Class VI Eng Lit Unseen Poem - Hope ULP 2022
Class VI Eng Lit Unseen Poem - Hope ULP 2022
Class VI Eng Lit Unseen Poem - Hope ULP 2022
27 mins Assessment- Now ask the learners to go to the Google Classroom and complete their Individual Unit Test on
assignment on the Unseen Poem ‘Hope’. work on Hope
Google form
Topic: Hope
5 mins Wrap-up: Students will be given this time to upload or turn in their work in the google
Teacher will then wrap up by telling the students that they will be starting a new topic from
next class.
Day 2 10 mins Warm up: Teacher will greet the students and remind them of the ground rules.
(Live Class)
Ask the students to list down 2/3 challenges or problems they face when answering an
unseen poem assessment in the chat box.
Have an open discussion on how they deal with the challenges or solve the problem as they
have to give the assessment.
Teacher can share tips on how to identify the literary devices, as they do not get to do
research on this poem beforehand. On how to understand and explain the message of
the poet and the poem. How to write answers of explanation of lines with reference to
10 mins Teacher can then ask the students about the poem ‘Hope’
Teacher’s Resource: Discuss the following questions to illicit answers from the students to
decipher their understanding of the poem.
Ans: The poem is an extended metaphor and it personifies ‘hope’ as a bird. The poet is
saying that this little bird resides inside every human soul.
Q2. What is the poet saying about ‘Hope’, when she says that the bird never stops singing?
Ans: When the poet says that the bird never stops singing, she means that hope is
omnipresent. It does not need a specific situation or time to make its presence felt. It rests
in the human heart and springs to action when the going gets the tough.
Q3. Is ‘Hope’ hard to upset or disturb? Which line tells us that? Explain.
Ans: ‘Hope’ never gets upset or disturbed. The lines “yet never, in extremely, it asked a
crumb of me.” tells us this. The poet says that she has heard a bird during hardest, coldest
times when emotions are churning and life is difficult. But even when things are extreme,
hope is still there and never asks for anything.
Q4. What are some the literary devices used by the poet to convey the message of the
Ans: Alliteration: It refers to the repetition of the same consonant sounds occurring close
together in a row to create musical effects such as /h/ sound in “we have heard it in the
chilliest land” where this sound has created a musical quality in the line.
Symbol: Emily has used many symbols to show the powerful impact of hope in our
lives. “Chilliest Sea” and “storm” symbolize struggles during trying times when
hope is still there.
2 mins Brain-Break: Choose a category (ex. movies, food, jobs etc.), then take turns naming
something from that category while going down the alphabet. For example, if your
category is food, one person might say “apples,” the next person “bananas”, the next
person “cherries” and so on. Categorization is an important skill to practice, but the
alphabet game is entertaining, too!
15 mins Students will work on an activity sheet on the poem. (Format attached with this plan).
Screen share the format and instruct the learners to copy the format on an A4 size paper.
Differentiation 1. Give slow and shy learners enough scopes to produce answers.
2. Appreciate correct responses.
3. Assist and guide learners gradually and constructively towards independence.
General Comments This is an outline to complete the unit. Teachers should feel free to be flexible and use their discretion where needed to adapt to any
informal situation.
Approved by
Day: 2
Elements of Poetry