Poetry Unit Retest
Poetry Unit Retest
Poetry Unit Retest
Answer the following questions about literary terms. Matching and multiple choice. 2 points each.
gather not gold and precious stones:
fill your hearts with yearning
that burns like glowing coals.
Steal the rubies from the angel’s eyes,
drink cold water from the devil’s ditch.
People, gather not treasures
that turn you into beggars;
gather riches
that give you royal powers.
Offer your children a beauty
that human eyes have never seen,
offer your children the power
to break the gates of heaven down.
Part Four: Write a prompt for an ACES paragraph for any poem provided on this test. Then, provide an answer to
your prompt. A-- is your prompt in the form of a sentence.
In the poem _____, the poet creates/develops _____ with the use of ____.
1st blank- title of the poem you choose
2nd blank- meaning, mood, rhythm, tone
3rd blank- repetition, images, language, poetic devices
E: Explain your example (here is where YOUR interpretation of the poem comes in)