Genus Power Infrastructure LTD - Stock-Reco-Kotak
Genus Power Infrastructure LTD - Stock-Reco-Kotak
Genus Power Infrastructure LTD - Stock-Reco-Kotak
Kotak Securities – Private Client Research Please see the Disclosure/Disclaimer on the last page For Private Circulation 2
MORNING INSIGHT April 12, 2018
The Saubhagya
Pradhan Mantri Sahaj Bijli Har Ghar Yojana scheme aims to provide electricity
to unelectrified houselholds. Since its launch in 2017, the scheme has been 9
states have opted for the scheme and have placed request for funds.
Status of Saubhagya scheme (lacs)
Un-electrified households as reported by States as on 10th October 2017 (nos) 460
Already Sanctioned under DDUGJY (nos) 80
Balance (nos) 380
Proposed under Saubhagya (nos) 30
Progress since launch in oct 2017 (nos) 20
Several states that have signed the MOU for availing the UDAY scheme have
given a detailed trajectory of Aggregate Transmission and Commercial (AT &
C) loss reduction to be achieved till 2020-21. Besides this, states that are
signatories to UDAY schemes have targets to install smart meters for
consumers exceeding 500 Unit by Dec 17 and by Dec 2019 for consumers
exceeding 200 units.
The strong demand outlook in the meters business has also been corroborated
by other players in the industry that we have interacted with.
Under the smart meters, the consumers will have a choice to choose between
pre-paid and post-paid meters
A smart, automated metering system reduces meter-reading, data-entry errors
and costs by removing the need for manual meter reading. Therefore, the
Smart Meter can enable utilities to reduce their Aggregate Transmission and
Commercial (AT&C) losses and billing inefficiencies. These meters, connected
through a web-based monitoring system, will help reduce commercial losses
of Utilities, enhance revenues, and serve as a crucial tool in power sector
EESL has taken the initiative in helping utilities reduce these billing inefficiencies
by deploying smart meters through the Smart Meter National Programme
(SMNP). The SMNP aims to replace India’s 250 million conventional meters with
smart meters. The agency’s smart meters procurement has commenced in
November 2017 for the states of Haryana and Uttar Pradesh, states with AT&C
losses as large as 28.42% and 34.36% respectively.
Kotak Securities – Private Client Research Please see the Disclosure/Disclaimer on the last page For Private Circulation 3
MORNING INSIGHT April 12, 2018
FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18E
Source: Kotak PCG
Kotak Securities – Private Client Research Please see the Disclosure/Disclaimer on the last page For Private Circulation 4
MORNING INSIGHT April 12, 2018
Earnings Revision
We have revised our earnings which is mainly due to lower forecast margins in
FY19E in view of the higher commodity prices.
Earnings revision
FY18 FY19
Rs mn Earlier Revised Earlier Revised
Revenue 8,043.0 8,042.9 9,623.0 10,246.7
EBITDA % 10.7 10.7 13.6 12.0
PAT 2.1 2.1 3.3 2.9
Source: Kotak Securities – Private Client Research
Earnings Outlook
On the basis of the strong order book, we project robust revenue growth in
FY19. We project revenue growth of 24% CAGR over FY18-20E.
Forecast EPS to grow from Rs 2.1 per share in FY18E to Rs 3.7 per share in
Expecting ROCE to grow from 12.1% in FY17 to 17.3% in FY20E.
After a strong outperformance in Q3FY18, the GPIL stock has corrected sharply
by 38% from its high of Rs86. Weak Q3FY18 and concerns on future margins
and working capital led to this selloff, in our view. However, we note that the
demand outlook for the meters business remains strong. We are projecting EPS
growth of 34% CAGR between FY18-20E. Hence, we reiterate BUY on the
However, in view of the earnings revision, we have revised our target price on
the company to Rs 79 (Rs 86 earlier), valuing the stock at 21x FY20 earnings
(earlier target was also based on 25x FY19).
Advanced Metering Infrastructure
What is Advanced Metering Infrastructure?
AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) is the collective term to describe the
whole infrastructure from Smart Meter to two way-communication network to
control center equipment and all the applications that enable the gathering
and transfer of energy usage information in near real-time. AMI makes two-
way communications with customers possible and is the backbone of smart
grid. The objectives of AMI can be remote meter reading for error free data,
network problem identification, load profiling, energy audit and partial load
curtailment in place of load shedding.
Building Blocks of AMI
AMI is comprised of various hardware and software components, all of which
play a role in measuring energy consumption and transmitting information
about energy, water and gas usage to utility companies and customers. The
overarching technological components of AMI include:
Smart Meters: Advanced meter devices having the capacity to collect
information about energy, water, and gas usage at various intervals and
transmitting the data through fixed communication networks to utility, as
well as receiving information like pricing signals from utility and conveying
it to consumer.
Kotak Securities – Private Client Research Please see the Disclosure/Disclaimer on the last page For Private Circulation 5
MORNING INSIGHT April 12, 2018
Source: EESL
Kotak Securities – Private Client Research Please see the Disclosure/Disclaimer on the last page For Private Circulation 6
MORNING INSIGHT April 12, 2018
Definitions of ratings
BUY – We expect the stock to deliver more than 12% returns over the next 12 months
ACCUMULATE – We expect the stock to deliver 5% - 12% returns over the next 12 months
REDUCE – We expect the stock to deliver 0% - 5% returns over the next 12 months
SELL – We expect the stock to deliver negative returns over the next 12 months
NR – Not Rated. Kotak Securities is not assigning any rating or price target to the stock. The report has been prepared for
information purposes only.
RS – Rating Suspended. Kotak Securities has suspended the investment rating and price target for this stock, either because there
is not a Sufficient fundamental basis for determining, or there are legal, regulatory or policy constraints around publishing,
an investment rating or target. The previous investment rating and price target, if any, are no longer in effect for this stock
and should not be relied upon.
NA – Not Available or Not Applicable. The information is not available for display or is not applicable
NM – Not Meaningful. The information is not meaningful and is therefore excluded.
NOTE – Our target prices are with a 9-month perspective. Returns stated in the rating scale are our internal benchmark.
Kotak Securities – Private Client Research Please see the Disclosure/Disclaimer on the last page For Private Circulation 8
MORNING INSIGHT April 12, 2018
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