 35. The game master also rules that
character’s San falls to 0 (zero) or less, the Kjell gains a temporary insanity: he loses his next
character has gone completely insane and is no turn staring blindly into space, as his mind tries to
longer available as an adventuring hero. come to grips with the eternal forces that war
among themselves in the cosmos.
If the die is a d8, d10 or d12, and the roll is the
maximum for that type of die (for example, a 10 on Corruption
1d10), the character may also develop a temporary Dark magic and horrible choices offer incredible
insanity, like nightmares, a phobia or catatonia. It’s power, but at a dangerous cost. A character
up to the game master to determine exactly what choosing to invite corruption can roll one or more
the temporary insanity is, if any, and how long it d10 along with any other dice used in any roll (stat +
lasts. Effects with a Sanity loss of 1d4 or 1d6 are not skill, attack, damage, etc). The d10s can be rolled
traumatic enough to trigger insanity. along with other dice, or after the original result is
determined. Each d10 used by the character
Sample Image/Event San Rating Loss provides 1 Corruption Point. Other evil activities,
Animal-Like Monster 1d4 like willfully harming innocents or wearing magic
(hell hound, owlbear, etc.) rings forged by dark gods, may also provide
Cult Ritual 1d10 Corruption Points.
Cultist 1d4
Death None When a character’s Corruption Points equal the
Demon, Devil or Undead 1d8 or 1d10 character’s MIND stat score (not bonus), the
Dragon 1d6 or 1d10 character has been corrupted by evil and becomes a
Evil Priest or Magic-User 1d8 terrible monster. The game master may decide the
Evil Spell 1d6 to 1d12 character is no longer playable, gains physical signs
Giant Monster 1d10 of evil (like mutations or an unpleasant aura) or has
(giant, troll, large dragon, etc.) some other penalty. A character cannot lose
Gruesome Death 1d4 Corruption Points unless he or she is killed and
Humanoid Monster None resurrected (at which time the character comes
(elf, human, orc, etc.) back to life with no Corruption Points), though
Supernatural Fear Effect 1d8 accomplishing a significant mission for a divine
power of good and light may also reduce Corruption would be able to absorb damage for 30 minutes. In
Points. combat, a spell that lasts 30 minutes would last 30
turns — longer than the typical battle, but not long
In a fit of rage, Kjell slaughters an entire gnoll enough to last an entire day. The game master
encampment, including the elderly and the might say that spell might last for three battles
children. He picks up 2 Corruption Points, and rolls (since the druid is third level).
2d10 along with his normal weapon dice when
damaging each gnoll in the camp. Morale
Combat in fantasy RPGs is fun, but it can go on too
Healing long, especially if characters have used all their
While magic always provides healing, characters special abilities, and can’t think of another creative
with more than 0 (zero) hit points at the end of a way to use the battlefield environment to their
battle may be able to regain 1d4 hit points +1 per advantage. The game master may rule that enemies
three levels (level 3, 6, 9, etc.) immediately in the flee a battle once more than ½ the total number of
form of bandages and catching their breath. This enemies in a battle are defeated, or if the major
type of healing can only be done once after each enemy of the battle (if there is one) is defeated.
battle. A character will regain all of its hit points Mindless creatures (like skeletons) and player
after a night’s rest, even if the character has a turn characters never flee using this morale option.
on watch.
Alternately, morale can be decided by the roll of the
After a battle, Galan and Kjell stop and cover up dice. Roll 1d6 for each individual enemy that meets
their cuts and bruises with the healing herbs in the the requirements for fleeing above — if more than
forest. Each rolls 1d4 and recovers a few hit points. half the total foes the major enemy is defeated.
1 minute is equivalent to 1 turn. Kjell wades into battle with a band of five goblins.
1 hour is equivalent to 1 battle. He takes out two quickly, but it takes another turn
1 day is equivalent to 1 game session. before a third goes down. Since there’s less than
half the group left, it’s time to check morale. The
At the beginning of a combat encounter, a wizard game master rolls a d6 for each goblin, with results
ally casts the Mage Armor spell on Kjell. His AC of 1 and 3.
increases by +4 for one hour per level. If the wizard
is a first level character, the spell lasts the length The last two goblins glance at one another and
of the fight (one battle), but if the wizard is second decide to flee. They both turn away from Kjell and
level, the spell lasts for two battles, or one hour, start running. On his next turn, Kjell draws his bow
whichever is shorter. and is able to pin down a fourth goblin. The final
one is able to escape, though Kjell gets credit for
A third level druid casting Protection From Energy, defeating him too (that goblin won’t threaten
which absorbs damage for 10 minutes per level, another well-armed adventurer any time soon!).
Speeding Up Combat even diagonally. This is the character’s Speed or
There are a few simple methods to pick up the pace movement rate.
of battles and get into another exciting fight, or
continue telling the story. One option is simply to Small characters (like halflings or gnomes) move 5
divide each enemy’s listed hit points in half (round spaces per turn, while characters wearing heavy
down). armor (splint mail, banded mail, half-plate, full
plate) move 1 space less each turn. On older-style
Another is standard damage amounts: instead of maps, where one space equals 10 feet, the average
rolling weapon damage for each enemy, simply character moves 3 spaces per turn.
assume it does the average amount of damage for its
weapon (round up). For example, in the Purest Characters can move through the same space as
Essence rules, a large monstrous spider causes 1d8+3 another character or enemy, but cannot end
damage plus poison. The lowest damage the spider movement in the same space as another figure.
can cause is 4 and the highest is 11 for an average of Rubble, darkness, heavy growth and other difficult
8, rounded up. Each time a large monstrous spider terrain “costs” 2 spaces of movement per space
hits, it causes 8 points of damage, instead of having moved by the character. Moving up and down is the
to roll and determine damage after each attack. The same as moving horizontally (a character does not
spider’s poison also applies, like it does in the have to “spend” extra movement to climb or fly).
regular Microlite 20 rules. Moving just 1 space is considered a “free” action, as
long as the character does not move any farther that
A third method is to have each player (and the game turn.
master) roll 3 d20s at the beginning of a battle and
write down those numbers, after determining If there’s a question whether a character could see
initiative order. Instead of making a new attack roll an enemy to hit it, draw an imaginary straight line
each turn during combat, the player selects one of from the center of the attacker’s space to the
the d20 results he or she wrote down and uses it as center of the target’s space (or one of its spaces, if
his or her attack roll result for that turn. If the it takes up more than one space on the map). If
battle continues after all the d20 results have been there is no major obstacle or enemy in the path, the
used, the player simply rolls 3 d20s again. Players character can make the attack. Allies of the
have to work with the numbers they have, which attacker do not block its path. Characters can attack
may lead to more tactical use of the battlefield and through windows and other partial obstacles at a -2
the abilities of allies. penalty to hit.
Miniatures And Battle Maps To avoid calculating attack ranges each turn, melee
If you have miniature figures (about 1 inch or 25 to attacks must be made against an enemy in a space
28 mm tall) to represent the characters and their adjacent to the character. Thrown and short-range
enemies, you’ll need a ruler or a battle map covered weapon attacks can be made against an enemy up to
in spaces (squares, hexes or 1 inch measurements). 10 spaces away. Long-range weapon attacks can be
One space equals 5 feet or 2 yards, and the average made against an enemy up to 25 spaces away.
character and monster moves 6 spaces per turn,
LEVEL ADVANCEMENT and other bonuses and abilities the character is
entitled to. In addition, choose one of the
character’s stats (STR, DEX or MIND) and roll the
By Encounter appropriate die according to the stat score: An
Instead of adding up Encounter Levels, simply award existing score of 3 to 9 needs a 6 on 1d6 to increase
characters a new level after 9 encounters that are by +1; 10 to 15 needs an 8 on 1d8; 16 needs 12 on
appropriately challenging (i.e. a small gang of 1d12; and 17 needs 20 on 1d20. A stat score of 18 or
kobolds is no match for a group of level 10 heroes). better can’t be improved with training.
Remember that each battle is an encounter — but so
is a trap, a monster that’s defeated without fighting Kjell is ready to move to level 2, but he needs to
and even high-stakes skill situations (for example, a practice with the captain of the guard first. I roll
simple roll to find the right trail probably isn’t an 1d4 and add his current level of 1 for a total of 3. It
encounter, but a roll to negotiate peace between will take him three weeks to train, and cost (25 x 3)
warring kingdoms probably is). 75 gold pieces to pay for the captain’s time, and
also to hire a sage to improve his book-learning. As
Experience For Treasure Kjell’s STR is already 18, I decide to try and boost
In many fantasy adventures, characters quickly his MIND stat. It is currently 9, so I roll 1d6, hoping
collect thousands of gold pieces, dozens of gems and for a result of 6. I get a 4 — Kjell hasn’t learned
handfuls of magic items. Most of it simply goes enough yet; he’ll have to come back to the sage
unspent. With this option, each character can spend after his next adventure.
10 percent of its total treasure earned on that
adventure (round up) on “upkeep” (repairing Immaterial Rewards
damaged items, restocking spell components, food, Heroes often collect powerful magical treasures and
lodging, etc.) and personal effects (a tithe to the piles of coins, but they can just as easily gain other
local house of worship for a cleric, a drinking kinds of rewards after gaining levels and completing
contest for a dwarf, a tribute to the thieves guild for adventures, like membership in exclusive groups,
a rogue, etc.). If all characters in the party do so, noble titles, land and followers, etc. Most of these
they gain experience equal to an Encounter Level of types of rewards offer a bonus to stat + skill or
their own level. This can only be done once after attack rolls, or a similar improvement, in exchange
each adventure. for participation in the group’s activities or for
managing the land.
After slaying a dragon, Kjell and Galan spend 10
percent of their treasure to repair their armor, eat For example, the Royal Society of Explorers might
fine meals, and enjoy wine, women and song until give a +1 per level to MIND + Know rolls to learn
their next journey into the wilderness. That leaves about the history and terrain of a particular
them with less money to buy new weapons and kingdom, but it also comes with the responsibility to
magic items, but they decide it was worth it. give a report on a previously unexplored place to the
Society once per year.
In the standard Microlite 20 rules, characters gain Becoming Baron of the Iron Mountans might give a
skill ranks, hit points, attack bonuses and stat character access to the magical ironstone, providing
improvements automatically when they gain levels. an additional +1 die of damage with any metal
With this option, characters must spent time and weapon (an ironstone longsword does 2d8 damage).
money with weapon masters, powerful mages and However, the Baron also has to hire and pay miners
expert thieves to earn their advancements. to search the Iron Mountains for ironstone.
Galan is a warrior with a few other skills, so he’s
not as tough as Kjell. He rolls 1d6 when he gains hit Before the next “adventuring year” begins, increase
points. the character’s age by 1 (which may affect stats and
skills), and gain income equal to 3d6 x character
Fast Hit Points level x 5 gold pieces in the form of property, wages,
Instead of rolling a die for hit points each level, winnings (gambling, practicing theiving skills, etc.),
simply use STR stat score (not bonus), +4 hit points taxes (for a character in a governmental position),
per level. For an “old school” experience, give etc. Also roll 1d20 on the events table below — this
fighter-types +6 hit points per level, cleric- and is especially appropriate for settings where
rogue-types +4 hit points per level, and wizard-types characters are not just wandering adventurers, but
+2 hit points per level instead. the representatives of noble houses or lineages of
Kjell’s Strength stat score is 19, and as a “retro”
character, he gets +6 hit points at first level for a Roll Event
total of 25 hit points. 1 to 2 Death in the family/group of friends
3 to 5 Marriage among family/friends
Adventuring Years 6 to 8 Birth to someone in family/friends
Characters in games using this option age fairly 9 to 11 Personal failure (crops did not grow,
regularly. One campaign, or three to five major robbed, etc.)
adventures, counts as one “adventuring year,” with 12 to 15 Personal success (promotion, gained
the rest of the time spent on personal business renown for an achievement, etc.)
(family, study, faith, training, etc.) or being held up 16 to 20 No event this year
because of mundane travel time or bad weather.
With this character creation option, you don’t select a traditional RPG class for your character, but instead
select the talents that fit your concept for your character. Feel free to create new class abilities, using the
examples below as guidelines. Many race features, class abilities and feats from other RPGs can easily
become class abilities using this class points option. Note that several combat abilities from the Purest
Essence rules are not available to characters without spending class points (Brute Force, Multiple Attacks,
Weapon Finesse).
Armor: Using this option, your character must have the Medium and/or Heavy Armor And Shields abilities to
gain Armor Class bonuses for wearing some types of armor (see below). All characters can wear light armor
(padded, leather, studded leather, chain shirt), and carry buckler shields.
Skill: Choose one skill. You begin with a +3 class bonus to that skill. Alternately, you can assign +2 to one
skill and +1 to another, or +1 to three skills. Choose one skill to be your character’s “class skill.”
Class Points: You begin with FOUR Class Points. Any Class Points that are not spent are lost. Every third level
(3, 6, 9, 12, etc.), you gain an additional Class Point, which can be saved or spent right away.
Spend 1 Class Point For… can spend Class Points for an attack bonus on
Animal Companion or Mount: Choose a normal, one, two or all three types of attack.
“real world” animal with hit dice up to your Brute Force: Add your STR bonus to all damage with
level +1. It remains loyal to you and will Melee/Hand-To-Hand attacks using a one-
perform tasks and fight for you to the best of its handed weapon, and STR bonus x 2 with
ability, but will not fight until death. When you Melee/Hand-To-Hand attacks using a two-
increase in level, your animal companion or handed weapon.
mount does as well. At level 10, you can take a Cleave: If you make a melee/hand-to-hand attack
fantasy creature (like a griffon or dragon, but against an enemy and drop it to 0 (zero) hit
not an orc or elf) as a companion or mount. points or less this turn, you may make an
Because your companion or mount is magically immediate single melee/hand-to-hand attack
linked to you, or is at least trained to respond to against another enemy, if possible. Alternately,
your every movement, it provides you with you can use this ability with missile/ranged or
benefits. You gain +1 to one skill. As an optional magic/supernatural attacks instead (choose one
rule, instead of providing an extra attack for a type of attack when selecting the ability).
character each turn in combat and requiring the Cohesion: You follow a leader into combat, or pair
player to keep track of both a hero and an up with another hero for a special “double
animal, the companion or mount instead team” technique. Once per battle, select
provides +1 to one type of attack the character another character. When that character ends its
makes (melee/hand-to-hand, missile/ranged, or move, you immediately move to any open space
magic/supernatural) — choose the type of or area adjacent to that character as a “free”
attack when selecting this ability. If the action. This ability is best used in a game that
character successfully does damage with that uses miniatures and battle maps.
type of attack, add 1d6 (for a smaller creature
Connections: You can call on a friend or business
like a wolf) or 1d10 (for a larger creature like a
acquaintance for a piece of special equipment,
warhorse) to the character’s damage each time.
information or safe entry into a city or other
Attack Bonus: Select one kind of attack — area. It’s up to the game master to decide
melee/hand-to-hand, missile/ranged, or exactly what the results of your request are.
magic/supernatural. You gain +1 to attack and Your connections can be called upon a number
damage rolls with that type of attack. This of times per adventure equal to your MIND bonus
bonus increases by +1 every five levels (+2 at + ½ level (round down).
level 5, +3 at level 10, +4 at level 15, etc.). You
Empowering Spells or Psionics: You can give any bonus to attack and damage that kind of
spell or power this metamagic adjustment by monster equal to ½ your level (round up).
spending 4 extra hit points on the spell or Multiple Attacks: If your attack bonus is +6 or
power. This spell or power causes 50 percent more, you can make an additional attack of that
more damage (round up). type with a -5 penalty. If the total bonus is +11
Extending Spells or Psionics: You can give any spell or more, a third attack can be made at -10, and
or power this metamagic adjustment by so on. All attacks must be made on the same
spending 2 extra hit points on the spell or turn and count as the same single action. For
power. It has twice the listed duration. example, a character with a missile/ranged
Good Fortune: You can add dice to any one roll you attack bonus of +12 and this ability can make
make (attack, stat + skill, damage, etc.), three attacks per turn, at +12, +7 and +2 to hit.
depending on your level. This can be done a You must select this ability once for each type
number of times per day equal to your level. of attack (melee/hand-to-hand, missile/ranged,
Level 1 to 3: 1d6; level 4 to 7: 1d8; level 8 to or magic/supernatural).
11: 1d10; level 12 to 15: 2d6; level 16 to 19: Performance: You can use music, oratory or other
2d8; level 20: 2d10 performance to cause magical effects, usually
Heavy Armor And Shields: You can wear heavy by making a MIND + Comm roll. You can do this
armor (splint mail, banded mail, half-plate, full MIND bonus times per day, +1 time per level,
plate) and use shields. You must have the but only one effect at a time. The effects are:
Medium Armor ability before selecting this class Countersong: Cancel one sound-based effect
ability. against an ally.
Improved Heroism: You gain additional Heroism Fascinate: One target suffers -4 to any
points equal to your highest stat bonus, if using perception-type roll for a number of turns equal
the Heroism option (see above). to your MIND bonus.
Improved Initiative: Use DEX bonus +4 to determine Inspire Courage: All allies within hearing
your character’s Initiative. distance gain +1 to attack and damage, +1 for
Lay On Hands: You can heal a die’s worth of hit every 5 levels (level 5, 10, 15, etc.) until your
points, depending on your level. This healing next turn.
can be applied to any number of allies, but not Enhance Skill: All allies within hearing distance
yourself. This can be done a number of times gain +1 to all stat + skill rolls , +1 for every 5
equal to your MIND bonus + ½ level (round up) levels (level 5, 10, 15, etc.) until your next turn.
per day. Level 1 to 3: 1d3; level 4 to 7: 1d6; Quick Thinker: Roll 1d20 + MIND bonus instead of
level 8 to 11: 1d8; level 12 to 15: 1d10; level 16 DEX bonus to determine your character’s
to 19: 1d12; level 20: 1d20 Initiative. This is useful for characters that
Leadership: On this character’s turn, the hero can prefer supernatural attacks, like spell casters
name one type of die roll (use of a particular and psionicists.
skill, a type of attack, damage, etc.). All allies Reputation: Choose a word or phrase that describes
of the character, but not the character with this how you are treated by others (like “fearsome,”
ability, gain a bonus to that die roll equal to ½ “valiant” or “studious”). Gain +5 to stat + skill
level (round up) until the character with rolls when the reputation can be used (for
Leadership’s next turn. This ability can be used example, to intimidate an enemy, or to research
a number of turns per day equal to MIND bonus, information). It’s up to the game master to
though the turns do not have to be in a row. decide when a reputation can provide its bonus.
Lesser Spell List: You cast spells from the illusionist You can spend more than one Class Point on this
or druid spell list, or you can cast spells from ability, choosing one word or phrase each time.
the arcane or divine spell lists, but only spell Resistance: Choose an energy type, like fire, cold,
levels 0 to 4. Choose one list when selecting this poison, electricity, etc. Subtract an amount of
ability. damage of that type equal to your level from
Medium Armor: You can wear medium armor (hide, the number of hit points you lose when hit. For
scale mail, chainmail, breastplate). example, a fireball that causes 10 points of
Monster Knowledge: Select one kind of monster, damage instead causes 7 points of damage if you
like orc, dragon, or even evil human. You gain a have Resistance (Fire) 3. You can spend more
than one Class Point on this ability, once per Two Weapon Fighting: You can make two
energy type. melee/hand-to-hand attacks per turn, each at
Smite: Choose a target you have just rolled a -2 to hit. Each attack must be made with a
successful hit against. Add your level x 2 to the separate weapon (or two unarmed attacks).
damage. You can do this MIND bonus times per Both attacks must be made on the same turn
day +1 time every three levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, and count as the same single action.
etc.). Unarmed Damage: Your unarmed attacks cause
Speed Boost: Move an additional 5 feet (1 space on extra damage, instead of the standard 1d3,
a battle map) each turn. You can spend more depending on your level. Level 1 to 3: 1d6; level
than one Class Point on this ability. 4 to 7: 1d8; level 8 to 11: 1d10; level 12 to 15:
2d6; level 16 to 19: 2d8; level 20: 2d10
Spontaneous Healing: Subtract hit points as if you
had cast a spell of any level you can normally Wall Climb: You can move straight up walls and on
cast. Instead of casting the spell, however, you narrow spans without losing your balance. On a
cure 1d6 + spell level hit points for one ally, but DEX + Subt roll to climb or keep your balance,
not yourself. If you have the Turn Undead add +5 to the result. You are not slowed down
ability, you can trade in one use of Turn Undead when moving along a wall or across any other
to cure 1d6 + 2 hit points. You must have the similar area.
ability to cast spells or the Turn Undead ability Wealth: Determine your character’s starting
to select this ability. amount of gold as normal, then triple the result.
Strikeback: If an opponent attacks you and only you After an adventure, when treasure is
and misses, you can make an immediate “free” determined, figure out how much you earn,
attack against that opponent. This ability can then multiply that total by 1.5 (round up).
only be used once per battle, succeed or fail. That’s the amount you actually earn, after all
your investments, businesses and holdings are
Taunt: Your insults and boasts can distract your
added to your adventuring income. For example,
foes. Instead of making a normal attack, roll
a character who gets 100 gp from a treasure
MIND + Comm vs an opponent’s MIND + Comm.
hoard and another 20 gp from a grateful lord has
On a success, the opponent suffers -2 to all rolls
not 120 gp for the adventure, but 120 x 1.5 =
(stat + skill, initiative, attacks, damage, etc.)
180 gp.
for the remainder of the battle. The opponent
must be able to hear and understand you. It is Weapon Finesse: Your melee attack bonus is equal
also likely to turn its attention to you, angry at to DEX bonus + level, instead of STR bonus +
you for tricking and teasing it. level. You must be wielding a light weapon,
rapier or whip to use this ability.
Trapfinding: You gain a +5 bonus to spot
mechanical and magical traps and secret doors Widening Spells or Psionics: You can give any spell
(using MIND + Subt), and a +3 bonus to disable or power this metamagic adjustment by
traps of any kind. spending 6 extra hit points on the spell or
power. This spell or power’s area of effect is
Turn Undead: Make a magic/supernatural attack
twice as large as normal.
against an undead opponent (DC is the current
hit points of the undead). On a success, the Wild Empathy: You have skill with nature, and are
undead must turn around and move away from not affected by non-magical plant life (thorns,
you on its next turn. If the DC is exceeded by vines, etc.). You cannot be tracked on any
10, the undead is destroyed. This can be used terrain if you do not want to be, and you gain a
successfully MIND bonus + ½ level (round down) +5 bonus to calm normal, “real world” animals
times per day. This ability can be used for a (this is usually a MIND + Comm or MIND + Surv
different type of creature, like cold-based roll).
monsters or demons, instead of undead. Choose Wild Magic: Each time you cast a spell, roll 1d6.
the type of creature that can be turned when 1: Something is wrong, and the magic itself goes
selecting this class ability. wild. The spell affects the spell caster instead
Twin Shot: You can make two missile/ranged of its intended target, or one ally of the game
attacks per turn, each at -2 to hit. Both attacks master’s choice.
must be made on the same turn and count as 2: The spell is a strong drain on the spell caster.
the same single action. Lose 1 additional hit point.
3 or 4: No special effects. The spell works Shape Change: You can transform into a specific
normally. wild animal, and only that specific animal (so
5: Magical power flows out of the spell caster you always have the same markings, fur
and back into him. Regain 1 hit point spent coloration, etc.), a number of turns per day
for casting this spell. equal to your MIND bonus +2. Alternately, a
6: The forces of magic strengthen the spell. character with this ability might receive one
Choose a metamagic adjustment for your small animal shape change per level divided by
spell (empowering, extending or widening are 3 (round down). So a level 6 character with this
all listed in this class abilities list). ability could change into any small animal (fox,
Wuxia Defenses: As long as you are wearing no badger, sparrow, etc.) twice per day for a
armor of any kind, you gain +1 to AC, +1 every number of turns equal to MIND bonus each time.
three levels (level 3, 6, 9, 12, etc.). The character can trade 2 smalls for 1 medium
(like a wolf or eagle), or 3 smalls for 1 large
(like a bear or shark).
Spend 2 Class Points For…
You do not gain hit points for shape-changing
Anti-Magic Aura: Spells don’t work for you or on using this special ability, but use the abilities
you. Magic weapons and supernatural abilities and bonuses of the creature instead of your own
like lycanthropy and dragon breath still cause while in animal form. You cannot speak, use
their normal effects on you, but no spell, equipment or other abilities of your original
including magic healing, affects you if it is cast form when in animal form. Changing shape is a
on you or in your vicinity (like a magic wall). “free” action.
Divine Magic: You can use divine spells as if you Sneak Attack: If you successfully sneak up on a foe
were a cleric, as described in the Microlite 20 or target an enemy with a missile/ranged attack
Purest Essence rules. without their knowledge (DEX + Subt vs DC of
Magic Blast: You can fire a bolt of mystic energy, MIND + Subt), add your Subt skill rank to the
causing 1d8 damage +1 every three levels (level damage of your first attack against that enemy.
3, 6, 9, 12, etc.). Use your Magic/Supernatural Weird Science: Choose one or more spells from any
Attack Bonus to make this attack. This attack spell list of up to 4th level. You can instill those
can be attempted a number of times per day spells into a device, which can be used a
equal to your MIND bonus +1, succeed or fail. number of times per day equal to 3 + ½ your
The Magic Blast is not a spell, but a supernatural level (round up) without spending hit points.
ability, so it does not require the user to spend The device costs 4 hours and 100 gp per spell
his or her hit points. level to construct. It is free for you to use, but
Minor Psionics: You can use psionic powers as if you it requires a MIND + Know roll (DC 15 + number
were a psion or psychic warrior, as described in of spells in the device) for anyone else to use.
the Microlite 20 psionics rules. However, you are The spells in the device work exactly like the
limited to power levels 1, 2 and 3. Choose the spells would as if cast normally.
combat (psychic warrior) or general (psion)
powers when creating your character. When the
Spend 3 Class Points For…
psionics rules call for the Concentration skill,
use the Physical skill (for combat psionic Arcane Magic: You can use arcane spells as if you
characters) or the Knowledge skill (for general were a magi, as described in the Microlite 20
psionic characters) instead. Purest Essence rules.
Rage: Gain +2 to melee/hand-to-hand attacks and Psionics: You can use psionic powers as if you were
damage, +2 to STR bonus (not stat score), and -2 a psion or psychic warrior, as described in the
to AC for a number of turns in a row equal to Microlite 20 psionics rules. Choose the combat
twice your STR bonus (before the Rage bonus is (psychic warrior) or general (psion) powers when
applied), though you can end a rage early. You creating your character. When the psionics rules
can shift into a rage a number of times per day call for the Concentration skill, use the Physical
equal to your STR bonus. skill (for combat psionic characters) or the
Knowledge skill (for general psionic characters)
Many of the fantasy RPGs that inspired the Microlite 20 rules have a long series of conditions that affect
characters and monsters at certain times (usually, as the effects of abilities or spells). In the spirit of the
Microlite 20 rules, you can use the rules below in place of the condition information in an SRD. These rules
don’t cover every situation, but are enough to keep the game going quickly and smoothly. Outside of
combat, 1 turn while affected by a condition is equivalent to 1 minute.
The word “character” refers to any being affected by a condition. A condition ends when the game master
rules that it does (alternately, roll STR + Surv vs DC 15 at the end of your turn. On a success, one condition
of your choice ends immediately).
Aid Another: All characters attempting the same condition is exactly the same, though it only
type of activity attempt a stat + skill check. affects items that are more than half made of
Each one with success adds +1 to the character metal.
who got the highest result to determine if the Called Shot: The character makes an attack with a
party succeeded at the action. For example, -2 attack penalty (for a small target like a
four heroes trying to search a room each roll human’s arm or leg) or a -4 attack penalty (for a
MIND + Subt vs DC 10. They get rolls of 12, 18, 9 very small target like a human’s head or the
and 13. Three successes (the 18, 13 and 12) weapon in its hand).
mean the characters that rolled 13 and 12 each
Charge: Both of the character’s actions on this turn
add +1 to the character with the highest result
are movements, but the second movement
(the 18) for a final stat + skill check result of
action must take the character adjacent to an
enemy. The character can immediately make a
Attack Of Opportunity: If a character is next to an melee/hand-to-hand attack, with a +2 attack
enemy and does something other than move to a bonus. The entire second movement action must
space not adjacent to that enemy, take a “free” be in a straight line, though the first movement
action, and/or make a melee/hand-to-hand action can be in any direction.
attack on its turn, the enemy can make a single
Combat Advantage: See flat-footed (below).
melee/hand-to-hand attack (or a
magic/supernatural attack, if the game master Confused: At the beginning of its turn, before
allows) against the character, which does not taking any actions, roll 1d4 for the character.
count as part of the enemy’s turn. This 1: The character can act normally.
condition is best used in a game using 2: The character stays in place, babbling
miniatures and a map board. incoherently. It takes no actions this turn.
Bleeding: See ongoing damage (below). 3: The character causes 1d8 + STR bonus
Blinded: The character cannot see (to read, discern damage to itself somehow. It takes no
colors, etc.). It suffers -5 to Armor Class, attack actions this turn.
rolls and other situations that require sight. If 4: The character must attack a random ally
another character uses one of its actions to help this turn, but can still move normally.
describe a situation to the blinded character, Cover: Light cover (half-covered by a wall, in
the penalty is reduced to -2. sparse woods, etc.) provides a -2 penalty to hit
Blown Away: A character thrown by a gust of wind the character. Heavy cover (dense fog, looking
or as the effects of a blast moves 1d6 x 10 feet out an arrow slit, behind a pile of rocks, etc.)
directly away from the source of the blast. provides a -5 penalty to hit.
Broken: An object that is broken will not function Cowering: The character is filled with fear,
until it is repaired. A missile/ranged weapon suffering -2 to Armor Class.
that is broken will not work, though its Damage Resistance: Subtract the listed Damage
ammunition will still be useable. If a magic item Resistance number from the amount of damage
is given the broken condition, roll 1d6: On a 1 to suffered by a character. What remains is the
3, the item is actually broken. On a 4 to 6, the number of hit points the character loses.
magic keeps the item together. The rusted
Dazed: The character takes no actions this turn. the grapple. That counts as either one of the
Dazzled: The character is momentarily blinded, character’s actions on this turn. On a failure,
suffering -1 to Armor Class, attack rolls and the grabber automatically succeeds at a
other situations that require sight for this turn. melee/hand-to-hand attack against the
character who is grabbed (this is a “free” action
Dead: The character’s hit points have fallen to -10
for the grabber).
or less. The character can be resurrected or
reincarnated, as long as more than half its body Helpless: See dazed (above).
is available, to a maximum of 1 day after death Incorporeal: The character has a +2 Armor Class
per character level of the victim. bonus, but only against non-spell attacks (do not
Deafened: The character cannot hear. It suffers -5 add this bonus against magic weapons).
to Initiative and other situations that require Invisible: Opponents must make a MIND + Subt (DC
hearing. 15 + invisible character’s level) to see the
Disabled: The character can only take one action character. Invisible characters still make
per turn, not two. sounds, leave footprints, etc.
Dying: If a character has -1 or fewer hit points, it Level Drained: The character suffers -1 to all rolls
loses -1 additional hit point at the beginning of (attacks, stat + skill checks, damage, etc.) per
each of its turns. This cannot be avoided in any level drained. It also loses 2 of its total hit
way. It is also unconscious (see below). Another points permanently per level drained, and 2
character can make a MIND + Surv or MIND + current hit points per level drained.
Know roll (DC 10 + number of negative hit Nauseated: See disabled (above).
points) to stabilize the character, preventing Ongoing Damage: A character suffering continuous
any more negative hit point loss. The character damage (like being on fire) suffers that damage
requires other healing to add hit points. at the start of its turn, before it takes any
Energy Drained: See level drained (below). actions.
Entangled: The character is wrapped in some sort Panicked: See frightened (above).
of obstacle, and must make a DEX + Phys roll to Paralyzed: The character can take no actions this
escape (usually vs DC 10 or 15). It can take only turn, and though it must remain in place, it can
one action this turn, though it can be a move, still breathe and see normally (unless it is
an attack or anything else. This action is at a -2 encased in ice, turned to stone, etc.). It gains a
penalty. The character’s other action must be +2 to Armor Class while paralyzed, if
to attempt to escape the entanglement, by appropriate (a character turned to stone would
making an “escape” roll, using a spell, or gain the bonus, while a character who simply
something else. could not move would not).
Exhausted: The character suffers a -1 to all rolls Petrified: See paralyzed (above).
(attacks, stat and skill checks, damage, etc.).
Pinned: See grappled (above).
Fascinated: The character stays in place, and takes
Poisoned: The character suffers the initial results
no actions this turn. Any obvious threats to the
of the poison like a normal attack. At the
character immediately end the fascination.
beginning of its next turn, before taking any
Fatigued: See exhausted (above). actions, the character immediately suffers the
Flanking: Two allies who are standing on opposite listed secondary poison damage.
sides of a character each gain +2 to hit that Prone: While on the ground, the prone character
character. suffers a -2 penalty to Initiative, Armor Class
Flat-Footed: Enemies gain a +2 attack bonus and melee/hand-to-hand and missile/ranged
against the character this turn. attacks, but not magic/supernatural attacks.
Frightened: The character is terrified, suffering -4 The character must spend one movement action
to Armor Class and -1 to attack and stat + skill on its turn to stand back up.
checks. It must attempt to attack or escape the Rusted: See broken (above).
source of its fear at some point during its turn. Shaken: See cowering (above).
Grappled: At the start of its turn, the character Sickened: See disabled (above).
who is being grabbed must make a STR + Phys
roll vs the grabber’s STR + Phys roll to escape
Slowed: The character’s speed is reduced by half Turned: Immediately after being turned, the
(round down). It can only make one movement character must move as far from the character
action per turn (i.e., it cannot run). that turned it as possible (its speed). Fleeing a
Stable: The character has -1 or fewer hit points, turn is a “free” action, but the turned character
but is not losing more hit points (see dying, can take no actions on its next game turn. After
above). that, the condition ends.
Staggered: See disabled (above). Unconscious: The character has 0 (zero) or fewer
hit points, or is otherwise out of action. The
Stunned: See dazed (above).
character immediately falls prone (see above)
Trip: Make a DEX + Phys vs DEX + Phys roll to knock where it stands, and can take no actions until it
a character prone (see above). is awakened (a “free” action for an adjacent
character — friend or enemy).
If your class allows you to cast magic spells, your character can use any spell the game master makes
available. For example, in the Purest Essence rules, characters can only cast spells of a level equal to or less
than half their class level (round up). To get your spell caster ready to play right away, select one of the
following spell lists, and consider those spells your “signature spells” (they cost 1 less hit point to cast).
A player at my table has never been part of a role playing game before. He wants to try a wizard, and
while he understands his character can use any arcane spell, he doesn’t want to have to hunt through
pages and pages of spell information to play the game. He selects the “mystic wizard” spell list, and uses
just those spells for his first game. The Sleep spell, as his first level favored spell from his spell list, only
costs 2 hit points, while the Shocking Grasp spell, also a first level spell, would cost the standard 3 hit
If you want to start playing as a wizard or cleric without having to consult a book or web site for a set of
spells, use this option. These spells are completely described below, though they assume the spell caster is
level 1. In some games, a first-level spell caster may not be able to use level 2 spells (ask the game master).
Detect Magic
Level 0 spell — costs 1 hit point to cast
With your palms face out, you turn in a circle. Things made of magic glow with a soft multicolored light.
All magical materials (items, spells and creatures) up to 60 feet (12 spaces) away that the spell caster can
see light up. The more magical the materials are, the brighter the glow, though it never hurts the eyes.
Only the spell caster can see the magical glow. It lasts 1 minute (out of combat) or turn (in combat). It
ends immediately if the spell caster puts his or her hands down.
Level 0 spell — costs 1 hit point to cast
You transform a stone into a torch.
The spell caster must touch an object. It lights up with the same amount of light as a torch, allowing
everyone to see 20 feet (4 spaces) in every direction. The light gives off no heat. It shines with the same
light until the spell caster touches the object again to cancel the spell, or until the spell caster casts the
spell on another object. The spell will cancel a Level 0 magical darkness.
Magic Missile
Level 1 spell — cost 2 hit points to cast (signature spell)
A small dart of blue-white light streaks out of your finger toward a foe.
Choose one target, as long as the spell caster can see at least part of its body. The missile automatically
hits, causing 1d4 +1 damage.
Level 1 spell — cost 3 hit points to cast
As sand sifts between your fingers, your foes relax into slumber where they stand.
A single creature with 4 hit dice or levels, four creatures of 1 hit die or level each, or some combination in
between adding up to 4 hit dice or levels immediately fall asleep, if they can fall asleep. The creatures
must be no more than 110 feet (22 spaces) away from the spell caster. Each creature can roll MIND +
Phys vs the spell caster’s MIND bonus +11. On a success, the creatures do not fall asleep. It takes an
action to wake up a sleeping creature, though injuring it will wake it immediately.
Acid Arrow
Level 2 spell — costs 4 hit points to cast (signature spell)
You don’t need a bow to fire this green arrow, which burns with acid when it strikes an enemy.
Choose a target and roll a magic/supernatural attack. On a hit, the arrow causes 2d4 damage.
Create Water
Level 0 spell — costs 1 hit point to cast
Cool, clear water pours from the thin air.
The spell creates 2 gallons of clean, drinkable water. The spell caster must have a container to hold the
water, or the spell will simply drop water on the spell caster’s head for a few moments, as if it was
raining. The water disappears after one day if not consumed. Water cannot be created inside a creature
(to drown it, for example).
Level 0 spell — costs 1 hit point to cast
The gods give you a hint.
Choose a single attack or stat + skill check roll of the spell caster’s or another character’s. Add +1 to the
roll. The bonus must be applied on the next turn after the spell is cast.
Level 1 spell — cost 3 hit points to cast
In the name of the gods, your skill in battle improves.
All allies within 50 feet (10 spaces) of the spell caster gain +1 to attack rolls and MIND + Surv rolls to resist
fear. It lasts 1 minute (out of combat) or turn (in combat).
You can select one or more domains from any SRD. You gain the domain’s power, and treat all the spells in
the domain as signature spells. Cleric-type classes can select a maximum of 3 domains, while characters of
other classes can only select 1 domain. Domains must be appropriate to the character concept. You must be
able to use divine or nature-based magic, like a cleric or druid to gain a domain.
In exchange for a single domain, a character has a penalty of -2 to a roll for hit points at each level
(minimum hit points gained when advancing a level is 1). If a character has the Turn Undead ability, the
character can instead choose to permanently have 2 less uses of the Turn Undead ability each day.
Several example domains are below. Each uses information from the Pathfinder SRD (www.d20pfsrd.com).
The domain’s power is the SRD first level power, and the spells are the same. Details on those spells are
available in the SRD.
Destruction Sun
Power: Destructive Smite Power: Sun’s Blessing
Each time you use this power, all your melee attacks Whenever you attack an undead creature, add your
on a turn have a bonus to damage equal to ½ your level to the amount of damage you cause. You can
level (round up). You can use this power a number also add your level to any die roll you make to turn
of times a day equal to your MIND bonus +3. an undead creature.
Spells Spells
First Level: True Strike First Level: Endure Elements
Second Level: Shatter Second Level: Heat Metal
Third Level: Rage Third Level: Searing Light
Fourth Level: Inflict Critical Wounds Fourth Level: Fire Shield
Fifth Level: Shout Fifth Level: Flame Strike
Sixth Level: Harm Sixth Level: Fire Seeds
Seventh Level: Disintegrate Seventh Level: Sunbeam
Eighth Level: Earthquake Eighth Level: Sunburst
Ninth Level: Implosion Ninth Level: Prismatic Sphere
Luck Travel
Power: Lucky Touch Power: Agile Feet
You can touch an ally to provide him or her with a You can move more quickly for a short time. On your
bit of luck. Until it is your turn again, any time the next turn, you take no penalties and are not
target rolls any dice, he or she can roll the dice a slowed when moving through difficult terrain. You
second time and use the better result. You can use also move 5 feet (1 square) more than normal. You
this power a number of times a day equal to your can use this power a number of times a day equal
MIND bonus +3. to your MIND bonus +3.
Spells Spells
First Level: True Strike First Level: Longstrider
Second Level: Aid Second Level: Locate Object
Third Level: Protection From Energy Third Level: Fly
Fourth Level: Freedom Of Movement Fourth Level: Dimension Door
Fifth Level: Break Enchantment Fifth Level: Teleport
Sixth Level: Mislead Sixth Level: Find The Path
Seventh Level: Spell Turning Seventh Level: Greater Teleport
Eighth Level: Moment Of Prescience Eighth Level: Phase Door
Ninth Level: Miracle Ninth Level: Astral Projection
Instead of gaining the +3 total skill bonus granted by your class, choose a god, goddess or philosophy from
those available in your game world (ask the game master). Your deity will grant a +1 to one skill and a minor
granted power. Each deity also has a favored weapon, and as a servant of that deity, you begin your
adventuring career with a non-magical version of that weapon for free.
Any character can select a patron deity using this option, though it is most often clerics and paladins that do
so (they’re also called “specialty priests”). Several example generic deities are listed below; feel free to
create your own deities. Since characters of any class can have a patron, a deity’s granted power should be
useful to more than spell casters.
Goddess of the Elves (NOTE: You must be an elf to God of the Sun and Goodness
select this patron) Skill Bonus: +1 to Communication
Skill Bonus: +1 to Knowledge Favored Weapon: Heavy Mace
Favored Weapon: Longbow Granted Power: Purity — Each time you regain hit
Granted Power: Ancient Wisdom — Once per day, if points (by magical healing, drinking a healing
you make stat + skill roll and dislike the result, potion, etc.), you gain an additional +1 hit point.
you can reroll that stat + skill roll and add +4 to
the result.
As the army of the undead marched past his village, Dandos swore his life to the god of the sun, asking for
power in return for a life of servitude. Dandos is my character, and I select the human race and cleric class
for him. Instead of taking the cleric class bonus of +3 to Communication, I give him the abilities of a patron
deity: +1 to Communication and the Purity granted power. He also starts with a heavy mace, alongside the
weapons he buys to take adventuring.
In each SRD, spells are separated into “schools,” or types of spell. Using this option, select two schools for
your character. One school is your character’s mastered school: Each spell you cast costs 2 fewer hit points
to cast, to a minimum of 0 (zero) hit points (some spells may cost 3 hit points less, if they are your signature
spells). The other school you select is your forbidden school: You may never cast a spell belonging to that
In the SRD, spells are in broad schools by type of effect, like Conjuration, Enchantment and Transmutation.
Fewer spells are listed in the Purest Essence rules, so if you are using spells only from that document, you
may need to create your own schools of magic — for example, cold spells or inter-planar spells. Two schools
of magic, using the Purest Essence arcane spell lists, are found below.
Transportation School
Level 0: Mage Hand
Level 1: Floating Disk
Level 2: Levitate, Spider Climb
Level 3: Fly
Level 4: Dimension Door
Level 5: Teleport
Level 7: Ethereal Jaunt, Plane Shift
Level 9: Astral Projection, Etherealness, Gate
Bretasenth the sorcerer wants to burn things, so he selects Fire And Lightning as his mastered school. Now
he can cast the first level spell Shocking Grasp at the price of just 1 hit point, instead of the 3 it usually
costs spell casters.
You can select one bloodline from any SRD, and gain its powers. In exchange for a bloodline, a character has
a penalty of -2 to a roll for hit points at each level (minimum hit points gained when advancing a level is 1).
Any character can select a bloodline, though most offer at least one power that can only be used by spell
Several example bloodlines are below. Each uses information from the Pathfinder SRD (www.d20pfsrd.com).
The bloodline’s powers are found in the SRD as the bloodline arcana and the first listed power.
Aberrant Draconic
Extended Magic: Whenever you cast a spell of level Breath Weapon Magic: When you select this
3 or lower, increase the duration of the spell by bloodline, also select an energy type: cold, fire,
50 percent. electricity, acid or poison. Whenever you cast a
Acidic Ray: You can fire an acidic ray as a spell which causes damage with that energy
missile/ranged attack up to 30 feet away. The type, the spell causes +1 point of damage per die
ray causes 1d6 damage +1 for every even- you roll.
numbered level. You can use this power a Claws: You can grow claws from your fingers and
number of times a day equal to your MIND bonus toes as a free action. These claws are natural
+3. weapons, causing 1d4 + STR bonus damage. You
can attack twice in a turn with these claws.
Familiar: You gain a small creature or an enchanted Infernal
item, which provides magical enhancement to Charm Magic: Whenever you cast a spell that
you as long as it is within your line of sight. Your influences a person’s behavior, increase the DC
familiar can be any shape you desire. Select one of the spell by +2.
skill; you gain a +2 bonus to that skill. You can Corrupting Touch: You can touch (make a
also use spells through the familiar, as if it was melee/hand-to-hand attack) an enemy and cause
part of your body (for example, you can use a it to become corrupted, suffering a -2 penalty to
spell, requiring you to touch another character, all die rolls for a number of turns equal to ½
from a distance by using the spell through your your level (round up). You can attempt this
familiar, which could be a creature like a bat or power a number of times a day equal to your
bird, or even a bow with magical arrows). MIND bonus +3.
Metamagic Adept: You can apply any one metamagic
ability to a spell you are about to cast without it
costing you extra hit points. The empowering,
extending or widening are listed in the “Class
Points” section of this document, but other
abilities are available in the SRD as feats. You
can use this power a number of times a day
equal to your MIND bonus +3.
I choose the Arcane bloodline for my very traditional RPG-style wizard, Arianne. She carries an enchanted
staff, which is not only a magic weapon (using the regular magic item rules), but is also her familiar.
Arianne’s spells radiate out of the head of her staff, and it provides a +2 to her Knowledge skill as well.
She also can use metamagic abilities without it costing her extra hit points.
However, having a sorcerous bloodline means I roll 1d6 - 2 when determining how many hit points Arianne
gains each level. If I was using a rule where I gained a fixed number of hit points, the penalty still applies.
For example, if characters add 4 hp per level, Arianne would instead gain only 2.
Fantasy Character Creation, Domino Writing Style
Follow the steps below to quickly create a character using the Purest Essence rules and some of the options
in this document. The completed character will be finished in about 15 to 20 minutes, have several special
abilities and distinct characteristics, but won’t be so complex that a beginner is overwhelmed by special
rules. Assume the character is level 1.
1. STATS: Use the Quick Stats option on Page 1 (assign 16, 13, 11 to the stat scores). Do not determine stat
2. RACE: Select a race from Fantasy Expansion: The Big Book Of Races & Classes on Page 33. Adjust stat
scores and/or skill ranks, and record special abilities, if you select them. Now that stat scores are final,
determine stat bonuses (stat score -10 /2).
3. CLASS: Select a class from Fantasy Expansion: The Big Book Of Races & Classes on Page 39. Note the class
skill bonus and record special abilities.
4. SKILLS: Use the Spending Skill Points option on Page 6 (skill points = number of skills x level). Adjust skill
ranks for race and class skill bonuses.
5. EQUIPMENT: Use the Fourth Edition-Style Equipment option on Page 8 (one weapon, armor or other item
has a +1 bonus to attacks and damage, Armor Class, or appropriate stat + skill rolls).
Melee weapon
Ranged weapon and 20 ammunition
Armor (possibly shield also)
Adventurer’s kit
Simple clothing
Class-appropriate gear
1d6 + 10 gold pieces
6. COMBAT: Determine the following. Note that special abilities and equipment may adjust these numbers.
Armor Class (use the Armor Class Adjustments option on Page 11): 10 + DEX bonus + Armor AC bonus
Attack Bonuses: Stat bonus + Level
Initiative (use the Initiative option on Page 10): Equal to DEX bonus
Speed (use the Miniatures And Battle Maps option on Page 15): 6 or 5, depending on race
Total Hit Points (use the Fast Hit Points option on Page 17): STR stat score + 4
8. LEVEL UP: Adjust abilities, hit points, skill ranks, stat scores and stat bonuses if the character has a level
higher than 1.
Fantasy Expansion: The Big Book Of Races & Classes
This document uses the Race Points (see Page 5) and Class Points (see Page 18) options to create
new races and classes for you to choose for your heroes. You'll need the Microlite 20 Purest Essence
rules to use this expansion.
While the races, classes and “flavor text” is written with a generic fantasy RPG setting in mind,
these character types can be used in Microlite 20 Modern-Day (as species and as alternatives to
character focus), or many other Microlite 20 games.
There are two options for choosing the race's benefits to starting characters: either a bonus to a
stat score or scores and/or skills, or a +1 bonus to a stat score and one or more minor special
abilities. If selecting a race’s abilities, the character gains all of the listed abilities that the player
wishes to have. Some races have slightly more powerful abilities than others, so the game master
may choose to boost a race’s abilities to bring it more in line with other characters in the party.
However, race is often less important than class to a character, so the minor racial abilities will
rarely seriously affect a game.
The character will be able to interact with others like a human (stand on two legs, speak fluently,
breathe air, be roughly the same size and shape as a human, etc.), but will look like a typical
member of its species, unless the player chooses differently. Each race can be described any way
the player likes. For example, a cat-folk hero could be a tiger-man, a half-lion/half-human, or even
an elf magically enhanced with panther-like traits. Feel free to create new races and abilities, using
the examples below as guidelines.
Duck-Folk: +2 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and Know to identify which ingredients are in a
Flight: You can fly as fast as you walk on dry cookie).
land. Small: You are smaller than the average
Hot Temper: Once per day, you gain +2 to human, which may affect your movement
melee/hand-to-hand attacks and damage, rate and other abilities.
and -2 to AC for a number of turns in a row
equal to your STR bonus. You yell and leap Elf, High: +2 Mind OR +1 Mind and
about while affected by your hot temper, Magical Step: Once per battle, instead of
and are hard to understand. your regular move, you can teleport to any
open spot you can see from your current
Dwarf: +2 Strength OR +1 Strength and location, within 50 feet (10 spaces).
Night Vision: You have magic night vision, Night Vision: You have magic night vision,
and can see in the dark as clearly and as far and can see in the dark as clearly and as far
as you can see in the daytime. as you can see in the daytime.
Stand Fast: If an enemy attempts to knock
you down or push you in any direction, make Elf, Wood: This race can also be used for may
a STR + Phys +3 roll (DC is enemy's STR + queens (plant-folk). +2 Dexterity OR +1
Phys). On a success, the enemy's attempt Dexterity and
fails, and you stay in place. Wilderness Mastery: When in a natural,
tree-filled location like a forest or jungle
Elephant-Folk: +2 Strength OR +1 Strength and (but not mountains or oceans), add +3 to
Stampede: If you try to knock down an any stat + skill roll that involves nature, like
enemy or shove an opponent out of the way, DEX + Subt to hide in the trees, or MIND +
roll STR + Phys and add +3. Surv to track an enemy. This bonus is not
Tusks: You can make a melee/hand-to-hand applied to attack rolls.
attack with your tusks, causing 1d8 damage.
Fish-Folk: This race can also be used for
Elf, Drow: +2 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and merfolk (mermen and mermaids). +2
Poison: All of your attacks using weapons Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and
cause an additional 1 point of poison Underwater: You can swim as fast as you
damage. walk on dry land, and can breathe
Spider-Kin: You will never be attacked by a underwater without special gear.
spider-type monster, and can even ride them Water Native: Add +3 to any roll to move
with a DEX + Surv roll. silently, run or escape capture (usually DEX
+ Subt), but only when you are in water.
Elf, Fairytale: +1 Dexterity, +1 Mind OR +1
Dexterity and Frog-Folk: +2 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and
Crafty: Your people are the absolute masters Hop: If you are attempting to leap a long
of one kind of craft — baking cookies, distance, add +3 to your DEX + Phys roll.
cobbling shoes, creating winter holiday gifts, Small: You are smaller than the average
etc. Select a craft when you choose this human, which may affect your movement
ability. As long as you have access to the rate and other abilities.
appropriate materials and a suitable amount Tongue Lashing: You can make a
of time, you can create a non-living item of melee/hand-to-hand attack with your
your selected craft (you cannot create tongue, causing your opponent to be
monsters, for example). It cannot be used in distracted and lose its next turn. This ability
combat, but otherwise your creation will can only be used 2 times per day, succeed or
always be the best of its type: the tastiest fail.
cookies, the most durable shoes, etc. You Underwater: You can swim as fast as you
also have a +3 bonus to any stat + skill roll walk on dry land, and can breathe
related to your craft (for example, MIND + underwater without special gear.
Half-Demon or Half-Devil: +1 Strength, +1 Mind
Ghost or Revenant: +1 Dexterity, +1 Mind OR OR +1 Mind and
+1 Mind and Night Vision: You have magic night vision,
Ethereal: You have +2 AC against attacks not and can see in the dark as clearly and as far
specifically designed to harm ethereal as you can see in the daytime.
creatures like ghosts (do not add this bonus Wicked Aura: On a MIND + Comm or STR +
against magic weapons). You can pass Comm roll to cause fear and terror, or a
through obstacles, including other MIND + Comm roll to supernaturally charm
creatures, without being slowed in any way. and convince someone to agree with you,
add +3 to your roll. This ability can be
Gnome, Rock: These abilities can also be used attempted a number of times equal to your
for faeries, like pixies, sprites, redcaps and MIND bonus each day, succeed or fail.
leprechauns. +1 Dexterity, +1 Mind OR +1
Dexterity and Half-Dragon: +1 Dexterity, +1 to any two skills
Minor Arcana: Choose one first level spell OR +1 Dexterity and
from any spell list when creating the Breath Weapon: You have a breath weapon
character (for gnomes, this is typically the missile/ranged attack (range 10 x 10-foot or
illusionist spell Silent Image). You can use 2 x 2-space cone or square) causing 1d6
this spell without having to spend hit points damage +1 every three levels (level 3, 6, 9,
3 times per day. etc.) to each enemy in the area. Choose the
Night Vision: You have magic night vision, type of damage for this special ability when
and can see in the dark as clearly and as far creating the character: cold, fire, poison,
as you can see in the daytime. lightning, or acid. You can use this ability
Small: You are smaller than the average once per battle, succeed or fail.
human, which may affect your movement Night Vision: You have magic night vision,
rate and other abilities. and can see in the dark as clearly and as far
Pixie fairies can also fly as fast as they can as you can see in the daytime.
walk on dry land.
Half-Elemental: Choose one element when
Gnome, Tinker: This race can also represent creating the character, either air, earth, fire
heroic goblins or dragon-like kobolds. +2 or water. +1 Strength and +1 Dexterity OR +1
Mind OR +1 Mind and Dexterity and
Small: You are smaller than the average Elemental Strike: All of your attacks in one
human, which may affect your movement battle cause an additional +1d4 damage
rate and other abilities. (+1d8 for Fire Half-Elementals). This ability
Tinker: You have a +3 bonus to create or can only be used in one battle per day.
disassemble non-living items (traps, Elemental Power: You gain special abilities
vehicles, weapons, etc.). Creating an item is depending on your elemental type.
usually MIND + Know, while disassembling Air Half-Elemental: Sprint: You move an
one is usually MIND + Subt. additional 5 feet (1 space) each turn.
Earth Half-Elemental: Stand Fast: If an
Half-Angel: +2 Mind OR +1 Mind and enemy attempts to knock you down or push
Divine Providence: If you fail an attack or you in any direction, make a STR + Phys +3
stat + skill roll, immediately roll it a second roll (DC is enemy's STR + Phys). On a
time, including the same modifiers as you success, the enemy's attempt fails, and you
used on the first roll. This ability can be stay in place.
attempted a number of times equal to your Fire Half-Elemental: Your Elemental Strike
MIND bonus each day, succeed or fail. A attacks cause +1d8 instead of +1d4 damage
single roll can only be rerolled once. Water Half-Elemental: Slippery: On a DEX +
Subt roll to escape capture, add +3 to your
roll; and Underwater: You can swim as fast
as you walk on dry land, and can breathe
underwater without special gear. Human: +1 to any four skills OR +2 to any two
skills and
Half-Giant: +2 Strength OR +1 Strength and Many Talents: When you use this ability, roll
Stamina: Add +1 to your Armor Class, and 1d6 along with the 1d20 you normally roll
double the number of hit points you gain when attacking or making a stat + skill roll.
each level (for example, if you roll a 3, you Add the results together to find your final
gain 6 hit points). die result for the attack or action. You can
use this ability successfully 3 times per day.
Half-Orc: +1 Strength, +1 to Physical, +1 to any
other skill OR +1 Strength and Insect-Folk: +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity OR +1
Battle Fury: When making a melee/hand-to- Dexterity and
hand attack, if you roll the maximum Chitin: Add +1 to your AC.
amount of damage on at least one of your Flight: You can fly as fast as you walk on dry
damage dice (for example, an 8 when rolling land.
2d8), roll an additional 1d6 to determine Hive Mind: If you are helping another
damage. If you roll a 6 on that die, do not character accomplish a task outside of
roll again. If you are using critical hit rules, combat (using a stat + skill roll), add +3 to
figure the battle fury damage before your roll. You can use this ability MIND bonus
applying the effects of the critical hit. You x 2 times per day.
can use this ability a number of times per
day equal to your STR bonus. Lizard-Folk: +2 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and
Bite: You can bite, using your melee/hand-
Halfling: +2 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and to-hand attack bonus, causing 1d4 damage.
Resist Fear: On a MIND + Surv roll to resist Slippery: On a DEX + Subt roll to escape
fear and terror, add +3 to your roll. capture, add +3 to your roll.
Small: You are smaller than the average Sprint: You move an additional 5 feet (1
human, which may affect your movement space) each turn.
rate and other abilities. Underwater: You can swim as fast as you
Throwing: You also have a +1 to walk on dry land, and can breathe
missile/ranged attack rolls, but only with underwater without special gear.
thrown weapons.
Logical Thinker: You are extremely
Hawk-Folk: +2 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and intellectual, and rarely show your emotions.
Flight: You can fly as fast as you walk on dry +2 Mind OR +1 Mind and
land. Emotional Control: Add +3 to any attempt to
Keen Eyesight: If you are attempting to spot resist being psychologically or supernaturally
something hidden or find something that is influenced (intimidated, frightened, tricked
very tiny (usually MIND + Subt or MIND + by an illusion, mentally controlled, etc.).
Tech), add +3 to your roll. This is usually MIND + Know.
Talons: You can make a melee/hand-to-hand
attack with your claws, causing 1d4 damage. Lycanthrope or Were-Creature: +1 Strength,
+1 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and
Horse-Folk: +2 Strength OR +1 Strength and Alternate Form: You can transform into a
Enduring: Add +3 to any STR + Phys roll to specific type of wild animal, and only that
resist or overcome an environmental hazard, type of animal, a number of turns per day
like intense heat or a heavy weight. This equal to your STR bonus. You do not gain hit
bonus does not apply when attempting to points for changing into your alternate form
avoid attacks made by an opponent. using this special ability, but use the
Sprint: You move an additional 5 feet (1 statistics and bonuses of the creature
space) each turn. instead of your own while in animal form.
You cannot speak, use equipment or other Super-Soldier: A genetically enhanced ultimate
abilities of your original form when in warrior. +1 Strength, +1 Dexterity OR +1
animal form. Strength and
Night Vision: You have magic night vision, Powerhouse: Add +1 to your AC, and an
and can see in the dark as clearly and as far additional +1 every 5 levels (+2 total at level
as you can see in the daytime. 5, +3 total at level 10, etc.).
Weapon Training: Choose one specific type
Mechanical Construct: +2 Strength OR +1 of weapon (like rifle, axe or punch). You
Strength and have a +1 to attack and damage, but only
Durable: You have Damage Resistance of 2 with that type of weapon.
(you lose 2 fewer hit points each time you
take damage, except when casting spells). Troll or Ogre: +2 Strength OR +1 Strength and
Machine: You do not need to eat, drink, Hideous: On a MIND + Comm or STR + Comm
sleep or breathe. You are immune to roll to cause fear and terror, add +3 to your
poisons, diseases and toxins intended for roll. You are hated and feared everywhere
non-mechanical creatures. you go, except among others of your kind.
Regeneration: At the beginning of each of
Minotaur: +2 Strength OR +1 Strength and your turns, you recover up to 2 hit points if
Bull Rush: When you charge, you can make you have lost any.
an attack with your horns, causing 2d4
damage. Turtle-Folk: +1 Strength, +1 Mind OR +1
Horns: You also can make a standard Strength and
melee/hand-to-hand attack with your horns, Shell: Add +3 to your AC.
causing 1d6 damage. Underwater: You can swim as fast as you
walk on dry land, and can breathe
Rat-Folk: +2 Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and underwater without special gear.
Scurry: Add +3 to any roll to move silently,
hide or escape without being caught (usually Tyrannosaur-Folk: +2 Strength OR +1 Strength
DEX + Subt). and
Small: You are smaller than the average Super-Predator: You can make a
human, which may affect your movement melee/hand-to-hand attack with your bite,
rate and other abilities. causing 1d10 damage. On a damage die roll
Sprint: You move an additional 5 feet (1 result of 10, roll again, and add the new
space) each turn. result to the amount of damage you cause.
If you roll 10 a second time, do not roll a
Sasquatch: This represents any strong, hairy third time.
beast-man. +2 Strength OR +1 Strength and Tough: Add +1 to your AC.
Bear Hug: Make a STR + Phys roll to grab an
opponent. Each turn you hold on to that Vampire or Dhampyr: +1 Strength, +1 Mind OR
opponent, as your attack for that turn, you +1 Strength and
can squeeze the enemy for 1d4 + STR bonus Bloodsucking: You have a bite melee/hand-
damage. This bear hug attack hits to-hand attack causing STR bonus damage.
automatically. You immediately heal hit points equal to the
Muscle: Add +3 to any STR + Phys roll to use amount of damage the attack causes. You
raw muscle, like bending bars or lifting must successfully grab the opponent (STR +
gates. Phys vs enemy’s STR + Phys roll) to make this
Night Vision: You have magic night vision,
and can see in the dark as clearly and as far
as you can see in the daytime.
Vampire, Tortured Soul: +1 Strength, +1 Vulture-Folk: +1 Dexterity, +1 Mind OR +1 Mind
Dexterity OR +1 Dexterity and and
Leap: If you are attempting to leap a long Flight: You can fly as fast as you walk on dry
distance, add +3 to your DEX + Phys roll. land.
Melodramatic: Add +3 to any attempt to Scheming: If you are trying to talk someone
supernaturally charm, calm or entrance into doing something, or convincing others
another person or creature (usually MIND + to agree with you (usually MIND + Subt or
Comm). You cannot use this ability to make MIND + Comm), add +3 to your roll.
another person or creature angry or upset.
In direct sunlight, you may also sparkle like The Wise: +2 Mind OR +1 Mind and
your body is covered in diamonds. Deep Wisdom: Your contributions to a
conversation are always respected. Add +3
to any stat + skill die roll using the
Knowledge or Communication skills. You can
use this ability successfully MIND bonus x 2
times per day.
Each class provides a bonus to one or more skills, to a total bonus of +3. Two to four class abilities
are also listed for each. Feel free to create new classes, using the examples below as guidelines.
Class Types: Several times in the Microlite 20 Purest Essence rules, the four basic classes of cleric,
fighter, wizard or magi, and rogue or thief are referred to. For example, a rogue-type character
might begin with thieves tools as part of his or her equipment. If your character selects one of the
classes below, the Class Type listing will indicate which type most aligns with that class, if needed.
The classes can even be simplified further, into the two types of spellcaster (cleric and wizard) and
warrior (fighter and rogue).
Alchemist: A brewer of potions and creator of Archer: All of an archer’s training has been for
explosives — sometimes intentionally. one goal: To slay all his or her foes with a
Class Type: Wizard perfectly placed arrow.
+3 Knowledge, Empowering Spells, Quick Class Type: Rogue
Thinker, Weird Science +3 Subterfuge, Attack Bonus:
Missile/Ranged, Cleave (Missile/Ranged),
Animal Master: Animal masters are skilled Smite, Twin Shot
warriors on their own, but they work best as a
team with their favorite animal companion. An Assassin: Cloaked in black, assassins are hired
animal master may have grown up a feral child, killers — but even those trained in the ways of
never knowing his or her own kind, or maybe death can use their skills in the service of good.
his or her true self lives alongside the wild Class Type: Rogue
creatures of the world. +3 Subterfuge, Monster Knowledge,
Class Type: Fighter Sneak Attack, Wall Climb
+1 Physical, +2 Subterfuge, Animal
Companion, Improved Initiative, Speed Barbarian: Often wearing little more than a
Boost, Wild Empathy loincloth or a chainmail shirt, the savage
barbarian carries a massive sword or axe, and
Anti-Paladin: Dark warriors or death knights shifts into a berzerker fury when in battle.
use the forces of evil to their advantage, Class Type: Fighter
striking out with sword and corrupt energy +3 Physical, Brute Force, Medium Armor,
while staying protected behind heavy armor. Rage
Class Type: Fighter
+3 Physical, Heavy Armor And Shields, Bard: A performer who can channel magic into
Magic Blast, Medium Armor his or her music, speeches or other art.
Class Type: Rogue
Arcane Warrior: Also called a fighter-mage or +3 Communication, Good Fortune,
spellsword, arcane warriors blend spells and Medium Armor, Monster Knowledge,
steel into one deadly combination. Performance
Class Type: Wizard
+3 Physical, Attack Bonus: Melee/Hand- Cleric: A priest of the gods and goddesses of
To-Hand, Arcane Magic light and goodness. A cleric's choice of deity
may influence the spells he or she can cast.
Class Type: Cleric
+3 Communication, Divine Magic,
Medium Armor, Turn Undead
Druid: A priest of the wilderness, the druid Godslayer: It's fact that the gods exist, but to
doesn’t worship the gods but the spirits of the humans, elves, dwarves and others who call
nature itself. themselves godslayers, those divine forces are
Class Type: Cleric nothing more than really powerful monsters —
+3 Survival, Lesser Spell List: Druid, enemies they seek to eliminate.
Shape Change, Wild Empathy Class Type: Fighter
+1 Physical, +2 Knowledge, Anti-Magic
Elementalist: A master of one of the great Aura, Heavy Armor And Shields, Medium
forces of nature (air, fire, earth or water). His Armor
or her Animal Companion is a small elemental,
a being composed of wind, flame, rock or Gunslinger: Quick on the trigger with a black
waves. Select an elemental type when choosing powder pistol (or a crossbow), the gunslinger is
this class. The elementalist's Monster at his best in a showdown on a lonely, dusty
Knowledge class ability is used against street or when clearing a dungeon room of
elementals and other creatures of the opposite enemies.
type (air vs earth or fire vs water). Class Type: Fighter
Class Type: Cleric +1 Physical, +2 Subterfuge, Attack Bonus:
+3 Knowledge, Animal Companion, Missile/Ranged, Improved Initiative,
Lesser Spell List: Druid, Monster Medium Armor, Twin Shot
Knowledge, Resistance (elemental type)
Healer: Most heroes like to wade into battle,
Executioner: The greatest, most brutal but a few prefer the ways of peace, and would
weapons find a home in the executioner’s rather provide healing to their needy allies.
hands. They slice and crush with force few Class Type: Cleric
other creatures can match. +2 Knowledge, +1 Communication,
Class Type: Fighter Improved Initiative, Lay On Hands,
+3 Physical, Attack Bonus: Melee/Hand- Reputation (Calm And Friendly), Speed
To-Hand, Brute Force, Cleave Boost
(Melee/Hand-To-Hand), Smite
Illusionist: A magician who prefers to trick his
Fighter: With a sword in one hand and a shield foes, instead of attacking them directly.
in the other, a fighter might be a mercenary, a Class Type: Wizard
royal guard, a gladiator, or simply a young +1 Subterfuge, +2 Knowledge, Extending
warrior. He or she prefers to move into combat Spells, Lesser Spell List: Illusionist,
and attack face-to-face with as many foes as Monster Knowledge, Widening Spells
Class Type: Fighter Invoker: While clerics represent the gods,
+3 Physical, Attack Bonus: Melee/Hand- invokers are living avatars of the gods,
To-Hand, Cleave (Melee/Hand-To-Hand), channeling their divine power directly onto the
Heavy Armor And Shields, Medium Armor battlefield. They are also called oracles.
Class Type: Cleric
Gadgeteer: An inventor who prefers devices of +3 Communication, Divine Magic,
steam and clockwork to magic and swords. Medium Armor, Smite
Many adventuring gadgeteers are quick to
create a tool that fires a bolt of electric energy Jester: This adventurer can be a jolly
(the Magic Blast class ability). companion — or a killer clown.
Class Type: Wizard Class Type: Rogue
+3 Knowledge, Magic Blast, Weird +1 Subterfuge, +2 Communication, Good
Science Fortune, Performance, Reputation
(Amusing), Wuxia Defenses
Knight: Also called a cavalier, a knight takes Noble: Even the royal and the rich enjoy
the fight to the enemy and is most effective on adventuring from time to time, using their
horseback. resources, and their ability to talk their way
Class Type: Fighter out of any situation (the Performance class
+3 Physical, Attack Bonus: Melee/Hand- ability), to their advantage.
To-Hand, Heavy Armor And Shields, Class Type: Rogue
Medium Armor, Mount +1 Subterfuge, +2 Knowledge,
Connections, Performance, Reputation
Merchant: A merchant knows the value of gold, (Dignified), Wealth
and wants it so much, he’ll risk his life for it.
He has friends in high society and low places, Paladin: A living symbol of justice, the paladin
and cash for the times his friends can't help. wears heavy armor and strikes with the blessing
Class Type: Rogue of his or her deity.
+1 Knowledge, +2 Communication, Class Type: Fighter
Connections, Leadership, Medium Armor, +3 Physical, Heavy Armor And Shields,
Wealth Lay On Hands, Medium Armor, Smite
Monk: A martial arts master who prefers simple Psion: This adventurer concentrates on using
weapons like his own two hands to elaborate his or her natural mental abilities.
armor and deep magic. Class Type: Wizard
Class Type: Fighter +3 Knowledge, Extending Psionics,
+3 Physical, Attack Bonus: Melee/Hand- Psionics
To-Hand, Two Weapon Fighting, Unarmed
Damage, Wuxia Defenses Psychic Warrior: A swordsman who combines a
blade of crystal or light with powers of the
Mystic: No adventurer has more knowledge and mind.
talent with the realm of magic than the mystic. Class Type: Cleric
Class Type: Wizard +3 Physical, Attack Bonus: Melee/Hand-
+3 Knowledge, Arcane Magic, Lesser To-Hand, Psionics
Spell List: Divine
Ranger: A hunter and survivalist, talented with
Necromancer: The magic of death is not only the blade and the bow.
for the forces of evil; it's also used by heroes Class Type: Rogue
looking to keep the undead under control, and +3 Survival, Attack Bonus:
even those hoping to improve the lives of those Missile/Ranged, Medium Armor, Monster
who are suffering. Knowledge, Wild Empathy
Class Type: Wizard
+3 Knowledge, Arcane Magic, Turn Rogue: A thief, pickpocket and trap-springer.
Undead Class Type: Rogue
+3 Subterfuge, Improved Initiative,
Ninja: A silent killer and master of invisibility. Sneak Attack, Trapfinding
Class Type: Rogue
+3 Subterfuge, Improved Initiative, Rune Warrior: A rune warrior’s magic is found
Sneak Attack, Wuxia Defenses in the form of elaborate symbols drawn on
armor, weapons and even skin.
Class Type: Fighter
+2 Physical, +1 Knowledge, Brute Force,
Heavy Armor And Shields, Lesser Spell
List: Arcane, Medium Armor
Samurai: A fighter whose life means nothing Summoner: Some spellcasters find their arcane
without honor. He aspires to wear the full suit power in a bond with a single mighty magical
of armor that is hallmark of a warrior tradition. creature, or in the ability to call forth legions
Class Type: Fighter of otherworldly beasts. Summoners that
+3 Physical, Brute Force, Cleave connect with demons and devils are called
(Melee/Hand-To-Hand), Medium Armor, diabolists, and summoners who channel the
Reputation (Honorable) wisdom and strength of their ancestors are
called wise men or wise women. The Animal
Scholar: The adventuring scholar is a non-spell Companion ability can be used for any single
caster who uses his book learning to aid him in type of summoned creature, not just an animal
battle. He or she can Lay On Hands, applying (choose when selecting the ability).
knowledge of anatomy to the victim to heal its Class Type: Wizard
wounds. Some scholars are secular researchers +3 Knowledge, Animal Companion,
of history and legend, while others are religious Arcane Magic
folk who want to do good in a deity’s name
even without the magic that fuels a cleric. Swashbuckler: With a fine blade in one hand
Class Type: Rogue and a glass of fine wine in the other,
+3 Knowledge, Lay On Hands, Medium swashbucklers bring refinement and a sense of
Armor, Monster Knowledge, Wild humor to adventuring.
Empathy Class Type: Rogue
+1 Physical, +2 Subterfuge, Attack
Shaman: A shaman uses the magic of nature Bonus: Melee/Hand-To-Hand, Reputation
and the gods to help his or her people, and to (Dashing), Weapon Finesse, Wealth
make the wilderness a safer place for the
faithful. Timelost Scientist: The scientist’s own
Class Type: Cleric inventions sent him spiraling through
+3 Communication, Animal Companion, dimensions, where knowledge of chemistry and
Divine Magic, Lesser Spell List: Druid medicine — and devices he’s created himself —
has made him the center of attention.
Sorcerer: A sorcerer is born with the innate Class Type: Wizard
ability to use magic, and often turns it toward +3 Knowledge, Good Fortune, Reputation
battle, causing damage and enhancing attacks. (Intelligent), Weird Science
Because they can cast spells without training,
others may regard them as strange or Timelost Warrior: A quirk of magic or science
frightening. has transported the soldier from a modern-day
Class Type: Wizard war zone or a future military force to a world
+3 Knowledge, Arcane Magic, Attack of fantasy.
Bonus: Magic/Supernatural Class Type: Fighter
+2 Physical, +1 Knowledge, Attack
Bonus: Missile/Ranged, Leadership,
Medium Armor, Twin Shot
Wanderer: The wanderer is a master of the Warlord: As leader of a squad of soldiers or
wilderness, both mundane and magical. adventurers, warlords can hold their own in a
Class Type: Rogue world of spellcasters thanks to their stubborn
+1 Subterfudge, +2 Survival, Lesser Spell refusal to bow to the power of magic.
List: Druid, Medium Armor, Speed Boost, Class Type: Fighter
Wild Empathy +2 Physical, +1 Communication, Anti-
Magic Aura, Leadership, Medium Armor
Warlock: Few adventurers can embrace the
forces of evil and remain on the side of light, Wild Mage: Wild mages blend spells with
but warlocks are able to use dark magic to their strange rituals to open their minds to all kinds
own ends. They are also called witches. of magic, light and dark, twisted and pure.
Class Type: Wizard Class Type: Wizard
+1 Subterfuge, +2 Knowledge, Lesser +3 Knowledge, Arcane Magic, Wild Magic
Spell List: Arcane, Magic Blast, Quick
Thinker Wizard: A master of magic, learned from spell
books and ancient runes.
Class Type: Wizard
+3 Knowledge, Arcane Magic,
Empowering Spells
Name: Player:
Stat Bonus
Armor Class Speed DEXTERITY
Initiative Knowledge
Stat Bonus
Missile/Ranged Attack Bonus Stat Bonus
Magic/Supernatural Attack Bonus
Special Abilities